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Previous: >>485088163

>[Campaign] Fate/Grand Order 7th Anniversary
2024-07-06 12:00 - 07-16 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] 7th Anniversary Archetype: EARTH Pickup Summon
2024-07-06 12:00 - 07-16 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Destiny Order Summon
2024-07-06 12:00 - 07-16 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] 7th Anniversary Guaranteed Summon
2024-07-06 12:00 - 07-16 20:59 PDT

>[Campaign] 7th Anniversary Limited Master Missions
2024-07-05 21:00 - 07-16 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] 7th Anniversary Commemorative Limited Servant Daily Pickup Summon
2024-07-09 21:00 - 07-17 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/ixetqz.png (embed)
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Future Quartz: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRQFC6pgsvDr11c1oe8PcGXurF3uw0MBq73YoQMGCJemzMics9LfwVurTLMi0rpfHNEBjG6gVCOrIer/pubhtml
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

liz sex
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bro time
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Need new blendy13 update...
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Kama Love!
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>got 735 out of 915 SQ
That's around 80% of total ascensions, although I ran out of Exp to level a couple randoms
How did you guys do
I thought that was a gun from the thumbnail
Musashi is trash, replace her with a hag.
I don't think I am who you think I am...
I feel like a lucky period is coming but the maintenance will rob me of it.
>Would have been happy with an NP2 Koyan, or Oberon
>Didn't want Jaques or Super Bunyan
>Get Super Bunyan.
So demoralizing.
Then Arc came with 1 ticket.
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Bobs love!
How long is the server down?
holy based
4 minutes
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let her cook
Ascending servants is easy. Going hard on a few lottos is all it takes, since mats are only bad for skills
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I should probably get another game or two during the steam sale but I don't know what...
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756 for me
> mfw I'm getting rolled back
didnt he already finish part 2 but it's so big he had to separate it
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thanks for the statue
Why does her superiority, both in gameplay and sexuality, cause so much seethe?
Mom lap comfy nap
Post arc np levels
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Fuck this shit I will play REAL video games now. Call me when Albert finished his editing. He better gifts me 20 quartz for this
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just ask the AI
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Chillin' till Ibuki
Will Takeuchi ever be able to draw a decent pair of tits?
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There will not be as many 120 Summer Ibukis as there have been Arcade Bumsteaks, ergo Arc is more /alter/core. Shrimple /alter/ fact
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>getting SBunyan instead of Dark Koyan
Literally this.
I feel your pain, anon…
>haven't played for a year
>basically don't regret it outside of missing the bunyan CE
Every single event looked insanely trash
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Sorry for the double dose of shit you got.
Oni onee-san!
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Caenis love!
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>has to post fanart because raita's style is so unappealing
Now why don't you post what she really looks like?
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>Got Arc
>fell asleep
>wake up to maintenance
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uhhh albert? today is sunday???? I was supposed to farm embers all day today?????
np1, im 5 slotting hands with level 40 bg and carding final wave nothing can stop me
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Well for one it's a video game quest option, for two it's a communal culmination of all the world's suffering by the downtrodden and blighted manifest into a being to restart the world.

The world isn't quite a FromSoft setting hellscape either
Imagine if they started giving us the welfares early rather than the double price GSSR... haha.... imagine
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Finally a break!
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Sei is playing a dangerous game
I have more respect for people who 120 takao servants than any ibukicuck
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I am losing my remaining free hours before I need to slave, hello? Albert?
I would trade the one I got for a single copy of Xu
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It's up
Check your present boxes
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I've only seen the blueball piece he released in June and radio silence since. I feel like he's just being a lazy cunt.
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My balls are full. Where's the nearest Rinbro?
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I find funny how there were virtually no Ibukifags until she got a gameplay swimsuit version
Up until like year 2 you could just skip a year and everything would be rerun with no real loss other than some lores. After they brought in gold fous FOMO kind of escalated for me
Eh, could've been worse. Not complaining though, I think I expected less than 400
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I don't think this is real...
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Talking about le real vydia, why the fuck are xenoblade gameplays so bad? 1 is bad, 2 is cancer incarnate and 3 is open world slop n. 9834569823. Also why is best girl Yuni a nigger fucker?
Meanwhile me,
>would have been happy with NP1 Koyan or Bunyan
>Or even more NPs for Jaques and Oberon
>Get NP3 Bazett
all in all, i guess it wasn't so bad, since i like her, but
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>Now why don't you post what she really looks like?
Hour glass hips, a fatass, g cup breasts, and insanely thick thighs, even a tail to peg me while I fuck her missionary style and suck on those juicy tits
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They're censoring Arc's nipples during maintenance.
<-my wife
I'll take left
How fucking long is this maintenance going to be?
Sorry bro but according to the rules hating Ibuki makes your respect and opinion worthless. Now hand over your account.
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Lip love!
It's already night here how many more hours will this take?
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I genuinely was so excited that i didn't check, but it was 600+
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Approximately 20 days until Scáthach=Skaði's swimsuit is released during Summer 7 in NA and my heart is saved by her smile again.

A friendly anon made a spreadsheet showing how many Saint Quartz, Summoning Tickets and other limited materials can be obtained in the future:
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Exactly what I wanted from GSSR, surely they'll buff her soon!
24 hours
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Ibuki love!
Latelet here with 1200 cum cubes. Should I use them on silver monuments and mats to level up as many servants as possible to grind out as much 3 SQ max ascensions for summer servants?
NP1 with one 10 roll. I will never use her.
All Ibuki posters are legally required to post their 120 saber versions of her before stating their opinions
I stand corrected, I misremembered about coins. Everything else is true though.
When did this maintenance even start?
We need Amakusa's solution. or Kiara's.
Trade with me bro... I got Molay my second least favorable option after super Bunyan and I wanted Bazett
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Hime chan my beloved....
I can't believe someone finally agrees. I loved Xenogears and Saga and Blade bores the shit out of me. Granted the gameplay wasn't top tier with those either, but the stories at least made up for it and they weren't open world shit. I want to finish the Blade games but all of them bore me mindless.
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24 hours
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>maintenance is still in progress
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>AP is unironically overflowing
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>3 is open world slop n. 9834569823
It's the exact same way as 1 and 2 though. And her name is Eunie.
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>goes to the sprite and not the raitabortion art
Interesting deflection.
Even the sprite is shit because the mutated disjointed fucked up hips are so disgusting they manage to bleed through to the sprite.
rat status revoked... for now...
it's animation
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I got my login, you little shit. It'll have to be 32 hours of uninterrupted maintenance to matter
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We'll get there when we get there...
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624 for me
Not a bad haul
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We better get 10 SQ per maintenance hour
Blendy is high art
>used 30 apples and farmed 120 sq out of my emergency strengthening quest stash
458, pretty good since I thought I’ll get less
859, I didn't realize I was such a whaling faggot
You sure about that? I've gotten a NP6 servant on a rapeticket for coins in the past, and they gave RP
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After losing my streak thanks to this whore I don't care anymore. They can do a month long maintenance if they want.
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Be nice, Kama...
oh no no no no ....
failed whale
Then have sex with fergus while i watch from the closet slut
im so bored. what am i supposed to play instead of FGO
I laughed so hard during the stream when they showed the Pekora Mash figure and the thread exploded.

Also you guys seen this shit? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZzt5aS-6Zo
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Got like 732 sq but finally managed to overcome the 4000 sq barrier.
Nothin but the best, relatively cheap too with only needing 600is SQ
Albert servant when?
>nobody can login
>two back-to-back tweets about consecutive login rewards
Bros, they are laughing at us...
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Continuing the discussion from the previous thread, will you pick the CE of a lower rarity servant that you really like or will you just pick the Seiba CE for the free SSR?
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Yes Ma'am
based and same
what are you saving for anon
All the post saga games seem cringe as fuck and broadly more concerned with pushing coomerbait waifus over interesting stories. Kosmos wasn't bad but in retrospect she was kinda a foundation/prototype for this kinda shit that I can't stand.
Oh boy, I sure am excited and thankful for the 3 gold apples our kind and just Albert will gift poor wretches like us for such a paltry interruption in service.
what did albert fuck up this time
Pure sex
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>when I was getting ready to set up my automata to farm Embers for my new Servants
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I refuse to be nice to raitabortion apologists.
Raita artwork is so shit that the ONLY thing worse is that one time Luvia's artist fucked up her face and made her look like a horse.
And that's mostly due to resemblence to raita's face style!
If I want to commission art for a My Little Pony gacha, I'll go commission Raita.
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Kama Squishy...
Well, it's not a transgender nigger. Ofcourse they're gonna be happy.
I will pick the Seiba CE because I want Seiba, rarity is irrelevant
my problem is exp, it's difficult to hoard the excess exp from lotteries so it only takes a couple new servants to deplete them
i will larp in the thread like i picked regend and am based but secretly i will be picking seiba like 95% of people
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Onee-san love!
I have like NP6 or 7 redman and NP3 or 4 Herc. No CE is worth that unless you're a pokedex filling whale
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What if rollback?
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i want to fuck that cat
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NP1 = You don't love her and she's useless gameplaywise
NP2 = You don't love her and she's weak gameplaywise
NP3 = You're a soulless gameplayfag
NP4 = You're a failed whale
NP5 = You're a pathetic whale

You just can't fucking win here
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You know what this thread needs?
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Sure, got mine right here.
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I already have NP2 Seiba and use her maybe once a year so I'll pick the trophy wife meduseless one instead
After ages of playing this game I literally have everybody but Saber as NP5 so I will just get Saber NP4. Don't really care to be honest.
If this were different servants I would get the SR I didn't own yet though if I already had the SSR.
god i wish
Didn't mean to reply to anyone...
is summer melusine really better than summer ibuki? i thought that summer ibuki was the goat aoe arts servant
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>My lance that even my former king, Arthur Pendragon, praised...

>I will use it to pierce anything if it be your order.
>I will pierce anybody, if it be your will.
>But my wish would be...
>For you to use me for the sake of attaining peace in this world.
Why is gareth so cringe
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Next year summer
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>decide not to do Destiny summon
>have shitty day at work
>say fuck it and decode to do it
You did this to me, /alter/
I masturbated the most to Saber
You're going to have to do a lot of sucking to change my mind
The Mexican girl is honestly not very Bobcore.
Looks like a new Grail Target is here.
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Servant for this feel?
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Liz Love!
What about np6?
That's why you just do it as you go
He ain't doing shit tensing his body like that.
i would argue that most people respect np2 for dps units
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There was 24 hour maintenance during the Jannu Silly event and they didn't rollback, they already have precedent that NA ledditors will defend it
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I don't have Seiba so I'm not happy with this but I'll be picking the Meduseful CE because I love her.
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Why is there a maintenance?
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Mucho love!
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fuck wrong pic
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NP0 for me
Yeah this is my impression as well. Everybody tells me it fits right into the franchise and must be loved by those that loved Gears and Saga, but it feels nothing like them to me. More like a generic anime fantasy sci-fi with every typical trope modern anime and games have.
Also, I hate those badly designed blobs with eyes. However that mascot race was called.
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FGOtome when?
Ketamine and Vodka?
Just ignore the voices in your head? Or at least some of them
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I don't give a shit about any of the FSN servants. Of course I'm going to pick Saber.
The apologize from a retard let alone a retard like you who threw a tantrum over Barghest’s breasts is worth less than than the actual horse face grails like your Medb.
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main advantage summer melu has is a 80% NP gauge and a ramping attack+crit damage buff for 3 turns every time she NPs
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4 years ago
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hmmmm nyo
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Np0 you just win
It's that easy. If you love her, you should let her go
You didn't miss out on anything besides 1 or 2 meta CEs and the gold fous
This next year is better besides a dead August, then it slows down a lot again mostly til March of 2026 besides two decent events
I would hope FGO2 is in the works because they have really sat on their asses for a while
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Wait a second, this artstyle...
Oh its the retard that pretends to know how art works.
just stop at an np level you think is good
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Man... not even an ETA... I just wanna grind embers for 120...
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Can't wait for this kusoge to die
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Why did we never get a King Hassan interlude?
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>already logged in for the day
Go ahead, have a 24h maintenance.
It's dogstancer. He wouldn't be able to tell. Doesn't surprise me that he has opinions this trash.
Never. FGO isn't as big as hololive.
My wives.
I just want to remember to log in before it's too late
Why don't you just say as it is? She is better vs foreigners and avengers against everything else no
>maintenance at this random ass time
Good, they must be refunding my ~2000 SQ because of broken Arc rates
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If my Seibah isn't NP5 by then, I'll pick her. Otherwise it's either Herc or Regend.
Not really a bad choice imo. You can farm pretty much all other mats in a relatively easy manner, while monuments and pieces only really come from events. You'll also be getting on top of that the SQ from Interludes and Rankups, so try to backline servants that aren't bond 5 yet to unlock those.
NP3 Seiba sounds good to me. I will also pretend I'm making up for the time I rageburned her
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hmmmm yes
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Why did they downgrade her to average raitabortion?
It's simple.
NP5 for you're waifu
NP2 for your preferred loooooopers
NP1 everything else
Saber but that's because I want a giga Saber.

Props to the gigachads who'll pick Kojiro.
Meant moon cancers
You won't believe me but with Arc I'm at SIX NP5 SSR servants and only used free SQs. (I won't say i'm F2P because I rolled the GSSR the first first two years of NA).
If it does it's impossible to see it and it's still mired in this harem using-your-waifus-as-weapons nonsense that's done with all the lack of subtlety Japanese dialogue can muster.
No but you'll get a bronze apple for your trouble.
Loopers sometimes need NP3
Why doesn't she smile?
Someone text me when maintenance is over
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That's only 2, which is also the only one with an harem
>downgrade her to average raitabortion?
You know, I keep forgetting that regular Shuten is also drawn by Raita just because she doesn't look like she's from the mahou shoujo doujins.
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its pretty unlikely, but what will happen if we actually get a 24+ hour maintenace again?
And that's why people who say that using your phone right before bed is bad are the enemy
The burgs are secured. I got a double-double and animal fry.
Post number, bb
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>all teams are California based
>one Servant each repping the Dodgers, Giants, LA Lakers, Golden State Warriors, Clippers, Sparks or the Oakland Raiders
When type moon realizes they could probably launch a decent multimedia campaign with FGO2 and start up an official Fate vtubing agency by picking an assortment of new JP voice actors for new servants, and servants that haven't had English voice actors yet (such as Melusine) to be Fatetube EN.
If a looper "needs" NP3 they're probably a shit looper to begin with.
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>All the post saga games seem cringe as fuck and broadly more concerned with pushing coomerbait waifus
Did we play the same games? And I can tell you haven't played Xenoblade which that opinion.
Best command codes for Accrued Loginbonus?
Add me, bros!
i honestly love gigiantic tits...
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Making sure I always log in at reset has finally come in handy
you won't play FGO for 24 hours
Sent, Kiara in All!
>Implying they can't exist together
>Admitting your Chaldea is gay for not allowing both
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>post Ibuki proportions but drawn competently
>raitabortion apologists seethe and attack the messenger
Hey don't get mad at me, I'm not raita.
You're just gameplayfags who have to pretend to like shit art.
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There's already a Foreigner class servant that's an active Vtuber.
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Fire and brimstone
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Brave and powerful
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I bet your parents secretly hated you.
Denied, but accepted!
great news!
Farmers don't care about CCs desu, only stallers and CQers would. Slap on whatever that looks good, though there is a Beni CC that deals extra damage to chaotic you could slap on her to go harder on her niche
She also has art in FGO/has worked with TM, during her tenure as a vtuber to boot.
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Yeah, OLD NEWS! Lmao
I picked Mordred with the last free 5* and I still don't have Redman so might as well go with him.
Lot of news
Im only hyped for summer erice/xu fu this year. maybe britomart too. am I going to die?
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I heard she'll be a huge part of the Multicore team meta in JP. What NP level should she be for it to work?
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3's world is actually good though and had some of the least open world slop in video games period. The most annoying thing are the totally optional and don't help you much at all compendium quests.
1 is honestly worse than 3 when it comes to having a grindy open world, 2 is the least bad but makes up for it with the annoying gacha grind.
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The only Raita female I like is murasaki
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The way to win is to cuddle with your Aoko body pillow nightly and sneak in little kisses throughout the night.
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Fatal Fury collab when?
Ring; second command card
Hah, it was no secret at all!
finally, massive content
Kind of wild to think that (at least) two different Hololive Vtubers have their art in FGO officially. But I guess these circles are inherently insular.
>failed to get Caren from both the gssr and the destiny summon
It was not meant to be...
Can Shiki kill maintenance?
Will there ever be another rate up where Summer Bryn and Summer Carmilla aren't bundled with like three other servants which makes them impossible to get? I have every other servant from those summers, including the SSRs but not these two that I kind of want the most.
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Why are you hyped for Brito Mart?
Not surprised.
What do you see in Britomart?
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She should be the main girl, and eventual wife. Or else I'll give Albert a very special gift...
I’m sorry you have brain damage to understand people that like different things actually exist instead of whatever retarded safe space you made for yourself in your head.
You all finished your weekly missions right?
she looks like the friedren elf girl
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You're not tricking me
What happened now
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I'd say 2 is the worst in terms of story progression and exploration due to field skills but easily has the most engaging story and a great payoff towards the end.
1 has the best party in general and I like the simplicity of the world building and story.
3 probably has the best main characters and music. Story is great but didn't surpass 2. 3 has the best gameplay out of the three.
You guys talk as if everyone has seiba but Im a day1 and never got her lol
Damn brat killing the servers…..
It's over.
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It is fucking domingo, the only free time I have to fucking farm in this game when there's two fucking campaings to help me level up my fucking Arc but there's a fucking maintenance going on.
Fuck Alberto
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you'll get her eventually bro! I missed out on getting her last valentine but got her during 7th anniversary gssr
Yeah your post
NP1 aoko=sex
Albert is protesting because the kinnikuman subs are late.
Karen is the only servant that ever graced me with a double summoning
Downgraded? Bro, Shuten has been completely phased out in favor of Ibuiki.
I like both
Many, many more of the artists for the HL girls do TM stuff themselves, some quite frequently, so it's definitely just a whole sphere of overlapping influences. Since so many girls are also artists themselves they too end up with some surprising connections, like Marine who needs to finally voice an FGO servant already.
Bros why the fuck can't I log in? What the fuck does EOS 337819 mean?
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You must be the gayest nigga in this thread or a fujo. Your Chaldea must be full of cocks.
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Didn't they gave her at day 1 for free?
now i remember why i only come here during shitstorms this general makes me too horny
Summer Carmilla just had a solo rateup with Bunnyking. Summer Bryn is fucked unless she ever gets on a Norse theme. There will be the 4* limited ticket however.
Oh yea 2 is my favorite for all its flaws, and has the most fun party (even if 1's party besides sharla is overall more well written), but I like all 3 a lot.
I don't believe you
>Free SSR day one
Lol, lmao even. The freebie was Lily.
which post did it for you bro?
np3 so far, mulling over going all the way to np5.
the problem is that she has low priority on my grails/gold fous since there's a servant getting to 120 2k/2k before her. I don't intend on bothering with 90++ so I think she'll be just fine at np3 120.
I'm still using AUTOMATIC1111, but there are 'comfyui' and a 'lllyasviel' (that's three 'L's) forks that focus on different things (UI I think and optimization respectively). Pony is a base model you can get on civitai, but it's used as the base for a number of other models that would also work with most loras ("""expansion packs"""), I use autismmix mostly, myself. There is a VRAM barrier to entry.
As a warning, most (all) boards don't like you posting AI art outside of containment threads.
Don't get me wrong. I have what most people would say is next to a PhD in Xenoblade lore. I love the three main games and I have the CE of both 1 and 2 for the switch. Nintendo screwed EU over in terms of 3.
Because big tits are obviously more popular and people have bad taste
Shuten is very much superior, lore-wise and design-wise
Only in gameplay Ibuki wins and only because she is newer
I got her on a x10 pull next to Tamamo. Really a love goddess.
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No Mai no buy
You could have picked her from two SSR tickets.
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The only one I like from those seven IS Saber.
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I don't remember why I come here
A lot of you are just the worst and I feel bad about it
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2 filters people hard with all the anime trope stuff but the ending is so satisfying and the cast is so lovable that it's easily my favorite anyway. Malos is also the coolest villain of the bunch imo.
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gotchu fám
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Saving for this slag.
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Weak willed.
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I will never understand the whole "2 is too anime". All three are really anime just for different reasons.
Summer Melu loops easier than Ibuki. If damage is a concern then just NP5 her.
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Are there Ako fans in /alter/?
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Quick, I need my amnesia pills.
>you're on of the good ones, deerlet
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Don't post gookako here
No lol
I lean more towards 1 for the cast and ending but 2 was pretty kino especially with Malos. I'm glad they made him The Sword of the End in 3.
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Same VA
Yes, but no one can be sure how many there are.
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Even with those pills you can't forget best girl.
SO that's what I fap to both without knowing why
I'm Day 1 and Seiba and Liz are my first Servants
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Melu has extremely cute pedicure.
Banning all SQ refunders who tried to abuse anni GSSR
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Who could be behind this outage?
We're back in five minutes bros!
>As a warning, most (all) boards don't like you posting AI art outside of containment threads.
They will learn to accept it.
Why not Gil?
so 5 minutes from now?
>all these Summer Ibuki posts
>0 regular Ibuki
Ibuki is the definition of "Gameplay" servant.
Nobody gave a shit about her in Heian Kyo nor in Tunguska when she was the main helper. Also in Samurai Remnant DLC but nobody cares about that flop.
She only got noticed when she became the strongest Arts Looper.
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that sounds lewd
can i help you with it?
I'm saving for dork Medusa
why bother putting up this needlessly specific message
Source NOW!!!
These cheap fucks won't let you pick Medea CE + Seiba as a servant and you think they'll give you a Limited SSR for free?
one has aged the poorest but is still soulkino that got me into the franchise
two is a masterpiece besides the awful performance and field skills, desperately needs a remaster more than X honestly
three is the most polished gameplay wise and has my favorite battle system, but it's world design and plot are so dreary and make it hard for me to replay. i fucking love mio though, she became my favorite character.

(i would post my goodsmile pyra/mythra/nia here if they werent in storage right now, i'm also obsessed with xenoblade)
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There are no lewd connotations! My AP is going over the allowable limit in game and I can't do anything about it!
Is Carmilla still racist?
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Finally, Kamtent...
When they do maintenance to take it off they probably have to set an end time, and the displayed end time shows up for everyone
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How would it be to have a Caren gf?
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I like Gudako
I unironically kind of "like" super bunyan's gameplay. it's a shame her first 2 ascensions are dogshit but her 3rd oozes so much soul it makes up for it. I like kingprotea even more so she won't see use but super bunyan is fa from the worst thing you can get from a gssr.
It's the same shit as with Summer Erice. Nobody gives a fuck about Erice, people only care about muh st arts looper.
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My AP is overflowing, let me in!
That's hot, so are you about to burst or ?
Who is the 2025 anniversary servant?
predict what's getting rolled back
>Arc's banner?
>Destiny summon?
Not big enough
Cool Miss Blue
Same reason no Hassan or Angry Manjew, not part of the original war.
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>no cursed arm CE
it's hassover
Sort of like having an active pornstar gf?
the erice bodyswap ritual poster cared about erice
im gripping rn
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I don't know.......................
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pent up... don't worry, just sit right here and we will deal with you shortly
Did you not see?
Must be coping about Ibuki LOVE
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I rolled for her back in Heian Kyo but I reject to roll for Summer Ibuki. Fuck whoever made that cheap 3D NP animation.
Yeah... Why is that? Because of spoilers?
>people only care about muh st arts looper.
Now that's simply something that never happens
You are just as bad
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>never had a 5* Archer for 5 years until yesteray
>do my GSSR
>get NP2 Gil and NP1 Ishtar from it with some god level luck
>do my Destiny Order
>get NP1 Sei
What a fucking day
Probably Thypoon.
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How big is Gudako?
Do you have the Goodsmile Kos-Mos Re? It's probably my favorite figure that came out of the Xeno franchise.
I liked Nia but I ended up selling mine since it took up too much and the support rods were a bit much.
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How would sex with Caren go?
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We all played in sub, right? I'm not sharing a thread with any DUBBERS...
Post feet, sis
I used to dread her but the Hooverfag mellowed me out. Dodged her anyway so it didn't matter in the end
I rolled for normal ibuki solely because of her evil costume with the black sclera. if summer doesn't have an evil costume/evil ascension I won't bother. non-evil ibuki is lame.
It's ON?
im in
The softest
Hotdog in a hallway
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No I mean for NA. Who will be the 2025 anniversary servant next year for us
Message one of those tiny russian findom girls on twitter and find out
I'm in!
Why is there a maintenance bros?
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The series started and ended with Xenogears. Don't @ me.
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I'm in
i sadly missed out on kos-mos, still really want her but never had the money when she's available. i did get melia but kinda regretted it lol, dont have nearly as much fondness for her as i do the 2 characters.
dont even get me started on the nia support rods. half the reason shes in storage right now is im scared to display her with how precarious it is.
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I played it both of course. Dub with british VA is like a tradition and part of the charm. One of the ways they distinguished Blades and Drivers in XB2 although not perfectly.
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>really wanted a reborn Malos to be a companion in 3
>was disappointed he wasn't
>my face at the end of future redeemed
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The dub is britkino and I'm tired of pretending it's not
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Sorry bro the cheeky brit voices give it too much SVOL for me to switch to nipspeak
Bros where are the gems and apples?
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sounds like a important question to aesc bro
>my ap overflowed
it's over...
It was Tonelico. They mixed it with summer.
Xenogears didn't even start and finish it. It's like Star Wars episode 4, but they never made 1-3, 5 and 6.
me as castoria
The server is busy.
Please try launching the game again later.
*Please play in an area with good reception.
No such thing
Bri'ish voices were sovl. Sub voices were boring to me.
t.anime sub only watcher
Excuse me? My apologems?
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>ap didnt overflow
>got some free maint apology rewards
keep up the good work albert!
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She's fucking FLAT
gudako wears PADS
The only thing on this chest is lies
Lauren, will you please put whatever two new portraits you chose up on support?
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>Nobody gave a shit about her in Heian Kyo nor in Tunguska when she was the main helper.
All they had to do was feature her snake lily form, which would justify why she had no memories or experience and that would foreshadow the egg themes of the story. She could even grow up during the battle segments as a power up.

Erice has some fans since she is actually cute.
both is good bro. i do first playthroughs on JP though. even 2 the weakest dub has a really strong finish, perfect excuse to play the games multiple times.
I'd try to give it a shot for a second playthrough, but my mind just goes to:
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Why am I such a whore?
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What the fuck NO apology items at all?
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Welcome to the club
There's nothing wrong with padding
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I thought /alter/ said we were going to skip her? Why are there so many NP5s on my friends list?
So what did they even fix?
wheres my extra apology GSSR?
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>You're standing at a loss...
Ideally as high as you can get, but Summer Ibuki and Summer Skadi are more important
Ah, finally. Back to redeeming lores.
who's the artist, sis?
I skipped
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>there is nothing
I'm in Scathach, Skadi, Raikou, Shuten-Douji and Ibuki-Douji
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albert burned all my servants...
what was the maintenance about?
what does that make NP6 then
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Bro she's a young and vulnerable girl, you can't just say things like that...
I'm playing in full japanese, blindbro.
you should skip her if you're not planning on np5
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>Literally nothing despite being down for 3 hours.
Hey at least it wasn't down for over 24 hours and get nothing. Right? RIGHT?!
Now we need another maintenance so they can give apologems for the last maintenance
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Bare feet…
They usually give out something later for unplanned maintenance
I have every single F/SN servant. While I could get Artoria NP2, I love Heracles, he's my best friend, so I think I'll get the Heracles CE.
Burning this guy's >>485103219 servants.
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I've been telling /alter/. I was gonna do it for months, though
Took exactly 2 years...
why are you spades slick posting in alter
Future redeemed was probably my favorite fanservice dlc of any game ever.
I was really disappointed when I heard it was a prequel but they nailed it
If they give it out it's given at one of the following following login resets
Damn you fuckers are using your Arcs huh
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I guess nobody respects you enough to tell you the truth
Congrats bro!
>No apologems
What are my looping options on the harder nodes if I don't have an Oberon, and need to use a friend list support for him?
They will only give some apples, maintenance was just meant to fix a small text bug....
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I have all FSN servants except redman, but even if I did, I would take Redman for the CE. I don't use Artoria much so I don't need a gameplay NP2, I'd much prefer the CE that I like the most.
Kadoc lost to this.
>sort by highest HP
>grab the first koyan with mlb teatime
pretty much yea
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Classic desire sensor manipulation
By pretending no one was interested, it made it that much easier for her to appear.
Putting her in the second archive now?
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Good night, bros.
Because people either go all in or don't at all
You'll see way more kukuls overall, albeit none at NP5
Oh no no no.
Bro your future OC skill trees???
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I did skip her
I had to spend cum cubes for caster pieces because I got spooked by Ana too
bro your pure prisms?
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>busy server
I'm scared bros...
bros who have arc, did they fix her lines perhaps? there were some spelling errors
Kadoc could lose to a stiff breeze.
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She has some cut lines, apparently
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Have you read any fun otomes of late, sis
Persona 3 remake or Destiny Order
Tough choice, bros
ST NP damage dealer + AoE NP damage dealer + Caster Artoria + Oberon.
>Putting you wife in SA
I sure hope none of you do this
what was that maintenance about? did i miss out on free quartz again?!?!
>if I don't have an oberon
cut lines?
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>I'm really feeling it
>It's Reyn time baby
>Literally any time Rex screams
>Don't forget me
>I'm feeling full of beans
>Eunie da boss
>Trusting Takeuchi proportions
"Sakura's totally an E cup guys!"


God I hate his design
Why do anons post Raikou in response to random posts? Kinda forced if you ask me.
>60hr JRPG or one .jpeg
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Why didn't you farm Da Vinci's event, bro?
>Hates Reyn time
Post FC so I can blacklist you.
Good night Lipfriend.
I love Bob. That’s it.
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The Rimjob Queen
Shouldn't it be 4, since swimsuit Tamamo is canonically a different one?
Or 3 because vitch isn't a tamamo?
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>Don't forget me
This was uber kino and I will NEVER forget him
Terrible taste Okitabro.
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hey lazy faggots
finish your weekly master missions you have 3 hours
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Today marks my 1 year anniversary of playing FGO. Judge my collection of SSRs amassed in that timeframe.
i was still a month old newfag on her rerun and didn't even knew you could farm embers because instructions are for losers
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oh yeah bro give it to me bro
>>It's Reyn time baby
I don't even Xenoblade and I know that line to be classic iconic cringekino. You really can always trust an Okitaposter to be gay in every way imaginable
Emulate FES instead of being an idiot
Trying out Arc's third ascension now. She's cute in this too.
Who could hate don't forget me?
>no answer
>no femc
Shit remake.
Prepare for the super duper remake with all the content in 2 years, atlusfags.
>no FeMC
>no Buy
Matthew was a based himbo and full of beans was kino, fuck you
I already played FeS and I'm not one of you anti remake chuds
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Level up your shit, veteran
neck yourself fag
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Quetz's anime comes out today bro
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Where are the scars?
Thank you, girl who has an oddly in depth knowledge of bird species.
Just checking bros
>Playing as FeMC
Anything you want to tell us, bros? Did you romance the dog or the little boy?
Would arcueid put out?
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>enter game
>convert AP to apples
>leave game
>back to playing
Toriko no Urara
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Persona 3 Reload is actually cheaper than Destiny Order, if you can finish the game in 14 days it's 30~40 times less
passenger pigeons are serious business
Too many free SQ and I didn't got anything since Superbunyan.
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She spreads her legs during Valentines
>enter game
>convert AP to apples
>leave game
>back to laying in bed doing almost nothing because i'm too depressed and tired to see any reason to leave my bed
>Astolfo not 120
>Okitan not fully ascended and at 67/70
>Karna level 1
Yeah level your shit up bro
>getting caught in the apples trap when there's half AP
Apple conversion is for pure dead weeks
So why Ishtar is barefoot lorewise?
a couple factors went into me rolling for her.
>this coming summer is the first I hate every servant on rateup
>no favorite quick servants I'd want to use with summer skadi over oberon so her support is unwanted
>I have all of summer ibuki's alternatives invested already
>have normal merlin and bride already so no reason to roll for femerlin
>don't care for any of the ces
>don't like any of the 4*s besides the welfare (first time this has ever happened to me on a summer event)
>arc is at least 2 years out from another rateup while this summer comes back next year
>I like arc
if this summer was any better with the servant choices there would've been some internal struggle but this was a no-brainer.
Got Quetz
>log in
>let automata loop ember stage
>continue leveling up mary anning
its gamer time
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>Would arcueid put out?
Are you an inbred Japanese teenager with magical eyes, a split personality, and impulsive rape urges? If so, yes.
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nah, it's all good
except for np4, that's just shameful quitting one step away from eternity
Trade you enkidu for that jack how about it
Ah, what a gem of writing Tsukihime is
>magical eyes, a split personality, and impulsive rape urges?
Literally me
I'm about to start betting on sports to fund my gacha addiction
that's what it means to be a failed whale?
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>dude curry lmao
Hahaha yeah life sucks bro I feel you.
grats bro, she won't let you down
I'm glad I don't know a single one of these. Learn moonrunes, faggots.
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>dude bad civilization lmao
I'm in the process. Astolfo needs one more copy to 120, failed getting him on both the GSSR and Destiny Order sadly. I will be gappling hands shortly. I just figured people wouldn't believe I'm a latelet if I had everything leveled.
No, I need the Jack for my child collection. I'm not *just* gay, anon.
Shit taste. I bet you're a big enough faggot to hate welsh catgirls too.
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Why don't people like putting the QP CE on their
server is bussin again...
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>Gil's VA is Ramenman now
>We all played in sub, right? I'm not sharing a thread with any DUBBERS...
Some Japanese games sound better dubbed. Person is a great example. Dragon's Dogma is another
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Runes can grow body parts. You really think scars are a big deal? Hell, surrounded by so many heroic spirits she should have a peak human body from all their assistance.
Why is it so God damn hard for ai to make rimjob art? It keep fucking up no matter what I do
server dead again
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Time...
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>game server is busy

hang albert by his balls
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skill issue
I wish Aesc looked like that
>got some free maint apology rewards
Because you can very easily 6CE for full QP bonus with Arts.
Why do you want Koyan for doors? Xu Fu and Arc are like two of the best servants for making doors easy
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its over...
That shit is disgusting. Makes sense the AI doesn't want to do it.

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>game server is busy
Based AI
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It was peak modern sensibilities can never recapture
Because people don't usually buster farm qp since it's harder to 6CE buster setups
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>Server is down again
Very well, then entertain me, stinky peasants!
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grats bro
I love characters voiced by Yui Ishikawa
Anon said I had 3 hours to do the weekly missions so I put them off and now the game is dead again
It's so fucking over bros...
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Okay I give up no farming, no game, no life only sleep
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>game server is busy
What's with the glowing light blue at the top and bottom of my grailed Xu Fu? It's not on any of my other servants and it wasn't in the screenshot I took yesterday
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if im gonna farm doors for QP its pretty easy to do with just 1 castoria and someone like bakin/vinci+tamamo and have the support rider with bella lisa in the back
I know but I just got the buster meta with the GSSR so I really wanted to try it out and get used to it and figured i'd farm QP to try it out.
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WHY IS IT BUSY?????????
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it's over...
I hit my destiny summon and got kicked out, I hope it didn't actually go through
she's just smol
I just used an apple...
That's what happens when you 120
its for past 100 isnt it
I'm glad I used all my AP ASAP once the server returned.
Castoria you cant see anything. You cant even see the kiss that I gave you because you cute.
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>Domon Kasshu is Ramenman now
I'm actually okay with that
Shit like that is why I love Ciel man. That has to be one of the most level headed responses you could make to such an outlandish threat
Servants that are grailed past 100 are given that border
because doors is 3-3-x. I use buster mainly for irregular nodes.
Kinkshaming is not cool bros.
What's her level?
That is a disgusting image, wow.
>his first 120 was wasted on xu fu
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Again? What’s going on seriously?
Good night, bro. Going to bed as well.
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>i missed my 3 blue apples redeem time
account bricked
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i cant launch the game and show you them
Real fucking subtle
Oh no no no no...
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NTA but I am gonna do it too, her character is so cute and her VA too
Return of the 24 hour maintenance
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>Potato got fried twice
Alive server
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The culprit is in the thread with us right now.
I hope the paypiggies remember this and never give them money again
>game only lived for 20 minutes
it's so over
I can’t log in either. It says we need to wait?…
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That's it, I'm going to play BA now, look what you've made me do Albert.
>Need to 120 TWO servants
>Server is busy AGAIN
I can't level what I don't have. I max ascend all my servants as soon as I get them.
Sounds like a bunch of LIES
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Scarred and buffed Guda should be canon.
That makes sense. Thanks
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Perfect, lets go back to talking about Xenoblade.
Who's your favorite gacha blade anons? Mines pic related
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Why is the server busy?
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Play Battle Cats while the server is down.
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I had Kama among these three assassins and Albert The KIndest gifted me another two~
It was worth spending all weekly shitty income for this~ No more Koyanlet
Thanks Abbybro! Hope you had a good luck too!
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luckily i used (almost) all my AP so im not too worried
i do want to finish traum tho, im about halfway through
Yeah it is.
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i rented it out so im the only one able to summon the arcs.
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Okay now they HAVE to give apologems right?
Gonna play Uma musume instead
>Apple conversion is for pure dead server
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There's really no reason why we shouldn't be peak human at the very least. It's very silly.
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go to /h/ or /d/ and look for their stable diffusion threads they have a ton of very easy walkthroughs on getting it set up.

I'm fairly certain know it's literally just downloaind and unpacking a single zip file now, and then you just go to a site like civitai and download a model/lora for stable diffusion

also set clip to "2" as that is the "anime" setting.

And then you too can make fgo stuff
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Did they seriously break the server twice in a row
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To pass the time, I'll write a short fic about Gudako being passed around in Chaldea. Who should be featured?
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Let me get my blue apples already you fucking game
>anemic high schooler on the verge of dying threatens to rape you
>give him a look that almost kills him first, then pat his cheek, call him silly, and agree to his suicidal request made out of LOVE
My nigga. Day 1 NP5 120, trust
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sorry i was farming embers too much
My wife to the right
Sigh. I guess I'll actually play some of those games I bought at the steam summer sale...
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God I wish Kohaku would kill me
Plana > Arona
They already are, you just don't get them when the server goes back up, they set a date and time you you only get them then.
no shot that they give any apology
Can't they go a single anni without crashing the game?
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>Google won't let me buy quartz because it says I can only buy stuff in the country I am from, live in, and am currently trying to purchase in
I hate Google so much
>The server is busy. Please try launching the game again later.
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Not even a contest
Helps that greataxes are also my favorite weapon in XC2
Fuck this, gonna play Nikke instead
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Sorry bros I plapped my waifu a little too hard and broke the server.
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just got it after maintenance
Flirting with some demons
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>AI slop
the forbidden pyradick...
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What if Koyanskaya caught you in Chaldea hallway and made you have sex with her?
I wish I was Mythra in this so badly.
>tweet goes live
>servers shit the bed
While the server is down, post a meme image relating to the servant you got from GSSR/Destiny Order
>NP1 Arc
>downsize servers because game is bleeding players
>have biggest anni yet with hyped clapservant
>remaining servers die because of traffic
Who could have predicted this.
god i wish i was pyra
Jajaja no mames, plana.
Fiora because she's super retarded on Rex.
I don't want to do that because I'd have to post a Castoria picture and I'm not gay
damn that would be sooo bad i bet i would hate is soooo much
This is a very roundabout way to say that the priest fucked you, Jannu.
Genuinely what do you get out of doomposting?
>and I'm not gay
Why not?
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What the fuck are these retards doing why is the server busy now
is everyone rolling their gssrs today or something? I have a 120 (and a half) to grind embers for.
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Gonna play Elden Ring, hope the servers are more stable after an hour.
Not him, but seriously, is there a workaround?
me on the bottom
End yourself
people are trying to redeem lores
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>Manage to get my quest completion rewards
>server immediately busy again
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You think you're funny, wench? My AP has been overflowing for hours and I'm on the verge of bursting, and you think it's a good time to make a joke?
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I would just turn 360 degrees and walk away
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I did that first when maintenance was over and got who I wanted, now that I've got them+levelled them up to max I can focus giga-grinding hands when albert stops crashing the server for my 120 target
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Will the lost players return?
Albert is the zakoest zako
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Imagine how flustered she'd be...
Is it a meme if it's official?
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I love futa so much it's unreal
I was looking into it and I can't find shit
Apparently google just likes to eat money from accounts
>you can only make purchases in [country]
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Honorary Lippa
I can't even calculate how many embers I've been denied at this point.
You wouldn't rape a jannuposter until they became your meat toilet and got boypregnant.
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Dagas gave me Gil vibes while pic related reminded me of Siegfried. To answer the question though, Theory since she's another proto-Melu designed by Choco.
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>people say it's up
>it is not actually up
>I'm on the verge of bursting
Silly Altera, it's called busting
it's updog
When are americans going to bed? I want to play again. It worked so well till a few hours ago.
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>server down
>probably too many players

Does this mean we're the cool kids again?!
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The classic
>My AP has been overflowing for hours
Just like my cum on my waifu.
To be fair the biggest anniversary was either last year or 2 years ago.
Tamavitch and Castoria released when the game was going strong (especially castoria for JP, mid covid lockdowns before the slowed development when genshin hadn'tcome out yet for JP), Arc was when the game was bleeding, and same for NA.
They just downgraded the servers TOO much, because a resurgence during anniversary and new years always happens
What's updog?
What if Albert deleted bobfag’s account during maintenance?
it's still down for me...
where is your dumbass account located?
I IAP in JP games and US games no problem.
you just need an account for the right region
It's only 2:18 pal.
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Give me my blue apples

assuming a 10pm bedtime you've still got like 8 hours lol
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Time to learn Chinese ghostbusting magic.
You’re a faggot, wow.
Where did they say they are downsizing servers?
Fost it
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What's updog?
it mostly means they downgraded server capacity to save money but then weren't expecting so many people to return, and now we are suffering for it...
Based as fuck, post more
>all greataxe
Yea it's fair to say 3 hit combos breaks 2/3's combat with action canceling
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>maintenance ends in 5 minutes
>go make myself some tea and a sandwich
>watch the news on TV
>come back
>server is busy
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AX post panel
Mom Love!
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Someone post the "you will aww buwn in the fires of hell" babu caren, that was my fate/grand destiny order but I don't have any caren on my phone
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>Server busy
Server busy
>Server busy
Server busy
>Server busy
Server busy
>Server busy
Server busy
>Server busy
Server busy
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I love him!
Do it for her.
Sexo the image
Us for all of the above
But we mustn't be careless
Man, the VN really did her character dirty with all that jobbing around, Arc Route recycling and cuck ending. Thank God Sasakishonen did her justice. If we ever get her as a servant i'm maxxing her NP5 all the way up
she's emiiting Cherenkov radiation, nothing to worry about, perfectly normal
>Maintenance breaks the game
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