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Previous: >>485097049

>[Campaign] Fate/Grand Order 7th Anniversary
2024-07-06 12:00 - 07-16 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] 7th Anniversary Archetype: EARTH Pickup Summon
2024-07-06 12:00 - 07-16 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Destiny Order Summon
2024-07-06 12:00 - 07-16 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] 7th Anniversary Guaranteed Summon
2024-07-06 12:00 - 07-16 20:59 PDT

>[Campaign] 7th Anniversary Limited Master Missions
2024-07-05 21:00 - 07-16 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] 7th Anniversary Commemorative Limited Servant Daily Pickup Summon
2024-07-09 21:00 - 07-17 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/ixetqz.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Future Quartz: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRQFC6pgsvDr11c1oe8PcGXurF3uw0MBq73YoQMGCJemzMics9LfwVurTLMi0rpfHNEBjG6gVCOrIer/pubhtml
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

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I am going to play in an area with BAD reception!!
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Kama Love!
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let her cook
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I love you, bros
>they finally banned automata and emulatorbros
It's goghver...
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So who do we blame for all these outages?
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Is Koyanskaya for you?
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Do keep in mind: dork sex
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Kama, perfect...
Her bikini's lower part is undone, it would be very easy to see her Kamahole.
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Litterally Circe
Fuck it I'm going to watch the deer anime NO SPOILERS PLEASE
>banning emulatorbros
They'd be literally EOSing the game.
It costs them nothing and only makes them money for people to play on PC with comfort and actual screen size.
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they hylic rat tourists, who else
this dork is kind of lovable. props to her VA for absolutley nailing how batshit crazy she is.
still using FGA, it's retrying the servers so I can shitpost on 4chin
Kama sex?
Male Kama sex!?!?
It's bad
Watch the new monogatari ep, kino as fuck
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I'm gonna watch some Monogatari. I'll keep an eye on this thread.
whats up with the servers?
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>cool wine aunt who gets plapped for a year by some traveling hobo
reminder that the odyssey (and the iliad) calls odysseus ugly
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Instructions unclear. Initiating impregnation sex.
I swear dude, AI is only getting worse and more noticable. This shit looks so ass
I'm 4 series behind on monogatari because I started late and it's impossible to find the proper watch order
The actual dream.
>tfw these people are so out of touch with reality I cannot tell if this is some kind of genuine idolation of being a dried up lonely hag, or scathing sarcasm
No it doesn't. Post the source for your claim.
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not the servers
Actually do this bros it was so fucking good, I was worried with the studio issues but it's even better than Zoku somehow. Super excited for the rest of the season.
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I'm in.
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My apples...............
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>Three pictures for one last request to end this off on a bang:
>Mash (in American bikini) and Gudao (in American boxers) kissing by the sunset
>Gudao doing cunnilingus on Mash at night
>Hand-holding missionary creampie with Mash at sunrise

>can you do Nezha, Gogh and Hakuno?

>Can you do Jack and Abby in murrican bikini?

>Can you do Lillymon and Lilamon in YD creampie?
Only Lillymon worked, all the others had under 100 results and the AI doesn't recognize them

>is it possible to do Tanaka?
As you can see I tried Tanaka however due to low results she mostly looks like a generic anime girl with pink hair
Has she ever cosplayed as Rider. I feel like she has the face and body for it.
Event written by NisioisiN when?
How do I get a suspicious amount of money?
>and it's impossible to find the proper watch order
Follow the production order except watch Kizu after finishing Bake, it's not that hard.
goodbye alter
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I'm waiting for the new Kinnikuman to drop today myself
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You aren't missing anything.
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love you too bro, here you go

Bros why are they busy? Why are the servers ARE BUSY? WHAT IS GOING ON
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these suck, idiot.
thank you AI Anon
>gotta litterbox my ai slop so nobody ever steals my hard earned work typing prompts
kill yourself
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She ghosted me during new years after dropping around 600 SQ and then showed up right away when I dick picked the Extra GSSR for her so I dunno man. I think she just wants to fuck with me (still hot though)
So? He is still cool as fuck.
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Prostitute yourself to Arab oil barons in your early 20s
sweet release
I'm kinda sad that AI is the only way to get more xu fu porn because no one draws her...
Just log in and set up FGA. When the servers go down again, FGA will just retry until ready again
You save up all your money and not spend on kids
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...I'm gonna fuck it.
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Aislop is disposable and should get you banned from catbox if you don't put it on litterbox.
>logged in yesterday, tired as fuck
>noticed anni stuff was up (had forgotten it was yesterday)
>rolled and got arc plus some other nice stuff
>thinking of logging in today and maybe catching up to all the shit O've been neglecting for the past 2 months (including basically all of Traum)
>see thread
Oh boy, wtf is it now
Mom victory
be the change you want to see
It's cope from the childless hags in the thread
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She's for Beni, and so do I.
Nasu's selfinsert...
Did her one doujin every get translated?
draw furry porn those guys know how to shell out
God I want to fill my stomach with the heavenly aphrodisiac nectar being brewed in her balls
Does this post come in English?
Anyone know what was bugged?
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Don't worry, you understood the instructions perfectly
She'll be for you (as a hire) if you're willing to drop enough dollarydoos.
laodamus challenging odysseus to discus
Do Eric Bloodaxe in a bikini
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Will you roll for them?

That sounds complicated I think I'll watch the funny reddit deer
God I wish this was me
It's unironically over. Just switch to JP at this point...tonelico not aesc...
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Sakura Matou
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Please do Ibaraki eating a banana seductively while embarassed.
>seething incel that can't imagine someone being happy without someone else
My daughter just called me and said FGO is down, she was CRYING! Is the management of this game respectful to the customers? I have a lot of capital in Aniplex and I was assured all was well.
the implication is that children are expensive, therefore anyone without them is rich.
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Why doesn't Summer Ibuki's costume have the Goddess personality like the Saber one?
Fucking ruined.
Is it still possible for me to put a baby in Asakawa Yu
probably a super easy skip for 9th anniversary & 9th summer event like saber medusa was
The original was never uploaded and a translation-of-translation is always bad so nobody is doing it
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>the one on the right looks like loli Gudako
I am now.
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Probably not but i'm gonna put a baby in you anon
Is there a chance that we'll get apology items for overloaded servers for like 10h straight?
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>When you wake up. Can you Carmilla and Morgan spreading their legs, with cum inside them too?

>Pretty good on the Nero one, can you try one that shows her more from the front?

>I know you're getting bombarded, but can I get a Suzuka?

>Okay, how about a Gudao and Kagetora 69, instead?

>three pictures of Mordred solo, her getting eating out by Gudao and her in mating press.

>Now try his wife Kriemhild.

>need this as a set
Bro what DO you care about?
>realized that my Ibaraki and Kintoki are the same NP level
>now I have to choose which to put on my support as my Tsuna foil.
Do I go with Ibaraki for the Hidari consistency and the narrative interweaving or do I go Tsuna and Kintoki for the Four Heavenly Kings and the bro factor.
genuinely some of the least interesting servants I've ever seen
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It's up? I think
You have 30 seconds to explain how they got into FGO before Shinji.
You get x1SQ and x1 Golden Apple per hour server issues/maintenance lasts iirc
isn't the third form the goddess form? it even has the black eyes
Passionate prone bone sex with bob
Shinji is a whiny rapist and not at all cute.
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Go to Dubai and get your face brapped on by Saudi billionaires
>skipping the best single target quick servant
bros is futa gay?
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My goals are

Summer Skadi
Summer Wu
Sen no Rikyu
Summer Chloe
Summer Melusine
Yamato Takeru
Yui Shousetsu
Aozaki Aoko
Kuonji Alice
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No, I have no attachment to anything pre Fate besides Shiki (Ryogi), Touko, and Aoko.
>my very soulful 3 append space Ishtar is stuck at 119
>Server busy
Don't ask a castoria poster this bro. The answer is just gonna be cock.
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She has it
now THIS is ai slop i can get behind
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AIbro can you make draco crawling out of the pc monitor
a solo futa pic? yeah that's pretty gay, at least have them doing something with a girl if you want to be on the fence
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unless your a big medusa fan im pretty sure draco or summer castoria are way better ST servants to aim for bro
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While we wait, has anybody tried the new mihoyo slop?
Nope, it's still the bimbo onee-chan.
Easiest choice to make in your life though. Most people just spend 40 years of their life having their face metaphorically shit on by corpos and middle management.
Yeah. It truly is slop.
why do you even care at this point? there is nothing to do in the game just let it go and go do other things like what the ufck is your problem sitting here for 2-3 hours furiously spamming about servers being busy honestly
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The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world the Japanese were competent with technology
Should fute have hair or clean shaved
Bros how do I stop spending money on this game
>summoning anyone after summer
waste of sq
Why can't I get in?
Caenis ver plz
Working up a sweat to make her hugs tighter.
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this looks like it could've come from any random idolshit kusoge. easy skip.
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>Servers bussy
Literally who?
Mommy Raikou but full package futa?
Utilize your 2 years of foresight to plan ahead and minimize damage to your quartz stash. I only spend on GSSRs.
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>anime with catchy meme song
Watch Ya Boi Zhuge instead
Still regular Ibuki, she just looks like the snake goddess for whatever reason.
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Spend money on me instead, I will post one picture of an anime character for every 3 dollars you give me. There is a 1% rate it will be a super super rare picture too.
Now post the soulful 3rd ascension.
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Why can't I log in?
Not likely I'll have just summoned aoko
yeah, the character design is top-tier, but it might be their worst game yet.
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I thought the days of big Servant releases crashing the servers was over? We haven't had this since Castoria's release.
What's the point of ruler Moriarty?
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If what they released was Azumi no Isora(Real) I would probably roll but alas
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everything seemed to be alt right
Because you touch yourself at night
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Nothing. He's shit. Literally lost to Kadoc
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>Please do Ibaraki eating a banana seductively while embarassed.

Eric doesn't work sadly, only 22 results and needs at least 100

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>While we wait, has anybody tried the new mihoyo slop?
why would I try random chinese I have no prior connection to bullshit #57
Once you get past the slow tutorial and it stops holding your hand I found it pretty fun. Also the character designs are pure sexo, even the NPCs which was a nice surprise.
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You expect too much from them
I'm a clapbait collector, and this gives me pause
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Literally a joke lmao.
>started off godlike
>dipped near the end to become idoldrama
I wish the series had just stayed as a continuous string of ROTK tactics applied to the modern day rather than it becoming the Idoldrama it did.
Shit was working fine yesterday, what happened? Did they somehow manage to fuck up the load balancing? a missing comma?
What would you like?
To give a way to write Holmes out of the story
None of the charcters looked that great to me. Typical overaccessorized crap to try and force uniqueness through details.

God I am so tired of this whole era of design where a cute anime girl has to have 8 hairclips and horns and a silly hat and some stupidass outfit so she "stands out" in a sea of a million other visually congested designs
That's not her costume
All I remember about this show was Eiko being a qt and the show focusing on some shitty rapper than her.
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I only roll for characters I really like or that I know are REALLY good. Never spent a cent. They give you so many Quartz. I got skatatch with a single summon ticket, Merlin took me 200SQ. It's hit or miss, but I never saw the need to pay for any of them. I'm saving all my QP to NP5 my waifu Ibaraki, but her banner is only next year.
>server is busy
is this it? are we all finally free? is that our reward for the 7th anniversary?
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I can't jerk off to this. wtf bro
Based as fuck. The best designs are always the simple ones. The moment you start adding an excess of accessories to your character design you have fucked up immensely.
>slop is the only fanart Eric will ever get
>not enough actual art to generate slop
Fucking hell
Bros I just got in the secret was to cum to Kiara just as I started the app!
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episode was absolute fire
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How far did you get Arc to?
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Strong mom...
Shit I'm mad this actually looks good. It's over, I should give up being an artist.
is that why Blue Archive polular ? 90% of their charaters are in uniform or some sort
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Aww so she's just full bimbo? Well at least the costume is playable
The costume doesn't have any new lines
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Morgan can you look after my sword for the bit, I'm sure I can trust her
damn, lots of people here who rolled for np0
Albert here.
Maintenance will be 31 more hours sorry
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Honestly this kino design is much better than a way too general moe clap.
The combination of Sirius and Holy Scripture Triten and a Shinto Kami is kinda bullshit as well.
I don't know what a Blue Archive is but uniforms are a stellar way to design a group of characters since you create a solid and recognizable outline and then the little details which define the character are added in to differentiate them.
I hate to reference this but Naruto is actually a great example with the Akatsuki cloak.
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quick 2kun, hire more people so the servers don't die
who do you think gave her the sword in the first place
Verni nice lillies. Thankss
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forbidden love...
Used 3 tickets and got a NP1 Arc, I'm not interested in investing in NP2+, what can I do with her ? For farming I usually use my NP4 120 Melu
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I love Medb!
Please make it happen. 30 apologems would be nice
wtf Guda actually said this?
Bro you are 24 hours late to that? Do you not love her?
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It is too late, Saber. Morgan has made me edgy with your sword.
so what are the chances servers stay down for another 24 hours and everyone's login streak is crushed again?
I was at the hospital without my phone
you can 5 slot hands with card rng!!! most powerful servant ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Albert here.
The chimpanzee who was taking care of the servers suddenly died. Please be patient while we look for a replacement.
We're hiring btw.
Xu Fubro, you're supposed to get your catalyst ready BEFORE she releases.
now do this again for summer ibuki
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im assuming you still cant get the AI to do saika, would be awesome if you could though
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>None of the charcters looked that great to me.
to each their own, but Nicole and Ellen are two of my favorite designs to come out of a gacha in a long time. I'm so tired of the generic Chinese and Japanese style characters that have been pumped out lately, that the sort of punky style has been pretty appealing to me.
as long as it's not 24 hours + 7 hours we should be fine if you logged in earlier today/last night
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would my roommate's doggo be FGO related to pose here if it's name is Kama?
only weird thing is that she's a female dog.
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WHEN WILL WE GET IN????????????????????????????????
So that’s what happened to Albert 2…
Post that bitch
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>not astral projecting
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Get me a full refund Albert and I will personally suck your cock
Not sure if an actual chimpanzee or Albert KKKao strikes again. I mean he is mainland and there is a disproportionate amount of what Albert would call "jungle asians" on the staff so I'm thinking this IS actually Albert and he's on his KKKao grind.
AI can do any character you just have to train the model, which saika are you talking about? the hachiman one that's a dude?
I want to try it but im basically bricked by unity crashes their not gonna bother fixing and I dont have 100GB on my phone to try it out
Is that...
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Stop shitposting Momoi.
we just had an event with 8 dogs so I assert that dogs are on topic in /alter/
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What's everyone playing during the downtime?
Pic related, its taken over my life
Back to your thread /bag/ Liz
EoS soon
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Me and Yui.
Don't do it albert plenty of people here will suck your cock for free
Bolting on a shark tail immediately makes me disregard this design to be honest
>I was at the hospital
Are you okay Xubro?
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I am gonna play in sleep.
I'll just keep posting my Destiny summon since the hampster powering the server died.
Tell me you're kidding and that arc damage isn't really that shitty, I saw a lot of redditfags and 4chan idiots hyping this thing, at NP1 she definitely shouldn't need card rng to farm hands
is that terraria with mods?
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nope, the gudaguda archer 1 from gudaguda 9, same 1 with 5* nagao
I'm playing elden ring. It's really fun.
AI slop is such fucking garbage, I wish there was a containment board for it and a global rule against posting outside of it like with pony shit.
I have enough dailies to do as is, and the gameplay doesn't look good from the trailers.
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Just watched the last episode of Mushoku, it's peak

Gonna stick my laundry on and then read Tsukihime
Our Swedish Princess...
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How do I beat Consort Radahn???
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Are you playing on master and death mode?
>still down
Playing tekken 8 it's so fu- fuck I can't even say it
Shield poke
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Way of the Samurai
i avoided the ending where my guy got boiled alive
Uninstall and play a better game
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>Servers are down
>They've posted this a few minutes ago
Yeah, I've only ever played vanilla over the years but a bud finally convinced me to try it and I've already done 3 playthroughs over the last few weeks. Calamity is a crazy amount of fun, a bit overwhelming at first but once you get going it's amazing.
what the fuck did it go down a third time?
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The easy way is to use as high holy resist as possible and parry him
Try shield but hole
Guess I'll do the Stellar Blade new game+
More like Ben Franklin maxxing
Summon LET ME TANK HIM and watch as the fight becomes completely invalidated.
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>These whores get in but not Agravain, Han Xin, Maxwell's Demon, Nameless Rider, Nameless Assassin, Nameless Lancer, Shibata, Serizawa, or Shinbei.
In my next life
Nothing major just check up on my valvular heart condition
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Let me solo her is now streaming his solos with him. I suggest using Deflection Tear and a shield till you learn his moves. Use bleed weapons
Summon 2 people with greatshields
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>impregnating futa
Anon please, have mercy on my dick...
Which one is it? I've mostly played 2 and a tiny bit of 3.
>Anime girl but with a shark tail
>Normal ears
>No scales
Yeah this is some arknights garbo
not that /bag/ invader, but their Liz is picrel (same VA)
Ai is funny sometimes because the first one looks like someone off screen is telling you to get her pregnant
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No, just expert/revengeance, I wanted to take down the Nameless Deity and didn't want to make it too tricky. TL Note: I'm a bitch
Next playthrough is going to be Infernum though
Huge news
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I've had INAFF of this.
Can't buy quartz
Can't even log into the game
Who do I speak to angrily?
>Let me solo her
>banned automata and emulatorbros
They did? Or is Anon just memeing?
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Not a fan of all the traitors here. Only in these threads because of the anniversary and only to leave a few weeks later.
>wanting furfag shit
absolute shit fucking taste
*ding ding ding* your clone in and double penetrate him till he dies
>Han Xin
Yes please. Han Xin was fucking great. Maxwell needs to show up too. I wouldn't even mind if he was a legitimate gimmick where his skills only work if the Lostbelt/Singularity/Event is pre-1800s meaning his skills/NP don't work in events like Servantverse or Fate/Extra.
I'm waiting for the girls' work clapbait servants to properly clap
Take care bro.
If it makes you feel better I already barely visited even before anniversary
qq the game
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>Ai is funny sometimes because the first one looks like someone off screen is telling you to get her pregnant
Probably Mash.
If you have Black Grail, Koyan and Oberon then yeah, it can work.
At least for me, the thing I like about her is how she can full charge and also have be a support for the other Servants on battle when you use her NP.
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This is the work of the Ika menace.
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This is just Gudao doing a prisma style install with Morgan, and that's kinda lewd.
Anon always lies
We better get AT LEAST 3 blue rider gems for this.
By being an 8yo with severe autism
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This thread is fast only because tourists raided us during the anni and they will leave soon.
I found a model for her so AI stuff can be made,

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probably back doing railway to fight the king in binds again, kino as fuck fight even if hes a pushover compared to previous railway final bosses
>Next playthrough is going to be Infernum though
I'll let you know that Infernum stopped updating and only does compatability patches for Calamity mod now, so actually Calamity mod in master/death mode is more difficult without Infernum than with after a more recent update. But it's also kind of bullshit hard.
Crucible Knight Armor
Black Steel Greatshield
Blood Antspur Rapier
>reminder that the best summer event is coming up
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the last time i was here was tunguska
game just sucks now
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watching Shoushimin Series EP1
spoiler that ending actually pissed me off
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sweet, thanks bro
ZZZ, it's actually peak
>His only points of reference are cosplay girl and furfags
Monster girls exist dipshit
They could easily sell the appearance more without going full creature. Instead we get another forgettable girl with a tail stapled to her ass
Who fucked up the servers?
The hidden SSSR Foreigner.
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Black Souls 2. Pure schizokino. Red Hood servant when?
>anime randomly stops focusing on main character to give focus to literally me fish eyed secondary
Same with Kaguya-sama
I played HSR more than FGO as of late. Completed Traum with like 2 days remaining for the blue cubes and dropped doggo event after I got the final milestone reward.
I just took a shower
Smt VV
peak dogshit, as far as hoyoslop goes it has all of the weaknesses and none of the strengths of the other games
From what I understand Infernum changes the actual mechanics of the fights, while I like difficulty, I don't want it just for the sake of it.
I saw this fight, it looks fun as fuck
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Got KH 1.5/2.5 among a bunch of other games from Steam sale. Taking a nice trip down memory lane.
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First have and use
>Skibidi Blessing 15+
>60 Vig
>Dragoncrest Greatshield talisman
>Opaline Hardtear(3min flask)
with ideally Golden Vow and a medium roll. Now you can actually learn the fight with whatever build you want

Now that you can learn the fight, it's easy
You get a long enough turn after every sequence except his bloodflame combo to charged R2 or chug. Train yourself you always roll the end of his longer sequence with an ending ground explosion since it's a giant AoE in Phase2.
P2 is easier than P1 once you realize the holy beams are spooks that exist only to scare retards and catch rolls away from him. I beat him up once a day for fun and usually ack him on the first go even trying new builds with unfamiliar weapons, the fight is very fair despite what retards claim. Poor fuck has maybe four or five combos to memorize and that's it
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When is Gudako's turn?
god i hope this maintenance leads to EOS
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quick implement metal U-olga
Emergency maintenance because they are adding Pekora to the game.
it's back up
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I can't believe this is how it all ends.
Gorgon next?
I have both games on Steam but I have yet to play them. The OST sounds kino.
>while I like difficulty, I don't want it just for the sake of it.
Yea, infernum is probably more fun than the way Calamity changed the Skeletron Prime fight in the latest update, which just forces you to fight 2 Skeletron Primes at the same time, and the Destroyer spawns when you get him to 75% health, and then the twins spawn at 50% health, so you have to fight all of them at the same time. It's dumb.
I really should get a penis lora that lets you have more monstrous/spiky penises...
Playing through Dawntrail.
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I'm up.
Can you do a cowgirl position with her?
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Not fair I just used my grails
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I imagined Vegeta saying these and bursted into laughter
We all got our Xu Fu to NP5 right?
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>0 content
Why are you complaining about F R E E maintenance quartz?
>server busy
FGO is as popular as ever! Ten more years!
Whaddya think? I haven't played since the second Endwalker patch. I haven't heard much conversation about it compared to EW or ShB
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Seek the Albertnauric woman.
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I'm only here for the occasional meme to save. I don't even read the shit that's said.
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>Emergency maintenance because they are adding Pe
the AI bro doing futa can you do the following?

3rd ascension Kama

I am a master that loves futanari more than anything.
np1, but I'd rather wait for summer and have a high chance of getting np copies there+FP pool than dump it all right now
do drunk kukulkussy with visible panties and she's also giga blushed
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I didn't want to roll on Arc's banner more than necessary so I had to stop at NP3 sadly.
I'm touching grass.
I got NP1 with all the 3 tickets I spent on the banner and couldn't be happier.
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>Servers down
>AIslop spam
Truly this thread can't get any worse
I only managed to get enough copies to get her 2nd append.
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>still unvoiced
Please do Scathach, Zenobia and Nitocris in four legs and being impregnated from behind. Not orgy, but separated, once for each.
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Up where?
fucking this
Aoko sex
only got her to 4 while rolling for NP2 Arc
Not like I'll ever actually use her NP so it doesn't matter when I get the last one
How do I cure post nasal drip that's causing me to continuously gag
Why are /bag/gots here?
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worlo wargaff
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Bros, I hate to say this, but I have a confession: the Ina/Kronii shill streams and Pekora's appearance at last year's fes pulled me into the vtuber world and now I watch vtubers regularly.
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>implying implications
>get 800 free sq
>roll 720 of them on Arc and get nothing
Pity is bullshit
Thanks for the opinion, I'm going to leave her at NP1 and continue using my Melu until she reaches bond 15 (then I use the summer version), maybe I'll use Arc once in a while for fun since I don't really need her at all
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Final Fantasy XIV - Leveling Red Mage
No, I already play HSR and ZZZ's gameplay is pretty braindead even for a gacha
Sounds like you're experiencing suffering. Would you care to embrace the flame of madness and destroy the world? You'll never have post nasal drip problems again either.
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Are you serious.
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I beat the dlc but Elden Ring againwith Seamless Co-op with newbie friends who never played a souls game.
It's been fun, it's got a much more relaxed pace compared to previous expansions. I've seen this brought up as a criticism too, but personally I like being able to just chill and take in the world a bit. That said, about 50 or 60% of the way into the expansion it really picks up in a similar way to SB and EW, I haven't quite made it to the end yet, but it's going interesting places.
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>I am a master that loves futanari more than anything.
If that's true then you must have a NP5 Merlin right?
For me it was Holocure.
I thought I was too old to fall into the rabbit hole but here I am.
Grim. Kronii's slightly understandable but only as fap material
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Learning some Godot to develop my games.
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Yeah it does seem a bit weird someone would run Da Vinci at NP2 and only level her to 114 but Lolivincifags always coming up a bit short.
Game detected Mimic Tear and it shut down the servers. Sorry bro, next time try to beat the game
But I don't even watch Hololive as a result. I watch small corpos and indies.
>3rd ascension Kama
I am suffering. I've been suffering for so long. I just want to experience peace in my soul
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just drawing shit for work
Well, if you are ever farming on LB6, just so you know, there are Avengers Mors there.
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This general is fucking shit, filled to the brim with attention whores, actual annoying faggots, and you can't discuss shit without cuckposters shitting up the thread, you faggots made your bed now lay on it
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>arc didn't crash the servers
>the kaleido/bg ticket did
Yes and I have Da Vinci and Caenis both NP5 as well. FUTA LOVE
>playing real games
im currently doing the blue archive event. I did wakamo extreme i think i should have done that since day one it was kinda brain dead.
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Bros, I hope you all enjoyed your anniversary weekend. If you managed to summon Arc today or yesterday, congrats on getting her. Good luck on any servants you're going after this week. Now let's do our best to make sure this is a daishouri thread, and hopefully they can fix the damn server soon.

Reading Mahoyo.
Drawin, I would like to also be auto farming while I draw, but ig we all don't get what we want
Hey, cool! Let's have some grapes bro.
Too many of you fuckers bought quartz and then refunded. They realized it because you did it too much. The maintenance is to patch that.
N-no that's forbidden haha...
Cause I unlocked her 2nd append and RNG hasn't been nice to me. It's not for a lack of trying.
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Why did it take her +5 years to spook me
>you can't discuss shit without cuckposters shitting up the thread
you're getting confused with fgog bro
Could you do a 69 position with Medusa and Okuni? Medusa is also pregnant, and Okuni is on top of her with cum falling from her pussy and Medusa eating it, with the dick being pulled out from Okuni.
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Sex now
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so people spend 50 bucks to make the game crash?
what a deal
im actually legitimately tired of playing FGO to the point it crushes my soul.
Yui a cute, Milly a cute, female master is a lesbian.
>Reading Mahoyo
No more story?
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Almost tried it because of the trailers and the setting being modern but seeing gameplay kinda pulled me right back out of it. I only play fgo becasue I like fate, I think I still hate gacha after playing FEH for 3 years and BA. I'll just look at art like I do with Nikke
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>Decide to give the AI thing a try
>Launch the webui
>300 different settings with unintuitive names and constant errors
>Can't manage to generate anything
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You're all tourists to me.
How do so many people have bond 15. I only just hit bond 11. Where are you getting all those chaldean lanterns?
Its showing its age and needs to do something new to keep up with the new gachas released recently
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Based, I hope your request gets delivered
novelai just werks if you're willing to pay
Ina is a cute dope and an insanely talented artist. I don't really actively watch many but I keep up with a few, particularly Suisei and Marine.
>any of those making you seethe and leave
how are you so mentally weak
They need to just port Arcade over already. Treat FGO like a Classic/old school
Having the jp version around is a curse because it means knowing that in 2 years the lostbelts will still not be properly finished
See, now I just feel bad. I just assumed she was NP5/6 and the 114 was a QP/EXP issue.
I think its time HOPEbros just gave up on speedup and started spamming 2kun and Co for FGO 2 instead.
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Based Kefka
Disgusting fucking NP shamer
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I'm playing Limbus co. Female Odysseus in Fate when?
Right now deciding. Maybe I continue Blue Archive or Last Cloudia.
Could you do a mating press with huge cumshot with Chloe, Wu (both child and adult) and Chiyome? In Fue or Regura style.
He does have a point though.
It's not like anything posted here actually makes me mad, but when this thread is filled to the brim with retards and discussion is impossible, what's the point of staying here?
Thanks bro. Could you also do missionary position and more blowjobs with her? This is good stuff.
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That's a pretty decent selection.
FGO already has literally tons of art, why fall for the lowest common denominator?
I just unlocked the country house walls and now need to level my gatherers and crafters...
I'm dropping this game as soon as HBR and Uma Musume EN are released. I'll still play JP though.
Cute Binchi. Don't give up.
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NP3 and lvl 102. It can't be helped (I need to save the 600 sq I have left).
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Tower events used to give 3 each
New years used to give 1 each
RP exchange
At this rate my Cas is destined to reach bond 15
Yes, Schez owes me sex at every waking moment.
You should be shamed, effort = love. If you truly loved your waifu you'd 120/NP6/Bond 15/all fous/all paws/best command codes/all skills/all appends.
Anything less is shameful.
>she's literally titfucking herself with her penis sandwiched between the two of you
I don't have a sweating emote that could cover something of this magnitude
>I can't hold it in a single second longer
Considering how you couldn't even hold a single second of optimism and you went full bitch about it, yeah, I can see that.
It's ok... She comes back soon and I'm saving for her already.
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Predict the apology amount.
There's one in the RP shop every month

Also ordeal call gives a hundred
you gotta do better than that bro
So how long as this maint? I need to sleep and Im gonna miss the consecutive login cos of this shit
Just use it as a hurdle to overcome. Instead of "I wanna be as good as/better than x" you can instead think "I want to be good enough to consistently beat x AI generator" and then take it from there.
im laughing at you!!!
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Is this greed I'm sensing?
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Would you play FGO2 if it plays just like Arcade?
I just realized Purina comes back twice around next year. I don't need to go hard on her this summer and I can guarantee my Skadi. I can now relax. If anything maybe I should attempt an NP2 Arc?
have you seen the titty jiggle tho
>Bond 15
I let them take a break around 13 and only use when necessary
Post yours
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Schez Sex!
I pretty much only pop in for a day or two when a new event happens and people have something to post about. Any other time is just not worth dealing with
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They should fucking give us the Comeback rewards for this fucking blunder holy fuck.
DSSR and GSSR reset. Please buy them again without refunding...
>maintenance again with no defined end time
Holy shit niggers, what the fuck. They didn't even give apoloquartz the first time.
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my wife's boyfriend works at Lasengle, they are taking the servers down to parse all of the screen touch logs and ban the Automata users
it looked like an interesting mechanic, so I'd give it a try for sure. It's got to be better than normal FGO, but the 3d models were kind of weak.
You're obviously exaggerating, what's the real number that Ordeal Call gives?
>the replies to this
lol, you are based anon
It looks like some shitty arena fighter
Why did the servers crash now and not yesterday?
No. I would just read the story on youtube or whatever.
>jerk off
>take a shower
>come back
>more maint
jesus christ who shit the bed
every anniversary theres some problem like this
Not particularly interested in generating fate stuff, I just want to mess around with it.
Its more engaging than 3 turning 99.9% of the time
Guide me again, fellow Fatefags, following my dick like you said to got me a Koyanskaya.

Now, should I (g)rail Gareth or stop being retarded and save resources for the coming Summer units?
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>I think now, looking back, we did not fight the enemy; we fought ourselves. And the enemy was in us. FGO is over for me now, but it will always be there, the rest of my days as I'm sure Shrek will be, fighting with Sam for what Albert called possession of my soul.
Christ! Thanks
Please understand, the game costs a lot to run and it's a free service!
Eh, I still think you should use your waifu even if she's Bond 15. It's your waifu, ya know?

>implying my waifu is Fate-related
What would drive a man to do such a thing?
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I already got her to np5, not sure if I want to level her or gogh to 120 next this anniversary though
I think it's 30ish
Heh this maintenance in the middle of anniversary reminds me of Albert fucking up the Ivan raid and giving 0 compensation.
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If possible, could you please do a Melt with a small one?
>When your womb senses Master is on the hunt
>Specifically for you
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So is AX over then? Did you fags meet up at the panel?
Follow your heart Anon, or failing that follow your dick.
is xu fu a good support?
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If you had to ask that second question in specific way then you already know the answer.
How do you have so little respect for your own time that you decide to waste it here is the better question
>You're seething
No it's just fucking boring and pointless
Why is that so abnormally high. Are grails increased as well?
I've been veteran-ing for a year so I don't feel like I deserve to post here anymore
When did Nero cause a huge server outage?
yea, I met up with the 2 /alter/ bros who were up for a threesome and the sex was great
Isn't this from a yaoi doujin?
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Wish I was Bakin's bishie toy
Boy, don't think I don't see that sneaky 3rd append not unlocked.
Thanks again "B", never felt a wetter pussy holy shit!
We don't have sex with our mothers here.
Albert here.

I already told you about the chimpanzee working on the servers who suddenly passed, but it turns out he was the alpha male and now the others are fighting each other to take his spot.
Please be patient while we try to resolve this conflict peacefully.

We're still hiring.
I could unlock and use it, but i'd rather keep the 300 coins so I can level her to 120 then unlock her 3rd and need np6 to get her to 120
Was there a female involved
Besides casting, any easy way to get 2 grails or am I stuck waiting until summer? I thought I had 13+2 casts to make 15 but it was actually only 11+2 casts to make 13.
I regret skipping grail front
>come back to the game after a few months with friends
>drop money on the banner
>server goes offline

Some of them are quitting now.
You're forced to have sex with your Destiny GSSR summon. How fucked are you?
I played arcade and the gameplay was mildly more engaging, it'd be horrible to grind with though
my only 5* from arcade was tamamo lancer
Just blue apple for a while, nothing wrong with taking some time off. I've been doing it since 2 months ago.
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My AP....
It was an Otomecord meetup, they had ironic lesbian sex but they're still straight in the eyes of God.
not at the beginning, but one of us certainly sounded like one at the end
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The softest
Alright you get away with it this time but I'm going to keep my eye on you.
this is what i was doing for a while until anniversary reminded me i needed to finish traum
now im happy to get back to it
but it was a solid break from when apples dropped to now
I didnt say there would be /alter/ sis's anon..
haha get fucked
Are server issues mid anniversary a common issue in gacha games?
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I remember a Tamamo (cop uniform) at a Canadian convention I went to like 4 years ago got gangbanged and her boyfriend (at the time) was asking where she was. Very vile stuff.
Sure. It reminds me of a retarded version of Assassin's Creed's multiplayer.
Soft lap comfy nap
I will follow the dick in my heart into being crushed by Ibuki's massive tits, thank you anon.
As someone who is waiting for her, this is gold
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i was dismissive of this before but wtf
is this really ai
Not common, but every so often they'll happen.
you sound 10
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Very nice thank you friend.
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So we're gonna get, like, 80 SQ for this inconvenience, right bros?
Melusine! Love!
i stay if its interesting and leave when its not
>cleaning the metadata
You'll be lucky to get 4
You are being a god send. Thank you so much
NTA but Saika is underrated
Anyone else think summer Jeanne d'Arc is a good grail unit?
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good lord this is some good shit
You'll get 8 SQ fragments.
70 tickets, 3 Xu Fus, 0 Human Necoarcs
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you're going to get official Albert nudes
I genuinely don't think they're going to give us anything.
1sq per hour is all i can do
The fuck you mean maintenance?

Since when is this going?
You can't hear my voice through the computer you retard
What are you using for those cums? Those are perfect tier cums.
I would like that thickness and amount to be used more often. Could you use that amount with pulling out with Zenobia, Scathach, Morgan, Medusa, Nitocris, Castoria, Baohban Sith and Barghest?
I'm not trying to do that on purpose, I'm guessing catbox gets rid of the meta data?

I can give you the prompt:


score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, fmuc, large veiny penis, veiny testicles, bedroom,

Saika_Magoichi, long hair, messy hair, feather hair ornament, white hair, thighhighs, hakama, small breasts,

heavy blushing, heavy breathing,

first person perspective oral sex, sucking, cum on face, ejaculation, first person perspective oral creampie, holding penis, after oral sex, smug smile,
<lora:Expressive_H:1> <lora:MuchinPDXL32V1tx1:0.9> <lora:Saika_Magoichi:1>
Steps: 20, Sampler: Euler a, CFG scale: 5, Seed: 1929608920, Size: 1024x1024, Model hash: 821aa5537f, Model: autismmixSDXL_autismmixPony, VAE hash: 235745af8d, VAE: sdxl_vae.safetensors, Clip skip: 2, Lora hashes: "Expressive_H: 5671f20a9a6b, MuchinPDXL32V1tx1: 6d290b133aee, Saika_Magoichi: 7078740c96b4", Version: f0.0.17v1.8.0rc-latest-277-g0af28699
we are getting 4 sq and 4 gold apples
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>AI hours
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You're getting 1 gold apple to make up for the AP you're losing due to overflow
>no AX meetup
>the /soc/ /alter/ threads are exclusively used by faggots
I just want to hang out with my bros...

and no. Catbox doesn't clear metadata. Must be something else on your end thats doing it.
Am I really about to drop 30 bucks on a damn JPEG?
Don't know if want.
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i still havent logged in today by the way
Jeanne d'arc Archer or Ruler?
is Destiny GSSR worth it?
Bout 6 hours or so, it's really fucking annoying
Can I do the normal GSSR and the new one?
i hope its rape

>verification not required
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Completely serious, that's too much gameplay for me. I need turn based lock the phone/close the app come back later.
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>maintenance still ongoing
I don't even know what they are fixing!
if your gonna be super happy with any of the 11 choices you pick then yea its worth it, otherwise if its not as good for you its a easy skip since you can always wait until next year
I wouldn't mind it if it wasn't /bag/got shit.

in a sense, yes, in that the dollar-to-ssr ratio is amazing
not worth in the sense that you have to spend real money
>there are currently 0 players playing FGO NA
it's fucking over we are going to EOS
If you're still willing to do more with her could you do some missionary stuff but with a pov perspective like the blowjobs?
Castoria broke the servers too
Who is the better beast to save for, Draco or Tiamat?
>futa AI
waiting until someone starts making AI picks of servants pooping
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Not really honestly. You're guaranteed to get one SSR out of the nine you pick and the chance for general pool SRs and SSRs seems high, but I don't think it's worth the price.
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>no tweet or acknowledgment of any kind, hours later
>during what I assume to be one of the most profitable periods of the year for the game
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its friggin over dudes
i got the one i wanted so yes
What happened, bro?
Melu is so ugly
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didnt realize i wanted to see this until now
maybe ai isnt all that bad
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Anon, are you thinking
Molay, Castoria, Okita and Gogh if you can please! Oh and Kiyohime and Liz too, why not.
Ishtar rimjob please.
It's not general pool only. You can get limited SSRs as spooks on Destiny Summons.
Source: myself as I got Kintoki (on my list) and Amakusa (who wasn't)
Be honest Anon, do you want her to step on you the same way she stepped on Coral?
Post your looping right now.
Fuck it, anyone got Kagetora pics?
Please do Drake
now im curious. which female servants are most likely to have dicks, /alter/?
it's double the price of a normal gssr for the reward of one servant. Even gssr isn't worth it honestly if you have a good box.
We could hand out anytime bro.
Oh okay. Well I guess I didn't get so lucky with mine.
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Reminder you could be playing a better game right now

>Wuthering Waves
>Last Origin
>Girls Frontline
>Azur Lane
>Seven deadly sins Grand cross
>Honkai Impact 3
>Zenless Zone Zero
>Guardian Tales
>Exos Heroes
>Tales of Crestoria
>Date a Live Spirit Pledge
>Pokemon Masters
>Star Ocean: Anamnesis
>Granblue Fantasy
>Brave Nine
>Kings Raid
>Fire Emblem Heroes
>DBZ Dokkan
>Princess Connect
>Another Eden
>Dragalia Lost
>Destiny Child
>Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
>Danmachi Memoria Freese
>Iron Saga
>Yu-gi-oh! Duel Links
>Lord of Heroes
>Tales of Wind
>Valkyrie Connect
>One Punch Man Road to Hero
>Grand Summoners
>Naruto x Boruto: Ninja Voltage
>Crossing Void
>Sword Art Online: Alicization Rising Steel
>Genshin Impact
>Live a Hero
>Blue Archive
>Uma Musume: Pretty Derby
>Alchemy Stars
>My Hero Academia: the strongest hero
>Atelier Online
>Punishing Gray Raven
>Konosuba:Fantastic days
>World Flipper
>Girl Cafe Gun
>Path to nowhere
>Limbus Company
>Eminence in the shadow. Master of garden
>Epic seven
>NIKKE Goddess of victory
>Snowbreak containment zone
>Diablo immortal
>Memento Mori
>Brown Dust 2
>Final Fantasy VII Ever crisis
>Taimanin RPGX Extasy
>Reverse: 1999

and yet you choose to wait for maintenance to be over for a game that doesn't have an event going on that will EoS 2 years before the story is over
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i was really excited to get void shiki and then i got some dumb ass summer slut i didnt even pick...
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Have you ever considered using style models for your generations? There are some decent Type moon related artstyles out there you can try out
>got okuni as my extra servant in destiny
I didnt ask nor do I want this.
I want her to step in a trap hole with spikes on the bottom, and the spikes were sprayed with alcohol and lemon.
FGO has fallen
Rate my destiny
>You're forced to have sex with your Destiny GSSR summon. How fucked are you?
I stay a virgin yay
Good thing it has a mountain of money to cushion its landing.
Literally all of them.
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Bro keep you masochist bullshit away from me. I want to fuck the bitch until she mindbreaks.
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whenever the chaldean stables get rebuilt
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>DBZ Dokkan

Could you do a pregnant Abigail? Either summer or normal in whatever ascension
Don't worry the server is going to be back up soon
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Nothing good yet?
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I genuinely don't understand how people eat AIslop up, i don't get why people pay money for this, i don't get why every single site i go to i need to see this shit, have the standards of people gone low to this point? Why can't these people go the threads made for this if they like it so much
You win, king.
would blacklist tonight
I'm still not over mine. Might pick up Traum soon and after servers return I might set automata to burn some blue apples on exp, but otherwise I'm still just barely doing more than logging in.
My wife Quetzalcoatl
none of these games are good thank god I'm not a gacha addict.
they will stop showing up when you kill yourself
Not according to all of faerie Britain.
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That's copypasta which usually includes F/GO in the list.
>I genuinely don't understand how people eat AIslop up
People here will forget about the AIslop pics tomorrow already dw
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>Took my evening shower
>Made a nice cup of cocoa
>Wrapped up in a blanket on my comfy chair
>Game still down
What the FUCK am I paying these guys for?
arc you slut what did you do?
I picked up Grand Summoners a few weeks ago because of the Prillya collab spam and it's surprisingly difficult
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Gacha games are garbage. I only play this kusoge because it's Type Moon shit.
Glad to see I have good memory, thanks
You will never be on my friend list.
>mfw I've been playing this shit for 7 years
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it cant be helped
Cute Moriarty out of 10!
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It looks ok and people get anything they can imagine from it
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Are servers up yet?
I'm the futa cock
The internet broke the concept of mass media and now everyone has become acclimated to having exactly what they want forever. Now not being allowed to exist in an eternal bubble of exact pleasure causes people to break down and consume slop to remain stable.
I played Azur Lane for a long time. It's not worth it.
if its any consolation anon its still a good roll, your always guaranteed of the 11 you picked when you roll so you can always get any normal/storylock/limited servant you didnt pick spook you too
why are redditors and yt commenters so cringe
always shit like
>arc really SUCKED my sq reserves dry!
just go listen to oops I did it again by Brittany spears.
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>Series where the main artist does this
>HURR I don't get why PEOPLE EAT UP SLOP!?!?
Does the oberon image just sap away IQ points when you click on it or are you a special kind of stupid?
More futaTitoria in Morgan please
This is because I skipped the GSSR, they needed my money to keep the servants up.
Feel free to thank me, you're free.
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Does anyone have that image of Chiron and Kiichi Hogen riding the train with all their students as little kids?
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arc really SUCKED my sq reserves dry!
Actually I got some neat results, I'm finishing the other stuff anons asked to post it together
keep going bro. but more like pic related
Boring girls. Strung sisters are a better duo/much cuter
I dont particularly care about it but its super easy for AI to churn out something thats super specific for you than try see if any artists drew it normally and the answer being a fat no
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It's 106 degrees bro, why are you using a blanket?
Low standars, simple as. People just want a constant flow of dopamine because of how fried their brains are. AI simply provides the volume that people desire. Sure, they COULD wait a week-month for YD to make a REALLY good piece, or, they could get half baked "good enough" pieces in large quantities. Quantity over Quality unfortunately
>Actually I got some neat results, I'm finishing the other stuff anons asked to post it together
Take your time!
Summer Jeanne.

pls not the dolphins
Jeanne is for procreation.
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Why the mosaic?
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I have answered your summons.
Weather also flips in the upside down part of the world
It's good and very polished. Better than Wuwa and has a better cast than HSR, but still not as good as Genshin
Caren. Oh lord please not the baby
Can I get in yet? I have veteraning to do and a lack of content to complain about.
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Wait, people actually have saber as a waifu? If even she'll never be for (you)?
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I loved that scene in scramble
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Can someone explain why there's maintenance?
>Randomly decide to check her twitter
>" I support whoever I want to. DON’T FORCE YOUR POLICY ON ME."
What the fuck happened
who up sucking they arc dry rn?
Retardbro, how can you be so fucking dumb holy shit. It's fucking obvious. He's an ascetic trying to test his heat limits by drinking hot drinks while being wrapped up.
Lazy fucks with no taste and no standards lap it up, and talentless grifters see it as a means to make a quick buck.
sauce me now
>Time updates on maint
hope this helps
>now they're saying the servers will be up in 9 minutes

Yeah, ok, albert. Good luck with that
Give it to me straight (No Oberon replies), how likely are we getting a server rollback by one day? t. need SQ badly
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And was it worth it, Claebro?
I would rather kill myself than harm a hair on Voyagers head.
go fuck yourself, you subhuman trash, i truly hope AI overcomes humanity and you all die for it
and then do it all over again, it's almost like the faggot just wants to make his money worth and gets free (You)s for this
i hope not
it can
literally they can't, there are several things that AI can't do and even if it could it's still noticeably AI
the fact that that image exists means people critique it and it still looks better than slop
if it's super specific why is 90% of AI art the most generic characters that already have a ton of art with the most basic of fetishes because it's what the AI can do?
i just don't get how accepted this is becoming
I've been around since day 1. You can trust me, bro
Can this AI do footjobs by any chance?
Just login and convert AP into apples.
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im beyond fucked
Previous maintenance broke the servers
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Early destiny's child summon broke the macaroni code
They should put her on the NA stream to humiliate Albert.
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almost a sure thing. dont even bother logging in when the servers go up in 7 minutes because they will reward you even more if you break the anniversary login streak.

Arc sex scene.
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we are 100% getting rollback
>>literally they can't, there are several things that AI can't do and even if it could it's still noticeably AI
It is good enough slop, better than whatever an amateur artist could put out and takes like 5 minutes
is it over?
What are you using to make all this, aianon?
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>some pixels generated by a computer makes him mad
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>it can
no it cant. if jannies dont ban it then people will post it. without exception. especially if it lets them feel like they're creating oc while people beg "aibros" to make disgusting slop for them. it LITERALLY cannot be helped.
>and then do it all over again, it's almost like the faggot just wants to make his money worth and gets free (You)s for this
hey his money his rules honestly, they're not mine so i dont really care, good for him that hes rich lol
Yes. I love arena fighters, so this would be an win-win to me. Such a shame it got wasted on arcade
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I have shit taste in gacha games that all i play are just shit.
Hopefully not because I got what I want and I shouldn't lose what I have because you're unlucky.
Absolutely zero chance. You will get 2 gold apples at the most
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>incoherent mass reply
Dude kuroinu was peak dark elves
It's over for Jeanne Arclets...
I want to fart in Oberon's face and make him smell the odor
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Good deal
holy autism
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I am both fucked and perfectly happy.
How the fuck do you need more SQ retard? we just got a whole pity worth of it.
server back in 5 minutes sis
>spam the thread with """"art""""
>why are you mad
be genuine
wish i was oberon
Opinion discarded
>i just don't get how accepted this is becoming
It was a novelty at first back when it was bad. Then when it started becoming legible Twitter Artists and their kind started freaking out and everyone who is on the opposite side of the culture war from the average twitter user leaned super hard into it out of spite.
Now were are here where AI had become the future hope and last refuge of the coomer who does not want to exist in the modern world.
>i just don't get how accepted this is becoming
Because the same tech bros who were shilling crypto and NFTs a few years ago moved on to shilling generative AI as their next flavor of the month scam. And the general population of normies doesn't care if it's good or not, they just look at a pic for 3 seconds without takong in any of the details and then immediately forget about it. No thoughts, just consumption.
A few of them already dead before this shit game, sis
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fgo ain't coming back up today.

I got nothing better to do. Is Wuthering Waves better or ZZZ ? Gonna download one and try it.
>he doest know
Meh. I don't care. AI is hot and brings lots of fun ideas to fruition. Artists are just mad they can't monopolize fanart anymore
>Oberon post
>no friend code attached
opinion discarded.
>he thinks any shit posted here is """""""a r t"""""""
just kill yourself
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You don't even have to see it unless you choose to open the catbox, how is this an issue?

What's the maintenance about? Are they giving us free Arcs?
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>i just don't get how accepted this is becoming
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Not AIanon but I think he's using Stable diffusion auto1111/Forge or ComfyUI. As for the characters you could download them off Civitai. Just hope that you got enough storage space to spare.
we are not on twitter, who the fuck cares, it's not the last refuge just a brand new low we reached that i just hope is temporary
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I think retard artists are mad
same happened with digital cameras and photoshop
the niggers with no brain to adapt always cry
Based and true. "creatives" being insufferable faggots brought this on themselves.
It all looks like garbage, you're just too coomer brained to actually pay attention.
My pelvis is gonna be broken and I'm gonna like it.
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I'm in danger
If a banana taped on a wall counts as art, the AI posted here are art too
IS UP!!1!

>Artists are just mad they can't monopolize fanart anymore
it's not a monopoly if it's a bunch of independent and non-related people
It look better than looots of official shit being posted left and right. Stay mad
>no apoloquartz
1 job
you don't get it until later dummy
Then explain the whole wave of butthurt artists getting mad over AI. LOL. I'm glad they're getting BTFO
>Artists are just mad they can't monopolize the coomers-with-no-standards audience anymore
People here get their art from artists with twitter or from twitter directly, you clearly care enough to be wrong
i havent finished my weekly quetss.....
>you don't get it, i masturbate to AIslop to prove a point against artist!
I will spell out clearly since you don't have basic reading comprehension, when AI is posted here there is no point to do it if you just wanna prove a point against assmad twitter artists because they are not here
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...oh no....
What am I supposed to be grinding in the dailies? 20 AP still seems like a lot
Doors, we never get half AP doors again
>Then explain the whole wave of butthurt artists
It's almost as though the generative AI models were trained on their art without their consent and is now being used by lazy grifters and greedy corporations to profit of their work and steal their jobs.
Okay, back.

Am I going to have to be butt buddies with Ares or not?
>we never get half AP doors again
This isn't true. I checked the other day and there are at least two events in the future that have AP doors, though I can't remember them off the top of my head.
This girl is going to break me and I will be happy
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I wanted outrage CE for the taunt but just realized the shit in the pisscube shop doesn't go that far back
Saber erotic. Flat sword and scabbard erotic.
Holy shit. I get milked on on the job.

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