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Previous: >>485136756

>[Campaign] Fate/Grand Order 7th Anniversary
2024-07-06 12:00 - 07-16 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] 7th Anniversary Archetype: EARTH Pickup Summon
2024-07-06 12:00 - 07-16 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Destiny Order Summon
2024-07-06 12:00 - 07-16 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] 7th Anniversary Guaranteed Summon
2024-07-06 12:00 - 07-16 20:59 PDT

>[Campaign] 7th Anniversary Limited Master Missions
2024-07-05 21:00 - 07-16 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] 7th Anniversary Commemorative Limited Servant Daily Pickup Summon
2024-07-09 21:00 - 07-17 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/ixetqz.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Future Quartz: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRQFC6pgsvDr11c1oe8PcGXurF3uw0MBq73YoQMGCJemzMics9LfwVurTLMi0rpfHNEBjG6gVCOrIer/pubhtml
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

Remember when /alter/ said it will take a week until we see 120 Arc and it took less than 2 hours?
NP1 is fine
Just do 90+
Save your SQ for stuff you actually like
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Lip love!
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Kama Love...
I like having my favorite loopers at over NP1.
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Good morning, bros.
>got arc np2 in 200sq
>see some posts where you actually want her at np3+ for some nodes
>do one additional multi
>another copy
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>Can you do some Charlotte I really like her in YD's style

Sure, if you're asking for a similar set I can drop it later, but I can do some singles right now
WHO deleted me?
They're dumb, I took a servant from 100 to 120 manually in just a day, 1/2AP x3 succ is no fucking joke.
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idk, but i just deleted a latelet /alter/ bro who hasn't logged in in a month
e-erm.. anon you actually need NP5 lv 120 2k/2k bare MINIMUM if you want to be able to 6CE farm the Arc Love! node...
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Bros this is literally right now
Why would WHO do that?
She finally came after 339 SQ, which included a Jinako and Achilles spook.
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Your message was offensive
Comfy mama lap
Okay, but what was the point of the maintenance earlier?
>some nodes
It's MOST nodes. NP2 is NOT gonna make it since only a few has chaotic servants and that's even with damage CE.
For eel? On cod?
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I thought I'd be fine with any outcome as long as I didn't get an Oberon dupe, but somehow I think I feel worse after ending up with Super Bunyan.
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Fluffy Kama cuteness...
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Am I going to make it?
I'm up to 821 quartz now.
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server issues
thank you for giving latelets a chance anon... i promise i wont let you down......
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What are we watching this season, bros?
Mom Love!
Sorry I only pump and dump
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>wanted arjuna alter from berserker gssr
got arjuna alter
>wanted summer kiara from destiny order gssr
got summer kiara FINALLY
>wanted moon arc
got moon arc
+random mordred spook
3 for 3 and 200sq left for maybe coelacanth/mola mola skadi I guess?
feels good but idk who to go for next
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bunyan is cute though
You're a big guy.
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Hey, at least you have Oberon, right?
can they just release summer now i want to fucking roll the anticipation is killing me
which slut should I cum on
I deleted the guy who wants to sell his account.
A new SSR is a new SSR.
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Fat Charlotte titties
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breeding facility
tfw no charlotte gf
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This is one of the best CE's this year
i hope you get castoria, newfriend
I wouldnt get your hopes up on getting castoria+koyan but its pretty decent and you still have the normal GSSR to get either koyan or castoria
I actually don't need my favorite to be able to 3 turn every node
Amazing how everyone can draw Charlotte great except the guy whose job is officially doing exactly that.
Why is the AIslopper making slop again and why is he making more of it than before?
2.5d seduction
cafe terrace
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Are you new or something? You're better off buying an account with the meta buffers.
Not very /alter/core of you... chud
Tower of God
His Charlotte is FINE. It's not WOW but it's fine.
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will they run out?
Did you roll the GSSR Illyabro?
God damn so good
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just 120 someone coward
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a lot of people keep asking for it and encourage it, just accept that a large portion of this general just loves slop
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That was the funniest thing I read that day. A true prelude to Funny Vamp
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>Suicide Squad Isekai
>It's real
the saplings wont unless you do something like constantly spend them for AP and recraft them. We also continually get more saplings every main story update
They give out more, but nowhere near as much as the first batch gave.
NP skip when?
Haven't watched anything in ages. I might watch the last season of Golden Kamuy, whenever it comes out, and maybe Tohai next season.
10x better than the game
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>he is out of the loop
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Not yet, I'm not too sure what to choose. I might just spin a wheel or something. What about you bro, did you roll/get what who you wanted?
That is not a stellar advertisement...
Oof, how did that feel? You got her at least, grats
Don't watch anime anymore
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She's very cute indeed
the new sister fucker show
senpai wa otokonoko

are my big 3
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I'm da Joker baby!
The fat elf thing. I don't care about anything else this season
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So everyone seems to be loving the early Destiny Order.
But what if it's a 1 time thing like a summoning ticket? What if JP doesn't get another one and we got it 1 year early so we can't use it on any of the summer 7 or lb7 servants ever?
Wouldn't that be funny? haha!
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Yeah bro, I rolled for Extra 6 and got Fost it now
They made Harley Quinn cute.
I see this dinky little icon about Arc's field status - is that exclusive to her or did they finally add an indicator for all the field changes?
Of course it made too much sense to go all the way and list the current field at all times
>What if Lasagna throws away the chance to violently milk paypigs again?
May as well ask if pigs will start flying
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>Hypothesizing "what if companies weren't greedy and aren't looking to make more money"
Just her.
another oberon NP level is uniornically more useful than bunyan, he's pretty solid in multicore setups.
It's not all that different from all those Elseworlds stuff
Could you do Anastasia?
monogatari, code geass, shikanokonokonokokoshitantan, nier, and russian slut.
Call me latelet but I hate those damn fucking roosters
They still haven't put the 12 SQ act 1 GSSR in JP yet. They'd get a lot more money putting that in JP than they got out of putting it on NA
My NP2 lvl100 Broberon saved me quite a few times in difficult CQs, specially if you set up his command codes properly he's pretty good
This is madness
I regret doing this multi
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How could you!?
because it's hot
now go back to seething you fucking swine
Oshi no ko and fat elf.
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Sure, any particular pose?
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>forcing ana to go to the beach
Damn, sorry you got bricked. You can turn him into piss cubes but he'll still be listed on your servant list forever
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why can't this AIfag use a trip so i can at least filter his posts, is this really asking for much?
S3 when I need to see his and urahara's bankai animated.
because he's saving /alter/ and FGO NA
Sei Shonagon is very arrogant.
In that case I get one more year of use of the Destiny Order SSR, so I'm still happy.
I'd be fine if he were a new servant, but he's a second copy. I'd genuinely rather get any SSR in the game than this dude.
perhaps it didn't actually generate as much revenue as they thought it would? limiting the pool probably didn't help.
Was it truly as bad as they say?
>tfw Kuro will never do that hawk tuah thing straight into my mouth every morning
new bleach season? when
Thanks. I honestly wasn't even that mad, probably because it happened early on (and also because the possibility didn't even occur to me). At least she's a new SSR to burn some embers on. Something like an NP5 Drake would have been worse.
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Do her riding dick cowgirl style on the beach.
Do the world a favour and walk in front of a bus.
I appreciate AI because I can create my loli vinci with tiny uncut cock and precum while looking at me
so bad no one even remembers it until they get spooked by bunyan in their GSSR lol
3 slots for some alter friends.
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Good morning.
I can't find any apologems in my mail box.
truth bomb
can you do big vinki and smol vinki?
FGO players have to turn to AI for their coomer art now because all the artists have moved on to other gacha games. It's so over.
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Thanks she hates it
seethe (then masturbate to AI porn)
they're probably waiting to make sure the game doesn't break again so they aren't compelled by circumstance to give out more than the bare minimum
The cope the few defenders that there are throw around can be summed up as "it was supposed to be bad"
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Are these useful?
>event with a bunch of dinos
>no steggy
it's shit.
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Why is AI always off-model?
The servants aren't so who cares?
Deermud's is really good.
You have to add scores up to 99
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Sent. 120 Seiba in Saber 1.
because it is only as good as the human artists FGO has left
you really like making these huh
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>need 45 paid sq for both gssrs
the only way is to buy the biggest pack isn't it...
I asked for Drake a couple days ago but then left the thread. Can you do it again bro?
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Previously, AI spammer didn't have randomized file names.
Seems like our little porn addicted NIGGER can't live without attention to his QUIRKY UNIQUE persona, so he decided to do that checkbox to cause distress in our thread.
Because AI has no soul, just like people who defend it.
I reckon.>>485156993
Is this the anni with supremely shit Rank Up's, or is that next year?
Because Aisloppers are coomers. Same reason why they all use YD for their base. They don't have an original bone in their body.
can nito loop or is the death chance messing with her looping?
nah you can get by with the second largest pack and the cheap one with like 4 paid SQ in it
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Jennifer of the Arcueid
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In one-shot with no small packs, yeah
Okay now I’m jakcing it to Mordred ai chat
death chance completely bricks her consistency unfortunately
next year we get Mom's rank up so no.
That's a different poster saberkek
The AIslop restaurant just got a new chef.
probably the same guy as the kuroha spammer that admitted to doing so for that exact reason in the last day or so.
Its this year
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Would I make money if I set up a Patreon and sold the AI porn I generate?
They fucked up, it should have been that bunny girl running the show. In the manga, she's the one who is bossy and has no problem pushing people into doing work for her. It would have been much more in-line with the manga if she's the one playing the crappy boss role.
This may be a surprise to you, but there are multiple people
Yes, the only good rank ups this year are Vlad and Shiki. Summer Ushi and Bunyan get more damage which isn't terrible but nothing more.
>don't feel like wasting sq on Arc's banner
>but feel like wasting real money on Destiny Summon
Why is my brain like this?
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i want OG funny vamp.
I thought the kuroha spammer was shrek
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>NP2 neet-hime
what the hell am I supposed to do with this?
That market has been flooded already
honestly if people decide to be paypigs anyway and will roll on future gssrs, it's best to buy the biggest pack
you can always use a charge CE to eliminate the rng entirely
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>Do her riding dick cowgirl style on the beach.

Does this giant watermelon looks off model?

Yeah, I love the beach
Only of it is degenerate enough
You can appreciate it, the problem is how much you guys shove this shit down our throats and act as if us asking for the bare minimum is much
AI"""bro""" purposefully avoids filters, often doesn't follow a single post and has fags constantly coming to his defense
I don't care about "real art", i don't care about fags on twitter complaining about it, i don't care about whatever point is trying to be made here i just want it somehow to stop
because the $30 or whatever that destiny summon costs is GUARANTEED to give you something, whereas statistically speaking that same amount of money pumped into a banner is almost guaranteed to give you fuck all
Increase the soulfulness of your support by including her on it
There's multiple. One yesterday said he spams her just because he know it makes people sperg out.
it's lucksucker's discord buddy
Based on what I've seen, I should generate porn of FGO girls getting blacked if I want to make money.
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>tam lin cup in early November
>LB 7 in late December
So a dead month now? Are we leveling up?
burn baby burn
4SQ is 4SQ
Yeah I mean there are ways around it if she's your absolute favourite, you can basically play her like she's a buster looper and run a setup where you've got 300% NP in the tank somewhere
but it's not a great feeling
Because they don't need pennies pinching tactics over at JP
>Release a new Servant
>Immediately shoot back to the top of the revenue ranking list
Nips also have crazy brand loyalty. They've already cornered their market there, why bother a GSSR when they can already rake shittons in ways a GSSR can't match just by trucking on as they normally do? It's global that they need to sprinkle incentives to open wallets
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How did you guys do?
Sorry bro we just had to have her as the OP in honor of last thread’s onahole discussion
Could you do the same as those but with Tomoe?
Pretty much, we have plenty of porn boards. Even for anime porn boards, we've got a few versions of them. Just go wild there. Or the several wild card boards like /trash/. It's like those JAV and gravure generals insisting on establishing themselves on /jp/ instead of /s/ or /hc/, it makes no fucking sense.
That's good. I'd rather get it over with sooner rather than later.
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wtf you're telling me I can't categorize every action I dislike as those of a single, malevolent entity upon which I can direct all my hatred? well I just don't believe it. you must be the guy
>back from work
>no apology sq
>no mention of why the maint. even happened
I assume Albert is high on crack right now and it's the intern monkeys running the show, but can't they make any decisions themselves?
Gogh and MHXX, awesome.
>Destiny Summon
Skipped, too little of my potential targets are in it.
Also skipped.
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There's a handful that are making a 1-2k/month and 9999999 making little to nothing. If you think you can corner a niche underserved market and your time is worthless enough to generate and edit futa porn or something all day then go for it.

The craze has somewhat passed though and you are late and making 1-2k even if you succeed isn't exactly success.
please understand
You want a lot of things
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Should I roll for Arc if I have NP3 Melusine and NP2 Arjuna Alter?
If you're one of those who've been insulting Arc these past few days, I want you to know that you're no longer my bro and I'll never forgive you.
You'll get your silver apple later.
We're getting summer this month the dead weeks will probably be spread out. we have to slow down before the end of the year at some point
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really happy with my GSSRs, np1 arc+xu fu too. Can always get np5+ from FP gacha & summer 7 gacha
I'll never post my shit because I don't want to risk getting banned here.
NP5 Arc, NP6 Xunny Funny
NP3 Molay from GSSR
NP1 Ishtar from DO
I'm happy.
Nikun needs to authorize that kind of stuff, and he's currently balls deep in a Koya-cosplayer.
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Oh, I found the way how to filter randomized filter name AIslopper. Nice, now I don't care again.
Because the spammer who inhibits our thread is shit at genning.
There's like 9 ai porn threads on the site, he just knows he can farm (you)s here and the mods don't care as usual.
>1-2k even if you succeed isn't exactly success

That's more than my salary though.
Will Xu Fu become available in the FP gacha?
>don't have Astrea or Faker
>gave me 2 XX instead
a single thing then: use trips
still not forgiving
If you're asking the answer is no
t. NP3 poogod and NP6 Funny Vamp owner
Yeah image dimensions is a pretty obvious one
Make sure you get the landscape variant and the 1024x1024 ones too
Does saying I’m not rolling for her count as insulting her
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>$44 for 2 jpgs
this takes a lot to digest
>muh ecelebs
>muh avataring
/alter/'s shitposters dig their own graves
How long is old Tsukihime VN.
I'm at the point where he just moved to his new mansion.
You could instead roll for both NP5 Melu and Arjuna Alter.
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don't those apes fucking dare.
triple AAAA games cost $100, its practically a bargain getting a jpeg in fgo for $45 than pay $500 like league of legends
No, but if you haven't rolled for her it means you haven't read Tsukihime, so you're not my bro. You can still redeem yourself if you read it and roll for her at a later date.
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bro people were paying thousands for a some weird ass monkeys last year. How is 45 for two pngs hard to digest
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>Because the spammer who inhibits our thread is shit at genning.
This. There are like 2 AI gen profiles on twitter that I follow and one of them is this one
>triple AAAA
I read (and loved) the OG but not the remake, what does that make me
it's already an avatarfag, but without the option of filtering
Well this is Fate/Grand Order NORTH AMERICA general and that's lower than minimum wage in most places here. Sorry shithole-kun.
It isn't.
Lop off 30% that goes to patreon, apply unfriendly non-corporate freelancing taxes, and remember that we're talking about the "rockstars" and not the thousands who only get 2-10 patrons.
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i swear i've seen this exact post before. is this dejavu?
This is true
There's millions of potential styles thanks to artist combinations and somehow he settled on the lamest fucking one
>np5 copy of morgan from destiny
>much-needed dupe for luvia in gssr
>np1 gogh from gssr
>np3 arc
>np2 copy of brad chasing arc
honestly this has been the best anni I've had so far. if I don't try to np5 arc it'll end on a high note.
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constant feelings of deja vu are a sign of early onset dementia as well as schizophrenia
I've been pn this place before
It depends, if you're that guy who hates the remake and hasn't even read it and spams the threads calling the remake Arc a counterfeit, then not only are you not my bro, you're one of my most hated posters in the history of /alter/ even worse than the scat spammers.
>calls attention to himself
>has several people defend them
>avoids filters
>announces their presence constantly
>has a distinct posting style
yea, you are right, it's worse
Beryl Gut is an intriguing character
He might be the first character from Fate who actually acts like a real person that I have met/know
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Stop being poor.
Looks like I underestimated my present box full of 4* embers. Felt like it'd take me to 104 but I got to mid 108
I was hoping this quest for 120 would destroy my always-near-cap QP but so far it's only taken ~200 mil. QP needs some more uses, as do mana prisms
Is this whore useful?
She's NP1 and I have NP2 Murachanga
Haha I do NOT want to visit whatever place you’re from
>I'm at the point where he just moved to his new mansion.
umm that's like 10 minutes into the game bro...
you'll live, you disingenuous whiny rat
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wow, i have never seen that ascension
no, she's gimmicky and kinda shite
Unironically one of the worst 4 stars in the game. Entire kit assumes she will loop and then she doesn't.
it was pretty alright i'd say
>bond 8
she can't loop for shit. her ascensions are great for the dick though. she can crit pretty nice and I slap honey lake + some burn command codes on her for shits and giggles.
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It's really funny how when you guys run out of arguments you start deflecting like this, almost makes this interaction worth it, you know you are in the wrong and if you are calling me disingenuous you are just projecting
had to focus on Chloe first to get coins
Every child wife starts somewhere
the term boogeyman is used when there is no evidence of said poster existing but the ai poster is clearly present
Don't know if buying gold fous with gold cubes is a good idea.
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>can you do big vinki and smol vinki?

>I asked for Drake a couple days ago but then left the thread. Can you do it again bro?
I did several of her, here

>Could you do the same as those but with Tomoe?
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No, I don't talk about it period. I know more or less what happens though and nuArc hate confuses me. She gets a way bigger role in Ciel true in remake and shows off a side of her we haven't really seen before. If I was a total Arcfag I'd be happy about her getting new stuff of any kind

I'll read it eventually, just have stuff going on atm. I know I'll love Mario and Noel already, I've always been partial to TM churchies
he could be someone who just got her this anniversary? getting her to bond 8 straight away is pretty fuckin good
I can do this too!
My condition to roll for GSSR is simple. NP3 arcueid with 600 sq or bust.
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it's not, save the cubes for ces
I will self insert into Binchi.
>use 4* embers, get super/great 50% of the time
>use 5* embers, get super/great 5% of the time
The AI posts are present, but an AI "problem" isn't.
not worth it as a long-term thing cause you'd start spending like 60RP for 10 HP+attack gold fou's, but you get them in MP shop too in the future and thats always worth buying out
>get called out
>start posting even more of it
I read the OG and the remake within about 6 months of eachother and honestly the thing that stood out to me the most was how far VN technology has come in two decades
Goddamn the remake looks really really good (if you like nu-takeuchi)
>Melusine NP2
Best outcome. It was either a new SSR or NP2 Melu. Came with Liang Yu but she was already NP5.

One of my lower choices but I needed a new AOE Assassin since Gray is Bond 10 so it is okay I guess. Was really hoping for Nero Bride

NP2 Arc
-600 quartz
Was hoping for NP3. But oh wells.
1000 quartz going into summer which should guarantee me Summer Skadi. Leftovers will go towards Lady Avalon.
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return to monkey
Thanks bro but I can't access litter.. Got other alternative?
Very based.
Sex with Miyu's butt.
Yeah but yours suck his are good.
Yeah. It's obvious this faggot has a pass too for how fast he posts. Just like another resident shitposter.
>since Gray is Bond 10
???? thats when you raise the bond and start working towards the 30 sq
I'm different from those people. You could say I'm poor but there's no way i'm investing on a 2 year old solved content.
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nta but unironically get a vpn, that's a problem to be solved on the individual level
It's lucksucker and his cuckold discord you absolute retard, he's going it to fuck over /alter/ like always.
do people still care about these monkeys
she's 11
Sorry? I'll try harder?
can you please do this specific pose with Medusa Lancer or Habenyan? whichever works better
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For which link?

Here Big Vinci
God that's so erotic...
Have you read Mahoyo? I still feel like it looks better and that came out in 2012. TsukiR is easily second best looking VN to exist though, sad that they probably won't be surpassed in the market
No, their value has cratered, though they're still worth a bit unlike almost every other NFT. Good riddance.
yeah, too old. single digit age or bust (or rather single digit age and i bust)
Ignore the shitposters, thanks for contributing content
out of 10
Maybe just stop and let him do it.
for my fellow faggots, I post dick vinky somewhere on /b/
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Post the sexiest Servant that's going to release this year
I will roll for them
Post based
Taigong Dong Wang
I don't use Gray that often so it will take years before she reaches 11. It was just that she was my only AOE Assassin for the longest time.
They made the children too sexy
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Summer Semi and Amakusa
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You expect me to scour that shithole for one binky winky?
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shes pretty shit for farming especially as a limited servant. But god-damn dos britomart brick my balls
Why isn't Sieg a Pretender?
He literally pretends to be Siegfried
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NFTs is the biggest lulz I've ever witnessed in my lifetime.
Senran Kagura would be interesting. Can you try Erice?
what did the author mean by this?
i just started reading watamote again. bros, im way past high school, and yet it hits so close to home, it reminds me of myself...
Kriemhild should have been together with her
That's not how the class works but honestly i can't blame you since it's so poorly explained and like 3 servants were just put there because it's the only place they fit
Burrito mart
because the idea for Pretender class servants didn't exist until lb6 and he is still a living magus, not a heroic spirit, all living magi are classified as casters
shota thread
Anon. I don't actually care enough to do it. I was just messing about whilst I laid in the bath.
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Sorry I quoted the wrong post earlier, for which link?

>can you please do this specific pose with Medusa Lancer or Habenyan? whichever works better
too bad it becomes a yuri harem halfway through
could have been cringekinokino but it ended up as just plain old cringe
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/alter/ is healing
Thanks bro, for the drake one.
snake sex
sex with snake
Masturbating to the next servant posted.
My wife in fate when?
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r the snek
you just salty she managed to improve and get friends and do social stuff while you're still circling the drain
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>blocks your path
*grabs your dick*
I love alter bros
Has anybody made a decent Destiny Order mock-up/planner? I want to look at my options before giving Albert my money, preferably using something a bit more advanced than ms paint.
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Arc = NP3 in 10 tickets and about 200 quartz
GSSR = Taira(new)
Destiny = Morgan(now NP4)
that's a chorogon

this is the one snorlax i won't be catching
Can Agrat beat Morgan in a fight?
>Get 435 SQ from box
>Do some rolls for Arc
>NP1 in about 90 SQ
>NP2 in 720 SQ

Well at least I managed to MLB my BG so it's kinda good.
that's not my dick bro...
i look like this irl
He mean's Miyu sex.
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Isn't your servants calling you "Master" kind of cring? Oh yeah a bunch of legendary warriors and super Stacies are gonna call (You) master, okay. Not very basado to me.
don't worry, we accept you as you are altersis, even with your oversized clitoris
Baki looking ass
Goddamn 4kids censorship
easiest thing I can suggest is watch a video of someone building their destiny order and you putting your choices in instead until you got the 30 paid SQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EjBAbq3nqUA
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This should work
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bro? your summer funds?
it's rooted in 20 year old sex game lore, not much they can change about that now, though some servants don't call you master, but na usually translates it as such
180 is enough for easy NP1 with the FP trick.
>180 SQ left
Lol nvm you're already cucked.
Habetrot does not have these body proportions.
Ai bro should uncensor this image
Melusine and Wu please?
Thanks. I'll give it a shot.
Based, thanks bro
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Is she supposed to be this stacked under the kimono?

Sure, same pose I'm assuming?
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Whilst I am here may as well ask for a Kiara, especially if she can be doing something with implied lewdness.
Yes please, I love big booty on little ladies.
yes she has big tits for some reason even though she is physically 12
There should be one 4* destiny order a month that costs 100 free SQ
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It's MORPH. Can you do her front though I want to see the snek's tummy
good morning, bros...
My waifu has no emotion
Other than Summer Kama I don't think I care about any servants in the next 2 years of servants. Do we gain any more servants where their NP implies they are eating enemies? Like Kiara, Kama, Schez & Shuten?
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god motherfucking damn her ass is FAT
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Finally done
She definitely gobbled some poor servant down to make her ass THAT fat.
inertia ignoring doragon who increases her mass to increase her destructiveness...
based pedogod
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>Albert & Co released Jew Order summon to jew out piggers even more, after all this incompetent crap like Ivan stuff, some questionable translations and shitty content schedule

>NAcucks as they are clap on stream and screaming "USA USA USA FGO FGO FGO WOOOO!!!"
>meaning they are willing to pay for him and eat it up
>for 2-3 days make fun of piggers and decided myself only roll usual GSSR
>got summer Fran(new) and NP2 copy for Sigurd(least desirable result for myself)
>the majority of paypig cucks rollan' both GSSR and Jew Order summon
>>>45$ buckos for 2 jpegs minimum(someone got moar than 2 jpegs, lucky bastards)

>days later(today) decided to paypig 30 buckos after all

BB won. /alter/cucks won. Albert won. Consumerism? Won.
Fate Grand Order. Let's go rollan this shit boiz
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Post who you're saving for next now that Arc is out.
has this guy ever made a good post
>latinx comedy
I got Oberon from it so it's all good.
my ow damage report
>~120 quartz on funny vamp, nothinh but Mordred spook (np3), then meme ticket her
>200~ quarts on the summer rate up that was still on on anni day
>summer kiara, and also raised my archer illya to np3
this was good, still 320 quartz left for summer ibuki
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You can't just say it's Morph, Tamamo has it too and she looks fine
would you prefer german
this guy also paid for the gssr btw
Not until his obituary is published
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Which one, chuds?
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waiting to get np1 summer skadi but im saving the rest of the quartz for komahime
Ah yes not enough ebonics for you right?
I LOVE Servant asses.
german comedy is too advanced for /alter/, it's all just dry as fuck political commentary or making fun of gay people
summer Ibuki
summer Chloe/Jk Fox
summer Melu
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estoy de vacaciones mamu
Don't forget to do it again next year, pigger! Better prepare $45 right now.
Time to free myself. If I don't get a single Archetype earth from entire Traum funds, I'll delete my account.
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Take your (you) cucksucker
At least your post is about the game for once instead of AI /r/ porn spam.
Summer Skadi, then Gogh, then whatever left over is going to Rasputin
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snake pussy!!!!!!!!
delete? why not gift it to alter bros?
t. veteran
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After Proto Merlin I save everything for this fucking dork.
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I think it's just an insult to alterbros because I wasted resources on a meme grail 118/120 and broken 4* fous
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i will finally get my bug in December
I'm still so irritated they tried to make him an ooohhh epic aoe looper
He's got a perfect ST boss punching match skillset. FUCK you nasu
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I'm a Miyu sex enthusiast.
You sound poor.
Stop being poor.
Bryn + Reines btw
Post your grails before you delete.
guten tag kleiner mann, komm her, setz dich auf meinen schoß
I can fix him
Are you insane?
Skadi NP1 (guaranteed).
Lady Avalon NP1 (iffy).
Ibuki Summer NP1, or until I get Erice, because I know this shitty game won't give me the SR (near impossible).
If there is still remaining SQ, Bob (If I get Melusine before her I will cry).
I'm grateful I hate this coming summer else I would feel bad about zero'ing out for arc. I might roll for the bitch with the horse hooves in october but there's nothing I want until LB6 summer.
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I can't do the same. I still want Skadi, Huyan Zhou, Nito Alt, Tiamommy, and only then Morgan(dork ver)
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Maybe a little bit
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Probably summer nagiko as I need more copies of her for 120
I'll post it when I finish Traum
Why Bob over Melu?
summer skadi and tezca
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>Whilst I am here may as well ask for a Kiara, especially if she can be doing something with implied lewdness.

Is this suggestive enough?
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ㅠoㅠ child erotic
Because she is Morgan's daughter I like Morgan.
unholy child S E X
I forgot about Draco, Durga, and Slut Suzuka...
Next year will rape me...
Fair enough
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Same here.
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I need to 120 Draco to match my 120 Maou. I love tall masculine women in full body armor and drenched in fire.
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Round 2.
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I have Oberon
should I roll for Morgan?
Yes since she has the cooler hat
God that took me so fucking long to choose
Mentally insane!
How much of that is free and how much is paid?
She's literally called the Whore of Babylon i don't think that's a masculine title. Also just say you're gay.
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bros i am going to bed
summer skadi np1
bradamante np1
astolfo np4/5
draco np1

sitonai and summer kama are also on the radar, depends on how fucked i get on my top priority units
wouldnt call them masculine desu
and thats a good thing
masculine women are gross, sorry barg, quetz, penth and whoever else i forgot, bros
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Why'd they make her worse than a 3* that everyone gets when they make their account?
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Will also drop some rolls on Koyan Dark+Fujino this upcoming new year. I shall have all non-Fate clapbaits
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>Can you do her front though I want to see the snek's tummy
Could I please get a fatass cunny Barg in a similar over the shoulder pose?
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Lady A
S Skadoo
Mom (True)
Cumhat (mad)
Jet melu
Marie alter
Masculine doesn't just mean muscle and physical traits retardbro. Maou is more masculine than half the girls you listed.
basic bitch taste desu
The next ojisan Moriarty rate up in hopes of saving me from eternal doom
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>How much of that is free and how much is paid?
That’s a secret I can’t reveal.
enjoy the sex
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snek tummy
when's Road to 7 Lostbelt 6?
You're saving for... GSSR? It's 15 bucks bro, less than a day worth of working a job
Qin Liangyu?
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I thought of him being defenseless and couldn't resist the urge. It was either him, Izou or Mandricardo. I've also gotten attached to Melu over the past few months and her outfit is really really really adorable. My brain was struggling for a whole hour.
To gain tits she must sacrifice her gameplay.
>laying down head first in the water
>somehow there is shade coming from the waterside
Nice, thanks! But can you go lewder? If not it's fine. I can always make my own stuff but it's nice to see other people perspectives.
I get more enough for a destiny roll just from the tips at my family's restaurant.
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>Mentally insane!
>How much of that is free and how much is paid
Not him but just look at his support list he is a massive whale
459 027 038
Weird flex but ok
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Why are you dropping my fc so casually?
My income allows me to buy big packs from time to time. Not going to whale again tho
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Hot asf, thanks!
Gonna work out thinking about this
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Bro's clearly Antagonizing you there
459 027 038
Does somebody know if there is a mega whale who have every Servant at NP5?
I love looking at the same messy image with a different melted servant face pasted on it
this but unironically
Bro just go to sleep, things won't change
>459 027 038
>459 027 038
I stated playing a couple of months ago do you think he will mind if i add him?/
I also love looking at the same messy image with a different melted servant face pasted on it
Because the ability to whale undermines your savings, not all of us can allow to spend more than bare minimum of 2 GSSR's per year which is now doubled with destiny summon
>Randomly just try the Pretender Advanced Quest with Broberon as the main DPS and Van Gogh as the second
>Win first try
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He probably won't add you since he specified previously that you need to be at least Master Level 150
>not all of us can allow to spend more than bare minimum of 2 GSSR's per year
That makes us seem patethic, don't draw attention to other poorfags
>person spends thousands of dollars on a game they despise
can someone explain this mentality?
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The sloppa dump has unironically made me start saving twitter fanart I come across more to mainly share with /alter/, I used to be just an admire and scroll past guy
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>use goho
>win first try
many such cases... ehe...
Thanks, ruskibro, bookmarked it! Z
power bottom
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fatherless behavior
Well, we are pathetic, it sucks being poor
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Getting Super Orion and Goho this year was great, it's stupid levels of fun.
>Illyafest 3
>NP4 arc
I want to break down and cry
>the sloppa made leeches to finally contribute to /alter/
Speak for yourself, I have dignity.
I didn't spend money on this GSSR. After I had atrocious luck last year I decided the game didn't deserve my money, so I just left the paid SQ I already had in the bank and didn't use it. It got me the New Year's GSSR, and these 2 paid summons and I still have enough for another GSSR.
You can just use an /alter/bro's NP5 120 Arc, there's plenty to go around
There is no dignity in being poor
Just use NP2 Arc and NP1 Ibuki.
Nito is an Avenger with Chaotic Aligment.
Ozy has Chaotic Aligment and Riding passive (lotto CE does extra damage to them).
But forget about bond farming because that requires Oberon and Merlin for damage.
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How's this one?
there is also no dignity in being Albert's whore
But there's dignity despite being poor
Sucking is a legitimate profession
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There is no dignity in expecting validation from posting here
I can spend, not like the whale who has everyone at NP5, but enough to get what I want.
I won't spend even in GSSR because gambling is bad.
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Good idea, I should just post good images.
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No bitches?
Not when you are willing to play a game which favors whales so much (introduction of servant coins, 90++, OC bullshit system skill tree whatever)
Although I'm destitute and broke, that whale logs is hilarious.
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So here's a big Question
where will I use my NP5 120 2000/2000 Arc after Ilya fest?
Now that I think about it, I have never use Goho.
I should borrow one sometime.
Why not?
Farming hands
Huh. I could actually roll zhang jue in fp. that's a nice surprise.
>party wide 30 battery
>anti chaotic
Idk, maybe you should put her in the second archive... retard
In non 90++ quests and that one annoying boss battle in LB7.
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There's no shortage of sovlful pieces out there
Not for at least a year and a half
My hot sperm caused this.
I'll just Melu that one with an Assassin on the back in case something goes wrong.
I reccomend slingshot swimsuit for Kiara
can I ask for the cups in a slingshot swimsuit?
Gameplay gated behind the amount of money you put in instead of sheer hours
>>party wide 30 battery
Koyan Dark has that
>>anti chaotic
who cares? not like there's a chaotic enemy with 10 billion NP
I have Melusine
The skill tree system doesn't really favor whales. It's a grind fest for everyone.
what was the maint about yesterday?
In my heart. It makes me happy just seeing her
But also anywhere else, yeah
Is that BA crossover?
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Can (You) Survive the approximately 3.5 hours it will take for your precious Kouhai to break down the door and save you?
arc sexo
Then put her into second archive you fucking retard
Front fontal nudity update. You missed it.
He obviously doesn't have NP5 Arc, just your average contrarian gameplayfag
The biggest grindfest in this game are lottos, and you can only get so far with limited amount of apples meanwhile rainbow apples are unlimited
You'd have to use your command spells. There's no indication that Barghest is free of the curse to eat those she loves.
OOC amazonslop
wtf do things like "NP3 Super" mean in this context
So it's angry Melufag who actually rolled for Arc because Melusine is unable to clear that one node in Illyafest?
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>Can (You) Survive the approximately 3.5 hours it will take for your precious Kouhai to break down the door and save you?
Doesn't she eat her sexual partners?
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based as fuck
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I don't think anything that is depicted with a halo qualifies as BA crossover, personally
Why the fuck is Murasama a Shirou clone?
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>Arcfags desperately coping about their NP5 that will only be used in ONE node from ONE event
She can though.
You can use her anytime, you don't HAVE to do 90++
Read, skiptard.
Nipwank (Shimousa) has to be carried by someone familiar
multiple anons have already cleared Class Score on NA without rainbow apples, the limited dust resource aside
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sword autism
Lewd Kiara's?
How many of them were Day 1 players?
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This face has incited much anger
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>Melu on Decembee
>KKK on Late January/ Early Feb
>Summer will probably dran nearly all my sq
Bro how can i fit Rikyu in this
That annoying battle I am referring to is a real pain in the ass without a strong Moon Cancer due to a np that does high damage, ignores def and dodge buffs and has instant death (Moon Cancers have a high resistance to it).
BB is also good there, but she doesn't have a way to protect herself from damage and the boss can't be stunned.
You also need a lot CC that cleanses debuffs because it spams poison too.
Hey that's the chick from that FGO game
glossary at the top of each event page
A20: Append 2 Max. I will NOT elaborate.
CE + MLB: Craft Essence and Max Limit Break
SBG: Super Black Grail, which is lvl100 MLB
s1/2/3: Skill 1, 2 and 3
Super: level100 and ATK Fou 2,000
Hyper: NP5, level120 and ATK Fou 2,000
Oh, right well that makes sense.
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Easy bro
Luckshit Summer Skadi and then save the rest for Rikyu.
If you played yourself into a poor position that's a you issue.
I'm year 1, not day 1 and I'm set for class score!
I'm not even year 1, year 2 and I'm set kek
Arc love!
Arc kissu!
the strongest!
most beautiful!
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Really hope my boy Shiki gets in.
Whealth is inherited 99% of the time one way or another, you can't "just not be poor"
So now that we got a bunch of RP, what's worth buying in the shop? The limited time bond lantern is a given since they're rare and pay for themselves, but what about the rest? I already have teatime, lunchtime and Foumes, next is what Bella Lisa? Are BB NP levels worth it?
I have over 900SQ, I am really tempted in rolling for another Arc to get her at the sweet spot of NP3, but on the other hand I don't want to spend money in this game and I want Skadi too.
You can have no morals and lie and cheat your way to money
Of course someone who started yesterday isn't relevant here anon
But I'm assuming you're not a veteran and didn't stupidly squander the resources you would have had
first unlock any of the bond and qp ces you don't have yet, then go for the invul piece with 50% charge ce
I'm deeply considering the Arjuna CE since there's a lot of Divine Servants, on the other hand I've gotten by fine without it.
NP2>3 won't change much. You got your wife, now save.
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Cmon bro, it's just one unit. What's the chance you go dry on another Arc AND Skadi?
I used summer BB for a long time (currently bond 14), arc kinda feels like more of the same. I'll get plenty of mileage out of her yet.
I will buy the fou paws
that's a bad case of hemorrhoids she got there
it's a 50% damage increase on the np, i think that might be worth it if you got the quartz
That's NP1>2
I'd say cut your loses, you can get really fucked over
Mind of Steel. Summer is near, and your chance of not getting another arc is not zero. don't cave in.
>complete any advanced quest unlocked on 7/6 1 time.
Which ones count for this shit? I've done 3 and none of them counted.
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I don't think that's going to be the case anymore.
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>1,033 SQ
>45 tickets
>skipping Avalon
>skipping Ibuki
>rolling for Skadi
>rolling for Rikyu
>rolling for Kukulkan
I hope things go well
If Skadi is all you want this year then go ham, if she's only the first of the upcoming servants for the rest of the year/beginning of 2025 then fucking save or prepare to regret it.
And to help you choose: NP3 arc will offer little gain compared to NP2 with the most notable benefit to the extra level being that you won't need bond 12 to 120 her if you wish to do so. She'll still pale in comparison to the other powerhouses damage-wise.
>unlocked on 7/6
The latest 4
it has PICK UP on them.
Fuck off albert
I hope you hit pity on Skadi and fail on Tea bitch and Kukulkussy
Are there any other notable bond CEs to grab besides the ones I listed and the crypter ones that were in the shop throughout the year?
>laid off
>NP3 arc
bros about to hit his redemption arc
Arc is so ugly bros
literally Jannuface and Jannu is ugly
You guys are talking about Lady Avalon, S. Skadi and the like, meanwhile I'm thinking of rolling for Nobu because this is the only rate-up where she and Summer Nobu are together.
Heroic portait, bella lisa, mona lisa. Fondant au chocolat and that Anytime CE are also alright.
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That's the rational answer, but my life would be easier if I could think more with the head on my neck and not with the one between my legs.
If Melusine clears Illyafest why was he attacking Arc?
you're supposed to prove me wrong not prove me right by posting Jannu's ugly face
>can I ask for the cups in a slingshot swimsuit?




Oops wrong link for Miyu
There's no redemption for those types unless they go full cold turkey and quit gacha + youtube.
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Because Melu can't clear Illyafest in the final rotation without using a MLB Black Grail while Arc can (and is the only time she can do it without a Black Grail).
tanlines kuro is unreasonably erotic
How are you guys drawing so fast?
Melufag and being uppity is a known combo, we need Ati to put them in their place again.
NP3 and 4 are shit spots because you start feeling the diminishing returns. They are just tiny steps towards NP5.
It seethes!
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I just wasted 150 sq in story summon because I saw Tametomo in the banner again. I was seduced.
With my secret skill, Albert Intelligence.
>implying slop spammers can hold a pencil
ati is just as uppity and needs to be put down like a dog as well
I want Skadi.
I want Lady Avalon.
I want Rikyu and Komahime.
I want Maou-sama (whenever she is on rate up, I can't play this game ).
I want Tiamama.
I want Draco.
I want everyone minus Suzuka in next year's sumer.
I want Aoko and Arisu.
I want Marie Alter.
I want new Dantes.
When is the next lottery event lads?
Tiny cup tits...
Uhh bros, where's the compensation for yesterday's issues?
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I also want Draco.
Nobody else though.
Why the fuck isn't AI banned yet?
Tam Lin Fest in November(?)
Mods are too busy jacking off to AI as well
I want Ibuki
I want Skadi
I want Tiamat
I want UDK
i think that is all upcoming
I want Caenis rider.
Nobu should be on rate-up around say, October or November?
Who knows
why would it be?
Because AI has saved /alter/.
AI is Thread Culture.
That will never happen no matter how much you repeat it.
Think to yourself, do you love her? Like love love. Not just lust or think she is neat like real love
It's /r/
It's porn
It has a dedicated general
It's spammy (many repeated, low effort images, walls of links, etc)
Right after my SQ stash dissapears after failing to get Lady Avalon.
womp womp

threads would be totally dead and 24h long without aibwo
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Bro? While low damage roll needs a card anything over average clears just fine.
AI made threads better, your whining makes threads worse
np1 to np2 is a 100% damage increase

nope, only Teatime, Lunchtime, Foumes and Kadoc
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>gets gigaaids and 41%s
They knew exactly what they were doing didnt they
Look at that demonic visage
I need an entire zip file of nothing but this.
Guess what I got.
It ain't Kama
jesus fucking christ this damn brat needs correction
>threads would be totally dead and 24h long
You're basically admitting there's no point to having an /alter/ general and that's why you have to resort to irrelevant shit.
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It's kind of nice that Shiki's normal life in Tsukihime is actually reasonable. Shirou and Soujuurou being hyper competent fits their characters but it's a little jarring at times. Seeing Shirou wake up at 5am, train, exercise, go to school, work two jobs, get in a fight, cook, do a bunch of chores, practice magic, go to sleep in a shed at 2am and then wake up at 5am with absolutely no exhaustion is crazy. Obviously it's part of his character with the whole survivors guilt but god damn.
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AIkeks keep getting btfo'd, it's honestly sad at this point.
>the thread will die if I don't spam porn 24/7
Low IQ spotted
If there's nothing to talk about then let it be dead. Why is our thread REQUIRED to be active?
If it makes the thread better then why not just go to a dedicated thread for it. That thread will be optimal, and there will be no whining. The fact that several people are revolted by it means it's not plainly making the thread better. People have a right to complain so the thread being worse is a direct result of your spam.
Welcome to the craneclub bro
You forgot to mention that Shirou doesn't use an alarm clock on top of that
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Summer Skadi then Koma...
because it makes me feel less alone to be in an active thread
>just let me spam and pretend you saw nothing :^)
How about you fuck off to a dedicated porn website you literal ape?
fuck OFF anni tourists, AI has been part of /alter/ culture for over a year now.
get used to our culture or fuck off.
>That thread will be optimal, and there will be no whining. The fact that several people are revolted by it means it's not plainly making the thread better. People have a right to complain so the thread being worse is a direct result of your spam.
>what is game theory
It's not even just that he doesn't use one, it's that he explicitly says he considers them "degenerate".
I don't know if it was a coincidence or Nasu really thought that far, but Shirou's room being empty is natural since he doesn't have time for any hobbies and he barely stays in his room.
Shiki himself has a reasonable routine, but his environment unrelatable, he inherits a whole mansion and has a personal maid... He's a more fun MC than Shirou that's for sure, and I like Shirou.
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>it's /alter/ culture now
Can't believe this is actually happening.
kys newfag coomer
They fucked off and veteran'd before and they'll fuck off again.
If they had anything to contribute they'd already be doing so.
It was 100% intentional by Nasu that Shirou's room was wholly utilitarian
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Just a reminder that the indians will leave if they don't get replies. Report porn posting as off topic and move on and discuss better things.
I am gonna be honest with you, /alter/. I am a tourist and I like it here, you guys are funny, but no, I won't post my FC.
this anti-ai bwo spamming sounds a lot like a reddit mod using vpns to spam the same sentence all at once
>I won't post my FC.
Good, and if possible don't post at all tourist-kun.
He can spell and his grammar's alright that's about it
We're talking about the game while you spend your days spamming porn. Even lucksucker's posts are more relevant to this general at this point.
>chuds once again mad at IndianCHADS
Daily reminder that the program you use to farm is made by IndianGODS, show some respect...
Awwww, you are such a meanie, please bully me more. I have a grailed welfare on my support list if that helps you.
Beautiful Johnny!
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