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Previous: >>485118770

>[Campaign] Fate/Grand Order 7th Anniversary
2024-07-06 12:00 - 07-16 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] 7th Anniversary Archetype: EARTH Pickup Summon
2024-07-06 12:00 - 07-16 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Destiny Order Summon
2024-07-06 12:00 - 07-16 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] 7th Anniversary Guaranteed Summon
2024-07-06 12:00 - 07-16 20:59 PDT

>[Campaign] 7th Anniversary Limited Master Missions
2024-07-05 21:00 - 07-16 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] 7th Anniversary Commemorative Limited Servant Daily Pickup Summon
2024-07-09 21:00 - 07-17 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/ixetqz.png (embed)
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Future Quartz: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRQFC6pgsvDr11c1oe8PcGXurF3uw0MBq73YoQMGCJemzMics9LfwVurTLMi0rpfHNEBjG6gVCOrIer/pubhtml
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

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post servants that make you cringe
sex with the moon princess
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2kun is going to get lucky tonight
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I don't have any pictures of Liz or Astolfo saved
Ranmaru bussy.
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Kama Love!
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Let this be a warning before you fall for the np5 arc meme
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Liz, Jeanne Alter, BB, Melt, Gilgamesh
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>Could you do Ibuki with a sundae? No sex
Here's another, it's the same prompt, the AI made it kinda lewd by itself

>Could you do more like this but with Sheba?

>Could you try some more fat assed lily versions getting analed on all fours? I feel Morgan, Musashi, Scathach(or Skadi) and Barg might look pretty good.

>any one have a link with the nude edit of this ce?
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straight nemo sex
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why would you want to fuck this
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>tfw I fell for the NP5 Arash meme
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You do know that the memelist man is a whale who assumes a high np level for every servant when evaluating them, right?
i only NP2 her in 200sq so it's fine
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When was the last time you guys got rainbow orbs? I've been playing for half a decade and I've only ever gotten it once. I've had plenty of golden orbs though...
>bunyan in S rank
you son of a bitch this is speed rankings again isn't it
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Ngl this is pretty cool
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>sex with the moon princess
yesterday for either np4 vlad or np2 osakabe, forgot which one it was.
wtf is wrong with her right nipple?
Thats why they said np5
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Liz is not cringe
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>got doomhorse while summoning arc
I'm never going to use him, but thanks for the ascension quaetz
i had rainbow orbs on my first arc, second one was normal golden
>Bunyan S
>Saber Alter A+
yeah it's trash
got them during my GSSR pull
One of the many Ruler Moriarty
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Poo God yesterday.
Yesterday on the GSSR. I got gold orbs which turned out to be the 5* and then the very next roll rainbow orbs appeared which almost made me cream myself.
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Am I supposed to know stuff before starting Seraph? Why do I keep looking for Nero?
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>sex with the moon princess
I'm more of a Sailor Jupiter guy.

Saber Alter is a meme
Menhera gf > mommy gf
yesterday for funny vamp when I reached pity
>do Destiny Order summon with Oberon
>Pretender card
>it's the fake Iskandar bitch
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you didn't read.
you literally rayshift with nero tamamo and redman
I got dioscuri while rolling for arc. not only the guy is annoying as hell, they don't even seem that useful gameplay wise.
All Raitabortions like Raikou
Saber alter needs a mlb black grail i think to self loop with her new buff
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Got a few spaces open.
Did you seriously skip the start? Nero and Tamamo were supposed to rayshift with you. What are you even doing?
why did you photoshop the ears to be 2 feet tall?
I've always respected your support, chinkbro
>says while posting the meme tier list
Okay you may be right. I may have done one or two quests before going back to finish Traum and I forgot.
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why did you bother reading this part, if you were already skipping LMAO?
are you retarded?
I didn't but it's pretty funny now that you mention it
already bros bro
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Finally done, now back to my veteran slumber until the stars align again

based 4kGOD
Yesterday, got them with the 5th copy of Arc.
Nothing really impressive because I ALWAYS skip rolls.
Thanks, bro.
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>Ibaraki instead of Ibuki
I do love all oni so I'll take it
Wait she needs an MLB BG? Are you serious. She can't loop without it?
i mean if you didn't then you saved it from someone who did or who has really bizarre photo focus algorithms that stretched them on its own. compare against the post you were originally replying to.
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I wonder if she cleaned her cosplay between days or just got progressively stinkier throughout the weekend.
American flag micro bikinis are incredibly erotic. Especially on these cups.
Tomoe is so cute
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>Saber alter needs a mlb black grail
no, she CAN loop with a BG which very few buster loopers can
>650% buster NP multiplier
>50% buster UP that can double dip
>ignore invul for 3 turns
she's a beast
You should re read the beginning BB has voice lines!
Liz easily
Arc we are in Japan...
>she CAN loop with a BG which very few buster loopers can
Needs 2/2/x enemies to do so
I wish Dinomom showed up more. Her valentines really let me down.
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It's not BG it's any CE that provides overcharge, Salter looping like og Seiba refunds based on overcharge
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Your GSSR result is fucking Mashu in the ass
Who is it?
that's for single target waves
Jets, Medb
I wish Meteo finish Requiem for more lore of Kijyo Koyo.
Contemplate the aroma
Anyone else using plugsuit Edison with Arc? This is pretty cool.
My level 90 NP2 Arc clears hands just fine with Foumes, plus I get to level up plugsuit instead of using Atlas, and bond farm a servant I barely use instead of Oberon or something.
I feel like it's still not as good as the Xu Fu + Vinci + any arts looper set up, since you still need to use your own Koyan.
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>Still no apology for their fuck ups earlier
Gettin' real sick of this
>If JP didn't have maint you don't get anything
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She is a shit farmer
Those lolis turned out great, thanks again. If I can request even more, try Summer BB, Koyan, Erice and Nursery Rhyme (maybe Vritra but the AI will probably spaz out)

>Skadi's ass was much fatter
I don't know if you did it on purpose or it was the AI, but lore-accurate.
Can we put mash inside and torch it?
cancer is spreading
Edison unfortunately gets powercrept as an arc support in like 2 weeks since her buffs are significantly better
>mash bad
excellent and original post
Ibuki is better, but Edison is better for cost.
What living human servants pair best with Arc?
Medb, Melt, Kuro, Liz, Kama
Everyone knows Japan is America.
Try your bait somewhere else
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>mashfag seething
Last week trying to roll Carmilla but instead getting Bunny Arthoria.
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Time to relax with a few drinks.
Mash and Bob
you gotta admit he does have a point.
>A rank and not S
Is this supposed to prove me wrong or something?
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It's never a bad time to tell the truth, anon. Also Mash isn't bad, she's horrible
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I like this part on girls. The lat muscle adds shape and curvature to the upper body and should be visible from the front. It makes girls look healthy and strong and curvier.
I challenge you WICKAMAN!
I rolled for NP5 Xu Fu and it looks like I fail whaled Arc instead since I got four of her before I got my fifth Xu Fu.
It’s A+ learn to read and like I said go try your bait somewhere else this is like your third attempt at gaslighting.
sorry i missed the end of the last thread
someone said himiko/morgan isn't part of the immortal comp
why would someone think this
If your arcs level 90 people won't judge, i got np4 summer bb before I got np1 mhxx
My condolences. Sometimes it is surprisingly hard to get rate-up 3*/4* servants and sometimes you are just blessed with SSRs. It happened to me with Sanzang's event.
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>Ibaraki instead of Ibuki
Oh damn, sorry I missread that, have some Ibukis as compensation

I think the point he's making is that they're the most replaceable part
Chances of Shiki coming into FGO?
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>spending quartz on an unlimited 3*
>AI slop
I miss our blonde Mash....
Sloppabro can you give Himiko some love
Still doesn't prove me wrong though
A+ still has A in it thus not S thus not good
Imagine saying a Servant is good and she's in the same tier as Siegfried
I wouldn't be too surprised
can I get Olga?
>one of the key aspects as to how someone can stay immortal
>not part of the immortal comp
how is OC the most replaceable part
What was the maintenance for?
can you do soe Luvia lewds too in that style, cowgirl riding hard if possible
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I choose both
As in you can use reines/morgan/Himiko, whereas you can't really swap out Merlin or Castoria
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Can't argue with that
Thoughts on Melusine's small bumps?
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Any given one is technically replaceable by another in the set: Himiko, Morgan, Reines.

If this is not what the poster meant, then it is a retard.
Not that anon but yeah, I like Xu Fu enough to spend SQ on.
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Say, since Mily avoids children in an effort to avoid becoming Mama Raiko, what about the other way around. Is there a master with enough mom/dad energy that could get her to calm down?
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I cooked fish bros
Too big.
Alright. I re read the intro and re experienced BB's voice lines. Gawain is a liar. He didn't come with me.
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3 runs on Fuyuki X-F
2 Orleans Bordeaux
so my pupils won't end up as >>485124947 next sunday
Nah what he meant was that you could just slap any DPS (like Jets) in and be totally fine as long as it's with Castoria and Merlin.
So a retard yeah
So by your logic all the other servants also in that tier suck at farming.
I used Euryale to rape Eric and made Gunhild watch
>loli barghest
this is gonna be a problem
sauce to full pic?
By that token, you can also replace Merlin with Lady Avalon so he is replaceable too.
Is it under all that spice mix or something?
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I already did that
I love my king wife!
You just posted him
at least they aren't posting lips
he said any dps, healer, and tank is immortal team
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So we all picked Fluffy Wang right?
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It's her NP animation, dude.
It's from her Summer version's NP
Bro you didn't know our resident slut like pokemon?
Probably Mordred’s master there’s also Wodime
why do some artists think its ok to give lolis saggy tits
Looks crispy
>That bg
Are they on a pile of hecking twigs
She's so fucking smug. I hope she shows up with I roll for Summer Barg.
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I've thrown 9 of these into various golem's heads and it keeps doing nothing.
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This is kinda on a tangent, but there is an argument to be made for using One Who Wishes for Salvation on Castoria instead of a servant to provide overcharge, and simply finishing the fight before its charges run out.
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Yes, it's me, Anytime.
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It really isnt as erroneous as ntrcucks drawing.
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Sure did!
>Can't put it on to match because Bella more practical during half AP
It hurts a little to bump it off...
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I picked Bob and Kriemhild.
I'm gonna fucking sniff it
>Go from one of the coolest NP in the game to this garbage
god, imagine how much conditioner she has to use
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It happens either because they whiff or because you can't use them while the golem is downed. You kind of have to have a clear view of the bodies inside the golem and want to try to time it right as they are starting an attack.
>Never had sex in middle school
My condolences
Just don't fucking click on Ankoman doujins?
Problem solved
Thanks bro
ive never had sex, thought i ate out an indian girl once
Weirdly Kiritsugu might be able to since of how she was raised into thinking of being treated as just a weapon.
Is she for me?
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Hokusai has the coolest NP.
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Calling it animation is generous.
They did her so dirty, literally Summer Tomoe tier awful looking NP.
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cease your tests
Are you sure you're using the BIG fire pots? It's not the small ones from the base game. The icons there can be confusing.
I think Summer Tomoe's and Summer Melusine's NPs are fine
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because they're not. if you remove castoria, it falls apart. if you remove merlin, all other party healers fall noticably short. if you remove morgan and himiko, you still win the battle with no difficulty increase.
Everyone keeps barking
>they give overcharge! it gives more AED stacks!
But this has never mattered for me. I've used at least 20 servants in the DPS slot and the fights always go the same level of smoothness. The people who say morgan or himiko are a core part of the comp are kidding themselves. Castoria and merlin do 100% of the work. Beyond them, its all personal preference.

I know it was autistic for me to read a post about why you might want femlin and start barking about some small detail, but it just bugs me to hear the smoothbrain take all the time.
Yes I built a smoker out of branches
Sheba stuff was great, appreciate it.

What about some sportsbra paizuri from Quetz, Barg, Titoria, and Gorgon. I'll let you decide if they should have ponytails from the workout.

Bonus challenge - cumming and not cumming versions

Thanks for being so based to all these bros
try putting argentina in the next prompt
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I don't look at porn of my favorite servants
It just turns them to lust objects for me and I end up getting tired of them
I can't fap to fgo porn unless it's ntr.
at least its not summer ushi tier.
If it just had the side view of the sprite the whole time it would be fine but they just HAVE to give every SSR servant a face close-up on their NP now even if it looks like shit.
>The characters I like can't be objects of lust.
Why Oberon posters are like this?
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>Thoughts on Melusine's small bumps?
they're cute + she more than makes up in other areas
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>Wow this image is exactly like panel 3 of page 2 of that one comic by ankoman, who most definitely does not live in my head rent free
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I appreciate you posting my reaction image for me, so here's a tomoe
The servant you got on your destiny roll is coming to fuck you in the ass. How fucked are you?
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I have a special folder with hand selected porn of my wife. And sometimes, when I feel romantic, I turn off the lights, light the candles, warm the lube and have a nice masturbation session envisioning us making love.
shut up sam
At peace unfucked because I skipped it, maybe next year
ive never read an ankoman doujin, ive just read the seething here. so i'm not bothered by him, or his "effect" on certain characters
For free? I usually pay extra for that.
Good job NOW DODGE THIS!!!
I also don't for my grailed servants. That's why I wank to that useless titcow Lancer Artoria instead.
big sis jeanne's healing penis of love!
I'm actually super fucked. I've been sick lately and the diarrhea has been tearing my asshole to shreds. I can't handle getting buttpumped right now.
>your destiny roll
It's nobu. I'm pretty fucked, I think.
My favorites are the males who I like for story reasons
The females I like are specifically for the porn so I'll naturally seek out more of that for them
I just avoid the degenerate stuff
This guy gets it.
>enema elish
She'd be gentle right bros...
Gudao is literally me
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its definitely pretty bad and I dont like it either. At the very least its unique and not something like summer castoria where she has a super good NP that got ruined by lasengle copy-pasting the same t-pose animation for like 3+ other 5* servants
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i cant fucking decide on my 2nd CE help
>whod you pick first
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why is melu like this?
Are we getting the first summer banner before the free 5* CE selector ends or not? I don't want to end up getting another BG after using the selector for the last dupe I need.
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I despise that interlude so much
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she rocked all of her new designs
>1st: pure sex
>2dn: cute, plus her getting her white wings thanks (you) is an amazing detail
>3rd: pure sex + pure cool
if shes trying to trick (me) into fixing her dragon reactor then im convinced, if she wants albionlings doragons im giving her twelve
You mean fairy Liz!?
I did it.
Not all of us raped our hag teacher, Rodriguez.
I'm free. Somehow I have been playing since release and this is my first 2k/120.
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ummm, based alert?
why is her giant guns/dragon wings wearing swimsuits as well?
what the fuck is a "liz"
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Probably, the exchange period for the 5* CE ends on the night of the 23rd and Summer 7 is set for "Mid-July"
>Archimedes will never show up because our Chaldea more is more Liz than man at this point.
It hurts.
xu fu's voice is extraordinarily cute
her ascension lines were adorable.
very cute.
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Yeah, having it purely 2D with no close up would've made it better. I hope they at least make her NP costume change with ascensions like Summer BB later on.
More like Archi-mid-ez
>anti-melufags said it's all percy merch
>turns out it's all actually guda merch because she know she's the best waifu
Because she wants to get the school swimsuit appeal too.
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Making slasher films with Teen mom.
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I'm going insane I need her now.
It's a cope, but it does look much better in the sped-up NP version. Less time for the uglyness to hit you.
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What in the FUCK is this? Did the devs accidentally flip the waves around and didn't bother to revert? This is crazy even if you do 5CE.
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Nice Rin, bro!
Yeah, shame it's all wasted on a NOT cute design.
>Bbbut her current design is already cute!
They can go with 100% Chinese cutecore design if they want to, but they didn't.
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good job, bedibro
Now make sure to sex her lots preferably after she's been drinking all night
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Will Voyager be alright bros...?
sometimes i save porn of my favorite servants even if i dont find it hot IF the art quality is good enough or if it has at least a semi interesting plot

i have a tsuna x ibaraki one where the cover alone is worth getting saved
She's a lesbian...
Imaginary Scramble taught me that Erice makes sure that he stays aways from those sluts Foreigners.
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>buying doujins of herself getting fucked by her master
Unbelievably based little dragon.
>actually scrounging up that much storylocked 3* coin
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i just downloaded like 30 Abe Inori doujins
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Clytie is a good person
Molay is incompetent
The probe is perfectly safe.
what doujins is this referencing?
I'm sorry Erice...
>Halloween event takes place in Liz singulairty
>All the Liz alts have come together and multiplied like rats and are threatening to overwrite the bleached Earth with JUST LIZ
>Mathman gets summoned as Ruler or Avenger specifically to deal with the Liz menace
>Gets anti-Liz damage mod baked in as passive
You're not dreaming (coping) big enough
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Yeah and?
despite her popularity, Melu's doujins are pretty bad.
But her crush is into horsecock and her love rival is into ntr so her best shot at having fun is with her Master.
Cute sociopath
Does the event CE not give bonus dmg?
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he'll be fine, erice is there to make sure voyager doesnt get baited into doing bad stuff
doesn't look like a lotto so I'm not worried about 3T autism
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>mo-chamas lose their minds over Lv.90++ nodes of non-lotto events
Waow! How am I ever going to complete this event that lasts three weeks without doing Lv.90++!
Nobody can get drunk with that shit unless you drink liters of that.
I'm a fool. I know nothing...
Just do the 90+ nodes. 90++ is a fucking meme.
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>It's nobu. I'm pretty fucked, I think
literally what happens on Avenger Nobu's valentine. Base Nobu and Maou Nobu deciding to gang up on you and make you into their boytoy
You are not doing 600k even with bonus damage if you're not popping oberon skill 3
When is her next banner again? I wanna roll for her again
You're crazy, strong zeros are 9%. You can get blasted off strong zero's damn fast if you aren't an obese alcoholic.
A tiny little thing like xu fu would probably be solidly drunk off of one or two full cans
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>non lotto
iirc its close to the summer banners.
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Arc is like very good at NP1. Her damage may not be the best, but
>100%NP charge
>can charge the other two by 30% after using an NP, also Buff Removal Resist for Good allignment
>self buff ATK and AoE DEF Down
She definetly can give good support and still do consistent NP. Her art gain, specially at crit, is quite insane even without buffs other than hitting the crit.
She won't be attracted to guys...
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>was asleep
>4-5 threads moved
>>>>>during maints

Crazy how our threads move much faster during maints instead of when game alive. Looks like sudden maints are much more excited for /alter/c[REDACTED] than ackshual content(?)
I am underweight and I was fine with it.
Maaaaybe I got drunk and don't remember it.
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Why did she do this
I don't think you understand what I'm implying
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um... I did it... leveled the skills ehe...!
She's not real, bro. Just imagine her being into (You)
Milly looking cute covered in blood.
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Which way, white man?
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I hate Liz
I hate Kama
I hate Mom
I hate /alter/ core Servants
Especially Liz
All of them, but I don't have 2.7k SQ.
she's yusexual, not a lesbian
i will win her over
There's no content anyway, everyone already rolled. Now we wait about another 10 days for the summer event.
but you just posted an /alter/core servant you little lying FUCK
too bad you still didn't figure out how CEs work but hey there's always next year right?
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Good job, brogh!
you you there werido who used to have the worthless support full of curse CEs
good job gogh-anon
based alcoholic
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girls grow in different ways, it's part of the charm
Extremely based and soul
But at lv90 she only does around 30k damage with her NP if she is just NP1.
45k if the target has Chaotic aligment.
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I want to be Nelson Mandela'd to a timeline where Liz is still the queen of /alter/
goghie, i miss your old, much more soulful support CEs
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I like Liz
I'm indifferent to Kama
I have and will continue to hate Raikou though
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reminds me of this post
Skadi and Merlin, I have 2.5k quartz saved up but I'm saving some for Kukulkan and Draco.
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>you you there werido who used to have the worthless support full of curse CEs
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It changes. I am currently farming and testing but she can do Wave 1 pretty much without issues, if I have to use her again, I can buff her with both Avalon le Faes.
This wont be a problem
>you can't use them while the golem is downed
well that explains some of them
I tried from a cliff on one of them near the cathedral. He keeps shooting homing fireballs at me so I only have a small window to throw so it must not be hitting...
Yeah, hefty furnace pot.
A shame since her normal single target NP is one of my favorites in the game and the AOE is pretty high effort.
Morgan warned (you) to not go through the hotel lobby because a dragon was camping there to hunt her prey.
That's how horny she is for (you) and how much Morgan fears her.
i don't think any in particular
lover, so morgan doesn't get mad
read what the fan says
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Time to Gogh back to the padded room.
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>i hate mom
you will not wake up tomorrow
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>try Summer BB, Koyan, Erice and Nursery Rhyme,Vritra

>can you do soe Luvia lewds too in that style, cowgirl riding hard if possible

>What about some sportsbra paizuri from Quetz, Barg, Titoria, and Gorgon. I'll let you decide if they should have ponytails from the workout.

>Sloppabro can you give Himiko some love
What kind of love?

>can I get Olga?
>i'm not his wife
Uh, melucucks?
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grats bedichad. good to see some fucking sovl around here for once.
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based horsecock enjoyer
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Ibuki >= Skadi >>>>>>>>> Merlina
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>Comes back home from slaughtering the Saxons to this
The king is so lucky...
no summer re-run?
I have NP3 Arcueid on JP and I've almost never used her for anything other than beating up Batman.
Tonelico is such a massive slut
I'm not white.
>replying to it
She will completely screw it up thanks to Rin and end up taking dick.
same as valentine
that's why the fan says 恋人
thx for the Olga
Don't project your mother onto every female you see, anon.
Who's the not-Shirou next to Gil?
>Arash same tier as Gil, Arc and gaijin Koyan
This is a meme isn't it?
Or level 120 Arash?
>Melu same tier as Raikou and Data lost
Yep, meme
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I beat Radahn today
Is Ibuki for (You)?
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No problem
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Just look at her
Don't project your fucked up family arrangement onto other anons, loser.
*SLAP* And I just started beating Lip. *SLAP* *SMACK* *SLAP* *PUNCH* *KICK* *STOMP*
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don't be silly anon, I only do that with the women I want to fuck.
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>alldrains discord raiding
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Ptolemy, also has a grampa ascension
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Erice is not a trustworthy master. Voyager should be under the care of Gudako
Nope, reruns are mostly gone aside from a few exceptions. Summer 6 DOES get a rerun, but you will have to wait 2 (TWO) years for it to get to NA since it was one of the ones JP voted to have reran earlier this year.
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Aoko sexday
post your density order lineups
>check faerie knight cup for comps
>round 1/3 easily swept by melusine (or any aoe lancer)
>round 2 is impossible to 6CE without an insane set up
should be interesting to see
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can you do Iyo and Nobu or Maou?
i cant because i already rolled
i'm pretty sure round 2 is the easiest due to being doable with Gong
Can you do Tomoe getting prone boned?
i'm not doing it, its too expansive
give her pubes
Cool obsession with a twatter nobody, but take it where it belongs.
thats the illyafest 1, 2nd 1's kinda tricky cause you have no np gauge on the lottery CE
Nice try, ozzy.
What are some of the worst strengthening quests?
Because I'm sure Okita's 1 turn atk up when using cards is horrible.
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Sure, Iyo had some issues before but hopefully I think it should work
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not many can beat this one
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shes obviously never locked down because the game wont let that happen but unlike Shuten who isnt for (you) Ibuki does seem to express some legitimate interest in (you). Wouldnt turn down a 3some if it dropped in her lap though
Takeuchi just slapped all his fetishes together and it somehow worked.
Will you do Nippon flag bikini or golden bikini later on?
please post comps
Arjuna has some real stinkers
plz make some Olga getting banged in the beach
Could you do a Qin Liangyu or 2?
She doesn't have nearly enough art for how good she looks, for both sfw/nsfw.
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>striped panties
>Giant berserker
Bro your David?
>Lawful saber
Bro your Oberon?
How many embers & qp do you need to level 100 to 120?
FOUR arms
FOUR armpits. maybe more
>four arms
>full lamia body
>gigantic horns
Was it fair FGObro when SamuraiChad gets to play with this?
Gameplay wise is SR better than Extella?
They could've just slapped a 30% self charge on her Charisma and called it a day, but instead they went with an absolute non-buff to her s2
>my waifu will never get this much pandering
I despise the mushroom
If using nothing but matching 5* embers, about 5k of them.
Yes, nobody.
As in, nobody aside from your normalfag central at /fgog/, that's hooked up to reddit/twatter and other normalshit sites, like it was life support, knows who he is.
this, give some wholesome director
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5t debuff immunity + np charge, heal and stars isn't that bad though. He could work as a stall + damage dealer hybrid.
bros... am I the worst /alter/ poster?
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Skill issue
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just do 5CE or 90+
I don't see an armpit pic attached to the question, so I'll go with no.
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You're not even top 10 of the worst posters here.
I ain't doing it cuz there are some classes where I can't risk getting shit I don't like
Just disproving
>This is crazy even if you do 5CE
you're not the faggot who posts the "let her cook" with the same image in every single thread, so no
Bob after a hard day at work...
rest assured, i am.
Can't Shipsinkerman do it?
Am I better than you? I like to post scat pics
It wasn't mushroom's decision in this case.
Blame CHOCO.
Jekyll's rank up is still pointless
Thanks a whole lot, bro! You are a blessing from above.
Now, can you please do
>Gudao eating out a squirting Nitocris in missionary
>Impregnation with Nitocris
>Gudao eating out a lying down Zenobia
>Mating press with Zenobia
>Breast sucking and fingering Scheherazade
>Solomon cunnilingus on Sheba
>Reverse spitroast with Romani, Da Vinci and Sheba
>Kirsch eating out Caenis
>Doggystyle Caenis
I'm really thirsty or hungry for some delicate chocolate pussy
something about these large lists of requests is so funny
real coomer hours
Tt gives you 3 quartz. That the most value I had with Jekyll in the last 6 years
How do I even find this fucking node in chaldeas? This website always confuses me with its navigation.
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Did you beat yourself?
Would you like fries with that?
I think that’s me. I went to get milk and never came back
It's insane to me that one could be that bricked up about it, but still patiently wait for some dude to randomly show up in the thread, rather than just fucking paying the 25$.
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Bros... I finally leveled Illya and Sitonai to 120. Now I can rest...Please don't ask about the Summer Illya.. You can add me if you want...
>I went to get milk and never came back
>still posts here
Well, that was a lie...
Does Lady Avalon and Summer Skadi banners overlap? Please tell me they do.
it only makes more sure that ai shit should be contained to /trash/ or other porn boards
It looks like it would make him work much better
>in grailfront
blud thinks this is a drive-through
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Didn't pay attention.
Which Advanced Quest should I do to clear the Anni mission again?
Just shows what a shit heel I am. A good person would never lie
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Lip love!
$25 I used for the Destiny summon
>You can add me if you want...
I don't think I will, sorry
Any and one the 7th batch, I think.
i did a random one and it worked
You're not disproving anything when you need to bring a lv100 foumes there
That is a pretty crazy set up when normally people would want to run event CEs for drops. Your set up is basically 4CE, which is fine if you don't care about efficiency, but you're not disproving anything at all.

You dishonest rat.
Ok, how about another 25$?
War > Event > CBC 2023 > Free Quests
Decent seiba damage
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Does this looks like an accurate Iyo?
Also for the others


>Will you do Nippon flag bikini or golden bikini later on?
I can try these, I'm just using the american flag bikini due to the 4th of july and because it's super slutty

I actually have a template for that, one sec

Panda? Sure

Sure, I can do these and drop some links later after they are done
Similar to the last time, if I don't drop a link today I will link your posts tomorrow
In general I don't mind large requests, just don't expect the delivery in the same day if I'm busy
already friends, bro
>7th batch
Are those at the very bottom.
I haven't touched any of those yet.
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Thanks bro
It is alright...
>multiple grailed lolis
>grailed melt
The random ass grailed Lancelot is somehow the best part of this...
...but no, I don't think I will add you...bro...
looks like Rin to be honest but thx tho
Congrats bro, already bros btw. Extremely unfortunate that Summer Illya has very little rate-ups and none that are solo.
No, I think they should be at the top of the list.
Thanks, I didn't know how much I needed those Koyan ones before I saw them.
Got the basic rough sketch done for swimsuit lip dakimakura. Probably gonna play around the with proportions a bit more, maybe make the claws bigger.
>when normally people would want to run event CEs for drops
It's Chaldea Boys, there's no welfare CE. Bond CEs are ideal unless you rolled the gacha.
Besides, you can very clearly tell Oberon doesn't even actually need Foumes since he's doing 100k damage to 50k HP enemies.
>Using Black Grail instead of a bond or event CE.
ty anon.
>level 159
No, I don't think I will
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Oh hey bros how's it going?
>Does this looks like an accurate Iyo?
Slap a 'body markings' tag on her and it should be good.
I blame the mushroom for not doing the same thing.
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Just took my very first montain dew this shit is just a watered down 7up, why the fuck do you americans hyped this shit so much during the MLG era??
Maintenance ended too soon
Yeah. There should be 4* pity in FGO. I rolled Summer Kiara twice before I even got my first Summer Illya
That was just abvertising bro...
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Gonna leave Automata on to bond farm while I wage slave.
How many Gapples should I set it on for the rest of the day?
Put them back on I can smell the fish marked from here
I don't know about murican mountain dew, but when I drank it back when I was living in straya, it was the other way round, 7up is what's watered down mountain dew.
Just marketing bro, I don't give a shit about dew or doritos
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it's a meme
mello yellow was always better
>bond farm
The best soda is cock I-I mean coke!
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welp whatever, it was just 4 bucks for 2 imported cans i spotted at my local mart, atleast i finally tried it.
I wish figures could turn into real women and fuck me
>white panties
Okita wears a very short black shorts.
When you've already gotten your entire chaldea to 9/9/9 and you've got bots to farm FP, all that's left is just to bond farm because lottos are pointless.
Mountain Dew just sucks all-around. Weird mystery juice with a bad aftertaste. Dr. Pepper is where it's at.
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Yui and Milly shenanigans a cute.
What servant should I summon for if I'm a pro GAMER?
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Mountain Dew has Concentrated Orange Juice in it. Look at the ingredients.
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...Mountain Dew has 77g of sugar per 20z while 7up "only" has 58.
Mountain Dew is basically a half teaspoon away from not qualifying as a drink and having to be labeled as a syrup.
Arjuna Alter, Summer Musashi or Summer Ibuki
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>Weird mystery juice with a bad aftertaste
To me, that described Dr Pepper more. Back when Steins Gate was relevant, I bought one once just out of curiosity. I swear it tastes like cough medicine but fizzy.
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Summer Sei banner hello?
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Bro your 120s?
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Don't, they have smelly butts. Especially Jinako
I forgot and will never get the mountain zu now…
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seriously? she's crazy popular
You do that during half ap hands, not lottos because those dicks at lasengle still refuse to put 5* embers on lottos.
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himechan is more of a casual player, tomoe and jinako are actual pro gamer grills
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For me? It's Root Beer.
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>You do that during half ap hands
We have half ap hands RIGHT NOW bro
Same. And ginger ale/ginger beer. Cider is nice too.
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This shit probably made me pre-diabetic when I was young. I was skinny as hell and all I did was drink soda and play videogames and I was too young and dumb to know why I felt so terrible and weak 24/7.
Sugar is literal poison.
in your dreams. himechan would DESTROY tomoe in any pvp game
This. But I prefer sarsaparilla or craft rootbeer, since A&W and Muggs don't have a bold enough taste for me.
>yo, this servant is nothing but cuck memes and has zero personality, we need to fix her
>make her a gamer
>that doesn't make any sense, she's a super-serious oni samurai that only cares about war and obsessing about a guy who was ploughing ten other women
>just make her a fucking gamer you dumb shit
I still have the 900+ 5* EXP cards sitting in my gifts that I haven't opened. Who the fuck is running out of exp cards?
Got her Berserker, WHEN is her Archer rerun though?
Water. With ice.
Maybe I'm already done, you ever considered that? Hence the bond farm.
>Karna sporting the armored core grip
That’s 1/5 of the exp needed to bring someone at 100 to 120.
Abby. She says the gamer word when she gets mad.
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Blue Mountain Dew/Mt Dew Voltage is tasty. It’s the only one Mountain Dew that I drink.
Make sure to use your own ice from home instead of when you order drinks, bro. Odds are the place doesn't clean their ice machine often or properly and you could have mold and/or fecal matter in your ice.
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Good morning, bros.
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Good night, bros.
>fecal matter in your ice
How does that even happen?
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>use your own ice from home instead of when you order drinks, bro
Please tell me your workflow
Bro your gssr and destiny order?
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/alter/ claims to love SOUL but says Lady A is useless because she isn't Castoria and claims nobody should roll for Archetype: Earth
very curious
How do I loop with Morgan and double vitch? I use Morgans charges to NP wave 1, then both vitch 50% charges to NP on wave 2. What do i do for wave 3?
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In moderation Kama...
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For me it's highly caffeinated drinks in the morning and alcoholic beverages at night, some time mixed with other substances
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Those damned subzero rats...
Argentina is not a Google Play country for Aniplex/Lasengle
Use your Oberon.
Plugsuit Oberon
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>wanted Himiko or Taira
Hell I'll even take that slut Caren or Moriarty.
But I get fucking S.Kiara instead.
You use a CS
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Kscope Morgan w/ Atlas MC
W1: apply buster buffs to Morgan, NP
W2: use Morgan's buffs to get her back to 50%, top off with one of the Koyans, NP
W3: use the remaining Koyan charge on Morgan, use Atlas' cooldown reduction on Morgan, charge back up to 100%, NP
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Kama has to beat the latest elden ring boss...
So many retards ITT
You have to use Atlas MC and Kscope to loop with Morgan if you want to do it plugless double vitch
This is rigged and a lie. More like 3x LESS
What if I don't have Oberon
Save the apples for your next 120 project
Well, I can suggest you Edison (after you Rank Up his skills)
Their love for her is seasonal at best, Choco already fucked off to draw genshin or whatever it was.
You cope by using Waver/Reines/Skadi/Castoria.
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pffft Kama's channel is fucking dead!
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Why would you do this to yourself?
you can do it with Waver/Reines but her damage will be doghit
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google - fecal matter in fast food ice

They tested a bunch of fast food locations in the UK for cleanliness and found traces of fecal matter.
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Morgan, milk master
Fat cow
>rank up quests love to shove riders for no reason in a feeble attempt to prevent you from GONGIN them
lmao fuck you lasaña
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Are you saying she's the "master of milk" or is it a command to milk her master?
bob is killing herself....
her tits are smaller than artoria lancer's
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>In the UK
Typical britoids
With how their teeth are it's no wonder they didn't notice for so long
The cool thing about fecal matter is you can find traces of it on everything, there is literally no doubt traces of fecal matter on your phone or computer mouse or, this one is really exciting, your toothbrush
You need roughly 1100 embers to go fro. 100 to 120
No. How do you bring your own ice to a restaurant? What steps do you take to keep it frozen?
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Kama should start playing horror games, everybody likes those and there are new ones every day
As much personality and looks as a blank piece of white paper
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Is Xu Fu for (You)?
I'm tempted to grail her.
I am eating good
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Fucking soul, bless you.
Kam out, Turtlema...
Who do I believe?
When you really think about it, Xu Fu is just as real as any of us.....
they're US fast food chains, so I have no doubt it's even worse there. there are a lot of shitty locations to support that.
Is there a known team comp for farming that doesn't use NPs but just cards? Focus being instead of minturn just objectively most time efficient
>after you presumably defeat her, she summons dozens of herself and curbstomps you

Pure kino.
>not for (You)
It's over...
>Weak to anal
Maybe to 90...
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Himiko crit spam I guess
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I've never done the math. But you absolutely can't make it with stashed lotto embers.
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It will be less than this considering you'll be using SOME same-class embers and obviously succs help out tremendously
Correct, I imagine several posters here fighting for me.
You can pull some bond levels out of your ass rq right bro...
May I introduce you to gooping? It utilizes NPs on turn 1 and pure carding on turns 2 and 3.
the point of cards is that they're hard to predict
while you always have access to np
i heard the gogh weirdoes use crits
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>plz make some Olga getting banged in the beach
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Xu Fu sexo
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2 minutes until we get our 50 apologems!
what exacrlt is xu fu good for?
its tametover
Budget Castoria once your Castoria is bond 15
absolutely nothing at all!
Most time efficient is still 3-turn NPing for the most part. It's the fastest and most reliable.

I personally enjoy Tap Red Card teams (get three servants that have 3 buster cards and just mindlessly tap any red card you see), but you either have to rely on Berserkers (and risk having a stray crit kill them) or you need to rely on a handful of servants like Musashi, Passionlip, etc.
looping without your own Castoria pretty much. Mine is at Bond 14
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thanks man
you have to gogh insane ehe... ehehe!
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you can use her with double goho + molay to 6CE GOOP a node. much lower party cost than 4-5 stars and greater benefits than any other 3 or 4 star.
>We will update this page with compensation details once they have been determined.
You're not getting shit tonight anytime
How does Molay fit in, I have NP2 Gogh and just got Molay from GSSR
I want to beat Clytie to a bloody pulp
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There, there Kama...
check your boxes bros we got arc refunds
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Casual friend sex
Super Orion, Gogh, Summer BB, summer artioria ruler, are some servants who use cards.
sex (forced or drunk)
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On a serious note i don't get why the Gudas can't drink
You telling me they are old enough to be responsible for hundreds of servants but they can't drink a fucking beer?
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Behold, the majesty of THE GOOP
Molay can be swapped with a large variety of foreigners. Voyager, Summer BB, even someone like hokusai although she's not great due to her low NP damage.
Molay has 20+30 for herself
With append 20 and xufu 30, she can NP wave 1
now sexo with Gudao
Summer bwos. Go on without me.
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so why was it down?
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>Np0 Arcade
>Np6 Shoo Foo
My hot asian wife
this but xu fu
she has a very punchable face
you're playing a game where the target audience is 15 year olds
What do you mean bro that's 405 summer servants right there
this but Nobukatsu
he's very punchable
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Do Summer Skadi and Lady Avalon banners overlap?
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>used to get a fuck ton of fanart everyday
>people now beg for AI slop
The absolute state of this "game" and it's fandom
Is Olga based or cringe?
I want Ibuki AND Skadi
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Nobu looks great in AI.
Bros, the apologems, the apolopples, the apoloridercookies?
Yes, Lady Avalon's is first, Ibuki's 4 days later, then Skadi's is 3 days after Ibuki's.
I took them all.
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Olga is for fraternization
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>Can be swapped with Voyager
Guess she's staying on the bench, NP4 Boyager it is

I'll take the shota probe instead methinks
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>jekyll with a 80% (!) battery is still shit
>fucking loli medusa and lancer diarmuid are today's rank up
jesus fuck I think the only ones worth a shit of this batch are the NP ups for Lancelot and Bunyan
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So? Guda isn't
The target demographic is able to know that drinking is not supposed to be encouraged just because a character did so in a game
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can you still buy stuff online with your card normally? If your not a super poorfag you can always try seeing if making a fake dummy US google account and a VPN helps get past aniplex's regionblocking
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I'd rather take slop from people that actually like the game than "art" from people that only do it because it's popular.
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I care
>Guda isn't
He's 16
Rider Murasaki's is good, general NP upgrade bonus and gives her an anti-Earth niche
Don't complain about it, clearly it makes the threads so much better when half of it is literally just porn and requests about it
It's not like there are threads specifically for that
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Acrueid? More Acruemid!
I don't get what's so difficult to understand. Guda's underage. Underage people can't legally drink. Lasagna doesn't want to get in legal trouble for depicting underage drinking.
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add pls
have 7 slots
I can see why.
So you're telling me if I pay $25 for novelai I can generate all the Nobu porn in m-da's style that I want and it will look that good?
>Yuyu love
>arc is a higher lvl than yuyu
>split grails
>Soulless gameplay 120s
>Not fully leveled servants
Oh yeah
It's blacklist time
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>Could you do a Qin Liangyu or 2?
Here's some images, some SFW and some NSFW
I get the meta reason why but the reasons lore wise are stupid, Gura is only underage if you don't count the amount of time that passed ingame and if you follow that you can only drink at 21
>Proto Merlin
>But somehow she is not Merlin so she doesn't get fucked in the ass by Oberon
Strict Japanese Media laws, alongside a cultural preference towards children appearing innocent/virtuous. It's why Ibaraki also is never seen drinking, despite getting drunk being a core part of her myth.
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Voyager's one is good too.
i dont post my supports in here anymore. bros aren't worth it.
This is written like a shill post
Despite there being eight christmases, only two-or so years have actually occurred. The entirety of part one was only about a year.
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sent doragon in all
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Already friends!
Cute Arc and Yuyu
>split 120s
not a good look
Why are there so many NP3+ Arcs?
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Not sure why you worded like that but yeah whatever
oberon only fucks males in the ass
girth is usually not the issue specially since this one is really soft
Gudako isn’t male…
Shut up nerd
Then why do I have some leaking out my ass?
that other faggot spams enough anal already
Lady Avalon LITERALLY can't go by Merlin or the universe fucks her up or some shit like that, so she isn't Merlin
Also Oberon probably just dislikes the Merlin that he "knows"
Thanks destiny summon, this is pretty cool.
Why did you put Musashi in your destiny summon?
Because /alter/ has parroted for 2 years that arc is dogshit without high NP levels, NP3 also makes it easier to 120 her without super high bond investment (NP3 requires bond 6 minimum)
Bullshit. I've seen him fuck an entire island.
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How is this not punishable by death?
>t. girthlet
Two swords.
1 slot if anyone cares.
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bro probably misclicked while leveling and didn't have the heart to fill her out
i mean that's what the guide says
>spend $45 to do destiny gssr
>dont get a 5*
shouldnt this be something you email fgo support about?
People just got like 600+ qz and forgot about summer in a week.
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Is this Okuni accurate?
Oops forgot image
i strongly relate to her taste and disposition
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Cause she's cool
It's done.
Everything. It took everything.
Bro call.
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>takes two seconds to shut the server off
>takes two weeks to decide how to compensate the players for it
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Someone explain to me why is Arc's 3rd skill called Funny Vamp EX?
Executives decide on the compensation and they're off for the weekend unlike the devs
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Okay I’m jakibg it tonight
It's the CE, dummy
She got that Neco Arc in her
obviously she's missing the white in her two tone hair and she missing two more hair ribbons but it's close enough. Reminds me of Suzuka tho
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Cause she is funny, duh
male servants
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This thread is getting kinda weird
She's funny and she's a vampire
Bro just get real bitches
I'm >>485152286
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Sent Illya at all
damn we got some really do got some real gooners in here
hey heres a smart idea you guys should fuck each other, you simply cant beat the warmth of another human body
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Sunday night…
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Good job piggy BUT remember you NEED NP6 to fully max her out! So maybe it's time for ANOTHER big pack of saint quartz!
I think they should gang bang you. I'll watch.
masturbation is better than sex
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cause shes a funny gal bro
fine, it's a sacrifice im willing to make
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So that when they release her familiar they have an excuse to name her skill Cute and Funny Succ EX.
Not necessarily
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Pure Rabu.
Y-you're right BB...
I don't add losers who melt down and delete all their friends
I haven't read Remake
Does Len still exist?
Accepted and locked. Also, VeteranPrime whoever you are, accepted as well.
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Here's mine
You're getting people mixed up. Idiot.
But nobody posted nero yet
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thanks I locked you too!!
>Funny Vamp (ファニーヴァンプ, Fanī Vanpu?, localized as "Temptress")
>localized as "Temptress"
What did they mean by this?
Can you do some Charlotte I really like her in YD's style
finally an improvement
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I like women with masculine traits.
ha you got beat
Nothing tempts a man more than a funny vamp.
He lets her hit it cause she's goofy duh
none of those characters have masculine traits, though?
Is NP3 Arc enough to farm morgancup?
>Because /alter/ has parroted for 2 years that arc is dogshit without high NP levels,
That is true though. Even the "ideal" farming node, Illyafest round 3 with nito alter and ozy, you need damage CE on NP2 to clear it.
Kronii is pretty masculine in her interactions/personality and her voice makes me hard.
Fat stonking tits are masculine.
With damage CE, yes
6CE lol no
all vtubers are actually men
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>he knows
so you like when cute girls sounds like men?
That would make me like them more
I've known since the start.
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idc how you word it I like what I like.
morgancup is the tam lin cup right? none of the enemies are chaotic so she's going to have some difficulty
Send. Space Ishtar in all.
You could have just typed “I will continue having shit taste.” for the same meaning.

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