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Previous: >>485154661

>[Campaign] Fate/Grand Order 7th Anniversary
2024-07-06 12:00 - 07-16 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] 7th Anniversary Archetype: EARTH Pickup Summon
2024-07-06 12:00 - 07-16 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Destiny Order Summon
2024-07-06 12:00 - 07-16 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] 7th Anniversary Guaranteed Summon
2024-07-06 12:00 - 07-16 20:59 PDT

>[Campaign] 7th Anniversary Limited Master Missions
2024-07-05 21:00 - 07-16 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] 7th Anniversary Commemorative Limited Servant Daily Pickup Summon
2024-07-09 21:00 - 07-17 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/ixetqz.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Future Quartz: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRQFC6pgsvDr11c1oe8PcGXurF3uw0MBq73YoQMGCJemzMics9LfwVurTLMi0rpfHNEBjG6gVCOrIer/pubhtml
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

Murasaki mogs. Sei could never.
Is Arc the new Morgan?
So what were your results in the end?
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>I need an entire zip file of nothing but this.

Here, 50 asorted pics of the Cups in slingshot swimsuit
Goho and MHXX, I only did the GSSR and am considering whether to throw some SQ at Voyager for another copy.
nta but holy based
nta but kill yourself
NP2'd Oberon and NP5'd Semiramis, but also got an NP7 Summer Abby that I didn't choose on the Destiny Order. She might be trying to tell me something...
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Sei what you wanna Sei.
nta but Ai is /alter/ culture
>he wouldn't take Xuxu to pound town
First you'd fuck Murasaki, of course, make her watch. She will be disgusted. Then you fuck Paisen.

And then you graciously allow Xu Fu to join in, only on condition that she impresses you.
nta but alive yourself
Best GSSR banners to go for?
BB has won
The Moon Cell shall consume us all
Since I'm a certified Seihaver now, can you please post all your funny Sei images
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Would you?
Berserker 2 is literally a can't lose unless you hate one of the characters or already have them NP5
Wasn't this already asked in the previous thread?
unironically no, gil is too much of a stacy chad for me.
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1 Kintoki + Tamacat NP, Jets NP, Penth NP
1 Kama NP
1 roll on Arc rateup and got Xu Fu x 2 which was my goal.
Completely happy with the results (wanted Kintoki or Mama). Can't wait to dump all this SQ for Rikyu-sama.
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34 more days until summer skadi and buster gets yet stronger
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This question is fundamentally not applicable. I do not and will never take initiative. That's up to her, not me.
Sounds like a problem for the previous thread
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I'm addicted to mighty chains that I'm prioritizing it over NPs. This update feels great.
You mean dump them for Rikyu AND summer Skadi, right bro?
That's right, new thread, new meltdowns let's fucking gooooooo
>prioritizing it over NPs
The answer is still the same, it's the one where you have the least chance of losing.
The extra 20% crit chance from quick cards is awesome as well.
I'd rather Angelica slowly regains her humanity and emotions and confesses to (you) at bond 5.
Why is she a Nintendo Switch?
I love Baobhan Sith
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Well I'm stopping at NP1 Skadi. I'm dumping everything for Rikyu unless I somehow hit NP5 first.
Same, I love the card updates.
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I just remembered Illya's VA Pretty Fly for a White Guy cover https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DzD76g4BlQA
Rider 2
Caster 2
Berserker 2
Extra 3
Extra 6
Why is she so perfect
Can we get a busty Miss Crane in a bikini looking evil smug?
Illyabro's been real quiet since this dropped...
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nice, love me more cups
1260 quartz 10 tickets
NP1 Percival
NP1 Yan Qing
NP1 d'Eon
NP1 CasGil
NP1 Tomoe
NP1 Dobryna
NP2->3 Circe
NP3->4 Herc
NP3->4 Carmilla
NP3->4 Book
NP3->4 Helena
NP3->5 Liz
NP2->3 Artoria
!NP4 Arc!
No CEs worth noting, I will never MLB BG at this point

I think this is good? I don't know the actual probability.
ai bwo... do what must be done
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It's a banger goddamnit.
>ai bwo... do what must be done
and eat a cyanide pill
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Bang'er? I hardly knew her!
Average. It is like 300 quartz for one SSR
Two Sei?
>manages to pull a prostitute and a clown look off
How? These look better than they should.
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340.9 to be precise
slightly above average, avg is NP 3.784
When's the next GSSR?
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Sei is a multi talented girl. Also Mika Pikazo is a great artist.
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>Can we get a busty Miss Crane in a bikini looking evil smug?

Is this Crane accurate enough?
Is summer ibuki mandatory for MAXIMUM gameplay fags? Can I settle for summer musashi? I really hate raitobortion designs
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I'll take it then. I ran the simulator for fun; the first run gave me NP8 and I was almost bothered till I did it again and got NP2. I won't complain about what I got.
No, summer musashi is a chargelet, even with multicore, she'll have issue if you're fighting non 3/3/x waves
Would you really spend SQ for a servant you can't stand looking at? Even for gameplay faggotry I wouldn't.
You can reasonably get by without S. Ibuki in spite of her being meta.
Am I being barred from seeing the new advanced quests because I haven't finished Traum yet?
you gay or something?
Raitabros keep winning
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This is a Sei thread, and you have no Sei in it! Actually there's plenty of Sei in it...
Phew, just finished nutting off to AIbro's drake image set. That was a good stuff. Thanks bro, good drake lewd is hard to come by.
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Well, fuck.
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Anyone want to make a better version of this?
Fuck yes, that anon's scenario was so hot
me and my wife
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I'm glad you liked it
But I'm sorry the set didn't contain proper lewds, if you wanted some you could have asked
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let her cook
BB Fact #87
Catalytic Converters in cars can be sold for $350 which can be used to buy SQ. Your neighbors have cars all over. Do the math!!!!
Got my second copy of Oberon on the GSSR, NP2 Arc and Tametomo, now I'm contemplating if I should go for the destiny summon to compensate for the shitty GSSR result
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She's so fucking GREEDY
If you don't mind, please do. My imagination can do the rest but having the real thing will be real nice. Thanks! Share on mediafire again please!
Thanks BB-chan!
Grailing to 120?
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So jeets won and are now flooding /fgoalter/ with AI art because?
What an end to this once decent general.
The Great White Day Meltdown was funner than this.
They've attracted coomers here like shit attracts flies. Now those retards won't let go.
nta but i've been organizing my AI folder, here's almost all the drake I've done if you are interested
if I made more it's in proper "set" folders like the onsen or cocktail dress, that im still rounding up

where are the supports?
If you go dumpster diving in rich neighborhoods or go there on days when they take out the bulk trash for recycling/general disposal, you can find lots of electronics often still in working conditions. You can sell those at 2nd hand shops or strip them for parts to sell.
Is that a new psy op? AI poster is mostly active during burger hours and he is also the one who did american swimsuits for 4th of July
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Yep, long way to go though...
Franchises live and die by their porn
can i get some big arc butt
Thanks bro but my God I hate litterbox, even with vpn I still can't access it. Skill issue I guess.
mutt apologist
lol lmao
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Here you go. It's been a while since I got something new so might as well post it.
It's not like all VPNs have issues, by definition of being a VPN all other variables are removed when using one
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Is this big enough?
Depends what you're missing. Berserker is the best for Morgan obv. But since most people here got her NP5 on day 1 that might not be the most popular here.
You can do it anon. Too bad I can't do this to my NP5 Arc. She's level 100 now, but I have only 3 grails left after I finished grailing my Astraea yesterday.
>Berserker is the best for Morgan
I've been looking at a lot of 90++ charts lately and the most useful berzerker from what I can tell is actually kintoki desu
yes, thanks
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Time to do some cardiuoh
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Here, I have some slot if anyone wants to add me.
So Arc status

Ascension 1 : For Nobody
Ascension 2 : Not for (You)
Ascension 3 : For (You)
A2 is for shiki, who is literally me. Therefore it is also for (you).
When do I become worthy of posting my support formation and adding /alter/bros?
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White woman spotted.
Asc 2 if you like Arcueid
Other ascensions if you are a secondary
Thats because ST > AoE in those nodes. I'm talking what's best for 99% of the game and farming.
The grailconomy claims another victim...
I do have to wonder if there's some funky setups you can do with Astraea and Arc though, given that Ast is a living human she straight up gets 50% charge from Arc.
(You) are not Shiki, you are the Chud of Chaldea.
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>For (You)
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Asc 1 if you like the VN
Asc 2 if you like the VN
Asc 3 if you're a filthy secondary who just wants to crank his hog
Damn I love white women with big fat asses and not even black.
I wish I could get her to 120 too...
But I only got 1 copy in 1200 SQ
You're brown, which is arguably worse.
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I am both. Here, I've drawn up a helpful chart to illustrate.
No one here read the VN stop same fagging.
when you have teatime and bella lisa
Worth mentioning is that Kintoki has a rate-up during the Chaldea Fairy Knight Cup event.
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>he is posting AI
>he HAS to be pajeet
Whenever you want, plenty of people here that will add just about anyone. Just be weary that most won't bother trying to add you unless you mention you have spots available. If you don't have any luck follow up with another post whining about how no one added you and you'll likely have a few people offer to add you out of pity
No saar, don't know what you are speaking.
>But I only got 1 copy in 1200 SQ
violently unfortunate. I was only hoping to get NP2-3 at most but I somehow luckshitted my way to NP5 in 700 sq
at least we've got """"pity"""" to make sure we never get giga ultra cucked any more.
You can do so any time!
dont troll wiht jalter alter
>Maximum number of friends
Kagekiyo in all
When you have the basics (10/10/10 supports and MLB Teatime + Bella). After that it's up to people if your support is good enough.
Based Void Shiki GOD (True)
How do YOU cope with the other poster though?
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Bare feet…
what does one do in this situation
My supports look like shit and a lot of bros have added me already.
I have two slots available btw.
Years later and there is still not a single doujin where this situation happens
i hug them really tight and go to sleep together
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I use final ascension Alice with book command card. I use final ascension Kijyo with dinosaur command card. Fun stuff
bros i need pornography depicting Mary Anning
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I have attained an >emptiness in state of mind so neither ruskie nor the cat weirdo affect me. They be them as they be so, whilst I be my own
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I have some free slots open. 616,947,098
Could try her with Arc sometime.
>talks about wanting you to spoil her in her level up dialogue
>instantly get hard
I love women that literally just outright say you should spoil them
>NP1 Town
Herc in All!
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Illya Summer in all
Thanks bro.
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Now this is my type of conversation
Arc is proto-chinese
Added. Nice support bro.
never used mediafire, so hope i'm doing this okay
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>If you don't mind, please do. My imagination can do the rest but having the real thing will be real nice.

Here, asorted Drake lewds in american bikini
Who are you planning to grail to 120 first?
Give me 20 buck i wanna roll for koyanska
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Thanks bro
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Taira from Destiny (Jackpot)
Sakamoto from GSSR (wanted NP3 Melusine or Roma, is ok with him but still dissapointed a bit and also Donquixote (wanted him) as well as 3 Jaguar Man
10 tickets and 30 SQ on Archetype Earth: got Dobrynya Nikititch (new) and Xu Fu
Being a drakebro is a blessing tonight. Thanks bros.
Sei Shonagon is very arrogant
Thanks where
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I want to roll for Arc, talk me out
Sent. 120 Seiba in Saber 1.
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Cute Bobba
You will get np3+ of her in the first ten rolls, but from now on till the end of the year you will never get the servants you want until you hit pity.
I feel like there's no way you wouldn't know the basic breakdown of where she stands in gameplay terms right now. Do what you want
Asc 3 it is, thanks bros.
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sent sitonai in all, illya 120 in Caster

and that would leave 1 slot open

and my support changed a little aftet rolling these past days, but to lazy to update this pic right now
I wont if you actually like her.
Is Xu Fu actually in the FP pool yet, or does that happen after the Arc rate up?
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Yeah she's in the fp pool right now. Bro go crazy!
If you like bimbos you should go for her.
>Who are you planning to grail to 120 first?
It depends on my rolls. I initially wanted to grail Seiba to 120 first but I've been blessed with so many random Schez, I think either she or Regend is going take the spot.
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Why female feet are so cute and sexy?
I have Charlotte and Reines' portraits up in my supports if you need to add them to your dex.
Added. Someone with Summer BB in All sent me a request too. I wonder if he is from here.
Melufags, if Aurora is released, how would you react?
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Not a melufag but I would gladly roll for her. Liked her lb6 performance.
Does Melusine who you summon to Chaldea talk about Aurora?
pokedex, so you can look at them in the spirit origins menu
Well you see, Dexter DeShawn thought by shooting you and leaving town he would lose the heat
How did you manage with this so quickly?
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Quit. Nothing will ever convince me to roll for her nor being ok with "oh hehehe ACTUALLY" on Melu.
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Got some open slots. I want to make a few changes but I feel bad when I remove anyone, more extra slots when?
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Roll of course. I will roll for each and every knife-eared this game can offer
Never rolling for her.
I'll use her for gameplay if she's good but Aurora still a shit
Proper spergs are very rare, you only hear about them because internet
Will leave this game
Would never roll her. But I'd love to roll Coral. She was really cute.
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25+ ish of silver apples + the hundreds of 5* embers we got last year + all of my 5* embers in my second archive + 2 golden apples + automata
>this kills the melufag
What would have happened in Fate Zero when Lancelot fought Gil if Gil had two Koyanskayas?
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Don't listen to Ondore's lies!
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She's not sexually provocative enough to be a bimbo, she's just a stupid, stupid vampire girl. and thats why she's the best
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here's your Coral bro
Not rolling.
I'm having a hard time picking a portrait other than Barg. So far I'm favoring Ranmaru
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I keep one friend slot open so they can still send me a friend request, but I'll never accept it.
I saw a bird eating a worm today and it made me think of my /alter/bros.
Just slop it up
Stop avataring
Who is the Starscourge Radahn of FGO?
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Approximately 19 days until Scáthach=Skaði's swimsuit is released during Summer 7 in NA and my heart is saved by her smile again.

A friendly anon made a spreadsheet showing how many Saint Quartz, Summoning Tickets and other limited materials can be obtained in the future:
Look, we need to face reality, your servant is not very popular. Now, you can actually get around that, but it requires heavy post processing/straight up setting up your own homebrew installation. I can give you a rundown, but you'll need to do the work since it's like 20min per image (I'm not very good at it.).
id roll if she looked like this
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Eric Bloodaxe
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>nu melty
What if she's falling for (You) just like Melu and her meme is about threesome with both? Would you still hate her?
Doom horse is into boy pussy?
this bitch needs correction
ill show YOU soulless
Considering she's a ridiculously powerful giantess I don't know how one could even go about it. I want her to squeeze me like a bug.
>available earlygame and an overrated entity
Waver or Heracles
Probably an early Heracles. Lategame Heracles is Radahn view loregoggles on
Iskandar or Darius unironically
Why do you think Yu lets Lan Ling hang around so much?
Already bros.
I used your Babbage recently, those burst crits gave me a good laugh.
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You and what army, pal?
In all levels (including physical), I am Xu Fu
Even so. I just want Melu, and I don't want the shitty woman anywhere near her again
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Send another giantess
My favorite servant is Ibaraki Douji
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Just look at what has happened here!
Mix anger with a touch of fear
The danger's all too crystal-clear
Just look at you!
Our darker side keeps breaking through
Observe it now - in me and you!
The evil that all men can do must be controlled!
I beg of you
I'll show you all it can be done!
I think Kingprotea would win that though.
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Come to think of it, I still can't make a set of lv.100 support like cool kidz in /alter/ do. Not one but three classes that I don't have a single lv.100 of
Fine I guess, because I think I'll never grail any of my Riders
just use this retard
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The ibaraki CE from the upcoming event is possibly one of the best.
I still don't have an archer I care to grail. I wont have a saber until later too
send in the other one
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Good work bro.
Extremely erotic Japanese goblin, it's crazy good
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I know, I just want to see some giantess catfight
Herc or Gil probably.
I'm too busy 120'ing my biggest favourites to be too concerned about making a single full 100 set myself.
This but Berserker.
speaking of which, when is JP anni stream?
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I have NP3 Arcueid on JP, but I've never really used her for 5/6CE farms since she can't hit the 90++ tier damage thresholds anyway. The last time I actually used her was for a certain LB7 boss.
In like 20 days
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As much as I dream of an animation update, watching him bonk things has an undeniable charm, especially when it does numbers it should have no right reaching.
Where does Jesus fit in with the lore of true magic
>Haven't chekd my friend list in months
>Have spots and 20 friend requests
Planet's sea probably.
looks like hentai cover
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You could just farm the robot enemies with Babbage model to look at the animations instead of wasting resources on him.
>add a random because why not
>randomly stops playing despite making progress
Stylish Mother and Daughter!
You could just not play the game and watch videos of animations if that's all you're interested in, what's your point?
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Pick actual characters as grail targets.
NTA but babbage had some genuine character in heian kyo. I enjoyed his presence. He's not a complete joke like, say, [yourfavouriteservanthere]
can someone post QP team farm comps?
i need to actually farm it after a long time, and the fact that there's no Reines option in automata forces me to maybe go underoptimal, no i dont have castoria or oberon
>stop doing what I don't like
QP team farm comps?
i need to actually farm it after a long time, and the fact that there's no Reines option in automata forces me to maybe go underoptimal, no i dont have castoria or oberon
i'll be your bro tonight
Stop reminding me that Tiamat is not in FGO na thank you
Soulless faggot
Would natural AP be enough from now until the end of the campaign enough to get a servant from 110 to 120?
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Fuck I thought it was Reines. Now I want to see Reines in OL outfit
QP team farm comps?
i need to actually farm it after a long time, and the fact that there's no Reines option in automata forces me to maybe go underoptimal, no i dont have castoria or oberon
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How does /alter/ feel about Lunarians?
It's clear you dislike Babbage, so I'm not going to try to explain the appeal or my choice to grail him. Here, just have a tea and we can agree to disagree.
Double habetrot + any ST rider
I don't know why they get so much hate when they're kinder than like 90% of the 2hu girls
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Good morning bros
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BTW how were your rolls this anni bro?
Did you went for Arc or any of the paid gachas?
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We LOVE Lunarians here.
I did mention he can set up a homebrew. If he has the hardware that is.
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I HATE moonies
>came back to for anni
>luckshitted and got NP5 Arc
>only got 2 BG
It's over isn't it?
I thought the NP5 was so you don't have to use BG?
I want to fuck Phos
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PTSD Reisen is best 2HU
Don't think we're friends yet. I'd have that Charlotte, if you don't mind.
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It's over isn't it? Isn't it? Isn't it over~
It’s hard to actually dislike something when it’s just dude robot character without any relevance to main story.
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>So tell us about your hobbies anon
>My hobby is reading pornographic novels
He's been in multiple story chapters
It really is over...
do NOT stick your penis in rare earth minerals
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>lvl up cunny Ibuki
>that smile on her lvl up expression
>thanks to slightly chubby belly she look preggo
>coom coom voice

So why Raitacucks never use her 1st ascension?
If I have one MLB BG and one non MLB KS what should I get? KS seems more and more usless but idk if a BG instead will be more useful
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Bazett love!
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>Summer Race
>Da Vinci
>Heian Kyo
he's had plenty of appearances though?
Cute Meduseful.
Herc in All.
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I also dabble into generating AI porn of the characters from the pornographic novels.
Any bros?
In events probably. But I don't love Arc that much to raise her to 120 and 2000 Fous.
Children are cringe, happy they did not let her have child ascendancy in her summer form
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Here's mine with 5CE. Could go 6 but for me it's good enough
Also just add Reines to your support option if you want to pick her as support. There's a support image maker option on your automata
Get out of Avalon! No Irish allowed in Avalon!
you wasted your ce exp bombs, congrats, idiot!
incompatible, look at what they've done to ushi gozen
Have you seen how Raita draws bodies? He's clearly not lolicon friendly.
I think anatomically they're probably much more sound
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I said, Bazett love!
And that's a good thing. Saber Ibuki's 1st ascension was a mistake
552 quartz for this.
I'm glad they're giving 4* like is nobody's business now. Specially happy about getting Bai since i wanted her since LB4!
Didn't rolled for anything paid cuz i'm a poorfag.
There's like 3 CEs worth leveling in this game and everyone has them maxed already, might as well level CEs with your favorite servants
When they make a Kohaku CE I'll get it to max level day 1
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>my hobby is creating pornographic images on an anonymous image board using AI and reading the feedback of the people who masturbate to them
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>castoria with bella lisa
god I wish this actually happened on my firend list
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>retards are still replying to the snowmonkey
He's not interested in holding a conversation and listening to your opinions, retards. He literally just wants the (you)s.
wow, at this point, i am a little bit scared
don't tell me you are using your np6 120 bazett equipped with one of those
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Special access was granted!
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This is what porn used to be about.
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>balloon badonkas
>crab-like legs and hands
>le goblina look for every female characters

Raitacucks have shit taste...

Hi. Keep replying to the most based poster on /alter/

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Yeah, but we are interested in holding a conversation on the topic and we are. While he watches, mind you.
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One thing I love most about anni is the fact that us veterans come in here and brag about their NP5 in 600~900 SQ.
You know we didn't save and just rolled because we have poor control over our impulses. We don't care about Arc and have never touched the VN.
Must've gotten a least a couple of people to drop this game forever.
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We're getting another CE in a few weeks and it even features Bazett wearing a cute swimsuit!

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Hot sex with Shuten.
He seems to enjoy watching more than participating.
Great taste!!
No bros now. Only pain.
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dat'z right :)
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i think
no paid gacha for me because money
but I finally got summer Kiara, that tempted me more than funny vamp, went a lttle harder than I expected, but still have left for summer Ibuki, then is just full saving mode until next year for summer chloe
now I do too, but i'm out of sub, but I gues I can spare some credits, brb
For this week there's should be plenty
I just changed my team comp too after I noticed my bros actually putting Bella Lisa on her. It used to be support Reines
One thing I'm telling you if you pick support Reines for QP farm. If any faggot decide to put their un-strengthened third skill on support, then your run is fucked
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Bros is Aoko actually a bad person? First she’s a bitch to Sono-G and actively tried to kill him, and now we learn she groomed Shiki? Is she still worth rolling for?
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Where are the big gorilla woman tits though??!
Im reading the VN and got her NP one cause I like her
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Wow, this AI thing is very accurate, it even got the hands right.
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Godspeed bro
>Gigantic ass and hips
Even BB knows I'm right
>watch 2hu's stream
>he's out of a job, and homeless soon
>about 800 rolls saved up for arc
>he only gets NP3
It's sad, fuck off.
dont shitpost with my wife
>NP5 in 1200 SQ
I thought I did badly lol
She accelerated the heat death of the universe for Sono-G, she's alright
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Good choice, Kiara is great
I still have a month left of sub, so if you later have ideas for experiments you can ask me and I can try, so you don't waste credits in vain
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What a disaster. Now I'm grateful for the Kuro that we have
1200 is a little below average, but it's still fine.
I personally also had to go deep and spend 1000SQ for my NP5, but she's worth it.
Yep. If you use just Raita and don't add a second artist to fix his anatomy you get some hilarious stuff, because the AI exaggerates the style. Absolute Cronenberg territory.
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Her official artist knows, he won't let us down with her Summer 9 swimsuit that we're getting in JP this year for sure.
np2 arc
black grail
I redeemed my 5th BG yesterday with the ticket though so dumb I have 5 kaleidos 5+1 BGs now could have had 5+1 kaleido +5 BG.
>get NP3 Arc
>still have 1k SQ left over
>tempted to throw the rest in a foolish attempt to get NP5
>but summer is coming in two weeks
The "Arc never comes back" FOMO is hitting me hard. Do I dare try my luck, or should I just keep my SQ for Skadoo and Merlina?
5 slots open!
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There's no need for violence...
she never comes back bro. never EVER.
get np4 at least...
She'll come back in GSSR bro.
>marble phantasm
Sent, Astraea in All
This shitposting reminds me of that one Morganbro that went 3000SQ for only one copy and decided to quit. I still have him on my list.
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>no lancer alter
You don't love her.
correct, i dont
The Mahoyo collab event recently confirmed that no matter what was supposed to happen in Mahoyo 2 and 3, Sono-G is still alive in the present day right?
Not even the game cares about her. Which is unfortunate, but that's the sad reality.
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I wish they give us two pick tickets instead of one.
Prisma Cosmo or Limit Over Zero?
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You'll use Arc once in a blue moon and regret all the sq you've wasted on her.
>once in a blue moon
You're much more likely to use Prisma.
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>saber themed support page
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OMG Vritra :D
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BTW for me Arcueid was always a Melty Blood character first and foremost.
Me and my friends used to play her game all the time when i was 13yo or so. I had absolute no idea Tsukihime was a thing and only learned about it when i've got into Fate many years later. It's a strange feeling to roll for her now as a 34yo.
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I have her, she's just in the Event deck (picrel) and still awaiting spare grails along with Santa.

Gotcha both!
Prisma cunny
She's a neutral looper. You can user her in most places as long you can dish enough damage
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For forther context in the June blogpost Nasu referred to the Mahoyo Collab in the same tier as a theorical Mahoyo 6
Basically the 6th "big event" or happening that the Mahoyo trio has encountered
Which means that
>Mahoyo 1, already released
>Mahoyo 2, planned VN in development hell
>Mahoyo 3, planned VN in development hell
>Mahoyo 4, unknown big event
>Mahoyo 5, unknown big event
>Mahoyo 6, Collab
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>Vritra mentioned
Good thread!
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>saber themed support page
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Huh, I just realised that Rayshift didn't update Servant levels in the Event decks for some reason even though it updated the Main decks.
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>saber themed support page
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122 slots open
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>saber themed support page
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You have to force the update in-game. Replace your servant with another one, press okay, put your servant back in then confirm. It will refresh your data on the server.
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Why this bitch look like the GP02?
I can still fuck this
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>altera pic
>I had absolute no idea Tsukihime was a thing
That applies to 90% of Melty Blood players.
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You do know everything about your beloved servant right bros?
How can anybody be proud of their ignorance?
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>Last refresh: an hour ago
Cute penis receptacle
May I misunderstand?
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That's my wife
why is she wearing pan-
I've uncovered details about my waifu nobody's ever noticed before
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this is your future wife
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The difference in bust size between titoria and regular artoria will always be funny.
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Last year didn't have a Halloween event in JP...
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Most of it. I'm still going through a book with all of Van Gogh's art to improve my knowledge further, even if indirectly.
I'll get my divorce papers ready...
Fate unironically introduced me to lots of fun shit i wouldn't have checked otherwise.
>Die Nibelungen
>Makai Tensho
>Orlando Furioso
I even watched a documentary about Matahari. It's fun to learn more about the servants you like
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pay child support
So what's the /alter/ acceptable method of leveling to 120? Do you do it in a single go, or gradually over time?
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Oh no, what a disaster...
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Did you really have to include your hand and legs in the photo
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I'm going for the upgrade
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You put more thought into the photo than I did.
That book isn't opened...
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Do Musashi Miyamoto in Raita style
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It's an old photo from back when I first used it as a Goghie catalyst a few years ago, I didn't feel like making a new one.
Sent. 120 Seiba in Saber 1.
Pretty cool!
Sent, Van Gogh in all.
>more extra slots when?
Next March.
>Next March.
Wait what? fr fr nocap?
God I wish you weren't lying.
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Glad to know atleast some of you read about your servants.
Brainrotten coomers should hang.
Reminder: Aurora did nothing
Doing everyting in a single go is more pleasing to the eyes, but i enjoy the feeling of making them slowly stronger. It motivates me more too.
I'm fully qualified for both categories and I make no apologies.
It only happens during spring new master campaign at later march iirc. Would be glad to be mistaken.
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I have read 20,000 Leagues and a Mysterious Island. I know a lot more about Nemo than the average fgo player probably. Also I check DANGERDROP'S private art account sometimes for cool Nemo art you cant find anywhere else.
So if I'm having sloppy missionary sex with Arcueid Am I technically fucking Gaia?
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Nah that campaign adds +3 max bros to the brolist.
The other anon is probably correct so I'll also call you a faggot, but additionally based and shotapilled
Someone explain to me how can I BG loop Arc
She has 100% battery I press it turn 1 and NP
I charge her with double oberon turn 2 -> NP
And on turn 3 I plug Vitch but I still need 10% more charge to NP
You don't need any hardware. You can just use the online civitai generator.
x2 Koyanskaya + Atlas MC or x2 Koyanskaya + Plugsuit cooldown reduction (Edison, Maid (Alter), swimsuit Ibuki, etc).
Oh. That didn't exist back in my day.
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Either use the Atlas cooldown reduction or plug in Maid Alter.
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Edison gives better buffs for Arcueid, has lower party-cost and will make Kiyohime and her friends less jealous since Maid (Alter) is really cute.
I'm doing
>100% NP at turn 1
>Double Vitch at turn 2
>Mystic Academy code skill at turn 3
I don't have Oberon. It should be much easier for you.
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now do neco arc raita
It will be when I hit Bond 6 and unlock the second append, I'll have 10% from the start, use Vitch's buffs on her, 20% from Oberon, plug Vitch for Oberon, 20% -> NP
Her 100% battery on turn 2 -> NP
2x50% from Oberons -> NP
good night bros
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>do destiny summon
>want bazett most of all
>get avenger ushi, second best result
>gold alter ego card after
Are you Skadikek? Did you get Arc?
GSSR: Summer BB and Astraea
Destiny: Enkidu
Arc: NP2 and NP5 Xu Fu
You got lipped. I'm very sorry.
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Lip FUCKING SUCKS and I'm tired of people pretending like they like this stupid pair of boobs or something.
Stupid lipper
Fuck One Piss
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I accidentally hit "claim all non-card" in the present box without my SQ and ticket filter on, now I have 1500SQ sitting in the general pool with only 1 button press sitting between it and my lack of self control
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its what i deserve for being a FUCKING lipper

at least shes np5 now....
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good night anon
>GSSR, Melusine to NP2, and THE DON
>Destiny Ishtar, plus Paisen, plus Wu (NP upgrade), PLUS a Salieri, yes I was shocked
>450sq on Arc, got NP2 of her, and NP5 Xu Fu, a Penth, plus an old man Caster

Pretty good haul. I would have preferred ROMA or Ryouma and Oryou for the GSSR, but whatever, at least Melusine might actually be useful now for the next lotto.


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Aoko in 657 days
Impregnating Lip's useless tits as punishment
Basic one is x2 Koyan and Atlas.
Higher damage for 3rd wave is x2 Oberon + 1 Koyan and Plugsuit.
Doubt it, they don't release events on weekends, idiot
>"""Super""" Aoko
>loses a buster card instead of gaining one
>Arts NP instead of Buster
Explain this bullshit.
looks like shit



Thanks, that's what I was going for.
Why is everyone talking about Arc suddenly?
When can I roll for summer Murasaki?
Because this is her one and only rate up baka. The fact we hit it without JP getting another means she's gone for AT LEAST two years.
Her only rateup is today so roll of you'll miss her for a minimum of 2 years
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>no SQ compensation
I cannot imagine for the life of me spending 2x the required amount of normal GGSR for a 1/9 chance to get what I actually want with 8/9 consolation prizes.
Ushiwaka is probably one of the biggest reasons I know a little bit about Biwa Hoshi, the shogunate during the Kamakura, the development of culture during the Heian/Kamakura-Edo periods as well as a few stories and locational trivia.
Might’ve had library access disabled for me by looking up studies which weren’t related to my major
I can still get her in GSSRs
awful posts that contribute nothing except wasting an image slot
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How many levels of copium am I on for wanting this?
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It's an acceptable risk if you have a lot of targets that are otherwise incompatible with your rolling plans and GSSRs.
Summer Muramasa?
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i wanted any of the 9 and maybe ill go to an expensive steak house for dinner tonight
maybe ill get the most expensive ribeye and feed it to some alligators
Okay, but let’s say I don’t really care for her?
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There are several ways to 6CE with the funny vamp.
>lowest damage but plugless so its braindead
double koyan, then atlas MC CD reduction. pretty self explanatory
>highest wave 3 damage but mediocre wave 1/2 damage, requires append 2
double oberon + koyan
turn 1 all of koyans buffs, then plugsuit her for oberon #2, use both oberons S1s
turn 2 arc s2
turn 3 oberon s2+s3 x2
>highest overall damage, I think
double koyan + summer ibuki (alternatively edison but while he's lower party cost he's less effective)
it's the same as the top option, but instead of using atlas MC CD reduction you just plugsuit in tittybuki to do it for you. This has the fun additional effect of letting you ALSO send out summer ibuki's NP for free after Arcs if you use Arcs S3, which can be quite chunky in its own right.
you're brown
Ugh I'm drunk enough and feeling good enough after my workout that I'm gonna go over my Destiny Order picks and have you guys fill my holes since I could really use the wins on that thing
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If lv120 Summer BB with maxed male Akuno craft essence on her, it's me.
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Arc is so useful and versatile!
I can farm with a wide range of team without relying on the usual suspects of my own for buffs!
Holy shit I have to roll for summer ibuki now!
You forgot to mention she can run the standard Koyan x2 and Oberon setup in any gacha that has a 50% charge CE.
what are you asking baka
this artist has an armpit fetish
You're asking why people are talking about Arc, if you don't care you just don't so move on.
Why is your Arc only at NP1, sis?
And if you don’t really care for the rest of the shit you’re going for, the likelihood of hitting your target is much lower. Even a 2/9 chance is much worse or just as equally as bad.
And you pay more.
If youre 6-7 years into F/GO at this point, what exactly are you getting in these things?
Albert please...
Let's go, put Void Shiki in Saber slot!
Added. Nice support.
>Global version of Blue Archive got inaccessible for half a day at the start of their latest Anime collaboration event
>players received items for three (3) tenfolds, on top of stamina/PvP item compensation for the downtime
>NA/Global version FGO got inaccessible for 1/4 of a day under the ANNIVERSARY celebrations
>they only preserve the login streak/perks of those who couldn't lok into the game between the two days
>zero item compensation for the 5ish hours downtime
I'm growing annoyed of KKKao's Wild Ride
Which Arc ascension though?
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I skipped it, I was just explaining that it's worth it for some people.
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I'm sorry little one
Super based
The one with the granny skirt
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The one you posted.
I dunno who the fuck ARCHETYPE: EARTH is, but I'm here for my wife; ACCRUED BONUSLOGINS
I keep switching. Really like them all. Might just set her on random.
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>waaaaahhh I have to pay 30 dollars for a guaranteed SSR
>my IQ is not high enough to build a destiny summon
Some of the slots are already filled but I'll take suggestions for the ones I have no strong feeling about, give me a bit I gotta post-exercise refeed and a few things before I start
>her name is Arcade
My Arc is NP2 but since Cute Arc asked for some grails I will probably take her to 100. I've also got a lot of gold fous sitting in the bank taking up space. I'll be fine. I must be fine. Skadi is necessary to enable a wider range of benched servants, Ibuki even helps Arc. I should be fine.
I fell in love with all of them
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The one and only historical biographical book about Koma...
It incorporates many references, the guy at the first place is the guy who wrote a biography for Koma at the Mogami Yoshiaki Historical Museum.
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+1 image
Currently leaning towards 2, because dumb bimbos are relatable.
having sex with yu fu while she watches doomhorse and yu meiren have sex
Void and Ass Shiki will get further rank ups during KnK anniversary and it'll make them jump in the meta ranking. Don't ask me how I know but you guys might want to start rolling for Void NP2+ while you can. Trust me, it's worth it.
get my husband away from that WHOOOOORE
Thank you, same for you! By the way, I wanted to write Hakuno and not "Akuno" in the last post... I seriously need some rest... Lol.
Turn 1: All Koyan on Arc, plug 2nd Oberon in, both Oberon’s 1st skill, Arc’s 1st skill
Turn 2: Arc’s 2nd skill
Turn 3: Rest of both Oberon’s skills on Arc + MC skill 1
This is what I’ve been doing.
Even then I still don't get the appeal of rolling for Arc, from a f2p viewpoint that is.
She still needs at least NP2 to get a decent damage from her. Also, her class advantage is over avengers and berserkers only.
I guess if you're a Tsukihime fan from day one, then she's more than worth it.
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i hope this post will be well received
As you can see, he is clearly retarded and can't build destiny summon pool, do not engage.
But she ends up with 90% charge on the 3rd turn, no?
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>GSSR is after Illyafest
>I'll have to risk trying for NP2 Morgan on her rate-up pre Morganfest if I want to use her and Kriem for that last node
Real thinking problems right there.
Oberon's 2nd skill is 50% charge, so 2x that makes the full 100%.
She steamrolls 90++ until lasagna buffs wave 2 up making it harder for her especially if she doesn't hit her multipliers.
Oberon's S2 gives 50%, and you're using two of them at once because you have two oberons.
Have they ever used the term accrued before? Seems like an intentional joke that only works in EN.
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Nevermind, misread about Oberon's skills
I assume you have her append unlocked in order for this to work
I think they started using it around the time of the Great Anniversary Bait Stream last year. Purely because I kept thinking I was reading Arcueid everywhere.
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you can just do new year's berserker gssr, it gets a little bit bloated compared to this one, but there will still be poogod and morgan, and ibuki joins them, basically you have 50% chance for a god tier servant (went down from 66% in the 7th anni case)
Yeah, I forgot to mention that since I unlocked it right away. But yes, at least 2nd append unlocked but doesn't need max.
>I kept thinking I was reading Arcueid everywhere
Type Boomers aren't taking their meds...
I haven’t done a GSSR since like 2021
I only allow 2nd ascension for friend support. Ascension 3 is for (Me) and I don't want other /alter/bros doing weird things to her. So they can have Asc2 instead, and deal with Shiki if they want to NTR.
I have done every single GSSR since I started playing.
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>We lose our streak and demand something be done
>We get fucked out of any apologems for a huge fuckup mid anni but they say they'll restore the streak
I have said it before but I'll say it again: the FGO leddit board is the absolute most fucking spineless group of bootlickers I have ever, ever seen. If this happened during the Dokkan anniversary there would be people hopping flights to Japan to drag the fucking devs out into the street until they got the most grovelling apology and a suitable fat stack of apologems. Same for basically every gacha community over there with the same dumb echo chamber rules, they go apeshit just like we do. What is it about the FGO players there that makes them such doormats?
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Nice body
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My Arjuna Alter is NP3 and while getting Tea Lady would be nice I absolutely won't take any chance of getting a Raitabortion.

Even the exclusive one last year?
When do we get the next option to roll for Edison? I'd rather not spend sq on Summer Ibuki when I already want Purin and ice cream hag.

I would also take a SR ticket option if viable. I was hoping to use it on Kriem though...
>Even the exclusive one last year?
Even that one. I got Amakusa. I hate Amakusa.
Kiyobros it's up
Hokusai is legitimately one of the prettiest anime girls I've ever seen. I want her to do horrible things to me for "reference material".
Albert's demands to keep working on this mess are that:
1. Nobody gets to be greedy
2. There must always be at least one typo in every new update
RIP, that was the only one I skipped along with this Destiny Order.
Gross. I'm only interested if Toto-sama is in control.
I'm glad she's a regular when it comes to getting anniversary CE
>>When do we get the next option to roll for Edison?
I dunno, normally I'd check gamepiss for stuff like this but their website has been kinda fucked lately.
I don't really care either way, what I care about is the dominance factor.
Does traum give you a grail at the end?
You don't get a single Grail from Traum.
What is so good about Arc? She seems very mid.
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Just about McFucking had it
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>17 levels left until he becomes 120
>Blue apples are getting decimated & there’s only 8 days left
I can make it, I just have to keep believing that the 3x rate is real
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You don't get a single Grail, because you get three!
it gives you 3
She looks like fem Gil
you should try reading her skills and passive first
Spend your gold apples if EXP is all you need, half AP and triple succ is better than a lotto and you can rebuild your stash before the next one anyway. The boy deserves it! Don't make him wait!
freddy fazbear
based granny funposting
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I believe in you, Voyagerbro!
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Should I put Arc in All or Extra?

you will READ Tsukihime zoomzoom, it's even easier than ever before
and then READ TsukiRE
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Funny Vamp EX
>not wanting to cut Arc's womb with your dick so she forgets Tsukihime
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i still don't like nuarc
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Bimbofication is underrated.
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Where is her casual outfit in FGO?
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>3 grails
>I could 120 Arc immediately if I get it done and then go apeshit on hands
Please tell me Helena-sensei, is this course of action Mahatma or should I stay my hand?
Did you guys get Arc's 1st or 3rd append Tsukibros? I don't want to roll for NP6
i still distinctly prefer her old design, but i can't deny that after playing re her new design did grow on me a bit.
i think the fact that original arc basically dressed like a grandma made more sense because she's an autistic murder robot who doesn't know anything about fashion, but nuarc has a bunch of different outfits and so on... but also she's a princess so she probably should be elegant.
positives and negatives.
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Do you love her, and were you always intending to 120 her even before discovering this? If so, the sooner the better. It will give you all the more time to play with her at full potential.
Not as strong as Vitch or Merlin.
extra cards are a meme for 98% of servants, and an anti-foreigner append is just niche enough for me to not think it's really worth it.
I think with NP5 you end up having enough coins to unlock a second append by like bond 12 or something?
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I got NP3 Helena from this anniversary, I wonned so hard.
Cute Russian girl
do it. the second portrait ticket is also locked behind traum
>Hit bond 13 with Castoria while farming embers
anti foreigner seems more useful
But this is the old tsukihime...
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>using meta supports while farming hands
Yeah but I got her 2nd append for some farming uses, since she's my only NP5 120 farmer anyways
Extra cards get pretty good with class score though, right? I'll probably max the Moon Cancer one first anyways
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from what anons were saying. Something to do about the extra 20% enabling certain Oberon setups in the future even if it seems useless with her 100% charge
Even with that she won't be hitting 750k to Foreigners.
I did that on purpose because I wanted the SQ, trying it out with Lancelot and double Skadi this time.
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Correct, now start reading until you finish both!
You can emulate TsukiRE on the Switch ezpz
the 10% (no need to actually level it up) is usable right now in koyan + 2x Oberon setups actually
>Turn 1 dump all koyan skills, use 2x Oberon S1's, the 10% from the append pushes the total to 100%
>Turn 2 Arc S2
>Turn 3 2x Oberon S3s
This honestly seemed like a huge oversight to me, I was expecting some reward from it like a trial quest option.
the standard cope is that they're saving it for the tsukihime collab/redgarden release campaign
I'll probably never read it. Who is Sono G and why was he worth killing? Why did Aoko fail to kill him
stop being greedy
Uh wait for JP to give it in like a year or something. Like how we had to wait 2 years for Ody's helmet. Hell, fucking Kiyohime got basically forgotten for years and then suddenly got an event focus plus new costume.
Only Servant it comes to mind as being particularly possible for is Space Ishtar, and even then you want her second append first anyway.
>My Arjuna Alter is NP3
NP4 Arjuna Alter can just solo farm the node, you don't even need Kriemhild.
>tfw NP2 Arc
>want to mana append her
>but also want to 120 her
It hurts.
you know what to do.
If you get the rate up SSR before reaching pity, does the pity counter reset or can you get another copy by reaching pity on the 330th summon?
I can't bro, I need Merlina and the ice cream hag.

How cute.
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What was her name again?
Arcade Bumstead!
Arcade Baobhan
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I thought Mana Append wasn't good for her cause she has a 100% battery?

Although on that note I'm in a similar situation with Gil. He showed up twice from GSSR (along with Ishtar) so now I need to decide whether to Append 2 or 120 him. I like him but dunno if I want to have him as one of my 120s though, and Append 2 is pretty vital to him for gameplay since he needs it to loop with a 50% CE with Koyan/Koyan/Oberon so I'll likely just append 2.
>Albert don't be greedy.jpg
Mai Koksuleev
funny vamp
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Accrued Loginbonus
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Don't argue too loud sisters, I am trying to farm and eat.
Pity disappears entirely the moment you get the rate up servant on that banner.
I unironically misspell Arcueid all the time
How did Nasu even come up with that fucking name.
What is that bro?
so many bros
It's literally just a play on Alucard.
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my vamp is getting very funny
Ah, so her real name is Dieucra
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Nasu is weird like that. Same way he comes with every foreign name.
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Looks like roasted drumsticks, mashed taters, and some carrots and peas, bro
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It's a slightly altered version of Alucard.

If you basically just did what Alucard does, but if you did it with the Japanese pronunciation/spelling of Dracula instead of the english one, and then messed with it.

Do ra kyu ra
ar kyu ei do
You use mana append in a 2x Oberon setup.

>turn 1 50% charge, her mana append, plugsuit an Oberon, 2x Oberon S1
>turn 2 Arc charge
>turn 3 2x Oberon S2
Is Oberon homosexual?
Reminder that the Burial Agency has people with names like
>Cardinal Noi Seonator Granfatima
>Monsignor Andrei Godbivouac
>Executor Mr Dawn
What do the Hanafuda cards do again?
That's a normal name
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>Executor Mr Dawn
so cool...
Kisshouin is her surname, instead of Sessyoin for some reason.
Draw two (2) Kama from Ooku
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They can be used to locate the oni masks
This Kiara girl sounds like a good lass.
this ain't genshin
She is a very faithful nun.
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>god bivouac
How did Nasu came up with this stuff
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>While the name bears a resemblance to "Alucard", a common name in vampire stories created by reversing Dracula's name, "Arcueid" is actually just a name they had planned to give to a different character in a different story.
>They used a model when creating her design. During college, Takeuchi Takashi saw a foreign model in a fashion magazine who left an impression on him.
>He wished to work her into one of his characters no matter how much trial and error even with only the one vague image

This is the only known image of her, and it generated billions of dollars for Type-Moon. We don't even know her name. Do you think she has the slightest idea?
Will Takeuchi ever meet her? Will they unite together in their own happy ending after all these years..?
hope you enjoy it bro
Same way he came up with Altria. Even though everybody, including Takeuchi, uses Artoria.

And let us never forget Mashu/Matthew, he STILL seethes and calls her Matthew to this day.
Stripper name.
she looks like my mom
Good moming
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>get invited to a discord server by an Okita bro
>first thing I see on there is someone injecting themselves with their estrogen
didn't we find out who she was a while back?
The experience of reading tsuki on web browsers is pretty horrible if you ask me
never played anything involving her
im not gonna roll
but i would for Neco Arc
aka, Skibidi Toilet for 20 year olds
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Is your mom single?
>Executor Mr Dawn
Damn I didn't know they made 4chan mods a character.
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Tell your dad to write more porn into his visual novels
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Kirei should've been introduced to bdsm, I feel like that would solve a lot of his inner conflict.
Kiara is a very good name.
Is NP4 Arc enough?
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jesus christ the faculty of astromancy is PACKED
Bob is the best possible name invented by humans
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I need to roll Boudica with today's Friend Points in order to reach Level 120! Send me your catalyst, bros!
it's known members, not all members
Yeah, dipshit. Stop wasting your money, NP2-3 is even enough if you have the right supports.
Do NOT look at the Faculty of Archeology.
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I meant that they just have some heavy hitters in there
Astromancy could solo the other departments easy
Man I was so pissed she was just a generic evil fairy. She was pretty.
Just got Jimmy up to 120, saving for mapo priest
>no faculty of sex
Why mages are like this?
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I guess you could say, THEIR CAREER LIES IN RUINS!
>Archaeology literally all villains
Never fails to make me kek.
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write that down, write that down! We need to use it next time, that was gold!
Yeah, but mine isn't NP4 though. He's level 100 and I'll be giving him gold Fous.
Is np0 Arc enough?
Which faculty does Touko belong to?
Botany is Yumina.

That's the First Magic. Admittedly they don't have Alice listed, and she's the current First Magic user, but still.
Were Olgamarie and Kirschtaria actually engaged? It would have made sense there.
You said NP3, if you get the NP4 from the Berserker GSSR you won't have to worry about Morgan + Kriemhild.
Yes. NP0 is always enough for any servant.
The 90++ nodes from Morganfest are just plain bullshit. I'll stick to the 90+ ones.
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Is this supposed to be a subtle high level shitpost because her lower body is crippled?
Archaeology with the rest of the villains. Of course, she was under a Sealing Designation and on the run in KnK. In exchange for agreeing to play by Association rules in Case Files, she got the SD lifted and was given the rank of Grand/Crown. She still was only permitted Orange colour though, so she's still Dirty Red.
Your mom is quite pretty, hope you got her looks bro.
>640 quartz
>40 tickets
But I finally got my 3rd funny vamp, and she even came on a double-sided Moon Cancer card.
Time to save.
Too late because I already did my GSSR, and I'd pick Morgan if I was doing the Destiny Order. Oh well, it can't be helped!
If I use a code remover, do I get back the command code?
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You get the slot back
That would be an insanely funny shitpost if intentional, but I have to just believe that it's Rin's JPG below cutting off part of it and the image maker just didn't notice.
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I think Jannu needs to be raped.
Now that I rolled for Arc i'll start my savings for Aesc
Why is she making that face?
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>Come back after a long time
>Characters suddenly NEED NP levels
Whoa, fuck. Did Lasengle wind up being greedy fucks?
Command codes are freely detachable at any time now. Code removers give you the key back.
Both the expressions for the new MC give off rapey vibes.
how are you supposed to masturbate with this thing
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5CE in 90++ is better than 6CE in 90+. There are F2P friendly options to farm the 90++ at 5CE so you really shouldn't farm 90+.

Bro we mentioned the New Year's Berserker GSSR, where you can get Morgan or at worst get your Arjuna (Alter) to NP4. It can totally be helped...
You're forgetting the true gigachad that can 6 CE anything that isn't a rider, Gong.
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Cute, but what NP?
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Guda could never properly channel that Rapist Shiki energy
gil looks like he's about to get raped
>unironically replying to mongoloid's random discord sceenshot posting
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yeah, you know what? I'm starting to think that Nasu and Takeuchi are both hacks. Just a little thinking.
Truth be told I have to skip that too because I don't want Summer Ibuki.
I know blue is the highest and comes with the most prestige, but what is the implication of combining red and yellow?
red is dirty
bros, I don't feel so good...
Isn't red second best? Doesn't that make yellow third best? Why would you combine red and yellow for orange?
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Nobody's forcing you to do the 90++ nodes you nerds
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This Mashu should make you feel better.
Albert should give us a GSSR featuring only Saber faces.
which arcueid append skill is the best
the one that gives her a cock
NP charge
Combined colours are lower class than pure ones.
How many coins is that going to cost?
No compensation or acknowledgement for the emergency maint and extension?
That's racist
You lost nothing, and you will get nothing.
t. albert
Modern gacha moment! Apologems are a thing of the past.
I was in the middle of doing my weeklies so yes I did lose something
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small indie company
please understand
>unscheduled maintenance completion notice
>we will update the page with compensation details once they have been determined
Nasu is Japanese, which has a very, very high ethnic purity level.
I have summoned Xu Fu and I will now proceed to have sweaty sex with Xu Fu.
arc when she sees my small penis
She's a lesbian dumbshit
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So for f2p there is only archetype banner right? Or there is more?
what if anon is a dumb female master though
Fucking Xu Fu's brains out in front of this retard
while >>485193876 watches
>for f2p
what do you mean
Only chance.
I have summoned Xu Fu and I will now proceed to have sweaty sex with Yu meiren
holy based
Banner you can roll rn as f2p (not spending money)
kek based
oh then yes
if you dont want to gssr/destiny this is the only banner so far
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>not mlb
We are all picking Ortlinde right?
>got mlb HF months after playing
>barely got 2nd BG from ticket
Hello new toredo?
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For me, it's Hildr and Ölrún.
Stay in your dead general /fgog/faggot.

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