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>Latest patch

>Main information document

>Character planners

>Interactive map

>Group password

>Previous >>485152096
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drinking miquellas love juices
I love my mommy
Ew, used goods
Please post Trina art, it's late night, I need sleep
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Velvet Veil (PS5) 2026
Spellbound 2028
I don't like this freak's art
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There is no fixing /erg/
Does Romina's halberd get increased rot build up with your arc?
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Which Elden Ring character has the largest benis
My money is on Radagon/Marika
You may not like it, but the ideal level is 491
it's miquella, it's always been miquella.
how long do you think miquella's cock is?
>womb pouch on Miquella
Staying up late and only getting 4 hours of sleep to find St. Trina art
"I think I was trying to suggest something about the duality of man, sir … the Jungian thing, sir"
But we can fix Marika.
Man this dragon hunter katana is no joke. It dealt with BAAAYYYYLE pretty easily. Almost feels like cheating.
I only care about big dicks when it's on a small frame, so it looks extra unwieldy
I didn't really understand it, I tried it and veen like leveled it uo to max, but it didn't seem to do any more damage than my regular sword I was using, and I dont think it was because of the scaling. The way people talked about it I figured it would be like thw serpent hunter spear where like it's supposed ot be THE wY to do it
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>No Arc Scaling to use it with my Dragon Communion build
why didn't you just make some?
Shard of Alexander and Godfrey Icon was way overkill
It's gay to fuck Marika btw
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how would YOU fix the dlc? this isn't just a post to whine about radahn (though i'm also in the camp of really disliking him as the final boss). you can certainly post about wanting something other than him, but what were other areas you thought needed changing? lore-wise, gameplay-wise, whatever.

i will start. i wish the dlc focused more on creating memorable boss fights. gaius, putrescent knight, rellana, and a couple others were bosses i did not think were worthy of being remembrances, and i wish we got stuff equivalent to the base game. every fight, with the exception of rennala, felt like an actual event and confrontation with a legendary character
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>Glad you're trying out WebM making, newfriend.
I'm glad someone liked them. I'll try to make them shorter and more interesting.
>It used to be 3mb lol
Crist. Can glowies at least pay for the servers how they do it in Russia? We have 40mb limits there. And glowies in every asshole.
Because I'm not a great artist and havent tried to draw anything elden ring which like is hard to translate onto here. Also I just said I have 4 hours that's not enough time to draw art for anon even if I did want to
>press and hold L2
>huge overhead strike + projectile
mine is only +9. The projectile wave thing makes it easy to go for headshots. It's like a quicker vertical MLGS
Redistribute the weapons so they are all not concentrated into one place. That one guy who talked about viking lore has a good idea in regards to Messmer being the final boss. Ditch the finger mother monster. Ditch the creepy flower girl or make St. Trina look like how murals depicted her.
Oh I didn't even know it could do that, I forget about ashes of war all the time
are erdsteel dagger R2s shittery?
More dungeons levels
Less Empy Open world
Good Rememberance weapons
Boss rush gamemode
More non somber weapons
Actually good spells/incants
No skibidi fragments
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This sort of boss run is unironically more interesting than all "no hit"/"no damage"/"hitless" runs of bosses in Elden Ring or any similar game like Dark Souls or Bloodborne.
It showcases a thorough understanding of all the game's tools and blends them together to generate a unique, entertaining and creative way of taking down bosses, as opposed to the aforementioned no-damage runs that all end up playing the same because they purposefully don't use 99% of the tools the games give them and boil everything down to dodging everything or parrying everything.

more straight swords. fuck greatsword users
Not clicking it til you say what it is, what "sort of" boss run is it?
>Marika breaks the Elden Ring.
>GW suspends her in a most erotic way possible.
What does the Greater Will meant by that?
Jesus would like to have some words with you
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It's more than likely miquella. Here's why
Gameplay wise mohg is weaker than average from behind when it comes to guardbreaks
For some reason consort radahn even without him on his back IS EVEN WEAKER to guardbreaks from behind
Both of them have very weak behinds and what do they have in common? Being miquella'd. It's very clear and obvious that miquella made them that weak from behind. And anal with large penises can cause you to be sore and weak back there. Now look at their size, how tall they are. Miquella would need a MASSIVE unwieldy penis to bruise them so easily from behind. It's likely he has to use his magic to keep himself conscious when erect. He has a demigod-slayer greatsword in his pants.
>"Most erotic way possible"
Crucifixion? Fucking weirdo
>Knight's Lightning Spear
FTH bros we are SO back.
She is crumbling and breaking down as if she were made of clay. You know, like the jars. I'd chalk that up to the Elden beast's malice instead of any sort of eroticism.
are you serious? just use SD
Just finished Ymir's questline. That was bizarre and very uncomfortable.
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Single handedly vindicated this DLC for me. Just like how Lightning Arrow did for me too in Ringed City.
What's the difference between red and yellow lightning?
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not sure it is worth trading lower poise for 6% increase ashes of war skill
Yellow lightening is the Golden Order patented piss color. I forgot what red lightening was, specifically.
stable diffusion. can just use free options online as well
ancient dragon lightning is red but it turned yellow when they taught it to humans
>Bayle makes a fucking ton of chinese knock off bastardized drakes
>This got the true dragons so fucking ass mad they recruited human and made an entire new fucking organization dedicated to slay said drakes
>Taught them to eat the slain drakes's hearts
>This creates even worst Chinese knock off bastardized dragon

Are dragons retarded?
it's not that strange, dragon-killing weapons in base game are dex, too
The red one is cooler
Flesh out empty areas like the finger ruins, abyssal woods, charos hidden grave, jagged peak
Better balancing. There's much overpowered stuff like pre-nerf rolling sparks and too much useless shit like rain of fire
Make greatsword of damnation a LGS and turn it into a frenzy weapon
Turn places like Midra's Manse and Belurat into bigger legacy dungeons
Remove copy and paste bosses like runebears, tree spirits, Senessax, NPC gaol bosses
More weapon catalysts
Buyable lost ashes of war
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also ugly ass fashion
The erdtree is an ash tree
-> turned to literal ash as it burns
which naturally means Marika follows.
Didn't you post a webm here the other day?
no skibidis, no radahn, fewer remembrances, more med-sized kino dungeons like darklight, more build up for major bosses in npc dialogue, descriptions etc, more focus on Messmer and Marika, more quests like Ymir's
Vyke's Spear is still one of the most annoying things for me to deal with. The AoE is just so large and lasts forever.

As somebody who liked the base game's open world, I really think the DLC's open world holds it back. It's very pretty, but exploration generally feels unrewarding, and I also don't like how navigation between the different areas is laid out. I also think the level design of the DLC is very lackluster compared to the base game (particularly the legacy dungeons). If the world was smaller, maybe that would have been remedied, as less resources would have to be devoted to making a giant (and empty) open world. A bona fide legacy dungeon combining the Abyssal Woods and Midra's Manse had the potential to be one of the greatest levels in FS history. I'm in the minority that generally thinks all the major bosses were great to fight for the most part, but I agree that more effort could have been put into making them feel more important in the world (via cutscenes, story significance, level/world integration...).

Lastly, they needed to add a Carian Straight Sword/Sorcery Catalyst and a version of the Scaled Set without the scales. A new MLGS would have been cool too.
drinking miquella's and ranni's love juices
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I dont know how to create builds so I just use the wondrous physick tears that make me and the people that summon mess health regenerate over time
Away with you, foul beast
If you want a more actual answer, then, I don't like ai generated art. I'm not like one of those people that thinks "Uhg, its ugly" since like I think that it's quality has and will keep going up over time, but I prefer knowing the effort and emotion that someone is trying to make like manually, I like that better. Same reason why I would never want chatgpt to try and write a fanfiction or book for me, I want someone to have put in effort into it themselves. It's kinda like if your grandma knitted you a hat, even if you had a machine which could weave one IDENTICALLY, exactly thw same, there's no fake immeasurable "love" in one and not the other, but still the effort put into the one she knit is still specialer and I'm going to value it more
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Retards, the lot of you
I can't even make a list anymore without despairing because I know it'll never happen and this 7/10 dlc is all we're ever getting
good enough to reach Haligtree
That first one wasn't supposed to be a reply
Reading up on the last threads.
Wouldn't this be like 1.3 k hours at least?
carian knight sword is a carian straight sword
I watched as an Invader killed my host and the other co oper. Sorry man, I signed up to fight bosses not gank.
I would have loved to get more infusable Carian Knight weapons, like Fire Knights and Black Knights.
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...is that Rennala or The Lady?
Rykard was blonde.
things the dlc needed:
>rolling chariots
>sections where going across precarious walkways while some asshole pelts you with hard knockdown projectiles
>more big mouth imps
>stinky zone you can't ride through with verticality that won't instant kill you but it's just far enough to send you back to the "start"
>invisible pitfalls that only collapse when you attack them
>invisible walls that lead to death traps
>golems flanking a spiked ceiling trap
>imps that inflict sleep
>4 tree spirit gauntlet where they spawn one by one based on time not by damage/kills
>a zone only accessible by drinking at a key place
>bird warrior boss, it's first on the pecking order
>a worthless dogshit dagger
>a "rival" tarnished NPC with their own progression through regions that locks you out of remembrances because they beat you to the punch but you get to fight alt bosses, invade them during boss fights or summon them
I wanna make a blooms twice poison build next, looks fun
do you use romina's halberd or her butterfly spell?
why was midra deemed too weak to become the lord of frenzied flame when he literally becomes the lord of frenzied flame
I appreciate the DLC for actually trying to step away from the rollslop by introducing the deflect tear and backstep talisman
>muh vig
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Dumb invaders interrumpting the prep to fight the boss.
Arena rejects.
Micropenis like a gorilla but worse. Likely 4 inches or less
***drinking thiollier's concoction
Why do you say that? His mom was Rennala and his dad was Radagon, neither of those have blonde hair
No he wasn't. Not a single one of Rellana children was born with blonde hair that is why Marika decided to go fuck herself instead
I don't understand what's happening in this webm, is he blocking? how can he block?
it encourages both with the other new talismans
what backstep talisman?
>Elden Ring lore Vs SotE lore
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Damn brat, spankings needed.
I just realized something, if the "empyrean who becomes a god needs to have a consort already" is an actual thing, as seen with miquella or radagon needing to be marika's consort right after she banished godfrey is real, then godfrey is a cuckold or radagon was her first elden lord but godfrey was the first recognized elden lord
deflect tear should've been a talisman, but only work when blocking with a weapon
Idk but if you two hand the marital arts you can block, and if they are then they're probably using the parry tear
It's not a sorcery catalyst. Also, it's an even bigger joke now that Carian Sovereignty is a thing and it's locked into only having Carian Grandeur.

Same, and I'm not a big fan of the aesthetic of the new Carian weapons we did get. Like the Carian Sorcery Sword looks awful to me, even though it's a lot of fun.

I haven't gotten to her yet on that build, but I was planning on throwing it on when I do.
instantblock tear
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Sekiro tear
Occult infused weapons can't be buffed wtf
In the paintings he is shown with pale hair
In the intro he has strands of blonde hair identical to miquella's
In the manga he is depicted as blonde

Either he had blonde hair or his hair went lightened (like reek from asoiaf) from whatever stress he was under due to his own experiments upon himself or others.
>draw a girl
>imply penis
no, this is a girl, i refuse to fall for your homo tricks
>buffing an occult infused bleed weapon with more bleed
yeah nothing would go wrong
>hair color and cuckoldry discussions again
Actually funny
gguys i completely forgot Fia had a questline and now she killed someone and left
now i cant get hugs, fuck this
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I know it's fextra but maybe you guys can give the sorcery sword a chance
The paintings only have like 2 colors, yellow and DARK red for the background and shadows, I don't really think that's saying he's blonde
And like in the intro his beard looks red to me
damn I thought two-handing just gives you the two handed moveset on r2
that's pretty kino
no, it's trash
Just have a friend hug a pillow and you hug a pillow at the same time and each of you pretend it's the other person, so it's like you're hugging eachother
Damn right!
Why does backstepping being a viable way of dodging an attack with any kind of range or forward momentum at all have to be limited to a talisman that makes you take more damage?
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Here's the painting from the game files without the lighting of volcano manner
>the manga
There's a canon Elden Ring Manga?
One of these days, I'll post you a picture of my ass, and you'll see that some asses can look feminine.
In isolation, though, because the legs are usually a giveaway, and so is the waist.
>Gay thrusting sword

No. Make it a colossal one and then we will talk
Fuck off.
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My theory was correct!
Castle Ensis checkpoint -> invade nearby -> spawn in the water -> phantom bloody finger -> invade into the bossfight
time to equip the full rellana loadout and cause some mayhem
>deflecting tear incidentally makes the retarded L1 block on paired weapons useful
Bravo Miyazaki I never should have doubted ye.
It's not canon it's a joke manga but it's pretty good
I think so many of the boss movesets are designed around rollcatching that giving the player a universal way to backstep through everything was reserved for the end of the DLC
No it doesn't really make sense but it's the only cope I can come up with
Wait seriously? Post webms please.
Do it, I dare you faggot, I'll jerk off to it. What then?
That pic doesn't even have nips. She's nipless in the uncensored.
Looks kinda strawberry blonde I guess, you're right, though I still think it could be pale red
My headcanon view of it now is going to be like
It was regular red like all the rest, but part of his derangement and stress at like slowly becoming disillusioned with the Golden Order and falling into like the Heresy with the serpent meant that he was getting more bedraggled over time and his hair paled/got whiter and so ended up that pale reddish strawberry blonde color
Its funny because without it, the block with the marital arts is just like really stupidly holding up your hand like you're trying to use a mind trick to make them stop switing a sword at your face
>Flame enchantment is STR-scaling for some reason
>Both the Fflame perfume bottles and the Perfumed Oil Of Rannah scale with Dex

Elden Ring stats piss me the fuck off.
Because From is deathly afraid of bringing any good features from DS2 back for some reason.
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Goddamn these things are fun.
it's somewhat RNG dependent (I've only gotten into the bossfight when first spawning in the water next to the ladder, and then only sometimes) but that seems to be the route
no webms because I'm absolutely retarded but I'll take a screenshot next time, this is the 6th time I've gotten it to work (3rd time doing it intentionally)
what's wrong with giving all stats access to certain damage types?
It makes everything fucking samey and boring with no personality.
I think I saw your messmer webm it seemed absurdly strong
Kills pros and cons of build variety
what the hell, howd u do that?
yup without the tear the only thing you reliably block is the sun from your eyes
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>she's nipless in the uncensored
You have appealed to my incessant need to prove Anonymous Posters wrong. Nicely done, anon. I have no choice but to go on vacation now. See you all in a few days.
Level 562
On my first ER playthrough Should I get the DLC to complete everything in one goal, or keep away from it until my second or third playthrough? Though I have to question how likely it is for me to do that soon after I finish the base game once. I am already taking my time and doing a majority of the content, except not bothering with a bunch of the small dungeons.
flaming strike, perfume/oil, dragonfire, magma spells and fire incants are vastly different
I think it's dumb that this is bankable when it's clearly actual art, not porn
>messmer webm
Nope, must have been someone else.
Do a backstep while charging a heavy attack, then you can press R1 to do the backstep attack. Thrusting and curved swords have a similar thing.
You can do it om your first playthrough, new game +s are faster to work through than your first paluthroigh but your first newgsme+ is gonna be a little slower
Thank you for your service ;_;7
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my bad wrong guy
whats the level range for coop in the dlc? im at 135 now.
that does not look strong in the slightest
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>spells and flame art infusion: faith
>monk flame weapons: lol quality 4 no raison
>vykes spear the only madness weapon: dex with str tax
>fingerprint shield the only madness weapon wait a minute...- strength
they sure thought about stats and stuff when making the elden rings video game

and thats just fire. lets mention sleep for a minute, the sword is dex with int, the TORCH is dex with FAITH, the arrows are technically arcane which goes with the arcane poison bow but not really since sleep has no poison connection and unless im mistaken there is no silver lily bow in the dlc either, and every other bow is dex or "quality" and therefore pointless in any real meta bracket
and, thats it there are no spells thank you for playing.

I knew how much of a ride I was in for when I saw Ds holy spells weren't just faith oh and dont get me started how SACRED infusion doesn't tag skeletons remember the divine infusion and that being all its good for, well you don't even get that, "eat shit player" apparently.
I really wish that was a universal mechanic in Elden Ring. Having some way to cancel charged heavies would make using the DMGS so much more fun.
Martin writes about stress, trauma, madness, and self experimentation turning one's hair white all the time. Both in the thousand worlds and in asoiaf. If he really did write much of the backstory pre shattering for elden ring then rykards hair color change can be explained that way.
i swear i seen this image somewhere. SauceNAO return nothing, link to artist
are you confusing "strong" with "broken"
just started the dlc i have no idea where to go, i made it the castle area at the start with the girl and the weird cross thing outside, it's the one with the spider scorpians inside.
Is this the right way? I have no clue where to go.
Like the dlc just made you beat morg and go inside the corpse but didn't give you a task or something
>One extra skibidi
Did they seriously add an odd number of these?
>all the adds were one-shot by Dragonmaw and Bayle's Stake Driver
>Host kept on running away until a second red arrived
Can't say I'm a fan of this game mode
>Fire infusion str
>Flame Art Infusion str/fth
>Lightning Infusion dex
>No Dragon Art infusion dex/fth
i think you might be
yandex seems to know what it is.
as for google and the other buttons they're all useless now, despite "having AI" maybe people should have you know improved it instead of bitching about hands and slop.
Did you meet the horny guy in rags? He gives you a map with hints of where to go if simply exploring at your own pace isn't your cup of tea.
Lots of things.
>Map and areas
Entirely remove Charo's Hidden Grave and fold the stuff there into Ceruleam Coast. Maybe expand the coast area just a tad to accomodate. Remove the souther Finger ruins and keep just the Hintherlands ruins. It's fine to have it empty, it adds to the ominous ambience, but two of them is too much. Make the Abyssal Woods area about 25% smaller, and have the stealth section happen in a nice open circular area, rather than narrow corridors. Lots of elevation options, platforms. Instead make the Manse bigger, since it's a great dungeon.
No fucking dragons outside of the 3 encounters in Jagged Peak since I'll concede that's a built up to Bayle. But fuck the ghost dragons and fuck there being 3 of them. Also fuck the death rite birds. And fuck the furnace golems too. Keep maybe 4 out of the 8 (the ones they put in the even terrain). Everything else is whatever, can't be helped there's repeat enemies.
Who cares, whatever you put here will be an exercise in CBT anyway.
Expunge all fucking mentions of goddamn Radahn. Let the man get his rest, the festival of war was one of the highlights of the base game. Either we fight Miquella directly or Godwyn or Malenia or whatever else, just not Radahn that had no fucking set up. Honestly the rest is whatever. I'd also add goddamn interactivity with base game NPCs. Telling Ranni about the fingers. Telling Gideon the final fate of the last shardbearer. So forth.
>Progression and items
Remove all smithing stones bellow 6 and other items like that. Also the scadu fragaments thing is shit but I don't know what to replace it with and accomplish the same goal of making the experience even for different soul levels.
>magic infusion int
>cold infusion dex/int
>no gravity infusion str/int
It would make sense for there to be extra. The base game has more golden seeds than you can use. I've only found enough to get up to +18.
From knew from the start that lightning was the game's best element.
yeah uh
If you're gonna have damage output/survivability tied to the collection of skibidis, then have them be things that you get from beating mini-bosses and big bosses.
You know, just like in that game you made in 2019? The game called Sekiro?
Better this way than forcing players to do endless perimeter checks of every nook and cranny of the game's horrendously bloated and empty map.
got em, further confirmation that you need to first spawn in the water
rate the drip
Cold uses the dominant physical stat of the weapon for its scaling, it's STR/INT on big weapons.
The ash scaling is dex/int but nobody uses projectile cold ashes.
...and here's the spawn in question from which you use phantom finger
If there were plenty extra so you didn't have to get ALL of them to get 20 that'd be one thing, I just think that there's actually just one single extra skibidi. That's just weird.
>Remove all smithing stones bellow 6 and other items like that.
It's so funny how the DLC still gives you shitty low level smithing stones as rewards for interacting with shinies. Either that, or other equally shitty and useless items like bone darts or rada fruits.
the greatsword of damnation should have been a light greatsword
0 imagination/10
found it, thanks to yandex image result
thats just an armor set dude
Used occult ones on my arc/dex build. These things are so fun and mobile + proc bleed really fast.
it's literally just the full scaled set/10
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Pic related. I'm not wrong a nipless version exists.
>another somberslop LGS
No thanks
That would be pretty funny if so.
>0 new Mist spells
where is my madness/sleep/rot mist miyazaki
I just want them to allow Crossbows to have their AOWs changeable.
And maybe give us a talisman that speeds up Crossbow's insanely slow reloads.
Why does Miyazaki hate crossbows?
literally just run around and backstab them when they are doing the WA
wait where?
i just got here and explored, i couldnt' find somebody like him, i just found the forrest with wolverine, some destroyed church with a strong enemy and burnt down cite and this one dungeon with a strong tankyknight boss.
Thanks. Gonna try this tomorrow.
Then you'll be gay.
>removes 40-45 percent of the boss's health in 25 seconds
>he still think it doesn't look strong in the slightest

What's strong then?
>NPC uses repeater crossbow
>Deletes my entire health bar in one volley
>I use it
>It literally tickles and is only good for status slop
Why do they hate us?
thanks, currently gooning
Replace Consort Radahn with Godwyn
Make perfumes weapons usable
Buff smith script weapons
Remove the gazillion consumables that nobody is using
Add more arrow/bolt types
Add sacred hefty pots
Rework shitty NPC quests (Ymir's quest sucked)
Improve framerate in ancient ruins of Rauh
i forgot armor doesn't do dick in this game

my actual attempt
Never ever Godwyntranny
I'd redesign Radahn for starters. No, not lorewise, the lore is shit anyway. I'd make his fight actually fair and fun. Secondly I'd fix the trash weapon and spell balancing, but hopefully patches will help with that. I'd also add more unique weapons, most of what we got is forgettable.
do you think godfrey was a hornsent or someone who grew up under hornsent culture?
Mommy Marika
No retard, he has no fucking horns. He's from the badlands.
>Ymir's quest sucked
why? I thought it was the best one. I'd rather a few independent quests like this one (spanning entire map, giving items, lore and a boss) then the pointless main "quest" we got with shitty end boss and all npcs dying
It''s just a game and you have no gf
>armor doesn't do dick in this game
he doesn't know
I like watching boss vs boss videos
You could draw upon similarities between the crucible knights and horned warriors fighting styles, as well as the hornsent reverence of lions, to make that connection but I personally dont think so.
>Go to two boring empty ruins and press a button
>Fight shittiest boss From ever designed
>Ymir flips his shit, gets male pregnant and dies
wait hold up, I just got Dark Moon Greatsword
never played an INT build so I never used it before
I've seen people crying about it being nerfed but this thing is strong as all fuck, how fucking overpowered was this before?
sure I got better cheese for bosses but otherwise this still seems extremely good
Is the cross you're talking about in your first post by a tree? He should be there.

I guess the main problem is usually he has a couple friends who are also threatening/sending out a giant hitbox at the same time.
>>a "rival" tarnished NPC with their own progression through regions that locks you out of remembrances because they beat you to the punch but you get to fight alt bosses, invade them during boss fights or summon them

would actually be 10/10. i like how we had a tiny glimpse at this in ds3 with the abyss watcher npc.
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Okay, what does it mean when it takes multiple minutes to load into someone's world and then the game kicks me out right when I stand up? Am I lagging, are they lagging? Are the servers shitting themselves?
Resize the open world to make it smaller in some place that are just empty like the fingers region or the road that lead to the Manus cathedral. It's really frustating to explore a big map to find on a ledge a fucking Gloveworts.
How is Ymir's """""quest""""" any fucking different? You go to two locations with fuckall in them, press a button, then you fight a mediocre boss and everyone dies
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What is the best (most fun/challenging/in your opinion) build to take into the DLC? I took in a magic build. Idk if I shouldve gone bonk or fth.
If everything is good and leads to a weapon perfectly suited for your build, then Fromsoft can't benefit from the dopamine you get from gamblingbrain
Best weapon to put Carian Sovereignty on?
okay, if i want to destroy gank squads, is it swift flash, flanx or night claws?
>killed all optional field/dungeon bosses in the DLC
>Also most remembances
Only Midra and Radahn left. I'm almost free
Not very challenging at all but Dragon Communion is fun as fuck and there's a whole section of the DLC dedicated to dragonfags
>how would you fix the DLC
>don't whine about Radahn
He's really my issue here though. I love the DLC otherwise. I would fix it by telling Fromsoft to go back to the drawing board and do anything, literally anything other than radahn. They don't want Godwyn? Fine. I can get over that. But Radahn? Who gives a shit about Radahn? Make up some random monster alien the boss with some random nothing empty title that makes lorefags endlessly speculate. Or just some random guy. I don't know. But why the hell would I care about some manlet version of a jobber like Radahn that I already killed? And while we are at it change the arena. That place fucking sucks so much. It lacks any interesting detail. I think back to the PEAK CINEMA that was Marika's Staircase in the Story trailer and then in game it's fucking flat and uninteresting.
>entire paragraph serthing about Radahn
>"muh Godwyn!"
kek, classic
artist is called navigavi
Don't think it's fixable, to be honest. It would have to be scrapped and re-done entirely.
but you need to find your across the whole map and finding paths/exploring was the most fun part of the DLC. Also you get useful items/weapons/spells along the way without having to kill the final boss. I liked Metyr, too. The quest and NPC ending could be improved but I still think it was real good
>WaaaaaaAh I wanted my prince of death fight, please make my gay Godwyn/Miquella fanfic real Miyazaki
Will Godwynfags ever get over it?
>got ER on summer sale
>heard the sorcery is OP meme
>it's not
>be poor
>and retarded
>suck at the game
I won't get over it until their next game releases.
keep playing until youre either good enough or over-leveled enough
I would have them re-do enemy placement from scratch and delete each and every grace immediately before a boss fight with the exception of radahn (since we're not allowed to change him I guess)
I'd also have them take 15 minutes to fix the fucking invasion spawns
i use a dex build, what weapons should i use or what can i use in the dlc?
i just started the dlc and i just used katanas to beat the game normally.
Abd Godwyn will forever be a dead fish, and you will never be a woman Godwyntranny
Get the meteor staff and spam rock sling retard
I switched to melee. 20+ LVL bellow my sorcerer yet I wreck fucking everything. There's no rationalizing this.
Lol is this the approved response to the fact that it's obvious Radahn was phoned in?
>he didn't find night comet or carian slicer
Literally whatever you want retard. Why the fuck do you need other people to tell you how to play a video game? Experiment, find something you like, have fun. Maybe form an opinion of your own instead of being a fucking NPC.
Never ever Godwyntranny
only good in early game
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And at midgame there's other shit you can use to break the game so what's the fucking problem?
you can find the best sorcery in the same general area
I know that you can equip Talisman of all Crucible together with Fine Feather and Feather crucible talismans. Question is, do iframe stack from them? or just increase damage taken?
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Holy crap guys
All this input reading unavoidable AoE spam from the boss who never stops attacking makes me think Radahn is built around summons, its so unfair!
switch to dex/int and play this bad boy by spamming L2
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>finally decide to check wiki for what new bows actually exist
>no silver lily sleep bow
>bone bow out of nowhere
>multi shot (43 dex req)
>the best greatbow in the game strength build edition
where albinauric ash of war with the triple enchanted shot? where sleep bow? where is the content people were expecting?

aint no way there won't be a second dlc.
I dislike fextra but their build videos are soulful
try great katanas tho they are more of str weapon cause they have a better 2handed moveset unless you are doing pvp clownsuits.
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>has a crossguard

and waterfowl with chilling mist offhand washing pole, other anon. thats what my mushroom is doing. until I find dlc katanas
>to break the game
>with sorcery
>inb4 some some gay ass youtube video where a guy melts the boss that just stand there
>aint no way there won't be a second dlc
There absolutely won't be a 2nd DLC. SotE was already 2 DLCs rolled into one.
int/fth or dragon communion for my last character slot
>get summoned with a guy named LET ME CARRY for rellana
>he's dead before phase change
They swore there wont be a second one.
Story wise the inclusion of Radahn is objectively terrible. There are zero arguments that defend it properly because there is no defense beyond people trying to bait responses.
You yourself are only trying to bait a response. I guess you got your shitty dopamine, but it doesn't alter the facts. And that makes you seethe deep down, once the dopamine wears off.
>you are trying
>I guess you got
>makes you seethe
holy fucking projection
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>Godwyn is dead
Yes I watched the opening cutscene too.
>you must be a tranny or gay or something please fight me
I'm not any of those things so there isn't much impact there. Next time say Godwynigger or something along those lines you want to rile up someone you suspect might take more offense. Nigger just has more impact as it is something tourists don't normally read so they recoil easier.
Literally just use shard spiral
you get some good katanas, backhand blades are for the edgelord builds, really you get alot of fun weapons that you can just ash into keen. the claws of night are also dex thats nutso broken still if you ever need a crutch.
>Playing a build with FTH
>Doesn't have a single ranged incantation
Your own fault.
I summoned the Hornsent for Messmer, where does he invade you after?
dog ahead
If I use CE to give myself the Deflecting Tear at the start of the game, does that mean I'll get a 2nd one when I eventually reach the DLC? Would that be a problem?
All of the DLC katana are trash.

Not one weapon in this shit tranny game is as cool as Farron Funsword, DaS3's MLGS, or Frayed Blade, and SotE didn't help at all.
No, if you already have it nothing will drop.
You know I keep seeing it repeated that Shard Spiral is really good but I've never gotten it to work for me. Skill issue and whatnot but how are you supposed to use it? It always seemed like a weaker Comet to me.
I'm not projecting a damn thing. I'm telling you it's fact Radahn's inclusion is narratively terrible. And I'm telling you the only reason to argue otherwise is to bait a response. And I'm telling you that regardless of how successful the bait, you seethe about being wrong.
I'm telling you facts. If you want to admit to them or not is irrelevant to me. Doesn't change reality.
Check the Obsidian Lamina
>Y-you ARE seething, YOU ARE!!!
It's good, but only on big bosses, because it keeps hitting as it makes its way through them.
>madness torch
fuck off, there goes another build, respec or boost to 200. I already restarted that one.

they said they're not ruling it out.
I'm just doing my first sorcery build
it's ridiculously OP for the most part but at the beginning when you can run out of flasks it's a bit annoying
for bosses summoning helps but with right spells you don't even need it
sorceries to trivialize the game in no particular order:
>rock sling
combined with meteorite staff your main source of damage for random fodder and for early bosses until you have something better due to high damage, decent poise, and low FP cost
>ambush shard
someone holds a shield? ambush shard. someone spams you with projectiles? hide behind corner and ambush shard(you don't need LOS) need to snipe? ambush shard. Use with off hand staff of loss for extra damage
important: get the arrow's reach talisman for the two above sorceries so you can use it from ten miles away and still hit shit, it's build enabling
>shard spiral
your "I win" button for most tough fights. If you use it on random trash mobs you'll think it's shit but it's OP as fuck against strong enemies. Spammable, low FP cost, fast cast, tracks, and does damage over the entire length of the projectile so if enemy is large they just get melted. Trivializes dragon fights in particular.
>Comet Azur + Terra Magica + Cerrulean Hidden Tear
got nerfed to shit but still fun to melt some AFK bosses that let you do it, ends fights before they begin
>carian greatsword/adula's moonblad
I only used it for some annoying enemies but pretty sure you can make a build around them, good AOE, fast attack speed, good damage
>carian slicer
helps if you don't get a good melee weapon(but just use moonveil first and dark moon greatsword or astel wing later so you don't need it)
>Night Comet
useful for dodge spamming enemies but if you only have one staff of loss is not worth the FP cost imho, if you take the effort to get two probably still broken

There's probably several dozen others that are more OP, this is just what I've been using
I lost 30K runes because of the guy who gave me only 800 runes...
Sick, thanks.
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I did it and totally didn't do it by summoning two Bleed Phantoms.
you spam it
literally that's it, that's the trick
small enemies usually dodge few first casts but then get hit
large enemies just get melted
you do need to put some effort into positioning because the range isn't that long and if you only hit enemies at the edge of the range they just get hit once which defeats the purpose
I mean theoretically you can hanfwave Radahn as the final boss, even if it sucks, because he's not *really* Radahn. It's zombie Radahn-in-Mohg's-corpse, because Miquella couldn't 1v1 you and wanted Radahn back.

You could argue it would have been better or worse had it been a literal who instead like Gael, but really the onlyhthibgbthat matters is that the fight is good.

Too bad for SotE, it was trash.
Results of my scattershot throw claws of night testing
Testing on the secluded cell troll (103 defense, -10 slash, 0% resists, 229 bleed resist)

You launch 28 total projectiles, 14 from each hand. Each deals ~20% of your weapon damage and at most 4 can damage a single target up to ~80% total. Ex my 1HR1 deals 696, my scatter projectiles deal 584 max, but a single blade at the edge deals 146
You also do a 2H melee hit (even if wearing 1H) which deals slightly more damage than a normal 2HR1. Ex I had 1156 2HR1 damage, and 1200 for melee hits. Power stance loses a small % of damage (94+94) so its probably not doing that slight reduction.
With point blank shotgun of both melee and projectiles I dealt a reliable 1784, so 1200 melee + 584 ranged.
This was all with no gear/buffs, 80 dex / +10 claws.
It might be slightly skewed because of the -10% slash resist if the damage type is different on the projectiles, since claws are slash.
Confirmed that smithscript/alexander boost the ranged portion of the damage only, not the melee hits.

6x R1 as expected would bleed the 229 resist troll at 45 bleed, but only 2x full shotgun blasts. It would NOT trigger on 7/8 shotgun blasts (1x full one for 584, then 1x partial for 438- no bleed, but next hit bleeds). But weirdly I reliably showed a scattershot + 3x melee 1HR1 would trigger the same whether I connected with the WA melee hitboxes or not- as if the melee does no status at all. My best guess is the melee attacks deal 100% damage but 0% status, while the projectiles deal ~20% damage / ~80% status. It can't be 100 status or it would trigger in 6/8 shotgun hits, so the likely scenario is some From intern put an 80 motion value because the attack is supposed to deal a total 80% damage, but that's 80 motion value per projectile and dealing 320% total, 4x what its supposed to do

That's why claws of night are so OP
odachi seems bretty good in pvp, someone outranged my washingpole just yesterday with one.
the edgy dark one looks good too.

guess im all spoilered on weapons now. couldn't help myself. and hate to say it but im not that impressed, a little maybe but >>485179289 may be right.
its the over reuse of movesets, and lack of ash of war customizability. EVERY weapon should have unique moves like remember dark souls 1, for the most part. now its "ds1 bastard sword moveset / claymore moveset / ds2 royal sword moveset / unga like a beastman moveset + barbaric roar" and they just pick and choose which is on what and if its somber or not
like, there is NO reason the golem fist shouldn't have alexanders explosive uppercut, yet it has endure. the ds1 rock fist had an uppercut, it was fun. did they forget how to fun?
good job cutie
you can become a broken sorcerer that can break the base game open in about 45 minutes from character creation
DLC is another matter
>Randomly guard countered with the Carian Sorcery sword
Hold on I thought this thing couldn't. Is there some circumstances where you can? I can't duplicate this.
>awful Castle Sol / Carian Manor tier spawn points working in favor of the invader
Based. I'm going to make a Carian knight build to really complete the experience.
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>INT build starts DLC
>you don't get jack shit before rolling into Manus Metyr and then going to the fucking Scaduview
>FAI build starts DLC
>gains a fuckload of new options right from the beginning, fire coils are easily farmable en masse and are as strong as any of your bread and butter incantations
>then you enter Shadow Keep and get your arsenal basically revamped thanks to the amount of new options
you have to press both attack buttons to guard counter
Great Katana are decidedly okay.
I dislike their movesets personally, but there's no denying that they are all pretty strong.
what are your stats doing this?
That's really weird, but now that I know that it makes this weapon a whole lot better.
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>tfw no asanagi doujin of marika getting mind broken by horsent dick and stuffed in the jar afterwards
I'm level 60 and my weapon is 16+. What should I do next? Leyndell or killing Radahn for Ranni's quest?
Only thing I would add to this, ESPECIALLY for SotE, is Haima's Gavel.
Actually hadms hyper armor, and pancakes humanoid enemies. Can be an absolute lifesaver.
for fuck sake, do NOT listen to people saying "spam rock sling" you can't follow up on the ripostes and you WILL die like every retard host i've seen do that.
DO get the meteor staff and use it until you can at a minimum +14 a different staff.
get sword sorceries, the fucking hammer spell, spiral shot, night mist, and just glintstone pebble (replace with night spells variants) and the wave at the start thats like a low level moonlight sword beam without the frost.
azur + fp zero tear later to delete everything, use meteorites instead for a fun variant to firing lasers.
and don't forget the ice spells and ice tornado.

frankly though magic weapons outshine int magic, and chilling mist can do everything ice magic does for less fp

they look a little slow in places, I haven't tried one myself yet, but I have played for honor.
This has always been a FTHchad game.
im seriously pissed off that I need int on my fucken vykes madness build I hope I didn't choose a class that drops int so I could get the spear at 150 and have not a single point left spare anywhere after RESTARTING after getting to MALENIA with TORCHES
else I have literally no choice but to restart AGAIN or level up higher, for a fucking torch.
I have a pretty strong DEX build with twinblades and parry.
Should I spice it up with incantations or magic?

Pros for magic: Some swords can be used as casting sticks, supercool moon sword.
Cons: Magic fucking boring, I will not use the supercool moon sword, it's too heavy.

Pros for incantations: They are very cool. Buffs and heals. Melee centric. A lot of cool faith weapons.
Cons: Holy damage sucks titanic ass.

Ideas, Anons?
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anyone else get frame drops on this particular cliffside or is it just me
ffs didn't play for a couple of days as a test and it turns out that elden ring is definitely giving me eyestrain in a way that no other game does.
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Nevermind that 2 of the new sorceries are thorn sorceries so they are actually just new incantations and 3 of the new sorceries are int/faith. Glintstone Nail(s) are pretty useless so that only leaves a handful of new actually useful sorceries and some of those are arguably just sidegrades. At least we got a useful weapon+catalist with the Carian Sorcery Sword.
>not a single mention of the actual sorceryCHAD stuff, the Gavel and Cannon of Haima
How do I farm anti-scarlet rot boluses? I'm doing the 3v3 fight in Enir-Ilim and I'm running low.
you cant buy madness/rot boluses so dupe them if on ps5 or spawn them in if on pc
you aren't playing an mmorpg
to think i waited 3 years for only half the sorceries,...
>3 of the new sorceries are int/faith.
this angers me so fucking much
Is Moonveil any good? Making a mage right now but any time I invade someone using Moonveil, it's seemed shit.
Assuming you got the cookbook that lets you craft preserving boluses farming for sacramental buds is a pain in the ass so I recommend leveling to 12 faith and using the Flame, Cleanse Me incantation.
LOLOL it works
Nice game Miyazaki
glintstone nail is longer-range pebble with better tracking, grav missile fucks
other than that for pvp it's a bit of a wash I agree
You can very much farm many items in Elden Ring since resources and enemies respawn. Why does this terminology not apply here? Anyway, I'd rather not risk getting banned.

I can craft them, I'm just not sure where to find sacramental buds.
you asshole, get out of my lobby
you don't have to follow up on the ripostes, when you poise break an enemy with rock sling you just cast more rock sling and/or drink your flasks
works on any boss before you get something better, you do still have to dodge sometimes
again important to have arrow's reach so you can cast from whatever safe position and still hit
the only exception is if you're doing no summons then it might not work against some bosses but no summons as a mage is kinda boring for early game so I wouldn't bother
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>replaced my second slot bloodhound step misericorde with the death knight twin axes
>its blinkbolt is so insanely versatile it handles all the mobility i would ever want during invasion
>cooper runs away at low health? you catch and shred him
>a bunch of coopers pursuing you? you can use it as a giga bloodhound step to create a huge distance
>got cornered? unlock and throw the followup, you will shred through the crowd and get to safety
>slowly being mindbroken into liking 1h axe moveset
I don't think a lot of people realized that you're supposed to level up in the DLC to get the stat requirements to use the multi-stat weapons and spells.
You're supposed to go into Int/Fai after level 150, not sit at 150 with 4 million runes forever
I haven't used cannon of haima at all so can't comment
the reason I don't use gavel or any of the greatswords much is that it doesn't really feel that much different from just using a regular weapon and ash of war and that's not what I'm playing a mage for
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Now this is peak design. Put in a toppled incense burner... and don't redirect the smoke so it's wafting sideways instead of up.
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That is true but the lack of chain casting just kills it.
>where to find sacramental buds
You can farm Sacramental Buds from the Rotten Stray Dogs near the Writheblood ruins in Altus Plateau at a whopping 3% drop rate.
the kind of person who stays at 125/150 purely for arena is by default the kind of sperg who can tolerate the current absolute state of pvp
level 200 still has instant invasions and I doubt anything below 180 will be end up as the highest activity bracket going forward for invasions

>the lack of chain casting just kills it
true, it just doesn't feel good to use so it's already left my spell rotation
bro shut the fuck up please
The vast majority of the playerbase is at 180-200+ at this point. Yesterday i was invading in max level bracket and invasions were literally non stop even in local search.
DLC makes it insanely easy to powerlevel. Most normal enemies are dropping 1500-3000 runes. And there's a fuckton of them. I decided to take my 138 to 167, and he reached it before i was even done with the first two regions, without fighting overworld dragons or most bosses.
i just wanted more blue pew pew skills...
Godwyn is cool okay. Just this extremely creepy thing that makes bugs and eyeballs grow out of you and shit.
I love the poise damage on these things. The Cannon is excellent for clearing groups of enemies, especially in catacombs and on the map. The Gavel trivializes any NPC-like enemy because of their retarded AI. It's generally really good against enemies prone to having their poise broken.
>Fail to kill a single boss during any of my co ops today
My Int build is only good for spamming spells so I can't use her to help kill bosses in co op. Awesome. I've failed this community
give me your cool pvp builds lads, i want to have... fun
Moonveil is good for gankers, but kinda bad for invaders. Try waves of darkness on messmer soldier spear.
>in pvp
Give up now.
bro your cold milady?
its doesn't "work" I have PERSONALLY SEEN far to many hosts die because they are doing NOTHING but spam rock sling and then get yeeted from existence when they draw aggro, and im warning you now because if I see you doing that in game I will sever.
Clearly you are not stacking enough buffs and debuffs. Pure sorcerer in coop is all about nuking the enemy boss as fast and efficiently as possible.
Level 200 invasions are also super enjoyable. People are more relaxed, there's a minimal amount of actual sweats.
use spiral shot and charge it fully with godfrey icon and you will shit on most bosses including the absolute wall that is duo gargoyles, you are welcome.
It's not you, it's SotE.

I was like 0 for 10 or 15 on my 120 INT build in co-op. Went to 150 and killed two bosses in a row.
Between base def, viglets, and scadoodielets, SotE is just unironically too goddman hard.
I made a Cold Great Katana. I might've wasted those runes.
not that anon
still haven't used a single skibadi upgrade. git gud.
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I also love it but I am so fucking autistic about the second axe being on the hip I unironically powerstance it 60% of my attacks are crouch/roll attacks and the other 30% is spin to win and 10% are "normal" attacks to catch some running/siderolling cunt with the second swing.
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This shit is in a dire need of a buff. 30% defense penalty is absurd. It should be 8% at most.
>cold milady
is the cold proc really worth justifying outside of bosses? you're losing a shitload of AR
It's a twink item retards. It's fine.
nta, but it depends on your build, I guess. I play DEX/INT and Cold Milady has really cool scalings with a cold infusion.
Twinks are just using azur's with lulling branches
This item is for no one
its gonna get buffed anyway in 1.13 because theres about 100 reddit posts about this talisman per day
Twinks can't wield Azur's.
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>Rellanas anus gripping around your cock as you pull out before pushing it back in again
>Still in full platemail mind you, just with the pants pulled down slightly
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80 dex +10 claws, no armor no talismans no buffs, no skibidis since I'm testing at secluded cell
making sure to alert the troll so no sneak attack bonus
but biggest issue is making sure it doesn't headshot, I keep seeing aberant high damage rolls due to it
arcane should be irrelevant since it shouldn't scale bleed without any scaling on weapon

I deal 892 damage per volley (no headshots) with gear on and no buffs (4x rakshasha, sword talisman, smithscript, aleaxander, millicent) which checks out because its +5 dex to base damage (684->690) and 584*(1.02^4)*1.1*1.1*1.15*1.04*(690/684) = 922, enemy phys should explain the minor difference.
And a point blank range hit winds up dealing 2136 with no headshot/sneak
In skibiDLC this of course becomes 4k+
Is Radagon's Icon really not enough?
I mean yes not dodging when you draw aggro will get you killed, that is true for anything that doesn't kill/poise break before the enemy gets to you
I genuinely don't understand why do you think it's a specific problem to rock sling spamming
You don't ""wield"" azur, you offhand it and still receive the cast speed bonus
You don't get the bonus unless you meet the INT req.
So true, infact, it should make it so your spells never miss aswell, both in PvE AND PvP.
i wanna say yes but the


is actually really fuckin nice...
Yes you do. It's literally what i'm doing on a base level sorc.
>you offhand it and still receive the cast speed bonus
FP penalty too?
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just get 40 dex
Here's a thought, maybe use the Radagon Icon and/or level your fucking DEX instead of whining you can't hit the cast speed cap for literally free.
>no "Buffs Charged Spells the Utmost" talisman
shit game
>Bayle is the only Dragon Boss that's not horribly annoying
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>meleefags got an ass load of talismans to enhance them further
>casters only got beloved stardust
i think Leda and co was the most fun fight in the dlc.
Bros against her
Where can I get this formula in text form?
Like not as a picture and with annotations.
I want to make a grath.

Also how many Faith I need to cast 80% of all incantations?
Wrong, Placidusax.
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>its a "kill yourself" episode, again
cool, guess ill watch tv, bye,
Is throwing pots at Malenia considered cheese?
I want to beat the game
yes it's cheese
It's one of the most unique and emotional/atmospheric fights they did all the way since Vinland/Astraea
So if I
>told Moore to go be sad forever
>killed the Hornsent in his invasion
>cucked Thiollier out of his St. Trinussy
>helped Ansbach kick Leda's arse
Who's going to show up in the ganksquad? Just Leda, Freyja and Dane?
Stop calling Zullie a troon
I went more Int/Fth because of the new dual catalyst and at some point I realized that I'm leaning way more on the faith side of things than the int side. My Sorceries prepared are Comet, Adulas, Ancient Rancor and Thorns. Meanwhile my Faith spells have a lot of buffs and utility, plus healing on top of really good damage spells. Int is ironically really stupid. You unga with the strongest spell you have.
If you forgot to do Frejya's questline you won't even get her. Just Leda and Dane.
I just want to know why we still don't have a normal fire buff incantation.
you could graph it yourself but I haven't seen anyone do it, and the graph wouldn't be raw attack vs defense values, it has to be a % of attack vs defense since the from formula just does ratios
its that really wonky formula where if you have extremely high defense attacks always do 10% damage, if you have extremely low defense attacks always do 90% damage, and it scales between 10-90% with an easing curve
they've been using this formula since demons souls or something
Moore is the strongest foe in that fight takes long time to kill and throws aids at you
I talked to her in the storehouse and gave her Ansbach's letter, so I'm probably getting her too.
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Throwing pots would imply you have some way of inputting commands into the game. Actively playing the game means you did not beat it.
The only way to truly beat Elden Ring is to leave it running, until, through pure chance, some cosmic particles interferes with the circuits in your device, causing some sort of interaction, leading to a victory. Anything else is simply cheesing with pots, or parrycheesing, or rollcheesing, or attackcheesing, or walking-cheesing, etc.
Oh that's sad.
Zullie is quite literally a tranny. He has posted publicly about buying make-up, uses a female avatar, and prefers female pronouns. He's a troon.
NTA but agreed. One of the DLC's high points, for sure.
I expected the gloam eyed queen, my dead maiden, my burnt "maiden", the epic godfrey's badlands adventure... but all I got was homotwink barahomo incest
then you did her quest and you will have her fight you
>make-up automaticly makes you a troon
I bet the girls LOVE your unplucked, unstyled eyebrows and the imperfections on your skin
I hate how they rolled back fashion-friendly itemization from DS3, especially for casting, it's either having a dex hybrid build, going around with Azur's like a retard or bricking yourself by wearing this.
In PvP, yes, basically almost every spell except the fastest ones shave up to 10 frames at max vdex. The average swing is at 15 frames (with swords being on the 12-16 range and great boys being on the 15-20 range and colossals being on the 18-25 range). Now add the rest of the animation frames and recovery and you practically need to be at max vdex to be able to be somewhat competitive.
like this

same formula for ER as DS3
Melee game, magecuck
Okay tranny
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too much information, man...
I normally do everything solo first time around, but I realized quick that's not what that fight wants. I summoned everyone and dropped a Spirit ash and had a ton of fun in a chaotic mess once everyone got summoned.

Walking around in the aftermath picking everyone's stuff up was pretty cool too. Made me feel a little bad. Especially for Moore who probably just got gaslit into helping Leda in that fight.
Well i want to try to do it. Do you know where can I find this formula?
>Radahn, forma de putrefacción
>Leda et al.
These three fights are made for summoning
>the epic godfrey's badlands adventure
This was always the most retarded possible outcome. I swear to fuck, 95% of your faggots don't remember
>muh velka
>muh londor
>muh carthas
Men (read: MEN) have used beautyproducts throughout all of history. Pharaos with eyeliner and facepaint, vikings with braids and jewelry, powdered wigs and fake beautymarks, etc etc
Its only in recent times, under pseudochristian moral values hamfisted by zionist overlords that we suddenly have this fucking longhoused lumberjack aesthetic.
Men are allowed to be beautiful too, without mindbroken goodgoys like yourself getting an aneurysm.
but yeah tldr
scattershot throw does like 80% damage / 320% status on projectiles and 200% damage / 0% status on melee attack and headshots to stagger
needs to hit 4 of its 28 hitboxes for full damage and 144 bleed which is gigantic, bleeds most people in 3 hits pvp
well we're not talking about pharaohs here
> talisman for halberd running r1 / HTS running r2
> nothing fun for casters
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Who could possibly be behind this post?
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>Not the finest blade, nor the mightiest armor, will spare your life. From the poison of Thiollier
>zullie got her nudes got leaked
wait its actually a girl? not a troon?
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I finally did it! I couldn't be happier having done it using My Beloved (Rakshasa's Great Katana), since I fell in love with it the second I got it and used it for every boss I could.
>can't into Radahn as Faith
>can't cast my incants while alone
>extremely resistant to both my melee types
>summon two phantoms
>spend whole fight doing nothing but spamming heal from afar on them
I beat the game. I am a Healer.
>essentially grants you the equivalent of 40 free levels and the ability to off-hand your real staff and equip an actual weapon in your main hand for potential combos, instead of being forced to carry Azur's staff
It's fine

Just don't get hit
disregard that, im and idiot and didnt read the second hald
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Who was Messmer/Melina's father? What was the point of the crusade Marika had Messmer commit, I thought it was about sacrificing people to activate the divine gateway thing like they showed in the story trailer, but it seems like Marika already had grace and was doling it out by the time the crusade happened, so I can't tell if it happened before or after she made contact with the Greater Will
>Great Katana
>Mimic Tear
Game remains unbeaten.
>Decide to monkey with Spinning Gravity Thrust
>Has some cute interactions with bleed infused swords since it hits multiple times so I get to thinking
>Highest natural bleed sword it can apply to is the Great Katana
>Gets best scaling on quality
>Alright fuck it respec for 54 STR and 80 DEX
>Cast Bloodflame Blade and 2H it
>Decent 846 AR with no buffs
>Click L2
>Become a heat seeking death missile and while I was expecting bloodflame blade to fall off due to the gravity "effect" on the sword during the ash, it didn't, the bloodflame disappeared during the ash but came back right after and every hit dealt bloodflame build-up
>Damage is absolutely biblical due to the solid damage and bleed procs
Holy fuck I am in love.
I don't know, I'm getting completely clusterfucked by it. 1v1-ing Freida while Moore is throwing heafty pots of rot at me isn't that fun.
Zullie was a big dick femboy that trooned out. Many such cases
just like onlyafro
Thanks, anon. Seeing that phrase gives me a warm fuzzy feeling deep inside.
I'm stealing this.
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>doing co-op
>host runs off alone
>see red
>we start fighting
>red is losing badly
>he turns around and I see him with a new weapon equipped
>backhand blades
>equivalent of 40 free levels.
>no damage scaling
>minimum weapon requirement increase
It only gives 1/3 of the features of 40 points in dex thus it's reasonable that the damage increase should be only 10%
The "touch memory" prompt at the end should have led you to the Roundtable Hold/Lyndell Capitol building where people like Godwyn and Marika are hanging out and you get a final sidequest to bring them the appropriate items, and in return you get a mending rune that gives you a different ending.
You should also be able to use the "touch memory" thing to revisit any boss you want and get another remembrance if possible
Either virgin birth or Radagon
Their father is radagon. Look at their faces and what little we see of malenia's and ranni's ghost face. They all have those same thin lips they got it from radagon. Melina's pinkish hair can actually be seen in the jar people(shamans) they have strands of golden blonde, white, and pinkish hair. Messmer's model hair also has strands of pink if you look closely. They both got it from marika's people.
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Sweet baby Jesus.
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>her cock
Where do you get this?
You fucking madman I am making a character just for this now
Commander Gaius
Surprisingly it's not cut. It's fucking huge i really hope she doesn't axe wound it.
>Who was Messmer/Melina's father?
Most probably Radagon or maybe a giant since both bore visions of fire?
>What was the point of the crusade
Some people speculate that the crusade had two purposes: One, eliminate and/or obscure all traces of Marika's original source of her power so no one could ever attempt to ascend to Godhood and challenge Marika's new "eternal" Age of the Erdtree and Two, get rid of Messmer since he was a liability given his serpentine nature and the fire nestled inside him.
Messmer is Marika/Radagon because he has Radagons red hair. Melina is the product of Godfrey/Radagon gay yaoi sex because she has salmon (mix of red and white) hair
It's not that the DLC is too hard, it's that the average player is a moron who isn't aware of half of the game's mechanics. They don't know how to level VIG, for some godforsaken reason. They don't know how to attack / counterattack at appropriate times. They don't know how to dodge except by panic rolling away from the boss. Some of them don't know how to use more than 1 or 2 attacks (usually L2 and jumping R2 or L1). They don't know how to explore for scadutree fragments, even though the majority of them are at visible landmarks: crosses, churches, and statues of Marika. (You don't even need more than 12 blessings by the end of the DLC, because of how hard they fall off past that point.)

These people were carried through the base game by summoning, so they never learned any of the skills that they'd need in the DLC, which is why they die the second they encounter endgame content where overleveling, summoning, and spamming L2 fails to brute force it.

It's definitely a sleeper AoW. The saving grace of fighting against it is that it's relatively easy to dodge and has a lengthy animation, so it takes anyone who spams it out of commission for a few precious seconds.
Like his remembrance? I beat him but I don't have it.
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Sorry, I'm tired and misread your post. I see now you're saying that specifically co-op'ing SotE with these idiots is too hard, not the DLC itself.
>Do more tests
>It also procs Millicent's/Rotten Winged/Thorny Tear and the damage was so high I came in my pants
You get triple glintblade which syncs with regular glintblade for a bigger alpha strike so uh that's something I guess
sorcery has great scaling but the true ezmode is str big bonkers
It's on his sword by default, take it off and you can put it on other shit.
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I'm totally Black Iron Tarkus
>unironically recommending ambush shard
>no mention of slicer or normal comet
>no mention of meteorite vs dragons
30 int post
>oyakodon with Ranni and Rennala
>shimaidon with Rennala and Rellana
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I'd need to change my build for this.
Do people just not try things they get in the DLC? I tried the AoW a couple times on regular enemies and saw it was doing bonkers. It's like people aren't aware that other options besides Lion's Claw or something exist. Fucking Wave of Darkness hits for 6k.
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Why did it flop?
What a wonderful day.
>Grrm didn't write anything for Elden Ring
>But if he did it's all the parts that I don't like
This opinion is hilarious when you consider that George probably had nothing to do with SOTE which has been getting some shit for it's story. The part he didn't write is the one that's bad.
Post pictures of the damage otherwise you're a homo fag and your shit is all retarded.
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How's your current character coming along /erg/? Monkeying around with Dane's Footwork and Smithscript Daggers atm
no secret equippable "Marikas undergarments" legwear to find

doomed to fail from the start
exactly, and Miyazaki stated in an interview that this shitty Miquella storyline is his homage to GRRM. Not to mention the fact that initially they had a completely different Miquella story/ending in mind
outsourcing to india does that to a product
I would but you're being a dick so no, do it yourself man. Besides, I already restored my back-up save data to mule it over to a new character. It's very easy to test yourself though. If you don't want to blow a larval tear just back up your save data like I did.
We need pics anon.
>Do people just not try things they get in the DLC?
evidently not
people need a youtube guide to tell them about things now
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It'd be nice if this worked on our other fist weapons
I like the DLC for the fact that a couple fights were actually hard enough to get me to use buffs, instead of just running in naked, figuratively speaking. First time I tried using:
>exalted flesh
>boiled crab
>liver items
among others
Very easy to test man, I already reset the save data to make a fresh build for it. If you don't believe me that's fine, I'm gonna go have a party with this thing though.
what does this do to the regular kick?
We need pic as a proof, anon.
I am wageslaving now I can't test it myself
>it also procs multi hit talismans
I mean no reason why it shouldn't. It's multiple hits
The lightning blink art from the death knight axe weapons also procs it by the way. Or rather, the dual axes once since that's the one that hits multiple times.
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About to jump in to the DLC.
Drip check.
the curseblade ascetics have to be the most cancer enemy from has ever made
Just stand against them, dumbass
poise check failed
2/10 delete your toon.
When exactly I need to jump in to the DLC?
After Malenia? After Elden bitch?
Not really much to test. Looking at it there's no way this wouldn't be solid. It's a multi-hit ash so it's gonna proc those talismans and the AR checks out on calculators with BFB, and thanks to BFB that's 95 blood loss build-up on each tic. Probably not the easiest thing to land but it's definitely gonna hit like a truck.
GRRM 100% outlined the general backstory of the Shattering.
The inter personal relationships of Marika's children, the way the entire thing's set up, the imperfection of the demigod children. All that shit is 100% Martin. I might not like his prose but he's a very good world builder especially when it comes to characters and their histories.
Some day I will make my Sakuya smithscript daggers character
>make claims
>expect me to just "trust me bro"
Cover your face like a proper knight.
-teleport you to a minidungeon each time you toot a finger
-let you commune with metyr for the microcosm spell instead of killing her
-add cutscenes and minor fight dialogue for every boss that doesn't have one, except the sunflower
-trina's dialogue starts the second time you imbibe instead of the fourth
-delete random hidden fragments and have them be ONLY at crosses; this still forces exploration but removes the need to hunt to all heck and gone every time
-add base game reactivity with various npcs such as gideon, melina, ranni, jerren, iji, rennala, midra, florissax
-add post battle dialogue with miquella and radahn (before they die)
-add extra dialogue to people you defeat in the ganksquad (they still die after you talk to them)
-put thiollier's corpse right up next to the dead trina after beating radahn
-have asnbach survive after beating radahn instead of dying for no reason
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just two big swords can make any fight into a cake walk
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These bad boys beg to disagree, specially when you are scadu 0
What's so difficult to believe about his claim?
Trying to manage doing a character themed around ice/lightning/wind. What are some viable combos?
>currently using divine beast frost stomp, storm assault, and death knight twin axes with the wind spell and lightning spell
Want to see how I could change things up to have more ice
correct answer
He didn't say he discovered the krabby patty secret formula, he said he found a cool build idea. If you don't want to play the game and test it, nobody cares.
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>Yeah give them all infinite combos with 3 different damage types, rollcatching, magic and/or throwing daggers and/or arrows coming out between every swing, make sure every other attack is a dash with potentially dozens of meters of range, throw a grab attack or two in there, and make them immune to backstabs
>But uuuhhhhhhhhhhhh you can parry them!
Modern Fromsoft enemy design
cheater is back at it again
It's not real unless there is a picture.
I have always considered parrying against bosses a dumb mechanic.
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it's all skill
You don't even play this game, do you?
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Is there a cold equivalent of this?
>kills the host
>still runs away
No, because the status increases damage taken so they probably didn't want the effect to stack
No, unfortunately.
After Sekiro, they should've phased out "traditional" parrying completely and let deflecting to chip down poise or guard countering to take big chunks of it off be the star of the show.
I'm not saying remove it completely, giving it to bucklers or specific daggers would be nice, but just whacking your shield and completely cutting the boss off has always felt less than great, even back way back when.
>people need a youtube guide to tell them about things now
I absolutely loathe what the FromSoft player base has become
>scrolling through YouTube on phone
>Defemse is OVERPOWERED?!
>hover over it to autoplay
>What if Elden Ring... had an EASY MODE?
>[insert clip of tanking Radahn meteor with basic damage negation buffs and endure]
Defense is not "overpowered" or "easy mode". It's a basic mechanic of the game that content creators and the retarded players who rely on content creators ignored. Instead, they spent 2 years preaching about damage, damage, and more damage, so fervently that you'd think that giving up 20 points of ARC scaling to have 60 VIG would fucking kill them. Not everything needs to be god damn content.

Next they'll find out that jumping is "easy mode".
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my work here is done
How many casuals do you think she personally filtered?
No, fortunately.
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>It's not okay for frostbite to double dip on bonus damage
>But it's perfectly okay for the other status effects to steal frostbites entire gimmick
These devs are retarded.
I don't know if you know this, but webms of killing clueless players in unimaginative ways is not interesting
lore-wise, is it better to start the DLC before or after burning the erdtree?
yeah i used this on ymir since it was annoying he kept blinking away from my str/fth character
there is no lore connection
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It's so imaginative that I've never seen anyone else doing it
You literally get the bonus even when you cast incantations
Don't roll away, their strongest attacks do not have a hitbox next to their body by design.
>roll into them
>rip a charged R2 or L2 while they're spinning, missing you
>this staggers them and stops them from spinning
>keep attacking or back off because they typically won't beyblade again if you're directly next to them
Rellana'a 5-hit beam combo in phase 2 also has this quirk, by the way, even though it makes much less sense in her case
love these webms, keep up the good work based shitter-slayer
on my faith guy i've collected all the good new incants and and every boss grace except midra, i'm at skibidi 13 so it's tim to start slaying when i get home
completely irrelevant, no one in the DLC mentions anything you have done in the main game and no one in the main game mentions anything or anyone from the DLC. YOu could do the whole DLC before talking to Varre or after killing the elden beast and nothing would change
Kill everyone except Radagon, then go thru the DLC.
That way all the NPCs will be dead so you'll have an excuse for not being able to tell them about anything that happens in the DLC.
zoom zoom who can only get info from videos detected
based webm but the frog hat makes you look like a faggot
frostbite IS equivalent of this
Legitimately good suggestions, or maybe I'm just saying that because they align with my own. I would have settled for one finger ruin dungeon, under Manus Metyr. And Rellana probably needs better presentation the most out of any DLC boss.
Crosses, churches, statues of Marika (as in Messmer camps), and minibosses would all work. The offending fragments are the ones dropped by glowing pot enemies or secreted away in random spots, as in Cerulean Coast and Abyssal Woods.
Not having to waste a slot on it is still a good thing, even if less interesting
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ty bro, appreciate you
the frog hat is for my shitty bubble spells....
I honestly had a lot of trouble with bosses until I understood that the devs dont want you to dodge anymore, but jump and use jumping attack.

It trivialised most DLC bosses.
That seems like a godly way to roll catch
>Who was Messmer/Melina's father?
reading this like the south park cartmans mom is a dirty slut episodes lol
it didnt im playing it right now
>Bunny Peter :3
Ok that faggot deserved you.
My guess is that Marika tought that by killing all remaining Hornsent she would free herself of their curse and could have normal babies
looks so janky when their attacks physically clip through you
no but you have frost resetting (which can be automated with magma) and frost is a debuff
stack bleed poison/rot and multihit for large cock damage numbers.
It really is since the game is also quite inconsistent with what can or cannot hit you while jumping. You only get partial Iframes and they vary depending on your equiped weapons and ground leveling.

You can also sidestep many attacks but again the visual clue are very inconsistent and you have to rely on trial and error.
The twin moons feel like an appropriate visual for her character seeing how Messmer blueballs her.
She filtered me, and I'm probably in the 98th percentile of actually understanding and engaging with the game's mechanics. The worst part was that I knew I was getting filtered, but I was willingly refusing to adapt. Woke up the day after beating her thinking
>I should have just jumped and strafed like half of her moves
and lo and behold it trivialized her.

I imagine she's filtering people by the thousands if it never occurs to them to jump.
whats the lore on the scadutree avatar
i had a tough time on my first run (ng+7 3 blessings), i crutched on run away and uncharged lightning spear
But angry
>has avatar
>shadow of the erdtree
>has avatar
This is the secret sauce. 2 years of mocking Elden Ring for being rollslop, when in reality it's roll/jump/strafe/sprint/sprintjump/justrunawayslop.
rellana attacks us on sight because we interrupted her nightly messmer goon sesh
Repurposed Godwyn fight
but enough about t.Ranni
The lore is that its a dogshit boss and I'd rather fight Bed of Chaos.
@everyone JeeNiNe Media just uploaded ''dUeLiNg shiELd iS uSeLeSs nOw'' at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qv3KnN58Do4 !
Sunflowers are symbols of manufactured divinity, thus the shadow tree has a single manufactured avatar as opposed to the erd tree which has many that formed naturally
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I've given that faggot courtesy enough. Spent whole day fighting him, then gave him space AIDS and summoned tear, killed him on second try.
Fuck him, I hope scarlet rot worms are eating his asshole even in the afterlife. He doesn't deserve honorable death.
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is this true?
good job cutie
gay fanservice recton
Ludokino of the highest order
Why the low damage?
>Scarlet Rot AND Mimic
You bring dishonor upon the Great Katana family.

Naked dogeza, NOW.
Why the fuck is hews suddenly drawing so much Miquella damn.
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>abandoned ailing village
what the heck happened here? it looks like someone tried to create fairies by hybridizing humans and, mistakes were made, yeah?
no, seriously, that's the lore. there are a few items that mention the nature of the shadowtree which help to explain its nature and the nature of the shadowlands (it is twisted around another tree in a loving embrace; it shines even more brilliantly because it is in shadow; it lashes out violently against those that have hurt it; it is sad and withered; it is a sunflower), but as for a reason why it's there at all, there's none that i can see.
Fairies and the color green no longer mix in my head after... You know.
Best girl btw.
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What talismans would you guys recommend for a sorcerer?
plague affecting the hornsent
in a way it was relief for them
the caretakers of the ill weren’t affected somehow (i guess like leprosy)
>is this true?
you're going to need to post the content here since <---- whenever I try to use "twitter" since they made it log in only.
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idk... that's just how much damage it deals
I think it's a shitty spell, I have godfrey icon and 50 int as well
cute butt
yes so strange
built for female tarnished
NTA but any reason why you're running one sleep sword and not 2? Kinda wanna try something like this, seems fun.
>having to inventory juggle for a torch
bros convince me not to just make all my characters level 200...its getting harder to justify.
Remembrance bosses don't feel like remembrance bosses. Half of them feel like literal whos(which is because they are)
Who the fuck is Romina and why do you NEED to kill her(usually used to imply plot importance) to burn through the shadows around Enir-Ilim? Uhhh some girl who was mad at Messmer and turned to Rot, no cutscene or anything
Rellana has no cutscene either, no dialogue
Scadutree? No cutscene. Putrescent Knight? No cutscene. Gaius? No cutscene. All these supposedly important big-name characters just run at you and then die without a word
Some of the most memorable parts of the base game is the bombastic cutscenes. Godrick's >KNEEL, Rykard's TOGETHAAAA AS FAMILEEE, Godfrey's HOARAH LOUX, WARRIORRR, etc.
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>sub-human creature that's named after Marika
>Name sounds like a combination of Marika and Nigga
How did Fromsoft get away with this?
Romina's cutscene is in the story trailer. She's the barefoot girl in the burning church holding a twisted object.
>play the base game until Mogh
>beat the DLC
>come back for Malenia
>lvl 125
>beat her in an hour, literally easier than Mesmer
Not sure why people were saying she is so tough. All I had to do was watch out at 70% and 30% and keep distance from her until she did her waterfowl shit. Phase 2 she is squishy as fuck, barely did anything.
because he wants to use the sleep needle? seems kinda obvious don't you think
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Sleep is already dishonest as fuck, having 2 is overkill
Plus the whole point of the build is too meme on people with the Thiollier's needle L2. While Thiollier's needle is on your left hand, it's ash takes priority over the ash of your right hand weapon for easy L2's once they sleep
I tried before to soft swap into the needle after sleeping them and I found it difficult to land
His name is Mohg.
just duplicate a save and see if you like it
Shitty excuse
Look man, judge and jury found him innocent on all counts. There's no cause to keep making fun of him by misspelling his name anymore. In fact I think you owe him an apology for the years of brutal mockery in the court of public opinion.
what exactly does Sleep even do?
do you literally fall asleep like a Pokemon or something?
Oh right I forgot the needle is sleep, thought it was poison given that's all Thiollier does. My mistake.

>While Thiollier's needle is on your left hand, it's ash takes priority over the ash of your right hand weapon for easy L2's once they sleep
I see, very interesting. Will have to try this out later.
yeah i didn't mean it as an excuse, from got seriously lazy with dialogue and cutscenes in this dlc compared to all the care they put in the base game to have something that really sticks in your mind after you beat them. at least Leda has a Ledaing moment like Gideon has his Gideoning.
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You're the type of guy who thinks it's fine a game throws Zanzibart at you if the community manager made a lorepost on the official Discord or some shit aren't you
>Actually the cinematic exists it's just not part of the game XD
like I was saying before I find it really sad how little damage thollier's needle bonus actually is
maybe its your low stats I dunno
if anything in the game should OHKO that should, you need to sleep someone and land a windup weapon art, lots of WA can be fatal at that point

look how overpowered claws of night are, dealing 80% of an R1 + 320% of its bleed. At range. With headshots. With a super huge aoe and range, fast animation, low cost. Bleeds people in 3 hits
that thollier needle crit is less bonus damage than a bleed trigger
yea invaders can fondle you to their heart's delight if you let them roofie you
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anyone got any recommendations for bad but fun builds?
what weapon is that? i know the torch but don't recognize the main hand
buy an ad
>message: be wary of mage
>mage buffs the "fairies"
>didnt have xbow equipped because aforementioned inventory juggling for a torch
that nearly killed me (no skadus)
The trailer baited me and I really wanted to make my tarnished his mommy consort
Countless Type B's just felt their crotches grow hot and wet in anticipation
Compared to the base game I think the DLC is better in nearly every way, but I'm not a fan of Elden Ring and I think it's the weakest Fromsoft game since the Miyazaki era of games.
torn between claws of night and the murder tornado greatsword build, help me decide
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Yeah.. I'm still kinda disappointed in the damage but after playing with it some more, I found that you can squeeze an R1 then use L2 after the sleep for little more damage BUT only if the person has enough poise to poise through the R1.
I tried it on someone with no poise and the R1 will stagger them out of the sleep and make your L2 miss
>still finding new shit in the base game after 100 gameplay hours
>Sage's Cave
>7 treasure chests
what the fuck
boost resist on last status that went off talisman
very nice. its not "poison heals you" like the ds2 boss talisman I always dreamed of having, or the utterly broken immunity ones convergence has but, nice.
you get stunned for about a second and lose 10%+30 FP. note that during this time you can't be grabbed by most anti-human grabs e.g. lifesteal fist, inescapable frenzy, aging untouchable; also applies to frenzy's stun
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My take on the timeline:
-The Nox and the Numen, previously one culture, split apart after the rebellion against the Greater Will and banishment underground. The Numen settle different places and some of them become Marika's people, the shamans.
-Hornsent construct Enir-Ilim and seek to reach the higher spheres/divinity. To this end, they develop a horrific ritual involving the brutal torture and mutilation of shamans, whose flesh melds with that of other beings, and the chopping up of their own convicted criminals. The goal is the creation of saints, which presumably are important for the Hornsent's goal of ascension. Marika's people are farmed as part of this process, her home village butchered. Marika likely seduces someone to save herself.
-Marika gains a position of religious importance in the Hornsent culture. I believe this because both the story trailer and the Hornsent grandam NPC in the game refer to the crusade as a betrayal, and because there is a church of Marika close to Belurat, in an area not occupied by Messmer's troops. She likely birthed Messmer and Melina, communed with the Fingers, and built her own religious organization during this period.
-Eventually, the day of the Hornsent ascension ritual arrives, at which Marika is present. The grandam in Belurat was likely meant to be their god of the new age, as she is referred to as an Empyrean. Marika instead does something to cause the mass-death of the Hornsent present at Enir-Ilim, offering them up as sacrifices and ascending to godhood herself. Shortly after, Messmer and his crusaders launch a surprise attack on Belurat, scorching the city and slaughtering its inhabitants. Enir-Ilim is veiled and the genocidal crusade against the remainig Hornsent commences. The motives are both revenge and likely fuel to grow the Erdtree.
you were delusional if you think the trailer was intended for (You). he was facing away from the camera. and the line was said in an obvious boss room (which turned out to be the ganksquad arena).
lol yea but for real sleep's particularly annoying to deal with since you don't often have remedies on hand... then you find yourself unable to move and vulnerable to some dumb dragon chomp
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>make a great dlc
>add tons of weapons
>drop rates lower than lucifer's location in hell
>many of them are quest only rewards or only SPECIFIC enemies drop them
it drains FP like madness and thats all you need to know to realize its underused because no one farms mats / plays ng+ for mats
and there is no excuse for no merchants now with the freaking string bell bearing.
claws before they get nerfed
>Looking away
He is shy (cute)
>boss room
He just needed me to save him from the boss
droprates are gay but if you simply equip the silver ring and get a good spot it should never take you more than 20min to get an item
i really dont like that armor
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like i said. delusional.
just tried this against radahn, it kind of sucked
More PvP oriented than PvE
theres no point in going arcane right, just 80 dex and then whatever other stats?
Try just spamming carian slicer after they fall asleep and see how the damage is
we were robbed. he was supposed to be I mean she was supposed to be our maiden...
it obviously won't work against radahn because the animation is long
>more quests like Ymir's
Fuck you
>Just tried this against a boss that attacks like a cracked out rooster and makes 99% of ashes irrelevant and it kind of sucked
Amazing test case anon thank you.
I don't think they all needed cutscenes. I think the ones that needed it the most was Rellana and Bayle.
Rellana especially really lacked a build up.
No. The only way to properly beat malenia is as a poise-tank with a wild strikes cold-infused Great Stars.
>watching all the chatters in streams spamming coomer emotes about "her" feet when Miquella shows up
bayle's "cutscene" was igon screaming imo
They got the normal ds2 boss treatment lol
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>Fighting the pre-final boss 3v4
>No fun, keep getting ganked by Leda and Dane
>Fighting the pre-final boss 4v4, with Kristoff
>Very fun, going from having cool duels to joining the mosh
should be moonblade instead
twitch chat has been 4chan adjacent since the dial8 incident. frankly always was, who you think greetings from "germany" was ;)
as intended
Are there any pure STR somber weapons in the dlc that doesn't have an int or fth tax?
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>uses somber stones
is this thing worth upgrading for invasion tomfoolery?
Dew it
bulge too big
Stone-Sheathed Sword
>Bayle and Igon
Every single one of my friends missed out on Igon's quest because they aren't autistic like me and NEED to kill every single enemy in an area at least once on first playthrough. They all did the normal thing and ignored the buffed basegame shitter drakes and just rode up the mountain. As they finished Bayle fight I asked them all one by one their thoughts on Igon because I wanted to share the white whale comic edit some anon here made and they all just asked me "Huh? Who?"

dlc is all about hybrids because you're expected to level to ~200
yes very much so, an essential invasion tool along with concealing veil
is the chicken wing an arcane weapon or a strength weapon with an arcane tax?
feels like there's no actual arcane weapons, arcane is just a tax you pay. Except Bayle's spells which actually are arcane.
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It doesn't really need to do damage for invasion tomfoolery
Yeah I've been ignoring all the shit drake fights too because they just aren't fun to fight at all.
>skipping on first playthrough
brainrot terminal, many such cases, sad!
>carefully exploring north of three paths
>dragon in the lake
>no skadus
I feel like john snow in game of thrones right now you know near the end when he is trying to get passed / just survive against the dragon please don't spot me...
Empyreans are hermaphrodites, Anon.
flowerstone gavel is pure arc for some fucking reason. i think the new meteor sword is too. normal weapons with occult are pure arc and they are super strong
pure DEX somber weapons with no int or fth tax
Claws of Night
Curseblade's Cirque
Ansbach's Longbow
Dancing Blade of Ranah
Rakshasa's Great Katana

pure STR somber weapons with no int or fth tax
Red Bear's Claw
Greatsword of Solitude
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Who did it better?
>feels like there's no actual arcane weapons
Look for ARC weapons with split damage. Eleonora's Poleblade, Mohg's Spear, Regalia of Eochaid, etc... Their scaling lies. Other stats may have better scaling, but they only raise physical damage while ARC raises both (and status if they have it and powering up the ash) making it the better stat for anything that has split damage and is ARC. Also, Poleblade of the Bud, Ripple weapons, and Varre's Bouquet are VISIBLY pure ARC from scaling alone so you must be blind.
What weapon is that?
the meteor sword requires absurdly low arcane but absurdly high strength at 35
Gwyndolin canonically had tits so was probably more intersex than a true trap like Miquella.
why did dex get its dick sucked do hard this expansion
the skill scales on arc, does it not?
Oh I forgot that Katana of night from Jolan
Half those DEX weapons he listed are literally useless. Granted, so is the bear claw.
why not both
the claws, cirque, longbow, and great katana are all good are they not? i think solitude is good in pve
Moreover, Arcane is the best dip on a per point basis if you use the bleed/poison infusion.

Then you get the occult infusion that is quite good on weapons that have natural bleed buildup like katanas, great star etc...
also the solitude gs has a dex tax and dex scaling, it's not pure str
>fight fair
>says the fucker obscuring the screen with a billion pillars of light
-Distribute more loot in empty areas like the finger ruins and the like. Just better stuff like rune arcs, starlight shards, Marika's blessing instead of trash like crafting material slop. If loot is craftslop then give players larger chunks 5-10 per harvest instead of shitty 1-3x amount per material.
-Bell bearing for every material in the game and golem arrows and lost ashes of war
-Erdtree's favor+3
-Miquella/Radahn scar/soreseal: Basically a combo of both Rad/Marika seals but with less dmg absorption penalty (DLC gear is usually p2w and better than basegame shit)
-More weapons in the new classes would have been nice. Only 2 thrusting shields and hardly any light greatswords? There is no reason why light greatswords shouldn't just be in the straight sword class and buff straight swords while they are at it. Give them the option to guard poke also.
-Throw Sennesax in the trash
-upgrades for torrent like armour and a permanent upgrade that lets you survive longer falls
-Godwyn final boss with lore intact from the base game

These last points are not really a DLC-specific things but these would improve the longevity of the game and overall make It better:
-improve the medium dodge roll (it's trash)
-fix the dead angling through guard bug that is rife in this game
-auto summon/invasion hotspot in one of the main dungeons so we have a PVP hotspot (multiplayer covenant?) (Messmer's crusaders in Shadow Keep would have been great defending it as a red for example)
-6 player max in dungeons/legacy dungeons if the last gen can't handle it in open field areas
-Invasions on by default in non-torrent areas (as it should have been) (play offline if you have a problem with this lol)
-pull a DS3 prisoner's chain and nerf the defense penalty on Radagon/Marika's seal talismans so players have more leeway for build crafting if they choose to use it. 125tards have it hard enough crafting without an equivalent with needing 60 vig vs 40 vig in previous games.
Claws of Night
Curseblade's Cirque
Ansbach's Longbow
Dancing Blade of Ranah
-better for pvp, but still just ok
Rakshasa's Great Katana
Gwyndolin was an earlier boss, which means more Japanese artists got to see him
which meant more art

I have yet to fight Miquella and most Japs dont finish games
this painting reward shield looks sick, might use it in another two weeks when I get another character prepped for the dlc
i'm starting to regret going in this blind, I usually at least craft ideas for stuff in advance and im wondering how many of my characters are getting deleted to make space for new stuff, and im barely out of the grave plains.
I feel bad about Fingerprint Shield. I feel bad about Verdigris Armor. I love the "made of stone" aesthetic but they're the designated shitter equipments now
Gwyndolin is a secret boss though, realistically very few are even going to know about him.
rare materials are intentionally rare, deal with it
Why are people above me pretending Rakshasa's katana is decent when the regular Great Katana mogs the ever loving piss out of it?
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>Outplayed by Morgott
>Aidsnuked by Malenia
>mindbroken and buck broken by Miquella
>his land is now a fungal nuclear metaphor

Do Redditdahncucks really?
oh yeah and, I see a cave from here, seems to go under the castle that is on the left path, will THAT break quests?
I guess I should spoiler myself on the quest triggers at this point cause I just have no idea where I can or can't go, besides finally crossing the bridge for the other miquella cross and then thats three.
I agree Bayle isn't are necessary but, Rellana definitely.
Has a lot of hyperarmor while attacking.
The regular great katana comes with a hideous scabbard that clips into everything, including the ground you stand on.
It gets hyper armour in it's R1s while regular great katana doesn't
he was gatekeeping sunlight blade and the wikidot link is literally on the case, steam users. I don't think "go down more" on the moving spiral staircase is that hidden either but then I don't think haligtree is an "optional" dungeon either thats like saying painted world is optional like who skips that not me.
How would you fix the Charo's hidden grave? What would be a major boss there?
Next patch better buff everything or I'm never buying a fucking FS game again.
Charro should be a giant mariner riding the Titanic.
Remove it entirely and fold the gaol and other relevant items there to the Ceruleam coast
Remove the death rite bird and the furnace golem.
if you go near the big castle quests progress. this doesn't break anything, mostly it causes quests to go on to the next step. doing various stuff inside the castle is what can put you on one quest path or another, or skip quests
>pure DEX somber weapons with no int or fth tax
>broken weapon
>broken weapon
>broken weapon
>broken weapon
why is this a thing
why do dexfags get 4 different pure dex broken bullshit weapons
why do they get to proc bleed on you from a mile away or hit you with a sniper rifle that true combos into itself because of instant sleep
they did buff a lot of useless shit sometimes 2-3 times for the base game so there is hope. but it took them a long time.
>Why yes I heecin love terrible crafting systems that won't be in their next game

Imagine defending open-world slopisms.

Meanwhile, I VILL cheat engine 999 of them and actually help keep the game alive in multiplayer instead of wasting my precious time farming slop.
didn't say that and crafting is gay shit nobody asked for or wanted. construct more imaginary opponents why don't you, cheater scum
To reach him you either need to farm the covenant or attack big chest ahead. Haligtree is not hidden at all, game really tries to shove you toward it.
im reading this https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/SOTE+Side+Quests now, I haven't even met tholier yet and I dont know which castle is shadow keep.
I don't actually know which one is ensis either. im >>485191285
currently deciding if I EVEN CAN go in this cave or not. (from shield painting reward, looking at the land bridge of the left cross castle I don't know the name of)
I have not solved a single rise puzzle or painting that wasn't related to getting the platinum. I am here to slash and bonk shit, not to think.
The battle itself. God bless Steam's automatic recording feature. I barely even noticed the NPC having dialogue.
rises only have spells and memory stones
remind me again when did the DLC come out?
the games online seems to be dwindling already
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Remove it entirely. They already had a death-themed area with the Cerulean Coast. Just put the gaol and the items there instead. Making the world more dense, focused and less spread out is precisely what the game would've needed.
May 25th, so about 2 monthsh
no, there is a ring in catacombs you can skip all that crap
and sure haligtree is heavily hinted especially if you actually play rpgs you will be like "why is there a huge area of the map, that I can see from mountaintops, that is unreachable?" and then get the other medallion from sol and then go there.
and varre covers mohgwyn from very early telling you to go to rose church etc after going back for the clap emote
the only "hard" puzzle is making the imps attack each other, cause you have to know about crystal darts hidden mechanic. (fucks with automations / golems)
and blue jar cannon
>Messmer jumps into the air
>roll under him
>he does a 180 and hits me anyway

>Messmer uses grab
>roll 5 ft any direction
>Messer uses force pull to grab you anyway

>Messmer turns into snakes
>timing has nothing to do with his p1 attacks, you just have to grind to p2 and memorize new patterns with no tell
curse you rabbath
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>fromsoft game
you high
puzzles are for zelda games
elden ring is where you ride torrent through an empty field between copy pasted bossfights
its been like two weeks
>8 million normies aren't playing still
It has 10% more AR than the basic Great Katana and looks cooler
alternatively: use shield
you don't need crystal darts, you can jut summon your own imps. the rise unlocks when an imp attacks another imp or kills it or something
skill issue
this is genuinely cruel, why are nintendo fans like this
>talisman that gives you resist to an element after you are afflicted by that element
>but that resistance is given to you already consumed
>you go from 350/350 robustness to 350/650 robustness
>you still take the exact same number of hits to bleed again
Weak, sensitive and easy-to-bully prostate on the left. While he might continue to scream in anger and cry over Radahn's second death, his biology is vulnerable to being made to submit. His prostate is a weakpoint and all hits against it automatically count as CRITICAL HITs even if Miquella isn't staggered.
So who or what is Midra? I'm sure he isn't the God of frenzy itself, so what is he?
>immediately summon tiche as soon as I step into a boss room
>mash the weapon arts button the whole fight
>look up a guide on how to do everything as soon as I get to an area or get stuck for a second
>exclusively use the most broken builds for everything
It's gaming time
last time I did that rise I didnt have imps. (I know just buy them from raya merchant but I was already running around doing all sorts of shit)

having to look at the map now, why the fuck is shadow keep the trigger when its not even on my map yet, so im fine, ive been worried for nothing. it says I can clear a whole ass extra dungeon first. I was worried not going straight for the crosses would cause some npcs to aggro on me or something

guess I have no choice but to spoil quests unless I want to miss things now. was hoping it wouldn't be like that. too confusing trying to do it blind.
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will this be much fun
he's just a crazy old man
>you can buy string now
Now add Lost Ashes and Rune Arcs or make other enemies drop them too, I'm sick of farming rats.
the only good boko is a dead boko
>19 mind
>88 poise ???
fuck are you doing
>Lost Ashes and Rune Arcs
Ive literally never ran out of either of these once in my entire 1000+ hours of playtime

How the fuck?
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I should turn this boss off my summoning list...
>elden ring is the best game of all time
>dlc comes out
>is now the worst game of all time
st trina arrows, rainbow fletched recipe, flower picker bell (lilies, arteria leaf), meat dumpling recipe, and having seen the new pots furnace face thing item for 25k a pop, PLEASE fromsoft, I don't have 5 million years avaliable to farm st trina arrows from ALBINAURIC ARCHERS at a 2.5% drop rate per FIVE arrows you are being dicks. why did you bother adding sleep when its THIS hard to use? don't just farm lilies and craft sleep arrows instead me and do not ever tell me to cheat.
>wear full moore set and moore shield
>seppuku blood antspur rapier +25
>dragoncrest greatshield, verdigris discus, erdtree favor+2 and crimson amber+3 talismans, radahns great rune active
>opaline and crimsonspill crystal tears
>stroll into enemies and poke them with my shield up
Its gaming time
Is there actual evidence that coffin-ships belong to Numen?
A sage. He contacted TFOF for whatever reason but could not hack it and tried to turn back. What we see is the result of being a bitch
still better than whatever shit western corpos plopped out over the last two years, lets see what other games I bought hm fires of rubicon well thats fromsoft, and a one piece game, also japan. cyberpunk since it actually works on ps4s now, aand thats about it.
so, I don't see the problem. best game we're getting for the foreseeable future, I can't see the next elder scrolls being anywhere close to this either after starfield lmao. I still remember the desperate shilling of that piece of shit until people finally accepted what i'd been saying since hearing "there will be no ladders" as a kerbal player, that its going to be and was infact just shit.
>elden ring is an unfinished game
>dlc comes out
>dlc is also an unfinished game
>there are now two whole stretches of unfinished game that will never be finished

maybe in 2038 there will be an Elden Ring: Revamped Edition (the new slang popular in that late decade, same as what 'remaster' is now) and they'll give proper fleshed out mountaintop of the giants, finger ruins, cerulean coast, bayle's mountain, etc
there's a severe lack of bosses that are immune to status effects
Elder Inquisitor is the worst boss From has ever made
if bleed status exists as it is then the attacks themselves should do very marginal damage, what the fuck were they thinking?
because it was dumb in basegame
same reason why radahn has even dmg negation across the board instead of weaknesses
it's kino
rot vs all but romina, bleed vs all but putrescent and skibitree
how much strength should my build have if I want to play intelligence or arcane or something?
sometimes I want to equip heavy int or arc weapons and sometimes I want to use those huge shields. You've got to have at least 30 strength to use shields better than the brass one.
eh, valid point but it lacks in a bunch of areas notably comparing to this game weapons, doesn't even have half the shit neverwinter nights had.
beats elden ring on the conversational side of roleplaying but then, its fucking DnD it should do that else its a bad dnd game, which bg3 is not im just being really critical rn
Bleed is shitty enough already, every enemy and boss gets resist after every bleed.
It's impossible to bleed something a third time.
But bleed should low on non-arcane builds. It shouldn't be like a strength build can just bleed everything the same as an arcane build.
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Here's my humble boss suggestion for Charo's hidden grave, reuse the spaceship coffin assets. (He pilots it with great enthusiasm)
Maube you should just give up. You're not built different!
Does anyone really have complaints about any damage type or immunity in the base game other than holy damage getting shafted?
Yeah almost nothing resisted magic so it was too good, but its fair to have a good mix of boss immunities that make sense. Its undead or a tree, it has no blood, it can't be poisoned. A few were nonobvious but make sense when you think about it, like the Mogh / Godfrey clones being immune because they are actually shades not physical entities, and their real flesh forms are not immune.
Nobody really complained magic was too good, it doesn't hurt your experience with other types that a better one exists. But oh noooo people shat bricks because holy damage was bad (ONLY at the lategame)

and now we get this retarded shit where there's almost no resistance or immunities in the DLC because of you whiners
if you want to dip str you traditionally go 54 because that will put you up to 80 when 2handing
This shit awaits me in my bows only run.
I am afraid anons...
after reading the quest breaks properly I feel like I was oversold on how accidently the quests for yourself in the dlc would be, its just don't go to one castle I haven't even seen yet, or too far this way (bonny bridge 2, apparently), and, don't beat messmer.
thats two triggers in total
everyone but radahn has weaknesses
for normal enemies, most are weak to holy, especially hornsent and beasts, and everybody who serves messmer are weak to magic

Is this code for I'm getting my ass kicked? And we all know the worst boss FS has EVER made is Bed of Chaos, followed by Prowling Magus.
54 is not a DIP
>walk into charros hidden grave
>screen starts rumbling
>look behind you and the ancient drake that made up the terrain you just ran across has arisen
>Charro, Undead Dragon
>boss music starts, health bar appears
level to 200.
Holy shit Elden Beast is an AWFUL boss
it's kino once you learn it
Why are some Uhl/Uld ruins underground?
I thought maybe the Nox built in the same places as them and were banished underground some ruins got pushed down with them and that left some above ground, but it doesnt seem quite right to me.
You dont need bigger shields, you can use the spell "Scholar's Shield" and the skill "Barricade Shield".
If you dont care about your level then just level everything ad much as you want.
If you want to stay between 125/150/165 for duels/invasions then levelling Strength is going to cost you Vigor, Mind or Intelligence.
>hit a bunch of times for marginal damage
>boss leaps away and does big drawn out anime flying move
>bleed buildup decays
>you have to start from scratch despite all the hits you earned just like a strength build would but for no payoff
For the record, this is exactly what they did when they nerfed bleed in Dark Souls 3. There was a single overpowered bleed tool that they nerfed, but faggots cried so long and hard about hating being bled that they redesigned the entire status effect system so that inflicting status effects forced you to sacrifice all of your AR.

The end result was that status effects became completely useless and nobody used them for the rest of the game's life. A whole build archetype, one with a dedicated starting class, was culled out of the game half a year in and remained worthless until the day the game died.

Status effects being where they are in Elden Ring is a direct response to the mistakes they made in DaS3. Like it or not, bleed is the most balanced it's ever been, and still requires more effort playing the game than strength. The main problem with ER's stat design is failing to make dex and arc meaningfully distinct since both are essentially using the same pool of weapons and attacking the same way.
I beat it with a white mage, please get good.
Try horse
in the base game there were bosses with -100% resists and +80% resists
in the DLC nothing is outside of the -20 to 40 range and only 3 bosses have any immunities at all, only partial
fire damage in particular was often either 20% or 200% damage depending on the boss
it is very bad
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>Flame Spear on fire infused fire knight weapons
>4 damage buff talismans
>4 damage buff pieces of armor
>2 damage buff physicks (fire dmg, bloodsucking)
>1 damage buff spell (FGMS, assuming it doesn't conflict with the power within or fire dmg tears)

Am I missing anything? I don't think the fire scorpion talisman is worth it.
June 21st so 2 weeks ago
Its easy now that you can use horse
Don't mistake 'awful' with 'difficult'. It's boring and annoying as fuck but not hard.
The Golden Order literally buried the old world and built their world on top of it. The Siofra/Ainsel/Deeproot layer was originally the surface.
This is why the Shadowlands has no equivalent underground segment. The Siofra river actually cuts through the shadowlands, but it's aboveground.
bloodsucking ain't worth it imo. 2hand talisman does not affect skills, only regular attacks. fire scorpion is great.
horse is the answer to all things
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I always thought it was magnificent. I was a bit disappointed the DLC didn't have some kind of unexpected cosmic boss at the end.
>bloodsucking with ritual sword
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>nearly 300k people playing on a Monday morning
Shut the fuck up you absolute mongoloid holy shit. I am so fucking sick of you doomposting fucking niggers that act like this with every fucking game.
So I just beat Elden Beast and am about to become Elden Lord or whatever. How clear is it when picking an ending? Is it as convoluted as the typical From quests or will it be a clear 'pick this option for Frenzy's sort of thing?
Elder Inquisitor is literally the Prowling Magus redone.
no i mean it's cool not that it's hard
the elden beast is not a sword master like isshin or owl.
there's no point in learning a whale.
ranni is if you use her sign (NO confirmation dialog)
frenzy is if you touch the statue (confirmation dialog; locks you out of other endings while active and can be removed with the needle; cannot be gotten back once removed)
all other endings are a dialog when you touch the statue
Fire infusion is a trap on the Fire Knight weapons. You either go all in on physical and ignore the fire, or you go Flame Art.
Shazamniggers and their consequences
Now every time a new game comes out /v/tards with nothing better to do in their lives feel obligated to hop over to the relevant general on /vg/ a month later to concern troll about dropping player counts
Unsurprisingly they get to be "always right" because all games experience a huge player boom on release day or DLC release day before curving down soon after. But these chimps don't have pattern recognition so they get to feel smug about "another pozzed modern slop has failed, look, it's only been a month and it's dying" before evacuating back to /v/ to masturbate over the next upcoming game's inevitable collapse
>its boring and annoying
you know you can use the horse now right? personally I forgot myself but I remember seeing that in the patch notes
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If only someone would have told me NOT to summon Toillier or Ansbach ( because the boss gains +30% physical dmg reduction and extra dmg ) . Good fight, a lot of builds are completely useless here.
Maybe in nature but in moves and intensity? Nah. When I was fighting Scadu I recognized Vordt's charge, but they're two completely different fights. The fuck anon?
everyone who's not a total noob knows this already
>jar cave
getting FF9 vibes, alexandria dungeons...and why do I feel like im about to stumble across more warcrimes down here...
it's only just begun
Anyone experienced with From games assumes NPC summons could be tied to their quests so unless you want to look shit up you do it
>Marika is a pretty blonde girl
>Presumably her tribe had more pretty blonde girls like her
Wtf was the hornsents' problem. Why would you want to mulch an entire tribe of Marika lookalikes? Just marry and fuck em like a normal human being. Holy retard
interesting, didn't know it didn't effect skills. 20% damage isn't worth it? also isn't fire scorpion grossly nerfed in PvP while great increasing the damage you take? my worry is that it's an insignificant damage increase in PvP but makes me way squishier.

yeah, figured that out afterwards. my bad. keeping ritual sword, ditching bloodsucking most likely.

i'm a strength build, though. on hero class. can i even do a faith build that isn't terribly inefficient this way? how much faith do i need? i want to maximize the damage of flame spear for PvP, especially the laser beam.
The hornsents were race purists
They're literal Jews. Ugly little monster people.
you didn't say it was for pvp anon...
Why do you guys post the new threads so early. We could easily wait until 1000+
the only games that have required summons are ds2 (base game only) and er (sote only). it had been literally 10 years since the last required summon so i disagree
The Flame Spear WA is a bullet-type WA that scales purely with faith and only wants the Flame Art infusion. It doesn't scale with your fire AR, but with your faith-scaling specifically.
And the shazam trannies were just an offshoot of tortanic fags in the first place. They're such a fucking obnoxious bunch of retards. I'm still seeing AC6 threads on /v/ about how it's a total flop because there's only a few thousand people playing a single player game with a tacked on multiplayer.
gacha game posters
best not to google what arabs did/do to the Yazidi tribes (they're blue eye blondes) sorry for getting "political"
I'm aware. My opinion remains the same. I ended up just blackblading the fucker just to get it over with.
my bad. im saying it now though. idk i thought glass cannon builds always screamed PvP. just trying to see if i missed any other good ways to maximize fire damage.

didn't know that, thanks. thought fire infusion with STR would also work. probably gonna drop down to like 20 END and respec to dump into FTH now. should i bother with upgrading MND at all? i wasn't planning on really using any spells but if i'm respeccing into FTH i figure i might as well pick some up.
I mean, you're supposed to thats why you unsealed destined death...to kill god, in true jrpg fashion
I don't think you want me to answer that, anon.
The current /erg/ thread has ended.
For every 10 posts made in this thread...
>...7 were made by men
>...1 were made by women
>...2 were made by trannies
Additionally, for every 10 posts made in this thread...
>...7 were made by normies
>...2 were made by autists and maladjusteds
>...1 were made by the truly mentally unwell
Keep in mind that the same individual can submit multiple posts over the course of a thread, so this statistic does not necessarily represent the user demographics of /erg/, merely the makeup of its posts, rounded into fractions of ten. Similarly, the pursuit of simplication means this methodology could omit statistically insignificant numbers of posts.

That said, the next summoning pool has been activated at >>485195859. Please check your flask charges and pass the fogwall in an orderly manner.
Thank you all for participating!
I agree with the guy calling you a faggot for not posting methodology.

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