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>Latest patch

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Ranni Ranni Ranni Ranni
Why is it so good?
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160 flat lightning damage and 80 frost for 45 seconds + animation speed of small weapon spinslash instead of normal halberd spinslash
Star lined sword is the most broken katana in dlc do not be fooled by sword of night falseflaggers what the fuck is that weapon art
What's your build anon? I was thinking of doing a madness build to invade the normoids going through the DLC and your footage gave me the push I needed.
can you use some dlc weapons when spamming your braindead webms please
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>be thickarmorboi
>be made to fight some spazzy fuck with a scythe who constantly applies a lightning buff
>constantly jitters about and waggles about like a dyslexic with alzheimers and parkinsons
>I just keep attacking when I can
>kill him with a buffed Axe Of Godfrey to the spine with a running attack

>be me again
>duel some naked who only spams spells and troonveil
>acts cocky
>keep my distance until he uses all 3 of his flasks
>bash him in two hits with Godfrey's axe

What the fuck is up with the PvP today?
Star lined is dogshit dude. Sword of knight's ash combos into an r2 for an easy 1.3k damage.
Is dual Vyke's still any good?
>bad things happen
who could have possibly predicted this
it's pretty good in pve if you're dex/int
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>me when Ranni wants to sit on my shoulders to act as a mobile turret to support me
What's the best stat spread and infusion for fire knight weapons?
Is there a list of weapons by requirement? For example all weapons that require 20 dex.
Moonviel's ash outdamages Star lined swords entire combo unfortunately
I wish human!Ranni was still around. Tall redheaded royal princesswife with tsundere leanings...
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Good afternoon
Stop crying about Radahn, nobody cares
Every thread its the same arguments, over and over
If you had spent half the time you do, coping, bitching and ragebaiting in these threads, you would've started to get a grasp of his mechanics already.
Yes he attacks alot, and yes the pillars of light can be a bit much, but he doesn't have any undodgeable attacks, he doesn't have any oneshots, and literally everything he does is reactable. Stop crying about his cross-slash move what the fuck.
Everyone keeps constructing their little scenario, where Radahn does 20 second long combos without any opening, and then teleports away from them and takes forever getting back into the fight, etc etc.
This hasn't happened once in my 100's of fights against him. But if you try to argue with these people, they'll just refer to their made-up (or extremely unlikely, super-unlucky) experience with the fight, making any discussion useless.
it doesn't, and it stunlocks well and bleeds which moonveil won't. moonveiling 3 times will do more damage but will be a lot more fp
Give me one (1) good reason why From Software still hasn't made it so that you could change AOWs for Crossbows.
it's on kekstralife but not for the dlc weapons, because kekstra is a lazy retard
They're hacks. Once you get used to their formula you start noticing how absurdly dependent they are on it and how repetitive it becomes.
I did see that but there's no list for STR
they're still amazed and confused by the sanctum xbow and don't know how to balance.....at all.
Who's asshole do you pull all this shit from? What if Marika didn't seduce anyone, and didn't become a an influental figure in Hornsent society/culture before ascending? What if she didn't offer up the Hornsents present at Enir-Ilim to ascend? What if she's just a lone survivor using the sacrifices of her own people to ascend?
>Sword of knight's ash combos into an r2

Why is this misinformation still being spread only r1 can true combo
>no please not the jar
starting to feel REAL bad about any enemies im having to (they're attacking me) kill in here...thankfully(?) I haven't unsheathed destined death yet.
Please just give me a mod that removes all scabbards. I hate scabbards. I don't want your (You)s I want a mod.
>play the game on release
>too hard for me
>used Mimic on Malenia
>come back to the game
>play DLC on old character
>dont use any cheese
>12 hours Radahn fight
>come back to replay the base game
>kill Malenia in 10 attempts, less than Midra or Mesmer
The DLC is pretty rough, huh?
I want to fuck and impregnate Marika. I want to cum in Marika. I want to inseminate Marika. I want to fertilize Marika. I want to creampie Marika. I want to make babies with Marika. I want to create offspring with Marika. I want to put a baby in Marika. I want to knock Marika up. I want to make Marika pregnant. I want Marika to bear my children. I want Marika to give birth to my progeny.
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i can relate to him as a person with mommy issue but this is not good, how can he manage to have a girl?
I want Marika to fuck ME!
Marika gf with biggie milky and penis my god I need this I want this in my life so fucking bad I would kill for it I can imagine the feeling of her THRUSTING INSIDE ME AS I SUCKY MILKY!!!
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fellow brown bum furling finger fumblers, how do I access the land of red mestruation juices? I am going mental here
Now that we know Marika was a jar person, is the "Elden Ring" a reference to the last light the jar ladies see as they are sealed into the jar? This would of course be a reference to the classic Japanese horror film The Ring, which features similar imagery.
>Instead of Rellana's remembrance giving an INT light greatsword or a FTH straight sword, it's a shitty c/c/c/c paired weapon
jump over the ded dragon's tail
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*addendum: kill all hornsent

THAT is NOT how you use ceramics.
two dlc weapons used in a dlc area though

its ok but vykes + madness fist in the offhand is way better
How do you even get out of bed in the morning without getting lost?
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Did it really not occur to you to go over the dragon? You already climbed one in Leyndell.
what rl and stat distribution is this some quality build?
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how does this look? is it worth taking points out of FTH and putting them into MND? i'm considering just not getting the stats for the FKGS and just using the shortsword instead, since i'm nuking my END anyways.
no wonder everyone laughed at alberich, this dudes stats were fucked
>thorn sorceries are fth
>but used a cold(int) infused scythe(dex)
How to I get to area in blue and is it even possible to get to area in red?
It's no different from the Dancer's Blades from DaS3. The stat scaling is deceptive. It's a dex-leaning quality weapon with a split magic tax. Like the SoNAF, you can choose to invest in either 'side' of its casting stats to amp up one side of its WA.

And yeah in practice splitting the WA scaling like that is lame but the WAs are pretty strong so it's not entirely wasted.
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If you used items from Crumbling Farum Azula, such as Shard of Alexander and Old Lord’s Talisman, you did NOT beat the game because the DLC canonically takes place prior to that
follow the cliffside from the road to belurat site of grace
Maybe he was overleveled
From the crossroads, head through the big cave and then turn south. There's a path hugging the cliffside.
It's a boss arena. Drain New Londo and look for an elevator down.
If the boss summons, I also summon.
no melina dialogue = she's intended to be dead for the section
I don't know what mind virus people contracted after Elden Ring released but there weren't nearly as many people doing that retarded-looking tryhard movement in DaS3. I refuse to do it purely because of how fucking stupid it looks.
What do we think about the gravesite weapons? Death's poker is probably still just better?
>he didn't realize that Alberich is the representation of a low level Twink with cold + bleed weapons
Isn't there 2 or 3 ways to get there? Down the dragon, through the Elle river, maybe 1 other way.
>no red lightning spells whatsoever because just dont ok
>crim2 erd2 shard lightning2shield, +24/+9s weapon bells
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How do I into PvP?
I get so upset anytime someone beats me and starts acting superior
I try not to be the most obnoxious tryhard invader ever, but I still want to win
But whenever a ganksquad obliterates my honest build, and start teabagging me, I can't help but feel upset, no matter how hard I try
I'm just a very sensitive person, and I hate it
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>reading this in mommy marika's voice
I miss 2 shotting ppl with that
Yes, you kill her, then Mohg and they you go to the DLC before burning the tree. its shrimple.
how convinced are you by the theory that the shadow lands used to be in the middle of the lands between? it just fits so well but limgrave doesn't work
>How do I into PvP?
you don't
save your sanity
>Messmer dies instead of leaving his still-living husk in the boss arena
>Leda's Troupe and Miquella himself acknowledge you as Elden Lord
>Radahn in Mohg's demigod body dies when you kill him
>Miquella, a true honest capital G God dies when you hit him with your sword enough times
Destined Death is unsealed.
The DLC presumes you've killed the Elden Beast regardless of whether you have or not. That's why Mohg's body is empty (his soul left because DD is unsealed) and why Radahn's soul isn't stuck in his jarred remains (his soul was freed because DD is unsealed)
this cave is straight up the mines of moria but jars.
So uhhhhhh
is it kinda obligatory to have +24 weapons for the DLC? Or will enough Scadu's compensate for that?
Feels kinda bad having to upgrade that high, even on low level characters
>finally got another katana
>it requires int
What the fuck?
I'm tempted to do a run with the Carian Sorcery Sword and the Carian Thrusting Shield.
Nigga just look away from the screen if you can't handle some randos teabagging your sorry ass lmao like look at your ohone or something
Just gooned to Marika hypno again
you will get fucked
Go gank for some sub boss. Like that ghost flame dragon fighting the army. add a new layer of fucked to the fight
the DLC takes place betwen the timeskip after killing Maliketh and the final gauntlet.
don't make me tap the sign
>I try not to be the most obnoxious tryhard invader ever
>a ganksquad obliterates my honest build, and start teabagging me

You either die as an honest invader, or you live long enough to become the obnoxious tryhard invader. The short answer is that you need the best shit because of how much the odds are stacked against you. Also: avoid open world invasions like the plague, start invading nearby instead of near/far or at least start severing out of open world gank invasions.
But everyone seems like they're having so much fun with all the new stuff, and I'm missing out! I just need to know HOW to have fun in PvP, how to win more with non-gay builds, and how to cope when PedroJuares08 bleeds me to death and points down on me
You either become very good or you simply don't give enough of a shit to care.

Some weapon combos or spells or whatever else also make people salty. For example, the Sword of Damnation makes me instantly pull out all of my cheese. I will kill you with Sleep Bolts or fucking Chainsaw Glitch then throw shit on your corpse. And sometimes, people just have a bad day and want someone else to lord over.
Elden Ring PVP is probably the worst Souls PVP has ever been. In my opinion, Dark Souls 3 was the best. It had glaring issues, but for the most part, I think that was the best balance of power between hosts and their summons and reds and the world.
I even already put, on the narrow "bridge" after the stair collapse

"visions of sorcerer, you don't
have the right O you don't have the right"
Might be fun. I havent used the sword because I dont like thrusting swords, but the shield is pretty fun or a quality build uninfused or an int buuld magic infused
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The only way to have fun on ER PvP is grief people with gimmicky builds, like knocking them off ledges with explosive bolts. If you try to fight people straight up it's just running attack spacing with laggy hitboxes and L2 spam until one side runs out of chugs. Souls games have always had terrible PvP.
link? please
and Miquella hypno when?
>For example, the Sword of Damnation makes me instantly pull out all of my cheese. I will kill you with Sleep Bolts or fucking Chainsaw Glitch then throw shit on your corpse
What a loser lol
thank you

meh, I forgot that dragon even existed because the whole jagged peak region felt like a linear as fuck rushed sidequest, I rushed it, fucked the dragon priestess and erased it from the back of my head. plz get off my dick now you tranny sock suckers
>Messmer dies instead of leaving his still-living husk in the boss arena
So do most bosses prior to that.
>Leda's Troupe and Miquella himself acknowledge you as Elden Lord
A ton of dialogue talks about you wanting to be Elden Lord - Hyetta, Morgott, Melina, Ranni just off the top of my head
>Radahn in Mohg's demigod body dies when you kill him
Same as point 1, most boss bodies disappear, the exceptions are Malenia who turns into a flower and Morgott who lies there for a while. Enemy dies, turns into dust, you get a remembrance - same shit as always.
>Miquella, a true honest capital G God dies when you hit him with your sword enough times
>The DLC presumes you've killed the Elden Beast
No, you are called ASPIRING lord, therefore you are not Elden Lord yet. It wouldnt even make sense, the world is radically different depending on your ending.
The DLC absolutely takes place BEFORE the ending of the base game.
Why the fuck can't you buff Godrick's axe?
>I forgot that dragon even existed
what the fuck
>The Siofra river actually cuts through the shadowlands, but it's aboveground.
I havent played much of the DLC yet but can you tell me more about this? I dont really care if its a spoiler.
I somewhat think you are right but at the same time I really am convinced that the chasm in Leyndell was the Nameless Eternal City, "Lower Leyndell" has the same architecture as Ordina and Sellia, although notably with a tree carving in a chapel.
Then at some point that area was pushed down (Nox armor says they were banished underground after invoking the ire of the greater will, I assume by using the Fingerslayer Blade), then attacked by an Astel who absorbed the sky and destroyed the city. (Meteorite of Astel and Eternal Darkness descriptions)
Then the survivors travel down both rivers and found Nokron and Nokstella, this explains why there is no Elevator down to the Nameless Eternal City, BUT it doesnt explain why there would be some of the same overground flora and fauna down there. (even an illusory tree with a Golden Seed)
Also I must point out that some of the Uhl/Uld carved stone tablets (probably grave stones) are found in small gardens (probably graveyards) in Nokron, also the Nox style elevators/wells all lead into Uhl ruins. This kind of implies that the Nox move into these civilisations while they are still active and advance them along into a more advanced style, they start with building the entrances/exits and then advance into the more modern cities and some older graveyards just happen to contain the older gravestones.
Also there must be some sort of link with the Oracle Envoy bubble blowers in Leyndell and the Haligtree and the Claymen of Uhl/Uld but I dont know exactly how to fit that together.
>For example, the Sword of Damnation makes me instantly pull out all of my cheese
you can't dodge a really telegraphed L2?
Use broken get abused by broken
>another stair collapse, less obvious this time
>jars everywhere
Jesus Christ on a stick
and, this dungeon is going hard on the trolling
How is it broken aside from the double hit glitch
It vacuums players in and grabs the second you fly up into the air. You will grab people before you’ve even landed on the ground. So you have to be away from it the second it starts up
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Nah. You're just a bitch.

No he's just a huge fucking retard who thinks he can cheat in ways HE approves of.
How do I kill Radahn without a shield? Even with Ansbach, Thoiller and my Mimic Tear 2nd phase bumrushes me with literally no break. What's the smallest shield that can still protect me? I know everyone is doing fingerprint & antspur but my strength isn't high enough for that
chinese people have the highest IQ of all races so their weapons all require high IQ.
Miyazaki is proud of his INT.
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here my nigga

yeah, so? wanna fill me in on the deep lore of landmark #241?
>magic profits from dex
>the magic questline rewards you a weapon that requires no dex
so what is the true path for spellblades
str or dex?
also there are way more cool str/int weapons....
>How do I enjoy getting raped by 3 probably higher level opponents over and over in a game with mediocre PvP?
You dont. Try the colosseum duels instead if you want.
Also dont be "honest" go in with cheap tactics, you are going to be outnumbered most of the time, I have seen videos where the invaders use Cannon of Haima to blow people up through walls, do cheap shit like that.
Dex niggers on suicide watch
>For example, the Sword of Damnation makes me instantly pull out all of my cheese.
Of all the things to get tilted over
well you can use a budget shield build, use the brass shield maybe and see if that works, maybe put barricade shield on it or scholars shield.
If not use the strength crystal tear and zoomer helmet and str talismans to raise your strength to 30 or something
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I'm too old for this "fashion" thing. Is this too mismatched?
"spellblades" are just weapon and "I buff the sword" with chosen element. they don't have to be INT, technically.
casting speed isn't that useful in ER, it only affects the startup animations
a "spellblade" doesn't invest in str or dex for scaling, only enough for requirements, you don't have enough levels to spare unless you plan on going 200+
stop fucking summoning thiollier
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Cool fight. Too bad I had to summon this guy to get it done.
She looks like she reminisces nostalgically about her youth spent rutting with Caelid dogs the same way Rose spends a whole movie having a flashback about a fling she had on the Titanic
Yes, very
Its bad because u can tell ledas chest has the black armor w gold bits. stick with black knight or oathsworn armor or even death knight or basegame radahn
Are you fucking kidding me. Several times my mind kept saying 'Maybe try up there' but then my mind also said 'Nah it was just an underpass to get to Belurat Castle'. That's it brain, I'm going to hurt you with alcohol tonight.
Writing "nigga" is almost as bad as writing "y'all".
Ok so just stop trying to fight people, and just AnnoyingMaxx them instead? I remember in the early launch days, I found the invis talismans, and spent upwards to 30min per invasion stalking the host and his crew, throwing volcano pots on them, knocking them off ladders, poisoning them, and then fucking off again. All until I could get a proper backstab in on the host with a misericorde
Atleast THAT was fun, but what killed that for me, was the connection issues. DCing after 20min of stalking is the worst.
Still, I wish I could be like my favorite streamer and schizophrenic, who just invades with a sword n board and fucking dismantles tryhards...
>ARC with minimum DEX reqs is superior to a pure DEX build in every way

You can't argue against this, DEX lost big time in ER.
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>you legitimately can't dodge out of the night katana aow if you get caught in it O N C E
>cast peed doesn't matter
Lmao tell that to my max cast speed Carian Piercers
>even on low level characters
You shouldnt really be there on low level characters, I believe someone at From said something along the lines of "whatever level you happen to beat Mohg is fine for the DLC"
When you consider that the Entrance to the Mohgwyn Palace (if you dont do the Varre quest) is in the Consecrated Snowfield and Mohg drops 420k runes (2nd most runes in base game?) and there are two items to make the fight easier, I think its supposed to be a very late game fight.
Any greaves in the game that are ornate like the banished knight ones but don't have the silly duck feet?
do thorn spells do physical damage?
If you have to ask this then you're either retarded or oblivious
90% of invaders are bitches with their weird victim complex. If invading infuriates you so much then don't do it
I said it isn't that useful, not useful enough to warrant investing levels into. If you want more, Radagon icon boosts you up to around ~50 depending on how much dex you have for requirements which will likely be somewhere slightly below 20.
Sometimes I just refuse to entertain a bunch of chinks trying to relieve the angst they feel from being chinks and sever out. If I'm feeling really petty and have some chores or errands I gotta run I'll hide in the level and get up from my computer so I take up their invader slot while they sit by the grace thumbing their assholes until they inevitably disconnect. You know it's bad when even saint_riot starts putting mean shit on his builds that he can swap to whenever he has to deal with these fags.
i dont know
im at 150 with 60 dex / 20 faith, apparently the madness fists are mainly strength but idk how well they scale
Yeah its sane_ryan who's making me wanna PvP, funny you mentioned that, I didn't think he was that famous.
You're wrong though. Especially in a spellblade context. Getting to 40 so that Radagon's Icon can bring you to 70 is very good for spellblades. My Carian Knight is something like 60 Int and 40 Dex with 19 STR for Rabbath
When should I start levelling my other stats besides vigor? I want to do an arcane build, but raising the arcane stat only gives me like a 2 more damage. I already have 30 vigor btw.
You'd be far better off 80INT 20DEX.
But anyways, just pettymaxx and annoyingmaxx in invasions, thats fine, but I'm still gonna feel really bad and get sad if I die to some bullshit after putting up a good fight when it comes to tossing hands
How do (You) cope when losing, I suck at losing, I'm asking because I legit need help with this aspect sad as it is
how did marika use the divine gate in a tower occupied by the hornsent? why wasn't she genocided along with the other shamans?
Nope. That's brainrot from retards. 60 is shittons. 80 is just gonna help me vigcheck retards I could just hit twice instead. I get AR from dex anon. It's not even wasted lol
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I like my anime katana though.
even if the ash of war is pure dogshit compared to what the boss does with it like can I get some fucking travel please? nah have to live with frosting them first and then procing 3 other forms of damage boosting while pretending im a final fantasy character performing a limit break
Your spells would do a metric ton more damage with 20 more INT.
Literally who cares.
PvP is a horrendously broken shitfest. The only way is to not take it seriously in any capacity. If you don't want to metafag them to death to deny them fun then you either run gimmick builds or just accept that you're going to lose to meta gank squads. Even if you're running literally broken shit you can still just get ganked to death.
It's just a game at the end of the day, it doesn't really matter. Just find the way you have the most fun and do that.
Condition yourself. The losses should never upset you. You were meant to lose. Yhe devs want the host to win.
I just go again. I'm not that bitch made
Got lucky perhaps? "Escaped" and hid during the rituals? Maybe the Hornsents got too cocky and let their guards down?
Would be cool if she like, hid amongst the corpses of her friends and family before "usurping" the gate, but shes not covered in enough blood for that to be the case from what we see in the trailer.
Its unanswered for now
for arcane dex, what are good remembrance rewards?

I wanted to keep them for the next game and rush to the mausoleoms then
In sweaty pvp bleed is actually fairly weak. Virtually every good bleed source trades a lot of AR compared to pure dex and bleed is really easy to counter by just swapping a talisman, wearing good armour and munching an infinitely purchasable bolas whenever you get space. Because they trade AR for status, you can just trade into bleed builds all day and bully them.

All the meta poiseblob armour has nutty bleed res on top of everything else, so bleed only tends to be good for invaders that need the burst damage and pve-ers or pvp casuals using fashion armour and not swapping their talismans.

The advantage dex has is that it gets much better AR, especially with the Lightning infusion which is just hands down the strongest infusion in the game. Plus it can still slap sleep/rot grease on a keen weapon and be a statue build without the AR penalty.
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...so what's with all the stone coffins and the goop inside them?
Not relevant
>Literally who cares
Me. Max cast speed Carian Piercer is SUPER good
not a dex weapon, it's an everything weapon with bleed which is why it's so good but the dlc could not compete

you're supposed to use lightning which arc can't have
>How do (You) cope when losing
From has been stacking the odds in the host's favor even as far back as the first Dark Souls. They don't really want you to win. It's not really a big deal if you lose anyway. You lose literally nothing for it. Just think about if you made a poor decision or something and if you lost because the host and his boyfriend/s were overleveled or something then that's that. Keep in mind even sweaty pvp youtubers don't win 100% of their invasions either. They die to the same stupid bullshit you do.
Marika's goonette juices
When you want to cast certain spells fast you can just use Azurs staff (Offhand if you wish) and Radagons Icon.
After that I suppose you just get the minimum stats for using an Int scaling weapon of your choice.
>Ok so just stop trying to fight people, and just AnnoyingMaxx them instead?
You can fight if you want but I am just saying dont set limits on yourself like "honest builds", you are outnumbered and realistically if you are fighting a host who is similar skill to you, and likely a higher level AND he has a great rune active and his furled fingers who may or may not be extremely overlevelled password summons all helping him then obviously you are NOT going to win.
If you want fair then try the duels, if you want to invade AND win then you should try areas with ledges and other environmental hazards, cheesy builds and other stuff that can help even the odds.
current lore is retarded.
Shadows are given to Empyreans by the fingers. Marika had a shadow - Maliketh. Which means she was respected before godhood and the Two Fingers were in charge. How is that reflected in the DLC?
There literally aren't any. There's only two remembrance reward in the whole game that are dex/arc and they're both bad. Morgotts sword and Rominas halberd
Hmm not very often do I see people playing grannies. Old men yes but not kindly grandmothers
no, the extra dex let's you use moonveil and other int weapons
Don't let em' get to you, sis. Its all just in good fun. Being toxic is classic internet culture after all, and in a way, its always nice to see its still around and that not everything has devolved into a hand-holding snowflake fest.

Just think back to when you were a younger and probably more toxic gamer. Did you ever even pay attention to who it was you were being a shithead to? Did you even remember their existence the next day? Or even a couple of minutes later?

Well, apply that to ER PvP. They will have completely forgotten about your existence the second you DC from their world, and moved on to the next thing. They probably barely even consider the fact that your a human being, outside of the point-down / teabagging which is more of a, automatic muscle memory response than anything actually meaningful or thoughtful, or with any real intention.

Just don't take it so seriously is basically the point. Its just a videogame, and chance are you are more often that not playing with literal kids. They're probably having tons of fun ganking the evil red man - even if you are on the receiving end of it and they manage to win, you still may aswell try to have fun with it aswell. Yeah, it feels bad to "lose" sometimes, but when invading, I often think its more important to focus on the "Experience", rather than the "Result".

This is my cope that I use to try to keep a positive mindset whilst invading. I hope it helps you out, sis.
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>>485200000 (Quints Checked)
Well he's pretty well-known amongst the relatively niche invader crowd, dude has nearly 40k subs. Watching him when Dark Souls 3 was current is what made me want to try to make actual "characters" to go with my builds and play with them online, whether it's co-op or invasions; now I can't get invested in a playthrough unless I do this every time.
The granny tarnished is cool but try different arms and legs. The actual armor in Leda's set is more black than gold.
Who says she doesnt have a wrinkly penis?
mmmm, trannygranny
Moonveil requires 18 dex, not 40.
I have no context for this but thats normal if you don't use formaldehyde, watch bones...
this unfortunately is probably not the answer.
Well, there is little indication that the hornsent heed the Two Fingers in anyway. Marika probably made it to the Divine Gate with the help of Maliketh.
Try Maliketh's gauntlets and legs.
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>the divine beast has an alternate grandma cutscene dialogue
I've done STR/FAI and DEX through the DLC but have no motivation for my INT char, spells are just boring compared to incantations, is it salvageable by going melee with high INT and the usual Monveil/Wifeblade? Is the new Kat even worth using? Fuck I wish I just had a pure FAI char instead, chucking fireballs and holy discs
finally found the fog gate, you know what else the "moria columns" remind me of, the kiln.
I missed a treasure, dropped before getting to a jar on a throne, and am absolutely not going the secret drop I see with 300k runes on me so im far from done here, time to die I guess (zero skadush)
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Had to politely convince some black knight chaps to donate their armour pieces. Better?
is there a way to sorta assign spells to the number row? pretty sick of mouse wheel + D-pad to switch at this point
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>respect my character
>Don't know exactly what END I need to med roll with my armor choice
>Just sort of guess
>Mfw I med roll with all my shit equipped
>Mfw the addition of 1 unit moves me into fat rolling
Just that good
swift spear requires 26 though
I'm so disappointed that Midra's sword doesn't include his dagger in the offhand
I was so sure we were getting a breakdance sword 2.0 when I saw it during the boss fight
Carian sorceries are fun as fuck and blasting 8 enemies into oblivion with Haima never gets old.
is it uploaded anywhere? i wanna see
Yea, much better. Oathseeker might work as well.
Just take invest in fai on your int character and use the Golden Order Seal. It soft caps at 45/45 and then you can go to whatever prereqs you want for Golden Stars or Comet or whatever. There is even a staff now that also soft caps at 45/45 from Metyr.
Marika's voice
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So? Does that mean max cast speed piercer stopped being S tier? Does that makes Moonveil not scale off dex at all?

No. The only trick is Hold up to go directly to slot 1. I try to arrange them in descending order of usefulness and frequency of use starting with my bread and butter spell in slot 1 and going down from there with the final slots being shit like buffs.
you need 35 or 40 to midroll with heavy armor
All my characters have 35 endurance if I go over level 80 but that's just me
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>Messmer soldier gauntlets and Axe of Godfrey are a perfect fashion match
>nothing fucking works with the gauntlets
>no pederast relationship with Miquella in his "DLC" even though it was advertised in the fucking launch trailer https://youtu.be/M-Xh4vbs6go?t=168
>no second revive as he whispers to the Tarnished like Lothric and clings to his back slinging holy bolts https://youtu.be/rk6mzf240Ew?t=185
>dung eater ending where you rape a serial killer who defiles the corpses of nobles so they can't reincarnate and makes all people equal in rotting decaying stinkiness wins out over a happy Miquella ending

wtf was the point of this "DLC"? to demoralize gamers? to defecate in the face of all our expectations cause From secretly hates it's fanbase? Mitsubishi's otokonoko netorare fetish? a psyop to make people into staunch individualists so they're subject to the whims of demonic forces without divine protection by "killing" the embodiment of innocence and purity figuratively?

what an evil fucking game never buying a from game again
>All my characters have 35 endurance if I go over level 80 but that's just me
lmao the highest end I have is 27 on my pure dex character
Remember when Dark Souls 3 displayed your exact equip load percentage? Yeah that was cool.
yes I have the same problem with int magic, int weapons are viable.
cant comment on dlc specifically yet but, blaidds and death ritual spear with a shield and some decent armor were worth the whole build, over, you cast blue shit...

I mean even my ds1 magic caster used pyro aswell. just int is fucking boring. even tried making it a weapon summoner type, and while its ok my "pretend to be morgott" cameo was waaay better than just using those (since they combo so well off other things to boost their speed, morgotts into slicer or whatever works amazingly, just slicer into swords into hammer not so much, dont really know why it just doesn't)

I feel like I said this already today but the only interesting int magic are those, ice tornado, and everything else was either nerfed or is a gimmick, and I never use just glintstone pebble what am I harry potter?
Apparently you can also kill her before the fight.
yeah but you're a poiseless cuck who can't trade.
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literally NOBODY cares
Nope, have the half-baked garment-altering system instead.
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The real question is why do you feel the need to force yourself to play with an INT build when you simply don't enjoy it?

Just play with what you do enjoy? Its not rocket science my brothers.
good morning erg!
apparently fat roll is actually good if you have the extended iframes talisman, you can avoid roll catch boss attacks with it because you roll a shorter distance and don't get hit by the follow ups that would hit you if you fast roll kek
i forgot you can attack grandma lol
>demi-human swordmaster onze
what the actual fuck man lmao he's moving so fast its like he got pre-release bloodstep or something
step aside melania new best swordsman in town

I have over 100 builds in ds1 alone, because im autistic is my answer. I will try anything. I HAVE tried dual torches.
What different things would a talking Marika barbie say when squeezed?
Don't I need to summon him to complete his quest?
I haven't used a shield in any souls game, is there a reason people are using Fingerprint over other options? Will brass shield do fine against his bullshit? I can respec if I have to I guess
uhm actually its the afternoon idot
Idk but i be cumming mushrooms in that bitch smelly hole
well that's stupid, i feel like the dlc only convoluted marika's story
you can trade with bosses and enemies in pve too
>Short bald non-human sword master
>Green space sword
>Can force grab you
He's Yoda, did you expect anything less from a Jedi Master?
No retard you complete his quest somewhere else entirely
Fingerprint is just the tankiest easy mode shield
Reminder that Commander Gaius is actually a great fight

You just need to ride torrent for it instead of acting like a fucking retard about it. The DLC even provides you with revered spirit ashes to buff torrent.
When is one ready for the DLC? I'm running double bleed falchions +13 and +15 and just got to the mountaintops, should I go straight to mohg or max out first
"Theres more than one way to ride a horse!"
>hes yoda
yeah im seeing that now
>he can DEFLECT
I thought I summon him at Radahn to get his gear?
Everything in the DLC is harder than the base game so the answer is pretty simple.
I imagine that the host and his friends rape my character
you were ready for the dlc long ago, you're wasting time in the base game, didn't you do varres quest? it gives you access to the dlc
christ what an abomination of a run you have going there
>45/50 scadu fragments without a guide
I'll take it
A dye system would need to be EXTREMELY limited or we would get shittons of idiots in Neon Pink bullgoat and shit.

It's an S tier fight and completely honest when on Torrent. It's mediocre dogshit on foot. I turned off the summoning pool there.

+25. Get to max upgrade and clear most of the main game before going in. Maybe try going in after Farum Azula so you can the smithing stone bell bearings and can buy what you need to upgrade and try new weapons.
He outruns torrent & has more attack angles than you
Gooners really have no standards
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>You just need to ride torrent
You just need to ride the one thing that stuns and freezes into place at the slightest of touch?
You just need to rely on something with a big hitbox not dying?
You just need to rely on something sucking up your heals?
You just need to run away and shoot status arrows and bolts at Gaius?
You get his and Ansbach's gear regardless of their presence there. It's so people who like soloing bosses don't get punished for not summoning.
IIRC u do not need to summon them in the final boss to get their stuff. I did it with only ansbach and i got both of their stuff at the end
fingerprint has retard high stability and elemental defenses and ofc 100% phys block. also ppl use it as a madness weapon in pvp.
it wont be able to tank like fingerprint/moores shield but its one of the best medium shields so you could always choose worse. If you want to go shield mode i would just respec
>Neon Pink bullgoat
i mean...................
he doesn't need +25, skibidi fragments and bleed make levels pointless in the dlc
>can force grab
Have a webm? I've coop this guy donzens of times and haven't seen that.
I got 49 on my recent build. It's a nice feeling.

No he doesn't, you're fucking garbage at the game and the attack angles complaint is peak cope. His dreaded charge is an opening for a charged R2 if you're any good lol.
had it that time but my character refused to heal
also he's knocking me out of deflect cause I have no stamina, guess im going to 200 after all, no point half arsing builds for supposed matchmaking speed anymore when they all have flaws cause im not a one stat one ash of war trick pony.
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I need pick related, but with The Tarnished charging up Marais GreatSword's weapon art
As long as you've done his quest down in miquellas anal fissure with you know who then you'll get his gear.
Just offer the player the option to turn off dye toggles on their side.
Have you considered being good? Here even, have a video https://x.com/typemoongod/status/1808740162467488018
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don't go past level 165 you devil dog.
it's the point of no return. absolut max
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i cant stop vigchecking aaaaaaaaaaaaa
fingerprint is the heaviest shield so you're going to have to sacrifice some armor if you want to keep a medium dodge roll, but upgraded it becomes the tankiest shield that doesn't take up a whole lot of stamina when hit and you can turtle up behind it with a good pike and poke safely from a guard position. The only thing you have to manage is stamina. Just like you, I didn't use shields in any souls game until this one.
Upgrade the shield, equip the greatshield talisman and the Barricade Shield ash of war. If you have enough Intelligence try Scholars Shield.
Invade. Lose. Adapt. Invade. Lose. Adapt. Invade. Lose. Adapt. Invade. Lose. Invade. Adapt. Lose. Invade. Lose. Adapt. At some point you will start winning. You will start committing acts so horrendous Hosties will be scared off summoning forever.
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>Ok so just stop trying to fight people, and just AnnoyingMaxx them instead?

Annoying? No. You just kill them. I hate to say this because I don't like the guy, but literally just copy Oroboro. This is essentially how invasions are supposed to go:


Or on the flip side, just be insanely good at the game, while also using the best shit, like jeenine (who I also hate as a person, but just trying to give obvious examples here):


>"But i don't find that fuuuun...."
okay don't invade then idk what to tell you. you can use whatever you want, as long as you damagemaxx. it's not about being annoying it's about doing a shitload of damage, because everyone else is doing the same and also using password summons that are probably hundreds of levels stronger than you. so fuck 'em.
thx bros, I'll print these posts out and frame it on my desk to remind me inbetween losses
dont call me sis tho plz, im a big strong man, just very sensitive
give me a minute and ill try to clip it myself
>skibidi fragments and bleed make levels pointless in the dlc
Nah. the core AR he has is still important for the Scadu to multiply.

No but go fight the respawning one in Cerulean if you wanna see more moves.

Nah, I don't believe in allowing design choices that permit players to vandalize their own experience. If I could, I'd put an AI that rates your custom characters and rejects purposefully ugly ones into my games.
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It's been serving me well so far, it's a pain against status immune enemies tho. Stat's are base, 57 vig and 21 arc

Yeah, I'll probably finish fetching the bell bearings first
this is true for bleeding enemies, killed the noble with +0 claws to get to rykard early
what the fuck is that, please post your build
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Did you save Melina?
the brass shield is not working, what's the next best alternative?
fuck I didnt get the runes back.........
welp I clipped him going for the grab but I can do better since I can just fucking die now. two more minutes.
Albinauric shield
he's just a faggot who watched this
the lore says that she "betrayed" the hornsent, so she probably entrusted with it by them
but that opens up another question, why on earth would the hornsent trust marika?
Oh look cut content the guy and the lvl up girl i never see level me up
go to the dlc now you faggot and collect the scadutree fragments, don't even need to kill bosses to collect them
>how i defeated Rellena
I blocked
>how i beat hippo
I blocked

Is this how it's gonna be?
Why would you bring an 'honest' build into 3v1s. Obviously being outnumbered utterly changes the fundamentals of combat. Build to those fundamentals, not to what your fantasy of a knightly duel might look like.

The essence of invading is burst damage, AoE and chasedown. If you don't have burst damage they will just cover for each other and grind you down with vastly more resources. This lets the gank just run at you and bruteforce you with bodies and stats, knowing the math favour them. If you don't have AoE, they can just group up and throw all 3 bodies at you, and no matter who you burst there will always be 2 more players dropping an L2 or jumping R2 into your recovery. AoE forces the squad to respect your burst damage and prevents them from just brute-forcing you with bodies and stats. And chase lets you finish off those that you burst, to deny them the value of their remaining healing.

This is the holy trinity of invading. You don't need to get all 3 from the same source, but you need to have access to all 3. Many things do two at once, such as Waves of Darkness being both AoE and burst damage, which can make it easy to fit everything into your build. But you do need all 3, always.
They were pretty hype about her tree shit. They were planting and worshipping people trees all over. Remember: Overt people trees only exist in the DLC in Bonny/Shaman Village and Enir Ilim.

I think she was a major figure in Hornsent culture until she rugpulled them and did some extra nasty shit.
got it, converting now

its just magic boosted life drain. it makes it actually viable. (its not a bad source of get hp back in its regular state either, for pve)
>enemy has cool ability
>we cant get it
why do they do this?
That's not vigchecking. That's using the lifesteal fist glitch.
Use your deflect tear, enjoy being able to remove the shield out of the blocking equation
learning to parry rellana was giga satisfying
>Have you considered being good?
I will impregnate you like Hoarah impregnated Radagon to create Messmer.
>deathblight exploit
>kills self
Are reds the real trans players all along?
>how i defeated radahn
i parried

yea it gon be liek dat
I shall find the deflect tear
This is all good advice but... Annoyingmaxxing and simply playing attrition work wonders in a ton of contexts.

Harassing the party and staying JUST out of reach and hiding by PvE encounters all the time is a time honored redman strat that often works wonders. No easier target for a kill then a yellowfinger who's busy R1ing a trashmob.
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How about you crouch and jump?
Always have been.
No I watched her burn then I went and embraced the three fingers. Destined death me now cunt
while im screwing around with usb sticks just want to say "yoda" is clearly a sekiro boss. if I wasn't fightning him with a katana and the deflect tear i'm pretty sure I wouldn't have even gotten close to beating him (no skibadis)
The very first wickerman you see, ancient lightning dragon strike makes wickermen a joke in case you can use it
>scadutree fragment tracker map
>$5 on fextralife
that place is officially dead to me
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imagine going 52 int couldn't be me
if you have 60 vig with crimson and fap +2 you can tank it
Whats the deep lore on the giant albinauric in the apostate derelict?
Lifedrain fist is fucked in that its WA scaling is completely unique and unlike any other WA in the game. It basically scales its damage almost entirely off your weapons magic AR, but since no fist weapon except the Clinging Bones have any magic AR at all, it usually just deals the mediocre unscaled base damage. If you buff a fist weapon with magic (like the sorcery spell that adds int scaling magic damage), then that magic AR gets super multiplied by the WA's scaling, which turns the attack from dealing like 500 damage to dealing several thousand and oneshotting people.
That's kinda like saying tree sentinel is a sekiro boss because you fought him as a level 1 wretch.
fucking why
>1963, already had a little bit of chip damage
Anon that's 60 vigor with the Erdtree Blessing +2.
>hehe, the numbers are different!
But you're still using the "exploit" you dumb faggot
well, time to try this
She's the only fertile albinauric left with functional feet. Also she's giant for some reason.
I just have a greatsword and greatshield strength build
>vig checking to see if they have 60 vigor and both things to boost HP
That's not vigchecking you dumb ape. Vigchecking would be hitting some retard for a 1k and killing him at 125. That's just exploiting against faggot hostcels.
I fought goldy for 6 hours on release day I don't know what you mean...

No, didn't care enough about that non-character to save her
The Scadutree fragments are on the interactive map though?
Yoda has no poise aside from like 1 hyperarmour move.
I walked in with a twinblade and blendered him in about 20 seconds, also with 0 scadu. The gimmick of his fight is that he's fast and aggressive so he's probably going to catch you by surprise once. After that you know what to expect and you can just dunk on him.
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The DLC could literally end at Leda's fight and Ansbach's last dialogues and DLC would be already thematically complete
Ansbach's final words are the fitting sendoff for the game
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What stage are From games at
Good enough, make sure to equip the dmg while on horse talisman and hit the legs, stun 3 times and then crit the face, he's on the ground for quite a while so do some damage before the crit
This is the same kind of person when from inevitably fixes the exploit they're abusing.
The same ones we had crying on the latest bunch of hotfixes.
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"Somewhere a great rune has been broken. And so too, a powerful charm."
>Fromsoft dev's face when
None because Miyazaki is based and doesn't listen to whiny bitches.
clip of "force grab"
excuse my dogshit performance I lost 300k runes before this so I stopped trying to beat him for a moment so I could clip the move
waterfowl works well and I found you can backstab him at any time
but I want to "legit" him with deflects again autism.
Yes. I teleported to the last boss using powerful magic (my character is a sorcerer and has mastererd CE) then I killed the boss in a single hit (for 99999 damage) with my short sword.
Melina is saved.
Wish I didn't suck at art to draw my tarnished being cute with every npc
we must save evropa
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>these bosses get to use all their cool abilities while riding their mount
>meanwhile we get light and heavy attacks + sorceries/incantations, can't even use our weapon's ash of war even if it'd make sense for us to be able to do so
im lvl 240, im waiting sometime for coop invite. will it be significantly more if im 120? should i make a new character only for running coop?
would be sad bc i invested so much time in my main before i learned about the meta
No you're right, that nigger is just spewing bullshit.
Try the new Bloodfiend arm chicken leg and made it bleed infused with savage lions claw. Also try to keep the mimic and other two alive with Heal from afar or an item with similar use which cost FP (4got the name).
Have one space for the more atk if enemy is poisoned talisman. Thiolier's poison is very useful for that.
you would think 9 on your chart, but its more like 2 cause souls games filter normies like blue lights in resturants filter flies.
Damn, a quality biuld with only 40 str/dex lol

but how will I heavy attack to the left?
6 or 7
Has been since elden ring released and the non-stop whinging about muh difficulty and all the other shit excuses.
Also you can see it in the summoning pools when you put your sign down, everybody using the same youtube cheese builds to skip bosses because they don't actually care about learning or playing the game, just to get the bragging rights at the end.
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draw it anyways, even just a doodle is worthwhile if it is drawn with sincere feeling
I finally defeated Commander Gaius on foot on my run with no scadutree blessings. Only legends left are Bayle, Messmer and Radahn himself. Wish me luck
Does the DLC add anything new to the base game, or is it all locked to skibidi island with absolutely no changes to the base game?
>souls games filter normies
Elden Ring has sold over 25 million and like 50% of people have beaten Malenia [through summoning a simp who will solo her for them]
I think as long as you've summoned him once even if it's not the time you actually win you get his stuff
You don't need to summon either NPC to finish their quests. As long as they showed up to the Ganksquad you've done everything right and you just need to beat Radahn. Their corpses spawn in the boss arena with the loot regardless.

t. this is what I did.
godspeed fellow no skadu user
Now i need to find a horse talisman too?
>infusable great spear with the treespear r2s
wow, shame i hate great spears for being slow as fuck
Literally 0 changes outside of Leda standing in front of Miquella in Mohg's arena.
40 dorrars tank you prease
I beated Yoda
>no sword
I finally beat radahn at RL1 no scuda
Only dancing lion left
it's at the start of the game you retard
>kill big imp in darklight catacombs with ranged
>elevator lowers
>drop is high up still
>reload and it's gone
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whats wrong with 125
thorn sorcery chaincasting died for honed bolt's sins so i had to find some other thing to mess with
In Fromsoft's next major open world ARPG, Nascent Hoop, mounted combat will be expanded with Embers of Battle specifically made to use on horseback and new mounted mechanics like trampling, deflects and Equine Counters
Can curseblade cirques be buffed with incants/grease?
so *reads item descriptions* onze is yoda and yosh is anakin? and thats who has my new sword?
reminder that the people who are telling you that Malenia is fine and balanced fought her like this, then will demand approval and claim it's the exact same as fighting her solo. normies will call you a "gatekeeper" for criticizing this

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>implying that /vg/ is better than /v/ and not just a different flavor of shit
This isn't a cult, you're allowed to be disappointed with a DLC that took 2.5 years and is so disconnected from the base game.
>thorn sorcery chaincasting
thorn spells still chaincast into each other
125 is the tranny autist duel metafagging level.
help pls
>simp who will solo her
I still don't understand that.
The "Let Me Tank Him" guy I can understand because at least it involves the summoner actually fighting like it's a raid boss with some buddies but what's the point of just seeing a victory screen after sitting there for a few minutes watching someone else?
His sword is open world loot in the Cerulean Coast, alongside a rematch with Yoda demoted to a regular respawning mook.
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is this accurate?
33.3% on ps4 not 50
I think linking directly to reddit should get you immediately banned.
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this is better
goddamn that reaction time is terrible
he gets hit then 1-2 seconds later he rolls
wahhh the players are playing the game differently to me!!!!!!!!
>the people who are telling you that Malenia is fine and balanced
tbqh after doing the DLC bosses like Radahn v2 I have zero problems with Malenia. If they got rid of Waterfowl dance and removed her HP heal when blocking I don't think anybody would care about her being that hard.
Especially when her poise is so low and you can literally chain-stunlock her with things like Giant Hunt.
1 2 and 3 seem correct to me and im taking it amazingly slow. you'd briefly cross into 4 before 3 to visit the third cross, which im about to do now.
7 and everyone in this thread is a green or brown
Report it.
>crying about malenia in 2024
>unfounded claims
>linking reddit
Go back
I might already have it. I'll find out when i get home
So now that the DLC has been out for a bit, what levels do people generally seem to be settling on?
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Is /erg/ a Peeve Peeverson or an Oroboro general?
i still wish we had a faster starter, apparently the new thorn spell doesnt combo into briars
150, anything more than that is for faggots, anything less and that's for niggerfaggots
The arrows make the image hard to look at/read and are completely unnecessary considering people can count.
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do these games have actually good story or is the good part just trying to figure out the story?
>reminder that the people who are telling you that Malenia is fine and balanced
Because she is and I've killed her hitless quite a few times with nothing but medium rolls/light rolls and some weapon be it UGS/twinblade/fist/whatever
The only remotely threatening moves she has are the shadow clone attack in phase 2 and waterfowl.
Fighting cowboy
>being on team BETA
I enjoy watching peeve from time to time. Thouhh mofo is stuck on radahn for 100 hours now i think and even his stream title says now stream ends when he's dead...
And yet you can't do that without reeking of /v/ buzzwords and phrases.
The story is that I find and marry my cute wife and we live happily ever after. No other tarnished need apply.
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The second one
For co-op, it would be 175-190. Got summoned a lot in that level, but not anymore for 200-211 (current level).

But the co-op is shit anyway
The DLC gives you tons of runes, especially if you die and end up doing dungeons multiple times
150 PvP meta is going to be all tryhards soon since the average person will level way past that just by playing the game + DLC
I will not use scadu blessings even once. But i WILL summon for Radahniquella
Anon playing the sleep build have you tried carian slicer? I'm curious how it competes with the needle
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>Body crippled by Scarlet Rot, which kills everything it touches
>Trains for war and fights lethal battles every day
>Still so hyperfertile she gave birth to pentuplets through immaculate conception
Remember to practice safe sex with your cured Empyrean wife lest she shoot out octuplets like a tube of toothpaste.
if you figured out the waterfowl ai manip by yourself then hats off to you
no 'war' in messages.....
should I put "stars, battle ahead" or "old codger, all the more seems familiar *have mercy*" ?
There's 3 parts to this answer
>The discovery of the history is good
>The history of the world is good
>The "story" of your character overcoming challenges is also good
her hyper armor and bullshit stagger is what is making me angry right now because I'm playing as a strength character and those seem specifically created to fuck strength characters
the good part is bashing your brainless skull into a brick wall, trying to fight retarded bosses with a dagger for 12 hours straight

alternatively you can just roll an autistic low level pvp toon and dab on newbs, you post your clips here then to farm 1-3 (you)s that will piss into your mouth
200-250. Minmaxers can go tongue clean the entirety of the Leydell sewers.
>can't find messmer's boss arena and want to wait before fighting him anyway
>cave and look up his intro to see something
>the voice I imagined in my head is way better than the voice he has in game
It's 72%, this is an ancient picture.
Rellana is optional since you can get to Scadu Altus by jumping on a spirit spring
No one gives a fuck, porn addict
my 300 gets summoned about as often as my 200
where are you placing this message
>Bayle, Metyr and Midra before Messmer
>Cerulean Coast lumped together with the Fissure and Charo's even though their area scaling is totally different
>lower Rauh super early despite the fact that it's scaled higher than Shadow Keep
It's shit.
outside the yoda boss fog, I already went with option 2.
I literally just took that screenshot myself moments before posting.
I couldnt find a good steam or PS5 achievement tracker to screenshot though.
>if you figured out the waterfowl ai manip by yourself then hats off to you
What do you mean AI manip?
You're just running around the base of her faster than she can rotate on the spot so you can then dodge in the opposing direction to her launch direction.
It's manipulating AI as much as running away from an AoE or standing in a dead zone of an attack.
damn, and i still struggled at 240 with every help I could get.
I do puritan. Not about Malenia though.
Kingdom of Eochaid, whatever happened there.
Yeah, a bunch of people beat them by the time you pressed send
>dare to swing a 2nd time against a boss
>get assblasted by a 100 hit combo

damn i got cocky :^)
Story is ok, the fun part is trying to piece together what happened from item locations, descriptions, etc.
Elden Ring has my least favorite world by far despite GRRM [who I actually like] doing the initial worldbuilding with outer gods and incestuous dynastic struggles.
Dark Souls [1] had a really cool world and so did Bloodborne.
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>Grant Merchant mod still not updated
Fighting cowboy was, is, and always will be a boring faggot.
Never heard of it
it's completely possible as STR but you'll really have to memorize her every move. had to summon to figure that out, having said that...
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>boss does the same combo 3 times in a row with no break
Where's the data for DLC area scaling?
I couldn't tell at all in the DLC, everything after the first area just felt like they hit for insane damage.
Use Glorious Mechant you dummy
Much like real cowboys
>decide to play a bit in the arena even though I suck normally
>opponent coming towards me
>spamming a few quick gs shards to pressure him
>trigger giant hunt and manage to catch him fling him up into the air
>charge a carian piercer and roll catch them after because of delaying it
>wind up into gavel of haima
>opponent tries to hit me out of it but lol hyper armor

Man that 1,2,3 combo is the most satisfying thing in the world when it all lands.
The "story" is just vibes that vaguely gives you a sense of context behind the fights. It exists to support the visuals and art design, because those are largely developed in a vacuum by artists just doing their own thing (this is good)

However there are typically smaller stories following individual NPC characters. These can vary from being half baked and disappointing (Nepheli) to being compelling and interesting (Ranni) or somewhere in between. Fromsoft has a bad habit of cutting and changing content last minute that can lead to questlines being garbled, or lacking proper conclusions and closure because they were just left unfinished (Kenneth Haight, Patches) but generally they're still the most interesting 'narrative' part of the games. If you want story, talk to characters rather than reading item descriptions.
psionic copper, then they got thorned. thats about all the "lore" there. also the main guy was in malenias castle (shaded) for some reason
>it's Sekiro all over again...

What's your excuse?
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You are not HIM!
based, consider also "stars, so to speak... battle"
If you tell me the type of weapon you are using I can give you some tips.
The pentuplet birth was a one-time thing resulting from her getting too aroused imagining her shota brother getting his bussy wrecked by the brick shithouse that was Radahn. You don't need to worry about her randomly birthing any more babies. The only thing that's been coming out of her rotten womb for the past hundred years since she sucuumbed to the Scarlet Rot during the Shattering has been pest maggots. A constant slow stream of them worming their way out of her filthy ovaries.
Why not just CE at that point? You could just give yourself whatever you want?
What does Grand/Glorious Merchant do that's so good?
can you undo skuda blessings, and do they carry into ng+
if no and yes respectively ill probably never use them.
Stars, battle ahead
>boss does a long combo or big move
>you do nothing? boss does nothing and just starts walking around menacingly
>you push a button?
>immediately teleports behind you and has his way with your bussy
>and don't you DARE let me catch you sippin', oh god. god help you if you dare to sip after a big attack or long chain where if you did nothing the boss would also just do nothing. may god have mercy on your soul.
there is another mod (i think its called glorious merchant) that does the exact same thing and is available for Sote
what makes you so sure of that
>What does Grand/Glorious Merchant do that's so good?
It's super easy like Honest Merchant for DS3 and it doesn't trigger anticheat, etc.
Scarlet Rot doesn't actually 'kill' things. That's why all the ruined villages in Caelid are teeming with rotted husks wandering aimlessly and "slimes" made of piles of rotting flesh. The victims of the rot are by and large still alive.

Rot doesn't kill, it transforms, but the transformation is just slow, horrifying and excruciatingly painful. The Kindred of Rot show what the successful victims will eventually become.
It's safer and easier than using CE and scrolling though 900 item IDs to spawn one item and less clutter and cumbersome than pressing "give me all items".
Elden Cute....
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i love how chaincasting died and everyone stopped hsing sorceries for a few weeks aside from pebble
>The Kindred of Rot show what the successful victims will eventually become.
Kindred of Rot are life that comes from the scarlet rot, not mutated victims of rot.
download chainsaw macro and punish all those who wronged you
>The Kindred of Rot show what the successful victims will eventually become.
No. They're just bugmen.
no and yes indeed
they are very permanent choices for your save of choice
0 skibidi 4ever
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I know it in my bones
>you do nothing? boss does nothing and just starts walking around menacingly
>you push a button?
this is so frustrating
Caelid is China. There, I said it.
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Out of all the magic how is Dragon the most arcane? And Bubbles? wtf
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Can't beat radahn with 2 summons a heavy weapon and midroll without cheese like bleed and such bros, I almost had him last time but the 2 phantoms have such a big HP bar that lords heal does nothing to them, recovery on heavy weapons is so slow too.

What did you use to beat consort radahn?
Assuming I don't need any level requirements it's better to go 45 STR 45 FTH Flame art over 60 STR 30 FTH yes?
so they do work that way? fuck that then. ill just remain gud.
Are you attempting to appeal to my tastes as a shotagod or necrochad with this post?
Whens the spell patch
whens the smithscript pstch
whens the poise damage lpatcg
whens the
*passes away*
i, too, would like to know how bubbles could possibly chunk my health
Flame art scales mostly with fth, so you don't even want that much str
The single best thing about SOTE was adding in the new weapon types.
90% chance that most/all of them will be in From's next game.
I just want them to cull the herd a little bit with weapons, do we really need 10 of each weapon type when almost all of them have an identical moveset
Malenia is the Goddess of Fujoshi, just so you know. Literally (scarlet rot)ten woman. Miyazaki knew *exactly* what he was doing when he made this character, and it shows. Might even be a metaphor for feminism's effect on western culture, idk.
open you’re eyes, you so-called all-knowing
cool but why when they believed shamans are only good for jars?
My beetles have shown you to be a fraud!
If you're using any of the faith scaling infusions then go mostly Faith
If you're using heavy go strength
Splitting your stats evenly doesn't do you any favors unlesd you're hitting some weirdly specific minimums for spells
how do you guys overall feel about the ER lore?
i think it's better than DaS', both more interesting and consistent, but inferior to bloodborne's
Fuck off zoomer with that "literally"
input reading with recovery canceling is a sickness, of the highest order. we do not want this degeneracy here in uganda.

>*slams hands on table*
What are the Jars in Shadow Keep? Messmer trying to find a cure or like saving them?
>90% chance they will be in from’s next game
>the ash of war dung beetles are actually Gideon's all seeing eyes
I had forgotten about that video
>2 summons
only summon 1
I think it's more interesting but somehow worse. The characters are far more engaging, which makes Miyazaki's "oh yeah we're not making Dark Souls 4 here, we're trying to make a more hopeful setting" --> "actually just kill em all anyway" grimslop habits feel worse.
Literally has been around longer than zoom zooms anon.
Having options for different stat spreads/damage types is nice
They should make more weapons in the same category have varying R2's, they've built up a good base of special ones to work with already. Nice way to differentiate them besides an occasional unique skill.
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every time i beat a boss solo I immediately go to reddit and search for posts complaining about it, typically they're highly upvoted. I stroke my cock for every upvote and give my balls a nice squeeze for every long comment on how """objectively""" the boss has unfair design. Every time I see a post on /v/ complaining about how some boss I rolled is "bad design" I give myself a few strokes. I beat the game and then I beat my dick with the tears of shitters.
Elden ring is my first souls game and this is something i consider very unfun. By the time i know if he's doing the 3 or 4 hit version of a combo then it's already too late to respond
Assuming I'm just using FTH for Bestial incants what should just my stat spread be? I'm at 45 45 now with flame art infused weapons.
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took to parrying the dude after learning his moveset a bit
Tiroline and ansbach
That some combos will randomly just have another hit is my biggest problem with er bosses.
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do you think the snakes go up his butt, or...?
Maybe I am pulling this out of my ass but I think something says that Arcane is like a magical power that comes from within, as opposed to Intelligence being used for magic from the stars and Faith being used for magic from worship/religion.
hell yeah man we are the true champions, o lordly tarnished
cast a rot spell on anything in the game you dumb faggot.
>and it doesn't trigger anticheat
Really? I thought grand merchant straight up screams that it'll trigger anticheat if you play online with it.
claws of night r1. I originally went in with just pressing L2 but realized it was a dps loss
Why go to reddit when this general is full of shitters whinging about their skill issues and using all the usual copium language?
You can parry him? I tried doing guard counters but the blocking animation is so slow that it leaves you open for the next attack.
>R1 R1
>the second R1 does something different than the first
>discard weapon
oh don't summon either of those.
Then you'd just meet fth requirements for the spells you want to use and pump STR as far as you can and just infuse into heavy.
That said, fuck that shit, beast incants suck cock compared to lightning dragon ones, even if "I throw rock" is cool
Answer my question and I'll answer yours
>You cant use words properly because younger people use them incorrectly
>You can parry him?
most attacks ye, saves u stamina for dodging the rest of his holy bullshit
Beast incants don't scale well so if you're just using them for utility you can respec all in on strength and hit the very low minimums for beast stuff
I can't find it anymore...
Radahn is so easy with parries its unreal.
Totally trivialises the second phase too since he can't spawn his light pillar shit.
He's not even hard to parry either because I never parry since I know I suck at it and even I can kill him with about 10-12 estus remaining.
CE is just torture.
I remember when I gotta copy and paste the fuckin ID for DS2 for 20 minutes, just to get smithing stones and weapons to try out.
goddamn, why was that shit game built different compared to DS1 and 3?
But they hype the fuck out of you when they eventually die
>Did my best, now everything is on you.
We don't know why. She must have proven herself to have value somehow.
Radahn phase 1 is just the Elden Ring version of running all the way back to the fog door.
IIRC it was all datamined. Are scaling just uses a multiplier to hp/damage that's applied evenly across a whole area, though frequently bosses have their own 'area' for scaling purposes (Ie radahn is scaled differently than Enir Ilim)

Scaling progression is basically:
Gravesite -> Belurat -> Cerulean Coast (plus finger ruins) = Ensis -> Scadu Altus -> Church District -> Shadow Keep = Fissure = Sunflower -> Specimen Storehouse -> Scaduview(plus finger ruins) = Gaius -> Rauh = Metyr -> Messmer -> Abyssal Woods = Enir Ilim -> Midra -> Jagged Peak -> Radahn

Technically Jagged Peak is broken into 4 different scalings but for brevity's sake you get the idea.
good point, the game look high fantasy but the story and lore is so grim
i thought they were just rebirthing pods so people could live forever or something like that. like imagine instead of dying when you get old you just go in a jar and then it births you into a young body.
kinda like gwyn on steroids, yea
Worth a try.
>int are space niggas
>fth are religious niggas
>arc are physical niggas
Just different types of magical niggas.
>rot giant outside of Godrick's arena to death
>rest at grace
>he's back
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I think you would be better off getting the faith you need to cast whatever you want then getting as much strength as possible and using the Clawmark Seal.
Its incantation scaling scales with your strength.
It is but because you summon them outside the fight they inflate the boss hp and don't do enough damage to make up for it
I presume that means that there isn’t an Age of Traps ending that’s like the Age of Stars, just with you fucking off into the heavens with femboy dick as opposed to doll pussy?
im scat tree 7 at messmer and i get 2 shot

how are you supposed to fight this unless you spend 100 hours learning every move like an autistic and do a no hit run?
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don't summon it makes the fight harder. The only changes I made for the fight was respecing some mind into VIG to hit 60 and using deflecting tear because I needed the guard counter damage. I also used the ancient dragon blessing because this was going to be the time I won so I may as well use my 1 use consumable.
We should bring back having to run back to the boss room and make levels harder again.
The open world and dungeons in elden ring are incredibly non-threatening.
Back in my day we used to have to run across lava fields inhabited by the legs of undead dragons and scale underground temples to get back to a boss.
Also the lack of great archers on small ramparts and walk ways is disgusting these days.
Marika avoided being killed by being a snitch and advisor to the Hornsent against her own people to try and get an opportunity to get close enough to flip the tide and accepting that thered be people hurt on her side, part of her campaign of genocide against the hornsent was out of guilt and trying to make up what she had done against the Numen herself and her responsibility in it

Okay thank you, and for your question probably not
>im scat tree 7 at messmer and i get 2 shot
Imagine not stacking Golden Vow and Black Flame Protection hahahaha.
intraveinous Monster Energy drinks
Also it'd make invading not awful where like you invade and instantly lose
They should either make it that or make it once you invade people can't enter the boss room
the fan reaction to SOTE's story confirms to me that the story of these games never mattered despite what Fromslop fans will claim.

First because of the constant spam of “miyazaki wrote miquella as an incestuous yandere who seduces people into pedophilia!”, which isn't even true but it doesn't matter because it’s a joke to these people. it’s just a novelty to them, it’s funny, it’s not a narrative they want to seriously engage with on any level. i always had the same problem with miquella and mohg - mohg was just the “incestuous, creepy uncle/older brother” to these people and the butt of child molestation jokes. this is the only way incest is allowed to exist in media at all: as a joke, something that in turn is applied to these victims.

Miquella had a potentially interesting narrative that was trashed for the explicit purpose of gameplay expedience (Miyazaki mentioned in multiple interviews that the DLC's story was written primarily to justify gameplay). As a result instead of Miquella's original story, now we just have a worse version of lothric and ranni’s stories. i think it’s fucking stupid fromsoftware really has just written the same “cycle of abuse and violence” thing all over again that literally every single character in the base game does. we didn’t need a dlc for this shit if this was all you were going to do with it. we didn’t need to be hand-held into the point that “marika was a flawed person”. i was told “it would be stupid if miq did the same thing as ranni” as if mohg and rykard aren’t basically identical characters now.

i think it’s terrible writing fromsoftware has negated Miquella and everything interesting about it (the haligtree, unalloyed gold, malenia) in pursuit of this. that fromsoftware exonerates mohg to such a degree that every line out of ansbach’s mouth is “no he was actually chill. don’t worry about the fact that this makes mohg a pointless character non-character."
equip dragon greatshield and fire+2 shield talismans if you're not already also >>485207879 valid remarks
don't forget pickled fireproof livers since the dlc was so kind to add that
I found Ordina town to be more of an hassle than either Anor Londo archer fest
I have to scroll through threads to find copium but I can get it delivered directly to my door via reddit search
sounds to me like your scarab goons need a little help with their attention to detail skills
Yeah you're right.
It should be that
while using CE, some option would still be on even when you close CE - let's say 99999 HP; when you start the vanilla version, anticheat detects it somehow and ban you for it.
For honest merchant (and now, the superior Glorious merchant), you get your item with anticheat disabled (using ModEngine2). The item would be registered as drops from friends or something, the anticheat isnt going to investigate on that.
>input reading
Way to flag yourself as a shitter to everybody.
I bet raime made you angry and you cried about him too.
They give him so much HP is ridiculous, but yeah, going full unga and summoning those 2 isn't a good idea, but godamn I want their armors.
Isnt that every weapon that doesnt poke
i killed the friends of that depressive cunt so i had to fight his invasion so i dont have his cook books
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>Flash tits at God
>Instantly achieve divinity
Does that mean that Miquella would’ve had to whip his cock out at full mast to achieve godhood?
I don't know if your math checks out. 44 STR and 45 FTH flame art Crescent Moon axe gives me 782 AR while 75 STR 15 FTH heavy Crescent Moon axe is only 732.
Nothing in this game has manage to give me the arse clenching feeling of running across the fighting the painting guardians on the roof struts in anor londo or the double archer supreme.
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Nope. Steaks of my nigga are good
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That's preeeetty long so I'm just gonna guess what you said
Most people know the story isn't a grand plan masterwork
>We should bring back having to run back to the boss room and make levels harder again.
I think boss rushes should be reserved exclusively for "lesser" bosses and main bosses should have a grace next to them.
>the story never mattered
>hired George R R game of thrones Martin to work with them
pick one

>miquella is an incestuous pedo
he is thousands of years old and has an anti aging curse, and im not repeating this shit again. this is just bait. ill discuss lore again once i've read every damned thing in the dlc cause normies spoting "hur mohg is a pedo, hur mogh has been uncanceled cause miquella is a pedo" is just insufferable bullshit and not accurate to the story whatsoever.
>you still have to go offline
>you also need to download and probably properly install it
Seems tedious.
no idea what a guard counter is, I just roll
The next game should have a means by which to fight already-defeated bosses. I want to solo Radahn again but I'd rather not go through the whole DLC again to do it.
>radahn but every time you die you have a three minute run back to get to him filled with actually dangerous enemies to drain your resources on the way if you aren't careful
I dont uise flame art and I am not playing right now, but I will assume that Flame Art is split damage, doing one damage type means you have less defenses to get through.
Also more strength = bigger 2 handed bonus.
That's basically the idea.
There's no permadeath in the lands between. Your soul remains bound to your flesh forever, which is why some people eventually become spirit ashes--the spirit remains trapped even after the body is completely decomposed. The spirit ashes we find are a mix of those who were venerated and kept around specifically to serve as deified guardian spirits, as well as those who were denied rebirth as punishment and remain trapped in their own remains.

When ordinary folk, especially those of privilege and status, age, they make their way to the Erdtree's roots, or to the linked roots of Minor Erdtrees accessed via catacombs, and submit their bodies. They are absorbed by the roots, soul and all, siphoned back to the Erdtree and eventually reborn.

The jars exist to retrieve the remains of warriors and the like. Those whose bodies are destroyed in the field of battle and thus can't make the journey back to tree roots themselves. This is why you see fields of empty jars all around Minor Erdtrees where there are catacombs underneath. The jars became extra important during the shattering because there were so many casualties in the ensuing battles, but the shattering of the elden ring broke the reincarnation cycle so everyone's just kind of stuck in their old bodies, no matter how withered or ruined it is, waiting for someone to turn the tree back on.
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Jars were originally a shaman burial rite. They are in Shadow Keep because Messmer and his loyalist are trying to aid them.
>No Yumi Greatbow in the DLC to round up the Samurai weapons
Elden Ring will never have cringe kino like this
>sweep for open areas
>downwards swing for tight spaces
Simple as
Can you beat ol Gideon?
>Guard counters
You are a bold one anon, the guard counter on that thing is so fucking slow you might as well spread your cheeks and take it, but for timed block is not bad, although if you summon the tear will run out before you even reach the second phase, good strat tho, I'll try that and ditch the phantoms.
I'm a dual great axe Chad. I don't 2hand.
>snitching on a single village of "seldom born" people
As long as you don't kill Bayle, the dragon lady gives you infinite blessings.
>go through whole dungeon crawl
>fight cat nigger statue again, but with the caveat I'm low on resources
>respawn with zero penalty and fully replenished flasks
It's retarded, objectively.
Having played 6 hours of Lies of P I can say it has better combat than Elden Ring
You can create save states outside of the bosses to refight them whenever you want, but it is pretty clunky and requires you restarting the game.
An option like sekiro should've been in the game by default. No idea why it isn't.
Oh I thought the Numen were like had way more than just the one village
>radahn but every time you have to go up an elevator and pass that one golden bird faggot or he chases you to the boss door
I think you have to go offline?
Didn't go offline for DS3, I just maxed my inventory with consumables, never got warnings or bans.
Stricter for ER because, well, anticheat. But turning it on and off and on is not that tedious compared to CE.
Never forget
Really? I just hurried for the archers and then stayed on the rooftops to avoid the assassin

I died once after getting shot, falling off the roof and then backstabbed. I had it figured out by the next try
Anyone against rebranding thw thread as /lpg/ rather than /erg/ ?
I haven't bothered with parry ever since they made the button conflict with weapon arts
I'm really starting to hate the control layout decisions in these games
Fromslop fans are currently jerking over how planned and genius Miquella's retconned motives were. Revealing themselves as incredibly dumb consumers of media because not only is the twist both out of nowhere and uninteresting in its own right, but we know for a fact that Miquella was never written with this plotline in mind. i know dataminers let us be in a certain position of bad faith when it comes to analyzing the narrative, but i think it’s kind of deserved here. and even in the context of the dlc they make some insane decisions like deciding to cut the tree unveiling or messmer even acknowledging miquella.

It’s alao stupid as fuck we can’t get an ending where we join him. there’s no justification for it - “he’s evil!” yeah well you can literally weave dung eater’s mending rune into the elden ring. They had a haligtree ending planned previously with roughly the same themes, just less sinister.

i think it’s stupid as hell we waited two years for something incredibly hodge-podge that ultimately feels incredibly rushed in every single aspect. to the point the announcement trailer literally has cut content in it.

If you had an interest in the lore then it was wasted. The two years i spent talking and enjoying this game could’ve been spent on literally anything else. None of your analysis or theorizing mattered because From can and will throw away literally all of a character at the last second.

frankly i don’t even think fromsoftware wanted to do a dlc in the first place, and what we got was slapped together to check off the box of a dlc before they went on to what they actually wanted to do. The sheer amount of reused content and the lack of any follow-up DLCs despite the massive financial success is a pretty good sign of that (if you told everyone a year ago that you'd still be fighting Tree Sentinels, Wyverns, Ulcerated Tree Spirits, Death Birds, etc. in the DLC they'd say you were just trolling).
Elden ring will never have golden kino like this because you can't fucking invade solo hosts anymore and everything is a total sweatfest.
That's gonna be my next game. My mate has it so with the new family share shit I can just leech off his steam account.
>yeah well you can literally weave dung eater’s mending rune into the elden ring.
Dung Eater isn't evil
>Gravesite -> Belurat -> Cerulean Coast (plus finger ruins) = Ensis -> Scadu Altus -> Church District -> Shadow Keep = Fissure = Sunflower -> Specimen Storehouse -> Scaduview(plus finger ruins) = Gaius -> Rauh = Metyr -> Messmer -> Abyssal Woods = Enir Ilim -> Midra -> Jagged Peak -> Radahn
Neat and not at all what I expected. Never would have guessed that Cerulean Coast is that low, is there some way to get directly to Cerulean Coast from Gravesite plain?
Literally nothing. The DLC feels like fanfiction tbqh since it is so disconnected and has quite a few Donut Steel bosses.
I really wanted a new ending or three for doing the DLC but all you get is a 15 second Miquella voiceover memory after you beat the final DLC boss.
Might have to do with how ER and Sekiro were developed in tandem. Will be interesting to see how the next game turns out now that they've had time to fully internalize Sekiro's lessons.
Neither of your spirit ash possibilities account for seluvis' ashes or latenna.
It looks fucking gay doebeit.
changed to this, cause people who haven't seen episode 2 won't get the other one anyway
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I'm still sad I can't tell about my dlc adventures to Gideon
>is there some way to get directly to Cerulean Coast from Gravesite plain?
Yes. From the ravine separating the plains from ensis. There's a dropdown into the ravine, and a long winding path that leads you to the coast.
What’s with all these shittubers calling the dlc a masterpiece? Can these retards even judge the quality of anything anymore or are they just scared of Fromdrones hating on them?
I finished the DLC without killing any furnace golem
>muh pvp
Don't care
kill yourself dsgtroon
maybe it does but it does not feature any gays unlike elden ring
>>the story never mattered
>>hired George R R game of thrones Martin to work with them
>pick one
If you actually believe he wrote anything of significance after the dataminers showed how much of the basic setting was rewritten not only over time but literally in patches after the game went gold... then I'm sorry, but you're extremely naive. GRRM's involvement was a marketing gimmick. Miyazaki himself said GRRM would be shocked by the game's actual content rather than viewing it as a logical adaptation of what he wrote.
>i'm too much of a newfag to understand how much life, longevity and fun dumb shit that invasions used to bring to the series
Maybe they liked it
Still better to only do one damage type.
Also doesnt "Fire" scale with strength?
So you would still have the option if you need a different damage type for certain enemies that are weak to it.
Just download the Boss Resurrection mod anon, it's on nexus.
I think it's a masterpiece aside from Radahn phase 2.
I'm just saying, it looks like someone's hacky Bloodborne fanfic. No one actually likes these games for gameplay they just like the aesthetics.
Did Saki forget that we are still stuck with that shitty dodge roll combat? what the fuck was up with messmer and radahn, are you really suppose to dance around their combo strings and then hit then, damn.
I said i don't care PvPnigger
>spend 5 minutes running forward instead of fighting the boss
>reach boss
>die to move i haven't seen before
>spend 5 minutes running forward instead of fighting the boss
>beat the boss
>spirit ash
i will agree that stakes should reduce resources
I said I know you're a newfag, illiterate mongol.
Latenna "chooses to become a spirit voluntarily" as per her own item description
Puppets are puppets. Their item literally says "Puppet" and their icons are a different colour to distinguish them from spirit ashes.
>instead you run past the enemies or have to tediously slog through enemies and jumping puzzles in a test of your patience rather than skill
So fun
Besides Gaius and Radahn pt2 I liked it
It really does. Deflecting Tear is a significant improvement for ER, but it still doesn't feel as good as perfect blocks in LoP.
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>No one actually likes these games for gameplay
That doesn't at all describe the process of them becoming ashes
Stop replying to me nigger
Gaius is a good fight though? Wouldn't exactly call it exciting or anything, but it's fun having a fight you can do on horse easily
this empty ass world is killing me
God I love type B tarnished. Reminder that (you) as a player is an outer god dictating your tarnished's actions. You are literally dooming your type B to suffer and die painfully over and over and that's hot as fuck. You can dress her in slutty armor to humiliate her, and dictate how much suffering she goes through by choosing bad weapons and not using spirit ashes or summons.
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>It looks fucking gay
>plays elden ring
>a game with literal gay characters
>"puppets aren't ashes"
>that doesn't describe the process of them becoming ashes!
Are you slow or something?
Yes, learning the map layout and minimizing flask expenditure is a skill.
No you're just a retard yet again. GRRM wrote the world's history and cosmology up until around the point of the Shattering. Everything else is Miyazaki.The rewrites and changes during development were all gray areas that Miyazaki had authority over. GRRM did the world building. Miyazaki made the Dark Souls storybeats and plot devices happen to that world.

GRRM didn't write the endings. He just kinda wrote up Miquella and outlined who he was and what his deal was. GRRM wrote up a whole pantheon with a history and background and Miyazaki mindbroke them with Great Runes and turned them into hellfucks like Rykard or Starscourge Radahn
>LOOK mom i dunked on clueless PvE hosts with my OPTIMIZED PVP BUILD!!
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These are the weapons I use. Left side is 45/45 STR/FTH flame art right side is 70 STR 18 FTH Heavy
which greatshields are better than the brass shield?
it's insane how it actually outclasses a bunch of greatshields
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DS3>Elden Ring>Bloodborne>DS1>>>>>>>>>>>DS2
Literally everything wrong with ER bossee is in the Gaius fight
>Attacks 0.2 seconds after walking into the room
>Terrible hitboxes
>Lmao phase 2 explosion and extra AOEs
>Constantly running away from you between combos
consider using better weapons
That's infinitely less cool than being the Tarnished and being a normal person brute forcing divinity through raw trial and error because of your ability to resurrect
Make me, newfag.
*is tedious and unfun
t. /dsg/troon
>>LOOK mom i dunked on clueless PvE hosts with my OPTIMIZED PVP BUILD!!
They just look like and act like and are summoned the same way as ashes. And no explanation for latenna. Sure she chose to become an ash, but how the fuck does it work?
>Attacks 0.2 seconds after walking into the room
this doesnt happen anymore since the patch

good job making it obvious that you dont actually play the game
Eh, DS3 had it's own issues with combat, and level design, bosses were pretty good for the most part, specially the ones in the ringed city.
The Carian Thrusting Shield has almost 10 more shield boost than the Brass Shield and only requires 17 STR.
Having played 2 hours of Lies of P I can say it has worse combat than Elden Ring. not caring about hitboxes and only worrying about guard timings is objectively worse than getting options like low profiling or jumping.
he could just have a pirated copy you know
Get on your horse and literally none of those things are an issue lmao
>plays post-patch
good job making it obvious that you didn't actually beat the game
I beat the DLC before the patch
Doesn't undo all the other shit in that fight either
I have specific themed builds. I beat Messmer on my first try with dual Cescent axes. There's nothing wrong with my weapons scrub.
>A bell capable of summoning various spirits from ashen remains. It usually requires FP to use.

>Spirits can only be summoned in the vicinity of a rebirth monument. When summoning is possible, the monument icon will be visible on the left side of the screen.

>Only one type of spirit may be summoned at once, and none may be summoned during multiplayer.
>LOOK mom i dunked on clueless PvP invader with my OPTIMIZED PVE BUILD
I have so much more of this
Sekiro bosses need sekiro mechanics
A+++ image
>sub 100 phys protection
into the gutter
Torrent is a liability unless you're just plinking with spells, mounted melee still sucks
Boss invasions in dark souls 3 were the peak of PvP.
Ranalla renalla whatever the fuck is my least favourite boss

t.killed everyone but radahn
Unironically too slow to run away from boar chad.
Yes the franchise literally peaked at Spears of the Church. Still blows my mind they didn't repeat it for Elden Ring considering how many NPC encounters there are.
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>ds2 bad
right actually does 15% or 22% more damage despite the lower numbers because it's not split damage it's just straight physical damage.
Messmer's not so bad since he staggers relatively easy and his phase 2 has five year long openings on the snake transformations
His dumbest move is the floating spear stab combo but you can sprint away from it or block
>password summoning
If you're bad just admit it

False, you can outrun him easily
Remember Farron greatsword? Gods miyazaki could make a game back then
book cover in bottom right
number of barries on Blaidd's cake
Bead colors
>didn't kill radahn
Yoy didn't beat the game
Thank god they made sure summons have their stats downscaled or there could be some imbalances here.
New to souls games here. Is the flamberge (bleed greatsword) good for a strength build?
*plaps you*
Did they nerf Gaius that much or are you being dumb?
Spears of the Church was actually very fun and I enjoyed larping as a thematic boss. Shame it died out so quickly naturally so now you would wait forever to be summoned.
But I was talking about the boss invasion glitch where you could invade any boss room.
Was kino.
Doing slightly less damage of one type is better than doing slightly more split damage.
You dont want to get past multiple types of damage negation.
seethe and cope redbitch
Not if he charges at you, he will fuck you up.
i mean that's literally how the other games worked, but okay kiddo.
>nerfed the shit out of the boss invader because normies were crying too much
So fucking lame
Yeah, just infused it with heavy and buff it with bloodflame blade.
The Flamberge is actually a dex-leaning greatsword. You probably want the Claymore.
You won't see bleed procs as often as on fast weapons but yeah it's solid enough.
Charged R2 hits and criticals do extra status buildup
Are you being retarded? The fight is great on horseback and there's 0 attacks that can't be outrun you moron

You can literally let him get close and then just dash away for half a second, how fucking bad are you?
check its scaling

i cant remember entirely but i think its more of a dexfag weapon

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