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Previous: >>485136039

>Download - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/en-us/home

>2.3 Preview Page - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240607version-qf68ql/index.html

>Version 2.3 Preview: "Farewell, Penacony"
>SGF Show Video — Art of Dreaming
>Firefly Trailer — Embers in a Shell
>Myriad Celestia Trailer — "Presently, Beneath a Shared Sky of Stars"
>Animated Short: The Embers of Glamoth

>Current Character Banners: (Firefly, Ruan Mei + Gallagher, Misha, Xueyi) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29992036
>Current Light Cone Banners: Whereabouts Should Dreams Rest (Destruction), Past Self in Mirror (Harmony) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29992142

>New Drip Marketing:
>Yunli (5* Physical Destruction) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29523146
>Jiaoqiu (5* Fire Nihility) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29576382
>March 7th (4* Imaginary Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29661298

>Web Event: "Re-ignite the Divergent Universe" - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240619challenge-1sw0o4/index.html

>Redeemable Codes - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift

>/hsrg/ Tools & Resources

>/hsrg/ Thread Template
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>Most women are capable of secreting considerably more milk than needed by a single infant. The regulation of milk synthesis is quite efficient (around 800 mL/day).
>The normal daily production of saliva varies between 0.5 and 1.5 liters. The whole unstimulated saliva flow rate is approximately 0.3-0.4 ml / min. This rate decreases to 0.1 ml / min during sleep and increases to about 4, 0-5, 0 ml / min during eating, chewing and other stimulating activities.
>Daily loss in sweat is about 400 ml for an adult. The heat loss can be quite significant because there is a loss of 0.58 kcal for every ml of water evaporated. The maximum rate of sweating is up to 50 ml/min or 2000 ml/hr in an acclimatized adult. On average however - only 1L per day, and, due to its fast evaporation and most of it disappearing - therefore:
>800ml of mammary milk + 1L average of saliva and + 50 ml/min or 2000 ml/hr during intense physical exercise = 2800mL average, assuming Bosenmori Mei is sweating for 30 minutes for any reason...
>Water consumption minimum: About 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of fluids a day for men
>3700mL - 2800mL = 900mL of unsatisfied thirst
>Bosenmori Mei has 2 bodies >>> 2800mL * 2 = 5600mL (average)
>non-pregnant and 1 sex per day having Bosenmori Mei is capable of satisfying daily thirst of 1.5 man!!
Yep, it's SEAnigger hours alright
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om nom nom
Bug March was so unbelievably sexy
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Imagine this game actually being 16+ and she gets another cameo..... I hate this reality
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We all love Miss Sparkle here
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She releases in 2 days. Where's the hype?
It means nothing
There's nothing in ZZZ that makes it 16+ in comparison to Genshin or HSR in terms of female sexappeal
kek I knew you were a SEAfag
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They should add follow up attacks (the P5 kind) to HSR if you break all enemies.
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My girlfriend is so cute
Yet, they'll probably get used more as time goes on.
Oh yeah, the snake loan shark woman, very exciting.
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Are you buying the photo with your canon wife /hsrg/?
I'll use Hunt March with Yunli.
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I think Firefly was overshilled
It's pagpag hours.
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Acheron BOOBA
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It actually gave me Firefly fatigue
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Black swan deserves rape
No shit sherlock.
I think they should shilled her more in the story rather than trailers
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>Auto pf 4
>Firefly decides to attack someone else
>Lose a turn
>59695 score
I hate auto
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I wish BS would look at me like that
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firefly getting megashilled as your canon wife means that we won't get another for (you) girl and we're stuck with this bland and boring bitch
I wished she appeared more
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Stop posting lewds I hurt my dick and now I have to abstain from fapping for a couple days to let it heal. It's been 3 days I wanna fap so bad bros.
Literally any for (you) character is going to be broadly bland by design to minimise the amount of people who don't like them.
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If she failed, it would signal (you) pandering wouldn't sell and they would not do anymore
Now that they know, expect more
There didn't really happen a lot with Firefly with how much marketing she got
You mean undershilled.
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Time for a buzz
Did they call it "Pure Fiction" because it's complete bullshit?
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I feel like Crit damage chests might as well not exist for like 80% of the characters that want crit cause getting crit rate to be high enough is way too hard already without the main stat.
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Correct but Jingliu and Sigga exist. They only want crit damage chests.
man for sure
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ask and ye shall receive
It's all relic luck, if you roll lots of crit rate you'll beg for a crit damage chest.
Sex with a real girl is disappointing. What would sex with an anime girl feel like?
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Good morning.
Most characters have Crit DMG traces/Sig LCs, so in those cases you go with Crit Rate, and the inverse is true too.
Characters like Jingliu, Aventurine, Seele, DHIL want Crit DMG chest.
Sparkle is still a pathetic clingy friendless loser.
No. Def mainstat. Trading 2% of damage for much better shields (and buff-ability in SU) is easily worth it.
If you don't have his sig for the crit damage, you are so gimped already you can do whatever though. Well nothing new.
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Constance soon
Relax, retard. I can build whatever I want and plenty of people go crit damage chest in SU with sigga. And no I'm not paypigging for your homo-erotic cone.
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ZZZ Firefly
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Huh ? How is it homo erotic? It's just him playing cards
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Constance will hagcreep everyone
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MC calls her a friend and has her contact so they are friends
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>see Dawei & co gloat about the skip button in ZZZ and how it's everyone's 'favorite feature'
Instead of making jokes about how shit their writing is, how about actually improving it instead of going all in on these shitty 'self-aware' reddit memes an an excuse not to have to do any actual work?
Bro? This is a rather normal LC, the homoerotic LC is for DHIL which is him chained up and sweating, this one is just Churin playing cards
Yeah, anal worm cards. I'm just joking faggots
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No, we need more.
Anon, that's not them "acknowledging" anything, they probably think that the people using the skip button are plebs.
>another Firepag thread
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Would a Yunli team with Huohuo, Tingyun and Robin work?
Behold, true homo LC.
MHY is well known for making light of legitimate criticism and this is just another chapter of that.
Authors taking criticism and going "fuck you I'm gonna do it even more" is a long and storied tradition.
>half naked and sweating, tied up in a sex dungeon ready to receive anal rape
Yeah ngl that's pretty gay....
>Authors taking criticism and going "fuck you I'm gonna do it even more" is a long and storied tradition.
Doesn't make it a good thing, and it's not.
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what the fuck do you even do first half
why would it not work
How? Tell me Firefly.
Probably, especially if Yunli is S1. Unless she can't handle facetanking everything
Okay I just thought you got it mixed up with his gay sex hunt one.
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KING Yuan or Argenti, Clara gets cucked by Side 1 Wave 2 pretty hard but I've seen a couple people post their clears with her.
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This was annoying, but it worked somehow despite Himeko and Herta having shit relics. Glad that's over and done with.
Is RM worth whaling for? I'm getting desperate and might have to drop 50 bucks on her banner
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Either Hypercarry Herta or triple Nihility DPS team.
>none of them show up except the Express
nice non-Express ""friends""
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Which sphere, bros?
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Feixiao Face
Topaz, BS, and Robin do
>is the most sought after support worth whaling for
Skip, you can't really make me roll a huntbrick especially when they're a chink
Rare Caelus OP image
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Seele is tomboycrept holy fuck.
>random ass gem placed on the forehead
Why did mihoyo make hags so sexy in this game? In other gachas they pander to loli and hebes most of the time, so you can roll based on meta. But how the fuck do I skip Jade sexo?
I don't even feel like logging in anymore bwo
Is it over?
easy skip
She looks cute, though the personality is more important.
As important to roll as Acheron, so the appearance is whatever
Was already going to roll
>random ass gem placed on the forehead
Anon, your forgot about Fu?
Lady Fu did it better
>Anon, your forgot about Fu?
There is a reason she has it
so does she unbrick fu xuan or what
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And how do you know Feixao doesnt?
Okay but screwllum when????
I fully cleared without aventurine
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Barely made it for the fourth day.
>number of enemies attacked
Erudition shilling
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Stelle boyfriend?
You mean baton pass?
If my Argenti can wreck shit ill be happy.
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She looks like shit, easy skip
You didn't try calling Topaz? She's in a meeting and doesn't give a fuck about you. Bold and unconvincing of you to say everyone in a short list of people who wont show up when you invite them is your friend.
Skipping Yunli for her.
I wonder if Feixiao will have a summon like Jing yuan
Meh, skip. Gonna roll Lingsha for my break team instead.
Holy fuck they really hate Clara, this is the second pf in a row where they put enemies that don't attack on the physical side just to fuck her over.
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took me a few tries because enemies kept attacking himeko or herta, killing them very early.
not to bad tho
I meant all out attacks... I'm a fake fan. Baton pass could be too broken.
>no she's working and that means she doesn't care about you!
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>Break Characters can apply their element weakness on their own
Are we just going to be Ratio/Acheron's whore from now on?
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im struggling to clear shit with my low stats chars, fua isnt my account strong suite...
It doesn't matter, the Yunli shill modes will be Clara shill modes as well.
Lmao why are all the CCs now turbo shilling Jade? Is Mihoyo scared shems gonna flop
>SP blackhole team
NIGGER your Ruan Mei and Gallagher?
There's no way Mihoyo didn't know she'll flop weeks ago. If we could realize how badly she will sell, I bet their analysts could too.

I just can't understand why they didn't buff her numbers a tiny bit, not to be stronger than Fireshill, but to be at least worth rolling as a Herta or Himeko upgrade.
Because she's good in PF.
All the Hoyo partnered CCs always shill the new unit as the hottest shit and try to dismiss or downplay any weakness.
Prydwen is included in this btw, do you remember how when Robin released they demoted RM to S tier just so Robin could be in S tier as well? Now that the shilling is over they placed RM back to S+ and Robin is in S.
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about as real as this mockup I just made
Yeah, I'm saving. For 5* Tingyun and Sampo.
topaz can spam basic and hoehoe can skill once per 3-4 turns and be fine
Himeko doesn't need Topaz
She needs Ruan Mei for faster breaks
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I remember the moment Fu's banner was over they lowered her to T1 too kek
why the frigg do you have 4 sp negative characters in the same team
I thought that was Fu Xuan…
One week ago they were saying yeah she’s pretty good in PF but I don’t think it’s worth it because she’s only good in PF. Now 2 days before her banner, they’re saying “HOLY SHIT I USED JADE IN THIS TEAM AND SHE’S A DESTRUCTION CHARACTER?!” And “JADE HAS INSANE META BREAKING POTENTIAL”
I was curious on their 180 spin.
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So when are we getting maid characters and shark sex in HSR?
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Firefly love!
My fastest team is Herta Himeko Robin Gallagher though.
>powercrept one patch later by miyabi
i always forget just how broken ruan mei is in literally every mode in this game
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You will get Bronya's void and you wil like it
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for me it's the maid from the other game
would imprenate this retarded chuuni
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First harmony character and they overtuned her.
A classic.
I like Noel, especially her big tits.
Ellen isn’t even the hottest maid in ZZZ
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Pela sidegrade btw
>number of enemies
attacked by a followup. Read
Jiaoqiu is coming soon.
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another pela sidegrade coming soon
They learned from Firefly flopping that hyping things up doesn't work well when it's artificial. The reason there's no natural hype is she isn't meta so no metafags, gets in the way of Aventurine shipping so no shipfags, and isn't for (you) so no insertkeks,
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Waiting for FOFO.
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>She doesn't care that much about wor-
>Her dream's literally filled with work
You're going to have to come up with something more believable.
Yes but its still mainly a erudition shilling since no one besides maybe Aventurne hits multiple people with its FuA
hanya upgrade pela sidegrade. Not really worth the 160 pulls
Waiting for Foffou and Yunli to unbrick my PF4 and let me get those final 1.5k points I need for max stars.
Hopefully never. Bitch is ugly.
>there are people that fell for this even on her release
Xueyi bros…we’ve been forgotten again
QQ hits three people if she procs her E4
Clara hits three if she ults
You are retarded
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I need help. I'm getting jade, but I don't know if I should chase E1 or S1. Which of these two is better to make her usable outside of PF?
Huohuo won't help you, mate
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I refuse to use IPCniggers
I'm running side 1 sustainless and it's an actual casino if someone gets focused and dies. Went on a whole reply chain saga last thread with anons making fun of me for not rolling Sigga or building Gaylaggher.
E1 definitely. You can cope with the herta cone.
Overall that's a good thing though, it means we can get more actual characters like Aventurine instead of bland waifubait that simps over a blank slate insert.
E1 is way way better at freeing her from the PF Slave role.
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If kafcock has so much money why does she steal stuff
>the LC that just her damage stats like Crit rate, FuA damage and def ignore
>vs the E1 that literally stops her dps cratering into the fires of inferno when there’s only 1 enemy on the field because she only generates 1 stack per attack (ie needs 8 attacks to do 1 barely stronger than 1 hit Herta’s Spin)
It’s a mystery
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The 3.X patches will likely be the BEST patches ever, solely on the fact that SHE is there.
You don't have many friends huh?
E1 helps her more outside of PF
>Ignoring the unique eyes and gem
Great job blind anon
Literally looks like Yanqing's face. What the fuck?
This is making me way harder to pull for her now. Don't know if I should skip her or not.
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pumping out an entire soccer team with constance
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Thank you for your input. I'll probably chase E1. Hope she doesn't hit like a wet noodle without her lc
what if that single attack makes a lot of damage because of her lc and it's better? That has been my dilemma for a while now
>scientist in a dress?
>A fucking banjo?
>Canonically c***s you with Tazzyronth?

No thanks, I'll wait for a better, truly universal support, thank you berry much
being a kleptomaniac is a cute trait
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first time getting the 16 blessings thing
If you have to choose always pick the Cone. Notice how everyone else is baiting you towards E1. You will never get her stats good enough without her cone. You're better off with 10 free relic substats to have a higher damage ceiling and a lower floor.
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>doing 1.4x damage per FuA
>doing 3x FuAs = 3x the damage, 3x energy regen, more ults = more damage plus more enhanced FuA
Yeah go with that increase %
SEA hours are something else
JadeAnon spend weeks testing Jade out, E1>>S1, E1 unlocks you to use her in any content, S1 is "just" ~10% stronger than Himekocone so you can cope with that one as well.
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If I was a multibillionaire I'd unironically spend money just to pump up a random banner and make people seethe. Imagine if somehow Jade's banner outsold Firefly's. Imagine the drama.
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Your clear is only SOVL without Banjo mei
How long does it take to spend 20 million 100$ at a time? what is that like 20,000 transactions?
>get maids and shark girls
>but you now can get KNOTTED every 50/50
The monkey paw curls
You done pretending the equivalent of a devoted director of a galaxy spanning space company that literally dreams about her work really gives two shits about you beyond how much the company objectively values the Astral Express crew?
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I finally got a somewhat decent chest, i can leave the mines for FF.
Damn, you're right. I'd have to find a way to make it easier for me. Maybe post a $300k bounty online for the strongest E6S5 Jade? That way I could only spend $300k but everyone and their mother would paypig for that juicy 300k.
This thinking is exactly why you aren't rich
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>not gonna hit soft pity
>but still throwing every last pull at Firefly E2 before *** hag tomorrow
Gepard, give me strength! Let me spite the *** bitch right before her banner!
and running a sustain will literally make it worse
s*gger is good this pf because he's charging the fuashill buff
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I'm legit not using her.
She's simply inferior to Gallagher, Guin, or Asta as a teammate for Firefly. And all the better since Firefly wouldn't want to be around that bug slut.
Banjo Mei is the queen of having no teams that want her.

It's a shame. I got her 1st run thinking that was the best support Break would be getting for a while. Boy did that not last long!
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neets can't afford more than e1s1 bwo
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Should've rolled fpr Aventurino my sigga.
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Robin is just the better support.
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Daily reminder that this is canon
bait used to be believable
>Literally looks like Yanqing's face.
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You can just say yes anon.
this has to be a joke. why would any sane person prefer to live like a thirdie just to avoid working? if someone told me i have to stay at home but make no money I would kill myself

and here I thought making less than $150k means I am a poorfag
Did this guy ever follow up? Is he homeless now?
>people actually spent their medical treatment money for Topaz
You can't be fucking serious.
When they said ALL for the Amber lord, they really meant ALL
I was there. Could have been real the anon didn't make more than those 2 replies about it
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What the fuck? I've dumped around that much trying to get shit before and kind of regretted it afterwards but I have a full time job and zero financial commitments. This is wild.
>work 50 hrs a week + commute
>have no energy or time to do anything
>cant even enjoy your hobbies now
yup, i wonder why people do it.
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>spend 10 hours per day at work
>get home too tired to do anything and just lay for 4 hours
>sleep for 8 hours
>wake up and need to get ready for work

The system is fucked
>killing your mother and spending money for the Amber Lord
Bro???? This is not what the path of Preservation stands for
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>could only get 48k
Damn. I'm not really sure how to improve this. My Himeko/Herta/Robin/FuXuan team only does like 27k and my Firefly team barely gets over 20k.
>doing 3x FuAs
e1 only affects the debt collector so even in the scenario "optimal" for it it doesn't triple your fuas
and if you're hitting 3+ enemies (aka playing her as dawei intended) e1 doesn't increase her stack gain at all and is just worse than sig
plus if you're bringing her to a single target fight she's going to suck ass anyway
I only work 28 hours a week and can save like 1k a month which isn't that much but it's enough for someone like me that will never build a house or have family.
Where is the latest round of JQ nerfs?
Come back in 19 hours
I got 40k first floor with Firefly/RM/Herta/Gall. You can do it.
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I am... forgotten.......
That's the future Supreme Guardian of Belobog right there bro
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Yes. Wouldn't it be better if everyday is Sunday? Just imagine...
I wish Himeko could overcap her fua stacks. It really feels like shit to break a boss at 2/3
What was your side 2?
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It's literally just Yanking's face transplanted on Feixiao's.

Just look at this shit!!
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begone, KING
Don't worry. Spending 300 on meds that end up stretched shit will still kill mom, and you made someone else richer.

Happened in my town, but because it's impossible to prove someone suffering from cancer really died because of the meds having less agents than they should, it was ultimately just about the millions of money, but not about the (statistically extremely likely) murder in several cases.

We live in a fucked world. Someone spending 300 bucks on Topaz is nothing.
are people here expecting someone to babysit them forever? seriously? nevermind spending on star rail, what do you guys even do when you want to go out on dates, or party with friends, or go on vacations? how do you even find $1k every month to spend on your basic needs?
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begone, KING
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>Firefly on the lightning weak side and Acheron on the fire weak side
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I'm just going to wait for my Jade to clear PF with.
Ids habbenin
I just spent $6000 on a family vacation to China bro. What do you want me to shout from outside Mihoyo HQ at Da Wei when I’m in Shanghai
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Lady Herta, I fucking kneel and pledge my allegiance to you eternally.
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proud to announce that after full clearing the whole map, all quests, current new PF, current new DU, and still lacking 10 rolls or so, I ended up paying 15$ to finally guarantee it, now I can rest easy for the next few banners, take that clara cone 25%
>It really feels like shit to break a boss at 2/3
Same. But I've just gotten good at managing her stack.
I always save a side-mob for a support to break.
EZ skip unless she's super broken AND I have the rolls to get her.
No Himeko
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We heard you like effect hit rate, there you go friend :)
Leakers said the three broken units of 2.x were Acheron, Firefly and Feixiao so she's guaranteed to be insanely powerful.
Does she want RM or Jade? RM banner is leaving soon. When will her kit be leaked?
Congrats Fireflybro.
Wait until we hit 3.X patch
grats bwo
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They never mentioned firefly lmao
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Oh no no no no.
is this a hag
Why would "Leakers" know how broken Feixiao is considering we don't even have her prototype kit at that time?
Also pretty sure the "Leakers" only mentioned Acheron and Feixiao, not Firefly.
I can afford all those things but I have no1 to go on vacation with and no1 to spend money on dates for. So I spoil my dog and try to push down the loneliness instead of making myself miserable again.
>He doesnt know about nuwa.
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What's the site people used to make these?
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LamiaGODs never said that she'll keep her form on the overworld. They wouldn't dare to animate a new rigging for a single character.
It's clear that she'll enter her Lamia form during combat, like Firefly.
And she'll have the same Dripfeed Splash Art as Firefly's; there's going to be her Lamia form behind her, with the normal girl form on the front.

Tingyun model
>Skipping an emanator
Big mistake
>Does she want RM or Jade
Robin hopefully
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>Last Hebe released was Sparkle
>No hebe leaked for second part of 2.X
>ZZZ has characters like those

Come home while man
if she becomes a lamia in combat I am rolling even if she's a gallagher sidegrade
Will I get her?
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Isn't Lingsha meant to be hebe model?
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Bros I have a burning question I hope you can answer. I'm not rolling for Jade, but...

Does she even have a BiS team? Can any1 itt name that team if it does exist? I'm assuming it's robin over RM?
>an emanator
Source: Your ass
>while man
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>While man
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she's a maid,
meant for
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she finally has her own room
She doesn't have a best team because she's very flexible, but Robin does help her more than RM especially if you're using other FUAs.
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Yeah good luck bro I am rooting for you!
is this an AI post? there's no way the human hand can slip from t to l
>Does she even have a BiS team? Can any1 itt name that team if it does exist? I'm assuming it's robin over RM?
Yeah, ideally she wants an Erudition/Destruction with a FUA.
So Himeko, Herta, Blade, Yunli are all good options for her.
And yea, she want's Robin, since she's a FUA DPS.
Phone poster most likely
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My source is lesbo swan confirming that Jing is one, and he got the same blessing the other generals have
There is a Blade team too but I dunno which support for that, probably still Robin.
And of course replacing Ratio in IPC.
fits in various teams but doesn't have a dedicated team. she's like ruan mei before firefly came out, who used to be part of 4 different teams
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Tits too big

I fucking wish
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Why is there so many sluts.
Auto-correct on mobile phones can do that.
>My source is lesbo swan confirming that Jing is one
*Lightning Lord
>he got the same blessing the other generals have
Source: Your ass, once more
who's the cutie on the right? all that's missing from the image is the supposed yae expy, and I don't think that's her
>furry xuan
she doesn't really look like a battletard
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Pompom is a nigger
I hope they make more waifus like Firefly if only to weed out people like you.
5* Tingyun
Algae, from Space Greece

The guy on top is Sunday
Supposedly Aglaea
at least he's not a wugger...
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Just pick your best AoE team. On that note I'm now reluctant to pull for Jade.
Ok I tried it and it didn't work. That side 1 is just complete and utter bullshit. Got an even lower score than last time.
The future looks grim.
>supposed yae expy
Doesn't exist.
It was just HI3tards' delusions
>E2 Firefly
>E2 RM
>still can't 40k PF
ZZZ figured out a genius way to make more people pick the male MC.
>wake up
>spend my stamina
>collect my 60 jades from daily challenges
>do a DU run
>collect my 240 jades
>do PF
>collect my 800 jades
>use them all on FF banner
I'm not going to make it bros... I'm at 65 pity and there's only 2 days left...
Mihoyo never really got over pagther being universally despite shoving him in everything
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waiting room for kafka skin
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I want to lick Lingsha's red coloured feet. Can't wait for the art soon.
>Doesn't make it a good thing, and it's not.
Is basically why producers are a thing at the end of the day their real job is to be a tard wrangler and to remind the creative that they are creating a product that needs to sell and not a vanity project.
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>HAGODS win again
feels good doing pf for 20 mins max each time it comes out and getting full stars every time ngl
Ok the previous challenges had a specific gimmick but what the fuck is this one? Get killed to get more energy??? The fuck is this
ngl I fuck with chinese designs. I like feixiao axe girl, lingsha, and tingyun forma de finale. feixiao especially because I wanted an axe unit for a while in hsr, lingsha for ff. tingy we'll see how the kit looks.
Who is that twinky fagboy supposed to appeal to? SEAmonkey crossdressing faggots that sell their assholes to foreigners?
>One homo
Doesn't count
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>Who is that twinky fagboy supposed to appeal to?
Women. And analwormers, too.
Their massive fuck up with Aether needs to be storied. I wonder why they greenlit such a shitty design.
Just use Dam homo and Sparkle and 2 other supports or sub DPS and just put the game on auto. Dan and Sparkle just do everything themselves.
Not to the trannytroon self-inserters, that's for sure
I legit think theres some shotashitter in the genshin team that must have been so fucking proud of that design he/she wouldn't take no for an answer
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Can the 21+42 days be over with? I want to have fun with Feixiao and Lingsha already.
Hook me up with your copium dealer, seems to be the good shit
no bwo I need to save for both. 2 months is good for that
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DU buffs planar farming is so fun to see
Tits too big
Probably ugly too
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They can't make another gimmick where hypercarry shine otherwise Firefly Acheron can shit on it. So they make something that can't be abused by them (energy)
Most women chose Loom, only fujos, homos, and pags chose Aether.
I'm already sitting on 200 pulls...
Though, I'm going to pull for Jade and Yunli as well, so that might dip into my savings for a bit.
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nyo... save more... I just dumped all my savings on e2s1 ff I need to recuperate... pls understand that 2 month break is for me
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>Lightning Lord
Thats like saying Acheron's sword is the emanator and not herself
>Source: Your ass
Ye, only weekly Simulated universe and Monthly shop gave you standard roll. So it will slowing down
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Yeah, that's fine for me too. Just that I'm excited for characters 2 months in advance kek
Did you clear every single quest, open all chests, max out DU things?
They were just aping BotW redesign making Link more ambiguous
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Today's stage was retarded. Got SS with this team on auto
>Thats like saying Acheron's sword is the emanator and not herself
It's LL in the image, not JY.
LL can be inherited, just like how JY got his from his predecessor.
That's how Ignamar have fought LL before.

So more LL clones.
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lol, lmao
>Ace of spades theme
If it was designed by waterkuma it's 100% intentional btw
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begone, KING
I'm taking your girlfriend
Feixiao will be meta. Tingyun will possibly be meta. Don't roll for these units, don't give in to fomo.
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Based Netorase Bvll.
How did you clear your Pure Fiction IV today? I had no problem until III, on IV i only can manage one single fucking star
nice one
Blowing my load on jade and I will also roll for her.
>Tits too big
gay ass nigga
Have you considered using Firefly and perhaps using Acheron as well.
>Don't roll for these units, don't give in to fomo.
I'm gonna luckshit ALL OF THEM. It's gonna be so easy. Trust me.
what's feixiao's path? I will roll for axe woman unless she is some sort of fua in which case hate that playstyle will never roll that playstyle.
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I usually wait to do it.
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>gay ass nigga
>medium tits on a loli
Go small/flat or go big, don't go in-between, fag.
famous last words
fua hunt
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I prefer girls with small chests because I can feel their heartbeats when I hug them.
She's 5* Wind Hunt that is a FUA/Break Hybrid, has an Action Advance, and has a summon. Leakers/playtesters said that she wants Topaz and Ruan Mei in her teams.
She might only be good for Apocalyptic Shadow, and that's it.
I honestly have no idea how people can claim that PF is easy. I'd say it's by far the hardest of the 3 end game modes.
it's over cya I'm jumping off penacony
Different anon
>LL in the image
Geee anon, are you saying that IX and Xipe are the Emanators if we follow that logic?
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>while man
no thanks, SEA man
Paths barely matter anymore and only serve to cockblock you from using potentially good cope cones
>It's LL in the image, not JY.
Amazing argument, retard, but it literally talks about the generals and the Marshal, not the LL
>LL can be inherited, just like how JY got his from his predecessor.
Yes and? The LL is the power granted by Lan to the general of the Luofu, but the power itself cant be the emanator, that makes no sense, and its never stated to be the case
You could ditch the sustains on both of your teams.

I'm just gonna wait for my Jade+Himeko combo to clear this.
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I just realized Robin's technique also damages enemies in SU/DU
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It took some tries but managed it fine
It doesn’t even matter because if they do make a character that’s literally the poster child of that path, they will still find a way brick all the f2p options like they did with Jade
My acheron is strong, my firefly is still in the build phase so she's not ready. What teams would you use? Got all the characters excluding all the male 5 stars
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Kaede sex
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so intimate
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Don’t know. Don’t have Acheron or Firefly.
do you think topaz could replace himeko? I'm so fucking low traces materials it's unreal
Tingyun will be the heroine of the abundance chapter
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If Jing Yuan were an Emanator, then all the Stonehearts are too as they were granted "Emanator" powers
ZZZ wonned, bigly
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Got pretty unlucky on Acheron's side with the delay mobs so she ended up jobbing and only scoring 26k before side 1 wiped. Side 2 was a nice and easy 40k though.
They are spliting the power of a singular emanator, not each getting their own
Only if your Herta is cracked or you will lack AoE damage, I think
>1 year in and we still have the Jing Xuan emanator discussion
This should have been in the qa they did in the 2.0 stream
>tfw I forgot about these for almost 5 months straight since 1.6

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