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>Latest patch

>Main information document

>Character planners

>Interactive map

>Group password

Imagine if this general wasn't full of constant whinging and crying of the common shitters.
Would be so terribly boring.
Marika is a very attractive woman, but I hate foot fetishists.
why is it going pure str no magic, using crafting instead is so much more fun
>be woman
>ruin everything
>be “woman”
>ruin everything
this is the core message of the game yes?
You should've made the thread then
he only has 3 landing spots in the arena, you either run to the opposite side of the arena from the angle he left (you can see when he jumps out), or just run to the Gate of Divinity which is always safe
Where would we be without the “bloodborne/ds1/des/sekiro/ds3 was better” fags?
Makes you feel like an adventurer having to craft stuff from shit u found
Elden ring is a warning about government centralization
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If you summoned a single NPC or Ash, even just to try it out to see what it looked like, you did NOT beat the game.

This DOES apply to summoning the jellyfish to meet it's sister, sorry
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>a mountain of corpses
>in the shape of two fingers...?
this desu senpai
Did the GW leave before or after Marika?
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Yes, its Miyazaki coming out as a TIRM
I will impregnate Marika, I will have sex with Marika, I will make love to Marika, Marika will bear my children, I WILL RAPE MARIKA
I wish the DLC had cheevos. I want to see how many people got filtered and by what.
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eat shit, nigger
elden ring anime when...?
If the Numen are so divine then how did they get stuffed into jars by a bunch of savages?
I let the horse bitch in the haligtree lose 60% of her health from scarlet rot
Marika was a hero who was trying to free everybody from soul-slavery
Blaidd is not that stocky, he's much lankier and taller
Ranni should be a sukeban.
One more major update and Elden Ring will be over. Next From Souls game probably 2026 at the earliest.
the image of going full str unga-bunga and doing ranni questline and mating pressing and manhandling a super genius as a stupid muscular idiot is so hot but it feels wrong to not even being able to wield what is basically your wedding ring
>"Hello boys. Remember the rules. The one who kills the most Hornsent gets to be my consort. Are you ready?"
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You can have Radagon's dick.
Marika needs more refined consort now.
dragon man last question, you run your feet as arcane or as poison/bleed?
>in order to dodge Metyr's spinning laser attack you have to miriam's vanishing into blind spot
>no one cares because it doesn't kill you in one shot
what the fuck is this boss design?
wait that isn't roleplay
>Boss fight has multiple bosses
>Boss summons adds
>Boss is a repeat of an earlier boss
If you used spirit ashes for these situations and these situations alone, you did in fact still beat the game.
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I'm firing the ovens already
Get your feet away from my mouth, you harlot!
I want to say "put in the minimum" but it's 38 int that's a fucking lot.
Then again, you can wield it, just not use the weapon art right?
Love Marika
Hate footfags
Simple as
Why did Marika have so many children and could she be considered a harlot?
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>actually it's pronounced "Blithe"
Sounds like you're just trying to justify your own lack of skill to yourself here.
I find on-model marika much more attractive than the bimbo version.
Really dislike how it seems like From is doubling down on paired weapons being the solution for unique weapons.
I already disliked stuff like Radahn's swords in the basegame being 2 ultra greatswords for the weight of 1, and now we have fucking 3 copies of it just for the ash of war. It's such an inelegant solution, especially now that we have the auto-powerstancing feature. Not like the game has much to begin with, but it does ruin what little verisimilitude is there.

We already have an in-game remembrance duping method. It'd be so much cooler to get the 2 Light greatswords from Relanna be the 2 options, hell it'd even help with incentivizing people to dupe instead of just making one option the markedly worse one.
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>Demon Souls had tons of flexibility of out smarting your opponent, the rings such as the Thief Ring obscured you from bosses as well. This was taken away in later games. Matt is 100% right that every boss has devolved into action only.

Matthewmatosis was right.
lol why are you so upset?
How did Marika reach the Gate of Divinity? What did she do there to become a god?
"HORNSENT could be here" she thought, "I've never been in this village before. There could be HORNSENT anywhere."
Albion belongs to the Celts, Anglos go home
Welcome to heathen languages.
>Boss fight has multiple bosses
>Boss summons adds
>Boss is a repeat of an earlier boss
All cope, all seethe, you didn't beat the game, try again next time
It's kinda like how the Ye in Ye Plde actually us just pronounced "The"
Literally bvilt to be fucked non stop all day everyday
There's a reason granny calls her a strumpet
His name is said in the game.
Dont you have ears?
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>All the bosses because me and Tiche are a fucking team and we do this together or not at all.
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I'm mildly unamused.
Formless Mother wants a word with you.
if i'm using mods/CE for a new run what's the most painless way to go about it? Do I seriously need to boot up the game offline then manually add every item I want to my inventory via a table?
I mean you could literally cheese every single boss in DeS to the point they might as well not exist
Dual weapons are fine, fromsoft just didnt teach their pajeet workers how to make new movesets for paired weapons
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on my next playthrough I am invading the hornset. this guy is a nigger

>help him get to messmer and summon him
>he lives through the whole thing
>doesn't thank me
>invades me later anyway

these guys are actual niggers. Marika did absolutely nothing wrong.

From should just release mod tools and let fans fix the dlc
He was mugged by someone dressed as guts at an anime convention at the age of fifteen and has never managed to process what has happened to him.
Leave him alone.
>poiseblobs can tank all 3 hits of sword of night uncharged

into the trash it goes
>twinsage glintstone crown
>int talisman
>oath of vengeance
>int knot tear
>Marika's soreseal
>godrick's great rune
No need for levels into int
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>Not having a full royal court of companions for every situation
>"Your Lord is dead, and you are next, Marika"
Realistically, how far could he make it into Leyndell?
If the tree wasn't burned yet he'd also have to become the Lord of Frenzied Flame, which would mesh well with his vengeance-drunk mind.
The thought of Marika, going through everything she did, laying out all these sophisticated plans over thousands of years, expecting a Tarnished to save her only to be slapped awake by a furious Hornsent is funny shit
>I mean you could literally cheese every single boss in DeS to the point they might as well not exist

Makes you realize that Fromsoft games weren't just about challenge, doesn't it.
i'm convinced playtesters kept saying they couldn't tell that radahn had light attacks and the effects got increasingly more blinding until they said fuck it and we got the mess we have today
>get summoned for malenia
>+1 phantom
>both have double weebsticks
>both use blood buffs
Just sat back and watched the host inevitably get waterfowled.
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Do you think the needle destroys the influence of the frenzied flame, or just subdues it for as long as its in you like the one inside Millicent?
I am wondering whats the best thing to do for Melina.

Pros of saving her:
>she lives
>we take the flame so maybe it doesnt go to someone else?
>if it permacures the flame you are safe and you saved her
>It goes against her wishes
>It denies her of her discovered purpose, and in Souls games someone losing their purpose is a recurring theme
>if it doesnt permacure the flame, you are a ticking timebomb

How did you approach it, assuming you didnt just go full Frenzy on purpose?
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>n-no you're SUPPOSED to summon for Leda!
>it isn't fair otherwise!
>5v1 is too much!
Is Leda now the ultimate shitter filter?
Actually it's pronounced "shadow"
If being a footfag is gross why did got make feet so pretty?
any games with this design phylosophy?
where i can "puzzle" bosses
I thought the merchants were the jews.
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Does the parrying dagger have the same parry window as other daggers? Or is it just so named because it has parry by default?

I'm at the end of my rope on this, frame data explorer and google tell me nothing
>tfw your named ash companions don't all appear around the grace as you rest doing various inocuous things.
I'll never forgive From for not doing this very specific thing that only I probably wanted because I played Ender Lillies right before Elden Ring
Blaidd and Maliketh are immortal due to them being "Shadows".
Cringe. None of those even use fucking sorcery.
see how this bitch can barely live through messmer i dont think he has a chance against Maliketh
Ride or die bro I'm not leaving my homies behind
>Kill Blaidd in Limgrave
>Never comes back
Nah the real reason to summon for Leda is because 5v1 isn't interesting. 5v3 with your bros is cool as shit, it's kino if you summon.
Does warmth still work on bosses?
I want to gatekeep people that summon me that have dishonourable builds.
That's what I'm there for
sounds like shitter COPE to me
>get destroyed last thread
>can't cope with the fact he did not beat the game
>continues this thread without replying hoping nobody notices
Do y’all think Elden ring is one of the best games of all time?
She had between 7 and 17 children that we can account for in game. But spread over thousands of years that really isn't much. That said, it's easy to assume she had more than that. A lot more.
>could she be considered a harlot?
She could be considered a harlot by some. I do not consider my wife a harlot.
You're on the mark. However, it doesn't have to be one or the other, both should exist in the same game.
Saying someone didn't beat the game for NOT summoning is, whew, wow, that's some next level shitter cope right there. That's the good stuff, some of the best I've ever seen actually.
I think so.
i dont know
to me it is and that's what matters. in my top 5 favorites of all time.
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Non-footfags unironically have a better appreciation of nice feet than footfags do. Footfags are quite possibly the least discerning fetishists of all time. They have no standards whatsoever. The mere existence of feet is enough to make them jizz their jorts. It's the fucking Kidz Bop of fetishes, matched in goofiness only with a fucking tickle fetish
I think it's one of the games of all time
Yes. This does not mean it is without glaring flaws nor room for improvement.
Nice, the dryleaf dragon approves
What are the best spells to bring against Rahdan 2.0? Does anything work well or are sorcerer builds just fucked?
Asking again, which spell or item is best to heal bosses?
I'm getting my butt kicked by Guts in the DLC, bleed build cunt, what to do
I never understood why people use the term "of all time". Wouldn't that include the future? How am I supposed to know what games will be in the future and how they will compare to ER?
i dont know
Didn’t that old hag also call her a strumpet and a seducer? Did she fuck a horned one?


You are worse than an e-girl playing on a dance pad, wearing minimal clothing to show off her body. Think about it.
Post-dlc erg characters kind of suck. The writers aren't even trying anymore.
Haven't played the main campaign since '22. Am I fucking up any quest lines by rushing the Dectus Medallions and Altus Plateau in NG+? I was a dumbass and hit NG+ before realizing that I'd forgotten to complete the Auriza Hero's Grave.
Is the best video game of all time
SotE is also the best DLC ever
On the top 1 percentile of games? Definitely. Top 1000? easy. Top 100? maybe, top 10? probably not.
What other tear do you guys mix in with your sekiro tear?
Bait his crossbow and punish. His reload animation is incredibly long
If you look at the dagger it has a skill called "Parry", which means it has 4 frames, it doesn't have a unique "Parry Dagger - Parry", like Buckler. The wiki says "Parry" has 4 frames, Bucker has 5 and Carian Ret/Golden Parry have 6 frames.
SotE isn't even the best FROM DLC ever, get a fucking grip
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Why were Mohg and Morgott born cursed but Godwyn wasn't
so just keep my distance until he shoots, circle around and hit?
Yes 100%. It's not perfect, but no game is. Fact is though I've put more hours into this game than any other, it's kino.
It's the same as the other daggers
The parry frames in this game are nonsensical
i never use sekiro tear but i always use that bubble which lets you take one hit without taking damage, it lets you summon mimic easily when you enter boss fights
Going to Altus auto triggers the radahn festival, so you're automatically skipping ahead of a lot of the NPC quests, but IIRC, nothing breaks unless you don't kill Morgott.
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Bro it's actually unbelievable that there almost no lewd fanart of this absolute cutie patootie. So many 10/10 waifus were introduced in the new DLC yet most normalfags gravitate to the same boring ass waifus
I hate this question because at any point in time I can name probably 20+ games competing for that list and even those 20+ names vary depending on how recently I've played them or replayed them.
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with rennala and marika, hot lesbian teachers
name 100 games better than Elden Ring
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Blessed and correct post.
She has thousands of hours of practice using the pad. If you watch the fight she basically presses two buttons, attack and roll. Its impressive for sure, but it would be weird for her not to get him down after a few hours.
I don't like centipoodles
+defenses tear or stamina regen tear
>between 7 and 17 children that we can account for in game.
i already forgot she existed

she kind just dies in 1 hit and then your mind is full of exploring the last castle part and then radahn takes the rest of the memories
Goddamn I want to see some more quality smut like this
Why do kids get born without a protein that makes their skin stick to their flesh? Just bad luck, probably.
Godwyn mightve been cursed, we don't know
Also triggers Fia to move so anything related to that happens as well.
im new and im stuck at tree sentinel what the FUCK am i supposed to do im playing rogue and im dealing like 20 hp each attack even the lvl 1 starter has a weapon that actually deals dmg btw i'm not going to run like a bitch
>get summoned by host
>they're using a cheese build
>sit outside fog gate and wait for them to eventually get bodied
>get summoned by host
>they aren't
>enter fog door to watch them get instantly bodied
Man the summoners of this game are worse than ever
shes hot, im gonna goon to this
love that boob jiggle when she celebrates, mmmmm yummy
Omens/hornsent aren't actually a curse, it's a blessing. Marika considers it a curse because of what hornsent did to her people, and as such in TLB it's treated as a curse. That said the "why" is because every time someone in this world has a baby there's a small chance they receive said crucible blessing and become a hornsent/omen. Marika just so happened to ironically win that gacha once and it happened when she was pregnant with twins so they both got it.
>swift slash
you didnt beat guts
Like all Souls games, it's a very flawed masterpiece.
haha shamans btfo
wait, have they patched out the deathblight+torch exploit already?
Thw description for his great rune says that he abandoned his "blinding strength"
So like, was he actually super buff? What does that mean?
Didn't the original description for the mimic veil imply that Marika has a ton of bastards with random? Her and Godfrey probably fucked other people all the time.
you might do more damage punching. my prisoner had a thrusting weapon or some shit and I think i was doing more damage punching because he's weaker to strike
its very bad idea and not good idea to fight him with fresh character i think
Yes, get fucked fag.
"Strength" doesn't have to just mean physical strength dummy.
I wouldn't say it's a blessing either. Just an effect of being near the crucible.
The Belurat people considered it a blessing, the Leydell people considered it a curse.
She would be midra-tier if she got a cutscene
5 hours after killing the tree sentinel I can use his weapon and its awesome! way better than my lord sworn greatsword
Touch grass, weirdo.
there would've been more visual clutter and light effects in his fight if he still had his great rune
I was referring to a real health condition. Look up "butterfly skin".
>What does that mean?
Just looking at him doesn't hypno mind control you instantly anymore, now he has to hug you.
Miq Tyson used to put people to sleep by punching them out.
Oh what does it mean then? I'm not very smart
She is definitely built for it.
This, I would literally lick any remotely female foot in this game clean in a heartbeat. Though honestly I've never seen a good artist who wasn't also a footfag, pretty much everyone who appreciates beauty loves feet desu
Built for what?
for her son
Leyndell considers it a curse because of Marika, anon. She's literally GOD and decreed all hornsent are omens and should be genocided and forced into slavery because they massacred her people. Hornsent are born with superpowers at no cost except growing horns and shit, it's not a curse.
It would have been great
Named Children
>Messmer, Melina, Godwyn, Mohg, Morgott, Miquella, Malenia (7)
Unspecified Descendants of Marika
>Walking Mausoleums (7)
>Headless Sarcophagi in the DLC (3)
7 confirmed children. Walking Mausoleums and Sarcophagi could be children or grandchildren. It is not specified. Again. To my knowledge that is all we can confirm in game.
Parry against a wall, see when the sparks go off, then test the timing of the window on an enemy of your choice.
>refined consort
She has one
I don't feel like it. Also, in my head, I was thinking it'd hover around the 70-40 mark or something, I just wrote that on a whim mate.

>It's such an inelegant solution
Yeah, having 3 copies of Radahn's swords feels very, messy, to say the least. Having another pair for the Miquella ashes, sure, but having 2 copies with 2 different ashes just feels disorganized.

If they wanted the second AoW so bad, just make the second option be the ash of war, not tied to any weapon. or have it be an incant, I don't know. Or hell, tune the damage down and have it be a stance based ash like Night and Flame. Just reminds me of how they had the stamp sweep/upwards cut be 2 different ashes for no good reason, especially since pressing the button procs a stance anyways
does marika resurrect in the ending and do we get to fuck her or is the ranni ending the only waifuchad option?
except when the horns grow into their eyes blinding them but generally hornsents seem stronger than humans
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>Dung Eater was right all along
Centipede girls are so hot, I was thinking of her when I posted this >>485238789
Big Jar
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>Omens/hornsent aren't actually a curse, it's a blessing.
Yeah, right
What are good faith spells for invading? I haven't touched magic since they killed chaincasting so I'm totally out of the loop with what's good and what's been buffed/nerfed
Well i don't have a dance pad numbnuts so fuck you!
you already know the answer. But be careful, the jannies might ban you for pointing out the obvious
>except when the horns grow into their eyes blinding them
So cut the fucking horn before that happens.
He was literally chained up in a fucking sewer.
[1020500000] A curse upon thee, rotten miscreant.
[1020500010] A curse upon the strumpet's progeny, upon Marika's children each and all.
[1020500020] The curse of the omen shall strike thee down...
Cool nonsense headcanon that contradicts literally everything we see involving shadows.
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I know anon. I'm just saying that it isn't a blessing, nor is it a curse. It's just an effect of the crucible.
It's neither good nor bad basically.
>Messmer, Melina
Who's the father?
bestial sling, catch flame, honed bolts, shit with super quick startups.
Her butterfly shit is what I wanted from a Miqy fight
wtf is this
in the rule34 stuff I watched she had huge tits and a vagina
this doesnt fit my headcanon

please delete
They'll just kick you and report you for griefing, you autisitc retard. I can already tell anything besides a naked guy with a club is dishonorable to you, fucking pathetic nerd.
just take care of your horns lol? its like thinking black people are low iq genetically when theres niggas alive who werent allowed in schools as a kid. its almost like they were oppressed or something
Where's her dollssy?
pve playthrough: necromancer using death sorceries + summoning ashes - fun or are the death sorceries too samey/boring?
Also are the DLC summons fun? I got the divine bird spirit and found the idea interesting, haven't used it yet
Ranni? Pure.
He was strong enough to defeat Radahn in his prime despite spending most of his life bound in a sewer while Radahn spent his life learning magic and receiving martial training. Doesn't sound like a "curse" to me.
hmm maybe
Guess you're one of the shitters then.
So easy to out your kind.
>posting her after a battle to the death
also she is a disembodied soul she can easily make a new perfect doll, even add a omahole between her legs
stop posting naked ranni or ill coom. imagine fucking her threads as theyre pooling with the blood of her recently killed fingers while you're all sweaty and tired from killing adula. i want to chew on her rope feet
Cutting the horns is not a good idea and can be deadly as well,
Fia? Both used goods and cucks you and not for you
Four times over used goods too
>Hornsent spiral cock
>Godfrey barbarian cock
>Radagon golden cock

Why anyone simps for this used up bitch I will never know
shes a literal who thought like rellana
He's deformed and loved by no one, not even his own mother, ergo it's a curse. Don't care if gives him super cursed strength.
>Cutting the horns is not a good idea and can be deadly as well
Source: your ass
>You are worse than an e-girl playing on a dance pad, wearing minimal clothing to show off her body. Think about it.
yes, because that's her job. if i got paid to play this game i would no hit literally anything in this game while blinking my eyes as a form of command input.
alas, i have a job and i can't spend 10 straight hours learning a boss moveset
The DLC added some new death sorceries so it could be fun. Plus you have death themed weapons like the spirit sword.
The cannon imp is good for some chuckles. IIRC, an anon here claimed that his cannonballs were highly effective against Malenia.
grow up pls
Shouldn't Melina have some lines in the DLC since it's related to her origin so much?
They are low IQ genetically doe
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>doesn't realize that doll bodies can be altered
>doesn't realize that said body can be remade to look like her past body
>doesn't realize her body can be magically altered to hold a womb
>doesn't realize that said womb could be made with that Sellen heart glinstone-like stuff
indians some times take children being born with multiple deformed limbs to be a blessing, does that make it so?
ancient death rancour spamming has pretty and satisfying effects desu
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How many times do I have to tell you, brother - your curse is soap aversion, fashion impairment and lack of underwear. Not horns.

is there a way to have followers like in skyrim or companions like in baldur gate 3 ? i dont want to venture alone in elden ring bros it's scary
Omen Bairn
>Doll of a curseborn bairn.
>Uses FP to unleash wraiths that chase down foes.
>Omen babies have all their horns excised, causing most to perish.
>These fetishes are made to memorialize them.
>"Please, don't hate me, or curse me. Please."
How's it related to Melina at all?
All we get for her is that she was Messmer's sister. Which we already basically knew because she was heavily implied to be Marika's daughter.
messmer is actually a dogshit fight and emblematic of elden ring as a game
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Im 26 no job no future invading in elden ring at 1pm on a monday while listening to police interrogation videos and eating cookies. Where the fuck did my life go so wrong?
His mother was predisposed to discrimination towards his kind because they fucking massacred her village. The "unloved" part for omens is manufactured entirely by her since she holds the position as fucking GOD OF THE AGE. Her word is LAW. She could decree all squirrels are a plague and the next day there'd be a fucking squirrel genocide.
You can summon companions at specific areas but jot like constantly everywhere
Are they good cookies at least
>doesnt do any questlines
>cant save any NPCs
>doesnt get any good endings
>copes himself into thinking that's the "proper way" to play the game
To be fair, ripping out a bunch of horn growths from a baby is gonna be traumatic. They aren't strong enough to survive the surgery
Elden Ring Definitive Top Ten Boss Difficulty Rankings:

1. Bayle
2. Malenia
3. Mohg
4. Maliketh
5. Rellana
6. Radahn Consort of Miquella
7. Messmer
8. Midra
9. Ancient Dragon Senessax
10. Divine Beast Dancing Lion

Reminder that this is a definitive list and not up for debate
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Godwyn's curse got lost in the mail and had delays.
Spirit ashes. Maybe the summon everywhere mod if you want.
Why do you think he's a bad fight?
What kind of cookies?
You are still very young and could fix it but you won't.
It is true Mohg looks extremely /fa/.
His and the sanguine nobles chest piece also go great with any golden or faded gold gauntlets/grieves
I saw a 10 second meme clip and I instantly knew which true crime show it was from and what season and episode, it was embarrassing
What type of cookies?
The death spells are pretty fucking terrible compared to the spells that actually do damage. They are clearly just meant to be for PvP zoning control.

Most spells and weapons in Elden Ring are borderline useless in late game. Everything is balanced around 5 or 6 insanely overpowered items.
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if I kill hornsent, freyja and moore, do they still show up on the Leda fight?
I think it's much better than nuRadahn as an anime fight, but I don't think these glass cannon or "spectacle" bosses are a good direction overall
Those babies don't have fucking superpowers. These situations aren't the same.
Those are fucking BABIES and you're cutting ALL THEIR HORNS completely EXCISED which will cause BLOODLOSS. Shaving a horn down to stop it from poking your eye out is -NOT- the same thing even remotely.
why not both?
I wish even 10% of the bosses in ER were as fun as Messmer
So, so easy.
if you can't get a job in your country move to another.
if you can't get any job, get forklift certifications or some other trade.
Messmer is easy as fuck. His second phase is a joke.
Because she loves Godfrey and Rennala was just a political side piece to pump and dump as Radagon
>do all the questlines
>have the option to summon both NPCs
>chose not to because I'm not a shitter
>literally just miss out on some mid-fight dialogue
>not tied to any endings at all
>get shitters REEEEEEing at me because of how insecure they are
Radahn is 10 times harder than anything else on this list.
>in his prime

Radahn wasn't even as big as he was when he fought Malenia.
I think both Messmer and Consort Radahn are great fights. Both are easily in my top 5 ER bosses.
why do we pretend marika actually has a ending?
"her" ending is basically you undoing what she did, frankly i think the only "marika ending" is unironically ranni ending
since goldmask lobotomizes her and every other ending basically fucks up the lands between
>got hit
So I just killed Memester where do I go next? I have the fire but can't burn the tree yet
Marika simps are the worst posters in all of Elden Ringdom. They base their simpery on off-model porn and have no idea how truly fucking rotten she is. They are so blinded by cumbrain that they can't even see that the entire game is a potentially apocalyptic nightmare hellscape that she created.
Radagon and Marika were seperate entities with opposing thoughts and goals at that time.
>>literally just miss out on some mid-fight dialogue
You didnt enjoy the game
Morgott being accepted back by the erdtree is even more kino after the dlc. He would of liked the shaman village
you can go at the bottom of the tower and there is a elevator which takes you down to bridge hmm mm
Maybe for you?
Church of the bud in the Rauh ruins.
Radagon loved Rennala & Marika never loved anyone. Godfrey was king of the barbarians so she claimed him to claim rulership
Learned helplessness, you doomed yourself. Do you even know how to cook food and do laundry?
It's the only reference we have on attempted horn management.
Another thing. Most animals do not survive having a horn cut entirely. But there are safe ways and procedures.
Assuming omen/hornsent horns function like real animal horns you basically should always sedate the subject and then slowly sand down and cut only the surface areas, basically the areas without nerves. This minimizes shock and bleeding and is akin to very aggressive nail cutting.
Man, that would be a hell of a industry in a post ending Lands Between. Get yourself some FTH points, set up shop in Leydell, and basically become the first and only "horn beauty management" boutique
You think Mohg would visit?
You're gonna get through phase 2 one day bro I believe in you
How the fuck does anyone play with light weapons that can't stagger even regular mobs? It feels like you're being constantly battered from all angles without being able to breathe at all.
Tired mom Marika is absolutely peak.
>1. Bayle
I literally one tried Bayle. Easiest boss next to the Lion in this DLC
Why are there all these fucking hot arts of Marika if we never see her in game other than being a dead statue?
boss rush mod when?? i really wanna right against messmer, divine beast and midra again
yes i posted in the dead thread without looking at the post count
>get an enemy down to low health
>from the looks of their hp bar they only have 1 hit left
>land that hit
>lolnope they survive with 1 hp
by far my most-hated aspect of these games, and it somehow happens so fucking often it's like they hardcoded it to happen
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There's a difference between appreciating nice feet as a part of a whole and just being a coombrained footfag. I've seen footfags lusting over dirty nasty fungus feet to the point of absurdity.
yeah okay but i like mommys milkies
Neither is DLC Radahn and he's far more powerful than festival Radahn.
>Morgott being accepted back by the erdtree
He was what?
I'm new and didn't know there were a thing like dishonorable builds. What should I avoid so people don't think I'm one of those?
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According to who, you?
I wanted to know the type of cookies
cheat engine
Festival Radahn was wasted away from the Rot, we never get to fight Radahn in his prime. We fight a Radahn that doesn't even have all of his weapons nor his mount.
If I can beat every boss in this game in 5 tries or less except Radahn and Radahn takes me 50+, that makes Radahn the hardest boss. This isn't up for debate.
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>beats Bayle with 0 skadudu things
Radagon did not love Rennala. He only married her so he could weaken Liurnia from within with shit like expelling Lusat, Azur and Sellen and undermining Rennala's position and status. Wrapped her around his finger and then left.
Marika also definitely cared enough for Godfrey she was guiding him the same way she guides you, but it wasn't to the extent she cared about say, Godwyn or Messmer.
Radagon is a worse character morally than Marika lets not pretend otherwise.
no you didn't
It's wild watching horns being removed from animals.


>Refuses to use summoning mechanics
>Thinks his opinion is valid
i'm at margit and still have the shitty base dagger of rogue at start, am I supposed to have a better weapon or did I simply rush too hard?
No one cares about how bad you are at reading Radahn's highly telegraphed and easily memorized attack patterns
Literally who and why should I care
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it would be nice
but not, not really
erdtree is an asshole
>floating anime combos you have to wait out
>dishonest hitboxes and tracking
>second phase that spams you with snakes
>grab that oneshots you if you didn't collect enough fragments
I did
Colosseum in later levels sucks so fucking bad, i have yet to meet a single person who fights legitimately and doesnt rely on constant cheesing
>pretends his Lord of Blood Exultation + White Mask + Gravebird Chest 99 Arcane double Morning Stars build is somehow bad
It's a tired script. He shoulda updated it when they fixed ARC scaling but instead he just keep saying a fairly solid build is bad because he whiffs a jump L1 sometimes.
The difference between a curse and a blessing is whether it's negative or not. Cruicible's touch is more of a double edged sword. You have grey skin and horns all over you, but you are also big and strong. In Belurat, Hornsent are revered, so it's a blessing, while in the Lands Between, Omens are reviled, so it's a curse.

This reads like:
>Oh, you don't like horns, whore?
>Well guess what? I'm going to make you children have horns!
oatmeal chocolate chip the best kind ofc
She's in the trailers and in the opening scene of the game dumby.
Again, not up for debate. Took me ten times more attempts than any other boss including Malenia. Radahn is the hardest boss.
>Bayle is easy!
>oh did I forget to mention all his aggro was on Igon and my Mimic Tear the entire fight?
>whoopsie daisy!
CONSTANT remarks from the insecure shitter crowd today
Out of my last 25 invasions at 150 using the global invade feature:
>14 of them were actual pvers
>3 were instant fogwalls the moment I spawned in
>11 were taunters

Of those taunters,
>9 were gankers (either 2 or 3 dudes in an empty area waiting to kill you)
>Of those gankers only 1 of them was in an area with mobs and actually playing the game
>2 were grace duelists (only 1 had blues on)

>11 of the invasions were outside the dlc
>15 were wins, 7 were losses
i thought he married her to learn her sorcery so his order was "whole"?
She's a very human character that had a lot of power to where if she made mistakes they affected the entire world.

While she has been shown to do some egregious acts like put Morgott and Mohg underground, that's a human reaction to seeing Hornsent - a people that slaughtered her Shaman tribe - reemerge in her own offspring.

The setting she was in made her who she is basically. It's the Tarnished's job to fix her, given how much they're affirmed as the Marika's Lord throughout the DLC that was supposed to be about Miquella.
Weird, that was my experience at level 10, at level 20, at level 30, at level 40, at level 50, at level 60, at level 70, at level 80, at level 90, at level 100, at level 110, at level 120
This is just the bloodborne dlc opening
hate everyone whose opinion on marika suddenly did a 180 because of shaman village. bros she's still helped kill godwyn and she still had her woman moment and completely ruined the lands between
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The Stone Coffins being a part of the land itself implies that they showed up pre veil when the Coast was still forming a long time ago which means that the Shadow Realm actually can't be in the middle like pic related because there'd be no way for the ships to wash up.
Yea I just wished he admitted that he's using an NPC cheese bleed build. It's literally very good lol
Yes, I know because I didn't miss out like you. Keep coping. Youre just a shitter who has to rationalize that he missed out.
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>Everyone bitching about easy fights like Radan
>Not a single post about the unrelenting fucking bullshit that is Ralva
I went back to invading it’s so trash right now and they don’t give a shit
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vote king morgott
make leyndell great again
Miyazaki is obsessed with the idea of a bloodline curse that ruins the viability of your offspring.
They washed up from the cosmic sea
Hey alright.
I never summoned igon when I first ran up against him.
Was the right call, fight was kino.
Just looked up his voice lines after.
What's the point of ever using your r1 when jumping attack dual colossal weapon attacks are the damage of like 4 r1s at the same speed?
He wasn't "accepted" omen/hornsent have something in their blood which causes them to manifest horns. Dude was literally out of blood & was so free from his "curse". Dude was actually a Cruciblechad & would have been a great horned champion if not for Marika's evil
>while in the Lands Between, Omens are reviled, so it's a curse.
Which for like the fifth time is solely because Marika herself is racist against them for massacring her people. We have no idea how TLB treated Hornsent before she came into power, they may have been celebrated.
That sheep definitely should have been sedated but yeah pretty much that's it
You can actually see in that second vid that just like omen/horsent it's a quality of life thing. Irl horns can definitely become hinderances and hurt the animal. Usually in the wild they'd wear them down in other ways but yeah.
>tries to debate a no-debate post
>no actually you can't debate me!
sorry bro the list is the list
Just roll behind it and it can't do anything to you ever again.
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>Three hours of this shit
Fuck you bitch
having fun
post the exact build you used to beat her right now
>fucking ralva
I killed it an Rugalea at level 80 with a +12 mace to become a bear.
who? you know these games are funny. someone might have the most trouble with a particular boss while someone else easily kills it. and vice versa
They're not real ships dummy.

He really likes that kind of burden :(
he doesn't have much hp so having to wait him out isn't an issue, it's not like radahn that has even longer combos but also a shitton of hp. his attacks are also very rhythmic and intuitive, he doesn't have a lot of "fuck you" moves meant to catch you off guard
i thought his fight was extremely satisfying and was sad when it was over
Thats not the best but like that's pretty good, of im gonna go with oatmeal cookies I like those really cheap chewy frosted ones that snap, but I would make myself just regular chocolate chip ones
What are you watching, Explore With Us?
she's hot so she's forgiven + i'll fuck her
Did it ever occur to you that nobody is complaining about it because nobody had trouble with it? lol
That's my point. Most omen we see have nubs. Those are the ones that survive. Marika is a fucking monster
Nope sorry I'm right and you're wrong, not up for debate as I even provided evidence and you didn't. Try again next time bud, you lost this round.
I might be retarded but I don't see how horn removal could kill you. It's not like horns are major organs, there's small blood vessels inside but you're not carving off a limb or removing a lung. It's gonna be traumatic and hurt like a fucking bitch, sure, but it's an external growth, right? Like even if you said "oh the pain and stress on the body could kill you" you could do one horn a week or something instead of trying to get them all at once, right? Is this just some medieval medicine bullshit?
yeah maybe i dont know
The cerulean coast isn't a real coast
The ships didn't wash up from sea but from space
Could've just summoned me.
What's your opinion on this?

im not fully 180 but hornsent are niggers so she's okay in my book for doing that
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>haha you missed out because you DIDN'T summon
>YOU'RE the shitter...for not summoning...haha...
YIKES! Great mental gymnastics there
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>muh Marika is evil
Talk shit, get hit.
what's the lore reason every ennemy respawns but bosses don't in this game also npc don't respawn either
Radahn took me 57 tries. Ralva took me 1 and I used a whopping 3 flasks. What the fuck are you talking about? Shit dude Ralva is so insignificant I had to look them up. I didn't even know that red bear even had a fucking name.
he won't because you already know what he used (ash of war spam on an op weapon)
Wait she helped kill godwym?
>bros she's still helped kill godwyn
how do you not know runebears by now? i went pure melee and just rolled everything, didn't die to any of the bears
radahn however raped my asshole raw fuck that piece of shit
Was Marika neglectful for not shaving off Mohg's horns before they punctured his eye?
>Man, that would be a hell of a industry in a post ending Lands Between. Get yourself some FTH points, set up shop in Leydell, and basically become the first and only "horn beauty management" boutique
You could also probably redirect horn growth with a metal plate or something.
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Ralva who?
It probably has to do with the curse. A fuck you for even trying
That's inhumane shit but sadly it is what it is with cattle raising sadly.
It won't kill the cow at least.
>I'm terrible
>this is evidence that the boss is hard
>44% of invasions are taunters
I want to do things to that face
>every ennemy respawns
the rune of death was stolen
>bosses don't in this game also npc don't respawn either
pure inconsistency, the lore is horribly implemented in the gameplay. no excuse
the black knife assassins are numen, marika is a numen. it is implied she used her connections to help ranni
Why doesnt he cut off his own horns
Ah yes. The ol'
>post an intentionally wrong tier list for (you)s
ill be honest the only fights that were difficult in this DLC is Radahn and Renalla.

Renalla might have only been difficult because I was still rusty going back into ER.

They should make a horror souls game like Abyss Forest. Best part of the DLC hands down.
get the mod that lets you replay bosses
I successfully got my entire friend group hooked on Elden Ring but they won't stop calling Mohg "Amogmus" "Mogma" "Mohgma" "Mohgmers" etc and it's driving me up the fucking wall. I explained the new DLC lore and they moved on to "HE'S NOT SUS! IT'S NOT HIM" None of us even touched Among Us back when it was crazy popular during the start of the pandemic, it's just pure brainrot. And we're all either doing masters or have jobs too. Idk why they act like this.
Generic enemies don't "respawn" they just get replaced by more generic mooks.
Personally if I was doing it I'd market different styles
Imagine all the cute crucible girls with horns made to look like different mongirls. Sheepgirls, devil girls, cowgirls, etc.
Why are omens considered a curse when in reality they are peak form in the lore?
A lot of DS1 bosses were designed to be "cheesed". You get a plunging attack vs the asylum demon and taurus demon. You go get a ranged tool for the butterfly. You get on the stairs vs capra demon. You literally just upgrade your weapon and the gargoyles evaporate. Gaping dragon takes 2-3 times more damage when you attack its head. Iron Golem has brittle legs and can fall off the boss arena. Ceaseless Discharge has a scripted instakill. Gwyndolin has no health and the real battle is walking down a corridor without getting blasted. It just keeps going like this, and it's not "bad" design. It's a fucking adventure RPG where most of the game is spent in dungeons not in bossfights. Souls never needed to be a discount devil may cry or ninja gaiden, and slowly turning it into one came at the expense of literally everything else.
Radagon is a rogue mimic tear made by the Nox. Marrying Rennala was the first time he was truly free. He even kept his betrothal sword but hid it by reforging it. Different items talk of his reluctance yet compliance. He MUST yield to Marika's wishes. Even the turtle knows what's up. Marika is NOT guiding the tarnished. It's just the Elden Ring reaching out for its broken pieces. Marika is evil a hundred times over. She only ever sought power.
are you mentally disabled bro? literally just roll it's attacks, its that simple
>it is implied she used her connections to help ranni
where. yes they're all numen, so?
and more than that, i forgot the description straight up says they had close ties with marika herself
Didn't she abandon him in the sewer for being an omen?
>only encounter groups spamming cheesy bullshit
>get summoned
>hosts, other summons, and invaders alike only spam cheesy bullshit
>to to colosseum
>only encounter people spamming cheesy bullshit
the only way to get gameplay resembling the older (read: less-spammy) games is to play at lower levels, but you'll still encounter some bullshit that can be used with low stat reqs (like backhand blade+swift slash, usable on a warrior-start character without leveling) and password summons who can spam all the cheesy bullshit anyway
i remember back in the days of das1 i always wondered why they never gave us any really cool flashy attacks, well now i understand, the game turns into utter fucking cancer
Whats the fire that omen belch out?
>implying you didn't die to her multiple times
sure thing fag
You don't suddenly stop being a retard when you graduate and get a job. Anyways I think skibidi mohggers is funny.
To be fair, Radagon being a cunt that purposely weakened Liurnia is also my headcanon, but your shit about
>muh mimic tear
>he kept the bethrodal sword because he cares
>he must obey Marika
All headcanon.
>Beat every boss in under 5 tries except Radahn
Uh-huh, and how many attempts did you need for Malenia?
How can you die to a character that does not exist?
Strength/Faith, Crucible Knight Set, Sunflower, Gravel Stone, mix of Crucible Knight and Lightning abilities, Ritual Sword Talisman, Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman, Shard of Alexander, Great Jar's Arsenal
Only criminals get put in jars. This is what happens when one doesn't get punished properly
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is melina a witch like ranni?
Would Messmer be nicer if he had a snake gf like Rya?
I only gank lion knights at enir ilim I’m not doing the 3v1 at grace dance anymore. It’s been great
it's over marikasissy, she's a bitch
whatever her dumb name is.
If you look at the horn nubs of the omen from Stormveil, you'll see that they are fleshy in the center. Elden Ring is a mostly medieval setting, so infections from wounds are probably common, and I doubt that literal cursed children would receive the best possible treatment, making things even worse. And infants don't have a whole lot of blood to loose.
She's a FTH stacy
Your friends are based
You are cringe
No it isn't. It's spelled out in item descriptions. Though the Mimic Tear part is a bit from cut content
they literally are, same as hornsent
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So probably a healthcare limitation
yea you didn't beat the fight lol
Why did they censor Midras decapitation animation?
I always summoned NPCs in DS it was fun to have Solaire, Lucatiel and Siegward with you.
Some bosses in ER felt far too easy with NPC summons, although some feel better designed for it because of their wider attacks and ability to switch targets during their chain of attacks.
Although some felt harder because they can be a bit less predictable when they switch between targets and the NPC is just useless, like Rogier vs Margit for example.
Rogier does nothing and dies quickly, just a HP buff for Margit honestly.
Ive even had Bernahl fail to enter the Godskin Duo fight.
Spirit ashes are even more busted though, but as strong as they can be other stuff like certain ash of war, Greatshields, bleed and going for posture breaks ALL make the game too easy.
Because Marika is basically a salty and vengeful Holocaust survivor who got too powerful for everyone's good.
Apparently you can stop the horns from growing back if you get them early, is that true?

Sometimes implying is better. Same for Messmer's eye pluck.
From are pussies. Same reason they censored Ocelotte.
>be hornsent omen whatever the fuck
>horns keep growing
>and die
>cut horns
>get infection and die
>turn into a fucking bug
>pain relief
Lmao so is this how it works?
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>you can't use incantations now
Yeah okay bud, go ahead and summon and cope more about how "it's designed for it"
yes, because they're descendants from the same people. they're numen
it's not implied that marika wanted to kill godwyn
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Crucible energy, it seems.

That's basically what I'm saying, yes.
Because objectively there is no better path forward for the Land's Between other than Marika at this point. Miquella's ending (basically ER true ending) couldn't happen cause From was afraid of the PR of a pederast ending (they literally removed cutscenes related to him as early as the gameplay trailer 4 months ago which depicted him restoring the Scadutree)

Fucking off with Ranni is a non-solution, and Goldmask gets to the heart of the issue with Marika's fickle (woman) nature by making her a dutiful church wife who abides by the highest masculine principle (Greater Will) unbendingly.
why do we pretend marika actually has a ending?
"her" ending is basically you undoing what she did, frankly i think the only "marika ending" is unironically ranni ending
since goldmask lobotomizes her and every other ending basically fucks up the lands between
the hornsent are not omens you fucking retards
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This should have been a weapon
So they didn't have to animate the whole spear(?) extraction. The decapitation blood spray is a good cutoff point.
>Invaded by Recusant Dark Obliviation
Are these people 15 years old?
Curious about a lift that took me to 'Siofra River Well Depths'.
I'd prefer avoiding any spoilers, so afraid going to wiki, but that place is fucking vast, so I'm curious if I can put exploration of it for later (or should I rush it instead).
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wait so how does one get rogiers set if you already finished the ranni questline? i just found out about his set
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Does anyone have a map with the boundaries that cause Miquella to break his shard drawn on it?

Attention grabbing webm unrelated.
dude's using the most op magic in the game and just casts it from far away like a little bitch and he still thinks he beat the fight lol
Too big.
>Sword of Damnation confirmed to have grab animation not only way larger than it should, but also grabs based on clientside rather than server side
I still haven't died to this weapon, but I fucking knew this piece of shit was garbage.

I will 100% from now on use Sleepbolts on anyone carrying this broken garbage.
why the jar meat thing have women in centre that is running around and stuff
You wait for him to die.
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Pic related, it's you.
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whens that?
brother the description literally says the black knife assassins had close ties with marika. it's not just a "ohhh yea they're distantly related." close ties. read

you can do it now, you're at an appropriate power level. you can also put it off if you want, it doesn't matter. though if you come back much later you'll feel too strong for it
Goddamn imagine being smothered to death by those honkers and the police thinking you died of natural causes in your sleep, meanwhile this semen demon gets to keep killing mean with her massive bazongas.
Talk about a body count.
It's optional, but I think it is related to a certain questline I'm not sure
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It's not really important to my previous post but there is no direct confirmation. Three options listed in order of likelihood based on my assumptions and guesswork.
>Some guy (more likely than you would think considering we never learned who the mother was for most of Gwyn's children)
>Millicent style fatherless offshoot
Some random would be at the top of my list but Messmer looks like Miquella and Malenia mixed together. That is an outstanding and heavy piece of evidence that gets thrown out by doubters because there is no item description outright telling us. We know Radagon is the twins' father. Messmer looks like them all in some way. It really seems like the game wants the player to reach the conclusion that Radagon is the father. Which is why we get into the territory of people believing there must be some grand twist. Problem is there is no indication of a twist. We have a lot of signs pointing to Radagon and then the story ends. And with Fromsoft outright confirming they are moving on from the Elden Ring IP, there won't be anytime soon. It's just obvious. It's like Miquella being Griffith and the final boss. Doubters and contrarians insisted otherwise pre launch. When it finally launched and everything played out, they were throwing nonstop tantrums about Miquella's character assassination. They were SHOCKED by what most people thought was obvious. I digress. The reason I doubt Millicent-style offshoot is Messmer being male and having a lot of Radagon's traits. But we also don't know the nature of the offshoot births. Millicent and her sisters all seemed like direct clones or parts of Malenia. With Millicent being the only non failed clone. And Godfrey? I don't really see it. Can't be completely thrown out (just like all the other possibilities) as he fathered other children but I haven't seen anything convincing otherwise.
Marika has a cursed womb and must die and it's her fault
>dancing lion fists
Would've been kino
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Too gay.

/erg/ is a big fat milkers thread.
probably, you're playing a video game. how old were you when you first played souls?
This should’ve been a big ass chomper weapon sigh with a funny dance weaponart that’s like the ds3 dlc halberd that has a 1/3 chance to either shit a bomb, scream, or endure— except the lion chomper would cycle through each element shown in the boss fight
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Legacy design that was appropriate for one narrative but not for the subsequent ones. Most of the game mechanics make no sense because this isn't Demon's Souls.
1. you are a confirmed retard if you think incantations are OP
2. The only incantation I used that fight was Horns
3. calling anyone who did that fight solo a bitch when you are a shitter summoner is BEYOND laughable, get your life together
I was in my 20s when they came out.
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I'm retarded and wrote
>Three options
when I ended up changing it to four halfway through typing
what does "close ties" mean? we're completely missing a motive here, why would she do this?
the hornsent are a people blessed by the crucible with horns. they look like normal people. the omens are monstrosities with growths all over their bodies. they both have to do with the crucible, but the omens are more cursed beings
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>that empty feeling knowing you're nearing the end of the DLC and won't have any kino Fromsoft game to play for years
fuck. it got me thinking about how Miyazaki would never top this game honestly. is this his peak? I know he said he is still working on his "perfect game" but honestly what can he possibly do?


Give me Bloodborne trick weapons (quality weapons with thoughout movesets) and Sekiro combat (but with Kuros Charm and Demon bell active at all times beside spamming L1 is too easy) AND put that in a brand new amazing open world with a rich story just like ER (get some good writer to write you beginning again).
It's over
Thanks for the lore speculation, really interesting stuff
god caelid feels so stupid, you can just take a warp gate from fort gael to redmane castle and there are literally no enemies there
more rpg
less souls
simple as
How the fuck do you beat Rahdan as a mage?
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>The Lands Between have fallen
>Thousands must burn
Messmer - 8.5"
Godwyn - 4"
Morgott - 13"
Mohg - 18"
Rykard - 6"
Radahn - 11"
Miquella - 2"
Malenia - 14"
Marika - 8"
No such thing, you have low testosterone.
What's the fastest spell you have?
>what does close ties mean
??? direct connection with
the motive is she wanted to start the shattering and wanted to get rid of the only dude in her entire family who gave a fuck about the golden order
I have delusions of Rya leaving Volcano Manor on her quest and somehow bumbling into the Shadow Realm and ending up at Messmer's bossroom. She's obviously not Tarnished so he has no reason to kill her and technically she's even distant FAMILEEE. Imagine Messmer being like an annoyed uncle who just wants this weird kid to fuck off from his brooding evil emo castle but his snakes love her and they won't stop playing together and it's fucking embarrassing because he has a reputation to maintain in front of his troops goddamnit and Rellana is visiting on the weekend and asking Messmer who this cute little thing is and he has to explain to her his overcomplex family tree and Rellana isn't even listening because she's pulled Rya into a hug and is calling her cute and talking about how great it is her sister's son had a daughter and the snakes are hissing and Rya's giggling because Rellana's scruffing her hair and Messmer is wondering what he did to deserve all this.

Especially when Rellana starts making pointed comments about how she wouldn't have minding a grandchild as adorable as Rya one day, but she'd need children first, and giving Messmer meaningful glances.

The only thing that could make this worse was if the Tarnished showed up. Messmer had kicked that little shit out something like two dozen times already and it seemed like the Tarnished had gotten the message to go explore elsewhere first. But it's the Impaler's unlucky day because the Tarnished is coming through the fogwall now and now Messmer's trying to chide everyone out of his fucking bossroom so he can do his opening cutscene speech but the Tarnished just goes "Rya! Good morning~!" and runs in excitedly to hug Rya and Rya hugs back while shouting "morning~!" in reply because OF COURSE THEY KNOW EACH OTHER and now Rellana is saying something about how maybe there's more to life than just sulking in a room all day, hint hint, and his own snakes are staring at him judgementally and Rya
>Fucking off with Ranni is a non-solution
Isnt Ranni also stopping outer gods from influencing the Lands Between and thus allowing people to live freely?
I dont think Goldmasks order ending is a good one because I dont think the Golden Order can be fixed completely, but its up to interpretation so its debatable.
Did Midra ever get embraced by the three fingers? Who even is this dude and why is he the Lord of Frenzied Flame? Does Shabiri know about him?
elden ring has two puzzle bosses I can think of off the top of my head (rennala, maliketh).
The fact that Messmer has a butterfly associated with him, just like Malenia and Miquella, also implies that he's Radagon's son imo.
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>only just now learn you can do this on accident after +300 hours
I really thought they got rid of it in Elden Ring, Miyazaki got me again
Still waiting for that source, oh wait, you don't fucking have one. There isn't a SINGLE thing in this game that suggests the two are different.
Goldmask's ending doesn't lobotomize anyone. It just makes it so no one can break the rules and ruin the Order. There is freedom and growth within those rules, but there are certain boundaries that can no longer be violated. This is to ensure the relationship between mankind and the Greater Will remains pristine.

This is Marika's ending because the Tarnished marries her at the end of the game. With Order restored and the shards returned she will be mended, with a lineage soon to follow.

They double down on this in the DLC with at least 3 references to the Tarnished being Marika's Lord 1) Messmer's dialogue 2) Miquella's Light description 3) Hornsent dialogue during Leda confrontation 4) Freyja dialogue during Leda confrontation (still never going to clear the game cause I love Miquella, praying for an alternate ending patch)
Are you saying I have to whittle down 50k hp with fucking pebble?
I wish the hosts would stop eating shit so quickly.
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He said his next game will be more metaphorical and less literal than Elden Ring.
Which I dont really like, but whatever. I think Elden Ring got a lot of popularity from its characters and (somewhat) followable story.
Souls were too grimdark for the average normie.
Do you rike it?
What motive did she have to banish the Tarnished while also charging them to return and wage war for the throne one day?
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>Rya healing the world through the power of Elden Cute
Is this game worth buying now that it is on sale?
>start playing the DLC
>everything staggers you into a 2 hit kill
Well this isn't very fun.
>swift slash
Jesus the sweat. I love killing losers like you.
Remember, the DLC is flawless! Anything else is badthink wrongspeak, must not anger the collective.
Its been 40 minutes of just sitting mimic veiled in the lobby of some Liurnia ganking deathknight "cosplayers"
I've done the dishes, put the laundry to dry, done a stretching routine, and made some tea
Idk what more to do before I just have to quit out myself and do something else
Where the fuck is the "good" pvp even at anymore?
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>more metaphorical and less literal than Elden Ring.
>Crucible energy
Nah, it's wraiths. They have cursed souls trapped inside them.
It's pretty good. How do you feel about hard games?
"More blessed" you mean. The Crucible is the OG holy power until Marika usurped the power of life & nature by tying it to her trees
guy who got into contact with the frenzied flame. persecuted by the hornsent cuz that shit is dangerous as fuck, so they stabbed that weapon through his head. maiden (nanaya) wants to nurture the frenzied flame so she tells him to endure (despair makes the flame stronger and stronger). he eventually gives in when you show up and becomes lord
yes. its easily 100 hours of fun content.
king shit, a true lord
in their present jealousy they ridicule and fear us but in the memories of all their futures they will revere us as legends
then why was she so distraught if it was the plan all along? it just doesn't make sense, shattering the ring is presented like a desperate last effort to correct things
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NTA, but Ranni and Goldmask both ostensibly provide solutions to fix the problems of the previous order. It ultimately boils down to a matter of taste as to which ending you think is "better". As an Aldiachad, I also generally lean towards Ranni's ending being better (not to mention how much better and more involved her quest and ending cutscene are).
I enjoy them in moderation. I played Dark Soul 3 and got up to Syullivan and thats when I stopped.
>He said his next game will be more metaphorical and less literal than Elden Ring
Good. Elden ring wasn't hard enough to understand
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What is the best DLC track and why is it Those United In Common Cause?
except for the fact that they look completely different and the omen are literally ogres
at ~14.3m runes per hour it would take approximately 118 hours to reach the max level of 713. if you can set up a rapid invasion system between many max level players against a player that is RL310 or higher, it is theoretically possible to reach rune rates of around 119m per hour reaching max level in a little under 15 hours assuming 3 of these RL713 invaders are dying per minute.

getting SL802 in dark souls 3 was a lot easier because speedrunning 5 levels from yoel could be done even in NG+7 in about 2 hours and was several times faster than even the most optimized lmao3knight farm strat with the breakpoint being around SL320 or so (i.e. where it would take more time to kill knights for 5 levels than to just do yoels questline)
because it's tied to the most kino "boss" fight of the dlc
she banished them for being without grace, but brought them back as a backup plan because the demi-gods fought to a standstill and nobody ascended as elden lord
Pure sadness
It is a game that's about challenging you, so keep that in mind. There are ways to make the game easier.
Well why do those wraiths deal holy instead of magic damage? Crucible energy.
Which is the best grace for farming the Divine Lion Warriors? I only really want the helmet
precious and made me cry
bayle the dread
not a grace, but a stake of marika in rauh
give me a cool build usable from the start but :
no bleed
no magic shit

is the guts build with the lion ash "too" strong?
holy fuck ryaGODS truly are the most intelligent posters on this general
>...this is what I've been carrying for the last 9 fucking months?
Real sad.
he's such a cool character.
>turns the spear that was stabbed into him as his own sword
its kino as fuck
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On one hand, I love this game
On the other, I think Miyazaki peaked and nothing he creates can top it. It was just the perfect storm.
From now on it will just be chasing the dragon. For Miyazaki, for FromSoft and for us.
>no bleed
It's literally free damage
She's a woman who wanted to see the world burn. Godwyn is her eldest child & clear heir. So she gave her Assassin squad to Ranni & asked her to figure out how to kill a God. She tasked the blacksmith to make a godslaying weapon. She told her remaining kids to kill each other for her. She wants everything broken & destroyed because nothing she did turned out right because she's a broken evil little jar
She did all that well before the Shattering though. Almost like she knew the Shattering was going to happen or something. And who do you think controls who has Grace in the first place? The Tarnished aren't like other factions who were outside the GO and worshiping another god. They were part of the order before being banished.
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Swift Spear sounds awesome on paper but sucks dick in reality. You constantly get punished because it locks you into a 3-hit animation.
Whenever I see a second phantom I know it is going to be a loss because when the second phantom eats shit and I'm left to pick up three peoples worth of damage the host is most definitely going to get himself killed before I can kill the boss.
I got my shit pushed in so hard against no bleedable bosses that I dont want it anymore
Purely because you like the setting or because you think the Souls genre has nothing more to give?
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I don't get it but I think it's something cute
I have faith in him and his team.
Imagine thinking ER is peak Souls.
You can put it off for a bit, but if you leave it too long youll be overleveled and breeze through it.
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>but the Tarnished just goes "Rya! Good morning~!" and runs in excitedly to hug Rya and Rya hugs back while shouting "morning~!" in reply
whats the running R1 do? seems like itd be good if its the triple hit
For Elden Ring 2, the main bad guy should be trying to make his own Elden Ring knockoff.
>Maybe if we make these spells accessible by a single heart people won't notice they're BOTH broken

she had to do it when the three fingers and the golden order were at a point of weakness, otherwise they'd just off her and bring in a different empyrean.
as it stands when she shattered the ring the royal family was in shambles and all of the empyreans were completely disassociated with the golden order. the only option they had was to imprison her and hope for a miracle, which allowed the rest of her plan to play out.
Ranni's basically foregoing grace and all Greater Will's influence because she views the Fingers as corrupt, inept and no longer suited for their role as heads of the clergy (they aren't as is revealed when they haven't talked with the Greater Will for millennia). This is a mistake because while the clergy are corrupt, the Creator God remains real. This means she's greatly delaying mankind reconnecting with God, along with opening the flood gates of the Land's Between to be influenced by Outer Gods (who are separate from the creator deity the Greater Will) with no divine protection to deter them.

Needless to say, it's going to be a hectic and bloody Age that resembles atheistic-authoritarian regimes in the early 1900s.
This is the guy shitting on people who used the npc summons? This build?
I've got a question for people saying marika conspired with rani to steal destined death.
Couldn't she just ask it back from her own pet instead of hiring assassins and a witch who hate her guts?
Running R1 is a single stab.
>entire sequel is a metaphor about how they can never really make a sequel to the original
FLCL moment
it's intended for people around level 20 to 30 or so. if you've already cleared out stormveil, then you'll find siofra enemies quite easy to dispatch. be warned though that the actual circumstance of them fighting you is very heavily one-sided in their favor. i also recommend bringing some lightning resist
Am I missing something or is Electrocharge completely worthless
Holy fucking kino. I thought this was what the DLC was going to be, except with Ranni as Miquella and the final boss being Godwyn instead.
so why was she distraught? lol
yes? i dont see how that contradicts what i said
>banish tarnished
>time passes
>someone steals death and kills godwyn, among other demi-gods
>recognize the weakness of the golden order and decide to make your children fight for it
>task hewg with making a weapon that can kill the ring (beast) itself
>have the tarnished as a backup plan
where does it say she planned all this *before* godwyn died?
No. Maliketh is a shadow like Blaidd and probably would have killed her if she was turning against the fingers. She needed to make Maliketh a fall guy and gaslight him into thinking he caused the night of black knives through his own incompetence.
This is why Maliketh/Gurrang is so broken.
The bairns have the souls of dead babies tied to them. They are perfect little Crucible babies that are holy & unjustly killed by Marika & her dogma & fear
How are the ghostflame/death rite weapons & death spells? Kinda wanna go for a gimmick run. The new ash & new spells make any difference?
>on my third playthrough of the DLC
>lets do a coop playthrough and summon randoms
>get invaded
>guy uses Deathblight Glitch immediately
>falls off a cliff and kills himself like a fucking retard
>full 100% clear this legacy dungeon
>another invader
>it's the same fucking guy
>immediately comes in with the chainsaw glitch
>too bad we're already at the boss room door and we go inside
>kill the boss
>a whole day later, near the end of the DLC
>guy comes in and immediately tries to chainsaw glitch me
>it's the same fucking guy he's either still seething hard about me or the guy is literally trying to cheat in every single invasion
>gets run down and killed before he can chainsaw
>Greater Will
goldmask is a retard unaware that the greater will isnt even there and hasnt been for so long that even marika never got in contact with it through the fingers
DS2 already did the metanarrative by being about the failed development of the original DS2.
im going to tie those stupid fucking snakes together in a knot
Death ritual spear AoW is completely busted
Where is it stated that GW is THE one true creator god above all others? As I understood it GW was just another Outer God.
best post in this thread
its worthless
According to Google Translate:
>I'm here again
>As expected, the king's vessel that I chose
>Only the body is good
>Just the body
>I wish you would be more kind
>Gugimasu (?)
>I'm going to cum here
I'll shape (?) off my body and throw it away here
but the golden order wasn't at a point of weakness before godwyn died, the rune of death being stolen fucked it all up. you're talking about things that happen after godywn's death, why would she instigate this?

What!!!!!!!! Whyyyy
I would feed them sour candy and see if it makes Messmer flinch
Which one would you become a consort to?
Neither one has a pussy
i still love the gameplay but the push for more action and flashy attacks and long drawn-out combos has quite literally pushed the gameplay to it's limits
there isn't any actual way to make things crazier without just making things explicitly unfun, things are already getting too annoying for how difficult they are to deal with
they either have to go back to the more methodical strategy-focused gameplay of des or das1, or go the sekiro route and give the player more abilities so they have more answers to crazy bullshit attack strings than just "roll until you can get 1 hit in which might be immediately punished anyway"
Miquella has at least two confirmed holes.
Oh very cool
>i dont see how that contradicts what i said
You should work on your reading comprehension then.
>My Lord, and thy warriors. I divest each of thee of thy grace. With thine eyes dimmed, ye will be driven from the Lands Between. Ye will wage war in a land afar, where ye will live, and die.
>Then, after thy death, I will give back what I once claimed. Return to the Lands Between, wage war, and brandish the Elden Ring. Grow strong in the face of death. Warriors of my lord. Lord Godfrey.
so sour candy is okay but not tying them up?
>be getting summoned for radahn
>spawn in
>already see mindbroken fag phantom with fingerprint shield and ant spur
Looks like I'm chilling outside the boss room until the host dies.
because ranni fucked up the plan by doing her half death bullshit
>the golden order wasn't at a point of weakness before godwyn died, the rune of death being stolen fucked it all up.
yeah no shit retard anon
>why would she instigate this?
she didn't ranni did. marika was simply opportunistic.

he refuses to beat the game
it's cute
>go the sekiro route and give the player more abilities so they have more answers
Deflecting Hardtear suggests this is the path they're leaning towards. Would not be surprised if the next game's combat is significantly revamped to accommodate for the increased offensive ability if enemies and bosses.
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>57 stamina to shoot an R2 fist projectile that travels less distance than a polearm and loses over 50% of its damage past that point

BTW this speech tells you exactly how death works in this world. Only those with golden runes in their eyes can come back to life & live eternal.
i forgot that part, no need to be snide. i still can't make sense of why she would do this, and why she would be distraught after godywn's death
>yeah no shit retard anon
what's your problem, you said the order was weak and that's why she had to kill godwyn. how was the order weak before his death?
opportunistic of what? what's the opportunity? a complete collapse of her order because.. i dont understand what she was after if this was her intent
All the other smithscript weapons are too good, they had to fuck something up.
Yeah, tying them into a knot is mean but like sour candy is like giving a baby a warhead candy or a lemon or a habenero, it's just funny and cute
I don't think From will ever go back to slower less action oriented games, even if they split into smaller internal units that work on different titles. They probably view the pace of DeS-DS2 as something "archaic" that they have to leave behind.
So all player characters should canonically have golden eyes?
The Shadows answer to the fingers, not their empyrean 'master'
Their purpose is to keep that empyrean under control, on behalf of the fingers. Maliketh was always their means of controlling Marika, which is presumably why he held onto Destined Death in the first place. You can probably see the politics behind him being called "Death of the Demigods." In other words, do as we say or your family gets it.
She's distraught because she hates life & wants to break everything. She hides her activities because if anyone finds out they'll turn on her.
>every mob enemy can come back to life
>the bosses can't
you know without open world we would never get cool moments like this. being able to almost everywhere you've been from one spot is pretty damn special
>explicit mention of the black knife assassins part of the assassination as having close ties with marika
>that doesn't mean anything miyazaki just put it in as le flavour text!!!
can marikasimps just give it up already
What are some cool arcane spells/weapons/aows? Especially curious about the dlc. Just got done grugging through with the god slayer great sword and I want to boost arc for drops on my more thorough playthrough
If the Hornsent survives to the pre-final battle, on whose side does he fight?
My bad bro, I was practicing my chainsaw. Was nothing personal.
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Evil bitch
Its because they are Numen, not because they were friends or something like that.
shit i stand corrected
Iten descriptions aren't canon
1. I loathe everything that specific build embodies, it's always the bottom of the barrel shitters using it that do nothing but complain about how unfair the game is
2. They're fucking annoying while fighting radahn in phase 2 because they sit there with their brain shut off smashing their attack button and it blocks you from moving around radahns base to evade the light pillars
Also they tend to die anyway somehow, usually by getting guardbroken because they forget stamina exists since they never learned the game
Do you guys think Messmer masturbated using his snakes?
but they're all numen women, that can be the close tie. they're rare descendants from the same ancient civilization
not saying your theory is dumb, just not a 100% confirmed things like you present it as
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Nice boss From very cool.
Why do dryleaf arts do no poise damage
fair enough
why is he sitting like that what a slut
>won't have any kino Fromsoft game to play for years
ac6 dlc soon maybe...
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your favourite whore is a horrible being. give it up
It's a contextual reading not an explicit one. Essentially it comes down to several factors:

1) The terms used to refer to the Greater Will (intrinsic and local) differ from the way the Outer Gods are referred to (extrinsic and alien)

2) It was their decision in the dawn of creation to break off from the primordial cosmic soup of the One Great and create "fractures and births" as we learn about in the Frenzied Flame questline.

3) They're responsible for all of life in the Land's Between after creating the preexisting metaphysical principles (Elden Ring) for it to emerge.

4) The Outer Gods don't engage in the same acts of creation. They essentially embody pathologized, disorderly aspects of it and seek to undo Order so the pathology can spread.

5) The abandonment of God is a often discussed biblical concept where he forsakes his creation after they veer off the beaten path (Order)
AC6 wasn't very good
I was trying to figure out how to get to the red area and scanning the views from gravesite plain helped me see the split in the road before jagged peak. I may be retarded but I felt like a genius at the time.
I'll never understand w*m*n who flick their beans to Messmer, he's lanky and gross and has snakes coming out of his chest he's so disgusting and an abomination
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Women love extremely tall guys with huge shoulders, small heads, long hair and mommy issues
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Cause they fear my dragon
Nigga you are punching people wearing plate armor and/or monsters whose weight is 5 times yours
cope xergite
ac6 is easily froms best game
>bad music
>babby lock on gameplay
>bad multiplayer
>okay story
I hope not.
Trailer shows Marika pulling golden strands out of some kinda cloaca

Snakes have cloaca. We find a giant snake’s skin near Bonny village

We find a dancers tomb in cerulean coast

Gloam eyed queen and her children all wore skin cloaks. The colour of the skin around the thing Marika was pulling strands out of looks the same colour as Godskin robes

Tanith, lady of Volcano manor and Rykards consort is a said to have been a dancer

Tanith is adopted mother of Rya

Ryas true form is a snake

Rya is blonde, like the gold hairs Marika was pulling out of the snussy

Thoery: Ryas mother was actually the gloam eyed queen, who Marika killed and skinned as an ironic punishment. Left an orphan, she was then adopted by a dancer who worshiped the snakes and brought her to volcano manor.

The talisman showering the flayed woman was cursed by Marika, just like the Shabriri talisman, who cursed the talismans of her enemies.
>>Crucible energy
>Nah, it's wraiths. They have cursed souls trapped inside them.
When will you finally realize that these are the same thing
why is the corpse inside miquella's egg so fucking HUGE anyways
women LOVE snakes, anon
like really, really, REALLY love snakes
>I'll never understand w*m*n
Nothing wrong with that. It's actually smart
holy shit you have bad taste
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>Hark, brave warriors. Hark, my lord Godfrey. We commend your deeds.
>Guidance hath delivered ye through each ordeal, to the place ye stand.
>Put the Giants to the sword, and confine the flame atop the mount.
>Let a new epoch begin. An epoch glistening with life.
>Brandish the Elden Ring, for the Age of the Erdtree!

>My Lord, and thy warriors. I divest each of thee of thy grace.
>With thine eyes dimmed, ye will be driven from the Lands Between.
>Ye will wage war in a land afar, where ye will live, and die.

>Then, after thy death, I will give back what I once claimed.
>Return to the Lands Between, wage war, and brandish the Elden Ring.
>Grow strong in the face of death. Warriors of my lord.
>Lord Godfrey.

>The Erdtree governs all. The choice is thine.
>Become one with the Order. Or divest thyself of it.
>To wallow at the fringes; a powerless upstart.

>I declare mine intent, to search the depths of the Golden Order.
>Through understanding of the proper way, our faith, our grace, is increased.
>Those blissful early days of blind belief are long past.
>My comrades; why must ye falter?

>Hear me, Demigods. My children beloved.
>Make of thyselves that which ye desire. Be it a Lord. Be it a God.
>But should ye fail to become aught at all, ye will be forsaken.
>Amounting only to sacrifices...

>O Radagon, leal hound of the Golden Order.
>Thou'rt yet to become me. Thou'rt yet to become a god.
>Let us be shattered, both. Mine other self.
>miquella's eggs
i wonder what they would taste like
Like what? I don't know what you mean

... out of 10!
Although I enjoy the hyper difficult bosses, I hope they move back to the levels and bosses being more of an integrated challenge, instead of the level being something you beat once and then you get a grace/stake right outside the boss room.

I wouldn't have to be snide if you read the reply chain carefully before replying. As for her motivation, I think the DLC reveals about the truth behind the relationship between the fingers and the GW provide plenty of speculative evidence as to why Marika would want to overturn the GO.
Why does caestus do a billion poise damage :\
at least it was more fresh than elden ring
Goldmask seeks to restore the Order so that mankind's relationship with the Greater Will can be repaired and they can return back to an Age of Plenty which existed at the Golden Order's founding.

Redemption was always there. We just had to look on with the intent of Goldmask to see it.
You can punch harder without giving your hands a boo-boo
Aren't the dryleaf arts just bandages you put on your arms and legs? Caestus at least are like hard gloves
Remember if you used targer lock (even once by accident) you didn't beat the game
Can someone wrap my dryleaf arts up to go.
Should elden ring have sex scenes?
perhaps, im slowly beginning to realize that the lore is just overly ambiguous and just plain bad in certain areas. wasn't the fat fuck supposed to help them tighten the writing?
But I spend a lifetime punching dragon scales to build an immunity
I am not a Marika fan I just dont believe she plotted to kill her children, the ring is stored in her and she already removed the rune of death in the past so I dont see why shed need to create mayhem to destroy the elden ring.
The translations are imperfect in this game too.
imagine what fromsoft will come up with now that they won't have old gens holding them back
They literally met like once and Martin just made some basic world building
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I don't understand why he has a body with which to divest himself of in the Land of Shadow, if his corpse was left behind in Mohg's Palace. It's established that they need to physically bring Mohg's body to the Land of Shadow in order. But Miquella has two bodies? I don't get it.
bad writing
the fat fuck made up all the lore and miyazaki and the lads created the entire story
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Miquella gets THREE bodies! Four if you count his forma de god!
Just trying out an int character for the first time in ages - holy SHIT moonveil is absolute fucking trash now. I know it was nerfed but there's not even a reason to use it in PvE anymore.
chainsaw glitch is hard as fuck and my hands hurt from practicing it
you're confusing multiple people for one person, retard anon
When they say Mesmer is 18 inches did they mean length from tip of the figurines spear to his feet, because the base doesnt really count as Mesmer length, or did they count the 1 inch thick base as well?
I'm afraid you'll have to wait for SotE 2: Scadu Boogaloo.

>wasn't the fat fuck supposed to help them tighten the writing?
lol. The guy has been stalled for 15 years on the penultimate installment of his magnum opus and you thought him writing a setting book was suddenly going to change how souls games tell their stories?
She wanted to make sure no one was able to fix things. Not just make mayhem. Godwyn was the clear heir so she eliminated him. She broke her own body to tear the ring to pieces too. Only after did Radagon have enough of a hand on the wheel to try to fix his dying body (he shared with Marika, & protect the Elden Ring as his final act. Marika is DEAD, only Radagon is even partially alive. Everything is running on autopilot.
Explicit sex scenes yes.
Considering Radahn's AoE tanks my framerate despite me being on a 4070S for 1080p, I'm somewhat concerned.
I genuinely hate Consort Radahn. Phase 2's holy AoEs are too annoying.
I will use hefty rot pots and a spirit ash
it's cool that it's foreshadowed as miquella and godwyn being the only ones worthy to pursue godhood by being the only ones to inherit the golden hair of marika
what do you mean
When did Marika create Radagon?
Is he the father of Melina and Messmer?
Was he a fire giant or some kind of curse by the fire giants Marika had to cast away?
People who believe Radagon is his own person, why?
interactive loss scenes
I bet george fat fuck wrote the story and then zaki and friends rewrote the questlines fifty times mid development until they had to ship out the dlc after 2.5 years
>ground slam attack that shatters the earth
>you have to jump to avoid it

i just can't. i can't ever. these are just a damage tax against me. what the fuck is wrong with my brain why cant i just remember to jump.
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>get told fire knight shortsword is OP as fuck
>try using it myself
>it sucks and doesn't do enough damage and i get shit on by ganks spamming lasers at me

im straight-up not having a good time. every invasion is 2+ dudes standing in a field. even in a legacy dungeon they just hang out at the bonfire. im so tired bros. im just so fucking exhausted. probably going to load up ironjar + falx and cheese everyone to death because i hate them so much. RIP my dream of being a miniboss fighting alongside mobs in the level in an asymmetrically fair situation. nah, just exploit game mechanics in unintended ways and destroy 'em. fuck it. consider this my joker arc.
Do the Marika simps realize that the Hornsent were bearers of the Elden Ring & are the ones that created the golden arc magic she uses?
>I've seen footfags lusting over dirty nasty fungus feet to the point of absurdity.
There’s extreme retards in every category of person. It only makes you look more retarded to act like the actions of a few represent the whole.
george didn't write shit, he came up with names and family tree for the gods, and that's about it
SotE would have been redeemed if there was an unlockable 30-minute Ranni H-scene.
well one argument for him being a different being that was fused with marika was him having his own will and opposing her
but i dont know, there's just not enough info. i lean towards her creating him personally however
why does bayles straight line fire breath curve towards you at the end
this shit pulls near 90 degree bends to reach out and touch you
what sort of bullshit is this
>interactive loss scenes
Elaborate on that.
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Is it true this thing has client side hitbox and a hit box vastly larger than what it should actually be? A couple different "le e-celeb" Invasion Streamers were going on about a video that proved it to be literally broken, not overpowered, but actually broken in it's mechanics, though I haven't seen said video.

I haven't died to it yet, I've seen webms of people using it and it always looks buggy as hell. I've had it used against me and been grabbed a few times, all times were literal Dark Souls 1 tier teleport grabs. I manage to run away with my off-hand BHS Mis and just kited them around and killed them slowly. So it definitely seems like it's retarded. Since then, anytime I've fought anyone with it, I've just spent all my time running away, turn and burning and using ranged ashes or spells or bows or whatnot.
I experimented against a friend with good ping and I can dodge it consistently, but when the ping sucks, I get grabbed like 8/10 times.

Should I just pull out some retarded bullshit and cheese people I see using it? It seems like a laggers wet dream.
>They're responsible for all of life in the Land's Between after creating the preexisting metaphysical principles (Elden Ring) for it to emerge.

This is completely wrong. The Erdtree was planted on top of the Crucible, which was there long before the greater will and golden order fuckery. There absolutely was life prior to the greater will.

The outer gods don't partake in the same "acts of creation" because the greater will has already got a foothold on the lands, which is why they're trying to undermine it so they can take over for themselves.

Like, your entire interpretation is just incredibly wrong.
George said he did "worldbuilding" and describes it as writing what happened in the thousands of years before the game is set.
Someone at From says something along the lines of them taking the heroic characters and their qualities and twisting them because of the shards they took.
>Hornsent were bearers of the Elden Ring
so they were the ones who used to be in charge of uncaring space god magic, and marika swindled godhood out of them so she could be in charge of uncaring space god magic
omens deserved it
that's still crucible magic, it's not golden order magic
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Only jeenine says its good because he spends 30 minutes per invasion whiffpunishing people with the r2 and then running away
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I am level 120 and want to go to 150
Planning on putting 10 in vigor and 11 in int.
Right now I am using a DMGS
Going into the DLC, should I put 3 into dex for Milady? I want to try some new weapons and ashes but I am not sure what can scale well with my stats.
you know like where you die to a giant lobster and get to spend the next few minutes doing quick time events while learning a lot about lobster physiology

Every female creature in the game has a game over cutscene where they “kill” you by draining your life essence down to zero by jerking you off repeatedly.

Like Monster girl quest
Radagon is a numan weapon similar to a mimic tear. He was used to be Marika's champion & to be at the for front of her armies of her Golden Order. He is the father of Messmer & Melina. They were born after the Gold & Red bloodlines after Radagon & Marika were joined. All of the Butterflies are cursed. Messmer was sent to the the Shadowlands after a while because he was a freak. When he left Marika sealed the Shadowlands. The red hair comes from a curse by the Fel God
It's 100% broken. Just use Sleep Bolts. It's a giga faggot weapon. That's what I do.
melina is the gloam eyed queen
The Crucible was where all life was blended together. But it had yet to be distinct and separate. It existed in potentiality but could not be given form without Order.
Pull out the ol chainsaw
melina is velka.
damn you've been seething in this thread for like 4 days now, i might switch to that weapon and hope i encounter you
I don't get what this webm is trying to show me other than some meta tryhard. Is that it?
Why do you faggots act like we give a fuck about what happens to faggots in the lands? Everyone attacks us on sight it's a massive shithole and i'd be fine with everyone else but my waifu marika dying
>with no divine protection to deter them
If the apocalyptic state of the Lands Between is the result of "divine protection" then the Greater Will is unworthy of worship. FromSoft deities tend to be pricks anyway. The people can protect themselves. If one random Tarnished of no renown can rise to greatness and spit in a god's eye, then so can others.
>Every female creature
every creature in general you mean
every single enemy in the game
Probably get more str and dex so you can try a variety of weapons and then respec later to a more focused build.
Crucible magic is manifesting Aspects. Shooting golden rune arcs is not directly of the Crucible. Marika & the Elden Ring are the ones associated with rune arcs. Hornsent Inquisitors shoot rune arcs
>has clientside grab
>absolutely fucked with any kind of medium or high ping
Yeah, just use whatever lets you win if someone uses this.
wtf you can send summon signs from the roundtable finally? the patch alone was better than the DLC
Yeah 5hr near/far thing is literally better than the dlc, and I love the dlc
>no madness
>AND its cancer

why did from fuck up midra's weapon so bad
the spiral is a symbol of the crucible. the golden arcs spell is an incantation of the spiral. it's crucible magic, like the crucible knights wield.
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Ironically it’s too big to fit in a jar
did they patch zipping yet? curious on how far you could launch yourself and possibly reach somewhere
>doing co-op as a phantom with randoms
>we get invaded
>some twitch guy using some RP build
>he gets shit on
>a whole day later I'm with someone else entirely we get invaded
>it's the same guy
>he's now using the Life Steal Exploit to attempt one-shots
kek I'm dying
Seeing invaders turn into this in real time.
you got all your logic out of wack honestly, but the theory that Eiglay (Rya's mom and mother to all other manserpents also) was the gloam eyed queen is about as sound as it gets and has been around for a while. The Noble godskin's seemingly random presence at Eiglay's own church is the strongest clue yet.
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Okay this is pretty kino
Why even glitch when he can block? What a joke
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I know I 2qs making a sex joke
I saw pictures of it online and the color looked really bad on it, like there's not nearly enough contrast 8n it or like enough colors, nighve just been the lighting
It probably goes

>Dragons have the Elden Ring, beastmen are the norm.
>Beastmen develop into Hornsent & Human Barbarians, (Divine Beast/Bird worship, Crucible aspects being of beasts etc.)
>Marika gets mad, upsets the Crucible & makes life Eternal under the Erdtree
I am Ranni and Miquella’s consort
ancient ruins of rauh was the one area in the dlc i actually fucking hated
Torrent is super significant for reasons that have yet to be revealed or understood
Cutest quest in the game
I thought they fixed Deathblight Torch?
i got fucking bamboozled, am im mad about it because i just spent all day losing with this fucking garbage. also i think i just hate invasions in general now, most of any near/far invasion is an open world one where it's just 3 dudes chasing me with overpowered bullshit being spammed.

im literally just gonna start doing this and i don't even care if it's effectively cheating:
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>crucible knights wield magic tails, wings, and entire horse bodies
>morgott for tail
>mohg for wings
>??? for horse
where the fuck is our horse omen demigod
Mohg forma de radahn is the horse
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It's not the Torch. It's Ash switching Glitch. Old as fuck Glitch that FROM have never fixed for some reason.
no way that's real.
They both have horsecocks
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>Rannifags simp for this
This looks like the most unfun shit ever.
The furled finger's pause makes me giggle
so what is omen exactly. is it like some sort of cancer, indigenous to the lands between or something?
i can use my elden lord power to make her like pic on top retard
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we atmosphereposting? im down.

surprised Pedo Vaush posts here. okay maybe not *that* surprised...
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30 rune arcs wasted on this faggot
fuck him and his gay little brother
Jesus Christ... What a fucking loser. Is this the quality of "Bad Red Men" we have now....? Unironic cheaters and exploiters?
wasted how? they were used for their intended purpose
Which ER woman would make the best wife and mother? Marika, Ranni, and Malenia are all obviously out.
>who Marika killed and skinned as an ironic punishment
Far more likely that the skin is just shed Snake's skin
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should have chud maxxed
radagon is the elden ring
Fuck Vaush.
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Yes the Hornsent are worshipers of the Crucible & Marika stole their shit & claimed it for herself
>rauh ruins is so empty they let you use a horse there
now show the second phase where you get one shot
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Do you think I could dryleaf spam with Malenia's rune?
You say this like the Hosts aren't also cheaters.
Dark Souls 3 PvP and invasions basically turned into who can cheat better post DLC and Elden Ring is worse.
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>second phase where you get one shot
Is tarnished canonically the strongest being in ER?

I mean, this shit can either resurrect or predict each enemy moveset, can wield any weapon, spell, incantations others took years to master, gets almost no damage from destined death and can heal in seconds from even mortal wounds, can cure itself from scarlet rot and other deadly ailments, not even speaking about rune scaling power level.
You beat the game
>No Fingerprint Bleed Poker
He beat the game
horns are an overflow of crucible life energy in a person, and are meant to be revered. that's what the hornsent are. omen are a twisted, cursed form of this where they sprout horns all over their body that haunt and torment them
Stats & build? I'd love to just cheese this fucker dead & be done with it
would think he'd do the second grab and instakill but i guess it's rng at that point
Honestly of all the DLC bosses the one that keeps creeping back into my mind is Divine Beast Dancing Lion.
Man that fight is fucking cool.
I absolutely love the OST changes with the elements.
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it says something about humanity in the modern era when he's still so popular despite being an unabashed pedo which has been outright proven on multiple occasions. disturbing. how people still support him, idk.
>Let a new epoch begin. An epoch glistening with life
best quote, sort of ruined by the dlc jar bullshit
you use miquella's great rune to avoid that
fingerprint and ant spur
>admitting that you lost
This is why your generation is failing and entitled.
Might as well just summon someone else to kill him for you while you sit and watch from the corner like a cuck.
Bayle, Dancing Lion, and Midra are the standout bosses of the DLC.
What does st Trina smell like? I don't imagine she gets a lot of showers down there surrounded by putrescent. You think her pussy stink?
Vaush is a fag, but the shortstack goblin thing was a retarded misinterpretation of what he said. Usually i only see libtards and brownoids misunderstand things so badly
time to read miquella x malenia fanfics
You know that shit was unfinished when they decided to throw a second dancing lion boss in there
cough syrup
she's a flower you retard
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if you just ignored the boss with cheese then you didn't really beat it. go back and learn the moveset.
Based oldfag
She doesn't have one, she only has a human body from the tits up and her lower body is just a stem and roots
best fights
I tried to fight him honest with my DMGD & spells. Without a shield I can't survive him. I don't care about whatever self-righteousness you hold yourself to when I can do fine with my build every other inch of the game except on one boss.
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i still think orphan of kos is the hardest fromsoft boss. radahn might be number 2 though. it's been so long since i played the base game i forget how tough i found malenia, but i remember being able to basically no hit her first phase, like radahn
Her pussy juice is nyquil
You should have let him die.
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Love Ruins of Rauh so much
okay, done with elden ring
now which should I play next DS2 or DS3
I know a lot of people don't like it but so far she's my favorite
I appreciate that at least the artist
1) didnt give her giant tits
2) gave her some ropes and cracks instead of her having a regular body
Most Ranni art is "generic girl but blue and with 4 arms"
No elden ring boss is truly "hard"
You get more than enough tools to make bosses easy
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He's my favorite boss of the DLC alongside Midra, they perfectly captured his movement and moveset to be just like an actual dancing lion + the boss theme is one of the best in the game.
sometimes not even 4 arms lol
More respectable than shieldpoking summoning rotspam shitters. Kino, even.
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i really resent that you can just ez mode the game that's supposed to be difficult. and understand that i don't give a fuck that a bunch of anons will meme on me for this. every fucking game is ez mode, just leave us this ONE FUCKING GAME that's actually even A LITTLE difficult, requires even A LITTLE depth of knowledge and practice to win. but no, miyazaki needs $$$$.

it's sad. it's pathetic. but it's reality. note how gankers are always the literal worst people in the world if you watch any of them stream or make videos.
DS3 will be the easiest to adjust to but it's hard to play either of them after Elden Ring.
Mergo's Wet Nurse was harder than him, Radahn on the other hand is some bullshit. Even abusing summons doesn't make it easier, unlike every other fight in the entire game.
Or, get this.
You just haven't practiced enough yet.
He kicked my ass plenty but instead of bitching out and resorting to some cheese build I just made incremental progress and worked on learning viable ways to dodge his moves.
And now he's an absolute breeze to kill.
You know what wouldn't have made me get better?
Bitching out and finding some cheese build the moment I encountered hardship.
Why does Thiollier's body appear in Enir-Ilim after beating Radahn? I thought he was supposed to be sleeping with St Trina and you only summoned his soul for the fight.
i don't care about making the game easy. i want to play as a knight with a long sword, so i play as a knight with a long sword. magic, ashes of war, greatsword jump r1 spam. none of that is for me. so i will beat the game fairly and examine the difficulty of it after having done so
>letting yourself get gay kissed

>Mergo's Wet Nurse was harder
how in the fuck that nigger was piss easy
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this dlc took vistas to a new level
Yo imagine what St. Trina lean would taste like sheeeeeit
>Mergo's Wet Nurse
She doesn't even aim at you properly with her attacks
a game like elden ring can never truly be hard, it's why they made bosses so insane in the first place because players have access to insane shit that easily breaks the game in 100 different ways. no way to account for them all.
He leaves st. trina to fulfill her wish (killing Miquella)
You "people" already got several hard fromsoft games. Stop being greedy and entitled
Name one.
I don't know why but she took me like 15 tries, I 1st tried Orphan

why though
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tell me any flaw from this beauty
you can't
>b-but katanas cringe
you are cringe
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Orphan is fair though because you don't have to worry about being one shot with a decent sized healthbar and your heal animation is faster than Elden Ring's allowing you to reset your position to your advantage more often. That means if you get hit it's largely your fault. Also, the fight is pure kino and the atmosphere is S tier.
>Blah blah blah
No one cares. You don't get a medal for beating Radahn. All those hours wasted just to kill the boss once.
Weebsticks are cringe
Straight swords are for straight heterosexual men
are you here for spirit chewning
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This place is so pretty at night
>first post
>2nd post
??? what trina has to do with 3 arms
the contrast between those two comments
The scabbard clips into the ground.
Trying to do a "Hawk Tuah" girl build. Any ideas?
I dislike both these types of people
>shitter cope
>muh medal
Exactly why you will remain a shitter. You're too bad at the game to realise the reward is learning and engaging with and enjoying the fights. Not a single hour wasted as I actually enjoy playing this game unlike you, you absolute secondary.
Dragon Communion, focusing on magma spit.
I'm a married man with two kids and a 50hr a week job. Where the fuck do you think I have time for that? If I was a kid or a deadbeat like you I probably would, but no I think I'm a man enough to just do whatever I want & if you want to bitch about how I enjoyed my own $40+tax you can do so with your words muffled & your mouth around my cock okay?
Should have used the deflect tear. Was a very satisfying fight.

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