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"Stop crying about Radahn" edition

>Latest patch

>Main information document

>Character planners

>Interactive map

>Group password

who keeps making these godawful marika pictures
who keeps making these SEXO marika pictures
Bros, can I get some advice on how to coop?
any rules I should know?
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Porn fags are too lazy to make a good model for smut it seems.
It's a tranny on reddit
Reminder Commander Gaius is actually a great and fun fight, and all you need to do is engage with the mechanics as intended instead of being a retarded idiot
Here even, have a video https://x.com/typemoongod/status/1808740162467488018
Radahn is a shitty boss. Sorry Chud
Anyone got an Envoys Greathorn they'd be willing to trade me? farming for this thing is ass.
pc btw
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where did you get this picture of my wife and adopted daughter?
is there any strength build i can make from the astrologer class
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Can't chooose. Fucking decision paralysis. Which one locks out more stuff?
Is there difference between classes besides initial equipment and stats?
Nope, just go
Though generally, like if it's for the level and it seems like the host's first time, I'll like just follow them and let them experience encounters for the first time and not like run ahead and smash everything before they can see it
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This guy got his arm Vergil'd by Malenia then, because he reminded her of Godwyn/Miquella, she forced him down and raped him. Afterwards, he gave up any lordly goals, lost his grace and became her sworn blade.
No. If this is your first time playing just pick whichever appels to you most.
Millicent Blade of Tarnished
Why? just hop on torrent and run away, or equip a shield a tank the hit, don't just stand still, what the fuck?
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Rellana's Twin Moons
I'm literally 2 minutes into the DLC and everything two shots me lol
>Push someone in a privy; expect to get dung on your hands.
One of the most worthless NPC quests in the entire game.
I had a pretty easy time with Gaius on my first run. But that's because I used greatshield along with the new blacksteel greathammer. Fun weapon
>oh I'm also at 30 vigor does that matter?
She looks like she fucks Albinaurics.
Go collect some skibidi fragments
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i think they are a desperate cry for less awful pics of marika tits

unfortunately, i have only a vast collection of luminary mohg (mostly non-titty porn) :(
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For free*
Shut your whoremouth!
I would go with Leda rather than Hornset

The fact that "Well what is it" never came back makes me exceptionally sad.
48, but still. It's the price of fashion.
this but unironically, no other note has such aura
Marika fucked millions...
This gave me a good chuckle, thanks anon.

Magesissy BTFO by Gaius and his bvll
>general already this dead
>only posters left are tumblrfags and samefagging homos
its over
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For Kind Miquella only
I wasn't being ironic.
The power that gesture exudes is unmatched.
>Misses that overused meme trash
>Doesn't miss the most useful gesture they never brought back

No way! Was top tier.
>Super rude for PvP
>Actually helpful for scolding retarded hosts
Nothing has come close since. I get SO fucking angry when I'm summoned for Relanna and they summon Leda and my best option to communicate how bad of an idea that is, is to use the "wait!" gesture. Nobody understands it.
What's the relation between Frenzy and the Volcano Manor? You find that camp of Leyndell knights afflicted by madness just before the Fallingstar Beast, and the manor itself is guarded by a troll with madness, but there's nothing related to Frenzyflame inside the manor or with any of the characters.
Get a grip fag, she dies for nothing just like everyone else.
I think that effeminate fag you just posted looks like a mystery mutt
They cut whatever emotes were used to BM in the previous game. The only reason Elden Ring didn't cut "point down" is that its development was so disorganized.
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needs more malenia
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No Way! is ten times better than any other negative/rude gesture they ever made

They can't ever stop BM. They should've just kept them all. And they left in point down because it's important for communicating with hosts and through messages.
sniff smells like /dsg/ chuddies..
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I miss both of those, but the one I miss the most is the simple shrug.
My assumption is that the manor captured and imported that frenzy giant from somewhere specifically to use as a gatekeeper, and the leyndell soldiers all maddened in the camp leading up to him were his victims.
However I think you also get the hat that buffs your when madness triggers in Volcano Manor so maybe they were just torturing people until someone of them went spontaneously frenzy, or something.
Well what is it has the sheer unbridled power of smug that nothing else matches.
someone bowing after a 3v1 is infinitely more tilting than teabagging or pointing down
>Verdigris is said to be a gift from an outer god
>Moore, the only one who wears armor made of vardigris, is in cahoots with the Forager Brood
>The Forager Brood are actually kindred of rot, the passive ones you find in the DLC
Is verdigris a gift from Rot?
needs more penis
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Any weapon other than the DMGS I can run with this stat spread? Thinking of diversifying a bit but dont want to spec out of it completely
>this dead
Anon it's several threads a day, if you think this is dead then you need to play some less mainstream games for perspevtive, plus obviously it'd slow down. Most generals are like several days a thread, not threads a day
Scuba frags were a mistake, the open world was nearly empty and the level design sucked dick, the bosses ranged from annoying to terrible, Radahn is one of the worst bosses I’ve ever seen in gaming period and actively taints his base game fight as a result (one of the only good ER bosses), all the new weapons suck ass, lore sucks ass, furnace golems suck ass…

6/10. At least I know the Lies of P dlc will actually be good since it’s not being made by HACKazaki.
If you ever need to question, fall back on whatever decision kills more hornsent
Cold Milady
Magic Claymore
Nah, the shiteating finger waggle is top smug. WWIT is boring and unironically ruined by the giantdad memery. The finger waggle legit used to make me SEETHE. WWIT was just proof I was dealing with a subhuman memer.
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Tons of small shit infused cold
What was that one gesture in DS2 called where you got down on one knee and raised your arms to the air? I loved that for some reason.

ER gestures are pretty fucking weak, and the amount of them that hide your weapons when they don't need to sucks. It felt a lot better doing that fist celebratory fist pump in DS3 when you would keep your sword and shield equipped.
I tried to warn you all that if the base game was created with a bitter hatred permeating it, the dlc was to be made with furious hatred. We get what we deserved.
I don't know why people are complaining so much about Radahn, every loss I've had so far has been my own fault
>Radahn is one of the worst bosses I’ve ever seen in gaming period
Skill issue.
Yes. It's "rotten" copper and kinda poisonous.

>What was that one gesture in DS2 called where you got down on one knee and raised your arms to the air?
War cry? I think? It was pretty neat yeah.
ER gestures are incredibly weak and I agree the fact that they hide your weapon on most of them is ass.
>muh pee vee pee dark souls emotes
Nobody gives a shit
Fuck off already /dsg/troons
Did Miquella lock her up
I guess you could consider verdigris to be a "rot" of copper.
>beat godfrey and morgot first try
I overleveled, didn't I. Then again, they didn't have particularly difficult moves. I had plenty of heals left after both.
I might be absolutely retarded, I thought Deflecitng Hardtear is easy mode? But I am having trouble timing the perfect blocks
If we wanted your opinion tourist we would have given you it.
Just sit in the corner and listen in like a good little boy.
Radahn's phase 2 reminds me of playing countless janky ass dreamcast shovelware that were all of a dozen hours long but would randomly wall you with buggy and ridiculously hard content that was obviously not playtested, where the camera would fuck up, the game would grind to slideshow FPS or just obscure what you're actually supposed to see behind bad effects.
Kys tranny
Nah, they're undertuned as fuck is more like the issue. Bit of a shame, but nothing to worry about honestly
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>Marika pleases black men for money.
Marika pleases everyone.
And can impregnate you.
I agree with basically everything you said except about Radahn. Radahn fight is kino and a prime example of a normie/shitter filter, and if the game had more content like that, with actual difficulty, something to actually work for, then It would be far better.

As is, the game is far too easy. Basically a powerfantasy looter/shooter. Too much focus on "accessibility".
Who are you talking about?
Verdigris is a real thing, it's a toxic substance formed by the decomposition of copper alloy. Literally poisonous rotmetal.
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Looks like someone is still traumatized from a mean emote. Have you had your PTSD diagnosed yet?
The throat cut into thumbs down emote in DS2 was great too.
Man they dropped the ball hard.
Is the Royal Knight armor the only armor in the game that GAINS poise by removing weight from it?
everything could've been avoided if marika just fucked rennala herself
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yea this is the sickest fight yet
I miss this one but at least we got warm welcome back
I'm also trans and black if that matters teehee
How do I optimize the Carian Sorcery Sword?
The DLC peaked here, genuinely.
I think one of my favorite like unspoken communication thing is likebafter emoting with the invader, then like when one of you swings your weapon at the aur and then shuffles around to strafe like the sign of "Okay, let's fight now"
>my best option to communicate how bad of an idea that is, is to use the "wait!" gesture
Just use the "Wonderful" pate and leave.
toss into the bench
bad manner
making people upset after you killed them basically
me elden lord
me kill
>romina would be liked as much if she got any kind of cutscene

all the evil deity bosses were better than anything marika related
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I never crafted a single item using the dlc cookbooks.
Is that how the Japs phrase it or something? Seems so stiff compared to just calling it bullying.
You WILL be positive by force and you WILL like it.
Nah I just let them cross the fog then sever.
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You know, maybe whatever outer god is sealed under Liurnia isn't so bad. If the centipede people can be chill, then maybe they have a right to exist as well. I'd be fine with them having their own society in Caelid. Hell, even the followers of the Formless Mother can be alright, as shown by Ansbach.
*sigh* source please.
I never crafted a single item in the whole game since it came out, too much of a hassle
I crafted some new greases, I like weapon buffs
holy shit how could i forget No Way!
there is literally no surpassing it, I don't think any other video game can ever offer the sheer power of such an interaction between players
iirc, the emote even includes funny facial expressions for unmasked characters, they did not include this because they fucking despise us for disliking dark souls 2 clearly
I never craft items period, because I never fucking use consumables. I finish every game with stacks and stacks of greases and exalted flesh and turtle necks and shit. I never use it. I never even think of using it.

Not on purpose btw, my brain is just hardwired to ignore shit like that.
It's been called BMing since demons souls you absolute tourist.
He was a fair 1v1 fight as well. Very satisfying.
literally close your eyes when you die and open them when you hear the loading screen start, it's like magic
is this your first day on the internet or something? the fuck am i reading?
decay itself is an extant form of life after all>>485217509
Anyone played the DLC with inquisitor (maybe with divine bird/beast items) weapons and spells? Fun? Boring? Strong or not?
Why would you use it if you're going to die? If the damage difference isn't that noticeable? You don't even need it. It's too much trouble to craft more later anyways
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>lemme just give you ancient dragon pots but with a GIANT aoe
>oh and they are easily accessible and don't require any rare mats UNLIKE CERTAIN SOMETHING
Besides Sekiro Tear, any other good physick options in the DLC?
Gee whiz. 2 moons?
Now it's ove-
I'm 55 vig and i've got the dragoncrest greatshield talisman. I think that's perfectly good for the beginning of the dlc
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how did this shit fly under the radar it's so op it's stupid
Bullying isn't BM dumbass. I'm bullying you for saying something dumb now but this isn't BM. BM is being rude. Bullying is bullying. These are different ideas ESL-kun

I'm still scarred by it
>Dark Souls 2 console release [1 month before PC]
>Dueling in Brotherhood of Blood arena to earn CREOs
>Run into somebody wearing full Mad Warrior and Black Blade [this was early on, almost nobody knew about how to farm it yet or anything or that you could even get it]
>He effortlessly styles on my ass, backstepping and "No Way!"-ing me every time I whiff
>I can't even manage to hit him despite this taunting
>After about 2 minutes of styling on me and trolling he kills me easily
I'll NEVER forget.
Fuck you, every character is improved with big tits.
I don't even know how to build a proper int/fth build
I do this but unironically, I did it to hide from loading screen artwork spoilers, and I do it still to imagine that my consciousness is transported from my dimension into the summoning Host's world without pause,
roleplay is above all
Isn't it was the Statue of Liberty is covered in?

Yes. The Golden Order clearly struggles with dealing with decay. Would probably be better for it to be handled by something that specializes in it.
>rot grease pata
holy shit kill yourself
fucking new generation are snowflakes in my day we used to say GG good game and tell people they were cunts when they were being cunts and no one complained ever. you could even say "the gamer word" with unreal engines text to speech feature.
I fucking hate the future you're all gay, and I say this despite taking a liking to femboys.
It's not op by any stretch of imagination
>t. ranny
there's still shit that will 100-0 this balance is crazy right now
Get fucked together with your turtling ultra passive coop shitters
ok youtubenigger
Been here for almost 20 years and not seen that shit. What the fuck
>get Marais Executioner's Sword
>oh nice something for my dex/arc build
>notice it does magic damage
>magic damage is determined by int
>have no int

i dont get it
He cheats too. Then spams these shitty webms all day.
It's been a term for a long fuckin' time dude.
BMing as a phrase has been around for literally decades you larping newfaggot.

godslayer is dex
who are you talking about, retard?
Rellanna is beating my ass. I always get her down to maybe a quarter to a fifth of her health then die. The massive health pool, the damage, it's bad but what I really hate is having to wait a million years for her combos to finish only to get a hit or two in. I am not having fun with this boss.
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extremely. telegraphs his attacks well and has just enough feints where it's not super annoying. very fun to parry also. honestly a 10/10 for me this fight was amazing and the whole zone leading up to the manor. peak fromsoft here

wish the forest had more stuff and maybe a few more spooky enemies. wish they went all out with the horror here.

also what is with the manor and why is there like 4 different graces and 5 different shortcuts here? i have a suspicion that they intended this place to be much bigger maybe
it lets you double up on repeating attack and magic damage boosts, it's just a weird weapon
>Marais Executioner Sword
I think it was probably a harder level at one time and they toned it down but left the graces.
seek death
I gochu senpai
speaking of pate I found a blue pate that does the scared yell, are there more?
there's one more blue pate i think
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I miss bino boosting.
Elden ringers don't know about half the broken shit that used to exist and would go unpatched for ages.
it has a low enough strength requirement at the point of the game i am at to just 2 hand it
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Will entering the DLC break any of my base game quests?
I have Fia. Alexander, Jar Bairn and Goldmask left
The Scadutree chalice HAS to do something
It can't just be a ruse or scenic window dressing
It has its own icon on the map
There must be something, either unrealised and buried deep in the game's files or some sort of post-release content From are unwilling to divulge that explains its purpose
Can that little shota really handle that much woman?
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As one anon said in a thread some days ago:
"Sometimes I think you "on-model" faggots are just gay retards or femcels who have no assets and seethe endlessly at depictions of beautiful women"
That's way more of a str/arc weapon. dex/arc builds would mostly use blood/poison infusion since damage scales with dex and arcane scales the status build up.
Alternatively, you'd do an arc build with some dex/str to match requirements and infuse weapons that innately have statuss (bleed/rot/poison) into occult. Occult infusions are great and ignored a lot. An occult uchi is fantastic, can be buffed and can get stupider thatn blood uchi for example
No it doesn't. It had a bunch of fragments. That's enough. Moorth Ruins has a grace and a map icon and it's a 2 minute hallway to Bonny Village.
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>beat Consort Radahn in 10 tries
why are so many of you bitching about this boss?
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W H A T ? B A Y L E I S T H E S I C K E S T !
>no image of victory screen attached
Cheesed/summoned if beaten at all.
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high t men spend all their free time gooning and posting images of cartoon women to help other 30 year old neets goon btw and if you don't do that you're low t and a faggot and a puritan btw
It makes me think of "are you not entertained?" from Gladiator. Also kino vid, reminds me of the fucking around I used to do in the woods and gank city in DS3. ER will never had an equivalent because no auto-summon hotspot and no FCs CHUD!
so did i but

1. The visual noise in Radahn phase 2 is terrible.
2. Radahn is a mostly non-interactive fight, you cannot do anything to him except deal damage and posture damage (and parry); compare to Malenia who can be run away from, knocked down, or have her attacks interrupted by yours.
3. Only a certain small percentage of attacks are allowed against Radahn while also attempting to roll: things that take less than 1 second, and occasionally things that take up to 2 seconds. This is terribly unfun.

Unlike a lot of people, I don't find certain boss attacks wanting you to use a defensive skill or item a flaw, those are in the game for a reason.
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Dex sombers should have gotten frost. Strength sombers should have gotten lightning. Shrimple as
How do you onow how many tries it took?
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did they fucking break the "view recent players" with the DLC or something? anyone else unable to see people they invaded? i've got open world gankers i need to block. fuck.
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This one was never fixed. DS3's early broken bullshit was the instakill grab.
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also sick. bit too easy tho
Wow that sure is a retarded idea.
erotic roleplay general is a transfolk safespace
Every time i lose, i cut myself with a razorblade
Its just the same 1 seething weirdo samefagging it up. Pay him no mind.

Im not sure why hes so mindbroken, but here we are. Its funny to watch his meltdowns atleast
Bino boosting was hilarious for speedruns.
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>even the followers of the Formless Mother can be alright
we can!
this whole uproar about blood cult is blown out of proportion
we are chill
we are friendly and loyal
and have great parties
and sex dungeons
Honestly a lot of the map there isn't much to do, most of the fun stuff was jammed into half the areas. The red areas are what I consider underutilized as while there are a dungeon or boss battle, other then that there isn't much stuff to do there. The underground stuff I consider a separate area from the cerulean coast.
No, i can see them. Is your copy legit? No family share?
I play at 4k, my screenshots are 16mb, here is my compressed JUST for a faggot like you
>y-you must have summoned!
I N D E E D !
S P E A K U P , A N O N !
This but unironically
t. Gayle
I just got to the blue coast and that fingerprint areas and was thinking how fucking empty they are. Pretty disappointing
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is there any strength build i can make from the astrologer class
>image taken after the fact
Yeah we know you summoned and switched out your build for this image. Feel free to try again next time and provide proof.
Better luck next time!
top right has the tree sentinels, miko town, fallen star beast and some other stuff, I think it's fine.
The rest? Yeah, absolutely fucking devoid of content
if you're gonna post ai imagegen can you at least make sure you check the fingers
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Jagged Peak was an egregious failure. I'm probably gonna be angry about it for a LONG TIME.

>Get the map
>Realize it's a narrow linear road up to the peak
>Imagine all sorts of fraught situations on cliffs and possible new dragon/dragon communion enemies
>Get hype for a big journey and possibly a demonstration of Miyazaki's new "blur the line between dungeon and overworld" idea
>Instead it's three recycled world bosses and two falling boulders
That's honestly not a bad idea, ai might try doing that
I'm guessing on thigh, not arm?
its to attract attention
i regret making a mage character using the astrologer template
Can I use Miquella's great rune prior to the fight to avoid the charm, or do I need to activate it after every hug?
You can pivot into Strength/Int really easily. Stop leveling int once you get to the tax for the weapon you want (18 gets you almost everything worth using, but you can go to 20 for Fallingstar Jaw) and then build strength. Your starting FP should be plenty tmfor shooting out waves of destruction and shiiiit.
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>sitting pretty on a zero summon run, not even for the 5v1 Leda fight
>seething and coping that you can't beat it
why did you reply to me but not address my post at all
My wish for the next game: no dragons
How fun is the chicken leg on an Arc build?
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Don't care still gooning to Mommy Marika
i never played mage in miyazakyiv's games because i always found it boring
after playing 100 hours of magic in elden ring, i do find it boring
Wtf did I do my post wasn't even about sex...
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phrase where? where im from BMing means you clogged the shitter.
it's cinema

the latter, it cleanses the debuff
I started at my ankles
I'm up to my armpit now
It's like using a colossal weapon on a strength build except sometimes the boss bursts into treats for extra damage.
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What type of mental illness is this classified as?
>still no evidence
>still nothing but vapid lies
It's okay anon, you can just stop responding and nobody will know it is you after you make a new post.
You can post a screenshot next time when you actually beat him by yourself without a cheese build and then we'll pat you on the back and tell you good job.
I look forward to it!
i dont care about the ai image its just an image i found on 4chan one day to attract attention
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Legit copy no family share. I got it when it came out.
Yo, niggas. What's that i finna hear bout effect buildups be increasing with certain stats? Can i finna trynna increase my build bleedup with what, arcane?
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why so ugly?
I said please, post the source, you assholes.
>mass reply
auto filtered didn't read.
Time to hit things with the big magic rock then. I'd still hold on to a staff to cast things that don't scale, like Night Maiden's Mist and Unseen Weapon.
All of you gooners are successfully enslaved to the Jewish porn trap. Enjoy being a slave to your base desires. You will be culled when the day of the rope comes.
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If I cheat in the invasion fingers (or Torrents ring-whistle-thingy for that matter) and stuff like that, without bothering to even progress past The First Step, will EAC get suspicious? Or is it literally THAT shit that it wouldnt even be able to pick up on that?
Finna means/would be used in the same way you'd use "gonna", none of that makes sense
read the stat page for arcane on fextra
No it's not. It's atmospheric and completely empty and boring. It's maybe the worst zone ever in a Soulsborne game. Bayle doesn't even like... roar and make it rain fire or anything. It's literally a complete fucking travesty.
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>sunflower str/faith
>cheese build for Radahn
>you couldn't have done it because I can't
Noob here.
So my first rune grinding place were Trolls at storm place;
Now when I'm in the scarlet AIDS location, I'm the double dragons near grace;
Maybe there's something else I'm missing?
severe case of redditbrain
>porn is le jews
no but blowing up hospitals is.
stop grinding runes and just play the game retard
I've been here since PS3 Dark Souls 1
trust me, I know
Any anons running dragon form?
What's this nigga finna trynna say?
Yeah, alright
Why did you reply to me in the mass post? I didn't even say anything sexual
I beat the DLC but I realized that it was all I had to look forward to for the past two years so now I have nothing at all to do.
>Starting your sentences with "So..."
Fucking kill yourself you piece of shit zoomer.
Nah, porn is jews too. The porn industry is super Jewish. Slavery is very Jewish too [when it's not Arab or African]
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You can use weapons with some requirements like the Ruins Greatsword, the 18 DEX and 23 INT is for moonveil if you want to be a fag with it.
Start a new themed run
What the fuck are you even saying, monkey?
>thinks Jews aren’t behind porn

Retarded or a Jew?
You don't really gotta grind, but one of the better ways to do it is doing co op since that's risk free. But yeah, that place with the big fight is a good place to grind them if you're gonna
I run in Funny Form exclusively
>beat boss with cheese/summons
>switch out weapon after
>take screenshot in boss arena
>yeah man beat him with X Y Z weapon 1st try totes believe me
You are welcome to post the evidence.
Or you can continue to kid nobody with your vapid lies.
the day of the rope is not coming, get a job
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Tree sents and fallen star beast are lame, the fact that they're there for no reason I think is proof the devs know that these areas are empty and nothing to do, so they reused those bosses just to fill in the area.
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Post ignored
>some requirement
some intelligence* requirement
>try to summon Yoda
>not enough FP
yeah im going to 200. ive had enough of not enough fp ot enough stamina

I know for sure blacked is jews but you're being ridiculous if you think ALL porn is "the jews" (and frankly you're complaining about things the usual suspects aka zionists are doing not "the jews") take it to /pol/ please I don't want another 3 day off topic. but if you carry on talking about it I WILL reply with my thoughts. I will not be silenced.
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Behold, golems in their final form.
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I like how at the core of every single one of your posts is your absolute disbelief that other people aren't as bad as you are, really makes me giggle
>you're being ridiculous!
>b-b-but go back to /pol/
you know it anonigger
Okay, Rabbi
There's 3 ghost dragons
2 on the way up to Bayle
Bayle himself
I think I might be missing one other, but yeah, lots of dragons in this DLC
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Use the tear that nullifies FP cost.
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my loadout as a yellow for the dlc
>(and frankly you're complaining about things the usual suspects aka zionists are doing not "the jews")
Zionists and Judaism at large only disagree on HOW to achieve global Jewish supremacy and the utter enslavement and demoralization of the goyim. It's a racial supremacist cult.
DS3 had the best pvp
if the connection was good, so basically never
>Retard thinks there’s a difference between zionists and Jews
>Retard thinks all porn isn’t owned by Jews
Wow, you really are stupid, huh? I hope you don’t look up who owns pornhub, it might hurt your feelings.
>not being a retarded faggot with intestinal parasites is... LE PURITAN
The fact is, there is content there. The other areas are basically nothing for their size, specially the south finger area.
I like how at the core of every single of your posts you provide zero evidence to qualify any of your statements.
3 Skeleton Dragons
Obe on the pillar path, one guarding the Great Katana and one in the Cerulean Cost
Please please PLEASE respond
Loretta's Greatbow is better than Mastery to be honest, actually hits what you're aiming at.
>NOOOOO THE JOOZ ARE BEHIND...... the sexualized 3D renders of....... queen marika..... a character from a video game.....
take your fucking meds you absolute lunatics holy shit
thanks at least I can test it then
go back to pol before I report you for trying to get me banned by baiting me into "its the jews" on a video game board again.
>thinks there’s a difference between zionists and Jews
so, its literally every Jew yeah? you're mental mate.
yes they were the actual nazis this isn't news to me.

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>y-you didn't beat him!
>yes I did here's the screenshot
>n-nooooooooo! you must have cheated somehow!
>i want a DIFFERENT screenshot!
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Miquella boss without Radahn

I dont know, why not just do the quest?
What region?
The weapon art on the Red Bear's Claw (Red Bear Hunt) makes my FPS go from 60 to 30 while I'm using it. I'm guessing it's the wind effects.

Shame, I really wanted to use this weapon but can't because of this. I wasn't even having FPS issues prior to this.

Anyone else experience the same thing?
You know, the new scarlet rot incantation is basically pointless right?
>4 on the way to Bayle
magma, double, saxsex
>run in to punish malenia after scarlet aeonia
>she instantly goes into waterfowl

this boss is fucking indefensible lol. Yes I am mad.
It's pretty thougg
>I love being a slave to Jew-inspired porn!
Control yourself, mongrel.
I said you cheesed/summoned before you posted that screenshot and asked for proof otherwise.
Then you posted a screenshot of after the battle where your summons were gone and you had switched out your weapon.
And now you're strawmanning.
Feel free to post the evidence I have asked for multiple times though, I know you can't.
dude shouldn't you be beating your head against radahn right now instead of coping this hard?
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They're behind the degenerate society that led you to enjoy and share such things.

>this isn't news to me
So you accept that Hitler was a cryptozionist tool? That he worked for Jewish goals and that the holocaust didn't happen and that Jewish internment was a scheme for Zionism and to keep jews safe from warfare?
absolutely, I just wish it wasn't useless
what do you want? I separate screenshot showing every single one of my ashes un-upgraded? You'll just cope and seethe more and further deny my accomplishments. You are fucking pathetic dude. Get back in the arena instead of whining so much, it's embarrassing
bro if you care so much nuke tel aviv like fucking build the bomb and do it yourself, I don't give a fuck about politics anymore I just hope they all die. and wrong board.
Wrong thread
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>10% of Radahn HP left
>no flasks, my own health is at half
>thinking now I'll beat him, just need to be careful
>suddently he vanishes
>few seconds go by, all quiet
>remember his meteor move from basegame
>suddently, he drops out of the sky and explodes, killing me instantly


I'll take a nap now, it's been 5 hours and that's just today
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I beat him second try on my pure naked unarmed fists only run though?
I think you're just coping because you can't accept that people are better than you.
>actually hits what you're aiming at.
I don't have that problem, unless you're referring to the bottom arrow sometimes hitting the ground

It's there for variety. Dunno what else to put other than black flame or a finger spell.
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so is this whole area inaccesible?
god i love marikas mommymilkies
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>I'M the normal one and you're the weirdo religious puritan for not sitting inside and jerking your cock off to high speed internet cartoon pornography like I do
> so, its literally every Jew yeah? you're mental mate.
Yes…? Are you seriously this stupid? There hasn’t been a single good jew to ever live, they’re all evil.

You must be Jewish.
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Sorry anon but truthfulness is my main principle
I can't necessarily prove that you wouldn't just make a new character or cheat engine the unupgraded ones in, but that would be a start
What literally everybody else does when they aren't trying to hide something and post a webm.
Or are you too much of a brainlet to figure out how to make a webm?
Probably are.
You seem pretty dense.
Better luck next time.
i dont know
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I beat radahn on my first try

DLC? No, base game
What the fuck are these /pol/fag schizo hours?
Elden Ring?
1 cookbook and a fth dagger, 2 enemies and no horse, thanks for playing
>posts the lowest effort "meme" macros possible while harping on about shit no one has ever cared about
>"im normal"
no youre not.
>unironic yes
you're mental sorry not sorry.
>you're jewish
no. I was christian and white english but that doesn't mean much anymore since they pozzed the whole fucking world.
preaching to the chior, but wrong board.
What's the legit way of dodging that? When he went up I chugged my physik that 99.9% negates a hit then panic rolled a few times and somehow came out barely alive.
Unfortunately, yeah. Very weird how the dungeon has four whole graces but isn't stretched along that section of the map a little more to give us some space between them.
You're just proving my point
You didn't beat the game
I beat radahn first try so I'm better than all of you.
>>NOOOOO THE JOOZ ARE BEHIND...... the sexualized 3D renders of....... queen marika..... a character from a video game.....
i wonder who is responsible for miquella
what ungoldy cabal of degenerates unleashed this abomination?
>announcing reports
Hi redit!
> no. I was christian and white english but that doesn't mean much anymore since they pozzed the whole fucking world.
Oh, so you ARE jewish. We got a live one here, boys.
complete gatefront unalive

>christian white english
>oh so you ARE jewish
fuck off, I said was. my current religion is "go fuck yourself before I murder you"
>What's the legit way of dodging that?
I have no idea, I just died to him and didn't bother fighting him again
>you are... LE SCHIZO
>not let me post about marika fucking black men for the umpteenth time.
its not announcing if I haven't done it yet.
mods do your fucking job they're doing, -this- again and "why are you mad?" don't expect me to not react. do your fucking job.
Using the new staff?
>"Hello there darlin. Hows the Hornsent clean out going? Just remember there are juicy rewards for getting rid of those pesky monsters".
>my current religion is "go fuck yourself before I murder you"
Very Tarnished.
Murderhobo approves.
I'm announcing a report investigating the corruption at Fromsoftware games.
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You are a kike, either physically or spiritually. You will be thrown in the oven for real this time, Vile.
I love Marika so much bros
Whenever I see one of those 3d marika posts I assume that it's going to result in a trainwreck. The guys who post them love to bait out multi-thread long shitflinging, and the spergs who respond to them love to fling their shit.
Oh no...
Can I do Endure, run into the Gank Blender and cast Death Lightning before I get staggered?
I'd love to see some (at least passible) on-model porn of Marika but there's just not enough quality porn these days
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The idea of Messmer disliking Radagon makes me laugh but liking his mom makes me laugh

Did I beat the game? It was my first try against this boss.
Oh no I messed up the sentence
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I'm requesting Samurai-inspired fashion with this piece
>my current religion is "go fuck yourself before I murder you"
Inshallah, brother
no, PoD and Erdtree Seal
yeah man this was super skilled gameplay
elden ring bosses are totally overtuned
You beat the game!
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"Bandai Namco has announced that Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree has sold an astonishing 5 million copies so far. The game reached the sales milestone after just three days of sale, outpacing a lot of full games in the same time period."

At 40 bucks a pop that 200 million garbanzo beans. That means we're getting a second Elden Ring DLC right?
That's Marais' wife
You beat the game.
Game status?
This DLC never happened~

Mohg doesn't exist~

The Formless Mother doesn't exist~

Radahn is just a wholesome chungus battle happy Old order advocating shogun who wanted to be put down with his horse buddy Leonard~

The Haligtree is the true Roundtable Hold of the Tarnished along with Miquella as the Maiden~!

The Tarnished helps Miquella collects the shards of the Elden Ring along with the Elden Ring itself while tending to his cocoon~!

Everyone, including the slain demi-gods, are reborn from the roots of the Erdtree during the eclipse~!

The game concludes with Tarnished marrying Miquella and having many kids~!
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>Marika uses Messmer to kill her enemies then disposes of him when he's no more of use to her
>Marika uses Godfrey to kill her enemies then disposes of him when he's no more of use to her
Why is this okay?
its all going into dark souls reboot
>Consort Radahn rememberance has 3 rewards
super cool that they don't let you get all three in one playthrough...
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so long as the leaves keep falling the light between them will weave many stories
the last hurrah came and went
and so the schizos and /pol/tards return to their home bathed in rays of gold
for the empire resumes its wearied course
tra la la
Just bypass EAC and do what you need to do as long as it's not error items then when you are done boot the game as normal and all should be good. No problems personally.
Can you not remembrance dupe his soul?
>That means we're getting a second Elden Ring DLC right?
just copy it twice?
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>That means we're getting a second Elden Ring DLC right?
We found out that the big bad behind the curtain is Metyr and we don't kill it, it escapes. Yes there will be a 2nd DLC where we run the fucker down.
absolute last reply cause still off topic, im not muslim either im not any religion. "fuck off before I murder you" as in stop trying to push your beliefs worldview ideologies onto me I DO NOT care and I DO NOT hold YOUR opinions, period. this is denegerate thats good thats bad you'll burn in a lake of fire, I DONT BELIEVE YOU PROVE IT. you cant

now, shut the fuck up.
you can only copy a remembrance once per playthrough
>doing co op
When I turn my game on it gives some sort of warning message about how I can't use online features because it has detected something (or something along those lines).
how much of a buff is mushroom crown?
Oh shit that sucks lmao.
can't you use the remberance duplication coffins in the dlc? I don't know, I haven't tried.
Because I'm next in line and I can fix her
What's the most DANTE FROM DEVILS MAY CRY weapon in the game for a DANTE FROM DEVILS MAY CRY themed run?
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>camps in Belurat with every advantage possible including blues
>STILL manages to lose because he's a braindead retard somehow even more retarded than me
>look at the profile
>3.7k hours played
>apparently does nothing but taunter tongue and NPC ganks
Man oh man, the meta level invasion range is like a mental ward
What happens if you feed Moghwyn after dark?

He turns into a gremlin!
Same as the white mask. It's like 10% I think.
nobody cares cheater
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How can I become a skilled player like you?
actually he just gets hornier
>The game concludes with Tarnished marrying Miquella and having many kids~!
I'm male though?
that's why you don't invade at 125, retard
unless they changed the rules for the DLC, you can only copy a remembrance once
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oh ok messmer you like to jump around a lot and do big aoes okay
Pure skill.
I can't believe the jews tricked russia into bombing a hospital last night
You care enough to reply. Keep crying.
What is this? I'm not making an account
>Being so bad the boss escapes
>Totally DLC tease
Lol, lmao.
based anti-porn puritan
i got filtered at messmer bros. should i unistall?
right im ignoring you now.

Yoda unupgraded doesn't seem that strong against gatefront whats up with that? he was absolutely busted in the boss fight.
Banished Knight GS
With Godfrey the plan was to banish them to die to rise up as undead tarnished army that will follow her grace to overthrow golden order and elden beast
With Messmer I guess she gave up on trying to cure him
>Ironjar Aromatic

this is just cheating.
I would suggest switching Loretta's to Frenzied Burst. If you get summoned for the SkibidiAvatar it makes it light work cause you can run far away & snipe for a ton of fire damage
Big boobs mod for Metyr, as you can see by the image.
using any weapon that can't stagger feels so very bad.
Divine Beast Dancing Lion - 9.5/10, could've been perfect with a better camera implementation for the tornado attacks
Rellana - 9/10 - needed some sort of cutscene or spoken dialogue to establish the character
Putrescent Knight - 8/10 - Cool design and arena reminiscent of Midir, clearly an early boss. Could have used some more dramatic phase 2 moves or a visual transformation to emphasise the putrescence
Golden Hippopotamus - 6/10 - Standard big animal small arena fight, they had the decency to put in a phase two at least
Deathknight - 7/10 - On par with crucible knights for being well-rounded knight characters that could have easily been a top-tier boss in DS1, 2, or Demons Souls
Scadutree Avatar - 8.5/10 - Visually great, mobility reminded me of a Sekiro style boss, just needs more offense
Commander Gaius - 7/10 - Standard mounted cavalry fight like Tree Sentinel, very easy on foot, didn't warrant a remembrance. I don't get why people find this guy troublesome
Messmer the Impaler - 10/10 - The only thing I wished they included was some sort of post-fight interaction with the character like some of the other demigods
Meytr, Mother of Fingers - 8.5/10 - Lacking in spectacle, also could have used some sort of cutscene or direct on-foot transition to build up atmosphere
Count Ymir - 4/10 - I didn't honestly expect much from this guy
Romina - 8.5/10 - Same issues as Rellana, could have used a more interesting arena, Rauh ruins were probably rushed
Bayle the Dread - 9.5/10 - almost perfect, held back by the AOE explosions/camera issues
Jori, Elder Inquisitor - 5/10 - Par for the course for an inconsequential summoner boss, arena looked cool
Midra Lord of Frenzied Flame - 10/10, pretty much perfect
Radahn: Electric Boogaloo - Haven't beaten yet, hence why I'm seething and making this gay list. This one is vulnerable to strangely archaic circle-strafing tier tactics for a final boss is all I can say right now
>That means we're getting a second Elden Ring DLC right?
I hope so, for 40 bucks I expected more armor and weapons, especially more armor where 80% of the fucking sets lacked leg coverings.
>suddenly all off topic stops the moment I refuse to reply
tell me how you're not federal agents again.
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Ok. It's time to make a magic user.
or should I be dex?
Time to stop procrastinating and actually build this character for the DLC.
There's no way they're gonna pump out another DLC after taking this long for SOTE
After fighting and keeping losing, since he 2qs suprised you were Tarnished and expected the hornsent, and is curious about how you can still see the grace of gold, he 3nds up giving you the opportunity to give up and live as his courtesan for the rest ofbyour life

genuinely wasn't expecting Rellana to beat Rom and Gaius.
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hey do I need to summon Hornsent in order for him to appear in Messmers room after I kill him or is that not needed?
>Golden Hippopotamus - 6/10 - Standard big animal small arena fight, they had the decency to put in a phase two at least
there is a phase two
>Messmer the Impaler - 10/10 - The only thing I wished they included was some sort of post-fight interaction with the character like some of the other demigods
how did you beat him
Metyrs fight really only lacked a better intro, the fight itself has enough spectacle in phase 2
he's just like me.. my messy mesmy
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this is the shittiest weapon they've ever made. it's like trying to play the game with a broken straight sword. there is no joy to be found here.
>tell me how you're not federal agents again.
I'm a fucking neet who likes yanderes because I'm socially inept and like aggressive women who are clear to the point.
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anti-porn means un-american
you need to summon him and he needs to live
have fun asshole
Funny webm thanks for posting.

Same same. The blacksteel greathammer did so much stagger damage it basically disabled the boss. I don't know even how to deal with his moves.
How about the spear version?
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black as bog
>you need to summon him and he needs to live
that's fucking stupid i dont wanna do that
> Messmer the Impaler - 10/10 - The only thing I wished they included was some sort of post-fight interaction with the character like some of the other demigods
Haha yeah. I also like bosses with bad visual clutter, bad hit boxes, and who snap on to me. Super cool!
you're obviously not one of the people I was talking to before cause it was all about how porn is degen and jewish, unless you're doing this bit on purpose, which wouldn't surprise me at this point.
You run to the sides of the area since he only lands in the center
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You want to kill Hornsent.
Oh I thought you were asking everyone in the thread, my bad.
Deflect tear is pure kino.
By Metyr's tits!
>bad hitboxes
You can just walk around most of his attacks.
you will never get off mitsubishi's wild quest
And yet it is the most self-proclaimed patriot states that want to dig away at your basic rights to coomery the most
I am talking about the golden order of course, silly mods
>and he needs to live
Kek, this reminds me, didnt DS2 have quests that required the phantoms to survive with over 50% HP
It’s time for a proper faith/golden order build. I’d like to build up to to using Euporia too. I’ve not done a proper holy paladin character yet and this weapon has convinced me.

Any build advice? I’ve only used a few incants for ARC builds so I’m going in fresh.
I’ve done a prisoner with night sorceries build, that was really cool. Mostly INT but with thrusting swords.
He doesn't always land in the center. Plenty of times he landed at the corner where we initially fought.
>Broooooo there’s nothing wrong with porn dooood it’s totally normal to have gigabytes of porn saved and to jerk off constantly!
>Noooooo doood porn totally isn’t owned by Jews! No, I won’t look up who owns pornhub!
Kill yourself, plebbitor. Go back.
>summoned to another world as hunter
>host is emoting on a cliff
>red phantoms running around beneath him

why is it always fight club? so to speak im tired of fags
Why is everyone in this thread so bad?
Raksasha's Great Katana?
twinblades aren't really paladinesque
fuck hes onto us
im lvl 134 first playthrough and im going with the sword of solitude and i don't feel strong. i need to lock in
I can't beat Malenia as a STR build. What the FUCK do I do when she just hyper armors through all my moves?
>Time for my holy meteor attack!
>unlike last time, there is zero indication as to when I'll launch it! You just have to guess!
>happen to be just a tad off? Instant Death!
Not with that lame as fuck looking ash of war
Pretty sure cavemen were jerking it to those little fertility idols
St Trina fixed my sleep apnea
focking hell its ds2 all over again
mastery does only a tiny bit more damage than greatbow and costs WAY more fp
That wasn't the plan. The Grace is the Elden Ring, not Marika. The Grace points you towards Runes because it wants to be repaired Marika is a husk of a jar, she's not there anymore
just run straight left or right and it will never hit you
>Man messmer sure was ha-

nice guys
>still no good INT straight sword
the pain...
Just go with the leather thong goldmask bracelets & a katana. Make sure you get a samurai haircut
can't strength builds stunlock her with giant-crusher? Plus it has Endure
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this is the kind of damage i'm getting on the fully charged Flame Spear laser beam (just the beam part landing), with pretty much as many relevant damage buffs as i can have at RL133.
My ritual:
>lock onto fellow duellist as soon as loaded in
>Polite Bow
>Casual Greeting if I have recently fought them and it was fun,
>By My Sword if it was a shitter
>Jump side to side until they approach
>Never ever hit first
If they never hit first either and the match is about to end with both of us at full health I give them a sweet Inescapable Frenzy kissu goodbye at the last second
Yes. It was bullshit then and it's bullshit now.
This is true but it’s too cool not to use. Maybe less paladin, more angelic warrior type of deal.

I’ve just done a pure strength build so I’d like to move away from colossal weapons for this one.
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woops I forgot to summon him. fuck off miyazaki
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>1m people are playing elding
>maybe 10% of them are neets or streamers who beat the game = 100k
>of them maybe 40% bought the dlc = 40k
>half of them refunded the dlc = 20k
was it really worth it for just 20k copies sold?
i very much like the carian straight sword. Huge L2 damage, and funny R2 block.
he literally has a windup for the release...
>quick jab that deals 110 poise damage and builds madness in the offhand
>10% damage boost whenever madness gets procced (stacks further with the madness talisman)
>TWO guaranteed charged r2s when 1 handed and 1 guaranteed charged r2 + an r1 when two handing and hitting someone out of madness stun
>nanaya's torch is basically a free madness proc on anyone that gets close to you
>instant madness proc combo if you use the weapon art and land it
It's a good weapon on it's own, it's op when you combine it with any other madness weapon.
I'm trying to get some better webms but if you proc madness on someone it's almost a guaranteed kill.
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My new headcanon is that Melina was Marika's rebellious daughter who became the Gloam Eyed Queen tp spite her and fucked Messmer to create the snake like Godskin Apostles.
you should really read the stargate program declass files. tldr im psychic.
Parrying rellana and beating her dumb hag body up with frost procs!
Do the snakes shed?
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wait u lied to me he's right here. unless this is different..
Find openings, use a quick weapon and stay midrange. Alternatively grab giant hunt and put it on a colossal sword, does sick damage and launches her. Dont get greedy and try to chain it, cause she can waterfowl on wakeup. The crouchpokes are fast enough and usually long enough to interrupt her flurry attack if you roll into her and to the right a bit.
>source for my numbers: my ass
indeed it is, you failed
has miyazaki confirmed if marika is a pawg or not
and with that, later, I have dlc to play not /pol/ shit to discuss. not getting the former done while posting here.
>bait ceases when you stop taking it
I wish zoomies would remember the old rules of the net.
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maybe if you memorize which moves don't have hyper armor and ONLY attack her then
fugggg what did I miss? i didnt even see this dudes summon sign lol
>fucking STR scaling instead of INT
>L2 has worse scaling than the same ash of war on a regular straight sword
>R2 block doesn't benefit from deflect tear
it's TRASH
>still can't cast spells like the description says
I despise NOTHING as much as the Carian Knight's Sword, they got EVERYTHING wrong
Why do I wanna fuck the poison Twink so bad?
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how do i get here?
oh that reminds me no one posted the source. you're all useless.
rule 34.
Drain New Londo.
wow, you mean maybe if you stop playing like shit and learn a bosses moveset you can beat it? I must spread this news to the four corners of the globe, what a revelation
kek saved. impaling thrust is goated need nothing else
That isn't far fetched. Melina is the Gloam Eyed Queen but she's tied to ghostflame & the crows, Messmer is tied to snakes & abyssal flame.

My guess isnthat they are hornsent/shadowlanders who are using twisted abyssal snake flame to achieve total Marika dead
Shadow keep church district
You have to de-flood the area
>impaling thrust
>lions claw
>square off
>giants hunt
>flame spear
>flame skewer
you did not beat the game
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Because you are gay.
With this said, I'm glad that me kicking his ass in self defense didn't kill him. This was very unusual for this game series. He even lived to fight on my side.
Ah... it's reddit....
They are for completely different builds
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but the credits are going to roll
>placidusax ruin
>flocks, two fingers, lightning scorpion, marikas soreseal
>physick with FTH & lightning damage
>3 levels into FTH to hit 36 togheter with the corpse imp head and commoner clothes
>run up and explode
>altf-4 if they survive (they always do)
what openings? she just hyperarmors through everything than animation cancels into waterfowl???
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dont know why I think you deserve this after, that, but for anyone who actually wanted it
"your welcome"
Bayle, Romina, and Midra are my favorites of the DLC. Very enjoyable. Every other boss fight was just annoying. Thank you for reading.
My welcome what?
>posts AI slop version
I must ask. What about Leda
>liking biological fictional/real women means a man is a faggot who likes other men
Less time reading the bible. It rots your brain. Then again your side uses shoddy shitjack images so this means your ilk is inferior now and forever.
Hit her once and then back off after her combos, also you can bait waterfowl with throwables and she won't do it again for a while. Waterfowl becomes available at like 75% HP, and then again at 50 and 25.
If you summoned any companions for the Leda fight you didn't beat the game
Got a lead for you investigator bro, start at 'b-team' and 'Tanimura' good luck
>malenia did waterfowl twice within 10 seconds

This boss is officially rng. No one actually beats Malenia, you just got good RNG and she LET you win instead of animation canceling out of stagger into an instant death attack
>upwards chop, downwards chop
Punish these.
If you’re a strength build you can block it with fingerprint shield. Her healing is reduce during waterfowl.
If fingerprint is too heavy try a barricade brass shield.
Malenia has low poise and you can stagger her easily outside of hyper armor.
If you didn't summon for leda you didn't beat the game + soulless.
t. I can't learn how to deal with this mechanic
Radagon is orange ginger, not a literal redhead

>'fan' artist didn't play the game.

Why is this so common?
>still taking THIS long to kill someone
>an absolute retard no less
Nah it's fine
>Because you are gay.
Yes, but all I have to go on is his voicelines
At least with some of the other characters I have things to be attracted to like tummy
>Malenia has low poise and you can stagger her easily outside of hyper armor.
she has hyper armor on almost every move and if you break her stance while she has hyper armor on her stance health rolls back to 100%

Malenia having "low poise" is a meme when she's given a million crutches to offset it.
She was okay, not great not terrible.
It's the lighting
I had her use it 3 times in a fucking row. If you back off and use ranged attacks she will waterfowl you.
nta but there is no consistent way to dodge Waterfoul.
You can block it and not take damage but you can't dodge it.
>just stand away from her and
Already this is not consistent because what if you're not standing away from her?
summoning NPCs is literally for NG+ after you have beaten the game properly
>Retard that doesn't understand the concept of artistic license or style
Too bad he is a little buttslut that wants big bro cock.
You miss out on a lot of dialogue if you don't summon for Leda you fucking retard
>playing NG+
nah I rather restart
>nta but there is no consistent way to dodge Waterfoul.
>You can block it and not take damage but you can't dodge it.
You must be trolling. I can dodge it consistently and i'm not even very good.
aren't the man-fly just ds3 enemies
trash tumblrina style
>artistic license
Is this your cope for your mistake and the fact you didn't play the game?
>parrying the boss
You didn't learn the moveset = YDBTG.
>"I am Malenia, blade of Miquella"
>is actually an adult human
Was it autism?
Oh no, I missed some cheesy forgettable dialogue in exchange for not breaking my zero-summon run?
I thought the DLC would really rejuvenate the player base but online coop is still just as dead as its been. Why does no one play coop in Elden Ring compared to DS3?
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>You must be trolling. I can dodge it consistently and i'm not even very good.
Explain how. From which position. Close or far from her?
>nta but there is no consistent way to dodge Waterfoul.
Cooping means you didn’t beat the game.
kill yourself
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So we can all agree Ranni is right?
>waaaaah my run is just as legitimate as yours!
off yourselves summoner shitters, you didn't beat the game
>Hornsent Bairn version
>3-4 Carian Glintblade versions
What's the matter?
There's nothing wrong with tumblr, and I wasn't the one who drew the picture you retard
And either way, if you were picking one solid color to like color his hair as, what would you pick? Bright orange? Deeper red looks more striking and looks better, it's just a stylistc choice to choose
The fact that you don't see how like that would work as an option in art makes it seem like you never looked at his model
greatblade phalanx has very good poise damage
Ranni was right, Miquella was left.
You still gotta learn
>fighting 2h misbegotten
>he loads up attack
>he twitches
>he's still charging
>he's still charging
>he hits me
I wasn't looking to summon. I already beat the game solo. I just like playing coop and getting summoned.
>follow up attack is usually the same 2 or so at most
unironically yes it was autism
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>There's nothing wrong with tumblr
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>rotate around her method (also called spinning way in vid 2) and also basically what the "pro way" is
Not consistent. The way she orients and launches herself past you for the first swing isn't entirely controllable through that method. It works sometimes but not all the times. It's a valid way to try and if you're lucky hey, good.
>running away, jumping away, 3 dodges,
Entirely depending on where you're standing at the start. if you're too close to the first swing it won't work.
Fair but that's not a dodge
>freeze pot
Fair but that's not a dodge also if she's already frostbit won't work
That one I was not aware of. If she can be parried on the first swing then this entire discussion's irrelevant.
You did not beat the game, I am sorry anon. Go back and try again.
I don't know how to explain it well. The most important part is evading her first volley. You do this by staying extra close and circling while she's charging up.
If you have some distance you can also just run backwards away from her during the first volley, then roll into (through) her second and third volleys.
There isn't, it's a good site, I scrape most of my art and stories off there
That one actually wasn't from it though so like you can't even whine about thay
The most important thing is to have fun and to look cool...
Nta you're responding to but you're a coping shitter, the close quarters waterfowl dodge is entirely reliable if you aren't dogshit.
Cope more.
His second sweeping attack in the chain is even more delayed

They are a good introduction into what's to come later in the game. You encounter them early on and they've got delayed attacks and roll catches
Holy fuck anon are you the same one who has been spamming about Malenia for the past few days?
>Miquella: Malenia, you are now a sword
>Malenia: someone get me a lawyer!

context: https://youtu.be/kV2kP3bSvVA?t=72
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Surely with this many methods you could pull it off consistently
is there a superior weapon type or damage for volcano manor?
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i saw the credits and i've beat the game, i have ending achievement and all you can do is cry about it
Yeah it has to be, been the same absolute shitter crying about her for the last couple of days because he is getting filtered.
You love to see it.
If only more of the bosses filtered people like she did and maybe these fuckers would've just quit and left long ago.
>dualwield katanafag, colossal crouchpoker, and rotbreathspammer
>cant even hit the guys because they're hosting from fucking Malaysia or somewhere
ok enough pvp, back to pve
The throwing weapons sound cool on paper but the range is still so small even regular enemies don't have any problem closing the distance on you.
ez life
I'm not the Anon you are originally talking to. I have no issue with that particular image, but come on, you can't pretend/seriously believe that there is nothing wrong with that website's culture. It used to be alright for art(porn), though. It's a shame that Tumblr went full retard.
real talk, is summon ONLY a viable challenge still?
bells are post radahn(1, the og) and not easy to boost them
when in dragon form the only way not to take so much damage is either parry flask or git gud?
Just traversing the open world in the dlc is more entertaining than going through Raya Lucaria, Valcano Manor, and Farum.
now imagine a bad guy comes to your house, points a gun at your head, and expects you to do this consistently. Your life is on the line. You still going to defend waterfowl? Better hope she doesn't animation cancel into it after you staggered her.
not my problem, we both know you had to use shitter crutches to get there
what do you gain from posting such blatant bait?
>Red summon in as dryleaf dragon as I'm still testing my build & hate the arena
>Summoned to some narrow box of a room I'm not even sure where. Two furled fingers & the host squeezed in
>Host drops into SoNaF(abitch) stance on the wind up
>Cast back to back Greyroll's Roar
>Room is cleared

Sometimes i's good to be the dragon

>get summoned again
>Stone coffin approach
>roll from the ganksquad surrounding me
>target the host & L2 Blooms Twice
>kick into a comet, thorns & a impaling spear
>all the damage hits, all while locked in midair
>die from cloacahurt

Sometimes it's bad to be the dragon

>Summon in a midra's manse
>just a host & a password orange TurboTax
>dash to the hallways dodging thorns & comets (seriously is this the new meta spam?)
>horny warrior appears & stonewalls the dastardly duo
>time enough for me to dragonbuff & cast rotbreath
>dive in with L2 Blooms Twice
>janky hit boxes clips ,e over their head with no damage to them & a swings worth of damage explodes my health bar
>too late to retreat
>furious kicks & rolls
>host goes down to a sliver but their ally creams me while I'm hitting the host
>I die
>scarlet rot ticks on the host
>they die

Sometimes it's mid to be the dragon
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Shitter Dictionary Fourth Edition:

AoE Spam: I do not wish for the boss to have an effective counter to my summons ganking him and I have not located my jump or roll button as most can be avoided as such.

Unavoidable: I personally am not able to avoid an attack through lack of ability and/or knowledge

Built around summons: I personally do not have the skill required to fight the boss solo even though they are more predictable when solo

Never stops attacking: I lack the insight to identify openings in the bosses patterns and wish to be able to run away and heal while the boss simply watches or paces around

Input read: I wish to sip on my sunny D in reach of the boss whilst they are not in recovery and be unpunished for it

Unfair: I find this boss to be challenging me and requiring me to improve and I am opposed to this

Bad design: I personally do not like the boss but will frame this as an inherent flaw of the game
I am become bait. The baiter of worlds.

but its not an open world its an island.
I really hate how much damage mitigation is tied to talismans and buffstacking.
I don't mind having them add to your defense, especially elemental/magical shit, but I feel like in terms of defense, level aside, it's 15% armor, 45% talismans, and 40% buffs, and for physical stuff at least, that just feels like shit.
If a vtuber can beat Malenia with her meme STR build with big maces so can you! Ganbatte!
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Miquella has knowingly fostered an oniichan complex in Malenia
Plugged her with his brainwashing and with his dick probably, that bitch is pining for him like one of those animal species that mate for life
I wouldn't be surprised if he was lacing his cum with powdered unalloyed gold to train her like a Pavlov's dog
Please I need to find more Miquella x Malenia artists
What's the deal with the Abyssal serpent? Isn't Messmer the son of Marika and the Fell God of fire? What do either of those have to do with snakes?
I pull it off just fine when I'm at mid to long distance away from her when she starts. The issue is entirely when you're close range. It isn't doable.
That said, I legitimately did not know that first hit was parriable
Though I rewatched it and she STILL gains health back on the fucking hit. It's absurb.
>Dodging waterfowl
First you go like this...
Spin around
Double take 3 times
Then Pelvic Thrust
Stop on your right foot, DON’T FORGET IT
Now it’s time to bring it around town
Then yo do this, then this, and this, and that, and this, and that, and this
That's how I do it.
Distortion2 just did a summon only challenge for the dlc and it totals like 12 hours. I'm not sure if he did all dlc bosses though. It's still viable as far as I can tell.
i had fun, did you?
Volcano Manor is barely an open world, it's basically 2 linear routes, one that leads to Azur and one that leads to the Manor.
Works on my machine.
Operator error.
have to agree with this since my best defense characters are literally wearing cloth or mushrooms but happen to have talismans and buff stacking, and my armored characters suck.
poise does nothing either (im from ds1)
neat guess ill watch that at some point. to be clear I mean NO damage from the player whatsoever, buffs are ok though.
Yeah people have done it. It's boring as shit, but it's still a challenge run.
Like I said i'm not very good at the game. But I am able to dodge all of waterfowl 9 times out of 10. And when I fail it's because I did something wrong.
it's all
The porn exodus was the best thing that happened to it, its so much more usable nowadays wtf are you talking about, do you even go there?
anon have you tried poison flower art?
Most based elden ring NPC?
Anyone else here playing with KB+M?
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not only did I have fun, but I'm having even more fun dunking on shitters like you who are too mentally and dexterously challenged to be patient and learn how to beat a boss 1v1. Tell me, do you even try to beat bosses 1v1 at first? Or do you immediately just grab the crutches to get the experience you claim to be enjoying so much over with as quickly as possible?
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>summoned for putrescent knight
>enter fog door
>host dies before i can even get half way down the drop
>summoned for radahn
>host dies before I can even enter the fogdoor
>summoned for messmer
>host dies to the first attack
>summoned for gaius
>host tries to block the charge, gets guardbroken then hit again and dies
>summoned for rellana
>host just panic rolls and dies before I can get through the door fully
What the fuck. Why are PVPfaggots so obsessed with posting there clips when this is the average fucking host. I never see clips of you shitters killing ganks, it's always just retarded hosts who are fucking trash at the game. Taking a small break from invading to try co-op has just shown me that the average host is a barely functioning retard.
i'm in the exact opposite camp
Sorry I'm being needlessly aggressive
3 dodge method is excessive, never had any trouble with the one dodge. Also if you're too close you can jump and get pancakes which will give you some iframes at the cost of damage.
He's got an edited version uploaded on his main channel already that's like an hour and 20 minutes instead of the full 12, too. That's what he's doing though, no damage at all on his part.
The Leda fight should've had her at one end and her posse fanning out behind her immediately, none of this 'one at a time so your gank squad can gank each member one by one'. It was a perfect opportunity for a mass chaotic battle and Fromsoft fucked it up.
>They made summoning mandatory to progress quests again
Fucking why? They did it right in the base game, just have them progress automatically whether or not you summon them or not.
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No one causes more seethe
Bitch, you are not being aggressive enough.
Anyone have the gigachad law of regression image, can you post it?
>People STILL defending Waterfart Dunce
Why? You know it’s bad, I know it’s bad, everyone knows it’s bad. If you say you can consistently dodge it, you are lying. The best way to handle it is to just use a shield.
I used to play dark souls with KB only, no M.
But for Elden ring i bought an xbox controller.
your faux elitism and deeply buried insecurities based off low self esteem and lack of self-sufficient love are showing
Misread NPC as enemy.
My vote is either Alexander or Ansbach.
Your allies also come in one at a time, unless you're using some cheese gigadps build it'll turn into a 2v2. But I agree an all out brawl would be cooler.
>I am bad and cannot dodge it so I am projecting my trait onto everybody else and treating my subjective experience as an objective one in a poor attempt to validate my shittery
Translated from Shitter to English using google translate.
That's what I mean by L2 Blooms Twice

It's good & even if they aren't poisoned or rotted it's a great way to do a lauching kick to close distance, but if you get hit in the air you take unavoidable damage
I hate those autistic screeching retard with a passion.
Because usually killing both phantoms takes too long to fit into a single webm. Saving the host for last so you can fuck around is always the most fun but we're making 10-30 second webms, not youtube videos.
show your build amigo
My issue with the damn move isn't even the damage since if I want to avoid it I can just pull out a shield.
The issue is the health recovery she gets on the hit.
If they just made the health regen on her doing damage instead of hitting this entire issue wouldn't even exist to me.
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>The best way to handle it is to just use a shield.
anon stop it
Yes it's bad, but telling someone who is asking for advice how to dodge it isn't defending it. The only retard defending is the Radahn simp.
The most based is Jerran.

Hates women
Hates magic
Uses a greatsword
Leads his buddy Radahn's death festival so he can go out with a bang
>not really having that much fun on subsequent playthroughs, not really feeling the magic of the world anymore
>stop using torrent and the map unless absolutely necessary
>game suddenly is filling me with the same wonder i had on my first playthrough

wtf? does torrent really make elden ring worse? i kinda feel like it does becasue now i have to respect everything i see and fight all the mobs which gives me a natural progression in levels instead of that weird one where you go boss to boss.
I'm now convinced the guy who can't beat Malenia has just been baiting the whole time.
That's why he's not talking about Radahn. Not being able to beat Radahn is basic at the moment, but not being able to beat Malenia is older so it will have a larger impact therefore causing more people to go for his bait.

I have fucking solved it.
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invasions have never been this bad they're not even "invasions" anymore what's the fucking point
you're signing up to fight either 2 or 3 grace duelist tauntniggers that will chase you down the moment you spawn in or spawn in just to get sent back because the host fogwalled or invade 3 mages that will spell spam you to death
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>goes for the armchair psychology
>can't help but project
Health regen isn't so bad, the fucked up negative poise bullshit is malenia's worst issue. It takes all the consistency out of the fight.
The guy getting filtered by malenia should post some gameplay.
I need a chuckle.
>if only the boss was easier I would have beaten it!
That is true anon, you are correct!
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Yeah, try your stupid flippy ninja shit when being FLATTENED BY A HAMMA!!!!
Would it really have been so bad to just called Elden Ring Dark Souls 4? The only changes would be to have graces be bonfires and runes be souls.
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Skill issue shitter.
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What is he doing there?
How did he get there?
What is going through his head?

Dryleaf feet
Dragoncom seal

Blue Dancer
Stone shatter
Dragoncrest greatshield
Godfrey/Roar (depends sometimes I switch for shifts & giggles)
I tend to take her at a distance with MLGS changed R2s and spells so the negative poise stuff people mention tends to not bother me too much.
Heck truth be told I rarely die to waterfoul since I am at a distance. But sometimes she'll pull it out right after a stagger and I just get gibbed by that first hit and it will never not make me mad.
anon... it does not work that way...
>The issue is the health recovery she gets on the hit.
Specifically for waterfowl she gets very little recovery compared to normal.
I agree that getting health back from a 100% physical block is a little silly.
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>host is in enir illim with 0 scabidi
>somehow get him into leda fight
>past an invader + storm lion knight boy tag team
>he dies to freya

this is why these games are so much fun, the random ass shit you can encounter is wild

also the man was using a bow the whole time

fuck this cunt though
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I don't like open world games but I will say yes, the DLC map is better than the main game map.
It has no connection to dark souls so why would they call it that?
Now do it again.
Ha see, per hit yes, but waterfoul is actually so many hits in a single "swing" (the entire thing is broken into four parts) that just the first swing gets back a lot of health if she hits.

she has a second phase
There you go. No off to the DLC where you can hide behind a shield again.
The entire DLC is the size of Limgrave and has less content in it.
sorry but you didn't post a screenshot at the EXACT time of death to prove you beat her, didn't use summons, and didn't use a cheese build

Maybe next playthrough
Where is the best place to farm the hornsent divine beast bros with the giant spiral Thunder sword swings? Fighting & parkouring the crows feels like a chore & the guy right before Radahn was a one off
Congrats rescinded.
i run something similar but with poisoned hand in off hand and turtle talis + rot exultation with
45 vigor 15 mind 30 end 20/20 str/dex and 60 arcane to cosplay
this but unironically
where is the evidence?
didnt happen
When this happens I run away from them until they stop chasing me and then now they get no more invasions. It’s really easy to do if you can stay out of combat. I sat in a bush for almost an hour the other day before they disconnected, get fucked nerds!
>The entire DLC is the size of Limgrave and has less content in it.

Quality =/= Quantity
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>same height in game
>make the man-faced wretch tall for S O M E R E A S O N
hate trannies
why post such a bald-faced lie?
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Wdym, why would you want me to be?
But anyway my main point is I've found it way way easier to use nowadays after it, there's way less just things that are like focused on pjmping out porn and trying to turn you on while trying to talk about ir find out about any given topic
Plus it's not like it's some super restrictive "THERE WILL BE NO MORE NIPPLES OR ANYTHING THAT WOULD BE UNCOUTH", its still like really open for art and like writing is still very on the table
Third playthrough of the DLC atm, gotta say Rellana might just be an all-time boss for me. Just so fun to fight every single time.
I wish the gavel wasn't so bad for pve
>shit story with no loli to help like the painter just ends in desolation and base game endings
>spirit ashes
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>Radahn thinks he can beat me with only one wife
Pathetic sort ahead
my biggest problem with the map is how compartmentalized it all is. I don't like fast traveling in open world games - I feel like if fast traveling is the most engaging way to get around, it's a failure of the map. I NEVER fast travel in Breath of the Wild or RDR2, because just vibing in their worlds is so much of the fun.

Elden Ring's "open world" is more 3 separate maps all gated off from each other, and even in the Limgrave/Liurnia/Caelid area there's very strict, linear paths between the major areas. Just being able to somehow go from Liurnia to Caelid without having to follow the same path every time would be nice.
I just stack defense talismans, even up close and spam rolling you should be able to tank waterfowl. Though that never feels good so I never greed after getting a crit.
None of the dark souls have any real connection to each other besides callbacks.
veryu cute
Bambieshart XDD
Althoughbeifully XD
Glimmer Tugs XD


Tarnivorous XDD
does faith in your case provides any scaling to damage/defense or it's just 36 for dragon spells?
Limgrave has 2 legacy dungeons and 13 smaller dungeons
SOTE has 5 legacy dungeons, 6 smaller dungeons with bosses, and the 3 forges (or 4, forget how many)
Also not sure to count the forts but, Limgrave has 2 and SOTE has 2 as well.
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Shadow of the Erdtree if it was good
Isn't it like "boldfaced" not "baldfaced"
They should've connected everything in the underground, that would've been sick. But then the game might not have released until 2022 or something.
Now tell me that I'm bad and didn't beat the game because it's probably true lmao
why does fextralife congratulate me for leaving a comment
i unironically love getting summoned for Divine Tower of Caelid, no one ever makes it down there and it's never not funny
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>Bimbo Marika feet
>powerstanced UGS
>lions claw
yeah you didn't beat it
you probably wouldn't have been relying entirely on RNG if you weren't retarded and used rolling 2H UGS pokes to get damage in
Invade at enir ilim and gank the lion knights. Make sure you hide most hosts don't read the invasion alert
Anon have you played Dark Souls?
They share NPCs even. Anor Londo was in two of the games.
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>+12 flasked
>raging wolf set
>no fatrolls
>riding in the land of shadow
>miquella in the backseat
Such is the life of the tarnished, am I'm supposed to be envious of the "golden-order"? Because I'm not.
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You did not kill your wife's favorite dragon pittie Princess who was just guarding her while she was recovering from her fight with the Fingers... did you?
I do use the pokes quite a bit

but yes I am bad and I didn't use any summons so I'm gonna take the W. can't wait to start whining about Prime Radahn with you all! I'll be back in a few days
I had a blast invading there on release. Just running around at level 50 with Force incant and wild strikes. Made a lot of people fall directly or indirectly through panic. Fun place.
This is objectively terrible boss design. A player should never have their entire hp bar wiped by one charge like that.
how hard is it to see with miquella on the back
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I just realized, did fromsoft base gaius off of Derk met den Beer? They both carry spears and ride boars
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these hosts are useless
>Elden Ring's "open world" is more 3 separate maps all gated off from each other, and even in the Limgrave/Liurnia/Caelid area there's very strict, linear paths between the major areas.
Thats a major part of why I like the base game map and love the dlc map. Having to pass through different biomes locatipns on your way to your destination is a huge part of that adventure feeling.
Weebs deserve to be smushed on the floor
Youre bad at PvE
>flattens blacknife assassins
>flattens knights
>flattens ascetics
RL1 invasions are pretty nice right now with ganksquads being kept occupied by the DLC.
Powerstanced UGS is a fucking awful setup
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she drew another one...
What's the next step in Ranni's quest after giving her the fingering blade? I haven't played the game since launch

I can't get locked out of her ending by progressing the story, can I?
Everything the Gavel can flatten, Piercer can knock down while doing it faster and from a safer distance. A fully charged Gavel is not going to land without a trade and that's bad. Dragons are not difficult to stagger at all.
I agree with both of these. I fucking hate how lazy they get with the travel.

>Bonfire warping
>Spirit springs
>Sending gates
>Meme coffins
>Absurdly long ladders just slapped wherever they couldn't be arsed to reconcile verticality differences

All fucking lazy bandaids to make up for shit map design. Japanese devs have never understood the point of open worlds though. See also: Metal Gear Solid V. And yeah finding out that the underground areas aren't connected either was a big bummer too.
No because i do not kill wildlife and i do not kill dragons, but i am no rannifag, i toss volcano pots down her hole at Manus Celes
>The current status of this trio of lie-and-liar descriptors is this: both bold-faced and bald-faced are used, but bald-faced is decidedly the preferred term in published, edited text. Barefaced is the oldest, and is still in use, but it's the least common.
If you return and she's gone, go to Iji, he gives hint
Should I go back to just 2handing the greatsword? I have no idea what I'm doing and just thought I needed more damage
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This could have been the next Moonveil, but instead it was just another boring katana with none of the flexibility. It should have had a stance-AoW where one is an attack chain and the other is the evasive upwards attack. I know they like those stance skills because we got the overhead stance and the wing stance.
I was really thinking about using this in a night maiden build in combination with miriam's vanishing and night sorceries.
>after fingerblade
Go to Renna’s rise and continue through the teleporter there.
I wanted Adula's moonblade sorry
Why is it considered a katana? It's not even close. It even has a fucking cross guard.
Yes, it's way better. If you want jump attack spam use powerstance greathammers, much better PS moveset and more poise damage.
>Raging Wolf
Fingerprint is the canonical Tarnished set. It was worn by the Tarnished before you, and it's on the cover of the game. It's also relevant that it reaches the 50+ poise mark while the Raging Wolf set does not.
>but the promotional screenshots show the Raging Wolf set!
Yeah they also show other sets, like the Warrior and Vagabond sets.
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How would you feel about The Tarnished/Ranni being an enemy in an Elden Ring sequel?
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>A fully charged Gavel is not going to land without a trade and that's bad.
...you cant charge the gavel.
Also, gavel has AOE, piercer doesnt, that means it can flatten things not directly in front of you. And piercer doesnt inflict the same stance damage.
Just because you like piercer more doesnt mean Gavel is abd for PvE. You just suck. At PvE. Which is actually kind of hard to pull off.
Ohhhh I didn't know that
After two weeks...
i dont feel
Sharing my Orangebro adventures too

>Get summoned into Dragonpit
>giggle at the serendipity
>prwctically solo the cave for a dude with low skibidi
>can't be too mad, the fella wasn't bad & it's easy to get to the pit at the begining (but seriously not even ONE skibidi???)
>get to magmadragon
>laugh cause it's no true dragon
>rot it
>L2 bloom twice it
>hug it's knee & kickickickcickick while host pops magic at it
>magma dies
>dryleaf salute & onto the real challenge
>sprint & LEAP into the pit
>host stays up top for like five solid minutes while I play with my dragon peen alone waiting on him
>finally the host must have stumbled into the pit & realized it was survivable
>host buffs for another five minutes
>dragonpeen is chuffed
>out of bluejuice
>low on red juice
>kick dragonman to death for needing a weapon
>host stays in the back not really doing much till running in at the last 10% & almost dying
>laugh because he was no true dragon
>dryleaf salute & evaporate away

>Summoned to skibidi avatar
>pop lasers at its face til the host dies trying to face tank it

>summoned to halig
>escort the host & another orangebro to Loretta
>kick horse meat until she dies
>dryleaf salute while host dances

>Summoned to radagon
>do my best but his giga hammer aoe catches me near the end & I pop

>Summoned to radahn
>try to rot him but he keeps flying away
>try to lightning him by he flys away
>try to kick him
>I go flying away

>get summoned in unflooded church
>praise Placcidicks it's another dragonman!
>help him kill a tree spirt
>easy as shit with the power of two dragons
>bloodyfinger get summoned toward the end of the fight
>after killing the tree I turn around to dryleaf salute the host
>get jump attacked by red from off screen
>never saw him coming
>die from cloacahurt cause I was having fun with my fellow dragon
there shouldn't be an ER sequel
This thing is pre-nerf rob and absolutely unfun to fight I'm glad its slept on
to justify bleed and... I guess a slightly faster moveset than straight swords.
Only if it's vague about it, like Wolnir being the BotC.
If I want AoE I'm using Haima. Piercer as the name says, pierces, so it can hit multiple enemies. It's just far better in PvE and Gavel doesn't fill any niche. It's good in PvP though for mix ups.
>hoped the DLC gave us more Melina content
>Miyazaki completely ignores her
the blue doll fags won…
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What if Miquella resurrected a de-snaked Messmer as his consort?
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the beast claws have a fucking awful 2H moveset
small indie company 2.5 years not enough
Has Miyazaki ever said if the door is open for an eventual ER2 or is he done with the setting?
everything from mechanics to the lore is already vague so problems are not
>...you cant charge the gavel.
You can though? I'm pretty sure you can hold down R2 to prolong the animation at least.
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>LITERALLY manipulates fucking GRAVITY with magic and pulls everything towards himself
>Tarnished: *rolls, which apparently can overcome laws of relativity and physics*

This is why i hate these fucking games now. It's literally what Matthew said:
>these are no longer games where you outsmart your opponents, they are games where you just press the roll button at the right time
36 gives me Knights lightning & is close to the softcap for the Dragoncom seal last I knew

Cosplay what?
>these are no longer games where you outsmart your opponents, they are games where you just press the roll button at the right time
There is not one entry in the series where this isn't the case. Retard.
>oh dryleaf arts this could be cool
>the charged heavy attack is slower than an ultra great sword charged heavy and does about 1/3rd of the damage and virtually no posture damage
Jesus shitting christ
I hate these multi-hit attack weapons
They just lock you into overly long animations for mid damage
Even worse when fighting bosses that finish their recovery and are refreshed to strike again once hit once
You can roll through that?
That's fucking retarded.
>these are no longer games where you outsmart your opponents
they never were
who cares about pve you retard, it's a pvp weapon and that's all that matters anyway.
This might sound like a troll post but I swear I'm being sincere. I think Radahn is actually a fair boss and the only thing that makes his fight hard are:

>the camera (miquella's big ass hair blocks your vision)
>constant FPS drops throughout the entire thing

His moves are pretty easy to read, I had a MUCH, MUCH harder time reading Rellana's moves, and even Messmer. I could always tell what Radahn was doing (when I could see him and Miquella wasn't blocking my vision), and I knew how to dodge it. I killed him in 12 tries, and I'm not claiming to be good, I spent like 3 hours dying to Rellana.
>I'm sure you can hold down R2
WTF are you on?
Look mate, I am in game with the gavel right now, you CANNOT charge gavel
>Piercer as the name says, pierces, so it can hit multiple enemies.
If for some reason they line up single file like good little lemmings. But even in that case, gavel can still hit with its massive AoE nevertheless, so gavel is even better at hitting multiple enemies than Piercer
This is Haima, unless you mean cannon, which is slower and not as good at close range.
If they could buff the stagger I would vastly appreciate it. It kinda sucks hitting like six blows during a guy's windup attack but he still goes through with it & then I stagger
but thats the entire moveset
>he thought pyro builds in DS1 where high iq
>constant FPS drops throughout the entire thing
works on my machine
DeS and DaS bosses were designed more around tactics and positioning than rolling through their attacks. That only started with Artorias DLC.
The fact they even still have the rolls after they've made BB and Sekiro with the superior side steps is fucking bizarre. Rolling around on the ground look so fucking dumb. Most fights against large bosses are fucking retarded if you think about it.

>Giant towering beast the size of an apartment building
>Lore says they've devoured armies and shattered mountains
>They die to a midget rolling around in the dirt like a spastic, tickling it's toes with with a glowing stick
they are
the only way to make beast claws actually strong is by spamming the ash of war on the red bear's claws, that shit is actually good
Des was very much playable as a fat-rolling knight, which is reason alone for me to like it the most.
>the thinking man’s game is just circling to the left of the boss
I’d rather have the dodging game.
Oh I forgot you aren't supposed to roll through Sif's blade swings, retard
It's not that he's "hard" it's that his particular moveset & speed make him IMPOSSIBLE for many builds. All the new bosses for the most part are hyper aggressive & have no chill where a let's say Caster, can take a second to drink a flask or switch a spell
DaS too. I played hundreds of hours as a fat roller, even in PvP, with no issues.
They’re worse than caestus in everywwy lol
By tactics and positioning you mean sitting with your face planted in the bosses ass or sitting underneath the boss.
Let's be real here outside of a few exceptions dark souls and demons souls was still mainly about dodging or blocking.
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It's because zoomers love it. There is nothing more dopamine frying for retarded streamers' and nu-FromShitware fanbase's brains than making some absurdly stupid looking LE GOOFY FUNNY WEIRD COLOR CHARACTER XD (such as pic rel) and then do some weird ass big weapon and spell spam against a literal god.

It's such a retarded fucking, immersion breaking whiplash i do not get how no one has commented on it yet.
>they never were
Demon Souls had tons of flexibility of out smarting your opponent, the rings such as the Thief Ring obscured you from bosses as well. This was taken away in later games. Matt is 100% right that every boss has devolved into action only.
I'm not that anon. I carry both with me and use as required.
Also you're right. It can't be charged. It just has a long wide up animation.
even Malenia has her downtime during scarlet aeonia where you can magdump comet azure into her and take out half her health. idk when you're supposed to cast anything while Radahn and Miquella are flashstepping into you
I killed him as a caster, but I basically only used Carian Slicer every time I had an opening and some ranged pebbles when he jumped in the air.
Would Elden Ring DLC just straight up be better if the player used the storm in Farum Azula to appear before Godfrey in the timeline?

That way the Tarnished could go back and save Marika and her Shaman tribe when she's still an innocent village girl. Then it could progress into a kingdom builder where the Tarnished faces Godfrey's old enemies with some new inclusions, gradually expanding the influence of the Golden Order while advising Marika using past memories of the former timeline.

If you wanted it to be extra kino as the Tarnished progresses through the timelines they get to be a dad to the demi-god children they sire with Marika, and have questlines where they decide the direction of their education and training within the royal court.

They can have new characters as their children, but maybe they could have callbacks to the previous lineage like having Miquella be the biological son of the Tarnished. Since they'd have explored the Haligtree in the previous timeline they could be familiar with Unalloyed Gold, and do a cute father-son project to expel the Outer Gods that are attempting to interfere with the Greater Will from the material plane.
Yeah I noticed that. They also fucking love meme fat armor.
Are we going to pretend as if the other souls games didn't have you fighting literal gods and godlike figures?
Because they all did.
The fact that the DLC doesn't have a SINGLE pure gimmick boss fight is proof that FromShitware lost their way.
Cannon is better at close range unless enemies are literally on melee because the AoE is so colossal and it knocks everything down. Not that it should ever happen because if you're smart you'll notice a group of enemies ahead and lure them into one spot and just blast them with a cannon. And the fact that you can't charge the gavel makes it WORSE since it can't benefit from Godfrey. Gavel just does not fill any relevant niche. Use it if you like it, but that doesn't change the facts.
To me, the series went downhill after the first half of DaS
you just want to have sex with marika
thats all
What about mohg and morgott that reward exploration by incorporating their shackles to make the fight easier?
Or Mohg’s blood purification tear.
Who the fuck is Matt and why do you keep pretending his opinion matters?
That's a melee build using magic. Its a debateable edge case at best. When I say Caster I mean distance spells in a traditional casting role
They were way more grounded and believable in their aesthetic. In Elden Ring every enemy is doing Devil May Cry, shonen anime combos while we aren't on the same level. We are playing some janky ass Demon Souls guy who stacks buffs and exploits the math in the game and rolls around like an idiot and stabs them in the feet 100 times until they die.
nobody knows or cares about matt's faggot opinion, des is also the worst game from has ever made in this format including DS2.
They're just pandering to the loud tryhards. We've said for years this would happen, and lo and behold Elden Ring happened.
Sekiro is not my favorite From game at all, but it (and AC6 maybe but i didn't play it yet) is the only title where it felt like me and the bosses/enemies were playing by the same rules. Fights felt like actual fair duels most of the time (aside from the obvious "you die in 2 hits, enemy dies in 100").
That's been commented on a lot. There are people here now who regard skyrim as a masterpiece. The community died to me after the release of DS2 when it attracted all kinds of morons making excuses for Bullsht.
Gimmick fights are shit.
Who the fuck looks forward to ancient wyvern or bed of chaos?
Exactly. With Malenia you can cut & run & she'll still slow walk for a bit before engaging. Meanwhile Radahn will beat on someone & then laugh across the battlefield to hit someone else in his same combo moveset. I've seen it. I've been a summon comfortably at his back/side as he smashed the host & his last hit of the combo, instead of landing on the host, had him pirouette & slide to ,e lightning quick while I was stuck in an animation, & kill me
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More of a lore item than a tactical one. Again, the Thief Ring in Demon Souls worked on every boss.
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Get out, soulsbornekiroeing zoomers, this is a Shadow Tower general
Maybe if the pure Vyke set was in the game but the MC is not wearing some three finger raped melted set of armor. The Protag is obviously Raging Wolf.
The writers at From seem bent on wiping Marika's lineage from the face of the Earth so her and the Tarnished can start over, especially considering how she still gets the majority of the lore focus, Messmer says Marika lordship sanctioned the Tarnished and the Hornsent affirms that as well.

I figure just go all the way and use time traveling shenanigans if we want to make Marika happy so badly.
cant chain cannon and cant cast cannon as fast.
look, I am not saying cannon is bad. I am saying gavel is good if you know how to use it. But you keep saying everything else is also good if you know how to use it.
would rape
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>Kill boss that does nothing but anime flippy attacks
>Get their weapon for yourself
>Try out the moveset
>Downward caveman slams into the ground
>having a tough time against Radahn because I was rolling
>drink the Deflect tear
>1 try him after

...this tear is beyond broken.
I like gavel because it's cool
For me it's horde bosses. Deacons Of The Deep was always a fun time.
Obviously how? More obvious than the armor that's ON THE COVER OF THE GAME like in every other Souls game?
>2 NPC summons and an ash summon
you unironically did not beat Leda

Idk why they didn't make it just part of the game, but it's clear that's the intended way of playing those boss fights. It trivializes Radahn.
i think this is my 4th boss ive killed
>he didn't summon Thollier and Ansbach and have the entire thing be a massive fucking gang war
You did not beat the DLC if you didn't do Leda's fight properly.
Thinking about it, quite a lot of characters are based.
Morgott, Batman style protector of his lands, thanklessly working to uphold what he believes in.
Radahn, protecting the entire planet through might and intellect.
Alexander, seeks strength, helps you and then challenges you (the strongest individual he has seen) to a duel.
Ranni, refuses to be controlled, helps her brother so they can kill god and bring about an age of freedom.
Iji, based tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorist and good blacksmith.
D and D, they help you kill zombies and kill a succubus.
Bernahl, he passes on his knowledge of battle, doesnt force his beliefs on you, is unphased by you defeating Rykard, challenges you to battle so that the stronger may use the Blasphemous Claw against Maliketh.
Sellen, helpful, kind to all her students and seeks ultimate knowledge. (although it ends badly which is a bit unbased)
Jerren, holds a festival of battle to give his old friend a good send off, after this he aids Radahns mother by seeking out Sellen who has motive to harm her.
Things I would like changed in the next Souls-Game after having played all of them
Didn't get a lot of constructive criticism last time so here it is again. Please point out particularly which ones you call me an autist, normie for. Give actual reasons why the point is wrong.
Alternatively, just reply "git gud" and you win automatically.

Part 1/2

-No Teleportation, at least for the majority of playtime
-Fewer/more thoughtfull Checkpoints, not always a checkpoint in boss-rooms
-More focus on wordl-building, less on combat
-No dedicated hub
-old poise system
-No waifu-NPC tied to leveling. Done too often
-No player-marker on the map. Learn to actually orient using landmarks or no map at all
-No marker for lost souls/bloodechoes/runes/salt/tears of attonement/whateverthefuck
-More "Legacy" ideally no Ubisoft-Open world.
-Shorter game with fewer repetition in enemies, buildings, everything basically
-Fewer dependance on "gotcha" held animations for enemies/bosses.
-Less tracking for enemies
-Fewer AOEs. Especially when the enemy lands from a jump. There shouldn't be active damage that far around and especially not behind it.
-Shorter combos, less anime-esque, twirl-around enemies.
-More importance on distancing, patience, equipment, level.
-Bosses designed without I-frames in mind. I-frames should be reserved for dedicated ninja-characters or should be a desperate exceptional move and not the norm. Making the entire arena blow up with effects causing damage everywhere but making the damage have fewer active frames then the roll has invincibilty is lazy design.
-Less rolling. Different dodge animations for different weights, like Bloodborne's sidestep. Looks more believable for most characters. Fat-rolling should be viable.
Why do you have such a selective memory?
You realise that player movement and power creep has also progressed significantly since those earlier games.
You now have:
>omni directional rolling
>estus on the move
>faster estus animations
>much faster weapon animations and recovery
>faster stamina recovery
>rolls recover faster
>actual jumping
And that is before you start going into ashes of war and all the talisman effects.
Is there a way to make weapon arts go off faster
>waaaaah the base game is too hard
>they literally DESIGNED THE GAME for us to use summons, they wanted players to use it!
>waaaaah the DLC is too hard
new cope, different day
from should've pulled KH where next game protag is secret boss in previous
Part 2/2

-More wittle down from enemies when retrieing a boss. Yeah you read right. Getting to the boss in good condition should be part of the challenge for the majority of bosses. Only the final or hidden bosses should be balanced to fight the player at full capacity
-Slower leveling, but bigger increase in stats per level
-Less video-gamey enemy scaling. Enemies in the beginning could potentially do as much damage as endgame if senseable within the world. Makes no sense a dragon in the south does less damage than a wolf in the north. Especially in an Open field where you can easily avoid combat.
-Less enemy damage. Dying in two hits with 80 VIG and medium armor is BS.
-Delay for input-reading.
-Make having a visual for input-reads necessary. Same for projectiles
-Actually develop an AI for NPCs. Stop reusing the same one since fucking DeS.
-Different AI for summons fighting bosses.
-Fewer heals. No Regaining Flasks outside of rests
-No "no-aggression"-zones
-Easier to follow NPC-questlines, less "Fuckupable" stuff unless clearly stated.
-More transparent reasoning for NPC-motives to actually make informed decisions (e. g. about what ending to chose) on the first playthrough without having to watch lore-videos
-More varied endings. No cheap palette-swaps with slightly different narration.
-An ending cutscene longer than 20 seconds.
-No swamp. Meme. Repeated too often.
-More thought out elevators pertaining to placement/not just for player's convenience, no pressure-plates to step on (no elevator irl works like that)
-No complex opening mechanisms unless warranted by the setting
-Fewer/more thought out, shorter ladders in places where they make sense
-Ladders that are not perfectly vertical
-No respecking stats. A well optimized build should be an achievement for the few to put in the foresight
-More potent talisman-/ring-effects. No +n versions
-No crafting
-No trash-loot
Should've renamed this
>Things that From do not care that I have to complain about and will never see nor listen to
Thank the lord.
She is 100% your most loyal follower and friend
>teaches you for no reason other than you showing promise
>cleanses you of Mohg's influence out of protectiveness (shame it was cut)
>Once she takes Raya swears fealty to you even before you've won
>vows to protect you should you fail
The only issue is the usual shitty "muh bad end" From forces on everyone.
Marika basically ruined everything herself
Biggest disappointment of the DLC for me. Tried using the Bear Claws and they're genuinely horrible.
>jar npc gives exulted flesh
...the foreshadowing bros... so peak
-No swamp. Meme. Repeated too often.
i am a tokusatsu fag, and I can cosplay kamen rider with dragon heart.
>you didn't beat the DLC if you didn't summon
lmao what will the shitters think of next?
what a disingenuous faggot. kys
>>these are no longer games where you outsmart your opponents, they are games where you just press the roll button at the right time
Welcome to your first Fromsoftware game.
If you want to outsmart an opponent then PvE games arent for you.
>brings only the worst examples of gimmick bosses
>ignores the TENS of shitty shonen rollslop fights we had to endure for years now
Kys faggot
fuck that would be sick
those are all superficial changes and not fundamental overhauls of the combat
>completely missing the point of the fight
Did not beat it. Sorry
Strongest boss we can actually fight is just a demon dude with a magic sword
The closest things to a god we fight is a withered old guy a long way past his prime a hermit skeleton wizard who hasn't left his cave in a million years and a bigger old guy with a stick
You don't really fight anything super powerful even OIK is a crazed peice of charcoal by the time you fight him
You fight some bigger stuff but virtually everything is dead, dying, or a weak peice of shit trying to survive by fucking over everyone else
>Radahn's warrior spirit flares up even as a puppet as he fights the greatest enemy he's ever faced
>Breaks Miquella's control and NWFs him to fight the Tarnished man to man as a true warrior should
Miyazaki hire this man
Me personally? I make the most rapeable type B I can and have her get hit by every grab attack. Its what type Bs deserve.
what sl are you?

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