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/aa2g/ - Artificial Academy 2 General #1322
Sad Jack Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini: https://tsukiyo.me/AAA/AA2MiniPPX.xml
AAUnlimited updates: https://github.com/aa2g/AA2Unlimited/releases

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):
Booru: https://aau.booru.org

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread: >>484834039
Project cancelled announcement on Friday
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The tape isn't really immediately visible; I wouldn't have known to look for it without reading your post. Not sure how much less transparent you can make it with the default small card image size though.
we so dead today...
>last thread died before bump limit
It's so over.
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kill yourself
you first
It's a shame the thread's not even going to make it to the release of SVS. What realistically would it take to get people posting again?
Nuking the aa2 discords
Nuking the aa2 discords
All of them
Nuke all the discords and permanent ban retards who don't belong here like this guy >>485672882
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I'm not a guy but ok
Plus I already left the server
You were a minor posting here and flirting with people on AA2 discord :)
Why are you such an attention whore
Yeah, that was my worry. I might be able to run something over it to make it the more visible sort of scotch tape. If not, I found some similar assets for masking tape to play with, and that should be plenty visible. I'll see what can be done, but I think it's a neat idea to try out.
Hi Ded, good to know that all you know is insult me

Might as well call other people that try to post images on the thread attention whores as well

I've said it MULTIPLE TIMES that it wasn't serious. Is that my fault? Is it my fault for clarifing that I didn't intend anything serious and yet those people took it seriously and even some of them got offended???
Yeah like I said, permanent ban of some guy who doesn't belong here. He doesn't even get it that his presence is a detriment here.
Again, not a guy
and don't worry, you can reply to me. You won't die just because you reply to me, sadly.
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I for one welcome AA3 with mild optimism
she's gonna kill him..?
This "toaster" dude is the spammer by the way. Saw him spamming the general's OPs everywhere. I don't understand why people constantly fuck up our general, man.
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What a wild imagination! She just got some exclusive cards she wants to share with anon.
girl what????
oh thank god...
she'a too cute to go to jail...
Imagine saying that and then not show any proof or say something that will make us believe you.
that is the most nigger'd cat I've ever seen
the niggerest cat of all nigger'd cats
Thick Scotch tape sounds like a solid enough plan; it should still be visible at 200x300. good luck!

I'm hoping it's at least as fun as vanilla AA2 with updated graphics, though I'm not optimistic with how few personalities it seems to be launching with. I don't even care about playing as/fucking dudes but having only two unvoiced options just seems fucking lazy.
anon are you saying you would voluntarily fuck dudes in SVS?
Not him, but do you not chat up everyone in the academy? Everyone gets a headpat brother.
damn bro that's hella cute...
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It's mostly to do with presumably traits and how they affect characters in gameplay and what not, switching to any character, etc, the usual, but I'm still highly interested to know what a lot of the text says specifically. Here's also to hoping that instead of another "02" page, they go into the download one, aka trial/maker. Unless there's more on the gameplay, in which case, unleash the 03.
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Just re-describing AA2 for SVS more or less.
Here's a very jank google translate of the page:
Seems not too far from what we currently have. The list of traits is neat, but doesn't seem to machine translate too well.
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>knot hole

Now hold the fuck up. This can't be what I think it means
Ugh I can't wait. 8/30 is too far.
There is an interesting bit that implies possibly a form of H in staying overnight with someone. That could be cool.
AA3! The aa3 is real!
>knot hole
Not familiar with that term outside of wood working. Can you give an example of what you are thinking?
"knot" is what they call animal genitalia
This thread getting renewed without even reaching 750 replies. it is dead. AA2 is dead. Long dead
if we can wait so can you
I think this might be referring to peep holes after some research. Like peeping tom type stuff.
Oh my. That went in a direction I wasn't expecting.
Okay. I rather hope the peeping tom line of thinking is right, because I don't wanna think about the other...
Same. Peeping tom is actually something they had in KK, i think, so that's hopefully it.
Anons, this is strange, it really seems that they are making something good and faithful to AA2...
When will "Illusion" fuck up like the many times they did before?
To be fair, it's a specific aspect of them.
That aside, it's likely meaning they like to watch. If animals of any form were to be in the game, I'd assume they would have been featured or at least show up in an image before now.
When we find out it's gacha based.
how would that even work
paywalled cards...
We already have paywalled aa2 cards...
I guess this time it would be svs paywalled cards...
only because its literally aa2. 90% sure they are just copy pasting the design document like they did with honey come.
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I hope that the confirmed existence of additional personality quirks will open the door to adding module compatibility. That's really the big thing to make the difference between AA2 and this for me.
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Trying out the studio stuff, gonna take a bit to get used to it.
no AA :(
nuke the discord
stop counting imaginary eggs in a basket that hasn't arrived yet.
its the usual studio but worse since it doesn't have all the modded qol controls
I mean we literally just had personality quirks shown off today
I literally said the opposite. I meant that having so few personality options makes me less optimistic.

yay ass
its ok if you are gay anon
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Translator anon here, they have basically confirmed that SVS will have more personalization than vanilla AA2 when it comes to traits and personality.

From the image, the four tabs are: person's nature, ability, traits and belongings.

The list of nature is the following:
Sexual preference
- Opposite sex only
- Leaning opposite sex
- Both
- Leaning same sex
- Same sex only

- Very low
- Low
- Normal
- High
- Very High

- Very low
- Low
- Normal
- High
- Very High

Disagreeableness (as in the way the character disagrees with others)
- Scream
- Destructive (I think because I can't see shit of the first kanji)
-Sarcasm (second kanji is cut-off so I'm just guessing here)

We can't see the contents for the ability tab, but we can see the traits one. I will keep the same translations as AA2 for those that are the same:
- Easygoing
- Nervous
- Impulsive
- Daydreamer/Absentminded
- Irritable
- Carnivorous (as in aggressive when pursuing sex and riches)
- Passive (opposite of Carnivorous)
- Meddlesome
- Mediator
- Likes muscles
- Chatty
- Always hungry
- Diligent
- Passionate/Romantic
- One sided
- Faithful/Singleminded
- Indecisive
- Deceptive/Scheming
- Cosmopolitan
- Hard worker
- Wild
- Masochist
- Evil
- Insensitive
- Blind (not literally blind, but as someone who doesn't realize what they have in front of them. Probably the new deaf)
- Lucky
I'm guessing disagreeableness is the new combat style, just that instead of literally fighting now they have a discussion.

I have no idea what one sided one means. Probably that they always choose to side with one side in discussions?

Then for things like Deceptive, Evil, etc. They use the exact same words as AA2, so this should confirm yanderes. Not sure if they will kill though
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>instead of murdering, I will tell someone to kill themselves and they will do it
Holy Traits Batman!
SVS technically has less traits than AA2, however, AA2 had many traits like Sweaty, Shy, Asexual or Bad with Boys/Girls that here seems like they have been moved to the nature/abilities tab. The sociability in nature tab probably makes it so NPCs are more or less likely to talk with others in same way shy, jealous, tsundere, chivalrous or charming would work in AA2. And I could see how in abilities tab you have things like charisma, good with boys/girls, good at different jobs, etc.

So at the end of the day I think SVS will be a bit more complete when it comes to customization than vanilla AA2. Or it may just be my Copium.
>apparently group interactions like eating meals together
>rumor system confirmed, and the character you are spreading rumors about can react to it
>traits and personality sliders confirmed, fighting replaced with... something that means how a character can contest?
>Evil confirmed
>different quotes depending on the sliders in question instead of always using the same lines(?)
Holy fucking shit they are doing it, that's a proper sequel. How did we end up in this timeline?
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i really hope the mc is voiced in h unlike kk and hc
>No male VA
Hope destroyed
i dont give a shit about male va as long as female mc is voiced in h
Oh no, the girls are fighting!
>i dont give a shit about male va as long as female mc is voiced in h
i bet they are, hope the audio quality isn't shit
female mc doesnt make a single sound in hc in h hence my concern
>audio quality
va quality and direction will be the bigger issue. kk and hc suck ass with only a few exceptions
we need to land on the modding timeline within this attractor field now
It looks good enough that I'm going to play it even with 0 mods, but they would be dumb to sleep on this one. Seriously every single update made it progressively more obvious they are really making an AA2 sequel, now it's really fucking blatant.
I think people worry about mods more than they should. Obviously the best would be to get an easy to mod game, but most mods people like or use are already easy to introduce in SVS.

All the basics mods such as uncensor, translator, POV, slider unlock, graphics improvements, subs, cheats, etc. are already in HC and even Room Girl, so porting them to SVS is extremely easy.
Mods for clothes, accessories or shit to import your anime character to SVS do also exist already in HC, with things like a few Genshin Impact or Idolmaster characters. The programs to create them exist and they are not that much difficult compared to KK. It's just a matter of people wanting to create them.

Then what's left? The big mods like nodes, pregnancy, MM sex, pedos or shit like that. And the reality is that most of that shit is just for a very small public. If you see the list of mods for KK (to use a game that is heavily moddable), 99% of them are trash nobody cares about.

The only things I would be missing are nodes, extra personalities and interactions. But let's be real and admit that most nodes in AA2 barely do anything or directly don't work.
Sounds interesting.
The audio quality is definitely shit. If you listen closely, there is a clear difference between VAs on that respect.
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>come home
>pest infestation
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>no male VA
What's to stop us from modding in our own or using existing voices from AA2?
I don't get why non contributors say "us" if they're never gonna do shit in the first place.
Nothing but the effort to learn and make it so.
I've modded for the benefit of everyone more than you bitch
Nah, you done absolutely nothing of note.
what do you suggest all the modders do before the game comes out?
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buy lots of snacks
group suicide
Brandy cards are so flawless wtf...
star mogs him
whateverman mogs him
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That doesn't look as advertised?
just delete elysia tan, or perhaps you can't because you're her creator?
looks like one of whateverman's kino cards
Nah, It's Milk's card, The kid who has groomed by him
Whatever, same person different name.
bold of you to assume me and whitmead are the same person, lol
Post tits(boobies, milkers)
Listen dude, you ain't fooling anyone. You're also this guy here >>485683591 by pretending to be a victim as alwaysm
You and all your alts need to be permanently banned from this place. Go fuck yourself literally.
anyways, here's corin fix !

why are you so mad at a kid being groomed? perhaps because you like little kids and teenagers too?
Once again, none of you fags (should I say samefagging single fag to cause fake drama) don't belong here.
Don't fight, be happy you are getting AA3 instead.
if you say so.
now that's just retarded
He's mad he didn't groom them first, kek
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Why does she look so derpy?
AnonXO/Milk card
it won't look like the cardface and be ugly in the end
Doesn't exist. It's your fault for falling for that sort of shit. Plain and simple.
is that what they told you when you got groomed and what people convinced you to believe?
zoomer meme and doesn't exist on 4chan. Kill yourselves, discordtrannies.
no need to expose yourself
It's a Whateverman card. What do you expect.
Whateverman doesn't even try to make his "cards" look decent in maker, though
What? Looks like the same shit. Are you blind?
Are you mentally disabled and can't tell the difference between one person and another?
I think you're the one being mentally ill for distinguishing two turds from one another. Couldn't be me.
Yup, mentally disabled and can't tell a difference
Sure thing, buddy, stay in your corner and keep chanting to yourself that everyone is the same person no matter what you see
It all looks the same. Though I don't download utter shit blindly to wring my dick to it like you do lol
Uh-huh, keep telling yourself that
Everyone's wrong, you're the only one who is right
little suspicious of you to think of a man swinging his dick, anon.
Because that anon makes really ugly cards with the worst shadows you have ever seen and is also a child
>and is also a child
lead with that, anon
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>All the basics mods
i would add cumflation and ahegao to those
Yep, just like Whateverman
cumflation mod when
>it isn't AA3 they said
>coping by saying that modding won't work for it still
patreonfags in shambles
don't you have anything else to say, faggot?
Why is the iris shaped like that?
either because the original character has the iris shaped like that

or AnonXO fucked up
like usual
Ahegao mod already exists for HC. Don't know about cumflation.
Unfortunately it looks like the latter.
Another mistake aside from the shadows...
Not surprising...
That's so many accessories. Good fucking luck trying to make a faithfully accurate mihoyo card.
It's been said already but lack of modding capabilities won't stop people from modding the game, there are tons of harder to mod games out there with extensive modding communities. If there is interest in the game then modders will pick it up and stick to it, it's as simple as that really.

The issue with recent Illusion games and SVS specifically is that people have been building their communities around older titles for years and the new games usually aren't a significant improvement enough to be worth migrating to. That being said unlike the other titles SVS has a more than decent shot at building a big modding community since it's a sort of sequel to an already highly regarded game and Illusion has been ignoring for years the small subset of players that actually want something more than a glorified poser out of their games.
As a visiting tourist, what do you mean by "nodes"?
Kill yourself, sis.
You really thought you did something, huh
I don't care if I did something or not. All I know you ought to remove yourself because no one likes you. That's it, you retarded cow.
And do you think I am actually going to care about that?
Like I said, I don't care. I'm just giving you a friendly reminder that you aren't wanted and your crap is an eyesore. A good suggestion is to kill yourself. Take it or leave it.
just fuck already, you two.
I'll leave it and keep living and doing what I want, thanks

enemies to lovers type of shit lmao
Fucking transsexuals is against my religion.
It's transgender and
If I was trans, I would've said it

and also religion doesn't excuse or give you reasons but eh, you be you
I wouldn't fuck you anyway, I got someone already
wtf, no-
I'm not Milk, I have standards. Plus I've never really spoken to that old geezer anyway
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>Good fucking luck trying to make a faithfully accurate mihoyo card.
good. im absolutely tired of these cluttered overdesigned fotm characters popping up all the time.
also holy shit the two retards with their e-drama should commit sudoku. stop shitting up the thread.
too fat
Don't ruin skinwalker cards for me with shows that I haven't seen in over a decade, please.
I'm not committing anything other than making cards, retard. The other guy will probably say the same thing, so don't even bother.
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We just had to get Shinzo Abe out of the way to get an AA3.
Will SVS allow for the game to continue post-impregnation?
do we even know if SVS has impregnation

sorry if it sounds like a stupid question
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>Penny by panon
Honk, honk. Rate Playful

>Brave - 4.8
>Kind - 8.2
>Yandere - 5
>Gyaru - 6.9 (nice?)
>Dignified - 7.8
>Wise - 8.4
>Ordinary - 7.3
>Joyful - 7.8
>Irritated - 9.1
>Quiet - 8.8
>Manly - 8.8
>Ditzy - 7.2
>Carefree - 8.6
>Trendy - 8.4
10 outta 10, easy.
you a real one
There's a pregnancy mod for koikatsu, so I'd think one could be made for SVS.
Good night AA2G
I'm an idiot and I wanted to say modules. They are changes in AI behaviors through mods https://github.com/aa2g/AA2Unlimited/wiki/Module-list
Every Illusion game has those by default though.

That makes more sense. I've checked out a few of them in the updated maker but not really played around with them in an entire class yet.
good night anon
Thanks anon <3
If Illusion is so lazy to do it and copy the same structure from AA2(and they are), the same method of copying their quirks to be whatever you want should be the same with injecting data into the cards.
Main thing I have a hard time seeing working correctly would be style changes though since that largely worked together with the old AA2 editor(Being able to edit the body shape to go along with different styles for example).
consider molesting tot
Why don’t you ever answer the question?
It's a bot, that's why.
I want a bot who thanks me…
Very cute, solid 9/10. Enjoy your weekend too!
consider molesting you
playful is one I tend to not like. 3 for me.
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8.8/10, I can see how some people like playful, she's cute but I don't care about her that much.
supreme fellator/10
Just downloaded koikatsu sunshine betterrepack and the side loader studio

What am I in for
you're in for getting directed to >>>/h/kkg for any further questions
Wrong thread. You should be looking for a koikatsu thread. This is for AA3... I mean AA2.
electric chair
The sweet embrace of death after ritualistic torture via evisceration with a spoon.
I think you can give massages to characters. So, that's neat.
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>none of you fags (...) don't belong here
so all of them belong here?
She might not be my favorite, but everyone knows playful is a top tier.
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>briefly scroll around to see the general images being posted
There are an awful lot of tasteless subhumans in there. Unironically repulsive.
you got me curious and i went to check

it's horrible
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Will SVS let us kidnap people?
take them to a private room without their consent?
It's not the same...
Not anymore. Illusion lost their touch.
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Tot Hair Pack update!

it was updated yesterday but since I don't see anyone sayin something
I am not a clever man, and cannot read.
If you update the Hair pack will it mess up your cards?
Not at all! :D
Ojou hair...
thanks mate
No prob mate

Ojou hair!
Thanks for sharing!
No problem! someone had to
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Nice eyes!
Good color combo :3
Crazy to think aa3 is right around the corner.
very rapeable
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Playing around with the new hairs, may have something of a decent update after all.
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That hair suits her really well.
I wonder if SVS will have big glasses too. It'll probably will be a while before hairs and things get ported into it.
Please tell tot I am currently hobo mode and that I’ll be in Niagara tomorrow if she wants to say hi.
I'll find a way to tell her that!
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I posted it in off topic on discord.
She will know who this is, by the way. You can just say “anon” and “he.”
There's an off topic channel on the modclub? because I don't remember Tot being in the AA2D...
Thank you. I miss you all dearly, as if that needed saying.
uhh, anon
>the message on top of you
well, good to know! :3
Enjoy the falls if your in the area!
Thanks! That is the plan. Depending on how timings work, maybe I’ll use this as material for Maker August next year.
…that needs a better name.
Maker August...?
Whip Up August?
Time for a thesaurus search for a words that mean create that starts with a.
A certain someone said Niagara is too far. You need to go to them... Relay complete.
>Artistic August
>Artsy August
>Adorable August
>Ambitious August
>Aimless August
>Affectionate August
>Animated August
Maker Maugust
I like the Artsy August
Artsy August might be one of the better ones
August Artworkshop
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Make yourself in here
SVS won't have playful, frisky, irritated, creepy, aloof, harsh or genuine. Why even bother?
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Sleepy Page 10...
Zzz... Zzz...
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Where is Chibiko in this picture,,,
In your heart
Is the svs maker not coming out a month early? July is easy to work with compared to august.
End of august, news gets posted every friday, so it'll launch august 30th.
I’m referring to how AA2’s maker came out a month before the game. If that happens for svs too then naming a maker month is much easier.
HC cards will be compatible with SVS so in a sense, the maker demo is already out.
They have a download page grayed out in their site, so I'm pretty sure they will allow to download the maker soon.
HC did the same too allowing it around a month before release.
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I WANT TO [SPOILER]get raped by a hot ojousan in a dark alleyway while going back home after a long shift[/SPOILER]
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Is there anything similar to what AA2 offers in terms of simulation? I like observing the development of the characters. Excluding sims4
They say aa2's AI system is a imitation of Gunparade March.
I've never played it, though.
>Sims 4
>the most toned down simulation of all the Sims besides 1
Sims 2 or 3 are better, retard.
real life
dwarf fortress and its derivatives
>IRL art of a card
None of the sims games have great social simulation though, even AA2 as basic as it is has all of the sims games beat. God I hate EA so much, somehow they managed to dumb down Sims 4 so much and yet despite this it still sells like hotcakes. I wish Sims 3 wasn't left in such a buggy state cause otherwise I'd still be playing it
Tomodachi Life/Miitopia
Tomodachi Life...
you're the best, Anon. You're the best.
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Any clothing suggestions? Considering armor pieces of some sort, but it might be difficult to work in something with how goofy her body is in the first place.
This is why interspecies breeding is bad.
A cute white/light blue sundress. Any other option is wrong
Does she lay eggs?
>makes my heart throb
>1000 deaths is not enough
name a more iconic duo
I don't remember making this post
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Not my first choice but would be a cute date option.
Why don't you just make Grea?
We already have, or had, a Grea card. She’s cute.
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Card? Card??
where's the link, bro
I miss link so much
Unfortunately it's not my card to give out.
This I'm truly sorry about. I don't have the author's permission.
Very much agreed!
If that's not your card.
Then who's is this card?
and who was phone
Pretty sure the card was publicly available otherwise I wouldn't have a copy.
I think this is from one of the megas that got nuked over the last 3 or 4 years?
Not 100% sure.
If that isn't the case then the author purposely took their cards offline.
Link is tsundere so he would be happy to see other people post his stuff on catbox briefly but he’d lie and say he hates it
i think he's alive tho
just barely online

dang it...!!!
thank you anyway for the contribution somehow, she's cute
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Chibisetsu too!!!

icecream cones overrated. fruit pops and etc. are where it's at.
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Think SVS will have that yellow afternoon lighting that's in aa2?
>on an anonymous image board
Holy shit all of you discordtrannies need to get deleted. Hope all of you faggots get groomed by whateverman and have your discord permanuked.
It should, the lighting already seems to differ between day and night, so I'm sure the afternoon also looks different. Plus it'd be a ridiculously missed opportunity considering the beach in the game.
This general should be left dead. There's no reason to keep it alive with everyone circlejerking in discord. Let it die.
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Yup. Also, don't know where I got night time from, I think I was just confused by an night time mod.
Name the circle jerkers so we can make gravestones to piss on instead of being another "Let it die" parrot.
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If the card was public and it was obviously the original creator's intent to share it in the first place, then why won't (You) share it?
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nah, I was always okay with people sharing my stuff. Go ahead
>right femur is physically shorter than the left
>the tables have no lines to separate them
>random misaligned table legs
dumb AI slop
pls don't post AI slop...
why don't you do something to permanuke the discord instead of whining about it
say no more
what are you gonna do
Post more.
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My thoughts exactly. I might switch to SVS if someone ports the AA2 personalities there, but until then, no thanks.

That ahegao shirt is a great way to find other members of your tribe: anyone who looks uncomfortable seeing it in public is in your tribe.
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Card for her?
Have you made her yet? Waiting for her card too bro.
you have two options

either make her yourself
or wait for a certain someone to try to make her only for her to look horrible on maker
commission tot
Accuracy. Custom face. Custom outfit. High Quality. Paid
Accuracy. Vanilla face. Medium Quality. Free
Accuracy. Custom Face. Custom Outfit. Curvy chubby body. High Quality. Be groomed. Go Sugg his dic
>High Quality
with his ugly ass shadows and shit port jobs? are you high?
I read "WM - high quality" and I almost slammed my head out of laughter
I guess Paid cards, for a 10 year old porn game is what you like, or cards from a shit as who calls himself 'best_cardmaker'
i checked that tag and why are there clownpiece cards there
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They look kinda pale? Maybe you should feed them some more dango
But what about rainbow cards?
I imagine rainbow cards are in too.
AA2 doesnt have this problem.
>Artifical Academy
>Actually go around the Academy
One person pays tot and everyone else gets the card
Anyone can label any card as “best card maker”
yes, i love you too, cow girl card
Good morning AA2G
Why is the D, or the Dild, not attached to the crotch region? It is difficult to pose it. Please help
The D is its own character. Show some respect
And lewd promises?
it is ok, school is in late fall
maybe not

or maybe they will be changed
HC faces and hairs are ugly fuck compared to AA2. Holy shit
for real
bump bump
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Spooky bump
Spooky Scary Skeleton Schoolgirl!
That isn’t spooky that is cute
It's not even October yet.
It was for the rhyme...
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In summer, ALL days are swimsuit days. Swimsuit Monday.
Swimsuits swimsuits...

Don't know what swimsuit to put on my card(s) desu
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Just pick a swimsuit and a texture you like. I mostly just reused swimsuits I already had made into outfits here
too fat
breast envy...
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well that's... cute, Yui!

Chibiko's face lol
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Nice meme
They're definitely an improvement over Koikatsu. At least HC vanilla cards look decent enough without the need of heavy tweaking or mods
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in me power
crush it
cute chibiko
I love swimsuits and chibis but not swimsuits on chibis
Release the chib!

Crush the chib!
How can we know what a swimsuit in a chibi looks like if we haven't seen it?
A swimsuit IN a chibi?
No, don't do it.

What if you put the swimsuit over the chibi suit?>>486297005
I can help you with that
mini girl make me big hard
Inside her
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are her shoulders okay
They're tired, cause she just flew in. *badum tss*
funni man
i like you, funny man
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Vindictive bullying alongside actual Yandere shit would be pretty neat thoughbeit
A single AI character setting already better than all of Yandere Sim
Goodnight /aa2g/
That bikini can barely contain them!
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Holy badoonkers
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Her head is going to pop
little up
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Yeehaw motherfuckers
I wonder how much a Chibisetsu would cost in real life...
More than any of us could afford
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That's a mood...
Me when
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Cute pose!
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Basically had to relearn how to make a card again after a month plus of not being able to do it, it’s over
This is what I see I open up paint.net for snowflaking
This outfit suits her really well.
>This is what I see I open up paint.net for snowflaking
Is it that bad?
skill issue
i dont think paint is that bad... Medibang though...
All booba = good booba.
>Booba vs Ass?
SVS maker trial tomorrow? What else is there to reveal at this point
>What else is there to reveal at this point
The fishing minigame?
But what are you going to fish?
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Fish, probably
Lame I want to fish girls.
Fishing fishgirls...
Are you trying to catfish us?
My bet is they will show the job system and abilities, then maybe the week after that they will release the trial. It would fit to release the trial one month before release.

Also exclusive H and different behaviors related with jobs would be great and a way to substitute the Teacher role
Imagine being this low IQ. Sounds like you clearly never knew how to make cards in the first place at all.
Have you? Show ‘em, faggot
>job system and abilities
We FFV now?
>play fishing minigame
>random chance that you fish a girl who was swimming underwater and remove her swimsuit in the process
>AA2 but with an adventuring guild a la the Tactics Advance games and a slew of fantastical class archetypes and races
I'd play it desu
Real question is how we still don't have a H-RPG with an in-depth character creator for your entire party, a class system loosely based on FFV's mix of simplicity and build diversity, and of course being able to fuck the girls in your party.
Hell FFV was basically a harem game without the porn either way.
Because they hate us
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Silly girl, you're supposed to ride it, not swing it.
She's supposed to be riding what I'm swinging
you've been real quiet since >>486556059
just saying
>The pests need to be taught a lesson
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This one holds them better.
because it would just be a NTR game
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Wasn't there a game that had this premise? Wasn't it by illusion too? I'm imaging things right?

pic related
it was one of the semireal-style graphiced games
technically Illusion has like a shit ton of NTR games
tho it's mostly the realistic styled ones
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Is that Yandere? I haven't seen that line before.
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New card
>Studio update
>Just the studio, "DIGITAL CRAFT"
>nothing else
fuck me, they keep adding shit at this point, that wasn't even on the svs page until now so I give, the maker comes when it comes.
Nice swimsuit!
I like the white pupils.
wtf is digital craft
really ugly, no thanks.
don't download her, then...?
she wasn't made for you
>she wasn't made for you
she should've been
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how old is Chibiko?
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over 6 years old now
Then ask Boron to make a card a for you instead, duh...
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New update seems to say that all content from HC will be in the new Digital Craft (Studio/Maker new name).
Also, for what this image shows, it seems the map is actually fully 3D rendered and it's not a PNG, so I would expect POV and 3rd person mods for it. Maybe even VR.
digital craft...

man that sounds horrible
Wow can't believe I waited a week for this. I already used Digital Craft in HC, and it looks like exactly the same.
So it's just the poser news?
Sadly yeah. But hey, at least now you know the main hub is not a PNG and the game might have more 3D maps. Maybe void sex isn't the only option available.
the better question is why has noone yet figured out chinese cartoon h-the sims would sell like hot cakes
Well AA2 exists and they are making SVS now but yeah
Poser news isn't as interesting as whatever else they could have shown about the game, like more details on the job system.
its not like every illusion game is sustained by its studio or anything.
AA2 didn't even have one so
yeah so we made one and most of the content in the threads use it. hmm
Huh anon, I think you are mistaking AA2 for KK or something. The poser is not the main draw here, although it's a convenient way to create screenshots for the thread.
nta, but >>486671316 is right. AA2 did NOT come with a poser. It was made by modders. The poses you see in pictures here use that same poser. The difference with KK being you can be playing AA2, pop open the poser for a quick thingy, then keep playing while KK has a whole different exe for studio
Read the reply chain next time, you are agreeing with me while explaining things I'm well aware of
Ironically this is what I'm most interested in for SVS so far, mechanical improvements are nice but none of the SVS personalities sound good enough for me to care about.
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Marry middle.
Fuck left.
Kill right.

but without mods
so much worse
Fuck the teddy bear.
Marry all three.
Kill Luxor Jr.
HC/SVS has way better model and render than KK
>but without mods
Aw shit here we go again. Do the gaslighters ever get a hint?
Hilariously not, apparently.
Lying about mods doesn't work anymore since you can read Room Girl's wiki page where it tells you about gameplay plugins, developed on ill2cpp.
who wants anything from that Moron

Did I miss him doing something stupid or do you not know other insults?
First, coombrain.
Second, why choose?
you start by getting 3 jars and a ruler
then you put the three snowflaked Makimas into one class
then you do the measurements to determine which of them milked you the most
Good idea, I'll try it.

My mana needs some cooldown before being replenished for some time.
>it seems the map is actually fully 3D rendered and it's not a PNG
I wonder if it means the maps can be loaded like items of we're allowed to customize the overworld.
I doubt it's the latter, unfortunately.
So that's it? that's today's News? shame
It probably took quite a bit more effort to actually do because they're shooting for complete compatibility with existing honeycome scenes and assets.
The fact these two games are very similar helps but it doesn't make it trivial.
But yeah, they didn't show anything "new" unless you can actually customize the overworld.
I think the garbage voice work and personality variantion is what really kills this. If personality modding is as bad as AA2, then it's really fucking annoying besides having to redo 3D assets from square one to not make SVS look like ass.
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>minor spelling mistakes
>doomposting an H Game
Unlike you, I actually know what I'm talking about but here's a (You) because I'm nice.
Cheers mate.
Should be easier since you are working with Unity and I fully expect DLC personalities to drop early
Is it when the real difficulty with personality modding is gathering lines and there is a strong possibility that SVS will have even more lines than AA2? Has nothing to do with Unity whatsoever.
What were the personalities in SVS again? Surely there's things like irritated, harsh, and quiet?
>Ordinary (普通) CV: Natsuno Ume
>Cheeky (生意気) CV: Osaka Nanoka
>Cool (クール) CV: Haruyama Iroha
>Gyaru (ギャル) CV: Yamabuki Urara
>Lovable (健気) CV: Akashi Yuki
>Bewitching (妖艶) CV: Makabe Yui
>Pure (純真無垢) CV: Enomoto Nemu
>Motherly (母性) CV: Shirotsuki Kaname
>Impish (小悪魔) CV: Okudera Kasumi
>Yankee (ヤンキー) CV: Sekita Iori

personality porting/dlcs will be a must
This does feel lacking.
>personality porting/dlcs will be a must
I think people will need to either do line splicing or use ai for that.
to be fair, it appears to be due to the smaller size of the "class" in SVS. which is only 12 slots.
leaving 10 for the girls and two for the boys(unvoiced)
They already said you can change the class size to 24 if you want to. It's the number of VA they are willing to hire that limit the number of personalities at launch.
Doesn't help that they all sound so unmemorable
When it comes to KK->AA2 ports the real difficulty was tempering own autism and not use like 5 audio files for a single line about eating food
brotherman, those are some of the same VAs as AA and AA2
When it comes to C4's work, it's all about quantity over quality. Even the clothes ports say a lot.
Ah, in that case DLC is probably what they'll release very soon after the game, and the only problem with porting will be adjusting to the new format for the personalities alongside what >>486719863 and >>486728009 are saying.
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I thought only Shirotsuki Kaname was the returning voice. (AA2 Sweet)
Until AI becomes usable for JP VA work, it would likely require fishing for additional lines voiced by the same VA for porting. Sounds easy but it's a lot more tedious than it looks like especially when you're limited to eroge only since every other media sucks in audio quality. If you don't know Japanese (basically everyone), that further limits your options.
if you don't know japanese (basically everyone), it makes it easier as you can just snag random voice lines and make new ones that don't make sense in japanese to fluff out the dialogue.
Pretty much everyone who has/had anime as a hobby can recognize japanese speech and some phrases. Making up shit is a non-starter.
and yet, does it really matter?
>If you don't know Japanese (basically everyone), that further limits your options.
>f you don't know japanese (basically everyone), it makes it easier as you can just snag random voice lines and make new ones that don't make sense in japanese to fluff out the dialogue.
>nuh uh
at this point it seems like you just want to doom against personality ports now.
Boron is the best cardmaker in the world, and I'm not just saying that because I'm him.
It's vital. When I hear one thing and read something else entirely it triggers the shit out of me. It feels outright insulting, like having someone lie to my face about things I know for a fact.
>he thinks knowing random words and phrase count as anything
Personality modders always had to make do with what they have. At any rate, accuracy only really matters to people who actually know the language and just about everyone in this community doesn't, that's a fact. In general, English translations aren't true to spoken Japanese either no matter how "accurate" they are.
>he thinks translations are 1:1
now I know you are just being a faggot.
translation inaccuracies =/= random lines, dipshit

there's plenty of ways to translate "itadakimasu" and none of them is "I am autistic and can't pick up on audio cues"
lol lmao
most translations, especially these ones for AA2 are wildly inaccurate.
You'd know this if you weren't a grifter trying to dissuade others form making do with what they have..
I mean if they're of the right age now, then who gives a fuck
Back to your discord, Moron-11
>miner posting
Who cares about Chileans in the first place?
I am not saying they're 1:1
But they do translate the underlying lines well enough
And take your pills. I was arguing that it won't be hard to make personalities just a few minutes ago, it's just the AI idea is retarded for reasons I specified.
SVS news attracted so many schizo tourists, I swear
Nothing except the extreme loudness and need to constantly remind others that he's a third worlder female on an anonymous imageboard.
Fair enough, and yeah AI voices are more designed for english than jap so far...so splicing will probably be the best bet.
So I'm just kind of passing through but used to play these games when I was bored. Are they really making an AA3 or something? That'd be cool since Honey Come was shit
they're making Summer Vacation Scramble(SVS) which is just AA2 in Honey Come engine.
Since the reveal, all they've been doing is teasing AA2 features they didn't have in KK.
Will it actually be fucking moddable this time? Otherwise it'll be just as trash.
honeycome was moddable, it was just so shit that nobody bothered to.
All I know is il2cpp is a bitch but tehre are workarounds. Maybe it won't be as moddable as KK, but I'm sure it'll be much easier than AA2's engine, which is completely black box, written in c++, and all the knowledge accumulated for years sunk with hongfire.
Anyone who tells you they know for sure is just riding a hype train.
see >>486692989 and >>486695926
I highly doubt it since they seem to only be talking about Digital Craft. Would be amazing though.

In twitter they have confirmed a few times that they will keep updating the game, so new DLC personalities are for sure a thing unless the game flops so hard they just drop it immediately.
Also I think the game will have way more lines per character than AA2 since there seems to be more dialogue options and probably unique lines related with jobs. Also, since H seems to be like in HC, it probably contains more lines during H due to the threesomes, extra positions, relationship progress and experience, etc., as well as the new lines for reading the girl thoughts, so while we have less personalities, the total number of lines may not be all that different in total.

And let's not deceive ourselves, new personalities are probably the best way to jew out a few shekels with DLC so they are going to do that.
who gives a fuck
>And let's not deceive ourselves, new personalities are probably the best way to jew out a few shekels with DLC so they are going to do that.
coming from a company that remade itself to evade taxes, I believe it.
When you get the "best_cardmaker" tag on bepis and people actually want cards from you, then you can talk
now back to your discord, you faggot
HC was basically a way to monetize the character creator for SVS imo (same way Honey Select was for AI Shoujo), so it's obvious they are looking for max profits here.
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as expected
they looking for stonks
what in the hell is that thing?
A patreonfag
fucking disgusting
>what in the hell is that thing?
It's his self insert.
A definitely trustworthy substitute teacher
I am not a patreon grifter...
fucking disgusting.
You're clearly are one by shilling that shit. No one asked.
I'd rather have less lines and more characters to pick from, personally. Hopefully modding SVS will take off quick and give us old personality ports. It'd be a shame to not have things like dark, aloof, tomboy and other classics.
>a definitely trustworthy
not in the slightest

that's might just be one of the ugliest cards I've ever seen.
A comparison list showing the personalities present in AA2 vs the ones shown in SVS might be handy for comparing what's missing
Shilling what, AA2 character pictures while making fun of Ill Games being greedy rats?
Perhaps you should rethink your think.
I know, I made him that way on purpose, he is lowest weakness and has knife magnet. It is amusing
Didn't ask, tourist.
Are you ok?
You seem upset and confused.
Once again, I didn't ask.
You are either trying too hard, don't actually know what these terms are referring to, or are just successfully baiting another anon

now kiss
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SVS personalities are listed thanks to >>486720728
While vanilla females for AA2 has: Lively, delicate, cheerful, quiet, playful, frisky, kind, joyful, ordinary, irritated, harsh, sweet, creepy, reserved, dignified, aloof, smart, genuine, mature, lazy and manly. AA2 DLC for females: Cadet, caring and carefree.
10 vs 24 (including the DLC personalities)

23 mate, can you math?
shit my bad, I count 'em wrong
thanks, mate
I feel like some personalities are very related to the time AA2 released, like cadet that there was this meme in japan with military shit due Kancolle, Girls und Panzer, etc. I doubt we could see anything like that now and instead we get Gyaru and Yankee that are the popular stuff now.
She looks kind of spooky, what's her story? Is she Void-chan's weird sister?
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I wouldn't worry about it
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Don't you put words in my mouth you whore
Don't try to make it better, faggot.
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why do audiophiles think they actually matter?
>the sound quality is shit
No one cares. Titties are the focus.
The audio quality is important too. Would you want your favorite personality to have audio cut off or crackle?
>he's fine with hearing mayonaisse jar fisting noises and scuffed voice acting that sounds like a teenager trying not to wake their parents up while using an onboard headphone mic
It's not about audiophilia (mental illness buying useless slop). You're just a retarded baboon.
so you came here just to drop this shitty take?
You act like almost every non-jap H game doesn't reuse sound effects from SDT (rip you glorious bastard)
Is he okay?
yea don't worry he's just checking his flexibility and if the food stand is strong enough
SDT mention!?!?!?
yeah, a shame the guy died in that flight that disappeared over the ocean.
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Rate Lazy on a hopefully lazy weekend for everyone

>Brave - 4.8
>Kind - 8.2
>Yandere - 5
>Gyaru - 6.9 (nice?)
>Dignified - 7.8
>Wise - 8.4
>Ordinary - 7.3
>Joyful - 7.8
>Irritated - 9.1
>Quiet - 8.8
>Manly - 8.8
>Ditzy - 7.2
>Carefree - 8.6
>Trendy - 8.4
>Playful - 7.7
Would aau default lazy, 9/10
>Playful - 7.7
What kind of faggotry is this?
Also, Lazy is a 8.5 for me
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Playful - 10*
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Lazy is even better than a 10 out of 10. I recall default lazy being my first H partner. Every character would turn me down until she invited me to skip class. Truly the best.
Simply the best.
Also, kinda feel so bad to the fellow Koreans that they even did this
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Pretty, but also MY EYES!!!!
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damn it richiko, now my eyes got worse
literally don't pay attention to them
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9/10, Lazy is one those I don't normally care, but once start talking to them I find myself liking them alot.
>first card checked
Okay sure, that can stay invisible
>Most recent card
Was this ever hidden?
Sadly I have a very busy month, but this weekend is indeed more lazy
She'll shoot herself if she's not careful!
Do the Koreans make any mods worth stealing?
the opposite
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how do i fix this issue i have on some cards i download from bepis?
am i missing some .ppx file or something?
oh nvm my totpack was out of date
Mods make stealing Koreans worth it?
Thanks Anon <3
No, they steal instead

and their cards look horrible
Based gooks
Why even hide valid cards in the first place?
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I am going to that cat.
But how does she handle being pet?
Good morning /aa2g/
About a 8/10 for me. Personality wise it's not too specific, though it feels like one of those personalities in which a "proper" card needs specific traits (in general, not in the Maker sense).
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It's only after I posed and messed with the image did I catch the most blatant issue, other than the placeholder assets anyway.
Most blaring issue....?
Maybe at some point...
Part of her shears is clipping into her neck.
Funny, didn't notice until you mentioned it.
Good pose though!
Isn't azur lane, nikke, and blue archive basically military shit that's still popular?
I noticed but I still want to fug the harsh shark
Yes, but they are meant to be appeal to the general fap instead of just military otaku like it used to be.
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she has my vote
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make Academy great again...
Maker trial this week, surely?
You will get info about something that was already done in either AA2, HC, or KK and you will like it
is there anything else they can show? At this point pretty much every aspect of AA2 was showcased.
>that was already done in either AA2
That would be cool actually.
We already got confirmation of the maker compatibility and HC is such an extremely barebones tech demo that you don't have much else to show.
Doesn't look remotely similar to KK at all so far.

But you forgot what will actually happen
VR news that only like 0.01% of the players care about, and all of them opted for Studio mods in KK instead.
project cancellation news this week
Not even Illgames would do that
That's the thing about posing and animating and all that. For the most part, it only has to work from the direction you see it.The amount of weird stretching and clipping to make some things in games and animation look good is always a surprise to me.
so true sis
Maker Trial July 31, 1600 yen.
>1600 yen
wdym, Illusion games are free.
Can girls become evil through gameplay despite not having the Evil trait in AA2? Because this recently happened to me and I didn't know it was even possible:

>Girl A confesses my love to MC, I accept
>Later I want to aim for a high virtue girl so I break up with Girl A. She accepts and we break up.
>I manage to go out with High virtue girl, from now referred as Girl B.
>I mistakenly agree to go out again with Girl A.
>Try to break up again. She doesn't let me, gives me the yandere stare and treats MC like a tsundere.
>Afterwards Girl A proposes marriage, I accept.
>Girl A inmediately goes out to kill Girl B.
>Girl B had the lucky trait and now Girl A is behind bars while Girl B is still MC's girlfriend.

I swear Girl A didn't have the Evil trait and I can't understand for the life of me how did that happen.
Not in vanilla. Modules can be used to add traits however.
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Will SVS have abortion?
It needs preg first.
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>a japanese piece of media
>advocating for less population growth
We need ryona. Particularly beating the males up during sex
Dark Seed(or was it Evil Seed?) turns characters Evil after you fuck them(i.e. plant your Dark Seed in them)
Some custom triggers can also do this, not sure which cards do this tho.
Gotta roll with the punches and make them all submit to your D. Because they can't stab someone when they're getting fucked.
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Page 10 bump.
I wish that hair was slotted
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ppp333 cards...
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Nice pose.
Lack of room shadows sucks though
mother and son fight!!!
Star, nekomancer, Lilium, Clownpiece, 104, tot, FMDonkey, 98, Potato, Nsoul, ROD cards...
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I miss star
oh nice a girl bu-
>recognizes card
oh. ew.
>I recognize that butt!
exprain prease
>nigger hands
Pictured? Nah, not yet.
In an attempt to reduce the DL counts, or distribution.
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>In an attempt to reduce the DL counts, or distribution.
that... would be an effect you can achieve, sure
I still don't understand why would you want that though. Are people stealing your assets? Do you get impersonated often? Do you hate appearing as a popular cardmaker?
A mix of language barrier, circle-jerking and artificial scarcity is what I imagine this to be. Very common in east culture.
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file folder bump
Those are gloves, you buffoon.
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Whoever was looking for an Alya card there is one on the database now. It looks promising imo.

Card face look like a completely different character from the pic
I used a screencap to show what character was on the database... I figure it's up to the individual anon to decide how they feel about the card. Sorry for the confusion.
The eyelashes should be darker and the ahoge should be bigger.
Clownpiece style has spread? Nice.
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how awful!
Well, you should have moved faster then.
NO, I should have been the one to catch her!
Ya got me there. You really should have.
Now, who knows what will happen.
>In an attempt to reduce the DL counts, or distribution.
That's dumb.
So I can finally make my little antfarm of debauchery, right?
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>{"error":"User has disabled comments"}
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Commit bestiality.
you don't want your cards to be downloaded.. on a card-downloading site..?

I'm sorry but do you realize how stupid that sounds???
Paying someone to release pirated games is also stupid, but people do that too. People do many stupid things.
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Cute miko. I wish we had more Miko clothes.
How does the maker and game handle transparency when it comes to looking at cardfaces?
it works, there's just nothing interesting to see under the transparent pixels
So you could feasibly do a fancy card border that has empty spots in it without those transparent pixels defaulting to white or some other color?
Are you talking about layering?
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They'll default to whatever color is behind the card. It depends entirely on the UI you're running. You can actually replace the background with whatever you want, you just won't see it in 99% of the cases
I think Helltaker UI uses this one.

I'm assuming you're talking about the card's actual border, not the "border" layer that indicates the sexual orientation by default
big boobs are stupìd
You're stupid.
depends on how big and "how" they sag.
Saggy sacks of chest meat = bleh
Handful of water balloons = oooh
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fight me
you like em small or medium then
>trying to make a variant of a downloaded card that functions perfectly normally ingame and loads fine into the editor
>namely just so I can add AAU modules (Drunk, Flasher)
>have done this before with vanilla cards
>go to save as a new card altogether
>Code: 0xC0000005
>Doublecheck the card on the DB to make sure I'm not missing anything
>Personality: AA1 Faithful mod
>Huh, guess I missed that
>Refer to the doc and go to the mediafire to download the dependencies, overwrite a couple I already had but added a new one I was missing
>launch AAEdit
>crashes as soon as I open the card to edit rather than go to save it now
Do I call this progress? Any ideas?
So uou love flat?
>Personality: AA1 Faithful mod
Did you not download the personality pack? It should have aa1 faithful in it with many others.
Co medically enough, I had HexaOC and HexaHP, but not HexaPP. Now that I added HexaPP, I am beginning to crash editing her card.
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this is the smelliest shit take I've seen in this thread
Verification not required
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Post examples of cards with good sizes?
Weird, I have those and they work fine.
I wonder if it's able to ignore the dependency mod as it loads, but not able to ignore a mismatch between personalty type names when the dependent mod is loaded. Making a new character, I can set it to "Faithful", but it's not labelled "AA1 Faithful", so I wonder if there's a mismatch there.
oh so you just wanted to fight

attention whore
Did you try using qt edit to change the cards personality to "faithful" over aa1 faithful then resave and test it.
The crash only occurs in AA2Edit, it isn't a QtEdit or ingame issue. I don't think QtEdit actually affects the cards themselves, just the instance of them within the class save file, because it only loads the class save file.
That said, QtEdit doesn't seem to recognize my modded personalities? At least, I can't change into them.
I'm not a furry.
QtEdit can load the female/male card folder as well as save files you know.
You should try what >>487237801 suggested after figuring out how to load the card from a folder.
Is she talking to a goblin?
Some peoples tastes are quite intriguing!
SVS maker month slowly approaching
How? I don't have your card.
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Swimsuit day?
why is it always swimsuit day?
*rapes you*
why huh?
Did you heal her?
Nice swimsuits! Summer is going by real fast.
How come the jackfag OP is never here to bump the thread when it's alive and needs him?
Because it gives him another excuse to post the same OP. Are you retarded?
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I wonder if svs will have body weight options like aa2 or just sliders.
We need more summer swimsuit posts.
Nope, but I found better alternative
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>what does he mean by this?
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Maybe I am! How does that make you feel?
If it is anything like the HC maker, it has a torso texture and decent sliders that actually let you adjust belly and what have you
rabbit milk...
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Pretty happy that you're a retard, dude. Didn't you know July is disability pride month? You ought to be proud.
Hopefully, they'll put out a maker demo by this weekend.
Goodnight /aa2g/
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>purple nurples
>sleeps with glasses
she took them off to sleep, though...
Will SVS have rape?
The Force interaction is there.
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this fucking card still keeps crashing both edit and play for me. ive updated everything but that didnt help either. theres also nothing about any additional mods on bepis.
she's so me
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works on my machine lmao
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>expecting help from /v/ 2.0
i guess thats on me
Have you tried re-extracting her overrides? Rename your override folder, preview her, and if she doesn't crash, merge the newly extracted files into your old override folder and name it back.
that worked. ive never had this issue before but ill keep this in mind if it ever happens again. thanks anon.
Purple eyes...? Ohhh.
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everything purple!!

[SPOILER]i wonder if her pussy is also purple[/spoiler]
im gonna kill myself
i wonder if her pussy is also purple
It's hooman to err. No worries. N o kill one self.
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Hang on tight. Cooking up another Jacku thread soon.
are you sure about that...?

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