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/aa2g/ - Artificial Academy 2 General #1323

Whatever Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini: https://tsukiyo.me/AAA/AA2MiniPPX.xml
AAUnlimited updates: https://github.com/aa2g/AA2Unlimited/releases

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):
Booru: https://aau.booru.org

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread: >>485661761
Why even bother with custom faces if they look dogshit?
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>https://db.bepis.moe/user/view/35523 appears out of nowhere
>randomly starts cranking out quality cards
I bet that this will be short lived.
They can't do what he can. And for that they hated the guy so much.
Each individual breast is larger than her waist and ass combined. Glorious, and card please.
>download a clownpiece card (or any other great card maker's card)
>change features without changing the face much
Congrats, you make great cards now. It was always that easy.

captcha: ASK2D
That was actually it. No effort needed and you'll become popular in no time.
There is an amount of effort needed. The snowflaking quality is high so he clearly spent time thinking about the cards. My point is that there has never been a requirement to be the first person with a great style. Plenty of great styles already exist to borrow from.
This looks so weird
Robotnik isn't weird enough
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What the fuck the panties are supposed to be WHITE
Is this the Super Smash Bros. Melee of Illusion games? even if something (subjectively) better comes out will y'all still be on this?
Illusion is not Nintendo, and thus the comparison cannot be made.
We keep at AA2 because of mods and familiarity with its systems, simple as.
I'm ready to drop AA2 entirely if SVS scratches the same itch
Only when the new game's VA roster include most of my favorites from AA2
Hopefully, mods will solve that.
It's an apt comparison, but I think if SVS is 'close enough' then most people will move to it.
That's what ya get for not making your own.
Really? Melee isn't unique, it's just an iteration of the same idea, while AA2 had nothing even close to it until SVS, which isn't out yet.
Melee has wavedashing. That's unique.
Sure. But it's an exploit that hardcore purists found endearing, not a core component of the whole game.
Effectively, Melee is closer to any other Smash Bros than AA2 is closer than any Illusion game that's not AA1. Not even Koikatsu.
Fucking disgusting. Kill yourself.
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Those hardcore purists are the ones still playing it, so they're the one's you'd compare to AA2 players. I mean this purely for the sake of accurate comparison.
I stuck with aa2 because the aesthetics BTFOs every other similar game.
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You vill live in ze pod.
Not really, because the Smash games don't change the core gameplay, instead focusing on its roster and the "party fighter" gameplay that Melee players ignore in order to make it "unique".
Meanwhile, AA1 and AA2 can't be compared with the usual Illusion formula. Also, Koikatsu is a (very pretty) skinwalker, there's nothing underneath but horror.
If you need to compare a franchise that has hardcore purists that avoid later titles because the gameplay is not even close enough to later titles, it's the Morrowind modding community, that somehow remains healthy to this day.
>/aa2g/ are hardcore purist
But this is factually correct.
Fuck it, might as well reinstall AA2 even if only to compare to the new game. Is the install guide still good or are there any extra mods I need to add?
is good
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Anime of the YEAR!
you just described an average korean cardmaker
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Your attire does not match the setting my dear!
Holy rabbit! This is one of the best tatas I've seen in AA2.
I assume a lot of creators are already preparing to move regardless, considering the dead state of the thread these days.
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I know I am, I just hope a link for it drops, as I have had bad luck trying to buy jap shit before.
Would it be a better choice to use tot's card for our cover? This card is from WMs who is hated by many.
You already know the answer to that.
Meh, we're already half a day in
Of course,, dude

WM literally deserves to die and be forgotten
Wait for someone to pirate it
Never give your money to the Japanese
You can just use HC maker for now. They illgames were very explicit about SVS supporting HC cards.
NTA but do you have a link for that? Or is the maker for that free on their site?
I used betterrepack version when the game just came out. Just google "betterrepack" and you'll find it
So, what are we expecting to hear about in the not!AA3 update tomorrow? I'm personally hoping we get info on these "part time jobs" they mentioned before and if they're just analogous to clubs or something new.
My guess is jobs are the same as clubs, possibly with unique animations for each job.
VR features could be next too.
Maker additions also an option.
I still think it'll be funny to have if they have characters sometimes refuse to date other ones who work certain jobs they dislike.
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Perry Collins on the db
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What about this?
big smug energy
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Is she feeling alright?
Stop yelling at me! Your dog-whistle-ass screeches! reeeee!
(found it)
dumb idiot is going to hurt herself
Wake up aa2g, we are getting the maker trial tomorrow.
I hope it’s not that and a demo instead, but it’s probably just gonna be something pointless like VR
I can see it being VR and then following with the maker trial next week, but who knows.
No, let me sleep
THROW chibis
Throw TREATS to chibis!
This looks like a kk card in the worst possible way.
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Yuqilin more like YUCKilin
his account should be deleted
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Woe, chibi be upon ye
bumpy wumpy
M'lady has most certainly understood nature of the setting!
I miss the year of the cow.
>mods will solve that
if those mods will be as bad and jarring as the kk personalities added to aa2 then id rather the game just stay with only 12 personalities
are they still trying to say this, or have they finally given up?
You forget, we have AI tools now. As long as you aren't retarded and take your time, you can make them say what you want, how you want, and it won't sound like shit.
are there already ai language models for slant eyed languages? and i didnt even mean talking in general but the awkward as fuck disconnected moaning during h.
>are there already ai language models for slant eyed languages?
You can take an ai voice for your favorite gacha character, shove it into an ai and make it sing in any language you want. I'd think short character lines would be easier.
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We need more swimsuit posts.
Fucking disgusting
Give headpats to chibis!
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Agreed. Summer is the season for swimsuits!
We need more screenshot posters in general, to be fair.
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I'm just lazy
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It's not even out yet, and they're already talking about "8 additional personality types", but maybe it's not DLC going by how they discussed it, or am I just coping?



They also say the game's been mastered, aka, it's reached a final/final-adjacent build, so that's nice.
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One of said "8" personality types appears to belong to the boys, the other 7 going to the girls. This also means 20 total personalities, assuming the additional 8 are done by launch, maybe.
Looking again, 2 might belong to the boys, if the character on the far right is a guy, but I could be just wrong about that, which doesn't feel impossible in all fairness. I just hope these are either at launch, or free after launch, and that this doesn't stop them from trying to do DLC adding even more personalities later because I genuinely feel like there can't be too many personalities with a game like this.
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Don't forget your daily stretching
The site says that these 8 personalities are content for after-launch, so very likely that this is DLC.
It could just be a patch that gives you the personalities for free, but I have my doubts.

Kinda useless update this week desu, but well, there's still a month so it makes sense they want to reserve more juicy information for later (if there's any).
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toldja it would happen, it was inevitable
>going up to 20 vs AA2's 23
And there was doubt

why make more male personalities if they won't be voiced...
different text personalities of course, and if they are already doing silly things like this, I wouldn't put it past them to release them actually voiced as another DLC.
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The total number of personalities would be 20 with this, 16 girls and 4 boys. By the image I feel some poses match a bit things we have in AA2.
1st: Warm?
2nd: Cadet? Playful?
3rd: Irritated? Aloof?
4th: No idea, maybe frisky?
5th: Dignified or any kind of ojou
6th: Carefree (I wish because it is my fav)
7th: Mature, looks teacherish
8th: Schemer
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now you're just overdosing the copium, calm down
Wouldn't 6 by joyful? That looks like her pose.
You are right and I actually got it mixed with carefree for some reason. It's been a while since last time I played.
The Japanese have no issue with non-voiced personalities because they have i m a g i n a t i o n s.
>It's been a while since last time I played.
Man not making time for his cards.
If that were true, they'dve probably fully cheaped out on voice acting in general if it were truly a japanese thing, at best maintaining VA for the sex.
Good swimsuit posts!
>additional personalities instantly confirmed
Might not be a maker trial but that's great news. Told you so, obviously this was going to be an early DLC
what a cute ghost
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>4 boys
what a fucking waste of time. even unvoiced
First you complain because not enough males, now apparently 4 is too much
male bros we won bigly
Still unvoiced but I will take it.
It looks like Illgames was able to properly respond to every concern so far, has been mostly good news until now.
1 is too much
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I still haven't forgotten. Hand over the Grea card.
"Have no issue with" and "like" are not the same thing.
the who
wtf i love notmycake now
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Got back into this recently and a lot of my favorite makers got their megas nuked. I hope you guys have backups. lots of these cards im looking for never got posted on bepis
Someone who made a card for the current fotm anime ho and doing that is a fast track to getting throated endlessly
skill issue, come back sooner
oh, thank you, anon

>anonymous is a single person
I've got a full folder of "anon's favorite card makers." I named it that and everything.
Really wish they bring back more familar VAs
Why? Reusing voice actors is one of the worst things about the VA industry.
You didn't store your favorite cards?
Thanks for increasing the value of my rare cards.
What ones would you want back?
All of the AA2 VAs were unfamiliar to me and I like them.
I want to reuse Playful's voice all over my dick
NTA but Creepy + Otaku were fun
I think playful and irritated are more likely to return, if they were going to.
irritated is just a tsundere, which is ubiquitous in jap media, so of course it's coming back.
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I instantly recognized Sweet's voice and I am content.
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Is this a shark?
I believe it is called...a strip mall
But she's... dressed?
not for long
Why using a cover that is not going to be shared anyway?
I won’t play her game but she is too fucking hot
A reminder that this is not /KKG/ Go to your respective thread.
Why are you sending an aa2 card maker to kkg out of curiosity?
>he thinks it's a KK character
Anon I...
Pretty sure that is an anon 104 WIP card
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Anyone else suddenly smell bacon?
Bro, I think you're confusing that anon with OP-related
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mmm... bacon...
sounds more like you should go back there

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