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Previous: >>485800628

>[Campaign] Fate/Grand Order 7th Anniversary
2024-07-06 12:00 - 07-16 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] 7th Anniversary Archetype: EARTH Pickup Summon
2024-07-06 12:00 - 07-16 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Destiny Order Summon
2024-07-06 12:00 - 07-16 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] 7th Anniversary Guaranteed Summon
2024-07-06 12:00 - 07-16 20:59 PDT

>[Campaign] 7th Anniversary Limited Master Missions
2024-07-05 21:00 - 07-16 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] 7th Anniversary Commemorative Limited Servant Daily Pickup Summon
2024-07-09 21:00 - 07-17 20:59 PDT

Join Albert and Michael on July 17th

>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/e75ykf.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Future Quartz: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRQFC6pgsvDr11c1oe8PcGXurF3uw0MBq73YoQMGCJemzMics9LfwVurTLMi0rpfHNEBjG6gVCOrIer/pubhtml
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

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O' turd decked beast from the deepest depths delivered.
Take root inside the /alter/'s sculpted keepers.
And perched within, we beg of thee.
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Muramasa! AND!
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Lip love!
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let her cook
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Awesome Aesc!
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post fat servants
Yuyu sex!

What would it take for you to give up on fgo at this point
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Friday night…
Reminder that this is an edited pic of Shirou and Sakura.
Friday love!
My mom...
My wife...
A weird neet who is in my house for some reason...
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Does Aesc remind anyone else of this girl?
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The worst character in LB6 is Barghest then Melusine.
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>he's still trying
Top kek.
It must be so infuriating to fail so miserably.
Who is the best?
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Big Kamas...
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oberon by far
he was the star of the chapter
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Lmao cuckschizo's seething again
Habetrot > Castoria > Aurora > Morgan > Barg > Melu > Bob
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The turd is still mad it seems after being caught by the Kamabro.
Boudica hot!
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I got Ishtar from GSSR but haven't used her. How should Ishtar be used?
He can't find real fanart of them because Kama is for (you)
Can't disagree, although I don't get why you don't like Barghest, she seemed like a fine character to me, not the best but not the worst
The Eva rebuilds are trash. Mari shouldn't exist. Anno is a hypocritical faggot who's mockery of the people who made his lifestyle possible is reprehensible.
Mom butt
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Mari was the only good girl in that franchise. She saved Eva.
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I read Tsukihime with my gf the other night. Interesting experience to say the least.
Whose. Fuck.
Castoria>=Oberon>>>The rest in any order
Even Mash was pretty interesting since she had something to do. LB6 really was something
Post your gf's tummy.
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Party night
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castoria > oberon > goblin bros > habetrot > cnoc > barghest > percival > red hare > melusine > morgan > bob > aurora
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>if the girl is horny she is bad
Someone explain this logic to me
What do the extreme class dailies drop compared to the other ones
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Stop making Morgan out to be a whore, faggot.
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/alter/ stands united against shitposters.
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Mmmm BBQ
Draw a servant!
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Just better odds of mats and gold statues/gold gems I think.
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Christian website, please contain yourself.
More mats.
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Interesting cabal of Servants
so when are we getting summer?
>implying Bobshit is not a whore
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What servant would be a good match for him?
>all these plot-relevant interesting characters
>then there's Kama shoved in there for no reason
Dumb Kamafag artist
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Fate spin off slice of life manga where a normal human with only minor ties to the magical world meets a sparrow that once met Beni-Enma on his way home from work and coupled with his fatigue from work, this causes a chain-summing of Beni-Enma in his apartment that night despite there not being any form of grail war going on. Beni sees how tired he is from work and decides to live with him from then on, preparing meals and tidying for him and helping him relieve stress.

Yes just give me Senko-san but with Beni-Enma please god I need it.
The 21st of June.
Those are the big 2021/2023 servants
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unironically this but with any child servant
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>not realizing its all from the same year

Little Kama is so cute there.
Based but I prefer Oberon over Castoria
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Didn't you know? Kama is the main character of Ordeal Call 1
I won’t mom
>thought keys and gayness
Bro, this is the AI general...
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you know what they say about pirates...
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You okay?
I didn't know and I don't care, blow me fag
Uh oh turd alert
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Kama is the main character of my heart
Today I will remind them.

Imagine all the crusty, vitamin deprived, sea salt smelling sex...
that they like to search for treasures?
They're gay?
Oh I forgot Muramasa, Murian, and Koyan. I'd put all three about equal with Tristan. Also I forgot Hope, I guess I'd put her down as equal to Cu.
How tall would you need to be that Melusine would be ibjh in turn?
How tall would I need to be to punch her straight in the face?
What do they say about pirates?
I feel like that specific situation fits Beni particularly well, but I can accept a heartwarming father/daughter romance manga about it happening with Abigail.

>Beni notices the next door neighbour starts suddenly wearing really fashionable clothing and playing idol music loud enough to hear through the walls
>goes to speak to them about the noise
>Miss Crane answers
>they reminisce together
I love this, but it's not Saturday yet doe
It's Friday, but you used a remix of the SMW ending which is based so I can forgive you.
They really are close in ranking for me, the best character between the two flips every other day
It's Saturday in most of the world.
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Kama Friday...
Sei Saturday...
Shes a good bad girl
Let's settle this, bros
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Sei Saturday and Suzuka Sunday are my favorite days
Europe is not a real place
It's Caturday on my clock.
This is what I do to Aesc.
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It's schizurday
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is that aoko's bf?
You know what means
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If you have multiple servants that serve a general roll (eg AOE Arts Rider), do you make an active effort to swap them out? Or will you just pick one and use that over the others unless some niche makes another a better option?
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I fucking love this dork
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It's Friday in NA, which is the focus of this general, the target audience of this website, and the primary population it houses.
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It's Saturday night, bros!
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I use servants I like
he's gay
Most of the world should find their own website
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Eurokeks lost so bad on this one! Sad!
nah fuck that shitty father daughter dynamic, i'm not a pedo, i just want a child like servant
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I love breeding MY dork
Give me Illya sex.
It's called 2channel. I don't know why they all came here.
I'll use my bakin over my binchi to farm doors but I need to max out her skills first and I lack the mats to do so.
Character I like>Niche>Better on average>Highest NP level
Bros with Arcueid on support in Extra, please put teatime on her? I'm playing with Arc/Arc/LivingHumanServant 3x NP farming but it needs two Arcs to work.
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Caturday is tomorrow!
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Aoko is a femcel loser, she will never have a bf.
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Will NP1 do?
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Men can talk about how much they love huge breasts all day, but they will still choose the one on the right. Can somebody explain this to me?
No I choose skadoodle
I don't see a ring on dirty red's finger
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>choose the one on the right
You can't tell your left from your right, bro?
If it clears the first wave, which it should for most free quests!
No I choose skadoodle
Lmao no I’m just the left
Even as the kind of ultrasimp that loves girls like Medb, I prefer Skadi
technically sfw, but just in case
In my opinion turd ranks up there with Voidstance
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which living human? ishtar/eresh? And yeah I'll put it up just because you asked bro. Say goodbye, Goghfags.
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Oh bishoun...
I easily choose left, no question.
I'm starting to understand his reaction at least. Imagine all that shitposting just to get such a lame nickname
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Would you let Sei take your virginity?
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i like how you unwittingly insulted the creativity of your spam partner
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Say "hello" to my little friend!
I am a bishounen. Where's my discount?
Screenshotted and saved
Then why do you seem so angry about it?
That isn't a blue pony.
god medb's tits look more like boils or blisters more than breasts. this artist does NOT know what a boob is. it's actually fucking revolting.
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Don't have one to give
There are real breasts that look like that though.
I absolutely wont. Mebd is trash while Skadi is an angel + hotter
Ishtar at the moment, yes. I luckshat Muramasa as well though, so he's useful for farming things with a big lancer at the end while the Arcs deal with two other waves.
I curse your rolls
>120 NP5 day1
Good luck rolling for 8 copies, idiot!
Here in Murica we call her Aesc.
it's always the drooling bots with npc takes that fall for the replybait posts lmfao
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Men will love any boobs they can, simple as
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She's called Aesc.
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*begins changing*
is she morbing into jalterina?
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We're all changing, man
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This is so true.
>we need castoria alter
We already have Morgan
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me too sis, me too
>split fous
The passage of time
Things past summer 2025 are not very appealing to me so it's looking like a good time to call it off then
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>/fgog/rat alert
>/fgog/rat alert
>/fgog/rat alert
>/fgog/rat alert
>/fgog/rat alert
>/fgog/rat alert
>/fgog/rat alert
real breasts are shaped by the pectorals in part. they follow a specific line. Even small breasts have to follow these rules, following its shape.
They do not act like pinched sacks of puss. Those breasts not only don't follow the pectorals, they look like the were slapped glued on from someone else entirely.
Saggy, perky, small, large, breasts simply don't look like that naturally and thus it gives off the feeling that it's a growth rather than a breast. Hell, look at her DEFORMED MASSIVE BARREL CHESTED RIBCAGE.
Look how distant they are from the collar bone. Even small breasts give off more of a mosquito bite look or a triangular shape.
Lie to yourself all you want, anon, but don't lie to me. I have fucking eyes.
You don't need 8 copies for 120, only if you want instant 120 and all 3 appends with no bond.
>1520 each is split
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I relogged so it should be up for me. I can't promise I'll keep it that way since i prefer arc in my all slot. But for now, it's ok.
Oh yeah, you're right! My bad and good luck, anon.
>unifies Japan and Korea
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good night bros
medb's tits look like a ballsack of a cheap plastic dildo
Succ a dic, nigger
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Thanks bros!
I have over a billion QP after burning apples on doors. Should I keep going?
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>steals the SOUL out of your Support List
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Kam and Sei...
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No, not my grailed Hans...
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Lippas call me the Cup
Lippas call my kid the Drink
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You cold approach these two at Casino Camelot. What's your opener?
Hey ladies, I'm free tonight, do you wish to spend time together?
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Are you pengwinning a lot, ladies?
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I don't really get it, but this still feels like the right thing to do
T-they call me... the Purple Flurp
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Which way, master?
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Hey, Kam back here, no fair...
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Some people call me the space cowboy.
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Name of the band?
2 girls 1 cup
They call you Tutu Titties
Here are 2 girls 1 cup.
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>open up sex offender app at Chaldea
>see this
What do?
how many grails do you have, /alter/?
shitkura is out of here element here
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11, saving for summer
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Jiggle my ankle monitor because it clearly is malfunctioning.
She's literally surrounded by her namesake
More than I need.
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Here, take this
Its dangerous to go alone
0. Grail casting this month gave me exactly enough to get Arc to 100.
S. Ibuki will have to wait a bit if I get her.
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>under 100 million qp
it's over..............
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I should have 3 but I was drunk the anniversary and, well...
Is this a real photo?
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it isn't
half AP doors will save you
i was at 1mil qp, now 1.1bil
You know she had to do it to em
yes that's me and my girlfriend
Finish your food
>grail casting
Fuck I keep forgetting that. Haven't done it this month or last month either, thanks for reminding me bro.
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I will forcibly misunderstand with violence.
I only have two grails...
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Too bad. You're married now
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>or last month either
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Wish ericebro looked like that and was mine
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No...I was almost a wizard...
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>You can replace Mash with another servant
Who do you pick?
Personally I think Santa Lily would make for a good porter. The best, even.
please help me decide who to lore with the anniversary lores

the following are all 9/9/9:
>Qin Shi Huang
>Chen Gong
>Summer Musashi
>Saito Hajime
>Baobhan Sith
>Santa Nightingale
>Lancer Yu
>Robin Hood
>Hans Christian Anderson
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Edmond Dantes
mash 2
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he is the strongest
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I'm doing the same. You really should lore tamamo and qsh and mash and herc if you ever use them in CQs.
With all the lores we got there is no reason to not have all your SSRs at 10/10/10 bro.
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Stall servants benefit more from the cooldown. Otherwise I feel like it's kind of obvious what you should prioritize
First: Xu Fu. (Go roll and upgrade Xu Fu now.)
Second: Heracles.
Third: idk Mash I guess. Maybe Summer Musashi if you want to loop with her (with Xu Fu).
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Mash but a different knight
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>mash salter
gimme gimme
ok did
already maxed xu fu
How come the castle and the bgm don't stay for the next wave
I wouldn't call him a stall servant, but don't forgot herc. Lores for him can directly translate to more turns
small indie company
please understand
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Just use her NP on the next wave too
I think Aoko is the one who changes the BGM
They really need to work on those hair physics
Use arceuids NP
>background changes to castle
>BGM stays the same
what kind of nonsense is this?
Finally gonna roll for GSSR. Torn between two banners, Archer 2 and Lancer 2. Wanting either Super Orion or Melusine. Don’t have the other archers on the banner but not feeling them, and have Ryoma and Roma. Help me decide
Roll for Ishtar!
Aurora/Astolfo/Nemo POV
Roll on the Poo God, Summer Musashi, Morgan one.
Go for Lancer 2 if you don't want any of the archers
Extra 3
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i'd personally go for archer 2 unless you super duper ultra want melu, getting a 100% chance of a new character is better than 2/3 of a dupe you dont care about
Don't roll for footslut
Take the Gilpill
go for the one with only new servants, I rolled on the foreigners one because I wanted Gogh and Yuyu but I got Summer Abbi, the only servant I already had for that banner.
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cute doggo
Jokes on you, I got all three. rolled an NP3 poo god just to get one assclap upon release.
Got Morty, Taira, np 2 Kiara and Kama
Fair but…
That’s what is holding me back on pulling lancer
Shut the fuck up Napoleon.
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ugly fat cow
Ridertoria with Cabal the first, when?
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Imagine the hatesex
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/alter/, I give you the Takeuchi boobs support list. Why? I was bored.
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where's Aria?
The only good Mashu doujin is the one with Gilgamesh, FACT
I see thrud.
She has her own special bus
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Drunk behind the wheel.
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>has scars
I've turned like 35 lores into 14, this is bad.
>4M qp
Should I be burning apples on half ap doors
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I care about Castoria's Castorias
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post whores
Yeah, it's worth it.
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Killed an Ushi today.
Feeling euphoric.
when is the next half AP interlude/enhancement quest campaign?
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I lived, bitch
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My King(wife)...
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Uhhh... it was a prank?
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The mirror no longer shows hope
The road to new lands goes unrealized
The mirror shows your boobs instead
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>this retard still going

JAA PERDOLE... second half of 2024 looking bright
Bird flew? Yeah, they do that.
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Rig after this fight I'm going to my friend list and unfriend this motherfucker.
September for Lostbelt 4 servants.
Maybe you should invest in infrastructure that isn't a giant potato then?
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Eat a turd, retard
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New is always better than high chance of one you don't care for.
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Ever since zenobia released, jannu's lock on aoe arts looper isn't as firm, but until a year ago she was the only one. he's still a much better one. IIRC np1 dolphin fucker is still better than np2 public use.
Sei is all in the personality. If you don't love her, you hate her. She barely quick loops even with her buff in jp so there's nothing gameplaywise to soften the blow.

If you haven't used either of them, maybe try searching your support list and giving them a spin. You might come around yet.
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(ugh... so hot...)
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God, I wish I was Illya.
Uhhh who dis
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>4 image posts without a single word back-to-back


>6 years ago
So many memories... We LOVE fate grand order
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Eat a turd, retard
What pokemon would Kama use?
I'd bet Orthworm, Maushold, and decidueye (worms, proliferation, and archery)
Monkey's paw: You become F/SN Illya
Alright that got me
Totally original, how'd you come up with that?
i want to make my wife martha have sex with a better man (and eventually fall in love with him and get bred behind my back)
I can't beat King Protea... I can't deal 2 million damage. I'm not... I'm not strong enough.
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Do you agree?
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It just came to me like a vision.
Interesting how it only seems to be affecting farm animals and nothing else.
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lifehack: you can just take clothing off to cool down
In the SERAPH main interlude? there's ways to stall it so that you can have a buster berserker servant just do massive crits by double merlin buffing him by buff>plug out>stall>plug in>buff.
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New York? Is it better than the first one?
Tragic, but I'll at least make sure Shirou gets the full experience of my route.
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Kama with BG on support can probably nuke her three times for enough, anon...
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Apartment complex...? i find it quite simple, really
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Was it Kino?
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Post something new, /alter/
something new, /alter/
did you know that you cant spell saturday without turd?
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Heavy metal? Yeah it usually is.
>snowmonkey autistic meltdowns end
>snowmonkey surveyposting begins
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Full experience? What do you mean
I should request AI Loli Altera
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What are we rolling, bros?
not soon enough
extra support
np3 bazett
np2 qsh
np4 van gogh
np2 sherlock
np1-2 lady avalon (depends if i manage to get her)
np2 himiko, which isn't terrible considering i like using her quite a lot, prefer her in immortal comps over my morgan
Shut the fuck up you moron
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this anniversary was a 50/50 between lancer 2 and extra 6 but went with extra 6 and got the 5* I wanted, means I can pick AoE Lancer and the only meh result being a np upgrade for eresh since every other servant is new or a np upgrade for melu
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Speak the fuck up you genius
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I don't have Merlin... so stalling with Jannu/Castoria/Merlin is quite difficult when nobody resists.
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auntie sex
>most used servant
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Eat a turd, retard
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Still the queen.
He's getting matting press of course.
>Friday night
>thread is dead
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most /alter/ are spending time with their friends and girlfriends.
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>friends and girlfriends
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Friday Z
I am actually tipsy and tihnkin about eating
Lancer 2 probably. Melusine would be whatever, but Eresh to NP5, Elf Tits, Ryuma, or ROMA would all be good results.
Fate/Grand Order USA
Join Albert and Michael on July 17th for Chaldea Broadcasting Station U.S. Branch Lite Vol. 9! Watch as they discuss the upcoming Limited Time Event, "Arctic Summer World"!
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Need tits.
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Bow down

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Happy Friday bros, I hope you all made it through your Anniversary week alright. If you managed to summon a servant you wanted this week, congrats, and if you still have something you want to summon. Try to make the most of this dead week, we're a week from summer starting. Now let's do our best to have a daishouri thread.

The old one is in Shambles.
Yes, its' a it's a terrible joke I heard on a train.

I went full stall with it when It did it I think I used jannu/tamamo/merlin and loaded everyone with prisma cosmos, but I went in with a goal of hitting 100 turns.
Lucky you, mine has stopped talking to me
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>only 1 mon
This won't take long.
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20 more days, bros
Clae can solo it.
That's usually how livestock illnesses work, yes.
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Still don't get it.
do Loli Altera
>it's true and has never been posted before today
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20 days till touko time, can't wait
20 days till you get BTFO'd, loser, turd eater
>nothing but [-]
keep it up
Why do you want dirty red when we already have miss blue?
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>and Michael
I'm not going to be in California that day or ever if I can help it. Fucking liars.
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To play Gameboy together with her via link cable with, duh. Aoko doesn't have a Gameboy, she's a loser who probably bought a wonderswan.
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This is what people don't consider when they greedily beg for speed-up.
Time flies when you're having fun with FGO, you should enjoy the moment instead of wishing for it to all be over quickly.
Today is pretty much two years from now.
I just pick out the servant is who more efficient for the job. So for super doors, since they're half AP, I just use Faker + Habetrot + Oberon.
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Time is a valuable thing
Watch it fly by as the pendulum swings
Watch it count down to the end of the day
The clock ticks life away
We are going to have another GSSR in August, right?
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20 days plus 365 days plus another 365 days minus 7 days.
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>ascend JK
>it looks like she is bottomless
>and seducing me about it
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>my local walmart already has a back to school section
By the time I take my next vacation it will have been 13 months since my last.
With Aoko you get to go outside though. Touko is always in her office reeking of cigarette smoke.
>/fgoalter/ - Fate/Grand Order NA General
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fixed it for ya
I want Kuro to milk me dry.
Anon, this is quite literally misunderstanding.
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We're almost there!
just started lb6 and yeah this is kino
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>wanting to go outside
Check this normalfag out
Uhh that's what actually happened, so it doesn't count
go away, why the fuck are you blogposting about your JP account here, retard
This but Aurora got shanked
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If I have NP2 Boomerlot, will that be enough to clear the 90++ node this summer without damage CE? Or does it need NP5?
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okay and?
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The cutest!
The strongest!
So for (you) she killed her previous "lover".
You're more than her #1!
So powerful she drives 4chan posters into weeklong, maybe even monthlong meltdown slander campaigns!
My lovely for (me) dragon!

Low quality cope replies incoming. Preemptive re-reply: Don't care + you're gay and a virgin >>>/lgbt/ is thataway
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Cliffhanger... hanging from a cliff...
And that's why he's called Cliffhanger...
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Ati, why is your 120 Skadi lacking her Lv.10 append skill charge? What do you have to say our fellow Carenbros?
>literally only needs Aurora to be stabbed
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Mom where you going?
I see you, early 2000's SNL watcher.
I liked the ambiguously gay duo.
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>Should I keep going?
Depends on your needs, the next lotto isn't for another four months.
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Raikou? Morel like Raicow!
i am SO FUCKING DRUNK right now
why did my brain do that?
Between The Lions
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We're almost (6 months) there!
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Gotta go fast
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Servant for this feel?
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Eric Bloodaxe
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I see Infinite Jest, I skip.
Dick Fucking Wanker.
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God I love milk
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fuck off retard
Me, third counting from the left
Don’t falseflag as a mombro, turd.
It's ok, I know that most people aren't intelligent enough to appreciate him.
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Based, show them their place, Mom
stop being a schizo spammer, ban evader
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Shapeshifter Lhamu turns into a girl of their choice before biting off their dicks and killing them slowly. No one can hear them scream because they wanted to rape a girl in a soundproof room.
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i’m not sure
Thanks for proving its you again, turd.
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File deleted.
nice doujin. ankoman makes astolfo fuck everyone so what does your little non-canon bait even mean?
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jatler used her student grant to get a cool back tattoo
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Look at her go!
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i'm not even going to try to guess whatever schizo storyline you've come up with today, get help
Reading is overrated anyway
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>Melu cuckposting
When exactly did this start?
ask again in the next thread
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She Kam and Gogh and Sei all over...
that got patched out.
they did both jannus and hortas VUs at the same time. Makes sense, they're the same body with slightly different armor. They just got a little lazy with the copypasting.
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Cute. When will Fate/Grand Order NA got that costume?
Raikouschizo, about a month ago.
Unfathomably based!
play tsukihime
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Jalter taught herself how to read, normal Jannu did not and is still illiterate.
Don't ask me why the Throne didn't grant either of them the ability to do so automatically.
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Aesc, the "make it rain" bitch
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Probably not, check it yourself.
>without damage CE?
Lol, definetly not. Lancelot has a one hit NP, so you won't be NPing each wave without the help of the damage CE since it has 50% charge. Not many servants will be able to clear without the damage CE or MLB Black Grail since Clae has 1 million HP.
Actually it started 7 months ago and laster for a month
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unfortunately, Kamaid is lost in the hall of costumes, only to be freed with a panic button from the devs...
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Regular Jeanne probably learned later because she makes doujins with Marie.
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I'm pretty sure her illiteracy as a servant is just headcanon. There's never been any direct reference to either one saying they can't at some point unless it's just in the apocrypha LN or something
>tits spilling out of too small bikini in magnificent display of size and plumpness
It fucking infuriates me that MISUNDERSTANDING happened.
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literally over a year ago when she released. I wasn't even a huge melufag after lb6 but i was driven more and more into her corner as i kept arguing against the brainlet cuckposter at every turn.
I don't know if its always been the same person, but literally from day 1 people have been saying she's for aurora or for percival. We're just in a particularly vocal burst from Raikoschizo right now. God knows what set him off but the voices demand he MUST let everyone know that Melusine enjoyers are the lowest kind of cuck several times an hour as long as he's awake.
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Wait a second, that flip...
He literally had 20240401 in a filename he cuckposted with, idiot, shut the fuck up
You can't see the seal on normal Jannu, bro...
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When LB6 came out on JP and people read her bond CE after rolling for her. Melufags from /fgog/ tried to gaslight it as motherly love, which got exposed as bullshit when the NA translation came out and it was reminded to all that /fgog/ can't read.
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Stop samefagging
to be fair to onii chan it's probably BOTH at the same time, that's the vibes I gotten from it
Stop being dumb you turd.
>uhh, bro?
>I'm pretty sure her illiteracy as a servant is just headcanon
And I'm pretty sure you're fucking wrong, dumbass. Why did you skip the first Christmas? Why argue about something you clearly know jack shit about?
Who skip here
/fgog/poster casually blogging here and people act surprised about us being attacked by /fgog/
>/fgog/ can't read
That is /alter/ not /fgog/.
What would it be like having arcueid as a servant
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depends which one
>the Throne didn't grant either of them the ability to do so automatically.
The throne recognized that they were both slutty holes who are only good for sex. Sluts are better off not knowing how to read, honestly they don't even need to know how to talk.
Made me chuckle, so it can't be that terrible.
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Sure bud
2nd ascension
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>the frozen pizza was low quality and greasy
what brand
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That's sad
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She would be a clingy ditzy airhead then. She fundamentally only gets like that when she likes you anyways.
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this is why you bake you own
>frozen pizza
>low quality
and water is wet
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Fixed it for ya
I get mine from a brick oven pizzeria. The thinner dough they use doesn’t bother my stomach like big company pizzas do. Fate Grand Order.
How long until Anni news?
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>Less than 2 weeks to summer Wu
Where's the time machine when i need one.
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>There are people
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would of been true if it was Kuro
You gotta dress it up with your own cheese and toppings bro. Probably better to get only cheese since the frozen toppings suck most of the time
This is why you buy a pizza stone and make your own.
We already had anni
If you want to discuss JP anni you should go to /fgog/ and discuss it there
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Actually, I prefer the term individuals!
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>be me, poor in the early 00's
>a tostino's was round and perfectly fit one of my cheep plastic dinner plates
>be me, poor now
>a tostino's is rectangular with the shape almost perfectly inscribed by one of those same dinner plates
They still cost about the same price.
I think that on Sunday afternoon I will determine the exact area of the plate and a modern frozen pizza and report back on how much they've shrunk.
She's artist of the group, so that doesn't really confirm if she knows how to read. Marie could always just write the dialogue after everything else is done.
forgot who, but i remember someone saying that this seemed like a extra bit of cope from her writer
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/ourgirl/ BTFO's Melukeks and that weirdo seething about integrity of the threads
So I figured it's been years and maybe I've forgotten something. Maybe this guy isn't just an angry retard, right? So in like the second chapter as a Lily servant who has clearly been reduced in ability to read or even say complicated words in the first chapter she's struggling, but reading from a list.
Fuck off retard
Because it is.
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I've been mostly buying President's Choice "black label" frozen bizzas. It says "made in Italy" on them.
They were introduced around the time Delissio stopped being sold in Canada so I never ended up having to try any of the sketchy off-brands.
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You mean /fgog/'s girl?
The next christmas servant should be van gogh so she can say "Gogh ho ho!"
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Genghis Khan when?
No, Ushi doesn't count unless we get a bigger titty version 5* Archer for it.
Summer Gogh... and then Santa Gogh... and then Vincent Van Gogh...
When does this fucking event start?
It is. He cannot stand the idea of his waifu being with anybody besides himself/his self-insert. So he deliberately aimed to cuckold everybody twice over by putting in explicit profile materials that NO SHE WILL NOT LOVE (You). If it wasn't for that, her Summer actions and basically everything else, including dialogue, would say "summer version is for (You) time to make babies". Except it is misunderstanding.
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July 18th
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Kuro just wants to watch you pee. Suzuka is for (You)
I wonder what makes you think the event will start a day after the stream? This has not been a case for a long time as far as I remember
Pic is me and my wife.
Kuro unironically states she will handle your dick for you, bro.
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>n the first chapter she's struggling, but reading from a list.
What does that have to do with when Jalter taught herself to write a letter to Santa and got a visit from Santa Alter in Christmas 1, you absolute moron?
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I think that's a bad /fgog/ translation but it is funnier to keep it that way
The Hu are so good but america's representation of them has me really disappointed. They had Wolf Totem playing on west coast radio for a little bit, but it was the Paparoach collab version that completely destroys the original vibe of the song
why is she so horny?
>knows genghis would be archer, not rider
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>buy frozen pizza and put your own cheese and toppings on it
Might as well make your own pizza from scratch at that point, bro.
So did the hype around Type Earth die? Or was it because Tsukifags are a vocal minority?
The stream is usually at night in US time of that day and maintenance is usually a few hours later, so yeah it does start the 18th, usually around 6-8 hours after the stream starts. So you won't be playing the event until the 18th.
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I am going to misunderstand so hard and you can't stop me
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So this is what happened when she's worried about her niggers too much huh?
I told you about those niggers bros
surely there will be content soon
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Shame... this is how my pizzas look like
the feeling is mutual
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I wouldn't know. I haven't listened to broadcast radio in over a decade and only know them because of a YGYL thread on /gif/
Thanks, I guess. The silk armor thing is cool.
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she's precious
best qol change recently is being able to skip the part 2 animation after i data transfer from my emulator back to my phone
Me too, the price tag isn't worth it. The only servants I really want out of the pool are Squirtoria, Merlin and Kama. Lady Avalon is releasing next week, so Merlin's whatever at this point. Which only leaves Squirtoria and Kama with the rest of the classes being absolute stinkers.
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Well too bad bitch
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I'm looking forward to a NEW Yamataikoku event in a couple months.
>The stream is usually at night
Have you looked at the schedule for this years panel? Because you should.
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me too!
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based drawGOD
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There's some context missing here, in Summer 8 she's taking on the role of manager/editor for your doujin circle
The way I interpret it, she's micromanaging your entire schedule for that down to bathroom breaks
>destined for bed breaking babymaking mating press nakadashi breeding with unga bunga cavewoman big tits
Yes please.
Hey I have seen that image before
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I could buy a big pack for 1-2 minutes of rolling. Or I could spend that money and be able to get both Tsukihime Remake and Mahoyo for over a hundred hours of content. What to do.
The anniversary panel? It already happened and I'm pretty sure it just said "Mid July" for the summer event which July 17th/18th both fit. The actual stream is at 6PM PT so already the 18th for most of the world and maintenance will likely start 3 hours later.
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>make lore post
>bobfag makes off topic post
>thread devolved into that
I see you were never my bros.
It sounds like you already know the answer
>losing entire weeks
>this handle is very low
I might be drinking mslef to death tonight, bros.
no one wants to read about your gay fanfiction
She also says this in her final ascension.
>Once you've finished writing I will give you a full service, so let's hurry to the finish!
Which is similarly suggestive. It's Kuro, virtually everything she says has a sex undertone or overtone.
>make lore post
link it, this should be hot
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>open FGO
>2,300 FP
>Most Used: Reines
I guess some bros are really low on QP, but fuck I don't usually see that much FP at once on login unless it's a lotto.
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half ap doors brother
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Someone really named a time period 'mid jew lie'
That explains why summer sucks
Sounds like you are a /fgog/ rat who misunderstood, bro.
>summer Suzuka releases
>banner and event ends
>hot fix line about how she is never going to love you and you should not misunderstand
>people find the hot fix stupid and funny
>Oh im going to misunderstand = I will fuck suzuka
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That looks good!
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>/alter/cucks will skip on this one
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Me, soon.
>hot fix line
Untrue. Her final lines were locked until after the event. There was no hotfix. People rolled and then after the event when they finally got the lines they were told not to misunderstand her friendliness as a romantic advance on her part.
yes i will
i might summon on summer castoria, but that's all
all 4 stars next year are overrated
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I'm going hard on the Summer Castoria banner, so I expect I will pick up a couple Suzukas and Kuros along the way.
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Thanks mom...
I didn't in JP.
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>yfw Master don't cum inside you for 24 hours now but choose salterina instead
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Why does a shrine maiden need such big tits
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Who do you choose
For feeding (you)r children.
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The best pizza I ever had was a take and bake whole foods cheese pizza
>not a Noble Phantasm of EX Caliber.
A++ my ass.
It symbolises fertility.
summer skadi
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Merlina and Summer Skadi, don't really care for the rest.
>void stance gameplay in fsr is a schizophrenic spam of movement in all directions that can't be followed by the human eye and make next to no sense at all
This hits too close to home for me.
I'm rolling Merlina and Summer Skadi. Depending on how quickly they come, I might drop some extra sq on Summer Ibuki.
EX doesn't necessarily mean above A+ secondary-kun
That is clearly not the point, he wanted the pun, not for it to be the strongest ever.
Mobro I...
Make sure to fill in your GAVNTLET trackers!
1 Wu and im out
>Come, my first Mackerel!
The real irony here is that it should be EX because it scales with the threat to the world and some of those threats are ranked EX themselves.
your lewd hole smells so erotic
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>no one opened the spoiler
I played myself...
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I did I just thought you got it from somewhere elsae bro.
Good stuff
Cute drawing bro
how can a smell be erotic
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How do I maximize my friend points?
I have the usual +10 CEs, but I want to get as many as possible so I can level Boudica from 118 to 120 before the anniversary Success rates end.
Blackbeard is the ultimate bro, so him.
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good /alter/ OC :)
have a (you) and some attention from me
FP bot
Maybe you will get more (you)s posting it in the /tmg/.
here its your real /alter/ oc killer
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Arthur's excalibur is EX, but has seals on it which have to be undone every time he excaliblasts.
Thanks Seiba's interlude, we know her Excalibur has seals on it too, but hers seemingly stay unlocked. We actively saw her excalibur go from A to A++ after her interlude undid some of the seals on it. Its not beyond reason her's fully unsealed would be EX too.
What is a FP bot?
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Sefar coming down and blowing out the assholes of the Gods really should have quantified Excalibur as either EX or at the very least the fully released Excalibur should be EX because of it blowing out the ass of Sefar.
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I don't get it.
protomerlin is a dick
the state of lalter
you make an alt, let it finish fuyuki, then run low ap nodes forever
may be level it up a little bit but it only friends one user and just loops through base fuyuki
All Excalibur ultimately is, is a giant laser beam. When it put Sefar into a coma, it was just backed by as much mana as Gaia could scrounge up. Made it stronger, but not "rank defying" like EX is.
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