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Previous: >>485820972

>[Campaign] Fate/Grand Order 7th Anniversary
2024-07-06 12:00 - 07-16 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] 7th Anniversary Archetype: EARTH Pickup Summon
2024-07-06 12:00 - 07-16 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Destiny Order Summon
2024-07-06 12:00 - 07-16 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] 7th Anniversary Guaranteed Summon
2024-07-06 12:00 - 07-16 20:59 PDT

>[Campaign] 7th Anniversary Limited Master Missions
2024-07-05 21:00 - 07-16 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] 7th Anniversary Commemorative Limited Servant Daily Pickup Summon
2024-07-09 21:00 - 07-17 20:59 PDT

Join Albert and Michael on July 17th

>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/e75ykf.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Future Quartz: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRQFC6pgsvDr11c1oe8PcGXurF3uw0MBq73YoQMGCJemzMics9LfwVurTLMi0rpfHNEBjG6gVCOrIer/pubhtml
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

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FGO CN is getting an exclusive FGO project made

something really autistic that requires you to set up a mashu account on an emulator that keeps using your support permanently.
>anon first thought about new oc donut steel is to send him back to other general
we getting content on the 17th! woot woot!
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Lip love!
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How do I farm friend points?
>>485845586 recommended a friend point bot, but I don't know what that is.
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Even combined they remain flat
Ah yes Fan Guiren Order feature Min Shu and Guanli
So? Albert will announce the speed up in the summer stream.
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aw shit, the lostbelts finally getting an animer or atleast an OVA?
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Which of these servants will be for (you) so I know who to roll for?
Fran a cute
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>adulterer gets raped
Divine retribution
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Bros why is China's anniversary art so much better?
You aren't white
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>for (you)
none of them
others will roll them
they are innately communal

anyway, i'm getting skadi, then maybe the other two
He’s talking about making a few new accounts and making them follow or friend your main and put them in auto doing one of x-f nodes that requires the least amount of ap over and over by selecting one of your servants from your main account and basically using the apple and quartz from those bot accounts to continue the process after natural ap from the constant lvls runs out on those bot accounts.
Where's Melusine?
oh, he is around, no wonder the thread is so shit right from the start.
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>managing TWO accounts
I'll sleep on it. Thanks for responding, bros.
Good night!
Forgot to mention you should attach that fp increase ce that gives 50 or whatever fp from the start of the game on the servant those bot accounts are going to select tk get the max amount of fp.
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Paris, son of Priam, prince of Troy
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What GSSR banner we roll next time? Who is your main target?
Saber Alter was also able to vape the fragments of a life wiping meteor, which is a bigger excaliblast than any version of Saber Artoria ever did. Presumably some seals got automatically unlocked at that moment
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Miyu is artoria's real master
>started off as a Mozart/Salieri fujo fanartist
>then got onboarded to do CEs
>then got onboarded to draw Durga
What a journey. And the simple answer is the artist is chink, NA CE is probably done by a fellow gaijin like (You)
I think I'm good on GSSRs. They get increasingly more ridiculous and unpleasant as time goes on.
I may consider the destiny order in a year, but I probably won't.
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question, is this just random or am I missing something? I'm getting an abnormal (for me) amount of FP with my Caster Shuten of all things? Is there a popular free quest with a tanky assassin or something?
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pretty much only Skadi and Ibuki, to different degree. Skadi is very subtle and Ibuki would fuck (you) and lock you down if not stopped
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How do i beat the Vritiria advanced quest? im getting cucked out of my free CE ticket.
I'm thinking of getting another Prisma Cosmos so I can have 2 MLB and 1 regular. Any thoughts?
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struggle more
Namie is chink (SEA)
Literally just do what it says and use the color card combos it tells you
Bring 1 arts servant, 1 buster, 1 quick, ideally with np charge so you only need to fish for 2 cards per color. Use the mage code shuffle/ ruler artoria.
oh ok, what about merlina
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which one?
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Melusine's summer weapons and animations were pretty cool, but i never liked the dual blades in her og class. A sword would have been cooler, make it able to transform into a lance even
I want a thrud
Just do the other advanced quest instead, bro
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Oh, it was 1 card hit per servant, i thought i needed to just mighty chain with 1 servant....fug
those only count for the first ticket.
the one with the stinkest pussy
No, you need to do a chain per color.
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i mean probably? never really payed much attention to her so idk. Maybe she'll do it for the drama/fun and then fuck off
Good posts bros
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>A Wagoner was driving a heavy load along a muddy road. He came to a part of the road where the wheels sank half-way into the mire, and the more the horses pulled, the deeper sank the wheels. So the Wagoner threw down his whip, knelt down and prayed to Hercules the Strong.
>“O Herakles, help me in this my hour of distress.”
>But Hercules appeared to him, and said: “Tut, man, don’t sprawl there. Get up and put your shoulder to the wheel.”
What if you summoned Herc, but he just lectured you and desummoned?
all me
Have you tried this thing called: reading the in-game text? They even have a box that pops up and tells you the hints.
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>garden of sinners episode 8
>the first 10+ minutes is mumbo jumbo exposition explaining who is this random 3rd shiki that Nasu came up with because ?????
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Slop Requests open to celebrate Friday Night
I couldn't watch 5 minutes of KnK ep1, I almost fell asleep.
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reading is for nerds, i click mission i hit red thingy until monster dies
Muramasa flexing at mirror while kama is kneeled in front of him sucking him off
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Where's the summer Kama and Nito alter symmetrical docking with their burning titties that I requested
Semiramis spreading her extremely hairy butthole
I got this decent screenshot out of it though.
Can I get Kama, Raikou, and Lip being friends together?
this pls
I can't wait for all the retards who get filtered by the wolf game because they refuse to read.
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requesting Medb and Musashi fat butt press
Gogh beaten up to a bloody pulp and liking it. If you can make her smiling but with some missing teeth, that would be great.
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Hey everyone, this is my OC 6* servants U-ORT Elizabeth! She has all the powers of every servant except the really lame ones like Carmilla and she can't be killed no matter what. If you look at her with eyes of mystic death, you die instead!
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wolf game?
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She's a succubus. She'd vacuum seal your cock with her mouth and suck you dry if you asked nicely.

Which one lads? I've actually no idea which one to go with. Yeah starting NP is nice, but it's not exactly the most obvious choice with her.
cuck stancer in a nutshell
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Oh right, I remember that
Nito Alter doesn't work properly
Also I have to look up if it's possible to make fire bikinis/underwear
I can make the image without the fire stuff and regular Nito if you want
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can you make some Coral or she is so minor not even AI can generate her?
Sorry bro, you're ngmi
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>wolf game in requiem event
>me: aw sweet, time for some sleuthing-
>napoleon: amogus, more like I punch everyone
>nursery: I dun wanna be a sussy baka, better kms
If you're going to be a professional slop engineer you need to step your game up
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That sounds cute
>didn't draw them pooping
My day is ruined
Shouldn't be hard, it's just an elf with pink hair, right?
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You'll see
I have no idea what CE to pick. I have every ce mlb and in kscopes case I have an mlb cope scope and a single kscope so I've hesitant to take another. do I just take a spare kscope for the road?
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I did this
NP spam GG.
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Mash being friends with Ushi Gozen. If theres not Ushi G pictures just make normal Raiko but small/younger or a similar looking Raita character
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looks hard, ill just skip it like most of the hard content.
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Yeap, you are exactly the sort who will get filtered
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pretty much
You will never be an /alter/CHAD.
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Naruhodo, then please generate Brad and Mash in their leotards bumping their fat asses together
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I already hate this
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I'm going to have fun losing to this node.
It is,it enables castoria+bride comps
She loops and you rarelly will hit casters or need a brave chain
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/alter/ chads are just a myth the discord crew created to suck their own dicks
t. /alter/bitch sissy
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I'm not doing this for a CE that can't be limit broken
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And thus ends the tale of Jilly, who got her entire body stuffed into a toilet this time!
The cause of the 3 maintenance’s this week….
She's so cute bros...
How do we know we're getting another Destiny Order?
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which gssr should I roll?
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they silenced her because she knew too much
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>Bad wolves are only clowns
The wolves are bad because they're clowns?
i hope next jp anni increases np cap to 10 and level cap to 150
And party cost to 200.
Because we are and this is America where capitalism is the law of the land.
Anon, the current max level right now is 160...
the most lovey-dovey Melusine-Guda possible. kissing/holding hands/cuddling/lap pillow, whatever works and looks good.
It will piss the walking turd
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>you automatically loose if there are more bad wolves than servants in the battlefield
is this an analogy for /alter/????
Flatter, possibly
I don't understand how this works. Did JP just get it with trial and error to find the good and bad ones?
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>servant gives Gudako alcohol for Valentine's Day
>"Sorry, but I can't drink yet."
You've been part of Chaldea for at least two years now. How young does Marisbury recruit people?
>drinking age in Japan is 20
Just as bad as Burgerland.
Timid Crush
>Skadi (maybe friends)
>Lady Avalon (maybe rape)
>Wu Zetian
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She got only 20 results
Even after describing her hair, eyes, wings, etc, she doesn't work properly
I still can't get over Murasaki's hair cones.
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no, no, we're rats Jannu...
eh, looks kinda close
>the entire 30-minute episode is just a stupid Nasu metaphysics monologue
Holy SKIP.
Do voidfags genuinely enjoy this stuff? As a latebro I wasn't here for Void's event, but I can't imagine how this snorefest could've gotten anyone invested in her character (or lack thereof).
Please explain.
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Sorry, they're only for (me)
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wat about some pics of Rider Liz in both her cinderella and princess costumes?
The episode with twisty eye girl and the one with the spooky apartment are okay. It's pretty much just carried by UFOtable and the soundtrack
Mom spam
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Hestia's outfit sure left an impact
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Liz slippers
literally pimped out by medb
>How young does Marisbury recruit people?
Guda was 16 at the start going by Id.
You can make it, mom...
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Wait till you see the next quest
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I’m back bwos. High quality posts can commence again
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>stick a cute comic into ichigo translator
my day is ruined
NP spam GG again.
Carried by animation just like kimetsu no yaiba
The actual contents of KnK are shit much like any work of Nasu pre FSN
Oldfags just keep coping for some reason and like to pretend KnK and Tsukihime(not the remake since that one is a tually great) are good
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this thread sucks
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Toxic king clowns...
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Watch Ana anime
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hmmm xufu doko?
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The meteor can't come soon enough.
Mysterious Heroine X(u Fu)
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Oh yeah, that one's gonna filter the unga bunga brains and looptards as well. The Medea one requires a bit of thinking as well. The entire advanced quest 9 is going to cause melties here, I can't fucking wait.

lmao your entire front row servants will die before you get your 3rd NP out.
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congrats on your nerfed fetus bro
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suicide pact with da Vinci...
>current 120 project needs some long-term bond levels to hit 120
>arc is all ready to go now if I forsake that other servant until they get 2 bond grail levels
these 1/2 AP doors and hands are going to make me do something really stupid. I like Arc but that other servant was first in line. on the other hand if I wait 3-6 months to do both it's going to cost a ton more AP, QP, and embers.
Invul break CE GG
These quests are SOOOOOO easy.
is it good?
I took an other copy of Prisma Cosmos, I was tired of pairing my MLB PC with Awakened Will.
all women irl should be of this proportion
also give women spines of steel, i'm not cruel
get to work jesus
Sex with Binchi
What's the strategy for this one?
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Lust is a sin. You should only have sex with your significant other, and only for reproduction purposes.
Doesn't work. Pierce invulnerability can't break her special invulnerable even if it looks like evade.
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Timing. You need to chip away enough such that all the minions have the guts left, then NP chain AoE to kill the mobs followed by ST NP to kill medea on the same turn
What do yo mean, that's clearly an evade icon.
Probably just properly setting up since they're all weak as shit, and then having an aoe servant followed by a ST one (or hard enough hitting one)
Adding to what the other anons said, the only really good instalments in KnK are I, III and V. Rest are meh with VI being terrible compared to the original LN (allegedly).
>literally pimped out by medb
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Is there anything worse than trying to 120 a 3* servant from the general summoning pool? 100k friendpoints and not a single fucking copy of who I want.
Read, Mobro.
I'm thinking whittle down the saber skellies until they have one guts left, then blow 3 consecutive NPs with the first two being aoe and last one being st rider
Love how we're at the point that they have to shut down mechanics for artificial difficulty completely. Fuck this kusoge.
>the strongest in history
Servant for this feel?
>the strongest of today
Servant for this feel?
Having to 120 literally anything that you can't do with FP?
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Use your head, keep calm and diligent; then you'll impress her.
dumbro just wait for class specific gacha
Well then I'll use holmes and call it a day.
akuta sex
This is unironically the only times the game designs are actually decent since the quests are puzzle based so even whales running NP5 lv100 metas will lose if they're retarded while someone who bothered to pay attention and a think little, can clear with some FP pool + welfare with ease.
Yes, trying to 120 a story-locked 3* is worse.
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>all of this started because i did a funny muricans don't read meme post
>King trait
How would schez fare with her party guts? Would everyone get drained after guts is triggered?
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>The entire advanced quest 9 is going to cause melties here, I can't fucking wait.
Wait for what? There's no point in doing Advanced Quests since the item drop CEs aren't good enough to ever justify dropping a bond CE. I only did two for the costume CEs and that's it.
>inb4 future anniversary rewards are based on AQ completion
Anon, these are the non-time limited cq that some players have always wanted, plus you don't have to complete it if you don't want to, it's just a +5% fang drop chance
We've been at that point since they stopped letting buff/debuff removal do shit for most challenge quests, which was extremely early on
Should have planned ahead better, just get Arc done now, we’ll have another 10 grails by like October and you might get lucky with a succ during Thanksgiving
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Can't you unga bunga this with Semi?
Golden Rule demands Thrud.
I have no idea what you're talking about
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seems pretty doable. Jannu + merlin + aoe arts servant. use normal attacks to get rid of all the guts, using various invulns/stuns/np downs to carefully maneuver around medea's NP (which won't kill through invuln since it strips after damage).
Once all 5 skeletons are at 0 guts stacks left, plug kscope ryouma from the back, use the aoe servant's np then 1 shot caster with ryouma.
I want to kill the "servant for this feel" nigger
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>lmao your entire front row servants will die before you get your 3rd NP out.
>kills wave
>heals party with NP
Now what?
It's not even a +5% chance, it's the original drop rate * 1.05.
If an enemy has a base 20% chance of dropping a fang then the CE makes it 20*1.05=21.
like pottery
Just filter it. You wont even miss out on the Tamamo Rodriguez replies to survey posts these days
There’s a mile long line for that one right next to the dog line for fucking his void
It's the mongoloid.
if you haven't figured out who he is by now then you really need to lurk more and activate your void stance more often.
It's raikouschizo. He does it in /fgog/ as well.
I want to kill so many people here, I could make an entire hit list
Literally worthless, lol.
They're all doable as long as you're not illiterate scum like a significant portion of the people here. It's just basic puzzle solving.
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Look at this anon....

He's about to split the grails...
T. Voidstance dick sucker
It reads to me like you bring a Lancer to sandbag 1 normal attack, reducing Saber Skelly to 0 Guts but not killing it so it isn't freshly resummoned.
Then you just dunk 2 AOE NPs for skelemans, and the 3rd Rider/Alter Ego/Berserker 1-shots Medea all in 1 turn?
When you can brave chain target something with 1 guts, and when you can't target something with 2-3? Be willing to play it for more than three turns? Just the first two thoughts that come to mind
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you're a rude boy. i don't reply to that voidstancer shit
Holy shit they added FGO to genshin
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>Be willing to play it for more than three turns?
That was (almost) a compliment. The silver lining to mediocre posts
It's instant you retard. The drain happens immediately after every single kill
Retard here how do I clear this
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>Be willing to play it for more than three turns?
Pretending to be stupid and not knowing its cucksucker outs you as a tourist or his buttbuddy that defends his shitposting.
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read the hints
adjust accordingly
I skipped it.
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Any fight that takes 3 turns isn't worth my time or my effort. I just won't do it. It's that simple really.
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So who we blame for the state of this thread?
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How likely is an Azur Lane collab?
use your best casters, launch NPS every 3 turns, done
I picked a couple of ST casters and got their NPs up to full during the training stages.
What is wrong with the thread?
It's pretty miserable.
Basically kill her with NPs 4 times on the designated turn NPs can damage her.
She gets damage resistance after each NP again so you may need to wait out like 8 turns to get in 2 kills per NP cycle.
I can't believe Eric Bloodaxe is already dead
Why are you replying to another cucksucker survey post?
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My girlfriend the Eric Bloodaxe is dead?
Use a strong ST caster, stack up np by using the correct card (check the aura color of Scat) then use np in the turn when Scat lowers her def.
Bring AoE defensive caster to block Scat's np.
Repeat until victory.
Don't bring np gauge decrease servants. It will mess up the order of Scat.
Azur Lane still exists?
He died like a thousand years ago
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They hated him for speaking the truth
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"It's pretentious anime philosophy, but it's pretty and sounds nice (OST, Kalafina EDs) about it"
I introduce KnK to my bros like that and they all had a good time. I like Shiki, she wants so hard to be schizo again only to cave to ordinary happiness (recurring Nasu theme) and her kimono+red jacket fashion choice is iconic. Void is an extension of her I don't really consider its own separate thing, I got her in FGO too because I like Shiki. Would've 120'd assassin Shiki first if it was actually possible. t. started FGO explicitly because of the KnK collab
and thats a good thing!!
Maou after she buys a bmw 1300gs
this, but liz
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If you don't clear this you never got quartz in anni 8
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don't compare my queen to nobutranny, thanks
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>4 legs
This is AI :^)
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Time to be a total CHAD in /alter/ again.
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Gudako is supposed to be the futa
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H-hi Muramasa....
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>108 SQ for all AQs
>he's still doing it
Schizophrenia seems more effective at keeping one awake than caffeine.
Use 3 cs
Me on the left
Maou fused with Kkk and rides boomer advs (only on road)
Ignore that insane mongrel.
i grailed him, still need more exp to get him to 100
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Ehehehe now you start freaking out
>all that bullshit for 3 min-rolls
Your laugh is a little off...try laughing from deeper in your throat
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guess im not rolling for skadi...
Would you quit fgo for a real life girlfriend
depends on the girlfriend
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Merry Fridey, /alter/! fridey.thp.moe
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It's saTURDay
>i got more fucking 5*s from the Ushi rateup than I got Ushi copies
>got like 2 4*s that weren't her
my 5* luck is always biting me in the fucking ass. I think this is like 4k SQ in total over the entire period she's been in the game and she's only NP8.
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I waited for you all night... now it's Saturday morning.
Serious question. The one on the right is the Castoria that Muramasa made into the new Excalibur, yeah?
Aren’t we getting like close to 500 SQ for 8th anniversary. This is only 109. Where is the rest from?
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>lancelot buff
x10 (TEN) tickets, who are you using them on?
I got Nero Caster way before Ushi as well.
4* rate ups are still a meme.
I will post my support and ask for friends in the next thread.
nothing but good luck for those who are rolling
i'm still happy that I got MHX after all these years (nuts)
still counts
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>still no hijab milf servant

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Set me free
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MHX is cute as fuck grats. I'm here hoping we get a Saber Wars 3 where she's gotta deal with Space Artoria Lancer
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lets goo
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3 fucking Caster Neros + one Altera spook + one Xiang Yu spook + I don't even remember who else except that chinese Assassin who no one likes.
How many Ushis did I get from like 1000SQ?
Only 3.
I actually cannot remember if this was better than when I first rolled for her, I think I actually got 3 copies the first time round and had even worse results.
Would've been Ushi but she's gone now so fuck me I guess
NP1 Arc is fine right?
Might as well be NP0
Yes if you're fine with doing 90+
Boy acquired!
Too bad I just killed my Skadi luck, but this was worth it. Only took a couple tickets.
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Would love to see another version of my king wife!
got her with 1 of the tickets we got so I'm fine with that
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hey I have NP0 Arc
So does summer start at 21:00 7/16? Should I be gooning to ibuki and skadi yet?
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Same. She's cool and sexy and badass and pretty.
I really want an Alt for her where she's REALLY good and strong. Her Lancer kit is so bad mad. I'm really sad how they fucked her over in terms of strengthenings/rank ups.
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Thanks for the free Arc from the tickets tonight, Albert! I'll still have nearly 700 SQ by the time summer rolls around! And no, I have not spent on the GSSR or Destiny Order and I have certainly not read Turkeyhandle!!
Percival fuck off. I'm already 200 proofs in debt. I don't need you adding another 130 to my deficit.
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Yeah, shame since she does seem to be pretty strong in lore
There will be maintenance so the next day, Ibuki doesn’t come out for a few days after the event launches and Skadi is a week later from the launch
I'm waiting for summer auntie.
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>cave in and did 20 rolls
>not even one Xu Fu
aww bro, you missed it...
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I am cancelling the hot period.
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I dare Eric "Bloodaxe" Bloodaxe to ever get uppity EVER again. SEE WHAT FUCKING HAPPENS TO YOU!
Shut up there's no hot period
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I am allowing hot period for 5 minutes
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fellas, the hot period is over!
Actually it's King Eric "Bloodaxe King" Bloodaxe of the bloody axe
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Mark your calendar for the 24th, kyoudai!
It's the day buster becomes even stronger!
He's fucking dust now. I'm sick of his shit. If he has something to say, he can say it to Archtype: EARTH
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I suspended the hot period indefinitely.
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And there we go
take a shower, bro
This is so fucking over
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Took me 4 multis, my budget was 10 so I'm quite happy. Cheers boyagerbro
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>get arc with a single ticket
>get three sq back just for ascending her
Bros, I'm liking this system.
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Have you read Tsukihime?
I hate this bitch.
Take a bath now
I love this teen.
no, it's cringe
He becomes SSS tier in 9 months.
I'm glad I grabbed my daily Penthe beforehand.
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This bitch owns my prostate.
Absolutely based, Arc is a 10/10 but I don't like Tsukihime.
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>Have you read Tsukihime?
OG yes.
My pre-order of RE just arrived.
Sadly I'm dry and was unlucky, I'll get her next time
>Next time
Actually the true highlight of this anni.
10 multis on voyager, got a caster gil and a mary anne
a bit sad but all i could spare
i already have np2, just wanted np3 for more use
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How useful is this "decrease death resistance" Mystic Code for Douman? Are there cases where I'd actually want to use it to improve farming reliability?
yeah yeah and Arjuna alter will never come back ammarite lil bro?
yes 100%
it allows him to insta death silver mobs
When will she be in the fp gacha?
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I see...
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>not once jinako'd
Her introduction was a mistake, she'll forever be the boogeyman to every Moon Cancer limited SSR roller.
After anni end
The best QP farming node on JP is the vegas coins mobs in OC bleached earth. It has bulky mobs with high death rate so NPlets can just run insta death
And Oberon never came back either.
It's telling that Aesc just got her rerun meanwhile Arc's rerun is nowhere to be seen almost two years later.
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To put it in modern terms, trust me bros you NEED to buy quartz you NEED to, this Servant will not be returning for 6 million years.
They MLB like bond CEs, 5% normal, 25% MLB, so you can take a support with it and your own and have +50% drop rate, IE, 33% reduced AP cost per drop.
They're gonna do that thing where they bring it back just after NA has it.
> Aesc
This is more like them flat out admitting she's a summer servant rather than anni lol
Unironically the worst part about Arcfags. I'm tired of feeling like I'm talking to a used car salesperson when I come to /alter/
>20% * 1.50 = 30%
Holy shit, that's so broken. Truly worth taking a minimum 20% bond penalty for!
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thats not Koyan
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which one has the smelliest butt?
I too have never seen Jinako in my account
Yeah but even JP barely has any MLB drop CE right now, so there's no reason to rush these quests.
I have Jinako NP3 from sp00ks.
yeah it unironically is. You thought you were being sarcastic but you were actually just correct.

Therein lies the problem, and why I haven't been doing them except just this week for the master missions. There's no reason to own these CEs until they release enough to MLB.
Gee I dunno, maybe the one whose butt (like the rest of her) was full of literal worms for most of her life
>They're gonna do that thing where they bring it back just after NA has it.
I don't believe anyone that says "X servant will never come back", it's really just a matter of time. Except Draco, I genuninely belive if the survey never happened, the only way to get her would be from the (maybe) annual Destiny Order.
>This is more like them flat out admitting she's a summer servant rather than anni lol
Truly a waste of the Anniversary servant slot.
>Therein lies the problem
It's easier to to them now bit by bit instead of letting them stockpile and then rushing to get them done. It's not like you're short on space for CE inventory anyway.
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Bro your summer funds??????????
>yeah it unironically is.
You're better off just making veteran apples and waiting for a lotto. Bronze mats are ever present in lotto and are 100% drops compared to 30%, lol.
>no quartz for summer
It's over kiddo
Risky but well played.
He will shrimply buy more big packs.
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Your sq bro...
Very nice
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>5 SQ

Your summer funds, bro...
It's ok, my okitabro daddy will give me some more allowance
Post summer funds
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Altera swimsuit this year. I can feel it in my bones.
Ushi ate them.
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Wait, people are going to be spending sq on this garbage summer?
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Koyan swimsuit WHEN
0 because I'm done rolling for the year, it's 2025+ funds now
Wouldn't Perlin and Ibuki work well in art farming team?
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not me
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Don't you think they're all sexy as hell? The SSRs, that is
But she barely wears anything to begin with...
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Why does Kama live in the vaporwave dimension?
Women can't be sexy.
Just Quickshots or Ibukifags needing ANOTHER Arts Looper.
Big alcoholic sister…
More than I’ll spend on yours castoria lmao
Erice is hot, can’t help it. Hope Ibuki doesn’t desire sensor me.
>garbage summer
Garbage how? Merlina is a pretty good non-looping Arts support, Summer Skadi can enable Quick looping without sacrificing bond gains and well, Ibuki is a good Arts looper in a sea of Arts loopers. Oh, and the first two are hot as fuck.

LA isn't that good of a farming support since she only has 20% charge. And not even as a plugsuit option since Oberon provides so much more value.
Purin and Buki is there.
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So its nice and cozy for us to live together...
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Yep. Next summer is the one I skip.
Do you understand? It's all in your hands
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>non-looping [...] support
>Garbage how?
I mean from like a character writing standpoint. I couldn't give two shits about gameplay.
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My queen
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>caring about the writing in a summer event
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What a rascal
Bros... why did Reviewbrah betray us...?
There's nothing else worth caring about.
>but the gameplay
This is a game for kids, the gameplay is easy.
>but the sexy girls
I am capable of jerking off to actual porn because I'm not a child with restricted internet access.
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11 days until Absolute Wurship!
naisu, np3
he still can't 6CE but that's probably cuz i don't have Skadi, refund is so freaking low
wouldn't egao love her then?
>he still can't 6CE
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Okay, stop playing the game and leave this general then. There is clearly nothing worth of value here for you.
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>Happy I got Voyager to np5
>Don't have saint quartz for Summer Skadi now who's perfect for Voyager looping
I am... conflicted.
Then why are you even here?
Rounded up it's 912 summons in total. Hoping for a real early skadi so I can save most of it for October but if shit happens then shit happens.
The story.
Lvl 150 will hapen eventually if not soon enough, but NP level cap I really don't see it. It's a bit of a can of worms because a lot of NP5+ (SSR, SR's, story locks) copies have been deleted by people over the years. Unless they decided to track that and give away extra copies deleted.

Or maybe, if they make extra NP levels or NP empowerment depend on coins. I'd assume most people are careful with extra coins on their favorites or anything that is above a rare servant.

It's a tough sell anyway, getting all appends with coins is already a bitter taste enough.
Voyager is weird because of having 20 free charge from his NP. I can 5ce with just the rats and one Skadi, but I don't think there's much way to 6ce
>Image didn't go
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It's coming home mates
>dino christmas wonderland in December
>Ordeal Stall after that
Yeah, okay.
Haven't seen their writing yet so I have no idea.
I know this thread is just going to be a sea of
But I have hopes that Valks and Skadi being cute will save it.
The gods help those who help themselves.
I already know that Skadi and Ibuki have terrible writing so I don't see how putting on a swimsuit will improve that aspect.
This is one of the most successful Summer events ever released to date (it's sold even more than the hyped LB6 one the year after according to tracking websites), with it's character lineup and unique format of 3 SSR's for the event.
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Not him, but I'm on Nasu's slow paced not so wild ride till the eggplant dies or I die.
Spend more money.
You could've just pretended to be me because I'm in the same boat.
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>couple hundred rolls from my anniversary sq, NP1 Arc and no other SSRs
Come on man...
Just multicore, I don't understand everyone's autistic fixation on solo looping when mixing shit up just gets easier the more options we have. I farm dust at Charlotte during dead weeks with Voyager Muramasa and friend Castoria, I'm farming hands rn with Penth Arc and friend Oberon. EZ 6CE without needing to field your own support
Upcoming Event filter is active. Looks like Summer is good for the 22nd?
Honestly very excited, she's gorgeous.
>Gamepress command chain calculator is not working anymore.
Any good alternative, bwos?
It will be up for the 18th
Does S.Skadi really bring that much more than OG Skadi for him?
>he needs a chain calculator
bitch what?
>it's sold even more than the hyped LB6 one the year after according to tracking websites
That just tells me the tracking websites are pure bullshit.
I agree Ibuki is beyond saving, Skadi's already been okay in various interludes and events though.
Not really, but hey, 30% extra Quick is pretty good.
Same for me actually.
Nice comic.
The chaldea app I guess? I haven't browsed gaymepress since I installed it.
It'll happen after anni campaign ends.
Stream is on the 17th.
As a general rule, I'm finding less and less reason to reply to something with "bwo"
You can make do with support Ruler Skadi. Just bring Caster Skadi's bond CE for 25% extra quick.
>466 quartz on story summons to finally get NP5

Unfortunately I still need to farm (post lv.10) bond for his 20% NP append skill

Goodbye summer. Goodbye S.Abi.
But the characters I like are my top priority
what is wrong with your screenshot
you could've waited until CBC, you dunce
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I really like Merlin so I want to get the magi*mari version of him

doesn't lb6 summer only have two new banners?
No, it's just skadikeks cope. Voyager's best support is Gogh.
Why didn't you roll on one of the past Rider class banners?
I'd be shocked if it isn't just oberon
How is that hard? I've unlocked all their appends and still have over 2000 coins for all the silver Servants.
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>complain about not getting anything more
>game gives me a Jack dupe
Bro... just give me my NP2 Funny Vampire...
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I just like seeing the difference in damage numbers or refunds between NP levels and different buffs. Like Triple Skadi vs Double Skadi + Oberon.
Ibuki is very good for supporting Arc x2 Vitch.
>that pic
I was expected "incest" to be the most popular tag in the midwest.
It has three since Aesc is also Summer Morgan
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>spending that amount of sq on story for a story locked servant who always shows up during white day
>a 3* no less
No quatrz since I am F2P
Things often don't follow according to expectations. The 7th anniversary just had a lot more hype and momentum carrying over to Summer as well, way more than the 8th anni.

This actually reminds me of what Kawasumi said too, which actually clicked immediately and I didn't realize before, also explains why the 7th' rewards were so much better than any other anniversary to date. 7 is a special number within the franchise. Indeed, 7 servants in a HGW, 7 masters, 7 lostbelts in FGO part II, 7 is one of the most important numbers at the foundation of the franchise, and its anniversary servant was also a very unique one. Things like that and the big rewards tend to really revive the fanbase. So it's a bunch of factors leading to a perfect storm.
Bro... I have no words.
Did you get anything else at least?
qrd on their writing?
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I have 1977 quartz but I'm saving it all for Kukulkan.
It's sakurai so... it's bad because... it's sakurai...
>monstergirl Raitabortion

Least sexy female in this game.
The appeal of pornography is in the forbidden and taboo. If you're getting it daily why would you look at porn for it?
7 isn't special just to Fate, the number 7 is special to Type-Moon overall, I think. Shiki's 17 piece dissection, 27 Dead Apostle Ancestors, Seventh Holy Scripture.
Face reality, anon. I don't usually like to jump the blame sakurai gun, but in this particular case:
>skadi, the valky, ibuki, technically gareth as well
That's like nearly half of the new summer servants being introduced in the event.
The outlook is not good. It's not like prev events where there's a decent mix of other servants associated with different writers. This one is dominated by sakurai characters.
Describe her personality.
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Good morning, bros.
Morning lippa
NP4 Siegfried wife
NP5 greek doctor
NP5 lancelot
No 5 star servants
7 is a special number since ye olden days of the greeks. It's considered a powerfully magical number in occult history. Hence why fantasy fiction gravitates to it.
LB2 is very good.
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This design instantaneously increases the amount of grailed Geronimos by 40x at the lowest.
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>Semiramis spreading her extremely hairy butthole
Hmmmm even with
>{{{{{anal hair}}}}}
>{{{{{ass hair}}}}}
>{{{{{thick ass hair}}}}}
This is the best result
All the other pictures look like a regular non-hairy asshole

>Can I get Kama, Raikou, and Lip being friends together?
Is pic related friendly enough?

>requesting Medb and Musashi fat butt press

>Mash being friends with Ushi Gozen. If theres not Ushi G pictures just make normal Raiko but small/younger or a similar looking Raita character

>Naruhodo, then please generate Brad and Mash in their leotards bumping their fat asses together

>wat about some pics of Rider Liz in both her cinderella and princess costumes?
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>rolling story for a Servant

You could have waited for his next rateup Mobro. No sympathy.
At least you got kriem and max np asceplius...
My hot Asian wife
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Very nice bro!

Good morning bro
I'm only spending a bit on S.Skadi just because I'll be rolling for Rikyu later this year and I want to have the supports for her.
Here's my hot Asian wife.
NAI is bad at anal hair
I tried with many artists, even the hairy friendly ones
same with veiny tits, it does randomly works but randomly
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I really hope 9th anni does something about the story gacha, it's a complete noob trap.
30 tickets for summer and the rest for lb6 rerun
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So this is why Castoria has 7 toes...
Bros I'm turning one of my event support pages into a CQ and exhibition quest support page to help out my FL in rough fights. What sort of things do bros want when looking for CQ servants?
>I really hope 9th anni does something about the story gacha
Like what?
>it's a complete noob trap.
It was kind of worth it years ago when the pool wasn't as diluted as it is now and your chances at fishing for Kscopes and Black Grails weren't complete shit.
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Good morning, bros.

Awesome pic!
Things like NP5 level 70 reines with MLB Kaleido or level 70 waver with ox king.
see >>474535874
Which time you usually roll that get you SSR bros
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if i already have np3 arc, is it worth it to go to np5 when i already have a np3 lvl 100 summer bb?
or a level 118 np5 melusine?
Birb lady with kaleido
If you've cleared the relevant story chapter, those servants just get added to the normal pool
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>Like what?
Easiest thing I can thing of is have some rotating rate-ups, like put up Cu-alter for two weeks followed by LArtoria etc.
I'm grateful I hate literally every 5* and 4* in summer 7 (minus the welfare), my wallet needed a refractory period. it's just a bummer in general when there's a bust of a summer event because that means you have to wait an entire year for a better one to come along.

at the end of the day, I don't even use the skadi I have let alone AoE quick servants. not even summer skadi is worth it.
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There is a severe lack of art with her in this dress.
>Rainbow sparks
>NP3 Vlad
Just fucking kill me. It should have been NP3 Arc. Reeeeeeeee.
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Morning, bro.
There's a severe lack of dress in this art
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Daily chance to give 2 grail to the retard if I get 0.
they don't even run these anymore, probably for exactly this reason. NA has already had the last class-based gacha and it was nerfed by double classing.
Oh nonono...
You need to go all in!! You need Arc NP5 RIGHT NOW!!
do Galahad kissing Gudako
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Thanks for the pic, bro.
For me it'd be something like:
High NP Muramasa or Sashi maybe.
NP5 Gilgamesh.
Leonidas, level 1. Give him Obsession for NP seal or Ox King for Buster buff.
George, level 1. Bond CE.
Meta Caster of choice. I guess Merlin since your other support pages will have Castoria and Waver probably. But everyone has Waver.
Is there even a good CQ assassin that isn't niche?
Herc, bond CE.
Free slot. QSH for stall memes, Taira for guts memes, Crane with MLB Kaleidoscope, Vitch Dark, Himiko for immortal comp, really whatever suits.
5 and you stop this worthless ritual post up
I rolled all the way down to 900. Enough to guarantee my summer Skadi. But fuck why am I so unlucky.
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Not him, but if I was put in charge I would split the story gacha in two.
1. General summon pool, but it always has a general pool servant on rate up for like a week. Hell, on the jp end I wouldeven pretend I'm doing people a favor by letting them vote on which servants they'd like to see on rate up in this.
2. New story summon. Pool is setup so you have a .8 chance of getting any story summon servant , yes rates will go down the longer you play, but at least you're likely to get something that's actually story locked from the story summon then. I'd do the same 4:1 ration on 4 stars and 3 stars enjoy your Cus, Celerys, assclaps etc.
The meme gods have spoken
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I refuse. Especially if this one is 7.
Kek. End it now.
>find old phone with account i lost.
>roll on spaceboy and vampire chick
>ended up getting both from free SQ I got and tickets.(130 SQ I had and only have 18 left with 15 tickets remaining)

I'm happy. i really wanted spaceboy and her
Just grail him
Your NP3 vlads hits like a NP7 kriem though
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It took me about 300ish SQ but I got my NP2 Voyager alright. Also:
>NP7 Xu Fu
>NP3 McCool
>NP3 Luvia
>NP2 Kerry
>MLB 5* CE
Debating how much SQ should I try on Summer Skadi, the other two were always going to be skips for me.
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Why 70 Reines? Her third skill doesn't give any battery without the rank up. Genuine question.
Hey AIBro. Thanks for all you do. Fuck the anons calling this art slop. You are based and never forget it.

Could I get some Semiramis bj action pushing hair back behind her ear? Maybe some paizuri shots as well? Many thanks.
>yeah that guy's right, this is a cringe ritualpost
>but he's using different text every day, so it'd be tough to filter
>check image dimensions
Well well well...
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Gogh with her charge append unlocked and preferably with a 2030 or one of those other CEs that give an effect and crit stars.
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You do the rank up with a sixth copy.
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30% extra Quick and 40% extra attack too from her charisma on the 1st two waves (both modifiers are multiplicative so it's a big boost). Voyager only has one Buster card so he won't benefit from her big crits as much, but he can get a big crit with his only Buster card if need be.

On the other hand, I think Voyager complements her too with the 20% party charge he generates (40% on Living Servants after his next buff). One of the issue with Summer Skadi on today's farming meta is her lack of party charge, so with Voyager you can have him as a multicore base to help enable perhaps S. Skadi herself (she has a damage dealing NP) or someone else on the party, like a Taigong or something similar.
Kriem has niche bonus.
I wonder if AI can do it.
Oh yeah. I'm stupid.
All a bunch of sluts I do not care about, only next summer is even more soulless character wise. Will only roll for Skadi since I have no proper quick supports but got a bunch of quick dps I'd actually like to use.
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saving for....
Now she almost competes with a npt vlad
NTA but I also have NP3 Vlad and he hits like a wet noodle with double castoria.
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It's a long way baaack...
To Heaven...
wtf someone unfriended me
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I was just doing the lovely Melusine request from the previous anon

I was testing and she has 3 costumes
>yu mei-ren (fgo fes. 2022) (fate)
>yu mei-ren (festival outfit) (fate)
>yu mei-ren (spare the idle talk) (fate)
However only this one works, the other 2 have too little results and the AI doesn't recognize them
Congrats! It makes me happy seeing some of us going for him.
That's what I figured. Can you get anything using a tag like "backless dress"?
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I-I can be a quick support anon...
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>summer Erice in less than a week
>ericeanon missing in action for over a month
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I can try, this the
>yu mei-ren (spare the idle talk) (fate)
costume from the event CE
As you can see it doesn't nail properly
The skin walker moved on, count your blessings
Bros I used the anniversary RPs to buy Beginning or the Journey, where should I put it on support?
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You don't put it on support, if anyone is farming FP they're using their own
you don't. The trick is to put it on your own teams.
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not my satellite
You can put it in the All slot right now if you're fishing for the Chinese bots to notice you. Fyi though, normally you don't want it on support since it doesn't stack with another copy.
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Comfiest super doors setup yet?
mom is too sexy
Double habby GG
Taigong is better than Liz since you get mystic code freedom and he can clear the final wave even at NP1
This nigga wasting bond by bringing Mash
>have to fish for a support habby with bella lisa
Not comfy.

>actually rolling for thought keys man
Super not comfy.
put it in All slot and switch the All slot servant with the one with FP bonus in campaings like road to 7
BOTJ dont stack, if you use a BOTJ from support the effect applies for you and the friend you borrowed that BOTJ servant but if the BTOJ is yours the effect only applies for you
I'm using this team.
>actually rolling for thought keys man
>He didn't get thought keys man while rolling for bond CEs during Tunguska
>have to fish for a support habby with bella lisa
>Not comfy
I know, that's why I have one available for my bros.
Thank you for your service, but I'd rather put up Riders I like and slapping Bella Lisa on them.
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If I put mine up, I need to unlock and max her second append first, right?
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Persona crossover?
Is this foreshadowing for Joker from Persona 5 coming to FGO?
Arc Habenyan Faker for me.
I would have gone for this one, but my NP1 Faker is too weak for the last wave.
What were the top 3 QoL improvements you did for you account?
You need to max her 2nd skill and her 2nd append. The rest doesn't matter, unless you bring her to a berserker node
Gotcha, thanks
Strongly considering grailing the boy
Slot 1 Thought keys
Slot 2 Arc
Slot 3 (Support, any works) Thought Keys/Habecat/Drake/Max Append Achilles/Max Append Rider Mo/Rider Kintoki/Max Append Quetz/Max Append Rider Liz/Mad Append Ivan
I know, i tried myself before, i wanted anon to make it so i could steal his methods
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Would you corrupt Voyager?
Hey Ati

Fuck you Ati
FGO avoided the curse by making Amakusa fill the phantom thief role. We are free to die slowly instead of having immediate EoS.
Really sad that Quetz couldn't have a popularity redemption in LB7. Even just appearing in the story would have been nice.
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Mine's already level 100, and I know better than to think about level 120 without NP3 this time around.
>It is,it enables castoria+bride comps
How well does that even work?
Increase your autism level until you can manually farm with your favorites to bond 12. That's what I did.
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>put anniversary CE on my okita because why not
>noticed a few days ago my Okita was on received friend points
>it keeps happening
>assume it's just some latelet follower clearing story
>finally bother to look
>its normal support friend points not follower
I can understand someone is stacking FP while they're farming, but this just seems off
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>That's what I figured. Can you get anything using a tag like "backless dress"?

Kinda works?
I like Erice and I always thought he was annoying, even harmful.
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spread and gaping assholes are hot as fuck, hair and pubes aren't
I'm in the process of getting my second Servant to bond 12, that's why I'm not fucking doing it a second time having learned my lesson.
Who is this mysterious and breedable hag?
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so which one are you getting?
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>spread and gaping assholes are hot as fuck
>hair and pubes aren't
Hairy pussies are the best. Bare pussies aren't nearly as erotic.
I hate old women
They suck
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hard agree. really hate the stray pubes. that at least is an easy enough shoop fix tho.
I'm on my way to 120 right now. I'm too impatient to wait for lotto, too excited to see the boy 120'd before super succ goes away
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which one is for (you)
Not too bad. The first link is the closest, I think.
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That's fucked up man, who doesn't love their grandma
I still have the pics from arc that got posted yesterday
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Choose 1
Nabbing this, thank you. Figuring things out yourself is smart, but delegating that task to smarter people is even smarter.
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probably hildr
There's not a lot of SQ between now and Tez, huh.
Do you mean the portraits? People are collecting those.
do any of the daily quests have wild beasts or so i have to go to orleans?
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Yeah, it doesn't completely "get it" properly but it's close enough I guess
Yeah the portrait. I was assuming it was just a fucked up automata going wild, but I guess it makes sense if people are hunting those.
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There's also the rank-ups some may be lurking in but then you'd need to look up which ones have them
Run double arc you coward!
going to orleans would probably be ore ap efficient
That would require finding a madlad who has Bella on their funny vamp
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i can do that
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this is the only "funny vamp" I need
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Sir that man is a good devout Christian.
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is this nigga in fp gacha? I still don't have him
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You give Vlad a bad name.
No thanks. Even if you do that's probably going to be like 5 minutes spent refreshing on either All or Extra, just much more practical to have a self sufficient frontline. I'm also good on QP, fell below 1B the first time for the past year+ leveling all the new stuff from anni but I don't need more for now. I'll just top up from the next lotto
Servants wearing pantyhose
jeanne looks really cute in that picture
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>FPlet now
I really need that lotto.
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If you say 'Quick is great!" x3 in front of a mirror at 12 midnight, ati will appear and make FP bot for you
The only intelligent female master post.
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>/alter/cucks refuse to grail this one
I always was the smartest dumbass on the block!
>3dpd sloot
I would sooner use the grail to turn myself into a female (true).
good morning, bros...
Thread was good but it's to l1eave. See ya
>3rd servant that hit 10+ bond in this week
>Caltria and Oberon will hit it too in 300-400k points
>ez 150sq

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I think he might have contributed money towards Sen Astronomy’s Erice doujin or at least some commissioned pics. He was weird though, I agree.
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>transsucker can't handle blogging and cosplayspamming at the same time
>backline bonds his supposed wife

really an embarassing display tonight bro. Are you okay?
Managed to make this Morgan but yeah, NovelAI really sucks at it.
>have a few drinks
>guess I'll roll the gacha
>3 10 rolls later
How much is NP3 needed?
when is the next maint?
>Are you okay?
That creature was never ok
after this
that's the next scheduled one. it's been a while since we had unscheduled one.
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>Could I get some Semiramis bj action pushing hair back behind her ear? Maybe some paizuri shots as well? Many thanks.

Where's the horse!?
Well I went for it.
Now I'm tempted to keep going
Arc, Habetrot, Summer Murasaki (append maxed), Bart.

Murasaki 3rd skill, Arc NP, Arc 3rd skill buff, Habetrot NP (death), Bart comes out and charges + buffs Murasaki, Murasaki drops all other skills on the last wave, Murasaki NP.
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Holy shit explode
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>Habetrot NP (death)
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As a euphemism.
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funny you should mention grapes.
i had a dream a while ago that they added grapes as a gacha item and it didnt do anything and it was just a picture of grapes
and i got mad in the dream that i got a whale wheel from getting spooked by grapes
i made a mock up
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Anniversary was really fun but completely drained my 1,000,000,000 QP. Time to farm QP again I suppose. Or does Summer give a lot of it by any chance?
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funny you should mention dreams.
>I dreamed that they released a CE called "Quick luggage" with a few quick servants chilling in something like a sports changing room
>It was very cute but for some reason there was a cartoon humanoid towel in the middle of it
>Everyone on /alter/ kept making fun of it and replying with things like "Oh nonono, quickfags????"

This is my best attempt at recreating the CE I saw.
Summer gives a shit ton of QP. The sole purpose of the mat you get from the event CE is being sold for QP.
There's virtually no difference between np4 and np5
In fact only reason for np4 is to have append 1 or 3 (depending whether you want to use her for solo or you'd prefer the very occasional foreigner advantage)
Slop anon, can I get some Xuanzang domming and smothering embarrassed Illya and/or Circe with her enormous tits and gigantic booty? Since she's the superior buster caster and all.
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pandora sex
sex with pandora
Are you guys spending your natural AP on the new rank up quests or on doors/hands? I'm conflicted
I'm sitting close to 1.9B QP. I can't wait to dump my huge QP load into those summer sluts
The difference is missing out on that last copy and never being able to try and get the last one ever again, barring rolling on GSSRs with her and selling your soul to the devil to actually get her.
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>do Galahad kissing Gudako

Sure, sounds fun
Oberon with large tits wearing british flag bikini
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Make her extra smug about it please!
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>bros, you all better go all out Arjuna Alter is not returning
>bros, you all better go all out Miyu is not returning
>bros, you all better go all out Fujino is not returning
Good to know. I'll pre-farm some a bit but won't go crazy then.

I've basically not touch the 1B I had before for months but Anniversary gave me a lot and drank it all up. Can't complain though, got what I want.
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Chiyome mating press
>Miyu is not returning
She's only on pregnancy leave, she'll be back.
Even if her banner is announced tomorrow on JP, that's still two straight years of waiting.
why doesn't my automata scroll down during servant selection, bros?
I guess there is something to be said of a servant (probably) not appearing for another two years, but yes those guys are retarded. My favorite was the collector whales who said it was important to roll for Bryn because she wouldn't get another rate up
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You mean genderbent?

>this mf's dream had towelie from south park in a locker room with fgo servant
were you high?
I'm just making blapples
No, he should be with a slight bulge
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Daily SQ can sure be weird.
i like Miyu... a lot...
not the requester for >>485870608
but you should also have one with the same oberon, but mab is also there with an irish flag bikini, similar sized tits, and they're both having a smug off
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And daily SQ from voyager.
oh, I see. automata didn't scroll because the automata button was in the way of checking the servant...
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What a dumb fucking moron. You really are a complete idiot!
I know...
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Kama just farted in my room, bros…
It's over
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The issue is that similar to characters, specific prints like that don't work due to the lack of data
The only flag prints that actually work are
>american_flag_print 5.1k results
>italian_flag_print 116 results
>argentinian_flag_print 66 results
you room is now ooku
The absolute state of other countries
Bless you anon
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Poland and Indonesia can always combine their results together! Just tilt it sideways.
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*Cums all over /alter/'s face* Now say thank you!
>combining Poland and Indonesia
It's a funny mental image if nothing else
>coomers think they are relevant
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Relevant to what?
>anti-coomers think they are relevant
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>Ishtar's delayed ATK up is only three turn cooldown
What the hell
Galahad was supposed to be pure! You are corrupting him!
what about the british pound symbol on oberons and the euro on mabs?
Nobody who possesses multiple teenage girls is pure
In the end that guy never dropped THE list, did he
Drop me some winds and lower temperatures first
he PM'd it to all the relevant posters
For all his talking about it, I'm actually pretty curious for better or worse. Most the lists out there are dated as fuck
nice skin cancer lol
Makes it very good with Vitch too, you can use it turn 1, then turn 2 as well.
We got a surprise NA exclusive poo alter banner like a year after he came out
They'll probably do the same shit for Arc, especially if she gets some kind of buff during the inevitable tsukihime event
Summer Skadi soon
Damn straight
who this
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last for liz!
Nice try, dumb lizard!

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