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>[Campaign] Fate/Grand Order 7th Anniversary
2024-07-06 12:00 - 07-16 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] 7th Anniversary Archetype: EARTH Pickup Summon
2024-07-06 12:00 - 07-16 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Destiny Order Summon
2024-07-06 12:00 - 07-16 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] 7th Anniversary Guaranteed Summon
2024-07-06 12:00 - 07-16 20:59 PDT

>[Campaign] 7th Anniversary Limited Master Missions
2024-07-05 21:00 - 07-16 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] 7th Anniversary Commemorative Limited Servant Daily Pickup Summon
2024-07-09 21:00 - 07-17 20:59 PDT

Join Albert and Michael on July 17th

>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/e75ykf.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Future Quartz: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRQFC6pgsvDr11c1oe8PcGXurF3uw0MBq73YoQMGCJemzMics9LfwVurTLMi0rpfHNEBjG6gVCOrIer/pubhtml
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

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I'm surprised this print actually works
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Bobbu rabu
Yuyu love!

When you have a task to do that requires a lot of thought, how often do you delay getting started?
Which of the top loopers can even loop with Xu Fu and support Castoria?
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Would Skadi be a good first SSR support for my account? Her skills look good, especially since they also buff buster cards somewhat which some of my servants would appreciate(mainly Seiba), the np recharge also sounds super nice.
I also plan on getting MHX Alter(my wife) soon. I hope i have enough quartz for her...
summer soon
She's the best Quick support.
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lick lick lick
If hair grows on the meat, its spoiled
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She's a great Quick support, but Oberon is re-running around the end of the year and he works on far more comps. Besides this Koyanskaya of Light re-runs then and you won't see her again untl NY 2026 barring a surprise rate-up, while Oberon's second closest re-run is Summer 8.
At last, my funny vamp is 10/10/10. Next step is bond farming. After that, leveling up.
can you made another with melu in with that shirt and a thong showing her fat ass?
Motivation isn't all that predictable for me
Hey AI bro, you mentioned a whole collection of Nero smut that you generated some time ago. Mind sharing?
I regret not picking Edison with my 4* ticket
I did that on one of the early rapetickets on a complete whim. I've barely used him, but I can't say I regret it. The only one I regret is Emiya for the first one since I've gotten like NP6 or 7 by now
dumb latelet
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Yeah man I'm good. Thanks for asking
does someone have a chart for how much maximum ap you have at each level? I think past level you don't get +1 maximum ap with each level up.
I can't believe Wu is fucking dead
nvm found it https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Master_Level
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"I requested to draw a lolibaba that speaks in Kyoto dialect and who acts lively yet restrained, so I am thankful to get the OK for her appearance to only put on a kimono over her practically naked body. Her equipment seems to be a collection of shops making a sudden visit to Kyoto, but I wanted to include a multicultural design to give somebody the impression of the Silk RoadWP, so it might have been nice to incorporate some more. Also, her magnificent voice is alluring, and it is also the best that her dialogue creates a smokescreen by mixing together truth and falsehood; I’m melting~"[1]
"At the beginning the design had long pigtails but thinking that would be too much, it turned into now’s hairstyle. Oni and magical girls and Japanese style and Halloween, there were many various elements and I have memory of how hard it was to put them together. The result, I think she’s hot with lots of exposure as it’s typical of Shuten-chan and she became the Onicure Ibaraki-chan admires, but how is it? Looking really closely I drew hearts in many places, and the eyebrows in particular may be difficult to understand…"-Raita

When talking about Shuten

She's a lolibaba and those who disagree are only proving that they're are normalfags as normalfags are the ones that say she isn't
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what happened bro?
*ruido de mate*
She makes my dick hard, therefore she isn't a loli
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Leveling up copescope at this point
Bro just take the free ksope and combine it with append 2 there's literally no reason to ever touch copescope
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Hey I was just WONDERING if you'd like to smoke weed and fill our bellies with DIET SODA and play Fate/Unlimited Codes for the PS2
The "penis over eyes" tag is great.
>he is happy for missing 2k dmg
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Shuten and Melt are two characters which people at some point didn't make up their minds if they were proper lolis, lolibabas, or simple petite teenagers. Didn't help that the latter looked younger and shorter in CCC and its two manga, before being drawn more mature in FGO.
That actually sounds chill
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1 (you) 1 slap
which servant would even use this? nobukatsu, asclepius?
I may go over budget
In terms of having only 1 (uno) A or S rank support
Oberon > Castoria >>> purin > vitch > merlin > summer skadi > skadi > Waver > reinnes
In terms of having two
Oberon + vitch > Oberon + castoria > Oberon + summer skadi > Oberon + skadi > double skadi > castoria + purin > Castoria + Merlin > Oberon + Waver / Reinnes
Copescope is nice for Nightingale and some other supports.
nah, I will mating press my sex doll until I fall asleep
Anyone want AI art of female Servants with a penis over their eyes?
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she's just okay. she enables quick loopers and buster critters, but can only really help 1 servant at a time unless you want to count her 20% attack 15% buster for herself and a 3rd servant.

IE, she inherits most of the flaws of caster skadi and if you don't have any strong quick servants, especially lancelot, then she's kind of a waste of rolls. Waver, Reines, Castoria, Oberon, all charge better than she does, offering 50(70) to one servant and 10-30 to another

>first SSR support
who did you use your free SSR ticket on? I thought every new account took Waver unless they were an FP alt.
Did you not read the post
castoria is better since she is also the best servant for CQs
Yes, Boudica
a cunny barg would be nice please
Yes, that's why I said at some point. How long do you think it took for those mats to come out back in the day?
It has to be orc penis if it's Boudica.
If you only have a single support oberon doubled as an anti knight servant, the most common type of enemy in the story, and a 70 battery (for himself or anyone else)
If you only have 1 support you probably aren't worried about beating challenge quests yet.
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Raita draws long lolis

they are still lolis

that's a fact

there's no need for denial
thats a small adult albeit thoughever
I got melt and shuten at 120

I'm a lolicon
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Not having to fit her debuff at the right time alone is nice, and the buster crit thing also happens to come right with mighty chains. I do feel like I'm mostly just going to be rolling for a reset on Skadi's bond though
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Unfortunately too many people have convinced themselves loli means zero sexual development characteristics and exclusively means sub-10 year old like little girls that this isn't mendable at this point. Shuten, Tatsumaki and etc. are all lolis. They're also able to be considered petite women but the definition of loli can and does include petite women.

The funny thing is so many people will realise how retarded their logic is when you point out Jack the Ripper has the exact same body type as Shuten both visually and in lore, and they'll call Jack a loli because she acts like a child, but insist Shuten is just "petite" because she acts like an adult, while also recognising it as purely a body type thing.

And no matter what people will always just respond with
>no, I'm not wrong on this
even with historical examples of people using the term and just not agree. It's just one of those subjects.
Shuten my lolibaba wife
with the body of a loli
You could also be a seiyuu-fag. They are two of the girls with the sexiest voices in the game.
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Ordinary Roman penis will do just fine thank you
If I were to be a proper seiyuu fag I would've NP5'd and 120'd Cleopatra and all Nobus
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I went with Artoria saber since she was the one i liked the most from the list
Remember when Mikuru was called a loli?


Lot of cope for a meme buzzword that isnt even in any dictionary.
Should this game be more like Nikke and Blue Archive?
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>Make her extra smug about it please!

>what about the british pound symbol on oberons and the euro on mabs?
Not enough results either, they need like 100 results to work properly and the Euro only got 2 and the Pound 10

Yeah I can sort it and upload it
That's unfortunate, since you could have picked her up when they give you a free FSN servant in a future event. Easy NP2, though.
Did you ever do the Archetype Earth request, anon?
Is this pedocope or what? It's just some coomer rumbling so someone please translate.
should i go for np5 arc if i already have np3?
Castoria is beginner friendly but if you're just starting out you're going to be rolling every last quarts you have on all the supports you don't have yet after you get one(the exception being If you have Waver / reines you don't need the other that much, and same with skadi / summer skadi)
Oberon not only is fine by himself but pairs with all 3 other meta supports, as opposed to castoria who does not synergize well with vitch or skadi outside of insanely niche multi core nodes
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Appreciate it man
They got the sag just right, pretty impressive
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It's actually someone who's saying the term "loli" has for a long time had a much more lax definition. Personally I don't really care.
Why are girls with a dick over their eyes so erotic?
Blue Archive has a similar system to our coins, but they have generic ones that can be exchanged for any kind. In that respect I wish they were similar.
I mean you can always give extreme examples. Remember that dumbass journalistic that tried to claim Sorceress from Dragon's Crown was designed to appeal to "lolicon tendencies"?

The fact is characters with some developed characteristics and a mature personality have historically been considered lolis, and the likes of Shuten fit into that. Megumin has been consistently referred to as a loli both in and out of the show itself, and there are earlier examples beyond that too.

I still stand by that Jack is the key here. Everyone universally agrees Jack is a loli, but only the idiots who don't understand loli is a body type will insist that Shuten must not be a loli despite having the same body type as Jack.

Ignorance isn't a virtue, be quiet if you're stupid.
If you're autistic sure, but then you're just going to be tempted by NP6 for a perfect Arc if you get NP5, with that leftover append 1/3 eternally mocking you.
NP3 is probably the best stopping point.
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>Finally reached level 160
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as per caster's debuff, the tradeoff is that she no longer provides any kind of survivability whatsoever. As the lancelot guy I can say that crit chance reduction is huge for not getting 1 shot in CQs, and giving her a kaleido for the party evade has saved my boy a number of times. I think in CQs I'm going to find myself bringing caster skadi still a fair chunk of the time.

soulful, but also a shame. You get a free artoria when FSN releases and they give us the FSN 20th anni campaign Japan got. Well, free FSN 7 core servant + comemorative CE, but most will pick a free artoria SSR rather than a free kojirou 1star. Probably just means NP2 for you whenever that comes around.

you really think websters is gonna even try to put loli or lolicon in their dictionary and deal with the backlash of either defining it poorly or letting a "pedo word" in?
I'd only go higher if you want the anti-foreigner damage bonus. You can already 120 and append 2 for double oberon shenanigans at NP3.
>reddit spacing
>Yeah I can sort it and upload it
It would literally satisfy an urge that yd couldn't because he's focusing on the ugly im@s whore now. Please do anon.
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>can you made another with melu in with that shirt and a thong showing her fat ass?

>The "penis over eyes" tag is great.
Yeah it's pretty erotic
Personally I like the girl covering her eyes with her own hand, while squatting and doing a blowjob
I saw that in a doujin and was really hot
>reddit spacing
>pedo cope or whatever
aislop should be banned
I still think castoria would be better considering how much her NP carried me.
for 3-3-x nodes she would probably be the best since arts relies on np gain. mixed nodes, where oberon and buster in general shines, would be too hard with one support anyways.
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lolis can goe up to 150cm tall

sometimes even higher

lolis can have breasts

they don't need to be completely flat to be lolis

read this

this was from a drawing of Tatsumaki by Asanagi and even he admits that they can have breasts

cope retards these are lolis

also fuck lrd

A: I'm not a lolicon, I prefer a plump figure, matured lady, so I'd say Fubuki...But the Fubuki from ONE sensei version is not plump at all...This version of Fubuki is fully based on my own liking and preferences. I love boobs since I was young, and the back, waist and the butt, I'm having fun time drawing them! Tastumaki is not my cup of tea, but turns out that I'm having fun drawing her as well! I've never been so interest in drawing the back and ass back then.-Murata

Q: Anything you are not good at drawing?

A: I used to struggle when I'm drawing Saitama, as for now I'd say Tatsumaki, I'm not good in drawing loli, I like drawing thicc figure.-Murata in qna
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Welcome to the club. Enjoy your last free AP refill
I've typed like that since the 2000s faggot, reddit spacing didn't exist then because reddit wasn't remotely relevant. I get that you're new and are unable to treat anything with any level of sincerity, but try not to flaunt your newness with the reddit obsession characteristic of retards who started coming here in the 2010s. Fucking eat my ass you child.
>redditor mad
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Thanks, it's more fuel for these rank-ups.
Looks like two of them are to me
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You should all be thrown out of a helicopter
leveling up my fp bot to 129ap so it can run bones three times and make three blapples
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what it actually is is the reply box is narrow while the web page itself is wide, and we all learned MLA and APA formatting in school. People see their post in the reply box as being 5+ lines and their brain interprets that as a paragraph deserving of a double return, so they do, and only after they post do they realize that it was all just 2 lines and they could have filled the whole box till it started scrolling and been totally fine, not needing any hits of the return key at all.

Reddit spacing is a fake and gay bogeyman dreamed up by lunatics looking for any reason to label their comrades as inferiors.
NP4 can be nice for that but it's absolutely the worst NP to stop at OCD wise even if it does work out perfectly in terms of servant coins
i can't get fucking anything done
kill me
>I've been a redditor since 2001
My 500 pound life hands typed this post
>Pedokek wants to rope everyone into his pedogang so he won't feel isolated and persecuted
They're mentally ill, what did you expect.
>Personally I like the girl covering her eyes with her own hand, while squatting and doing a blowjob

That's a good idea. I'll generate some of that and add the "recording" tag.
bit of a bigger barg than I prefer but thanks anyway!
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>lolis can go up to 150cm tall
Abigail is taller than that despite being obviously a loli. Therefore, also taller than Shuten, Nero, and likely also Melt without prosthetics cheating. But I don't see that many people calling Nero a loli. Shuten getting called a lolibaba is definitely the norm and official.
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My catalyst for Voyager is ready
I feel good about this bros
fate grand order?
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You lewds of her? or the sfw pictures anon asked?
I did some lewds of her to test penis grinding between thighs since her upset and annoyed face makes lewding her extra hot
But I haven't done a set properly though

Do you want regular YD or this mixed style?
I did some lewds of regular nero, loli draco and hag draco
But I don't know if you guys want Nero Bride, Tenga or something more specific like X or Y positions
Yesterday I did a set of Ishtar and Eresh but some anons were kinda upset it had tons of anal (which is my main preference)
So I'm asking in order to avoid situations like that
The funny thing about the "reddit spacing" complaint is that genuinely no one commented on it before a certain year, it was a perfectly normal format for posting and there's old 4chan screenshots where people do it too.

It just looks better but somehow a subgroup of newfags have convinced themselves it's "reddit".
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Good luck!
Cute feet sis.

I provided author comments to these characters and all these retards provide is le Aoi Yuuki meme and their Vaush like arguments as to how Tatsumaki isn't a loli also see
Shuten and Tatsumaki are lolis
the fact that anyone disagrees proves they are normalfags that only watch shonen anime
it's all an ebin ruse to make you mad
it's very tiresome
eww, I would not suck these toes
I self insert as Gudako.
Needs more visible spread asshole
>Some fag uses quirky spacing
>No problem
>An influx of thousands of retarded reddit faggots all using that same spacing hits
Also if there is no reddit spacing why does it keep always accompanying reddit takes like yours?
>author said so its true
Just throw in everything you got with Nero, I ain't picky
Then stop banging Kadoc. He got other things to do in Novum Chaldea
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People are basically seeing comments for the creators of these characters THEMSELVES CALLING THEM LOLIS and ARE responding with ''nuh uh''

it's sad




Καλή τύχη.
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Ummmm HAGS?!
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Fuck off. We already have too many mentally ill posters here and I'm one of them.
>author draws a cow and calls it a horse so its true
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let her cook
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I'm so tired of the loli discussions..
something about this seems off but I cant quite put my finger on it...
>t. redditor trying to fit in
My wife from another game mentioned my main game!
people care way too much about lolitrash
It's not that hard since she has a bigger penis than the male MC.
official art

uh oh

loli deniers on suicide watch
You're just a very dumb person so refrain from typing out your worthless opinion
Counter point
Sakurai exists and everything she says or writes is inherently wrong
I don't remember Aesc'ing.
I don't really know what people do on reddit since I've never gone there, but I do see the annoying cut/paste and constant repetition style that I've come to associate with annoying Koreans
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>official art of this 3000 year old oni means that its the same as 12 year old girl
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Our hero
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The only lolitrash that matters is Kuro and she's a year away still.
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She kinda was a loli in OG CCC and Foxtail.
low test
now thats a REAL loli unlike hag shuten
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turn your life into a videogame. install gamified productivity apps. create a reward system for every single aspect of your life that gives you instant gratification for completing every substep of tasks other people can complete entirely with no reward.

Big Project? do what they tell you in school and break it up into the tiniest of steps, but then put a skittle behind every single one of those steps, and before you know it you'll have done 50 microtasks to eat 4 handfulls of skittles. The hardest part is being all encompassing and not giving yourself any rewards you haven't earned.

A lot of it has to do with how characters are portrayed, their art style, their eyes, how they are framed, etc. Nero is 150cm but is never drawn to be explicitly short. Melt is drawn with lines that show off slender muscle and unreachable speed Abigail is given a high forehead and kids clothing, so even if she's taller than them head to groin, if you saw each of them in independent frames, NOT side by side, the one you'd be most likely to call a loli is abby, the tallest of them.

Shuten is the one that gets portrayed variably. Depending on her art, the mood, what she's doing, she may be a chubby tube-boddied brat ready for pomfing, or she may be like meltryllis, slender and athletic. Depending on what the artist has in mind she may seem bigger or smaller than abby.
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Look at this old hag. Why are redditors crying about her?
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I think when people say Jack is a child and Shuten is petite basically say both are loli. Loli at least used to be synonymous for 少女文化 (しょうじょぶんか, girl culture) which in general was what men found attractive during Taishou and Shouwa period. It basically came down to a girl looking really young (like 13-16) while also being what was considered an adult. When the novel Lolita got translated into Japanese, the readers drew parallels to this phenomenon by saying the main character of the novel "found his girls culture". So personally looking at it historically and culturally it can be linked to the concept of a girl looking petite, but it can also be linked to pedophilia due to the natives define the term. And in Japan "lolicon" has become more and more synonymous with it too.
>But Lipbro, those people changing the meaning of the term are dumb!
But this happens in all languages. Like saying something looks "she looks hot" doesn't necessarily mean you touching her will burn you. Just that she looks really nice.
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Wishing you the best of luck, hopefully the cute feet catalyst works out.
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lolibaba you normalfag
lolibaba shuten

It's like you faggots have never heard of the term lolibaba

watch more anime lol
genshin lead dev pretty much said he's a fate fan and puts homages to fate all throughout mihoyo titles.
Cute loli
Bah, who needs Arc? She's for Shiki anyway, not for me.
Besides, I'm saving up better girl Kuku anyway.
look the expert on pedophilia arrived
I read it and I agree.
I don't understand why Americans are obsessed with this.
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For me it's Dinchi.
Because they want to like her while remaining in denial so they can insult lolicons

they also can't read the post where Raita was quoted saying themselves that she was intended to be a lolibaba
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Come on...
I don't know. I guess it's another cultural colonialism or whatever is the popular term these days in USA.
I don't have a horse in this race, but I just thought how funny it is that someone would desperately try to convince themselves they are a pedo while everyone around him is insisting he isn't. Some real clown world shit.
>Implying there are even females in this board
>Implying that men play as Gudako
>Come on...
jk, you pedo (compliment)
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Have you guys ever seen a magic performance in person?
At least post non AI images of Shuten if you are to post her
don't you own a table?
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Yeah, when I was a child.
>He said in the AI general
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>drawn with lines that show off slender muscle and unreachable speed
I would still say she possesses the body of a kid in Foxtail and CCC. Lip even mentions that in her My Room lines when talking about her sister.

But Abby acts the most childish, agree. She acts how you would expect a normal loli to be. That's the reason most would agree she's a loli. While Shuten would be called a lolibaba.
Can Charlotte make a pencil disappear?
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I will quote you tomorrow when I upload it
Are these pubes I'm seeing on the top right corner?
Yeah, just write with it
That's much better, the arc ones you posted yesterday with visible asshole were great too. Post more of that every now and then anon
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Reines back erotic ToT
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I assembled that image :^)
>t. AI pajeet
They should at least have the decency to dump their shit on /trash/ instead of here.
>I'm trying to rope everyone in lolicon to not be persecuted
Thanks for agreeing, redditman.
Once again
>reddit spacing
>reddit take after reddit take
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Either you like something or you don't no matter what label you give them.
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I will be buying some hagen daaz pots soon as catalysts.
>HAGen daaz
Oh shit I didn't even think about that. What's her favorite flavor?
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Oh I have tons of these
I like a lot these "ass focus" pics, asshole or not
One of my favorite things is just generating one after another pics of Medb's ass
The Foxtail pic I posted is being taken out of context by the other anon though. She's forcing her leg muscles and accelerating in that pic because she's activating Palladion after being thrown by Lip at the enemy.
The same as frogposting.
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I mostly agree with your posts on this, Lipbro, but there is space to question some peoples interpretation of the terminology. Your response here is kind of irrelevant by just handwaving that aspect of the discussion entirely. Not caring about labels is absolutely fair and sensible, but that isn't mutually exclusive from having opinions on misuse of (admittedly inherently nebulous) labels.
>he's posting wojacks now
Jesus. Anniversaries really brings out the worst.
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Someone is mad

this is a good post. Do more Scathach gyat
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One Fate/Grand Order, please?
That's a cute idea, I might do the same.

a wojak on like 3% of the image

a wojak

you really need to jump into a shark pit
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I've found the solution
Now everybody happy and can be friends once again
>be quiet if you're stupid.
then you should be quiet. follow your own advice.
Someone has to do the needful
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sorry but im pedophile
Wouldn't a shark pit just be a bunch of rotting fish in a hole?
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>One Fate/Grand Order, please?
I'm gonna have to agree with the other anons here, I was with you and agreed with your opinion until this point. Fuck off with the wojaks. Absolutely no fucking redemption if you're using them. Get lost.
>16 year old alcoholic
Why are English women like this.
>AI slop
>lolipedo discourse
>you're reddit!
>nuh uh you're reddit!
If anon starts dumping his scatology porn again we'll be at peak /urinal/ hours.
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Blocks your path
I couldn't get Arcueid.
That should tell me that she's never really meant to be for me.
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okay /alter/. 2am i'm hitting the sack.
>2D isn't alive so who the fuck cares.
>Melt is a loli on stilts
>Melu is for (you) and Aurora was born to drink master cum
>Lippers and Alterafags deserve the rope
And you're all my bros unless you're not.
I wish I was a shota again...
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What flavor does she like?
people still call their managers to look at my id... ive wonned
what the meow
I'm down with that.
It's melting
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I miss the early 2000s...
mostly based
goon night
do hags try to groom you?
>Melt is a loli on stilts
Yes. >>485877007 >>485876479

Passionlip: Melt acts like the older sister, but she's actually more childish than me...and she has a childish body...
N-no, never mind!
Please don't tell Melt!
hag boss cried when i left
>something gatari
yep 100% reddit
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>American redditor: the post
You're better off with Kukul anyway. Arc setups are overly constrained and require very high investment just to barely clear content other characters can with ease
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only redditors and twitterniggers hate monogatari

you've outed yourself again redditroon
who the meow are you
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You're being exhausting again, bros.
>She's forcing her leg muscles and accelerating in that pic because she's activating Palladion after being thrown by Lip at the enemy.
It says a lot that even the anti-loli poster didn't miss the details of that panel. Still gives me chills what happened next.
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>He's defending the pretentious slop
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Thank you all bros for giving me luck
Got two copies with around 500sq plus Napoleon and some freebies, which is great
>only redditors and twitterniggers hate monogatari
bro living in Reverse Side of the World
Various factors have aligned and basically you just shouldn't expect this place to be tolerable for the next few days
>it's a activist having a meltdown because he wants to like a loli bodytype character but noo he must fit in their shitcords
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Here, have a loli.
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Just to fit in society. Pretty sure magus her caliber won't be so easy to get drunk, as she must have a spell or two for that situation
of course it's a redman poster
There's a simulator for the Destiny Order summoning?
>Various factors have aligned
Did I miss something?
the main factor is the lack of content. but hope has lost with the LB7 announcement...
Could you post more summer seanpi instead ?
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All you see on other sites is people calling the loli fanservice ''problematic''

you are retarded still
>you guys are going threw
nice try eslreddit-kun
Anniversary, weekend, and non-american hours. Going by how this week went some particularly annoying shitposters have been more active than usual as well.
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dont care redditbro
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What would a brown woman event be like?
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Pretty good haul for 500sq I think
Congrats sis
Is arc one of the only servants where her 2nd ascension is the version with the unique animations, as opposed to 1/2 or 2/3 usually sharing animations for most servants?
You've had three runs of Ooku to figure it out.
I'm jealous...
>eat a brick
lol can't even come up with something witty
might as well not reply or say "no u"
fucking chimp
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i wasted 700sq on tenga
shes np2
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>but hope has lost
we will speedup next year
I think there's a webm I've seen on /a/ from the Case Files anime. In the background to one scene, Reines is seen literally - not metaphorically, literally - draining like 3 glasses of red wine one after the other over about 5-10 seconds.
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>Just out of reddit newfag wanders into one of the generals with highest concentration of oldfags
>Gets shit on relentlessly
>Probably gonna kill himself tonight
Many such cases.
The majority of the characters in there don't even have a light tan.
>Oberon is re-running around the end of the year and he works on far more comps.
Not if that guy has literally zero other supports he doesn't. One Summer Skadi and nothing else is way, way better than one Oberon and nothing else.
Extremely wrong opinion.

Castoria trumps all, especially if you don't have any of the others.
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would making her valentine ice-cream be a good catalyst? (even though it'd be relatively simple and only need snow cone syrup, shaved ice oranges & a topping of cream)
so what happens if i have sex with Mom?
Medb is great, you should post more of her ass and hole
You become your own son.
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You know what this thread is missing?
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What's the point of seeking attention in anonymous imageboard again?
>reddit kaisen
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I spent 900 SQ on Kiara and she's NP1.
A riddle as old as this website.
skadi turned him into shaved ice...
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>seething redditor thinks every reply needs to be witty
Nah, you're right, the internet should be serious business
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>thanks for the (you)'s
I just assume it's the kind of person who was chased out of everywhere else first
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not him, but "Ignorance isn't a virtue, be quiet if you're stupid." isn't really witty either. might aswell say "u dumb, shut up"
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damn... Summer Sakurai event will save this place
Why did she do it bros...
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my wives...
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>You're retarded
>Haha, I fooled you all! I was retarded all along!
So when the fuck are we getting a proper Charles the Great?
Or a Mathman for that matter if we're on the topic of extella servants
>correcting my grammar
and i'd do it again. if everyone just posted incoherent gibberish online then we wouldn't get much out of it, would we? much like your posts currently. i have confidence you'll develop a couple more brain cells with time. just try not to break too many of your keyboards in the process.
>seething redditor thinks every reply needs to be witty
>seething redditor called me a chimp
>i'll post an image of an anime character that calls people monkeys because i'm really the witty one

many topkeks to you

tip my fedora to you and many internet golds

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My little cockslut here certainly can, but it doesn't matter because I'm going for Pururin too.
>now it's time for me to play Genshin and ZZZ
>Playing a gacha Bayonetta with characters that are programmed so badly.
Kek. How many times will Mihoyo rip-off Bayonetta and other Kamiya games before making something passable? Bayonetta by herself has a bigger moveset than all Mihoyo characters combined.
do you have any proof to suggest otherwise?

she's jealous. despite being millions of years of he still looks like a baby. so skadi decided to eat him.
>I was a rat all along
What a twist.
Same energy.
But it is a truism that puts the issue before the insult, not the other way around.
I would like to see Ibuki in a hooters outfit. The color contrast would be.. interesting?
of years old*
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I'm going for a few flavours, but if you're picking one I think strawberry might be it. Or at least it's the flavour that shows on most of her fanart it seems.

That'd be really cool if you went for that. Intent is always important when it comes to these catalysts.
Reddit spacing is not putting a space between paragraphs. Reddit spacing is putting a space between your quote and your response or other unnecessary uses, it's extremely identifiable because reddit's text processer is extremely broken and LITERALLY doesn't understand what a normal line return is, doing only one return on reddit will just jumble everything into one big text block. So redditors have to do this EVERY line break, as opposed to only on line breaks where it actually makes sense.

>shuten is a loli


Not reddit:
>shuten is a loli
who assed
thanks for the compliment
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I'm so glad I'm not at rock bottom like some of you fiends here.
I'm pro ass
I'm more of a conceptual pedophile. I hate 3D anything.
Every insult a confession
See, but that's too much nuance for the average anon
You're right though
this kid is still going?
I prefer Kengoro over Takenoko. Although I do admit it would have been nicer for her to last longer in Foxtail. Both manga art styles fit her well. Or at least better than the one from the Nero CCC manga.
Reddit spacing is saying reddit shit very redditly.
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In a few minutes he'll be back to whatever his general is and reporting what a shithole /alter/ is compared to their general, and the (You)s will flowing for hours. Damn that must be addicting, I can only imagine
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She's the weakest of the big 4 loop supports, but she's still one of them. Looping(killing an entire 3 enemy wave and gaining back your noble phantasm to kill the next one, twice) is one of the more important things you'll need to effectively do events.

I'd say quick is actually the most attainable type of looping for a new player. Alot of the possible 4star servants you might randomly roll can quick loop. Skadi is also the best support possible for MHXA. You can also use her to loop with MHXA(Idol), who you'll eventually be able to get essentially for free. If you don't have a quick DPS to loop with, I'm fairly sure Summer Skadi herself can loop since her NP is an AOE damage one. Usually people use 2 Skadis with her but you could probably slap together some sort of jank team like Skadi, support skadi, and some combination of Xu, hoenheim and old chinese guy I forget the name of since they're all avaliable in the FP gacha.

So yeah, she's probably worth it since I don't think Castoria is rerunning anytime soonish.
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Watermelon popsicle it is
Shit is dirt cheap too compared to Haagen-Dazs
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This clown bores me. Bring me a new one.
I see. I guess that makes it slightly wittier in comparison.
I just thought of something
Rani grew up...
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He just got sniped by mods.
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based meido
>She's the weakest of the big 4 loop supports
I actually don't fully buy this.

Skadi is for sure the weakest (because quick is gimped) if you have ALL the supports already, but if you're counting up from zero then Koyan and Oberon both have big problems. Oberon is basically just a 70% charger (useful but not something that enables a new dimension of gameplay on its own) and Koyan is kind of useless without at least a second 50% gauge charger to complete the buster loop.

Quick is a lot more minimally viable than Buster, so Skadi is a better pick than Koyanskaya if it's your first loop support.
Speaking of Kengoro, at last, he's resuming SE.RA.PH. Stupid other isekai manga keeping him too busy to draw Fate.
So what did everyone pull from their destiny summon?
Happy for you cute feet sis!
waver is guaranteed
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The damage of Oberon's 3rd skill is ridiculous enough that I think it makes him more than "just" being a 70% charger, since damage seems to be the biggest limiting factor in the near future
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Okay, it is time for me to decide on Anni CE.
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my canon lover
I'm f2p (true)
Spending time at work with Yuyu...

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I'm f2p (forced)
Bros, how do I get an /alter/ gf?
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I fap to chidl
Sadly the anon in question was so soulful that he cucked himself out of a free waver by picking saber as his free SSR.
True, but again only if you can get to wave three, right? Assuming you only had an Oberon (not even a Waver) what would you actually use him for? He's good for one big NP nuke but against breakbars that's not too useful and for farming it has the problem of needing to get to the final wave to use it.

We're used to this being no big deal because we have all the enabling pieces but if we're speaking strictly about only having one it seems hard to justify to me. He's for sure the best second acquisition once you have one of the others though.
Oberon is useful for all cards, dude. The double NP damage buff is ridiculous.
Oberon is actually more useful for Arts loopers more than Busters since 99% of them can't use BG.
I want to commit a sin.
I am a devil worshipper
>Oberon is actually more useful for Arts loopers more than Busters since 99% of them can't use BG.
you are literally retarded
Gudao should canonically be a gay bottom.
Still here

anyways Shuten and Ibaraki my Oni Loli wives
oberon isn't just useful for moat buster loopera but necessary, you fool
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I concur. I neglected to also mention that she can double as a challenge quest support with her buster crit buffs. Her flexibility is probably more valuable to a latelet than someone like vitch.
If you only have Oberon and nothing else, then, yes. He is not great.
You need the primary pieces first; Skadi, Castoria or Koyan.
Some Arts servants can survive on Merlina and Support Castoria but that's another argument.
What's you favorite part of the loli character known as Shuten Doji Illustrated by Raita Honjou?

although this pic is drawn by Timbougami
>doing Ooku interlude for SQ
>remember how fucking shit it is even while skipping everything
God, what a shitty event. How did we ever sit through this garbage?
Summer Moosashi has higher NP modifiers than other servants or the wiki is wrong?
I mean you're literally sitting through it again so we're not at rock bottom yet
Mats and bond xp kept me going.
Are you up for a game of basketball?
>3 servants
>bond xp
You could do any daily quest and get better xp
shiro could never get past cheeks
see the rank up anon
In the sense she has her upgraded NP and most servants don't. I think only saber alter has a higher than normal damage multiplier
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Semi, Achilles and Luvia
quick is garbage
The double NP damage buff is packaged with a 50% Buster buff.
Although I'm not actually that into lolis like Shuten and Ibaraki but more into the cups
The nodes cost 5 AP and there's a lot of them. The bond xp per AP ratio is extremely high.
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Servant who made you feel like this?
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>go to the store to buy some snacks for the weekend
>suddenly hear kama kama kama kama kameleon on the speakers

Took me a second to process it, never heard the actual song before
Literally Eric Bloodaxe
Takeru. But also the character in that picture.
Filthy zoomer
I bet you can do some F2P shenanigans with support castoria, Habetrot, Xu, and Paracelsus with plugsuit. It won't be the most insane of damage but it should at least function.

Though to get habetrot you'd need to clear avalon first, so you'd have to cope with Jason til then.
It's a good song.
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I'll be back in a few maybe days hours minutes who knows

I now know what makes the normalfags angry so next time I can make a post and simply wait for the (you)'s to flow in

but as always Shuten and Ibaraki are my loli wives
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Thinking about seeding Yuyu causes my lust to go out of control.
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>*chimp shrieking in the distance*
I mean even with the rank up, all others get 600% (except Saber Alter) at NP5
uh oh

why are you suddenly angry?

Did I do something wrong anon-san?
I have no idea what you are trying to point out
Artemis buff when...
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how will the 9th anniversary fix quick?
>9th anniversary
Jesus Christ, man. It's almost been a decade of this shit game.
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Thanks, also I'm a bro, bro...
punished skadi (avenger)
Are there any images of Kama singing Karma Chameleon? I feel like there is.
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If Shuten isn't a loli then Jack, Abby, Illya, and Chloe aren't either

how fgoalter has fallen
My hag wifes...
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Who wouldn't. She's pure sex.
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Good morning bros!
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impregnate brats
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its hot
Chloe my beloved
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Moon cancer feels very poorly thought out as a class. It fits the same niche as ruler and avenger in how it is neutral to almost everything, but unlike ruler it has no defense to anything but avengers (extremely rare) and unlike avengers doesn't give some special advantage to an otherwise very defensive class.
On top of that, unlike the two other classes in its triangle it has a 1.00 damage modifier rather than 1.1, which in hindsight just feels silly given it's the worst of the 3 in terms of advantages / disadvantages
Only thing that they have going really is being near immune to insta death and can gen stars pretty well
My mind wants Skadi. My heart wants Proto Memlin. What do?
gm, bro
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Merlin you give girls dicks. Kashin is the one who makes bros into sis'.
True but like I said, 99% of Buster servants don't use MLB BG. Oberon boosts Arts Loopers damage more than Buster.
You haven't asked your dick
Aria is like 158cm according to her mats.
All AoE arts SSRs are the same in that regard. It would be 450 at NP1 unupgraded, and 600 when upgraded. As for common farming servants that actually have said upgrade, it's probably a short list though
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wait, is she taller than
No one gives a shit. She's 135 and that's it.
I think part of it, is that BB was designed around saying fuck you to insta death memes, and at the time they probably intended to put way more insta death enemies into the game
Then they just didn't.
Per mats, yes. Nero is 150cm.
wiki says 138, show proof
I missed the Archetype Earth pics you posted, sadly.
She also has red eyes, anon.
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>Slop anon, can I get some Xuanzang domming and smothering embarrassed Illya and/or Circe with her enormous tits and gigantic booty?
>Since she's the superior buster caster and all.

It was on Nasu's secret blog.
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If you have normal Skadi, then follow your heart. The upgrade isn't big enough that she's a must have. Dick first, meta relevance second.
holy sex
Don't worry bro fgo2 announced during the 10th anniversary with a release on the 12th anniversary
>insta death
This mechanic is cancer against the player.
Wiki is reporting IG profile, materials book was released with the game. If you read the wiki, you would know that anon.
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wtf bob just farted in my room, bros
Onus is always on the one making claims, but thank you for doing your diligence.
Anyway, any disparities can be clarified by comparing ingame depictions of relative character heights, so this is really a non-issue. If anon wants to roll with 159 (which is still not the 158 he claimed) he can work to prove it.
There is a man inside Kama
Yes, I am inside Kama.
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Give me a sec to find them and .rar them
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Should I include EVERYONE from the previous grail list in the current one, or should I filter some of the people? For example, I found a guy who hasn't changed his SL from the previous lotto. And besides, those CEs aren't even MLB.
Yes, because Kama is a male god. We know this.
Punch her
Might as well so we can compare the growth from the previous doc
Do I need NP3 Arc? I got spooked rolling for NP3 and I really don't want to dip into summer Skadi funds. Is NP2 Arc enough?
I did not ask
do you see someone's last log in if you search them ingame but aren't friends with them?
>wtf bob just farted in my room, bros
Can't smell worse than her
Kama is a tranny like Kamafaggots
I can see it, yes.
Okay, but I will leave my own comment regarding their credibility as a bro, considering Master level and event support list, for example.
my dick is telling me to roll summer ibuki. But I dont need or want her...
>I can see it, yes.
then add them if they still log in. if they haven't logged in for x days (x is up to you) you might remove them from the list or add a note that they might be dead.
Why did Titmonk get crossed with Goku?
I'm almost out of meme coins to cast my meme grails...
Okay, will do.
bro, your FP bot?
>Okay, but I will leave my own comment regarding their credibility as a bro, considering Master level and event support list, for example.
Why are you putting us veteranbros on blast?
Should have managed your portfolio better.
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>I'm on a list
Yeah, the mikujuice list
Are you still accepting entries for the grail list?
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There should be a gacha game where you can passively earn a currency that increases with how much you have.

Basically I want to be able to live off my QP dividends.
Filter the currently inactive players and veterans.
I did not consent to this
Do it. I dare you.
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>he is on THE list
If you go into the elevator of an abandoned building at 3am and should 'praise be to skadi', ati will turn up and make FP bots for you
Dear meme list maker,,

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to kindly request that you delete me from your meme list. I posted my support to make friends, not to be memelisted by (you).

According to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), specifically Article 17, I have the right to request the erasure of personal data concerning me. This includes data that is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected or processed, or where the data subject (myself) withdraws consent for its use.

I would greatly appreciate your cooperation in this matter and kindly ask that you remove me from your gay list at your earliest convenience.

Thank you for your understanding and assistance.

Best regards,
The heart and SOVL of /alter/, (you know who)
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>my Saber isn't going to make it unless they do the FSN Anniversary rewards soon
We aren't in Europe, Eurofag.
You're on 4chan, you're already on a bunch of lists
I think the FSN anniv copy doesn't you coins
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There are some people that I haven't seen even once. Of course, my memory may be bad, but if I saw you at least once in the last 6 months, you won't be separated and commented.
Just post your supports or whatever. Google form is dead because of the boomers, so I am doing everything manually in my free time.
I am doing it.
Sorry but I don't know who.
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Sorry about the eye color, I forgot to specify it while testing so the AI gave her randomly blue or green eyes sometimes
I plan to do a proper set later since I like a lot her annoyed face and I got her off the gacha as well
I regretted starting playing the game nearly just a week ago and I should've joined years ago because from then on, Lasengle would stop doing GSSR pools. And the 8th anniversary became the first instance where there is no Lucky Bag Summoning Campaign. 2023 onwards, FGO would rely instead on the loyalty of long-time players and scarcity for longevity.
That's the first I've heard of that and also the only time I've seen a reward servant do that. Are you sure?
Why do the children not wear any clothes in this game?
>There are some people that I haven't seen even once in the last 6 months
What the fuck have you been DOING anon
This actually gets creepier and creepier the more you post
You won't do it. Too bitchmode.
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I just remember some of the names/lists, that's it dude.
>but if I saw you at least once in the last 6 months
Is this an admission of murder?
I just heard it here aswell lol.
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The list...
Ascension 1 - 3 Arc NP >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ascension 2 Arc NP

You can barely hear the kino song over her loud genki screeching. I wish you could disable certain ascensions in the random one.
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Because they are appealing to me
Almost at level 140 bros!
Illyafags are already on many lists.
It gives you coins, he's lying.
I feel like they wouldn't do that considering it'd mean someone picking that Saber that doesn't already have her can't get her Append until like bond 12 or something?
>go to 4channel to be hekkin' analyous
>get put on a list
What the heck, bros?
Grats, latelet-kun.
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I hope I'm on the cool list.
Go on...
That was an anon who later admitted they misremembered
Stop parroting things without proof bros, or at least be up front about where you heard it
This child needs correction
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Mega bazed lmao
wow, you're already so mature...
A crumb of context, sir?
Пхaхaхa, кoгдa py cepвep?
too old
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You get coins
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What about whale whels? I already have NP5 Saber.
I'm the one who posted that misinfo in the first place but I corrected myself later in the next thread.
You don't get wheels, that's a fact.
Well, fuck that.
Thank you based anons. My Saber is so close and this is what she needs. I was so excited when they announced we'd get this early.
no. I will keep spreading misinformation.
Do I need NP3 Arc? Please help.
Do you want to 120 her and also have appends?
NP3? You mean NP10. And you NEED her she's NEVER coming back. She'll be gone FOREVER.
>Better than Castoria
I wonder if the future Tsukihime collab is just going to rerun Archetype Earth or will it have alternate version of Arcueid.
people get tunnel vision when it comes to loopers and forget all the other ridiculous shit Castoria can do. Same way they used to call Merlin a buster support.
No, you need NP5
>Rerun Arch Earth
>new 5* Ciel
>new 5* Noel
>new 4* welfare Shiki
They all share a rate up with Senapi.
No more collabs please...
I want original content.
hope we'll get kouma
Bobbu rabu or hate?
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>Never posted my support before
>Gave my FC to the previous survey anon but was ignored
>Didn't give it to the memelist this time
>Still got namedropped in the archive somehow
I wonder...
I bet they just give Archetype one of those clothes Arc wears in the vn as a skin and call it a day.
I love my wife, Enma.
What's your code?
>5* Noel
kek she's 4* at best. literally joke character
It was me.
I'm right behind you.
i'm actually mad that ascension level 2 arc is not wearing her original dress from the vn and not even her battle dress
I'm mad that they included Shiki's Arc at all, cuckshit shouldn't have a place in this game.
I did her interlude recently and what the hell? I expected cuteness dechi, not that... ;_;
dechi did not live a happy life...
Worse is that I'm beside someone famous
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God Bob is so fucking ugly
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Not this time, not now.
Nobody is there.
is it really cuckshit if you are literally cucking yourself?
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Shit wrong apartment
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Choose your wife.
yeah i think saber won this time
None of them
Rin, like always.
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Bare feet…
>annoying whore
>annoying whore
>annoying whore
What does Rin think about a Mesopotamian goddess whoring about in her body? Does she prefer Eresh possessing her?
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I love Masters relationship with Yu.
'Masters relationship with me'? But I'm the master.
Both of them are whores. Spish is the only pure one.
>turd starts his daily circus with attacking Bob
Last year was a mini-lotto. Whats the gimmick for this summer?
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>purpose is to "please"
>fae abuse her until shes on her literal last life ever
whats wrong with the fae?
I don't think his day really ended
Rin would be a better character if she got breast augmentation surgery and dumped Shirou without looking back.
Turd status?
>Everyone lovs Baobhan Sith
I hate Baobhan Sith
uhhh yamataikoku resource collection and upgradingI think
Attacking Morgan in fgog, attacking Baobhan sith in alter. Still shows no sign that he has any life whatsoever.
Ohohohoho hands typed this.
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Should I add this on the list or not?
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Do you ever try and make solutions to very mundane issues in your life that probably takes more time to make than save you time?
>in fgog
This guy's kind of sus
Based and true actually, Rin always looks amazing with disproportionately large tits. One of those designs where it has a real specific charm for her.
>no grails
Does he even matter?
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And you can laugh a spineless laugh
We hope your rules and wisdom choke you
Now we are one in everlasting peace
We hope that you choke, that you choke
I don't get it. You want a Bunyan CE? I got a Bunyan CE.
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He does. And I assume that someone is actually playing on this account because Voyager became NP5 and 3rd append level 9.
No, I'm making one of those "help me pick" like those GSSR pickers but for any image set.
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Why are you so obssessed with him?
I am getting strong pedophile vibes from this account
>t. turd
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What is that around Atalante's mou-
>jack is eating something
they're selfish assholes
>original fae decide to trick and kill cernunnos just cuz it suits their needs even though he helped them out
>morgans perverse vision of faerie britain
>several clans wiped out
>aurora only wants people to be enamored with her
>woodwose only wants power
>spriggan only wants influence
>no answer
I accept your concession.
And leave Shirou as a single dad? No wonder their kids wound up being the last masters.
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who do you think the remaining 2 foreigners will be?
Whatever your turd ass says
you've never seen a pedophile account
Based they just like me
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Everyone has seen Stephen's account.
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Broyager... XX... XAI...
>checkered robe
Freemasonic association, I'd say Albert Pike.
Plus some limited three-stars (Bedi, COORU and Nagayoshi)
Why wasn't Kirschtaria the last one standing since he's the strongest mage?
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I'm f2p (broke)
Top right is piccolo
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This dumb whore
>Want more MHXX copies
>Best rate-up is close to Tez and has Gil
In all seriousness, how powerful is Summer Ibuki? Both in lore and gameplay
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It's just a matter of time. He is coming.
>the strongest mage
Well you see bro, the important qualifier here is "mage" but I can't explain further until LB7 without spoilers you would likely assume are shitposts anyway.
Zeus level
If you believe Sakurai she is as strong as an Olympus Machine God.
Ibuki is basically a summoned God. She is basically the berserker version of Space Ishtar.
Someone should attack male characters for a change.
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There's another one with Maid Alter but it's close to Summer 8 if that's a problem for you.
Although she is some kind of dragonkin, she has a Divine Core, not a Dragon Core.
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That's arguably even worse because I don't care about Maid Alter and want to go all in on Summer Castoria.
Divine Spirit on par with Zeus but her power is limited because of (You)
THE Arts AoE looper who made all the others Arts AoE loopers obsolete
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I attack Oberon and Tezca constantly by calling their art trash. By far the worst drawn Servants in the game.
The one with the flowers could be another painter like Gustav Klimt, Salvador Dali or Claude Monnet.
You'll miss your other Arts AoE loopers when you need to clear waves in Filler Stall's Olga marathons anyway
We shit on Gil all the time though
>he doesn't have 30 bucks to spare
lmao even
But [servant I dislike] is actually an old man, hehehe...
Nah I use that for Europe soccer tournament bros
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Ruler Ibuki shit on Gil so hard he resorted to poison AND trying to entertain her rather than fight her head-on in Samurai Remnant lmao
Oberon grows on you but tez is just plain shit
You can pull two of the same SSR Servant from destiny?
You got two Morgans? Fucking explode what are the chances
One was from GSSR.
Nothing, most of my good options are only available next year.
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Nah, he'll grow on you too
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Fuck you Oberon looks great. I love the shit-eating grin on his frog face.
based, gil needs to know his place
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Why is Bob so goddamn ugly?
She's literally a rotting corpse, Beryl permanently fucked her up, kind of deserved though.
Well that's weird. I thought Gil was equal to gods in his epic.
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Gil is such a let down in SR. He has only one attack. No NP. And normal into heavy takes ages to do. He does give Iori one of the better skills at least.
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she appears to ignore anyone not under the influence of an outer entity. Only the true niggerman foreigners have matched.
Why is Turd so goddamn retarded?
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>By far the worst drawn Servants in the game.
Sakurai doesn't read.
Bloodborne on PC when?
Mochizuki Kei is a bad artist, they use AI now too
She's cute though.
I feel like the Wandjina one is kind of a stretch
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Also this was my loadout.
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Looks amazing to me.
Post your summer funds
hory shitto
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What's wrong with that? Explain your claim.
Turd is a desperate asshole
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Do you like all those new bros you added during this anniversary?
based and pedophile
Why does Benkei look so retarded? Fuck i hate Benkei
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I wanted Illya or Abby the most...
Basically Illya = Abby > Shuten = Dantes > Ibuki = Quetz = Gil > Melusine > Morgan
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I didn't add anyone.
My FL was already full of bros.
1000 quartz and 50 tickets from like a month of saving and this anniversary
shits crazy
life is shit and i can't do anything about it
I didn't add anyone since there was no new missions tied to it
Brown skin
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>is on rayshift
>But game says this
I assume he's deleted his account?
why is life shit, bro?
Why doesn't this gaym have any viera characters?
Two people added me, which made me happy.
Spriggan is human though, its why he was the only one who could see Morgan's weakness was her love for Bob.
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I didn't because we didn't get friend slots, but I will be soon as I'm about to hit Lv. 159.
Woodwose tries despite his strong instincts
Many such cases, bro. You're not alone.
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Remind me again why people said Babylonia was good.
Oh it's the Saitobro. He deleted his account a while ago.
I pumped and dumped several randos for their anniversary CE
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Quetz amor
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>By far the worst drawn Servants in the game.
She's cute.
Tez's art is pretty fucking bad.
It just happens to be so bad it loops around to becoming a soul meme. Like Shrift.
It was when compared to the rest of the slop at the time
Just for the record she's stated to be among the Machine Gods, she wasn't said to equal Zeus specifically.
I'm happy with my new bro.
I can't believe they added my oshi in Genshin
if you compare camelot and babylonia to america and below then theyre a godsend.
it only looks like shit because the writting quality got better excluding sakurai chapters (excluding OC2).
What happened in OC2? I wasn't around /alter/ when it released. Was it well received?
2172 SQ and 70 tix
Thank you!
Do more of her soon!
bro love?
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All my fellas
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I would rather love a sis...
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>just realized why the push button is named that way
Bros I'm starting to connect the dots...
It's a grim state of affairs that the game reached its narrative peak with The Women of Agartha.
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For me, it's Cummer
>people really love high fantasy anime at the moment
Imagine if they decided to adapt LB6 now.
>Caligula has chocolate brown skin and purplish blue hair
>his younger sister Agrippina is blonde and blue eyed
What happened here?
I hope they become competent soon
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>she raped my children, my city and me to death
>but she umus and has nice tits so i love her
whats wrong with her?
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~180 quartz and 36 tickets
Might be enough for Skadi
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nigga just go faster than the slow moving rock
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I had 5 on my friends list stop logging in. Game is dead as fuck.
Content on monday?
Women enjoy rape
Time to save.
I'll post my support in the next thread and ask for friends!!
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>Women enjoy rape
>that big titty ana spam yesterday made me watch that russian girl anime
Damn you, /alter/.
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For me? It's Tanya.
Look at this bob
>big titty ana
not canon. see her official art
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>>>that big titty ana spam yesterday made me watch that russian girl anime

Gone too soon.
Look at this turd
I won't save anything for her since Aesc ruined the 8th anniversary and this summer is more interesting than the next one anyways
No, thats gross
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Sumipe got wasted voicing Okuni. She should've voice Ana.
Post servants you want to punch in the face
servants you want to punch in the face
>he values "canonicity"
Alright but remember that in """canon""" Mash will never let you kiss any of your servants.
Wu Zetian
Nice headcanon.
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2 more days bros
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do you know what sturdy fucking does bro?
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We passed upon the stair
We spoke of was and when
Although I wasn't there
He said I was his friend
Which came as a surprise
I spoke into his eyes
I thought you died alone
A long, long time ago

Oh no, not me
We never lost control
You're face to face
With the man who sold the world

I laughed and shook his hand
And made my way back home
I searched for form and land
For years and years, I roamed
I gazed a gazeless stare
We walked a million hills
I must have died alone
A long, long time ago

Who knows?
Not me
I never lost control
You're face to face
With the man who sold the world

Who knows?
Not me
We never lost control
You're face to face
With the man who sold the world
All me.
Ok time travelling bro.
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Literally what's wrong with Wanda even? You sure you're not just gay?
Hmm I wonder who could be hiding under this blanket...
>Aesc: blank soulless stare
>Castoria: alive with light, life, and joy
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>use 1 on the tickets we got last night
nice, won't ever use her but I do like getting this type of special servants in the roster

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