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Twisted Wonderland, a rhythm and turn-based combat game featuring cute boys based on Disney villains, released in March 2020.

Book 7 update: 07/12 16:00 JST
Leona birthday campaign: 07/27

>Current Gacha
[Campaign] SSR Sultan Kalim: 07/12 16:00 JST - 07/22 14:59 JST
>Upcoming Gacha
[Campaign] SSR Platinum Jacket & Broomquet Leona: Late July

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Translations of recently released content:

Previous: >>484063443
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Is this what we're doing now
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I love this sex lion.
I just wish Yana wasn't so shit at writing him and his dorm. Here's hoping the revisit of Savannaclaw won't be absolute dogwater.
I'm rereading beanfest and how nice would it have been if Kalim and Jamil's face-off was Kalim like "I knew all the time. I knew you tricked me with the cooking set thing in beanfest and I did it anyway, I knew you were hypnotizing me and I didn't call you out, I knew you hated me and I called you my friend anyway, because I know you're trapped and are trying to get out but we're 17, give me just a little more time to get independent from my father so I can set you and your family up to be able to provide for yourselves without being dependent on my family to survive. I'm sorry for playing dumb for 17 years but I didn't know what else to do."
Why did he have to be so ignorant. It's just a cop-out. It shouldn't even be possible for him to not know what he's doing. Sunshine boy my ass.
Yana can't write Kalim even if her life depended on it. If she wanted she could've done that ages ago by having him admit he's known for years that Jamil is a two-faced bastard that would turn on him someday, like he did in the current current fight and he just ignores it on purpose but she didn't.

Yana has severe favoritism in her writing of the boys, she's absolute dogshit at writing the furries and Scarabia. Look at the difference between them and literally ever other dorm. She's shit at writing characters she isn't fixated on, her writing for Scarabia is literally just those 2 indian side characters in Kuroshit but worse.
I love Kuroshi and I love Yana but I've always been so numb about those two. In a world with so many characters that are so well fleshed out, their complete lack of personality stood out in the worst way possible.
And same with Kalim and Jack. Ruggie escaped it in my opinion and Leona is in danger, but Kalim and Jack dropped the ball.
I like Jamil, but maybe just for what he could be. What he should be.
I kind of wonder if they just aren't trapped by the medium. The game just can't give us the depth of story they deserve. I'm hoping the novels completely retcon Kalim and Jamil's whole thing, because there is so much potential being lost because they gotta settle everyone's issues in under an hour of gameplay.
I read some people theorized that maybe one of the reasons vil freaked out about falling (and specifically falling because he's fine in flying classes) is because the evil queen died that way
if that's the case I wonder if the others would get equivalents
>"I'm kinda hungry right now"
That's actually a pretty good theory, damn.
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I don't think it's because she can't write that way, I like to believe it's more like she HAS to write that way.
The sultan was a good guy and I like to think disney forces her to write Kalim in a good light all the times. The same thing happens to Rook and Silver as well.
Except for Leona, I think both Ruggie and Jack are pretty solid.
Ofc I don't need to explain why Ruggie has a good personality, but for Jack I like his delusional idealism and self-improvement gimmick. I get that he's pretty niche for the people that like tsunderes and oneitis but for the most part, he's better than Leona.
I used to like Leona's character but recently, most of his scenes are just him being "heh i'm smarter than you" and it gets boring really quickly, seeing him jobbing to Fellow in halloween was fun tho.
The sultan was a moron too I guess, and that seems to be what she is emphasizing. He could have just changed the law from the beginning and spared us the whole movie, but he had decided that the law as it stood was more important than his own daughter.
Then there's some drama and he finally realizes "oh right, there is literally no one who can tell me no" at the end. Maybe that's what we'll get at the end. Kalim going "you mean I could've just released your family from your obligations and given you money and sent you away this whole time? Well why didn't you say so, silly!"
That reminds me, how do we think Kalim's "I'm Jamil's master" line is going to be swept under the rug for EN? Are they going to have him say "I'm Jamil's boss!" right before he punches him, or just rewrite the whole thing ala Book 4?
>"I'm this McDonalds manager!"
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Yana seems to either not be very good at writing a genuinely "good" person without making them more shallow or one-dimensional compared to the "bad" boys or she just can't write Kalim any other way. Jamil is...fine. In terms of writing he's got more going for him then Kalim which isn't much, but it's something at least. It's their relationship dynamic that's absolutely dogshit with how janky it is that's the problem.

Kalim is Jamil's boss or more specifically he's the son of the boss of Jamil's entire family and his family's livelihood depends on them sticking to the Al-Asim to continue earning a living. Book 4 would've been fine if Kalim was written more smart or at least privy to Jamil being a backstabbing two-faced cunt from the beginning and just chooses to ignore it because he's also stuck there at NRC because his father wanted him to stick close to Jamil since sending him to a different school would mean he'd need a new caretaker who doesn't know him as well and he does genuinely consider Jamil his friend since they were technically raised together. Literally, this would've given Kalim and Jamil's relationship infinitely more depth then Kalim just being oblivious to Jamil's seething and made his decision not to tell his father about the incident in order to protect Jamil more interesting. But Yana didn't do that, instead she has just been sticking to keeping Kalim as a classic goodboy (even though I don't dislike that troupe and it's nice when done well) without actually making him more complex with his feelings towards Jamil. He could literally ruin Jamil's entire family and life but just chooses not to despite Jamil literally trying to murder him and tormenting the students in Scarabia, Yana makes their "master and servant" relationship so half-assed when Kalim let's him get away with so much shit and Jamil is more like Kalim's keeper and nanny then his pet manservant.
People complain Jamil is "two-faced" but he can't force himself to be happy he's a servant, so he forces himself to fake it, just like everyone who has ever worked in the service industry.
A person who hates their job but still acts pleasant isn't two-faced, they're an adult. And that goes double for someone who is trapped in a "job" against their will.
>she HAS to write that way
I definitely think it's this though I'm not sure about it being in a good light all the time. I feel like they show characters being annoyed about Kalim solving everything with his wealth enough that this disdain anons here have on him is actually the point. Even Idia says at the beginning of Kalim's dream that it was hard for them to find a discrepancy because it's less Kalim having a good imagination but more his wealth in real life is already so unimaginable that it pretty much makes up for everything he lacks. He doesn't really mean any harm ultimately, but it is still incredibly annoying that he's so out of touch because of his upbringing. Like all the other characters in this game, you may end up defending him or hating him, depending on your own morals. I think these discussions are fascinating at least.
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The Savannaclaw boys are a weird thing...Because they had literally the most dogshit written chapter but the boys themselves as individuals are very loved my people who like them.

Ruggie probably has the better writing out of the bunch I can agree with that. He's funny in a lot of the events since he's consistent with his character and he bounces off well with the other furries and the other boys in general and his backstory is interesting.

Jack in my personal opinion is the most boring of the bunch, he's got the same problem as Kalim and Silver but somehow I find him even less interesting then those two. He's a generic "hardworking le tough guy but is actually nice and respectable" troupe that is so common now-a-day and you'll never see him be openly malicious or scummy since you know he's not a bad person but that's the end of his character. There isn't much for him beyond that. If anything he's more of an accessory for the other boys like he's Vil's childhood friend, he's Leona's junior that admires him, he's Ruggie's junior that also admires him. He respects people who are strong? That's like 90% of his personality.

Leona...has the worst of it. I actually really love his design and he could be a genuinely cool and engaging character if Yana just put actual effort into him. Leona is supposed to be a genius that learns everything quickly, he's purposefully prevented himself from passing school ages ago because he doesn't want to go home because he has issues with his brother, he has a scar across his face and powers that could literally kill anyone he touches. And what does Yana do with this? She gives him the most retarded plan in the chapter he's introduced, barely does anything that shows his supposed genius most of the time, and never elaborates more on why he has problems with his brother or whatever trauma he had as a kid to end up this way. Literally just wasted potential and an absolute sex design too.
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I would dismiss it is as slopping or a disney-filter or whatever if it wasn't for recent comments that have been gaining traction. Riddle calls Kalim out for doing nothing in his school vignette, but that kind of thing was pretty rare before.
Then we had Playfulland Ace telling Kalim to his face that he does nothing but give orders and call it teamwork, but he backed down.
Then we had Vil being impatient with Kalim's personality overall in his birthday vignette.
Then we had Idia saying my exact problem with Kalim in 7-9: he claims he is doing his best (and his fans love to say he is doing his best), but literally all he is doing is assigning work to other people and doing nothing himself.
The writers know this about Kalim, to the point that they are having the characters acknowledge it in the game.
I just hope it goes somewhere some day instead of being written off with "but he means well, so I. guess it's okay that he is an asshole who expects everyone to do everything for him and then gives himself credit."
That is my exact issue with Jack, but that is the issue I have with a lot of sunshine boys. They don't get any depth, because they can't. If there is ever a thought in their head beyond "this is the right thing to do" then they lose sunshine status.
Jack's VA had a comment somewhere about how Jack doesn't actually follow to a lawful-good archetype, he just follows his own personal rules, and the fact that those rules just happen to overlap with the rules of society sometimes is a coincidence.
I was hoping we'd get more on that someday, maybe even an example where Jack decides the right thing to do is something that is objectively wrong, but it's yet to happen. The closest we get is when he ditches class to help Ruggie, and then again to go to Playfulland because he made a promise to Fellow and he refuses to break a promise. That's not enough.
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Jamil is "two-faced" because he's stoic and diligent on the outside but wants to rule over others and do whatever he wants with them on the inside. His entire dream is that he wants what Kalim has, not the money but the power over others. He wants to be free but he also wants to be praised, served like a king and guys like Kalim to be under him. His UM is a perfect reflection of this. He's probably the closest to Jafar then any of the other boys are to the villains they're based on, it's also why I find him entertaining. He'd be boring as shit if he was just "muh tired service working" as a personality.
No like I legit cannot figure out how they're gonna do it.
That scene is one of the wealthiest people on the planet sucker-punching a servant for trying to do more with his life.
A person who saw that same servant get smacked by their own parents as a child, and is now continuing the cycle.
Not a great look there, Kalim.
>anyone he touches
A common misconception but actually no, he sands phantoms and cages and whatnot in Book 6 and props in Halloween without touching them. He has a comment about not being able to use his UM because he might sand one of the STYX staff or Grim on accident.
The guy is capable of turning people to sand with a thought, without even meaning to. He doesn't need to touch them.
Yeah the problem with Leona seems to be he is an extremely intelligent character being written by people who aren't as intelligent as he is supposed to be and are trying to fake it till they make it.
I have tried to convince myself that Book 2 can work because I love Leona but it requires some wild mental gymnastics that the other stories really don't. Really a shame, there is so much perfect content there. We need to give Savanaclaw/Octavinelle/Scarabia their own spin-offs.
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More talk about how ruggie is best boy
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Yana is just shit at writing good guy archetypes in general. Just look at Kuroshit. There isn't a single person in that story that you could say is conventionally good while being entertaining, she's in her element when writing about "bad boys" or morally questionable characters, but a good, genuinely heroic, and kind person? Yana sucks balls at that.

It's 100% percent possible to write a good and heroic person that is kind without making them cardboard or doing "le cast points out how nice they are so you don't forget about it" whenever they do something. Look at shit like Frieren, they managed to have a good guy archetype in Himmel and he was great. She's just shit at making a "nice" boy because all she can think of is generic nice while all the boys make fun of it or seethe at it for comedic purposes.
What do you think about Silver? He seems to be in a weird space. He's a lawful good who was raised by a chaotic bat creature, a clueless moron like Kalim, he argues against doing fun evil things like Jack, but for some reason he doesn't bother me as much as the others do.
A disney male-princess who lives in servitude to the male-mistress of evil and loves his life.
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>literally could Thanos snap anyone just by thinking about it
Jesus Christ...how is this man allowed to be around anyone. Holy shit.

I really hope they don't fuck up Savannaclaw even more once we get to visit their dreams, especially Leona's since he'll probably be the one to get the spotlight because of his OB. But my hopes are not high.
Wanna be delulu with me about a potential deep-dive into Ruggie's past? I crave sad hyena drama.
Oh my god but what if we learn how Leona got his scar anon. What then.
Also is Jack's dream gonna be a Rook situation where Leona never overblotted and everybody is up at 5am doing squats and talking about how much they love protein and working hard to achieve their goals? Uhg.
I think Silver has it better off then Jack or Kalim since he has an excellent dynamic with everyone in his dorm which also happens to be his family. He's saved by the fact that he's a "good boy" among "bad boys" and the contrast he creates actually compliments his personality, even though he is kinda boring outside of them. He's a pure good guy like Kalim and Jack but isn't bogged down by being an accessory or terrible writing since his backstory and life have meaning outside of just himself. He's better then most so that's something.
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That all sounds way too good to be true. The Savannaclaw boys are great together and have one of my favorite dynamics but individually in terms of writing they're all over the place.

Gonna pray that Yana doesn't fuck them up and makes their dreamscapes fun and an actual exploration of their characters. I'm going to hit extra copium if Yana shows actual Farena in Leona's dream.
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Shoutout to Ruggie for having the best writing in his dorm.
I think the hype needs to be curbed a bit with a reality check. They've mentioned in ch7 due to Malleus's lack of understanding what true happiness is, it's why the 'happiness' in the dreams are shallow. That's kinda a plot point. Probably better to go into it seeing it as just slow burn placing of puzzle pieces for future plot points than a whole deep dive.
I'm know it really won't live up to the hype. But I'm going to be smoking hard copium that Yana will somehow, someway fix the fuck up in Savannaclaw's intro chapter even if it's just a little bit.
I think they know they fucked it up, with how much the novel writes into it that didn't exist before. But there is only so much they can change without completely retconning it as if the actual game chapter-2 never happened (which is what they need to do, complete do-over, maybe the anime?)
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>has to retcon so much of the writing because everyone even the Japs agreed chapter 2 was dogshit
Imagine fucking up this bad for one of your dorms.
Personally, I don't think they could erase everything and start over. The game has been out for years now and there's no way the can pretend that retarded plan never happened outside of spin-off shit. If the anime ever comes out (that is if they didn't can it) then they'll have to do some serious mental gymnastics to try and explain how Leona's plan wasn't retarded and outright catastrophic. There's no way to actually avoid it. Best they can do is show how deteriorated Leona's mental state was at that point and that plan was just him letting his shower thoughts get the better of him.
There was that interview a while back with Yana that they did not actually anticipate players would read that deep into the story and that's why they amped up the writing and things have been getting longer and more detailed to meet with demand. Ch2 is the biggest victim of early writing unfortunately. I do like Leona in tamamina, he had a Simba thing going on there
Yeah but that doesn't explain why Books 1 and 3 are so much better. I'm partial to the "Book 2 was supposed to be Book 6" theory, where something was changed and the Book 2 we ended up with was never what we were supposed to get, but just a bandaid for the wound that was left from rearranging chapter order.
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Book 1 was decent despite being the first book though. I get that they probably weren't expecting the players to explore shit this hard, but come on. Even by early writing sense the furry dorm's chapter was godawful, they were better in Book 3 then their own chapter. Who the hell approved of this story idea?
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Is book 7 like inside out but the little blobs inside malleus' head are everyone in the world
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You could always just censor the non-age appropriate parts
With the Leona chibi sprite
Unironically the most sex ship just from appearance and personality contrast.
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I think these 2 are contenders for that title
Damn malleus this murder was so sloppy, they're going to find out you're the culprit in the class trial
Or Leona Tsum
Scar's death was being eaten alive by the hyenas. Ursula is being stabbed to death by a ship. Jafar was being sealed away in the lamp, but dies by lava in the sequel. Maleficent was killed by the sword. Hades doesn't die, but he did fell off from a cliff to the River of Souls. Queen of Hearts is the only one who doesn't actually have a death scene in animation, but would get one in the live action sequel after being banished from the kingdom she ruled. Not sure how we would get something similar for the others.
Current leovil is for sex
Future leovil is for sharing a bottle of wine in their porch while bantering and complaining about kids in their lawn
In the TV show, he has 2 episodes of being capable of handling himself. Saying he had been in the army and a marksman back in the day. To point the valkyerie who had kidnapped Jasmine, fell in LOVE with the Sultan. I wonder why couldn't Yana do that for Kalim. Like have him say he knows how to aim and fire, but only just to stun his enemies, never kill. If they can pull materials like the Aladdin video game which featured Jafar's sister in the creation of Najma, then it shouldn't be off for Kalim to have some traits based on the sequels or TV show. Leona is speculated to have a mix of Lion Guard as well.
>implying Yana cares enough about Kalim to actually show him being competent and smart at anything
Lmao. Yana doesn't have the balls to make Kalim be as based as the actual sultan from Aladdin, and yeah, I remember that ep from the show. Jasmine has such a cool dad. If Yana were a better writer, Kalim would be actually dangerous considering he has assassins coming after him all the time and he needs to defend himself.
Huh. Did not know about this, but do they even know about it over there. Now that you mention it, jp theory crafters rarely bring up the old tv shows. I feel like someone would have said something on Queen La's staff looking a lot like Leona's by now if it's more well known over there
If you think about it, Jack and Silver are the same character...
The only difference is that Silver has more things going on with his lore and that makes him more interesting, Jack didn't had the same luck
Yana can only write 2 types of "good" person.
>le head strong but actually kind but boring and respectful
>shallow ditzy marshmallow that she'll never make interesting
She is shit at writing good people.
You guys spend days talking about character writing and only mentioned Malleus once
I'm so proud of you guys
Considering that's from Tarzan, probably wouldn't count unless it's under same movie franchise. And I don't think JP knows much about the TV shows like Aladdin, Little Mermaid, or Hercules. Those shows being old as hell and not having JP translations that I know of to be available to watch easily.
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Funny how no one can talk shit about HIS writing!!
Is...Malleus even interesting? I mean, I like that he's extremely autistic and for (you) but that's pretty much all I get from him.
People will be too focus on the human trafficking part before anything else once Playful Land event comes in EN.
And cheer for Fellow of course
Honestly this game is very 'to each his own' so many here talking about Leona having nothing going on other than being sex but I also know people who could write essays about his writing and how interesting he is. I love Malleus, he's a massive weirdo who loves human culture, is afraid of matching gifts because losing one from a set is much more painful, very willing to share about his culture if you just asked nicely, so considerate of Lilia and treats him like an equal, surprisingly thoughtful with gifts, he's proud of his powers but also acknowledges where he lacks, etc. He can be extremely petty too, is not self aware enough about his own strength, likes solitude but suffers from loneliness too, I don't think he's really doing enough to change people's opinion of him so there's pride to him that he needs to deal with but not completely change just to be liked... I could go on really. Other anons should love post about their boy too, it's always nice to see what people like about another character that I may not have seen myself
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I like this trend
>that anime
I swear I saw nothing but screenshots of that ancient jap shota on my timeline for days.
Effeminate megane Sebek would be too powerful
So Azul?
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When your bold doppelganger forces you to defend your territory
Fragaria is kiiiinda boring but the songs make up for it
Twst please make the boys sing...
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>Jamil's dream is for Kalim to be his slave whore that serves him 24/7
What is wrong with this stupid snake?
jamikali sis eating so good
>real kalim x real jamil
>fake kalim x real jamil
>real kalim x fake jamil
>fake kalim x fake jamil
We get the return of Possessed!Kalim from Specter Soiree.
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selfcest so good
>jamil eats poisoned curry and stays in a coma for 2 weeks
>kalim gets traumatized to the point he hates curry now
>jamil is still out there enjoying his curry
a very strange snek
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azul lives rent free in jamil's mind
Jamil should dream bigger, he should make every boy his slave whore
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But Malleus worked so hard...
Nobody would buy gargoyle doujins.
Tried catering his fanfiction directly to his audience and they are not impressed. Better off writing self-insert Rollo porn again.
he's going to menhera out in his private locked twitter account
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a new jamil weak point found
>money is running out
>rollo tentacles doujin
he let his hormones do the talking
I love you Silzul
No octa chapter this month but Savanaclaw will get a chapter
The finish line is in sight for both of them. I wonder if they artificially delayed Octavinelle because it was about to end sooner.
I sometimes wonder if Jamil derives some sort of sick pleasure looking down on Kalim being useless with the knowledge he's the more capable one. Will he seethe if ever Kalim becomes competent and doesn't need him any more
We're never gonna know cause it's never gonna happen. From Book 6's leona-lecture we do know that Jamil knows he's better than Kalim in every way, but rather than enjoying it, it seems to be killing him inside, because he knows it doesn't matter. Better or not, he is and will always be no more than a servant.
Speed-running the main story and Riddle/Jamil get Trey/Jalim dramatically calling for them to wake them up post OB and no one calls for Azul and Leona wakes up to fuckn Grim
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I swear there was a comment recently about how Jamil should've gone to the prefect for advice because they're so special and I just remembered, if you go into labwear voice lines you'll learn people think the prefect is a little "slow."
I kind of prefer it to the "you are the chosen one" harry potter trope. Instead of "you are here to save us" it's "damn, you're kinda dumb."
Never really understood why people think Yuu is saving the boys. The boys are saving themselves and each other more like. Yuu has just been watching and making a comment here and there.
I think it's younger players who haven't learned how to enjoy things that aren't all about them all of the time. Whatever makes them happy I guess.
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>it's been years
>we still only have Neige, Chenya, and the dwarves as the only RSA students with designs revealed
>we don't have cute redhead mermaid boy for Azul to seethe at
That lecture was really funny to me considering how Leona is the king of bums and giving up. He's spent years of his life being a sad sack feeling bad for himself over the fact he'll never be king despite Farena continuously saying he can do other things for his kingdom and he's still a prince with an extremely high position in life, respect from his people, and is supposedly ridiculously talented. Leona is the biggest bum in TWST but he's very lucky he's hot otherwise this grown ass man purposefully keeping himself in college just so he doesn't have to do anything would be just sad.
I think Jamil copes through life by thinking "if/once I'm allowed to show my full potential I'd be above the rest" which is why Leona pointed out him quickly judging people and looking down on them as useless was a flaw
Sounds like someone believes what Jack says about Leona.
Leona's whole thing is he's hiding the truth about himself. He actually is putting in effort and taking care of Ruggie and Jack and handling stuff, he just doesn't want anyone to know that he's trying, so he takes verbal abuse from everyone instead of correcting them.
Like his labwear vignette where Epel lectured him the whole time about how it's impossible and they should give up, only for Leona to immediately succeed.
If you read the novel translations there's a part where he says outright that giving up is the one thing that he's afraid of. Maybe novel only I don't know, but still.
I'd actually find that more believable if Leona actually didn't spend his time in a school he could've graduated from years ago and refusing any kind of actual work his brother keeps offering him. He's a prince and a genius, there's so much he could've accomplished by now and his first display during Book2 was absolutely atrocious.

Novels are good supplementary material but it'd be better if they actually made him accomplish really impressive things in game. Leona is talented and smart but nothing he's done has been massive or really shows how he's supposed to be amazing at everything.
Is that you Falena
Not saying you're wrong but suddenly 兄貴anon showing up made me laugh.
This is my whackadoodle take I just came up with: watching his flashback (game, not novel), does it seem like he might be punishing his country for their dumb rule of not choosing leaders on merit?
Falena says the same thing you did and that's how he responds like "maybe they should choose their king on merit, but they won't, and that action has the consequences of me not giving a shit."
But in Book 7 he seems to be feeling better, I guess? Actually intending to graduate this time and whatnot.
Also me again but yeah, eve though he's trying not care, we know he does through comments he makes in his birthday vignette about Falena wasting time and money and resources on him instead of the kingdom he's acting as regent for.
Jack isn't the only tsundere in that dorm.
Isn't it a little more complicated than not being king? He seems to have ideas he wants to enact for his country but is shot down due to differing beliefs with the council over there. He is pretty hung up on not having power and control over things that matter to him so he just gives up. The people he hates, Farena and Malleus, look like they have power as their birthright but Briar Valley senate is shitty and controlling who knows how much power Malleus even has over there in decision making.
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Considering our only instance of Farena is literally just that one flashback and it's from Leona's perspective. I don't take anything from the boys' point of view at face value. As far as we know Farena is a great king since Mufasa was amazing and beloved by everyone in the Lion King movie.

The fact that Farena was teased in Book2 but never showed up in the Tamashina-mina event and instead we got Zazu is just disappointment. Vil's dad got revealed in his town event but not Leona's own brother?
Lowkey? I think his whole "never be king" thing bothers him less than how people back home hate him, and the only reason he came come up with for why is because he's second born. He goes off in his flashback on how they'd stop treating him like shit if he was just born first. If he wasn't walking in on servants bitching about him all the time as a child, he might even be fine with his role in life.
Yeah it's tough only having Leona's perspective on it. Though building that huge fountain to celebrate Cheka instead of doing something about the city's slumtowns isn't a great look.
I thought the reason people treated him like that when he was a kid is because he has Thanos snap powers that he can literally use to delete someone by just thinking of them? Anyone with a semblance of survival instinct wouldn't want to be near a kid that could delete you while your cleaning the hallways.
Yeah that's a thing I read is in the novel as well, since he was born with the power but non-mages don't really know how UM work, so people just assume it was a power he'd wanted.
In that case yeah, "our second prince chose a thanos power? out of all the different magics in the world, he wanted the one that kills on sight? and he's like 12 years old? fuck that," makes sense.
His UM is just like his prince deal. It makes him powerful sure but it also makes people resent him and none of it was his fault to begin with.
Honestly how true even is the thing about the people back home hating him, at least in current times. I don't fault the servants for being afraid of him initially when he suddenly manifested the thanos snap as his um, who wouldn't be. But now? He is shown to be very respected in tamamina and his dormmates like him too. He's like that one 'everybody hates me' meme sometimes
It does really make sense why people are scared of Leona and I genuinely don't blame them because I would quit my job if someone told me their kid could turn me into a sandcastle by accident if I was working there.

On that note, I think that the whole thing with non-mages knowing so little about magic in twst's worldbuilding is kinda weird. I get that the story is trying to be Harry Potter by making the magical stuff more exclusive to just wizards, but in twst they don't have to hide their magic and there are enough mages in world that there are massive schools dedicated to them everywhere. It's a weird choice to have as worldbuilding when mages are a norm in modern day twst.
Yeah that's another "all we have to go off of is Leona's perspective" thing which makes it hard to figure out what is really going on. I noticed that when he went off on Falena for being lazy and stupid, though, Falena never denied it. There was no "except I have accomplished these things" or "there is a lot going on you don't know about," he just went straight to, "yeah, well, why don't you do something then."
Probably just overthinking though, or just another one of Book 2's various issues.
I bet there are like, mage otaku who know the details about UM and whatnot, but I guess the average person doesn't care and will fill in the blanks with what makes sense to them.
For a modern-day comparison we could say like, bakers. I know they're a thing but I don't know what they do. I know dough is involved. But I'm not going to study to understand all their skills and how and why they can do what they do, because it's not an interest of mine.
Maybe it's the same in twst. "You make croissants with, I dunno, air and fluff or something? Maybe a tire pump is involved." and "You get your UM but like, choosing what you want to do and then doing it, right? That's how magic works?"
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Weren't people absolutely losing it when they thought Leona was the one coming to watch the tournament in Tamamina too? Like, I'm trying to remember what happened but his people seemed really excited to see their prince in public and getting to show off to him. And then all of freaked out when they thought Leona left without seeing the show and scrambling to find him.
I remember the one guy at the end being stoked that the person he battled last was Leona, but just because some people hate him doesn't mean everyone hates him. It would actually be weirdly unrealistic if they did. Doesn't change the fact that we've seen he terrifies other people just by existing and there isn't anything he can do about it.
Heck maybe that's why he's hiding out in NRC: he's giving them what they want. A safe space where he doesn't exist.
Y'know I'm starting to think that maybe twst isn't actually that well written and we just want to see schoolboys blow each other's backs out
I don't think characters not being straight forward is bad writing though. They feel really human to me. Didn't Ortho talk about it in this update? He asked Vil if in his dream, him not being in NRC means he regrets putting his career on hold for his studies and Vil confidently says no, so real Kalim loving NRC but in his dream he's not there doesn't necessarily mean he secretly hated being there. Ortho says it outright that people are complicated. I enjoy the debates here frankly, much more interesting than other threads I'm on.
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I think it's mostly because there's a lot of holes in the worldbuilding and the writing for some characters (majority for Savannaclaw and Scarabia) is just janky in general.
Maybe it'll be fixed once we actually learn more about Farena or if Yana ever decides to actually give a shit about fixing Kalim's writing.
Also, yes. The boys getting top tier sexo art is what hard carries the game. It's not even a secret, we all came here because we want to see pretty boys having emotional breakdowns.
It's true. I saw someone ranting the other day about how Twst doesn't have enough female characters and I can't figure it out. Do they not realize this is the "pretty boys interacting with pretty boys" genre?
Please tell me this is a joke and you made this up...
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People complaining about a Joseimuke having no female characters when the entire point of the genre is to be a hot boy collector is the most peak brainrot I've ever seen.
I take it as just people being new to the gacha world and that they don't understand that a lot gachas only have either just guys be playable or just girls be playable because they are aimed at a specific audience.
nta but can confirm, seen it in the wild. Someone was criticizing twst for being all boys and praising genshin because it's more gender inclusive
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>praising genshin because it's more gender inclusive
>5 boys out of 20 girls just to appeal for the dumb girls
So fucking dumb
Unfortunately true, most recently it was a youtube comment but I've seen it on twt too.
I think it might also be an American thing? They just don't have a genre that is aimed at adult women. I'm not saying adult women can't/don't enjoy marvel/star wars/disney cartoons/etc., but I can't think of anything american aimed at adult women specifically as their target market like Japan's joseimuke. Disney in particular just makes stuff for men and children and women just make it work.
It's probably why Japan's stuff is so popular over there, cause there is no local equivalent.
Makes sense. And also it's not an uncommon thing either for people to question or criticize stuff aimed specifically at women and it's made to cater to women in general. I've never really seen stuff where people ask for there to be playable male characters in a waifu only collector on America twitter but I've seen people asking why aren't there women that are playable in Husbando collectors. And I'm just like...what? There's a reason why Joseimuke are pure husbando games, it's because it's what the target audience wants. Granted, it's definitely only something you can find on western twitter and never in JP.
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honestly that whole argument they had was some average sibling stuff, those two were just bickering until they get fed up with each other and it eventually devolves into "You're a dumbfuck" and "No u".
>t. someone with siblings
I wonder if Twst might be Disney dipping a toe in the completely under-utilized target market that is "women."
Reminds me of the "Disney has no attractive male villains" rant. Japan has been doing sexy sexy male bad guys since the beginning of time, while Disney is happy driving home the "you absolutely can and should judge people by their appearances" point since their inception.
It's been 100 years and their bad guys have always been comically over-the-top ridiculous and/or ugly. Then they give us one almost believably attractive male villain and he's in one of the worst-performing movies they've ever produced (wish). I will never get over it.
Man, with a 10-year age gap I've gotta wonder what even is Falena and Leona's relationship, assuming they have one at all. What was Falena doing while servants were cowering in fear of his teenage brothers thanos snap? Leona talks about playing chess against adults since he was a child but was Falena one of them, or was he too busy or dumb or just disinterested? Did he ever have an interest in his little brother or was he pawned off onto Kijafi for the most part? Also, do they have a mom or not, it has literally never been said what happened to her.
I've had people I've know that are siblings with like 8 or 10 year age gaps and from my experience you don't really become friends until your older because the difference in interest and attention span is too big. Also didn't Leona mention at some point Farena used to spend time with him but got too busy since their dad got sick and he had to take responsibility as king at a young age so he didn't spend time with Leona anymore? I don't remember where I think I saw that.
Well. Twst has a tough job ahead if it's that. I almost feel bad for the team, Jp male fans find it a much more accessible joseimuke since romance is not involved and it reads quite shounen too. While it's opening up to male fans in jp, it's funny to think in the states it will be trying again to market largely to women. Joseimuke is already not taken that seriously in its country of origin, what's going to happen there? The anime is probably the most anticipated disney anime project from what I see on jp too, this is just a disney villain anime boy game how did we get this far
Wish was Disney biggest fumble to date considering it's supposed to be their 100 year anni movie too. They had amazing concepts and so many awesome deleted scenes that got uploaded online and that just added to how hard they fumbled that movie.
We could've had a based villain couple:
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Hate these people so much. You want female character, go play one of the 10 thousand gachas that only have female characters. Don't pollute one of the few games that only have males.
I dunno if america is catering to women. A lot of the changes they make seem to be trying to make it accessible to boys, too. The fairy gala spring and dancing fairies or whatever event changed to "Steal the Show"? There are more examples but I can't remember at the moment. It always seemed to me like they're actively trying to not go tooo far to appeal to women. Twst will never be four-quadrant but they can try.
Exactly this. They need to go play literally anything else. Anything. Let this ONE game be about sexually ambiguous men and nobody else, for the love of god.
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Disney is massive in JP plus a lot of women love Disney over there. I'm not surprised in the slightest they aimed for the female market but what was surprising is how huge twst exploded back when it first came out. And that they chose Yana to be the main artist and writer which also added to interest back then.

I've been following twst since it first started in JP and back in the day it was so damn wild in the first year. It gave Enstars a run for it's money for a while at it's peak, the thing that I felt that kinda made twst's popular wane a lot was how shit the first anni was, the slow ass updates, the Halloween event going on for over a month, players getting shilled nothing but cheap merch instead of getting new cards and story chapters. It was a mess and you could tell the Devs weren't prepared for how big twst ended up being for a while. At least now things are better in most ways.
Man I hope whatever producer or manager or director or whomever never touches another IP again. Did they hold a meeting after that abysmal opening weekend and try to figure out where they went wrong, or did they just blame streaming?
Did they even ask a single person how they liked the movie before it was released? Were there test audiences for this movie at all? I can't even imagine how they failed this hard.
I think it was in her more recent interview where Yana talks about how the developers have literally never made a thing like this before, and then there's aniplex who had never marketed to women before.
I remember when Vil's figure was on display for some toy fair when it first came out, and aniplex's booth was just a row of generic looking anime girls in bikinis, and then Vil.
And then there is Yana, who had never made a game before and is trying to run her own manga full-time, simultaneously.
A bunch of people who have no idea what they're doing being wrangled by Disney, who only seems to half know what's going on at any given time.
Oh ya those first few months were hilarious, servers kept crashing every update because too many people were logging in to pull they were really not prepared for how big it got. Remember Ghost Marriage? How long the emergency maintenance was? Good times. Gotta give credit to the twst devs, there are hits and misses but at least they're listening to feedback. Better than what I can say of other joseimuke gacha games. Like the story or not, at least we have actual story to discuss
Anon, there are all girls' schools everywhere in the world. There are people out there who think they can turn off their period like tap water
Oh my god magic is twst menstruation
"My brother is a mage and his UM doesn't turn people to sand, I think you're overreacting."
I would say it was a last minute change
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Deep down I want a side story in novel/in game/manga whatever media focused on the 3rd years in their early school days.

Imagine all the moments we would
*have with them as young boys trying to mind their own business but they can't
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Gosh, I remember that shit. The Early days of twst were really insane for it's first months, the amount of hype coupled with how inexperienced Yana and the dev team were really showed no one was prepared for the blow up at all.

The amount of fanart, animations, merch getting sold, tweets about theories and headcanons all over Japanese media were insane. My feed used to be flooded with twst stuff even when I wasn't really looking for it during year 1. And yeah, I remember the server issues too and also do you remember when twst did live streams and the amount of viewers numbered nearly a mil? That was crazy. Twst now may not be as huge as it was back in it's honeymoon phase but it's still one of the most profitable Joseimuke on the market.
Just as recently as last year? IIRC? during one of those aniplex announcement streams that twst was in, you can see the viewer count on youtube be around 3000-5000,at most 7000+ for a popular anime announcement. But when it was twst's segment it jumped to 12000+ with people hoping for an anime, it turned out to be tsum event which was funny and really bold of them but that's pretty insane. Maybe if they do the anime justice or Kingdom Hearts collab we'll get second wind. Right now it's just comfy enough
From what I understand a lot of popular gacha now especially huge ones like anything from Mihoyo or FGO usually get viewers around 100k or 200k when they're announcing something big like a new story patch or anni character. Twst getting those numbers because people expect big new isn't surprising since the anime was said to be in production all the way back since the first year when the game was blowing up. But since then, we've gotten next to no real news other then speculations from looking at aniplex merch. We don't even know what studio is doing the anime, if it's even still in production.
There is an interview with disney+ jp rep recently
TWST is mentioned in there, it is very much still in production but that's all they say. Nobody cared about the interview until jp fans caught wind of it, then it gained traction. I hate that twst devs are so secretive sometimes.
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Interesting...So, the anime is still in production and it's going to be on Disney+, well can't say I'm surprised by where it'll be but now it's a matter of when it's release is and how the anime's story will play out.

They seems to be really stingy with how they've only mentioned the anime in really small instances like this where it's a blink and you'll miss it. And we don't have any idea if it'll be like the anthology series where it's just the boys doing cute stuff together or if it'll follow the main story of the game, but then the real detail would be how they do the MC if they decided to follow the story. Will it be like the manga where we get a new Yuu every dorm? or will we have an MC that's anime exclusive.
when it finally comes out it will be 5 minute runtime short anthology series totally unrelated to the main plot
Unironically 100% possible since adapting the main story while we haven't even finished book 7 yet makes me feel like it'll be janky if the pacing isn't right.
we'll joke about this but I doubt it. They named twst as one of their original ips that they are hoping will set them aside from other competitors as a distributing platform. D+ is notoriously bad at promoting their anime, if they're smart, twst might just be one of their best chances they better do it well. Has an established fandom already, and the shock factor with the normies will probably meme it some extra visibility
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Normies seeing twst in any instance makes me shiver.

Remember when people thought Kalim was Iago? Granted that was twst during the early days but the latest would be when Rollo went viral for like 2 days on normie twitter. I felt my soul leave my body from the amount of comments making fun of twst and how everyone thought it was an otome game where you date the boys.
I fear any nu-gen people joining any fandoms these days for things such as anime, manga, video games, etc. Most have started to carry the belief "X thing in fiction is bad thus makes Y in real life happen". For TWST case, localization changes context of EN release and makes everyone confused. And yet nobody can fully agree that localization is bad because they think removing Azul being teased for being fat is a good thing.
That is kinda worrying too since that's also one of the big reasons I barely interact with fandoms outside of here because people can't seem to separate fiction from reality. As for the localizations...since it's Disney we'll probably be getting an english dub too so that's going to be weird and troublesome depending on how they'll translate things.
JP fandom makes wonderful stuff but they don't want any Westerners involved in their space given the treatment to other JP artists and creators on social media. Understandable at this point.
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I'm gonna hope that the english fanbase doesn't shit itself this time and go around harassing JP artist for making "le problematic" content or accuse them of sexualizing "underaged" pixels and sending shitty death threats. But knowing the western fans...it'll most likely still happen.
What characters profile/sheets are going to appear in the magical archives 2? So we have Neige, the dwarves, epels grandma, Najma, Dina, Kafiji, Rollo and Ferro/Gidel?
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but the dream is so nice...
Gives me PTSD flashback to otomes getting criticized for only having playable female MC and mostly male LIs when moeges and BL all already exist. It's always media niche made for women that gets put on blast for not being ~inclusive~ by the west, girlies just can't have shit
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idia is racking up yapping points, they might bully him once he wakes up so he better become a hero
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True. I'm still laughing at the fact these two losers are just dreaming about each other but with a color swap.

This just reminds me of the fact that the reason why games like otomes and joseimuke get targeted for being aimed at women and catering to women but shit like galges and waifu collectors don't have shitters complaining why there aren't any playable males in the game, is because it's easier to harass and goad women to be more "welcoming" in their hobbies even though otome games and joseimukes are already niche by comparison so they want women to have even less then what we already get. I'm fine if anyone wants to play these games but I don't want the entire genre to change for the sake of people who aren't even the target audience to begin with.
jamil's edgy colorswap is so funny, my favorite cringelord
Azul being just there made me lose my shit ngl
>and in my perfect dreamworld azul DOES fall into my trap, he doesn't outsmart me!
jamil is so cute
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I think the saddest part is it's almost entirely women demanding shit being changed in joseimuke, males are at fault when it comes to omnigames but they don't even feign passing interest in joseimuke enough to ask for female characters.
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That's pretty much it. The description says it'll have stuff through Book 6 and Playful Land
True. But from my experience these women are ones that either don't understand the genre or just don't want to put effort into just playing another game that's omnipandering. So instead they try and change a genre that isn't supposed to cater to everyone. I want to enjoy my husbandos and goon in peace please.
I hope we have the option to tell Azul once we wake him up. "By the way, Jamil had you in his fantasy world." He'd love hearing that shit.
Jamil would kill us. It would be awesome if we could.
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I love him.
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these plushies are amazing, they're so fat and cute
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With the release of the OST I noticed something.
It was targeted at EN speakers.
They used the EN names for the song titles. JP players don't know what the fuck "beanfest" and "culinary crucible" are, but those are the names on the OST.
Except for stuff like Playfulland/Tamashna which hadn't reached EN when the OST dropped (and Wish Resound for some reason), everything has been tailored to people playing the english game. They even cut Neige's Yaho song completely.
That is so weird to me.
Are we going to lose Neige's Yaho song from the anime too? EN speakers can't have it, so nobody can?
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There are other tracks missing in the OST that had been featured in the game and events. Things like the calm/sleepy Tsum music, the third Tsum music rhythm, etc. Considering we aren't even end game yet with Book 7, there will likely be another OST. There could be a chance that it will be put back in if more demands it, but then again, Disney JP and Disney EN are separate things when it comes to copyright.
Yeah but the Tsum stuff isn't in there at all, maybe an issue with overlapping IPs. The Yaho thing missing is way more blatant, with all the other songs from all the other Main Story rhythmics included in the OST except that single song missing, and there being 149 tracks?
And doesn't explain why stuff like the song titles were the EN versions. Even in the visual book, the event titles were changed to the EN versions of the events.
It's so weird how the JP audience is brushed aside to prioritize EN. Can you imagine Disney dropping merch in America that uses JP titles that americans don't know and being like "tough shit, either learn the JP titles or don't"?
It's just weird.
>But it was called the "Spring Calling Fairies Festival" for years before EN even existed...
>shut the fuck up we are america, now it's "Operation: Steal the Show"
Wouldn't it be ha ha funny if by the time Playful Land EN does arrive, the first version of Rave Up Up either has the vocals muted or skipped entirely because of said copyright?
so weren't we talking about it before, about it possibly being a problem regarding neige's seiyuu's label
maybe whatever contract they agreed on only covered use in the game and doesn't allow further profit from his work (like selling a song where he sings in a cd, and the region lock is also classic japanese music shenanigans)
That didn't happen to glomas so no reason to assume it will happen to Playfulland.
The funny thing about glomas though was the lyrics were removed from EN. On JP, we see all the lyrics to the song as Malleus sings them and Rollo is reflecting on how they resonate with him. En just got musical notes as Rollo talked about how amazing the lyrics are. The lyrics EN players can't actually see. Piece of My World lyrics were taken out of the Book 5 audition sequence as well.
I don't remember the lyrics for RAVE-UP UP ever being on-screen so that might be fine as-is. The title though, the JP title was kept on the OST. I guess they really don't want English assigned to the songs. They lost the event battle but are protecting those lyrics.
Yeah it's not impossible I guess. But it would be more believable if Nagatsuka was an actual celebrity. If Neige was voiced by GACKT or something then I'd believe it, but Nagatsuka is practically a nobody. Why would he have such a tough contract?
The reason I say this jokingly and worryingly is because the first version isn't sung by the TWST cast. Instead, it is sung by different people hired for it. It won't be until near the end of the event where Ace, Kalim, and Ortho's Seiyuus sing it. There's also the fact that Stitch's voicelines in EN Stitch release was absolutely muted. Even if the JP Seiyuu was able to mimic Stitch's EN perfectly, copyright was in the way to actually have his voices and growls be used.
This bums me out honestly because the guys on jp being open about liking twst or any other joseimuke are such chill bros. Although I have seen yumedanshis lamenting there isn't a genre like this catering to them. They're okay with joseimuke but are a little embarrassed since the space is mostly women
Holy shit I'd forgotten about that. I remember when the initial version first dropped and people were like "I can recognize Yamashita and Aoi's voices!!" only for it to be revealed that no they weren't actually in it at all. I think about those people sometimes, I hope they're well.
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their biggest problem is that their favorite colors don't match
is jack going to cry
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at what age do you think viru will have kids
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I love leovil I'm so happy
Dude the devs have those two all over each other in tamashna. I'm not a leovil fag but I love it when the boys flirt with each other no matter who they are.
I'm sitting here waiting for Octaboys family member reveal. Coral Sea event when?
Based on 7's pattern of reusing hometown backgrounds is there a chance we'll get a coral sea event next, in between now and 7-10?
>ortho, lilia, sebek, rook and kalim get custom dream outfits, makes sense because they're SSRs
>epel gets nothing and jamil gets a kalim recolor, makes sense since they aren't SSRs
>vil gets a custom outfit
is this another case of Vil's World or does this mean they'll use vil's assets somewhere else? they can definitely recolor and change the feathers and boom, new ace/cater outfit
They're all gonna have SSRs eventually. These are the new dorm uniform series cards.
The question is are the cards gonna be oveblot cards or their dream outfit cards.
remember leona and trey flirting out of nowhere
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Looks like they're keeping up the "people not being thrilled about Leona" thing
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Which is the best hate-love ship ever in TWST?
This here >>486267508
Leona has the best hateships because he looks sexo with everyone.
Glorimas sequel to ship him with Rollo
Poor Malleus, his best ship is always whoever in the room hates him the most at the time. And I love it. Dating Rollo and Leona at the same time like "wow I didn't realize love involved so much pure rage."
Not to sound like a hater (maybe yes) but Malleona is not the best Leona and Mal ship. Leona barely interacts or just gives a fuck about Mal and Mal as well. If you compare it with Mallerollo, at least we have Mal being interested in Rollo and get some fanservice with them dancing together, and Leovil, their interactions speak for itself. And of course they have more to go with Malelili, MaleIde, Leorook, or Leorugie.
It's kinda Malleus's own fault really. His more popular ship choices are with people who are brave enough to fight him, hater or not, mallerollo, malleona, malleide, mallelili. It's like he finds them entertaining
what's the deal with malleide, it seems like it has less to go off on than even malleleo does
Why isn't MalleAce getting enough love then? Cause the other ones have some high status or power. But Ace? He's like the basic anime protagonist kind that would not be afraid to speak against him despite the position.
This is fandom tho. Two people can share eye contact one time and have 3,000 doujinshis for sale the following week. Compared to rare-pairs like CaterRuggie and Malleo have a museum's worth of content.
An erotic museum's worth of content.
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They're both loners, had day 1 content (idia ceremonial robes), have similar topics in their stories (loss and muh family) and also it's a legacy ship (maleficent and hades are sometimes shipped together in disney media)
I don't think there's much feeling, positive or negative, between Ace and Malleus since their only notable interaction was that Halloween scene. Ace held back a lot, so the interaction was more tepid than it could have been
Don't forget glorimas otaku solidarity, and the entirety of ch7 building up their showdown.
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I'm so sad that picrel didn't happen in Glorimas. Would've literally been peak fiction if we had Rollo lusting after exotic lion bussy and setting fire to the town because of it.
Still, it's a surprise Vil and Leona gave Malleus a bit of a pass on that event. Like I can understand Leona not bothering to bitch at Malleus. Too tired after leading Ace, Floyd, Epel, and Idia. But Vil? What's his excuse when he got possessed?
Imagine the smell
dancing with riddle distracted him
I agree, it's kinda contrived that more people weren't pissed. Ace calling out him and Kalim really improved my opinion of him, though.
I think at that point they might unironically already classify him as a lost cause, like "of course malleus would do something as retarded as this"
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If he had been possessed by a lazy guy, he would have complained or even scold Mal for it
>sometimes love hurts, malleus, and I love you very much
I want to share hash browns with Epel. I definitely wouldn't rat him out to Vil afterwards.
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we need more dads
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kalim could be a temptress
Ok that's the first time this ship has actually seemed hot. Sunshine boys with no inner complexity are so boring, but that at least means he has had a thought in his head at some point.
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Hello TranslateAnon and TurtleAnon, this is TypesetAnon, ready for tomorrow's Savanaclaw/4koma drop! Gonna see if I can get things done quicker than last month.
I do love how in so many events there's a section where the boys compliment each other's appearances
It reminds me of that bit in Yana's interview where she talked about how they hate each other but they'll still acknowledge who is strong.
It seems to apply to physical attractiveness as well.
Vil/Idia: God Leona is such an asshole.
Mob: But he's still like, hot, right?
Vil/Idia: Well obviously the man is objectively beautiful, but that's not the point.
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kalim is there to keep the game pg
Leovilsis is gonna be happy about this but I do like how Vil does acknowledge Leona is smart a lot of times, most notably in tamamina and playful land. He follows his plans because he knows Leona is good at coming up with them. This is my favourite thing about twst boys, they are proud and they actually deliver while at the same time knowing when to step back and let someone else takeover when they know it's not their field.
I've always found Jamil/Kalim ship hot because the idea Jamil lusting after his oblivious master has produced some of the best rape doujins I've ever read on JP twt and pixiv. And this dream ep just helped make more.
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remember when the noble bell guys had fancy outfits prepared for the nrc boys and then showered them in compliments
Unfortunately for fake Kalim, the fights proved to be even better than the sex.
Man that is so much angst. I can believe the hate-fucking, but also the self-hate that Jamil must have for even considering it, let alone doing it. I can’t imagine working a fic like that that doesn’t end in anything but the snek leaping off a building to finally find some inner peace.
jamil learned something new about himself, he's a ryona lover
Bonus points if he hates himself for tongueing and bottoming, too.
Any specific cards worth using for the 2nd Blot battle in book 4?
I just found out Yana is the Author of Black Butler, any of the anime worth watching? I hear there's one part of the anime that isn't canon because the manga wasn't finished yet.

Who's Kuroshi?
Black Butler is Kuroshitsuji in Japanese. Called kuroshi by people sometimes.
The anime sucks. 99.9% of season one is non-canon. Season two is fun but not in the manga. Season 3 and 4 are canon.
The manga is better in every possible way though, no reason to waste time on the anime unless you're looking for a subpar experience.
And I say that as someone who loved Yana and kuroshi.
loves* wasn't supposed to be past tense. Still love Yana and still love the manga. But the anime is objectively shit, and that's just how it is.
Most of my knowledge of Black Butler comes from the Collab with Sinoalice a few years back, boy do I miss that game
So what do each of the lessons do again? I feel like I should be rotating the lessons to "whoever has SR and SSRs" right?

Thanks to the forces of Gacha I have way too many fire characters and need more Water, any cards really good for that?
The different lessons drop different items. There are various ways to level up.
If you want to up your levels in general then history, which drops items you use to up levels.
Alchemy lessons are buddy levels, which drop items both for that and the cash monies you need to use the items.
Flight is for episode leveling which is a waste of time. Groovying the cards (new art and better stats) requires episodes leveled up, but using items seems like a better use of time.
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Ever see an art and realize it's something you didn't know you'd always wanted
I thought that Flight dropped extras of the Vignette items
Yeah, it does. The items for episodes. Still seems like a waste of time though, I haven't done flight lessons in years and never had issues getting vignette opened through items alone.
Got it,

>Apparently got all the cards from the Cloud Calling on the savanna event
Should I use my Gems on the banner for uncapping or save for the next event?
If you're new I'd say hold onto the gems to get used to the system and the characters. You might find a new boy you like, there are items for uncapping you can get, you might uncap just by accident one day when rolling for other cards, etc.
That's just my opinion though, I'm not a meta player.
Used to happily invest all my gems in the basic banner when I first started because I am stupid.
that's why he'll do to azul what he's thought about doing to kalim, but with no remorse
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Yeah Azul showing up in Jamil's dream caught me off guard. Oh my GOD someone has to tell azul that Jamil was dreaming about him, do it Silver, do it.
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I'm gonna say I didn't really like Ruggie/Leona since it wasn't really that hot to me until I saw doujins of Leona being the bottom. I like the idea of Leona getting his back blown out by a scruffy manlet.
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I can't get into LeoRug or RugLeo either way, but you'd never tell from my camera roll cause so much of the fanart is so damn good.
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Understandable really. Even if you aren't into the ship itself it's easy to appreciate sexo art. The doujins for these two are so fucking good.
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Furries really do make the best artists huh
It’s amazing how people accept other people making stuff up as fact so quick. We don’t really know why sam’s make up was removed or kifaji’s name was changed but everyone is so quick to hop on the “it’s to be more appropriate” train.

Well never know the real reason but I hope it’s actually because someone was just like “nah kifaji sounds stupid, his name is neji now.”
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Some people are so creative. This person found a "spot the difference" guest room with 15 changes between the two floors.
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hello, TranslateAnon reporting. i'm swamped with work but i hope i'll be able to do it real nice and quick. i'm looking forward to it too! finally savana again.
TypesetAnon here, sounds great! Super excited about seeing the rest of the story in beautiful Oda Suzuka stye. Going to bed now, will catch up as soon as I'm awake. Took the day off work again, the 18th of every month is basically a holiday for me now.
Nrc is so lucky that silver isn't a bad boy
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Jamil and Vil are the honorable boys that will get cards in every hometown event
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>Riddle with no hometown event card yet
He's going to the ocean. Trust.
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Sounds promising. But I doubt it'll be able to defeat this absolute work of art.
If he gets a lewd goldfishie version it might be possible.
>the boys will turn into mer during the fish mafia hometown event
I'm gonna hit some copium and hope this happens.
It' so good
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praying savana and octa mangas get done quickly so they could show us new yuus... MALE yuus btw
Might need to wait a little while longer because Scarabia's Yuu is gonna be a girl.
>game yuu is a boy
>manga yuus are all boys
>novel yuu is a boy
>"scarabia yuu is gonna be a girl"
Yuuka in the Savannaclaw manga is a girl. Not trans.
Anon... The joke is that she looks like a pooner
If the manga really are following a pattern where it's boy/girl/boy/girl then I just hope the Scarabia girl will be cute. The Savannaclaw one is...eh, she's ok.

And if this is consistent then that means the Pome dorm one will be a boy. So, that'll be interesting maybe. I'll laugh if the Igni Yuu is a cute nerd girl and this will be Idia's one interaction with a female outside of his mother.
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savanaclaw translation:

so, it seems the release schedule for savana is still wacky. this was the august issue, but it says at the end of the chapter that the october issue will have no savanaclaw chapter and that they plan to release the next chapter in the december issue. but what about september? so weird. unless i misunderstood something. at this rate, the meme of octavinelle finishing before savanaclaw will become real.
Scarabia yuu will be a female ace clone
Delicious sexo lion
They need to keep it horribly ambiguous, imagine the melt if yuuka being a girl never gets addressed
is the savana manga still bimonthly? So they would skip September and November that way.
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ah, i never realized that. that must be it, thanks anon.

and here's 4koma, only one in this issue. pretty hilarious
to typesetanon, please make sure to enjoy your day off, too. happy 18th kek, have a good one! and to the anons who chime in from time to time on our posts with wholesome comments, you are appreciated. this whole effort is for the sake of the community, after all.
Morning TranslateAnon! You are amazing, thanks for taking the time out of your business schedule to do all this, you are the best.
Timer starts now, let's see how long this takes to get done.
Oh, forgot to say, this is TypesetAnon. Let's goo
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octo and snek sharing a pot...cute...
Savana chapter done! Just under two hours.
Oda's stuff is way easier because she keeps her text in speech bubbles where it belongs.

TurtleAnon, for you!
Riddle's seiyuu will be at AnimeNYC
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Here you go!
If I take a while to upload the 4koma it's because I've gone to bed.
TurtleAnon you are fastest turtle, thank you!
Have a good night, just finished clean-up on the koma but it's got a ton of text, gonna take a bit of time.
hanae came back for more corn syrup goodness
Thank you so much
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This is his best outfit.
for kimetsu?
4koma is done!

Thanks a bunch, TurtleAnon and TranslateAnon!
TranslaeAnon, for the 若様 thing, EN will do “my liege” sometimes and “master” sometimes, but it changes a ton. Sometimes he just calls him “Housewarden” on EN, which is them making things up.
JP be like “each character has set phrasing that only changes in extreme situations or as relationships evolve” and EN be like “each character talks different depending on who came in to work that day, idk.”
There's no specific series so it might be in general for the series he has a main role on
I saw a post saying jp fans catching lawsuits for liking jamil is that legit?
Sigh. No, no one was sued for liking Jamil. It was talking about a jamil-oshi who sued an anti years ago because the anti was harassing them.
It was some unwell autist attacking a jamil-oshi for no good reason.
The person resposting those google-translated screenshots has literally no idea what they're talking about.
So we know Leona went to NRC to escape cheka and Malleus went to try to be less of a hikkikomori but have we heard yet why Idia is there?
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rate sand dorm
Flying carpet cute, lower left dish looks delicious, cannot figure out what they're going for with the plating with the carrot. It is supposed to be a map of sandland or something from above?
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rate posh dorm
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rate nerd dorm
What flavor do we think the triangles are
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rate goth dorm
An orange slice as the spinning wheel is cute
/twst/ is leaking again
two days after anon made this prediction >>486247670 the girlies on twitter are all claiming they predicted it first
He's probably there because his parents were hoping he'd actually socialize and make friends at the school. Idia is already smart enough to the point of not even needing NRC's lessons so I can't think of any other reason for him to stay other then make his parents happy.
Is that what the orange is? I could not at all figure out what they were going for with that.
Yeah, parental pressure makes sense. Just thought it was interesting that we've had entire lectures in-game from the Leona and Malleus about why they're deigning to attend the school, while Idia has never said "mom said so" or anything. Maybe it'll come up later.
I guess the same could be said of Kalim, since it's not like it matters if he ever attends a school or not.
but we do know why kalim is there tho, jamil got a nrc letter and kalim wanted to go with him (though I think he didn't arrive on the first day?)
Are you new? Kalim didn't go because Jamil went. Jamil was alone at the school for a month before Kalim suddenly got a letter and no one knows why it was delayed. He enrolled two months into the school year. Jamil had nothing to do with it.
wasn't the implication that the reason was because the Asims played some part in Kalim's enrollment? like money changed hands?
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That's what Jamil suspects but it's never been confirmed. There is the flashback where he confronts Crowley, but that wasn't about Kalim being admitted to the school, it was about Kalim being promoted to Housewarden. Crowley is like "yeah well teaching comes with costs and his parents have been generous with donations," so it's implied they paid to have him made housewarden, but nothing is ever said about his enrollment. Not even he knows why he's there.
>a dandelion being turned into sand
ruggiesis how destroyed are you right now
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translateanon here. ah, so it's just en being soulless, nothing new there. thanks so much for your hard work, enjoy the rest of your day off!

thanks based tweelfag turtleanon!

until next time, friends.
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These two idiots i swear.....
I am growing increasingly confused by how increasingly hot this pairing is getting despite how I've always hated it. Goddammit.
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Hatesex is one hell of a drug.
I fucking love hatesex.
Is there anything more frustrating than 300 different liongarb leona pull videos on YouTube without a single person sharing the vignette story.
I'm assuming it's not out yet
Oh snap, that's right, it'll be a part of the groovy lock. Thank you kind anon.
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Guys Yamashita and Kobayashi at an anime event in Kyoto in September
Does this mean what I think it means
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That riddlesis horny on main, good for her
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Why are so many doujin so depressing
Like yeah it's hot but at what cost
Kyoto International Manga and Anime Fair 2024 on September 22 will feature Ace and Deuce's Seiyuu.
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Angst can be a great way to build up tension. It adds to the horny that happens later.
A sexy doppelganger can always fix the problem
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Ace is smart!
But I thought Jack was a good doggie...
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Sorry for the wait, here's the 4koma uploaded! https://mangadex.org/chapter/c16aaa32-b55c-4c9b-8ff7-af7537450954
Good work this month once again.
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Vil egosas so hard he even searches for comments referencing him with only an emoji
Post hot takes about twst that will get you jumped by /twst/.
Azul and Jamil ship is trash
I'm not bothered by people's cringe Yuu OCs or gender headcanons. No matter what they think, it won't change canon and I can easily ignore them by blocking their stuff.

People getting canon stuff wrong does bother me though.
I think Pome is the worst dorm and Vil is annoying in general. And their dorm uniform is fucking ugly.
Shut up Leona
so are there any ships in twst where one character is clearly the more beloved one while the other is treated as an accessory
Thank you for your input, Epel
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Such a shame Najma did not show up in Jamils dream
oh yeah you're right
>writer goes pages upon pages talking about leona's mental state
>"oh and ruggie is there and will always be loyal to him"
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Can two illusions be together
We got another contender for worst fan-translator. I remember anons talking about it before and don't remember if this girl was mentioned but reading this >>486578591 and then reading the summary by Kuronuma_Aoba and you can tell girlie is faking it for internet points.
I already have them blocked so I ain't bothering reading
This is the way. Remember friends, EN sucks but some people out there are claiming their personal fanfics are canon because no one will know the difference as long as they say "here is a Twst translation/summary."
Hello lovely TurtleAnon this is TypesetAnon, thank you so much for this upload as always! Looks like there was a comment about a duplicate page, but it has been handled? My bad, let me know if there's anything else to fix!
Fair. I want to say it's the usual shit, but this is actually a pretty impressive fuck up. Some of the things they said happen in the comic are the exact opposite of what actually happens in the comic.
It's just the side koma thing so it's no big thing but I bet that person's book 7 etc translations are just as accurate: looking at the art and making things up.
There should be a blacklist or something of wannabe translators that are just straight lying.
Yeah a mod deleted the duplicate. I should have looked closer before clicking upload but I was in a rush.
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>You want female character, go play one of the 10 thousand gachas that only have female characters. Don't pollute one of the few games that only have males.
I remember seeing people get MAD at someone saying that. Their reasoning was something along the lines of "joseimukes don't/won't sexualize girls like other gachas"
Joseimuke are joseimuke because there aren’t any Josei in them. If they like peanut butter that’s fine, but it needs to stay out of our chocolate.
Sounds like their issues aren’t with joseimuke and are actually with games-with-girls (re: 99% of all media). They’re taking it out on joseimuke without realizing that that’s not where they should be angling their rage.
and then there's lilia
he's dead
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baby cards would be adorable
Looks like the person who spread this missinfo got their acc nuked
Good. Also, this is a weird pattern

>Jamil oshi are getting sued
is actually the Jamil oshi suing for harassment
>Sebek is the worst at this spell
is actually he is the best at the spell

The information these morons are relaying is not only incorrect, it is the exact opposite of reality.
Is this a common fandom thing or is it just because the children are out of school for the summer.
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they got jamil sued...no...
would it also work on ruggie if it was made of gold
Just use a donut.
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Finally one of these where Savanaclaw is winning
I find it pretty funny that out of Diasomnia, only Lilia went to the circus
>playful grim instead of glomas grim
ferro wins
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Looks like there’s a GloMas from too
Wanna know more about that set in the middle
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GloMas Grim too*
I like the playfulland designs alts where they don’t look depressed
Also riddlesis look
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What a rare depressed eels
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I’m so glad they finally hired an illustrator who knows what the fuck they are doing. Also Jamil looking especially fine and also Deuce for some reason.
Riddle and Epel look too small...
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I think it's just easy to forget how legit small they are because their sprites are lifted up in the game so they fit in the screen. People kept saying that about Epel in the Absolutely Beautiful performance, too.
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Chef AzuNui's forehead is big
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These edits are all over my tl
I love this silly fandom
The norwood reaper hath come for him
K: "Eh?? I don't think it's weird at all!"
L: "Hmpf, what are you trying to say?"
(Perhaps Leona talks this closely with the other dorm leaders as well...)
Your move, Viper?
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Ruggie's the only one who sits like a man
Shame Lilia's not in this one so we can get the full short kings lineup
he got sent to the circus
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pat pat
leona sis what do you think of his coquette braids in the playful outfit
Sebek is so cute, like a loyal dog with a loud bark.
do you want to wear your boy's name like a sports jacket?
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forgot pic
No way. The front designs are pretty cute but I hate the backs.
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so have jp pals noticed they had an oopsie with the plushies
they're supposed to have the dishes they made in their vignettes, but jack has vil's, vil has rook's, and rook has jack's
This isn't a mistake, this is just the canon ship
Did Idia cause the Microsoft outage?
The big nuis they're holding in the thumbnail are stupidly expensive. Did nobody buy them on release? Even the unpopular boys are about 60 usd on mercari.
They were limited on the Aniplex website. I was lucky on finding the big AzuNui via Surugaya for a good price.
how do they look like
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The Azul one looks like this. He's so chubby! I love him!
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fat and silly and 40cm tall
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Losing my mind
Vil is so lucky
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azul don't look...you're fat again...
stick your finger in the hole
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JP feels kinda dead now that everyone played through the main story update and the next event is a rerun. No new card for Portfest either.
>No new card for Portfest
That is so weird. What was the deal with Apple Boa Jamil and Yasamina Vil?
Hometown events
Reminds me of when Port Fest first dropped on JP and a "fan translator" announced it was a hometown event for Jack.
leona should be the center of the next halloween event so that he's forced to sing
Have you heard the song that he and Shilver sing together
It killed me
I hope there will be new event on August (Jade new event SSR please).
Seems like that we might get something after Port Fest, like when Beanfest 2 followed a Beanfest 1 rerun, etc. Maybe Port Fest IF or something, even.
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To the anon a while back who was helping me look for the Floyd "You like me, right? What kind of thing do you think about me doing to you?" art: I found it
leona+shiruba event would be great
>sorry guys, I can't help you with those chores, see, poor silver fell asleep under the tree and someone has to take care of him
>10 minutes later leona found asleep as well
They are the school's two tired boys and I've always wondered at no one else talking about it. I used to think that maybe Leona's constant sleeping had something to do with the overall plot like Silver's does, but maybe not.
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Just saw MalleSebe art for the first time
Cannot imagine Sebek as a sexual being, mind is breaking
My bet after Portfest rerun we'll get exam (possible Club Mal?), then new event after that.
Club Mal August sounds about right.
Would we really get a new event that close to Halloween though? It’s be back to back with the playfulland rerun
Halloween rerun usually starts on late September or early October. So there should be enough time for new event (and perhaps 7-10 update as well).
I think because Leona and Silver don't interact much
That’s fair. Leona’s ceremonial vignette where Silver gets right in close to his face by sliding across the screen has always been so funny to me.
if silver slides close to him again leona should close the gap
do you think silver's princess powers work on leona
are today's gems scara or hearts ones
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make your bets for how his outfit will look like
leona's tiny ears are so cute
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treykei canon
Here we go mascot costume
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>"epel dorm leader confirmed!"
>It's just merch of him sitting on a throne
Hopefully Farena dream-dies
he'll sit on the throne once viru dies
I will never get over the fact that Jamil didn't kill Kalim in his dream. He could have and should have. Just like Vil killed Neige. Twice.
But deep-dream-Kalim even survived in the timeline where Jamil won Book 4, so I guess it really was never his intent after all.
It will be interesting to see if dream-Ace dies.
It really would have been interesting and dark for one of the dreamers to imagine the person they hated, didn't exist in the first place. And the gang has to forcefully make them remember and see that person's existence is needed because they wouldn't be who they are today without them. Keeping them alive as they live a different life is one thing, but it would show how the OB might have still lingered that they do want someone to die.
Doesn't Idia explain that in the game, though? He explains that the whole reason why Neige exists in Vil's dream is because Neige is such a big part of who Vil is that a dream where Neige didn't exist would create a cognitive dissonance that would alert Vil to the fact that he's dreaming, so all of them actually have to have their antagonist existing in their real dreams.
According to the game itself, "the gang has to forcefully make them remember" isn't going to happen, as far as we know.
But then what's stopping them from one the boys dreaming the person they hated died via an accident or some other means?
Maybe they have to exist because Kalim/Neige existing today is what makes Kamil/Vil who they are today.
If Kalim was born but then died at 10 years old, Jamil wouldn't be who he is today, would realize something was off and wake up.
Idia/Ortho say something like that directly, about how Jamil is only as amazing as he is because he's spent his entire life making up for what Kalim lacks.
He's still a 17 year old, 2nd year student in his dream. He needs dream-Kalim there just like 17 year old, 2nd-year student real-Jamil has real-Kalim, or he'd know something is wrong.
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>He's still a 17 year old, 2nd year student in his dream.
I've seen like three different people claim that Dreamland!Jami is a sultan in his dream kek
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silver has 2 dads
>didn't exist in the first place
They cannot do this, >>486909790 >>486909972, explains it, and to add on they also specifically mention that the individuals who have caused the dreamer grief must be around them too, like the threat of them is there but they can't really do anything. So having them exist but the dreamer doesn't know them, have never been in contact with them, will not work either. The dreamer just won't turn out they way they are and it will be such a major discrepancy the dream will collapse.

Now this, I've been thinking about, like the person does exist, alive long enough in the dream to make them as they are, and then conveniently dies? Why doesn't that happen? The explanation still works here, true, and the dreams still have Malleus's conditions to fulfill as vague and shallow as they are, "no grief, never lose your friends and family". But in my opinion, it boils down to the disney movies and how much they are willing to let Yana talk about death. The dreams seem to be following the og movies even more closely, Jafar could've easily killed the Sultan but he didn't either. Jamil's character took inspo from that and expanded on it. Honestly our first candidate that might dream someone died in an accident is likely Leona.
>alive long enough in the dream to make them as they are, and then conveniently dies
I think this would be a discrepancy if the dreams were taking place in the future. If it was 27-year-old Jamil still keeping a 27-year-old Kalim around, that would be weird. But it's not.
Jamil is still 17 in his dream, and in the real world. All he knows is a life with Kalim. If it was in the future then it would be a life that he doesn't know, and Kalim probably wouldn't need to be there anymore, because dream-Kalim fulfilled his role as being with dream-Jamil until they were 17.
But the dreams aren't the future, they're the present, and the antagonists are still with the dreamer in the present. Ergo, they must still be with the dreamer in the dream.
I'd buy so much fan made stuff if etsy/shopify shipping wasn't so expensive
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ferrosis what's the current price of this tsum in the second hand market, did fellow inflate it
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is leona a pushover
What is the best lesson type to farm for blended Drinks?
I finally got a S3 on an attack test, all I had to do was inject lab Idia with more magic, he's such a good card
Nice job anon. I'd never heard of lab idia being useful in battles, all I know is uniform Rook and ceremonial Ortho for their healing abilities.
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Is such evil looking guy really your type?
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Such a lovely snek
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It's a pretty good card for when you don't have a good idia card for water tests
These are from bigcartel. Is the shipping rates there any better?
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The remaining boys without halloween ssr. Mention the three you want for this year.
By the way the Room version of this table gives so many points
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Jack, Jamil and Floyd for the animal motifs
will we get a delinquent event
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forgot pic
jamil+ruggie+sebek for a servant theme event with I dunno, the sheep from zootopia?
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Zootopia event with the glittery tigers
He looks so wrong with blue eyes
I think history lessons because they have 2 more turns than alchemy. Not sure it matters too much, though.
Leona Ruggie Jack. Savanaclaw supremacy Halloween.
Underrated pair
Which one of you complained on reddit about bad translations?
>3 years with no repeats
do we think they'll respect that or some high-seller/staff-favored boy is going to skip the line?
If they were gonna do that we would've gotten a coral sea event three years ago. Someone on JP twt just yesterday was talking about how weird it is that the most popular dorm is the only one without any appearances from non-cast family members. We even got Trey's parents in the manga.
I wish the Octavinelle manga will show a bit of Azul's family during flashback but i feel like the chance is low.
Also i just realize in the game unlike other overblots' flashback, Azul one doesn't even show silhouette of his family member.
Woah you're right, I hadn't thought about it. We're gonna get shota eels and baby-pus Azul, but he actually comes from a fairly well-adjusted family, for someone with divorced parents. And a mom who married her own divorce attorney.
>yana what do we do for the coral sea event
>I guess the coral sea has corals....and water....
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what does idia think of this character
Jokes aside, since merpeople don't wear clothes, will the boys get turned into fish instead?

Apparently the characters have different battle start animations depending on whether or not they have buddy bonuses. I've SEEN both animations but in four years never made the connection.
Cold One Duke...
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pretty funny that this game got jp attention
What gaem
This is That's Not My Neighbor right? I've seen a lot of twst parodies of 'find the anomaly' type games recently because of ch7, nice that the jp fans got to this too
Exit 8 is great, Riddle's VA has a playthrough on his youtube
>most popular dorm
>no family reveal
>no hometown event
yana doesn't feel inspired by fish...
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anons do you like these mono-currency events?
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That's not my neighbor
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Is the whole event unlocked
Yes,I'll just go with the bingo missions
As she should.
It's so sad only the ssr gets to undress
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>Robinhood event
>Trey getting to do something
Good enough for me already
everyone should imagine the perfect halloween event for their boy
leona with short hair after gothel boy tries to kill him with a mirror shard would be kino
What about Leona being in Peter pan
>the return of rufio
Hell yeah
but everyone loves sushi...
She doesn't like sushi though...
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So what’s each characters signature magic name and what doe they do?
I have so much ap I'm exploiting my boys for my churro business
do you think this board is a wiki
it's so nice that the hard twistune missions don't include a full combo one, because I can't full combo the scalding sands one to save my life
Ace still doesn't have one yet
Did they add anything new like more furniture? I haven't even touched Portfest bc I'm too busy last minute farming stuff for EN's event.
I've thought about playing both servers like that but it sounds exhausting.
I'm only playing EN because my friends started with that server and we're having fun discussing the updates together. Playing two at once isn't as bad as it sounds since I auto most things, but there was one time both servers had Masterchef in the same month and it was awful.
>I can't full combo the rabbit twistune hard version
I used to full combo love live master maps...now I'm a washed out fraud...
I wonder if EN is seriously going to get Tapis Rouge now. That's the only event left, right? Outside of Master Chefs?
nah I think they'll spam them with book 7, they're pretty far behind
There was an anon on here theorizing that this is as close as EN is ever going to get to JP, main-story-wise, and I think they're probably right. EN could've caught up by now just like they caught up with events, but they're choosing not to. They dropped Book 6 in two separate parts when it was like 6 parts on JP, but now they're following JP's drop rate.
but then what are they going to do? exams?
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I guess this is more convenient for EN devs, I don't think they'd get the story script ahead of time to do simultaneous updates
I don't think they do, either. Some of the inconsistencies in the dialogue seem to come from the fact that they just don't know what is going to be important and what isn't.
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how many churros are necessary to complete main story?
I guess. Or maybe they start releasing simultaneous events but the main story remains delayed? If we ever end up with another Fairy Gala IF situation where the events of the main story directly influence the subsequent event, though, they'll be screwed.
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Why won't you accept Kalim's concern for you, Jamil?
It also gives them wiggle room for tomfoolery
If they were only 1 month behind no one would spend money because they know what happens next month, with more months in between EN devs have space to switch it up
They did the grim 100 at the same time as JP, didn't they? Though I spose that was a special one off event
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I don't get why people(specially underages) feel they have the moral high ground when they see something slightly "problematic". Is this mental illness? You can't go anywhere and like this ship because you have someone that will start calling you out and say mean things to you.
Because of bullshit thing that they say fiction affect reality, when it doesn't. It's only the person at fault for taking things too far, not the medium itself. And yet they never apply this to other things like violent video games causing violence or certain music genres causing Satanism.
It's a way to virtue signal while engaging in ship wars. "Your ship is morally wrong, my ship is morally correct, so mine is better than yours" sorta shit. There's also a lot of really weird thought policing among the underages. They have to demonstrate to each other that they're pure and don't ship bad things
Not only that, they're hypocrites! They satanize Vilepel/Leorug for the "age gap" but fully endorses Maleidia? How does that even work?
Some of them say IdeVil is problematic because Vil "looks younger." It's not about making sense
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>"Vil "looks younger."
Than who, fucking Trein? Vil looks so much like a fourty year old woman that people draw art of him breastfeeding Epel. We call him a milf for fuck's sake, he does not look younger than Idia.
I'd argue both look the same, specially when Yana in the magical archives stated that 3rd years have similar facial features
I love that duality of vil
>heavy makeup for milf look
>light makeup for regular (nrc) schoolboy
>3rd years have similar facial features
because they're all fathered by crowley
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new wave of jack art lets goooo
he's purer than idia though
do you think they'll stick to that decision or they'll walk back on it
>casting couch child star purer then a shut-in that barely interacts with people after his brother expired
Yeah, nah. Idia is pure on a level that Vil could never be.
I find more suspicious a shut in boy
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do you think the playful outfits were randomized, catered to each boy's tastes or did ferro have creative liberty while mentally skipping and giggling
>and YOU will have cute braids, and YOU will have a sexy corset
Vil and Cater being so similar seems random, "the carnival has spoken and thus it shall be" kind of stuff, but I think Leona's was custom-tailored.
"The carnival has a great idea for the sexy lion man, it has long been waiting for this day."
>Vil and Cater being so similar seems random
It's because they're brothers anon
why is ferro pushing his headcanons on us, is he stupid
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>"annoying sisters aren't allowed in my utopia"
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>Decides to watch tokusatsu
>"I'm gonna start with maho sentai magiranger since I loved this specific power ranger season when I was a kid"
>Midorikawa is one of the villains
It's always a funny moment seeing this man in every single corner of japanese media
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weeeell anons? what do we think of florid?
why is azul driving the bus, is it because jamil loves him
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i refuse to believe fem idia has tits
I love Maletena
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Well this proven wrong Leona got the other eel
Where's his tail? They couldn't give us a peek of his tail?
I love it but we need new content
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People losing their minds over Leona is always my favorite content.
Definitely check out Shinkenger when you get the chance, to see Vil's Seiyuu, Hiroki Aiba, in action as Shinken Blue.
My entire tl is horny on main right now
It's overhyped because they both have popular seiyuus and the whole bickering dynamic that doesn't go beyond that. Seeing better Riddle ships get overshadowed by this one dimensional shit pisses me off. Riddle deserves better.
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So pretty
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a lion protects his lioness
watching you guys talk about how shitty platinum jacket art is always makes me wonder if i'm blind or just have no sense of aesthetic, i think they all look really nice. maybe i should take comfort in my own obliviousness. they do say ignorance is bliss
I think they mean the original "disney style" ones
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nuis live a simple life
How come Nuis get better treatment than Tsums?
they're cuter
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exibit a
I think it's a rule that any blob-like form or shape, must be tortured like Yukkuris have.
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It's not that, it's what >>487445232 said. Comparing Yana's original work to the "official disney art" of the d100 series is just embarrassing, their style looks so bad. And they refused to draw anyone with any makeup for some reason? Not even Vil?
This is a question for the savanasisters
Would you let your boy pee on you to mark on you? Apparently that's a thing (?)
poor tsums...even turned into fleshlights...
is homo island not enough, or is it because there was also azurido there
I thought that was cute, with Riddle having to compliment Floyd and getting flustered when Floyd complimented him and Floyd calling Riddle out for slacking and Riddle being like "huh, he actually has a point."
Seemed like new stuff to me.
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do you deserve a peek of his tail?
Leonas big ass
Still no news on the EN 2.5 anni. Any predictions or wants? They can't give us ALL the current JP QoL updates because that leaves nothing for actual 3rd anni.

If you need a reminder, here's what we got for 1.5 last year.
There's also that chapter in one of the anthologies that's pretty nice
I've always considered the anthologies to be just Disney-branded fanart, but content is content, for sure.
Ass made for slapping
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If you like Rugkal you'll love the anthologies
>because that leaves nothing for actual 3rd anni
more singular boy gacha
Ew no thanks
Ruggie pretty blatantly doesn’t like Kalim in the game, based on their fairy gala/vignette interactions. I love that the in-game characters admit Kalim is annoying.
There’s a special in the store that gives a 10-fold key for 250 gems. Is it worth it? Can it expire or be used on any banner?

Do the single keys eventually become a 10 fold key or do they all have to be used individually? What banner should I use them on?
both monthly key packs in the store are worth it, you should make the habit to buy them after store reset to not forget
I don't think Ruggie dislikes Kalim. He just doesn't get Kalim being so cheery or generous all the time. Ruggie is like the poorest person in the cast and lives in the shithole side of his country, Kalim is the heir to a fortune that has assassins trying to kill him since the day he was born. They have a funny dynamic so I get why they get paired a lot in the Anthology stories. The characters in game are also majority annoying assholes so Kalim isn't out of place either, he just doesn't call them annoying back.
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I don't think Ruggie has ever actually commented on Kalim's "generosity," has he? Do you have a screenshot? I checked that vignette where Kalim buys an expensive mushroom but there aren't any "why is this guy so generous?" vibes from Ruggie, he just says "what."
He says "Kalim's so nice" that it makes him uncomfortable so that is close I guess, but he's never actually done anything for Ruggie in canon. He buys that mushroom cause Ruggie lies and says it's his favorite, I guess, but it's for a party for Jamil, not for Ruggie, and he then sends Jamil into the kitchen to cook so he doesn't get to join the party at all.
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Question if money means nothing to Kalim because he is so rich, then why is him spending money on people considered generosity? He's losing nothing, it's not even his money, he has done nothing to earn it, it's his family's. He might as well be giving away sand off the beach or something.

Anyway enough kalim talk, are these ring designs new or old?
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Oh my god, Midorikawa's signature for that twtr campaign has Lilia inside of it, we do not deserve that man.
Kalim is called generous because he's not stingy about anything he buys and is fine with sharing or giving stuff to people. He's not calling people poorfags or telling them to fuck off for not being as wealthy as his family so they can't hangout with him. Anons here really acting like Kalim is mega hilter for doing what he wants with his money. He's not even a character I like and even I know he's not as bad as anons here pretend he is.
But I mean it still is like giving people sand off a beach. And a beach that somebody else owns.
He's not Hitler but he is giving away stuff that means nothing to him. And he can't even do it right, like solving all of Ruggie or Epel's problems. Epel said right in front of him that his village is failing because of lack of tourism and Kalim just stood there like "huh must be rough." He knew the prefect was living in a terrible situation and he gave away his prize from Vil and nothing else. He could have made Ramshackle into Scarabia with his father's money but he wasn't THAT generous, apparently.
>complains that Kalim is too flippant with his money when he buys things for himself or whatever he feels like
>complains that Kalim isn't fixing everyone else's problems with his money despite the fact that most of these problems have nothing to do with him
If I had that much money and my family were rich moguls that are always under threat of assassination, I wouldn't spend it on my classmates that could become targets by association. Plus Ruggie has never begged Kalim for money and I don't think he'd want Kalim to fix all his problems. Ruggie has a sense of pride and if Kalim just gave him money he'd owe Kalim a debt, same with Epel. Epel wanted his family's village to do better and if he relied on Kalim for what? Buy out their apples? Then he'd be working for the Al-Asim for the rest of his life. Rich people like Kalim's family would expect returns if Kalim tried to fix his everyone's problems. Being "generous" isn't about making everyone owe you money they can never repay. Yuu has also never asked Kalim to give them money either, no one with any sense of shame does that to people they're friends with.
Yeah that's the point of being generous: you offer to do things for people who don't ask for it.
I get that Kalim can't magically (heh) fix everyone's problems because then we wouldn't have a game to play, but that's why they made him stupid. If he was capable of putting two and two together he would think for himself and start actually doing good things for people, not sitting around and claiming "what about teamwork?" everytime someone asks him to put time or effort into something, like Ace in Playfulland or Riddle in that uniform vignette.
It's fine that he's dumb. This was most inspired by a post I saw about how all the characters are assholes and it occured to me that Kalim is no exception. He's not generous. Generous would be giving someone the last of something you have, not because they asked, but because it's a kind thing to do.
Ace asks Kalim for help in playfulland and Riddle asks what Kalim what he is actually doing--not with his father's money, but he himself--for his dorm and he responds, "teamwork!"
He is in a position in the main story to save Jamil from himself and all he has to do is put in effort and his first reaction? Literally clapping his hands and calling for servants to do the work for him.
It had some nice moments for sure but as with every large cast event there was more focus on the event gimmick than character interactions. I am hoping they actually take a trip together since they haven't gone to anyone's homeland yet.
Kalim's "generousity" is poorly written because Yana can't write a good pure-hearted person that isn't ditzy to save her life. Kalim can't fix any of the boys' problems with his money not just because there'd be no story but because the NRC boys are a prideful and independent bunch, if Kalim offered Ruggie or Epel money then they'd offer to repay him for it. If Yuu wanted Kalim's money they'd have to ask for it but then they'd owe Kalim by principle, you can't get something for nothing. As for the "teamwork" thing that's Yana being shit at writing Kalim as per usual, even in other instances if I remember correctly he does make effort to do stuff for himself like studying, trying to learn new skills, being on his own but he's just bad at it. The story barely acknowledges or build on any of this, at this point Kalim is just a running gag of Yana putting in a foreign prince type character that's supposed to contrast the boys because he's cheerier and doesn't have massive emotional baggage like the other Dormheads. He's a basically an RSA student but instead of being a character that pops up sometimes, he's in the maincast.
Just curious, when does he make an effort at studying? In silver's lab vignette he is failing an assignment and Silver tries to get him to do the work himself but he insists on calling Jamil. In Floyd's dorm uniform vignette we see a conversation where Kalim is explaining how he figured Jamil could just do it for him, and Jamil ends up having to ditch a basketball practice in order to copy out of Riddle's notebook and falsify Kalim's homework for him. He couldn't even copy other people's work for himself.
Yana's writing for Kalim boils down to basically "when Jamil isn't around, Kalim should ask where Jamil is" she can't write Kalim for shit like how she can't write Leona as smart. And Kalim does make an effort since he did at least try to cook for himself and in the Anthologies he studies with Riddle and Azul to understand stuff, he's bad at it though.
The anthologies aren't canon though, they're by random artists who took a paycheck to draw fanart.
He did use magic to cook I guess and a part of Jamil's whole character development in Book 6 was allowing Kalim to get cutlery out of a drawer so he could feel like he's contributing.
It's fascinating how he is simultaneously the most powerful character (money) and the weakest character (cannot do anything without calling for a servant, even in his own dreams) in the entire game.
>Kalim making other people do his homework for him
You know I've never seen a Kalimsis comment on this, maybe I'll ask one and see how fast I get my ass blocked.
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Please twst...give him more SSRs...
The account that made that graphic is apologizing for their phrasing, I feel bad for them. I’d interpreted it as “these are the remaining birthdays and these are the remaining duo partners, who will it be, mix and match” but even JP players are saying they thought the account was leaking official info, and the person who made it is saying they regret it. Poor sis.
Those are new rings
I thought so. Once again Octavinelle wins.
They don't look good though.
How to improve /twst/: remove the ability to talk about Kalim
Unironically why? People have good points to address.
No way, I always enjoy the Kalim discussions
/twst/ would turn into a desert if that happens because discussion are already sparse as is, at least the Kalim talks are interesting
>good points to address
>"So anyway, Kalim is awful and the worst character ever, thanks for coming to my ted talk!"
>*repeats above for a gorillion threads*
I'm sorry you can't handle people having opinions, Kalimsis
I'm sorry a "Kalimsis" killed your dog or something but you don't have to take revenge by talking about Kalim nonstop for a bunch of threads over and over again as if we didn't already get you don't like him, I don't give 2 fucks about Kalim I just want you to shut up about him already
People are allowed to talk about what they want to talk about even if it gets your panties in a bunch. Telling people to stop never works, are you stupid? Try coming up with a different topic instead of just throwing a tantrum. Are you even old enough to be posting?
Interesting take but I hate this persons artstyle
Are you? Normally people who wouldn't shut up about something in a serious manner would be called schizos and told to shut up already after the 10th post about it in a week, if even that
And you could do anything else other than read this thread if it pisses you off this much. You're going to make people more likely to talk about Kalim because it's clear it makes you really, really mad
The only way to increase the Kalim talk at this point is if all the 750+ posts are solely about Kalim, and I don't have to worry about that because no one is as much as a sperg about Kalim as you Kalimschizo
How do you feel about jamikali?
No real feelings, don't care about it much at all
I believe he should have been included in the RSA roster instead of being in NRC main cast , it's an anomaly that it has been bother me since I started the game, pretty much with the light boys at least with Rook you know he's a simp for femboys and that automatically puts him in the dark side and Silver, eh still lingering and his story is not over yet.
Poor sis, I'd say the broomquet guessers were worse than her
It would make more sense for him to be in RSA, but if he wasn't in NRC then Jamil wouldn't have overblotted. Unless Kalim's parents would have expected Jamil to run over to RSA after classes every day...
I don't want to be sexist but /twst/ indeed is full of women and it really shows sometimes, in more ways than one...
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Same. But then again Yana barely does anything with Scarabia in general so Kalim himself if he was in RSA wouldn't show up much at all and it'd be weird to imagine there wouldn't be a light trio and the music club would just be Kay and Lilia. Jamil's entire dynamic with everyone at NRC and all his story appearance would be different too since Kalim is one of the things characters bring up, same way Jamil is brought up a lot in Kalim's stuff.

So unless they finally show Jamil's other friend that he's talked about and he's Iago, then that would change the entirety of Scarabia's story. I wouldn't have mind if Kalim was an RSA student that exist for Jamil to seethe over. I still don't get why they didn't use Iago and picked the sultan of all people to put into NRC.
It's a general for a joseimuke game. What did you expect?
Normal /vp/ general behavior but instead of cooming to girl anons coom to boys?
I think on the surface Jamil/Iago would have been another villain/henchmen situation and twst has a bunch of those already. I'd assume the goal was to have a different angle for Scarabia
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Pretty much. And sperg over boys too.
There's this musical parody that has Jafar in a better light and the villain being the Sultan, but I think that's a stretch to say if this would count or if Yana had watched it. Besides the whole racism crap in the movie that people bitch about, I know there are some people that would interpret Aladdin as someone in the wrong or Jasmine should have been more aware about the outside first (girl went outside without money and almost got her arm cut off)
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Making a different dynamic for each dorm is fine but at the very least it should be written better then the current state.
/twst/ acts differently than pretty much almost all other /vg/ generals save for some here and there
Probably because most of the posters here are women. You don't exactly find a lot of guys that want to play a disney husbando collector.
Wait I thought we were all dudes here
Anything relevant with the release of 2nd volume for Savanaclaw? Like extras?
Wasn't there a version of this with all the Disney villains too? I've heard of this but never watched it.
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Post cock as proof now!
I agree. It might have been better to stick with the henchmen dynamic since it seems like Yana can write that
Well, I hope he at least shows up at one point but seeing how few appearance we got of new characters outside of mainstory and hometown events then it'll be a long ass time.
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You mean like the Twisted Tales series? Never read the books. Curious about them.
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Azul should have these eyes in canon
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Waiting for Captain Hook!
I would prefer Oogie Boogie personally.
>there are people who like, let alone adore, that hideous creature on the right
Would they ever twinkify John Silver or does he get the Gantu treatment
I can't believe they did not Yanafied Gantu
The key is deluding yourself that the stories you like are canon
Pooh gang is probably not getting yanafied either
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Why wouldn't I? Cute boys are supposed to be adored. Specially since Ferro has the holy trinity: Cuteness, charisma and smarts.
Now post your boy!
this man will be the face of empty nest syndrome in 10 years
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I know Igni tax is a thing, but this is ridiculous. I just want the Ortho nui.
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Imagine talking shit about the cutest boy in all Twisted Wonderland, seriously some of you need some taste ASAP.
I am SO disappointed in all of you, I'll curse the next threads so they get filled with malleus is le bad drama, and vilfags spamming vil topics 24/7
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Also stop annoying people talking about the characters, some of you treat this place like it's a secret cult filled with rules when in reality it's just a place so we could have fun
>noooo stop talking about kalim
>omg i hate malleus discourse
>grrrr stop talking about twitter drama
>noooo le avaterinofags are bad
get a JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!! get a life!!!!!!!!!! HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that ortho looks so stupid in a cute way, no thoughts go through his head
I'd be more worried about the fact this place is a deserted island and had fell several times in pag 10..
It's a miracle that it hasn't been archived yet without hitting bump limit...it only happened once.
idk why people read posts about topics they dont like. just come back later or talk about somethign else
>Telling annoying people to shut up makes you a secret cult
if cater and vil switched partners do you think they'd be more harmonious
Cater needs someone who would pick him as their first choice, but Trey would pick Riddle and Rook would pick Vil.
It's not enough that they don't like it. They need to police everyone else talking about it. If they don't do it then no one is allowed to do it. Isn't that right >>487568925 ?
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>vilfags spamming vil topics 24/7
You get the right to bitch when you're the one making sure the thread stays on the board. Until then you're gonna accept Vil talk on your hands and fucking knees
Ironic, since you are also trying to police people into not complaining about others
>grrrr stop telling annoying schizos to shut up
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I wonder what would happen if people just didn't shut up about Kalim. Would we get another meltdown like that person who kept squealing about Malleus until it was revealed they had misread all of Book 7? That sure kept the thread bumped.
I can't wait until summer's over
Another thing about Kalim: his labwear vignette is so damning, I have never been able to get over it. His entire excuse for his poor behavior is wanting to do something nice for someone else, but then he immediately sends that person into the kitchen to cook for him. And when the person who is supposedly the recipient of his "kindness" reacts with surprise, he just laughs about it.
That was a legitimately rude, careless thing to do. Like, stunningly so. I tried sliding it into a conversation with a Kalimsis once and she legitimately said, "yes but you can see he hesitates a little before he asks...!"
Purest copium imaginable.
You should discuss that with the Kalimsis back on xwitter or tumblr instead of dumping your sperg rants on us
It makes me wonder if people are even reading the game sometimes. Like how in his dorm vignette, he's running around telling Riddle that the party's off, but Riddle told him he wouldn't attend before. He doesn't even listen to people
His silly face is what I love most about him. All the nuis in this series have pretty good faces but Ortho's is my favorite. The hunt for a reasonably price one continues I guess.
Sometimes it does feel like some anons run to here after they have a bad interaction somewhere else like we are their gossip buddy or mom, very teen-like behavior
>UGHHH Mom you won't believe it, today Melissa invited Brad to lunch RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME! She knows I like him, she is such a brat it's unbelievable
Change Mom to /twst/, Melissa to some literally who twitterfag, Brad to whatever topic they care too much about, and invite to lunch to "misrepresenting" or whatever is annoying them, and you have the "/twst/ in the bad days" experience
>It makes me wonder if people are even reading the game sometimes.
I've not read a single story since February. I exclusively play this game for the grind at this point . I will continue to make up stuff that did not happen in the stories and argue them as if they were fact.
who'd pick cater first, leona?
Legit can't think of anyone, Leona would pick Ruggie or Jack first. It's Cater's thing that he's apart from everyone else.
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but sis, tranny_loverS2S2 posted on tumblr that my fav boy likes the vanilla flavor when in fact he said he likes vanilla flowers! How can I not make 3 walls of texts about it here on /twst/ after such transgression?
I do have that same question sometimes. That's part of why I'm looking forward to Playfulland dropping on EN, we finally get someone calling Kalim out to his face in a major event instead of a side vignette.
Are you new to the internet? 90% of every platform I'm on is people complaining about people on other platforms.
Oh wait you're the topic police sis, sorry, didn't mean to bag on your bit.
Well yeah, people are too cowardly to start shit on their public Twitter accounts. None of us have the guts to confront someone directly, except for the one person I'm assuming is one of us who corrected that kuronuma translator.
Yes, and those 90% other platforms aren't exactly good are they? "shitholes" would be too kind even
Oh wait you can't shut up about those other places, sorry, didn't mean to bag on your bit
you parrot other peoples insults a lot. cant you come up with your own?
Also about Kalim: are people just intentionally not reading too close into events of Book 7? Because even if we are willing to believe EN's whitewashed interpretation of Jamil and Kalim's relationship where Jamil is voluntarily "employed," that is still a boss physically assaulting his employee.
The people who like Kalim seem to have a lot of overlap with the "think of the power dynamics of LeoRug!" people, and I wonder if they are just choosing not to acknowledge how bad that is.
Kalim has entire, all-encompassing control over Jamil's life and that of his family. It doesn't get more powerful than that, and he physically attacked him. That is very not good, and that's putting it lightly.
Nah, looking back through the thread, all they can do is repeat what is said to them and use the word "schizo." Best thing is to ignore them. People like that will meltdown when people stop paying attention to them.
God I can't wait for the children to go back to school.
Got no more points to say about the topic? Sad, expected more since you both seem to like to make multiple paragraphs worth of rants
they just don't care. they've decided kalim is good and will ignore or twist any evidence of him not being good to fit their idea of him. why even play a villain game at that point?
>90% of every platform I'm on is people complaining about people on other platforms.
And you think that is a good thing?
Not enough new events nowadays, unless event re-runs are replacing master chef (some are short enough though the hometown events may be too long) then they can't be taking up event slots while book 7 is also taking up book slots, that could mean 3 months between new events and that's simply not a sustainable model
Facts of life. Speaking of,
I just checked and the account hasn't imploded yet so I guess they just ignored their call-out?
Average western twst cosplayer on the right
Perfectly said. The cognitive dissonance required in rooting for Kalim in his Book 7 assault of Jamil is fascinating. This game got people rooting for the all-powerful nepo-baby physically abusing a member of his staff who literally cannot walk away.
Sure but facts of life can be good or bad too
maybe cay cay will get a halloween boy that (pretends to) care about him
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This might be of good use on /twst/
The more you think about it "is apart from everyone else" is the "thing" for lots of the boys. Jack (failure tsundere), Leona (hiding to nap), Malleus (hiding to get away from Sebek being loud), etc etc.
When does Malleus hide to get away from Sebek? The ruins angle is better if you want to talk about him being alone.
He says outright in Book 6 that he went to the ruined Ramshackle because Sebek was checking in on him every ten minutes and he wanted to be left alone. Lilia is just like "yeah he does that."
There is also the second time we meet him, maybe? In Book 3, when he is talking to the prefect, hears Sebek and Silver coming and actively runs away so that they can't find him.
he's a runaway princess, so whimsical
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some lines are just expensive in the second market by default
like this one
Can you wait until leonas bday...
It's a shame it's on a saturday this year, you just know they wanted to drop the second volume of the savanaclaw manga on his bday but they couldn't cause weekend.
It's easy to ignore random people when you have thousands of followers drooling over your fake translations. Good on that person on trying though.
I wanted to go ahead and share my player ID if anyone wanted to be friends. If I’m right my card is the Jack Dorm Uniform one.

By the way, the card you set as Support on your profile (smaller, on the right) is the one people see when picking a support card for battles. Your Favorite card determines which boy greets you on your birthday, though you can see all the birthday messages in the archive on your bday anyways.
Speaking of Birthdays I didn't know Leona's was a few days away, you get a free 10-fold key and the Birthday banners become available right? Are any of the birthday cards good?

Do you get anything for your own birthday?
That's right. You can only get the 10-key ON the actual birthday so don't forget. Most of the bday cards are junk with a few exceptions (Broom Sebek and Union Jacket Vil are the most popular ones) if you care about scoring high on exams. And yes, you get a 10-key on your birthday too plus a nice message from the boy you set as favorite on your profile.
I think I missed kalim's 10 key once
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cute furries
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Sent, newcutie. Autistic masked lizard on support
Oda Suzuka does amazing art of these characters, I am so glad they got her for Book 2. Here's hoping she sticks around for Book 4 or they find someone equally as talented.
I find it funny that his dorm card is worse than his mask card
>no one cared about me until I put the mask on
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Didn't his masq alt came out before his Dorm card on both JP and NA or am I remembering wrong? Also tri element cards with healing will always be good, I have a 110 NY Kalim too but maybe I shouldn't admit to that out loud around these parts
did he actually deserve those limit breaks or did the heart decide that
next pic for op?
Is there any platinum card that isn't shitty gameplay-wise?
It is the lion’s day of birth, we know what must be done
Pick any Sailor pic
>tri element cards with healing will always be good
Even Dorm Ace? I love using him despite what other say.

Captcha 4WAT
supposedly his dorm card is essential to a bunch of new attack and basic exam teams but his mask one will always be more useful because it's easier to score high on defense
is there an up to date tier list?
Sailor Leona doko

If he works for you then he works for you! I've gotten a lot of mileage out of my MasqMal and NYKalim, haven't been lucky with spooks to unlock Ace's M3
I didnt play this game at first because I thought it was an otome game, that seems to be a common misconception
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He was cute, the card was strong (one of the earliest multi turn healers we got iirc), he combo'd well with Starry Deuce, and I had perfumes to spare. I genuinely do not remember how my rolls went back then, but he's been a great help scoring SSS regular exams and SS joint exams before we got GloMas, so he's definitely put those limit breaks to work. I have no regrets. I also more or less like all the boys and have trouble picking an absolute fav, for what it's worth pretend no one saw me replying to the wrong post
Leona already got his thread...use these ones>>487372698
>>487136929 (the complete version)
yeah the most "romance" you'll get is some homescreen lines where they seem a little more fond of (you), which you can mute them or poke them into saying another line, and the valentines letters which are not in the game (and also are pretty vanilla)
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>>487136929 has a full version apparently, this one looks nice

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