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Twisted Wonderland, a rhythm and turn-based combat game featuring cute boys based on Disney villains, released in March 2020.

Leona birthday campaign: 07/27
Portfest Rerun: 07/22 16:00 JST - 08/05 14:59 JST
>Current Gacha
[Campaign] SSR Platinum Jacket & Broomquet Leona: 07/26 16:00 JST - 08/01 14:59 JST
[Event] SSR Portfest Jack & SR Ruggie: 07/22 16:00 JST - 08/05 14:59 JST

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Translations of recently released content:

Previous: >>485978029
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New book
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Yeah I'll buy this one for sure
>thought it was an otome
Same. I ignored it for two years because otomes do nothing for me.
Then I actually tried the damn thing and, ironically, fell in love.
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Oh my god this is a companion sketch to this one she drew in 2023
yeah, I don't really go for otome games either the only one I've actually played is Tears of Themis for the Ace Attorney-like Elements. The card stories are nice though

also for whoever missed it, I posted my ID in the last thread:
It's the same sort of hangup I had with Sanrio stuff at first, I though it was just a bunch of girly stuff, save for exceptions (Ringing Bell, Aggretsuko, Gude Tama), but I picked up Hello Kitty Island Adventure and I LOVED it. Also really hope South Park actually acknowledges it.
Any card stories that are pretty good? I actually liked Epel's lab wear one
read the shroud bros' ceremonial robes ones back to back, first idia's then ortho's
was portfest only 3 parts?
Depends: who is your boy? What did you like about Epel's? What don't you like about the ones you don't like?
This board is split in half by people who have never played and people who have the entire game memorized, so someone can probably recommend a few.
I guess I liked how he was able to come up with such an ingenious solution for an impossible problem
Plus I've always had a thing for potion making and alchemy, I love the Atelier games after all
For potion-making talk you are gonna LOVE Jamil's labwear vignette.
...and the will of the Gacha deities has it I don't have him yet.

Also what should I spend my exam tokens on? Do single keys eventually merge into a 10-fold key or do i have to use all 10 single keys individually? Use them on the standard banner?
For solutions to problems, Cater and Jade's dorm vignettes are pretty good. Definitely Tsumsted Azul, I love that one. Beanfest Jade, Dorm Ortho, Dorm Riddle, maybe Dorm Ruggie?
I can't remember what exam tokens can buy and my server is down for maintenance but are you on EN or JP? EN can't do single-key merging yet but JP can. Would recommend hoarding them. If there is something you really want from the standard banner there is a campaign that usually comes up around New Years that will increase your odds of getting specific characters.

And if you just want to read vignettes for the fun of it, most of them are on YouTube.
EN Server
Also are there any cards in general that are the best in Meta? I could use a Tierlist if you can find one, I didn't know cards had role types until a few days ago
Yana getting spicy on main. Apparently someone quoted the manga announcement saying that she only did the design for Yuuta while not doing Yuuken and Yuuka and she responded "except I did, as can be seen in the first volumes of Heartslabyul and Savanaclaw. Take a look if you're so interested. Bitch." This is paraphrased.
Stop fucking around on twitter and finish Kuroshit, Yana you hack.
And where is my fish mafia hometown event?
she's very busy investigating england
maybe if ai yazawa went to investigate england she'd be inspired enough to finish nana...
He came home on the 37th pull oh thank god, Crewel left me wiped the fuck out.
you'll do fine with most cards you get but if you want to be a sweaty gamer, dorm leona, riddle, azul, ortho and trey are your go-tos
from the upcoming event cards, tapis vil is good for staff events but the real prize is playful kalim, a staple in Basic Null tests
EN gets funky new reruns so if the pop club cards and general lilia get rerun and you have spare gems maybe you could try grabbing them
and lastly for EN, Rollo's duo and buddies are a bit bad but he can still be useful from raw damage
>Look up Rollo
I didn't know characters other than Grim and the students got cards, and this guy is based on Frollo, one of the most known villains in Disney. Not sure how to feel about that.
>one of the most known villains in Disney
Pretty sure the Queen of Hearts and Ursula etc are actually more widespread than Rollo. Is being well-known a dealbreaker or something?
I wasn't sure what I was saying, he does leave a lasting impression, I just didn't know the right words.
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Do the platinum cards have their own vignette stories or is it just some unlockable furniture like Tsumsitter Rook?
They have stories
I don’t know how the line goes exactly like this paraphrase from before the battle with Shadow Naoto in P4 describes the overblot vicitms.

Just let them get it out of their system otherwise their issues will just keep eating away at the, insid, besides we can just kick the monsters ass like we usually do.

Yu is pretty much free therapy
>Yu is pretty much free therapy
Fans will say that but none of the overblot boys except Azul ever actually really talk to the prefect. And they have voice lines about how the prefect is kind of "slow," which is hilarious to me.
I don't like it. His face doesn't look like Leona for some reason.
Little teefies anon
Little teefs
There's some Yuuken fan pissing mad in the comments on that tweet.
They are insane. And they HATE Kowono.
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2.5 anni looks awful. Who's buying these keyless bundles?
Why Kowono? I'm guessing she fucked up their precious Yuuken somehow
Are we even getting any new features?
Anything relevant with Leonas bday?
is that baby simba or kiara
Just the handful of voice clips that come with the outfit arrangements.
Christ another month for the platinum series to end, this has to be the worst bday batch
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I agree
Rate Birthday series: regular Birthday Bash, Jacket, Bloom, Platinium.
Outfits: Jacket > the others
Story content: Bday > Platinum, Jacket=Bloom
Groovies: Bloom > Jacket=Platinum > Bday

Probably ranked the Bday suits too high for content, but when they came out the info was fresh and new. It felt like year 2 and 3 people focused too much on predicting who would choose who for their answers. Next year I'd like either more variety or open ended questions.
As a vilfag I'd go for either union or broomquet as the best but I can't decide, ponytail vs romance bouquet, treyvil vs mom (non) reveal, happy vil vs lips
did we get to see ortho's gear yet
please...pajama cards for next year...
There's only a handful of boys who would wear actual pajamas, like Riddle, Azul, and Vil. Everyone else wears boxers and a comfy old tshirt to sleep.
>band shirt cater
sounds amazing
idia's kitty boxers...
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I thought Idia would wear a kigurumi to bed.
It's not in the comments of Yana's post but on their account, they go off on how "Oda Suzuka-sensei"'s art is beautiful and use a lot of colorful words to describe art by "Kowono." Never seen such a dedicated anti account for such a random thing.
Anon, adult Simba is right there. What do you think.
This person needs serious help. It's sad seeing this level of obsession about a literal nobody character, no offense to the anon who likes Yuuken.
Don't want to scrub through their account because they are just unhinged, but I wonder if they were an anti from the start and decided to turn Yuuken into their pet project or if they actually liked the game/first arc of the manga and Yuuka's introduction is their villain origin story or what.
anon what do you mean? are they praising oda suzuka’s art while shitting on kowono’s?
"Seriously, if Oda Suzuka-sensei had drawn Yuuken instead of Kowono Sumire, it wouldn't have ended up with such a lazy, ugly face in the end. I'm sure the final volume of Savanaclaw will feature super beautiful illustrations by Suzuka-sensei. I'm so jealous.

Unlike Kowono Sumire,
Unlike Kowono Sumire,
she never cuts corners until the very end."

"Haha, the reason for G-Fan's break next month was just as I expected. After all, that woman Kowono Sumire only puts effort into illustrations that get her attention, so she's taking breaks to meticulously draw the cover of the twins.
Because a cover with the twins stands out, right? It’s different from the lazy work you did on Yuuken, isn’t it?"

"How many Yuuken-oshi have been hurt because of that deceitful, lazy woman, Kowono Sumire? It’s all reflected in the sales, you know?
Kowono-sensei, no matter how much you try to satisfy your desire for approval by meticulously drawing the cover of the popular twins even if you have to take breaks,
Your lazy work on Yuuken is being bought and seen by far more people."

"I'm really looking forward to the second volume of Octa.
Kowono Sumire and Hazuki Wakana turned the Yuuken that readers loved into garbage material and told the first chapter readers to disappear lol.
I wonder how much they'll fall as a result of hurting their readers as professionals.
It's going to be quite a show, the best entertainment."

"This really makes me laugh,
Thanks to this, about half of my resentment related to the Twisted Wonderland comic adaptation has been cleared, so I've been complaining less frequently.
But I'll never forgive that lying, corner-cutting culprit Kowono Sumire. I'll keep criticizing her for the rest of my life."
Can any of you say you love your boy as much as this person loves Yuuken? Have any of you tried harassing Yana and Assistant-kun over a shoddy groovy? Owning dozens of nuis and merch is nothing compared to being publicly ill over your boy on twitter. Step it up sisters.
Guess I better start paying a commission for a chubby Azul body pillow design.
Damn...well if anything adapting twst into manga with different yuus was a big mistake
Thank you for the translation. This person's a fucking nut.
it’s just one mentally ill fan though? i don’t have problem with yuuken and even thought he was cool when he fought riddle head-on but other than that, he was kinda bland
Which will have a bigger reaction for later Yuus? Female Yuu Scarabia/Ignihyde? Or male Yuu for Pomefiore/Diasomnia?
if we get a schizo for each yuu and they team up...
Different Yuu's can work, it's just the execution that caught people off guard. There are different Saniwas for Touken Ranbu across various series and mediums and I don't recall anyone batting an eye.
A female Yuu won't surprise anyone since we already have Yuuka. They need to do something really out there to get a reaction from people.
Considering we got a fat Yuu for Azul and theorizes that each Yuu is the foil to the Overblot, the female Yuu for Scarabia could be someone that is okay with being a maid or is a rich girl like Kalim who doesn't mind she lives in a poor house like Ramshackle. Would be interesting if Pomefiore's Yuu may not be as pretty, but actually has a good singing voice.

Yeah each Yuu ends up being a foil to the person who overblots in that Chapter.

What about Idia and Malleus? What would their Yu be?
Fem Yuu for Ignihyde would probably be a fujoshi or otomefag, living her dream of being isekai'd. Better option is that her personality is similar to Meg from Hercules, all that snark and sass. One thing is for sure that, the male Yuu for Diasomnia is not a homosexual. I'm sorry, Malleus. But the Child of Man is not gay.
why are they putting all the blame on kowono sumire?
Why was it a bad idea? I found it interesting. I agree with the crazy person that Kowono can't draw for shit, but besides that rotating prefects is at least different from the standard manga fare. Will always give kudos for people daring to try something new, and that was a huge risk to take with this huge franchise, and they seem to be pulling it off.
Thank god the novel Yuu isn't Yuuken though, did not like that guy. I assume the manga-Yuus would have more depth if they were around longer, but they won't be, so it's no big thing.
she drew Yuuken really ugly apparently
Because she can't draw very well, and especially full bodies. It's just a fact. She struggles with proportions, making the characters look stunted.
All her best work looks like it is traced-over Toboso Yana, and Yana has so much control over Hearts/Octa that she's shared sketches that she's made for Kowono to copy. But Yana can't hold her hand through the entire manga, so sometimes sub-par art goes out.
That's why they're saying they wish Oda had drawn Yuuken, too, as Oda is the better artist.
maybe in this case it's not a proportion issue and cate is just a flattie...
while i do agree kowono’s art has flaws, my criticism with oda’s is that everyone is just too beautiful to be expressive that they end being flat and boring so it’s not enjoyable for me
eh, i’ll judge when they get to leona and azul’s overblots and compare the two
Oda for comparison. Kowono's full bodies tend to look like she drew the bottom half of one character and the top half of another and then copy pasted them together, unsuccessfully.
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Look at what she did to Trey and Kate, on the cover even! If she gets to do Pome chapter she's going to turn Vil into a midget too.
Yeah, Kowono has that Yana-bump for her faces.
I don't like the "it's too pretty" criticism of Oda, I think she can really work it and prefer her to Kowono.
Yeah, they try to hide it, and I guess some people might write it off as a stylistic choice, but to me it looks like the woman just can't draw full bodies. She draws better than I can and I'll still buy the manga she's done, but I can't help but wonder how much better things would have turned out with someone else.
Especially for the first series, if I hadn't known the game and just saw the manga I never would've bought it with a cover looking like that.
huh, get it all comes down to personal preference i guess
i mean it’s disney so i kinda expect the characters to be a bit cartoony or expressive
if people prefer oda’s art for the visuals then who am i to judge
*i guess it all comes down to personal preference
>it’s disney
Do you think the people at American disney parks even know this series exists
I bet they'd think it was a copyright-infringing japanese knockoff trying to cashgrab off the disney brand
that reminds me of tokyo debunkers

tbf anon, to this day people still think twst is an otome
Honestly, the Hearts manga was really mediocre looking compared to Savannaclaw and Octa especially with how the artist drew the characters.

The consistency kept flipflopping with bodies and faces, some characters looking really nice in some chapters and then looking really bad in the next. Yuuken is the most noticable in this. Look at the difference between him in the very first few chapters to the rest of the chapters. Kowono is just kinda...off when drawing him.
maybe kowono is bias towards octa lol
Touken Ranbu was a lot less weird with how they do the Saniwa though. All the Saniwas are in different series, the one in the slice of life anime has nothing to do with the one in Katsugeki and the stories aren't connected to each other. Twst manga adaptation on the otherhand is one long story but the protag ends up changing every dorm but it's technically one storyline.

It think people either felt kinda surprised by Yuu changing every dorm after we spent so much time with Yuuken only for the manga to go "here's a new person to follow" but continues where the story leaves off, feels weird. Doesn't help that Yuuka and Yuuta probably handled everything completely different in the previous chapters and we'll never see that.
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"Kowono Sumire is in love with the eels" was definitely the joke when Octa dropped, Floyd's legs even look like they actually belong to him.
I wouldn't be surprised if Yana and the team behind making this manga, heard about the crazy timeloop theory and decided to feed into that by having different Yuus be a thing.
Hearts got done kinda dirty then.
I think it'll all make sense in the end, we just have to get there.
I think it's people who put too much emphasis on the prefect who are most bothered by it. The manga basically proves that the prefects don't matter since whatever they do, the end result is the same, and the tweens don't like thinking that their self-insert isn't the most special and most important character.
>the novel Yuu
Oh my god. What if the Yuu for the Diasomnia arc is Yuuya.
I'd believe it since Yana does stalk social media a lot and has probably seen all the shit the fandom comes up with so I can definitely see that. The different Yuus thing doesn't bother me that much but the way it happened with the Hearts manga going on for so long and then next chapter we got Yuuka it was a "who tf is this" kinda moment.
I personally thought it made sense when a new Yuu showed up, but this thread is making me wonder if I'm a freak for not being surprised. It seemed like a lot of people had been predicting it at the time. The bigger surprise to me was when the novel prefect sayed the same.
That would be a great way to finish off the TWST manga. Have Yuuya actually be happy and desperate of there finally being a way to get back home, but then Malleus OBs happens. Yuuya having a mental breakdown that he wants to go home and is still traumatized from knowing magic is real and having to deal with OBs that he accidentally says something to make Malleus upset and put a test strain on his friendship with Ace/Deuce/Grim.
I think most people expected the manga to have one consistent protag since it's usually how these go with mainstory adaptations. The novels only having Yuuya is the example of this but yes, I also knew about the speculations of different Yuus since Yuuya, Yuuken, and the game MC already proved that. I wasn't expecting it to happen in the manga though.
cater one sided ships are great but I think it's better if they are reciprocated but he ruins it with his cynicism and attachment issues, it's better angst
I don't come across much like that. My doujinshi are like
>"Trey is now an adult, regrets pulling away from Cater after graduation, they meet at a reunion and fuck"
>"It is vaguely insinuated that Cater once tried to drown himself but never explained, also Cater smokes now and it's really hot, fucking ensues"
>"Trey and Cater are roommates post-NRC who just got dumped by their girlfriends, they decide to pretend-date each other to figure out what's wrong with them, but oops fucking"
>"Trey treats Cater like trash so he starts fucking people in Savanaclaw, Trey gets jealous and tries to get him back, Cater refuses to be exclusive unless Trey stops fucking Riddle, Trey refuses, Cater becomes vice-housewarden of Savanaclaw as a fuck-you to Trey, fucking happens in between"
why that suicide method tho
It was in the ocean and insinuated that it was the tweels who saved him.
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>wasn't paying attention to blended drink count
>need another 300 within 2 hours
Is it doable?
you get 15-20 if you're lucky per run of like 8 minutes, so around barely doable if you have the ap
this is assuming alchemy
Almost all of my runs so far have been 1 drink...
Is there a difference between the lessons? I've done both alchemy and history and they seem the same for drink count
Alternatively start factoring in cuts/stuff you can do without. In my book, if it's not keys, perfume, or spell levels, it's skippable

This lowkey reminds me, do you guys typically shell out the 100 gem for the hometown event memento bundle (ft. one fancy piece of furniture), or skip it since it's purely cosmetics?
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>Alternatively start factoring in cuts/stuff you can do without.
It's for getting Lilia
history takes more time than alchemy
Damn. My apologies, was too quick to assume fellow anons are giga grind autists like me
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>a bit under 50 minutes
>about 2 runs/min
>1 drink/run
>less than 90 drinks left
aaaaaa stir the cauldron faster you fucking gayboys
I was for a time, but I've been slacking since work's been busy
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>30 min left with 60 more to go
>runs are slightly less than 2/min
5x drops save me
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>need to get at least 1 more 5x or 3 more 2x to have a chance
>keep getting 1s
Not like this...
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>2 5xs
My Lilia is safe!
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Hot spring episode
every anime needs one
Yana pls
Vilsis did you see
I find it funny that en devs pushed overdrive with leovil
To be fair the JP line is exactly the same thing. I heard it and went "there is no way they translated that accurately" and then I checked EN and they did. It's like LeoVil is the only flirting they allow.
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Treyvil dev left seething over this event, Happy TREYVIL weekend
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Yeah but when they don't like something they tone it down
/twst/ is the only place on earth where someone will complain about an artstyle being too pretty

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