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Dead General Edition

Last thread: >>485986259
OP template and News Archive: https://rentry.org/-hbg-archive

3DS: all
Switch: HW exploit (old v1 units): all; SW exploit (new & old units): 4.1.0; Modchip (v2 "Red Box" & Lite & OLED): all
Wii U: all
Vita: all
PS5: 4.03-4.51 (PS4 fpkg) / 7.61 (BD-JB) / 4.51 kernel, 2.50 HV
PS4: 9.00/9.60/10.0x/11.00
PS3: all (CFW only for older models)


>OG Xbox
[Feb 19] ENDGAME exploit released https://github.com/XboxDev/endgame-exploit

>Wii U
[06 Jul] Aroma Beta-21 (coldboot cfw, no ds game required) https://aroma.foryour.cafe/
[13 May] SDUSB released https://gbatemp.net/threads/sdusb.655744/
[06 May] Tiramisu 0.1.3 https://tiramisu.foryour.cafe/

[12 Jun] GoldHEN 2.4b17.3 https://github.com/GoldHEN/GoldHEN
[04 Jun] libhijacker 1.160 https://github.com/illusion0001/libhijacker
[30 Apr] PPPwn released (exploit for 11.00 and earlier)
[26 Feb] etaHEN 1.7b https://github.com/LightningMods/etaHEN

[02 Jul] Hekate 6.2.1 https://github.com/CTCaer/hekate
[11 Jun] Atmosphere 1.7.1 https://github.com/Atmosphere-NX/Atmosphere

[27 Dec] HENlo released (webexploit for all firmwares)
[15 Apr] 0syscall6 1.3 https://github.com/SKGleba/0syscall6

[13 Jul] Twilight Menu++ 27.5.2 https://github.com/DS-Homebrew/TWiLightMenu
[22 Jun] Luma3DS 13.1.2 https://github.com/LumaTeam/Luma3DS
[28 Dec] DSi-modchip https://github.com/dsi-modchip
[17 Jul] 3hs 1.4.5 (a freeshop-like app) https://hshop.erista.me/3hs

>ALL SYSTEMS: the OP Archive has download links/sites for games
>If you have an issue you probably have an outdated/messed up setup, make sure to read the guides before asking questions
>This general is not affiliated with the /hbg/ discord, subreddit or 'shop', they just stole the name and GIF
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new 360 exploit?
why does the thread always die during US hours
like it's not this general either, it's a /vg/-wide thing
Maybe I should make the autist seethe about my PS1 again so the thread doesn't die.
Damn for how long has it been like this?
two years ago it was fairly stable all things considered
the g in vg stands for gacha
it has been like "this" since late 2019, the whole board was much slower before then. In 2020 it quickly reached a peak where new boards got made (though mostly to "offload" from /v/ and not from /vg/) and /vg/ got more pages added, in late august we went from threads dying in 20 minutes to dying in 8 hours thanks to that change. Of course, adding more pages simply meant more stuff could fill them so old generals came back and, most importantly, a load more gacha generals got made (which killed those old generals that had just came back)
that's mostly the issue here, the board is filled with generals, usually associated with gachas but it's also for other online games, that are very fast, very shitpost filled and have an habit of spawning autists that for example make a barrage of new threads all at the same time
you can even check here https://4stats.io/ how for this reason /vg/ is the fastest board of the whole site with only /pol/ surpassing it every once in a while
why aren't they turning all the gacha generals in rolling stickies which get remade once a day or whatever for updated news and shiiiiiit.
gookmoot, please do the needful.
They tried that with /vmg/ and /vm/ but the retards didn't want to move
they didn't want to move cause those boards don't allow for generals
there are 3 active genshin thread holy fuck
>we made it to 31 posts last time
This is getting pathetic.
By the way, is today the international exploit day or something?
Oh, nice.
>wake up
>no new traces fix
When dear ps1 anon, when?
This has already been answered multiple times. Learning to read little autist, when?
Shouldn't we just merge into vitagen or emugen at some point?
We should just go to /vr/. Fuck your switch and your ps3.
>into vitagen
>or emugen
i guess, but there's no need. As another anon said, thread dying means very little as long as another can be made in its place, and we just get these slumps every now and then when everyone decides to stop posting for a while (it's summer, i'm assuming lots of people are on vacations and not looking at their 4chin), it's not the first time it happens. This is just how a general it's supposed to operate, a few posts every hour or so, like said above us dying is mainly cause there's other generals that go too fast for this board and push everyone else off. Every other general save for maybe one i go to also suffer the same "issue" for the same reason
vitagen hates us lmao
Why vitagen exists in the first place is beyond me.
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I'm trying to use TWLSaveTool on my 3ds to backup my pokemon diamond save but the app keeps crashing on startup when the cart is inserted. It seems to work just fine for any other game though. I've never had problems using twlsavetool before so does anyone know what the issue is? Picrel is the crash screen
might be a bootleg, see the last couple of pages in its gbatemp-thread
Don't they sperg out about homebrew stuff?
Not to mention that doing that would make VITAgen a bit of an awkward name
is that sdboot exploit for the wii ever going to be released or is it going to be hoarded until the end of time
oh I forgot that existed
I bricked my Wii as a kid
Shoutout to xstation dev grandma's birthday. He'll delay fixing my unit because his granny has her birthday this week but in due time we're gonna be able to enjoy some goodass PS1. Well I am at least. I know some of you itt don't have a PS1 :)
solderless psx ode will be released before anon fixes his traces
I'm never fixing the traces. There's no point other than to practice something I'll probably never have to do, and if I do I'll just do it on the spot because it's not that difficult and I don't nee practice.
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>and I don't nee practice
The ripped traces beg to differ.
No they don't.
People need to stop announcing exploits before they're ready to release.
i already have bloodborne, should i bother with hacking my ps4 (fw 10.00)? Every other game i can already play on pc or again already own it (or waiting for it to get a PC release anyway), anything else i should do it for? Cool homebrews or whatever?
chiaki is very comfy especially when streaming on switch
Homebrew gangbang
Gachas really are a plague on humanity. I'm playing ZZZ so I can't say shit, but I don't plan on going to the general. I had my share with GBF.
Just passing on thru dont mind me
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dusting off my vita for the summer vacation
is VitaDB dead?
My N3DSXL R button doesn't click that well anymore and you have to depress it much more than the other three buttons. How hard is this to fix?
could just be a little dust, try with a contact cleaner or some compressed air
No. If you're having problems with it you might just need to update somethings.
I used and old toothbrush and it worked
based diy-fixer
that's an irrelevant fact. we should take them over in revenge for them having hbg in their op all this time. in fact, they're basically a default hbg when you think about it. they asked for it. literally asked for it.
i just don't know how a general can go that fast, like what the hell is there to talk about? And it's every day every thread, the only explanation i can give is that those generals have 800 different ritual posters and that's all they do with every thread
Please spoonfeed me
I kinda skimmed over the PS3 section and every article I can find in regards to playing PS2 games via HEN on a Super Slim is confusing me. Is it possible to play PS2 games on HEN? I really wanna play Sonic Heroes
My mom just texted me that she found my PS1 in a box from storage. I remember a long time ago, my idiot neighbor plugged it in on a 220v socket (I remember it being 110v needing a transformer to be used) and it stopped working since then. is that something that can be easily fixed nowadays?
Yeah buy a repsx psu and an external brick or a ps1 pico psu, even though the crooked teeth lisp having uk faggot's website is broken. There's no point in trying to finagle with capacitors on a 30 year old pus board.
please explain where in the thread(s) you've answered when you are fixing your traces? You've given many excuses and threats but not once said you will fix the traces
ok i see now you said you will never fix them, at least you admit defeat
only if you're lucky enough that the power-converter got fried fast enough to not harm the mainboard, then you can try >>486280171
Learn to read little monkey.
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right back atcha
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>expert level modification
they just don't know the tricks of the trade
Tricks of the trace, in this case.
I have two proper installs. Learn to read little monkey.
how's the heat?
Out of spec, hence me returning the unit to be fixed and waiting on a replacement if it doesn't.
me on the left
my mothafuckin 3ds' just blinks the blue light whenever the sd card is inside
why, the theme is reset but everything else works fine
Doesn't the blue light blinking mean you have a streetpass or something on it? I dunno it's been a while. It was either a green light or a blue light. Maybe blue means it needs to be updated.
i turn it on, it's just stuck, the display doesn't boot while the blue (power) light is still blinking
it eventually works after holding the power button for a few seconds but i wonder what causes this
It sounds like either the SD card reader or the SD card itself is fucked. Check the SD card's sectors and then drop your files Luma back in if it comes back fine.
page 42
page 144
Some of them have a pretty big player base, so a ton of people to come on 4chan to make a shitpost about. There could probably be a discussion but they go so fast I'm not sure how anyone does. They read like a YouTube video comment section half the time. But with pictures.
No what would be /vmg/.
From the few gacha generals I checked in the rare times I tried some of the games before dropping them because the grind annoyed me, it just seemed like they're mostly shitposting or coomerposting.
The only half-decent one is >>>/vp/pug but that's probably because of the pokémon autism and it being kinda like /hbg/ in the sense that it has a smaller number of regulars and the occasional new poster.
That sounds about right. You can't even get a question answered half the time.
I wonder how long generals on /vp/ tend to last. I wonder if it's even as active as it use to be.
that's what puzzles me, shitposting and coomerposting but aimed at who? There's no real "control" group, it's all people pretending to be retarded to each other so there's no one to really fall for the bait
idk, i don't get it
What I get is that they really need their own board. Just call it /vgg/ or something.
im just getting back into switch homebrew after a few years of not really using it because it simply has no games
there are some i wanna play now though, what sites are you guys using?
also yeah this board has become gacha central since i left it, my fucking god
>update atmos
>update fw
>update sig patches
>download gaems using torrents from NSTWL.info
>install with DBI using MTP
idk what that is, not a site tho
ive already caught up and updated everything i needed to update though
it's a site that lets you open a telegram bot, you literally tell the bot "zelda" and it will give torrent links for all games with zelda in the name, it will even show you upcoming ones
>Is it possible to play PS2 games on HEN?
1-follow this youtube tutorial on how to activate your ps3 so it can run ps2 classics :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l6ICZGn-Tmw

2-use this tool to create ps2 classics pkg: https://www.psx-place.com/resources/ps2-classics-gui.638/ -or-
if you wanna go the encrypted iso route, follow this (forgive me allah for saying this) youtube tutorial : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5MeNI7OAu4&t=1190


4-ps2 games on superslim!
fellow anon, what if we start a fundraiser so that I can buy an xstation? traces bro just won't send me his broken stuff
i visited this general one year ago last time
can someone explain me the traces meme?
Some guy fucked up the motherboard traces on his ps1 or ps1 hardware mod or some shit like that and claims it wasn't his fault.
Which device is the most useful to hack?
if i found a ps1 on my local charity store i am sending it to you
I appreciate that but I already have a ps1, I simply don't want to spend a hundred bucks just to prove a point
it all started here:
btw, how did that job interview go?
Go beg somewhere else, rat. A PS1 is 10 bucks.
Not what happened at all.
You're confusing me with someone else.
jesus learn to read
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So what's the best option to play PS2 isos these days?
OG PS3 40nm RSX mod?
Ps2 with softmod?

Mostly concerned with compatibility.
What's the best softmod out there?
is that a pi?
>retard wants my broken stuff
>my broken stuff consists of a PS1 board
>tell retard to buy a PS1 for 10 bucks if he wants one so badly
>hurr durr le learn to read

Nah you're a cancerous neet ESL loser monkey. Get a job and stop begging online.
A fat PS2 with an SSD mod using a modded genuine Sony network adapter.
jesus learn to read
Stop spamming, monkey.
I'm amazed anything on /vp/ is still decent, that board has been lost to discord trolls and coomers for years now.
Is a fat ps2 with network adapter more compatible than using a micro SD card or USB storage on slim?

I remember using and IDE drive years ago and FMVs were all messed up
Yeah and it runs much faster too. Messed up FMVs and stutters are a memory card/usb storage issue.
depends on how you define "useful"
See what I mean? >>486384581
>Not what happened at all.
Kek, looks like when i fucked up my gamecube pcb when installing a modchip for the first time when i was 13 with a way too big solder iron. nuked the traces without survivors
Well, what do you mean? Aside from lying like some hoe. You didn't have parents to teach you not to be a lying bitch? Grew up without a dad?
Completely different scenario.
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Be honest to me, /hbg/. Is this going to be fast enough for my Switch?
more than fast enough, I don't even think the switch sd card reader reaches that card's top speeds
I don't know bro, the bottom reads seem kind of slow.
very few flash storage devices get good speeds on the bottom, you'll be fine
that being said your write speeds are definitely lower than they should be for an utlra card, I'd double check the legitimacy of the card
It's actually a warranty I got from Sandisk today. My old one was even slower and almost unplayable.
At least you didn't lie on an anonymous image board like it was a life or death matter.

You okay? Are you projecting a little maybe? It's okay, man. Mistakes happen. You can stop this act now. It's only hurting you.
those write speeds aren't a killer for games, they primarily care about read speeds and you're good on that front for switch, but they're definitely a pain point for file moving and homebrew purposes and way lower than what an ultra card should have
if you're still concerned much I'd get a sandisk extreme or samsung pro plus if you don't want to try another ultra
>traces get fucked while I was lifting the QSB
Why is he still pretending he didn't fuck up?
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Thanks, but I did the benchmark on Hekate and it's a lot better than my old SD card! Epic win :D
What did I lie about, little monkey? Care to post the proof, or are you gonna admit you're projecting and accept your concession?
Still not able to read little ape? After I literally posted the image myself and explained very clearly what happened? Why do you have to make shit up when everything is literally in the archives? How am I lying when I'm literally the one that posted everything with images and a clear and concise explanation. Get cancer.
Never seen a nigga so mad about being unable to admit to his own mistakes when the proof is right there.
At least it bumps the thread.
every /vg/ general requires at least one wackjob autist, this is just fulfilling the quota
He's not even fun though. I've seen literal schizophrenic posters more fun than him. He's just some retard who won't admit to his own faults when it's right in front of him. It's like he took a shit on the floor and argues it's not him who did it despite there being video proof. It's just pathetic.
Post the proof or I'm afraid I might have to accept your concession then. I've never lied about anything. You in fact are obsessed and seething about this situation because I decided to post and tell you about it. Unfortunately though you're an autistic illiterate bitch with no understanding of the word context. Funny how you always talk shit, yet when I ask you to back up your schizo claims with proof you instantly disappear or change the subject.
Is this the buzzword general?
I revived my old PSP that I last used almost a decade ago with a new battery, it has firmware 6.61 PRO-C. It's not permanent CFW, how hard is it to make permanent and is it even worth bothering? considering you're usually just putting it to sleep instead of hard shutting down and even if you do it's just a button press to get back to CFW
can I browse the pkgj database from a PC somehow? for faster searching
>request proof
>he instantly disappears

Wow who would have thought.
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SD anon here, I wanted to download sigpatches from https://sigmapatches.coomer.party/, but are all these files needed? Like there sys-overlay-patch file and such.

I kind of don't trust coomers.
might've burned out a fuse you gotta replace too, but fuse replacements are one of the easier repairs to do
tcg and zzz are alright
pls take your meds
pls kys
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>Switch has stick drift again after buying new joycons
Oh fuck this piece of crap
what do you mean kys I just got it kjn the firstbu aplcea,...
I mean jump from a cliff and die.
what did you expect? All of them have it, you have to change the sticks themselves and get hall effect ones to not have it anymore
this is also why third party high quality controllers are all getting hall effect sticks and triggers (and iirc the newest steam deck also has them?)
>hall effect
just like DS3 had em back in the day
fuck planned obsolescence
I can't take any man that owns a switch seriously.
I can't take any man that can't fix a trace seriously.
I can't take any man obsessing over lies he created in his head seriously.
amiga softmod when?
I can't take any man who doesn't admit to his own faults seriously.
Ok ""Aurora"" goon
Self loathing must suck for you then.
Guys guys. Traces.
>I wonder how long generals on /vp/ tend to last.
/pug/ lasts pretty long usually. Which is funny, considering it got like half the posts that /hbg/ did in the time between me going to bed after posting what you replied to and coming back here after my day in the wagiecagie, but I guess they don't have the shitnami of gacha to deal with.
It'll probably be a bit more active in a few days, too, since there's an anniversary event incoming.
>I wonder if it's even as active as it use to be.
If you mean /vp/ in general, I have no idea. In the last several years my 4chan activity has mostly been spent on /hbg/ and /pug/ (when I'm not on a several month hiatus from the game) and lurking /pol/'s schizo threads on my phone when I'm not at home and need to wait for the train or something.
Thanks for reading my not-TED Talk

>gacha players are actual retards pretending to be retards
Checks out kek

See >>486377094 and cope harder.
Not to mention that he's even posted a pic showing his PS1 with the DS on the side: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/475686263/#476787280

>Not what happened at all
Bro, come on now.
>traces get fucked while I was lifting the QSB

>"Instead of just contacting the xStation guy after shit didn't work the first time, I decided to keep fiddling with it until I ruined the board, but it's not my fault!"

See the archive link above.
>and cope harder
With what? That some dirty broke bitch doesn't have a modded PS1? I am coping so hard.>>486455379
>Bro, come on now.
Come on what? It didn't happen as his shitpost explained it.
>>"Instead of just contacting the xStation guy after shit didn't work the first time, I decided to keep fiddling with it until I ruined the board, but it's not my fault!"
Who are you quoting, ape?
>See the archive link above.
You see it, ape. And read the posts where I explain what I did and how it happened.
>If you mean /vp/ in general, I have no idea. In the last several years my 4chan activity has mostly been spent on /hbg/ and /pug/ (when I'm not on a several month hiatus from the game) and lurking /pol/'s schizo threads on my phone when I'm not at home and need to wait for the train or something.
>Thanks for reading my not-TED Talk
Man I seem to be stuck in generals too. Sometimes I try to browse other catalogs but it doesn't last long. What has life come to?
generals are unfortunately the only refuges left from the wider cancer that's taken over most boards here
generals are the cancer
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>I am coping so hard.
Yeah we know, your constant seething makes it obvious.
>It didn't happen as his shitpost explained it.
Now that's some next level cope. It doesn't matter how you say it, in the end you fucked it up. Deal with it.
>Who are you quoting, ape?
>implying that greentext didn't change through the years to be used for more than just quoting

For me it's because most threads are just too dumb to bother with or start up good enough but devolve into a shitstorm after a little while. These generals (/hbg/ or calmer ones, not the gacha coomer ones) have their share of shitposting too but they also have some actual discussions, and there's no need to wade through all the crap on the catalogue to find it.
doesn't look like it
I didn't install gamescript ever. I on an old fw version not sure if it's one that's exploitable or if I have to update it offline. Can I install gamescript at all or not?
you're just fucked
Even the generals are getting it these days.

Sounds about right. Now if only there was much more we could discuss here.
>your constant seething makes it obvious
Nice projection.
You got a mouse in ya pocket lil boy?
>Now that's some next level cope
Everyone that's literate can open the archives and see that you're full of shit. Not sure why you're STILL seething about it. It's like I broke your PS1.
Imply yourself back to where you came from.
>they also have some actual discussions
None contributed by you, because all you do is seethe about some made up shit your mentally ill mind came up with.
>claims others make up shit in their minds
>makes up in his mind everyone replying to him is the same person
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>Self loathing must suck for you then
WTF are you talking about nignog?
The cancer, eh? When did it begin to come on this site?
me in your head rent free
>I-If I post a virgin on a laptop meme image I'll win.
Troll harder, Mr. shitbag son of an incestuous relationship.
Ssh, don't scare the specimen away! This is a good close up look of an actual schizo! The only other time I've seen one was on /vp/.
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>You got a mouse in ya pocket lil boy?
I'm the handheld fag, not the anon with the PS1, but whatever helps you sleep at night.
>None contributed by you, because all you do is seethe about some made up shit your mentally ill mind came up with.
Nice schizo headcanon, especially since I've spoonfed a bunch of people on here already but, again, whatever helps you sleep at night.
lil bro mad
>I'm the fag
Didn't have to tell me twice.

Whatever helps me sleep at night however is me being right and you being wrong. Getting my xstation fixed or replaced soon too and I can't wait to collect my W while you seethe with your shittyass handheld with no games.
>my W
Oh no...he's schizophrenic AND a zoomer!
>>I'm the fag
Who are you quoting? That's not what I said, you liar liar, traces on fire :^)
>Getting my xstation fixed or replaced soon
Traces still won't be fixed; you'll keep being the general's resident laughing stock
Boy, are you one shitbrain full of hot air, nignog. only one of those posts are me, which is >>486468090.
And how is he the fag, even? Do tell, dear egocentric moron. Please explain how >>486469148 is in the wrong, overall.
Do our brothers and sisters at /emugen/ have a residential autist?
>Who are you quoting?
You, fag.
>Traces still won't be fixed
Obviously, faggot ape. I've said that a million times already. Not sure why your autistic shcizo ass keeps obsessing over it still to this day.
Didn't ask, retarded faggot.
If you post there they do.
yes, his name is ivan
>keeps lying
>keeps being a pussy ass bitch that doesn't fix his shit
I shouldn't be surprised. Easy thread bumps, thougheverbeit
What have I lied about, chimp? Also, there's nothing to fix. I have two working modded PS1 boards, just waiting on a working xstation unit.
How does he compare to ours?
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>Didn't ask, retarded faggot
Nice argument there, NOT! Fuck outta here, faglord troglodyte, you are clearly blowing sharts out your ass.
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>What have I lied about, chimp?
About the PS1 being dead not being your fault.
>Also, there's nothing to fix.
Another lie. People have linked videos and sites showing that traces can be fixed and how to do it.
Don't just sing it, bring it. Show it.
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Done >>486073065
Didn't even need to dig around in the archives lmao
Argument for what, monkey? You being a retard? This isn't your school exam.
>the PS1 being dead not being your fault
I've never said that. Literally not once and you can't prove otherwise so stop lying out your dirty bitch mouth.
>Another lie
Where's the lie, dumbass? I LITERALLY said it 10 million times. I said it 30 minutes ago >>486473793. I said it when it happened. I've been saying it, yet your retarded obsessed mentally ill ass wont comprehend it. I am not fixing the traces. I'm just not. Are you gonna give it a break, you pathetic fucking autist? Why you keep spamming about this shit when I tell you time and time again that I'm not gonna bother with the first board is beyond me. You are a lost cause you're that retarded.
Seriously gamescript on Xbox one is our impossible?
Alright then, I can see that. Good for you.
>linking to post where you state something your mentally ill mind made up

Bro thought he was cooking with this one too.
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>Why you keep spamming about this shit when I tell you time and time again that I'm not gonna bother with the first board is beyond me.
You say this right after calling me an autist. Why'd you bother with this sentence after calling me an autist? You're sounding real retarded if you can't put this level of 2+2 together.

>where you state something your mentally
Again with the schizo babble. Note the lack of a (You) on the reply
Bet you also thought you were cooking with that reply, huh?
Go play the Nintendo World Championship leak, losers.
>You say this right after calling me an autist
Yes and you reply with some autistic seethe non argument. Also why did you not only link to, but also post a screenshot of a random post you made quoting some imaginary shit that you made up and nobody said? And I'm supposed to be in the wrong for calling you an autist lmao.
heh, not for >>486477638 but the one below >>486477671
>the same guy that accused me of thinking everyone is the same person quotes a post I didn't make

Every time. Just seething and projection.
>Getting my xstation fixed or replaced soon
Would say it will be in about... 5 hours?
>in about... 5 hours
Your planned suicide? Hopefully.
misclicking is not the same as having mental delusions
I was talking about the second post where you "fix" your quote you single digit IQ imbecile. Obviously I'm not talking about your first post where you misquoted. I could obviously tell and I'm not as petty as your obsessed seething ass to bring that up.
I'm just chuckling at your tantrum, anon.


>>486479448 and >>486479561 are proof of different people as well as your schizophrenia.
Look at the post times, they're shorter than the wait time that 4chan has between letting you post again :)
>chuckling at your tantrum
More projection, nice.
>>>486479448 and >>486479561 are proof of
Didn't fucking ask, autist? Are you ok? Not once did I mention these posts or say anything about them and they have nothing to do with the fact that you quoted a post that's not mine, thinking it was me.

You are unironically sped.
>I am Emotions Man. I no like logic.
>the fact that you quoted a post that's not mine, thinking it was me
Except I wasn't the one that made that post with the 3 quotes.
You really need to find your pill box, lil bro.
>Except I wasn't the one that made that post with the 3 quotes.
So why the fuck are you replying to me and talking about it like you're involved you deranged ape?
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Because you keep saying anyone that replies to your dumbass is the same person, which is not the case, and you keep refusing to admit it.
Show me where or your mom will get cancer. You spammed a reply at me for no reason at all, saying nothing relevant at all, talking about two posts I never mentioned once.
Don't bother, especially if you have no easy way to unbrick (Pandora battery).
If you really MUST have permanent coldboot CFW, read this:
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I posted >>486477130 but the post with the hackaday link isn't mine. Yet you replied with >>486477696
I'm going to bed now, hopefully when I come back tomorrow you'll have found your meds.
>I posted >>486477130 but the post with the hackaday link isn't mine
So why did you link it like it means anything??? Concession accepted.
>pokemon fan
I knew I was talking to the mentally ill.
>Pokemon fan therefore mentally ill
NTA, but how does that connect to a brain ailment by default?
I bet. Go on /vp/ and you'll know.
is liberashop dead? haven't been on my switch in a few months.
I've had my 3DS occasionally crash when playing games. Was not a big deal until now when it crashed and it is not turning back on.

The light is flashing blue when I attempt to power it on and does not do anything else. Can't boot into Luma3DS or GodMode9. Finally managed to get it to boot by removing the SD card, booting, and then rebooting with SD card in.

Any ideas how to fix this in the future? Latest versions of everything. OG 3DS XL, NA version.
Is everything updated correctly? Might try a different SD card too, but I don't remember if you can simply just copy or move the contents without something breaking. Cloning would probably work, but could be a file on the SD card too.
yeah it's dead
your sd card is likely corrupt and needs replacing
So now I can't Xbox one anything because of no gamescript
Wii U user that decided to give it another go hearing about evWii. trying to setup a VC frontend to handle GameCube games. how do I get vWii to consistently output GameCube games in the correct aspect ratio? top is vWii running Wiiflow in 1080p, bottom is Wiiflow running in 480p output. The trouble comes when trying to launch games with anamorphic aspect ratios.
Any nullpomino-type game for PSP? Basically a Tetris homebrew with all the different rulesets and customizable settings
Why does Peace Walker still make me data install when that shit's already on my memory stick
iirc nintendont forces it on wiiu
in one of the issues on their github somebody made a custom binary with that thing removed
Is it possible to change the region of 3DS DLC?
I got Story of Seasons Trio of Towns on a cartridge and want to play it from that, but the damn DLC never released in Europe.
mine was hackfixed by controller firmware update kek, thank you nintendo sir
sup /hbg/
I decided to finally play bloodborne but goldhen has so much patches and I'm not sure what are optimal for my first run
>t. PS4 Slim
freeshop never ever
and that's a good thing
>So why did you link it like it means anything???
The post I replied to said to show "it". Since it didn't specify what "it" was, I decided to show the link on how to fix traces.
Is it really that hard to understand context?
>Concession accepted.
That's my line.

Like I said in my post, I went to bed, that was indeed a different anon.
Once again you show your desperate need for meds.

>is liberashop dead?
Yes. If you want to ask if there are other shops: no idea, since constantly looking for them is more trouble than it's worth and I stopped bothering after the first ones went to shit.

AFAIK, no. You can try to see if there's some fan patch for the EU version that adds the DLC stuff to it, but the easiest way to play it is probably by downloading the US version of the base game.
>I decided to show the link on how to fix traces
You thought you cooked with that one too. Retardedass pokemon nigga lmao.
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It clearly triggered you, since you're using that zoomer lingo a second time to "burn" me.
Have another pokémon :)
Nah you're a pokecuck. You can't trigger anyone.
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Says who, a random anon?
Anyone know if there's a way to add a custom icon and banner to the cartridge slot on a 3DS? To make it either always show the same thing regardless of what is inserted, or detect the inserted game and if it matches, display the custom stuff?

I still prefer using an R4 to play DS stuff, and it triggers my tism that it shows up as a Bomberman game. I understand that these cards work by tricking the system into thinking it's a specific legitimate game, but I wish there was a way to override the images that the 3DS displays for it.

Anything like this? All I'm finding are ways to modify these things for CIA files.
I think the guy running it said something about it getting to expensive to host or something like that, I think someone posted a message from the discord or telegram in a previous thread.
Dude probably just got spooked about Nintendo being more active in going after people/websites hosting piracy stuff.
Yeah. Prove me wrong by listing your top 3 favorite pokecuck games and top 3 favorite pokecucks.
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>Yeah. prove me wrong
How is it a cuck thing, by default, dear egocentric shitbag? You'd be right about the Pokemon franchise being more profitable than both the MCU, and Star Wars. How that a Reddit thing, though? Nice try lumping all fans of Pokemon into the category of "cucks", Down Syndrome faggot. FYI, I started to care less after Gen VI, then Gen VIII was the breaking point for for me. I'm now more into Yugioh Duel monsters.
How come after all these years there's never been an easy way to torrent games directly to your Switch?
It can connect to the internet and it can even run android, am I missing an obvious problem here?
Switch Cards aren't like Floppy Disks nor CDs or DVDs.
But you can torrent stuff to a microSD card on a phone?
Answer the question you autistic little retard.
Oh yeah, that's for sure. also, UnlockSwitch and MIG flash cards.
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Why do you care? It's not like your opinion on the games has any relevance.
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For one, I am not a genwunnertard, and what does it matter, anyway, wasteoid Down syndrome fuckwad with a superiority complex!? All or most of which you've done in this thread is shit on and bash others for liking and loving what you hate or dislike. Back to >>>/v/, >>>/tv/, >>>/bant/, or >>>/b/, ya incorrigible fucktard bitch.
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Anon, his retardation isn't his fault, he just got it kjn the firstbu aplcea,...
Bitchass redditor NPC seething hard.
>look at his last blog post
>part of the reason was is that there are websites having people pay them to gain access to the content and they were using libera to even get most of their content in the first place
Holy fuck, imagine paying to literally pirate games.
t. I bought the sxos
...but enough about you.
NTA but I'm not ashamed
gen 2 and 4 for me all the way, fave pokes be ho-oh, unown and rotom
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there's a thread on gbatemp for acekards where this is described, but afterwards it just works on cfw'd 3ds-
maybe it works for other carts too
>You can try to see if there's some fan patch for the EU version that adds the DLC stuff to it
The only fan patches seem to be one that adds Hamtaro and Cheburashka from the Japanese version, and one that adds gay shit, sadly. Guess I'm just playing the US version and leaving the cartridge to occupy space on my shelf.
It's annoying, because it's probably not that hard to do, but there's just not much interest in it. Too bad I'm retarded, could've tried doing it myself.
Could you link the thread here? I'm having trouble finding it.
Alternatively, does there exist a "forwarder" that just boots whatever is in the cartridge slot? That way I could change the icon and banner for the forwarder.
>Diginiggas STILL seething over KINOmon buck breaking them 20 years in a row.
Kekaroo! Good thing I can't read, that's a job for my HERO CHADOTaro
>Implying /vg/ isn't a reddit freindly board.
This wouldn't have happened if you guys properly killed the gacha threads.
Path of the Goddess ps4 pkg when?
From the 3ds guide
>My console gets stuck on a black screen with blue power light staying on
I fixed it by simply reinserting the cart/SD but what actually causes this? Should I be worried?
I just hold down the power button on mine until it shuts off. Idk what causes it but it happens to me if like a game crashes or something mostly from if I am trying to use cheats and the game crashes and crashes the 3ds. Sometimes it happens with me too because when I try to run stuff for luma on my gateway and I forget I am on my gateway nand instead of luma. Also happens with some ds games, not sure why.
I rember there bring a pic of blawar in a dress, anyone got it?

but be very careful, there's a good chance to brick it.
SNES on PSP is so weird
No one's made a comprehensive compatibility list so I'm just surprised at what does and doesn't run well
DKC1 (no special chips) has noticeable slowdown in the first level and any level that takes place outdoors, while fucking Kirby's Dream Land 3 (SA-1 chip) seems to run at full speed. Would never expect that.
I played zelda on snes psp emu from start to end in like 2019. It crashed mid-late game all the time on the same spot when i time traveled and was not finishable. Only copying the save and skiping that part on PC emu helped. Seems like they just tested if game starts as compatibility check. Can't recommend.
Yeah I try to do any different version when possible.
Luckily there's a ton of SNES games with either a PS1 or GBA port which will obviously run a hell of a lot better on the PSP. The DKC series' GBA ports look like trash but the first game at least has a palette restoration hack. Sadly Yoshi's Island's GBA port is actually worse gameplay-wise because they forgot to tint the fucking red coins.
But there's also storage concerns, I only have 32GB to work with so I could get the PS1 version of Mega Man X3 but since it's so much bigger than the SNES rom I probably won't. Or I could get a bigger SD card but I'm kind of afraid of ever removing this thing after I saw one of those adapters literally crumble with a little pressure
you hear about homebrews?
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crowdstrike homebrews when
>JKSV with WebDAV
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Can anybody shed some light on the behavior of the NSZ tool for compressing Switch games? I've tried googling this and found no answers. I'm not complaining or seeking help, this is purely a curiosity thing.

When I'm compressing an NSP file, it gets to 100%, and then just stops for a while. It normally sits at 100% for about as long as it took for the progress bar to reach that point. I can see it's still writing to the NSZ file, so it's still doing something. What does the progress bar actually indicate?

Additionally, the progress bar has two components: a green section and a blue section. I initially assumed that the green section represented the portion of space that was saved by compression, eg if the green bar is 25%, then the NSZ file would be about 75% the size of the original NSP. But this doesn't actually appear to be the case at all. It seems to not correlate in any meaningful way with the filesizes. So what are the colors all about?
Imagine downloading games straight from the company you are explicitly not paying money to
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unironically might die before fixing my traces
>he nuked his biological traces too
what happened anon are you ok?
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to clarify the issue is GameCube games render in all sorts of weird ass resolutions because it expects a CRT to handle correcting the output to 4:3/crop out the overscan and apply the correct pixel aspect ratio. the issue I was having was, unless I set the Wii U to do 480p, the games output would be in the wrong aspect ratio. Even when it was correct looking on the tv, would still be incorrect on the gamepad. Additonally, games with anamorphic widescreen wouldnt stretch to 16:9.
The solution is adjusting 2 parameters on nintendont
>WiiU Widescreen
only turn this on if you want the game to output in 16:9, only use with games that either have a builtin anamorphic toggle or games with AR codes that correct camera distortion. or you can use the "widescreen hack" option but dont do that.
>Video Width
someone on GBATemp wrote a guide on what to set the video width parameter for Nintendont to output the correct aspect ratio but it wasn't written for the Wii U/vWii's viewport handling. 4:3 consistently looks "correct" with this set to "704" but some games like timesplitters need additonal correction on the "screen position" to center the image. here is an incomplete list of gamecube games outboard resolutions https://www.gc-forever.com/wiki/index.php?title=Swiss/Forced_Progressive_Compatibility_List
I managed to snag a free wii u from a friend, but its stuck on the wii u screen. I've tried a few things now, but does anyone know a quick fix for it?
Universal Updater on my 3DS doesn't tell me when Artic Base updates, because it can't tell that it's already installed, anyone know why?
I'm thinking of buying a dreamcast but I don't wanna spend money on the GDEMU and I don't got the cash to get original copies. How does burned CDi fare with it? I heard there were some issues but is THAT bad?
Only downsides I know of. Dreamcast discs are 1.2GB vs 700MB for a CD, so some games will have stuff cut out and/or video/audio re-encoded at lower quality to fit onto a CD. Some say burned discs can eventually lead to a slightly early death for the laser but I don't know how true that is.
>but I don't wanna spend money on the GDEMU
get one, bitch.
mf my ass is broke although i could just cough up some lil more money and get the console with the thing already
Go the CD-R route for maximum nostalgia
And don't get any of those gay hdmi mods or anything
And def don't get a fucking pvm, just play on a regular ass crt
If you're burning games in 2024, you're doing something wrong with your life. But if you wanna stay in the wrong get something like the saturn or psx, at least their formats are accessible.
And don't listen to this tranny >>486749015 He sounds like he emulates Dreamcast games in 4K with an Xbox controller
Dreamcast is the only console that you're better off emulating, such a waste of money honestly. Please anon, don't buy that shit.
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I'm getting a Communication error when I try to launch pokemon platinum once I make a save
Happens on my 3ds with twilightmenu AND with an official cartridge (also happens on my ds)
Is anyone here able to launch pokemon platinum with a modded 3ds? Apparently it has to do with either : wifi not detected or a bad bios but nothing seems to fix this problem
Only transexual tendies and snoys hate the xkino controller. I remember when you retards shat on code veronica the second 4 released.
>4k leh bad
There's a reason sega trusts atgames more than your shit tablet. 360+dc was a KINO combo.
Is your wifi on? Try turning it off. That helped me with some games o twshitmenu for some reason.
>Is your wifi on? Try turning it off. That helped me with some games o twshitmenu for some reason.
Tried on, off, with a dns, tried setting up the nintendo ds connection in the 3ds, tried updating twilight/nds bootstraper, tried multiple roms from different websites and language
Still the same unfortunately
I have a second ds that's been dead for years, I should receive my ifixit kit soon maybe I'll be able to repair it and it might work then...
get well anon ;_;
There's an IDE HDD mod but I'm not sure how well it works?
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So what are the advantages / disadvantages of cfw over a modchip for switch?
I got a v1 but its dying, so I'm considering getting a v2 and chip it
What did you do
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fucking respond
a modchip allows you to have cfw on v2 switch also how about getting an oled instead
they're the same
If I modchip a v2 switch, will I have to re-hack the device when I turn it off?
Depends on what your definition of "re-hacking" is.
what you're looking to research is auto-rcm
So as long as I keep the FastRecovery folder backed up I can swap memory sticks on PSP no big deal right
Running up on my 32GB so thinking of getting a 128GB microSD card
how do I get my oled modchipped if I can't solder
Your question doesn't make any sense.
You need a modchip to run CFW on patched switches.
Is there any way to disable the PSP's thumbstick for specific games in CFW? It's got drift. Pac-Man CE is effected hard, who the fuck even wants to use a stick in that game, but MGS Peace Walker it didn't effect whatsoever so I don't even think it's drifting that much and Pac-Man CE is just a little bitch game with too small deadzones
try these
funny that they even use pac-man ce as the example in the last one
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>might die before fixing my traces
That was a given, since you've been saying you won't fix them at all. Not to mention the get.
Shitposting aside, get well soon, anon, there's still lots of kickass for you to play around with

V1 can run the CFW without a modchip.
V2/Lite/OLED need a modchip to be able to run the CFW.
I guess the disadvantage is that exploiting a V1 is cheaper, quicker and easier because for V2/Lite/OLED you need to buy the chip and then either risk murdering it if you try to solder it yourself or finding / paying someone that can install it for you.
Note that modchipping an OLED is more difficult than doing it on a V2 or Lite, so it's easier to fuck it up if you try it, or certain people might charge higher prices to install it.

It works the exact same as hacking a V1 since the CFW is the same.
please respond but actually i've been looking into it and apparently loading the games folder takes way longer on bigger sd cards
so maybe i'd just be better off keeping the 32gb and compressing some of the isos? dunno which ones I should compress without the load times becoming awful though. Anything that streams data like the GTA Liberty/Vice City Stories games seem to get bad stutters but something like MonHun or anything with loading zones should be fine right? But probably not Peace Walker
I have an exploitable Xbox one. I don't have gamescript. Have you guys seen the people say that you don't need it. Or what's the deal here. I don't know what to do or who to follow
you definitely need gamescript
theres another app you might need which is what the disagreement is over
Nvm regarding my problem it seems my 3ds is broken
Managed to make it work on my ds
Seems like the wifi card on my 3ds is broken? Does 3ds have 2 wifi cards? As the 3ds settings are working like normal but not the ds wifi
It's clearly a Twishit issue.

o3ds does, yes.
maybe it's loose
How come the sigpatches from the big OP Switch guide don't work for latest firmware/atmosphere? The text suggests they should be up to date but like a third of my games would not launch anymore.
The coomer link in this thread had patches that actually worked though.
Happens on rom and cartridge on my og3ds
I even removed cfw to make sure but same shit happens
I should get an ifixit kit soon hoping it'll work
Works fine. You probably copied it wrong and sys-patch gave you a hand.
i'm pretty sure they're exactly the same patches, besides what the other anon said sometimes it's just how it goes. You paste them once and it doesn't work, paste them again and they work
Do you know the FW required?
Need to update then.
I was like you. Then bought a used Dreamcast and it ran CDI games fine. Until a few weeks later when the laser started to die. After long time i found out it was not the laser but the fucking PSU to Mainboard pins thst had shit connection and the laser with burned discs fucked around by using too much power. So yeah go for it but be careful. Dip the PSU power pins in solder when you start to notice laser issues. This goes also for all other dreamcast fags out there.
Huh, I had the same problem with the PSU.
They are not the same, here are the differences: https://files.catbox.moe/rponsk.txt

I extracted the rentry version to the root of my SD card and it didn't work, next time I compared the directory structures to make sure they were the exact same and took even more care to see that the files were in fact going in all the right places and old files were being overwritten but still didn't work properly. Then the second zip just worked no problem. I dunno why only one of them worked for me since apparently you guys had no issue but just thought I would mention it in case someone else is having this problem.
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found out that PSP games have a shitton of extra data you can just optimize off without compressing
now i gotta do that for like 20 games
already did pac-man CE and space invaders and saved 100mb each
but also, since PSP isos have a variable size anyway I don't get what the point of the dummy data is. Like PS2 isos you get online are always 2GB or 4GB, that makes sense, that's the size of the disc, but what's the deal here?
Yeah... I'm not buying the console. Figured out it's too much of a hassle. I'd rather emulate at this point since the solution is basically a SD card mod attached to the thing.
anyone can explain me why I can't connect a controller with a male/male USB-C wire to my switch on handheld mode?
I want to play gay vidya and shit on the go but I don't have a wireless controller
Did you enable pro controller wired communication from the Switch settings? By default it's off and the usb connection is only used for charging. But also what controller are you trying anyway that is not wireless?
you can, enable it in switch settings
holy fuck, it's true, you can, thanks bros
new games section isnt showing on tinfoil, how to fix? I was using liberashop.
i can't soft reset on pokemon soul silver with my ace3ds x, is there a fix for this?
soft reset works in the other gen 4 games (except heartgold ofc) and also works in b/w and b2/w2
fucking hell, WHY
this was the flashcart recommended for ds/3ds
where can a nigga get completed save files for switch games?
googled switch save files and first link was a gbatemp thread with
do people not know how to search online?anymore?
>do people not know how to search online?anymore?
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to the anon who was searching for this game, did you find it or not ?
PS4: Is kernel panic still a thing on 11.0 or did they fix it?
I've ordered a pppwn dongle and want to know
hmm seems like some games, like Persona 2, don't work when optimizing
turns out optimizing just removes firmware update files that were in the physical releases, which is probably why it removes around 100mb from most games
Don't know why Persona 2 doesn't work with those gone, but whatever
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tried compression
uhh..... cool?
The extra data you actually want to get rid of is not even the OFW update, it's INSDIR with the install data (where available). For example Tactics Ogre becomes around 450 MB after that + CSO compression (from 1.5 GB ISO).
The game can break if the file is missing, so try replacing it with an empty file of exactly the same size instead. If even this fails, CisoPlus can replace files with emptiness while keeping the file's header intact.

Install Data is incompressible because very often it's simply an encrypted (thus incompressible) copy of another, exactly the same file but unencrypted. The devs do this to prevent modding of the installed game data on the memstick while unencrypted file on the UMD is kept to improve reading speed.

Also, dummy files on the disc-based consoles are used to push the actual data to the outer regions of the disc which have the highest reading speed.
Ew, gross, nobody wants that.
i can't believe this shit, i waited a month to get this shit from china and now i can't even soft reset my pokeyman game FUCK

i figured out that if you keep the iso filename the same, and replace it while in psp's usb mode, the game SHOULD stay in the same place in the game list if all is right. if not, it will go to the top. I imagine something with metadata gets fucked on some games. patapon's another one that does this, luckily that game's small already.
I haven't turned on my hacked swtich in over a year, what should i do to update it? Its the early version switch with the pins method, just not sure how to update it correctly so it stays hacked and everything works
No idea, I have R4i RTS with Wood 1.64 and soft reset (L+R+Select+Start) works fine with US ROM from myrient. Ace3DS X is supposed to have Wood 1.62, so it should work too (probably).
has the same problem, no solution but you can try running the game via TwilightMenu or YSMenu (if it's supported by your flashcart).

>same place in the game list
As in XMB? It looks at .iso modification timestamp iirc, PSP Filer can change them on the PSP itself.
>As in XMB?
>It looks at .iso modification timestamp
but if that were the case wouldn't every modified iso go to the top? but in my case, only the fucked up ones do. the rest stay where they were before.
>YSMenu (if it's supported by your flashcart)
is nNot supported by Ace3DS X. Wood 1.62 for them is here:

Maybe it's the creation time then, either way it's one of the 3 timestamps which PSP Filer can modify. It even has an option to move the game to the top of the list if you don't want to micromanage timestamps manually.
I think it is creation time, I noticed that most of my PS1 eboots were sorted at the bottom except for a few, then I realized all the official PSN eboots (and Tony Hawk) I had were created 2014, except for Vagrant Story which was created 2018 which is why it was above all the emulators I downloaded in 2016. But what's weird is that while the creation date of ISOs (and not eboots) does change when transfered the PSP, it doesn't change again if you delete it then put another version on there as long as the other version is still playable.
I'll definitely download that PSP Filer program, seems useful. I should also probably figure out plugins at some point.
>I have R4i RTS with Wood 1.64 and soft reset (L+R+Select+Start) works fine with US ROM from myrient
i tried both the encrypted (which are the ones i usually use) and decrypted roms for hgss and it didn't work, both from myrient too
the screens just turns white when i try to soft reset with L+R+Sl+St
that's the one i have on my flashcart
Delete everything except the Nintendo folder off the SD card and follow the guide.
Soft reset in unpatched US ROM on DSi's SD card (instead of the flashcart) works with TWiLight Menu++ too, chances are it will work if you set up your flashcart to (auto)boot that instead of/via your stock kernel.
Can't you just reset the game via Wood? L+R+A+B+Down by default.
okay, thanks
if only there was a guide in the OP...
you are right, sorry, wanted to make sure
>liberashop is kill
Fuck that sucks, glad I got to make use of it while it was around, found a ton of cool/obscure Dreamcast, GBA, and PSP games from there, I don't imagine the Telegram has em since they're aren't official ports or releases so that's quite a shame.
>I don't imagine the Telegram has em
I'm aware of the Telegram anon
Unless you have A LOT of free storage available I wouldn't bother getting that game, it's SUPER unoptimized storage wise
I meant you could just google them??
Well in that case it's just a matter of just how the game runs when downloaded off of Liberashop vs played via PPSSPP or Retroarc cause idk what exactly the games from Liberashop ran off of
i guess i'll set it to autoboot to twilight menu and use that as a menu instead, way simpler
forgot to add this
>Can't you just reset the game via Wood? L+R+A+B+Down by default.
yeah that's what i've been doing, but for RNG manupulation you need a real soft reset to hit certain frames during startup
i got u bread
Anyone had a dualshock 4 die on them? I bought a new battery but that isn't the issue it seems.
if homebrew is kickass, corporate software punches you in the face?
Is there a homebrew or an option to disable that stupid ds4 blue light?
nvm it's not fixed, i can soft reset HGSS but now the other gen 4 games can't soft reset on twilight menu lmao
i guess i'll just play all my games using the wood kernel firmware and then whenever i'm shiny hunting on HGSS i'll just boot up twilight menu for it
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anyone know where this custom 3ds theme came from? the music that plays is brave shores's never come down. I think it came from an older place that existed prior to themeplaza. what happened to the old place? anybody save themes from it?
>hacking to get a shiny mon you want
>not hacking to inject the shiny mon you want
embrace the blue light
you can set intensity in the menu you get by holding the ps button but yeah you can't shut it off
not what rng manipulation is
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Yes you can

Also what happened with hbgshop
Is it dead? Do we have an alternative nowadays? Even if it's paid I'm interested
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I have NEVER had trouble updating my switch before, but trying to update now it's being a mega fucking cunt and I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong and I'm about to smash my fucking switch with a hammer I'm so angry I JUST WANT TO PLAY SOME FUCKING VIDEO GAMES
I'm so fucking pissed off. Can I back up my saves if I can't boot into the fucking thing? I'm just going to wipe it all and start from scratch. Fuck this bullshit
Nvm I think I backed up my saves. I have a spare SD card that I'm going to fresh install atmosphere on, I'll still have my old one in case I can't transfer the saves over.

God this is infuriating. I just want to play the new NWC game
What exactly happened?
Updated atmosphere and hekate and it kept crashing on boot, giving an error that when googling just showed results telling people to delete a folder related to custom themes. I've never used themes and that folder didn't exist on my sd card. Eventually after trying for like an hour to get it to do anything I said fuck it and deleted my atmosphere and bootloader folders and copied them fresh. Then it finally boot. It acted like I was booting for the very first time, but all my games and saves were still there after the initial setup screen. So I used Daybreak to install the newer firmware, and on reboot it was crashing again. Launching emummc through hekate made the switch black screen after the atmosphere logo, had to hold the power button to force shutdown and then rcm again. Using the fusee payload got past the atmosphere logo, but after the switch logo it crashed again with the same error as before.
Yeah that sounds like a big pain all right. Isn't there a way to downgrade the firmware? That might help boot back up and get your saves at least.
Why can't I inject Pokemon Ruby to work on 3ds virtual console?
because it's not 2017 anymore, these days open_agb_firm is all the craze.
The light-hearted ribbing aside anon, get well soon.
>all the trannyshops are dead even ghost
Well fuck you too nintendo, I'm gonna download tears of kingdom 10 times now just to spite you and your precious lost sales
Do you have wireless G and/or B available on 2.4ghz? The 3ds won't connect to AC, or AX. I had the same thing happen after upgrading routers and didn't realize I disabled those legacy standards.
read the guide in op, it has a clean install procedure, follow that
I think it's a wifi card problem as it works on a dslite now, my 3ds also freezes when I try to configure the DS wifi
Anyone know if this site still exists
Was trying to find a way to add manuals to PSX2PSP EBOOTs and found this, says it's down for maintenance but don't know if it really is or it's just dead
Why hasn't he posted in 3 days
Yeah. That's weird bud. Sorry we couldn't get you up and running.
Found some guy with the same problem as mr and it was either the wifi card that got rusted/oxidation or loosened
wow you will show them for sure!
are cecha ps3s worth doing anything with or should i just sell it? the price seems to fluctuate a bit, mines a cecha00
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Well that's a problem I'm now worried about. I live in a very hot and humid country
I've successfully got all my saves back on a fresh new install. Only thing I'm missing now is all my play time stats. Is there any way to back this up and restore it? I keep seeing online people saying that that data is stored in the savefile for title ID 80000000000000F0 but I can't for the life of me figure out how to back this up. JKSV doesn't seem able to dump it, and I can't find where it is to extract it with TegraExplorer like I did for all my game saves.
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Still can't work out how you fucked up dragging some files onto the SD card.
Me either, done it a million times before with zero issue, this update just decided to be a cunt for no reason
I've done this so many times this thread more than past ones
i still have it
Same. With the 9.2 exploit save probably still loaded.
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just got a new 3ds xl, what games should I get? I'm thinking of starting animal crossing new leaf
Picross. All you ever need.
I love the miku one on steam so I'll definitely give it a shot, any Picross in particular that's better than the rest?
3D Round 2 is decent.
cool, I'll do some research later and see where I can get it from, a friend told me to use hstore but it takes too long to download a game I got a miku game the other day and it took 2 hours, it was downloading at 170kb a second
this, just unplug the ribbon cable, the only small downside is not knowing if your controller is on or off, that was a problem for me cause the battery is so ass I set it so it turns off after 5 minutes of not using to save as much battery as possible
Whats your problem with them, DBZ anon?
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Doug Bowser CEO of Nintendo of America, deserves to be shot in the back of the head or right in the heart for his copyright fuckery, as do at least half of the company's crony lawyer team.
Play all of them like I'm doing kek
Btw, you have the Picross e games that are the "normal" ones, but there are also some spin-offs for specific game series:
>My Nintendo Picross: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Picross but Zelda
>Pokemon Picross
This one had some microtransaction stuff but I think it's fully playable without needing to buy stuff.
>Pictologica Final Fantasy
This one is JP only but there's a fan translation floating around. I suggest getting that one so you can read the character skills and such
I think it also had some MTX stuff but I played through all of it without issue
>Club Nintendo Picross and Club Nintendo Picross+
These are also Asia-exclusive (first one was JP and KOR, second was JP only) but there are also some translations around. Not really needed since they just translates menus and such, but it's nice QoL.
>Miku mentioned
Check out Hatsune Miku Project Mirai DX. FWIW, it has the best version of Kokoro because of the video alone and I'm forever seething that they haven't put that one in other games yet.
And in case you're into rhythm games in general:
>Theathrhythm Final Fantasy Curtain Call (you can also check out the first one)
>Theatrhythm Dragon Quest (JP only but there might be a translation around)
>Rhythm Heaven
>Harmo Knight (one of the rare non-Pokemon games from Game Freak, and it's pretty decent)
>Taiko no Tatsujin (also JP only, but you can look for a translation if you really need it)
Oh right, something I only remembered after posting: you should play at least all of the Picross e games in order because a bunch have extra puzzles if you have saves from the earlier ones.
sweet, I'll do research regarding the order then to play them correctly, thanks!
fuck man this nice, ty picross anon

Thinking about grabbing this PS3, what I'd use it for is to play PS2 games (Don't care for hardware emulation, or playing ps2 discs) (I have 548GB worth of ps2 games) and the handful of worthwhile gen 7 games there are. Would this be good for that purpose?
Personally I don't like playing PS2 on my BC PS3. PS3s already have cooling issues (only completely solvable by delidding your chips and that's not worth the risk imo) and these things absolutely BAKE when playing PS2. Also in PS2 mode, most of the PS3 OS services don't run, including the dynamic fan control, meaning that while playing PS2 games the fan has to run at a constant speed. And since it gets so hot playing PS2, you really need to set that constant speed pretty high, making it extraordinarily loud. When you read people talking about how loud the PS3 gets online, it sounds as though they're all exaggerating. But no, it really does get that loud. You could potentially swap out the fans for something quieter but I've never looked into that. Plus the emulation is subpar. Most of the really popular games will be fine, and most of the popular games that don't work (like the Ratchet & Clank series) have native PS3 ports, but it's never perfect and I really dislike having to research every game before I play it to ensure it will run properly.

All that said, I also have a PC and a high end Android phone that I use to play all my PS2 games, so that's a big factor in why I disregard PS3's BC feature. If I had no other options, and I really wanted to play PS2 and PS3 games, I guess you could do a lot worse than a PS3.
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I'm not >>487179436 but you're welcome either way
Picrel for some extra stuff. I think there's a more recent version of this image but I don't have it.
PS4 can do that for cheaper, but extra hassle.
I wanted to kill two birds with one stone by having a BC PS3 as it can play both PS3 and ps2 games, I wouldn't have to get another ps2 or have to get some HDMI adapter for a ps2.

>Most of the really popular games will be fine, and most of the popular games that don't work
Is there a compatibility list out there?

>All that said, I also have a PC and a high-end Android phone
I too have a high-end gaming PC that runs PS2 just fine, I just want a BC PS3 for the sake of it. Also, phone emulation is falcone soulless.
But the ps4 can't play ps3 games.
Any worthwhile game got a port.
It does, but it's not so great. The compatibility list isn't even reliable. For example, they said KH2FM is playable, but the game actually has a major softlock glitch when you reach Tron’s world. There's a boss called Hostile Program that you can't kill because the glitch prevents the boss from going to the second phase, so you're stuck fighting its first phase forever. This glitch was fixed on the PS3 with a config file, but when I tried to patch the game with that config file, it didn't work. The game just won't boot. I want to report this issue but I don't even know how to edit the page or contact the admin.
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What games would go and delete your shit? Can't find a list
>Is there a compatibility list out there?
I know there is, but can't find it right now for some reason. I remember seeing a giant chart showing every game and how it ran on both the PS2 Classics emulator (used in official PS2 re-releases on PSN) and the built-in emulator on the BC PS3s.

>I wanted to kill two birds with one stone
>I too have a high-end gaming PC that runs PS2 just fine
You might just be better off getting a PS3 slim (they don't die from overheating as often) for gen 7 games and using your PC to play PS2. Unless you're wanting to hook it up to a TV in another room or something, then maybe.

>Also, phone emulation is falcone soulless.
Nah, the best gaming device is the one that's available. I always have my phone, and a controller + clip takes up a lot less space than a whole game console. I love Android for emulating while traveling and not having access to my other hardware.
aw fuck i updated my tempgba to the mod version
how do i make it english
get yokai watch and netpass and start hunting pandanoko
sweet, I am actually watching tutorials on how to mod the damn thing, wish me luck man
good luck! it's easy unless you're a total retard. prioritize following the guide over following outdated videos.
thanks bro, the console already has luma3ds installed so I'm just going to update that using the guide you gave me. shouldn't be too hard I reckon
yup, stupid easy. for future reference, you can find a backup of the guide again (and others) in the OP
the 3DS section has post-setup resources
do you know of a reliable website to download cia files for the games? cuz I tried downloading a game the other day with my friend's modded 3ds to get familiar with the software and it took way too long, like 2 hours for a single game
large games can take a long time because the 3ds has shitty install speeds, but 2h is way too long. I haven't pirated anything in a while, but I think hshop has a direct cia download for everything.
if you don't like hshop, then
>the 3DS section has post-setup resources
I was downloading this Miku game and not kidding it was at 170kb/s
bro left us without a trace...
3ds is slow as fuck dude. plan on installing and playing your games on different days
Right that's the problem, I basically would have to download like 4 games at night, go to sleep, wake up and then they would barely be done
So when I try to download the PSU to my PS3 it says “No applicable update data was found.” My usb 3.0 is formatted to fat32 and has the ps3 AIO folder so I’m at a deadend. Any anon able to help me?
I meant to say PUP file
The firmware? It should look like
Yup thats how it looks
What firmware are you trying to install?
Trying to format an SD card to fat32 for the 3ds is hell if you don't have a pc
HEN isn't really firmware itself, rather a modification that sits on top of existing firmware. Your PUP file, is it official firmware, or a "hybrid" firmware? What version, and what version are you currently running?
Bravely Default and Bravely Second. If you care about seeing more skin on the chibi-esque models in a couple of the outfits, there's an 'uncensor' patch out there, though it's not all that necessary in my mind.
that's actually been on my backlog since it came out so for like 10 years now, I am interested in the patch I'll take a look thanks. still I will have to continue modding the 3ds tomorrow cause I need an sd card adapter to connect it into my pc, it's impossible to format an sd card to fat32 on samsung
Well it doesn’t matter
For any anons out there struggling with this, I just installed it via Safe Mode
Glad you solved it, but... *what* did you install?
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Can anyone share any sound rips/SFX list from Bravely Default?
Searched my ass off and couldn't find a single webpage hosting any of it.
>though it's not all that necessary in my mind.
Yes it is.
Everyone must see the brilliance of pic related's outfit designs.
>code name steam recommended
really? I liked it, but I had thought it did really poorly. last I checked it was worth like $5. I got mine for free because my friend only wanted the majora's mask pin preorder bonus.
so where do you get updates from now that liberashop is dead
Hybrid Firmware
I'm actually kinda sad
it happens
same place you get games
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Update: I was able to fix it by simply removing then reinstalling the wifi card
Ds connections mode now works and pokemon platinum too (test with a random save found online)
based problem-fixer
Nice one. Given a fair few people have the same problem I would have never suspected a hardware issue, but here we are.
Is the DualShock 4 the worst controller ever made or what? At first, the D-pad pressed by itself and now L1 and L2 are randomly pressing on their own too. I have many controllers from other consoles that still work fine since I bought them. Why is this the only one with problems? Am I doing something wrong here? I swear I already use it as gently as possible.
I've had problems with all my PS controllers but the DS4 is the only one to flat out die and never return.
You should open it up and clean the pads. Seems like the shell might be misaligned and is hitting the buttons too.
PS4 hacking is very similar to the Switch.
Only the game + update files are 100gb total each time.
You can try terminating the process keeping the save open and dump it that way, I guess. That's how I used to do it for system shit I wanted to dig through.
Hasn't happened to my DS4, but my DS3 started doing that, as I was playing Demon's Souls. Taking it apart and thoroughly cleaning it completely eliminated the issue. Have you tried that?
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Same here with DS3, two of them even. Both legit OEM (bundled with new PS3s), and I used them on a PC through USB connection. They do this when they don't like the angle at which the USB cable went in.

I've just tested all 5 DS Pokemon games with pic related running Wood 1.64, and soft reset works in all of them. Report the problem to TWL Menu dev and hope for a fix (or an update for Wood 1.62 on your flashcart).
R4i Gold 3DS RTS is not manufactured anymore, last batch was around 2016 or so and my one is even older (2013).
i remember getting it like a few days after the exploit was released, it was a lone used copy at 5 bucks in a gamestop. I wonder what the clerk thought, if he knew about it or not
Note to self: never put life on the line when trying to get a 4chan get, because that shit will get you even if it takes a while.

>Bravely Default
Good lord I just remembered the grind that it has about halfway through, to get the good ending. Other than that getting a bit mind numbing (even though they made it plot relevant kek), it's still one of my favourite 3DS games.
I dig the art style, I always thought it looked ethereal
Is there a homebrew method for toggling 3d on the 3ds?
My slider won't turn it all the way off, and using the parental controls is obnoxious if I want to turn it back on.
Rosalina doesn't seem to have an option, which would be the ideal.
SO... I got everything fixed, my luma is updated to the latest version as of today and now the guide says
>SECTION 2: In this section, you will update your system to the latest version, which is safe to do with custom firmware."
now I know it says it's safe but is it really a good idea to update the console? sounds like a bad idea to me
there's a stopper whatever in that slider that clicks when you turn the 3D off completely, have you tried pushing down harder to make it click or idk if that doesn't work cleaning the slider with compressed air or a contact cleaner?
Is this a New 3DS thing? My OG 3DS has never had any sort of click on the 3D slider.
N3DS definitely has to be clicked off.
I've tried cleaning it a few times without success. It is an O3DS, so no clicking.
I don't know if it's just still dirty, or if something's damaged.
For NSO apps: I "match version with local users" with my legit Switch
For everything else: the usual ublock origin required websites
so the slider goes completely down but the 3D effect is not turned off? Or do you feel like the slider can't go down completely (hence the 3d effect not being turned off)?
It can't go down completely, if I understand you. If I slide it down all the way, the 3d strength fickers but it never goes off.
I was just testing and the flickering seems to be affected by the screen tilting on the hinge.
I don't know about 3DS, but that's definitely a thing on my O3DS XL. The slider stops at around 2mm before bottoming out, and 3D is turned off only if you push it further.
>sounds like a bad idea to me
why would it be
i mean, main point is that you don't need to do it at this point, but that's also why there's no need to not do it, it doesn't lock you out of anything but it does get rid of the update nag
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I dunno if this is the right place to ask, but are ps4 touchpad ribbon cables 10 pin
I know that the charger to motherboard ribbon cables tend to be 12-14
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I still have a 3.60 CFW Vita. How should I go about updating it? Won't downloading 3.74 break everything?
You shouldn't update it
3.60 is the perfect firmware. I dunno what it's called now but reF00D got rid of all firmware requirements back in the day.
I see. Thank you.
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>ps1anon dies
>now people stop making fun of him
He died how he lived: without a trace.
that's messed up
N3dsxl or N2dsxl for playing ds/gba games (pokemon)
Plan to play the gba games with the Virtual Console injector (so no TWpatcher for them) and the DS ones through TwilightMenu (With TWpatcher)
I currently have a OG3ds but it's too small for my hands now
Which one has the best screen for those games?
Can you play gba games without Gbarunner2 on the dsi? On my 3ds gbarunner doesn't work 70% of the time so I had to inject them instead
Can find a dsi xl for ~60€ used, worth it you think?
Ordered one for 50 bucks
Hoping you didn't lie to me anons
You know, that's a good question.
>Can you play gba games without Gbarunner2 on the dsi?
> On my 3ds gbarunner doesn't work 70% of the time so I had to inject them instead
but why
if you didn't like it i am ready to buy it from you for 50 bucks
>take a couple weeks off of 4chimmy
>come back
>traces still fucked
Let me guess, we're still waiting on proof from xStation dev too?
Thanks for keeping this alive, man.
Ended up boughting the dreamcast and Im burning games rn. So far its been great, but I have a really really stupid question... will I be able to convert a gdi file to chd and run on the system?
Jesus Christ, excuse my brainfart
>but why
Idk, sometimes it plays the game but 8 out of 10 times it stays on a blank white screen
Tried reinstalling Twilightmenu/resetting it to default but same problem
And when it works there's some line bug on the bottom of the screen for some unknown reason
I don't mind using the inject as the game is almost fullscreen despite being blurry, I have a shitty eyesight so I don't mind it
Heh, I should be getting it by Monday hopefully
Surprisingly there were multiple for that range of price, expected it to be more expensive
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>sounds like a bad idea to me
The CFW is already permanent, updating the console doesn't remove it.
The only thing that might go wrong is the console not booting up if you forget to update Luma before updating the console, but you can fix that by replacing Luma's boot.firm file for the most recent one, on the SD.

>his photo was taken around the same time that Biden vanished from the public eye
Is it time to get the tinfoil hats?

Depends on whether you mind the N2DSXL feeling a lot flimsier and "cheap plastic-y" than the N3DSXL.
>Plan to play the gba games with the Virtual Console injector
Just use open_agb_firm.

>on 3ds
>using gbarunner
>when you could be using open_agb_firm to run the games natively
See picrel.

Nah, anon, we're waiting on proof of life now.
Remember his 0 roll for the PS1 getting nuked and him as well? It took a while but it finally came to get him: >>486725875
>not wondering about PS4, Xbox One or Switch exploits.
>>when you could be using open_agb_firm to run the games natively
I want the games on my home screen though
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Ok /hbg/ Im a scaredy cat
How do I use MTP to install stuff on my switch without fucking up?
my console's emuMMC has been on airplane mode day one because I still play online shit on the sysMMC.
What should I do to not fucking up my shit
set up dns mitm to block ninty servers on emummc, then use DBI mtp responder (press X), click on sd card/nand install and drag and drop your stuff
it's easy, you just
1. plug in an usb cable
2. there's no step 2, it's that easy
the guide in op explains it a bit more in detail but that's the gist of it, as rhe other anon said then you just press the mtp button while in dbi and you're in like the hackermen do
Why would I ever use DBI when Awoo has always Just Werked AND I get to look at big tiddie thick anime girls while my game installs?
sadly for now I need to use mtp because my stupid right joycon literally exploded and my controller is wire-only.
Usually O either use the drag n drop function on DBI or NS+Awoo
gotcha, thanks pal, gonna try asap
just another thing bro, is Incognito or 90 DNS still needed or mitm is enough?
Why not all three?
I don't even know what mitm is but pretty sure I have Incognito and 90 DNS on mine.
I don't get why you would need those anyway. MTP should be done through the USB C cable.
>I don't mind using the inject
but why

You can with GBARunner3 instead. Seems to have better compatibility but no UI at all and no button remapping.
Not him but installing it is a complete mystery to me.
You need a GBA BIOS and a GBARunner3.nds in Twilight menu's emulators subdir, is all.

Pick the topmost build in Actions on github, then replace github.com with nightly.link in the URL to get the downloads if you don't have a github account.
Place the .nds into _nds\TWiLightMenu\emulators on your DSi's SD card (or your DS's flashcart)
Get the [BIOS] Game Boy Advance (World).zip from myrient or gba_bios.bin, rename it to just bios.bin and place it inside _gba folder in the root of your DSi's/flashcart's microSD.

GBARunner2's ROM browser (shows up if you touch the black screen - usually bottom - on your console) will open GBA subdir in the root of your SD/flashcart if it exists, so it's better to have your ROMs in there.
Also, GBARunner2 comes bundled with Twilight Menu, so no installation necessary for that one. ARM9DLDI version is faster but hardware-dependent (use it if it works on yours; if it doesn't, it never will), ARM7DLDI is the fallback.
GBARunner3 will work as described only in the recent version(s?) of Twilight Menu, older versions need manual editing of some .ini somewhere to enable it (so don't use them).
Oh, I forgot about configs (game-specific hacks)
These must be in the _gba\config subdir for GBARunner3. Use "Download ZIP" from the green "<> Code" button on github to get the entire set in one archive, then extract them from there.

Is transferring to a bigger sd card on a modded 3ds as simple as just moving files?
i own one by the way, i am just saying that as a way to express my responsibility to anon cause i am the one who recommend it to him.
is there a point for me to wait in the 11.50 in the PS4 or im fucked forever?
11.0 isn't even that old breh. There might still be a chance to buy a console with it.
sony recently released 11.52 with "security fixed", so it's reasonable to assume that 11.50 has an exploit that will be disclosed by someone in about 6 months
>one piece odyssey releases for switch officially tomorrow

>can download and play it now on my cfw switch

I falcone love having a modded switch. Fawk jews, fawk the anti christ, fawk whitoids, fawk negros, fawk onlyfans. It's gaming time.
to anon who's dsi got bricked, what did you do ?
Thanks I'll test gbarunner2 first once I get my dsi xl then gbarunner3 if I'm having some problems
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Fuck off Lumatard or Pastafuckwad
GWchads still winning
What is that, though?
gayway :^)
Dug out my old vita and it still works, 3.60 henkaku. Do I update to 3.65 enso or whatever?
any chance there have been new developments with gamescript? I have an exploitable unit but no gamescript installed. I still dont have a fw but what is it looking like in the horizons? i need to pirate on day 1. please help me, it's my only wish
So what's the deal with chinky trannies?
Fuck you hbg
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>[15 Apr] 0syscall6 1.3 https://github.com/SKGleba/0syscall6
>check the repo
It may be time to remove that from the news
If I want to play Wii U games can I use the Wii U controlelr on a PC emulator or should I just buy a console and homebrew it?
As the 0 of old foretold.
Get well anon.
depends. which of the two makes your pp harder?
The only substantial difference I know of is that the cheats are getting made for the 3.65-only version of the cheating plugin (VitaCheat).
It may be time to kys.
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emulating games at 4k 120fps with the original controller makes me harder
what is up with psn download speeds? Trying to use nps browser and sometimes i get 60mb/s but then it caps to fucking kb/s.
if by 3.60 henkaku you mean the very first one then yes you should update
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r8 my tracefix, /hbg/
I haven't touched my vita in a couple years. Anything neat I should be aware of?
hush, he is going in order
i think he de-bricked, or at least someone told him how to, check the last threads
rolling for your rating
it's good if it's your first one, but try using isopropyl to clean up a bit
I thought it was a meme to say shit like boughting and buyded now. Also probably not, CHD is a pretty complicated format that doesn't seem to work on most consoles, at least not PSP or PS2.
>I thought it was a meme to say shit like boughting and buyded now
same but with "payed"
Oh nice, thanks anon

It still makes me chuckle that they sort of made him look like Biden.

If it works then it's better than no fix.

>I thought it was a meme to say shit like boughting and buyded now.
Nah, it's just that too many people are braindead retarded.
he's really dead I can't believe it...
i want to say that he definitively left a trace within our hearts
Is he right Wii U bros
Not when 2tb drives are not even that much more expensive.
>using spinning rust for anything
>Never heard of SSDs before
and our tables covered in flux
last thing i know was that he gave up because it requires soldering
don't have to worry about that, i am going to buy a 2ds
>take 3ds sd card out
>plug into my computer
>open citra (or whatever the current 3ds emulator is)
>run a game using the save file from my 3ds
is there a way to do this without first dumping the save files manually?
the idea of being able to switch to and from my 3ds/pc sounds pretty nice, but i've searched around and haven't found a solution for this yet
Saves are stored on the console nand.
even if i have cfw installed? crap
i guess i could write a very bare bones homebrew application for the 3ds that dumps all of your save files and sends them over via ftp to a pc
that's going on my big pile of "i should really do that but i'll probably forget about it" projects
simpsons hit and run just got a port and it runs pretty nicely
JKSM + FTPD is probably the quicker route.
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>or whatever the current 3ds emulator is
>mfw citra still hadn't got to the point of just working and some games still need a specific version to run properly
oh nice
Bump of death prevention!
I gave him a link with ntrboot for DSi, implying that it's possible to restore his NAND backup without soldering and the only reply was literally "nice" which I guess was just a thread bump.
Anyway, a ntrboot-flashable DS flashcart and a working (2/3)DS(i) to flash it on is a viable alternative to a hardmod for unlaunch-bricked DSi's.
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[25 Jul] open_agb_firm beta build 2024-07-25
please respond
this is not emugen
check pcgw
We can't stop winning.
Looking to get a PS2. Whats best setup to get great compatibilty and load times?

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