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>What is Pokémon Masters EX?
A mobile Pokémon game that's real-time instead of turn-based and focuses on collecting trainers instead of Pokémon.

>Sync Grid Simulator, CS stage info, Lodge topics and more
>Pomakek but better
>Tier List Maker
>Eggmon viability guide/tier list

>Legendary Gauntlet Info

>Model ripping/datamining project FAQ
>Upcoming Events

>Pokémon Masters EX soundtrack with tracks up to the previous update (Unova Neo Champion 2, Larry, Klara, Avery). All the tracks are looped, tagged and sorted.

Previous Thread:>>485313578
Greta's biggest spotlight after decades, but not as huge as eventual Spenser or Tucker in comparison, the forgotten and erased frontiers from the rushed remakes. At least Juan was in the PWT.
They will introduce a new battle mode for anni. In this mode, A. Steven will shine. Just wait and see.
datameme please
>A. Steven will shine
thats UBs, he beats 6/9
Gets carried at 6 UBs*
Probably the best I can do.
I'm hoping one of the anni pairs will be good for this mode. An Arceus could work as a universal type rebuffer.
Why does this idiot Hugh move instantly sometimes and others he just stands there for 20 seconds? I hate how inconsistent this is
Enemy party works by the same move gauge rules as the player's party.

He has a one bar move and a three bar move, sometimes he just spams acid and wastes your time.
You would think with -6 speed and paralysis he’d be less instantaneous.

Acid being slow and a chance of debuffing really is the most annoying thing he can do.
Greta sold as well as Klara. Outsold Roxie and Dahlia.

She won
I keep confusing Greta and Geeta
Both took a shit on Roxie so an understandable confusion
this is a blue board
Bea says desexualize the female nipple
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I guess I should be happy to get a new pair from the mix, but this guy brings me no joy.
Save your gems for the select scouts if you want specific pairs
maushold sync pair when?

>press population bomb once
>3 minute DPS timer expires before animation is finished
A daily a day doesn’t hurt
It does since it's not bringing you joy
thankfully multi hit moves are fast in this game
True for this particular case, but getting a move level for a 1/5 tech or a new actually useful pair is apart of the gamblers fun.
Piggy anon is a known AI fag so I’d say that’s worse
>HISUI anni!!
>Champion trio anni!!
Watch them release SV protags and legendaries
>SV protags
not popular or relevant enough for anni
might not even be popular enough to get Masterfairs kek
>not popular or relevant enough for anni
just like hisui or lance
Hisui (Volo) is

Lance isnt, but they have to include him if they do Cynthia and Steven.
Just like they had to include Blue and Leaf with the Red anni
Volo carrying a region does not mean the region is popular enough to have a full 5th anni dedicated to it. Maybe there could be one Hisui rep in form of boss form Volo, but a whole Hisui anni? Nah.
>Anni is Volo (Hisui), Cynthia (Champions) and random Juliana (SV)
There, done
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IF the main event of the anni is fighting/stopping Volo, then its a Hisui anni, plain and simple
Most likely that would mean all 3 MF characters with the Sinnoh theme skill (Volo + Cynthia + ?), but we'll see

Besides, its Sinnoh. If any region ever got a full anni for itself besides Kanto - it'd be Sinnoh (the other one would be ~Unova, but they just got 2)
Volo flopped though
that was Larry
that was Klara
that was me
that was Cheren
the only thing that flopped about Volo is his cock on your face
Is there a sync pair that can reduce allies accuracy?
>roark halloween battle in rally again
cursed stage but at least this time it's on second battle
no lol
SS Lusamine has post sync AOE accuraxy debuff in Discombobulare Mirror Shot, can reduce up to -2 per turn, beside Hapu there was also some other pair or two that did reduce accuracy in similar ways but forgot them, Hapu should reduce -2 per turn with grid too jut on single target.
>what is reading
anon please
nevermind, why would you want this, stupidest shit to ask for
>nevermind, why would you want this, stupidest shit to ask for
your sc guzma?
miss attacks = no animations = can be good for DC
>nevermind, why would you want this, stupidest shit to ask for
It's good for DC because no animation. You can replace Barry/Colress with something better (zone setter for example).
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One day this will be meta
It was meta when sync moves removed your stat buffs. Now it's useless.
>It was meta when sync moves removed your stat buffs
Anon, sync grids didn't exist back then.
NTA but didn’t Holiday Siebold get his grid really late as well?
Grids were introduced in 1.5.5
Reset stat was removed in 1.6.0
Didn't stat resets on enemy syncs used to not apply to crit rate? It's been so long I've forgotten how this used to work.
I think it did wipe it because I have distinct memories of malding at retarded people who'd bring karen to co-op only to spend 4 turns buffing, then snarl once and get everything wiped
honestly I think the game could have been potentially better with the mechanic still in place in the current day and age when they're not afraid to come up with their own shit rather than trying to stick to the source material, they could designs pairs that work around the mechanic and trainer moves could have been a bit deeper than just something you most of the time just press at the beginning of a battle and that's it
I think that's what they originally had in mind with almost everything having 2 charges but like with many other things, they misjudged how fun people would actually find it to play that way
UBs now with that gimmick would be absolute nightmares and all pairs would truly have the same boring sets outside of just CS2.
I'm sure they'd design UBs differently you can't really do a direct comparison
It’d be actually more interesting, I think. You’d have to choose between Dauntless or Headstrong, or CS2 to try and race down pre-sync.
Crit shouldn’t have been wiped.
Don't teach Air Slash to Will
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How many people ITT still have their bullshit items?
Yes sets as in a preset. Running Dauntless and Headstrong just sounds boring since obviously physical attackers will always want headstrong and the same with special attackers and dauntless, it’s just CS2 number 2
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Holy shit, fuck Courtney, fuck the ground type, fuck acid spam. Also if you’re doing this, only use Leer twice to actually hit Courtney’s last sync.
Wtf is a training machine?

Also why doesn't Dena auto remove these useless items like with events items.
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>get best possible outcome with timing and some lucky paras and get the max amount of syncs
>none of them crit
I hate this bitch right now
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They let you unlock new moves for pairs back when that was a thing.
You can exchange them for random garbage in the shop but it’s funnier to have thousands of useless items.
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Fucked up at one point, but don’t care. Never doing that again.
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I want another Sonia alt
Old and busted
I always get Roxie and Roxanne mixed up.
One of the Lear event battles uses Snatch to steal your stats.
I still have Mew Tech Drinks that I can't get rid of.
I always triple check to make sure there isn't a random character specific material in the shop even though I know they never do it outside of sync orbs now.
wonder why the loading screen is stuck.
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How does she still not have any alt
They should give us tickets for account levels that we can spend on characters. It would make a stamina rally actually useful
Similarly with a Penny UB (or was it a Battle Challenge?) where a side Vaporeon had Haze... still, over the ~four years of no sync buff wiping meta we've only had a handful battles where enemies can remove buffs.
It was a battle challenge. I remember it being a weird fight not a hard one.

Man there's so many things I forgot about the early game. Remember the first legendary event where you had to grind for like 20 hours ingame to max mewtwo? Remember suicide bombing with Roark? Remember when Olivia was the best unit in the game for like 6 months straight? Remember when Serena launching with AOE sleep was the single most overpowered thing in the game? Remember Flint's sync grid?
>Remember Flint's sync grid?
I'm still not over it. Such power is simply incredible. Nothing ever came close to it since.
They should have locked the DC fights to only allow on type pairs (ie pairs with at least a move that is on type). This mode is currently so boring and shit, it's always Steven/Red + Barry/Colress + sync nuker.
The actual ranked event will be more interesting to see the high scores since you can only use characters once.
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Will you pull for them?
Sada my cavewoman wife
No, they’re only interesting by being canonically dead.
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Robots that want to die but cant because of their programming are pretty cool
Yeah, but again the struggle is what’s interesting. If they stuck around and lived among the masses they just become another chunk of data bloating the game because they’re boring.

The actual professors themselves aren’t interesting because the one chance the DLC had to show how deranged they’re alluded to be wasn’t capitalized on.
>can't decide which unit to use the tickets on

I'm going to hoard these forever
Moltres bros the japs think Charizard is the strongest fire type in masters
it strikers only. Moltres is a tech
>strikers only
charizard brainrot is a serious issue
That's for AoE Syncs
Hilda & Victini have better syncs than all Charizards so they’d still be wrong. Same with Bouffalant
That list only makes a (small) amount of sense if they only looked at move damage (basically ~big BP number on buddy move) and not much else.
Otherwise half of it is very retarded

>for AoE Syncs
ok. But even so for syncs:
-SS Hilbert (Strike role) > SC Barry
-SSRC (Strike role) > SC Irida
-Akari > NC Marnie
-Palmer should be also have the best Normal AoE sync (especially since he sets his own zone for himself), but I'm not 100% sure here
-for Steel I dont know if Poppy or Rose have the better sync

Maybe they arent taking role cakes/WZT into account, but thats dumb
>Hilda & Victini have better syncs than all Charizards so they’d still be wrong.
>Lower base bp than redzard
>less sync multiplier
Do the calcs it’s still stronger than redzard and requires way less setup
>Hilda & Victini have better syncs than all Charizards
I doubt that
Mix Blue has 150% sync multipliers and an extra x1.5 from his own sun. Vilda cant match that. Then he also has some SpDef debuffs for further boosting.
Vilda was good for her time, but NY Wallace and Mix Blue have surpassed her for Fire AoE
Hilda is not stronger than Red with EXR tho
Calcs support this
Palmer is stronger than Hugh tho
What are they talking about? Tornadus’ AOE sync is way better than Tornadus’ AOE sync
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Red lost
This is even with a handicap since I realized I compared a 4 star Vilda to a 5 star Red
>4 star Vilda
This is why you don't let monkeys do calcs, they'll think they're smart
Yet it's still stronger than Red at 5, so what's your point retard?
That someone like you that doesn't even know what he's talking about isn't reliable to listen to for a calc, there's no such thing as a 4 star Vilda
Oh you're retarded I see, carry on
your theme skills?
your gear?
your maxed kanto circle?
Says the guy claiming he did a 4 star Vilda calc
Your theme skills?
your gear?
Your maxed Unova Circle?
Vilda does all this.

Don't care you're the only retard being pedantic about move levels.
>Your maxed Unova Circle?
Your -2 fire rebuff?
your sun?
Now tell me how Red's getting Haymaker with your Kanto Circe and Moltres on the team
>Don't care you're the only retard being pedantic about move levels.
If you're too stupid to know Vilda could never be a 4 star why should anyone trust you know how to operate a calc, it's not even pedantic since it wasn't a typo on one as you said 4 5 instead of say 5 5
>wahhhh Red lost
Stop crying anon, you can still send him out in pvp
Yeah I knew you didn't have an answer to that
>Now tell me how Red's getting Haymaker with your Kanto Circe and Moltres on the team
Chase + Red + Leaf
You use his tm after mega since chase raises his atk
>but it takes a lot of syncs.
chase accelerates the sync like crazy and red can use Prop 9 on tm so it doesnt take that long
My answer was you being a pedantic faggot who can't make a real argument to actual proof. The picture was all you needed yet you still cried about me not saying move level instead of stars.

And you're just a crazy man, that's the most unrealistic and rng dependent scenario. Meanwhile the fight would be over by the time you did all that with Vilda.
Considering how now we have extra energy... let's just compare both SS Red and SS Hilda as they are both mainly strike. Both with be 150, EX Role, 10 extra energy, gridded for most Sync damage, WW3/SP3 and Gear with 100 of offensive stats.
>SS Red
526 Sp. Attack, 338 BP , multipliers up to x3 (Haymaker, Solar Flare 5+2, WW3/SP3)
With Gear + Mega + Final BP: 1344 Sp. Attack and 1014 BP
Pros: Soften Up 1 ensures his sync always crit.
Cons: needs someone to max his Attack
>SS Hilda
593 Attack, BP goes to 375, multipliers up to x3 (Rising Tide, Scorching Sync 5, WW3/SP3)
With Gear + Final BP: 1247 Attack and 1125 BP
Pros: can get Super Effective Next every time she syncs. Gives another boost thanks to EX Role.
Cons: needs to burn the enemies for maximum setup.

Now, that's how these units are "by themselves" and ignoring team composition. For that aspect, it is still somewhat "balanced":
>SS Red
NC Leaf : Rebuff (-2 ST, -1 AoE), sets sun twice and extend it, Support EX Role
Chase: sync accel, apply Kanto Circle S
Mix Blue: sets sun, can max SS Red's attack, can shred defenses
Using Rebuff + Weather + Circle would give a x1.5x1.5x1.4 but losing Haymaker's setup unless you use TM after Sync
Using Rebuff + Weather would give x1.5x1.5 with Blue setting the Haymaker stats.

>SS Hilda
NC Nate: can apply Unova Circle P and shred defenses
NC Bianca: can apply Unova Circle D and shred defenses
Or just fill for a fire setup.... maybe NC Leaf I suppose.
Using both Circles for SS Hilda would give a x1.4x1.2
Using NC Leaf + NC Nate would give a x1.5x1.5x1.3

Now, all of this is just building for damage output. Both units have a way with Propulsion 9 in grid, but SS Red also has Prop 1 and 2 uses of TM... so up to anyone to actually try the compositions...
>Meanwhile the fight would be over by the time you did all that with Vilda.
Not in UBs. But in any case, the best fire team is chase + mix blue + leaf. They would end up a fight before hilda can even sync, because of the sync accel and max kanto circle.
>My answer was you being a pedantic faggot who can't make a real argument to actual proof. The picture was all you needed yet you still cried about me not saying move level instead of stars.
The burden of proof was on you in the first place since you're the one contesting Charizard being picked and you couldn't even do it right, your picture is even untrustworthy because you in true retard fashion set different conditions for each since it shows Red doing MORE damage than Vilda despite the raws instead of giving them equal scenarios
You say this but unlike Red, Hilda has uses in UBs. Not dropping her own defenses just from using a TM and having support role are way better.
The conditions were set the same for both, if you don't like the results put in the calc yourself instead of whining
They obviously weren't since they don't line up with the raws, your own image blatantly goes against what you're saying, literally a monkey using a tool too sophisticated for him
Back up your words with your own calcs
What different things would a talking plush doll of Klara say when squeezed?
And what words were those?
That I set different conditions. Use your own calcs with the same conditions for both and post them
Are you joking? You can see it on your own side. The raw scales with the user side damage output. It shifts by changing conditions like weakening the enemy more on one side than the other, which you must have done. You don't need external proof for something you can see on your own calc. Again, your own image makes you look like a dumbass for contesting this.
Oh so you can't back up what you say with your own proof, got it.
Screenshot your full page for each with those exact values from your earlier image and if there's nothing different on each page I'll admit I was wrong. But you can't because you'll see that I'm right. That's the only way the damage output can be different than the raws.
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I never touch the stats for them since they stay like that for other pairs I used in the past so they both have these when I do calcs. Now I admit I didn't realize I had 2 sync buffs set, but it still applied to both of them. It may not be the most optimal way of doing calcs but It's always the same way for pairs I want to check.
Look at your -Def and your -SpDef for the enemy, I knew you messed up
If anything it just puts it in Red's favor, but Hilda still had the higher damage. Fixing just proves my point better I guess
Doesn't that benefit SS Red? -3 Def vs -6 SDef.
That's why I never trust what you monkeys post for calcs because it was obvious you don't know what you're doing with your inputs to actually be trusted to make a fair comparison. The tool is always right, but you don't know how to use it.
Sure sure whatever you say anon, glad you still proved I was right about Vilda having the better damage.
Buy my album.
That's actually hilarious since that very attitude despite being a dumbass that can't calc circles back to literally what I said about a monkey thinking they're smart.
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Here are some numbers with all the setup said there... Only adjusted for applying circles and 0/+6 Atk on Red scenarios with Chase and Blue respectively. I didn't include a SEUP for SS Hilda's 2nd sync, which would've made it x1.5 more damage.
Yet you were still wrong, must be pretty embarrassing to be outsmarted by someone you consider a monkey
I'm sure you need to think I'm wrong to protect your fragile ego. If you want to keep that ego intact I guess don't go looking for a post of mine that picked a side.
are you using def drops mitigation
I can feel your seething from here anon
Bluechad here to save the day
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It has Enlightenment 5 for both at -6 as that's what appears in most of the content. Here are the params.
Yeh, Mix Blue should be better. I just compared the Red vs Hilda thing. If anything, Blue also having access to a Max Move with sure crit in all his moves is even more appealing.
Generic umad post is more proof of a fragile ego that doesn't want to face reality
More like you're just upset and can't stop replying after everything is over. I've proved my point so I'm done for today, have fun replying anon.
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Welp, the configuration that I used to compare SS Red and SS Hilda gives this... Bluebros...
>Called you out from your first post for being an untrustworthy monkey who can't calc
>You protest and deny that you messed up the calcs
>You post your calcs and prove me right
>Get mad and pretend I was arguing for something else so you boast you were right over me in a regard I never argued
That's more of the "everything is over" than whatever your monkey brain thinks it is.
do you have circle activated? he actually can get it comfortable.
It has the circle applied. The problem is what you can see there: both his stats and BP are lower... Comparing to Hilda who also has access to circle (not full Unova) and all her multipliers.
what about the -2 rebuff and the 2 sync buffs?
The setting used is the same as here >>486458234.
0 Sync Boosts, all would get the same boost if NC Leaf syncs first.
thanks for keeping the thread alive calcschizos
I still have some. I think you get a measly few gold if you trade them in. No reason to do so
Steven who?
How high did Greta rank anyway?
"What do you mean it's started recor-"
The one who did less than Avery but better than Klara.
I can't break 500k

>Set up with her which takes 3-4 turns
>Ground zone before sync
>I can't break 500k
skill issue
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>mochi event
>no gen 8 dlc characters
gen 9*
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What's her character archetype? Circus girl?
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White Bea. That's why Bea shows up
I get that they're both Dojo girls but Greta seems to be less disciplined and more showy.
I guess my real point is that if her archetype was common in fiction or not.
But /pmg/ said NC Bianca was bad????? /pmg/ can't be wrong!
Because Acid is 1 Gauge and Dragon Pulse is 3 Gauges
Bianca is fine she's just nothing special when compared to the other fighting units
Almost forgot I could still get completion rewards from the high score thing even if I'm not trying to gain points.
In fact she ws shit even in the Fighting event.
>MF 3/5 only barely makes it
>still haven't pulled Mix Blue

i'm not gonna make it
she is
Adding 1 more this anni
Is there a google sheet for DC clears?
Since they all eventually rerun, it would be nice to record them.
There's one on the /pmg/ discord
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Voltage is still going? Nice, I should catch up on the songs.
I unironically would love this for anni
Hopefully her anni outfit is classy
I hope Greta's debut in Master Sex will result in the increase of her fanarts, at least a little
What is the most glaring omission for popular pokemon that aren't in yet? No every missing gen 1 monster doesn't count.
I don't care about popularity, but the fact that I still don't have a Zangoose pair is irritating.
Some meme mons like Shuckle or Shedinja I guess? Also Corviknight, at least for me.
Arceus is not popular
Ghost Typhlosion still isn’t in and the primals are the only other two I can think of.
PLEASE give him to Rei.
Lucas and Rei are gonna trade H.Typhlosion and Infernape instead.
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>really want a Lucas/Infernape pair
>Typhlosion is my favorite Pokemon
Does anyone actually bother with feather shit?
Every day
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yeah he is in Japan

Masters EX recolor got a figure!
Not at all.

Expected of best champ.
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This is going to be the real anni units this year and y'all will not be ready for it.
Literally who on the right
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Super Chicken
I just want the title
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That's a nice outfit.
I'm gonna vote for Cynthia with my wallet and gems at the 2024 anniversary
>ai shit
>cynthia shit
my pokepresident!
Gloria & Inteleon won't miss this time
Volo-Giratina dropping out and Arceus-Cynthia will be the meta for the next 4 years
slopthia fans like slop it's in their nature
>Arceus-Cynthia will be the meta for the next 4 years
as it should be
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One and a half months until EoS
This is gonna be the best anni ever .. and all it took was not being a Kanto anni
nice 2022 character
>tfw got him 5/5 trying to fish for pokefairs
fuck, I'm holding off on the mix banner until lyra/serena.
She will be Oleana tier and save fire type
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They would give Rei an alt without Akari right?
Yeah because Akari will get hers first and they'll feel bad and give Rei his 5 months later
Yes, but Rei is gimped for being a guy and as such hated by straight men.
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>halfass it
>still end up in the top 100
Dead mode
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Top score modes are never fun, outside a very small group of weirdos.
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>half ass
>113k round
Irida strong
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Who will show up first?
Mela, then Ortega, then the rest
They are all ugly and overdesigned garbage so it doesn't matter. Probably the fujobait since they run this franchise already.
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If they have to at all, hopefully it's as their post game school looks.
I don't like their drag queen looks.
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Star Mela is better than school Mela
Is hoenn part 2 the last event of the month?
she looks like 10 years younger without makeup
Comfy DC this time desu, missing crits with Courtney sucked.
I didn't feel like doing Rally this week so I decided to check out if you can start a run, instantly retire and still complete weekly mission for 300 gems.
As everyone probably expect - of course not, fuck you, you will do 10 battles in a row or no gemmies for you
Just don't do it. Not like any of this shit matters.
you can literally just spam the lowest level battle and do it in 3 minutes.
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yeah this one is easy with SSRC
over 2M, 2.5+ Mil could be possible with perfect setup and rng
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rare Lenora W
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>2.5+ Mil could be possible with perfect setup and rng
Almost 2.8 Mil*
200k points is too much to ask for most players now it seems. Should have just kept it at 160k. That or these two types hard filtered players because of how limited heavy they are.
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You can almost get 1 Mil even with a 1/5 SSRC
nigga thats nuts
*licks her shoes*
She's just that strong
Are you going to get one damage challenge unit to 3/5 or grab everyone first?
Video for ~2.8 M
Everyone to 3/5 first
I don't care about any of these garbo units
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Neither. Gonna get fields to 3/5, then the sprints.
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>700k points on the DC
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cynthia my love
SC Steven still works here too since her sync is physical

Cynthia and her whole team got their own song!
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2.5+ Mil with SS Hilbert.
I wonder what the highest possible score of any type will be.
I would think either
Psychic (SS Lusamine)
or Water (Dahlia)
or Electric (Ash)
maybe Fairy too (SS Gladion)

all 3v3 ofc

if Adaman gets a Strike role - maybe Grass too
and Bug actually (SS Hilbert with Strike role)
How did Irida fare?
>How did Irida fare?
her max score goes to ~1.6+M (often together with Summer Gardenia)
Morty is lower that that, but above 1M
SSRC max is currently ~3.1+M or something

Anni Lillie cannot break 1M
>Anni Lillie cannot break 1M
What a piece of loser shit
Irida has trap chip working against her but I used her anyway for the easy 1 million first try since it was no stress with guaranteed crits from Soften Up 1, didn't even change her grid

I refuse to believe Anni Lillie can't make it though, she has multipliers for SE damage and EX Tech
caked Anni lillie can probably barely only just make 1M with perfect rng
To this day Anni N is the only good 2nd Anni unit, and even then he's powercrept by faster setup Piercing Blows abusers and UBs ignoring Piercing Blows with raw stat boosts
>To this day Anni N is the only good 2nd Anni unit,
>Can't beat as many UBs as Anni steven
anni N is only good in easy content
Anni lillie and Anni N are both Piercing Blows bots for LG

anni Steven is weather removal bot
Speaking of Unova MFs and powercreep, doesn't NC Cheren powercreep NC Nate as unga bunga? Kind of messed up they put them out so close together.
That has more to do with people wanting to make Anni Steven do something for the novelty of having him be useful to motivate showing him off. Anni N can be slotted into teams that get carried by others similarly, but there's nothing funny to show about it for anyone to bother since Steven is the joke one.
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>doesn't NC Cheren powercreep NC Nate
Oh yeah
For me the sore spot is that Cheren is fully affordable for what he wants to do meanwhile Nate's grid is way too expensive to get everything important. But they probably felt the need to up the meta factor with Cheren and Bianca because of who they are and who their Pokemon are. At least people actually like Shiny Haxorus.
Cheren is the worst selling MF in the history of the game so he'd better be good for something
>Cheren is the worst selling MF
And NC Nate is the 3-rd worst selling, not much difference
cheren actually had a nice outfit but they should've never made a genie (incarnate) a banner unit
The placement difference was pretty big, at least 25 ranks or something close to that, but they could've definitely done more with Nate regardless I'll say, a unit like him shouldn't feel held back when Cheren didn't
>Collab ended with Cynthia
She can't stop winning. All the other champions are nothing compared to her.
The honest truth
Especially dumb since Nate is the actual STRIKER like seriously you can't let the actual STRIKER get everything to attack but you can let the TECH get high DPS and AoE Sync and afford everything?? I get that Flying is shit and they wanted to throw them a bone but there was no need to nerf Nate so hard.
scale shot isn't doing damage even with no quarter, it's like a sub 100 bp move lol, it's just filler which is bad in its own right but they clearly don't want you to care about using it
Ok but at least make it playable. 5 weak hits with the Def drops should be something you can actually do instead of having to give up the rest of your grid to afford it. It's stupid design.
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Lenora stocks up!
2.5M with Barry and a gen pool pair
Hags in crime
they have to keep nerfing units to be able to sell future ones
>if I want a good score I need the spotlight I don’t have or candy my SS Hilbert
Looks like I’ll just settle for 1 mil
Cynthia is just that strong
I get wanting to sell new units but they should make current units complete products. It's one big metaphor for this entire game. They can't do more than a half-assed job. It's why this game sells like shit in general compared to the much better gacha.
you can try using Unova tickets to get 1 copy of Lenora (she is in the pool or not? Better check)
if you have NC Leaf - she works for those debuffs too

Without them you can stil get 2-2.3 Mil pretty easy with SC Steven etc. too
I don’t think she’s in the ticket pool, and I don’t have NC Leaf either. I’ll try with SC Steven though, forgot about rebuff and defense drops even if his animation is a little slow
well some units are definitely complete at least but yeah lol people still waiting until eos for raihan nessa etc to get dynamax
at least leon and brendan got updated but should've never been like that in the first place
SC Steven or S.Gardenia or Redlax all work for 2+ Million

>still waiting until eos for raihan nessa etc to get dynamax
Don't even get me started on that. Such a dumb incompetent company.
I bet the only reason they held off on Brendan getting Mega for so long was they were thinking about giving a new Mega Sceptile to May kek
>weather removal bot
it's called just setting a new weather kek
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Yeah I’m seeing that now, I messed up my timing here but once I get that right it’ll be an easy 2 mil.
>That has more to do with people wanting to make Anni Steven do something for the novelty of having him be useful to motivate showing him off. Anni N can be slotted into teams that get carried by others similarly, but there's nothing funny to show about it for anyone to bother since Steven is the joke one.
no, removing weather is a great asset for UBs. Besides getting buffed by NC Cheren. PBlows aged the worst it basically has no use in 2023+ content and while N and Lillie have direct upgrade there's no other weather remover
>Cynthia getting carried by Leaf and Red


lmao even
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>Leaf got 0
>Red got 0
>Cynthia got 2.7M
Another Cynthia W
See >>486692598
Removing weather is a meme
>Cynthia x3 cant get as high as Hop x1
what a joke
Lillie finally got 1M !
The highest now is already over 3-3.1Mil
Hop is a meme, he will get stomped by Rei on the 3v3 Fighting stage
Meanwhile SSRC is by far the best syncer on both 3v1 and 3v3 Ghost stages

Even if Hop gets Strike role later - he would have trouble maxing out his sync multipliers on 3 targets in this format. Rei will probably always be better than him for 3v3
>Hop is a meme, he will get stomped by Rei on the 3v3 Fighting stage
lmao no. rei needs hop
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The strongest Cynthiafag
I smell that extra shadow force or two at the very end
>4+ million
Holy shit
>carried by Cynthia
>the MC lost to Cynthia
Truly the queen. She is canonically undefeated.
>Use Shadow Force to get SEUN, but just before the opponent Syncs so you can SEUN Giratinas Sync instead
lmao this works
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Cynthiabros are so smart
Almost 4.1M is pretty insane (its way higher than the top 3v3 Psychic Score was), thats gonna stand as one of the highest scores thats available right now pre-anni

I think only Dahlia will get close to/break 5 Mil. She is probably the single best unit in this mode
>I think only Dahlia will get close to/break 5 Mil
your cheren?
Not nearly as good as Dahlia here and also pretty slow to ramp up (Cakewalk and 10 PMUN stacks to max out sync)
>(Cakewalk and 10 PMUN stacks to max out sync)
both covered by sc steven lol
>covered by sc steven
Takes too much time (3 buddy moves and ~2-3 TMs)

Anyway you need Steven + flying zone. Dahlia does practically everything herself (rain, rebuffs, debuffs)
NTA but Dahlia's setup takes a ton of time you're glossing over. She needs to attack 3 times in order to debuff and spends 2-3 turns on her stat setup. NC Cheren meanwhile doesn't waste any time on stat setup.
... instead Steven wastes that time, while also taking up a team slot
lmao isn't fucking Courtney at 1.1M solo, so 3.3M damage in a 3v3 if she had strike ex role
Thought a MF would be at least double that kek
Holy seethe lmao
He's already done it in the past with good results
Courtney is a Tech nuker with her own WZT, she is automatically better than most units for this game mode and meta (for 3v1 stages)

NC Hop barely did any better than her and if they both had Strike roles - she would smoke him in 3v3 since her multipliers are way easier to do
We'll see, I have faith Dahlia team will post the highest score on 3v3 water .. not counting whatever anni brings
>Dahlia does practically everything herself (rain, rebuffs, debuffs)
>she 3 tms for max offenses
>3 moves for debuffs
>has to use Teeter Dance
lmao idt you even have dahlia.
I have her 4/5

>>she 3 tms for max offenses
>>3 moves for debuffs
>>has to use Teeter Dance
all of that is fine, you still have 2 teams slots left
Got >1M on all stages so far but ST flying will filter me. My only limited flying pair is P.Elesa...
3v3 flying can be done with lodge Skyla but 1v3 flying will filter me hard (same for 1v3 bug)
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And most optimal clears are 1 syncer 1 enchanteter and 1 twave spammer. What else are you adding to dahlia if she covers everything? Either ss Kris or sc Steven, so you end up with the same team as cheren of sc Steven + bp Barry /colress
>My only limited flying pair is P.Elesa
you 100% have Blue who is better
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Finishing Omega Ruby
Rate the team
Lodge Skyla is even better but both can't do 1v3
>Lodge Skyla is even better but both can't do 1v3
she's not. Blue has way higher sp atk and x1.7 sync multiplier
>ERROR 403!
>This site can only be accessed from Japan.
>company is incompetent for not bringing stuff based on player speculation
My first 2+ Millie in DC!
Players speculate a good game and they still haven't delivered
No, x1.5.
Skyla has x1.8 (without LS) with only attack up as a setup and doesn't have the mega sync tax.
>x1.8 (without LS)
true but blue still gets to 292 bp with grid and he has almost the double of skyla offensive stat lol. Not to mention that it increases more with gear boost
Depends on who's the (main) mega
2.5 years without an alt..
Can't do 1M
powercreeped by morty
Lillie definitely made more than 1M adult men cum though
she can aktually if she is with Cynthia >>486695991
i see 930k not 1m
Imagine being so dumb you can't read a number.
Sounds like an average lilliefag
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And then she transformed back into a Ditto
Based post.
Can't believe that this event is tempting me to candy sc steven
>tfw can't break 500k on my Korrina

Why Lenora? I don't have her yet but does she function similar to Colress?
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>official Pokemon account tweets the infamous quote
Why does this quote make so many people seethe?
>Freebie field units
>None have cakes, sync nodes, or field extensions

would make them too good despite these modes being annoying
What's the quote?
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Why? He does everything you need a 1/5
>Lily Orchard
Let me guess, that's a man.
it is and hes a lolcow too
How'd you know
Just looked it up and it really is
When you start to believe, Neo, you won't have to look it up anymore.
Not him but his TM MP refresh is tempting me too at 2/5, but I know it'll fall useless in any other thing so I'm not going to candy him.
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Will they let Peony interact with Penny or is that a forbidden subject like Anabel and hoenn?
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welcome, it's never too late for cute boys
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Almost 2.9M, nice
What's the point of Leaf?
def + spDef AoE debuffs
Lenora can replace her
Is Colress faster than BP Barry?
Barry spamming costs gauge. Colress gets free moves every time he tries to paralyze
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Here's your August alt bros.
no, same
Barry is actually faster because he doesnt have to wait for the FMN passive to apply.
That's what I was thinking
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Sorry chud, summer alts already happened. Time for coomers to get back in their cage again.
>Why Lenora
-1 AoE def and spdef per turn
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post nose
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Maybe I'll get into using these things one day. Big maybe, though.
Do the 2* and 3* ones guarantee higher stats or passive ranks?
Or is it just "more likely"
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>carried by Cynthia AGAIN
Cake roles for Lodge units when?
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Congrats for your Morty downgrade
>/pmg/ uniting to bully L*ll*efags
We're healing.
>can't break 1M without Cynthia
Another Cynthia W
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you'll regret laughing
sygna suit lillie is coming whether you like it or not chuddos
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Maybe in 2030 if you're lucky
>sygna suit lillie
will roll if Alolan Vulpix or Icetails
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Let's see you do it without SC Steven
>sygna suit lillie with Alolan Vulpix or Icetails
where does this meme come from
SM anime
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Dot is not going to get in Masters, stop posting her
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You could at least bump with fan art.
New content on Monday then nothing aside Kusomas Day and Eggmon event
>then nothing
regular DC continues on Tuesday and Friday
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Now officially - the most iconic Champion team in pokemon
I like how this Cynthia song is about you losing to her.
We got it.
Cynthia is the best.
No one is bothered to argue with you anymore.
Now stop posting her.
>Now stop posting her.
ok, but I will rev it back up again for her anni alt!
That's a deal. No more Cynthia posting until anni it is.
>No more Cynthia posting
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Fantina can do it too!
Kinnoh moment
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Mainly from the anime but it also makes a perfect fit. A popular cutemon paired with a beloved character, it's pretty easy money for Dena if they wanted to go through with it.
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>A popular cutemon paired with a beloved character
Acerola and Alolan Vulpix it is, then.
top kek
Does anyone care about Mustard or Peony?
Not really.
Only for father-daughter shenanigans. I love anime dads that are excited to be a part of the child's life.
I'd summon for Peony
sex sex sex
gross but sadly he is getting the dark type urshifu unless some random mienshao which i doubt
>sadly he is getting the dark type urshifu
Mustard could easily just have Mienshao especially since Klara and Avery know Gloria and Victor so both of them were there.
Should Lucy get a real alt or just get variety zoned?
She should get a real alt. I wish this game did more to set up hints for futures alts in events.
They set up Sabrina getting her alt like 3 times. Nemona also complained about how she wanted a sygna suit.
>They set up Sabrina getting her alt like 3 times
Her Pokestudio alt? How long have they been setting that up?
>Nemona also complained about how she wanted a sygna suit
The payoff is taking too long.
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Sliding into the top 100 last minute
Cute Lillie.
>got the steven fan title

ew I dont want this
Steven is the only based Champion though
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I think you forgot someone
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>The battle got so intense she started to sweat at the end of it
Sweaty Miku Cynthia is something I didn't know I wanted
This has been approved by the Pokemon Company. So where's the free Miku Cynthia alt?
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>free Miku Cynthia alt
You mean Ultimate Cynthia and Spiritomb?
Zamn, 3,2+ Mil
You quite literally did, though.
His ingame name is Ash.
That's cringe.
>looked him up
Are you ready for a Kanto neo Champs anni? Chase and Elaine are waiting
>Chase and Elaine
who and who
lillie bros we can't beat a gen pool...
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do these have any different stats compared to the regular damage events? if I easily got 1mil with oleana last time can I just do the same here against marnie
>do these have any different stats compared to the regular damage events?
neato thanks
I can already tell wally's gonna be annoying though
You only need 1M total across all 3 stages to get all rewards
And the first 500K already have all the main good rewards
501K-1M is just extra sync orbs mostly

So yeah very generous low bar
You cant reuse pairs though
>You cant reuse pairs though
you can just get 1mil in one stage and do whatever you want in the others
oh damn I was hoping it'd be the same reward list for every stage
too good to be true I guess
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Your anniversary alt bros
I kneel ...
By now most of my DC teams are BP Barry + SC steven
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>HSE's "ends 21st 12:00" means it ended the 20th 12:00pm and not on 21st 12:00
So everyone thought the electric damage stage would be topped by the Red/Ash/NCBlue team but will it actually be or the thunder wave spam will prove to be too strong
for 3v3 - Colress/Barry + caked SS Hau (Tech+ Strike) + SC Steven
-SST red sucks because very long animation and no Strike sync
-Ash sync is much weaker than tech syncs .. although maybe his B-move makes up for the lost sync damage (probably not)

for 3v1 Electric - SST Red might replace SS hau here as the nuker as AoE sync isnt needed

NC Blue doesnt really have a spot without a Field/Sprint role
I just heard the Lisia Steven win interaction for the first time lmao
>Chase and Elaine
Those cringe isekai protags deserve nothing.
He used L-word, that's cringier.
I just downloaded the game after not having played since early 2020 and there's so much stuff on the screen I don't even know what to do
NC Hau, SC Steven, BP Barry
Steven helps debuffs Speed for Hau and loads Rebuff and SEUN
Barry caps SpAtk for Hau and speeds through counts
>vs Hop
NC Hop - SC Steven/C Red - Colress
>vs Wally
V Lance - SS Serena/SS Cynthia - Lucas
>vs Marnie (lol lmao not this shit again)
BP Barry - Koga - BP Janine
They’re two of the best characters in SwSh. I like the Dark Urshifu a lot more than the Water one so hopefully Mustard gets it. Peony is top 5 hottest characters for me (for the men at least). They both have great themes so instantly 6EXO. Honey and Peonia would be cool too
do all of the story
do legendary events for free legendaries
do the regular (non master mode) champion stadium battles
do BP battles every day - these will give some free BP pairs later
do damage challenge every 3/4 days for what you can (at least get 100K pts) - also free pairs eventually
do weekly battle rally, at least the easiest stages
hoard mats, clean out event shops as much as you can

save gems for anni
What are mats?
upgrade materials for pairs
what you can buy in the event shops
you also get them from training area
>NC Blue doesnt really have a spot without a Field/Sprint role
>losing 50% damage from rebuff
Thank you friend :)
There are 3 different Unova Flag Bearers
Just rebuffs isnt good enough, Blue is too slow
Giving SEUN to sync nukes is equivalent to -2 ranks of AoE rebuffs (i.e. ~all of Blues contribution) - both are x1.5 damage. But Steven also offers other stuff that makes him the superior choice
If blue had Sprint/Field he would have more value (but even then SC Steven would probably still be better)

Thats why some of these DC clears dont even have any WZT (if the nuker doesnt have their own). Because replacing SC Steven with a WZT setter (and losing SEUNs and all the other stuff steven does) will end up being a downgrade.
And the 3-rd slot has to go to Barry/Colress

This is only true for SE damage, but thats what this mode is about.
Here's the biggest advice, uninstall it again.
>And the 3-rd slot has to go to Barry/Colress
not all comps use barry/colress. Blue + SST Red + sc steven can get to -3 rebuff ET AND SEUN.
Long animations are not a problem because steven can use tackle and red TShock.
There's a variation of NC Blue + SST Red + Redlax that could work too. Sync accel makes up for the animations
>vs Hop
Same as before
>>vs Marnie
Same as before
>>vs Wally
Will probably do SS Dawn/SSA Cynthia (caked) + Lucas + SS Cynthia. Never any gauge issues. You can even get 3/3 Sinnoh master passive
Dont have SS Serena or NC Nate, and I'm not even sure Nate is that good here anyway (you get 1 strong turn, then 2 very weak turns)
Bringing a solid sprint support might be better than triple dps.
>Blue + SST Red + sc steven
>NC Blue + SST Red + Redlax
And how many syncs do you expect to do with this in 3 minutes?
the Barry/Colress comps will easily outdamage you in both 3v1 and 3v3, with 4-5 total syncs

If you arent using Barry/Colress then sure, NC Blue is fine. But Barry/Colress sync spam will be better 98-99% of time and they take his slot
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I agree. I don't know why anyone would want to crawl back after being freed. Your account would be so behind it's pretty much worthless.
Maybe because the game is fun?
>Your account would be so behind it's pretty much worthless.
Doesn't matter in a game with limited competitiveness and zero PvP.
I went through too much trouble trying to get the game to not detect my root. Now I have to play it for a little bit at least
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>they see how many people are using Barry and Colress and decide to start giving them more alts
More like they make future battles immune to para because of them.
Barry should get an NC alt
Colress will just spam Screech and there's SS Hilbert to spam Metal Sound
I'll just 5/5 Oleana and they can't make them immune to venom drench spam
>more alts
They’d have to start with an alt for Colress to begin with
Was SC Lyra a psyop to conceal the REAL Rocket Grunt of the Johto protags?
We should get a Sync Pair for Rocket Kris with a Dark-type Tyranitar
>Pokémon Masters EX First Year
>Pokémon Masters EX Second Year - Log in 365 days.
>Pokémon Masters EX Third Year - Log in 730 days.
>Pokémon Masters EX Fourth Year - Log in 1095 days.
>Pokémon Masters EX Fifth Year - Log in 1460 days.

There's no Sixth Year title yet, but that would be 1825 days, would it not? I missed a single day back in October 2019, and I'm 1823 right now. But if there's anyone who's been playing since pre-launch like me, they should get the title tomorrow, not that the title seems to be in the files yet. But they show off one of the anniversary characters of that year.
Barry (Platinum) when?
Colress (Alola) when?
That stage is insane desu, especially at 9
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Best waifu deserves a 5* banner, Kabu or Flannery alt already. No Blaine, thanks.
Isn’t his Platinum design the same minus the Pokètch?
He has a long scarf and long sleeves.
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What the fuck is Venosaur even supposed to be?
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I remember this. But even in Japan, most of the Japanese voice actors weren't based on their anime appearances with a small handful of exceptions. Even as the anime was airing in Japan, they had different voices in Masters.
do pokemas characters actually share their anime voices? in english or japanese? i know ash and jessie/james have the same ones but thats it
The only consistent thing Masters did was all the galar characters have their japanese voices from Twilight Wings.
Rosa has her voice actor from the anime
Lt. Surge does if I remember correctly, but it wasn't a common thing.
Emma is voiced by Maaya Uchida in both Generations and Masters, but she's the only carry-over voice from Generations. Lots of voice actors who have worked as multiple character roles across multiple Pokémon animations.
We're probably getting news of the next HSE within next few days in the newsletter right? Given that it's every other month now I wonder if they'll do one in September, likely Bug+Poison given how many units there are.

>tfw they didn't get Yuuki Kaji to voice Citron
it's over
forgot to mention, they gave him Dent despite voicing Citron. Then they give Dent's VA (Mamoru Miyano) fucking Lear.
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You aren’t getting the title until anni reset, chud
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Pretty sure it's some kind of frog.
Marnie isn't getting another alt for a long time. She should be getting her MF cake upgrade soon though.
Sorry coomer, the summer alt was the replacement for this. Deal with it.
>ranked damage event
So this is pretty much Prestige Event 2.0?
This is nice game
that doesn't look like pokemas...
Managed to squeeze out the million without candying my Oleana. They really dont want anyone to miss out on the good rewards since it's all at 500k
I'm sick of damage challenges, fuck reseting for TM refreshes.
Over 500K on the reduced sync stage with 2 Shironas
I'll take it
>stage 2 ace trainer with exeggutor
>takes jack shit for damage even with on type and stat bonuses

Christ what the fuck was this guy for
What's the name?
Oh, for some reason did think the file name was correct.
>first image on the app store
Oh my, at least there does seem to be some cool dudes in the game too. Thanks bro.
I have too many sync orbs and not enough characters that need the extra grid energy since I never 3/5 anyone.
>only 700k points total
Fuck it.
>Over 500K on the reduced sync stage with 2 Shironas
This is actually the highest non-NC Nate result so far for Wallys stage. Might be improved a little by using caked Chase instead

And SS Cynthia does better than SS Serena here, SS Serena + Lucas only does 400K+ (maybe up to 450K)
god bless diamond grids
>3.5 million
How the fuck do people get this any higher?
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Triple Kris as usual
>1,2 mil first try minimal effort
>Master 988 ATM
I know that people are yet to wake up and play it, but still it's surprisingly high. Guess only the biggest whales actually try to take this mode seriously
>Guess only the biggest whales actually try to take this mode seriously
I'm f2p and top 100
Lol it's because the game is dead, and this game mode even more so.
will go up later
Who else does the same job as Colress and Barry?
Off top of my head, 3/5 Poppy and Lodge N (40% chance to break even via MGR, otherwise spends 1 bar). There are likely a handful more pairs that can do that, look for status condition/change inflicting status moves and tiles like Infliction Freebie in the same kit. Or multiple MGR tiles, if you have a fast team and some luck to spare.
Are there spotlights that get a lot from the extra 10 energy? I need to dump sync orbs
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I could probably squeeze out more points but meh what’s the point
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but the only ones in Masters who have their anime VA's are Jessie and James. I don't think Ash does.
*English, that is
>inb4 weebs go nuts at me
Ash does too but it's the new one.
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Kieran in two months
Chase is pretty good
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Misty Starmie
That's Misty Psyduck, chud.
Not getting sweaty over this mode, sorry
Thats a good score

Thats a good score
>normal upgrade
It'll be fine
your Arceus?
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DeNa should retire CS like they did with BV
>DeNa should retire CS like they did with BV
and rally too.
post hopless scores against hop I wanna improve
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Big Roxie coming through
It's the only mode where BP Zinnia is still viable and you're laughing at it?
is there a video of this?
If there is, I dont have it
I didn't roll for chase (the least charismatic protag in existence)
also you could probably improve that if you just spammed clanging scales and only used lucas as a zone bot, I found that he's too slow and it's just not worth it when you can do an AoE attack instead
This, they should replace it with another feature where we paychads shine
>you just spammed clanging scales and only used lucas as a zone bot
Maybe, but you still kinda need to do 3 actions per turn to keep the sync cycle and Lucas will run out of TMs quick.
Unless fucking over your syncs is worth it so you can just spam more AoE moves non-stop. I'll try it
1/5 Chase owner here, redpill me on his event viability
If you dont have NC Nate, or maybe if your Nate is 1/5 without cake
Then you can use Chase (caked) with SS Cynthia/SS Serena (or with Lance, but he is worse) + Lucas on the Wally ranked stage
And get 400k/500k+ depending on your move levels
I got through the first cycle asap and used up all TMs then just used core enforcer
I tried keeping the sync cycle up initially by throwing in roars of time too but only got around 350k that way
I think what helps is serena's got support sync so you load up on sync buffs decently early
Tried, it actually did improve the score, just a bit. Though I only stopped attacking with Lucas after second sync, not after first (and at the end I attacked with him once after he had ~3 SMUN stacks - that should be worth)
over 700K
with a support cake on one of them would probably be 800K+
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Man dragon really is shit for AOE if you don’t have either of the two masterfairs or Cynthia at 3/5. I honestly hope they give Lucas a strike ex role because his nuke would decimate the sides.
Ryuki is Tech + Strike, he should in theory be really good here (though probably not as good as Nate still)
and his SpAtk stat is huge too
Correction - Ryuki is only for the regular Dragon 3v3, not for this one where syncs are gimped. But still he is an AoE option
His sync isn’t bad, but Lucas is much easier to set up and hits way harder so I hope they don’t forget about him and give him and ex role soon.
He'll get a role for sure, but there's no guarantee it will be Strike. Though if it is Strike he will mog NC Nate in 3v3

For some reason I think Lucas will get Support. SS Cynthia will probably get Sprint
Pretty sure she is not a canon MC.
I feel like they won't give out support again after Zerena, but then again we do have 3 psychic tech/supports so who knows.
>time dragon with a zone and sync acceleration passives
>not expecting it to get sprint or field
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You can make an argument for sprint, especially since he has adrenaline on his grid, but field is so redundant already for him especially with his added zone extension at 5/5
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Nates big moment
>yeah just get a million refreshes, that'll make candying this shit pair worth it
Sad performance from a master fair
>Sad performance from a master fair
but enough about SS Serena
>Sad performance from a master fair
Its still the best that Dragon type has right now (for AoE), unless Lucas gets that Strike role
>he doesnt know about how Nate's grid works
Very sad, impotent post
dragon as a whole is just shit

I'm wondering if you do, since nothing I said had anything to do with his "grid". The refreshes I meant were for Rosa and Steven.
Yeah the 1.6M clear does require some godly refreshes from Rosa and especially Steven (PMUNs)
Normally that team with 3/5 Nate would be 1-1,1+ Mil
>bitching about Nate
>brings up Rosa and Steven's kit
Your brain is a sad lump.
You're an idiot
>Sad performance from a master fair
Its not my fault you made a retarded post
You're an idiot
>add buddy moves to the game
>create a mode where they are borderline unusable
Kusomas wasn't made with timed battles in mind and it shows whenever they're relevant
you're so mad lol
My Nate is 1/5 and there's nothing on his grid besides sync related stuff. Why is it that important to have him 3/5 I don't get it.
Just for his unova circle moves up 3 tile, really it's not worth it
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That'll do, pig.
I only got 210k points on the high score slop event and my score didn't move at all from the first day until the last day where it went down 1000. No one even bothers to get the 200k supposed minimum points. The game is fucking dead. No one actually gives a fuck about the end game autism content.
Uninstall bro
I'm just waiting what the next HSE will be in two months.

It's likely going to be bug/poison but I don't want to dump my 5* reserve on them yet until confirmation.

>tfw only Dragon MF I have is Zerena
i don't even feel like doing missions anymore.
Stop doing it all at once and pace yourself. Game is great, there's something to do whenever I want.
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It takes like five minutes tho.
>sync orb quest
>daily region quest
>blow stamina with skip tickets on the currect event(s)
>close the game until reset
But maybe it's time for you to let go, Idk.
>think im going to save rally until later since there is the damage event and CS
>spend 3 hours doing everything

Feels weird having actual content two years of nothing during the villain arc.
I do rallies thurs or fridays when I'm not so busy.
There is nothing left for this month aside Kusomas Day and Eggmon event
I stopped doing lodge stuff like a month ago.
Better late than never. I save my Rally until later in the week to space it out unless the 300 gems make the difference between the next multi I need for something.
>Lillie alt
>Nemona alt

who will be the bait?
Iono alt soon!
1st Anniversary
>Sygna Suit Red & Charizard / Mega Charizard (rerun)
>Sygna Suit Blue & Blastoise / Mega Blastoise
>Sygna Suit Leaf & Venusaur / Mega Venusaur

2nd Anniversary
>Lillie (Anniversary 2021) & Lunala
>N (Anniversary 2021) & Reshiram
>Steven (Anniversary 2021) & Rayquaza / Mega Rayquaza

3rd Anniversary
>Ash & Pikachu
>Sygna Suit Red (Thunderbolt) & Pikachu
>Sygna Suit Cynthia (Aura) & Lucario / Mega Lucario

4th Anniversary
>Red (Champion) & Articuno
>Blue (Champion) & Zapdos
>Leaf (Champion) & Moltres

They've done Red three times now, though the first one was technically a rerun of the 6 month anniversary. The only thing I can see them giving him that would be a showstopper Pokémon is Mega Mewtwo X. What character could drum up hype? Are we getting a story tie-in character? Arceus is too soon, it'll probably be next year. But there's going to be some Sync Stone Ultimate gimmick now, with the Master Fair characters being the introduction. Lance, Steven, and Cynthia feels kinda boring though.
Red Classic was the second half of 2nd Anniversary month. He's been featured in some form in every single anniversary.
Red will definitely get the rest of his team before EoS. Lapras is probably the only shaky one because Blastoise and Articuno will outshine it but it'll probably be a Lodge unit. I do think MMX will go to either him or Giovanni.
Red is boring
Next High score event is ground/dragon
I'd rather have more Red than more of the zoomzoom clown design eyesores
All of Red's alts have been zoomer coded though?
cherenbros... he is just not that strong
remember courtney got to 1.1M in a 3v1
>ANOTHER Damage Challenge
Hell ya
Didn't you say that you'd delete your account?
>with the super effective damage challange we will be able to see new team compo-
>tech nuke with a rotating roster of 5 supportive pairs every round
This mode failed spectacularly
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I would like a true Red (Classic) in his Gen I design. The silhouette has been in the game for over 5 years now. Also this image was in over 4 years ago.
You should just maximise his DPS instead of his nuke.
Why are you so obsessed
It's time for Lodge Serena to shine
Not even if I were high would you get me to see that
You mean *Steven
Right Steven bros?
I got him level 150, 5/5, 6EX, 70/70 grid, boosted with Flying Zone from Skyla. He's doing almost 20k every sync, how can you even compare
>>ANOTHER Damage Challenge
its a permanent mode bro
Even though their event has ended tonight, the spirit of beauty, pure elegance, and huge juicy breasts lives on. The devs acknowledged my dedication, love, and need. No matter what else happens, I am a winner of this game. Only thing left would be at least one alt for each of them, but a man has to count his blessings. Perhaps this Halloween or Christmas will be the year. But no matter the results, I will always love
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That face alone is enough to enchant me.
Colress and Barry solved it. Literal button mashing contest. But there's nothing they can do about that since that's just how the battle system is designed.
>A2 Gloria soloing 1 mil

NC Cheren only gets 1-1,1 Mil at most
I got that with 1/5 cheren, you are doing something wrong
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so far there have only been 2 (?) scores of 4+ million.
-Bug 3v3 (SS Hilbert)
-Ghost 3v3 (SSRC)

IMO only Water 3v3 (Dahlia) and Poison 3v3 (SS Roxie) will be able to compete with that
But if Lucas or Adaman got Strike roles - they could be the new #1
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>Ground/Dragon HSE right after anni
yeah, Garchomp and Dragonite are 100% getting those ultimate upgrades + EX roles
would be kino if they're pretty unique aside from powercreep
+ rerun SS Cynthia & Lucas and give them EX roles too
What if the champ trio gets new Sygna Suit but with the same og pokémon?
steven should get it too.
So close...
Power of love
And done.
Where did all the /pmg/ babes go?
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Does this work with Redlax and Colress?
GJ gamer
No idea since I don't have Redlax.
Nate+Bianca give a pretty big damage increase under both circles, not to mention the master passive.
I don't know how many SE next Redlax gives but I'm doing a lot of Flies.
>Does this work with Redlax and Colress?
no, probably not
he spams Fly, not syncs
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Meh, I'll take it
I wish we had some actual cute girls as good flying units.
anon why are you gay
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Your Gloria?
He said cute tho
Not britbong slags
Get off twitter and stop playing in English, fag
Ready for Friday
Seething Britoid lmao
Gloria is my favorite flying type trainer
I'll be ok for HSE
Running out of deluxe cookies for SP3...
I'm fucked
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Did Rosa deserve the Neo Champion title?
I forgot we got a flying one and thought you somehow luckchadded metronome SE hits kek
brendan has a banner right now go for it
jk its not worth it for hse but he's a pretty decent support regardless
No, the ugly non canon girl that goes by the name of Leaf which makes her a pointless and unnecessary addition to Kanto.
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We have three flying type master fairs and they all fucking suck
Not everyone can be an alpha type like poison where they have more top tier units than they can put on a team.
Just use NC Blue and other supports, that can still give you 50K points.
Cheren and Lugia will be much better in Flying 3v3
Cheren is good tho
Ethan is dated but still powerful
*Lodge Skyla
>Was hoping it was Bug/Poison
>Upgraded two units already, down to 38 5PU*
It's so over

I might be OK but I would need to EX Drake, maybe Ryuki and cake V. Gio and maybe even Maxie.
Forgot Rika existed,
>ground and dragon
I don't want the Paldea Dragon E4 and art teacher to come for anni.
Bro your caked Zerena?
support role =/= actual support who can tank. Those are the HSE bottlenecks

Also I skipped her (twice)
Nita to "tank hits" and use Zerena for the sync buff. Or do you expect 6EX'd Drake or SS Brendan to actually tank a lot of hits?
Drake has some def and spdef buffs from what I recall, he is usable as a tank.
SS Brendan not sure
I forgot Nita existed, she is fine too
even without Breandn - there are 4 limiteds there + Drake + Nita .. should be ok
Datamine when? Friday?
>I don't want the Paldea Dragon E4 and art teacher to come for anni.
Well I do
2024 master fair in action
I want Dendra
>Dragon and Ground HSE in September
Ultimate pairs are recycled. We will have Ultimate Cynthia and Garchomp but with a new kit.
Him having so little multipliers is truly bullshit, like they overestimated the OPness of his passives
yup, same for Lance-Dragonite

Steven too since he is part of the trio
>steven's still missing his full grid
>only chances left to be great are tech or support cake and another easy to set up x2 multiplier
cherry on top power chain skill rework outside of coop so that tate can be better too, his tm needs to set +3 crit too, then defense destroyer 9 etc too many things for 70 energy
We already knew that (well the non-dumb people) since they focused on Garchomp and Metagross in the chapters so far.

After September's HSE they'll probably announce that the next HSE is Steel and some other type that represents an Ultimate. Maybe it'll be Fire with Ultimate SS Red since he's the next oldest Pokefair after those 3.
Just in time for SS Kabu & Heatran
That order does make sense since Steven came after Lance and Cynthia in terms of release date. Would explain things a lot.

>Lance and Cynthia together for NY
>Dragon and Ground together for HSE

>Steven and SS Red together for Half Anni
>Steel and Fire together for HSE
>Get strike cake today
>Tempted to put it on either 5/5 Mix Blue (more coverage+dmg for rally), V Gio for HSE or anni

likely latter and then I'll see. I think we'll have datamine this week
wow my Dragon/Ground supports situation is actually better than my dps situation

The only limiteds are 2 Cynthias, Lucas, C.Iris, 1/5 Adaman, 1/5 Lance
At least Ryuki should be added to the gen pool by then
C. Iris will be good for 1v3 dragon DE
not particularly, slow set-up, bad self-buffs
she is way worse than someone like NC cheren and he only barely crossed 1-1,1 Mil today

but if you dont have Lucas, maybe. Though even Ryuki might end up better
>Though even Ryuki might end up better
nah because lucas can get both SEUN and zone.
With all that ryuki would be better tho
i meant ruyki better than c.iris
ofc Lucas is the best by far
C. Iris will be good for my penis
>Verification not required.
>Rosa has her voice actor from the anime
You mean the BW2 trailer?
Lt. Surge doesn't have the same VA as in the anime, that's a common mistake coming from the early years of Masters
I thought that people already knew about Masters doing everything it could to NOT match the ashnime voice distributions since launch day
thats the only thing she will be good for
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she's like 12, man
Iris might be sexo but that pic sure ain’t
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Strange opinion, but pop off sis.
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Yes, and?
Sorry, bro. I thought it was good.
le concentration camp survivor girlie
Apologize to Galar
I won't
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Make the new thread NOW
Damn brown child
It's a fact. Leaf is shit and not canon.
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There you go again, spouting such strange words.
Get a reality check, she has been replaced everywhere in the media.
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Okay, what's that supposed to mean to me? She's very real in FRLG and Masters, and I don't really need her to be anywhere else. You are quite strange.
outdated flop games, Kanto revision happened in Gen2/Gen4 and Gen 7 with LGPE
she's just a placeholder
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I commend you for trying so hard, even if it's a little strange and you're probably confusing me for someone else. We can keep going as long as you'd like though, my strange little friend.
>n-noo i am not that retard so that means leaf is valid and wholesome
she's still not canon and the ugliest character design right after kofu
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