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Leoomfie Edition

>What is Pokémon Masters EX?
A mobile Pokémon game that's real-time instead of turn-based and focuses on collecting trainers instead of Pokémon.

>Sync Grid Simulator, CS stage info, Lodge topics and more
>Pomakek but better
>Tier List Maker
>Eggmon viability guide/tier list

>Legendary Gauntlet Info

>Model ripping/datamining project FAQ
>Upcoming Events

>Pokémon Masters EX soundtrack with tracks up to the previous update (Unova Neo Champion 2, Larry, Klara, Avery). All the tracks are looped, tagged and sorted.

Previous Thread: >>486275629
TPC and DeNA stopped caring about leon =/
He also didn't get an anni pairing sooo...you are jinxing it for yourself.
Technically a half anni unit but without the anniversary tag itself.
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>TPC and DeNA stopped caring about leon =/
replaced by Pageeta
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I don't understand how you can hate someone so cute.
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Garchomp and Dragonite upgrades in a little over 1 month!
Everyone loves Dragonair unlike the ugly Red in a drag touching it. Luckily for Dragonair it can shed its skin.
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Dragonair is very cute! What do you think of these gen 1 mons?
>inferior green
>budget elaine
>recycled kanto lass npc design but ugly
she never stood a chance
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You're not being very fair about our little exchange.
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How prepped are you for the next HSE? I'm thinking I'll 3/5 the new Wally.
kys avatarposter

you should not, unless you are using the coupons, your roster isn't full yet it's more than enough not only to reach 200K points but also for master rank
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I’ve never been particularly prepared for any high score event.

You started it.
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Oh yeah I'd use coupons. Plus they might have weird bonus requirements. I'll wait for info to drop before 3/5ing
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I’ve been meaning to 6EX Ingo, Lance and a few others for a while now anyways
Could be worse. I imagne there's going to be a dragon type MF for the anni, like others were saying a Lance or Cynthia alt.

I also imagine they'll rerun Naomi as the twitter attributed to her randomly posted like two months ago.

I'm debating whether to cake Maxie or not, as well as V. Gio or Ryuki. I'll hold onto the strike cake until datamine.
This is the safest way, you can stockpile enough coupons for late August datamine and then spend them on either shop trainers.
Given it's Ground and Dragon I think it Rival is out of the bonus predictions, probably Paralysis, Speed debuff and Champion have better chances to happen, DC Wally covers the first two and helps regardless once EXed but right now that roster is solid. Doing spare promotions for better 500K+ scores in singles and triple target Damage Challenge seems to be a better priority.
Also anni should add new units to the BP shop and finally, they better be doing it, unlock the EX of the freebie BP 5* supports.
Forgot to post img
What teams did you guys use for the super sparring event?
Ryuki and V Giovanni for ontype and not only have it better than Maxie, Maxie's only way to shine would be a Grass-weak Ground boss, but Ground and Rock are so common you can expect them to have Ice, Fighting, Water, Steel, Ground weakness too, even with a Ground-weak Drasna the other two would shine equally and V Gio has both Ice and Water coverage so that's 2 vs 1 Grass-type coverage locked behind weather control.
The Hoenn weather MFs need upgrades or be replaced by the MCs with primals.
I considered Ryuki but he's 1/5 while Gio is 2/5. Latter has offtype and can set terrain so I'm leaning towards him.

>Need upgrades
They need primals and a grid expansion.
With 1/5 there's no point, anni gets the Alola ticket pool updated however so test your luck.
But remember Ryuki deserves an EX and role for the Damage Challenge only, in HSE eventual Clair could still be weak to Fairy type so just hoard the mats for when the datamine comes.
And for the DC triple target you also have SS Serena so you're fine.
Yeah if I bother to use him, I'll need a few more dupes, then 6EX, then cake.

I also hope they give 6EX to older BP units, Naomi and Nita would benefit a lot of from it.
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>anni runup is B tier champions to prep for the big three
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Alola... home.
when's the next letter/datameme?
Alola will always be the most mistreated region
Did we get any new characters yet, I only saw Klara and friends and Gardenia getting recast
>I only saw Klara and friends and Gardenia getting recast
Then you didn't miss anything yet
>What teams did you guys use for the super sparring event?
Did we get an update?
nyo, either friday or monday
monday is more likely I'd say as friday updates are extremely rare (happened once I believe), and tomorrow is masters day
Remember that
are the most important thing in this game.
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I'm surprised to not have heard about someone creating porn of dubious legality using character models from a game and AI-generated audio of their voice actors.
Looks like this world is behaving well for once?
>mix blue already at 2/5 in the last three days of singles after months of singles and multis and only one limited 5* on mix banner
about time
>late to scoring event
>scoring significantly lower than the weeklies
>1.3m total
>rank 3.5k
>check top scores
What the fuck
Half the points are coming from SS Roxie.
Am I a retard because I sure as fuck not hitting that high.
bros... damage events (and rally) are making me use a lot of candies and cakes
this was their plan all along, to fuck hoarders
? no
SS Roxie can hit 1.4-1.5M maybe tops
NC Hop + NC Bianca can earn the most in this ranked DC, she boosts his nukes by a lot

SS Roxie is going to do very well in 3v3 Poison tho
SS Roxie is doing over 3M damage on my dick
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Say hi to Ultimate Cynthia
You might need to go to the doctor...
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Just don't play their shit game (metaphorical). The rewards are shit and the big e-points are all just a distraction from the fact that this half of the month is just one big vapid nothingburger. But it's worse because as you said, if you fell for it, you have to use up the mats you saved up.
In terms of gameplay/modes this was the best month in a very long time
I prefer hoarding but honestly these are pairs I already use on the regular so I don't mind making them stronger, if I need to make X character usable with candies/cakes and I don't use said pair, I won't bother
hell, I'll probably never use the 300 points pairs anyway (except niche rally usage since they're sprint/field)
>hit 5 million
>the rest of the points are going to be from putting oleana at 4/5 for an extra -2 def and 5/5ing NC Nate and Hop
Are you going to have 3 sparks ready for anni?
I'm ready to skip more Kantoshit
Nope, spent it all on summer seasonals.
If the anni doesn't have
Then everything is an easy skip.
aww the edge
>go dragon dance gyarados from early route magikarp
>sweep her whole team
One is enough because I just need Cynthia
Shitnoh NC event will be NC Rei and NC Akari challenging pokefair Platinum Dawn and Lucas or the opposite for maximum paid gems baiting, won't it?
>still thinking we're getting the Platinum outfits
Anniversary will just be one big Damage Challenge
One big damage challenge to my gems
>allowed all types except electric
electric was already powercrept by other types
>Are you going to have 3 sparks ready for anni?
Yeah I will
I have 3 sparks right now, the problem is more that I don't even know what I'd want from Anni.
im gonna have 3 sparks of 20k gems for anny
Yes but I don't think that I'll pull for all 3 ani pairs
Dena will get a karma for snubbing best region.
Elio being the most inconsistent sleeper in the game will never not be funny

Even eggmon can reach 100 accuracy without external help
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Bug is a weak type they said...
SS Steven is the best Psychic dps they said...
Can't blame people for forgetting Hilbert exists since nobody rolled for him
Would any of the generic npc freebies be good if they were given EX?
Eve is already good
>SS Steven is the best Psychic dps they said...
he is. Lusamine has her damage multiplied by 3 in this mode
Holy cope!

And you know he still wont be the best choice for 3v1 Psychic either, right?
Its Anni May or Jacq
call me when lusamine clears a single UB.
If you wanna evaluate a unit by its DC performance you can start saying bp barry is the best support in the game
Based 2021 hags winning
Why normal can't have a DC?
>Why normal can't have a DC?
all DCs are normal DC thanks to SC Steven and Redlax :^)
Wait for April Fool's 2025
>that machamp

ma'am, put a shirt on
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But enough about my wife
Stage 9 Penny is the first time I've ever skipped a stage on Battle Rally. Fuck that shit I'm not doing it.
Based OP
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Lodge EX roles when?
BP unit EX roles when?
Another L from Cynthia, this time from Hilbert of all trainers.
probably never
they don't seem to want to give that to permanent free units, especially looking at the rival training units
What does she do?
Wait for when you find that run killer Roark from Halloween event, Accuracy debuff Barry fight that needs field effects for damage or the Tyrantrum Ace Trainer, but Roark is overall the worst thing you can find in the late stages if you aren't abusing shop items.
Another huge W for Cynthia, released in 2021 and still mogging pokeboys like Silver (2024 MF) and the meme SSSteven
She has 2 Vaporeon sides that Haze.
shitrona really can't reach the first place at anything, huh?
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I don't see why not. Cakes are still aren't plentiful and those characters are still gated behind their respective requirements. And that's assuming the player even wants to cake them.
Detective Steven is more useful than SS Steven
Steven can detect these nuts
I am more useful than SS Steven
More like ace Defective Steven
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Look, I'm with you. They really should get access to that. In my opinion, no unit should be left out of new features
I'm just looking at the first new set of free units post-roles, and they didnt even give roles to them
hopefully i'm proven wrong
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more like stupid little faggot cocksucker
is tapu cerola rerunning?
Acerola won't be able to even rewalk after I'm done with her.
anon plans to break her legs with a bat
that's fucked up
gonna swallow her whole Gengar?
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damn pixiv fanbox regulations regarding payment from overseas. kemono party hasn't updated in a month.
acerola is kind ugly frfr
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no zossie?
who who and who?
the less pedoshit the better
just stunlock lol
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I would roll for a Manaphy and May sync pair
we pretty much never get pairs that reference the anime without being a literal walking advertisement like ash so i wouldn't hold my breath
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>so i wouldn't hold my breath
AI art is perfectly fine as long as the creator puts effort into it and doesn't just drop half assed renders with fucked up hands and shit. It's the equivalent of uploading an MS Paint doodle.
it feels wrong when fapping to AI hentai of characters that look accurate.
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>ai art
pick one
Can someone post their dragon team please
is this you telling me im wrong or a water joke
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water joke
>digital art
pick one
Meta is NC Nate + NC Rosa + SC Steven
I don't have that Steven.
>Can someone post their dragon team please
afaik he's the only sync pair who can raise SEUp while also handing up PhysUp boosts. I suppose the next best things are Dana (ideally 3/5 for the MPR) or Holiday Jasmine. Redlax works but his animation takes longer.
datameme friday or monday?
Datamine will only be 2 weeks of August because they spoiled the Pokemon Presents last year.
Don't belittle my interest...
Not happening before the next dripfeed feature is released, as always
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>one of my cousins is Leon
Fake news.
Anniversary is on August 29th, there isn't anything exceptional in the next update
Anyway if they still want to have a new character right during the presents, an update will have to be pushed multiple days before (stores don't let you choose the release date/time)
They never actively acted against datamines (x.x.5 updates were due to mid-month features, not to a desire to hide characters)
Only pre-datamine sources like roachposter (only patched 2 years into the game though) and that person from the influencer secret club discord have ever been neutralized
>Anyway if they still want to have a new character right during the presents, an update will have to be pushed multiple days before (stores don't let you choose the release date/time)
Nemona's banner release time was datamined. It was in the games files and it was pointed out by people here and on discord a week+ before the Presents.
Yeah that's what I meant by that
This can't be avoided unless the unit is released later
You're wrong regardless because Dokkan pushes updates hours before banners release multiple times per year. Most notably their half anniversary at the end of August.
ms paint is actually harder than your average drawing program due to limited tools
Is this game worth starting now?
That's why I said doodle
>Is this game worth starting now?
anni is 1 month away
Yeah since August and September are usually the most celebratory moments for getting bonus perks. Like they may do 100 free pulls at the end of August as part of the run-up.
>Dokkan pushes updates hours before banners release
In that case it's just an in-game data download
But Masters has never been competent/willing enough to push banners day by day, SWSH DLC 1's release week was also leaked by a Masters datamine
Anything I should know in particular about starting out?
There will be a lot at first, but eventually you'll get the hang of it and its a pretty low maintenance gacha

save gems for anniversary
Save as much as possible, but you can also keep rerolling your account to go for 1 broken unit you want (like SS Steven currently) and then save the rest of your gems. That way, you can breeze through the content while building up your stash in time for Anni.
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>like SS Steven
There is no super good reroll banner right now
Either try the Brendan-Steven banner maybe (they're good, but not busted) or just save everything for anni (end of August)

After you get new anni unit(s) - you will be MUCH stronger
SS Steven is absolutely busted. You're thinking too much in terms of a veteran account. He has his entire kit ready at 1/5 out of the box. Even Anni units will be harder to build because chances are they'll require dupes.
SS steven doesnt do anything except generic good psychic dps, which isnt even the best Psychic dps
Anni units absolutely bury him even at 1/5

Also new players can get a free SS Red and thats enough to clear the starting stuff, some events etc. just by spamming blast burn
And some of the general pool/regional tickets dps with Masters Days grids (Kris, OG Blue, Karen, Kris etc.) are pretty good at 3/5 too
>SS steven doesnt do anything except generic good psychic dps, which isnt even the best Psychic dps
That's already false since I use him all the time for Off-Type damage at just 1/5. He's generically incredible, relegating him to "except generic good psychic dps" is a skill issue. I've had the candies but never felt the pressure to promote him unlike with other units that need their 3/5 to function, so for a new player he's definitely one of the best units to get their hands on considering the extreme resource limitation at the start of the game.

>Also new players can get a free SS Red and thats enough to clear the starting stuff, some events etc. just by spamming blast burn
That's better spent on SS Blue who serves as an excellent 1/5 tank, meanwhile SS Red warrants higher investment to attain a good Sync when SS Steven again has that out of the box. Not to mention there's Silver who fulfills a similar role to SS Red who can be built for free to 5/5. Giovanni exists to compare to SS Steven, but you don't just get a monotone attacker with Steven as he comes with multiple playstyles.
I agree about the good general pool units (and now is a fantastic time to start because of the 25 gem Masters Day multi) but for a 1/5, SS Steven offers way more than even those general pool units at their 5/5s which he wouldn't reach for a long time.
>>>>>>SS Red
>doing anything in current year
>anni pairs doing huge damage at 1/5
yeah 10% of them at best
back to gamepress, retard
SS Steven also has AoE Sync WITHOUT needing 6EX which is massive for a new player who won't be able to just make units 6EX all willy nilly
I don't understand any of this but I did a 10 roll and got that SS Steven twice.
I'm going to save the rest of my gems now.
That pic is Hilda though my friend...
>I don't understand any of this but I did a 10 roll and got that SS Steven twice.
That's incredibly lucky, congrats! Yeah the rest can go toward Anni.
Since we have egg event after masters day we wont get datamine until monday.
Now as in the month or the game in general? Now would be a good month to start but no the game is not worth starting or playing.
Wait, that's the reason why a lot of my favorite artists haven't updated? Shit.
Well /pmg/?
Do you still do the paid masters day pull?
That's how you get cramps dumb bitch
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Might as well, it costs like nothing.
It's more worthwhile for me to use those 100 gems for the mix scout at this point
Another 25 gems turned into 3 star power ups
Let's fucking go boys
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>please play the game for a few months while having no units and also getting zero gems to get units
>also look at all these limited banners and characters you will realistically never have an opportunity to actually get because no gems and how dogshit terrible the banner system is
>just use the one broken character you have for the entirety of the content of the game you are allowed to
>which basically just means dailies and skip tickets
Fun game.
I wonder what the highest account level is. Someone must be dumping gems into stamina every day to be it
You now remember DeNA capped the level at 145 for 1 and a half years for no rhyme or reason
it didn't matter but it was weird indeed
It's 393
Well then...
At 115k rn so yeah
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This but with Katy & Spidops instead of Malva
2 Kalos spotlights, a Paldean friend, and a pseudo PF with a song key? Sounds familiar…
Wow that's dogshit.
Lillie alone mogs any anni outcome
>Lillie alone mogs a-CK
>the rest
Not interested in either the character or the Pokemon.
Everything seems legit except that
Lilliefags get the rope
Yep, more proof Lillie has already won making them foam and sweat knowing their literal who waifu will flop.
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I like this mode but skill gears turn it into a whale^2 competition
>have 3/5 NC Nate
>Barley break 1M
I hate this mode, it makes me feel so shit
Not happening
How many 3/5 NC Nates are there in this general?
I candied mine up shortly after release just because he is a MF and I thought he'd be useful down the line. I was right.
There's a lot for a new player to work through to be preoccupied with. You can get something big like around 30K+ gems at this point just from playing out the permanent content. And you keep scouting with new units along the way.

If you broke 1 M you're good enough. This mode is nice for giving units of different types the ability to shine better.

3/5 and caked, but it has more to do with Shiny Haxorus than Nate since it's one of my favorite Unova designs. They made a good choice picking it for a Master Fair, much prefer it over genies/swords.
>>have 3/5 NC Nate
>>Barley break 1M
Thats fine since the event Dragon stage reduces sync damage by 80%
You will probably get 2-2,5+ Mil on the normal Dragon 3v3 tomorrow
Lillie WILL NOT get another alt until maybe NC Alola at the earliest
NC Alola next month then
3/5 Nate or 3/5 Zerena for 3v3 dragon (no damage reduction)
Nate >> Zerena/SS Cynthia > Lance (only 5/5 because he needs 6 Atk for Haymaker) > Cyrus >> Zinnias
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>could’ve got this fat fuck on the masters day scout
>instead spooks me on Greta daily
Damn fat man got my hopes up for a second
You did cake your SS Lyra, right?
But Zerena has a good nuke + support role + SE next on first sync which can be kept for second sync.
I don't have any of the SE next givers. And she has sure crit on her sync.
I'm curious as to how V Lance holds up but I have him at 1/5 and I cna't justify using a tech candy on him prior to datamine/eve of anni when most likely we'll get a dragon unit
Nah I have Mix Red
Is Lance good included his alt too you know
She is fine, Nate is just much better. It was already proven in the event Dragon stage
>But Zerena has a good nuke
Nates is better (and he has circle too, circle works on syncs)
>support role
Field role is better on the optimal comp (where you wont have a free slot for Lucas)
>And she has sure crit on her sync.
thats the only advantage of her (and SS Cynthia) over Nate, less crit rng. But numbers-wise he is #1 right now
>how V Lance holds up
V.Lance is good for 3v1 Dragon (not as good as Lucas, but good).

for 3v3 nah
>And she has sure crit on her sync.
nvm, Nate has "P-Moves & S-Moves Crit"
His syncs always crit
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>Not as good as Lucas
Oh of course, I have both at 1/5 but zone > rebuff
my wife
>Alola NC next means high chance for a Elio alt
>but then L*ll*e
Happy birthday pokemon masters
Worth it to give 2 candies to NC Cheren for some extra score?
What about flying against 3 targets, will he be the best choice or...?
If he is, I might consider.
>will he be the best choice or...?
I guess yeah
Gloria alt 2 doesnt have Strike
Skyla’s sync is stronger technically and easier to set up
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Holy shit, I really wasn't wasn't planning on being invested in datamine until the anni units would be revealed but a Lillie alt would be huge.
>easier to set up
no its not, InterferenceSync sucks here

NC Cheren scored more than aSkyla in Flying 3v1 just now, no reason to think it wont be the same in 3v3
Your teeter dance Rosa?
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she doesn't have to be there
but elio needs a matching outfit with anni lillie
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datamine tomorrow? or Monday
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Sorry I took her haha
So this is how NTR feels huh?
My nig those tickets aren't worth it enough to do that.
What the fuck is that PoMa day battle
>Flannery sets a no-weather field
>immediately after Graveler tries to set Sunny Day
the only person in the world that has her
I got her today from a random daily too just because I had a gut feeling it'd work
that first guy is getting mega cucked
That's just one of the old co-op battles they rehashed.
fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you

I want her but I'm waiting for the datamine. I'm at 49k gems so I don't want to spark on her when anni is next month
Will this be the most premium Anni ever? Last year, you had to pay for cakes if you wanted the new EX Roles on launch. They were bold enough to do that so could be bold enough to charge you to unlock Ultimate on Day 1.
Introducing the stone gacha
95% chance they monetize the shit out of it given the cake paid banner and the Mix paid banner. It will be especially funny since they're probably just selling the same exact Sync Pair but stronger since they mentioned the champions with their aces. I'm hoping it's not though because that would kill the hype for the vast majority of people. At least with the 4th Anni cake paywall you actually still got new units.
>roll for the 0.5% stone
>give it to the sync pair to change kit
>the more stones you pull the higher are the new kit's bonuses
I think they'll get new outfits that look closer to their aces at least. There's no way they'd pull a Variety with the same partner Pokemon for Anni.
Even then it's still lazy if it's something you have to pay for. If it's easy enough to get them with free gems then it's not as bad, but I don't think they'll be that nice.
Just started last night and I'm a bit lost on what I should be doing. Should I be working my way through the story for now?
good real art > good AI art > bad AI art > bad real art
Yeah work through the story but feel free to take breaks to spend stamina on the Training Area so that you can both put your stamina to good use and clear each area for the first time to get extra gems.
Is this why Gloria is soloing Flying stage with rebuffs instead of 30 seconds of set up zone animation?
Gloria A2 skips 3 turns with every Bounce + the enemy's move animation. Combined with her nuke that's really good for the Flying stage.
Lol just do a multi you coward
>Will this be the most premium Anni ever?
maybe, but cakes still became much easier to get some months later.

You always have to pay to get something day 1
Gloria being meta in flying DC is because of Bounce spam

she wont even be the #1 on Fire 3v1, despite being a Fire type primarily
>bad AI art > bad real art
oh you havent seen a real bad AI art
Sing spam works if you already have a status applied
thats huge considering its a striker vs 1 target
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introducing ultimate cynthia and garchomp with B Earthquake that has no aoe damage drop off and sets ground rebuff and ground zone and has infinite uses and maxes cynthias attack and always crits and sucks your dick and
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Yes and? I've been doing that with NC Rosa. She gets +2 gauge for a 1 bar missed Song. She's perfect
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Can't wait for their EX roles next update
What was even the grid upgrade today?
Sprint, Field and Tech
They're totally going to cuck Hop with the striker role like they did with Skyla, won't they?
I wouldnt hate sprint on hop
Marn - support 100%

Hop - likely Sprint

Bede - Strike or Tech
Nothing wrong with it for Hop, he runs debuff teammates anyway, Sprint and Field are the only other decent options, Sprint in particular.
Support is the eternal neutral good alternative for any occasion.
>tfw 3 sprint fighting type masterfairs
Strike would be pretty mid for Hop
>have to debuff spdef .. and def .. and speed - all AoE
Flying needed an aoe sync that was actually good, so Skyla didn’t get cucked. Cheren coming out so soon after it was weird though.
>cuck with the striker role like they did with Skyla
anni skyla got strike ex role
Yes? It was very good for her
he would still have inertia for sides. I like it because his problem is killing the sides
Your Cheren?
>he would still have inertia for sides.
Thats only fine as long as you can max out the innate tech sync multiplier (the most important one), which requires Def drops
If the innate isnt active, then the sync dmg will be shitty with just Inertia alone

He would basically be glued to SC Steven (and in DC mode, Steven using his B-move 3 times takes an eternity)
For CS its ok I guess
Ah yes, look at all those DC clears she got
? She did reach 1Mil in 3v1 and that will obviously be much higher in 3v3
whats the issue?
Its her best possible Role easily (Tech+Strike almost always is)
>She did reach 1Mil in 3v1
Gloria can reach that solo and she doesn't have an EX role. Field Skyla would easily reach 2Mil
Field does nothing for Skyla, what are you on?
>Field does nothing for Skyla
It literally sets a zone on sync, saving you both time, a turn and the need for MPR. Just look what it did for SS Lyra
>Just look what it did for SS Lyra
Also your 5/5 Skyla with extension?
It literally lowered her solo requirements while also making Tornadus possible (though still brutally hard).
>5/5 Skyla with extension?
Too expensive energy wise, her grid is stacked enough. Although the Field role extension combined with the grid extension would also help in DC.
>He would basically be glued to SC Steven
no you dont want to buff defenses and no spdeff. But he has a legit partner in SST Red so its a big bonus.
Can we talk about something relevant here?
>Too expensive energy wise
You can literally get all of her relevant sync nodes with the flying zone mp refresh and extension with the 5/5 uncapped so no it's not.
>It literally lowered her solo requirements while also making Tornadus possible (though still brutally hard).
what a fucking moron, lyra 'lowering her solo reqs' by requiring you to give up a cake unnecessarily is not only petty since you're still losing a major resource for little difference, but hardly rewarding since she already dominated every lg combo and at most you get like an extra few pu tickets/skill feathers out of it
meanwhile anni skyla getting strike triples her damage for dc meaning a much bigger pickup on points and rewards, where even if you don't care about the freebies you farm way more sync orbs meaning more sync grid uncaps
>LA shit
Field role ASkyla would barely change anything for her
While making her much worse for 3v3

its the exact same for Lucas too
It's true


Literally does more damage solo than Skyla does in a group. The absolute state of flying types.
Yep Skyla and Lucas do great with AoE Sync because all of their Sync setup follows lockstep with what their jobs are, with Skyla's only enemy-dependent boost not being a problem since she sets AoE interference anyway.
I was referring to this
>"Field Skyla would easily reach 2Mil"
not the Gloria part

>Literally does more damage solo than Skyla does in a group
Yes, in 3v1
in 3v3 Skyla will mog her thanks to Strike
Ah yes, look at all her UB clears she got
Does she not clear every UB with NC Cheren and SS Mina?
>he doesnt know
kek dumbass
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meant to be sarcastic
Pokegirl meta-sama, I kneel..
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delete this
I hope you guys realize that Anni Skyla won't be anything but a zone setter in 3v3 because of her sync requirements. Confusion takes up way too much of your time if you want a high score. The best team will probably use NC Cheren as the the nuker. Lodge Skyla is unironically going to do well too as a cheaper alternative.
t. someone who actually plays the game
NC Cheren will probably be the best for 3v3, but ASkyla will be second best and not too far from him. So good for cheren skippers
And you can ignore IS5 and only use Inertia and it'll be ok
who cares, fact is you get 3x the points for strike cake on anni skyla which is far better than field cake which is what the discussion was about
Stop the count!
And for which mode exactly?
dc obviously, is this some dumb setup that ignores the fact that it's centered on anni skyla's performance
>F-Field for a single-target zone setter that already has MPR & extension
this guy is absolutely retarded lmao
>You did cake your SS Lyra, right?
I dont think I've even used SS Lyra since Adaman and SS Acerola came out.
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Funny thing is that Anni Skyla's sync still hits harder than Cheren's without the interference boost
Cheren scored higher not because of his sync, but because he can blast off a big SMUN/PMUN boosted B-move and/or Fly at the end of the timer to get an extra 150-200K+
Anni bait is sygna suit Lear, Paulo, Tina, and us
That's not true though. Have checked if his sync multipliers are accounted for? Remember his sync needs rebuff, Phys Up and SPD debuffs.
I use SS Lyra, Acerola, and Adaman. Who's your third slot?
If it's too much effort to get confusion up for Skyla than we can assume it's too much to stack his pmun to 10, thus making his sync far weaker. All this is in the context of a 3v3 DC
for raw damage Mix Reds AoE is good .. or even Razor Leaf Dahlia
datamine today or monday?
The problem with Confusion isn't the effort/RNG it takes but the animations that play when you apply it AND when the enemy executes a move taking up your time.

These extra animations are also the reason why people used Courtney over Bertha in the Ground solo challenge since Trap slows everything down. If this mode wasn't timed the way it is I would agree with you.

pick one
>Mix Red
True but then he doesn't benefit from SS Acerola's b-move. I alternate him, lyra, and adaman sometimes but when there's no field/GT runs out, it's hell.
How is Lysandre for the Flying ST DC?
Lacking multipliers, he is a sort of bulky tech with a strike sync as a kit but not exactly a dps, you can just Lodge Skyla instead. I am confident she does easily outdamages him ontype with a super effective themed kit on a top of innate Haymaker.
>How is Lysandre for the Flying ST DC?
Strikers rarely do very well in ST DC
How often do you find yourself using BP Barry? I have Red who I use instead as the Support. I only have like 40-50 PUs so I'm hesitant to upgrade Barry to 6EX.
Just upgrade him with tickets. It'll take a few weeks but these challenges seem to be (semi?) permanent
Very often in DC but not much in CS (since I miss his SC my "autism" prevents from using the other alts), he's fine in LG.
In DC he compresses the status spammer role with a support so he is worthy. One of the key utility units right now and often better than Red even.
>Often better than red
Somewhat. Both Barry and Red offer support, but Red has sprint on sync and has adrenaline+TM reset. The only downside to red is that once his TM runs out (post maxmove), he's useless so he needs to be paired with colress.
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For example on Flying DC ST these are the results with even L.150, EX + eventual cake role, 5/5 (much easier for Skyla to obtain), 0 sync buffs, -1 rebuff from Steven, SEN applies.
Considering Barry's foe Roserade uses x Defense and you Buddy Leer only twice at best Skyla's sync damage does even more because of the -2 Defende opponent.

However I have no idea how well BP Barry + Lysandre's Sprint + C Red Sprint and Support buff could do with all the sync countdown bonuses (consider your own Barry can also spam 4 or 5 null Stun Spore in a row faster than Red's TM even which at least offers SEN effect but you also lose the type rebuff boost). Maybe he doesn't end that far from Skyla.
Yeah, Red needs that Adrenaline move level investment, the TM refresh is ready on 1/5 but the runs need some resets for that perfect score most of time and he does e joy Colress more at least on physical stages.
And again, Skyla also gets a roided Brave Bird finisher with something between +8 and +10 PMUN queud after her last sync.
any minute now...
AZ, Villain Volo and Anni Serena leaked
Is Jasmine still shit with the expansion?
I mean if you were planning on using Jasmine anyway, she got better. If you're talking about her relative to limited units you could use instead, you're definitely better off using someone else.
You get first aid without syncing now and crit buffs for her tms so it's whatever
See >>487629547
Now stop embarrassing yourself already
Awful design.
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now that jasmine can buff crit and anni will bring ex to regirock the aftermath jasmine/mcregirock/morty is even funnier, and if no ex regirock then petrel will work too
No update.
it's so over
monday it is then
No mining of the data?
>barely got 1m
>top 1 has 4m
damn I'll wait for teams
I'm maxing out at 1.8M. Dragon is tough even at 3v3
What teams?
for 1m
zygarde (caked), dialga and klink

fucked up the first sync and also didn't reduce sp def which could be better (or waste time), it was my first try so for now I'll just wait
Well I already have DC Nemona from the exchange shop. Which pair should I get now?
Comfy 1.3M+

Could maybe go to 1.5M if you have SEUN for every sync with refreshes
2 more copies of her
When I say Liko you say KINO!

Well tried both Colress and Barry, Barry's sync buff gives more damage obviously.
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woah woah
>lodge shit
I hope it's not more lodge for Anni or um unistalling
Still waiting on more Marner merch
It's probably just going to be regurgitating the sync stones ultimate buildup without revealing anything new/substantial. The exception would be if Ultimate is actually in the August datamine. Then I could see them talking about it since it'd be out that month anyway.
>released after datamine
We won't find anything worthwhile in it as usual
>5/5 EX Cyrus cannot even reach 1M here, on 3v3 dragon
I find that hard to believe. It's probably just his teammates that want adjusting.
Maybe he could get 900k-1M with Redlax, not sure
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So, a nothingburger.
My cute wife on top.
Based Wobbuffet lover
It looks like Melony is the best status spammer, she is quite a lot faster than Barry and Colress with sing spam.
Improved my SS Cynthia score to almost 1.6M lol. Despite not using Redlax

The only drawback is that her sings costs 1 bar each and you need to have enough gauge to sustain it without charging infliction.
Redlax cant do it, so you have to swap him for a very fast support - Chase is probably the best

Elio can also do this, but he is slower than Melony
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Will ultimates finally be what gets us to a full patch number change like EX.
i hope, this game needs a rework if it wants to stay alive
The gameplay/modes in this game are pretty good now
Decently deep, enjoyable, varied .. the only bad thing is default 80% sync crits, that sucks
Any chances for a saturday datamine?
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No, Afroman doesn't do weekends.
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Glad I can do a low effort clear with 1/5 Nate. It’s too close to anni to spend candies right now.
>the only bad thing is default 80% sync crits, that sucks
and the inconsistency of WTZ times
Agreed, I like the gameplay, but would be great if they changed longstanding things that just become frustrating with better content like the Sync crit situation.
How is DC varied if it requires even more specific teams than UBs? Look at how many Dragon types we have and how many are even viable in this mode.
>how many are even viable in this mode.
NC Nate
SS Serena
SS Cynthia
SS leon
..Cyrus can get you some pts
It doesn't require shit, dude. You're out of your mind to compare DC to UB which is a harder yes/no on your account. DC is how high you can go meanwhile UB is strictly pass/fail.
What units have you gotten from the shop? I've only gotten Nemona but I'm semi-tempted to get Wally (dragon HSE in two months) or Gladion (field for inevitable HSE maybe in Nov).
I went on a event shopping spree and used my tickets on sync orbs by mistake
>What units have you gotten from the shop?
I'll wait till they add someone I might care about (or with better kit), or maybe they will add other stuff to the ticket shop
>It doesn't require shit, dude

Good luck hitting one million with Cyrus then : )
The fact that you chose one million shows you actually don't understand
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Thank you, dailygods.
Got Gladion and Nemona. Will get Hugh next and will wait to see if they add more.
So what makes Melony faster again?
sing is VERY fast

>Did 700k with with Barry and Zerena
>Replace Barry w/ Melony and bump to 1 mill

Now should I have my third unit be Zone or Rebuff?
>Replace Barry w/ Melony and bump to 1 mill
Who was your 3-rd here? And did you have enough gauge to always spam sings and never run out?
I grabbed Marnie, Nemona and Wally so far. I have enough for another and I'm thinking of grabbing a 2nd Wally or Marnie. Gladion looks like shit and Hugh might be ok later but I don't care for him.
I don't get how this is better than other sing spammers like NC Rosa who has infinitely more utility besides sing
>asking for proof that you can actually gain the rewards without metafagging
Concession accepted
You never asked for proof, you made some shitpost like you're doing again now and expecting to be responded to rationally lol
Rosa works too. But her utility is mostly with Psychic or with other Unova units

And she has 1 drawback - after you sync with her, passive will forcefully change you into Fighting forme and you lose Sing.
You then have to use her B-move once to go back to Sing (Psychic) form. And the B-move animation is VERY long - so long that even Sprint role doesnt really make up for it .. Rosas 1 b-move will take longer than 3 sings
What's he do?
Both Lucas and Redlax are better than v.lance here
Though I'm not sure how you had enough gauge to spam sing there. SS Serena and Melony have no speed buffs. Also you also need someone to use paralysis first, so that Sing always fails.
Just don't have Troublemaker, that 45 accuracy will never hit
Sing spam is only reliable and fast if it never connects. So you need paralysis for consistency
Retard lol
If her b-move takes away her sprint role then she's just a support sync with a free PSMUN from her b-move. Still better than Melony. Plus master passive.
-1 Sync and rebuff
I set up with Zerena then used twave with V Lance for rebuff and so the sing could fail
>twave with V Lance
oh yeah he has that

well Lucas/redlax are still better for 3v3
This place is going to have a meltdown once single target bug DC arrives lol
Your Hilbert?
Although only redlax can paralyze - and he needs some move levels to reach 60% para, so maybe not a good option
The best choice with Melony would be Chase (caked), and if you dont have him - NCblue maybe
I already have the DC units I actually care about so not really, if you want to have a panic attack over nothing though be my guest
>single target bug
I will likely be under 500K
Going to be dusting off Lear for Psychic 3v1
Which sync pairs benefit the most from sync grid uncaps?
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I see, requires a perm status, might EX her later, not even sure if I am still stuck with 2/5 or finally got her at 3/5, she was very evasive. I need to focus on EXing a Fairy for ST and Triples, only have Gladion at 1/5 and thinking about EXing BP Valerie and then a ST Steel with K Grimsley.
The ones you like
Pal Bea
>Which sync pairs benefit the most from sync grid uncaps?
diamond grids
your fav
5/5 ones
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3v1 bug will filter me hard, first and only battle I can't clear 1M
Did you have NC Silver for Rock?
Stop being retarded.
>oh no I can't clear 1 M aaahhh
>*gets the freebies anyway after a few extra days*
DeNA was truly devilish with this FOMO!
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Sometimes I wonder if these people are paid DeNa shills or just lost redditors
DC Blue & Rhydon
More likely Alakazam unless they want to save it for a limited as an offensive Mega
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what's the strat here
Sync with Bianca first, then spam t-wave to sync with Nate. Set up your circles when you neeed to for damage and you should get 1 mil. I threw in a b move or two with Nate since I can’t rely on full sync like 3/5 Nate.
thanks anon
my nate is 2/5
>cynthia anni
that's the stuff
I thought that I missclicked on the Lillie thread
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This team goes fast - nearly 8 syncs. Good for Fighting 3v3

If Aarons defences are maxed out - Defend order becomes as fast as Sing
>If Aarons defences are maxed out - Defend order becomes as fast as Sing
new meta
If I buy the sync orb bundle right now while already having completed the daily orb stage will I miss out on 900 orbs?
Probably, just wait for reset
I think you'd miss out yeah, safer to wait
The main thing is the gems since every time you refresh the bundle you get 1000 gems immediately
where can i download specific voice files from this game
google drive folder in the op, lurk in those file folders
>monday datamine
this might eos before thanks to this month
im having trouble locating a general archive of all characters, rather than just the ones added in the most recent version. colress specifically
try searching for akroma or achroma, akuroma
two nukes was not enough.....
Lilliefags LOOK LIKE THIS?
I think that guy should worn a belt, might made his butt look better.
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Only missing the ugly edgelord
You already have Gladion bro
None, I hate high score/DPS race modes so I'm getting the clear reward and that's it.
>missing the ugly edgelord
but Marnie is right here
Kek based

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