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Previous: >>486370094

>[From Chaldea PR Dep't] Watch "Chaldea Broadcasting Station U.S. Branch Lite Vol. 9"!
2024-07-17 18:00 PDT

>[Summon] 7th Anniversary Commemorative Limited Servant Daily Pickup Summon
2024-07-09 21:00 - 07-17 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/e75ykf.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Future Quartz: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRQFC6pgsvDr11c1oe8PcGXurF3uw0MBq73YoQMGCJemzMics9LfwVurTLMi0rpfHNEBjG6gVCOrIer/pubhtml
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

Yuyu love!
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Post cute Melus.
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Gogh in the OP... GoghP ehehe...
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Sure, bro
I miss Hamtaro
I miss being a kid, bros
Add them...
Lasange please...
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>1 million FP
>No xu fu
Kyoudai, she's not in the FP pool yet.
Illya is still on rate up as part of the anni campaign
That’s it, I’m hiding my 120s off support. Take that listshitter!
Please explain why you make these posts.
On the one hand, Arc's rate-up is over, but on the other hand Illya is still on rate-up with her, so maybe you still need to wait.
Illya claims yet another victim
Xu Fu gets added to the FP pool gacha after her SQ rate-up in the 7th Anniversary ends.
Owari da.
Now to decide on my eigth Fou target.
Stop calling me a redlister, the listfag wrongly categorized me because he's retarded, I'm nobiloty.
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So Lasange sees this and makes a new Luvia servant.
There has to be at least 1 Lasange employee on 4chan.
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I hate prisma so much
It haunts me even in the fucking gacha
Melu does this when she sees Aurora.
How hard is it to be a woman in Japan /alter/ considering they're sexualized to such a degree?
Can you also ask them to add Yang Bride as a Servant on my behalf?
Do you guys think Bob and Beryl ever.....?
Women aren't real
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I hope XuFu is never added to the FP pool.
barghest is so fucking ugly lmao
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Did the faggot ever finish that new Lv 120 list?
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I got some SQ from getting my Achilles spook to bond 6!
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Let her Kuuk.
I dont remember nuclear reactors being this thick...
Who are you rolling in the first half of 2025?
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/fgoalter/ has spoken
Our target this summer will be Gareth
If you do not LVL120 3 append Gareth by the end of summer you will be unfriended and banned from the discord.
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I wish we had summoned the strongest anti-South American servant
Im saving all my Quartz for NP5 Chloe bikini.
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Why are Hispanic women so hot?
What about Cooldusa?
Nasu wanted ORT to be the antagonist, so Cortez would be pretty useless. Plus Daybit and WOOOO-man are the Nazi-in-hiding style of South Americans, they aren't weak to colonizing Servants.
What about Takasugi?
Did I fucking stutter?
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sorry bro, south american servants dont cut it in lostbelt 7: jurassic park
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as grand poalmaster, I have to say the rigger went a bit too overboard this time.
You got too greedy trying to put yan qing so high and skadi as low as the other participants allowed you to.

Hope you had fun.
>Pale skinned woman with blue eyes and straight hair
>Pale skinned woman with green eyes and straight blonde hair
Yup looks very hispanic to me.
I prefer Tezca myself
How much of a shitshow is this going to be, for real?
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Love Melu
Hate turd/Raikouschizo
I'm wasting it all on Avalon! I don't care if not having Ibuki bricks my account! Fuck off! I'll do fine!
I don't like her, but I'll be rolling for her in order to fill out my pokedex.
he would likely be 3* or 4* rider or pretender at best
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You will literally be fine though, I dont see why you have to cope about this
>ati out of comission
>can't run his usual bots and shill campaign
>skadi votes instantly tanks
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ibuki is an entirely useless addition to any account, so don't sweat it. There's already plenty of arts loopers. she just does it better, but you don't need to do it as better as she does it.
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Looking forward to playable Aurora?
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>Anon doesn't know what Hispanic means
Did you pull for the Funny Vamp?
Grats bro
I tried 40 tickets but failed
Unfortunately i didnt get NP6 only NP5 so i will never be able to fully max her since shes never getting another rate up after this.
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yeah I can't wait for her to be 110% for (you) and end up as Melusine's and Morgan's rival for your affection and the fgog cucktard to go cry in the corner at having wasted all his time being wrong.
yes, shes np1 since I didnt want to blow my summer quartz
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Here's your content until the stream
Feels good to be an /alter/ aristocrat. I really made it.
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Nice job bro
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>14 year old
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wait how is my name on there, I never submitted anything
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Even if they go the cope route of threesome I don't want that shitty monster anywhere near Melu. So I hope she won't be a thing
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am i being too greedy as a f2p
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>still unidentified
You will never get me. I assume you are relying on the archive to scrape for FCs or even worse, only recently catalogued all the supports but didn't find my FC.
No, you are reasonable
You should be good
Think how happy Melu would be if Aurora was in Chaldea though.
Serfs rise up
depends how many np levels you want.
if you're not hitting pity you should be fine
should be fine and achievable if your not doing some natty np6 stuff
I've managed to dodge the list for a while now. Maybe I'll name drop myself when I make it to Nobility.
Stop ban evading turd
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i forgot to put caenis summer on there butt i think that boat has sailed, i consneed ill never get her
looks like September 3 2025 is her only solo rate up ever
turd is in your head instead of brains
its time to take your meds, schizo
Contain your autism.
So how good is S.erice
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cringe take. the only truly noble path forward is to admit your current standing and improve it not for the sake of the list but for the sake of your own satisfaction.
Do not live like a coward in the shadows. Live in the light and stand proud of yourself no matter where your journey leads or your progress along it.
F tier.
Worse than some year 1 servants.
She's good but nothing revolutionary.
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I'm about to finally finish Salem (I skipped 1.5 chapters to read LBs so I have been chipping 1.5s down little by little) and man this is a weird chapter to really evaluate since the plot barely moves for 5 chapters and then it kicks to hyper drive and is about to wrap up (im at 2nd to last arrow of section 8).Not the worst read and the general plot is not that bad in 1.X standards but for a mystery plot it really does not want you to be that interested in the general mystery since the gang mostly just reacts and does not really push foward by themselves.
I can see why people would like abby for non lolicon reasons now.
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Turd pls
ok, main value is being able to insta-death those QP coin mobs in that QP OC free quest if your not using douman
Is the Meluschizo a new addition to the /alter/ ecelebs?
Good against servant bosses
and the upcoming chapter has plenty of Ruler servant boss fights so she's good for that
random question but whats stopping people who actually get irked by the 'list' from adding it to their filter and not seeing it show up for them?
Nah fuck that. I'm not going to expose myself for hitting pity on a servant twice and still being stuck at NP3.
I haven't been paying attention how is this determined exactly?
its not BAD it's just a mess in terms of "canon" due to FGO reaching the problem of multiple writers doing whatever the fuck they want and one of them clearly doesn't even keep up with FGO anymore,

My main autism problem goes to Tezca
Hurr durr I WAS Grand Berserker, but since the seat was empty I changed class because fuck you that's why to Assassin
He might be onto something
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We shall remain in the shadows. Anonymous, as it should be.
women like it.
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one of the best ST avengers until jalter gets a 50% battery
He's full of shit. Every post involved in that "discussion" was deleted. They weren't all from one person.
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IT is absolutely heinous and disgusting thing to know that amongs our mids there are anons who have fetish for women.
makes me sick just to think about it.
I mean just leave him to his own devices
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Based fellow Hassanbros
they will never get us in their shitty lists
Stop replying to yourself and ban evading.
You will never become an /alter/ king or noble that way.
>every post that disagrees with me is from one person!!!

Take your meds already Meluschizo.
I'm going to blow you all
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Thanks Bob.
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Anyone wanna be my girlfoe to lure my future girlfriend out of hiding?
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>Stop replying to yourself and ban evading.
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what's the Salter girlfoe experience like?
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I look like this
Charlotte is so beautiful, bros
Why did they ruin her with a shitty artist?
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is shitty what the zoomers are calling endearing these days
The Summer 7 event is starting tomorrow?
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theres still cum inside my dick
even after I take a piss
Completely out of character
Salter is a cold-hearted bitch
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they couldn't let you get a free Mash that actually puts out without some sort of caveat.
Well, someone had to take over Enma Ai.
wring it out retard
did you take a big shit?
the poop might have pressed on your prostate and moved some cum into the pipe
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But this time, he is actually right. It was me who was disagreeing with him, all posts were made by me.
Don't let this list drama distract you from the fact that Gilgamesh was raped at gandr point by a pack of Clock Tower mages in the fiery Grail War of 94
>wring it out retard
I did it but refuse to come out
maybe because the cum string broke after rolling it in my finger
>steal your wallet
>max out your credit cards on fast food
>gives your wallet back telling you the cards dont work anymore and says "make them work again"
why are you
fuck nevermind, dumb coombrain, hold it for summer release rolls
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>Could you do some Beni and Wu together?

>I meant Mash watching Guda on Olga sex

>Can you do Taiga in jeans and the bikini top with a big burger?

Oh I see what you mean
It's weird because even with
>from outside
>looking inside
>from above
and other descriptors it doesn't get it and gives me a regular perspective image
>Raikouschizo still going on
Sorry Imouto
>It's weird because even with
>and other descriptors it doesn't get it and gives me a regular perspective image
yeah that was my problem, guess its one of those things NAI just can't get around doing
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Damn lewis hamilton got drip
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Do Melusine and Aurora sex
NAI can't do Aurora
I'm so tired today...
let me...sleep a little while......
Do more MeluGuda stuff. maybe some hand holding or lovey dovey stuff like lap pillow.
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Thanks bro
Red is a hotter green than color
So red = hotshot
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do Miyamoto Musashi version
What if I don't want to, huh?!
why is she holding that shelf like that
i'm a quickshot
Then you are turd. Simple as
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That's a bit rude.
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Bobro you just did ....
Don't be a turd and it will be daijoubu
haha good one anon!
summer ibuki can clear some 90++s
Good point...

I'll do it again!
A year lol
Remove iphone bobfag from your friend lists.
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Unlimited Melusine Works
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>3.8k bond points

Imagine covering them all with your cum
He's not a reddie so no
Im organizing the manga styles folder, give me some mins and Ill do some Bleach Musashi

I'd say Raikou won this time
Ironic that Summer 7's 90++ is cleared mostly by Arts and then Quick
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You picked the wrong bitch for me, this proves you are a lazy faggot and did this only for the (you)s
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*Kills your favorite servant* How weak.
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King by name and by nature.
That looks more junji ito than kubo
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> 1.2 million dragon on wave 2 and 2.7 million Vritra on wave 3.
Onii-chan's quests are getting pretty bullshitty.
boobs too small
>Incucknation is red
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I dunno. Do in any shonen jump mangaka style or whatever.
do in fujimoto style kek
>did this only for the (you)s
That much has been obvious from like, the start.
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King Arthur would stop him.
its berserk
now Im wondering if I can do Junji ito
Just roll for NP5 Draco
didn't he quit?
i'm pretty sure he plays something else and i haven't seen him in ages
What the fuck are you talking about?
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Doesn't look berserk either. That chin/cheek looks more like a junji itou character
>a fucking year
dont know if some alterbros have enough time lmao
What is this.
I couldn't manage the facial structure when I tried shoving Batty into Uzumaki months ago
I think you'd be relying heavily on img2img/vibe
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The Ptolemy grail front
Miura is not n booru for NAI to work, but "Berserk" is, so its the closest i've been able to get with, i use Kubo as a middleman artist basically
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Arcade collab is the best collab ever happened to FGO
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Your list is shit and not researched enough you dumb autistic fuck. For all that gloating about refreshing every /alter/ bro, you didnt check all their servants
>arcade collab
Christmas Suzuka doko
You now remember the Wii Sonic spin off where he wields Excalibur.
Eat a turd, your fault for not displaying your maxed servant in all
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Remember...? It lives in my head rent free, it was the last good Sonic story we had for like fifteen years or so. Probably laid some groundwork for my later enjoyment of Saber too.
>not maximizing your friend support slots for waifupower and simply stamping your favorite with the red sticker
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>morgankek is hiding his morgan
Not sure what to think about that
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Beryl was busy with her
It was one of the most forgettable mainline titles along with seven rings. Controlling the Wii remote like a sword was fun though.
>Do in any shonen jump mangaka style or whatever.
k have to love-ru Musahi
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>90** nodes are now a thing in JP
bros... I don't think I will be able to keep up
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>Iori and a support Takeru, which is always there during the entire event.

You're wrong

It NOT an event node

They are talking about the NEW node in JP

Classified as 90+++

It contains:
>3/1/2 wave
>3 mobs of 500k hp in the first wave
>1.2 million Dragon in wave 2
>2.7 million Vritra and 100k mob in wave 3

There's no damage CE

There's no featured support servant

It's LITERALLY impossible to farm
Didn't catch me, bitch.
Can it do Muramasa?
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Y'know now that I think about it I genuinely don't know if I'd consider the storybook games mainline or not. Either way I did like that the whole thing was basically Sonic teaching memento mori to dumb kids like myself at the time. That and it was just really cool and a nice intro to Arthurian legend for children.
>Classified as 90+++
that's also wrong, it's a 90++++ node
we are reaching that kind of level of bullshit
Sounds like a job for an AoE Saber and an ST Saber.
Needs more arbitrary division.
Like I said, just roll for NP5 Draco
Either anni 9 servant is good for this kind of node then as f2p player we fucked
120 NP5 Draco clears
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>Somebody used my lvl1 McCumhail
Hes lvl1...
What are you clearing with that?
Kind of strange
>1.2 million
>2.7 million
Can... can even a roided out Sumanai handle that in a 3T farm? NP5, MLB BG, 2x Vitch and Oberon?
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Your list is shit, sorry chud
I like a lot of extra class servants, when they add 2 slots for extras servants, I'll move her up in front
>just roll np5 SSR servant bros
Fuck paypig
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>puffy vagoo
>to love-ru artist

This shit is so peak
Shut up, turd
Holy shit, yabuki tamamo, ishtar-eresh, and morgan please!
we are not completely sure at this point
also the dragon and vritra have some kind of status attached to them
maybe it's the key to make that node farmable
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do Musashi in regura style
or in takeda hiromitsu
>i HAVE to 3t or else my head explodes
It's not even an event node, are you all mentally challenged? Do you have to minturn CQ's too?
Paypigs keep this game alive. You will treat us with respect.
t. lucklet
>Literally beg for A.I ART
t. dicklet
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>Paypigs keep this game alive. You will treat us with respect.
dont have a sub, can't do much, sorry
though I want to see Tamamo
I got np5 arc off anni quartz and some dust lint under the sofa (rank ups)
Thinking about grailing Charlotte but then I see her in-game art...
It means they take extra damage from Saber class servants. So yes, Sumanai and Sigurd will handle that node.
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Getting her to 120 is going to take months holy moly.
Look, a reddie crying.
Good luck, Arcchad, it's a long road.
>4* embers
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Her art sucks but that doesn't stop me from having her grailed and gold fou'd
my 3 day ban is over, i am free to post my daughter once more
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Which Servants are strong?
do eet
your daughter has autism
I wish I was Miyu getting defeated by perverted enemies.
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Dumb nigger, should have leveled her up during anniversary
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>4* embers
It takes like a day of farming super hands for 120 less if you farmed during the 3x
She must have gotten it from me.
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Eric Bloodaxe
She is not your daughter though?
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He has no nipples, therefore he's weak.
she is, i adopted her after marrying her mother
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>Genshin got their LB7 before us
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So is xu fu in the fucking FP gacha or not?
She is in the story rate up
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Can i clear it without Oberon or Castoria though?
Not too sure I'm a fan of sharing this space with PEASANTS.
Yeah, she's in the FP Gacha, just like Caster Cu.
Spent 10 million FP and let us know.
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These are the next 30 Servants, how many are you rolling?
China doesnt like brown women
Lil bro, just pick an op support servant and let them solo the free quest

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And 4 stars
Then leave
Oi Im serious, I skipped the ani rate ups but I really want xu fu
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China is based. Only women with flawless skin are worthy of my seed.
>but I really want xu fu
If you did, you would have pulled for her in any other banner
The anni rate ups aren't over. Wait until they are.
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The only 6CE so far
Just Grigori Rasputin.
The rest are skips for me.
Just use Arc + 2 Koyan and Atlas MC.
Why did you pick up the game now, are you a /tmg/ that got fomo because of Arc?
Take one for the team and roll fp till you get her
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Or just give up and 5CE
I don't care about Arcueid and the FP rolls give me xu fu for free
Why should I waste SQ for nothign when in months I will have more than enough coins to 120 xu fu
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>Ibuki, Sen no Rikyu, Kuku, Tiamat, and Nero
Are all ones I would like, but thankfully the BEST servant from that batch is free!!!
No u
Rolling? So discounting welfares: Purin, Summer Skadi, Britomart (1 11x roll), Kuku.
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very nice, can you please try doing Circe and (adult) Medea in Tatsuki Fujimoto's artstyle?
Summer Chloe/Jk Fox

kinda want
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Yeah,I dont know what Fou was smoking, pale skin BB looks way better
chainsaw man style doesn't work,sadly
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She's in the fp pool
Fou has jungle fever.
very saddening, can you do them in Araki's modern jojo artstyle?
The biggest pain is reading it two lines at a time. Wish they would change this problem.
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Servant for this feel?
why do names like that exist? written Altria but pronounced Artoria, what was Nasu thinking?
it barely works
I low key kinda want to kill myself but ill wait for her first so i can pull her and then burn her and then its like we commit double suicide
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Dont Aesc questions
Very important question, especially for the f2p fags or noobs.
That's actually murder-suicide.
You’re a retard, could be done in 8 hours of farm with 3x
Who made this shit ass picture?
the 6 fingers on his right hand somehow seem like a very Araki thing to do
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god DAMN I look like this???
bros, you know what this means?
i can now grail my Prisma trio to 104
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Shishou sama...
god speed bro, im on my way to bond 11 myself
Tits too small
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bros, what are your favorite valentine ces?
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I am... forgotten............
Shuten out of ten
Why even ask that question?
Of course the answer for all of us is always yes.
i like ranmaru
i dont like myself for not reading LBs and unlocking her event
uhh....news ?
Someone with good taste, I suppose?
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>I am... forgotten............
good, hayuck PTEW
keep your servantverse shit out of gudaguda PTEW
Stream in like 15 hours bro
Why are they doing so many streams anyway? Is there really such high demand to see Alberto?
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Would you love Jalter if he was a man?
kys unbased faggot
How long until summer
I don't think I will
We miss you Ati...
Go to /fgog/
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Would you give up your gyatt to every male servant in FGO at the same time for one night for a free NP6 Summer Skadi?
Speak for yourself
Why don't you have an NP5 SSR?
would i give up my beloved grailed servants for meta slop (excluding Orion, love that guy)? not in a million years
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Hey wait a minute... Why is Kiara looking different here?
Okay, I'm curious to know why not? Elaborate.
No, I won't trade Babbage away.
if he spooks me one more time, i will

also i recently found out that some people think the black parts on his body are clothes which made me laugh
I need my Georgios with bond CE
I do though
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You're asking if I would let every male Servant assfuck my waifu? Sure, anal sex doesn't count as cheating.
Can you do gyaru gorgon with dark skin and swimsuit doing stuff with shota gudao?
They would be assfucking (You) .
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What's the downside?
Post your grailed servant
There not getting me pregnant
man getting ereshkigal's hair with yabuki kentarou is a bitch
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Yooo how do you 3 turn this
My np5 saito
A Prisma Illya loli lover, huh?
Sure, you grailed some literal who's and nobodies for reasons that escape us, but just for that, you're forgiven.
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>Yooo how do you 3 turn this
your summer hokusai?
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I am Altera of the Hun Empire. I stand with blade aloft, blood afire. For the dignity of my lord and Master. Noble Warrior. It appears that our interests have aligned. A balm upon my soul it is, that we do not meet today as enemies. Now, my blade. Watch closely.
it's odd, every time i reread the Stay Night vn it increases my fondness of Prillya
yooo is the pizza ready
double koyan, then Seibah or Ibuki

>that HP
nvm what the shit
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>Can you do gyaru gorgon with dark skin and swimsuit doing stuff with shota gudao?

Something like this?
She often comes up with blonde hair instead
Git gud.
now give her nerdy looking glasses please
there is a damage CE right?
summer is almost here. are we still bros?
Yeah no problem with yer blonde (could've use purple highlights tho)

>still no booby vritra from pononozo to this day
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No you unfriended me
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>start ooku main interlude
Wait, you have to the 1p dungeon crawler shit?
I thought it was like ccc main interlude that doesn't have the kill x enemy bullshit mechanic.
But ooku keeps the shitty gameplay?

Keep that quartz, not going through that shit a third time
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we've had several threads that talked about comps, blindanon, for the last week at least
np3 saito+double castoria+oberon
saber hokusai+double castoria+oberon
np5 bedivere (maxed mana loading)+double koyan+oberon
there is 1 "budget" comp that requires only having 1 castoria or oberon, pic rel

6ce is possible with np3 trung sisters
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i'm getting there bros
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>keep that quartz
>Ooku main interlude
>turn on a movie
>mindlessly tap through the dungeon
Thanks for the 50 sq
Ooku was one of the best events in the game. I liked it so much I took screenshots of every node and exploration message and wish I could play it a 4th time.
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>Ooku for the third time
I bought the CCC interlude but it just threw me straight into the final fight. Is that how it's supposed to be? The other ones start at the beginning
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I can't do sorting for the grail list in descending order, it keeps breaking the moment I do it...
>saber hokusai+double castoria+oberon
You don't even Oberon
This person does it with Reines, and I imagine Waver works too
>mfw artoria is the final boss
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Hehehe 69...
Thats the sex number...
If you already completed the CCC interlude back when they first released it and it was available for free, your progress carried over
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actually Artoria isn't a boss fight, nor the last fight, you fight her and her allies beforehand
thanks for leaking all your account info, newcutie
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Aoko in 648 days
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I got that reference
>>6ce is possible with np3 trung sisters
correction, you cannot do it with np3, even with
>lv 100 CE
>grailed to 100
you need
>np4, (grails or 2k/2k), lv 100 CE, and card RNG
>np4, grails, 2k/2k, lv 100 CE, less card RNG
>np5, grails, 2k/2k, lv 100 CE, does not hit first level of overkill
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You're rolling for her, right?
if she's on the same banner as summer wu or ibuki long enough for me to get a copy of either, sure
otherwise nope, summer suzuka funds take priority
Are there comps for farming with Muramasa without his append skill unlocked? I don’t mind not 6CEing so any CE is fine
She sucks.
depends, is she better than Lu Bu?
do Stheno and Euryale
Shes better at sex than Lu Bu.
>summer outfit is less slutty than regular outfit

What a waste...
Wonderful, isn't it?
i highly doubt that
But who the fuck has an np4 or np5 trung sisters in the first place?
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>the sailor outfit
>not slutty
talking trees
im rolling for Ibuki, if she comes so be it
Post your servants, relative newbie
I need help though...
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Way less than her regular outfit where you can straight up see her tits.
Uoooohhh!! So powerful!
I like seeing the underside of her outfit. It's so vibrant.
why does a middle schooler dress so slutty?
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i dont event want half of them so erm,..
To get more work.
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She lives in a post apocalyptic world. She needs to attract a mate to reproduce and save the world.
Caren made her do it.
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Nevermind, I fixed it.
Not what I imagined but whatever.
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Ivan's will literally tear you apart! Your happy hole can't take that level of abuse!
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Your favorite servant class?
Hehe can I get a pic of your servants, I bet you have really good taste!
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The cutest and the strongest

where is the content?
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Bro, you have an Illya banner now, wtf else fo you want you selfish pig?
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Been thinking a lot 'bout boobies, lately.
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What is so special about them for you?
FYI, she is indeed in the FP pool. Just got her.
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abandon the itty bitty titty committee and death awaits
The boob part.
been thinking a lot lately
Ishtar will never be relevant again...
Hello friend, I'm still here...
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Kuro sex
There's no looking back now.
>betrays quick
>betrays flatties
wu betrays...
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It's like I can hear his words even now...
full pic?
It's very in-character!
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Did something happen to Ati?
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Its a mystery
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>No Melt
I wouldn't trade shit
Still WIP I believe
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Ati Potter.. is DEAD! hehehe
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Physically unwell it seems
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She's in a better place now...
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>Sugoi is at it again
Holy shit
I've been sick for a week and my CPU died on the same day that I got sick so it wasn't a fun week. I'm better now but I can't use my PC yet. Hopefully my bad luck with that will be countered with good luck when rolling for Skadi's swimsuit soon.
Lets have a fun Summer 7 event together...
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Swimsuit nurse when
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We're all wishing you well!
Nice try, "Ati".
are we bros?
Real Ati here.
News soon.
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Well, I guess its good to hear you arent dead yet
We still need to post comps every time we are lazy to check other posts
>my CPU died
How? My CPU is almost 10 years old and it's still working.
He simulated too many farming scenarios
>route of threesome
Morgan x (you) x Melu is the superior threesome
Tezca changed to Assassin because if he was Berserker, he would powercreep Summer Ibuki lmao
Melu doesn't give a shit about Morgan though.
Sorry bros I dicked down ati too hard and put her in the hospital.
pwobabwe berserker (mom love!)
Thankyu friend. I'll get healthy and come back properly...

I'll put Asclepius with Nurse CE on ALL for a bit to show.
Use my grailed Asclepius, ati.
Do me next
Shrek btw
hope he didnt mess up his countdown like he did with summer skadi countdown
Can I loop with just Xu Fu and a support Castoria?
Is it true she's pregnet?
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ai bro, if you can hear me, please make cute pictures of loli Wu in all kinds of different hairstyles and my life is yours
fun fact, normal ass assassin shiki is able to solo clear some waves in 90++ nodes purely because the enemy in question only has a 50% death rate, and her skills and NP are enough to always proc instant death against an enemy with that low of a resistance.
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NovelAI, generate futanari Florence Nightingale from FGO in her Chaldea Lifesavers bikini having sex with summer Skadi from FGO in her green bikini costume.
Of course, bro.

It was over 8 years old, and it wasn't a really good one when I got it back then I think. I'm not good with computer hardware...
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I'm probably going to have to second foreigner, there's a lot of very fun characters in there.
i'm brovulating
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NovelAI, generate me a Holy Grail.
I've been alternaitng between any grailed Nurse and Asclepius I can find on support when finishing the master missions!
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Get well soon bro.
why is someone pretending to be ATI
>the lotto fairy lives
/alter/ is healing
instructions unclear, turning you into a reindeer
I'm tired of girlfriends. Where are the girlfoes at?
Based, she is all we need
To fill the void that she left, her death is troublesome for /alter/.
tl:dr to cope.
brors is the summer event tomorrow
I'm Radeon sry
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mamma mia, c'est une tetonas grande
she put up the asclepius and nurse on support like she said so its her
19 hours
19 dollar fortnite card
Could someone explain the Satsujinki/Shikiller aspect of Tohno Shiki? Is it like an Alter?
Skadi countdown is set to 8 days right?
Everyone can larp as him since you just need to mention/post a skadi pic and see what shit he put in his message.
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Damn shotacons
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meine güte, das sind ein paar fette titten
someone took his account
Thankyu friend, I want to play with /alter/ when Skadi's swimsuit is released.

It should be 8 days if Summer 7 starts tomorrow. JP got the Skadi + Wu rate-up 1 week after the event started.
I can just farm everything with my NP5 Melusine right?
Salaverga, que tetardas
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Melu is explicitly okay with sharing (you) with Morgan even if shes jockeying for the top
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holy moly
Everything before the 90++ era, yes.
hehehe... better check your rayshift pal...
Is Ati for (You)?
Illya fest is the hard cut off since every 90++ after that is going to have bloated wave 1 or 2 hp which makes it hard to clear with a solo dps.
Hes for everyone.
He has had sex with half of Alter.
>15 hours ago
I've lurked off and on for years and I honestly still don't know what this rayshift thing is outside the game's context
>6 days ago
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>Hopefully my bad luck with that will be countered


That guy who will hit pity and get NP1 Skadi at 900sq? You.
Am I reading this correctly or has there only been TWO lottos in the last 2 years in JP? Ilyafes and morganfes?
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How about you fucking google it you lazy faggot
you say that every time and then she luckshits skadi on the gssr
I'll figure it out
please understand making new events is hard
finding out simply by lurking is like a game at this point
obviously won't find out now, but one day, I will
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You know, while gathering every 120 servants right now into the list, I started to appreciate custom rayshifts, especially the funny ones.
JP had Nemomas in December 2023 too.
how is a custom rayshift funny
589,327,300 this one is cool and funny.
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>I honestly still don't know what this rayshift thing is outside the game's context
I'm almost 100% sure that the link was in the OP at some point https://rayshift.io/
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bros, where is my magical girl event?
How can I summon the Redman if he's still alive in Avalon, HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM?
Why a lolipop?
very cool, cyan
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It makes me forget the pain of blocking Roa's pressure.
Not him.
Stay Night Shirou =! Redman =!? Nameless Redman
Yeah sure thing cyan.
i will impregnate auntie Wu's dried up womb and make her birth another child
hmmm nyo
>have to make an account to see a full list of 120 suzukas
this site is lame
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Nasu added Last Episode years later because Takeuchi wanted the PS2 release of FSN to have extra content in order to get people to buy it a second time.
I wouldn't do that, she wasn't very nice to her kids
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I veteran'd too hard and now I have to use all these teapots somehow
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Oh, you're right.
Okay then /alter/, how are we dealing with this one?
Note, there is no damage CE but the currency CE does have 50% charge.
Suzuka isnt for (you)
Use Rider Nemo
Nope. 90++ will sink her forever. 120 NP5 isn't enough. She has one 90++ Archer node she can do (1m Hp Golden final wave), but that's it.
Habbycat wave 1 and then just a half-decent single target rider for waves 2/3 with a classic oberon finish
Probably the easiest lotto final node we've had desu
Suzuka is misunderstanding
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Ask me 1 day before the event.
she will be nice to our child because i will make her love me so much
One timeline Shirou makes it to Avalon. For others, Alaya gets what it paid for. No matter what. As soon as he died in any timeline, ever, it got him forever as its bitch.
Based nemosis I kneel.
Nemomas 90++:

>Ryouma and Oryou-san + Habetrot / Santa Nemo + Caster Artoria + Oberon

>Ryouma and Oryou-san + Santa Nemo + Tamamo + Oberon

>Ryouma and Oryou-san + Swimsuit Jannu (Alter) + Santa Nurse + Oberon

>Nemo (NP1) + Santa Nemo + Caster Artoria + Caster Artoria / Oberon

>Nemo (NP2) + Habetrot + Xu Fu + Caster Artoria

>Nemo (NP2) + Santa Nemo + Oberon / Nemo (NP5)

>Faker (NP5) / Swimsuit Caster Artoria (NP2) + Santa Nemo + Caster Artoria + Oberon

>Cinderella Liz + Habetrot + Swimsuit DaVinchi-chan + Oberon - Level 100 CE

>Ramesses II (NP1) + Habetrot / Arash + Koyanskaya/Oberon + Oberon

>Hijikata (NP1) + Chen Gong + Merlin + Oberon

>Kintoki (NP2) + Habetrot + Merlin + Oberon

>Kintoki (NP4) + Taigong Wang / Swimsuit Ibuki (NP1) + Oberon

>Kukulkan / Beast II - Tiamat / Maou Nobu (NP5, Holy Grails) + x2 Koyanskaya + Oberon

>Van Gogh (NP2) + Swimsuit BB (NP5, Holy Grails) + Ashiya Dōman

>Bazett (NP3) + Taigong Wang (NP1) + Swimsuit Skadi

>Bazett (NP1~NP2) + Taigong Wang (NP1) + x2 Swimsuit Skadi

>Meltryllis (NP2) + Swimsuit Skadi (NP2) + Swimsuit Skadi + Oberon

>Ushiwakamaru + Taigong Wang (NP1) + Swimsuit Skadi + Oberon
>90++ will sink her forever. 120 NP5 isn't enough
lmao these nodes seem like an absurd stupidity, and it's starting to seem like anyone who falls for them is an actual retard with too much money and too little sense
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You can't stop me from misunderstanding Suzuka
How? She has to start with Kscope and plug Oberon
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Bring me more iron, the accursed lotto fairy is still not dead
Sounds like a foolproof plan
i really don't think about farming content that is 2 years away
ask again when it arrives if fgo na is still alive
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>Melukeks like Spishtards used to go on about how their favorites were future-proofed due to their kits
>both Servants are now useless for high level farming
>sitting back on the bike
>not putting hands firmly around waist/chest
Low test.
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Official art btw
The cope begins...
cute Gogh
You did respect her wishes, right? You wouldn't force a grail on someone who didn't want you to, right?
Just farm 90+
Spishtar can do any 90+
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I don't even have her
I used Holy Grail on her because she is cute and funny
Yeah I respected my wallet and spent approximately 0 sq for her
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I don't use her in 2nd ascension, so she is okay with grails.
It's not that she doesn't want grails, it's that she thinks other might need them more.
who is the father? I hope it's me
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>favorite servant class?
goho & friends
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the rayshift message option is funny too
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Gogh doesn't have any friends because she's a girlfailure
>I hope it's me
Why? Kids are a HUGE commitment, bro.
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>put non-grailed servants on support
>refresh my rayshift
>now my 120s are hidden from the site's search results
Your move.
That's x4 weakness bro she'll turn into a Mors...
Do you roll NP5 meta servants every time?
just maxed gogh's 1st append
one step closer to fully maxing my gogh :) fous are going to take the longest i think
No and I'll still clear all 90++s with my favorites since I'm not a slave to 3T/6CE, I hope that helps your coping.
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I remember that you have 120 Tamamo Cat, Maxwell.
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ummm then how do you explain THIS, sweaty???
That's a lot of cope projection right there, coping by saying you're not a slave
Those 3 are psychopaths, they can't be friends with anyone
Time to save.
Gyood meowning bwo!
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Im trying to grail her but holy shit levels beyond 100 cost like 1000 5 star embers each level how am i supposed to grail her like this
kinda ironic given how badly she needs the attack from more levels kek
shit should I have grailed arc to 120 I left her at 100
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Fucking based. Fuck those autists letting lasengle buttfuck them for whatever bullshit they come up with.
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>register on rayshift
>opt out of search result
>delete my account
>flush phone down the toilet
>post pictures of kitchen sinks on /alter/ to get permabanned
>report myself to the feds
>claim insanity from twinkie overdose
>lock myself up and throw away the key
Now you'll NEVER get me on the list.
>Im trying
You are a stupid animal, we just had 3x chances of supper success and great success. Those do make the difference
Use 5* embers. Like around 180 5* embers is a Lv up between 100 and 120
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why would kitchen sinks get you permad?
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Sue me, bitch!
>na gets 90++
>jp gets 90
what the fuck man
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>Master...please feel free to work my fingers to the bone...
>Though I wouldn't be able to paint if I only had bones for fingers.
>Hehehe...that's a little Van Goghk for you.
Is this a funny joke?
It's a cute and funny joke.
i think im getting shilled to roll for gogh
>shilled to roll for one of the best servants in the game
yeah buddy
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I will buy a cunnyvinci vinyl for my car
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If you think the gohoposting is a lot now, just wait till we actually get to imaginary scramble's rerun
uhm wasn't there supposed to be a stream like RIGHT FUCKING NOW?
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That should be a time of Melt and Yuyu posting though
Not even going to be subtle a out it huh?
Did that guy who said he was working on a document with a list of nodes Arc could do at various NP levels post it yet?
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uhm based retard
6pm. not 6am
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Do it. Her debut story is enjoyable and her gameplay is also pretty fun.
Sisters, why are you posting Bryn’s husband. You’re not mash level cuckqueens, right?
I wouldn't gogh so far as to roll for her
Can Arcade /w BG + double Oberun alteraload this node?
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let her cook
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Any time is a time for melt posting.
don't do it bro... you'll gogh insane... ehe...
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I'm bryn though?
Who let the Turd speak?
>there are still people who get confused by timezones
Just copy paste the time from the news page and google that shit to see when it happens in your own timezone you dolts.
Oh that's me, although that's not quite what the document is. It's rather a list of what a 120/NP5 Arc can do in 90++ nodes, whether she can 6CE singlecore them, 6CE multicore, 5CE singlecore etc etc. I've finished everything up to and including Illyafest but figuring out how the ordeal call paper moon buffs work has temporarily roadblocked me.
More or less it's a "What do I actually get for spending all these embers and SQ" type rundown.
PDT, retard.
Can you post the summer one so we can laugh how bad she is?
Looking forward to you crying over losing her forever after OC2
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No. An NP5/120 Arc with NO trait bonuses whatsoever can low-roll 650k on wave 3 of a double oberon setup, so she'd be a bit short of reliably clearing this node.
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I will cry, but that's why I will use her the more I can now. Hope they bring her animation update sooner rather than later
If you had to pick one Extra class other than Avengers to get Data Lost, which would you choose?
She needs NP5 120 + Plugsuit swimsuit Ibuki for Morganfest which has a 1 Million HP Berserker on the 3rd wave. Summer 7 has a 1 Million HP Lancer on the 3rd wave.
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>Hope they bring her animation update sooner rather than later
My favorite dodged the purge, teen love
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Nice, sounds good, I love this kind of analysis so I'll be an eager reader when it's ready.
The Turd is here
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>9~11 cuts
It's called "Seventeen Dissections". That image isn't lore accurate.
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i curse your summer rolls
>worse than Summer Ibuki
>worse than Tez
then why did i get her to 120...

WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS, y'all niggas told me she was THE alteraloader. what the absolute FUCK?!
>Melusine is one of the best AoE Arts units in the game. She’s probably better than Spish as a whole—she loses a bit of neutral damage in exchange for getting two niches and much easier looping—but unfortunately she launches in a world where Summer Ibuki also exists and makes her a lot less impressive. Melusine is strong enough to make her a good pick for a dedicated AoE Arts unit if you somehow don’t already have one, but most established players probably have favored options already, and for anyone who doesn’t, you’re still better off waiting for Summer Ibuki to come back around. This leaves Melusine as both a great Servant and an easy skip.

Smelu is an easy skip.
>Those 2 can't do single core for the lastest JP node
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I curse your life
I curse your love
I curse everything about your existence
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Nothing is future proved in gachage. Not even Oberon. At some point, they'll keep stacking higher HP nodes and you'll have to roll for whatever is the Oberon replacement. Either you whale to keep up or you accept that you don't need to min max.
Yeah that bothered me as well. But the CG from the remake is the kind of thing that's best experienced in the game itself so I didn't want to spoil that for a stupid joke for any arcfags who haven't read the remake yet.
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I curse your country.
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Skadi wouldn't say that, she always wishes everyone good rolls...
>can loop easily without Double Castoria
Don't tell me you're gonna waste all that bond when she reaches 15?
Joke's on you, my country's already cursed
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Joke's on you, I don't loop.
They don't need more HP, they can just make nodes 5 waves.
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>but unfortunately she launches in a world where Summer Ibuki also exists and makes her a lot less impressive.
Wow. That's a brutal takedown.
Whatever you do bros, DON'T miss summer ibooby!
>extra waves
>need even more buffers cycling through
That's good, it's impactful when you get to the scene in the VN.
>have to make setups revolving around several buff cycles
imagine. the whole fucking game would be turned on its head.
Arcade + Quetz + Oberon?
Arcade NP
Quetz (70% with currency CE) + Arcade 30% = 100%
Oberon 70% + Quetz 30% charge = 100%
>make it a rider node
Now what?
Roll for automata, bros
Brah, cheng gong would run out sacrifices to keep going
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hey thats me. glad you find it funny, bro
>NP is basically her farting water dragons
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Spishtar is at least usable for Illyafest with the Christmas Martha comp
Melu even with np5 120 and starting in 3rd ascension for extra np damage gets walled by wave 2 unless you get 2 buster crits
Roll for Bob, bros
Just use welfare nemo and friend classic nemo (if you don't have your own). They both have bonus damage.
Mélusine can 6CE Illyafest with a Santa Martha set-up which uses Arash for the 1st wave, or without Santa Martha using someone like Kriemhild for the 2nd wave, like how Morgan farms it.
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Roll for Albert, pendojas
why don't you guys farm the 90+ node? events are 3 weeks long
no need to rush
5CE on 90++ is better than 6CE on 90+.
It's so they can finish it up as soon as possible and then complain there's nothing to do.
The faster I finish these shitty events the quicker I can go back to optimal bond farming
Those are multicore, the Space Ishtar one is single core I believe.
Bob Ross? Where?
Y'all are stoopid.
Only true on some nodes on some events. The very first lotto has this rule, but every one after that the majority of rounds it's better to run 6CE 90+ (very slimly so but it is). They're broadly comparable desu.

6CE 90++ on the other hand, that's money right there, a lot better than 6CE 90+.
That's true, but they're options.
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Gameplay autism is basically the only consistent on-topic discussions left to be had. Without that, you're left with the occasional lore or rare story chapter discussions. If you disregard gameplay autism, then there's just the schizo melties, eceleb drama and AI spam left in this general.
I need to make blue apples to farm hunting quests.
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Are you the kind of guy who uses Mimic Tear?
I intend to, but I'm not looking forward to it because of the split rate up.
No one has a problem with an attack animation. The problem is a required specific card like a Buster Crit which you can't guarantee due to card RNG so it can ruin runs fairly often.
5CE is the best option if it has no RNG.

You were supposed to post Trimmau on the throne with Reines sitting next to her...
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Godspeed bro.
how did you know?
He is right about Spishtar being able to farm every single 90+ as a single core, Melusine can't do it
Applies as a response to this >>486419570 as well
6CE 90+ being as good as 5CE on 90++ is very good. The more options that don't reduce efficiency the better.
5CE 90++ is better than 6CE 90+, not as good as.
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I'll try to AI generate it later
The real thing to care about isn't event currency drops, it's mats drop. Between 90+ and ++, pick the one with the better mats, usually the one with newer mats.
The requirements on 6ce 90++ now is very strict so you have to ask yourself how much are you willing to spend to futureproof your comps since the meta shifts very quickly. No one predicted buster loopers like melu and arc would fall off yet here we are.
>Mosan finally to bond level 15
Uhh bros? Why can't level more?
If my favorite can't 6ce min turn a specific farming node that node was never worth farming to begin with
simple as can be
Thankyu friend. I'm glad to hear nice words from my /alter/bros.
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bit of a specific question but does anyone know if the odds of rolling anywhere from 0.9 to 1.1 in the DPS randomisation is equally weighted? Like is it equally likely to roll 0.91 as it is 1.02 or something
Glad to hear you're alive bro
I will just take my time. I have 41 teapots to use there too, so I will just use a swimsuit bond team strong enough to handle it.
Yes, it's uniform.
good good, thank you.
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Nta but I prefer Tiche. Though recently I've taken the Jolan and Anna pill.
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I have to wish all of my /alter/bros good luck with Skadoo rolls, I'm not leaving soon. If I can't post again I'll try to communicate through in-game messages.
>but every one after that the majority of rounds it's better to run 6CE 90+
Prove it
>he uses spirit ashes at all
i think a lot of them are visually cool but they really do fuck with the fun of fighting a boss.
>He didn't protect the Jellyfish's smile
nobody gives a fuck

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