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Previous: >>486370094

>[From Chaldea PR Dep't] Watch "Chaldea Broadcasting Station U.S. Branch Lite Vol. 9"!
2024-07-17 18:00 PDT

>[Summon] 7th Anniversary Commemorative Limited Servant Daily Pickup Summon
2024-07-09 21:00 - 07-17 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/e75ykf.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Future Quartz: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRQFC6pgsvDr11c1oe8PcGXurF3uw0MBq73YoQMGCJemzMics9LfwVurTLMi0rpfHNEBjG6gVCOrIer/pubhtml
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

Seriously bros, why isn't it letting me do this? I have more bond grails.
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Actual previous >>486391408
liz sex
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I did by never summoning that shit
my balls are full again
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Thanks mom
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Kama Love!
bond 15 is the max bro... it doesn't go higher
don't be sad mobro
you can still farm with surfmo
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You'll get your content when you fix the damn chair
Mom Love!
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Don't worry. Melt is part of the cool and based gang.
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Bond 20 this year for sure
She's closing on 14, not much time left...
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Yuyu love!
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let her cook
what are the drops for the 90+ & 90++ in next event?
i just want the bond ce's to be permanent
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is ati a boy or a girl?
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We are all biological men here bro, dont be delusional
Use this.
ati is non-binary
>5 grailed males
>self inserts in sakurai otome vns
>named herself after a sakurai vn female protagonist
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let her cook
i cummed in this pot
I am going to splash sq all over Summer Skadi. She will drown in it.
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Why so much Jeanne d'Arc summer archers on supports?
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This isn't going to be you in a few months, right?
This was me months ago
my caltria is still bond 12
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>they're still arguing about 90++ when 90** exists now

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Yes and I’ll still use them.
>5 times more damage if you're using Saber
nah this is child's play blud
so, which valk will YOU be choosing?
There is a protagonist named Ari in the nasuverse?
isn't that just a one-off quest?
i didnt ask if they were a biological male i asked if they were a boy or a girl
hmmm this is compelling evidence, thank you for clearing that up
Godjuna, Summer Ibuki, and Morgan are now useless
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sex with an empress
Jetfire D884
>Summer event start at mid July
>We already at July 17th
When is mid July then?
My Castoria is 400k away from 15. I'm trying to preserve it, by instead using only a support Castoria alongside Asclepius and now Xu Fu. Results are mixed.
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>/alter/keks will skip on this one
>this is child's play
>NP4 MLB BG Saber Ibuki still doesn't kill
Bros.. apple just refunded 4 big packs I bought.. now what. Do I get to keep it
No, we are skipping Ibuki
Yes, congrats, you just stole from Albert!
Hmm, I think this anniversary is the best opportunity for it. If it's not raised at the anniversary I think it's unlikely for the bond cap to be raised this year, but I guess they can and have made major updates on big DL campaigns as well.

30 ML campaign should be a big event campaign and I imagine there's OC3 for this year still, maybe something could pop there if not at the anniversary.

But I think given the absurd HP pools on the newest farming quest, they might release some feature that addresses servant damage. It could be a new level cap with different attack scaling from 120 to 150, or something like that. Because if we keep getting nodes like that Vritra one, it's really getting too prohibitive with the current options.

Maybe the awaited bond revamp will have a dramatic increase in damage and be integrated to the servant?
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An important part of my balanced and healthy routine
This has been me since Tunguska last year.
Bond mechanics have been abandoned bro
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Let's just face the reality, from the first foreigner wave 3 90++ to the class limit 90**, they are trying to start to limit universal farming servants as much as possible.
If this gimmick gets into future event quests, not like the OC quests which for some of them you could just not bother with them at all, then there's no point chasing the meta from now on.
Roll for you favs and who knows one day even Sumanai will be this useful.
Nah, 2kun is adamant about making bond 10 CE's great again. It's been a year since his doom posting interview too, so he might have caught some flack for it by this point.
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If this years jap anni doesnt give a update to bond, give it up
Kek them finally putting a foreigner boss in a 90++ is a massive fuck you to people who were expecting to steam roll everything with Ibuki.
Chasing meta has not been relevant for a while now since lottos still mainly stock old mats instead of newly released ones. That and events being 3 weeks long.
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>literally a full entire fucking year since they said they were planning something new with bond
>absolutely literally nothing
if this anniversary doesn't have something MEATY in it i'm actually going to cause an incident
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>if this anniversary doesn't have something MEATY in it i'm actually going to cause an incident

You say this every year, retardbro.
It hasn't been relevant ever since Jeanne/Amakusa/Dantes/Seiba went from the bottom of the memelist to the top overnight.
So regal and beautiful.
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why do the Hoyofags get to have this but not us?
what the fuck man that's not fair
There's your problem.
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Why can’t you guys just be happy playing with your favorite bond 15 servants instead of purposely inconveniencing yourself with other servants.

its not fgo so i dont give a fuck about it. take it somewhere else, you whiner.
must have been the wind
>who knows one day even Sumanai will be this useful.
1. Sumanai has been considered great for awhile now, he was A+ in JP prior to this node
2. Even a 10/10/10 x/10/x NP5 level 100 cranking Sumanai does not clear the node despite having both an 80% powermod and 150% special effective np damage against Vritra
This is why you don't gameplay roll. Roll for broken supports (After a few days to see if they're really good) and your favorites. The meta could literally change overnight and suddenly your top of the tier list servants aren't the best of the best. Look at what happened to quickkeks
your NP5 king of knights that you should have gotten from spooks in the past 7 years?
It could theoretically be a one off if they didn't invent a brand new label
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>Why can’t you guys just be happy
Because even a 10/10/10 x/10/x NP5 level 100 Cranking Sumanai does not clear the node
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Good morning, bros. Lip love!
Why is arc so high?
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shameless whore
>Why can't you guys just be happy
theres the problem bro, most of these schizos are not happy. with or without fgo.
need for coitus
He should clear it, the Vritra takes a big extra chunk of damage from Saber class from the stat effect it has.
Because she's very good

He doesn't. I ran the numbers. He needs grails. And it's still a 5CE.
Look at what happened to quickCHADS you mean, because quick servants climbed to the top overnight when Skadi released. Well, actually it took a quite few days because no one believed quick would ever dominate.
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imagine cunnylickus
she's the only one im rolling for though, though i might possibly do merlina for the arts buff. ibuki is a hard skip though.
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But he can
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Morganfes we have already established has the rule that 5CE 90++ is strictly better than 6CE 90+. Moving on, see pic related for Ilyafes and Neromas.
That's a grailed Sumanai you fucking retard.
What does Albert do to people who steal from him?
You still want to farm the 90++ for the better CE drop rate
>says NP5 level 100 doesn't clear
>a level 90 is clearing
That's also true, but now they're the "worst" card type. Even then they're still usable, so if you don't care that much about CE autism it's a pick your favorite and use them
Level 100 Cranking retard.
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In order to attain happiness, you must enjoy the process, not chasing the destination. If you dont have anything to work for, find something. The easiest one to start with is go to the gym. The slow process of gaining strength paired with the dopamine rush your body gets after physical activity is a good way to kickstart your journey to happiness. Plus, most of you are fat anyway, so going to the gym would help there as well
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Morning bro
Oh I got something meaty for you right here.
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Me in a day
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>arjuna alter
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Morning bro
we should make fgo 2 except open source
i'll make the logo and move to south america for hosting
It's ok to farm with archer Jeanne d'Arc. It's not soulless.
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THEN SAY "10/10/10 x/10/x NP5 Sumanai -WITH- level 100 cranking" NEXT TIME!
WHAT IF you were betrayed and ABANDONED by your servants in Chaldea?
Stop avataring
i would use my command spells to summon everyone to my side
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Maybe /alter/ would finally find happiness
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Only an ESL would get confused by that
Is this a nipi’s sketch?
My waifu would never betray me
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good post
>t. ESL
Hag sex
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Melu love
Wait so you cant clear the newest node with anything besides a Saber?
When is the next 5 star saber rate up coming up?
Should i roll the story summon for Stay Night Saber?
t. ESL
keep avatarrng
Will anything stop the localisation team's sinful hand? If I see another "clapback" I am going to unleash a devastating NP
>>Should i roll the story summon for Stay Night Saber?
we get a free seibah in a few weeks from the FSN ticket bro.
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What if Guda was BETRAYED and TRAPPED in fae Bob’s feet worship dungeon?
imagine giving grails to Sumanai just to 5ce an ordeal call free quest
Douman is still in the jar?
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Going on dates with Kama...
Where is your iphone buddy?
They give out grails and lores like candies these days
what if your favorite servant donated 100 subs to xqc with your card
imagine giving grails to Sumanai just to 5ce an ordeal call free quest
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>Should i roll the story summon for Stay Night Saber?
Yeah bro
what if your favorite servant wanted to be in an open relationship with your consent
Keep the eggplant and the vamp but give me your sister, fair trade?
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I am not v*neno
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hello /alter/
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He would consent
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Kama GF...
10th anniversary mystic code.
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When the fuck are we getting Red Garden? I am NOT waiting another 10 years for Nasu to write this shit
The optimal lottery strategy is to 5CE 90++ until you drop the 6th CE then swap to 6CEing 90+ I think. Again not for Morganfes but the other two lotteries this is the case.

There's no statistically probable universe where the increased CE drop rate is quick enough to make up for the lost lottery currency. You basically have to drop 12-20 CEs for it to equalise out depending on which node we're talking about and the time (or AP if you prefer to think that way) it takes you to drop that many CEs is significant.

90++ = a CE every 33 or so runs (rough)

So I would estimate that in the best case you lose out on something like 12*33*3 = 1188 lottery currency or about two boxes over the course of the event.

Yes, I'm aware that that's an extremely minor amount of resources to be worried about. I might have even made a mistake somewhere in my logic that nullifies even this minor advantage. However, as I said last thread, the point here is that 90++ 5CE and 90+ 6CE are quite competitive in non-Morganfes lotteries.

The person who said you should focus on the side mats you like best is probably correct because the differences are so minute.
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First love with Kama...
utterly incomprehensible as always, thank you based reddit guide maker
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Red garden are the reddies from THE list
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learn how to navigate zoomie
Why do people care about optimal efficiency when you’re just going to be using automata anyways?
First love with Tunakma…
It will only get worse and I gave up already.
>durrr why are the best nodes marked with stars, how the fuck do i read this
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Your list is still shit, lazy faggot
i miss when alter made our own guides back in the early days
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hes right though, those images are shit. kys reddit faggot and never come back.
Is /alter/ mindbroken by POOGODS?
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Why did people stop posting her?
i'll take it in consideration, mr. turd
It's a mess, and giving it a pass only contributes to shitty design
upvoted :)
You just posted her
Is Archetype Earth good if I pulled only one copy of her?
>Yet another literal nipwank grail war
Haha yeah can't wait..
Nice winter melons
i miss the lardposter
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Her time has yet to come, be patient
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I post her sometimes
She's about as strong as a 1 star zerker
We just relied on the guidefag JPbro like a year after, sadly I lost his twitter handle so now we'll have to rely on the shitty cluttered reddit version
iphone fag gets more (you)s from bob
>the second half of the tsukihime remake is a nipwank grail war
What did he mean by this?
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iphone bobfag status?
He stopped posting apparently.
Why does reddit hate Aurora?
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/alter/ was officially dead when he disappeared, we are now just a shambling corpse.
1) because she's fotm, a popular waifu just because of her novelty, no real substance
2) she is pretty much irrelevant for the Type Moon lore and universe
3) her design is generic
4) she has no personality
he attained eternal flight in a meat assault on new york, donetsk oblast
Glory to the Heros! o7
I mean why bother when 99% of events are reskins of other events mechanically
All you really need to know is what node is best for what currency, and it's really not worth making a guide just for that
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Kama handholding dates...
Tunakma handholding dates...
Kama is the perfect gf
Since she used to be a guy in the past life before she possessed Sakura Matou she knows exactly how to pleasure a guy from her own experience
it was just a nice bonus from browsing alter like getting a free hotdog from a friendly hotdog carter, and it was cool the guides came from one of our own
what if your favorite servant wanted to try double vaginal but you were straight
Damn. What is it with TM and the color red anyway?
Is cashgrab Merlin important for art looping team? Presumably Merlin and double Castoria.
Yes, although she is whalebait
i understand. there is joy in creation.

get a custom dildo moulded out of your cock
For looping you could probably just slot in xu fu, she's good for invul stalling though
Is Kama a male in fgo?
I’m confused by some of her controversial event bonuses.
>Year 1: 150 Servants
>Year 2: 42 Servants
>Year 3: 36 Servants
>Year 4: 40 Servants
>Year 5: 27 Servants
>Year 6: 31 Servants
>Year 7: 33 Servants
>Year 8: 33 Servants
>Year 9: 13 Servants
What went wrong?
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Cute JKama...
If you have Mikon there's not much reason to get her, that 20% isn't going to help much
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Would you breed iphone bobkek's little bussy?
not for looping, you want gain more than arts
>blue, blue, glass moon
>double vaginal
What the fuck. How small does your dick need to be for that to work? That doesn't seem like it would ever work.
Her and the valentine popess next year are the least mandatory supports we’ve ever gotten.
>not getting another dick from merlin
Never mind, I found it
Does Kammy have one?
The game prints money anyways
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is this true bros
there were thirty fucking three servants released this year? how?
No, plugsuit Oberon is better. Tamamo Rodriguez is also better because she gives 30% NP damage. If your Arts looper of choice is having refund issues, get a better looper. Merlina is a CQ servant. Xu Fu unironically provides better looping support with charge, NP gain and Arts up.
Have you heard of babies anon
you can just use paracelamogus or oberon
What the fuck is a genshin?
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Yeah she is useful for loopers like Kama but her NP does scale a lot with levels so you want higher NP levels for her. Its not that needed for just farming though.
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>why summer servant during summer
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how did genshin fags feel about the new...japanese assassins creed main character? LMAO
Lasagna wants to put us out of commission
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Post the original gangster Liz Halloween guide.
>Have you heard of babies anon
>you finally get to have a sex with Kama
>you carefully remove her panties
>there’s a huge 10cm cock
What would you do in this situation?
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This was a quest where you were restricted to using only male servants in your party
I dont have it saved
Abominable sneakers.
>abby (57).png
Don't think too hard on gender in FGO.
Douman accepts the buff to female by Anning but doesn't accept Habby's skill 3.
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I had a nice dream where I was wandering around the beach and spent the day with Ibuki-Douji. Afterwards, I drove her back home and she introduced me to her parents.
10 cm is average...
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I am sorry what? You seriously dont want this semen demon?
>Do nothing
>Release (or rerelease) anticipated servant
>Top charts
They don't have to give a fuck anymore
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Too old for my tastes
Should I watch Albert's stream?
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We reaching end game.
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A lizbro uploaded his entire Liz folder with Abby filenames, as a prank.
>huge 10cm cock
I think you meant clit, 10cm is fairly small for a penis
ALWAYS watch Albert's streams.
Her design looks super basic and boring to me, sorry. The only good ascension is the first one, cause it's basically Merlin.
No, I like having good eyesight.
The cost of making a single servant has gone up, and the retards at Lasagna decided not to increase their workforce to keep up.
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Why are cups so attractive?
>huge 10cm cock
bro thats less than 4 inches...
holy based
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They are dumb. Although you have to consider we will be getting the summer servants for year 9 as well anon, thats 7 new servants added alone. Presumably they add 10 more or so this year after the summer too.
>>Do nothing
>>release servants
these are the exact opposite fucking retard
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Going to summer festivals with Kama...
move aside her balls and fuck her pussy
What if they finally released Kaman? Would you roll for him?
Shut up. You don't need anything longer than a finger for pleasure.
Merlina is actually better than Xu Fu for damage if your looper is good enough. The 30% extra Arts is good. Tamamo would overshadow her if she has any charge skills though.
Merlins looks better than all the other Arts support so I'll roll for her.
ebora really doesn't give a shit anymore huh
>>Year 9: 13 Servants
I count 29 to 30.
Depression is zapping my motivation to do anything. I need a simple goal to work on so I'm not overwhelmed.

What do I need to prepare for ordeal call? I read you need to bond a bunch of servants and have monuments ready. Or is there something easier I can work on?
Does the size of your cock affect how much pleasure you get?!?!
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Little Kama lovin...
I always find this kind of thing funny since Type Moon fans are so dedicated they'd probably do it for free or if you paid them in saint quartz.
>this limited SSR is better than this common pool R occupying the same niche
No fucking shit, Sherlock.
why are they wearing a jacket in summer?
I like this image set with Kiyo and Liz
The post shows that we've been getting less servants (or content in general), which is because they only need to release or rerelease a few really anticipated characters to get a lot of money. Why do you think we've been dealing with yearly story chapters
honestly, bro. for your depression a different goal, however unlikely would be better than planning ahead for this kusoge. literally, go to a book shop or something and start writing your grand novel.
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This is what I do to Liz.
Honestly I'd believe it if I didn't see tons of new gacha with 10x better graphics and animations releasing many more characters twice as often as FGO.
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Ebora posted this just the day before, and this comic as a sequel.
He draws however he feels.
>abby (30).gif
uhh bro?
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>they'd probably do it for free
Do you truly believe that? Fr nocap?
nice, thanks

thank you Liz, you are My Greatest Ally
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Kama, perfect...
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flavor of the mestizo
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because you are a paedophile
holy based
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>sleeps like 4 hours every night
>gets hit by horror beyond human comprehension
>once again barely sleeps afterwards
is he the inspiration for Bloodborne?
>some faggot in here trying to sell rolling for Proto Merlin
>I’ve wanted her for years because I thought having Seiba voiced merlin was cool
>JP is now adding 90** as a difficulty above 90++
Arcbros... it's over...
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>Restricted formation: Male Only
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What happened to this girl? Is she gone?
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natsu matsuri...
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Kama, cue...
Her breasts being smaller than Titoria is simply unacceptable.
sussy gudussy….
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Bageko LOVE
I dreamt I was throwing up last night after meeting some bunny girls
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>impossible to 3T without extremely specific grailed NP5 servants
>at 5CE
Who dis
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Why couldn't we get this Kama instead?
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Kama is a mans spirit possessing a female body.
You could argue hes either a man or a woman or both.
>Her breasts being smaller than Titoria is simply unacceptable.
That’s understandable
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I am...
I want to be shoved in that swimsuit.
No point rolling for Ibuki, Draco, or Cummer if they decide to do 90** for events
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One more year until we step back into that split-SR hell...
Died in a car crash 6 months ago
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Too cool for school.
>no point
so you don't like any of your servants outside of gameplay and probably just don't like playing this game
>What do I need to prepare for ordeal call?
The main one is just evenly bond up your servants, get as many to bond 10 as possible, prioritizing the classes you have less servants in because it's based on total bond per servants, and don't worry too much about bond 11-15
The mat stuff you can kind of worry about but I'd just look it up to see what you're missing, and whenever you are just in a mood for farming mats get it to where it needs to be
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me behind the wheel of the other car
Being serious he needed more character.
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>>JP is now adding 90**
I used him for some strengthening quests today
How massive is Kama's cock?
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Head pats for Cutema...
Thanks, DQ.
normal people prefer jkama
>get as many to bond 10 as possible
Did they add a new milestone specifically for b10 or something
I hit the class score requirements with all servants at merely bond5 minimum
>a mechanic is introduced that can only be cleared by certain servants so there is no need to roll for meta sluts you don't care about and can instead save sq for dick rolls
>durrr so you only care about gameplay?
I am dead serious when I say that Proto Merlin is the prettiest servant in the game. No other servant has that same "pretty" (not cute, elegant, hot or beautiful) like she does.
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Cute Dog
I skipped all those. What happened to make them non-canon?
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It's just some lady with white hair and white clothes...
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Hugs and headpats for Kama GF...
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Normal people don't play Fate.
Being serious I still think that’s tomoe
And Kama is just a girl with a dick and yet we still have schizos for her
They added a bleached earth quest the other day with the difficulty of 90**
3-1-2 with a 1.2 million hp enemy wave 2 and a 2.7 million hp enemy wave 3
The catch for this one is that sabers did 5x normal damage so it was pretty easy to do, but it's likely a preview of the difficulty that will be revealed during the anniversary
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Here's your event guide, sisters.
that's medb
>the new anni servant is a 5* bob and new halloween servant is welfare 4* kama
The joke didn’t land
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>he fell for her succubus pheromones before she even arrived
This. There's something about her that intensifies my lust and desire.
She's an actual succubus, anon.
Based LizGOD
>Halloween? Did someone just say Oniland 2?
>Halloween? Did someone just say Gudaguda nth?
>Halloween? Did someone just say Saber Wars 3?
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It is not an outfit for JKama anyways but adult Kama
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you completely pivoted with what you were talking about.
you said there was "no point" in summoning for them, clearly overlooking the fact that people outside of yourself might simply like a character and want them for non-gameplay related reasons.
i couldn't give a shit that you are struggling with a mechanic. just think for two seconds before you open your slack jaw even further to spew something.
Eric Bloodaxe is the prettiest and it's not even close.
Is Merlina for (You)?
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post proofs
No, Kama is a 5*, dumb website.
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There hasn't been a new Ordeal Call campaign as far as I know, so I think you're just spreading fake news.
Why do I need to bond servants for ordeal call??
>the only artist who draws Adele and Coral
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I'd agree with this
She has a nicer face and body than merlina
Especially in her summer form
I find Tomoe cute, literally moe
Medb falls under cute too, but her personality is hot, weird combo for me
Shes taken doe
class score afaik
Liz this event giude is past its expiry date!
yeah, by me
Jesus Christ, it's like talking to a 10 year old.
Just stop anon, I'm sorry you can't read.
First female SSR I'm tempted to roll NP5 even though i generally only roll for male men
Sisters what's happening to me..
i also dont care about your religious beliefs
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Are we talking about hot bods? Then check THIS out!
Sure but that doesn't affect her pretty level
that's just the succubus magic, anon
and i very much agree
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Treating Kama so special...
now fuck
I’d fuck the shit out of this little bug queen gremlin
Another mans wife is the best
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I must be taking crazy pills here... there's like nothing special about Merlina. Her color palette sucks, her body is average and her face is the exact same as your average anime girl.
You're not beating the "/alter/ loves white haired women" allegations.
Ask her that again after i'm done punching her uterus from inside
and then when youre both done frot and make out
I think pedophiles might be immune
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How long will it take me to clear the Ooku main interlude?
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Because Shrek has been doing with her he needs to start shilling her since she’s arriving soon.
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How does FGA choose what buster card to pick if you're up against a berzerker and you've got multiple servants buster cards in your hand? There must be some kind of logic to it.
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Cuddles with Kama...
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i agree! we should be summoning Jannus!
>using MC skill on wave 2
Impressive but still RNG reliant. If Sieg has 2 of his Busters on wave 1, it's over.
*has been ERPing with her
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I agree and I'm a hag enjoyer.
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What the fuck! She's stealing my niche!
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Her "fan" is just shitposting.
At least a few hours if you skip
For just story missions/main path, if you skip, you can maybe do it in an hour? For everything including story it would take at least 10 hours.
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I took out the garbage, moved the dirty dished from the sink into the dishwasher, fed & walked my dog; all before my family woke up.
I'm not interested because she has a malnourished chinese teenager body
Hell even peasant Jannu mogs her
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>"Fuuu, I truly thought that me being here would be like a limited time guest who just came to play at a theme park on summer, but… My interest on you has welled up. To the point that I want to look more at the path you're walking. It couldn't be helped that things came to this. I'll tag along a bit more. Don't make me feel bored now, My Lord."
Just keep her entertained and full of semen
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Just say you rolled for CEs. Nobody will judge you, chud
by the first from left to right unless you've set up servant priority
>her body is average
she's 20kg, you can manhandle her to hell and back
White is nice, its a very pure color
Her body is nice since its not big booba shit or flat af
Her face is the best part, very unique compared to other servants, i dont know what you are talking about
I literally love evil white haired women
It takes your bank account number and identifies its prime factors and then selects them in sequence from right to left depending on said factors
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>liz has gotten two new alts since this while carmilla has gotten zero
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>there's like nothing special about
There is nothing new under the sun. Specialty is subjective, not objective
>you've set up servant priority
Oh neato, I completely missed this option. Exactly what I was after.
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Is Merlina gameplay?
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>I took out the garbage
>He didn't do the card priority questionnaire
>"/alter/ loves white haired women"
Not him, butI do love me some white haired women though
Battle config > card priority > use servant priority
You can select which servants will have priority over the others so even if all 5 cards are strong Buster cards, the app will pick your desired servant's first.
Summer Carmilla this summer in JP! Trust the plan!
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valentine suggested a yes
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Woah I just remembered I needed to take the garbage out today. Thanks bros.
bros, I'm home
I fucking love bob
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rapebastard gudako love
I think you should kill yourself, Bobtard.

>I took out the garbage
You forgot the rotten shitstain that is Bob
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Thank you Liz for sharing this essential knowledge!
welcome home, bro
>literally have 0 sq.
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Wow, thank you Liz, the saviour of /alter/.
Why do people think Purina wants semen all the time just because she’s a succubus
Carmilla has two anniversary CEs.
Where's YOUR anniversary CE, Liz?
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Sleeping in with Kama...
The schizos deny his tranny form though.
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It’s really just Taiki’s artstyle. He makes Merlin’s look very ethereal. You could already see this with Merlin, but I guess not many people cared since they were focused on his gameplay.
purina isn't a succubus, she's an incubus.
>dollar store blonde Rin
>voiced by Nitocris

I didn't realize how similar their voices are.
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PURPLE GANG (and mascot)
Lewd flat Kama...
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Ugly oni whore
Bros I'll be busy until Monday, I'll just leave a Castoria with teatime on my event supports
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>inb4 honkpress
She's very good but not mandatory when so many good arts supports already exist
Who are we to blame Kamabros? They just fell for his BKC (big Kama cock).
I can't believe we made it bros... Lb6...
also nice digits...
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Kama housewife life...
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I've loved white haired women before FGO was even a thing.
Forgot to add she is also 20kg only like others said which is definitely... Something. They knew what they were doing there.
Yeah, merlin looks very dreamlike, perfect for Merlin. But drawing basically a female Merlin really shows off how his art style can look beautiful
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It's too hot... I'm fading away...
Speak for yourself. I love cute pink hair girls like Bob and Ordeal Call 3 Bob.
Can Merlina replace Castoria since mine is bond level 14?
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>/alter/ suddenly loves Sakurai character

Tomorrow will be a great day for sure.
I'm glad some rain cleared away the heat in my area...it was way too hot yesterday
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Now I wonder where my fetish for bird women came from.
Do people really avoid getting a free 30 SQ.
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Kama wife, Kama life...
No, she only has 20% charge. She's just alright as a staller companion and decent as a plugsuit choice.
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What would you do if you noticed Kama getting wood?
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>pink hair
Holy retard
thats pink bro
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Happy married life with Kama...
WTF, is she a demon god pillar?
Purina is a Sakurai character?
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abby sex
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People wondered if she was Lillith
When the fuck does the summer event start? Tomorrow?
colorblind bro...
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Having a loving marriage with my JK sweetheart, Kama...
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why is extraliz so scary
A Summer Summer Carmilla would certainly be something, that would shake up the patternfags
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What colour is this, grandino retardino?
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ring ring!
Extra Liz is based.
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I turn off my phone.
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I am going, good luck to my Merlin bros, we are all getting her tomorrow.
That’s ordeal call 3 BOB though. Lizshit’s days are over.
White hair with pink at the edges.
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Banana phone?
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l-lets try and not DRAGon out this c-call... ehehe...
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Liz Love!
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>its rainy as fuck, freezing over and the sea is murky with whirlpools and shit near the beach
so mcuh for expecting it...
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white with pink/purple gradient?
>the sea is murky with whirlpools
u wot m8
I want to live there
Why do people like white hair, it looks like grandma's hair and lacking melanin is never a good thing
Hah! A real knee-slapper! That's our Goghie!
no because I managed to get NP5 Arc in under 200 SQ, so it'll be Koyanskaya
Bob is shit
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You've lost your right kidney privileges for that.
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What do you do if you lost your house keys?
Do you just stay inside forever?
Its only been a week and my home already smells like shit from the trash rotting in the bin because i cant leave the house to throw it out and all the packages from delivered food are starting to pile up.
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Nothing personnel...
Thanks. I'm struggling really bad and I want small things to do every day so I don't spiral. Gacha feels like a routine I can stick to and I like seeing my /alter/ bros.

>evenly bond up
Do they count total bond points per servant class or does unique servants per a class matter more? Everyone in my chaldea is at bond 4 minimum minus a few new servants I just rolled. Thanks for the help.
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>sudden great white shark attack near the beach
you aren't safe
abstain from going to the beach
>liz is shit
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Making lots of little Kamas with Kamama...
Elizabeth is not funny
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Stop right there, criminal scum.
im in the same bote, but i can't stress enough that doing thinks outside of this place and working on them is a good distraction and could be an avenue to a more healthy social profile. you can still come in at the end of the day and check in on the general. right now, im working on a stock model in excel.
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You kick the door down, Oberon
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It's just bond levels, just go to 5 for starters
White is a sign of purity
call a locksmith? they likely have a way to measure the key's bitting from the lock alone and can make a new one for you
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Why'd he do it?
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Kama life and love...
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Because it's otherworldly. Almost like a seal of divine providence.
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would it be based or cringe if i cosplayed Miyu?
i am 53cm taller than her and a dude but my last gf said i have a nice ass, can i pull it off?
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Kama love!
Do your door lock from the outside? Did someone lock you in anon?

Just unlock the bolt and walk outside, it's that easy. Your home will still be there when you return.
And like this anon said, call a locksmith
My pure, beautiful and demure wife Zero
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>genshin literally copied Tlaloc and Kukulkan+Quetz
Unironically how is this allowed?
Need AI of dead Kama lying on the floor.
The quality of the general is pretty poor today
What would you do if iphone bobfag sent you a friend request?
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They copied all our designs
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a friend and an uncle of mine have that lack of melanin in the hair
it only makes them look WAY older than their actual age, my friend already had a completely white hair by college
Post some of your past cosplays to properly judge
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top tier music
>Your home will still be there when you return.
Thieves exist
Murderers exist
If i leave my house unlocked someone can hide in my bathroom and wait until i come back home and go get a bath and then rape and kill me while im in the bath.
Locks exist for a reason.
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That was sarcasm, right?
And nothing of value was lost.
it would be my first
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Kama is a male Hindu god, who is currently occupying the female body of Sakura (because Parvati is also occupying Sakura's body).
How high of an NP level should I aim for Merlina?
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>Kama is a male
It's over
this happened in salem. i saw it.
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It's beautiful
I like her BECAUSE she will cheat on me with other men because one man can never satisfy her alone.
Thats my kink.
Only when it's panties
Muramasa’s cock sheathema…
you need a key to leave your house? your doors automatically lock after they close? you don't have any windows you could safely climb out of?
NP1 or 5. NP1 is 5% NP charge a turn and NP5 is 10% a turn. There is no reason to care about anything else
Liz cancer tends to do that
And Raiko. And Nobu.
>Something in real life doesn't look the same as in fantasy stories
The brain power of Meltkeks in full display.
why does this male hindu god act like a tsundere highschool girl
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It can be very nice, although Kama is more silver personally.
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Morgan is autistic
i can't believe pekora at the fes last year sucked me into the world of vtubing
Kama’s hair colour looks like cum ngl
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>Have friends and go to college
As expected of MeltCHAD
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She looks like a vtuber.
i can't believe pekora at the fes last year sucked me
Nope, only indifference.
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Post servants that would be more than happy to cuck Mash.
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The 4chan post cooldown is too long. I can't post enough Liz.
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I can't believe people forgot about MagiMari!
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She is.
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guess your hands are tied. so now that you're trapped in your house until you die, what are your big plans?
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don't forget to upgrade to 4channel.org pass my friend! it lowers your posting cooldown!
But she also has white panties
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Is it a one-time payment? And I keep it even after vacations?
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Liz is fucking garbage
Bob >>> Liz
It's a one-time payment per year
And I'm like 95% sure you get banned less when you have it. I swear I just get my shitposts deleted these days but no dingdong bannu.
This guy does porn?
Did you know that Heaven’s “Feel”has always been a mistranslation and it should correctly be Heaven’s “Veil” because the title refers to the VEIL Of Heaven worn by IllyasVEIL
Its a 20$ a year subscription so only like 1.6$ a month so basically free.
Bob is shit, faggot
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>open thread
>it’s already subjected to intense Kama spam
just buy a 4chan pass
you are not a poor third worlder are you lizfriend?
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I want to Illyasfeel.
No, but also yes
Prototype is a weird deal. The origins of it go back to fate/origin which was the original set of ideas (not a VN, F/SN was never going to be an proms game. It was designed from the start as a galge to follow up tsukihime. Fate/origin is the grave they robbed for ideas) that the fate franchise spawned from. This means most every prototype character was made by Nasu.
Here’s where shit gets weird, when type-moon decided to release actual prototype content after the animated short, Nasu didn’t write it. Sakurai wrote it, and she is the author for prototype fragments which is basically the zero to prototype’a f/sn. This means she’s the primary writer for prototype characters even if she didn’t create them. It’s the writing equivalent of Takeuchi made tamamo’s design Wada drew her.

Nasu created
Sakurai written
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>per year
I'll think about it...
genuinely cannot even tell who the servant on the right is meant to be. Arc? Morgan? Horta? Kama? I have no fucking clue.
But I could but saint quartz with it
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All this Liz posting make me feel at home.
Do not buy a pass
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Liz may need it on her adventure...
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>Nasu created
>Sakurai written
Eh not really 20$ is only 80 quartz which is only like 2 rolls.
2 rolls arent going to make a diffrence.
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/alter/ is healing
Golem Kama...
1. Call a locksmith, change your locks and get new keys.
2. Get a web cam and point it at your front door when you take out the trash and record the feed. Check the feed on your phone before entering your house. You can now verify if anyone snuck into your house in the twenty seconds it takes to take out the trash.

How do you have the energy for it? I have a ft job and a good social life but I'm just extremely checked out of everything internally. Having a hard time wanting to do anything I'm not required to do.

Thank you, that's very doable.
Can someone post the Liz archive of all the Liz images.
I want to Liz post also.
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Always remember how that worked out for poor Vitch
It's not worth it
We're not worth it
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The people love Bob.
Kama is Konchita Wurst and I’m Eminem
You mean 20, and I got Kama summer in 11 rolls. So 20 is pretty big
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make your own faggot.
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Yeah but 8 milky tits
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>not Kalem
What if you buy a pass and then you get banned
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kuro(nigga in japanese) love
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based tertiarycuck
you keep the pass
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You just gotta find the secret stash.
You get unbanned in 3 hours and m00t sends you the pinky of the jannie responsible.
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Happy to help, bro!
liz got no rizz. she just got my jizz!
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Her name is Blacke
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No. Fuck off Liznigger
Eww, there’s a shit stain on your t shirt, oh High Queen
The fact it always pops up when content arrives proves its just tourists shitting up the place.
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I love LIZ
Morgan is Abraham Lincoln and i'm John Wilkes Booth
Don't forget that they just copied Bob in Star Rail.
Why is Merlina a pretender? What is she pretending to be?
Morgan is shit
She's Fou pretending to be Merlin.
do not roll merlina
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I'm not
>how is this allowed
Isn't Fontaine just a copy of LB6
>Her name is Blackie
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I'm in. Just rolled Merlina.
Woah I fucking forgot again until you replied to me and now I really will actually do it.
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roll for merlina
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I cant draw.
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Let's talk about this summer's star servant, Passionlip. Will you be rolling for her? What NP level are you gaming for?
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What would you do if you saw this?
Lazing off isn't good for you! Stretch before lifting the heavy bag, and be sure to act on responsibilities before you forget!
call them fags lol
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Your little sister
i would sit in the corner and watch
Is it universally agreed that Sakura is the most compatible at making Shirou most happy
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>I think therefore I am
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I miss the anti-tiamat drawfag
A little girl that Google employs to send the pinkies.
Some men are high-maintenance.
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Which servants should I get for Bazett? I have all the 5 star quick supports. Is Van Gogh/douman worth it for her? I'm trying to prioritize. I have enough to hit pity for s skadi and attempt at Gogh/douman

What about for Aoko? Ty!
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licking kuro's armpits and asshole
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>Will you be rolling for her?
>What NP level are you gaming for?
>poor vitch
Tamamo Vitch isn’t in this game, only Koyasanka. Vitch won
Calm down Illya
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>Can dish it out but can't take it
>Every fucking time
This is why BB is winning.
Illya would never do that
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I can't wait to see you big brain strats to clear the our first ever 90++ node
Illya was literally grinding on Chloe's leg while making out with her
clearing it is easy, 6CEing it is the hard part
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I will just 5CE
hokusai saber, okita alter saber, castoria, plugsuit lan ling. btw im taking 20 turns minimum
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The QUEENS of /alter/.
AI can gives us this
Everywhere tastes like cum
Simple. Put the damage CE on the damage dealer, GG.
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As if this was not hot enough
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>he doesn't know
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It's great, but we can go even further
Chrissy, Brotome and Julius
Are there any upcoming Avenger nodes that are tailored for Arc to farm
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>you must min turn every piece of content instead of taking your time with 6 gacha/bond boosting CEs
w-why is onee-chan looking at me like that
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>he doesn't 6CE minturn everything
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A flattie will never be Queen of mine!
I'm a guy.
are you people really gonna bait me into rolling merlina i only have 600 sq i cant fucking do this
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Kama is my girlfriend...
literally everyone keeps telling you to not roll for her bro
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9 turn it with my favorites since it's just a 40AP node I'm doing 3 times every 10 hours
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>look at Kama
>they look at you
>you notice that Kama’s penis is getting bigger
What do?
I’m rolling for her. She’s cute and useful.
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I dunno know, I will figure it out without using a damage calculator, its just a summer event and not a lotto after all.
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Really, sweaty? Don't want your big onee-san...? Such a shame... Maybe you don't have what it takes after all...
im rolling and 120ing her
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don't waste your SQs on Merlina
you need to roll for summer skadi
do it for our ritualposter with cancer
>600 SQ
We got more than that from rewards this anni
What did you do
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Don't spook me you Lizbitch
There needs to be more of Gudako being spit roasted.
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rolling for merlina
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it's gonna be super easy to clear with summer hokusai & damage CE though
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Altera attempt nr 2
Is this one better?
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I just lost to fucking eyeballs
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Guys aren't queens.
I have Musashi and Miss Crane
How did you fuck that up? Where's your Ozy?
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If you're this fucking weak, you might as well drown in your ideals and die.
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Make her more anytime and less sometime

Probably try to use AOEs instead and use their NPs only when the sun is out. If you have any stuns, charms, etc. use those when the rain is out.
11 hours until EoS
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Theres literally a band of men named Queen doe
How hasn't Gil got that costume yet, for a game with a lot of CLAP they miss some obvious shit
I can’t believe Merlina already is tomorrow
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>nigga lips
And that's kinda gay.
That's a reference to a city in New York.
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hey, i recognize that filename
welcome back bro!
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Hey hey, yeah I pop in and out of here every so often nowadays.
I hate it when her flower petals are drawn as elf ears
Then you aren't /alter/
Level 100 NP3 Kriemhild had do the 90++ if you bring a castoria with maxxed 2nd append

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