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Visual Novel General #6524

This general is for the discussion of English-translated Japanese visual novels.
All posting of untranslated visual novels belongs on >>>/jp/
E-celeb shitposting is not allowed.
Kindly use spoiler tags appropriately when discussing plot spoilers to facilitate smooth discussion.

>Having trouble with your VN? Try the following before you ask for tech support:
1. Be in Japanese locale
2. Read the Readme
3. Check https://rentry.org/4chan-vn-help
4. Copy error messages with CTRL+C and paste them with CTRL+V into DeepL
5. Google it

>FAQs, Recommendations, and Other Useful Things:

>Need a novel with a specific element?

>Download Links:

Previous thread: >>486276835
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Personal Jesus?
Milgram'd that
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hey, mitsumi, I've got milgram in my van
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Lucia is a miracle of the universe.
New Madosoft soon.
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Misaki's slutty body...
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>the entire english visual novel business hinges on a rogue Steam employee, codename: Mary, that wants all anime on Steam to be banned so they can monopolize coomers with shitty wegs and furry games
Soon you won't be able to purchase games directly on publisher's sites when payment processors begin to ban them. Now it's better than ever to be JOP.
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I'm so proud of you, /vn/. You went the entire previous thread without saying "it."
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That's not her goal at all. Stop spreading lies about the savior of the medium.
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>Soon you won't be able to purchase games directly on publisher's sites when payment processors begin to ban them.
That already happened
You think they won't ban JOP sites? Dlsite is already being squeezed.
I kneel based GODgram
Why do they do this? What do they even gain from banning shit? It seems so stupid.
payment processors hate porn and especially loli(-adjacent) stuff, that's the entire motivation
I could've saved this chocolate queen...
I hate to say it, but it's unironically a humiliation ritual.
You would think their love of money would override this.
nah, they have to stay in good standing with the banks that back them, and the banks hate being associated with that stuff, it's an image (and ultimately an existential) issue
Yeah, reputation is money in a roundabout way and every little thing counts. The profit they make from sales of vns can't possibly be enough to make them think twice about it
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Reminder that Majiamigos run this general
But who exactly is going to stop using a bank because they are associated with VN porn, who honestly gives a shit? Why would they even be aware of the association in the first place?
>MilGOD thread
The UN apparently
Recent mystery EVNs on Steam over the past few years:

Upcoming mystery EVNs on Steam:
Nobody, but WHAT IF??? Easier to become a puritan.
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Kek they do be shit
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I am a fan of the style where they try to make the characters look like they could actually exist. No weird hair colors or flashy accessories or odd personalities
Unrealistic eye colors for japs
But flashy accessories and odd personalities exist though, as does hair dye (but jap schoolgirls being allowed to use it is another thing so I’ll give you that one)
>But who exactly is going to stop using a bank because they are associated with VN porn
large corporations
>bank becomes associated with porn, or worse, Charlie Papa because they tolerate a payment processor that handles payments for stuff adjacent to that
>large corporation (e.g. Nestle, Proctor and Gamble, Microsoft) does business with bank
>doesn't want to be associated with the bank that's associated with porn/etc because it will hurt their image
>moves their business to a bank with a better image
>Why would they even be aware of the association in the first place?
muckrackers looking to discredit or destroy their business so they can take over their share of the market
you DO have a japanese knife in your kitchen, don't you anon?
No, but I have swords with me all time
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No but my wife likes to carry one.
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Amagami already proved plain designs can work well
Still not reading Tokyo NEGRO.
Still not reading umiNEGRO
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Still not reading Senran Banka
you're not missing a lot...
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Moege heroines... but with pubes that fuck shotas.
>No weird hair colors
Always kino
>Moege heroines
>that fuck shotas
no such thing
>all heroines really have black hair
>heroine hair colours are just a special ability of the protagonist that lets him identify personalities
>heroine has dark purple hair
>MC calls it black
>heroine takes a shit
>bro character eats it
You will never see heroines with brown nipples.
You will never see heroines with purple nipples
You will never see heroines with nipples.
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Fun concept, but I bet you couldn't name one VN that does this
Fumio says hello
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This is what a Japanese woman looks like.
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Heroines with veiny tits
You will never see heroines
Do your pregnant sex reps and you will see them
Heroines with dicks.
do you remember Rapelay? even random ass third world countries were joining in and saying that they'd ban that, no boomer exec wants to be dragged out in front of the congressional equivalent if anything happens, and no office drone wants to lose their job.
This is what a Japanese man looks like (including nipples)
Funny and on point
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Pure kino.
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it'd never work
Desire to read
>still no futa moege
Name one love triangle VN where all problems couldn't be solved by polyamory?
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sniff white women
It's not "VN porn", it's specifically rape, abuse and prob lolis.
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I love traps the most !
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I love NTR the most!
>futa moege
>deredere childhood friend wants violently destroy your asshole
>aggressive tsundere only wants loving sex in her vagina
kino gap moe potential there
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Famicom Detective Club series gets new title after 35 years

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>23 years of releases
>20 in other languages
>but not English
We will get newest part of series in English tho
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I love traps the most!
when I finish little busters what should I read
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I love NTR the most!
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God, Sasami is such a sexy loli.
What did he mean by that?
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Sasami's sasamis are big and beautiful.
I got spoiled on the killer for the first one and never started this series
I read already
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Girls Girls Girls is a story about a doormat manager and employees who know zero about economics. As someone who've managed cafes before I'm actually seething reading this.
Art looks pretty bad.
>who know zero about economics
Maybe they should have studied economics a bit instead of gobbling each other's dicks all the time.
I mean it's trapshit, straight white men don't draw that faggot trash.
Art's actually the best thing about this VN so far. Sadly.
is that actually a boy
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Fuck JOPs
buttshecks. with vnbros.
how would you react if this happened in project vermillion:

>end of the series
>Kageaki and Muramasa have been dating for a while
>Muramasa breaks up with Kageaki, saying that she's fallen out of love and isn't sure why, she's just lost the passion
>Kageaki sadly says "You told me I was the one"
>Muramasa says "No, I said 'I think you're the one.' You shouldn't hold that against me when I only said 'I think.'"
>Kageaki changes the subject because he's about to cry
kill yourself
cuckchadded that
Recommend visual novels with schizo protag who has tulpa
Little Busters his original friends are all tulpas.
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How are you supposed to learn anything at school if JKs keep distracting you with their sinful bodies?
She looks ugly as sin and probably has a bland personality to boot. The kind of girl I wouldn't have gone out of my way to be around.
I'd get her suspended for always getting her butt sweat on my desk
where did u steal that from
post slim and hairy version
It's an amazing coincidence when the protagonist shares your name. Peak immersion.
Never happened to me because japs don't make persian MCs sadly.
my name is riki
Didn't read, but I'm rating it 1 if there's no postureman.
worth the wait.
Gaben won btw
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I mean, worth the weight*
The pacing of Aoi Tori has been a bit strange so far. I'm several hours in, and I still haven't met half the cast. Mary a best, though.
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I love oppai lolis, especially Yuki!
pure fable
I kneel
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AIsir should make a Milgram iota.
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This you?
was the anime any good
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No, it's terrible. Only worth a watch if you really want to hear the VAs again.
Decent, but still vastly inferior to the vinnie.
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Based. Needed more CGs.
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nya nya~
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If I liked Fione's route, hated Eris's every time she was on screen or the subject of conversation, and didn't mind the clerics' route until the ending which soured the whole thing, should I bother with Licia's?
Licia's is the only good part of the game.
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She will keep Gaben oji-sama's platform safe.
what AI model made htis
Holy HFK
Release the butas.
traps are underrated
we need more of them
Moeges with less than 8 heroines and at least one who isn't human aren't really moeges
kill yourself
spotted the tourist
moeges? it's "mages." king
It's like fish and fishes
Both are correct
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Moege isn't even in the dictionary
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Fione and Eris were the peak of the VN, unfortunately
they don't make 'em like they used to https://youtu.be/_cjrE8jMhMI
This means we have to keep using that word so it will get added into the dictionary soon.
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What's the single most kino moment you've read in any VN?
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Yep. still have no idea why they ruined "The Cyberslayer" track on the remake tho
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>no ost during convo
>that bg
A big moment in the making
when you pick miyuki at the end of totono
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was sure it'd end with only girls going for these
?? the OST is the same between OG and remake, no?
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Sorry meant to type "Aoi" instead.
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VN where you're a fatso but you don't excel even in your specialty?
maybe on planet cuckGOD
The scene that went with this
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Nothing will ever top this.
If you want a shorter one then Hanachirasu finale, even shorter 13 sentinels Sekigahara blowing up the generator condemning everyone to death and if you wanna cope about non-VN then Baldr Sky dive1 final fight when the autoplay sets in for a few lines.
morning cord
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Who the fuck is "Aoi"?
pretty sure its the same track but with shit recording quality for the second one?
So much this
This was also very kino
>steals Shinichi's food as he despairs over lack of Aoi
For me? It's
Shota MC haremge?
is this real?
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Nothing will ever top *that* moment for me, but I won't reveal which because /vn/ is full of fags who love to shit on people for no reason.
where can I download this
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>unhinged laughter
always kino.
Spoiler CG for whats under the uniform anyways
Kino if he slaughters her abusers afterwards.
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Kageaki tanked that btw
Those seem pretty fresh.
bring me the purest
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I guess the initial line frrom route start about hating MC finally comes full turn, since she's enjoying how much it bothers him
>if he asked earlier he could have put a stop to this sooner
no wonder she holds a grudge


its singular afaik, the teacher who adopted her after losing his own imouto I bet he will go ham but we'll c. Gonna be surprised if the game lets it slide
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>Milgram about to lose to So'un's assault
>discards his battle armor
>he was wearing it as a handicap and is 1000 times faster now
>So'un discarding his EX-Brain because it's been holding him back all along
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Not pure after what Gaben did to them.
pure kaguya is super cursed
Gonna read all theses kinos, thanks.
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they drained gaben dry >>486437748
Pure sword autists...
>your waifu is piloting a giant robot
>she can feel anything the robot feels
>robot gets raped by a tentacle because he feels lonely
Is that NTR?
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>things have been good initially and he cared for her alot
Makes more sense that way.
Use a non-retarded format please. I can't open this in paint.
>Mitsumin is so pathetic that even Con Su wanted to dom her
Imagine cucking Ethica
Imagine cucking anon
That's a massager robot. The only man she ever has sex with or lets fondle her boobs is So'un.
Can you get cucked by a girl using a magic dick?
>cucked by a girl
>if a robot fucks my wife is not NTR
you can't cuck me because I'm permanently alone
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>lists fucked up shit with a smile
its Tsukihime all over again
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Literally me.
I love abuse victims so much.
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No, he's literally me.
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Top kino
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Trips of Milgram.
ge where the heroine fucks a magical flesh doll with a bigger chinpo than you but it’s not NTR because it’s just masturbation?
Post more gacha scenes
Someone post that Con Su screenshot.
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I wish her VA did a better job with the laughter, but the normally playful tone becoming jaded makes up for it

guaranteed kino everytime
ge where the heroine sucks a dick and gets her pussy eaten but it's not NTR because they never put it in.
Any VN for this feel?
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Hatsukoi 1/1
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also non-animated
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Might aswell https://streamable.com/ynzy9k
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> https://files.catbox.moe/f32ef3.webp
Why is he smiling like that
that's a lot of NTR
I would kill him for her btw.
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Imagine sex with Melt, Subaru, and Ryoko
it's a SoUn a robot
Mitsumi turned the rape switch ON
you should take a look at that scene in the anime, its absolutelly fucking kino
its the only good part of the second season tho, everything else is worthless
Me and Mitsumin.
>robot version of (You) fucks the heroine
Is this NTR?
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Jesus Christ...
Nagi cute. Maybe I'll go back to Katawa and finally read Rin's route, keeps reminding me of her

>goes to jail
>Yuuko is alone again
that's not very yasashii of you

I'll DL it when im done with the game and skip through the episodes, only watch the interesting bits I guess - that and Kuze raping Mizuki if they adapted it
Your zako would not withstand
Is not NTR if the balls don't touch
But I made that up, I did not read the gacha. It's probably a drug or is she is fantasizing
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imagine h-scene where the girl calls you daddy by accident
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>finally unfolds the paper airplane she threw the day he met her
Kino. Took him some time though
forget girls, have fun with your bro
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Any reason why she doesn't go to the police instead of just tanking that shit?
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are you really asking that of japanese media?
bring dishonor to famiri name
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I need to use this reaction more
KINOmasa is still the peak of the medium.
>all that art, billions of gorgeous CGs and great character designs wasted on used goods
I'm so fucking glad Minori keeled over and died, they wholly deserved it.
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she explains that right after the vid ends, he asks why didn't she run and she laughs saying that of course she did. But no matter how many times she ran she had nowhere else to go but back there. As for the police and teachers she said she's only telling him because it's him and she's too ashamed to tell others about it
Basically same as real life. Don't really get it but I guess I wouldn't want to go tell a bunch of policemen some dude raped me
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I just completed Cross Channel. Please explain to me exactly what I read.
Subahibi but good.
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The rape adds absolutely nothing to the story, it just makes me drop the VN on the spot and even more disappointed in humanity.
im gonna read it next year likely. was it fun?
>he doesn't want to save them
Where's your manliness at, butabro
minori were always hacks, its that simple, once makoto shinkai and their main writer left everyone realized minori was really dependant on them.
name one good vn of theirs besides ef and eden.
>no full evil route with Chacha
Still mad.
Can't save what doesn't exist as far as I'm concerned. There isn't a single scenario in which I read ef ever so I don't consider myself missing out on anything, there's plenty of suffering girls waiting to be saved that aren't used goods in other VNs.
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I wanted to see Hikaru global genocide.
lol dumb whore wanted it
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Not sure if I get it - as in, he raped his real sister too?

eden is shit after the island arc. legit ass
Being hacks is excusable, worshipping used goods like this is not. Leave that shit to fetish nukige, it ain't any better than scat.
>3p with Chachamaru and Hikaru
We have been denied the ultimate KINO.
i can't wait to meet the blonde with the gun she seems pretty cool
I hope anons has friends like gakuto and kazama in his next life
If only they had more time for the development...
I will never forgive the industry for denying Chachamaru and Illya's route.
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>the bullying was fake
I love evil women
It would be hard to not acknowledge the fact that women can live some pretty harsh lives despite having numerous advantages over men in life. Rape will be a common threat for all women until their 50s or 60s really. Having a heroine be a rape victim in a story that's trying to be realistic is almost mandatory
>get something done to them that feels good
>harsh life
death is worse than rape
Call me fat all you want, at least I'm not a cuck.
Having fun with your bros is in too much short supply. I refuse to look them up specifically. I'll find another someday
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Imagine being Kyou's pet oinker. Imagine how she cradles her oinker between her honkers. You would oink like the good little piggy you are every time she held you between those plump, luscious melons. One day you might even realize that she was wearing no bra, because you could feel the warmth, the texture, the shape of her lumps through the thin fabric of her shirt. Just a little bit of fabric disguises her uninhibited nipples that poke into your shaggy pig fur, and you oink excitedly, "BUHI, BUHI!"
are the best bros in majikoi and busters
I'd rather the used goods part was fake.
>that feels good
might not feel good getting raped. Wouldn't know myself
>death is worse than rape
well, yeah. Women are also an easy target for murderers and violent individuals
>let's hurt the kind and gentle guy and not my rapist and abuser
typical woman moment kek
shut up douteis
Mitsumin... why am I not surprised that NamanikuATK's favorite heroine got actual NTR scenes in the gacha?
Hot. This should've been in ToKINO Necro.
the think with death vs rape is that you have to deal with the aftermath of rape
when u die u die
in rape you but hurts a lot and have mental issues
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>spending the night in a church cause her brother might break into MC's apartment
Having a H scene right now just makes it look bad, like she can't go a day without sex lmao
not even trying to hide, Detcuck
Still the cutest shirokami design.
>my used goods ex was genuinely surprised by how gentle I was to the point where she sorta bragged to her friend about it
I never figured out how I feel about that. Why are women like this? Is this the power of being yasashii?
too bad wasted on a slut
Received the NiTRoplus treatment because tokyo necro was too tame and pure.
>used goods heroine
>heroine gets raped outside her route
>MC's personal god is a cuck
retard negro
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>he doesn't know
Really surprising that there wasn't a single sex with others scene in TN.
Ge where used goods GF walks virgin MC through being in a relationship
>lovey dovey FD
>hidden NTR route
Actually muttered holy fucking kino out loud
I kneel
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Totono's forever ruined the word slurp for me, no matter how many years pass.
soft perkers https://litter.catbox.moe/nl0af0.jpg
He got what he wanted, but at what cost..?
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what vns are anon looking forward to
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Maybe you should stop speed reading.
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holy kek
Select Oblige
This I guess
At least MC is bigger. It'd be quite grim otherwise https://litter.catbox.moe/hmchop.jpg
Amakano 3
I like TN, but the retard have a feud with Muramasa, so he shitposts about them and probably didn't even read TN. Pathetic.
>Con Su and Olga have sex with each other, and neither is a romantic interest for the main characters
>Ryouko isn't a heroine
>Mitsumin gets teased with a dildo outside her route
Your point? That's nothing for nitroplus standards.
I will now buy TN.
>not a heroine
Why should I care?
Still CONSENSUAL sex with others.
At least Muramasa was only rape.
>not an open space clearly used to bigger dicks
Can't relate.
>Con Su and Olga have sex with each other, and neither is a romantic interest for the main characters
explain this
> At least MC is bigger
VNs opposite this feel?
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Okay but imagine Tokyo Necro, but without sex at all. Now that's kino.
>only rape
By males.
Women can't rape other women.
she probably just wants to confirm that she's still desirable as a woman despite all the horrific shit she's endured. Unless the MC initiated it then he's a gigachad lol
>rapist is a needle dick
As expected.
what's the context for this and is there a creampie variant
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I know. Just a bit silly, could have waited at least a day. She initiated with pic rel after they kissed
>as expected
you can't say that, think of >>486461951
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Do I need to read the kokuKINO trilogy in any particular order?
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Trusting the plan
Chronologically is always the logical choice
In-universe or IRL release order?
but there is
IRL, always
Reading order doesn't matter, you can pick whatever one sounds the most interesting to you.
Isn't that someone else?
Still haven't read TN, so can't really tell.
Let's see an ugly woman peg you then.
It's not rape, since you will like it, right?
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pp grabbed
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scary to think a little sister can do this and the law can't intervene on your behalf
I think is a clone.
but the original would probably do the same
since she is a slut among sluts
need gigaslut heroines
>Made a clone to rape herself
Not even mad, that's impressive if it's actually what it is.
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It's hot. I wish it was in the main game.
I will probably download the off-line gacha viewer to jerk off to this scene
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Much better
nice and medium
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Unironically better
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Dunno what happened here https://litter.catbox.moe/dzwwud.png

makes me realize these designs are actually pretty good if you cut out the tumors
We need an MC who is offering his girlfriend to his friends to have sex with.
this but to shotas
This but his younger brother to his friends
Replace one letter in a vn name to make it funny, i'll start
Sanoba Bitch
tokyo negro
digging up graves is wrong
The Smell
not one letter
not a real name
Senren Wanka
>reading general fails to comprehend a concept of a letter
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>not a real name
Project Negromillion
kek wanted to say that one
not on vndb so it's not real
The Smell
Fart one inferno
also funny, missed them
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curious how'll they handle it. Maybe it won't be the usual jp cliche schizo
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>not on vndb
>one letter
funny, didn't see these yet
That says Kara no Shojo.
best itt
>they haven't murdered the motherfucker yet
you had one job...
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8 more days
please don't have trash routes, please don't have trash routes, please don't have trash routes
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maybe he'll jump
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not kino, if he jumps
will be cringe because the writer couldn't commit to it like in G-Senjou
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Yep, actual chad
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women with knives scare me
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Literally me
So I'm assuming the connection between them is so loose that I don't have to read them back-to-back and can space them out with some other VNs in-between?
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should I blog class of 09 or ming dynasty travels or atri
the rest you can blogpost on >>>/aco/weg
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Kohaku was just the perfect example of the butterfly effect
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Yeah, none of the stories are connected
Wait for Jecka’s ge to blogpost 09kino, do COPkino for now
kino trope
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>/vn/ when they hear nigger
still not learning japanese
still learning japanese again when I reincarnate
yuzufags do be like that
Don't be mean to plotGODs.
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Did it break your reddit heart?
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That's not very satisfying. The possibility of MC going down that path makes no sense.
I guess it wasn't exactly cliche at least but dunno if him taking out his anger over his sister's death on Yuuko makes sense Not quite buying this writing.
lmao I wish Narahara had worked on TN, it would've been hilarious to read his liner notes asking for sex with others.
>the butterfly effect
>In chaos theory, the butterfly effect is the sensitive dependence on initial conditions in which a small change in one state of a deterministic nonlinear system can result in large differences in a later state.
Reddit was the place where moogy shilled Muramasa the most, newfag.
I get what's the butterfly effect supposed to be but I dont really see how that relates to Kohaku
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also this
what do you mean? there is no female character left in tokyo necro who hadn't sex with others aside from Iria
What's he doing nowadays? Still shilling muramasa would be hard with his twitter account on private.
Wow, anon. It's almost like the title is a play on that!
Hiding under his bed, crying
He is blogposting Flowers in his twitter.
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>he commits suicide by fire but police decided it was cigarette negligence
That's more like it
Zako MC vs dekachin ex-boyfriend vinny
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>ushiromiya rokuhara was the leader of the goats all along
the deepest lore...
The most iconic line of Muramasa.
Is Adabana any good?
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...? So what, were they supposed to still be a loving family despite all that. Im not buying it. I kinda get what the writer tried going for but it feels completely mishandled, Yuuko didn't really have a reason to like him considering how fucking horrible the abuse was, even if he was a proper brother for years(?) at first
It's too hot bros. I can't read.
>dies offscreen
That's pretty anticlimactic.
The japs are retarded, nothing surprising. "This guy wasn't all THAT bad" fuck you I would stab him with a knife 17 times.
But killing is le bad? What if his maid falls down the stairs and dies?
Every rape "victim" is like this thoughever? It's just the natural woman response.
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royal plaps
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it would have worked if they'd have shown him to be much more caring during the day. If that kinda contrast was actually presented to the reader properly.
This but unironically.
The heat is coming tomorrow here... Fuck summer
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well thats enough reading for the day. Where the fuck is the game going to go next though, it feels like their story's more or less over, how is there going to be a full chapter now..? Seems like it'd need new characters to work, idk.

How close am I to the end anyways?
the h scenes were so fucking boring
use your gpu and cpu fans, it helps.
come over to my house bro I got AC
This. He should have raped him in the ass 17 times instead and make him his personal bussy hole.
>not full of hate
ahh yes, ye olde loving daily rape and beating
>happy about being woken up
>not asking for at least 5 more minutes of sleep
can't relate
an eye for an eye
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come over to my house bro I got AC
A bussy for a pussy.
He tried his best to ignore her until she said "something amazing will happen" if he doesn't wake up.
>not asking for at least 5 more minutes
The last time I was woken up 5+ years ago I asked for "good steel". It was fate ever since
Lose weight moebuta
I'm not fat though
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sooner die than diet
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>rape victim calls you an animal
for a yasashiibro that's gotta hurt, poor guy
need more fully armored and covered up knight heroines
>no route for Emperor Male
home cooking
gimp edits
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Sorry, I only date redheads.
what are some not boring h-scenes
Lately my mind keeps involuntarily drifting to that one CG of Mana’s pussy and asshole as she sits on your face
That and Kunado pubes
that muramasa one where the monk fucks the princess
In that moege about dating a voice actress there's a h-scene where she changes her voice in middle of sex and it makes pp very hard.
the kokuning comes for us all
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Plap your sister's!
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Lord knows I will!
this, only rape ntr scene i have ever seen to make me say HOOOLYYY FUUUUUCKIIIING KIIINOOO, intead of making me seethe
Doushin was truly the best.
shotas being NTR'd IS always Kino
only second to NTRing the dike straight and then later dicking her partner
Is there a way to skip the intro sequence and how long it takes to save and load in tokyo necro?
It does add some nice flavor and my current theory is that the game might be a denpa so I understand it but at this point it is getting on my nerves.
shota doing the NTR is THE kino
Ge where the bisexual heroine gets NTR’d from her female lover by MC (with no rape or blackmail involved)?
anons life
>NTRkino OP
We're so back.
only zakos self insert as shotas
i don't self insert as shotas I want to watch them fuck
For >>486446692
This but dekachin shota
gay pedo freaky
iirc you can click through part of the animation or some other button does it? It sucks either way but might suck somewhat less.

I can't remember how was the cube relevant, probably not cool enough
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tokyo necor bestreally was the vn of all time
>cuckschizo returns
I wish. She was really funny.
i'm an uminegro do'?
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why is it called copge
the cat is russian secret police
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Loli pits
White women rape
Made by Canadians.
Is there a general where people talk about NTR more than in this one?
making is more like an overgrow midge
the NTR general on /h/
>no pubes
>I'd molest her 24/7 if she was my daughter
Based and same.
Well I guess
it's been so long since I read makina's route that i forgot how the h-scenes went
good thing i'm rereading it right now while in the select oblige waiting room
I'll probably enjoy her h-scenes a lot more when I finally get around to re-reading it, I wasn't a lolicon when I read it 10 years ago
Murasisters won.
VNs where the Japanese heroines are recognizable Asian?
JK/adult daughtercestge?
Same age-because of time travel daughter or momcestge?
imoutos are so small and soft, it feels amazing to hug them
These match the first of those
Are any of the H scenes in tokyo necro plot relevant or can I full skip? Looking at these plastic'd hags make me want to vomit.
looking at you makes me want to vomit
>is the NTR plot relevant in NTRge?
Which non-Rance Alice Soft should I play?
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senpai look!
tits too big
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The only good Mary
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>even the cat wants my dick
The depravity on display is absolutely reprehensible.
white women...
cute headcrab
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false tho
Why are his hands so fucking bad? It's sad to see when everything else about his art is pretty decent
Why are his faces so fucking bad? It's sad to see when everything else about his art is pretty decent
What hair colour is that meant to be?
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>friend showed me a bad CGI clip of the new Star Wars show where one of the characters tries to use the Triple Linked Crane Wings with thrown lightsabers
Lust-provoking image.
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somebody recommend me a nice casual VN to read
we need more doll joint ge
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Casual Romance Club
Liking traps is gay.
shut up baby I know it
none of those seem very casual

that is the worst thing I've ever seen
what am I in for
> that is the worst thing I've ever seen
It is hideous, yes, but it is also very casual indeed
Recent good white women ge?
Unravel Trigger
I like NTR, but I've never read an NTRge
Is readman a Jedi or a Sith?
found it on youtube https://youtu.be/2SAH7AsZ4hU?si=zJyrE9dNOMlTU5UB&t=82
>girl brings in cookies
>これははやる is translated as "Viral cookies."
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>tfw no sister to engage in taboo love with
>tfw no sister to rape
please do not make jokes about raping your family members
Hardly her ""brother"" isn't he
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>have two sisters
>nothing happened
is Muramasa or Tokyo Necro a better read?
correct, only rape maids instead
Consensual rape is okay.
Did they already give up their virginities to random faceless men? You probably picked the wrong choices to get into the incest route.
No, but I did.
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make consensual love, not rape
onna kishis are for rape
please do not make jokes about fucking your real life sisters
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I love Karen
character art > plot > voice acting > music > background art
All of you are fucking retarded
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Must be my kind of people
It's probably because of the incest.
KnS2 in a nutshell
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I wish I was fucking the retarded.
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Convince me to play Cross Channel.
It has something similar with Subahibi through the MC's sexuality.
Convince me to play Subahibi.
Convince me to take "convince me" posts seriously.
ge where the heroine pity-fucks the MC?
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I think I almost got pity fucked once
Meant to add with good art.
But you should read both.
I read pitfuck, imagining she raping your with her pitpussy.
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more reason to skip this route
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more reason to read this route
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How come I've never heard of this?
Jesus Christ, speak up, Akari. Timid-ass sluts and their constant whispering really annoy my deaf ass.
chiisa... nani kore... kodomo mitai
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Analfags are nastier than footfags
VNs for this
Because it has Mari and we don't talk about that
Wrong one, that's the untranslated garbage ASage. RxR idols are brown and purple.
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why is purple girl always holding her hand up did it get stuck or something
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>Moege MC has a present Dad, possibly with a sprite
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she's your typical 2 INT asa heroine
The difference isn't between BR and NBR, it's pure and impure
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If her nips is coffee beans then her shit is espresso
Kino every time.
>inverted nipples
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Everyone will love Yua once this one got translated
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Your loss
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>inverted nipples
>once this got translated
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is nekopara good?
I liked it
It's no Nie no Hakoniwa.
lol no
drake bad:
>inverted nipples
drake good:
>pectus excavatum
He's really not losing much
It's cute and stylish.
Are greens born like this, or does their kind simply gravitate toward dyeing their hair green?
Nanaru and Emi are the only ASaretards I like
Nanaru no anaru
It's good for sickos who want to fuck cats. In other words, it's good for people like me.
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a cat is fine
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sniff sniff
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that's kind of hot
>even /hgg2d/ is kneeling to JAST right now
How are they so powerful
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Who the fuck is that disgusting 3dpd?
yo momma
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I like 3dpd
mornign sir
Girls! Girls! Girls! is actually a kickstarter scam where they raised several hundred thousand dollars then after six years released a game that's three hours long and has TWO cgs per route. Most of the VN's runtime is spent whining about piracy, despite the fact that the VN has nothing of value in it to even be worth pirating.
I am not kidding, this is one of three rants about f95 specifically, and they say anyone who torrents or pirates hates all creators and wants them to starve and die and that pirating a VN is akin to rape.
She looks retarted
>pirating a VN is akin to rape.
Not wrong.
scamming homos is morally correct.
not even trapfags like this so you know it's bottom of the barrel trash
Average Fag moment
Yeah. The h scenes are pretty good and animated. It was my first nukige
she is a woman
Aren't all VN readers retarded?
Garbage. Imagine donating to this dumpster fire.
I have no problem with faggots getting scammed
>not a suzakuin
If pirating a game was raping the creator, then I would pirate more
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i like how you played a project katana game for all of 10 minutes and instantly became a suzakuin fag
Which VN?
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Love french women.
Are there any other really sweaty heroines besides the deredere from Yukikoi Melt
>Wow anon you fell out of a plane and instantly became a gravityfag
some things are inevitable
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I didn't say you did something wrong, to be fair...
Fun fact: there is no Suzakuin in mekurabe. Coincidentally, it's also the worst game of the series.
What are some good VNs for beginners?
see >>486491372
moechart in OP recommended section
which VN had the best school uniforms
But those are all moege, plotless and mainly just hentai
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erosucc for sure
I think you'll enjoy Umineko. Come back after you've read it and independently formed your own opinion. We would love to hear your review after you finish.
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>unrionically checking the touristchart
Ah, now for three rewarding hours of testing my patch that I can't blogpost or the spies will get me.
I do love me some cats
One of these women is loving, trustworthy, and faithful.
The other is a turboslut.
Can you tell which is which?
I pick the turboslut.
>tfw I've only been to france only once
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don't talk to me until you've read everything in the recommended section
I don't read vns with used goods heroines.
I don't read vns without used goods heroines.
>green eyes
that's not right
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Too easy
any VNs where you challenge satan to a rock off?
any VNs where you challenge dave grohl to a rock off?
any VNs where you challenge kazusa to a cock off?
any VNs where you challenge natsume to a rap battle?
any VNs where you challenge anon to a JOP off?
we should formalize the rules for head-to-head JOP offs so we can find the omega JOP and kill him
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I demand more gigaslut ge
I wish somebody would kill me
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name two (2)
I'm retarded. Can someone please spoonfeed me on the sauce?
I...I can't...
looks like untranslated garbage to me
/^any VNs/
how long has it been since our last houkokuge, NTRSbros...?
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Antimagic Academy
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Any visual novels for this feel?
Only translated games can be garbage.
rape bait
Anon, there's almost no netorasege to begin with.
Honestly, just go to asmrs, that's a houkoku paradise.
I was hoping for an Amagami clone but thanks anyway.
>Honestly, just go to asmrs,
I can't speak Japanese
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the juice is so cool, lads
You're in trouble then. NTR vns as a whole, whether rare or rase, have been on a serious downward trend recently, with only a few notable exceptions.
Meant for JAST's muramasa kickstarter.
who's is best girl
seems like the fate of any JOP is to become either a cuck or a trap. don't fall for their propaganda.
I think you meant troon
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Me on the left
cute boy on the right
>not both
cute AI art
I haven't seen something that screams "choreography" this much. It looks so fucking fake they might aswell have aired raw footage
i remember this game being delayed by like 2 years because the writer got dropped so they had to start from scratch lmao
Straight trapge?
This will be VNOTD
>i remember this game being delayed by like 2 years because the writer got dropped so they had to start from scratch lmao
I'm pretty sure they didn't start from scratch and just shipped it unfinished.
Anon it's the second VN from a company whose previous vn was a 6/10. Don't worry, I'll blogpost it and let you know, but don't get too excited before it's even out. This has been a pretty stacked year for VNs.
Is this the yuri killer vn?
whom is the target audience for this?
jopge? or tld only
Me? I'm willing to check out a straight trapge with a serious plot and a crazy premise. It's been done before quite well.
monkey will forever piss me off, it would have been an instan perfect 10/10 kamige if it wasnt for the sexfriend route, and Hato giving the vn the worst pacing i have seen in the entire medium
>sexfriend route
picked up
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It made me cry like a little bitch, twice, so it's kamige.
>straight trapge
>heroine doesn't peg the MC, light femdom at most
Ruined, what's the point of making MC a trap in the first place then? Might as well make it yuri.
Meant for Mari BTW.
sometime, somewhere, a female artist will schlick to the pirate-rape
I don't think it's fair to use something that's happened once as a comparison point.
they can become retards like this >>>/a/268922139 too
He btfo you hard, huh?
I need to know, what games have the best drawn pantyhose/stockings and feet?
Based JOP
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It happens all the time in doujin works. If VN creators want to compete in the sams field, they need to step up their game.
kek, you lost
You're a frustrated individual, aren't you? No wonder you're gay for Karenschizo.
Yes, let's just pretend that I was the one losing this argument because /vn/ is incapable of being genuine for one single darn second. Faggots.
I didn't read that thread at all, but since that guy made you so angry that you felt the need to link to him in this general, you lost on account of being a pathetic retard.
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I am a genuine retard 100% of the time.
Skimmed the thread and the stench of pretentiousness was overwhelming
The fact that you linked your argument here for validation means you lost.
Here, newfriend
No need to be pretentious among fellow degenerates. We all share a love of a dying medium
>Due to the rampancy of radical feminists, Japan had become a society completely dominated by women.
oh boy the second umineko
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>he didn't like 16bit Cinematic Sensation
Why am I not surprised?
>new bad old good the anime
there I saved you 12 episodes worth of watch time
Thanks, never watching that boomershit
Android fisting ge doko…
Alicesoft did it 20 years ago.
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Which one of you is this?
>The World Economic Forum's latest report on gender equality ranks Japan a lowly 125th out of 146 nations
They only dominate in certain otaku circles because they're willing to do shit jobs with low pay and too much work.
Me, I showed up to marmalade's office with a knife and asked them to show me to the office of the writer who keeps putting in sex friend routes.
VNs with evil, Nazi-coded heroines?
*shits on the table*
looks like I win, huh
nukitashi 2.
None of them are evil doe
What edition do you want?
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There's a couple evil women.
Used bests
JOP here - I'm going to make a JOP edition with a giant ass coveirng the screen.
C'mon man, really?
t. mentally ill tranny
Bro has the opinion of an NPC and calls others brainwashed lmao
visual novels?
adventure games?
Cmon TL 03 already
Oh yeah, I read those!
Untranslated btw.
Sorry bro, I can't blogpost what I'm reading, the spies will get me.
You need to be 18+ to use this site.
shit wait it's called COPge because it's Chinese
fuck you guys
Yep, COPs won.
see >>486523687
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retard you have your own board it's called /pol/
so this... is the power of americans
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>he won
You're a king, Fumi.
She's a pimp, not a prostitute. She runs the prostitution agency.
you think there are no fat prostitutes? you sweet summer child
gay af ending
Retard you have your own site, it's called reddit
That sounds borderline criminal.
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So we can all admit now that she's best girl, girl?
Is Criminal Border actually worth reading?
>no h-scene
No wonder everyone said the final chapter was disappointing
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Oblige Edition
I liked it quite a bit, but it wasn't as good as the 3rd.
American woman
>want to kill poles

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