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18 hours until Adorned dies edition


Latest News:
>[3.25] Settlers of Kalguur (July 26th PDT)
>Reveal stream Thursday, 7/18 at 1pm PDT
>free back attachment MTX for watching on Twitch

>daily teaser summary

>PoE 2 news
Sorry rollchuds, no PoE 2 news in the reveal stream this time. You lost.

>Compiled Links, Tools and Utilities
>/poeg/ Ingame Chat and Ban Honeypot
/global 1488
Well look at that
Sun is out shining
World is feeling pretty great
I'm loving every bit of it
Guess now is as good a time as any to play PoE (Ruthless for the win!!!)
It's just not that good of a game anymore.
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Last Epoch flopped, thoughever.
Did the doomies win?
There is too much loot and I cannot bear to click on all of the pennies. How much do I have to RMT for a T17 viable build on day 1 so that I can play the entire league with a loot filter that hides everything on the ground?
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its become systematic at this point that whenever the game starts to get good again faGGGot has to intervene and shit it back up, like they generally hate player retention and making money or something
Over 200k sales can’t really be called a flop for them thoughsn’td’t’ve
I've found it's best to just wait a week til varga/imbotasherfeminist/spicysushi/belton release their mirror bows and then just buy 2 mirrors to round out a decent build. Retarded broken league mechanic is usually fixed by then.
league isn't even out yet and you're doomsissying this hard
I can't believe they're actually going to give us 2 Ascendancies.
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There once was a mode Ruthless named,
Its difficulty left players maimed.
Even foes I'd abhor,
I wouldn't implore,
To endure that in PoE's famed game.
they actually sold over a million copies, but only 70k showed up for their first season. so for all intensive porpoises it was a big flop.
its not a matter of the league, it's just the gameplay in general. Too much bloat, screen clutter, massive gear taxes for stupid shit on every build. It's just unfun
Just got home. Haven't seen today's teaser but I already know it's kino after seeing how hard doomsissies are working overtime
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Memba when literally nobody in the world other than Kripp played Ruthless and then even Kripp quit Ruthless in Necropolis and called PoE a shit game for retards?
Give glad an ascendancy node that grants 2-3 phys damage to attacks per 15 armor or evasion on equipped shield.
Please buff raider please
doesn't need to be out to recognize a decade-long pattern of them doing this
PoE is the girl you love and want to spend your life with. She's not perfect but you damn love her
LE is the slampig you cum and dump every 4 months
Stinky mexican canadian hearthstone streamer hates poe. Why should I care?
you missed the worst part: vegan
Because it's just how the game is now. It's been going in a horrible direction since Chris was forced out and we got lake of kalandra / arch nemesis type stuff. There really hasn't been much good since before that.
Now we're stuck with Mark and his gambling loot piñata style gameplay. Melee will never be good again. T17 maps are aids. New scarabs are trash. All of these compound to make the game feel so bad now.
Chris was the only one keeping them in line and now he lost the power struggle and is gone.
why do you retarded newfags think the mtx salesman was keeping anyone in line or had any input on endgame ever god you "people" are so fat and dumb
Doomsissy forgot to quote GEEEG
Holy frigging shit foobgoon bros is it another heckin mf league?
My little bow clitty is quivering in excitement
hehe get it
Is melee good in POE?
yes! and it's about to be even better!
Is PoE winning?
yes! and it's about to be even better!
causing a lot of seethe with this post; you must be on to something.
>2 (you)s. = a lot of seethe
Doomsissies really believe this
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it feels like a tropical island deli mirror 300 splinters a map type league. numsay?
but isn't Chris the lead director for poe 1?
Thank you for your service. I will be afk farming sims with my friend 24/7 and hopefully getting some 1p Voices to sell before people find out they're now worthless.
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How do we fix him?
More crit.
Give back old poison nodes and give him poison prolif
Make Perfect Agony great again for poison, give assassin SOMETHING to make him competitive with Occy for PCniggering.
I am right.
He was forced out. Now Mark is poe 1 and Jonathan is poe 2. Chris is nowhere to be seen anymore.
Shut the fuck up chris you were never in charge, people only propped you up so you took the blame. Go play with your expensive cards...
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this is going to ruin the tour
Is there an arpg where melee isnt aids?
Yeah, Grim Dawn.
Because you can actually build tank without needing to farm up with a glass cannon first.
What bould is this?
semen stacking shadow
Alright, hear me out.
Molten strike cast on crit rolling magma... with summon triggerbots
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if that's the case then mark is equally shitty as chris if one can't tell the difference between bad leagues made by chris or bad leagues made by mark. for what it's worth at least mark released a bunch of QoL hostages, something chris would never do...
Wildwood is back and appears in T17? Wtb mageblood for 10 D!
We fucking did it shitterbros!
how is that remotely a flop, at least from a commercial standpoint?
...How do I get 10D.
Run 25 t16 maps
...How do I get a build capable of running t16 maps?
run heist until you get replica farruls
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yeah but they took away the wildwood NPCs and their ascendancies... like couldn't you already get wildwood wisps with an atlas tree node? so who cares about WW then...
copy the latest streamer slop
The jewel
that WW did only affect the map boss.
I am so looking forward playing the same builds again, Back to basics wildwood T17 will be hard
...And what is the latest Streamer glop?
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I guess...

true enough, but like anything fun you can bet WW will either be rare, like less than the 8% norm spawn rate for mechanics or the juice they give will be gutted or something equally monkey's paw...
bros, this wintertide starter isn't feeling like bait.,..
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it should. all dots except a few poison builds are bait, especially if it can't reach the dot cap even with an infinite amount of mirrors being invested. I mean why bother with wintertide when every form of penance brand out performs it?
they fixed the bug, tranny penis brand is dead
so when are you leaving? :)
you mean the bug fixed for necropolis league? yeah you fell for 4nigger bait. I ran penance brand and it worked just fine in everything except t17 maps, but that's because I didn't feel like rerolling t17maps dozens of times. you're still hitting tens of millions of damage per brand with like 8-10 divs of investment
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where gog?
int/dex stack ee/howa trans dual strike trickster i was trying to force
it sucks
trying not to have a heart attack while taking a big dump
godspeed goggy
i want to play a WAND build
there is a WITCH class
every WAND build is WORSE on the class named WITCH than it is on the class named RANGER
BALD fucking GAME
It's up.
what's dick suckin' larry's take on all this?
I didn't even open the video I needed some (You)s
game has never been in a better situation in terms of the actual gameplay and progression
however builds have never been in a worse spot.
>15 gems are 75% of all builds
>every character is defenseslop
>a "new" build hasnt existed in years, its just overbuffed/reworked(overbuffed but called something else) skills stuffed into existing shells
poe2 cant come soon enough
I counted 34 gems for 75% (tried not including vaal versions and stuff)
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they "liked" it but quitted when everybody else did.
in short:
QoL sucked because need a gorillian quad tabs, was underwhelming for the amount of effort needed at the league start, t17s fucked everything up and are a weird concept to begin with and forced + overtuned league mechanic.
meant for
that's not how you build howa you dumbass
idc my idea was that howa was just the offhand for attack speed maxxing
t17 mobs shouldnt have had any loot besides the boss and you have to clear a high% of the mobs to open the boss room like a giant ultimatum.
maybe completely remove the map mods on them and instead have altars spawn in the map from killing enemies that power up the boss/make it drop more uber shards
post pob i want to have a laugh
is it even that much better than a brightbeak or well rolled siege axe at your dex? what items scale your dex? what's the point of dex stack in your case even? dual stack builds almost never work because you could've stacked one stat instead and benefit from it proper. the exception is inquis due to crit node and life/es/mana/Ivory tower feedback so it's almost like you're stacking the same stat in the end... and I can't even name other examples right now.
lance tristack isn't even a tristack, dex is there to meet a specific item requirement for juicy more multi and that's it.
alt f4 did not save

yet another mageblood™ build
>All damage with hits can poison.
Turns out ruthless wasn't so bad after all.
I can concede gameplay, but progression?
>Build either 100% Suppress, plenty of Armor and Evasion or stack Armor + Max Res and then use one of a tiny number of Skill Gems that are viable in order to do anything above T5 maps until you farm up enough currency/equipment (depending on trade/SSF) until you can make a real build
>Convert and hope you didn't forget anything or level a new char
>Then you can finally start playing the game
>ruthless wasn't so bad
ruthless is the genuinely superior experience
the only people who don't see this yet are mazed retards
I am mazed and retarded
i meant more atlas/boss progression than gear
gear is pretty ass
Sure, why not. I tend to think of gear progression as actual progression and content progression as gameplay, but I can see the thought process there.
Doomie the game starts at level 1 when you wash up on the beach.
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3.25 is going to be ASS
At this point, is Boneshatter the only build that doesn't require a huge conversion from your starter to your "mid" game setup?
>Just upgrade your Rares, shuffle Res around to fit in a good Unique, but otherwise it's a steady flow from A to B, then you convert when you're ready to do some bullshit like Low Life
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Nice I love ass

ignite builds never do that
neither do many trappers
Ignite builds don't because they hard cap super early. They also feel like shit to play.
Trappers go through phases just the same, mainly low-life, but also there can be a stopgap partial convert with Slavedriver's Hand.
Bro what year are you from no one uses slavedrivers
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8 in HC.
6 in SSF.
And 1 Raider in HCSSF.
The gameplay is bad, it's just masked by inflated power on meta builds. It's a different game if you try and play something else.
Fighting league buffed multimod rares spamming DDs/totems/volatiles at you is just miserable if you're not offscreening them.
*That being said, the 1 in HCSSF is an extreme outlier who has 24 living characters in HCSSF Necropolis right now.
nobody cares about miserable mftard gameplay experiences
>Ignite builds don't because they hard cap super early. They also feel like shit to play.
Yeah because they are unnecessary and there is no huge conversion for any meta trap build
ignoring the silly comment about ignite hard capping, WoC feels amazing. what ignite builds feel bad?
All of them. I've tried a good 4 or 5 times to play Ignite and it always feels awful.
That's one of the strangest things I've ever heard. Ignite prolif is probably the most satisfying mechanic in the entire game.
skill issue
my favorite build of all time was ignite burning arrow elementalist
man that build was so butter smooth once you got cinderswallow to farm maps with
i don't understand the latest teaser with the encounters. how is that any different or new than just putting shit on your atlas tree and having it in your maps?
it's the same thing wtf?
Ignite is best build and always feels good. If only it had more damage. Using the ignite prolif ring is so good
>If only it had more damage
adorned makes you dot cap everything
Did you try/see the new life stacking version? Ignite feels even crazier now with the explode flask on elementalist
nigger you're the one who's genuinely mazed if after looking at this game's required time commitment to get anywhere you thought "all fine and dandy but I'd like all those same things to need 20 times the grind".
touch grass, get a job, do anything. you're unwell.
I'm not playing this new league unless there are significant melee buffs/reworks like Mark promised before the start of this garbo league.
Uh we don't really know. There might be wildwood nodes or maybe not. There might be other returning content but they didn't specify. It's just a teaser.
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i like the speed of progression in ruthless
also it was never about how long the grind takes but how that grind feels

i also like how item are in a perfect spot in ruthless, where getting even a 5c rare feels like a gigantic accomplishment and you makes yo be really proud of all your "crappy" equipment (with which you can definitely do top end content btw)

protip: it's not crappy, it's just the "regular" game is so obscenely power creeped anything that is not mirror-tier is "crap"

it makes for way comfier runs, but it's definitely not for everyone, particularly with how retarded and zoomer-infested the poe playerbase has grown over the years
The notion that people are in an abusive relationship with poe is quite on point then.
>so obscenely power creeped anything that is not mirror-tier is "crap"
As a retard this is how I feel about the game. Whenever my build struggles in some way everyone's response is just "bro you're super expensive late game unique?", like how do I even get to the point of being able to get that stuff myself or just being able to do juicy enough shit to afford it?

And another thing they need to remove shity low tier uniques. 90% of them are useless and the others though niche usually still suck because they lack any good other stats you need. I'm so tired of seeing pools of low tier uniques drop that sever nothing them to get me alch shards. People moan that they're good for leveling but leveling is made to be piss easy anyway and only decent low tier uniques for it are ones with high movement speed.
poe just isn't itemized in a way to make something like ruthless a worthwhile endeavor.
if i wanted something where a good find felt impactful i would just play diablo 2.
ruthless is just a soft cap at white maps or low yellows unless you want to invest a mindnumbing amount of time.
It's up.
that is a consequence of the shift from hc to sc. midrange gear is important in hc because you cannot afford to die while grinding towards endgame gear. that is only not the case when you can just glass cannon 6portal everything
I bet people end up cheating with the wildwood again. I bet GGG didn't bother to fix that exploit. Abyssal Spire rare farming might be gone but I bet tier 17 omegarares with 15k exploited wisps will be the new 20magebloods/hour bullshit.
Ruthless was a pretty sad attempt to reverse years of gameplay decisions with a few number tweaks. I understand what they were going for, but they built an entire game under different premises and then acted like they could tweak it into a classic experience without rebuilding the whole thing from the ground up.
bro you can cook too ong
I like watching all these youtube videos and pretending I know a lot about the game and that I get what they're saying but secretly I don't
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Just play ssf then. You still have a realistic chance of touching most content in the game with it, instead of most builds being effectively nonexistent due to astronomically low chances of acquiring rares, jewels, uniques, hell even support gems required for them. Math complexity and variety is half the fun of poe and ruthless nukes that from orbit. You will also have a much more satisfying progression with acquiring the gear yourself through all the necessary steps instead of skipping most stuff through trade. Build variety aside, you really can't complete the game in ruthless unless you put absolutely ungodly amount of hours into it. Vanillaish builds in trashy gear aren't going to cut it for Ubers. The fucking racers had to resort to explode totems otherwise no one would even kill Ubers at all. We're talking real good players here, those who play this game for a living. Ruthless lengthens everything, the time you spend on your early-midgame gearing is greatly expanded so that might make you feel more satisfied getting a build online step by step, but once the endgame chasm arrives it's going to be even wider than in normal modes.
>like how do I even get to the point of being able to get that stuff myself or just being able to do juicy enough shit to afford it?

you're like a DYEL at the gym asking how fo i bench 225. You start with lower weights and progress ffs.
Last league i made it to reds on yellow gear, bought a big damage increase T2 unique for 30c, then blasted T1s for alva and using beast scarabs to fish for craicics that i sold 2 div a pop.
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he's back
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>he gambled all his maccas wages in coin flips and lost
>he thought real life trading is like poe.trade
based retard
>took meth 14 months to realize day trading will get you nowhere
What a tard. That business degree won’t save you either. McDonald’s is still hiring.
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what if his professor is bald?
he will shoot up his school
Chris destroyed this whole mans life and people be like 'cancel culture isn't real'
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Based Chris
Definitely amazing how the game's self proclaimed hardcore gaymer audience sees themselves as the big brains of gaming. Boasting themselves up to the point that you'd need a degree to play this game, but they all follow guides. They never traverse off the meta rails. They read and watch guides to all mechanics and never try out anything themselves. Where the fuck is that supposed big brain used? People are just following commands.
ESL moment
gm saars
It's EFL in almost all cases, but okay.
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>EEposting in poeg
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>poe just isn't itemized in a way to make something like ruthless a worthwhile endeavor
please expand why it isn't "itemized" in a way that ruthless doesn't work, because it works absolutely perfectly on my side when i play it

>Ruthless was a pretty sad attempt to reverse years of gameplay decisions with a few number tweaks.
ruthless has been under development for at least 6 years, maybe more:
>"What I want to do is sit down and make a Director's Cut league which is run alongside whatever the normal ones"
>"The Director's Cut league involves everything being really hard, the game is slow, it's back to the 2013, the monsters take a while to die"
>"You're fighting white monsters for your life, you see blue monsters you run away, you know, Alt-F4 when you see a yellow"
>"Except you can't Alt-F4 now, who knows, anyway the point is it's really hard, people can't get to maps"
>"Like getting to maps is a Twitch moment, etc., etc., incredibly hardcore Path of Exile, and then have that as a thing to some people to play"
>"I mean it's a ton-, a waste of resources and it probably won't happen [LOL], but I like the idea of having this exist"

>Just play ssf then.
doesn't work that way chum
i'm getting heralds, auras, and blink skills that trivialize early damage, gearing and mobility respectively
multiply all of that with free supports
multiply that with a gazillion rares dropping from mobs
multiply that with the item editor that doesn't require you to do a full gear slot swap, it's literally a free relevant affix
multiply with a billion league mechanics overlapping and iiq/iir multipliers out of controls

add on top of *all* that free trade and bam, there you go, you got <current year> softcore trade
On a different topic, are you the schizo who shits up all baldur's gate 3 threads?
no, never played bg3, never will
it looks like ass
I don't think that particular schizo played the game either.
based schizo
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Ruthless is definitely a fever dream of a bald man who is nostalgic for a time that was never there.
>acted like they could tweak it into a classic experience without rebuilding the whole thing from the ground up
isn't that pretty much what poe2 is?
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Would you like it?
It is legitimately insane. All Meth had to do was apologize and get on his knees to suck Chris' cock for a bit. It was so easy to convert his permaban to a temp ban. Bro decided to throw away his entire life instead lmao

We really are going to get an attempted baldo assassination attempt before 2026
gonna be really hard to afford that plane ticket to new zealand on a cashier's salary
chris would break that twink in half irl
Hey /poeg/, has the traditional pre league streamer drama started yet?
Hach, either use your credit card and buy a ticket a couple of days before, or set up a go fund me page.
he's got that retard strength, I could feel it in his handshake
>ancaps when they have to make their own money
Hence why it's such a good fucking thing that they shitcanned the idea of making PoE2 and PoE1 the same game. They needed to start over without the baggage that comes from years of bloat.
It was funny when he thought all these other streamers who occasionally shat on GGG would side with him instead of keeping their livelihoods intact
I may have fucked up in my pre league gaming, I'm enjoying grim dawn too much, hopefully this league mechanic is fun
they will add TWWT back and varga will kill himself
varga is a millionaire by now, he doesn't care
Everyone warned him he was being scammed. Cutedog, an experienced finance student from a tiger family, who has 9 figure parents and whose family is intimate with the financial system, who literally worked on a chink pump and dump farm, told Meth directly that he was being scammed.

If someone says they will pay you $100k+ per year and profit sharing (no loss sharing btw) to use THEIR money to invest and you're not required to have any education to do so you really have to question if your "employer" is real.
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>took this retard 14 months to figure out something you can research in a day
Zizaran said the same thing and then blamed le item editor for why the league died (league was dead long before anyone was using the graveyard and he was just coping.) Zizaran was forced to admit that Harvest was a good crafting league so that was nice to see. Good takes 4 years late.
He's already made hundreds of thousands of dollars on TWWT sales alone. Every unid he bought was a 100x return on investment or more.
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With the announcement tomorrow, let's hear it /poeg/, Did (you) fall for the scheme and buy quad tabs for coffins?
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Wishlist time.

>Totem buffs gone
>War cry buff for slammers
>Rage buff for normal people
>Fortify buff + Either built into melee skills or the support's damage is buffed
>Flat phys on melee skills
>Buffed melee weapon base types
>Increased base melee attack speed
>Gladiator buffed
>Assassin buffed
>Raider buffed

Pls gee gee gee. I would even buy a supporter pack. I know how much you like money.
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delirium was the peak and everyone who disagrees with me is objectively wrong
>t17 mobs shouldnt have had any loot besides the boss and you have to clear a high% of the mobs to open the boss room like a giant ultimatum.
Nobody wants greater rifts bro fuck off
based and cringe at the same time
i bet that they will nerf lancing steel and not coc dd itself
anyone tried coc dd with cyclone?
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when is the livestream? I want to behead doomsissies with all you guys
and he spent millions. this is like buying a million calls on gme and it halving in price.
11 and a half hours from now
>please expand why it isn't "itemized" in a way that ruthless doesn't work, because it works absolutely perfectly on my side when i play it
itemization in poe is more sandbox than other arpgs and one of gggs philosophies was 'how can we put that on an item', meaning in a drop and craft restricted mode like ruthless you will hit a soft cap way quicker than originally intended.
poe has a very high ceiling, say poe is a skyscraper, t17s are up on floor 80, ruthless is an elevator to the 10th floor, stairs are getting you up to the 20th floor, then you are going to go out the window and start climbing up the side of the building to get to the 80th floor.
if you like fucking around in white and low yellows i'm sure ruthless feels great but i would rather just go ssfhc if i was looking for a slow grind.
That's what witchniggers get for abusing bows.
I play with the 4 default tabs.
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GGG wanted to make an example of Math because there was a bunch of negative streamer sentiment at the time but they obviously can't harangue Kripp, Quinn or Mathil. So they took the most prominent streamer no one cared about and shot them. His perma ban was for calling Chris a retard outside the constraints of PoE. It's a bullshit ban, like all GGG's banning and muting.
there are probably 50k people who play standard, i can't imagine the rmt market for twwt is booming.
i haven't bought tabs in years, i have a quadtab but i don't like them in general.
>Wishlist time.
Interesting Voltaxic Burst trans gem
Interesting Dark Pact trans gem
Divergent trauma is back in some form
not really. he was warned and banned multiple times before for the same shit
On one hand it's pretty insane you can get perma'd for calling a dev names on your own stream off of the game, but it's also been really fucking funny to watch.
You do this in any other multiplayer game and it's obviously a ban there too lmao. It's not like these games need legal precedent to ban you, if they don't like you, it is well within their right to do whatever they want to your account.

The example would've been made if the temp ban was long enough and required Meth to do a huge change on his attitude regarding GGG. Even a smaller streamer like Larry would never ever give up the payday that is two or three league launches.
>We really are going to get an attempted baldo assassination attempt before 2026
he would miss the shot
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>ziz somehow got graveyard crafting being strong drove away players out of this experience
Been awhile since I saw an opinion this fucking baffling.
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>people got off the treadmill too quickly
>not the treadmill being so tedious to start up and every other league mechanic being shittier drove people into going roughly the same tree pathing everytime
The game is boring so any league where you play the game is boring. The best leagues are either go fast leagues because it minimises your time playing or leagues where you do something that isn't playing the game like tota
>it is well within their right to do whatever they want to your account.
I'm pretty sure that's BS outside of the goyim states of muttmerica
>you can get power but the method is really cringe and boring and takes 9 hours of extremely gay trading
Yeah it's a mystery bro
seeing some people make mirror tier items, i'd like to do that!
then seeing a confusing app/spreadsheet
then all the weighting of mods
then a shopping list for corpses
then some corpses need to be the same base type for bonus effect
then trade site to buy what you are missing
then alt tabbing for 20 minutes trying to not fuck up your corpse placement
then finally clicking craft
oops rng
so yeah i could see some people walking away from it
imagine being this mazed that even when you hate the game, you still can't stop talking and thinking about it
The entirety of necrocrafting was held up by craftofexile existing, that's how shit it is lmao
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necrocrafting was KINO and it filtered thousands and that's extremely BASED
no one defends necropolis, it's a shit league for ultra autists

crafting leagues in general are shit, ARPGs aren't about spreadsheets and emulators
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>reddit spacing
All that's a problem with actually using the graveyard, but he specifically outlines that he didn't like how good the items it made were and that they killed retention which is a fucking insane take.
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frog website
>frog folder
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I made it to act 2 this league but i'm still here in the thread
>He browses r*ddit
>he recognizes reddit
hmmmmm very interesting mr.redditor
lately hating poe is more fun than playing it
not my fault niGGGers fucked with the game too much
sees a space between paragraphs

spins up preprogrammed seethe protocol about reddit

literal npc, but 4chan flavored
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And what are those numbers?
i dont get it
30k without problem and solution meme
big one
patch notes
>Scourge - 29k
I'm scared now
patch note word counts
Live in Europe
Dumbfuck stream starts 11PM
Fucking inbred kivifaggots
is your mommy forcing you to go to sleep early, kiddo?
there gonna be a lot of bullshitsplaining nerf justifications
i sense skip league and skip game
there's literally nothing else to play
>ctrl + f ruthless
>29999 results
i will literally start touching grass and lifting instead
games are supposed to be escapism but bald fucks managed to make it feel like a second job that i dont need
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Bro talkin about a second job when he doesn't even have a first
>games are supposed to be escapism but bald fucks managed to make it feel like a second job that i dont need
you figured out that this game isn't for you anymore and yet you're still here
you must be extremely mazed
bro talking out of ass when its unwashed
mazed moment
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God I hope you're not talking about your own experience
its not "not for me anymore"
its not for anyone, speding all of your time on a single game is fucking unhinged
and i literally said ima leave if i see a nerffest in patch notes
> speding all of your time on a single game is fucking unhinged
I'm not tho, I get my 38/40 in 2 to 3 weeks and then play something else till next league
And that's how many people in my guild also do it. Sounds like you have a major addiction to PoE and you really can't cope with it.
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>God I hope you're not talking about your own experience
Affliction league had 100 divine Magebloods. They were so cheap because of all the wisp farming dropping a lot of uniques.

Then in Necropolis Magebloods dropped as low as 40 divines.

Will they be so low this coming league? Is that a good thing? Are you going to be disappointed if they aren't nearly that cheap?

How's the job hunt going?
>a shitter obviously plays strictly meta in a shitter meta playing guild and is proud about it
its me who has the addiction, yeah right
You hate the game and you're still playing it/talking about it in your free time in a uzbeki goat herding forum. You're mazed beyond belief.
am literally posting from office
i allow you to keep replacing life with poe but do stop being so brazenly jealous
No and no but for other people it probably was good it felt like the game was completely broken this league I felt it was almost there in affliction as well and gave up early
i hate what game has become
i am here on patch notes day
if patch notes suck im gone another 5 months
what you are throwing at me simply doesnt stick
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>huge changes in necro league, all half assed
>settlers patch notes are doubled

cant wait for the shitshow, gon be fun
you still giving me (You)s, I hit a nerve
sure mazie
>am literally posting from office
Post photo of your desk 0 point in bringing this up unless you're willing to or you're underage
>poe every 4 months
you sure proved your point
have one more lol
I'd rather they nerf group quant and magic find into the ground, even if it means quadrupling the price of chase uniques. It makes no sense for groups to open a map with the exact same input materials as a solo player and get 300% more rewards.
I accept you concession, mazie. ;)
>he didnt shoot up exilecon
deserved to loose his cash and be scammed
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who of them do you mean here
How many hours of ziggy d asking the same questions he asks every league will we have to endure before the patch notes drop?
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>g*nshin accidentally nerfed a character
>within 24 hours it was reverted and they gave every single player $25 in premium currency as a groveling apology
How come GGG never treats us like that?
Can't wait to play Tornado Shot again next league!
Because they had to pay for that character
you make false statement
i refute -> "must have hit a nerve"
i dont -> "must be right"

how about a fuck you at this point?
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you fucked up bucko
nigger i got to red maps in ruthless in less than a week this league with the vaal orb change
you just suck at this game
git gud loser
I paid for my stash tabs
Because poe isn’t a phone game
Did they nerf stash tabs?
When will the next league actually start?
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and they have not been nerfed. problem?
necropolis coffins were a huge nerf to my stash. give me poe coins as apology now.
as if some poe shilling nobody can do shit with that photo lol
>necropolis coffins
they are gone. problem?
I logged in and they are still there
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the main issue with ruthless is that it made 99% of poe players realize they're actually bad at the game once you delete all of the power creep
like even krapparrian got had filtered by a couple +10% max monster life mods he couldn't skip
meanwhile people actually decent at the game like tatiantel got to reds in hcsffr in 8 days (which could've *much* been faster if he played a better build)
so they can keep posting all their cringe analogies like >>486536156, but at the end of the day, there's actually a very large percentage of poe players that are actually bad at the game and addicted to power creep
was sentinel a crafting league or juicing league? sentinel crafting was fun because recombinators were powerful but also simple to use, and common enough you didn't feel the need to hoard them for only special crafts.
try again in a week.
no problem
>was sentinel a crafting league or juicing league
trick question: it was both
Just lost my level 92 'poch character to an internet outage
I dunno if I wanna play anymore
oh hah, i totally forgot it had any crafting
>press key to spawn sentinel and juice up the map
>kill em all
>sell drops
simple and fun league
You will get your quality buff (which is actually like 20% increase and should not be overlooked) and innate rage gen and that's it to make up for the totems.
The fortify is a good idea actually, maybe they should just remove the fortify and rage masteries from the tree and make both of them free but that would fuck with champ so I don't expect it.
>he didn't get triple ele t0 essence damage for free
>simple and fun league
literally the beast league of all time
>if you nerf everything hard enough game becomes unbeatable
>that makes everyone bad
>but i am somehow better though i will not post any evidence of my greatness cause i dont fucking have any
>i will however mount the highest horse on /poog/ and hope you will read my stupid rants
Was it affliction or tota that had like 2 actual changes and the rest of it was ruthless?
Bro you're in this general who tf are you kidding?
not sure if i did get that or if my skeletal mages even needed that
keep coping
you're bad at the game
you progress at a slower pace in ruthless because you're constantly fucking up your crafting, farming and build decisions

that one screaming essence of greed you used on your boots instead of saving it for a 5-link?
your atlas tree didn't path through a single rarity node?
you didn't grab ele res or chaos on your passives and now you're dying constantly?

whereas all of those fuckups get easily fixed with a couple of whispers in the shitter league
If detonate dead isn’t nerfed I’m only going to buy the least expensive supporter pack. Consider yourself warned, Chris.
patch day - day of false hope
if they shit on game again today - you will have this general all to yourself again
>life stacking version
shit i think i missed this one
got a pob?
i'm too lazy to search/generally don't trust normie sources
wow ruthless sure sounds like its such dogshit that i unironically struggle not to vomit in my mouth
A juicing league for me. I just wanted to kill monsters and see my screen covered with loot. IIRC I used recombinators twice
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used the crafting a handful of times on day1, kinda lame, sold them all after that.
How do I beat blighted maps? There's so many lanes that I can't build towers on them all or they are so far away the towers stop. Do I just need to keep hoping the roots go in a better way?
What's the best tower set up?
get better map layouts
tier 3 empowering, tier 3 chilling, and tier 3 seismic to slow everything down. then use meteor towers with the anoint that creates burning ground, which affects fire resistant blight monsters. that's the basic setup.

also, you don't want them too out of range. because towers will stop working if they're out of range of you
Easiest thing to do is get scout tower range on both your ring anoints and spam them, but you will need to add some damage of your own. It's good enough for normal blights though.

You can also get the empowering tower buff effect anoint. Then build stun tower + empowering tower close together, which will permastun any monster that isn't immune to stuns. This is a stronger setup, but you have to be careful rolling your maps.
cope, seethe and dilate all you want: you are still bad at this game if you need all the power creep (ie., cheat engine) to beat it
so meanwhile, deal with reality, chud
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sirgog says they're gonna nerf it
it's gover..
For me its Incursions
dudette, everyone knows that its ruthless where all the dilating troons gather, not the other way around
i need all the power creep cause im not a sweaty basement dweller and like to put together my builds and take on mavens and shit without playing 3 currently approved meta builds or spending obnoxious amounts of hours farming boring content
>it makes no sense for group players to get 4/6 of the rewards a solo player gets
um actually its 22:00 not 9 or PM or 11
schizo moment
i am not in the army i am not able to read military time do you have a converter app i could use
Europe has timezones...
>pochshill posting from his office
clearly harder difficulties in videogames are not for chuds like (You):
stay mad and filtered
clearly, which is why i sc trade and dont talk about it or other modes

however it is why are you compelled to endlessly shill your dead mode instead of fucking off and playing it that i dont get

your willingness to waste more time and put up with more bullshit does not make you superior in any way

you are just more autistic than others but thats not something to brag about
>5th Grade editing skill
If they nerf Lancing Steel, the only viable early game CoC trigger they've given us they deserve the clown shoes.
at the end of the day,
you still suck at this game
The length of the patch notes is really irrelevant because you could easily 8x the length just by repeating and being verbose
your coveted autismo containment mode is a giant flop
it fails to keep you occupied and content which is what it was supposedly designed to do
and since it fails at its purpose you are on here attention/validation whoreposting instead of playing it
Why should early game be using coc reliably.
The length of the patch notes is really irrelevant because you could easily 8x the length just by repeating and being verbose

Try to keep the patch notes relevant to the current game state meta slice, and keep the reward structure engaging without impacting the player experience negatively.

Frost Nova Damage buffed by .00001%

P.S. shoutout to larry for discovering this bug
ruthless is their way of coping with being shit at the actual game.
Exactly this

I'm not looking back but i'm pretty sure the early patch notes were just
>Dual Strike does 10% more damage
Now its all the problem / solution or old / new shit
Your character, much like poch, flopped.
Many such cases.
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has no arguments -> posts buzzwords
npc behaviour
Haven't played in a year so I don't give a shit what they nerf and buff
can't wait
Reminder if you didn't beat a t17 map this league before they nerf them into the ground you did not beat the game
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>has no arguments -> posts buzzwords
>npc behaviour
^ fishing for reactions
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because poe nerfs aren't an accident
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>^ fishing for reactions
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Does 30k of path notes mean buffs or nerfs?
I think it means reworks more than anything but I guess we'll know today in a few hours!
please be it a good league and patch
my life fucking sucks at the moment and i need some escapism
20k of those notes will be bug fixes
Its actually 80% ruthless changes
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In the last patch notes ruthless changes and bugfixes take less than 5% of the total of the patch notes
It's gonna be a LOT of buffs you guys, and maybe some nerfs too!
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Mark's game now chris fuck off
>your willingness to waste more time and put up with more bullshit does not make you superior in any way

Difficulty it's something really few games can do well. In a vaacum you are right, it's just more bullshit, but if you have more fun with more bullshit where is the problem? The time spent is the same, so it's better to have fun.

I'm super new, but the meta of doing the campaign everytime to get to the "fun" of maps it's just bad design. After you complete acts once, you could unlock a series of ten harder dungeons that in one hour takes you to lv70 with all the passive you need.
It would be a choice ofc, but I guess even the most mazed speed runners would do 10 dungeon in a row instead of acts
Yep, running abyss again.
wait aren't you supposed to peel the kiwi or is this bait ?
Sirgog has been caught sexting minors.
any twitch drops?
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>gladiator and assassin reworks
>detonate dead nerf
>aura nerf
>ancestral totems reworked
>overhaul of all gearing mods
>delirium and legion rework
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I'm fucking flying away for 9 days of work on the 2nd of August, gonna miss the 2nd week, hopefully it's dead by then
Post your league starter build from 3.24
Raider buffs, instead of res pen, she gets res invert
No, that's not in the patch notes. I looked at them earlier and that's what I remember.
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>and assassin
>legion rework
This one has OD'd on hope
The gog told me it was
Conquerors were better than this slop. I have all the maven and shaper nodes allocated, and have grinded forc10 hrs trying to get elder and shaper fragments and no guardian maps have dropped. Then someone like Dan comes along and just automatically gets all his frags the moment he enters red maps. Its fucking bullshit
What else did gog say?
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I'm sorry anon.. but It's gonna have the most concurrent players of all time
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>Reminder if you didn't beat a t17 map this league before they nerf them into the ground you did not beat the game
How do you do mass currency exchanges now days? The bulk exchange on the PoE trade has no one respond and no way to tell which ones are still real or not. Trade chats are empty too.
wait until the new league starts when there are actually people to trade with?
That's a whole week away though...
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>if you beat t17s it means you played metashit which means you didn't beat the game
nice try, but we're smart here in /poeg/
speak for yourself dork
play ssf
dont know how meta it is but i just copied some fag power siphon so i could say i beat T17s hihihi.
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People use a little discord group called TFT
Don't miss out!
>eastern euro gypsy shithole
retard outing himself lmfao.
I farmed t17s with siege ballista it ain't hard homie
are you ready for an hour of poe 2 "news" and that faggot's voice before we even get to the main event?
Read the website
You shouldn't be able to drop down the amount of links/slots you have. Makes going from 5 - 6 far too risky to bother doing without 1000+ currency at least
How many supporter packs do you have?
Jonathonbros... you lost this league
Zero. I got permabanned without cause so it's going to stay that way forever, even though I'm hopelessly addicted to this shit game now.
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What's the problem, are you poor that you can't afford this every league? Pffahhaha
If you bought that at least you'd get a soundtrack and some clothes which are at least actual physical things. Why anyone would actually pay real world money for in game cosmetics in this game is beyond me.
7. I also haven't bought one in 6 years. I have spent $5 on this game in the past 6 years just so I can have some points to buy Wetas for "spend points get a box" sales. The game's direction has been nothing but shit for years now.
First Blood and that's it
bought one every league until tencent, nothing since and never again
learn to list your bulk
you will get spam within 3 mins
I don't even have bulk though, I want bulk. I just have one singular divine, is that why no one wants to trade with me?
poch flopped btw
TL;DR: Always try to sell, never buy.
So in this case, just throw your Div in a premium tab and set it to the price you want to receive (or a little higher), wait a few minutes, then lower it slightly.
Repeat until sold.
eg. If the market price is 180, list it at 175 to save yourself a headache.
eastern euro last bastion of white people, rest of the wolrd overrun with shitskins and niggers
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Too fucking many. For a few years I bought every pack since the money was nothing to me.
But largely stopped when PoE1 started to be neglected out of principle, and entirely when PoE2 was announced as its own game.

(I'd be funding a different game I might not even like and it cemented that the millions of "4.0 will fix it, PoE2 will fix it" excuses over the years were never, ever going to be addressed for PoE1. Also I think these new gimmick packs are absolute garbage anyway).
Does anyone have any experience running the game on a laptop apu like a ryzen 5 5500u?
I don't expect to do deli on it just some mapping.
i can only hope when mahmud decides to mass stab you and rape your mother that you dont seek refuge in our "gypsy shitholes"
I have fomo for supporting packs every time but I never think about them after they go away
Missing out on what exactly?
how do you brok ass nig*ass are able to afford supporter packs anyways
goblin troupe
6 hours, 1 minute.
>immediately butthurt and seething
fucking subhumans only proving everyone right. how does it feel we would rather take in africans and middle easterners than you? lmfao get real.
you will never be white.
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LESS THAN SIX HOURS, ADORNEDFAGS. No edging with PoE 2 shilling this time.
americans larping on the internet will never not be funny
Drawn minors, thoughever.

25k are always Ruthless changes.
erm It's actually 8 hours since there's gonna be 2 hours of zoggy d asking mark pre-approved questions
8. I buy them if they look good and I want them, but most recent ones have been uninspiring at best. I am not a new bad old good boomer, and I recognize the game has been in a pretty good state up until recently. They've dropped the ball recently by neglecting to give us actual updates to the game, and even more by actually releasing necropolis.
Epoch would be better if you had just 1 or 2 more skills.
wait i thought league announcement was 1 week prior and patch notes 2 days prior are they doing simultaneous this time
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I have a bad feel about the new league
>this time
They've been doing it like this (stream followed by Q&A where they hold the patch notes hostage until Ziggy is finally done talking, then release patch notes, launch a week and a day later) for a few years now, Anon.
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I have a good feel about the new league
This nigger ruined scarabs
Anyone have tips specifically for hc trade? I have played sc trade and hcssf but this is my first time on HC trade.
The best way to succeed on HC trade is to be good enough to run bosses or the league mechanic safely because you will make infinite currency.
But bro how are you going to enjoy the amazing QoL of your auras staying on after death if you play a hc league?
I believe in Mark. He's getting stronger.
we are a little bit dumbfounded how you prefer choking on sandnigger or straightnigger cock to recognizing easter europe but thats your loss, not ours
so we feel great and we will stay white
you will turn shitskin from racemixing, amerimutt
>Anyone have tips specifically for hc trade?
Yeah, it sucks cock, sometimes it feels like playing SSF because of how dead the market can be.
Unique jewels like ancestral vision, stormshroud etc. can be impossible to buy late in the league so try to make the best of it when trade is at peak.

t. HC scrub
unfortunately may be true, niGGGers know we are just there for patch notes but they delay with NiggyD
then its all nerfs and we are free for another 5 months :)
yes, ultimate tip, dont play hc
or die to lag or power/internet outage and seethe
trading is so gay, why do I need to go to their hideout? does poe2 fix this?
Being edged while waiting for the patch notes and then unloading onto your monitor when they drop is the peak of any PoE league.
because we love coc
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how are we prepping for tonight's livestream?
Because Chris demands it.
Kinda what I expected. I guess I'll just make a bosser and treat it like ssf after week 1.
sc just isn't interesting. I have died to disconnection, it is part of the wonderful poe experience.
Any point in going champ instead of ele for starting ea ballista if SC?
Dying less.
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loading up on my gamer fuel and gsupps
Maybe my experience is marred by playing HC really late in the league.
Made me a little sour to be selling max-rolled Widowhails and Ephemereal edges to others, but then being unable to find stuff I planned to get because there's simply not a single person selling it. I don't mingle with the community too much though, maybe you have to actually spam WTB in trade on HC.
they're removing attack totems bro...
Yes. You'll be ready to respec to Chadglad.
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>practicing league start
Rolled a 6l just now, feeling good about the new league bros
tirelessly waiting for the day that fuck face faggot ropes
If you haven't played hcssf, I recommend it. It feels really good to get voidstones and level 100, although I will never do it again.
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does anyone even play ruthless?
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I'm practicing my league reveal reaction
Nice ESL brownie boi
no but they larp about playing it on poog a lot
esl moment
I gave XD money because Torchlight Infinite is a good game and they've been working hard on it every single day and they really deserve good things to happen to them
>how the fuck was scourge 29k
>PROBLEM: Spectral Throw has a high mana cost. Like, it's really high. Super high. So you can't use it at the start, you know? Because of the high mana cost. That's compared to other skills, which you do use at the start, which have lower mana costs.
>SOLUTION: We're reducing the mana cost on Spectral Throw. Now it's going to have a lower mana cost. You'll be able to use the skill earlier, even before you have as much mana generation available, because it'll have a lower mana cost.
>SPECIFICS: the actual fucking patch note

im glad we bullied them into stopping that format
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Unless of course they're bringing it back.
Wait what?
they won't after
>PROBLEM: no problem
>SOLUTION: Path of Exile: Lake of Kalandra
In yesterday's teaser about T16/17 maps having Wildwoods, they said that the people who give us a second ascendancy won't be present in it, but they have "other plans for that content."
how many hours until the reveal bwos
Go back to your General, gachatard.
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this is a very cute post, good job fren
redditfrog samefagging
Who are you talking to?
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>less than 5 hours
how hyped are we sisters?
I'm talking to that cute trans girl in the thigh-highs and the PoE hoodie
I'm literally vibrating
More hyped than I thought I would be
I keep quitting leagues in the first week because they're shit I just want to play PoE again
Only cautiously. They will probably not buff melee enough and nerf random builds out of the game again. Only mazed retards clap at GGG destroying build diversity.
my goards are GOGGING
finna bust a nut fr
What's a good Trickster build I dunno what this class is good for but i hate mines and assassin looks shit
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You could be playing the Concord open beta right now while waiting for the PoE livestream. What's your excuse?
>might have other plans
That doesn't sound like something this league
this isn't real, right? it's satire, please?
you can't because it doesn't launch until 10 PDT
It's only half satire.
Also, you know you can just look it up, right?
First result if you Google "Path of Exile Scourge patch notes"
trickster is the miner class actually
snatched some takis today and gonna go to buy some drinks (and other stuff) soon*tm
i'll be so ready for d4+poope tonight
What the hell is going on here
wtf why
>jew game without any whites
no thanks, let that flop without me
just be concise you stupid fucking niGGGers. nobody cares about your problem/solution/specifics copy pasted garbage
Shitty hero shooter that's a mix of Counterstrike and Overwatch.
Why are all PoE streamers so unlikeable?
>b-but m-my s-streamer is good!
Because they're miserable cause they've dedicated themselves to a game nobody actually likes anymore. We just keep playing it because somehow there's nothing better.
I follow a PoE streamer on twitter because I like her titties
because being a contrarian misanthrope is so central to your identity that you cannot like anything a significant number of other people like
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>Why are all PoE streamers so unlikeable?
Not all of them, the female poe streamers are usually chill
you mean he fixed them and made them good and usable
Imagine being forced to play this kusoge after the first couple weeks.
>avoid specific twitch cunts like the plague
>open streamer that looks okay
>they start watching the cunt i'm trying to avoid at all costs
fuck streamers and fuck twitch.
I only watch the chink trio streamers pre league launch for the drama they cause tbqh
ruetoo shitting on other streamers for making awful builds is fun to watch
I like gog
1. Explosive trap
2. Pconc
3. Dual strike of ambidexterity
4. Immortal int stack godkiller valdo farmer unkillable t17 juicer
the only correct way to watch poe streams
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2 hours til Diablo 4 pregame, 4 hours til PoE main event bros!
based gogger
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I just want to read the pitch nits. I don't care about the stream or the league. Probably won't even play it unless they do an in-game options overhaul that lets you disable bloom, shadows, etc and/or pitch nits that say
>improved sound rendering efficiency by 99.9%
>optimised file sizes
and things to that effect. The game is a bloated piece of garbage regardless of the window dressing of (((balance))) changes they make every league.
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What happened to the webm schizo? I haven't been here since the 3.24 launch.
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It's jo ever, guys.
> 7 days 4 hours till next league
I feel nothing...
this would be way too based for anyone at GGG to do
based but probably lies
so ruetoo is a faggot now
If this turns out to be true, that means that some people like snap have insider info
Kinda fucked up desu
uh you know there are beta testers and people know who these people are?
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streamer faggots always beta tested nu leagues nufren
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poe1 has never ever ran this smooth before
honestly they've outdone themselves with the performance enhancements
i can play at 4k 60fps in any map
If they have people testing the leagues why are they always so broken at release?
Yeah DX12 gave me very good performance in Necropolis. Best in years
cause it's like 50 people in total
there is a massive difference between devs being told a problem and them actually fixing it
Gog is a Neversink simp
I wish nothing but suffering upon both their heads
A single guy playing until reds would be able to find most problems at league start
Shit like release archnemesis shouldn't have happened if the devs would have listened to any of these 50 people
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Wait a second.. there's directx 12!?
Holy molly, this new league is gonna be so smooth~
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gog is based
He's literally me.
umm rude much?
I just want RF with non shit scaling.
They're both cunts
This guy QAs.
is GOG autistic or what?
What's quant?
Item Quantity, which increases the amount of items dropped by monsters you kill and is the single best stat in the game.
no, hes just a retard. he was cheering for necropolis mid league nerfs lmao
Kripp is comfy and cured my insomnia.
i alone would test shit better than all of them lol
No. Trans women ARE women. He is a straight woman who likes men. Get your facts straight.
Even Waggle?
i ll buy your quant gem for 3 divs ;)
good evening saars
Cutedog and THE Real James Humphrey are based and likable, thoughever.
I think they were told multiple times during those tests and they never listened. People stopped giving a fuck. GGG tests only on game crashes.
>THE Real James Humphrey
Kino patrician taste.
Mageblood stonks back through the roof. 60% fewer Magebloods entering the market from quant nerf + B2B nerf + T17 nerf = back to 400div+.
Thank fuck I'm going for a build that doesn't use it.
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you got me
the campaign and early maps are playable (30~40fps) on low with DX12 and dynamic resolution
endgame mapping with any sort of juicing is miserable, so you have to use poesmoother to make it playable and even then you get 20~40fps while dynamic resolution makes everything a blurry mess
forget about any sort of crazy juicing or things like blight.
it's not really a comfortable way to play the endgame, but hey, at least you can play.
I am currently looking for a job to finally build myself a decent PC
Tides of Timechads...we run the game now.
affliction is back and baldo boxes are supposedly more common though
salsa oilycum saaaaaaaaaaaaaar
fuck off, 16 watchstones was the most cancerous era of the entire game
Nice, keep me updated, sis
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Galvanic Arrow Locus Mine Tides of Time Trickster
>offscreen clear via scaling projectile speed and mine quantity
>giga movespeed due to Trickster and perma flasks, literally GoodPathfinder
>literally immortal
Find a single flaw.
>is back
so it would be safe to assume that it's nerfed to shit like usual
except this time it's not even league mechanic but some encounter shit that you only see in t16+, I bet it won't be something meaningful at all, maybe you'll see the hole once in a blue moon randomly and get 15quant off it or something
when you shop so much that you manage to land in the uncanny valley
Look up Lossless Scaling on the Steam store. It will triple your fps using frame generation.
Doesn't use the best belt in the game Bisco's Leash
>Find a single flaw.
quant has been removed, sweetie
It's starting soon
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Here we go again
>Last endgame bosses added? 2 years ago
>Last 3 month league? 2 years ago
>Last "high investment complex league"? 2 years ago
>Last big nerf? 2 years ago
Poe 3.24 -> dogshit (as expected)
>Poe2 will be an act extension and an overall overhaul to path of exile engine and gameplay
>different games!?
>Show nothing beside act4, almost no bosses
>Any endgame/league/map question "we're not sure yet"
They have been slowly(past few leagues rapidly) and surely exarcebating the powercreep in the game
The ridiculousness of it is divine comedy. Maximize powercreep while playing dumb so that people get burnt out and slowly manipulate the idea that
POE1 is nearing its end of life and everyone should move to POE2, it's successor

Now, if you paid a bit of attention to your surroundings... You might find yourself getting aggresively shovend "curated" content down your throat
These are the paid and created shills, you've seen them, people that never existed 1 year ago are now "the face" of Path of Exile, getting interviews,
going to test the new alphas, getting sponsorships from they.
All of it is being coordinated for the single purpose of manipulation and change of perception. Next you will start to see on different platforms people yapping
the idea of "oh yeah, i played poe for years but.. just... the game is just too power crept, feels like we need a fresh restart" and the other yapper agreeing with them.
Now that the beta has been delayed until the end of the year (spoiler, they will delay it more) it's pretty clear
that i was right from the beginning
And this is just the tip of the iceberg, there's only a few people that have been tracking the "oddities" over the years and are piecing the big puzzle together.
Fascinating to see the amount of coordinated effort and money that they put into shillin and changing the perception of retards
3.25 will be nostalgia farming to bait the retards again
No way the leak is accurate then, MF builds have never been nerfed
I want to play Bladestorm since it looks cool. Obviously we're like 3 hours from patch notes and have no idea how shit is gonna be reworked, but is it a skill exclusively used with a two hander or can I dual wield? I dunno, I just wanna use the skill.
>Last big nerf? 2 years ago
i fucking wish
>MF builds have never been nerfed
quant uses to be a normal affix just like rarity
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>Here we go again
>>Last endgame bosses added? 2 years ago
>>Last 3 month league? 2 years ago
>>Last "high investment complex league"? 2 years ago
>>Last big nerf? 2 years ago
>Poe 3.24 -> dogshit (as expected)
>>Poe2 will be an act extension and an overall overhaul to path of exile engine and gameplay
>>different games!?
>>Show nothing beside act4, almost no bosses
>>Any endgame/league/map question "we're not sure yet"
>They have been slowly(past few leagues rapidly) and surely exarcebating the powercreep in the game
>The ridiculousness of it is divine comedy. Maximize powercreep while playing dumb so that people get burnt out and slowly manipulate the idea that
>POE1 is nearing its end of life and everyone should move to POE2, it's successor
>Now, if you paid a bit of attention to your surroundings... You might find yourself getting aggresively shovend "curated" content down your throat
>These are the paid and created shills, you've seen them, people that never existed 1 year ago are now "the face" of Path of Exile, getting interviews,
>going to test the new alphas, getting sponsorships from they.
>All of it is being coordinated for the single purpose of manipulation and change of perception. Next you will start to see on different platforms people yapping
>the idea of "oh yeah, i played poe for years but.. just... the game is just too power crept, feels like we need a fresh restart" and the other yapper agreeing with them.
>Now that the beta has been delayed until the end of the year (spoiler, they will delay it more) it's pretty clear
>that i was right from the beginning
>And this is just the tip of the iceberg, there's only a few people that have been tracking the years and are piecing the big puzzle together.
>Fascinating to see the amount of coordinated effort and money that they put into shillin and changing the perception of retards
>3.25 will be nostalgia farming to bait the retards again
oof you were off by 5 from getting >>486577777
based 2025oldGGGOD
I genuinely am glad that PoE2 is a different game and I felt like there was no reason to make PoE2 some kind of extension of PoE1. I am looking forward to PoE2 so much to the point that it has honestly effected my enjoyment of PoE1.
You can call me a shill or whatever, I am not saying PoE2 is gonna be good or perfect. It could totally flop on its face but Christ, I just want something new. I would have dropped PoE1 for LE or D4 if they were good games, but they're not. PoE2 seems like the kind of thing I'd love, to the point that I wonder if Chris has been sneaking into my room at night to read my thoughts. Too bad it will be in beta for 6 months and then probably take another 6 months of patches to be playable. I fully expect PoE2 to not be in a great state for another year+, so I have plenty of cynicism about it too.
I want to suck on Lily's nipples until they're all swollen and sore.
you can dual wield eph edge on a trickster or 2hand a voidforge on slayer or zerker
bladestorm is a really shitty skill though, it would need massive buffs to be anything resembling playable
This but Maven.
thats a man
thats a child
have you tried poe smoother?
Alright smartass which one's nipples you want to suck on them? Zana's?
im thinkin tullina
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The only correct answer
I wonder if you can do blood magic with semen?
That tranny simp and the poe hyper addicted retard are seething uncontrollably.
that's how they made exsanguinate
4 nipples? You're an industrious man, I respect that.
Damn. It looks sweet and I like the idea of the alternate version because it gives more damage and you can have 4 bladestorms with quality (that is both). Maybe it'll get a nice buff.
If not that, I wanna play a Glad provided it gets reworked (it will, right?)
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>less than 3 hours
is your body ready?
I am a simple girl
If TWWT and reworked crucible are back, I am back
otherwise it's just another skip for me
I've played poe & ruthless poe, and also refreshed my memory of D2 recently when I discovered there was a d2:r fitgirl repack

ggg have a real opportunity because there is a genune unexploited "gap" in between the three, for a game that incorporates all the best parts of each, and based on the poe2 gameplay we're seen they really seem to aiming squarely at it. I'm obviously going to buy whatever cosmetics it takes to play poe2 immediately even if the open beta only has 8 classes or whatever so the extended testing isn't really a problem.
there's a diabloo 4 reveal today too? lol
you vill suck on the gog hairy nipples and you vill be happy
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I have been thinking of playing a poison dark pact skeleton. What do you fags think? Is just increasing the chaos damage enough or i need to invest into poison and dot multipliers? Dark Pact has a really fast cast speed plus it chains between skeletons hitting the same enemie multiple times so i think it should stack poisons nicely.
Bro it's 4 hours before patch notes this is not the time to be theorycrafting dogshit minions
I do not think they are going to nerf minion hp of all things this league man, let alone skeleton hp.
I've spent enough on PoE1 that I better just get invited.
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Stop reposting reddit memes you faggot.
please remove ralakesh please remove ralakesh please remove ralakesh please remove ralakesh please remove ralakesh please remove ralakesh please remove ralakesh please remove ralakesh please remove ralakesh please remove ralakesh please remove ralakesh please remove ralakesh
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you vill wear ze ralakesh
you vill equip ze adorned and ze 30 corrupted magic jewels
you vill be happy
Getting excited to play a Trickster. That means that Trickster will be absolutely fucking fucked by the patch notes.
>excited to play a Trickster.
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Why are those retard streamers practicing? PoE has not competitions, there is nothing to win.
NTA but Trickster is a great class. One of the strongest in the game. It has defenses, damage, and QoL. Basically whatever you need, it can do.
Because it looks like chest pieces will be able to get 50% more defences.
Because it's the best ascendancy
do you not have a drive to be better at what you do?
Because any time they stream something non-PoE related they get a fraction of the views (and money) and they need to keep the lights on. It is pathetic.
equipping a phat evasion/es chest piece and seeing numbers go up makes me happy
tricksterGODS cannot stop winning
are you guys ready for the league that will SAVE path of exile???
if you ain't playing glad you're making me mad
Mad cause Glad.
poeg never makes memes though
No memes is better than shitty memes with stock meme formats.
It will kill PoE to save it.
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Dont worry anon this league i played a gladiator bleed bow
This is the league where I finally plan on playing a stat stacker so I'm going to guess that synth implicits have just straight up been removed from the game entirely.
Loot reborn 3.0, now with fewer overall drops that are completely useless. You either have the streamer loot seed, or you'll get nothing.
kill poop1, to save poop2
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more memes are always better
they said they're not going to do that because it means GGG is deciding what desirable stats are and they want to leave that to players
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>Ancestral totems removed
>All melee skills get AS and Damage buffs (not as much as both totems but will have 100% upside, this is a buff)
>Rage reworked to be gained and lost quickly
>Weapons dealing more damage
>Gladiator Rework focused on block + rage as a defensive mechanic, and bleed + dual wielding for damage
>Berserker touch ups due to rage rework
>Warcries buffed
>Block buffed
>Dual wield buffed
>Reservation efficiency easier to get, grace + determination nerfed
>t17s shitty mods nerfed heavily, quant/scarab bonus removed, will drop more often
>Scarabs being reworked, buffing the terrible ones
>Ritual buffs
>Blight buffs
>Boat league (girls will hate it, guys will love it)
this league.... will change... everything........
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please take t17s off the atlas tree please take t17s off the atlas tree please take t17s off the atlas tree please take t17s off the atlas tree please take t17s off the atlas tree please take t17s off the atlas tree please take t17s off the atlas tree please take t17s off the atlas tree please take t17s off the atlas tree
Same and I really enjoyed it, but it felt like with no 4xT1 phys bow it would be kinda shit. Maybe it was a build issue really
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there are 30k words in the patch notes because they reworked/buffed every melee skill in the game
Are spectres unfucked yet? Haven't played since 3.13
>we are introducing spirit to PoE in advance of PoE2's beta!
>you will now have to choose between minions and auras! good luck not dying in yellow maps! :D
they're playable now with the new helmet
Them going through and saying "X Skill now has 150% added effectiveness instead of 120%" is pretty much the only way to explain 30k words
>New Uber Boss
>New Race Event
Simple as.
Deserved desu, the retards fucked the economy AGAIN and fixed none of the tediousness or grind.
This, but unironically. Last epoch skills are flashy, but the game is literally empty.
Maybe if we put LE skills into Grim Dawn (which suffers from boring skill tree and items but has cool world map). Maybe.
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Rolling for new endgame update and Mavens Dad finally showing up.
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>get in
get in
>get in
get in
She's ON, boys.
Repeating digits and they nerf boneshatter
So instead of constantly resummoning 4 over 2 minutes of desecrating i can now spend 4 minutes to summon 8 equally shitty minions with no +% base crit chance and no extra built in skill gems from what was arguably the most important item slot, AND i have to rely on an unique drop?

Well jeez sign me up.
are you physically handicapped
Reminder tyty sucked and fucked this guy and its why he perma sick now.
7 and deadeye will have a sub-1% playrate
She has a cute voice :3
2 hours til total bowchad domination. Melee will NEVER be buffed. Cope and seethe.
is that the HH or MB live on stream scammer troon?
CHADged dash.
That feeling of being ahead of the pack on day 1 is really nice, especially when you load into the next act and the town is practically empty
I have to leave and will miss the league reveal
if i keep one open tab on quin will i get the cosmetic drop?
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They were right to fear me. If only they had listened to their cowardice. Had they not taken my home with fire, I would not have taken their children.
Yeah it should work as long as your account is linked and your computer doesn't shut off I guess
>the spirit realm is the place where spirits go and it's a deeply spiritual place
t. lead diablo 4 narrative writer
I had sex with all 8 of these whores
to much butter !
why is it so hard for other gaming companies to seem remotely authentic.
The drops are available for like 8 hours.
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because most gaming companies aren't authentic
they just make product
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holy fuck this d4 stream is boring
>Blizzfurfag devs now ruining Diablo like they did Warcraft.
>4 spirit guardians
translation: the skill twig will have 4 branches
From the company whose lead dungeon designers for D4 had never played an ARPG before.
Quick, name a porn star that looks like this
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>cute waifu
>real arpg
>meaningful combat
tick tock poooe

just kidding TaL is pure dogshit
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Whats this?
blizzard is retarded no one cares about the concept art for the class that's for a blog post not a livestream
this is all really just cosmetics shilling.
you do realize that's satire and even redditors can have a sense of humour, right?
not being able to recognize social clues like these is a sign of genuine autism, you should get yourself checked.
hope that helps.
>new Diablo class is literally literally Black Panther
Predictions? Will the game be saved? Will Chris be able to buy his 4242nd Black Lotus?
Yeah i get that, thats why i posted it because its a very funny post.
>spend hours adjusting boot rings and 3D model
>game is still garbage
Holy artfag BTFO.
gamer dads care
>only the top 1% hit T16s
Are redditards really this delusional? T17s are cancer even if your build can run them, but T16? Really?
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>less than 2 hours for the best league reveal ever!
Its going to be shit but i am going to play and buy a supporter pack anyway.
I'm sure it will be okay
this isn't really a funny continuation of the joke or good bait you should put more effort into your posts
"She" also said that a cast on death build was her favorite build ever
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Obvious bait, yet I answer.
Seriously? Graveyard crafting wasn't complicated in any way and you don't need to use spreadsheets and emulators, unless...
Are you the type of gamer who looks up guides and reviews of games/dlc before trying them yourself? If so, you're the problem.
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>melee gets buffed by about 1 support gem worth of damage
>everything else gets nerfed
>the melee buffs fix absolutely none of its practical issues and everyone just plays one of the nerfed skills again
>e-celebs sperg out and get a trillion subscribers
>day 1 player counts the highest in history
>league mechanic only bricks non-meta builds so nobody complains
>leddit complains about map/currency drops for the billionth time because they always forget the effect having a full atlas tree has on the game
>some kind of issue that ultimately doesn't matter gets forced by the e-celebs and people sperg out for no reason
>faglord690 says: "GGG please don't make challenges this annoying/grindy again (i still 40/40'd tho)"
>retention best in history
Lineage 3
die a blow fore expansion reveal stream hasn't broke 70k viewers.
will poop of poopile 3.25 league reveal have more viewers?
>always play on 1080p (technically even less due to dynamic resolution) and with poosmoother due to playing on laptop with iGPU
>visit my friend who has a decent rig and plays on 1440p max settings
holy fucking shit
can't tell what's fucking happening but it looks amazing
the difference between low (poosmoother) and max settings is insane
it's a completely different game
if you told me this was a decade old game I wouldn't believe you
now I want to become a wagie to build myself a decent PC too
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Has the D4 reveal already started? I'm not ready yet.
I just hope there is no 100 argus kills again.
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i have never gotten 40/40 before because i always play terrible hipster builds that cant do ubers or other difficult content
will this be the league i finally get 40/40?
i kneel
It already ended, lmao.
they only just started providing meaningful info
>counter reaches 0
>DS_lily appears on screen
>pulls out her cock
What the fuck!
I hope to get more than 10 challenges since i am new and 10 is my current record.
hmm no
Will this be the League you finally play meta?
>Chris enters the screen
>on his knees
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Is PoE the only non woke game left?
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>it's bigger than yours
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>takes it in his hand
>slides her foreskin back
>"+1 radius to glacial hammer" written on it
>Mark from backstage: "This is a buff"
PoE is anime now?
her dick would need to be big to fit 30,000 words of patchnotes on it.
PoE is an Isekai.
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Oh yeah?
any bingo sheet?
Each stroke of the dick reveals a different patchnote, replacing the last one. The real question is if she can last 30,000 strokes?
The new D4 class seems fun
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No, it's a native isekai because the exiles just came from another continent.
it will be broken to get normies to think it is good/fun. then they'll nerf it.
If only
why didn't you say this was on??


it's a meta-isekai because YOU, a loser in real life, escape to a world where you kill every god in the pursuit of shiny rocks.
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>This is a back attachment and not a replacement for banner skills
Holy shit, they REALLY want you to spend that $5 on invisible skills huh?
I'm not really sure what the point showing all the skills is though because you will only be able to use whichever ones they designed the legendary powers for you to use
already posted, ur late or/and blind
all the spirit animal ultis obscure like a third of the screen.
d4 bad, 30 minutes of jacking off over 1 new class
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frogs agree
90 dollars plus tip
pay up goy
Honestly, a handful of back attachments (especially the literal banner objects from a super old set of support packs) would make great banner skill effects. But they'll never do it because they don't touch old cosmetics except to do a graphical upscale on really old shit so it doesn't look too shit.
Like they actually did a graphical upgrade on the Rigwald set in the last year or 2.
Honestly, if they were really cool they'd just make it so you can use any back attachment to cover up a banner. They're so ugly. They know they're ugly. They know they look stupid. They just want to push the invisible skill effect because they'll make you pay $50 for the rainbow celestial cat weta cape but you can't see it because you have a giant flag sticking out of your ass.
>didn't even show the skill tree
D4 is so cooked lmao
But I am still alive. Storywise, it is a native isekai.
>skill tree
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If PoE2 is not an absolute disaster I genuinely don't know how D4 competes. At least in the case of PoE1, D4 looks better and has more "fluid" gameplay.
d4 won't be good until you can trade everything
d4 won't be good
>I genuinely don't know how D4 competes.

brand + a larger marketing spend
but it depends what you mean by "compete". microsoft definitely realize that d4 is leaving money on the table.
For Now. One day we will have a league where you are sucked into the game and need to beat all pinnacle bosses to go back to real life. Hardcore only league too.
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According to this D4 seems to be... more popular?
What I mean is that PoE ended up beating D3 in the long term and clearly had much more engagement and a much longer lifespan. I think the same thing will happen again with PoE2 and D4, though at this point it is a little unfair because PoE2 is coming out after most people quit D4 anyways. I just think that PoE2 has a chance of being the main ARPG people play as long as they can find a way to get people to not quit the instant they look at the skill tree.
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Spiritborn is a stupid name but the class itself seems pretty neat
Still would have preferred getting a paladin first though, RIP
I think the type of person who quit due the skill tree would quit the game regardless even if the tree was dumbed down or was hidden to new players. Honestly i am not sure this type of person would like any kind of ARPG at all.
>hamburgers love d4
>russ, ukrain, belarus love poe
im poggin irl rn fr
it's official, d4 is a game for wh*tes
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They have quite the fertility goddess on their team. The class looks nice so far. And again no class other than necro is using a shield, which is such a weird element to the game.
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>big livestream soon
>every streamer plays poch
it's best to stop worrying about what the abstract "most people" does or thinks. the mindset only helps companies who target the lowest common denominator. trying to make poe2 more casual-accessible is enough.
Eh. I don't know. It is honestly overwhelming looking at a massive passive tree and just being told "Yeah you get like 100 points to spend, have fun." That was my first reaction upon playing PoE for the first time. I don't think it should be dumbed down, I just think they can do a better job of explaining to the player to mostly pay attention to notables and keystones and everything else is just getting there.
Sort of like if there was a zoom level that had the notables be large and easily seen, but the small passives invisible or just small. That way they go "Oh, life. Oh melee damage. Oh, axe damage. How do I get those?" and then they work their way there.
last sleepoch has less content than d4 somehow
it's like sophie's choice lmao
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/poeg/ miss him so much
>china and india
PoE won, sirs and 先生們
kys carlos
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I am surprised that Brazil is red because that game is really expensive here. I guess the brand power of Blizzard™ beats everything.
I legitimately believe this might be meth shitposting
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Nah it's just something temporary
I'll be away from my desktop on league start
Have you tried playing windowed on like 720p or would that be too cancer on a 15" screen?
it's probably the lingering cultural penetration of D2 more than anything else.
>she didnt watch all of his videos
shame on you
HFG is Mark you double retard
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Not gonna lie guys, I'm actually getting pretty fucking excited.
sirgog just called ruetoo a tranny on stream
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How do I get my drop wings bros?
You triple retard
uhh, you can play as a girl AND it has more than one skin tone, woke as fuck
its hard to beat casuals, only fags and even women talks about D4, the certified fat neckbeards play PoE, all my friends dropped D4 even LE had more staying power.
D4 is for people wanting to hear bald women npc talking non-stop and watching cutscenes.
Hello bros d4 refugee here. What class would you recommend to start new poe season with? Requirements are:
I want to realize my Class Fantasy™
I need to Play My Way™
It has to be a Fresh and Exciting Experience™

thank you
Real talk, will melee be viable this league? They keep teasing the totem shit but I've been around long enough to know that whenever they spam qol shit in trailers it's because the patch notes have all nerfs in it.
lol no
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ARE YOU FUCKING READY (For the league to barely feature boats at all and +1 radius to cleave)

Literally impossible, just give up.
just play duelist
new ship
Historically every time GGG's tried to fix melee it involved a gorillion tradeoffs and new mechanics that left it in a worse state than it was post-"buff", like they tried to address melee's squishiness with Fortify and simultaneously increased monster damage by 20% globally in the same patch.
>drops stolen
sir there is only one class in this game and it is mageblood adorned phys taken as spell suppression aura abuser, the gems and characters just change your skin and attack animation
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Dear Lord!
class doesn't really dictate archetype in poe, better to think about what kind of skill you want to use.
>Jun is gay
and there are hints about some guys also bein gay
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crashing this league...
poop livestream didn't even start yet and it already has more views than dookie 4s expansion reveal
poop bros we are so back
>stream of gameplay from the new expansion has the same number of viewers as jungroan watching videos of himself
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Did they cut that one guy's legs? Never seen this Lilliput before.
>No free trading
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Those sons of bitches really did it.

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