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>Ignition Teaser: A Name Forged in Flames
https://youtu.be/O2ATH__rtQo (EN)
https://youtu.be/q__fo0CSEcE (JP)

>Natlan Preview Teaser - Need a Hand?
https://youtu.be/XOK1F9TLEH8 (EN)
https://youtu.be/LCMimNAlsqs (JP)

>Event "Summertide Scales and Tales" live until August 28

>Current character banner: Navia, Nilou, Kaveh, Ningguang, Kirara
>Current weapon banner: Verdict (Claymore), Key of Khaj-Nisut (Sword)

>Daily check-in rewards (permanent)

>Redeemable Codes (all regions): https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/gift

>Useful Links (Wiki, Simulators, Maps, Character Builds, /gig/ friendlist, Third-Party Tools, etc.)

/gig/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
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>2k gift gems in under a year
How could anyone hate this amazing dragon?
fuck you faggot
Donaldvillette says Make Sovereigns Great Again!
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hehe. I saved Genshin Impact.
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The devs hate Flopvillette now. We're never going to see him in events again. He'll never get dedicated supports. No more pro-Shitvillette Abyss lineups. The Fagvillette sperg out was the best thing that could happen for people who can't stand Wormvillette
Kys ungrateful nigger
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are we winning siggybros
Be humbled, incel
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For me, it's my beloved kekaposter.
Don't redeem the primo then
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>this is how arletroon copes
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>arrancar loli
will she be relevant in the plot?
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She is the electro sovereign.
>yfw the boycott fails
Not sure if I'm going for the keyblade, I might cope with Serpent Spine/Zhongli
yes, 3 of the natlan craftables work with elemental skills, meaning there will be more turrets in the future
Kachina is Siggy's friend already!
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Nahida is really sexy.
why does she have a vision then?
Troonvillette lost..
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for me it's jinhsi
Nilou's skin and the 10 pulls are too strong
Yeah sure, and Columbina is the Seelie queen.
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New recipes!
Stop... I already gooned to much to her...
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What boycott?
Can i get nilou skin for free
This thread looks kinda weird, /wuwa/.
That free catalyst looks good for Neu-
>only normal attack
fuck off back to your dead thread and game, freak.
mating press kachina
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>filters twitter, tiktok, reddit
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fuk u
is she going to transform like Nel
What a shit day. Legitimately broken character finally gets fixed and then gets made broken again immediately. After that leaks come out and Kinich looks way more fun to play than Mualani. This sucks.
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This. I challenge all of you Neuvillette haters to let his 1600 primo gift expire like people did with Aloy. Put your money where your mouth is.
>Hmmm I'm going to boycott this game.....by playing it
This "boycott" is stupid.
Is navia still worth with noelle i heard natoan characters powercreep her?
Is that albedo sword I'm seeing?
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So 5.1?
false flag
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Hold on, if I'm reading this correctly, does Kachina's C2 essentially reset the cooldown of her drill? It summons another copy of it at max fuel if there isn't already one on the field, right? Isn't that fucking fantastic on a character that is already kind of busted?
imagine if some nigga said mcdonalds is my comfort food i cant boycott it
>Coping this hard about their addiction.
They don't have the spine to make changes. Really pathetic
Go back to your dead general for your dying game. Piece of shit.
this literally did happen except it was chick fil a
stop licking this thread at the end of every thread you fucking niggers
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my third and final fontaine character, the other two being furina and arle. and desu I think I enjoy Navia the most, very enjoyable to play
what did I miss? how is the geo buddypoke busted? she's geo
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>The map looks retarded again
Why does this look like pure sex?
>troon, boy and geoslop
F2P boycotting a f2p game by telling other f2ps to stay f2p.
Thank you Ludendorff for the free 10 pull
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>hyv boycott
>can't boycott hyv
She gives 50% damage to your party with new set
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Scaramouche / Wanderer / Kabukimono is very erotic.
It's 90% because of the fucked up busted new artifact set, but basically she provides the entire party with a 50% damage bonus just for existing
she's kinda like albedo if he did 0.75 times the damage but with a much larger AoE, an actually useful burst and a mini furina style buff
Lyney and Wrio piece
new artifacts are retarded unless they nerf it
Imagine sweaty sex with her
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She is not busted but the new artifact set makes all off-field natlan busted.
It resets the time yes, but we don't know how often it attacks or if her damage is any good in the first place or if your rotation allows you to swap twice to her.
Uh, janny? Just going to let /gig/ spam links here at the end of every thread on the board? Hoyo really invests in shills, huh.
>using beta artifact numbers
Oh no no no no no
So when will west make a full brown gacha to show those dirty commie where the real money is at?
Why is this allowed when Rosaria got gutted?
scarasex wansex kabusex is very sex
Can you blame them when Genshin still mogs every other mobile game 4 years later?
2d chibislop meatgrinder gameplay
>reverse 1999
only enjoyable for yurifags
The set are subjected to change but all of the geo shilling in 4.x and 5.x without reworking the element is fucking weird
how the fuck did this game obtain this cancerous twitter fanbase in the west, I thought we were supposed to be the (chink) anime BotW played by pedos that these types should have never come near with that reputation?
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She's stronger than Kazuha unironically.
How's the new event so far? I'm still annoyed that Sucrose wasn't invited.
fishnets too erotic for CCP
Rosaria was released during a turbulent political time in the CCP
Things are more relaxed now
>a quick calc using kmq stats standard shows me that C0R0 mualani with vape + kazuha does about 2 millions in a 24s rotation
>in 24s my C1R1 neuvillette does about 1.6 millions with furina+kazuha, using the unrealistic assumption of full buff uptime
people are doomposting this? she probably does over double the damage of C0R0 neuv
It still be a great set even if they halve damage.
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>mentally ill
>not flocking to the most popular thing to spread their illness
First day on the Internet?
no other game fills the same hole that geshin has left
a real game + omni pandering anime shit that's constantly updating
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The neuv nerf/rollback was staged.
Covid years
China already has a gacha with a ton of black characters, Dislyte. It's not popular but I remember Markiplier doing a collab with them.
What is night soul?
Chink feminists have moved on.
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Please stop playing Genshin if you don't spend any money.
You're overloading their server right now.
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She's single target and clunky
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>genshin boycott over a lack of niggers goes for weeks without a word
>chinese players get up in arms about a neuvillette nerf and they revert it within hours
how did the nigger boycotters react to this?
This game is Twitter coded.
No one is doomposting her retard. The current thinking is she is going to eat the largest nerfs of any character
Natlan's pneumosia
i'm just glad VV is getting powercrept
anemoslop has always been a boring pain in the ass to use and i'm fucking sick of it.
This game is anti-twitter by making all the characters white lmao
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They will add an africa patch
Shut up niggers
Are you new to the internet
We just got 1700, what were the other 300 from?
Furina + Pyro archon would be a whopping 125% dmg bonus then lmao
The special state all Natlan characters have when they use their skill.
It is Natlan character only
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Like this mostly
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Yeah they'd only need to leave the game open and running for about 1,815 years to offset the welkin and BP they bought 2 years ago
In rage. They threaten to continue playing the game and staying as f2ps.
During his release maybe
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I just want my 10 free pulls. I dont care about twitter shit. I dont care about neuvilette and his anti fans. I dont care about /gig/‘s schizophrenia. Im going to keep playing the game and buying welkins and having fun. All I care about are the 10 big ones coming my way
Lorewise we don't know, but gameplay wise it's a very complicated way of saying "fuel".
Basically, all Natlan characters have elemental skills that put them in a nightsoul state. Existing in this state consumes fuel. Run out of fuel, and the skill and nightsoul state ends.
Kachina's fuel dictates how many ground slams her drill can do
Kinich's fuel dictates how long he can spend grappled on an enemy
Mualani's fuel dictates how long she can surf.
>what is nightsoul burst?
honestly not sure, but from what I remember reading a few days ago, it's kind of like a HSR weakness break that happens when an enemy takes too much damage from night soul abilities.
These peoples retardation never ceases to amaze me
asians aren't white.
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Doing dailies is stupidly fast now, I love this new system!
I don't remember Zhongli saying this.
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The potatoes are my comfort characters. If I'm not cumming to them, I can't go to sleep.
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>Chinese players making fun of global for asking for good representation
>China gets mad because JP VAs don't want to waste time doing a million retakes for them
>Screams about how it's anti chinese sentiment
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the usual
puffy, just like ganyu
No, it's been twitter coded ever since they decided to add male banner after male banner. It's never enough for the left though and they continue to ask for more and more pandering. People tried to warn you that adding males would lead to a slippery slope effect, and look where we are now?
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Works on my machine
>Black's whole personality and cultures are revolved around their skin color.
What caused this?
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strength in numbers
thousands and thousands of peoole taking up space on their servers and we only need to bleed them dry for a week or two
she is the top up bonus reset character getting released after a long streak of flop banners, why would they nerf her?
Lies. What about wuwawawawa and shartrail?
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I fucking kneel. The Chinese won again.
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No it dosen't
most of those idiots bitching are white
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what the sigma am i supposed to do here?
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>no bro you don't understand, by playing the game and talking about it and contributing towards Genshin's extremely attractive large playerbase and causing investors to have an even bigger interest in the game, you're actually HURTING the game bro
>if you love blacks you should be playing genshin right the fuck NOW
Dendro snorelax
Just because we build military bases in SEA and Japan and let you enjoy our culture doesn't mean you 'people' are white, nigger.
starrail is a mihoyo game
wuwa has no browns in it
She is doing like 50% more damage then literally any other DPS including Neuve. Just stupid amounts of damage.
Also top up bonus will be 5.1 not 5.0 - so there is literally 0 reason she would be this overtuned.
no one is doomposting her numbers. they're shitposting about being clunky because that's their final cope.
this game has millions of players still, and playing the game F2P is still doing the devs a service - whales primarily whale on games while they have F2P peers to lord their might over.
Based and ''fuck twitter troons''-pilled
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it happened
it fucking happened
you fuckers told me it would happen and i said "there's no fucking way this happens, /gig/ is not that retarded"
and it happened
/gig/ actually got filtered by these kindergarten puzzles, i can not fucking believe it
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I'm an asian boy and I look like kinich irl
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nice shoes bro
unless they make it shorter, 5.0 will be the anni patch, so with the bonus reset
Yeah and if at least 100 of those thousands of players spent money on the game incurring a debt within the game's next decade is infeasible
Yeah you know that character is good when "clunky" is the only thing they can doompost.
>elf clorinde
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I don't fully get Song of Days Past. I get that it scales better off characters with MASSIVE Bonuses like a Furina Buffed team or anyone that can use HoD. I just don't understand if it's a separate instance of damage. Like if I use it on a Healer Bennet with Xiangling, will the passive snapshot on Xiangling's Burst too?
it's not ok to sexualize nuns. a swimsuit is another matter.
Native Americans are technically Asians
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Why does Kinich have a tan in his drip-marketing art but pale skin everywhere else?
>Natlan is part America
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I thought about Chongyun today and it made me happy
Yeah true we are related ancestrally
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>do you need to be sued to fix natlan character skin tones too or what
Sue them for what? How would that suit work?
Can you fuck off? Most of the people complaining aren't even black.
How did they manage to indoctrinate an entire generation of men to hate their own race and demonize their natural instincts to appreciate attractive women?
Song of Days Past is a complicated mess, but you need to think of it as exactly the same as 4p clam, except that instead of the damage being dealt as a bubble explosion, the damage is dealt as a flat additive number at the end of an attack's formula
it does not snapshot, it does not lose value with buffs, all it does is add +1200 to the next 5 damage ticks
Are you blind or just not knowing what lightning is?
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imagine the smell
so how come this guy is allowed to be black but playable characters and the other NPCs aren't?
do this boycott activist even had money to sue mihoyo?
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Because he does have a bit of a tan.
why is yuegui so fucking big in yao's drip marketing
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I think he just has the same skintone as Kazuha, Itto and some Liyue characters.
Darker than average but not brown.
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Is dendro the whitest element
No wonder the JP VA sucks so much
CNfags chimp out when china isn't represented and when their chinese character isn't the strongest
The west needs to do the same to get what they want
They've been working at it for many many decades.
>one controversy that could lead them into legal issues because it's filed under false marketing
>the other controversy is a nothing burger
I wonder which one they would focus on
If it was a lack of lighting, then Mualani would also be darker, but she's not. She's lighter in the drip art than she is in the trailer.

This is a genuine question.
Oh my bad.... I thought it became a smaller but separate instance of damage like aggravate that also scaled off Crit and Dmg Bonus added to the final damage. Guess I understood it wrong.
I don't know. But a black guy with an afro? Isn't that racist? Are they going to put a watermelon or a bucket of fried chicken next him?
See >>486524797
Here's a comparison an anon made with Chasca. He's a bit darker. Just a bit though
who is that black hebe?
>Chinese care about Chinese matters
>Chinese don't care about overseas niggers
Whooooaaaa what a concept
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actually scratch that i may be full of shit
i have no fucking idea what i'm talking about
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Where did our HYPE go guys? Are we the secondary game?
Imagine slowly stripping it off
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>wearing each other's colors in their wedding rings
It's the little things
I see
>Natlan battle theme starts playing
>nigerian Yoruba choir music
>Olorun shows up
>He's a White furry twink
Twitter isn't wrong on this one bros
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it is quite a strange phenomenon. there's a lot of things you could blame it on. the omnipandering, covid, the world traversing adventure duping them into false expectations.
The west doesn't have so much autistic incels with free time. Weird internet people are a minority and the majority doesn't have any problems with having sex and other normalfag stuff.
You're right about it being messy tho. I just them on Chevy and be done with it.
chasca wuld look a lot better without the lipstick and the retarded half-pants
>iansan gets to wear proper spats
Whatever happened to Dehya and others?
That's what they get for not being inclusive and paying SBI the money requested. Boycott is working.
It's okay anon I also don't know wtf that mess is supposed to be
I for one welcome this new ricewashing of nog cultures. They had it coming.
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This is shameful
This is sad
This is embarrassing
This is outrageous
These are signs of a dying game
Dehya is short short
Snezhnaya teaser: 900k views
Where did the "Natlan based from african culture" even come from
tiffany was still in charge
>*chuckles* Excuse me, you want to sue for what?
>Are you kidding?
Didn't BotW got complaints about racism at one point?
It's only American Blacks doing the blackwashing
I’m gonna cry sisters… We should’ve gone to Wuthering Waves while we had the chance…
Its Ororon, not Olorun

I also read that its just a default word for a god (like kami), including the christian one.
Wouldn't the new Natlan set be better on chev? Most of it is useless but she ends up providing a near permanent 25% damage bonus to everyone.
Winter Nights drop was so kino and it has amounted to literally nothing
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>Inazuma battle theme starts playing
>japanese flute going crazy
>Kazoo shows up
>he's a Aether reskin manlet instead of a badass samurai
We can always move to NTE when it drops
Since the Travail trailer introduced Iansan back in 2020?
Natlan is revenge for ATLA mixing the entirety of asia together
What happened to the pope?
From the fact that Natlan has African culture in it, even their ost had tribal African chanting
Natlan is Pre-Colombian South America and West Africa like Sumeru was Iran + Egypt + North Africa
Tick tock racist chinks. It's still not too late to turn the ship around.
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??? Cyno is black too
So the source is your anus, got it
Any clue on what he's doing with Capitano? Is he the rumoured secret 10th Harbinger?
Chinese players have no room to talk about the western boycott when they sperged out in 2020 over Zhongli not being proper "chinese rep". I was there.
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This is my word, this is my way
Show me a sign, sweep me away
This is my word, heartbreaker, gatekeeper
I'm feeling far away, I'm feeling right there
Deep in my heart, deep in my mind
Take me away, take me away
This is my word, dream maker, life taker
Open up my mind
All I believe, is it a dream
That comes crashing down on me?
All that I hope, is it just smoke and mirrors?
I wanna believe, oh
But all that I hope, is it just smoke and mirrors?
All that I've known, buildings of stone
Fall to the ground without a sound
This is my word, heartbreaker, gatekeeper
I'm feeling far away, I'm feeling right there
nyoooo he's supposed to be paper white bwaaah
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Busy wanking Kinich? He's even companions with some dragon lol
is that Kenny?
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How many of these uber high viewcount videos weren't ran as ads though.

5 mill seems pretty normal if it's not an ad
Wasn't it dropped during a drama or something?
Interesting Alternate Fiction where the inhabitants of Africa were Asians. I thought people loved this race swapping shit.
So? Is Emilie a flop?
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oroworm will flop
still in charge but put on a leash by higher ups
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>spreadsheet gaming
I can't wait for Trump to win so you groomer fags won't be allowed to speak so openly about your pedophilia again.
She needs to constantly trigger overload which she can't do off field. It's good for Yae support actually.
Except China complains about gameplay, west complains about nothingburger
How many views ZZZ get because i know dawei is burning banks on shilling it instead
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I propose a new metric since Genshin CANT get Tiktok hours or QQ hours anymore… I propose, IQVIA TV hours
Imagine not liking this
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covidboost is wearing off
years of stagnation
lack of new weapon types, bodytypes, choco waifus
lack of literally anything that sparks genuine interest back into the game
Genshin Impact?
reminder zzz give you 30 primo if you watch their videos, that's why the view count so high
I was there to see the west talking about how zhongli was fine and chinks were overreacting. You didn't stand with them back then, but now you expect them to stand with you on this issue? Nah.
Fat Xiao?
Still the main writer.
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>implying they wont just rig the ballots again
>implying they wont just try to kill him again
>implying this has anything to do with Genshin Impact
Captcha: VAX
>according to doomies, genshin is dead
>yet according to twatter, it is still huge enough to be a controversy
Which was it?
it dropped during the 2.0 summer event. it came as a big surprise and revealed a bunch of characters. it was just cool and generated some hype. the harbingers have just kind of sucked ass narratively is the problem.
Christian nigerians use the word Yahweh, not Olorun. Either way. it's obvious they are referencing the specific God.
>thinks trump or any politician will do anything
kek poor kid
one day you will grow up and realize that there are no political solutions to the fag question
>standing with the chinese ever
The only true and correct position is the one that is opposite to that of the chinese
I will only roll if she's the real Pyro Archon and she's not cuckbait
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i wonder if its going to eventually connect to northern sumeru desert. cause as of now teyvat is some bizarre half moon shape. i guess snez could connect to mond and form another part of the crescent.
>no more boycott tags
So India... Grim...
>not cuckbait
>mihoyo game
thats clearly your own algorithm retard, izuocha is not trending worldwide
>Except China complains about shit noone cares about
>west complains about lack of variety in characters in a character collecting game
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Kachina's signature dish is Doritos
Kinich Hangout has Enjou btw
This is what pandering to females and gay cunts gets you.
Superpower Country Sir
Ah, that's right. Dehya can use it though, right?
at least until mauvika drops and the ends up being a furina tier off fielder that mogs the shit out of everything because that set is fucking ridiculous
The only loser here is (You)
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>Mass Deportation Now
Most straight men have already left this game for gachas who actually care about their male heterosexual playerbase. Besides a minority of dedicated players, the only people interested are fags and femoid tourists.
It’s OVER, zero tiktok hours and now even zero qq hours. How many tiktok hours can 5.0 get? I say a lucky 10 hours
Yeah, it clearly meant for Mavuika but Dehya can benefit from it like vaping neuv attack.
I told you natlan is a worms region is disguise
>raiden is autistic yuribait
>nahida is literal used goods after the gangbang she suffered when captured
>furina cucks you with her mascot
The only NTR flavors left are BBC and sibling
We know what's the future of Genshin
The only Sumeru playable character that could be considered black is Candace since she's named after a black queen. Mihoyo doesn't design their playable black characters to look black though (See: Carole and her mom).
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Why is the west allowed to gatekeep african and latam culture? Why are they allowed to decide what is good representation and what is not? I've seen what kind of slop Hollywood makes these days, that's terrible representation regardless of how "accurate" or "respectful" it is.
Almost no one used Neuvillette's spin except metafags
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this is literally the only piece of natlan lore at the moment
also iansan in the trevail trailer
Latam is a part of the West
So what do you think about Xbalanque being the previous Pyro Archon and (likely) her mentor?
Your biggest mistake was consuming any western media made after 2020.
Haven't they already took over north america? What more do you want? They can always make their own games to represent themselves.
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Male characters are cool though, unless you're some sort of rad fem supremacist?
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4.7 character holding rate
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The region is genuinely shit and ugly. No one wants to look at these ugly white people swaying back and forth like American tourists on a vacation. The archon is literally just Himeko in Bayonetta cosplay. It's shit.
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It wasn't about the spin specifically.
He could quickly turn so you could hit a target out of your POV before the laser beam ends
I rarely do, but sometimes curiosity gets the better of me. The Netflix Jeffrey Dahmer series is probably the worst thing that has ever been filmed, it was my most recent mistake.
>Mass Deportation Now
I thought the shooter was white? Or are they trying to deport the rednecks?
Is that the amount of piss their bladders can hold?
If so, come here Furina my golden goddess
>the same shit over and over again
>4 Fontaine characters at the bottom
Flop region
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>Sig more then Chiori
I am actually extremely surprised
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>Furina 95%
Mother of god
Why don't the these retards just use their own country again?
Why force african and latam shit in natlan when they could've just made it china again?
Oh that's right
No one wants to suffer through another fucking chinese region again
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Aetherbros... We won...
>dies and gets replaced by xbalanque
/gig/ would never recover
Wormzhu flopped
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its almost like what we got in fontaine
what sample
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cute portrait
>you asked for war nation
>you asked for brown amazonion warriors
>you asked for fiery dancers
>you got this
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Xbalanque is a manlet and they never shipbait characters of different body model
and i couldnt be more happy about it
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Stories follow rules, unfolding in cyclical patterns, but each should follow its own course.
you too
Don't worry saar. India will make it right.
they do this for every archon though
zhongli/rex lapis/moax
When did we have two Archons at the same time? Maybe Inazuma if you count Makoto showing up for one scene during Raiden's story quest 2.
so people who pretend to like shitty ass furina character who killed a whole region only like her because she is a metaslave character

makes sense
better fire hose man
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>Actual seething over NPCs
The shark is just making me laugh
What kind of people prefer a Brown woman to a White chad like Neuvillette?
We really want to make a brown region, but we're too scared to have brown people in it
This is why japan is superior
They have no fear
>furina killed the region
>not the dragonhomo who basically shoved her aside and became the hero of the story
Why isn't anyone fucking angry that they removed the commission skip from reputation requests? Fucking gay ass shitlords at Mihoyo.
I don't get this boycott. What's going on?
Japan should've won the war.
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>everybody asked for a cryo catalyst for years
>cryo catalyst comes out
>nobody rolls for him
So why do people here constantly say that Neuv is the best character in the game when Furina consistently has higher usage rate and ownership rate?
itto and albedo are soulful? I always knew I was soulful
that shit was annoying. we're stuck on relying on chests and events to skip dailies now.
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And a Sovereign
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Heterosexual men
>traveler comes to natlan
>the war torn continent is fine
>it's all thanks to your homie xbalanque, so cool, strong and suave, everyone loves him
>the archon is a meanie i guess? so she's le bad
>there's another one because
>capitano destroys her the archon of the trailer like nothing
>xbalanque screams out of rage and gathers strenght to avenge the archon because apparently they were childhood friends or something and rapes capitano and saves the world, and also kills two dragons but also revives an even bigger dragon who becomes himself, so xbalanque is now two sovereign dragons in one person
>also becomes the new archon after the remaining archon gives away her power to him because he's so dreamy and strong
>also also the prior archon revives and is so grateful to xbalanque that she decides to retire and stay by his side doing offscreen mating along with the other ex-archon
>traveler does nothing because he's useless but is invited to watch xbalanque and the two archons being banged by xbalanque's triple pronged human-dragon dong
My personal prediction
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>so people who pretend to like shitty ass furina character who killed a whole region only like her because she is a metaslave character
>ignores Snoozevillette at over 70%
>and Kazushit at over 90%
Furina is #1 due to Total Furina Love!
And then a lot of Archon collectors.
And THEN some metafags.
These are Britbongs in Mallorca
White people are upset that blacks ain't represented in a chinese game.
>can't even kill hydro clones
He's useless
I love my exclusive Chiori wife
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i really wonder how natlan dailies will be like with these changes. will they keep stupidly forcing story dailies or just limit them to killing shit?
Because he can solo floors while Furina needs a team
As a DPS his usage should be hindered because every team he is featured in is automatically a Neuve team. While Furina can be put virtually anywhere as her buffs are universally strong.
However, Neuve is SO good, he matches Furina in usage despite making every team about himself indicating his power.
>blaming whites for everything
Yass queen
>chiori really that low
I mean, who wants her is she's just an Albedo sidegrade?
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Where is my 10 roll Dawei you hack? I need Navia
>rolling for males
Furina is truly made of love.
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We love the Ludex here actually
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>#BoycottHYV no longer trending
Or maybe because a region inspired by Africa and Latin America with British people is retarded and breaks immersion
She's Albedo but sexy which is all I needed
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I mean Chiorifags want her.
I'm not so I don't have any of those meme doll faces saved.
Have a Euler.
>leave freeze comps to rot
>nobody cares about the cryo catalyst anymore
furinafags trying to pretend they are not metaslaves

you would not like this shitty character if she was not broken as fuck
it's on a 15s timer. weaving in a single normal attack every 15s would not be much of an issue

I get that theres going to be at least two expansions but this still seems smaller than I was expecting and hoping...
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I'm saving my cryo catalyst virginity for Lady Bronya.
I fell in love with furina's design ever since we got the fontaine megaleaks so i saved everything for her
I ended up with c6r1 and I now have a permanent broken character on my party
it is just that easy, sure lots of metafags who hate her rolled her because of her kit, but I can't relate, I love the character and i saved everything for them, thanks sumeru for the 1 year of free saving lmao
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I was thinking of rolling him, but him being a C1 bait and constantly being used as a shitposting tool here made me change my mind.
game is not for (You) then
95% of actual africans and south Americans don't care and actually enjoy their culture being represented in media.

Skin color isn't culture.
Just looked at the animations for the new characters and shiet they are really out there, they make all the previous characters’ gameplay and animations look drab. Gonna get the 4 star and going for both Mualani and Kinich probably
Hope they are fun to play, getting bored of the game again even though I still have some fun with Navia, Lyney and Xianyun.
Before 4.1 her character was great
In my mind anything after that is just fanfiction, so my dear Hydro Archon, bratty correction-needing Furina is still well written and just as good as she is strong
Bro the region is some retarded arcadey pokemon shit now, it looks only vaguely inspired
Based brotherfucker
>makes ultra feminist character
>nobody rolls
Really? I’m actually disappointed with them
Nope. I rolled her for her cute socks. I want to fuck Furina while wearing her sock on my dick like a condom. Fuck I'm horny again.
Who cares about their skin color, go touch some grass chud
the best dailies are the mushroom jump ones
They're Fortnite animations
You're not even trying to hide you're a shill or Dawei
Mualani animations looks like splatoon or something lmao
Leakniggers caused the most shitposting.
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my poor creature was banned from operating the tubby custard machine at raleys cause she kept fucking the merchandise
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how do we stop him?
People still do dailies in [current year]?
>enjoy their culture being represented in media.
I don't enjoy it unless it's cool gods getting designs like in Megaten
To be fair Pokemon puts darkies when the region demands, see Alola, Unova and the French one kekw
Hydro enemies on both side of the Abyss.
But that just ends up fucking up every single hydro character
>Skin color isn't culture
I'll remember that the next time some western game makes a European character black.
I honestly have no idea what the inputs will even be looking at them
Leaks won’t even help at this point they are so out there
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i did
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mentally ill attention whores always get attracted to The Big Thing™ like flies to shit because it makes it easier for them to whore for attention
Sometimes you could just run out of the skip points. I wonder if it will be enough to skip whole patch worth of dailies with the new long term system
>siggy beat even wrio
Actually shocking.
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That's Euler not Cookie!
I can tell because of the eyes. Cookie is a Vishap-person.

I was actually one of the ones roasting metafags for preemptively pretending to "like" Furina from her appearance leaks. That bullshit fake popularity meta characters get so metafags can cope with being soulless and pulling characters they hate.

It inverted after she actually appeared in-game.
Metafags all dogpiled onto Lord Iudex Dragoncock, while Furina only kept the fans who appreciated Furina herself and not her status.
It's actually very sovlful.

I was expecting to skip her. I even said before 4.0
>"The only way they'll get me to pull for her is if she's Blue Fischl."
And then she's Blue Fischl.
>Didn't BotW got complaints about racism at one point?
Yeah, I think Link has to do blackface to enter the Gerudo city
They do that all the time. Why do you think I switched to chinese games?
why cant we get along
How does he go so high can siggy do this?
It's not though. The definition of culture doesn't mention skin color.
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They won.
They won
So you think china would like to see a region representing them but, every character is a vanta black african?
Omnipandering results in many groups who hate each other sharing the same space.
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>how do we stop him?
>Hydro enemies
The only thing they won is my cum dripping out of their pussies.
Now that we know their kits, suggest me some known builds for them.
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I hope the rock rodent is on sharkgirl's banner. That being said, I think Sasuke is neat enough that I won't mind risking him for rodent cons.
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Maluani's kit is out. Can any metafag tell me if she's stronger than Neville?
lv 20 artifacts on all od them
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They don’t even look like they’re from Genshin stylistically. If you compare the skill and burst for most other characters they look simple in comparison. I can’t even tell what the skill and what the normal attack would be for them. Not a bad thing and will get Mualani myself but interesting to see where the devs go with future characters.
We end up attracting kike player base. The side effect of doing business with the west.
So is it bad or not? Make up your mind.
It's irrelevant if they would or not.
Please tell me Neuv's book is good for Mualani
just making 80% of npcs and playable characters dehya/keaya level tan would detooth most of the bitching. they brought it upon themselves.
you're dodging the question
sasuke has a better chance at surpassing neuv than her bwo
Underground better be Desert1 crazy
It’s 88 crit damage so it should be but I don’t think you can use the passive without Furina
Sasuke's competition is Alhabibi
The question has no purpose. It's not a "gotcha", sorry.
the ones that are bitching are a vocal minority that's not even 1% of the playerbase
>shark riding surfer
>weapon is not polearm for a harpoon
>a fucking book
I can ignore all the bitching from fags but if the characters were black, I would not have rolled.
That’s a good point actually
natlan looks like a fart
the map is so strange, so big, yet so small
guess that's intentional, big enough walking around on feet
i accept your concession
granted, that info was from like a decade ago, but blizzard once said that every player produced roughly ~$5 of running costs for them each year. for hardware costs, electricity and customer support.
even if you apply some very liberal inflation to that, even just three welkins would already put you at +-0
this has to be by far no contest the worst summer event
it will just get worse with wanderer slop
why would she want to harpoon a shark if she's riding one?
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>opens and closes the book like a chomping shark
Now what?
they wouldnt be black. theyd be generic brown like cyno. no dreds or whatever you associate with nigs.
it's the first beta
anything we say could end up not applying next week
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What does that have to do with what I said retard?
twitter trannies are not the one spending money so da wei dont care
but metafags who rolls for c6r5 neuvi are the ones da wei do care about. he's a very smart guy. he knows his priorities
Isn't the passive irrelevant considering Mualani is NA and Neuv's book buffs CA?
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Can someone post the image where it's like I kyouko bulbasaur'd Hu tao last night?
Like /gig/?
Her gameplay looks so out there any spreadsheetnigger metafag will probably be wrong anyway
She’ll probably be good anyway, devs won’t make an actually bad dps these days
Does Sasuke need Emilie?
Hate Cyno, Hate Dehya, Hate Xinyan, Hate Iansan, Hate Kaeya, Hate Candace, Hate Sethos. It's that simple.
>what is clorinde
Kinichbros, what pyros will you coping with until we get the pyro archon in 5.2? Thoma?
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>Land of dragons and the nation of war
>War ravages the lands
>Constant conflict between Many tribes
>Aztec guy recruitng a bunch of africans from different tribes because he was kicked out of his original one
>that is what the npcs look like
fucking kek
Surely you can find it on solar beam general
I didn’t realize that yeah you’re right it’s just a 88 crit damage stat stick
But hey 88 crit damage is 88 crit damage and she isn’t attack scaling anyway
>charging $15/mo for WoW
>eACh pLAyeR OnlY pROduCEs $5/year
Yeah I'm sure Bobby paid for those yachts with his own money.
yes. why do you think the thread quality is so abhorrent? they used to all hang out in /alter/, now they are in /gig/
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if you have emilie, one bennett should be enough to keep a good burning aura
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>i accept your concession
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I woke up to this today
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Clorinde is the best electro dps
I wasnt going to roll for her...does he need her?
She's harpooning rival sharks
>>eACh pLAyeR OnlY pROduCEs $5/year
$5 of running costs a year, read the full sentence.
bobby could buy those yachts specifically because players produce almost no cost
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I did
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she is hydro, an OP element which means she will have high synergy with most supporters in the game that are OP. AND she's got exploration skill which is a high value. AND she is half naked. if you skip this idk what are you even playing genshin for
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>they used to all hang out in /alter/, now they are in /gig/
Don't send them back our way. Send them over to some tranny infested game like 14, they'll fit in there.
This is the truth. Raiden doesn't count btw
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Are you me?
the fires she talks to at the end of the trailer are past archons and thats where this other archon is coming from
there wont be another playable archon like there hasnt been for the past instances of "second archon"
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Cyno, Furina, Kinich, Baizhu
Will this team work?
and then you woke up again
There isn’t a single bad Floptaine dps
They are all a tier above the previous dps
Except for maybe Wrio but even he will do fine because he slots easily in Bennett Xiangling or Furina teams
Whichever one you play is just a gameplay and skill expression preference
>Does Sasuke need Emilie?
Not really. What he really needs is an off-field Pyro character and a Deepwood holder. You can make a killer Burgeon team with Sasuke, Naheed, Yellers and Thomas.
>Penguins of 4chan
>the west talking about how zhongli was fine
This didn't really happen, we all knew he sucked dick
>inb4 a twitter screencap of one of the .1% of people who disagreed
You have to choose one between Cyo and Kinich
lmao why are the chinks more interested in kinich than mualani? The NGA polls have him way higher than her. Putting him in second half is really going to make his and mualani's combined tiktok hours look worse.
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How come this NPC is singlehandedly more evil than any playable character we'll ever get?
Kaveh is a biological woman.
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Is MH good on Mualani? I have an absolutely insane set for her that I'd like to use if it's good for her.
The boycott is working.
Bros... I couldn't help it... I listened to the leaked Natlan ost...
Based penguins
he's above the age of consent
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why can't genshin have a character like this?
Cyno/Baizhu/Kinich/Xingqiu if you want all male.
He got the Naruto and Sasuke buff in jo and chinks are metafags because he’ll probably be better than the other dendro dps
She’s a man, chud
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No matter how you cope around it

Clorinde is the actual best electro main dps
Because Chinks are metafags and Kinich is the strongest Dendro character they ever made.
Nilou, Ganyu, Yoimiya, etc. already exist.
Oversaturated waifu market.
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hol up Focalors planned to destroy the Hydro Throne even though that's a huge no-no for Celestia, and were it not for them being "asleep", Fontaine would be nuked to oblivion?

what the fuck were these hydro archons thinking?
Kinich has a 15 seconds off field burst
unmarketable to their primary demographic
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We do.
Don't tell me you only look at skin tone bruh.
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Monster hunter set? I don't know, kirin set seems to be popular.
What a flop
to be honest, I don't blame anyone for roasting metafags for shit like that, hell, I have friends who play this game that preemptively shit on characters designs saying they'll never roll for them character, then the character turns out to be good and they magically will find a reason to roll them and saying they actually like an aspect of them

for example, ive seen them do it with arle (wow animations cool, rolled.) despite the fact that they shat on her for having hideous design (their own words)
ive seen them do it with neuv (haha kamehameha is very coolm rolled) despite the fact that they shat on him for having a dogshit outfit (their own words). some people are just like that lmao
No, the new set gives more crit and without relying on Furina
Why do black people only have electro visions?
NTA but this is a poll before their kits were leaked:

NGA poll so far for most anticipated characters:

454 - Citlali
240 - Mavuika
222 - (None)
124 - Capitano
123 - Kinich
97 - Xilonen
78 - Chasca
59 - Mualani
32 - Kachina
26 - Ororon
9 - Iansan

hi xis, are you dilating today?
Because they finally found someone to make AlHaitham obsolete and its a Spiderman Digimon Sasuka Clone.
Mualani's just ok compared to that.
she's the biggest literally who in fontaine
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Yes. Kinich is literally unusable dogshit unless you have Emilie.
No, he does not. All Emilie does is make his teams do a gigazillion damage instead of the normal zillion. You can get by with only a Collei as the only thing you need is someone to apply 4p Deepwood. However, only Nahida can solo keep a consistent burning aura alongside Kinich's attacks
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I dont really like how big everything in natlan is, this is what having better traversal gives you...stretched out worlds that should be half the size
Candace, Kaeya, Dehya and Xinyan are electro now?
But what if I'm going to run her with Furina regardless?
>make female character that only panders to women
>women don't roll for her
many such cases
I fucking wish we had Electro Xinyan, it's a way better element for a physical character.
KEK, Fontaine flopped because everyone used their saved up rolls to get Furina and then fucked off from the game AHAHAHAHA
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notice how all shitposters moved from scara to natlan again with leaks out
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my pov
There's a reason they mentioned that Oceanids that can create mimics are equivalent to super geniuses.
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Wasn't there a cartoon in the 2000s about that? Like a nog with lightning powers or something? I think it was like static swing or static man or something like that.
Hey Static Shock made the rules bro, cant blame Da Wei for dat!
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The last 3 tries were just practice, this time I'm REALLY gonna nail it
fellow emilieanon! are u going to get her sig? im getting her but my stocks are a bit on the lower end, will have to cope with homa until her rerun
i look at sexy designs
i'm not gay like you
What's big about Natlan?
The apparent plateaus?
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They will seerhe about him in a few days again
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is that a yes?
The archon loves black men
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Is Citlani cute or sexy?
Natlan OST is so fucking kino
they all feel really fresh like Sumeru's
This happens regularly and will until eos even though meta doesn’t even matter in this game
Same reason why so many people magically “liked” Kazuwank as a “chill, cool guy” after skipping his first banner for more popular characters before everyone realized he was meta
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why didn't the siblings sit down and talk to each other? the whole mystery thing is so fucking bullshit


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electrons are niggatively charged
Yep, the truest of bandwagoners.
Same thing for Kazuha.
I bet he even very explicitly spiked in Day 2 pulls, because no one wanted some boring Canadian Aether.
But then a day goes past and all the youtubers they watch proclaim him the best strongest unit ever... even though he's barely a Venti/Sucrose sidegrade, and bam, suddenly they love him.
They never really specify traits they like about him weirdly...
They don't even know his dead friend's name.
They don't even respect that Kazuha himself finds it a great shame to have his friend's deed piled onto him, who had did nothing.
no one will ever adress the elephant in the room as they say
Emilie gives you less team DPS compared to Nahida if you make her a Deepwood holder. Nahida is also better if you're playing the Thoma Burgeon variant.
She's an ugly mayo monkey
Unfortunate really
Youtube, I only checked the 3 battle themes and I can confidently say that it mogs all the previous regions' battle themes, the only thing bad thing I can point out is that if you've already been playing for a while, most battles would probably be over by the time the sovlful vocals kicks in
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truth be told, sigewinne left my saving a bit fucked up. I do not think i'll be able to even get her in the first place if I lose the coinflip.
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Very glad that I find Baizhu so revolting that I don't even know what his kit does.
I wish feminists look like Chiori. I'd be more supportive of their cause if they do.
It’s literally basic math nigga
I’m sure she’ll be fine for the hydro resonance and damage bonus though, but it’s not like she’ll make an artifact set better because it’s just mathematically worse regardless
>posting this with Storm as his avatar
Basically 'Boycott' is a codeword to say 'I'm addicted and can't quit also please add brown people to the game' and the more they say it, the more addicted they are.
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Little brown girls are the best...
You said skin color isn't culture so it's fine to make the africans white. So if they made Liyue characters all darkskinned like africans it would be fine.
Kachina and Iansan will flop
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Your belly button?
Japanese loves mayo.
we dont wanna spend money to pull ugly niggers. and da wei knows that. end of story
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You don't love Kimchi if you skip Emilie
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She'll be the savior of superconduct
>has kino West African vocals
I can see why the xters are irate
"You took our shit and only made us the irrelevant NPCs and mook enemies!?"
KEK, oh ChubbyXiao and T Iff any you rascals.
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it's over
yeah, similarly I rolled c2r1 clorinde which tapped out 350 of my wishes, I will be able to get emilie but very barely assuming i lose coinflip. thankfully i'm not that much interested on natlan so i'll get some time to breath after i get emillie I suppose
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nta but I really don't give a shit.

However... chances are they'll look like shit too, since there isn't a single person with good taste or even the bare minimum of mediocre aesthetics who likes to Blackface characters.
Natlan music goes fucking crazy
that ugly bitch will flop harder than Chiori
>Hasn't been a real leaker for months
>One of the posts he made while coming up with random crack theories (one of which was "There might be another pyro archon that's her mount")
Furina’s aura was too powerful, made everyone flop despite losing relevancy. Should’ve just kept her the Archon
no way me too
he's cute
bro.. imagine if she'll be eula support..
>actual discussion about the gameplay
>actual discussion about new characters
>barely any shitposting
Damn, gig is actually pretty good right now.
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was he right?
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They have no shame
why are melon eaters obcessed with vitiligo?
that shit is literally a disease
Mero is a dataminer
His leaks were always from a beta client or leaked devkit data
Previous ownership rate
Massive drops for Aloy. Newcuties joining for Furina or oldfags leaving because of IT?
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morning alhaitham smell
Even if she was just some kind of generic Cryo support the new artifact set would actually benefit Eula as well.
>he's posting his favorite transitioning cuckold again
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Her lore is pretty metal.
And I think she looks great. Her chest may be clothed but it's tight enough for some great cleavage. Good Ojou appearance overall. Arguably the best looking woman in Fontaine.
I had planned to skip her and break the bank on Siggy C1 or maybe Furina C2, but I ended up backing out ~30 pulls before my guarantee will kick in and will use it to get Mafia Cleaner girl.
I hate this "vitiligo is a race" trend
Damn that sucks
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found em
banjo kazooie start, kind of milquetoast but turns soulful towards with the vocals
far west and ocarina kino, also like the steel drums used
also sounds nice, the trumpets are sexy

i think sumeru's battle ost is still peak though
I feel like kazuha was one of the biggest offenders of that regard, especially considering how he came right before inazuma, and how he came with the changes on elemental mastery, but back then i wanst around communities too much and the people I play with cared less so I wouldn't know
kek, i honestly even forget he exists until i see people using him
Nta, but they can if they want to. However, don't call people racists for not wanting to roll for those characters. Also, definition of culture doesn't mention skin color afaik.
musky and sweaty mmmm
Mero is reliable, he’s a dataminer
It’s just that he’s probably looking at some asset names and speculating base on that on what the story would be
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>stop playing for an extended period of time
>do a 10 pull
>get Navia
>stop playing maybe a couple of weeks later
>return again
>do a 10 pull
>pic related
Has anyone purposefully tested this "don't play for a set amount of time for a free 5*" nonsense?
Isn't Rodriguez a Spanish name? Why is a colonizer talking in the name of the oppressed? She should be cancelled ASAP.
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I just pulled Nilou today. Is this skin worth it? The feet seem pretty nice. But also kinda pricy
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Everything is bigger than what it should be, not crazy giant but it looks off
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yeah, it's specially problematic for me since i actually do care about the natlan designs and i feel like i am going to die if i do not manage to get kachina's c2 since she's unironically the character i am looking the most forward to
if she's in mualani's banner and i lose the coinflip on emilie i may be royally fucked because i do not want mualani at all, so i'm not too willing to risk wasting a coinflip guarantee in her banner
i really, REALLY do not want to miss that kachina c2
What's with the Nilou is dumb meme? I'm doing the event, and she's basically as intelligent as I am.
Yeah that was the only reason I bothered to get to reputation 10 in sumeru or fontaine, probably not doing that for natlan now unless they revert it
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>why are melon eaters obcessed with vitiligo?
>that shit is literally a disease
I wouldn't call the mostly white and "white" faggots who do this "melon eaters" since it sounds like you think it's blacks doing that. I think it's mostly the usual white college virtue signalers.
After all, what's better than a token black person?
A DISABLED token black person!

It's like how they add various gay fetish shit to characters too.
More Checkboxes = More Diverse = Better!
It's so funny how they fetishize vitiligo when everyone who has it absolutely hates it
Wake up
you have a link to this footage?
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ah yes... natlan... home...
oh wow
so she's in charge of cleaning up mutilated murder corpses? damn
wait she's so cute wtf
what are you poor?
In my head, all I hear is
We're so fucking back. Thank you, Yu-Peng Cheng, you were greatly missed in Floptaine.
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why do you fags always ignore people who just want sexy dark skin girls?
if you just wanted to gawk at twitter, then just be honest about it
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I think shes pretty erotic and well, I love glasses so its a nobrainer for me. I wont roll knich but i'm sure i'll make her work without him and use her everywhere so it's whatever
I wish you the best of luck anon, I personally like mualani's voice, but that's as far as it goes and its not enough reason to roll unfortunately. I think the only thing i'll grab on natlan is the archon, only because I have all previous ones.
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nice boycott faggets

Her HP scalings and base HP are stupidly high. It entirely depends on her motion value and gameplay consistency (which both look shit actually) at this point.
But common sense would dictate it's going to get gutted because no amount of shit gameplay can ruin scalings these high.
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>gacha in a gacha
Has gacha gone too far?
Kazuha is 100% the worst case and probably will be until eos
giggers complain about Neuv now but he’s a dps in an already saturated space
Oldfags will remember the shilling, Kazuha was outright mandatory to not make the Ayaka/Raiden and spread out enemy shill abyss feel bad for at least a year, and was literally the only source of easy res shred and damage bonus until Furina during a time when the roster was a lot smaller
the only people here who actually hate natlan are brigaders from /wuwa/ mad because we're actually getting content
>listen to ost leaks
You fags have fallen so low.
you got navia twice in a couple of weeks when her banner came out yesterday?
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i hope she's a electrocharged DPS
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Wormvillette did not, in fact, win.

Mualani will be extremely powercrept to compensate. Right? Right?
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there is literally nothing to boycott though? i personally like my game nigger-free
Setting aside Tower of Flop having them, there's one in Penacony too.
When real men say they want 'sexy dark skin girls' they mean tanned white women not nigger sheboons that liberal x users want.
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Did you win the 50/50?
The OST is the best thing about the game, why wouldn't OST leaks be the first thing I check?
Life is a gacha with no pity.
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am i not supposed to
blame mihoyo for putting the osts in the beta, I'm not gonna gatekeep my ears from having sex
sounds like Rayman 3
This shit makes me feel like some cowboy inca shaman colonizer racemixing with the daughter of an african warlord, which means the music is good.
Leaks are great so that I can prepare myself to feel the correct emotions once I hear it in game.
they know that they themselves are kinda ugly and shit, so they look for something even more ugly and shit to praise, because it will also elevate them too.
they don't actually care about people with vitiligo, it's just an excuse to try and uplift their own standing without openly admitting that this is what they are after
Name one sexy black anime girl
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I haven't played in about 6 months
I got her initially after a hiatus
then I got a constellation after another hiatus.
i only care about story spoilers
>Mualani will be extremely powercrept to compensate. Right? Right?
No. People will sleep on her at release, claim she's good but not as strong as Flopvillette, but then the Pyro Archon will make her broken. Screencap this.
Wtf! Just purchased out of spite
>Thank you, Yu-Peng Cheng
Because it's the best thing. Why the fuck do you listen to it before the region is released? That's like giving your virginity to a local street whore instead of a wife who loves a long time.
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EN Emilie is voiced by a VTuber...
I like everything about Mualani but her actual combat gameplay
music is such an important part of a game. just look at wuwa. that game's bgm makes me wanna turn it off. its a joke man. I remember when sumeru launched and got to port ormos the bgm just fucking hit me. and I looked online to find everyone having same reaction. crazy. same reason why nier automata will always be a GOAT to me. music is just so important in gaming
i want to slobber on nilou's feet like a fucking dog bros
Kazuwank was more dominant than Neuv ever will be
There was no dendro back then and the roster was way smaller
Hell, Klee and Diluc and Venti were probably gigashilled in 1.0 but I wouldn’t know because I started in 2.0
Glad we have like 80 characters and growing now so we’ll never go back
Is Emilie the most skippable character ij Fontaine?
And how would you make a hydro DPS more broken without making Neuv even more broken, genius anon?
>no not her she has white features
is it No True Scottsman time already
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You are a turbo faggot.
t.white norwegian
Meh. Many VAs are doing streaming as a side job these days.
How would you rate Fontaine's OSTs?
Evil Russian composer spirit told him to go back to Genshin
true, but are you stoned? this is very deep introspection from a gigger
Damn. Too real.
scandinavians aren't white anymore bwo
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It's begun.

>Hot tribal waifus chanting
>Pan flute
>Monkey Island vibes
Fucking KINO. We're finally beating Sumeru with this one.
i feel like it's specially important that the combat themes be good, and i'm kinda upset that they didn't give the combat themes any spotlight in the itto music festival back in 4.6
the combat themes are the themes you'll hear the most often, they HAVE to be the very best the game has to offer
>Mualani will be extremely powercrept
esl anon...
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I want him to pat my head like this
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There are more pressing issues at the moment, sorry.
i’m not listening to natlan’s ost rn but i doubt they will ever beat the masterpiece that is jolts in the forest
i think part of the issue is our experience with dark-skinned girls irl. like, if you live in America and have to deal/interact with nig women then you know that they're the bottom of the barrel. but if you've lived elsewhere or away from crackhead nigwomen then you probably like darker skinned girls more
I never felt any pressure to get any new unit in Fontaine because I had everything I needed already
But the pressure to roll for him was way higher back then and I did end up rolling for him
English Dub will be removed by 6.0.
Call me crazy but I hear YPC's distinct style in these tracks. I think he might have come back as a consultant or supervisor.
>I remember when sumeru launched and got to port ormos the bgm just fucking hit me. and I looked online to find everyone having same reaction.
Sumeru's OST was so fucking good man
Candace looks like a tanned white woman
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>Mualani will be extremely powercrept
I love waifupags
Natlan OST sound like shit. LMFAO
Kazuha out of nowhere
The war-ravaged lands...
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>a video not made by /ourguy/
>the masterpiece that is jolts in the forest
Bro, that's the weakest of Sumeru's combat tracks.
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you will never be white pedro
i want kazuha to bend me over and swirl my anus until i splooge
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POST YFW YOU HEAR [unintelligible african chant chorus]
wormvillette flopped
i hope they pull a snowbreak
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hopefully they remove paimon with it

then post something better bitch nigga
Someone post fanart of Furina that involves a bottle of water or a small body of water nearby.
Music is the soul of a game. Nips knew it, and now chinks are finally understanding it. The world is healing. Also Enkanomiya is still my favourite ost by region.
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no that’s the best one alongside swirls of the stream
the weakest ones would be the ones in the desert
Tectone is woke now.
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How do flopvillette worms coping with his recent nerf?
>African central only marginally better than Sweden
Kek, figures the guy from the place that swarmed IShowSpeed like rats would kowtow to parasites.
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Daily reminder: Wear your monkeyspeak amulets when entering /gig/
for me its the dubstep
If an African game studio made something on par with Genshin with this much cultural variety and they blackwashed all the characters while making them fit the made up regions I'd happily try it, but it would not appeal to China and they would have no responsibility pandering to Chinese. Nothing is stopping anyone from doing that.

Are the english VAs that complained about culture getting fired yet? I hope so
>recent nerf
>he doesn't know
>music is such an important part of a game
Always be
>the weakest ones would be the ones in the desert
Right, I forgot the desert is part of Sumeru. Worst Genshin OST by far, except for Sorush's area.
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True, but I mean that goes for any color.
No one wants devolved looking fatties regardless of skin tone. The main difference is rate of occurrence.
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>He doesn't know
Enjoy your free 100 pull by the way
Courtesy of him
Post composers better than yu pingpong. I'll start

Browns getting internet access was a mistake
Kachina 224
Mualani 222
Paimon 178
Traveler 112
??? 62
Kinich 47
Pacal 29
Balam 22
Hikueru 19
Marokau 13
Amina 12
Furina 11
Tonina 11
Cival 10
Yelafath 10
Lamanai 9
??? 9
Charlotte 8
Ajaw 8
Toto 7
??? 6
??? 6
??? 5
Tepexpan 5
Navia 4
Clorinde 4
??? 2
Venti 2
??? 1
Lisa 1
I want to roll for good looking characters, not ugly ones
The desert has Apep's gut becteria, and that slimy motherfucker's theme is Godly.

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Where is the 10 roll
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they're not getting fired. you can say whatever the fuck you want on twitter with no repercussions if you are a voice actor because most companies could give two shits

then roll for gogomi
right and on averages most western american women are fit with healthy large breasts, not to mention their higher rates of blonde hair and blues eyes signifies healthier geneticisms for offspring
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>shitmerufag is here
Already did
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They won't add SEA culture in natlan, right? I'm SEAfag but I hope I don't see our cultural references in this game, because I know im going to be seeing worse twittard seething than Latin Americans especially Filipinos
>right and on averages most western american women are fit with healthy large breasts
the average american woman is overweight
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Only for CN server, gweilo.
>Wormpagsley isn’t getting reran in 5.0 either
Lmao Mihoyo is really struggling with this one
>comparing years old trailers to 2 days
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Cool, good for them.
But his point still stands.
The "jungle fever" girls guys want are NOT the women who need to borrow those golf cart things to move around the local Target.
I remember people being mad she wasn't dark enough either, black fetishists can' stand the sight of a moderately light desi woman and had to give her corn rows and a huge flat nose.
Seanig hands typed this.
is there a single character that can make use of navias weapon, i wanna roll for nilous but i know i'll get bricked
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This is how we should treat anime/genshin fags
Shoji meguro shits on yupencheng

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Furina is literally a femboy
Bleach's character design is so peak even the black girls are hot as fuck.
did the leakers lie about unique running animations?
the 5.0 characters have the same animations and feel the same as old characters
pagrina is so ugly
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I'm still waiting for a 6 episode anime called "Big Brother Oni-Chan" about a young girl and her big brother who is an oni.
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i forgot to save the kachina closeup image so pretend this is it
niggers here told me 5.0 would bring in graphic update with new models
what happened to that shit?
>a reason to build my UNMATCHED
i'm ok with this actually
Yeah, Mualani’s animations feel a bit more polished than usual but that’s it
They already are.
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stop noticing anon, also they released ZZZ the new hip game, give them some slack
Ex-fucking-cuse me bro???
Swirls of Samshir (desert btw) is literally THE Sumeru battle theme, the one they chose for the livestream orchestra.
You probably skipped the underground areas which have EXCLUSIVE god tier battle themes
Chupacabra technically died in Fontaine, so leakers were kinda right.
Meh, I'm more of a tschuya + aoki (rip) man myself
Majin tensei and PS1 P1 are goated
i really expected the characters to feel fresh, but besides shark girl it's just more of the same
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Listen to Travail's Natlan Music, that should remind you of a very familiar piece of music
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Genshit could NEVER
> I remember when sumeru launched and got to port ormos the bgm just fucking hit me
Same but with https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IvMxXeJrq3Y
When the music played the first time when I entered qingce village, it hit me in the feel. It was like the feeling of returning home after years of absence.
Is this what bullying has become? Back in my day you were bullied for being fat, short, ugly or black.
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Just wanna make sure, is 3/4 of the event locked until like a week later as usual?
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is there a spell i can cast to remove mental illness from the world?
or do i just have to disable the internet worldwide?
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>imagine listening genshin music in public

you deserve to be bullied
I mean, if her connection to that Perinheri book is any indication, she probably did that ritual where she had to say that she is dead or something.
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And i love Emilie.
You need to go back.
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They aren't borrowing anything (yet) from what we've seen so far. I'm quite puzzed they somehow got a Maori deity before picking anybody from there.
But yeah, flips are indeed the most vocal from that region. Hoping for one of their deities get added and be as white as Neuv.
create a better thread
how many long term encounter points for a single day? 16?
Rangda and Barong fucking WHEN
>lisa and venti
Based. Also I thought Ajaw would talk too much like Paimon.
>/gig/ thread
you can only pick one
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There's no such thing as SEA culture.You niggas are like pajeets when it comes to being unbearable on the internet but have no thousand year old heritage of blue elephant gods making their servants crash head first into a train for no tiktok clout.
Kek and fujos wonder why theyre hated just as much as male incels.
If Gensimps thought things were bad before in the western weeb social spheres, imagine how fucked up it's gonna be post Natlan where it's "HA PEDORACISTS" in every American game group.
Do males really bully females in high school? Even in my shithole school you only bullied your own gender
Better thread
Geo is a dead-end element.

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