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Previous: >>486522413

>Ignition Teaser: A Name Forged in Flames
https://youtu.be/O2ATH__rtQo (EN)
https://youtu.be/q__fo0CSEcE (JP)

>Natlan Preview Teaser - Need a Hand?
https://youtu.be/XOK1F9TLEH8 (EN)
https://youtu.be/LCMimNAlsqs (JP)

>Event "Summertide Scales and Tales" live until August 28

>Current character banner: Navia, Nilou, Kaveh, Ningguang, Kirara
>Current weapon banner: Verdict (Claymore), Key of Khaj-Nisut (Sword)

>Daily check-in rewards (permanent)

>Redeemable Codes (all regions): https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/gift

>Useful Links (Wiki, Simulators, Maps, Character Builds, /gig/ friendlist, Third-Party Tools, etc.)

/gig/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
Start by denouncing Neuvillette as the shit character who ruined Genshin Impact and I might take you seriously
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GODpitano chooses this thread
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Every Genshin fan gets bullied. How can we stop the bullying epidemic?
yeah, this one
Start by praising Neuvillette as the GOAT who saved Genshin Impact and I might take you seriously
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sex with alhaitham
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Thanks for the rolls, neuvCHUDS. I will use them on the hydro hebe... or maybe the pyro archon but NOT chudvillette ahahaha
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pic related
Why are females getting BULLIED and PANTSED over GENSHIN?
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The summer event sucks so far. I can't wait for Wanderer to save it
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At least it's not Fischlslop.
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For me, it's my beloved kekaposter.
Same because I already rolled for IVDEX
the flaming safe horny goddess...
fuck off, stop creating double threads nigger
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meanwhile in the better game
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>Contact your local politicians
*Phone ringing*
Hello? Mr mayor? We have a serious problem! You see, there's this Chinese video game and they are making characters inspired by native american mythology but get this: the characters aren't black enough! We have to fix this! How does this effect our country? Umm... Racism effects everyone! We have to do something!... Umm... Hello? Mr mayor? Where did you go?
Is it in phases unlocked over time as usual?
>Gonna be called "racists" alongside pedos and exploited paypigs
Fujos keep winning yeah?
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Why did she give kavehface to Xilonen lmao?
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Does this IMAGE trigger Genshin players?
Kavehfans when someone tells them not every female is him
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i dont see her appeal
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Kaveh is really sexy
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>ZZZ and Genshin unironically has good writing
I can't recover from seeing Cheld in the B tier
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Is that pic real? Do these people really have no self awareness?
When will we have something this sexo in Genshin?
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It's "affect", bro, not "effect".
Natlan OST should have been live this.
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Worst design of Natlan characters so far.
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previous phase for comparison
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I want to marry Neuvillette
What would Chad Warden think of Genshin?
It happens sis. They will all be down there eventually
When is Genshin getting some peak shonenKINO OSTs?

he's not real tho
this looks like some twitter artist's OC
Based. Neuvillette is for female self insert
Is this the same Abyss lineup?
It's literally impossible to powercreep Neuvillette+Furina combo
What can Mualani do?

This would be the strongest core until eos
we know furina
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for me it's jinhsi
I am sure there’s a target audience for this just as there’s apparently a target audience for emilie and baizhu
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It's explorin' time!
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floprina LOST
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My lowest ownership rate wife...
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Stop BULLYING us dammit!
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>Is that pic real? Do these people really have no self awareness?
Of course they don't.
>and more things that never happened
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They're literally doing paper bag tests on twitter now
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I like Nahida
They genuinely think that going f2p but still playing would actually hurt Mihoyo and they'll eventually listen to their demands.
the safe horny elf lady...
explorin' their vaginal cavities
I know but it's funny that hyv keeps releasing hydro dps that powercreep him more and more.
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so, free kachina?
THIS right here is why femcels are bullied irl in American cities. You gon get the hydropump fo real yo.
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She looks better than Mavuika here
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>floprina LOST
in a alternative universe
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how did we go from this...
Monsieur Neuvillette...
I want to suck on her toes until I suffocate
Go back.
That thigh gap though.
I don't even like Himeko and damn.
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>no cooldown
dont care
I regret rolling for Yelan
I regret rolling for Xianyun
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>Kinich can use his skill in mid air
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Mualani got BLACKED
Unfortunately for the rest of the industry, Soken might be an once-in-a-generation talent for game OSTs
Genshin's music gets praised a lot but I feel like it's just people who haven't really played that many games
My own gf fawned over the game's OST, and while some songs are indeed good, after she started playing FFXIV, her Spotify is filled with XIV's albums
Nothing in Genshin ever gave me chills like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-f47Qo5uLDE
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>mindbreaks incels 24/7 since his release
>gets nerfed after several months, his haters think they finally have the upper hand or something
>in less than a single day the nerf gets reverted and hoyo apologizes with 1600 primos
>haters reach mindrape levels that we thought weren't possible, literally foaming at the mouth and screaming in tears
who could've thought the levels of mindbreak from kazuha on /gig/ were only a small fraction of what was coming
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You guys think they're actually going to use the flying swords thing on her instead?
that's not what that means
But muh leakers said that the Electro Dragon is a Kobeni clone...
Why is Siggy so high? How is she being played?
I will shamelessly use and shill this loli even if she had Neuv's kit but purple.
I like Ganyu.
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...to this
look at the start of vid 2. It's a Mualani tech! probably
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mualani reminds me so much of xiangling i don't know why apart from the fact that i want to fuck the shit out of both of them
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how do we nuke twitter
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When did actual cleavage become halal again??
>weapon boosts NAs
>gets stacks from vaping
Sounds like she is gonna be the new vape core with Mavuika (or Iansan, one of them has to be the pyro Xingqiu)
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Wonder what his usage rate will look like after Sasuke. Hope it won't be as bad as Hu Tao after Arlecchino
bro is chonky
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Join the boycott
genki girls are the best
Should have gone with short leather hot pants.
>homotroons still at it
It gets better after highschool, little guy. Unless you're a fag.
this is cringe but still miles better than the posts from desperate virgins and pedophiles in this general
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it's not 2021 anymore bro...
kinich is so lucky
genki girls are the worst
use the rat child you fucking coward
It's accurate though?

I am reminding every good monsieur to please roll for Emilie, s'il vous plaît.
It would be my greatest pleasure as well as my gift to my lovely granddaughter.

While you're at it, buy your girlfriend a gift.

Au revoir gig
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Very end of vid 6. The climb doesn't seem that good.
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Friendly reminder that she's Italian
>all support roles
>no black characters
Why didn't you just pull for Dehya?
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i will be the only one using him
reminds me of this novel

Emilie is a serial killer that creates her scents by murdering good smelling girls
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What's wrong with Alhaitham being pale? Why do twitterfags think it's ok to stereotype all Middle Easterners as brown?
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I will pull Emilie.
why are there barely any mualani porn?
>literally furina's cocksleeve
lmao nice char
Retard. The Electro dragon was chopped to pieces by Raiden during the Archon war, you can see its skeleton on Yashiori island.
-stupid hat
-stupid asymmetric detached sleeve
-stupid asymmetric pants
sorry, she's unplayable
she is safe horny
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I don't understand the second team. Whatever Siege is providing is not beating out 40% damage for Neuve.
I guess its just whatever. Like Hu Tao with Furina and Zhong
fuck amber, luv me wife keka
Nino still lost.
>he's still posting twitter screenshots
/gig/gers, explain
I wonder who will save Cheld from National comp.
Even Ayato has team variety.
Damn Kinich can do literally everything
Monster Hunter Wirebug swinging
Using his weapon mid air
So loyal...
zzz took all the fanarts, it's over...
Orobachi wasn't the electro dragon
don't use the word "retard" if you don't know shit about the lore
>retarded mentally ill delusional shitposter thinks he is any better than a highschooler
Holy mother of delusions. In case you couldn't figure out why your parents hate you, then this is why.
This is just someone having fun on twitter, it's basically the same thing as "omg I want to have sex with [character]" that people post here
thanks, that looks worse than kirara what the fuck
uh oh melty
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Finally! a Brown person! That wasn't so hard, Mihoyo, was it?
meant for this other retard
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i love turning evil men into my dumb sex slaves
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I love Chasca's design
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imagine having a melty over someone wanting to fuck cute boys
>can't even quote the right post
lmao what a retard
>xianyun - buffs xiao, a dps irrelevant for years
>chiori - buffs itto, a dps irrelevant for years
>emille - buffs burning, a reaction irrelevant ever since it came out
who is next? which natlan character gonna buff a completely unexpected, irrelevant character/reaction?
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She has Lyria(GBF) VA and nips don't like lewding her
Every character is Furina's cockcleeve. She changes meta so much that every team becomes 3 time better if played around her.
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Is it considered "reddit" to like Klee?
Clit will revive cryo

We've been explorecrept..
wtf nobody told me Navia was fun
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Cheld is smart, women just headcanon he's dumb because yumes like men who are like golden retrievers.
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What would change if Kaveh was a girl?
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merry christmas!!!
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Klee is the 4chan girl
One of the Electro or Cryo characters will buff Eula. The Natlan support Artifact set strangely gives physical damage bonus as well as elemental.
>mentally ill retard has nothing to say
I accept your concession
You lust for little girls.
How is little boys any different?
She can powercreep him in single target. He'll still be better in any non-boss room.
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did you skip sumeru?
Clit or Iansan, huh
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So why are japanese people still holding grudges against China?
Her plunge comp is very fun.
Only thing that holds her back from being T0 is her element.

If only she's pyro...
Explain to me why I simply can't just use Furina + a natlan with the new set for mega colossal buffs
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If you want to headpat Klee then yes. If you want to have mating press sex with Klee then no.
>Chiori buffs Itto
If that's true then she's doing a terrible job.
CR is at least an universal unit.
Have fun at the game club.
Notice how some Scara giggers are flocking in to defend that display of mental illness. Kudos, looks like you hit a nerve.
Wanderkeks of /gig/, be prepared to bring pepper spray to conventions. You never know when Jamal might wanna deck you for supporting the racist kid-diddling chinese game.
Are you a fag or something?
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>Cheld is smart
Like when he got played by everyone in Liyue? or Fontaine? LMAO
I can see this. A Natlan Electro battery with signifficant off-field damage would kick Raiden out of Eula teams.
>Africa is only sub-Sahara
>Africa and the Levant are the same thing
>Africa, Central Asia and the Middle East are the same thing
>It must be blackest black
>India is black
>Entirety of Asia is orange now for some reason
ewwww who is this creature???
They kept pushing a false narrative about a rape of nine kings or something
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/gig/ would stop being tsundere about wanting to fuck him
because japan can't make decent games unlike china
What's her best plunge comp? Sadly she might conflict too much with my Xiao
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What if I'm both?
I already accepted your concession, no need to concede twice.
Mihotard literally losing money because of their artifact system
I wanted to swipe for Navia but since I haven't got good enough artifacts for Clorinde I'm skipping
the dash only lasts a few seconds like yelan's
it's the same as arlecchino beta videos showing infinite floating time
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>Got played in Liyue
His boss literally sent him on a suicide mission without telling him anything like the fact his informant is his target
>Played in Fontaine
??? He won his trial just the judgement meter fucked him over. BTW he busted out of the maximum security prison in one week flat
Nips are currently getting giga raped in their own market. The most popular gachas are now made by chinks or gooks.
reminder that neuvillette and wrio have more certified gay moments than these two people push as gay
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Nahida is really sexy.
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I only want to headpat Klee.
But I have nothing against lolis and never go to reddit.
Didn't Japan make that Breathe in the Wilds game that directly inspired Genshin?
Westoids made homosexuality a norm.
How long until pedophilia becomes socially accepted?
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then you are le heckin based 4channel poster
You all did read the frog and shelf story right? Fat Xiao worked hard on it.
Worked fine with Mika from BA,same VA.
You obviously can. Furina's buff is so over the top and is universally good that you can run her with literally any team. How the fuck and almost 200% damage increase is now somehow bad because a 50% damage increase artefact set came out? Fucking lmao.
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>xianyun buffs xiao
>chiori buffs itto
Have neuvkeks gotten over it?
They shouldn't have given her elf ears so she could at least look decent.
men prefer sex with other men
He would be FOTM hagslop
Golden archipelago is still the best map
Xiao used to be at 3% or so.
melty melty
She looked better in the trailer
ت nara
It's a good story.
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>Golden archipelago is still the best map
this is so grim
Sasuke vs Shogun
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No one plays console/pc games nowadays. The most lucrative market is mobile. Japs cannot into mobile market especially global one because 'nippon only market prease andastand we don wan yo maniy'.
>usagerateschizo doesnt understand what the word buff means
Chenyu Vale is the best region by far and it's not even close
Nah, the one with Fischl's castle is the best by a country mile. People claiming the first GAA is the best map are blinded by nostalgia.
It's just a small difference but how does wanderer have a higher usage rate than xiao even with xianyun around?
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I feel Mihoyo is the Chinese equivalent of liberal company that wants to suck off the West, I cannot explain the French homo shilling otherwise
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Remember to keep playing but not spending. stay (free to play).
God this character looks awful. Who the hell greenlit this.
Leftist are illiterate and think not white=black. What else is new?
if only they gave its moveset to a badass male or a cute girl
hard skip either way
Kachina sucks at climbing.. whats the point
It's okay, I'll buy an extra Battle Pass.
That covers 2 boycotter's Welkins.
And that's already like half the boycotters.
I really like her color scheme
that mobility is insane wtf
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Anon stop you're going to attract the lolicons.
Ugh I wish my dad looked like Wriothesley. Imagine getting groomed by him <3
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Why did I get Alhaitham

I deeply regret my decision
I stopped spending money when Kaveh showed up.
Aren't Middle Eastern and North African people very light skinned? I don't see the issue
gosh I sure do love monotonous blue haze and unnecessary sloping ground everywhere
I read this as go size queens...
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My favourite is that Love Live gacha which announced their global release date and EoS date simultaneously.
we are getting characters that do like 2x the damage of the current roster and you think eula, a character that was mediocre even in 1.0, has chances to be saved? a support should buff her damag by like 4x to make her viable at this point
if they plan anything for phys they'll just release a new dps with bigger numbers and better mechanics
This guy is dope as hell, will roll for sure.
>swings a rope and hits mid air
>can plunge if he wants
Holy fucking kino. He's easily the character with the most thought going on.
Keka is the blueprint. I unironically regret rolling for Clorinde, now I have to wait for this nigga to get a rerun.
>so mindbroken, he is stuck repeating the same thing over and over
That's a yikes from me.
Wormsleyfags are so mentally ill
Eula is the most heterosexually oriented character in the entire game, any sane man is looking to play her.
they wish they were lol
The slow death of masks in harbingers need to studied.
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Gosh all I can think of is making babies with Miko... *sigh*
With the way Genshin is going he'll be outphased before he gets a rerun.
Might as well just save for the next one.
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Tsaritsa: "What is GOATHIMTANO to all of you?"

Pierro: "If I am Her Majesty's right-hand man, then he certainly is her left-hand man, which is befitting of his title as..."

Il Dottore: "He understandably disagree with my modus operandi. I try my best not to negatively stimulate his sense of justice. The risk of fighting him is proven to be unfavorable, for he is..."

Columbina: "He has a pure heart. Oh, and he's also..."

Arlecchino: "A mysterious man. But one thing is clear, he is no doubt..."

Pulcinella: "The honorable defender of this nation. Our people can certainly sleep well at night under the protection of..."

Scaramouche: "He's annoyingly popular. Can't they see the latent danger brought about by..."

Sandrone: "... He's..."

La Signora: "His honor doesn't allow him to accept my methods, yet he's never shown aggression toward me. I used to know some people like that. Unfortunately, the tide of darkness had devoured them all. But he's still here, he truly is..."

Pantalone: "An efficient operator. Maintaining the army takes a large amount of resource. That's why I much appreciate it when he takes on personal mission alone. He has never failed, a proof of being..."

Tartaglia: "My goal. One day, I'll prove my worth against him, and rightfully claim his seat as..."

Everyone: "...The strongest."
We range from pale to brown you racist fuck
Honestly might pull for him. Apparently quickbloom is decent for him? Not pulling for Emilie.
Haitam's gate of babylon looks cooler.
Why? They unnerfed Neuvillette, so there is no reason to boycott now
>ben 10 watch
>fucking pixel dragon
>swings a rope and hits mid air
not going to lie bros, he looks like a KH character
and i'm fucking all for it, holy shit

as a coommodder, one thing I have to say for wuwa is it has way better booba physics. Feels like some anally retentive CCP morality soccermom watches over every hoyo female to make sure boobs don't move more than .725 inches per second. Meanwhile kuro's got a horny single 35yo animator they let go nuts because they know nobody gives a fuck.

I know there's an arlecchino mod that gives her butt jiggle, I wanna see that arcane technology used more.
I love Enkanomiya's atmosphere
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Late as hell but it is what it is. This cycle is annoying.
kill yourself
Team damage hasn't seen much powercreep, contrary to popular belief. Hu Tao teams do as much damage as Arlecchino teams and more than Neuvillette teams. What we actually got is comfortcreep, not powercreep.
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>bitch and moan endlessly on twitter
>”we’ve totally backed them into a corner guys!
These people are so used to everyone bending the knee at the first accusation of racism that they can’t comprehend hoyo simply not giving a fuck
>all that cringekino
is this the fabled male for hetero men?
>he'll be outphased
You might be right. All three Natlan starter characters look mechanically fun above and beyond everything else before them.
New combat designer perhaps???
>Can continue the E even if interrupted
Everyones glazing the Shark girl but he may actually be the Big powercreep here as far as single target damage goes
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Any idea why they randomly sent this out?
brown isn't a race
Uh oh redditor getting more melty!
>mfw watching a France/England vs Egypt soccer match
>Or France/England vs Argentina/Urugway
Twitter should have been complaining about Fontaine being white if they wanted their "representation" to feel coherent with what's happening IRL. Asia, North Africa and South America are all currently whiter than Europe.
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Sometimes being smaller and niche has its perks.
>reverse neuvillette spin
meh, aoe showcases when?
Natlan will be more homo than Sumeru, have lots of shipping and wank the sovereign harder than Fontaine, but as payback the women will be overtly lewder than usual.
You rike?
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xiaoGOD ...
Absolutely SoulleSs aka A.S.S
>We backed them into a corner
>They haven't even acknowledged us
No he isn't
Looks very fun to play at least
kfc collab
test servers can't be trusted this early
Not even Wuwa characters have this much mobility. This is what a must-pull looks like.
Post it again
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Same energy
Ugly as fuck this looks like vomit with the pixel minecraft zoomer shit all over the place
He'll get both animation and powercrept within two patches
>shounenfag pfp
>shounenshit on account name
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>These people are so used to everyone bending the knee at the first accusation of racism that they can’t comprehend hoyo simply not giving a fuck
If people just ignored and shrugged off the big spooky r-word the big spooky n-word (nazi not nigger), they would instantly lose all their power.
Bonus points if you also ignore historically impossible events with no physical evidence of occurring.
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>4.8 hypest moment was Neuvillette oneshotting Hoyoverse's bugfix and gifting (you) 1700 primos on top of it.
>Hoyo's Brown characters aren't dark enough so I'm gonna play a game with zero Brown or Black characters!
Explain this "logic."
how is that soulless? It's literally impossible to clear this abyss without triple hydro neuvillette thanks to dumb pyro lectors, yet he's done it only with furina
Homofujos are...too strong...
can we please, PLEASE share some Shenhe pics in here. I crave Shenhe
>ugly manlet is a must pull
Yes he is
I don't like that Natlan towns looks so Third-World Core. I wish they'd ditch the Afripoor aesthetic and fully commit to medieval Aztec architecture.
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Erm I did it with only Neuvilette and Furina
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Signorakeks status?
>t's literally impossible to clear this abyss without neuvillette
Holy shitter
>we've backed them into a corner!
>how come they haven't acknowledged us?
Do these people even think for just half a minute
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>use Xiao/Xianyun/Faruzan/Furina
>Xiao is constantly at death’s door
Should I just go all in on healing with the bird?
>Beautiful, secretly well-endowed short king with the best VA in the industry and the most fun kit in the game is not a must pull
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I wanted to do first half with Clorinde but marking a new wave of enemies with Nahida every 3 seconds was giving me conniptions.
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What has happened to this board? Not even ACK is getting deleted anymore. Newfag jannies, no jannies or simply indifference?
>mavuika has a zipper along her ass
>K, B, XL
>not soulless
>best VA in the industry
>most fun kit in the game is the sfx overload zoomshit with no feedback that doesn't even fit thematically
>they've nerfed mondo domains
I'm so gonna miss these good challenges.
they still think phoning their local city council member is more effective than threatening hoyo staff members personally, it's lost cause
>without triple hydro neuvillette
you mean mono hydro neuvillette
there are only 50 posters in /vg/ so if janny ban more than one our board will be slow as fuck
Just so we are clear, I'd have sex with every version of Kinich. White, Red, Brown, Black, whatever.
Hutao saying this while the other game is bringing a certain character back is funny
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Jeanies were on it when a certain someone was almost assassinated. They just don't care.
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To be fair, that's how all cucks think globally and it prevents a lot of problems from being fixed.
Mihoyo KNEELS to Neuvgods
Just curious, but how? I run her with double attack, all attack mainstats and I feel invincible with Xiao.
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It's not reverted yet.
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FINALLY some damned fluffy TAILS.
Is he related to Nahida?
should i swipe for nillou's outfit?
Are her cons worth swiping for?
They still have the time to delete a shitter in the love live general several times a thread. They just live in their generals, I guess.
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Bros I don't think I can afford both Emilie and Kinich ...
What do???
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It's not that much different but the bare feet look great.
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Why are Russians so fucked in the head?
>should i swipe for nillou's outfit?
if you like it
>Are her cons worth swiping for?
don't be gay
Ask your mom for 3 welkins. Or ebeg on tiktok for them.
skip both, they look like shit
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I’m going to have to delete a GARBAGE game (garbage aka gacha). Which game to delete and which game to keep, especially one which respects my time?
>should i swipe for nillou's outfit?
Hair is better, cute feet sounds, good view while gliding.
xbalanque won't be playable
If your time is the main concern get rid of runescape
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Looks cool. Too bad he'll flop because no straight man rolls for a manlet
Arguably, Yelan's C1 abd Hu Tao's C1 are worth it more than most since they give more functionality and not just some roundabout damage boost.
There may be more that i forgot.
Delete Disney plus
Mid Piece and Flop Tail barely count as shonen
thank you, these looks very squishy and squeezable
Speaking of which, do we know if it'll actually be Tingyun, or just Phantylia controlling a corpse puppet of Tingyun? What are the chances that she's Agate and the whole Phantylia possession thing is why she was MIA during that Stoneheart meeting?
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Grand sage but red
You know it to be true.
>b-but the f-flavor t-texterino
Grand sage
>t-the heckin c-cool t-title
But red
>noooOooOOoOOO xbalanque will be playable, c-chud! A-and he WILL be B-BLACK
>I-I can't breath *dies*
Download Mahjong Soul
I'm legit confused on the theatre thing, when i warped there you talked to the wolf plush in cutscene.

But there seems to be new rewards but the challenge didn't reset, i still have my 8 clear from last patch.
What am I missing?
There's the echo stuff sure but that's cosmetics isn't it?
HSR, ZZZ, and BA respect your time the most with the quickest dailies
>ranged dmg dealer claymore user
Sold sold sold
No, her cons are not worth it to be honest. The outfit is pretty shit apart from the bare feet, that bit is cute.
My powercrept out of relevance gf Keka is so cute.
Is Kinich a ST character?
Talking about wife? :3
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ganqing has been dead ever since charlotte showed up at lantern rite
Install a zip app manager that reduces the file size of your apps when not in use, you'll just need to reserve some overhead for your biggest app so it can unzip properly and accept that games may take a few more seconds to open.
I dunno, maybe Zhongli’s shield made me forget how to dodge because I sometimes take stray hits and either Xiao or Faruzan just fold over and die
Neuv and Arle for the interruption resist is definitely worth it imo
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Post BLACK edits
>Too bad he'll flop because no straight man rolls for a manlet
I'm a straight man. I also don't have this weird complex you have so I'm fine with pulling manlets. Not this one though. He's tied to Emilie and is single target and staggerable. Imagine him against consecrated beasts.
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Hows the sound when she walks? Do they add the new sfx since she's barefeet now?
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It plap plap plaps.
If you think that's worth 9 rolls, then go ahead.
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>give Minecraft fag a badass kit, fantastic animations, high mobility, aerial combat, huge powercreep and explorationcreep
>give Emilie A FUCKING LAMP
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>people rolled for Alhaitham 2 patches before this
Why do they never make the girls this cool and unique?
you will never be straight bipag, go back to futa generals on /d/
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Should I roll for Navia?
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>Spiral Abyss
>Fighting Magu Kenki
>Realizing this Fucker is not loosing any HP

So... even Navia HITS LIKE A TRUCK, Bosses wont lose Damage because they are still Stuck in their 1 Phase Attack Animation/ Cycle blablabla

So from 6 Navillion Damage the Boss only takes 3 because, Fuck you thats why?
Why the haircut?
alhaitham has uncesored design unlike kinchi
Don't know about Neuv since I'm not a homofujoshitterspic but I haven't felt like Arle was being thrown around much if at all.
please reply

Why play Genshin when you already play the superior Genshin (Wuthering Waves)
Yes, I rolled her when she first came out and she never left my team since. She's too much fun to pass up.
Neuv is so powerful and based he gave everyone 1600 primos by merely existing
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Not gonna lie, I feel a bit scammed for the rolls I wasted on Fontaine characters seeing how much work went into the Natlan characters.
At least I'll have about 300 rolls saved up when 4.8 ends, but it still stings.
its an edit by a lefty, short female hair means she is a lesbian faggot
don't they fill different roles?
alhomo wants quicken/hyperbloom while this guy wants burning/burgeon
Not rolling for Emilie.
anybody rolling for that disgusting promoted 4* is a retard beyond belief
???? kenki has been that way for like 3 fucking years bro
Chasca needs total revamp. No amount of blackwashing can save her hideous design.
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Upgraded four star, like sluggy and clorox.
You know what’s worse? You’ll need Emilie for the best Kinich team LMFAO!
Theatre resets the first of each month so nothing has changed.
The only new thing is the cosmetics which you can spend you keys from getting a full clear each cycle on for a trail effect
Alhaitham seems like hel have far superior AOE. Not sure why people are pretending its over for him
so you can't get new keys?
Keep edging bwo
you don't have burst on cooldown
What makes you think Kinich won't be a homo?
leave my husband alone
Keka is still great. Use her every abyss.
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Dunno what advice to give you aside from the basic stuff, if you haven't already, try to get a attack goblet and circlet at least, level up the burst. Otherwise the cool thing about Xiao is being able to easily high profile almost any attacks, damage isn't a concern for him so slowing down to not take hits is usually fine.
Xbalanque was the first pyro archon
He had a sage
One of them was the pyro sovereign
(It's speculated that capitano was the sage btw)
They could experiment with onfield characters because you can actually see them
They don't care about subdps animations
just optimized for EQ then fuck off

Furina is just a fucking instagram filter
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What leads a person into becoming this delusional?
Only on the first of each month with the reset
>You’ll need Emilie for the best Kinich team LMFAO
No, you need Kinich for Emilie's best team, but you don't need Emilie for Kinich's best team. Nahida is his best Dendro support by far.
Was Murata rewritten into Xbalanque?
The sound is like Nahida's
Kirara is still better than Kachina for climbing mountains seems like.
I just rolled her and she's more fun than I expected. She also hits like a dump truck holy shit her talents are level 4.
>Nahida is his best Dendro support by far.
wtf is Nahida doing on his team? Emilie is better.
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Why is Kaveh shading the Natlan writers?
Kachina sex
Sex with Kachina
That's literally every boss with a phase change since the 1st day Mihomo was founded.
kinich is so lucky
i can't beat the new shit with diluc
sisters where is the Natlan yaoi
>edgy looks (he's cold and cool just like me fr)
>has a cool drip (no faggy shorts and exposed belly)
>has badass meme dragon bro
>videogame powers (only men like videogames)

he's made for hetero males
Why is the pixelshit thing showing its butthole?
I'd roll if he was a cute girl. Too bad.
>wtf is Nahida doing on his team?
Deepwood, consistent Burning uptime for Kinich, off-field damage, huge EM buff for Thoma's Burgeons (yes, Thoma outdamages Emilie).
Wormhaithamkeks...they put effort in his animations..
and yet Emilie is the better pull because she's not as ugly as the minecraft manlet
stop being bad
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Yep. Dendrogods will be using Alhaitham+Nahida on side and Kinich+Emilie on the other
Only retards will roll for Kinich but not for Emilie.
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Most beautiful girl in the game by FAR
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He's literally me, and I'm not gay.

>no pyro units leaked
and will be all for (you)
we won
ZZZ interns are working on Natlan
Kek, based
holy fucking goblina, who greenlit this? Maybe the dwarfs have a point...
>Tiffani not in charge of making males anymore
>they start looking cool
it's that easy
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There is nothing edgy about him
he's there for the zoomer and e-girl audience, there is nothing appealing about him to any hetero male
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By far
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>Literal niggerfaggots
LOL, LMAO even
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You thought a fucking neuwank was bad? Xbalanque is a part of every fucking part of the region. He blew up when he sacrificed himself and now he is everywhere.
Obviously dropping paying would make Hoyo care, at least a little. Joke is, they either were f2p since the very beggining or still gonna spend money in like a week.
natlan clorinde is so hot
>posts Danheng's gay boyfriend
>sasuke tier shonen edgelord
>made for hetero males
he's for teenage girls
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wriolette flopped sis
>Deepwood, consistent Burning uptime for Kinich
Emilie can do this
>off-field damage
Emilie does much more in burning comps than Nahida
>huge EM buff for Thoma's Burgeons
Her EM buff only appliees to on-field characters. Not to mention that getting Thoma's fire to hit seems like it might be difficult.
Post your main team without naming anyone
>desserts (especially her ass)
>dude weed lmao
>99% of people quit gambling before they hit it big
>pantyslut idol
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Stop coping. You can’t deny that this is KINO.
Not gonna lie fontaine 5* feel like a scam after seeing these animations
how fast and mobile will Xilonen be if Mualani and Sasuke are already like this?
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Using Kinich without Emilie is like using Neuvillette without Furina, Alhaitham without Nahida, Arlecchino without Bennett. Don't be stupid, roll for Emilie
>cool drip
too many accessories
>badass meme dragon
meme maybe, badass no
>vidya power
doesn't fit the game
would be cool if she had a blond for too like Furina
you said the same thing about clorinde and she ended up having 2nd most fan arts
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Most sex Archon design by FAR
prove me wrong
>pyro slime is a reference to xbalanque
you retards were glazing lyney’s animations some of us don’t forget
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Bro your Mavuika?
give him the best dps artifacts you have rn. And 5* weapon too
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>none of the Natlan characters so far appeals to me
>they're all overtuned as fuck though
>will only get the """"archon"""" for archon reasons
>abyss will have to adjust accordingly though
Ayaka is in for a rough couple of patches.
>ugly, bland, boring
Nah nobody want this stupid looking bitch
sorry homofujos
Sasuke belongs to the bros.
Lyney has decent animations, doesn't make up for his faggot homo butt sex design.
Clorinde was beautiful since the start, dumboid
>ctrl + f "glazing"
>two matches
>fire nation
>fire themes everywhere
>all anon can think about is BALANQUED.COM
seek help
No one is rolling for this stinky ugly fujo self insert
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I genuinely can’t tell if it’s an actual tranny or just falseflagging as a Kavehfag. I’m pretty neutral on Kaveh but this is seriously dumb regardless
according to what metric, sis?
glazing this anon fr
Neuvwank was narratively disastrous, Natlan dude being a cohesive visual theme in the background is acceptable.
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>pyro slime is a reference to xbalanque
Anyone tried the Jean trial?

What's the plan
>cringelord with his minecraft dragon
I don't see it xis, looks kinda lame to me.
nah you said her design was downgraded from leaked design
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Furina was the reason Fontaine flopped. Everyone rolled for her and stopped spending. Her aura was too strong.
The animation is cool the manlet is not. Simple as.
Buddypokers won
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She's cuter and better unit than her
I was mostly thinking of Clorinde Chiori and Sigewinne when I posted that
I liked Navia's animations
Xianyun's were kind of boring
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Wait til Tsaritsa gets here
I still can't tell if Sigewinne is a meme or not
this comparission is not even fair btw
Siggy was running with the most desired character in the game
He is cool but Emilie’s design sucks too much and knowing he can’t reach his full potential without her makes me wanna skip both
Not pulling for this ugly dyke. sorry.
yes, completed it earlier today.
Kaveh is a cool dude and not a faggot
>inb4 fujo
I'm a heterosexual male
"create bubbles to entrap its enemies"
Siggy is the archon?
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Nowthat every element is getting good at exploration, what will be the gimmick of anemo? Just keep using kazuha for support?
Siggy has a bigger ass it was obvious she would win
>this burst
>when it does nothing but summon ender dragon who shits a line of pixelpiss on the field
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What? That's irrelevant for abyss ownership rate
Who is the mystery nigga with 62
/gig/, grant me your blessing.
anemo has always been boring trash and so is VV
The gimmick of Anemo is how good the character is at pulling in hilichurl archers that spawns at the other side of the arena.
Who made the pic lmao
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Kinich is cucking me...
you just described kino
For Furina or Yae/Fischl?
You’re all lame and gay. That minecraft shit is SOVL. You don’t see the vision dammit. He unironically has the best animations currently.
Who's the lesbian pairing in Natlan?
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Looks like Chiori is still the most soulful girl in the game
Chasca and Xilonen
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This one is my fav
>hmm no, vitiligo isn't enough, it simply isn't progressive enough, she also need to have a space between her teeth
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"E" "heh"
It's clearly either bait to get a raise out of the retards here or a schizo, which is all the same. Doesn't matter either way. Ignore and don't feed it.
she is. whenever i use her charged shot bubbles, i start crying out of pity.
Nah he's a cool manlet, got a good design and a fun looking kit. Hopefully the writing doesn't ruin him.
Furina didn't come home.
1000+ flat hp
it's completely relevant
most new Furina owners won't have Siggy, making them directly interfere with each other's numbers
The next anemo character should have the ability of a literal black hole that sucks in all enemies regardless of size. Like Venti on roids.
how did it roll
Xilonen x Chasca
or Mavuika with one of them
Yeah, I did it yesterday. I went in expecting needing zero effort, as it's the norm with Genshin. I failed like 3 times? During my 4th try I was thinking to myself that no way you can yeet all these enemies with this cooldown, so maybe I should try Sac sword or something and while I was planning this, I completed the challenge. Not sure what I even did differently it's just worked the 4th time. If I had to do it again, I would try Sac sword.
I said that I like the animations,but not the corpse husband, retard
>Hoyo is so scared of snowPEAK, they had to ordered ZhongLI VA to 'warn' other VAs from working with snowPEAK.
ou're just losing your shit because he has a grapple gimmick and you want to consume the next big thing you soi smelling cuck
get some taste fagboy
>That minecraft shit is SOVL
>he says sitting in his lego fortress
No, Minecraft is lame and gay. If it was a real dragon like Jinshi it'd be kinda cool, but as it is, it's just lame and gay.
Are you sure this isn't made by a racist? This is bordering on black caricature at this point. Do they not see the irony?
They don't, and that's what makes it even funnier
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Why do wokeys need to uglify Black women when they're gorgeous IRL?
snow WHO?
let me guess, another genshin "killer"?
I would have liked a little more crit instead of atk but I really can't complain considering nothing went into vida.
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Element archetypes are kind of all over the place now. Geo doesn't use constructs all that often anymore either, and Cryo has been desperately trying to make Physical work for a while.
gm saar
Sure, sis. I heard the same thing said about Gaming.
where are the retarded autistic genshins at i need my representation too
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What are your expectations for Natlan?
Snowbreak is probably bringing in around 1% of the revenue Hoyo does every month, I don’t think anyone except the Atelier Resiliana team are quaking in their boots.
Decent for Fischl, she scales well with ATK
>good design
>bodysuit wearing faglord with zoomer aesthetic and pixel tattoos

the absolute state of genkeks
i hope everyone will glaze capitano
I have zero expectations.
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Is it actually worth using siggy in that navia team instead of xianyun?
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Anniversary rewards: 20 rolls
Neuvilette's giveaway: 12 rolls
Thanks hydro dragon
It's okay to have bad taste but keep it to yourself sis
How hard was it? Does she need a dps set?
Where is my fat ugly bastard representation
>Snowbreak is probably bringing in around 1%
and thats why its scared Hoyo. Hoyo is just that petty.
>the based ei schizo is here
kill yourself trannyzuma faggot
bro? >>486533737
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I wanted delicious Brown babes, but...
just say Mihoyo instead of Hoyo like every single faggdit and twittertard
fuck off tourist holy shit
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what the frick is this
qrd? Haven't been keeping up with the leaks
To render /gig/ effectively unusable
>he can’t reach his full potential without her
At high investment you want C2 Nahida with Thrilling Tales or Wandering Evenstar R5, not Emilia.
God imagine the whole struggle as you try to rape Kachina
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She's going to be ride a Saurian that looks like a motor bike and you are going to like it
I'll wait for the calcs
she gonna ride that one pokemon that turns into a bike
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drink it
Just wait for those moments when screen turns black and you can see your reflection
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Xbalanque won't be playable and Capitano won't interact with Mavuika.

Cucks will lose again. Blacked cucks will be roped.
No? used my burst-bot Amenoma Jean. Are you trying to kill them with normal attacks? Just yeet them with her skill
>Capitano won't interact with Mavuika.
They already have. LMAO?
>apes Koraidon
We all hate Paimon here.
when will you learn, cuck? Mihoyo trailers are misleading, that's how you got Arlecchino doing nothing lmao
It's a new set that gives you 50% damage increase (will probably get nerfed to like 35-40% after the beta). Everyone is now losing their minds because apparently it will make Furina obsolete (50% damage increase is somehow better than 200% damage increase ???? and apparently you somehow can't run this set and Furina on the same account ???).
>Capitano won't interact with Mavuika.
Arle interacted with furina once and set off a ship
>didn't get Furina (again)
>not interested in 4.8 or 5.0 banners

The fuck am I supposed to do
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Finally, Lumine / Aether can talk more than twice in an Archon Quest.
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We love non-EN Paimon here
GODpitano declares himself the strongest and oneshots the Pyro Sovereign
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new IT poses
Wait for a Furina rerun?
>Capitano won't interact with Mavuika.
They're gonna duel in 5.1 and have filthy sex once they're done
I don't know how snowbreak players got so mind broken
Even if we pretend that account really was him if snowbreakers didn't "expose" it as him it would just be a literal who anonymous account no one cares about.

Of the 3 VAs to who stayed, the only one who voiced anything else currently voice a hoyo character
Among the 13 who left more have voiced for Kuro than for hoyo

Their conspiracy just doesn't make any sense
I really don't care about any of this, but congrats to photofags
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is that some youtuber/twitch streamer?!
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JP Paimon love
>only 3
cant they release more?
siggy allows you to focus more on furina's damage than energy recharge
>Ajaw 8
I don't see how 50% damage bonus is better than 15% damage bonus and 36% crit rate
I want 4 of these it's over
>you sweet summer child
This phrase sends me into a blind rage
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Who actually fucking gives a shit?
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surely Natlan will have a lava bender right?
This is my first time playing an event like this
I have 40 days to get 100% of the map or else I lose the chests and whatever I've left here?
What does this bitch offer Kinich aside from off field damage? Nahida buffs him more and Baizhu enables Furina, are we sure she'll be better than them?
There's a few anons that post photos
I'm getting Collei, Amber and Navia's.
And if there is, it'll be less about controlling lava and more about having a retarded little lava golem do everything.
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I don't get this generals neuvillette obsession
His only iconic Fontaine moment was "your sins are forgiven"
There will be a gadget that shows you all the chests and tickets(?). Don't worry.
For your question, yes
Yes, but the event will give you a compass that tracks everything down.
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What about him arriving to save the day in Meropide?
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>that nose
I don't want breakfast anymore...
two years ago they didn't give a gadget that just marks every single chest like this did last year and this year
it'll be easy mode
Don't forget that he can casually one tap one of the deadliest harbinger
None I want.
lmao, didn't even notice it
We love Neuvillette here
Oh, gotcha, that makes things easier, thank you
Neuvillette is a retarded Mahnwa protagonist. No wonder his screentime dipped post 4.2, nobody wants to see retarded Korean Mahnwa crap, they’re worse than Chinese webtoons
But Clorinde is simply better in every way.
Lava bending is retarded, it should require both earth bending and fire bending to work and yet non-Avatar characters could use it.
I hope we don't get anything like this in Natlan unless the Traveler is the one using it by combining Geo and Pyro.
he shows up in every single patch
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Use this link and go to Simulanka, there are 40-50 chests from challenges and puzzles.

I just hope they'll give us a kino fight scene
lava is molten rocks anon, that has nothing to do with fire
just becaus something is hot it doesn't mean it's fire
>Lava bending is retarded, it should require both earth bending and fire bending to work
just melt earth with your love
>his screentime dipped post 4.2
So are we getting Pyro Traveler or not?
And speaks 5 lines, that’s not screentime
Can you name a single Furina cool moment?
true, i completely forgot about that
how has it not been leaked yet?
He apparently does exist
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How we feeling about the powercreep shark?
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Statues don't resonate, unlocks after the AQ.
Dunno. I have yet to see a full gameplay of her with multiple mobs and shit.
>Statues don't resonate, unlocks after the AQ.
eh that's cool i guess
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are you STILL talking about chudvillette
Controlling lava in the environment could be done with rock powers alone, turning existing rocks into lava could be done with fire powers alone. Now, creating lava should need both, rock powers to make the rocks and fire powers to heat them to their melting point.
his game
wow furina is so cool
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yes, apparently its very important to anon, we are just trying to cheer him up
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Genshin fans bullied again, when will this stop?
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another win
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U can't refute this
could've been...
the real sovltaine...
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why shouldnt we
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what is asian? they look like they are from teyvat if anything
All Teyvatians look the same
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*SQUEALS* MY HERO!!!!!!!!!!!
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We can talk about birdmom if you want
The new area feels like it was meant for her. It's like every platform is the perfect height and distance to just glide right up with her
holy mogging
then again fontaine writing is too shit for this to get wasted on it
Aside from 'cool, that guy is my favourite' is there anyone who genuinely cares about this? I don't recall ever seeing anyone posting these things outside of on the launch day where people showed which pose(s) they had purchased
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her sq was good
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This is unironically racist
This pic is so wholesome
How can you take Natlan seriously when this is the BGM but everyone is White?

bad animations, literally unplayable
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Who is Genshin version of Ruan Mei?
It's the only way to make people pull since you niggers didn't pull for other dps cuz they didn't powercreep neuvillette.
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Bro, your pressure?
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Ackshually, you don't necessarely need fire to generate heat, assuming you could control any kind of physical object, agitating it's molecules would cause friction, subsequently increasing it's temperature.
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I guess that makes sense, I just recently swapped furina's weapon from festering to her signature so I probably need it
we are so back
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smart nahider
Discord melty raid
They better make good looking pose for Amber, Collei and Navia.
sounds like CIV
Is Simulanka here to stay permanently or is this another Fischl/Bottle Area that will go away?
It's only here for the patch
it will go away
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We will never get anyone this Black in Genshin
I'm going to choose Navia, Amber and Collei.
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You can take the event flight thingy as many times as you want by visiting the cave again.
We're getting the 1600 primogems in 2 hours
aww :(
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How to save Genshin?
Knowing this company they'll just deduct it from the 5.0 freemogems aren't they?
Fuck, I regret going 50 rolls deep into this banner. I should've saved for Kachina
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I finally bothered myself to look it up and Mexico is 2% black.
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you can see the bottoms of nilou's feet
guys fontaine is actually good they only need to remake
>the plot
>the designs
>the music
>the character writing
>the underwater mechanics
>the puzzles
>half the character kits
everything else is kino though!
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>change your target audience to sjw progressive crowd
>be surprised when it backfires with massive meltdown
You should've stick to straight male coomers hoyo...
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Nahida sure is fucking sexy, AHO
Kachina will be free bwo
>the music
The bait was good until this. 2/10, apply yourself.
4-stars need cons
nta but I'm looking for C4 for the def buff
I'd agitate Nahida's molecules through friction with my physical object, if you know what I am saying.
>still saying that after the gigamogging
i like post-YPC music
only the whale was shit honestly
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>but anon its a ATK goblet
some characters need attack goblets
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>Design the sexiest male character
>Make him gay
What was Mihoyo thinking?
>at least 3
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I thank god that I uninstalled genshin before version 4. Might install again in 5.0 just to enjoy Natlan exploration...
He's not gay unless he kisses kaveh on-screen
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i wish this lasted longer
i wish the cooldown wasn't so long
i wish you could use it midair
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C6 Mualani showcase
he very clearly likes women, unlike neuvillette
>C6 showcase with K,B,Y
The whale part itself was good
this is shit????
300k non crit vape wau!
>300 crit dam
Just because it has YPC's name on it doesn't make it good, Anon. This shit lacks whimsy and the tango section would have no place in Fontaine, as tango is a South American perversion of nobler forms of French music.
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>forward vape
>with c6 y + c6 k + b
>does as much damage as one (1) Navia E
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it rolled trash. i give up.
C6R5 and only 300k? they should buff her. WTF
Does the Genshin beta patch client undergo massive changes during its test run? or is the weekly adjustments mostly limited to kit numbers and very small visual fixes? I remember mihoyo posting about graphics improvement in 5.0 and looking at the latest leaks I just don't see difference.
If it rolled full ER it's the perfect Charlotte piece
Don't take the damage as real retards. That being said HOOOOOLY MOTHER OF CLUNK
neuvillette powercrept confirmed???
>she is sliding up on the boss while riding her shark
i knew this would happen rofl
Only Kaveh is gay, Alhaitham is canonically autism max and doesn't care about sex
Does anyone actually play like that, with b/k setup every time?
Isn't it extremely boring to do the same thing in the same order for the same visuals twelve thousand times a year?
Just shelves them already, use newer genshins, have some fun ffs, the game does not need overkill like this anywhere.
3 EM, 2 in each crit stat was the rolls
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Where are all the attack buffers? What the fuck is this shit?
Is it just going to be another region with 10 consecutive on fielders and 2 shitty support/off field that barely manage or outright fail to even match their predecessors?
upload it to optimizer and let it ferment, one day it will be useful
Boring piece of shit that's only used for meta? Neuvillette, Nahida, Furina, Baizhu, and Kazuha.
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>he very clearly likes women
Do you have evidence to back up that claim?
Finally, this but in genshin.
>/gig/er - someone who likes to watch
they probably improved the way the animation system works to allow Mualani to make the >_< face
go back to your dead general
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When did this game ever pander to SJWs you retard? They made the God of the Middle East a white loli
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I got a BSoD while doing my dailies and now my computer wont turn on (it lights up but it's a blank screen). My resin is about to reach cap. How do I fix this, /gig/
Bennett and kazuha should just get straight up powercrept already.
is power plugged in?
Don't you like wasting 15 seconds before every fight to get high peak damage numbers?
B is there because him+kazoo apply pyro easier than solo XL and Mualani needs to vape for her weapon to work
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laptop or desktop?
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Anime emoticons are not going to make me roll.
At least not with how stringent this game is.
Dont't try to reason with metachurls, it's all about numbers.
Honestly the ONLY good Natlan design so far.
Floplan is not looking so fresh.
it's possibly a ram problem
take all of them off and brush the connectors with an eraser to remove the oxydation
this might solve the issue
Tried troubleshooting while plugged and unplugged but to no avail
I hope that means that finally, after 4 years, we're getting an off-field pyro dps.
Bro, your Dehya?
take it to a repair shop and get scammed, not much else you can do to troubleshoot a laptop
this is my biggest fear
>C0 does more damage
they need to fix the damage formula of their private server
Dehya is a "support" with an on-field burst.
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rate my crib
who the hell is the fourth characer in that team
i can't see shit
add rock tiles
not enough load
>easy access zipper
My wife...
Is she not supposed to be a normal attacker?

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