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Previous: >>486526080

>[Event] Arctic Summer World! Chaldea's Magical Summer Theme Park
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Lady Avalon Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Ashiya Douman Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/e75ykf.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Future Quartz: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRQFC6pgsvDr11c1oe8PcGXurF3uw0MBq73YoQMGCJemzMics9LfwVurTLMi0rpfHNEBjG6gVCOrIer/pubhtml
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

Can we make another thread with Proto Merlin on it instead?
Yuyu love!
CHADolf is welcome in all events, unlike that cuck Mashu
>1 ticket
What an easy woman
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So, anon? How many copies?
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No seriously, why is this guy in Chaldea other than being fujobait? After all the shit he's done, there's no way Gudao or Gudako would summon his ass.
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Surprise Eresh to start the new thread!
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After around 800sq, I finally got her. I barely didn't need to use the pity roll. I only have 400sq left for Ibuki and Skadi...
>hit pity for Merlina and got no other gold Servants other than 4 Gareths

I hate this fucking game.
np0, but im waiting until I get summer skadi first before I continue rolling proto-merlin and douman
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Kama Love!
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>np5 Proto Merlin
>np6 Gareth
>1 Titty Monk spook
Today was good day
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Sex. Violent Sex.
This fucking cum guzzling whore took everything. I had 700sq, I wasn't expecting first try, but I also wasn't expecting my last desperate single roll either. I don't even feel like its worth it at this point
If Guda canonically 'forgives' Vitch after the shit she has done in lb4, then a fraud like Douman isn't really a problem.
Nice bro
Yaya im so happy that I got np6 merlina before np4 gareth
I sure as hell love rate ups thatfuck all over my ass
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How big is your nsfw folder of Yuyu you sick bastard
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Dont worry bro, she is worth it
>1 quest per day event
>only 8 acts and an epilogue in total
I didn't realize how short this summer event was damn this is fucking bad for a 3 week event
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>busty big badonka hag transformation from the start
>Heyan Hag Trio
>Double Jannus
>3 blushing Valks about (you)
>and it's just prologue

So, /alter/cucks... Why we still hate Almighty Sakurai? Are we certified general?
more servants wearing jirai kei fashion please
it absolutely isnt worth it lmao
> 270 SQ
> Suddenly, Lady Avalon + Galatea.
Bros, white haired chicks!
Which asc for Lady Avalon /alter/?
Gareth... sweet baby girl... I like you and all, but this is a bit much doll...
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1, 3 occasionally
I like the traditional merlin look for her
The difference is that Koyanskaya is extremely breedable so she deserved to be forgiven
500SQ, 20 tickets, NP3, but 0 Gareths, which is rip
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they really be yapping
He did? I thought he just bade a farewell and wished the best for her when she got egg'd.
It doesn't mean he forgives her or the likes.
and douman isnt?
Together with my AI folder, my Yuyu image folder is 162 GB.
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>retards getting NP1 Merlina in 700-900sq

You love to see it. NNNNNNNNN
but kama kiara and all the other retarded evil whores are fine, right?
Jealous much?
Event support guide?
Well I mean...I guess there's people who'd breed him so I guess you are right
I only wanna impregnate Koyan's tits tho
Why did you tell me she was a Harvest Moon enjoyer?
She's basically a CQ pass ticket. When you've tried every comps on hard fest CQ and such, just slap her in. Guaranteed free lores on every event.
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care to share bro? please
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That's fucking weird. I just pulled a Galatea too.
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I'd like to believe we have more self control than to judge someone's forgiveness solely based on their breedability, but I also love Shuten so who fucking knows?
I'm pretty sure they say it's a different douman, with no memories or his time under the foreign god
>Harvest Moon
Story of Seasons
CQs for the past two years on jp have been laughably easy. I rolled her on release and she's still below bond 6.
>so Master, what do you think?
>I look like a princess you say?
>That wasn't what I was going for though.
>So that's how I appear to you huh?
>Succubus Ridge unlocked
I dunno why but I laffed.
Secret hot period
I got Gareth super early and now I'm not sure if I want to keep going for Lady Avalon
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I'm cursed to only get non-event 4* CEs.
damn, and I was feeling bad about my 3gb+ AI cups older
may i ask what's your top 5 favourite images? please?
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save for cummer
do you tertiaries not even read profiles?
>Douman was, without question, the very same Alter Ego who fought Chaldea somehow summoned to Chaldea while retaining the memories of the Douman who desired to become the dark sun.
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Seconding the share request, make a torrent or anything i'll perma seed it.
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30 tickets, 90 SQ. Hit a good SR spook and picked up my Xu Fu as well. Zero regrets, I will buy packs to hit pity on Summer Skadi if i have to. Too bad I'm currently egglocked but the 90++ will fix that i imagine.
keep going, that's how you get NP4 gareth and a single marlina
Fucked up how the only event Servants that get the EXP bonus are the welfares. DOUBLE fucked up how they couldn't even let the previous EXP campaign last until summer. Oh, well, journey to 120 on the next Super Succ up.

...I haven't been at triple digit SQ counts for a very long time. Purin took a lot out of me, and I'm kind of ashamed to admit that this is the first time my hand was guided by nothing but pure horny.
>250sq + 11 tickets
>NP1 Gareth and Avalon
Average, I guess. Fine by me.
Wait that's Chiyome with Ibaraki in the onahole bait CE? Thought it was Shuten kek.
You know what I mean,
That name still means something special to me...
Congrats bro.
>5 reading nodes before being able to use AP
just make a blue apple bro
Pity is 800 SQ, right? I started with a little over 2.6k. I damn near hit pity for her, but she made it up to me with two back-to-back copies. I ended with 324 SQ by the time I NP5'd her.
900 SQ
pity is 900 sq or 330 summons
pity is 900SQ
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Yup, it's Snake+Banana.
>Mmmmmm, Master? You have come all the way to see me? Ohhh, how― Oh, no! Oh, no, no, no, no, no! Please do not make me say it all! Do you hear me?
Arts looping is fun :)
she is quite the prankster, isn't she?
Reporting in, 120 SQ spent, got 2 Lady Avalon and 1 Gareth. Still got plenty of SQ for Ibuki
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>Gold Fous on a support
>claiming you're 120ing a support
>retard lucksacking his way to NP5 despite being the stupidest sack of shit alive
Drop your FC right now so I can delete you. I'm not joking. I didn't deserve to get shafted this hard just to watch the biggest idiot in this thread get what I deserved.
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banana eroi
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>10 tickets and 30 SQ
I'm happy but also now my superstition makes me think skadi and ibuki are going to be hell rolls...
Such a prankster she convinced me to not summon on anything at all for ages.
I don't get why Albert puts out that this event was coming "mid july" when it was just a day after instead
nta but she's a stall support, the fous and grails here aren't solely the usual aesthetic autism
hard to say, depends on my mood I guess
Sorry, anon. It's not retardation, though, I'm aware how little a support gets from those. I'm boosting her because she's really fucking hot.
>one of the Valkyries is named Turd
90 SQ
>one of her sisters is named GaySkullGal
To be fair, my selected Yang AI images are 6.5 GB in total, and I also have 55 GB of images that weren't worth selecting.
Remember last year he literally released Summer 6 on the last day of August?
Is this the last chance to get douman for like 2 years??
was baiting for lewd ones but that is a nice image
thank you kindly
pull on my account
>400 sq
>3 Gareths, no Merlin
pull for my friend
>30 sq 36 tickets
>3 Gareth, 1 Merlin

why is this?
He has a rerun next year September after Summer 8 with Muramasa and Rasputin
You're a support type
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My luck has been absolutely savage. 19 multis and all I got was 1 gareth, 1 ibaraki and a ton of these CEs.
don't listen to the other anon, lady avalon was just testing your love
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i skipped all of this event story do i hate it or like it?
Apparently I can't add 2023+2 correctly. Thanks
1 ibaraki holy shit that's actually the bigger statistical outlier there
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6 days until Scáthach=Skaði's swimsuit is released during Summer 7 in NA and my heart is saved by her smile again.

A friendly anon made a spreadsheet showing how many Saint Quartz, Summoning Tickets and other limited materials can be obtained in the future:
>Hasn't realized his friend is an energy vampire
gomen anon...
>Thanks for prepping your bull friend anon
>Now you can go and play with the hm Lancelot biggest fan, teehee
share bro...
One Ticket CHAD
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my conspiracy theory:

the game gives you a seed when it comes to each banner:
CE seed
Servant seed
jackpot seed

CE seed means you'll mostly just get rate up CEs
Servant seed means you'll get mostly the rate up servants
and Jackpot meaning both.
do you have a merlin already? Because if so they're almost functionally identical.
There was a con where two people pulled at the same time and got the same roll on the big screen, it's likely just seeded by time
Damn and I thought I was lucky with only 8 tickets
Welcome back bro
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The last time I've had luck this bad was Summer 1 Rerun. I remember getting just 1 SR in 600 SQ. I do intend on using pity, if it comes to that, but hopefully not. This is just painful.
damn the succubus really wanted your mana anon...
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this hag
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There is no individual seeds, when people roll at those events with big screens they get duplicate rolls in different accounts. Now serverwide hot periods are REAL BTW.
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That's so many I want right after each other...
yeah I usually have "good luck" but I've def had banners where I got only CEs, not even spooks until I hit pity, Koyanskaya of darkness was one such banner....
was it revealed to you in a dream
just kidding i believe in that shit
Only in the sense they can be observed afterwards, since you can't tell when they end ahhhhhh
I don't really give a shit about her, but she's literally just a buffed version of her original self isn't she? Might get a copy for my Brotoki
So Ibuki in 2-3 days?
That's why it's so good that you got 1100 quartz from the anniversary
bless you
To be fair, I may be paying for my luck last year. I got 19 SSR last year, 15 without GSSR. I got who I wanted the most in Destiny order this year too.

It's just fucking painful it had to happen now. I've been looking forward to this event for so long.
>pick friend support
>finish fight
>game offers to add him into friends
Um, he's already my friend, game. What is going on?
can you do Kuro giving a footjob?
original is 4.6mb, im not resizing every image ever for a one off post on 4channel
I will bless your rolls with a magic spell
Rastel Mastel Lilac Liloo
Merlin-chan will come to you~
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>literally first 11x with rainbow orbs
what a slut
But I don't want to spend all of them right now.
>Bro has yet to realize he is the background support character for his main character friend
dont have a sub right now so I can experiment to figure out footjobs since i've never done one, sorry bro
So Skadi's banner appears only once Merlina's is gone? Guess I'm not meant to get them both.
Sorry if this has been asked a bunch, but is proto Merlin a gameplay pick? Just quickly went over her skills and it doesn't seem like she replaces Oberon/Vitch for buster. Unless her NP does something nuts, most of the effects on it I couldn't really understand from just reading it.
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Once I pull Skadooler, I will make love to her ASAP!!!!
11 gareths before i was forced to hit pity
i am going to burn all of these little shits aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
I really want my cute but I refuse to let the bara futa whore invade my chaldea..
get checked for colorblindness
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So I have the kind of luck that allows me to blow 700SQ and miss every exact point in time.
That's nice to know.
They all last until the end of the event
she is merlin for arts, also booba
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How about you first learn how to play the game before asking these questions
I don't get why they couldn't just release the other two rateups earlier
waiting like this literally makes people roll more irresponsibly, which makes them more money
All banners run all the way to the end of the event, right?
Guess I will decide who to roll for after I have seen what Skadi does to my quartz
this has been debunked doe
Its called releasing content. I thought you guys liked content
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Should I try and grab a copy of Assclap from the boy banner or has Xu invalidated him?
She's Merlin but Arts instead of Buster.
Amazing for Arts Stall teams, amazing for Arts Crit comps, amazing as a general fill in for anything even off-card just like Merlin is.
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You all know Avalon is a guy right?
Its just Merlin using illusion magic to make himself look like a girl the moment you get him in bed hes going to turn back to Merlin and rape you with his cock.
His class is "Pretender" hes only pretending to be a girl.
Then you'll be able to show us instead of just telling us
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I'm glad you are so comically poor that you can't afford a sub anymore.
Why did we only get 6 sq and not 14
its basic programming, you need a SEED o make a program to select a random number, but it wil always select the same number with the same seed, a computer cannot do actual RANDOM stuff, always rememebr that nomatetr what a computer is by definition, a calculator,
so how do you actually simulate random n programming without manually insterting a different seed every time?
you use TIME, the pc, clock, and even then you mix that time into a formula to make it even more varied, so by all definiton, yes Hot periods can be real since the seeds would be to your favor
Hey, anon. I was reluctant to ask this before, but I didn't want to jinx myself by asking before I rolled for her. I got my NP5 Purin, though, so I'm glad to ask now. Could you do Lady Avalon giving me a reach-around while naked and rubbing her tits against my back and leaning in? Ideally tongue out?
Also could my guy be a bit darker? I'm going full shameless self-insert with this one.
what could this even mean
i have absolutely no reason to waste 3 sq on two accounts just for you to go "your timing was off". believe what you want. you're wrong if you believe some things but it's none of my concern.
Still got party-wide cleanse, guts and debuff immunity.
Good for stalling those annoying fights.
Thanks. I just did 3 ten rolls and zilcho. I'll try again later.
I'm very happy I got the good SUCC
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Seems like the wiki is a piece of shit, said her first skill was a buster buff
Thanks anons, i'll try and nab her since she'd arts, I love Tamamo stall comps and it looks like she'll fit right in.
You said it was debunked. Glad we're clear the source was your ass.
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>we have content
>the thread is still a flood of ai sloppa
its so over
my fridge decided to a hero in the last storm, had to fix that shit within 24 hours
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If you're having shit luck, always stop rolling for awhile. You'll get far better results doing periodic rolls throughout the day rather than splurging it all in one sitting while you're in a bad roll pocket.
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That's it I'm dumping this kusoge for Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel
That's in Arcade.
i apologize for asking for it
refer to my previous post
this is merlin's page retard
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>said her first skill was a buster buff
That's the arcade version of her
Event guide doko?
Do you think the smallest measurement of time is a second or something
Imagine wasting this much on fotm shit
Maybe next time dont open the Arcade page
>3 rolls, 5 tickets
>merlina already comes home
bros, i think i'm safe
i'll wait for skadoo first before rolling for the rest of the other summer servants
Kys luddite.
More AI art posting please.
if the time is measured in ms then the entire argument is wrong to begin with as its based off of some con video.
Music to my ears. You deserve it.
>do a single x11 summon
>get Lady Avalon
I know I should be happy but my gambling addiction actually feels worse about this.
>people are too busy gooning instead responding to the retards who constantly try to stir the pot daily
the AI poster is indirectly saving /alter/
AI is based
holy based
You're the one who needs to kill himself along with the AI nigger.
Will we get lots of cute new Skadi captions?
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I forget.
Is raita oni np2-np3 kinda servant or np5 or bust?
Confused what CEs should be put up for friends
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I fucking hate female Merlin
Add me bros, got 6 slots, please coment on whats your first servant so I can now, just deleted 20 candidates who I have no idea who they where
The guy never played fgo anyways. He was always a /trash/ poster that moderation didn't bother to move to the proper board.
AI is the future and you cant stop it no matter how much you seethe, luddite.
When are Skadi and Ibuki's rateups?
>the lucksack retard wasn't just a retard he was also a (nice try janny I know you're lurking)
I hope you're American and Trump wins
All aoe servants need np2/3 if you plan to ever use them outside of free quests, don't listen to redditards who say that np1 is enough.
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What are your intentions with thay Castoria?
she has a huge bulge and looks like she's about to pounce your bussy in her np animation do you really want to watch this day in day out for the rest of the game just save for someone like kuku instead
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Well no merlina but np5 gareth
I can make do with that
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Yeah, kinda took getting Gareth for granted and now I don't have her thanks to good Merlin rolls.
And so I'm in this weird middle where I'm not sad enough to spend more quartz getting her but also sad she didn't come as a bonus.
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Post Bob Sex
Thankyu friend. I want to be here for the event even if I'm still unwell.
incomplete abby in all
yes im a latelet, sorry
>3 days between
I need to control my impulses to not summon.
Sent, Level 110 Oberon in front
I wasn't going to roll but now I've been convinced.
Sent, Melt in all.
>Look mom, I learned a new word!
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i wish i saved sq for skadi
on side am I just brain fried for doing old 1.5 stories recently but since when we have had actual fullscreen VN bits. Like I cant recall if traum or LB6 had em
Kagekiyo in all
stop responding to people who are obviously baiting!!!!!!!!!!!!
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It takes time tho and I got no more grails
she's a berserker, 2 is fine.
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AI-anon, some Nursery blowjobs, onegai. Maybe in the bath.
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sent, Nobbu in all.
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Can Achilles and Melu compete?
And so have I
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can he turn that off or does he just live a constant life of torture
Bros, how do I get an /alter/ gf? Seriously asking.
pretty sure her np has enough penetrative power to burst down any wall
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Illya in All.
Sent, summer Raikou in all
That's not Lady A...........
Fucking 300SQ for NP1 Merlina...
This bitch sucks harder than Sakurai.
I still got 1.3kSQ for Skadi should be safe
Guess I'm not leaving the room then
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He can control it with "Speed Force" so he's fine.
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Already frens
>decide I can spare 30 quartz to roll for Gareth
>get Drake + Gareth
Summer events are normally not this kind to me...
This event happens before Traum?
Holmes is still kicking.
Achilles exceeds her by default if he hasn't triggered that other NP of his that sets him to 30%
In raw speed he wins outright
Melu has better acceleration since she ignores inertia and wind resistance
Didn't Traum have them in some scenes? It's usually when there's a different PoV, right?
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can i have friends?
You start a business (ramen shop) and have a back alley.
After a while /alter/ gfs will just start spawning in that back alley like it was pokemon or something.
no, you just haven't read the story so the game is giving you spoiler free stuff
Unironically play the story you retard
The second you encounter her you mention metlin and the real merlin sneezes.
She's just merlin from Arthur's dimension whose default form is female (technically either merlin can shape-shift into male or female)
I've been to this ramen place and man, what a load of shit. I don't understand why it has such high reviews when it's just a lot of really mediocre food for a low price. There's hundreds of better ramen places in Japan.
What about this? >>486545031
You won the 50/50
Not sure what you're asking, I'm not into capeshit
I can't do the Waku Waku Erice Land node... what gives?
Can Achilles really run 13 Trillion times faster than the speed of light?
>no np5 5 star
>Oberon without max paws
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I'm black and I voted for Trump twice(soon to be thrice). Don't associate that freak or AI trannies with us.
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The whole oneechan act still bugs me, she died at the age of 19 and in Apocrypha she possesses the body of a 16 yo girl.

Guda should be at the least 20 now, Even if you claim he was just a teenager at the start he would be like 19 now.
Tempted but by default I do not trust /alter/bros to not leak my supports so no.
Sent, Tamamo in all.
nah she's female, if you have OG Merlin she mentions they can both see each other and she refers to him as big brother
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why should i roll for any of these overrated Summer Servants when i can save for more Miyu copies instead?
Oh, might be able to answer this but I'm not a total Achilles expert
IIRC Achilles' ability is to be faster than his opponent, beyond his already significant speed
But he IS limited by wind resistance as seen in Atlantis, which is why he can't take out Artemis
So maybe if he had a way to not die while doing so, AND was fighting the Flash, AND wouldn't run out of energy
Swimsuit Skadi is a very good support for her Buster Crits.
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oh thanks for the reminder
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bro has a stroke
Kama in All
No it mentioned him for me too and I cleared Traum.
>But he IS limited by wind resistance as seen in Atlantis, which is why he can't take out Artemis
Was that the only problem? I thought he would have been fine and could have actually killed Artemis but his heel was already shot and he lost his Shield so an approach would have been impossible due to that.
If he was 100% fresh and healthy couldn't he do it?
That's what I said
She's merlin in the proto dimension where Arthur comes from, and her default form is female
i like to imagine /alter/ anons are embodying the girls in ai slop, so it doesnt bother me as much as it probably should. you should try it some time.
>Need Oberon for Arcade memes
>Sluts will now put Quick=Skadi memes in their extra TT, instead of Oberon
Fuck quick, it's a useless card type and doesn't deserve a TT slot.
Please keep it on Oberon.
You may know more about that than I do desu
bro if you say that at this point ati will pass away
uhhh no
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Sorry bro I had no more space
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i have no plans to summon skadi or put her on my support but this is such a rude post that im putting my teatime from oberon to jinako.
No one is replacing oberon he's the third most borrowed servant after castoria and vitch
To be fair the Merlin in chaldea is a projection while the real one is in avalon, and there's never been a hard statement that he can only make one of those.
How do you prononunce Geirskðgul?
I run Oberon all the time.
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>Saber Gareth has Clarent
Well now I have to grail her.
I'm skipping Draco for her. She's way better imo
I wonder what I'm doing wrong then because my oberon barely gets borrowed.
refuses to make her hug from behind, and I dont want to use more credits right now
castoria/vitch/summer skadi are the holy trinity, stop coping already
Should I roll for merlina if I have every other big art (and really all the buster and quick s tier) supports in the game?
>Vinci wants to see naked men
>250 sq
>no merlina
>cant roll more bc i want s.skadi and s.ibuki
holy pain
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why would i roll for any of those overrated Mahoyo Servants when i can save for more Miyu copies instead?
>2030 on DOMAN
>not a single cranking in sight but two aerial drives
>appaling cc usage
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>Should I role for sexo?
mine is better and cooler
little gay boy
Miyu would want you to roll for and grail Luvia.
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She won't sexo you
He gets taken by people who make their own comps and minimize using the common looping systems.
That's not most people by definition, but of those who do, they tend to be long term players.
The same way you write it, silly.
Why the fuck do I have to wait 17 more hours just to do 7 minutes of story at most?
vitch fell off hard on jp
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Better start chewing on some bark so you can afford your sub next month Hermano!
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i have np5 Astrewa, i will grail her once she gets a Luvia costume
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Best I could do in 1300 sq!
It is tho. You're just in the easy mode of the game now.
The first part of the story should have taken you a couple hours.
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Are you a newfag that always complains about leveling arc?
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What does Appmedia have against Scathach? Why did they knock Skadoo down to A+? Do they hate Celts and Nords?
castoria himiko/morgan merlin is already game breaking why summon a merlin copy
if you're going for high NP levels go for NP5
NP1 or NP5, there's no in between
I don't get if she's a brocon or just clueless about how sisters should act. She's practically doing couple cliches in her myroom stuff and in events she comes as yandere
That's a man. No.
Sex with Rindr
extra 1 & 2 slots this anni trust me bro
would HE be forgiven?
Eat me Albert
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Sex on Grindr
That wouldn't help with TeaTime placement since you only get 1 per support page.
castoria is ez mode, purin is just replaceable cq fodder
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I am left with EXACTLY 900 quartz.
Just enough for 1 pity.
Got 1 garth in 138 quartz and nothing else
Hopefully I get some spare quartz for Lady A
What's wrong bro? You don't want to make out and cuddle?
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Maybe I can help, what anon is asking is something like this?
that's the opposite of what I asked for...
Post higher res version and put it on Catbox or something.
Deleted void to add you so all si well
>Men only want one thing and it's fucking disgusting
grind the event for tickets
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Post your feet mistress(es)
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For me it will be Castoria Skadi Oberon. Vitch will be on event support sometimes depends on the popular setups.
if you have Merlin, Castoria, and Tamamo she's pretty redundant. I'd only roll if you really like her.
should i wait until my merlina is 10/10/10 to put her on support? currently having both mat and qp troubles as a latelet, wondering if i should wait like i did with the other big meta supports
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>No Anning
Shit event desu. Anyway which Valkyrie should I plan on picking?
pink hair
>ever putting non-10/10/10 servants on support
Kill yourself.
>add bro
>only one that has MLB CEs up
Thanks king, you da man.
Pink/Green is /alter/core.
wait, refreshing supports and seeing some skillet's underleveled servant would make people want to unfriend you
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not being able to pick every single valk is the most fag shit i can possibly imagine.
>That pose
Reminds me of that bald Russian guy.
>na getting summer gauntlet
>jp anni is 1 week after s.skadi drops
Then I shall SKIP. Thanks anon
It's supposed to "make the one you pick special".
I'm debating between Merlin-chan and SSkadi. I do have a couple of quick loppers but it's in classes where I already have arts units. I also don't have regular Skadi so I'd be stuck with SSkadi and like Oberon or Martha or some shit. I don't know how well she does just as a Skadi replacement. As for Merlin-chan... Well, I don't have Merlin but I do have Himeko for invuln comps. I know having a Merlin like is supposedly great but I thought I should ask.
coulda been worse. They could have made you pick between all 6.
Hit pity on Lady Avalon.
Fuck my life, only 1500 SQ left now...
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Thanks bro
i at least try to make sure to have batteries maxed. as a terminal latelet im not having empty support lists. i'll just cope with randos if that means i cant have alter bros on my friends list.
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>Im so fucking hungry its interrupting my enjoyment of playing games
>I dont want to go to the kitchen and cook and clean the mess afterwards
>I dont want topay insane prices for delivered food
What do you do in this situation?
Is there some pill to stop this feeling without having to eat?
Being human fucking SUCKS why do i have to eat and go poop and stuff so annoying i wish i was AI then i could just play games all day without interruption without having to take care of a body.
Thought's on Skadi's plan and actions after the 1st day of the event?
i make retarded off topic blog posts on alter
can someone give me their text speed settings? I moved to a new device and even though I think I had them set like this before too, every textbox that scrolls now scrolls down before you have any chance whatsoever to read what was said in the first line
skadi is leagues better, la is only somewhat useful for cq/bosses and those are piss easy anyway
>I don't know how well she does just as a Skadi replacement
She's a direct upgrade for Quick farming.

>Immortal team
You can take a support Merlin for that, with your own Himiko/Morgan + Caster Artoria.
Speed is modified by framerate also btw
So if you move from 60fps to 90fps, any given setting is 1.5x faster
Thrud probably
Yeah. I will. But I need to guarantee my skadi first.
How about you dont be POOR and order something
It's bad like that for me too.
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I got all 3 big card type loops just to open up the options. You don't NEED Skadi but having one of them enables quick looping, so if in the future you find a really good quick looper you want to roll, the option is avaliable to you.

Having a Merlin is likewise not needed but very very helpful, but in their case the use case is much less common than farming.
>1 slice of ham
>1 slice of cheese
>roll them together
>eat it
Quick and easy
>have to wait an entire week for the purple hag to emerge from Popsicle Palace so I can roll for her
How is this even legal?
It was so much better how it was before, I didn't know why they changed it
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690 quartz just for 1 ibaraki, 1 gareth and Xiang Yu?!?!! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

It's mid-July, Skadi isn't leaving her ice castle in this heat.
I really like fried rice, it's easy and not too difficult to make and clean :)
Truly, cooking is our fate as humans. Our grand order if you will, haha xD
my cranking isnt leveled yet but neither is one of the aerial drives. swapped
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Just 7 multis to hit pity. You know what to do.
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upcoming anniversary servant on jp:
SSR Beast - Pandora
jp summer 2024 servant lineup:
>banner 1
SSR Ruler - Satsuki Miyu
SR Archer - Illyasviel von Einzbern
SR Caster - Miyu Edelfelt

>banner 2
SSR Berserker - Cu Chulainn (Alter)
R Lancer - Cu Chulainn
R Lancer - Cu Chulainn (Prototype)
R Caster - Cu Chulainn (Caster)

>banner 3
SSR Lancer - Jacques de Molay
SR Berserker - Passionlip
SR Assassin - Gorgon Sisters
How long is the currently available summer event node? I have to do a shit ton of work so I'm wondering if I can actually commit to reading it quickly.
Pity soon anon
It's weird when Illyasviel is looking more smug than Jason or Oberon.
I rolled for Merlina because she makes my dick hard.
I always forget chinese assassin guy from shinjuku exists and thats coming from one of the few water margin fans out there
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Its 1 seconds long if you just skip skip skip like i did.
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So our honest thoughts about the event so far?
Don't worry Skadi I'll buy you some ice cream...
>Gareth brought her dog
I feel like the male cast is very weak this summer, the female cast isn't that amazing either outside of Skadi and the Valks.
I swear that guy's given me 10 RP by himself off spooks. After being NP5'd.
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Chiyome and Atalante getting swimsuits for real this time
>3 meme tickets
>1 Gareth
I'm done bros
>No Avalon
It's over. I can't do this. Goodbye.
You just know.
when the fuck are we getting the ability to upgrade the skills to max instantly instead of going one by one
it's shit
He saved Halloween 3 which came right after Shimosa, so I'll never forget him.
i once heard that someone has a patent on that and this is why no other gacha games are allowed to implement it
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I've got NP3 Nurse, my first NP3 SSR...
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Idk, Douman really grew up on me
Just use THAT, bro. It's not that hard.
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story completely uninteresting
merlin is not interesting
douman is annoying and overly centered on
asclep and yan qing and gareth are bros
valks cute
skadi cute

Let's hope some of the arcs that aren't written by the main arc writer will be enjoyable.
right after speed up
It took me like an hour and a half to upgrade everyone during anniversary. It was like 3 3-4 stars, and 4 5 stars
Would that be Nexon? BA has it.
I need to put 2 babies in her at least so she doesn't get blown away by a gust of wind
So why is the event story about Skadi being a lowkey psycho bitch again? We just had this concert with Skadi’s christmas and none of this is making me actually like her
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Well I assume this is what anon wanted so here
For me thats Astolfo and fucking Fionn. Astolfo is like np8 but he at least stopped appearing eons ago, but Im not fucking joking, Fionn still keeps hunting my rolls and its like np10 or something already. Half of my rp are from him
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Yeah, that's why I remember him. He's a Halloween servant to me.
White women with big fat fucking asses...
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They are the best
>1500 year old hag seducing a literal 17 year old minor
Fucking finally. Bimbo stopped short of hitting pity at 288 rolls. Took all of my anni quartz. Everything. All the quartz from all the servants I ascended just for this. I wish I was at least getting tons of Gareth dupes on the way but I only got 1 copy.
Can summer Skadi herself loop? Like use two normal skadis and Oberon to support her.
>that faggot Myst got Lady A in 90 SQ
>white woman brings a dog with her
I remember when THAT command code got announced a lot of people got banned for posting it because the janny was butthurt
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She is ill and will be cured soon
isnt she supposed to be a womanlet and small tits?
Anon, your skadi?!
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>Let's hope some of the arcs that aren't written by the main arc writer will be enjoyable.

Sakurai should write the whole game.
Im still not fan of meme classes, they should be saved for exceptional situations, not for servants that could perfectly work on regular classes
Yeah, however that's what the AI threw without any particular descriptor tags
I assume I can get more accurate results with "petite", "small breasts", etc
Like this
Which one
What do we think of the new 90** stage bros?
>Creaming themselves over a support like that
I cant hate sakurai that much because, once is distinctive enough you can tell its her so that at least indicates some degree of personality.

Second because the basic plots are nice, the character interactions decent.

Actually the only issue Its just an unnecesary excess of filler words what makes you want to poke your eyes out.
>Scale and Snake eye
Once and forgotten
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My Gareth look weird, bros
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First time I hit Pity.

That french buttslut came on my first roll and drained all my cum like it was the semen of a homeless person. Only NP2 Gareth and the cuckhag until I hit Pity and Lady Avalon deigned to appear.
I fucking hate life right now.
t. reddie cope
Thanks, bro
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>Comeback after months after traum released to see if the general has healed
All that is missing is the cropped hentai porn spam
This general got killed somewhere around last year and it never recovered
Urinal thread, do the needful janny
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Everyone has to hit pity once.
I hit mine rolling for Koyan.
>drained all my cum
*Drained all my luck.

I can not even type I am so annoyed.
Where is Taisui looking...
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Time to start the event.
oh no
Go back veteran
>middle left servant
>change eye color
>new servant
Do some of Gudako eating them up in that same position?
I "almost" hit it a bunch of times. I'm not even that annoyed about going all the way to pity but rather how I got fucking nothing. I barely even got a single MLB 5* Event CE just before hitting Pity and fucking nothing remotely worthwhile
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Same, I had a bad feeling about her and it was completely justified.
>everyone on /alter/ agrees that Ibuki and Lady Avalon are redditcore
>event starts
>"/alter/"posters (tourists) start posting about rolling them
Are you lost? /gig/ is this way >>>/trash/
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Summer BB in all. Also, if someone wants to add me too, I have some free slots!
Be glad there's even a fucking pity these days. You could have been like those 2k+ SQ horror stories.
I never hit pit but I spent 1300SQ for Merlin when he came out, does this count?
>everyone on /alter/ agrees
Your schizo split personalities aren't different people. Kys niggy.
Go meet god at the end of the barrel, tourist ratty
Holy KINO, arigatou
I really like Asclepius.
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>First time I hit Pity.

>Only NP2 rateup SR

Happy 7th anniversary bro. All this reward sq was worth it.

laydy ABABON acquired. 600 anni sq left for skadoodle!
Are you the anon that requested?
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I will be picking Thrúd since she's a pure Aryan woman.
Make the right choice bros as I will be filtering people based on their pick.
Just drink my jizz bro
>nazi hyperborea loser has a chance of removing me
hell yeah
>dont want to clean the mess of cooking
put on a movie, audiobook, podcast, or yt video, takes no time to clean up
I'm picking Hildr so I can get the green Valk since I like her look.
>Imagine being so insecure about her popularity he tries to threaten people into picking her
This is more accurate. Just put small breasts, since sometimes even prompting medium makes them too big.
are there even enough people left on alter to filter?
I am. There are probably some other, more basic requests I'll make at a future point, but I'll refrain from now considering you sound like you had to burn a lot for my more complicated requests. Thanks again!
Yeah, just saying that it sucked.
>>banner 2
>SSR Berserker - Cu Chulainn (Alter)
>R Lancer - Cu Chulainn
>R Lancer - Cu Chulainn (Prototype)
>R Caster - Cu Chulainn (Caster)
trash banner quite frankly
Not insecure about anything. I use her lancer form and I'll be picking her as the welfare. It's called having good taste in women.
I thought summer Scadi and the Oni were today. Are they next week?
2030 on Douman is amazing anon
holy cope
Don't worry, if you want I can make the male have more dark skin or be faceless for self insertion purposes like you mentioned previously
Surely Douman won't betray us later in the event, right sisters?
Next year is worse than this summer
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>I will be picking Thrúd since she's a pure Aryan woman.

>as I will be filtering people based on their pick.
Bayzed shizo retardcuck ;)
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it's her!!
I'd appreciate that greatly, thanks AIbro.
lady avalon makes my dick hurt too much
ibuki is pretty cringe though, agree with you there
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Heian girls ...
We roll for gameplay in this house.
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We have absolute unwavering faith that Douman will, in fact, betray us.
>darker skin
>smaller breasts on Merlina
>Dantes shows up
Okay I take it back this event is KINO
>AIspammer nigger sending someone else to trash
Also braindead
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>skip story
damn this event sucks
>read story
damn this event sucks
he's right though
Bros spoonfeed me the CE setup
I have 120 friends and no one from /alter/
Only 2 people in my list have Lady Avalon. Your theory isn't holding up Chud.
I wonder who could that be?
That looks like a Quick servant.
Yeah, that all tracks. Those lascivious expressions you've been putting on her are absolutely killer, by the way. One or two with a more innocent like but still teasing expression would be great, too.
I didn't post any AI, nigger.
>>>/trash/ now.
i have eleven (11) tickets. i WILL get avalon. simple as.
I was NP3ing Gareth and got Lady Avalon NP2 before my third Gareth copy.
On JP I got Lady Avalon NP2 and Gareth NP0.
For some reason her anti-desire sensor is strong as shit when it comes to me.
If only I could have this kind of luck with servants I actually want.
highest rarity drop CE possible on castoria/koyan/skadi/oberon
Don't care about merlina.
I have Lady Avalon but between Oberon, Douman, NP5 Arc, NP5 120 JAlter, NP5 120 Abby, and my Push there's no more space in the Misc/All slots on my support......
Are there any actual busted/cool comps with femerlin? Himiko and Morgan are buster so i dont see reason to use her instead of regular merlin
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>new event dropped
>/alter/ being... /alter/ as always with their autism

So who we blame for the st.. ah whatever
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who do you want to put in misc/all? arent they usually for favorites and oberon/douman?
You should use the MLB 3/4* CEs, they are always way harder to find than the 5* ones.
Arts stall for cq. But there's other stuff for that
Kiara invited herself and keeps everyone in the dark about what she did. (You) don't remember any of it.
arts stalling go brr
Oh, doesn't necessarily have to be faceless, but if that would be easier then that's fine
Gordy is my spirit animal.
Should I put regular Skadi in the support lineup, or will people only use the summer one?
scary image since I had to stare it hard to spot the AI-isms of it.
You had Gilles in your chaldea since year 1. People might not remember, but he's supposed to be a serial killer. Same goes for Phantom, who is also in your chaldea since year 1.
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Got NP2, bros

the summer one is better, retardbro
Is this Russian?
I know, but I'm not rolling for her.
The summer one can't supercharge your quick grits, and became a filthy buster sellout instead
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Do you want me to edit the previous ones to make the male there faceless? or create brand new images?
This is a test, I don't know if you want the male to be bald or have hair
I can just make darker Guda, just tell me whatever you prefer

Also tanned Merlina looks pretty hot
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After Summer Skadi it will always be the new one to seek for.
Nah bro don't worry it's just a tool it could never replace artists.
Is this NovelAI? Did you pay for it?
Yeah it's novel, $25 a month
you should keep the regular one up, she's still useful for CQs thanks to her evade and a handful of quick units that have single buster decks prefer her. put her bond ce or fragments over teatime though, teatime goes on summer form from now on.
I glazed over the faceless part, I'm more than fine with him having a face. I'd prefer for him to have hair, too. Darker Guda makes sense, and if any darker shades are available for that, that would work even better!
And that tanned Purin is doing such things to my dick
I'm getting sloppy toppy for buying someone a big pack for Skadi! FGO really does bring people togethuuuuUUUUUUUUAAAAAAHHHHHHH OH FUCK BABY OH GOD
Photoshop is also a tool. AI doesn't just randomly make porn it still needs the human element of imagination to be there and touch up what's wrong.
I pitied for Lady Avalon! Summer Succubus LOVE!
fgo doesn't have artists left to replace bro
god i wish that were me
Good Morning, bros! It's finally Summer!
How is the event going so far? I still need to decide on which Valkyrie to get. It's a tough decision because I like them all so much.
Anyone summoning today or tonight? Good luck to those that are!
>News section said there are no penguins in the park
>1st scene a bunch of penguins show up
Penguins don't live in the Arctic you brainlet, those are just seabirds.
We have like a week to decide which Valkyrie to pick I think. I want to roll for Douman but maybe I should wait for Skadi first.
Those are Leviathans
I wonder who's behind the keyboard...
Sorry bro there are no penguins in the North Pole, so you're gonna have to delete that image.
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>AI doesn't just randomly make porn
That is quite literally the whole point of it. Input tags, get result.
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How about this?
This is with an emphasis of 3 times on Guda
>{{{dark-skinned male}}}
Good or darker?
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For the closeups could you not do the popsicle gimmick
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Gareth bros which summer ascension are you using?
I love white women with brown skin!
Those are me and Melt's products of love
You can say you love brown girls like zenobia.
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I love women with brown skin!
I never spent more than 600ish sq on a single servant, and that was only because there was nothing on the future I wanted to roll for so I could affort to use some savings.

Usually Im willing to spend about 300-400 tops and thats the servants I really like.

The idea of pity at 900 is unthinkable to me. I dont blame everyone for going there but thats 300 fucking rolls.
I can't imagine it
You input the tags retard. Randomly makes porn means you do nothing and the program is sentient and says "Hey here's some porn for you thought you might like it"
It's a tool like photoshop. Photoshop has content aware filter that many people use. People were crying and bitching about that too. In 2 years you're gonna be seen as a cave man if you don't use at least 40% AI in your drawings
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Fucking shit, i almost forgot this summer event has 3 banners. Almost waste my SQ on tranny Merlin fucking shit
third one because she seemed so proud of it
normalize telling your bros you love them
tell them a lot
make it weird
Yeah, that is absolutely perfect. Thanks bro.
She's not brown tho. White hair and blue eyes disqualify you from being brown. Brown is nasty poo-poo smelly colors.
She's just a white girl with brown skin.
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I did this.
I actually work in an AI supercluster, although 90% of the work is done with incredibly power hungry chips, for the remaining 10% we "hire" biological CPUs to serve as the initial parser/inspiration point for the machines to refine from. Basically they're hooked into something like a going-into-games machine and heavily drugged so they believe they're just dreaming, and then forced to generate mental images and scenarios from user prompts, which we take something like a snapshot of that's used as the reference for whatever art is requested, and the machines apply the artistic style similar to the way phone filters do it. The only thing I can't stand is the smell of burning... hair? Meat? Whatever it is from the internals after a biological CPU starts to fall apart after a couple of weeks.
>make it weird
Try to decide
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Is this nigger really comparing photoshop to copypasting tag btaches and clicking generate? I'm literally an Engineer(true) and you couldn't pay me to figure out and use photoshop, I've hated it everytime I've tried.
Is Merlina the Gojo of FGO?
Everyone talks about how she could be used or how she would be the best farming and CQ servant but 2 years later there are 0 videos of her being used on actually relevant 90++ nodes or CQs.
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first one s megacute
Second is a great reference to ghost n goblins and she looks great in it
Third one makes her look like the knight she alwways wanted to be and its my favourite so far
Arctic used to have ""penguin"".
Great Auks extinction was quite a tragedy
>exists since ice age
>1800s sailors realize Auks down is real nice replacement to eider down (almost drivent to extinction)
>Collect down for years and population starts to shrink
>museums and egg collectors start a frenzy of collecting specimens and eggs from decreasing population
>two men 3 June 1844 kill the last known pair and smash the egg in request of a merchant who wanted specimens before the bird would be no more.
Only thing left of the bird is 78 skins, 75 eggs and 24 complete skeletons
what's this from
SQ well spent. And she's not a tranny she's a real wooman that's gonna carry my babies.
normalize platonically kissing your bros!
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That's a big egg.
Photoshop users don't spam the thread with 50 images of people with mangled hands, hair that fuses together with skin, one concept reused 10 times just with different characters.
And then a bunch of shit eaters shit up the thread with "Do X please" beg instead of talking about the games or story.
Art is valuable when it takes effort and care, someone shitting up 50 pictures in an hour and don't bother fixing up mistakes don't post art, they are just spamming.
We just need to wait for Arts damage dealer that has np overclocking np.
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Bro why is she drooling now just make her normal and pretty and maybe a nice smile or something.
>You input the tags retard
That sure needs creativity and thinking. No, photoshop will never take your request and make it by itself retard.
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Damn she kinda a baddie...
Maybe we should just let her destroy the world or whatever she wanted to do?
Too often we save the flowers for the funeral...
AI posters are still better than fairweather /alter/keks that only are here during the first day of a new event.
Stay mad, tourist
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Alright, I will do some more with that Guda and some with tanned Merlina as well
>She's not brown tho.
Look at her skin
>White hair and blue eyes disqualify you from being brown.
Look at her skin.
>Timegated nodes
I sleep
Why is the event so boring
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My work. Sorry I have to be a little vague with the technical specifics, honestly I'm just a level above the techs who deal with the biological CPUs, meat packers we call them, at least I just get to do standard IT chimp stuff and not have to handle the burnout replacements, worst thing that happens on my day is something mundane like a cluster crashing or some fuckwit unplugging something they shouldn't have then denying it ever happened.
Because we've already had this exact plot for about 5 different events.
Interesting larp
Managed to get Merlina and assclap, so I'm happy. The Valk decision os tearing me up cause I want all 3. Ibuki will be a skip unless skadi comes within 10 tickets.
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I like AI solely because it makes artkeks seethe.
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Like this?
I use photoshop to fix my slop. Git good. Still a tool.
Why is summer Skadi so mean?
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>White hair and blue eyes disqualify you from being brown.
A white man!
We destroyed her world bro
Don'tcha just love when people can't parse analogies just because one parameter isn't identical
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I concur.
This is the worst shitshow we've ever taken to a singularity...
So what happens next?
>I use photoshop to fix my slop.
Good for you, most people don't and it gets slurped if anything you act like the caveman by not just shitting it out as is.
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Cute! Thanks! I want to pat her silky bangs!
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>images of people with mangled hands, hair that fuses together with skin, one concept reused 10 times just with different characters

As much as you are completly right, I wont try to rebate that, it still bothers me how everyone has super high standards now.

People has been fapping vigorously for decades to rough sketches that didn't even have proper lines done, complete broken anatomy images or censored by giant black bars.

But now for some reason one extra digit, or the hair melting a bit into the skin or a pussy slightly poorly defined is an unforgivable sin.
>pity on koyan banner
>700 on arc for no 5*
>now nothing with 300 for summer
Time to drop this piece of shit game.
Again in English?
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Yeah, but how the same if not the same though?
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Guys help. There's only 5 days left and I can't choose between Chiyome, Zenobia and Altria for the special outfit CE. Fapping before choosing did not help.
Should I worry if I think the most attractive one is not the one that is a girl?
Fuck, probably she is not even the second most attractive.
It's because they're leveraging a secondary factor for their argument. They're not primarily concerned about quality in the first place.
collarbones sex
I mean that's the logic I was going with more or less.
oberon gets double penetrated
Who the fuck is Altria?
Merlin or Oberon?
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This nigga retarded AF
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Allow me to translate for you!
>I somewhat concur
>but mankind has been fapping to worse art
>but now it's an issue?
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Come on, its Chiyome, she got something for once, don't miss it
Artskeks are putting AI up against standards they also can't cover.
The guy got stopped by a couple of typos kek
Correct, I can forgive a human for making human mistakes with his limited lifetime in an original work. I won't forgive a machine for doing the same with the unlimited power to trace other people's work.
>700 on arc for no 5*
That right there was your mistake. If you're going deep into the triple digits for a 5* you commit to pity and suck it up. If you're unwilling to go for pity then fucking stop at 120 or max 200sq and go no further or you'll just get ass raped like that.
I don't even know if I feel like playing this event after my horrible failure to get Summer Gareth.
How's the event so far?
Look at the future Anniversary CE options, maybe that will help you decide.
Illya is cute
Retard yes it will. Go read up Adobe's new notes.
You should yes. She only wants to destroy the world so that she can give birth to us (mankind) again.
Hey guys! Don't forget about her
How would you rank the summer units? None of them seem to scream must pull. Then again I dont think there are any must pull units in the future.
What I'd do to marry Illya.
i don't read story, can someone give me quick rundown on the valk personalities? if not i'll just choose pink hair.
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>Day 1 of the event
>Quartz all gone
>Tickets all gone
>No Merlin
>Already reduced to doing the handful of emergency rank ups and free quests I had saved for the next 3 rocks to piss up the wall
At least I have HOPE
Well don't worry, you won't need to forgive them of your personal grievance indefinitely.
Oh, so you just want AI to be better? Based AI bro.
... I know, I know.
I'm getting Skadi then saving for this little cute retard. She can BG loop with oberon too if you have 3/3/3 nodes so I'll use her a lot.
Is Merlin (F) even good for anything?
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let her cook
An artist posting shitty pictures have potential to grow, engaging with them is fruitful, they can learn from the mistakes and post better pictures in the future.
An AI users post a picture, what is there to discuss? Any praises or criticisms are worthless, the only thing AI users can learn is changing the prompt.
Is it just me or did they remove the lateral bars?
Everything looks a bit wider now.
Skadi is must pull if you want to either loop or do big numbers with quick servants and/or crits. Merlina is good for CQs or as a general support. Ibuki is must pull if you have no good omni loopers as she is among the best.
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Oh, he's definitely up there with OG Merlin. I find Lady Avalon surprisingly plain compared to OG Merlin myself but S. Skadi is actually hot.
I can't tell if you even have a point
Its Merlin but Arts instead of buster.
Amazing chest ahead!
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I just want her because my King and husband said we should keep an eye on her.
I'm so excited for you, Skadi bro
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When do we estimate Skadi and Ibuki to drop?
>got lady avalon
>400 quartz left
Is it worth it to try to get np2?
I'm not even sure of what the np2 effect increases may be.
You mean content aware fill? It just fills up parts of the image from the rest of the image, at least that's what the notes say.
So tell me anon, how do you make that make a whole new image from tags alone.
Removing everyone who will pick Turd
YOU have been warned.
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Is she better than S.Ishtar? I am tired of her.
Which one is the most robotic? I'll take that one.
I'm glad she's so close now! Waiting another week after seeing her already in the event is difficult...
It's either you stay in NP1 or go NP5
NP2 to NP4 are fucking nothing burgers and are barely an improvement
>Skadi finds a grail
>knowing that these are dangerous and Chaldea keeps them locked up
>Valks criticise it
>get Runed
>more Valks summoned
>go around assaulting Servanfs and Primordial Runing them into summer spirit origins
>oh btw the singularity will never disappear
>now we instead of enjoying summer we have to Wage Cage to make the theme park functional like it's Amagi Brilliant Park, complete with Skadi/Sento

This retarded Norse goddess needs correction. Did all her intelligence and knowledge fall out the bottom of her skull?
I don't, but it will, at this point this place already values it more than artists so it will eventually replace them like it did here.
Space Rin is still the best vs Rulers and Forinas, yes, she is better than K*ma
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How do I send nuke to Avalon? Come the fuck down here you succubus
What is this obsession with infinite growth? I see an AI picture, it's cute, that's it. I don't need it to be a step towards the making of the man that would one day repaint the Sistine Chapel.
Skadi's skadoodles...
Regular art has more subjective value because it has human effort put into it and as such the person behind it will struggle and grow. AI has none of that.
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Out of my current 900 sq 300 are for her.
For general class looping, yes because Space Ishtar has neutral class (Avenger) and Ibuki has Berserker.
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don't let her cook...
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How can these fuckers have the time to go to the beach when everything is in fucking shambles?
Like "woweeee let's go to the beach while everyone is dead!"
There's nothing wrong with the theme park. This is the same as Oni-land, Liz did nothing wrong.
Summer Ibuki dethrones Space Ishtar as the best Arts looper, yorokobe shounen
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Explain this then? Face it, you "artists" are just flesh automatons that do the bidding of others rather than create for themselves as an artist should.
Does your beloved have any summer representation? At least a CE if no servant or costume?
>because it has human effort put into it and as such the person behind it will struggle and grow
Don't care.
All work and no play make Guda a dull boy
Life goes on. You wont stop enjoying live when your parents or someone you love dies, right?
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i dont know im skipping the story so i cant really tell
>man doesn't understand symbiosis
Future exceptional artists will by and large incorporate it into their work. The niche of "natty" art will always exist for those who support it.
You can't really be arguing people have abandoned their beloved doujins. Arguments are better made without hyperbole.
>point out fact
>umm obsessed much?
I can tell why you need AI with that IQ.
t-this year for sure...
based fellow skipchad
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Any asc1 bros here
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He sure did.
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You didn't even read past the second word did you...
Explain what? It's a picture someone made for fun.
Everyone knows you people don't care.
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Bro check the news
There's no point going down this line if you aren't even aware what constitutes "art" has been discussed to death literal centuries ago.
There's a whole philosophical field for fuck's sake.
They really did a great job with him, honestly looking forward to this outfit more than the actual servants next year.
>Explain what? It's a picture someone made for fun.
Yeah and AI cannot threaten that.
No, get fucked
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Yeah, thinking it through I care about seeing what shit Oberon was up to much more than anything else.
I was robbed from lolibuki, I won't contribute to this slander!
Lady Avalon took 600 SQs and 20 tickets, but she's home. But now my stash for Skadi is fucked....no...
anon we held a christmas party right before chaldea assaults solomon's time temple
That's the real tragedy...
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>Eat the Star of David
What did Liz meant by this
Their family deserve a happy ending.
patriots in control
>Regular art has more subjective value because it has human effort put into it and as such the person behind it will struggle and grow. AI has none of that.
I have unironically gleamed insight from your post. You do not view the art itself as art, you view the artist as the art piece. It's a fundamental difference in world view that would never be bridged and from mind point of view, that's dehumanising as fuck.
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Hopefully is not only a CE this year.
Yeah she is a welfare but I can't 120 her yet which sucks
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How come Gilgameshs cum dump secretary isnt a servant yet?
holy fat birb ass and thighs
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>It's an "artist fucks up her skin tone" episode
Other than that, is this the kind of thing you'd like to see for her, or something more wild and playful? I think something related to a masquerade or Mardi gras would be really fun for her.
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Bros promise me that you won't bully me if I put my lvl 112 Arc on support.
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I skipped the story. Do they have arctic shark over there?
My hagwife is such a prankster, not even the gods can escape her.
For those of you that haven't played Remnant, Ibuki is great there. Easily the must fun character. All of her combo enders leave a force of nature effect going on (thunder storms, a flowing river, a volcano etc.) and then you can use the heavy attack without a combo to then set off any nature effects by making them explode, so you can have a volcano and a thunder storm burst for a huge amount of damage on the same enemy, it's fun
Kama Tummy...
Is anyone's list where you pick a support for a quest buggy as hell? Mine is completely glitching out.
>Yeah and AI cannot threaten that.
Sure, but that is one niche of art only. The rest is fucked, people trying to improve? Fucked. People wanting to make commission? Fucked. People even wanting to drawfag? Guess what AI has been doing for months now.
>Future exceptional artists will by and large incorporate it into their work.
You are fucking stupid if you believe that, it is already replacing a huge chunk of artists, in a few years it will make the great stuff. The work would be to put the correct tags so pretty cool incorporation.
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sisters... i fucking made it
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>Servant 1: I think we should poopoopeepee!
>Servant 2: I agree
>Servant 3: I agree too
>Servant 4: No doubt I agree too
>Servant 5: Indubitably
>Master: I agree/I agree very agree
>Servant 6: Then let us poopoopeepee
>Servant 7: This is a reminder that the plan is to poopoopeepee
>Fou: Fo fou! It is time indeed to proceed, after careful consideration, to poopoopeepee
Boy am I glad this is my hobby
>play 0 AP node
>it just skips to the next one
What a weird event
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The very news providing info for the one character out of the three that I don't care about? Good idea!
Me is literally me.
Please name 10 of these "huge chunk of artists".
>People wanting to make commission? Fucked.
That is literally the only true statement and I don't think you are entitled to get money for pursuing your hobbies, unless you've already put the work in.
You've never seen sketch input before, clearly.
There's no discussion to be had with someone so ignorant they don't even know what they're criticising.
Do continue your righteous crusade!
Time to save.
Well duh, if I saw art as objectively of course AI won already. I have been saying it for months now, but I will stick to the flesh pencils, they really need someone to as none of you will
thanks, I guess I'll just wait for skadi then.
Eat the jews.
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So far we had polar bears, Auks >>486552270, seals in the map attraction, icy coelacanthus, Sunfish and soon Dunkleosteus.
>1st Ascension is a cute one-piece for the loli Hassan. She has a fun floatie and plays with the other children of Chaldea at the beach, making lots of new friends
>2nd Ascension is a cool summer outfit for Zayd the Based, lots of potential for humor. Could maybe make it 3 sprites, for Zayd the Based, Makuru the Quick and Gozuru the Strong Arm together
>3rd Ascension is a sexy swimsuit for Asako. One-piece is great but a bikini may be needed to show off her lovely abs
>4th Ascension is a big group photo of all the Hundred Faces playing at the beach together with the loli Hassan on the side watching with the other children of Chaldea and cheering them on

That would be very nice, showing more than just Asako.
If they chose to only give it to Asako, I'd like at least one ascension to have a one piece outfit, and at least one ascension to show off her abs. A masquerade like outfit could be really cool, not every swimsuit has 3 swimsuit outfits for ascensions so something like that would be really pretty and would suite her well I think.
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Merlina squeezed considerable amounts of sq…
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They didn’t put the stream summon map?
Thanks bro, I closed the game for a bit and didn't try again until just now.
Glad to say I got her first try.
I'm grateful for the wisdom you've shared.
too late today, spend 30 quartz trying to get Purin, got fucking nothing.
Who's the best person to use him with? Does a Gogh, Molay, Douman team work well?
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>Rolling for no reason
This might be it for me, maybe my motivation really is gone and I should quit at Summer 8...
All the nameless mediocre artists wanting to make a name for themselves.
Any work makes you entitled to money, sorry you work on something you feel no joy for.
Honestly no, I don't look into AI art like you people do, show me the 50 so sketches needed to make the images posted in this very thread.
But wouldn't them having to overcome the adversity of competing with AI actually make for a better artpiece?
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That's how a 120 birb should look like.
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Bro you ok bro? Please message me bro you ok? Bro? Did i do something bro? Friend bro is all ok?
There's a story?
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It's very obvious when it's Sakurai is the writer.
I'll try to hold from now on, Aesc is coming home next year
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>Any work makes you entitled to money
Only if there's someone willing to pay for it mate.
Humans have limits that take time to surpass. It's like thinking a martial artist can beat a gun, or that a runer will outrun a sports car.
How would you fix First Hassan?
Sorry bro I haven't beaten the lb Camelot
Sketch input isn't even a new thing kek
Nobody said it was utilized in every case, I'm just telling you it exists in spite of your ignorant ranting.
Give him 100% NP charge per turn for 3 turns
Of course lad, it's how capitalism works. And AI took thar away.
By this point every single one of my favorite servants (girls) had a swimsuit except for Chiyome and Jack
Cool. It'd be perfect if there's saber toothed tiger too. But that's sounds good enough
What ignorant wanting? lmao. You can see in this very thread how AI replaced artists within a year. But better play dumb right? Why sketch something when you can just tag and get the same or better results with less effort? If you are going to put effort in then just do the whole piece yourself already.
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Nah, that's not it is it? Art is not supposed to be an objective metric. That's why you think AI is omnipotent, you only gauge speed, accuracy, the physical parts of art. An artist wins by ideas and an artist with no original ideas is just a craftsman and not a very good one at that.
I mean, enjoy your artistic nihilism I guess
It is, it produces good looking artwork effortlessly in minutes. There is nothing original left really, as humans have been alive for so long. So it doesn't matter in the end, again look at the thread AI won already.
What nihilism? That people like AI more now? Just take a look at the thread, just read your own posts for fucks sake. What more proof do you need?
(You) Are not exactly in a position to refuse any help.
Saving humanity comes first before any petty grudges.

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