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Previous Thread: >>485894517
>Beginner's FAQ and Reroll guide (Read everything before asking questions)

>How to get the game
>Steam PC client
Google Play/Apple store/QooApp/Taptap
Or use the apk to install

Twitter: https://twitter.com/CounterSideGBL
Site: https://counterside.com/
Pass: Yanikka Shirokova
Reactors: A LSY, Rosaria, Frederick
>Rate ups
Guilty Gear Collab Characters, Rita, Horizon

All raid/trimming gear stats:
Shop Guide for Global:
Gear guide: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1wrg8o2SPz59CC_oxBnMjd6SK3v41qVi66AhbsLuLpIg/htmlview#

>Global Consortiums
HildFriends, Prestissimo, RosariaPits, Lucklets(Rip?)

>Global Promo Codes
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just a few more days unless bside is retarded and does it on the very last day of the month in 2 weeks
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>New girls are more likely chronologically dead after their own episode.
>New hags are likely included in the main story after their introduction episode.
Pirates chapter better be good after the last 2 being disappointing.
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>meanwhile in KR
dino literally turned into godzilla and can't be killed. imagine being able to play last stand for half an hour or more because it has no time limit
Do you have double Lin Xien? You NEED double Lin Xien for those Inhibitor turbo runs to work, or you will eat shit to the firewall.
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i hope you're not expecting anything serious cause it looks more like a goofy fun episode.
Goofy fun is fine after all the depression episodes.
Why is dinosaur not permabanned in arcade?
>Hard countered by Jisoo
>See nobody uses her!
Are you retarded?
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>Because of the fucked up release schedule we now have 5 normal units I want in a row
God damn it Bside
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you can't stop him, nobody can, not even bside
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intern-kun saw all the bitching about no SSRs to roll for, now we pay for that
We'll never get a barrel throwing giant monkey...
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i gotchu bwi
based godzilla
i liked the last 2 they were just sad though
>Prydwen Yuna sss tier
>next to no usage
Bwo do you not pvp?
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So I've finished Alice story, but I am too stupid to understand a few things about it.
Alice dies fighting Simurgh, but then how does Carmen gets her body? Is she corrupted because of using the whatever engine thing and turns into her? Does Carmen steal her body later? Is Carmen her own thing and never really did steal Alice's body in the first place?

Also regarding Simurgh. Is Simurgh both the hot robogirl AND the ship?
>gfl2 global socials are up
ntrchads we gonna eat good
Alice crashed from space they recovered her body but likely shit happened and carmen possesed her

Simurgh is the AI that was in control of the robot and the spaceship
Was hyped for years but after so long I think I'm just going to skip. Still haven't caught up on the gf1 story and I don't want to watch it through a fucking website. It's ass fucking retarded that the main story is limited in game. With all the controversy with the second game I think I'm just going to pass, I can't bring myself to keep up with the story of the gacha I am playing now. Why do I need another one I'll just slack on? From what I hear the gameplay isn't even good.
fuck off Raymond
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I figure Asimov might just be the Thagirion seat since iirc Shena referred to Simurgh as the 'king's' Apostle and people do tend to keep referring to Thagirion as a 'king' until later on. Would make sense since Elysion had a 'neighboring world' that Thagirion wrecked, and they thought Thagirion was killed at some point. iirc The 'tv' in the mech relic stage explicitly name dropped Thagirion too.
Thagirion seems to be the origin of the tech that leads to Mental Printing and that camera that was used on Dash so I think that this Demon Lord aspect is practically the source of the Doppelganger phenomenon. Asimov is capable of causality calculations like Admin's Terrabrains and that ability leads to the manifestation of fucked up futures and possibilities like that camera and the relic stages. Asimov seemingly got destroyed at some point, but then either possesses someone or got passed over to an Antagonist who then ended up in Elysion and fully re-manifested again as a new Demon Lord Thagirion. Hell, they might even be the same seat existing at different times. Asimov have might been affecting the future from a point in the past or vice versa. Carmen manifesting in the past in a Alice Doppelganger might not even be a coincidence, it's just part of Asimov vs. Admin's 4D chess game. Picking Alice as the new Yaksha Commander was to play Asimov into a more preferable outcome.
Yes, I've 7.
I wish I could 110 multiple lin xiens and the admin soldiers without using fusion cores
In ALice's story, did Admin just send Alice to her death on purpose to recover Simurgh? I feel like he was sacrificing her playing his 4D chess game.
They should let your farm fragments from characters you own like every other gacha.
Probably, this was before he decided to not reset so it was just usual business.
pretty much, he is aware of sysop moves but he doesn't stop it
I 110'd them before New Origin.
I haven't played yet so I can't say how standalone it is to it's predecessor, but story/characters has been the franchise's strongest feature, so if you're a lorefag and haven't kept up with GFL1 then you wouldn't enjoy it. They've been bringing back a lot of fan favorites. Probably the only downside of being a direct sequel.
Found new video, seems easier, at least you can understand it and it shows you the gear.
Still I can't copy it, I do 70% damage, and now you need 6 Harim
makes a lot of sense. also, giga whale territory.
Well... if I didn't TU'd her I would have a Haram's Haram
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>T6 yang
Good,now to make a new ¨T6 yang bwo!
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hi i got this from completing a mission
who am i supposed to choose?
blah blah blah nigga, this game has lazy poorly developed shit lore and isn't worth thinking about.
Baasedeon if youdont have her
They don't let you choose Kim Hana? Ehm, maybe Olivie if you do PvP or LSY/Lena for PvE. They're pretty outdated.
sorry i am a new player
This is going to be my first ssr operator
Olivie for PvP. I used her a bit in PvE as well, in the "I am totally get fucked by this opening" situation.
The rest are much much worse.
>sorry i am a new player
why are you larping sis?
Lee Baasedeon or olivie i usee Baasedeon more
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Every 300 pulls you get 3000 Planet Points. As a F2P you just live with a Kim Hana and whatever other operator you get from giveaway's tickets until you get enough PP to all-in in one. When that time comes you will know who to choose, and cry because you didn't get the right side skill.
I saw a picture of the commander and he looks like any typical anime teenager main character. It's stupid when he should be in his 30's. Blue archive anime did the same thing, I don't want to support that.
go to bed autist, when are you going to stop hanging onto our nuts and coping and seething.
Huh there is a filter changing her name or its another thing? Soo Baasedeon
Ok which one of you did this
>not sss tier then
Its not hard anon, unless you're stupid in which case i'm terribly sorry for your parents.
En algún lado de 4chan la gente se ponía a llorar por que les decían grano de soja.
First time on 4chan anoncito?
Stfu anoncito
I thought it was s o y that got filtered not s o o y , not like i discuss about it

Well... guest what ppl used when they made the filter to avoid it.
This is likely why in Janice's lifetime contract she makes it clear she's not 100% on board, and does not trust the administration.
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lycoris sexo
I don't remember people using So o yeon to refer to it but i might have just missed it
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That sounds more like a possible bonus in the far away future than anything else. We can expect to get it, but right now there's no telling if Judy is even going to bring it to us or use it for something else before we have to sink it again.
Admin had to make sure he had enough surviving forces to actually fight in the upcoming Qliphoth Game while also taking Maestra out of the picture so she couldn't get in their way during the game while dueling Asimov in 4D chess at the same time. I think picking Alice for Yaksha Commander created vulnerabilities for Asimov to attack in a way that leads to a better outcome.
Alice died so we could even have a chance to fight in the Qliphoth Game. Old Admin lost in the end, but it could have gotten so bad that the Admin bailed out instead of staying... and the decision to stay wasn't even something Admin saw coming.
Be a FemCommander and RP as a hag. Not as great as FemProfessor for PNC, such peak design.
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holy shit ALIVE GAME
holy kek
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What the FUCK
holy based. make counterside great again!
when are we going to turn as complex as yu-gii-oh i want walls of text
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Hopefully never
>covers her flat chest
dogshit game.
We need sexy COs
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rabi is sexy
is rabi secretly a jew
Rabi is everything and everyone so yes that would sadly include them.
Why can't more substreams have 2 hard battles like uncrying?
idk, bside really need to make at least 5 hard fights for the substreams, it doesnt need to give shards to some unit just soem materials to craft is whatever but at least give more PVE hard fights
Shut the fuck up I don't need more hard battles, rhino is still kicking my ass it's embarrassing at this point. The last hard one was when ARegina first appeared I had to roll for her to clear the hard one
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you wil
Idk what to do with this...
give it to Luna
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Oh I plan on giving it to her every single night for the rest of my life.

Just once is enough., Irie C.O. form is a good girl.
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nyes, I am tooting her horn every day if you catch my drift
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fine, i will play cafe stella and get diabetes from cuteness overload like from all the other yuzusoft games
yuzusoft games are great, I don't know why people shit on them so much. Cute and comfy is peak aesthetics.
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>Cute and comfy is peak aesthetics.
You reminded me I never finished Joker game. I feel like I've already seen the best girls stories though. It's hard to be motivated to finish the last few.
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i pretty much always play one girls story and then stop there. unless i'm forced to unlock a bonus story by playing through it all for that said one girl.
sooo i'm not going to tell you to finish it.
I'm halfway through that girls story now. But it's tied together with the main plot and the last girl the tsun so I have to finish it. Was worth though because the cunny and the first girl were great. Honestly the only one that was sort of boring was the sister. They just played it too straight. The rest have been fun.
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i actually started for the loli too but this horny hag kept teasing me and badly needed some correction.
NGL watching her jill off while were just feet away rocking a raging hard on in our invisibility suit was one of the hottest things I've ever seen.
you owe it to her to finish her story too!
I'm gonna do it tonight, over the wall hags barely hanging onto their last dying egg deserve love too!!
i need more action-based with some cunnies VNs
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Baldr Sky has real action gameplay and in one of the timelines you get an actual real cunny wife.
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chris sexo
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Chris Rape
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Counterside should have been a VN.
cute onahole
how often do you guys craft relics, since this game doesn't have a pressure on you to constantly craft gears like e7, I often do them just to finish weekly missions
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i do them for weekly missions too
I craft raid gear just to complete the weekly missions and relic gear when there is a discount, Until then I just hoard mats/gold and modules.
i usually wait for the discount, but sometimes i forget and waste a bunch of resources
I find this more difficult than reaching Volcano lv. 20
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Step 1: Murder lesbians
Step 2: Murder and Eat Mom and become the new Mommy.
Step 3: Sexo the Administrator in the Lake Forever.

Child soldier sexo
I don't craft.
How would sex with Horizon be like?
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Amazing for the 2 minutes you could survive it.
I usually throw 100m or so on Volcano/Swift every time there's a discount. Other than that it's pointless because you're waiting on heavily gated resources to actually do anything with your gear.
>Go to HQ
>Craft them with the warehouse full of blue appraisals you have sitting around
but i'm nearly at 100k....
i lied its nearly 1 million
I think I can handle her in bed
You need Conversion Approvals... things that I don't have, nor going to waste stamina for.
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Netflix and chilling and doing adult things.
I would need the link to verify this statement.
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Can robots have sexo?
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someone post the webm
must be some discord meme
very robot sexo
sounds good to me where do i sign?
night bwos,luv you all
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sweet dreams, bwo, luv u too
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When will she put me to sleep with her super grippy sex instead of her chloroform bombs
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Xiao Lin is so small she can't shoot flying units...
She can if you make her a tower.
blessed be that artist 90% of lily art is from him
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We need more Lily
yeah most of the few remaining hardcore players are from there.
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Gotta say, I'm actually pretty dead the UP system will be temporarily dead.

It went from "cute way to use SR units in pvp" into "some half-forgotten SSR unit randomly becomes a half-priced awakened unit for a week" it was pretty bullshit.
bwos, I'm having fun in Gaeunbreak...
enjoy it while it lasts, it gets stale after a few weeks to a month
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>Gotta say, I'm actually pretty dead the UP system will be temporarily dead.
did you mean that first dead? or it suppose to be 'sad'? glad?
and yeah, not having SRs be uppable is garbage. sylvia erotic.
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Don't know what makes Millia and Sigma always survive but Rebecca got lucky this time.
Don't lewd the maids
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Lily is made for lewd
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This does 84% damage to an Inhibitor 150 with almost no gear. Kaci has 62 Anti.Ground DMG RES and Harim has R-Maze ,Lin Xien and ASY have Initiative CDR and Jia Antagonist, everyone else is naked.
Millia has an invul passive, Sigma is fucking invincible and Rebecca probably iframed it with her ult.
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I have half of those. The lower half.
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Bocchi collab when?
I need to know where this is from for research purposes
Instead of Ministra you can use Sobim or aMaria, if you need an extra healer Evelyn, add Sigma and for the other units you can use any of there in this priority Ciel, Chifuyu, Rebecca, Agnes, Biblide, Dash, normal Hilde
with our accelerated schedule, dino will be unbanned one more time before mordred...
Theoretically it might be possible to bait her with another striker but it's still going to be hard to benefit from trying to save your 8 cost dino from a 5 cost sniper.
Where's our SEA players..
maids are made to be lewded
what's this?
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There was maybe one guy from /csg/ left alive by the time we merged. The rest are just discord whales that add nothing to game other than fucking us out of the top 100 spots.
>Oh they made Inhibitor 'change' element, lets see if I can take advantage of that
>There's nobody with change worth running except Ciel
is that a new thing?
Why are there so many skills that say "Mechs included"? Is that some remnant of a defensive uniqueness mechs had?
I think mechs ignore a lot of status effects like sleep and such.
yeah, they used to lean into the autistic lore. you can't sleep a mech because robots don't sleep. stunning only happened if the stunner had anti-mech as part of their lore.
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Do I really need Spencer?
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Can you relate?
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why is this vampire like this
yes ;_;
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Yes, my mom is still alive but she lost the ability to cook sometime in the last 10 years. She used to make the most amazing meatloaf and macaroni and cheese dinner. I would ask for it every birthday. But something happened and now it's really bad. I don't have the heart to tell her so I just smile and eat it and reminisce about better times.
she sucks
yeah, my tits
Who is this?
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our certified pizza cutter called yanikka, also a vampire
When is she coming out?
a month ago as counter pass. she's in the whole SSR pool now. prbly gonna be a bit till she's up again as she also isn't very useful.
you can prbly get her from a SSR selector when we get one for half anni in a few weeks.
R rated version of Counterside when?
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2025 with KR server merge and a new beginning with Lewd Origin 1.0
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>he thinks we'll make it till 2025
flandre and remillia sexo
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if you compare it to last year's summer there isn't actually that much of a difference, doomcutie.
if half anni brings in the same 100+ again then we limp once more from one big event to the other.
half-anni will save us
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dunno why i'm even excited for the half anni stream but i hope it happens this coming week and not in the last. i crave to see some new info and 2nd big roadmap.
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It's hard to be enthusiastic when the only thing they've done with PvP in ages is just delete SRs from the game.
yeah innovation seems to be dead
Is the stream in english?
They are going to announce project star closed beta.
korean and no english subs. magebwo does a live trnaslation stream on the side, but otherwise we just react to the pictures and english roadmap pic.
>Get 3k PP
>Buy Vivian
This hurts, but it has to be done
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i can teach you a thing or two about true pain. imagine getting only crap 8 times in a row.
I didn't take my chances, I used the free selector.
We have maid, pirate, ninja, witch, knight but no nurse?
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Dino can't ult through the gigas pull? I can get eve to survive but dino just dies even when they both ult at the same time.
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i skipped dino so can't test it but it takes quite a while to fire his laser, prbly is more a case of the i-frame being somewhere at the very end. if he even has an i-frame that is.
That makes sense.
Bitch I have 15 sigma operators sitting in my stash and still never got aoe res. I know true pain.
Did you not at least get Ground Res?
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gear is fine
operators are fine
the game is fine
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I can excuse some on the suboptimal sets as just being a numbers issue that bside is too lazy to fix; but anti-siege, anti-tower, and anti-support are just infuriating.
my ship modules...
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What did she see?
I image those are bullshit even for whales as lock modules are pretty much never offered. 1st and 2nd slots are annoying, but your odds of getting two good rolls on the 3rd set are nonsense because of the excess of options.
impregnating my daughterwife
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Not amazing but feel like I got pretty lucky.
yeah. that's about as good as it gets
Now I just need a Soldier Tower.
2024 you have to wait to delete a post.
My grandma made udon what with like anchovy oil or something. I wonder if it's a type of udon.
It's funny to see people talking about CS outside of csg
Where? I've never seen the game brought up even on /v/ since maybe a few months after launch.
Break the Gaeun.
People discussing about gacha not killing playable characters.
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good thing that we are experts at killing playable characters
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No I don't like this stop it.
I'm still mad of getting spoiled that Ministra and Spira were Rita and Dash in a pv...

>Oh look! new assr!
>wait a minute...
>fuck you bside

i remember seeing someone post hilde in hsr last week.
Good life lesson, you should know by now to never watch trailers for anything you are interested in because they always spoil shit.
The fucking ffxiv expansion trailer gave away one of the biggest secrets in the whole story. Whoever makes trailers and previews, all of those people should be rounded up and sent to live naked in the amazon.
why would you say that without a spoiler, we got newcuties in this room!
Don't worry I covered their eyes with my dick.
it was you, huh?
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they're in a better place
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>High level players still putting up level 70 raids
I'd remove some of these people, but I may not be able get replacements any more...
can you say his name again? the name of my old friend...
I'm actually not sure what's worse;
getting turning into a CO and going on a rampage against your own race until being put down as monsters, but at least getting some peace in death and being remembered.

Or being absorbed by an eldritch horror, and while at least getting one last moment of being a badass then literally being erased from existance.
latter 100% because rita killed and tortured dash and turned her into spira,turning against your species is minor stuffr
Dude deserved a SSR alt more than Roy.
I'm mad that they lowered the impact by tying it to the thagirion storyline and Mors just watched the entire thing and did nothing.
better to be forgotten than to risk killing your own friends
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Christ, I'll never call anyone here autistic again.
sure is some cruel irony that our worlds dash got fucked over by the actions of the other worlds dash that became that demon lord. both had shitty lives and mors didn't save either of them when she could
wouldn't surprise me if the top whale consortiums have a set minimum participation dmg for co-op.
we are all casuals compared to true tryhards like that.
Mors is fucking useless. She kills one monster in the main story and suddenly all her previous bullshit is redeemed?
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indeed. all she's good for is being (You)r pet
Mors did nothing wrong.
if i could i'd name myself xXPu55y34t3RXx
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It's pretty obvious that she'll get a powered up version during this arc.
Well I wasn't going to link this but I might as well now.
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Surely this is accurate and isn't forged at all.
Completely ignored her sentient weapon.

noellel isn't suspicious,she wont turn out to be a hidden six wings
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Don't mind me just on my way to /vmg/
nice melons, anon
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Hey stay away from my melons!
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nyo,they are mine now
night bwos,luv you all
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sleep well, bwo, luv u too
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why is she seducing me
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she knows you got good genes
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not a hag yet, gotta wait a few years on that one
smug mouse will be all grown up when we see her next
actually, she will have achieved hag status
so it's possible the mouse tits will be able to rival the bunny tits now
i will be cheesed to meet her
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What's up with these kinds of angles in anime whenever two people are talking?
japanase are short people
Anime directors like to make conversations visually interesting.
Valve should add a fun minigame western mode
\>only weapons allowed: r8 and sawed off shotgun
>buy whiskey: +25 health -20% accuracy
>buy coffee + 20 accuracy
>grenades are dynamite
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Must be playing Counter Strike: Counter Side edition.
This is what should have happened uring Maestra redemption arc
The ceo bots are just upskirt cams
Is there a specific dive that's easier to speedrun? not sure if I should optimize my team or climbing higher it's easier (currently at level 55)
this is the buff Maestra really needs
There's an extremely high investment way to speedrun 56-60 with Jack-O. Maybe it works on the lower ones as well?
I wouldn't go further without A Yuna and a significant amount of autism, since the enemies have siege tanks.
I regret moving to 60. It's bearable with jack-o but I still sometimes fail and have to rely on a backup team to kill the boss.
I see, thanks for the advice. maybe I should just sweep all and build both the cafeteria (+10% info from missions) and data archive (-10% info sweeping cost) cause I spend most time doing dives and it's tedious. my branches are still not max level so not now, but I assume if I demolish two for these I don't have to worry about running out of info?
I uh, don't know. I have been losing info ever since I started sweeping some of my dives, but that could be because I'm also building operators as well.
I dropped this game a while back after completing the replacer storyline, didn't really like the academy setting. Does the story ever pick back up from that point?
Eventually Yoo Mina breaks her arm and fucks off for a while.
The Jack-O whiff due to getting a speed buff makes me so mad. When you watch it happen everything looks fine but then the bomb just doesn't hit anything. The whole reason why I wanted this strat was so that I would be able to clear dives with just 3 units using gear no one else needs but then I have to have a full team set up anyway.
Chapter 6 is definitely a slow part in the story since it's just there to build up the 2nd arc. Chapter 7 is one of the more interesting chapters, then it picks up again at chapter 9 and it's been uphill from there.
>eating chocolate covered sunflower seeds
whats her fucking problem?

They have to use good angles anon
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Would you rather eat chocolate covered carlota?
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how about chocolate covered eldritch horrors?
My current set up is level 3 data archives and sweep level 60 dives. Can usually win in just under a minute and it only costs 960 intel. Once you've been playing for a while you really don't need the future strategy department anymore, as there's no reason to obsessively check branches multiple times a day.
licking chocolate from carlota skin....
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I'd lick chocolate from sandy's hairy belly tbdesu
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Ciel puta
I love Lee Baasedeon change from tomboy retard to hot serious/angry hag.
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bratty mouse needs correction
where do I get one of these
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not entirely sure if bside is selling internationally yet but as i can't find anything from a quick search it's prbly still korea only. only seen merch in their local cafe strega and some anime conventions over there.
I just waste info and skip to the end. It's at this point fail proof for me. The main thing really is that one of your ship supports should be Arisu. AYuna can somehow tank the whole stage with full maze gear.
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>you really don't need the future strategy department anymore, as there's no reason to obsessively check branches multiple times a day.
la rata sexo
Does anyone know how popular is CS in korea?
It's one server now and the global revenue is still often sub 200k; so not that big.
*one client
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the inhibitors are already piling up
What is Spencer good for? I'm low on blue tix after gg collab
buffs anti-CO damage. so, raids, maybe DC. it seems possible that she can push a different character out of those teams, but she doesn't seem like a must have.
There's more of mors' mors than a typical mousepad, huh?
Cafe Strega?
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>yangposter dies
>carlottaposter steps up
Is carlottaposter a skinwalker?
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i'm still here
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sweaty tits
my tits are sweaty enough as is bwi....
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but are they round and bouncy?
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hard to tell, but definitely far from something like blue archive. we always meme about no ads on global but apparently they are trying in KR see pic related from last year.
apparently we are at least popular enough to keep a RL cafe strega running, which by itself should cost a decent amount to do.
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They had an event for goods.
Just let me buy those stickers you dumb fucks.
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yeah and the merch has only increased since then. though to be fair not a single actual figurine only ever those cheap 2D ones
They should make some 3D designs and sell it to people that want to scan them
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oh hey there is actually art of that
Meh, honestly a downgrade.
Her outfit doesn't make sense anymore as a hag.
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Stranded on a summer island with Eve substream WHEN?
Didn't KR get a summer event to go with the skins?
Couldn't she just teleport out?
She's not trapped on there with (You), (You) are trapped on there with her.
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Shadow are introduced as counters that ran out of CRF and a lingering will based on their moment of death. They also have a core that allows regeneration.
At first we see Rita running out of energy and going crazy, but it turns out she was just targeted by a 'sister' who corrupted her into Ministra, her lingering will being loneliness led her to attack Dash and make it hers. Spira's will is to go back home as she died tried to run away.

Lyudmilla was fatally wounded protecting her squad who got frozen inside a ship, she then turned into a shadow with a will to always protect he squad. Not to be confused with doppelgangers that are just COs that copy forms and memories from those who die in the counterside. Later she goes trough some work that turns her into a demogorgon, a stronger shadow. Possibly one characteristic of demogorgons is the ability to create their own subworlds.
Aporia is Jake's shadow but its said that he got corrupted by being hit by a thorn and not running out of energy. Aporia's will is to destroy all COs no matter the cost. He turned evil despite being just as determined to protect others like Lyud.

Ecclesia turned into the shadow Mors after losing her world to Thagirion. Her will being regret for everything wrong that she let happen. Breaking out of her armor did 'something' to her state?
The philharmonic are all shadows that use mental printing to help their regeneration by using spare bodies. Somehow they can reshape those bodies as they like. Their cores are linked to their instruments. They were studying imprinting as way to live in the counterside, they might have voluntarily changed themselves into shadows.
The Replacers also corrupted themselves to exist in the counterside. Are they similar?
Lurcher is a machine with the core of a shadow. Maybe it works similarly to the philharmonic and their instruments?
The redemption knights all died facing Nehemoth. Ray, after turning into a demon lord, brought them back as shadows. Frederick Doma and Yuma are the last members of their respective tribes that also got annihilated, it's possible that Rosaria revived them the same way. Those are considered demon apostles and do not spread corruption like others COs. Other apostles includ Harab (Serapel), Simurgh (Asimov) and Knight of the Lake (Eve).
The ESPR has been infecting a bunch of people with fragments from the devourer, what's the line between human and CO? Possibly apostles?
Leviathan has infused 2 watches with her powers, Orca and Levia's. Are they considered apostles?

Fallen gods are the highest type COs only below demon lords. They are antagonist that failed to destroy the demon lords. Do they count as shadows?
The nameless one was Maria from another world and after it got defeated she turned into Rook, seemingly cured. Was Maria a shadow or maybe even a fallen god?

And then you have whatever the fuck Alice encountered, a Doppelganger-Shadow from the future.
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I have no idea what you're talking about, I'm just here dc and coop.
.>Ecclesia turned into the shadow Mors after losing her world to Thagirion. Her will being regret for everything wrong that she let happen. Breaking out of her armor did 'something' to her state?
Breaking out of shell changed the aspect of being "regret" to the thing that makes her continue in life,think about how lyud developed ego and all that its all because of their "will"

>Leviathan has infused 2 watches with her powers, Orca and Levia's. Are they considered apostles?
No because they are part of the demon lord power themselves and not a simply "messeger"

>The nameless one was Maria from another world and after it got defeated she turned into Rook, seemingly cured. Was Maria a shadow or maybe even a fallen god?
Its mentioned it was just a shell, it was artificial i think they just somehow put her there

>And then you have whatever the fuck Alice encountered, a Doppelganger-Shadow from the future.
You mean bunny wife? I think what happened ist hat the doppelganger that got in contact with the instrument and then absorbed alice after she died.
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nice panty shot
She wants you to see them onii chan.
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Ecclesia turned into a shadow since she lost faith to herself for failing her duty to protect Dash not due to her world losing to thagarion, the former happened first and that's the reason why latter happened later easily
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she looks like a inbreed kyuubey
would form a contract with
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does carlota sweat a lot?
night bwos,luv you all
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sweet dreams, bwo, luv u too
I don't understand Millia's attack being ranged, is she shooting hair?
nyes, the kids used to call her sweatlotta
Decent codes lately, but we really need more black tickets and fusions.
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I have completed chapter 5 and i've started the lvl 70 raids and dives.
How metafaggy is this game? I read the FAQ and the beginner's guide on Prydwen, but what I mean is can I use whoever I like with decent success or can I only clear content with A+ characters? Prydwen says the SSR version of Lycoris is bad but I think she is cute and want to use her, can I get away with it? Should also mention I have no interest in PvP whatsoever, I am talking purely PvE content. Sorry if the FAQ or guide went into it and I just blindfagged it.
yeah, you can clear with just about whatever you want, but if you want to full retard autobattle, then you probably want to metafag.
for example, this guy does full f2p clears, but he's pretty autistic.
okay thanks for the answer, that guys google doc is quite helpful, I don't use auto for much other than things where I am blatantly over-leveled/geared etc
You might have to experiment a bit more when you use off meta units but you should be able to clear everything.
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alrighty here's this week's gigas 7 team.
Team Spencer does a little bit more damage but it's not like running Agnes instead is really a problem. just needs some juggling around of deploys at the end. Curian would prbly beat Eve but as we got no Soldier ATK buffs he loses by about 1 Million dmg to her. even to Eve in Team Spencer that couldn't even beat the ASY rifles or AChris in that run.
works with:
-Arena 3 lvl 12, Arena 5 lvl 9 (12 will work too) and Arena 4 lvl 1
-72% CDR Lin Xien (1 ult and dies)
-55% CDR Sigma
-20% CDR Harab
Team Agnes is straightforward and there are no real risky points. Team Spencer has Harab out 1 DP too late but it is still enough to clear the hit check with a bit of it left. should be enough for everyone to still work but just in case that someone has really bad ASPD gear a fair warning there. if it fails then just switch out Eve for Queen, actually makes 0 difference in dmg. not sure what happened to Eve this week, she is underperforming hard...so much that i even checked if i forgot to put gear on her but nope all good. seems odd that she does less than half the damage to the week before, there isn't that much difference in ATK buffs.

gonna tackle the ministra team now, if it even still works this week. would imagine that it does more damage than the 2 above but we shall see.
good luck bwos and enjoy some sweaty handholding with gigas!
Good to know, I guess I need to read up on the gear system now.
M***h do you also play Eternal Return answer me RIGHT nyow
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Come back sc****
>CDR alice
>insta skill and kill the wall defender
>ASPD alice
>needs to build up fury for it to skill
uuhhhh. Is this a bug? my Alice has been doing this for a while now
>gonna tackle the ministra team now
nevermind i can't get lin xien to ult more than once and even that is already with a late ministra drop. guess for that strategy to work you really need some (counter) CDR arena buffs. lin xien just gets mercilessly fisted after 1 ult.
im too behind my account is gigabricked
i'm playing Kyonyuu Fantasy Burst instead
>im too behind my account is gigabricked
bwo... Nothing happened, you're missing like 2 ASSR
>Free pull
who is?
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>nothing happened
Grim if true, I haven't played since like last year (Eternal Return replaced my urge to KR slop PVP)
no wonder the game is bleeding players
thank you!
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as always
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I prefer alya's big sis, why couldn't I have had a cute russian childhood friend bros it's not fair
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>>486939824 (me)
for the two bwos that love to tinker with new strats here is the team that works. but as i said before only 1 lin xien ult and as such not really much better than the other teams.
Eve can i-frame through the first pull with 42% CDR which means going full maze ASPD.
>bwo... Nothing happened
So... you're saying I shouldn't come back
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At this rate, we're gonna lose the players we gained last month.
don't have that one
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i miss her...
the coolest class, nothing is more badass than getting out your sooooord when everyone else is shooting guns and castin magic
main story is super easy they even give you A hilde whose among the best tanks in the game for free.
Dives is a bit more challenging but you only need to hit floor 50 to get the important stuff.
aside from that the challenge maps are pretty easy nowadays since most units got buffed, shadow palace is a bit challenging for newbies but not much.
Challenge maps, swift gear and the relic farming is basically end game and you basically just reclear the same map over and over with higher difficulties along with danger close which is a raid boss style map are the only place where unit composition really matter alot.
Dont pay too much attention to prydwen tier list they're reddit experts who barely play the game, 3 cost unit is pretty easy to fit into most teams, not optimal but you can make mostly anything work outside of the super challenging content.
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Yes actually. Apparently if you have too much ASPD dumb kot can bug out. If you have her on Swift try dropping her to Britra melee instead.
>Okay Bside, you got a bunch of SEA players to come back from the dead and play again. Lets make a good impression on them and show them the game was only shit because Zlong was running it.
>Nothing for months aside from GG collab with no story and shitting out ASSRs no can afford anymore
>Oh lets not forget the Return of JP voices! That only applied to whale units and was immediately dropped again.
Can't imagine why people are leaving for greener pastures.
Maybe I should save up for Mordred, she seems like a must have counter pick for Dino, AHorizon, AChifu etc.
People will just stop running strikers until she goes on ban herself. It's like when King and BB are free, but Lyud is also free; just the existence of the counter is enough.
I can't clear the second hit check consistently no matter what I do.
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project star rail will save us
well there is always the nuclear option using AKarin instead of eve. then you should clear it.
>Tempest Ban 3
Is this a first for a ship?
Yes, you need to be somewhere between 20~28, or more than a whale tier aspd that I don't remember. This is counting buffs, so using, or not, ships like Chorus or Ahab matters.
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yuna transforming midsex....
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luna sexo
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when lake knight playable
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Devourer world is below machine world on priority.
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>*distant dinosaur roar*
time for rape
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et tu, titan?
I guess the sysop meta really is real
how do you survive inhib 150
Ciel and awakened Shin Jia.
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you ignore it and clear 110
inhib 110 130 and 150 feel exactly the same to me except slightly more stats, what exactly is filtering you

bitra is the "ONLY do at 110 raid"
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America bwos it's jover...
trust the plan
Sysop was a colossal mistake.
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idk is 2 dp truly better than "unstoppable heals, tank buff and debuff immunity"?
Yes, because Sysop allows for better openers. If wardens are banned and there's no UP sniper the choices for sniper lead are grim.
Olive is very good, but is held back simply because her effect is counter-only, and more importantly the awkward sniper -> defender -> support deploy

the entire reason sysop shines is the deploy condition, striker->defender->support is basically exactly how you'd deploy units if you had no operator, so its genuinely a free effect, no thought needed
they should add free dp to all operators
Funny you say that because all the upcoming operators have DP recovery. It took bside years of people running level 1 Hana to finally realize DP recovery is one of the most desirable effects.
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Speaking of, is Sysop only temporarily good? will Sasha just be a total replacement to him?
Striker>Ranger>Ranger is for terror teams.
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They really really should rework ships and operators before they even begin to worry about character balance again.

Look at this list of OPs, genuinely only like 3 are good, that's pretty bad considering an operator is the most expensive account-defining thing in all of counterside.
I've given up on bside doing anything but buffing ASSRs.
they didn't even bother creating new lower rarity shop or ops
Operator system has been broken since launch. They clearly have no intention to fix it.
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Last chance to get the cat bros, wish me luck
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Luna can't win every time, thanks anyway bwo
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You could try getting her later since Mavka will be extremely skippable
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trust the plan, mavka will get a reactor that makes her a beast
Man, I thought we had gigas in the bag with ministra, but I'm struggling to a find a ministra team that works better than the regular ones.
Killing it before timer goes to 0:32
So why did that kid Alice tried to save run away from her and end up in a room she had no way to enter?
it's just an unlucky week as far as skill haste arena buffs go. those would enable lin xien to ult more than once and make ministra teams way better. with 0% you force ministra in there and don't get much out of that cause you need to get the 5 DP that you spent on her back.
at least it still does as much dmg as the other teams and didn't completely fail.
Every single "trust the plan" you retards said for bside has failed spectacularly. Still going?
AMors was shit and called a easy skip before the reactor.
trust the plan faggot we are not asking
Goliath mech, pic too big to psot here

Mavka needs a long hair option for her character portraits
they should let me freely DP Kim Hana
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What are your thoughts on replacing LX with rebecca to trigger the shield and moving LX after gigas' first ult? LX does give us 8 dp before she dies that way.
when they removed her tits they removed her relevance
could work. without testing it i would just be worried about the hit checks as it's a slower start in exchange for the heavier last phases.
bwo your TU3 mavka with long hair ult cut-in?
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With Dorothy's on deploy buffs, it seems to handle it pretty well. Not sure if it's stable or not though, only done two practice runs with this team. Agnes deploying so late also feels pretty awkward.
>Need to get 4 copies of the unit for the better appearance
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dunno how you got AChris out before hild i only got 5 points to spend or eat the ult heh. but easy to fix so whatever. i also needed to put a heavy cost tank in there to activate the sigma chain as the skill was still on cooldown with anything below 6. sadly no space for agnes with ligma operator but i get to watch yanikka have fun.
my damage suffers from no agnes and hilde dying 20 seconds early but it certainly works.
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It's definitely not stable. 6th run and it's already fucked.
AHilde gets pretty low for me as well, but Chinatsu at 76% should heal her 1 second after she hits a few pixels from death.
Are you still using a 55 sigma? It should be eas for your AHilde to come out since you have TU6 aChris and that should refund you something small.
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i ran it a few times the refund from AChris is never enough, always just 5 DP or less when lin xien decides to not ult. which is why i settled for 3 cost sky there instead. makes it more stable so far.
my hilde is funny anyways, it's either dead 20 seconds to early or nearly full hp (with my other team) till the end. no inbetween with her she only deals in absolutes.
>Are you still using a 55 sigma?
forgot this part, yes i do to compare with with my other team that runs 55 sigma. both do the same damage btw, no difference for me.
Early aChris does increase damage by a bit for me. I just need to find what's making it fail every once in a while.
well you don't run sigma operator that saves you one slot for more dmg/def shred. by default you will do more than sigma bwos unless they use ministra and skip the last ult (when it works)
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no reason just as suicide. you should run ciel there instead for the def shred.
pink hair is called yanikka, our lovely vampire.
Do the raid bosses count for ground damage/res+ effects?
i'm catching up!
Ministra bwos, we're so back.
>accidently rename my squad
>can't rename to 'Squad #' back because it's prohibited
i think so? i'm actually not sure
I think Gigas can't grab Titan
he's a big guy
10 runs with ministra and no fails, looks like ministra is best after all.
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praise be to ministra and her skillful edging of co-op bosses
Nothing went wrong in practice mode, so of course in the real run the last ult kills nearly everyone and I lose 5m damage.
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just gigas things
I'm mad. I did like 20 practice runs with no problems and then I got two fucked runs in a row so instead of finishing off gigas I had to waste a run cleaning up 5% hp.
i know that feel bwo. practice for hours and it all works, then gigas decides he wants to do things differently in the real runs.
i still think that there is some difference between practice and real fights that bside fucked up.
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I'm getting ~85% on 110 inhibitor. I can get up to 95% with A.Regina on support and even managed a 100% with Maria on support. Any suggestions on what to change like maybe adding Dash or Lone Lee, or using one those supports in the main squad?
Definitely add dash.
What kind of gears do you have? I'd have Yang right after LX, and would drop aKarin for Sobim, then add dash in that sobim's place. If you have Chifuyu I'd replace the wardens. Depending on gears of course.
Harim > Lin Xien > aHilde > Sobim
Chinatsu > Rebecca > aSigma > aKarin
Snake > Roy > Jia > Dash
Agnes > Xiao Lin > ??? > Seo
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Karin is my mvp. The top ones, up to Rebecca, are mostly on swift gear. I have some crit stuff on Xiao because it was what I had. No Chifuyu.
Do you have Sobim's EE? Sobim's EE+Swift or Britra should be comparable to aKarin.
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>Swift Gear
>Can't beat 110
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It works on the stronger branches (A.Regina, Dino and Maria), the other get really closer (R.KAci, R.Esterosa, Veronica).
Change aHilde for rKaci and Millia for SRHilde
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For posterity's sake and in case any one else hasn't done their gigas and are using a 72 sigma, this is the team I used for level 10 and 11. There's a problem with the last ult where sometimes it kills everyone. Usually it'd just take off half their health. I think Ministra's sword is running out or maybe it's a crit issue.
If that happens damage drops from 25m to 19m on level 11.
looking at it pretty sure AShinjia is the reason that you sometimes die. the last ult gets blocked by the 1% shield that is left from AHilde but as you know AShinjia will get her own shield out before that last ult hits.
only odd thing is that it doesn't happen every time.
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I still really hate that they took the philiharmonic in this direction

It was like their most popular villain faction, then they just kill them off earlier than any other faction, and then make their writing so comically evil they lose all depth
I like they are unironically unapologetic evil and i think thats the reason they just killed them all so fast, despite my man professor not only being unapologetic bastard but getting what he wanted
Benching Hilde really did the job, thanks to everyone.
Usually they'd get hit and drop down to half hp (instead of leftover shields eating the damage), which is what leads me to believe it's a problem with the debuff timing or bad crits. In any case running without ajia drops the damage to almost as low as if they died to the ult for me, and very rarely they'd still die, so it's overall more effective to just run with ajia. I also took everything off harab to ensure she dies before the second hit check since if she uses her skill then, the interrupted check sticks around beyond the 1:05 limit and does a laser beam and knocks back the team.
You better not be in hildfriends
How much CDR on Harab?
>instead of leftover shields eating the damage
well that is what i mean the shields can't eat damage with AShinjia because she overwrites AHilde's. but yeah she always increases damage overall "just" gotta get lucky with the dice when the ult hits.
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say something nice about our birthday girls!
i'd impregnate all of them
I wish you could just voluntarily derank in PvP. Matches are so comfy in Plat/Diamond, I can run shit like rOrca and Miya and not instantly lose. Once you hit around Master 4 the fun's over and it's play meta or fuck off.
30% and Everyone lives.
night bwos,luv you all
Do people use manual ultimates at higher ranks?
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sleep well, bwo, luv u too
Manual can glitch out and just not activate sometimes, so I usually don't risk it. However 'carry ults' that people will try to redirect I will sometimes switch to manual.
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i have auto on even at challenger unless im using chifuyu/E1
>chifuyu in pvp in 2024
I fucking wish, she got cucked by the ASSR balance patch skipping her so badly
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bwos I hope there'll be big sisters in project star
the farm upstate has the biggest sisters, anon
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Sometimes I turn auto off if there's something vitally important coming up but generally speaking everyone plays with it on.
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me on the right, sandy on the left
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Thank you for the meal, Anon!
why did they have to make Eve, one of the best units in the game, a cunny? I refuse to use her, she sits on lvl1 since I got her, why couldn't they make Hag Meitner instead of Cunny Meithner? what were they thinking? we need more /sag/ than flatchilds!

are you with me?
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>even joe abandoned us
it's joever bwis...
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I wish I could be half as comfy as yoomdog over there
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>young harim
>no old harim
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wait a second...
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Don't be jealous my daughter, just because you can't produce milk doesn't mean I don't love you.
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Why is papa drinking from a bottle when he could've just drink it directly from the source?
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What does sigma juice taste like?
Sigma can't produce milk, so take a guess what is being stored there.
Cherry Coke?
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thanks yang spammer, your spam has granted me an intense hatred of yang when I quite liked her before
or maybe that was your intention all along
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You welcome faggot
he's bumping not spamming. something everyone including (You) can do too but it always falls back to him and a few other anons.
if you had chosen to bump he wouldn't need to post yang multiple times in a row.
It all balances out because your seething homosexuality is so powerful it can be seen from space.
But it's the same yang folder getting posted every single thread, we have other cute girls too.
don't like it? then bump with some cute girls yourself. besides he is using other girls too. yuna and sigma as an example of the last few hours.
friendly reminder that we got less than 7000 counterside pics which is less than a singular character in other gachas has. even gachas that came after us have more than double that amount.
we are kinda bound to post the same pics again and again as we don't get that much new art.
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Bet you haven't seen this one.
Bumping a dead thread is a useless activity, but people are too autistic to move to /vmg/.
>b-but new players won't see us in /vmg/
There are no new players, the few that sign up during anniversaries quit after 2-3 months when they run out of PvE content and realize there's nothing left but shitty gacha grind.
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i have as i posted it a few years ago and dug it up from arca.
>There are no new players
Cringe, gay and objectively wrong. Cope and seethe while you tug on your micropenis lil doomy.
we have 570 posts in 4 days make it 300 without bumps and that would still be 10 times faster than a normal vmg thread. we would be stuck with a image limit thread for weeks and if we keep spamming new threads kill other slow threads over there.
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Jia and Yoon looks so similar that took me a while to figure it out who it was (before reading). Mina and Karin also have similar looks bu they have defining designs with the ponytail and yellow ribbon.
gook arr rook same
Isn't the bump limit on /vmg/ around 300?
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yeah it really is a pain. i need to double check quite often with new pics.
should be 500 i think but you don't make a new thread then unless you want to piss off the whole board. you got threads over there that have 700+ posts and are 120 days old. falling off page 10 takes weeks if not months too.
for example the "dokkan" thread has 1600 posts and 300 image limit done and is 2 weeks old. that is one of the faster ones and they still don't bake yet.
actually nvm they did bake a bit ago but are already back to 1400 posts. that would be our future if we go there, trying to balance the 300 image limit with 1000+ posts.
If we ever go to /vmg/ I am quitting and disbanding the consortium.
fresh thread with 0 replies sits on page 10 with 20 days. so 22-25 days is how long it would take for one of our threads to die once full. that's a long time with 300 image limit, even if we bake every 2 weeks.
trust the plan 50+ newcuties soon!
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got spooked by a cutie
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holding my thumbs for pirates in tomorrows patchnotes
Sometimes I forget to have a company dinner but I feel that is in character. Why can you only hold 3 tickets max?
So, Lucklets or HotWifeHilde?
HwH's leader gave up a few days ago...
>lvl 58
They should make a new healer.
need a healear that can have synerghy with the others without making them useless
Bside still thinks healers are the reason for 3 minute gaming, yet self-healing ASSRs are okay.
How long has he been turning the game on and off without ever actually playing?
once a week
The coolest northern union unit, the red helicopter, is not available.
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half-anni will save us
might as well post the daily graphic at this point
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wake me up when we are below tower of fantasy, till then we're fine
not the genshin killer!
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>too scared to include the last 2 months because it doesn't fit the narrative
That just makes it look worse. It took about 2 months to lose all the SEA players, only the PvP whales are sticking around.
That is not true, I started playing because I saw the thread here when I was looking for new gacha and guess what, it's been more than a month and I'm still here, hitting the worm with bwos
did you already forget that we were down to 600? the SEA players are still there it's just a normal up and down between big events.
You know it's good when there's 19 screenshots on Steam and none of them show gameplay.
We're unironically heading there unless bside does something good.
I don't want to play this week of pvp. I always have trouble in Ohio weeks and I'm pretty sure I end up losing more points every time I play. I can't wait for Swan so I can punish Ohio.
>it's been more than a month
he did say 2-3 months
We dropped that low because bside decided we didn't need any content for like 2 months. During xmas/new years holidays. If it wasn't for the anniversary reversing it global likely have died by now.
yeah and I plan to stay until EoS, have any problem with it?
yes we know why. that still means our numbers are higher than then and SEA "only" pushed us up to 750 at the time, the next big spike was the GG collab. we are still above 750 so "all SEA players" didn't leave, tourists did.
I want fly by units to be useful.
I want more Siege units
I want more Tower units
I want all SSR OPs to have a 3-step selectable trigger
I want all SR OPs to have a 2-step selectable trigger
I want to have OPs as pfp
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please have mercy mister doctor doom
i want to tonguerape sandy's rectum tbdesu
we dropped to 600 twice btw, before anniversary and 2 month after
you forgot skins for OPs
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I want the zodiac knights lost media episode.
Yea but Tower of Fantasy devs have another huge game coming out soon Neverness to Everness
we do too, we have project star!
>Neverness to Everness
The name alone guarantees failure.
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yeah it's gonna be HUUUUUGE
>not liz
they could do worse
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nyes she will carry the game just like real liz
pink saber w/ horns
Why do you call Nao as Liz? Who is Liz?
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mi amigo liz love trasciende los juegos
But... who is she?
I want a character with a BIG FAT TAIL.
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elizabeth bathory from fate
I want to give a hug to the girl with the keyhole.
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This reminds me, I still need to grab the CS version of nonliz at some point for my animal-girl harem. Maybe the half-anni will give us a selector or something.
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if it's like last year then yeah there will be a SSR selector
You Deer
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I'm sorry but until you get that co op rank up no more deer crackers for you.
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where is the original for this art? is there a hi-res version or
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>Rosaria's surprised and annoyed face are the same
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i think its from a cg from her event but the eyes are edited i'm not sure
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Xiao is GAP's canonical wife.
I wish danbooru and pixiv hadn't been superceded by instagram and x....
it should be on arca though
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this give m Saint seiya vibes
>no tie
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Fall announcement will be the new SASSR Hilde
nyes and you can only unlock her with a TU6 AHild, lvl 120 (that higher lvl cap will be introduced too) and some form of new rearm system but only for awakened units to turn them into SASSR or Legendary whatever they wanna call it. the reactor system is too slow with new releases, so that won't have any influence on it.
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night bwos,luv you all
There had better be content in the patch notes when I wake up.
new (recycled) dc boss
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sleep well, bwo, luv u too
New DC Boss Maestra
"We killed her a few times, so now is your time to do it CEO."
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I love my mech wife like you would not believe.
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>mech wife
but she is your hologram daughter!?
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so... what about patch nyotes?
2 hours till we get a dead week and no pirates
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She's both.
patch nyotes nyever ever!
you ated them... spit them out! right nyow!
This week's pvp is alright. All the giga cancer unkillable units are banned and for the shit that isn't banned, there's enough dps to kill them.
I don't play PvP(Phaggot v Phaggot)
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Ecclesia is not giga cancer unkillable?
>they actually did it
>last day of the month
nyoooooooo I was promised content
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KR got the pirates in september last year. it's been almost a fucking year and they still make us wait till the very last possible day (roadmap) to give them to us.
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nice content lmao
>Agnes is back
This update is good, actually.
i mean we should be used to it by now, at least i get to save a bit more for them since i used everyhting i had
>i mean we should be used to it by now
yeah, it's a miracle that we're still alive with how bside is taking every opportunity to fuck up.
its just that there is worse which helps them out
With ohio and all the damage dealers this week, you get a decent window to kill her before she starts spamming the special. Plus her special and passive helps melt the frontlines faster and since everyone is running her it speeds things up.
I wish bside would speed things up.
they will anounce 2 awakened for august and i dont ave tickets for that shit
y'know what else has almost been a year? the project star PV turns 1 tomorrow!
I dont have her
what do
watch bside do 0 announcements for new stuff in the half anni stream but have a new PV for project star. speeding up global wasn't to catch up with KR but to milk as much money out of us till they pull the plug in november
bwos... is this true? :(
at least try to make arealistic date doombwo
mavka- august
mordred - september
swan - october
EoS - november
doomposting aside, i hope bside will be smart enough to release the new summer skins next month.
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tier list by guy who actually plays the game posted.
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how do we survive till eos?
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love liz, love your bwis, love the game. it's the only way to stay alive in those dark times.
till EoS do us part *smooch*
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>We're going to speed up global to catch up to KR
>Delays pirates AGAIN
pirates will debut in project star instead
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Not even the new summer skins. I'm impressed at this point, you have to actively try to fuck up this hard.
we are near the limit. and still no old harim
Hey, remember when bside said JP voices are back and people believed them? Haha, good times.
wait to do this post next month,too soon
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I like the sad Karins.
why ?
Karin is hotter when she's sad
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AYoom needs a buff I can't one shot units anymore with her
inside of you there are two yoomdogs...
i have 3
We call that trisyoomy. You are retarted.
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Other than A.Yubin, what other units are good at removing barriers?
ther eis a operator
His SSR version (with reactor), aKarin, Matador skill 1. Chole operator if you're really desperate.
>This week's pvp is alright.
Not with Matador unbanned. Also good luck if you don't have Ecclesia, VP and Rosaria.
>Titan banned
Because I voted for it to get banned.
Just as a random hypothetical. Is there anyone who is seriously interested in running a consortium?
a grim reminder
for making a new one or giving up leadership of an existing one?
Giving up leadership
which consortium would that be?
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What level is it? I'd take it over my single person consortium.
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death to all HWH cucks
It's not hwh.
there is 0 point in asking if someone wants to take over and then hiding who it would be
>No pirates
>No tummy meitner skin
I sleep
Shitposting tuesday, a /csg/ tradition.
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You mean, trashposting
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is she trying to seduce me?
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what makes you think that? she's a pure maiden
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does she have rock cds in her van?
>rock cds
whoa whoa whoa look at this brat trying to look cool. We listen to rock in cassettes!
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