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Previous Thread: >>486545219
>Beginner's FAQ and Reroll guide (Read everything before asking questions)

>How to get the game
>Steam PC client
Google Play/Apple store/QooApp/Taptap
Or use the apk to install

Twitter: https://twitter.com/CounterSideGBL
Site: https://counterside.com/
Pass: Yanikka Shirokova
Reactors: A LSY, Rosaria, Frederick
>Rate ups
Guilty Gear Collab Characters, Rita, Horizon

All raid/trimming gear stats:
Shop Guide for Global:
Gear guide: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1wrg8o2SPz59CC_oxBnMjd6SK3v41qVi66AhbsLuLpIg/htmlview#

>Global Consortiums
HildFriends, Prestissimo, RosariaPits, Lucklets(Rip?)

>Global Promo Codes
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Disband hwh
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pirates nyever ever
I do see low level Hildes on my lobby every now and then.
do you take their virginity?
i wish sandy would take my anal virginity...
Hello faggot who constantly namedrops sandy every day, it would be cool if you did an AMA. Give some insight on why your unique mind works the way it does.
Be honest; not one of you is actually going to roll for the pirates. You're not even going to selector one of them.
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i will roll and saved my blue tickets just for them, but i also know that i will never use them in battle. their whole purpose will be bedroom duty.
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Don't tell me what to do nigger.
I know I'll luckshit them on daily pull.
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I have +400 tickets, will get at least one pirate.
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i love pirates so much
I have 75 tickets, will get at least two pirates.
i have the same and i'm getting both of them
>Rosaria free two weeks in a row
They really didn't want Alice having any room to shine
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Is that the flattest girl (excluding the children) in the game?
i always decide that after i play the event
I'm gonna roll for the flat pirate but due to the global blue tickets economy I might have to pass on the blue one for now.
i wish more of my friends would spawn lvl 150 raids
Sigma is flatter
sigma should be even more flat but you prbly put her in children category. i thought maybe laura but she has more too, can't think of anyone else atm.
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when everyone was spawning 150 raids people kept bitching that 110 is better. now it's the other way around again. the suffering never ends.
I just spawned 3, too bad you're not my friend.
thankfull i have some people that spawn both
hm could be friend of mine also just spawned 3, you got jacko as pic?
yeah she is

Sigma is flat by choice truly a daddy's girl
Sigma is a girl by choice.
Well obviously I'm not gay, I'm not going to fuck my son.
Can we stop talking about sigma and talk more about sysop?
Only if he becomes playable with a she skin
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Can sysop give me children? Didn't think so.
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hmm nyo
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was organizing my old gif folder and had this there...
Holy shit did she deer?
where is this from?
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chaika bwos...
zoom zooms don't know about chika :(
As expected of my daughterwife
i recognized chaika but i didn't remember the blonde its been too long
well he is gonna have to show up someday soon in the story joo shiyoon is working with six wings and the scavengers and the scavengers work for sysop

i am not sure i like that all the people who could be described as "we agree with your goals, but would like to be more "pragmatic" in our methods" are starting to work together
The dragon girl ? One of my favourite characters. I loved her chestburster scene, really made the anime for me.
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The scavengers were introduced as some violent maniacs then they turn into puppies after joining the dark council.
rojo and glitch are still maniacs, but they really adhere to the hierarchy
yeah it's kinda lame how sysop's profil makes a big deal how his job as chairman works because he isn't a ruler but advisor... and then all the shadow council does is either follow his orders (rojo calls him boss of our boss, and the manson master is apperntly his driver) or be killed off by him
the problem with the scavengers as a antagonist faction is that their boss and her boss knows that if they are too antagonistic it could kill the world and them with it

like even as a pirate do you want to argue against that?
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Is there a lore reason to why asimov made simurgh pure sex or is he just cool like that
So like, I've pvpd for awhile

What exactly do you do vs someone who is using matador as a ship? Are you just not allowed to use an awakened backline unit? It just seems like instant death to a unit that costs 5-6 is unbeatable to me.

Like, 40% of the time the ship bugs out and pulls nothing, do you really just hope for that to happen every time?
My head cannon is that a younger Asimov will copy Horizon to make Simurgh making her origin a paradox. Also Asimov would be Dr. Ember from that world.
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hello i only have a gleineir ship(the purple SR ship) till now
i just unlocked this so which SSR ship should i choose?
Enterprise is very good for new players, you can use it basically everywhere.
When exactly is half-anni anyway?
if i understood this right than the smaugh body horizon uses is smaugh's versions of a fighter drone

so she might have entire squadrons of those meaning yeah she is just cool like that
It doesn't bug out, ship skills can be evaded. You can protect against it by putting fodder near said expensive unit. The ult isn't pinpoint, so if they have to target a group it's down to RNG.

That said, there's a good reason why top 300 has permabanned it for like a year now.
it should be on the 7th august but with the pirates now right the week before that bside might push it back to the 14th...
another reason to delay pirates again
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pls nyo
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mmm... child-hags.
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I just spent four hundred million (400,000,000) on crafting/gear autism. Quite a lot of bins too. Even on the PC client the game started lagging, lol.

I think I'm genuinely finished with counter gear which is pretty crazy. Even have three defensive CDR sets.
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please buff alice
Is she bad? I thought her damage looked insane but I failed to get her
they already buffed her since she launched in kr.
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I have a weird feeling whenever she gets a reactor she's going to be game-shatteringly good. Six wings always get fucking insane buffs/reactors.
yeah, bside likes villains to be relevant metawise. seems like she's underutilized in the story though.
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>bside likes villains to be relevant metawise
>looks at maestra
dead villain dead meta
that's because maestra is a good girl! and also our dumb blind wife!!!
>there's a good reason why top 300 has permabanned it for like a year now
Because they're fucking pussies.
post cunny meitner. I won't ask again.
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my pleasure
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>we could've had a pirate event
>instead we got pic related
this is so sad
Her name is Eve, not Cunny.
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no clue what those even do but i take it
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i'm sorry officer
tyrant armor is the one with the aspd hitcheck. it's probably a bigger hitcheck
Why is it always a hitcheck? When will we get speed checks? Where the boss zooms around the field and you can't deploy more units and just have to rely on move speed gears or AHilde to clear it.
i failed every hitcheck but was still enough for the basic rewards and then some.
the giga whales will prbly breach 40k or something with the expert boss.
Pirate event delayed so they could give them their own ship and a reactor for Dracasia during half-anniversary, trust the plan
They forgot SEA already has pirates and now they can't figure out how to implement pirates on global without it blowing up.
newcutie here, got to company level 20, which guild is best for newcutie? I see there are a few /csg/ oriented
An actual newcutie wouldn't call themselves a newcutie
Hildfriends is very welcoming :)
It has taken me forever, but I am finally updating my Curian's and Sigma's gear to T7. I also need to upgrade all my Maze ASPD too. But god damn, it's so fucking expensive in terms of module exp.
The consortium leader erps with the members in the chat so it's pretty fun
lookin for someone to cheat on my consortium leader with
Release the 5head.
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>wake up
>we're on track to lose all the players we gained in june
doombwos have mercy...
i fucking love foreheads
we're all bwos under the same gay sky
my sky is bisexual though
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Like I've said
>SEA players come back from the dead
>Bside immediately reminds them why they left
Considering how little effort they put into PvE you'd think there would be regular PvP balance updates, but bside just aggressively does nothing.
>does nothing
not true, they removed the UP system
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big sis killed it...
i still love big sis
No Cunny is her middle name, it's official.
A shame it's coming back. UPs are mainly just a whale benefit as nobody else is obsessive enough to drop 75 fusions on shit units that will never be good outside of an UP. On the upside new players now have no incentive to keep copies of most SR units, because they will literally never be usable again.
Don't lie, no one talks in chat.
In any of the 3 consortiums
I still think the most entertaining part of the game is looking through people's gear in the mid shitter leagues. No matter how bad you think your gear is, you see wonders like:

-Full Antagonist Plaga
-Tier 5 Britra gear rChinatsu
-Tier 7 Maze Arius while their DPS units get mismatched trash gear
-People that upgraded tier 6 gear to 7, yet didn't bother to optimize the substats.
-Flat ATK Britra sets
-CDR Kang
-And just general mismatched sets with untuned substats, at level 90+

What have some of these people been using all that stamina on, at least roll some Shadow Palace gear or something.
>-Full Antagonist Plaga
Stop calling me out
In-game chat is useless in most gacha games. It's far easier to have discussions on forums or discord.
i use teamspeak
>-Full Antagonist Plaga
Meanwhile I've Initiative Plaga running with my dives...
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I have decided to end it all.
dont eat dundun chickens...
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I guess his time is UP
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I hate when you go look at a guide hoping for explanation of mechanics and it's just a bunch of videos.
I still don't get what's an antagonist and what is their job
Mostly to be a dickhead and say cryptic shit that will never get explained.
Don't worry, nobody cares about the "lore", not even the writers. You're not really supposed to "get" it cause there's nothing to get
antagonists are people meant to kill demon lords and become one in a cycle,if they fail they just turn into a fallen god
i forgot that antagonist can also just angatonize the current god and try to take her place which is likely binman plan
zoomies unironically killed the autistic essay writers. your guides are watching someone with a funny accent 1-shot it.
flashback to HUGE DRAMA making a DC "guide" where he fails to kill it
one more week till we make a new record with the lowest revenue ever for Counterside
We could make 0 dollars and still be fine.
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tick tock, your time is almost up
Hey, he was a busy guy dumping out 2-3 shitpost vidoes a day. I hope he forgot to transfer.
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could say the same for your unused sperm
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Jokes on you, your mom recycles all of my sperm none of it goes to waste.
my condolences
dad, pls stop posting in my thread
I'm mad at blue archive.
probably too many children that need correction
Because it's the only modern gacha without a pc client. It runs like fucking dog ass, they never updated the code and I'll never be free of emulators until it shuts down. I swear the only reason they do it is so they can cycle promoting different emulators. It used to run perfectly on ldplayer. Than it suddenly went to shit. After that it ran perfectly on mumuplayer. Same thing happened recently, now I'm forced to switch again and figure out which one is running it ok now.
I can't believe those stupid fucking gooks never got it on steam or anywhere.
werks on my machine. did you update?
I think they just broke the game, every loading screen is 10 seconds.
I'll never be quite sure if he was an idiot, or he was trying to intentionally troll Global because he was mad SEA kept getting the shaft. Almost certainly the former.
weird, works the same as always for me but i'm using an older version. hope you get it fixed bwo.
what version are you using?
The coding of that game is just ass in general. My old Pixel 3 basically threw up trying to run it. Probably for the best though since I gave up on trying to play it and forgot about it.
What settings? How much cpu and ram? Do you use vulcan or direct x?
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Vulkan mode cuz shitty AMD card. Preset High (6core CPU & 6 GB RAM) and Better screen performance option ticked. Counterside because I want to sex the nun.
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If i have threesome with nicole and mordred is it selfcest when they touch each other?
Well, I'm "using" counterside with ldplayer and it takes forever to load every stage, doing dives is a pain. I refuse to use BlueStacks. I hope google releases their own emulator soon. CS doesn't work in the beta.
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I need more, can you help me?
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What the fuck, before it was constantly running at 70-80% cpu and 3k+ ram. Now it's back to being perfectly smooth. I can't fucking believe it was some dumb emulator update. Thanks, you saved me a world of frustration. Still bullshit there's no pc client.
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Please rejoin rosariapits, the pendulum has swung too far.
Who are you talking to? Who left now?
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Chino left, said she was going on a training arc but never came back.
believe ((her))) bwo
chino a cute wife
so are you bwo
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lookout zombie chino!
Pits is going to be fine even if half the people left because the whole co-op score is done by 10 bwos
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makes me wonder what's happening at Prestissimo. they'd need 5-7 people hitting to be in the top 100 but they aren't in there.
i know PvP bwo is alive but are the other bwos alright?
No, Pits is going to be fine even if half the bwos left because the whole co-op score is done by 10 bwis
we are all in hibernate mode,i think a lot of people are burned out not with just cs
The summer heat takes away my motivation for everything. I can't even bring myself to finish the anime I was watching.
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hibernate means there is hope for waking up just don't die over there bwi.
half anniversary and blue archive collab in september will save us!
For me it's arknights anni, W my queen I can't wait to nuke the world with you.
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>Meanwhile me hugging the heater.
Is it true does your toilet water really spin backwards in austrailia?
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she won't be with you for long, doctah
Don't worry I have trained my donkey to accept her place in the harem.
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Why isn't Noelle given for free?
She is a main character!
bwo..... sonr reuar gwe
awakened noelle will be free in episode 14
I feel like watching some mindless isekai to pass the evening? What's the sloppiest mcslop of the last few seasons?
can we trade yoomshit for lovable donkey as our mc
hell they can have her for free
lv2 cheat,isekai shikkau,Ookami to Koushinryou: re:,monster,new game
She certainly fits since all their non-ASSR versions are unusable these days.
>new game
re:monster not the old anime also, its new gate i messed up
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i will slap you if you call spice and wolf a isekai again. besides the remake isn't even done yet still a few eps to go.
I don't watch remakes on principal and I've already seen the only version that should exist. I would never watch a bastardized remake.
i knew someone would get mad kek
Why is it not showing up on MAL? Does it have another name?
Weird, when I put that in the search bar it doesn't show up.
Thanks, downloading the ones I haven't seen now.
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i haven't started it yet and am only gonna do it cause starved for more korbo. may the lord forgive me for watching such blasphemy.
Does the remake show her nipples? If not I shant waste my precious time.
lol no
I hate women so much it's unreal.
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nyo, not from what i've seen screenshot wise.
i miss when my animes would shove up tities,panties and gore on screen
There is no bigger turnoff than a barbie doll. I would rather them be wearing a burqua than that bullshit.
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Anime is called level 2 but he is actually level 367. This is fake news.
night bwos,luv you all
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sleep well, bwo, luv u too
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This was pretty funny.
>using luna
you deserve to have fun bwo
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airforce bros...
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Reactor aMors is a striker with MDL.
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Only the manga has nipples
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good morning bwos. I'm not feeling so good today I still did my dailies after reset last night, no worries. somehow this summer is making me more depressed instead of less.
>bwis keep unironically dying
no wonder the numbers keep going down
who said I am dying? I just told you I did my dailies, and I plan to do them and keep playing the game, but somehow it feels... empty? compared to the first weeks of playing, and even last few weeks. Now I log in and feel this... emptiness. It wasn't like that just a few weeks ago.
>compared to the first weeks of playing
it's not really fair to compare the daily slog of nothing to do and just doing dailies with the excitement of starting a entirely new (gacha) game, is it? all you get from that approach is more depression and for no reason because that happens to everything. at some point everything gets boring and thinking about how nice it felt at the beginning is just making it worse. for some its months for others years but it always happens.
it sure doesn't help that bside is incapable of making the monthly schedule more exciting or at least make sure we get new things every 2 weeks instead of 3 dead weeks but it still is basic reality of (gacha) gaming.
>Now I log in and feel this... emptiness
take a step back and do your dailies on the side of watching anime, youtube or whatever to teach your brain to do them automatically and without perceived hassle. your focus should be elsewhere and that takes the subconscious "i want to like this, why can't i anymore?" pressure that you clearly put on yourself off.
I am not talking about the "starting new gacha" phase compared to now, I am talking about the lack of new events or things to do
>I am talking about the lack of new events or things to do
>compared to the first weeks of playing
that is the new gacha phase when you still got a bunch of stuff to do
he also said
>and even last few weeks.
honestly, it comes and goes. summers are a lot more annoying as you get older as well.
>he also said
yeah but to me it sounds like he is a 1-2 month old account so those are essentially the same weeks. because we never have a lot of events, 3 out of 4 weeks being dead is the norm. getting 2 events this month with the pirates and kot is actually more than usual, just doesn't feel like it cause bside split it up in a retarded way.
to the first weeks of playing AND the last few weeks. The first weeks of playing were full of what you are talking about, the last few weeks were full of new story, events, and gamemodes to play with. I meant two separate things to compare to the state of the game now, Anon, I meant two different timeframes to compare
Should I prioritize rearming Alex or is it worth limit breaking Maria Antonov instead? I assume rearm is more important because my only SSR+ Defenders are my A.Hilde and an unlevelled Levia
>state of the game now
i already said that we actually improved to how dead it usually is, which makes me think you're a newcutie that just fell out of the honeymoon period. in which case you will get over it or join the many bwos that stop after 2-3 months. we can't do anything there it's up to you.
bwo, there is literally nothing to do right now, don't gaslight him into leaving the game
i already tried to help him in my longer post. if he expects events every week he will burn out even faster.
eh, I like this game, story and lore too much to leave, I just wanted to complain a bit about current state of things.
tick tock
Tower Maria? I don't see any reason why you want to, unless she gets a cracked reactor later.
SSR Maria? No.
ASSR Maria? Maybe for PvP.
R.Alex is great, but rearming is a big commitment and Levia is really good. Are there other rearms you're looking at? R.Chinatsu is game-breaking (for a healer).
The other rearms I was looking at were Kestral Xiao Lin, Volume Up Gaeun, Hero Blossom Kaci Bins and Full Moon Nanahara Chinatsu, the only reason I was considering Alex over the others is because she is already 110 whereas the others require limit breaking first.
I was talking about ASSR Maria but I don't really play the PvP, A.Sigma carried me all the way here lol.
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let me show you the current state of things in pic related
ERP with bwis can literally fix your depression, there you have it
yeah, if Alex is already 110, go for it. you can basically use her anywhere that people use kaci.
maybe a thread wordcloud would save us
good idea! can you make one?
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not sure if I did this right but here is last thread's
>last bside
>big full yang
makes sense after all that bumping.
>less tits unless main project fucked
yes, this is true, my yang is full to the brim
>young harim
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Basically the old administration failed because they tried to keep Counters and Counterside hidden from the public.
They kept the fact everyone can become a Counter a secret in the current administration.
>admin things sure makes thing last
>lose eat end sexo
>wife try dino month thagirion
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Well this is the last time for me unless they turn it around. I'll buy two last skins and that's that.
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And that should be a crime. All 2d girls should have nipples.
like the good old days
For anyone struggling with Arena 11. Don't open with hilde, you don't have to. Just send Alex or one of your other tanks first. That way you don't risk hild accidentally charging past it.
Arenas should just be skippable. It's a pointless chore nobody likes doing.
hild is so dumb haha
What the actual fuck.
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aHori skin will save us from eos
Guaranteed they are saving a $500 skin for her. One of the most popular characters only having one skin between two versions is just strange.
Horizon is so last season.
I'm almost at pity for Classified. I was going to use it on the robot dino + loli combo but managed to get the last recruitment package too late. Do we have any good ones coming out?
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if you play counterside you are gay
However if you play Counter:Side you are straight.
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My Hilde never has this problem.
That's great advice. But I'm not blaming hild. I just watched her stop in front of him and do her skill while he just kept on walking. So it's his fault, not hers.
what are you feeding her?
same. i deploy hild and levia as back up on the first second. not once did she jump past him and levia was never needed. he never even takes a step, hild reaches him after he does his ground slam.
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/csg/ unity!
i will unity with you bwo
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Hild misinformation. I got bronzed by sending ahilde out first.
this is true. at most it should be a first clear and then skip. same for raids honestly, i doubt anyone cares about being 1st place there, besides most killing it in one blow anyways, just let us skip that shit. it's been multiple years so the majority of players can clear them without issue anyway and the focus there should be getting rid of tedious stuff with quality of life improvements.
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this mutiny ends right here. hild is amazing and never does anything wrong!
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preach it bwo!
What if Noelle is in fact admin blood related sister
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onii-chan daisuki desu
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Some days it's just Hildes
I bet hild wants one day to be called "admin" and then pinned down by the "supreme admin"
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post noel fenrir underwear please
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and this one, in case you wanted the ingame
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Haven't seen this one before. Why is every girl admin recruits pure sex? How does he get any work done? I would be walking around the office all day at full mast not able ton concentrate on anything.
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likely one big reason for all those lost worlds, mind clouded by seggs
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>new gate
Lmao this is the sloppiest sloppa I've seen in a long time.
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momo sexo
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fap fap fap
Opening with Hilde results in her charging past it half the time. Opening with anyone other than Hilde results in it smacking the ship once before it starts focusing on the unit. Shit's retarded.
Are you autoing it? Because you need to manual it.
What ship are you guys using when she goes past? I've always used blue bridge and she never goes past.
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What retard would auto that arena?
Not him, but I've seen it with lake and tempest.
I autoed it 5x today with R. Alex -> Levia -> Horizon -> Hirude.
Please don't be in Miggers.
No. In both cases I'm referring to characters being placed at the front immediately at the start. This happens with literally every character I've tried deploying first; Alex, Kaci, E1, Lin Xien, Jake, or Lurcher.

Lake Superior.
Shouldn't matter you can still get gold stars even if the ship gets hit once. Also none of that ever happens to me. Are your characters and ship max level?
This one mostly work for me but i start with R.Alex -> A.hild, to deploy shield on the ship in case some rng bullshit happens at the start
I use aHilde > Sigma > Arius > BB > rEste
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arius deploy shield on deploy ? I forgot about that
I use A.Hild > Sigma > and rotate between R.Esterosa and A.Chifuyu and throwing Hilde back out when she's low/about to die while the other two are still up.
No, heals and gives DMG RDC on dp.
Skill and Ultimate gives shield
here are 2 rounds. First one I deploy rEste first and Tyrant moves killing Sigma. 2nd one I deploy aHilde first. Both are manual else Tyrant will move.
Whats the problem? You still got gold.
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>Whats the problem?
He scratched my ship, nobody scratches my ship.
woah calm down anon
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That bosom is begging for some sweet cream.
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>still no half anni stream announcement
>last year we had the stream on the 24th, announcement on the 21st
u okay there bside?
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I rolled Awakened Chris today. No voice.
Honestly I don't even care anymore. There is nothing they could announce that would get me interested in the game anymore. If it wasn't for my consortium I would have already quit.
m-more JP voices will be coming soon, trust the plan!
Why would you think they would do a half-anni again? Blame the servers merges.
No one is falling for the JP voice meme anymore. It's obvious why they made a big deal about voicing a bunch of whale skins, but there won't be more.
cause it would be the nail in the coffin if they skip that and even bside must know that.
they can't be that retarded, r-right?
final nail in the coffin for me personally would be skipping the new summer skins yet again for global. i won't invest a single cent after that if that happens next month.
bside the coffin princess.
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Blame the JP voices. The made such a big deal about Eve getting a JP voice that they know they can't release her summer skin without it. I bet they're having trouble getting the VA back again.
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Man, blue tickets are actually slow as fuck.

Like yeah, there's not a lot of must-have SSR units, but I was politely waiting to get to 150 to roll for an operator and I feel like I've been waiting for two months.
Honestly kinda wish guild co-op was still 3 fights for arenas and 2 for the boss. Sure it's easier to max out rewards now but it does feel like a bit more of a chore.
If they failed to have Eve's JP VA record the skin lines while she was already in the studio the first time that's on them at that point, mega retard move so I doubt that's it.

Those kind of cosmetics are cooking in the oven for many months so they absolutely knew about it when they had her VA.
>Fire emblem heroes is in an unironic death spiral and bleeding out faster than a gunshot wound
>Counterside hasn't had an exciting change in literally forever
I guess I have shit taste in gachagames but hoyoslop just doesn't interest me. Feels like if both of those things die I might just be free and drop gacha entirely.
>Fire emblem heroes is in an unironic death spiral and bleeding out faster than a gunshot wound
huh? what happened? i thought it was always pretty garbage.
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He's making shit up again.
many white things
>Man, blue tickets are actually slow as fuck.
Anon you get like 15 a week
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forehead erotic
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It's too bad Hilde never learned how to be likable.
i wonder who have the biggest forehead laura or the new girl
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prbly not perfectly in scale but close enough.
laura wins!
i can play tic-tac-toe on laura forehead....
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>mega retard move so I doubt that's it
It's bside. They thought New Origin was a good idea, and nobody would mind removing half the resources and XP for more grind.
I bet they recorded the JP voices and forgot to implement them, which is worse
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Try Blue Archive and Nikke, both are great.
>10 weeks for a pity
Yeah, that's pretty slow.
skill issue desu
I have no skill and I must scream.
i can make you scream but not related to skilll
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Operator system in this game is a dumpster fire and they'll probably never change anything. They're even doubling down on it by making all the new operators useless at low levels, so it's wait for 600+ tickets to invest or don't bother.
Haven't seen this yang before nice.
When are we going to do something about the situation?
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trust hte plan
Unironically kinda miss that guy, he may have been a retard but he was OUR retard.
no he wasn't, YOU are MY retard and mine alone
>Age ten years
>Eyes grow 75% smaller
Nikke is fucking awful, no one should pick it up.
t. picked it up again 3 months ago
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Yeah it sucks, please don't play it. More anis dupes for me.
Fucking summer helm bitch won't come home. Wasted all my tickets on her grrrr.
stop growling bro, you're scaring the yoomdog
So glad I dropped FEH shortly after it's launch, crazy seeing some of the shit for it today.

Nikke is honestly one of the best gachas outside of hoyoslop, not only with high production values but the devs are consistently on their game for almost 2 years running now.
They just added
Ein & Zwei too.
I heard Ein isn't that good but I still rolled her. I will have all school girls.
being a gun game filtered me
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Same, I just can't get into counterside. Shooting things is just lame.
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Why post blank image?
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FMA collab when?
why FMA though
I was looking for a picture of the twintails anime and found that one and just wanted to post it so used a collab as the context.
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Seggs with yoomdog
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yoomdog makes my red rocket take flight
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I'm more of a cat person.
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nao sexo
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Another gigas arena 11, another 5 easy golds. I dunno what you guys are doing wrong I just full forward Hilde the moment it starts then turn on auto and I've only ever gotten gold.
>Can't do Expert DC because I don't have full whale Volcano sets
Guess I'm joining the ranks of 'auto once and fuck off for two weeks'. Who the fuck though it was a good idea to require Snow to play DC?
Sorry bside too busy working on new project star trailer for the big half anni reveal.
>'auto once and fuck off for two weeks'
you guys actually do DC more than once?
I haven't done dc at all in at least half a year.
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It was one of the few remaining game modes I got any enjoyment out of. It's a complete waste of time for non-whales now.
why dont you have volcano
Because I'm not a whale who can swipe for the 5000 gold bins and latent bins you need for actual good Volcano gear. F2Poors get maybe one piece of relic gear tuned a month.
she is really tall
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Played and uninstalled both


Platonic milqueoast generic shit
>Platonic milqueoast generic shit
Sorry were you talking about counterside or ba?
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Fuck this game, fuck gacha, fuck all of you. I'm out losers.
see you tomorrow, don't forget to hit gigas on your way out
I wouldn't say they're anti-loli/hebe, but they're eager to please and the ass focus gave them a pro-hag audience to begin with.
literal pedo-sovl.
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night bwos,luv you all
sleep tight marmite
Asimov plot with 10000 tons of mech kino when?
/ourgook/ calling out the counter passes for being shit.
>not kafka is good
>season 4 mikasa is good
>skinner is good in pve (gross)
i'll take it
It's probably gonna be shit anyways. This game's stories are best when they're about people on the sidelines just trying to survive or existing within the world, all this cringe as fuck "muh sekrit anime powers chosen one end of the world" shit belongs in a teenager's fantasy.
It's all about the playable mech units bwo.
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you get ONE mech unit every 6 months
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summer holidays have ended and i have deleted by account
see you guys next summer
thank yoi RosariaPits for letting me in your consortium
one more reason to hate summer
Big sis Yoom needs some L2D already. I wanna see those things moving.
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you have deleted your acount 4 times by now since i started counting
>start worrying once we drop under 1k
>start worrying once we drop under 900
>start worrying once we drop under 800
>start worrying once we drop under 750
what's the next milestone, 700?
we alreadt dropped to below 700 before
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but i was told everything is fine, why are we losing people again then...
trust the plan
what "plan" could possibly save "us"??
i want to impregnate sandy so we get more bwis tbdesu
at least we are not grandblue fantasy
the short answer is because bside.
the long answer is
>New Kraken Raid gets added and is something that they worked a long time on
>is a literal nothingburger and waste of time
>Global finally gets GG collab
>has no story
>JP voices are back
>a month later they already stopped adding new ones
>SEA server finally comes home
>no celebration for it, pretty much quietly happens
>Global will be sped up to KR because bside wants Global to get new things at the same time
>bside holds back the new summer skins from Global, all of which are from units that are already released on Global
>bside "broke" the roadmap multiple times in the last 8 months, first with AKarin which meant a dead Christmas then with the Pirates
>no new content, all bside does is removing features or seemingly randomly changing stats on it just to be able to say they did something
bside is adding the struggle origin to the entire game
>>Global will be sped up to KR because bside wants Global to get new things at the same time
Would you forgive them if they didn't release so they could release with JP voices?
really is a struggle
no, the damage is done. they could've made more money with those skins during the last week of GG collab. now Global just feels left out again and JP voices won't change that. also we both know that isn't the reason anyway.
still no stream announcement btw. i'm starting to wonder if they really want to skip the half year anni stuff.
if they really pull that, while we are bleeding out, then we will fall below 400 players before christmas and might not get see our "2nd" anniversary in february.i hope it's just bside being retarded again and holding announcements back till the last second for no good reason.
why would they announce today? if anything they are doing it next week
>why would they announce today?
i complained about no announcement for the whole week. all i can do is go by last year's stream and there they did it in the last week of july and announced it on friday. as there is nothing yet, they aren't following the last week of july schedule anymore and with the pirates dropping this week, even the anniversary itself might not be on the 7th if at all.
their schedule is compeltely fucked so i decided to not avoid thinking they are doing the same way they did last year usually postponing +1 week and if there is nothing i just assume they arent doing it
>>487843276 (me)
also forgot, we will get the new roadmap in the next 3 days, which also defeats the whole purpose of the stream that can't happen in that short time anymore. that also points to there not being one.
> i decided to not avoid
i decided to avoid***
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>their schedule is compeltely fucked
nyes and it angers me greatly, my autism can't handle this chaos
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tfw no genki tomboy gf
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Don't forget
>Make DC changes for the new season
>It's literally nothing but a big stat boost, that outright requires either a specific ASSR Global won't have for another 3 months or absolute top end volcano gear
You know what happens once she gets older though.
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