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Assaultron mating press

>Fallout 4 Resources:

>Fallout 76 Resources:

>Fallout 1 and 2 Resources:

>Fallout 3 and New Vegas Resources:

>/fog/ Modding Guides

>/fog/ Asset and Mod Repository

>/fog/ MSPaintAdventures

>/fog/ ocdonutsteels

>OP Pasta:

Remember to use base64 to decode any protected downloads in any of the resource documentation.

Pre-war thread >>486134819
Hail Unity.
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The Legion are the WORST written faction in the series. Yes, WORSE than the Institute. If you disagree, you're GAY and RETARDED!
At least the game acknowledges that the Legion are just a bunch of LARPing faggots in football jerseys and cheerleader skirts.
The Institute makes no sense.
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tick tock tv show haters your time is coming
buggy piece of shit
game of thrones is the only normalfag show i've watched in the past 20 years and when i saw that they got a bunch of emmys for seasons 5 through 8 despite being complete slop i realized these emmys awards were a scam and not a measurement of quality but hype
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>richest man in California
>can't afford to get a pair of dentures despite clearly needing them if his voice is any indication
And yet the Legion attracts more underage whiteboy /pol/ users than any other faction
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Since last thread died before I could reply

The thingy about Marko is that he's sold as some Judge Holden type of character, a total devilish shithead, a person who lie, cheat and murder to get what he wants and who doesn't try to justify his shit.

Instead, we got someone so hell bent on trying to make you feel bad, that he ends up being stupid. I would have understood if that section was just an act to lower you guard or try to "break" you, but he actually believed that shit.

Honestly he ended being a huge let down.

Anyway, there is tweak versions for the other expansions or different stuff? Sweet6 modding profile is huge as fuck and filled with fodder stuff
/pol/fags aren't white
GOT at least had some kino in earlier seasons, but a bunch of it wouldn't fly nowadays. Specially Daenerys slave marriage. Too much random softcore though. Not on the levels of Spartacus (Almost 2 sex scenes per episode, with a bunch of gae or voyer shit), but still overused
Not gonna lie bro, the fact that them being underage is the first thing you emphasize is a tad suspect on your part
because every time they get outed they're secretly an underageb& pudgy white faggot with a babyface who only thinks the legion or enclave is 'based' because they're dissatisfied with themself and are projecting
Oh, no, journalists love it!
How oddly specific. Get back on discord and tell him /fog/ says hi, whoever he is.
Power armor used to recycle your piss into drinkable water and allow you to stay in the suit for weeks at a time, not sure if that's still part of the current lore.
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Pretty sure the rad scrubber can also turn piss into drinkable water
What's the deal with /fog/'s piss-drinking obsession
just people expressing their love for BoS
You mean the Enclave.
You mean the NCR.
You mean the Unity.
oh no, BoS players are piss drinkers, just check 20-30 threads back in the archive
idk man, last weekend I got drunk at my cousin's house out in the middle of nowhere and after taking a piss in the outhouse I heard a guy in the hole gulp and say "You've done a good turn for the NCR and now we'd like to do one for you."
Was pretty wild
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that's wild
Got a free gameboy out of it, too bad it didn't have a screen and kept asking for my coordinates whenever I tried playing it so I ended up throwing it away
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>“seventeen times the Emmys”
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Gunners building their own airship?
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I'm pretty sure that's a submarine
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But thanks for reminding me it's in the game. I totally forgot about it. I should go there
Ah, gotcha. Makes even less sense lol. Probably just a level designer throwing in something to make it less sparse but I'm going to headcanon they have the schematic for it and don't know what it is.
It exists, it's not just rando stuff. It has a quest attached to it. It's been YEARS since I've gone there so I don't remember if it has an interior but I'm pretty sure it does.
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Anyone got some cool mods that add lil quests and expands on existing areas?
What are all the noms though?
Best set design? Yeah.
Best costume design? Sure.
Best actor for Goggins as he was the only good actor in the entire series? Absolutely.
Nothing else I can think of this series deserves to be nominated for.
Though, 17 noms means even the normies who don't know anything about the game liked it, so the outlook for 5 is grim.
God Bless America
God Bless The Enclave
It's no wonder why the Chudsen One blew up the Troon Rig.
Be careful which mods you are downloading if you are expanding DC or Goodneighbour.
Here's one that I really like. Someone recommended it to me in here so I'm passing it on. The modder does good stuff but this doesn't expand on any in game areas, just adds a new zone.
They stripped out all of the complicated electronics so that it could be worn without training.
I distinctly remember pissfags chiming in during the discussions about evil Enclave women a while ago.
>Female Chosen One also hated troons
Based Braggposter undoing the threadly Mutie-funded demoralization in a single post, as always o7
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Uhh.. Kimballbros this ain't good..
NCR bros and various other homos and weaklings that need big daddy government to protect us . . . our response?
Tax their socks off.
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Here's my response
lel nigger cow republic
Mr. House hates that pigheaded fuck. Even his own men hate him. /fog/ hates him too. I have no idea how he's general.
im not gay but id let danse cum in my ass
General Oliver is friends with President Kimball.
Makes sense, President Kimball is a retard too.
Kimball puts his buddies in charge of everything rather than the most qualified
Sounds like an allegory of that manlet.
New Vegas' plot just doesn't make any sense. They had to make the NCR as retarded as possible to make them not win instantly
>inb4 "just like real life!"
Not really the same thing though is it? Josh Sawyer even admitted his understanding of geopolitics was terrible when he worked on New Vegas
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best props
(the 3d printer did some good work)
best emasculated male
best emasculated sissy black male
(was pretty much racist)
best big nose protagonist
best female power scream
best ambiguous answers from todd
best girlboss mary sue that is amazing at everything
most non sensical plot
best comedy
(he put a sand in water filter LOL!)
best racially ambiguous melting pot atrocidads
most skillful removal of the words "China" or "Chinese"
best writing that offends white males
(they aren't offended)
slop of the year
forgotten after 4 weeks instead of 2 award
best script (lol)
best interracial
biggest shit on existing lore
best race swap (Robert House)
What makes you think the NCR would instantly win?
>be Oliver
>let GLORIOUS Der Hausenreich rapidly gain political power via military upgrades and the employ of a loyal superhuman agent just before the battle for hoover dam
>be genuinely surprised when GLORIOUS Der Housenreich scribbles a word salad on a piece of paper telling you to fuck off
>after pissing and moaning you still fuck off
>about 1/3 of a chance you commit suicide afterwards
What a loser lol
They would not, that guy is retarded.
Just in case it's another /v/ retard tourist

>low quality conscript troops
>equipment and logistics plagued by corruption
>mojave is a tiny fraction of the area they have to keep peaceful (overextended)
meanwhile their enemies
>mobile MLRS murderbots with BOOMER artillery and sky support
>maniac zealots that are far more afraid of their leaders than they are of the NCR and live only to push their borders west

If he wants to go on about something not making sense it should be how the NCR defeated the BoS. House says
>knightly virtues and power armour does not mean much when you are outnumbered 15 to 1
Except power armour meant a great deal when US troops (probably lower quality and definitely lower experience than BoS troops) were outnumbered 100s to 1 in China.
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Can anyone help me with fnvedit?
>using Lone Star + Platinum Perks
>Lone Star lowers level cap to 35, makes the capstone level 50 perks be available at level 34
>Platinum Perks modifies those perks and I like the changes, but it also makes the perks level requirement 50 again, so I can't get them with Lone Star
>I used fnvedit to set their level requirement back to 34, but they remain level 50, even on a new save

I'm flabbergasted.
But China and the US were much larger. 1 vs 10 is realistically not winnable, but 10000 vs 100000 slightly more so.
Caesar's tent is on top of a hill, right across the river. California has some of the most artillery in the world - more than many countries. The NCR has a (small) airforce. Just bomb the Fort. Kill thousands of legionaries without any human losses.
>press a magic button that doesn't exist
>caesar dies
>lanius takes over
>turns out he is better
If they had artillery they wouldn't need you to get the help of the Boomers, Caesar also has an artillery gun right next to his tent that only needs a new firing mechanism.
>when US troops (probably lower quality and definitely lower experience than BoS troops) were outnumbered 100s to 1 in China.
This is never stated thoughever. We know power armour was a tide turner but it's never stated china had more soldiers especially not in anchorage
If they have artillery they should use it. If not, then why not? In Fallout 2 there were artillery pieces just sat around. The gun runners make energy weapons in Fallout 1 and artillery is significantly simpler. The NCR army is meant to be based on the US army, but they don't have artillery, which is the US army's entire thing going back to the civil war
Artillery is toxic masculinity. They should just talk their problems out.
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>only one event in new area
>has all the expansion weapons and equipment locked behind it
>broke and has been turned off for a month
>so far
>next update is mid September
>only one event in new area
>has all the expansion weapons and equipment locked behind it
Except all the ones you get from the main quest
can't wait till summer is over, fucking hate the heat. hate it more than the fucking jews
>it's only 50% of the repeatable content and 90% of plans and weapons bro
>the hour long main quest gave you a junkies handmade what more do you want bro????????
Operation Anchorage gives an idea of what the Chinese army was like. They had these tank things, stealth dragoons and an emp field to fry power armor.
it's the only event. The other is a nuke target no one is triggering.
Which is still an event. People not nuking it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
I wonder how NVfags feel, knowing us 76bros have much larger penises than them.
Its not hard to have larger penises then trans idiots who cut their own dicks off.
>the thing that isn't an event is an event... because ok
it's a nuke target world boss, it's not an event like the one Todd broke. Why circle the wagons instead of demand they fix the fucking update.
So they're butthurt?
76bros win again.
This bait sucks.
This is 76 county. Move along.
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t. gay palooka-ass mf
I wanna go to nuka world irl so bad. Why cant we have coca cola world?
Both prominent figures in the image are white. Which is enforcing white defaultism.

Be better.
White is right
I'd rather live in a prominently white place. Which all races agree on.
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it's taken me about a month to try and get through nuka world. i saved it for the tail end of my playthrough and i always get bored of bethsharty games by that point so i guess it's on me ong. how do you guys deal with current save fatigue?
>how do you guys deal with current save fatigue
By creating a new save. Saves are kinda like bubble gum, they eventually become flavourless and chewing just becomes a pointless exercise
>(you) failed the event by killing enemies before me!
>t. guy trying to XP farm who didn't press E
why are they like this.
I don't see how you could feasibly do everyone on one save and have it fit the character you're playing as.
hmm your post makes no sense
They aren't people, they are turrets.
Calm down, okay? Just relax. Explain in detail how the post doesn't make sense. Can you do that? Great job, bud.
I do one playthrough of a game and move on. New Vegas vindicated that by having 90+% of each route be exactly the same.
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>No argument, just acting condescending
>vindicated that by having 90+% of each route be exactly the same
Yeah, the beats of the game are the same across the 4 factions. NVfags won't be able to cope with that truth.
The seething emitting from your post is intense. I could warm my bed with your post. That's crazy.
The turrets know how the game is played, it's the guy running around trying to tag shit while 2/3 defense objectives fail and won't stay there if the crouching guy moves to defend them. Never sinks in that in the 2 events that can be failed they're the ones failing them for everyone else by not being a good E-slut in their motley Powerarmor and 50 rounds to kill build.
You still don't understand, the mojave is a bumfuck nowhere state that just drain resources, and only the worst of the worst is sent there, a huge chunk of the NCR didn't believe the Legion was around til Nipton incident, and even then, it took way longer for them to deploy veteran rangers.

An artillery piece is a heavy, delicate mechanism that needs proper trucking to reach it's destination, and you see how fucked up the roads are in NV, let alone the whole problem with Raiders and Deathclaws, dragging that shit to Hoover Dam would be hell.

Dunno what to say about planes though. Seems an oversight
I made a typo sorry :(
Every single bit of data from dating websites, where you honestly say what you are looking for in a partner, has black men across the board the least sought for.
Even among black women. So take you BLACKED propaganda elsewhere.
>lunch time in tel aviv
like pottery
>Nonsense unrelated information.
Good grief
You know, if you care so much about black dudes, why don't you suck one them?
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>h...h...how this make you feel white goy
like the black sissy faggot archetype is making a certain golem ask who owned the slaveships.
Do you think they regret their choices
mainly just waiting for the mass delete
Looks like /pol/ is leaking again they must be talking about the assassination attempt too much for these race baiters to get any replies.
You know, it's funny how actual /shitted/ threads on /trash/ and /gif/ are more respectful than those fellas.
Nice puffy tits kek.
he's mad no one liked them at the RNC convention after the whole mitosis proud conservative israel supporter thing didn't work and has the 16% (lol) jewess mudshark rate on his mind.
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>they still haven't patched free weekly scores in 76
Thanks Todd, getting close to rank 150
There is an Emmy for the most vile, weimar tier tv series? Never knew that.
>/pol/ is leaking
More like JIDF intern lost his way on his way there.
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>fallout 4 stopped getting updates for over a week now
>before it was continuously updated
new patch imminent.
London Bridge is falling down
Falling down, falling down
London Bridge is falling down
My fair Janny.
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Guess who was l33t at nuclear winter, a thing I definitely did.
>worst written
eh, they are obviously bad guys though. they only make sense in a severe mad max style end of the world, which new vegas doesn't quite get to imo.
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I have started to play fallout 76 not a while ago. What is REALLY awaits me in this game? I know about fucked up lore, but will be there assaultron sexo?
lotta talk about fallout in here
Are there any mods apart from Mutant Menagerie that add fish and other aquatic animals like the dolphins to the game?The only other mod I found apparently has problems with the fish spawning on land and doesn’t affect Far Harbor.I don’t really want all of the other new enemies that MM adds.
Tha‘s great except for the part were the extremely limited and valuable vertibirds get shot down.
Endless grind and MMO shite.
Legion has nothing that can really shoot down vertibirds, which are canonically so strong that the BoS had to make tesla canons to reliably take them down.
>1 vs 10 is realistically not winnable
What about 1 vs more than 10 and a Deathclaw?
shot down with what? dropping bombs means you can just go higher. they could be so high the legion might not even see them
can i get spoonfed some good lesser known lore friendly armor mods for 4? I can't find any good ones other than like the super popular things. armor seems neglected
if you are 2tapping enemies at lv10 you'll be 2tapping enemies at lv75 when you've ground for unyielding gear and legendaries
>inb4 but I started at lv20
quickstart was a trap, GG no Re. half of the cards todd picked for you are useless. Nothing that can't be fixed by playing an extra dozen levels but it'll make getting a build turned on slightly more tedius

The quest content is bad, the launch content is outdated. BoS will make you mad. Rose room is ok. New area sucks ass. Game is playing the events and you should start doing that around lv30 no matter what the game tells you; Free legendary gear and because enemies are level scaled to you, you actually can contribute if you don't suck at the game. Your lv32 ghoul dies as quick as a lv70 one for the lv2000 guy.

Don't spend any money on this, just treat it like a f2p phone gacha and use it kill time and let the apathy wash over you for it's potential lore consequences and etc. Put it out of your head because the whole thing is a simulation like operation anchorage

Also search for Tumbajarumba's stuff
>A bumfuck nowhere state
...Except for the fact that the most popular tourist destination in the world is there. All the tourists you see in the strip are from the NCR. It *should* be an extremely popular warfront, considering people would be out for legion blood after a rich family's son is killed by a legionare
Also, the boomers successfully dragged their artillery from Area 2, which is a real location 113 miles from nellis airforce base. Another source says they also took artillery from Hawthorne Army Depot which is 302 miles from nellis
These are both good, thank you.
Hi, sorry, but I just heard about the new legendary crafting system. Just to be clear: it allows you to put whatever legendary effect you want onto a gun (so long as you have the resources for it)? For example, I could make a Missile Launcher with Twin Shot, Hitman's, and Lightweight? Thank you for the answer.

I left the game two years ago cause I got sick of trying to get specific legendary effects, so if that interpretation is correct, I'll reinstall. Also fuck the trading community, I still hate them.
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>guided meditation with reflective
that went exactly like how I expected it to
It's on the private test server and they aren't going to get it in the real game for at least 2 months, if ever.
>what it is in pts
It's a new scrapping system where instead of getting scrip you can break legendary guns over your knee for a ~2% chance of a standalone module of one of their effects or ~1% chance of learning how to craft that type of module. Instead of scrip you get scrip2 used for crafting custom (untradeable) legendaries.
Which are made with New module+new resource+fuckload of old legendary cores

so after a lot of grind you can learn how to make say bloodied or quad as a module, then spend a lot of resources on one sure thing. Functionally It's like ~1-2 months of "new" grind for an existing player whenever they implement it and it could be made a lot worse in the interim. Might want to keep trash weapons with good effects stockpiled because it's like 4 layers of RNG between a legendary enemy and getting the ability to make a specific legendary module.
>RNG ontop of RNG ontop of RNG
Yeesh. Thank you for the info. I hope it eventually gets changed to be less of a pain.
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Here is another decent one with Macready modelling a Gunner Ranger set up. Most of these are not modular but they do liven up the Gunners as enemies.
>legendary spawn rate
>1 in 4 roll on gun/melee/armor/powerarmor
>1in25 per effect on legendary
>1%(/whatever they make the rate) chance of getting a crafting recipe for an effect
and this is the more equitable system

if they up the "chance" and the modules don't compete against each other it might not suck but I'm not holding my breath. Imagine scrapping a gun, landing on the 1% chance of the plan and instead of +15%crit rate from slot 2 you got +50% mirelurk damage. Then have to find another few dozen +15%crit guns to even get the chance again.
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Vertibirds get shot down by raiders and super mutants with regular guns all the time in 4
Gameplay =/= lore
Really? Like actually confirmed and not some vague theory?
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Bethesda could have easily made them much harder to destroy by giving them twice as much HP if they were supposed to be hard to destroy canonically
Nice hood cloak. Can the mask separate from the cloak?
They actually did. The reason why vertibirds get shot down so often is that there is a bug that prevents the higher level versions from spawning, so the game only ever spawns the minimum level 20 versions, and not any of the higher versions.
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Rate my Survival build.
NTA, but the boomers used an army of robots that they reprogrammed to drag the artillery pieces to Nelis, and this was god know how many years ago and the only opposition would be enradiated monsters and small time raider bands
>Vegas is the biggest turist attraction
Actually untrue. That's New Reno. Vegas is shaping up to be the little jewel of the NCR, but it's not that yet, most of the tourists are troopers.
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How did this game create so much sexual confusion? Was there some hidden triggers in the plot? Did they push the politics side of fallout too far? 1 and 2 were just hero role players and 3 was mostly exploring with bad writing.
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>People report Blackpowder Rifle sights are misaligned.
>They are like that so you can see the head you are shooting at.
Skill Issue
Not my problem.
Really shit bait.
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Fallout New Vegas was the most political Fallout.
wait fallout is political?
I been walking in this game for 4 days straight because I have 800 pounds of bullshit I can't store in the stash.
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le epic troll
but who took the politics that serious? I did a house run first time around a decade ago just cause I didn't care much and I never even knew new vegas was a cult thing in the trans community until I noticed the frontier memes on youtube.
Wouldn't know I just shoot them with anti-material rifle before they get anywhere near me.
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>have bloodied commando crit build
>get 10mm gun skin from encriptid (GG nuclear winter players)
>fuck it
>40dam a shot
>mfw is completely viable in events with zero pistol cards
193 crits on moleminers. near full mag to kill mobs in botsmith but it kills them, those loot piles aren't from "tagging." 203 crits on glowing wendigo spawns doing earl; 6 shots to kill with adrenaline and gunfu fully firing. even did ok at a mag and a half a supermutant during eviction notice. Not exactly a railway rifle but more dps than a fucking pistol build by far. Pretty firm proof they could make an entire class of weapons in the game work by swapping the pistol cards to perception and not have to change any other numbers.

I've seen better gear do worse by a lot
>like at eviction notice
shoot the suiciders until they die anons. Only melee enemies attack defense targets.
Guns are gay, punch shit like a boss
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armor repair costs from insisting on fisting guys is really gay. It also becomes tedious when you have 6 different ways to trivialize the game and melee uses the most resources.

This if anything shows that perk card synergy does all the heavy lifting and the legendary grind is mostly in our heads.
lol meet some real enemies next time
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Fucking garbage hide behind hp sponge, DIE
But it uses 0 resources, yeah you gotta fix your weapon like once/week and armor doesn't even get damaged
>fruity tambo or whatever has degradation like anything else
>white knight is only a 60% reduction in equipment damage
>contextual ammo feeds most guns
>without a gun contextual ammo gives junk instead of ultracite
5 repair kits and/or using ballistic fiber to keep your gear up is just more of a resource burn than gun degradation. If you're personally using half a dozen food/drink/chem items a random encounter to oneshot everything that's not unique to unarmed and a lot more banked work than crouching and shooting something in the head.
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I hate these non-Skyrim dragons so much.
Any way to get that at level 2? They're murdering me.
>ran to vegas at lv2
>hasn't cleared out the casinos and headed to the gunrunners
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Is this a known bug in the pit?
What are you seething about you dumbass? I literally don't understand this post.

Why are you going into Death claw infested areas like a literal retard at level 2 then making foggy posts about how the devs were "trolling" you? You went the wrong way you stupid boy.
>armor repair costs
Meaningless when you can just put on white knight
It's a known bug with every "defend from attackers" event.
kek what a schizo
>not using the repair kits from nuke bosses to occasionally repair your armor
I've built up a decent amount, given how frequently people utilize nukes.
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I feel like I have to defend him here, he WAS a delightfully devilish Seymour shithead, he did all 3 of those things and clearly holds no doubt over his actions doing so.

I don't think the Vegas tourism section is him genuinely believing you're a bad person where he is not, to me it read more like him trying to point out that sometimes doing good is pointless and results in a bad outcome anyway and sometimes in the interest of serving ourselves we can really hurt others and not even realise we've done so.

Marko knows and embraces this, he has went all in on surviving. He doesn't care if his survival means others deaths, the interesting part is how that rubs with your Courier. How far will YOU go to survive? How many people will YOU hurt to save yourself from pain?

I felt this worked REALLY well with how my Courier plays and how I've characterised her in her responses in other mods and the base game/DLC up until that point.

(I've posted on 4chan for over 15 years and this is the first time I've had to split a post because it's too long)
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Marko doesn't care that Diane Quigley had to sell her kid to the Legion nor does he really care that we caused it to happen, but he knows my Courier would. He knows he won't convince her wholly it was her fault a family was raped and murdered, but he knows opening up that "what if" possibility about how things would be better for others without her involvement would eat at her inside, bit by bit.

I will say, it would maybe be even better if he was written to lose that good spark at a later point in his life instead of early on as a child. I'd also have liked to see humans existential fear of death be a trait he displayed more, explaining why he goes to such lengths to survive.

That said if that was the case I probably wouldn't have had the most kino revolver duel ever with him. Getting the dialogue option early on to show off the Remington to him as Virgil, then producing it at the very end and telling him exactly what you intend to do with it mixed with a little but of gunwanking from Marko was great. In fact that was another thing I liked, when we both took out our old, sentimental pistols and even if only for a brief second we can relate to one another and share a moment talking about these weapons before using them in one last, violent attempt to kill each other.

TL;DR: Kino.
So they're just blatantly ripping off The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly?
never heard of any of those locations
All 3 mods draw inspiration from Clintwood-era westerns, which is a totally normal thing and frankly expected given the setting and subject matter.

Aside from that, the location is real. It's in Spain and called "Sad Hill Cemetery" so using it in other media can hardly be called ripping off Good, Bad and Ugly. It's a shame that you thought that this extremely surface level take of "thing look like other thing therefore it IS thing" was worth posting, or did anything other than make you look like a retard.

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>a working pistol build has no pistol specialization
justworking at it's finest
this is dumb, I've seen single floating damage numbers above 300 on enemies like muni enforcers.
Deleted 2 3star legendary super mutants in a single 15 round magazine popping 200s every other shot. Quick reload effects and it's downtime is lower than the fire rate delay of a lot of guns. the shitty starter gun throws out 10mm as a burst machinegun and repair is a handful of springs and adhesive every several thousand rounds. Only downside is contextual ammo doesn't keep up (outside of expeditions) but 10mm costs nothing to craft. Somehow it shits this hard on the 10mm smg. Not at all on par with a fixer or railway but nowhere near the struggling you sometimes see when some lone lv150 xp weekender gets left with 2 enemies.

I've run big number melee and it burns through repair kits or ballistic fiber, asbestos, etc. with good armor. 5 improved repair kits eats into your stack of 50 repair kits a lot quicker than 1. The game isn't deep enough to bother micro'ing that hard with chems and cyclic repair and AFKing for specific events just to unga bunga. And chainsaw flamer go brrrrrr.
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sweet baby
Take the explorer perk
im never playing nv again
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>sun kissed/photosynthic
why 2x
>hard bargain/travel agent
why 3x
>power user with rifleman
why 4x
>thru hiker/ sneak
why 5x
>luck cards
why 6x
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I mean, if you want to get technical about it, Fallout as a series is entirely, in universe, a simulation being played by a vault dweller.
This looks so bad...
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mental trap of a non specialized everything QoL build that'll need 20 bullets from a combat rifle to kill anything while trundling around in power armor getting stunlocked by ghouls. Easy mistake to make thinking you're hacking the system by not having a camp and combat-exploration build. And not having the lockpicking/hacking legendary card really fucks up the 1-50 progression.
automatic rifles do significantly more damage than semi auto so fix that off the bat.
int is XP rate and str carry weight so decisions come down to which QoL things you want, team benefits, or pumping luck to 15 to get the AP/Crit fill cards. For full health you can omit serendipity but it eats more damage than your healthpool and with low endurance is where all the survivability comes from. You can also stealth archer it by swapping AP gen for +75% stealth or just wearing the Chinese stealth armor or stacking armor effects. Grocers backpack also frees up 3 spaces in Agility but will make you 800/250 overencumbered in powerarmor
how do you make your own magic cards? I want to take some of the fallout magic cards and swap the art out with some of my coomer screenshots
if ghoul doesn't add things like 3 point weapon damage cards and non-vats viability, I'll probably quit 76 shortly after it comes out
Manpads.The FO4 missile launcher has a lock on function that works against vertibirds.
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This shit it actually so powerful that it isn't even fun because everything dies instantly and I don't get to grind them up like the Ripper, chop them like the Katana or smash them really fast like the Saturnite Fist.
physics > lore
Have you ever seen what happens when a helo takes small arms fire? The pilot leaves, instantly. Aircraft aren't tanks. The very opposite, actually.
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Why did the institute bother killing all the frozen vault dwellers? they leave the only one alive that would actually want revenge.
because... okay??
>why did the institute [insert here]
im gay and i would
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You wouldn't understand
Were does the Commonwealth get it's ammo from?Fallout 3 had The Pit and Fallout 1 had Miles and Smitty.But is there any one in Fallout 4 that produces new ammo?The Institute would likely produce it's own fusion cells and the BoS could have set up some production in DC but is the rest of region entirely reliant on looting and trade with the outside until the protagonist build an ammo plant?
>Fallout 3 had The Pit
That's in another state there's no way DC is getting all its ammo from Pittsburgh
Places I get lost in constantly
>GNN News HQ
>Fort Hagen
Does anyone know if there's a mod that adds FO3 style metros or similar to NV? TTW not an option though I wish it was because I keep seeing it and I really want to play the FO3 DLC again too.
I've cleared out Corvega so many times that I know every inch of it inside and out
I know how to get to the named raider (Jared?) but if I go off that path that's me lost. I found out today there is a hidden sewer entrance in Lexington. Quite impressed by the level of work that went into Corvega.
This is driving me nuts does anyone know if you can get the neck snap animation with synths?
Tale of Two Wastelands 3.3.3
August 15
Just gen 3 ones
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I take it you can't get ghouls with it either?
why would you upgrade?
How come the citizens of the NCR all devolved into deranged bandits after only 15 years of the republic being gone?
The "republic" in the show is one city with 3 buildings and a train
>This in-universe schizo is totally believable
Anyone has that Zorkaz mod tier list?
I remember someone posting it here.
I guess some of the Rivet City scientists could produce some as well but it is definitely not shown in-game.
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I only like New Vegas
It's nice that there are only 5 Deathclaw locations in 76. It's not like there are Mirelurk Kings in every cave.
Haven't played New Vegas before. When and in what order should I play the DLCs?
Probably just got their numbers thinned out by the scorchbeasts, there's not usually any apex predators that pose a threat to them in other lands.
Release order: Dead Money, Honest Hearts, Old World Blues, Lonesome Road
Release order on your first playthrough, but personally I prefer going HH > OWB > DM > LR since it works better gameplay wise.
Since it's been 3 years and I'm more likely to get a sober answer is the Frontier (excluding the awful looking NCR quest) actually ok? I just want a new worldspace to explore and do side-quests in.
Are there any active mod projects for FO4 that plan to expand the playable area?Or are they all just TC projects like Fallout London,Cascadia,etc.?
want to download the CC content, what the fuck do I use to pull a link out of that gobledegook ?
I liked it but it's not going to be for everyone. The world map is objectively amazing, the driving is way better than you would think, I found the Crusaders interesting and it would have been literally impossible for me to complete my playthrough without using console commands, multiple times.
TV show isn't canon
Neither is FO76 .
How much side content/exploration is there? All the discussion I've seen of it revolved around the main story and made it sound like the mod is devoid of anything outside of the questline you pick.
>Disable Dialogue Camera (vanilla setting option) and any mods that disable or modify the Dialogue Camera
>Sim Settlements 2 requires the Dialogue Camera for its scenes and quests to run correctly. If you disable or modify the Dialogue Camera, you may not be able to complete certain quests and content.
That's retarded.Is it even worth using SS2?It looks like a compatibility nightmare.Is the quest added by it at least good?
Im starting fallout 2, should I tag energy weapons or big weapons? it was fun as fuck sniping with the turbo plasma rilfle with 200% in energy weapons in fallout 1
This shit looks so fucking lame. Real life adaptations of vidya need to fucking stop. You can't convince me anyone unironically watches this and enthusiastically tells their friends, family, gf/wife that they watched some shitty video game tv show that looks like that. Fucking clown world. Embarassing.
>tranny is a shittedfag
as expected
Big weapons are great in 2.
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it's going to have some tranny shit 100%. it's their last update
don't download it then?
Nta.But that's not an excuse.
I'm planning on just erasing any troon-related shit from existence with a point blank shotgun blast, assuming they add it. Fuck it and fuck the idea of not having control as a player, we ball
The creators are free to create anything they want. I'm free to not download it and criticize it.
That said, if they change or delete something, one of us can just fix it in GECK and share the un-pozzed patch in the OP from then on so we get a superior version without worrying about mods that require 3.3.3
Like I said, fuck it we ball.
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I think it's a shame that Starfield had such a tragic and premature death. So much wasted potential.
Those people—whom learned the skills from years of practice—should cater to my wants. Free of charge, of course.
No. Or at least there's none that's been made aware to the public.
Creation Club note quest mods are gay. I'd prefer it if they just put the items on a corpse without any explanation other than what you can accomplish with environmental story telling. It effects the overall quality if something strays from convention.
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How far gone do you have to be to pre-emptively get upset over hypothetical changes that haven't and probably won't happen?
>todd spent a bajillion years on starfield when he could have been working on the properties people actually care about
>i...i....it's not canon just because they say it is!
my how the turn tables
Fallout 4 only has 15,000 more people playing, I wouldn't call that "premature death."
That doesn't even bring up Xbox players. PC players are bigger mod whores than console players, and Fallout 4 has more mods due to being over 10 years old.
You're trying to push a narrative that Starfield is shit and bombed, which just isn't reality. You're probably a Sonyfag or a dumbfuck victim of their propaganda.
And it's still better than any of bethesda's other games since Morrowind
Todd, please.
Fallout 4 London released around 3 months ago in 23rd april. How are you bros liking it? How many hours have you spent playing it?
I thought Starfield was okay but this is just cope.
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Not a fan
Nothing about it is cope. It explains why Steam numbers are higher, because more mods being available. We don't have Xbox numbers.
>Sirs! You bloody bitch bastard sirs!
where's shittered space rajesh. Or the dune buggy, it's been 4 months. Surely they changed the entire entity streaming and static map object system to make cars work, it's not like bethesda can't do it amirite?
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It's gay and retarded to pretend you know anything about making games, anon
Starfield is a white man's game. The central themes of Starfield are science, morality, and politics. And handles these themes with nuance and respect.
So your "stupid Indian man" meme attempts are inaccurate and cope.
>containment general so dead has to come to only mostly dead fallout general
>e...e...enter the kinofield sirs!
>I fucking love science!
>choose your chunks
locational ship damage is fake btw
You're arguing in bad faith. You're obviously not a white man. This conversation is over.
It's another MIDF-shows-its-superiority-complex conversation, great.
Some do act if they're entitled to the labor of others for free. Which is a bad look.
I don't like the undertones and implications of your post, sir.
Starfield is a white man's game because it's a cuck simulator full of dysgenic black and brown fat people everywhere. While the romance interest is a barren 50 year old white woman ready to settle down, flat as a plank, that annoys the shit out of you. Truly the white man's real life simulator.
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>Just installed Working on the Chain Gang
Time to turn the Mojave into a crime-ridden shithole like the mobster piece of shit my character was born to be.
That makes it libtardation, which is a white culture, but libtardation isn't all of white culture.
The libtarded are typically NIMBY that live in prominently white areas. They're destroying the west because egotistical and hypocritical virtue signalling
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fallout despite Bethesda's best efforts to make it gay and retarded is a more hopeful and less dystopian setting than sirfield. You can eat the bug in both, but why is the important part.
>If You Want a Picture of the Future, Imagine a onions jacking at slop – for Ever
Starfield should've been localized within solar system with colony ships and orbital stations instead of
>see that procedurally generated planet?
>you can scan it
instead of STARBORN the plot would've involved the question how to leave the solar system, where one faction would've gladly used risky technology that could fuck up the solar system and the other who would prefer a safer method that may or may not ever be discovered in the future
and Emil can insert his retarded artifact pieces into that.
>There is an Emmy for the most vile, weimar tier tv series?
Fallout would get absolutely crushed by The Boys in that competition although they are from the same studio so that "you're going to make my cock explode?" energy is there
I can't believe they did dragonborn in space (and even just changed "dragon" to "star.") That's the level of creativity I'd expect from a 12 year old.
It's a great mod, but boy, you are gonna be disappointed if you want that...
accurate representation of california
The Boys is obviously extremely disgusting and nobody finds it attractive but morbidly interesting. Fallout on the other hand is a enshittification and niggerification on a much more subversive hidden level, but honestly they were already pozzed shit with fo4 so not like it got that much worse in comparison. Bethesda is made by pajeets, for pajeets, of pajeets.
They don't, you see the citizens in the last episode and all of them are just normal people. They live better than the average Filly resident
>But the raiders-
Are actual raiders, not NCR people
Quite passionate review there. Sadly, I can't relate much to it, might be because of the gameplay aspect of that scene (I was so jacked up with dlc perks and goodies at this point, that I just took my mysterious magnum and one tapped him) and because my courier was a conflicted tycoon who did a lot of bad (Coito Ergo Sum) with some good (Inheritance, Honest Hearts), but had a clear stance where he standed. So both from a meta and a rp perspective, his whole shtick fell flat in a way
Oh well. It's about the journey, not the destination. Plus I have plenty of other ways to do it.
Well there was an actual guy named Judge Holden in nvb1. Marko is just uhh, ummm, uhh. A letdown
This mod series has you recreating dialogue from No Country For Old Men and going to fight Tony Montana. Every character is a reference to something else. It's very funny that people got mad at the Frontier for doing stuff like this, when the truth is people's standards just raised
>Surely they changed the entire entity streaming and static map object system to make cars work
They've literally already been doing that. Patch from a couple months back removed the world borders and you no longer crash going past the point they used to be.
True, at least the show didn't introduce an obvious representation of muh heckin racists named fucking Stormfront of all things, or something equally on-the-nose. Knock on wood, of course.
The Boys comics are more degenerate than the tv show, if anything the show makes the villains cooler than the creators intended. Despite trying so hard to paint Homelander, Stormfront, and Soldier Boy as bad they are still the only characters that make the show fun and that thirdies make edits of on youtube and tiktok.
What's up with the scores?
Deliberately typing like an ESL shit stain or are you just pretending to be retarded?
>most popular tourist destination in the world is there
Freddy's House of Scares is not OK Neveda.
>they made the ship despawning not crash your game anymore
>the same thing as making a rocks hitbox or 1pixel high piece of elevation stop your carhorse dead
>the same thing as making the setspeed stutter stop happening from load in of objects
It's gay and retarded to pretend you know anything about making games, anon

when you drive over a bush in gta or cyberpunk it's a destructible object, when you slam into it on your fallout4 motorcycle mod it doesn't. simple as. They aren't replacing the entire procgen system after 6 years of development, they cut mechs instead.
the one redeeming thing about the comic is the bush did 9/11 motif and they totally dropped it.
also kind of funny starlight's actress ended up bogging herself almost as bad as comic starlight was supposed to
Starlight actress doing what she did to herself should generally be a valid reason to give a death sentence to someone. What a terrible day to have eyes
Why is this lost little turdlet shitposting Starfield in a Fallout thread? Banned from /v/? Too scared to do it in /stag/? Get reported too much in /stag/?
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>the fuck is this
didn't show in active effects or debuffs
didn't stop me from doing damage to the bosses (no shield 0dam floating numbers) and crippled several limbs at the start of the event
didn't take damage or rads from being out of bounds or somthing
could loot the robot i didn't engage and ones I shot so i wasn't "outside" the event
icon isn't in the datamined/listed icons on the wikis
Because the death claw only has 2 stars in fisting.
Maybe it's warning you about the falling electric rays? Just a guess
>B5090 The Fixer
thank you based purveyor
>buying the weapon lootboxes
I have 3 mule accounts
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>check New Vegas global cheevos
>the most popular endings are Yes Man > NCR > House >>> Legion
Not that surprising

>check Fallout 4 global cheevos
>the most popular endings are Minutemen > Institute > Brotherhood >>> Railroad
The fuck's going on there
i have close to 1k hours in NV and i have yet to do an ending that wasnt yes man, i also have not done the dlc yet
Yes Man is really the most popular ending? I imagined that most normalfags would go for NCR, it feels like the most safe/npc route.

Also honestly for all the talk of NV's reactivity and amazing routes, most of the endings are horribly underdeveloped, especially Legion, there's practically no rational reason to go for them except for shithousery.
I suspect that a lot of self-inserting normies will blindly support Shaun just for being the MC's kid and just ignore what a monster he is. If you do the main quest through Institutionalized and are polite and friendly to him, he's just as polite and friendly back to you, and you basically just cheerfully tag along on his plot to subjugate humanity (and then die and give it to you)

It is a big difference from New Vegas where Caesar has no prior affiliation with you, and more bizarrely is a massive cunt to you no matter how much you help him or how crucial you become to his victory
I feel like we explain this every other thread, but I'll bite.
Inorganic brute-forcing and astroturfing are how their shitty little community started and it's been their MO ever since.
They're like mold. They spread onto and feed off of things just because they're there. NV has no trans undertones, they just wanted to conquer something. And use it as a propaganda outlet.
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>Yes Man is really the most popular ending?
Keep in mind that Yes Man is the ending you get herded towards if you shoot plot-important NPCs in the face, in the first game since Morrowind where said NPCs are not invincible
>lead choice is player faction
>second choice is "le best bad option"
>least popular least flushed out
if you played the game the first time/buy into the arc you might make the assumption that as head of the institute you can make them not chaotic retard morality and put an end to constantly destabilizing civilization and randomly murdering people for more detailed reports on crop yields at dirtfarm 16. SHAUN gives you the institute before you final binary faction choice no matter how much you work against them as long as you don't like shoot an NPC in the head.

The truth is of course the game is rigged from the start and your faction choice does nothing to change the workings of the world at a story or even mechanical level
>synth patrols still spawn if you destroy the institute
>vertibirds still spawn if you destroy the BoS
>minutemen and railcucks don't appear at all outside of direct player action
>is a massive cunt to you no matter how much you help him
Yeah I tried to do a Legion run once and after I successfully did one quest that ended with Caesar going "huh whatever" and dismissing me, then a second quest that ended with him casually threatening to kill me, I ended up returning to my traditional "gun down everyone in the tent" portion of the game
It feels like bad writing from a metagaming perspective because nobody wants to work for an ingrate. House and Moore are manipulating you in-universe but at least still deliver an occasional "Nice work, dude, we couldn't pull this off without you"
Every single character in NV is an asshole or a sarcastic reddit asshole except doc mitchell and sunny smiles who are decent human beings. .
The writer isn't intelligent enough. So they have to deduce things down to simplicity for manageability.
I'm confident AI would've done a better job with writing.
Christine in Dead Money will literally engage in explicit unprotected handholding with you if you rescue her from the elevator
Sunny Smiles says "She won't bite unless I tell her to" in a non-friendly way. So she is an asshole.
I liked Christine . . . until she started talking and it turns out she's an asshole. Perhaps I was imagining a good person in her non verbal communication.
Ok I just had a good think and you know who act like friendly, realistic human beings?
The Boomers. But only after the artillery shelling which is an understandable but dick move.
You can literally smell the jew who wrote this shit..
>Fallout would get absolutely crushed by The Boys in that competition although they are from the same studio so that "you're going to make my cock explode?" energy is there
Boys at least have an excuse - the og material was also so vile and disgusting jewish weimar shit.
Fallout doesnt.
Altough the redpills Fallout drops are pretty cool if you can tilt your head and notice them.
>Redpills in fallout show
Why do you keep saying Weimar like it was a bad thing? At least they didn't give half of germany to the bolsheviks kekaroooo
Anyone in here tried this or part 1?
Tranny self harms
Nog is a fuckup who is only successful after he steals from his ""White"" superior bloodied corpse.
His superior is a cowardly, ungrateful jew bully who revels in the idea of Nog being punished with death and bullies him even before that despite Nog not being in any way a threat.
Lucy is a massive whore ready to jump on nog dick after ten minutes and she fucked her cousin.
Only white blonde women in the show kicks ass even when pregnant and gravely wounded.
Nuclear war got triggered by a retarded ape women becuase she was given the position of power at Vault tec and wasnt stopped in time.
Only remotely cool character in the series is a White Man in a classic cowboy attire ( ghoul ).
BOS rules the wastes despite being much more militaristic and religious now ( usually in kikewood faction like this is on the verge of destruction ).
And few other things..

Seriously if it wasnt written by Amazon you would have kikes in media screaming about le /pol/ , le far right writing and shit.
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Okay the ncr radio is actually pretty useful. Permanent cocky female ranger companion :D
Good list.
Also remember that the little goblin fella with the massive nose is a sneaky, cowardly rodent.
And jew looking happily at Lucy and Maximus kissing.
Chet being equivalent of the memetic "New Guy" fits too.
Thadeus ( White guy ) being absolute determinator despite being scared and way over his head.
Moldaver ( jeet women ) being a filthy commie, pre war commies being mostly non Whites too, ghoul dropping the breadlines line.
Etc etc.
Fags will obviously whine about muh media literacy but its funny how fucking redpilled that series is if you look at this at the right angle.
It's gay that the Legion doesn't give you any hard bod guys to cover your ass. It makes more sense to have Legion guys covering your ass than NCR dudes since most of the map is NCR territory.
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you forgot the filthy commie was also a lesbo infiltrator.
Oh im sure i forgot a lot of things..
>show pushes BMWF
>female fanbase starts hardcore shipping said white woman with the ghoul instead
really makes me think...
>Moldaver ( jeet women )
Moldaver is a known name for a jew that was exiled from Moldavia due to child killing, coin clipping or poisoning wells. Another redpill is that she deletes fucking everything because her homosex lover gets killed.
She also leaves her lovers daughter to get raped and murdered by raiders (psychopath, narcissist)
>It makes more sense to have Legion guys covering your ass than NCR dudes since most of the map is NCR territory.
I mean most of the territory is NCR, so the NCR can afford to send a guy out safely to reach you.
That said I think it would've been cool to get a legion scout/assassin ally, since there are already so many of them running around
They did the same with nu Star Wars.
Rey was shipped hardcore with Flynn only to end up with Kylo.. The amount of women who dropped interracial domestic abuse stats on twitter when anyone complained about it was amazing to witness.
Really? Shit, even better.
Yes. Plus she is of course 110% communist. Communism caused great atrocity and death in Romania (which Moldavia is a part of now)
>The surname Moldaver is of Eastern European Jewish origin. It is a variant of the surname Moldavsky, which is derived from the Yiddish word "moldav," meaning "from Moldova."
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>Only white blonde women in the show kicks ass even when pregnant and gravely wounded.
I actually have no idea where they're going with her character because they don't conceal from the viewer at all that she's balls-deep in Vault Tec's hierarchy and an active high ranking member of the Evil Conspiracy, but they also make it clear at the personal level that she's an inherently brave and heroic person that loved her husband and actually cares about the MacLeans, and these facets of her personality are genuine even though she's concealing shit like being a violent psycho from them
Makes two of us.
Fucking hell.
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kek well played. Was like russian dolls.

Female power scream. Everything in this list applies to FO TV show except sexualised children.
Black man hero and Dad idiot doesnt fit.
White man villan fits only from certain point.
There is no gay guy to be the voice of reason.
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I'm just glad you appreciate the time I took to write it despite the fact we ultimately disagree on the subject. It's a good example of how personal interpretation can really be what matters most when discussing art.

P.S The katana you get from the Inheritance is litty for real
Retard or Schizo? This is your last reply
Maximus is a hardly a hero.
Dad ( Kyle character ) isnt stupid.
It wasnt a White man who brought the apocalypse on the world.
And there is no gay guy there...
Show is a tragedy and woke crap but that description doesnt fit it.
The thing that pisses me off most is that
even with Robotic Expert at the maximum level I can not fix Takahashi even though Codsworth talks to him. I hacked him and sent him on a murder spree haha
Tbh im glad they didnt touch the Enclave in the tv series..
Its bad enough they destroyed NCR...
i can't think of even a single movie that has 4 of these
I'm surprised there's no mod for that
they did touch the enclave, retard
They didnt, Enclave exists only for few short scenes and only as a setpiece to get the doctor character introduced.
>black cuck gets positive attention from white female but doesn't get the girl in season/movie2
new archetype they're trying out to reprogram a rebelling golem. When the diamond districts of large cities got threatened with hands up time to loot things changed in hollywood math.
>Falling for an obvious psi-op
you're this close to understanding the truth
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playing nv today and realized how much I miss the medic power armor in 3.
I can't play 3 or NV anymore without missing the sprint/nade/cover mechanisms from 4
The self-insert ending has always been and will always be the most popular, same happened to Fallout 4. It's inevitable.
I'm playing modded so I get sprinting at least.
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Also honestly your opinion is shit.
Its funny how big bad White far right people of the 90's managed to give us a timeless classics of Babylon 5 or Walker Texas Ranger where you had a nog sidekick/coprotag that was a well rounded, good character but woke, tolerant and diverse 2020's give us shit like Finn or Maximus that look like a fucking Daily Stormer caricature...
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There's a mod for that
You mean the leaning?There is a mod for that as well.
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>There is a mod for that
this thread is gay
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Yes, there is. Only a lazy asshole or someone arguing in bad faith would take umbrage against that response.
Either way, fuck you.
If crowbarring in features from later installments wasn't always janky inferior shit, you wouldn't see projects like "port Morrowind/Oblivion/FO3/FNV to Oblivion/Skyrim/FO4's engine"
Now you're just being silly.
Starfield is just a ZOG triple vaxxed normie scum own nothing and be happy wet dream.
nuka world is so bad. just endless fetch quests. i have like 4 of them in my log rn to gather 30 of whatever mcmuffin
On the bright side, after you finish the expansion, you get to fight 1,300+ HP pack/operator/disciple raiders at every random encounter in the Commonwealth forever
There is a mod for that as well.
I'm indifferent to it.
I preferred it when throwables were dedicated weapons. You could use them in VATS. Also, if they remained as dedicated weapons, Molotov cocktails wouldn't be as annoying as they are in Fallout 4, since the raiders would've needed to switch weapons, light the Molotov cocktail, and then throw them. Rather than being an instant thing.
It's a useful feature for dealing with turrets (because they're stationary,) but apart from that I don't think it's reliable.
nuka world is the last thing i have to do in my current save so once its done im uninstalling
NTA but unironically playing 4 felt shitter than NV with mods when I went onto it after finishing NV, the sprinting felt snappier, I had modeled hands with diagonal movements. The grenade worked instantly, the leaning was both contextual and manual, plus hooked into my camera mod to switch shoulders in first person.

Mods made in the last few years for NV are more advanced than vanilla F4 features from 2015.
Lol your a gay mule.
Yeah I'm GAY:
G: Gay
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>watching episode of house
>wow this patient sounds really familiar
>it's fucking veronica
You must be exhausted.
that's canon chest size for piper
I dread to see how his Nat looks..
She was also in a few episodes of supernatural.
And one or two episodes of Rookie.
shes also hot
>he doesn't recognize Felicia day when she was spammed everywhere in gaming culture
zoomer detected
ngl I thought 9/11 was a movie thing
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I regret to inform you all that Felicia Day is still alive
she got dumped by the game execs real quick. must have refused to suck some jewish person's cock
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I don't see the problem.
She's still in things
On the topic of Felicia Day, I'd say it would probably generate fatigue to see/hear the same voice actor/actress in literally fucking everything but I'm still not tired of Jim Cummings so I take it back.
The greatest tragedy of fallout 4 is that they didnt add custom ammo
Just dumping some ass in here, carry on gents.
nvtranny opinion
it didn't even matter in NV, it was bloat
Three awful posts in a row from three completely different people, I guess it's that time of day again.
Better than enchantments .
I like having different ammo types. Makes it so I can use my shotgun for everything... pulse slugs, buckshot, dragon's breath, normal slugs. And I can have some fun with beanbag. And then coinshot is just funny to think about even tho i dont remmber it having any special properties.
>raise gun skill to over 75
>shotgun surgeon
>kill everything
the ammo types don't matter past mid-level
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Well shit, he's got me pegged. I guess he knows who I'm working for now.
Its fun...
Follow-up post: I like how they got an actual old guy to voice this character, you don't see that a lot. Usually it's just a millennial making their voice as gravely as possible.
>i am trans
good for you sis!
>shooting different things out of the same gun makes someone a troon
Pick a different hill to die on. God almighty.
Mutant Menagerie.Yes or no?
How many mods are you running already? If low amount, yes. If high amount, be cautious.
Biodiversity goes a long way in Fallout games.
kill yourself nvtroon
This guy knows what to due with a beanbag.
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You first.
401 Plugins.
Fast shot or trigger displine with built to destroy for a gunslinger crit character in NV?
built to dilate
I'm a pussy so I usually just pick skilled and nothing else. The lifespan of my playthroughs are so artificially extended via mods that if anything Skilled is a win-win.
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>the original classic trio of 1, 2, and Tactics
Shots fired
Try it on a new save and see what you think. Without the HD textures that comes with the mod some of the bigger monsters look crap. You won't have to play long, you'll be seeing racoons, insects and all sorts before long. I had to uninstall it and i think it was the floaters mod that was conflicting with it.

>Now, the design philosophy - from a systems perspective - is very in-favor of the sandbox RPG style. I am personally tired of the tarkovification of Fallout modding, and all the ultra-realism/immersive sim/hardcore overhaul mods we've been flooded with in recent years. To be clear, there is absolutely nothing wrong with those types mods or the developers that make them, I just think they dominate the modding scene a bit too heavily at the moment. I prefer mods and games that lean into the more esoteric hallmarks of RPG design, rather than strip those elements out. This is Fallout: A Post-Nuclear Role Playing Game. It's wacky, it's zany, and it believes in radiation magic. Fallout is the Dungeons & Dragons of the post-apocalypse genre - and I love it for that.
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This is uh, good? I think? Legendary Cores are finally being taken out back and shot.
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I have like 3200 cores sitting in my inventory, no idea how people manage to burn right through them
There aren't people here who unironically like NV right? I thought this general was based.
what's wrong with new vegas
Give me a itemized breakdown
Stop nibbling on the bait, you naive dumbfuck.
Barely doing any events that give them.
Having alts is truly insufferable though, as cores back it impossible to roll on an alt unless you play that alt like a main
assumedly because they've been rolling for a specific 1 in 15,000 chance piece of gear instead of making do with good enough. Even getting 2 specific rolls is 1 in 600. autism and 6 years of compulsive gambling is a hell of a thing
>GG your 10,000 cores
>scrip instead of new currency
>scrip limited to 6000
that could be a major fucking downgrade.
Or they accidentally introduced a circular economy where scrapping guns for plans gives you scrip to buy more guns to scrap for plans to etc. Declining each time but if you're turning 600lbs of 3star pool cues into plan chance+scrip that'll give you a round2 and round 3s worth of chances.
they're going to need to up the scrip cap and make modules a junk item or something, reduce their weight
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Reveal trailer just dropped.
it's only good with mods
Obvious shitpost but to take the concept seriously for a moment making a Canada-centric Fallout is almost as bad as London. I hope nobody actually releases anything like that.
That's every Fallout game from 3 onwards, don't act like your smart for typing that.
fine you got me tranny
>minor spelling mistake
I failed you, pre-76 bros...
so glad I'm not mentally ill enough to join the NV fandom
wait, these replies actually make me think this is real. is TTW actually going to include some sort of trans meme or something in their next update?
like a random AI line of saying "trans rights" from a NPC?
I know one of the paid starfield mods did that and didn't advertise it
If you even need to ask you're already an NV troon anyway
>like a random AI line of saying "trans rights" from a NPC?
I highly doubt it. People here are just nervous because the TTW team has devolved into a bunch of rabid political extremist hounds instead of honest-to-goodness content creators. If they really do end up disrespecting the players' personal boundaries that blatantly, it won't go unnoticed and they'll be putting a huge target on their head. They know this.
Go to bed already you loser jesus christ
Guess you must like bullet sponge enemies that take 50 shots to kill rather than loading your gun with quality ammo and killing them faster.
not gonna lie after reading those replies I'm nervous as well.
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Anyone got an alternate dl for the fallout 4 creation club stuff like the halloween, enclave remnant etc?
It's currently broken atm & not offering everything .
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Preston canonically impregnated Nora and their genetically superior babies reBUILT America exactly as the founding fathers intended
super based. my nate canonically leaves the cryopod with his clitty CAGED

Didn't she get pregnant by some rich old guy, 30 or so years older than her? Or am I misremembering?
particles were tradable though and modules scrip are not
I'm convinced the only people who could possibly be upset about the imminent collapse of player trading in 76 are RMTers
>um sweaty it's acktchewually good that you have to work hard for your modules/scrip, can't have you just trading (insert thing here) with a player who doesn't need any more particles now can we?
woopsie you hit scrip limit, better burn that resource so you don't waste it friend ;^)
low IQ to not see how they're carefully tuning the new system to be as tedious and time inefficient as possible so tradeable gear keeps it's value and the off site trader whales happy. The grind for module crafting is easily going to be months of bitchwork and every trash roll with low item weight drop will now suddenly be "worth" thousands to lv30000s who really, really need to get that perfect 3rd star. At least in their player inventories. Watch them introduce a daily scrapping limit or something too.
yep, the gamer girl (man on discord with an AI enhanced voice changer) who treats you like her digital paypig is finally out of luck

Looking like a 1/100 chance to learn a mod right now on PTS. Legendaries producing scrip means the cap on how much scrip you can earn in a day is gone. There is no time gate anymore.

You can turn the scrip into modules to craft plasma casters and secret service armor or whatever the hell and then scrap whatever those roll out as for even more chances at getting the plans or just enough loose mods to complete an entire set.

People who want it will blow through this in a week or two at most.
>forgetting about the 6000 scrip currency limit
they aren't giving you the free legendary weapon dispenser locker either anon, it's a test server.
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This is pretty cool so far.
You spend the scrip on the modules, you dingus.
>haven't hit 1% chance yet
>hit scrip cap
>have to use it to not lose the scrip from other trash you're scrapping
>have to buy purveyor junk, blind roll modules, or craft random unlocked modules just to also scrap them
>(you) as a faggot with alts and 6 characters full of scrip trash might not feel it but that's a system designed to bog down and burn resources for remotely normal play as you push towards getting your bloodied 25 25 mods unlocked.
so your argument is what exactly? it was better when it was a junk item? because what, you were going to drop someone 20k particles so they could...not be able to craft anything because they haven't learned any of the recipes themselves?
>was it better when the "new currency" didn't weigh several pounds?
Now could they rework modules into a 0 weight stackable item? They aren't. It's a death rattle move to get about a month of gambling addiction out of people with a system meant to inflate stash weight so push fallout1st.
Which mod, nv bro?
It's called "Havasu Blues". She has me sweeping up.
They already reduced the weight of particles to 20% when it was already nearly weightless, I'd bet on them making them 0 weight, sure.
>It's a death rattle move
as Todd Howard himself states that 76 is getting more support for years, the game is clearly just stealthily moving through it's end of service phase, clearly, lol
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I forgor pic
What this one about? Is the new place a proper place or a barren 2014 skyrim "new continent" typa mod?
Nora canonically died in the pod shot by Kellogg and Nate replaced her with Piper
>it'll only take a week to craft the meta guys trustmebro
>that not killing the game
it's a close thing but they're not that retarded, it'll take at least a month or so of consistent play for most people to throw the 4 relevant effects on every piece of gear in the game and find a level of "Done" that isn't supposed to happen in an MMOlite.
>support for years
1 of the only 2 things in the new area broke and has been turned off for a month. There are some neat detail things like cannibals (inexplicably eating prewar hiker corpses like someone forgot the apocalypse was 25 years prior) but the vast majority of the map is boarded houses and static decorations. Thats skeleton crew stuff anon.
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It's like a 2 part adventure, the first part in a more closed off valley location, the second in this larger area I posted the pic of. I've found quite a few missions so far, most people have something to say and are well voice acted. It actually feels pretty close to vanilla.

One thing I'll criticise is that the main city can feel a bit empty, there's plenty of guards but not enough random NPCs walking about IMO.
so you're arguing in favor of a time gated (daily login required) 1/2750 dice roll for an endgame? that was what kept the game alive for you? it's dead now that you won't have that?

maybe consider gacha instead?
if you don't see how having no mechanical progression and no story/quest progression will kill the playerbase, so the event gameplay, you aren't someone capable of giving useful feedback on a testing server m8. After you craft your first b2525[gun] what will you have left to do, battlepass cuckery?

They had no actual lifecycle plan for how to handle gear creep beyond the diceroll and it's been blundering ever since. And you misunderstand me if you think turning 76 into a ~90 hour game is something I'm against, it's just going to kill it if Todd doesn't make an offline mode. There was a mod that operated off scrapping guns for their modules pretty early in starfields mod scene and it made the game a lot better but by making the gear grind a certainty it then pushes the game towards quest content. Which is all exhausted in 76. If they were releasing a questline the size of skyline valley every month or hell had more than vital equipment to do for repeatable quests it might be comfy, but they aren't.
post big titted bimbos
>what will you have left to do, seasons?
do you really think that isn't already the driving force behind player retention? you really think the horde of level 100-200 players is hopping on daily so they can roll their railway again? I doubt they even know how those mechanics work, or what a god roll even is.
>player retention
anon we're back to pre show levels. Skyline valley didn't even have a bump in players and was smaller in substance by far than the pitt/AC. If you're handing them $12 a month to not have to consider the weight of modules and run a 9 mule chinese fire drill on a private world for storage space that's not a norm. My ass and anyone still playing free on gamepass is costing them bandwidth every second I AFK to post in the thread. If you can see the game is in hard cost minimization mode you really haven't been paying attention. There isn't even a PA custom model on the current scoreboard and the chinks they outsourced them to the last few times really have dropped the ball. The cryptid hunter set is so fucking goofy when not in a carefully curated blender render.
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>hey this guys VA work is pretty good but he sounds familiar
>it's tomatoanus

You know as far as mod VA's go he could be cooking.
>akshully a time gated 0.036% chance at getting ideal gear is a GOOD thing
the conversation should've honestly just ended there, I'm not sure why it didn't
>heh just you wait, when I get that perfect 3rd star on the gun i already have then I'll be having fun. Enemies will die like .036% faster farming westek
a grind replacing a grind that means most players can stop after a month isn't going to do what you think it does to the health of the game all your paid cosmetics are trapped inside.
neat, ill check it out
>1% chance to learn
>now costs 90 modules to craft
>also requires mutation serums and/or stat bobbleheads because fuck you
>the random rolls now cost 15 modules instead of 4 because fuck you
>modules still cost 50scrip
>scrapped 3star gives 4scrip
>and modules weight .25lb
wowee sure glad they abandoned having another currency. Enter the kinofield tier if this shit is trundled out anywhere close to this iteration of the pts.
they've already shifted shit around twice because of feedback, but I guess you'll need to be one of their discord kittens to have a voice on this one
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Don't accept the rancher's second quest, worst mistake of my LIFE!
Who wants to sell me 400 ll3s for 40k caps?
>>also requires mutation serums and/or stat bobbleheads because fuck you
explain this. i dont get it
I started putting trash 3 stars on my vendor for 50 caps and they go out quick.
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decided to play Fallout 4 again after watching the show. I wasn't hugely impressed with F4 on my first playthrough so I thought I'd give it another go

this time I made Codsworth a Megatron style robot warrior, and just now he has executed Kellogg in a very brutal way. I was going to punch Kellogg's face in, but Codsworth clearly wanted his own personal revenge, so he knocked Kellogg to the floor and cut him up like an unlucky chinese factory worker. he mechanically gregor clegane'd him as retribution for what he did to the missus of the house
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is this mod good? it looks good. i miss skill points and the perks look better
Wait what legs are those on codsworth
More like Chadsworth
maximus is based, he just like me fr
>Reflex sight is literally just a piece of glass with sticker on it
Absolutely fucking disgusting. I'm deleting the game instantly
What the fucking point of having holographic sights in a game if they don't work as they should?
this thread is feeling like a bunch of boomers lately
this is a textbook zigger
Install a mod, retard
Which one?
I haven't seen a single mod that mentions that in any way
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>heroically murder an army of coursers with my gatling laser
>"liberty reprimed failed"
Preston.. you are fired.
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they have been stuck in place like this, is this a common bug? I feel like something is supposed to happen here.
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She pegs you btw
>not enough random NPCs walking about
That's because of console limitations.
Fallout 5 is gonna fucking suck.
shit take.
It's realistic.
Can you trust LOOT to sort your modlist if im not using some obscure weird chink mods?
You chose the minutemen ending, you don't defend the castle in the BoS path.
It isn't.
I didn't choose any ending. I hit reload
>exposed chest plate heat vents
You went to the institute using Sturges and gave him the network scanner otherwise you wouldn't have gotten that quest at all.
Booting up fallout 4 after playing fallout 3 and new vegas.
What are the fun way of playing 4? Melee or ranged? What is the best stat to max?
Need at least 6 charisma and 6 intelligence if you want the best settlement building options unlocked
I've also given it to the brotherhood
...For a mod on PC released last year?
Don't bother, he's an idiot.
Nah we'll get cars and it'll be kino
My actual good faith Fallout 4 starting notes:
>you need at least 3 strength to upgrade armor, 6 strength is optional for eliminating all Overencumbered penalties in that perkline
>you need 4 perception to pick locks, 5 perception to get explosive damage buffs - you can take one less point than what you want because the Perception Bobblehead is one of the very first items given to you in the game (I assume because lockpicking is so important)
>endurance is a nice-to-have like always but unless you're on Survival Mode eventually you're just not going to be taking that much damage; 3 endurance minimum is critical because the Lifegiver perk is the single best quality of life perk since you'll always be slowly getting HP back between fights instead of spending the rest of your life scrounging for mole rat meat and nuka colas
>6 charisma is absolutely mandatory to do settlement building, which is like half of the game - the devs clearly looked at how useless charisma was in 3/NV and chose to put a hard check for it in here
>intelligence is the take it or leave it stat - science, nuclear physicist, hacker, etc. are all nice to have but not mandatory; note that Gunsmith is actually less important than Armorer because you can easily buy or loot trash guns and salvage better scopes/magazines/suppressors/etc. off of them for your own guns
>agility is optional but all the Sneak Attack Multiplier stuff is locked in there now, also when you start getting overpowered
>luck is mandatory for VATS, if you don't use VATS then 5 luck is mandatory for Idiot Savant, which gives everything you do a small chance of randomly shitting out 5x exp - because it procs more often the lower your Intelligence is, you will level FASTER if you have 1 Int + 5 Luck than max int

last but not least
>you can increase one special stat every single level, you'll still be hunting for perks you like until level 30 or 40 but after that you're going to eventually end up with 10 everything anyway
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Oh, and because you asked about weapon choices
>the game is so easy that absolutely every weapon build is viable, you can punch people to death, you can wave around a plasma rifle, you can pop heads from a mile away with a silenced 50BMG, you get a minigun early if you want it and if not that's a free 1k caps, you can max out the 10mm pistol you find in the first room of the game (or more realistically switch to an identical one with Legendary attributes and pretend it's the same gun Ship of Theseus style)
>but Rifleman is by far the most OP build type for beginners simply because a near-endgame quality weapon can be bought surprisingly cheaply from a vender not far from the first quest, if you're playing normally you'll probably stumble into it 3 or 4 hours in, if you're metafagging a bit (but this doesn't require any exploits, just wander southeast with purpose) you can get it like five minutes after character creation
Didn't read but that gun looks like poo-poo lmao
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It's Fallout 4 nigga every gun looks like poopoo
>Second playthrough of New Vegas (the first was in 2015 if I remember correctly)
>Level 27
>Haven't gotten to The Strip yet
>Haven't started any of the DLCs yet
I'm having too much fun slaughtering fiends and shit. I was originally planning on sneaking a gun in to the Tops and killing Benny with it, but now I'm thinking I'll just walk up and punch him to death instead.

Wasn't there going to be a point to them (other than for the lulz) but it got cut due to development time? I think it was planned that you would go over to their side of the river and see a complete lack of crime in their empire.

I did Dead Wind Cavern today and either forgot or never knew the legendary deathclaw was there.
I got killed by the mother three times but once I saw the legendary deathclaw I just crippled one of its legs in VATS and then shot it in the face until it died lol
>Wasn't there going to be a point to them (other than for the lulz) but it got cut due to development time? I think it was planned that you would go over to their side of the river and see a complete lack of crime in their empire.
Not him but yes, there was going to be an actual Legion settlement but it got cut because Obsidian can't plan their games properly and spent too much time making a bunch of shit NCR content.
>Wasn't there going to be a point to them (other than for the lulz) but it got cut due to development time? I think it was planned that you would go over to their side of the river and see a complete lack of crime in their empire.
Probably, but it doesn't make sense either way. Harsher punishments have never stopped crime from happening in societies of the past
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Caesar's Legion is a raider rehabilitation program
Nearly every soldier was a raider (and arguably still is) but through training, discipline and occasional light genocide has been forced to become someone who

>doesn't touch Jet or Psycho
>only rapes designated targets when given permission by officers
>is under absolute orders not to fuck with the underpinning agriculture/economic infrastructure

The Legion are cartoonishly evil retards but I buy their method specifically being useful to stop shit like the Fiends and the Jackals from emerging, and that such roving bands of anarchy are a severe enough problem that it motivates at least some people in-universe to simp for the Legion
That's not true. Danse with minigun looks awesome.
Societies of the past were just easier to get away with crime they had no cameras or DNA testing.
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There we go young kid. Now is that not better than your wank musket
>mfw trying to get through Black Mountain without crashing
NPCs with laser muskets only crank it one time even if they have a six crank version that's the problem
>craft specific mutation modules as item
>it requires 90 scrip and assumedly the effect mutation serum so bloodied needs the low health damage boost one, etc. to make this shit require flux and RNG'ing the goddamn modus terminal server hopping horseshit for a 10,000 cap plan

so if anything like this goes live enjoy players pricing mutation serums and bobbleheads at 5000 caps. If unyielding requires a full set of special bobbleheads per piece then wewlad.
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I read a spoiler once by accident that this is the guy who sold out University Point to the Institute
Does anyone know where to find that knowledge in game?

Suddenly it makes sense why he was useless. Wattz model laser rifle seems like a nice fit for him.
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I feel lied to.. I always grab some power armor to go into the glowing sea but this time decided to hop in without for a quest.
This fucking area is less radioactive than far harbor.. fucking liars, talking about mega rads and shit
You liked Starfield then?
All of those roaming traders are listed as informants for the institute.

Doc Weathers
Lucas Miller
Trashcan Carla
my crackwhore wife would never
Her name is on the terminal in SRB
no it isnt
Yes it is go look for yourself in the institute
>BoS send me to west everet estates at lvl 10 to pick up scrap
>25 deaths later realise it's impossible
Fuck radiant quests Todd but I'm going to have Nate blame the brotherhood for giving him a suicide mission
Anyone know a way to go into West Everet estate that doesn't agro every super mutant on the east coast?
how can i check an imaginary terminal?
Bring a fatman launcher or something
Radiant quests are AIDS. Ruined Skyrim and Fallout 4.
I'm giving up for today (nigger dog just one shot me) I might try it again tomorrow with a suit of power armor.
you couldve edited that though, so thats not evidence
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If you approach Everett Estates from the south, crossing the river from Bunker Hill, you'll find

>a power armor and frame for your use right outside the gates of the complex
>a Utility Protectron that's friendly to you and astonishingly powerful

The simple, cheesy, and clearly planned for way for you to take it on at a low level is to don the armor, take a couple of pot-shots into the Estate, and stay close by the Protectron as the two of you mow the mutants down together as they flood out, until he inevitably gets destroyed by Chief Hammer's missile launcher leaving you in the final showdown
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I'm with this guy, maybe the other caravans are sus but my wife Cricket is too pure to do such a thing
Thanks man. I found him but he just talks about days gone without accident. That's a nice strategy and it saves me going back to Sanctuary for power armor. Also I didn't even know Hammer had a launcher. The times I got really far he comes into melee.
me and my spouse watched it and it was fine. but like, baseline fine the way any kind of tv slop is "fine". he liked it more than i did (i've actually played the games and he hasn't)
>I found him but he just talks about days gone without accident.
There's no special dialogue with him or anything, but that's his spot and the mutants wander around right over there so all you have to do is lure them into his line of sight and he'll open up on them
She really does have the most personality of any character that's completely irrelevant to the game. Famous VA too.

Cut content?
wait, fucked it up
>90 modules to make a 3star item
so a cool 25-40 runs of most dangerous game or 4500 scrip
>me and my spouse watched it
Pretty jealous. Mine wouldn't watch it with me so I watched it on one of her monthly trips to jamaica. It's expensive but I get pizza and soda all weekend.
honestly wish people who are like "married" and "in love" and "happy" would just fuck off
This place has become edgy reddit since 2016. Normal people don't like censorship, so they flocked here when reddit became a biased leftist shithole.
it was drifting long before the certain US elections happened
the moment it started to appear on TV the clock was ticking
stop before it's too late
>Alan gayke
I have yet to meet a single person into that series that isn't an insufferable faggot and/or a pedophile.
Stay out of my 76.
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Ward or Whitehill?
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>stay away from MY WIFE and her SON you RAIDER BASTARDS! wait, is that? V from the more successful FPS RPG CYBERPUNK 2077? OH MY SCIENCE you saved my WIFE from VAULT TEC and the RAIDERS! WHAT? Youre gonna LEAVE ME in the CRYO CHAMBER where it's FREEZING COLD while you have HOT STEAMY SEX with MY WIFE?
>NANISORE? Youre gonna use your ARISAKA™ brand HIP THRUSTER to CUM INSIDE her even FASTER than her VAULT TEC brand VIBRATOR? And you don't care about my wifes son who becomes EVIL SCIENCE MAN and RETCONNING the shitty BLADE RUNNER plotline out from my game? WAIT THERES MORE? So what youre saying is fallout 4 will NEVER HAPPEN and instead of a MEDIOCRE GAME it'll be about watching nora FUCK and SUCK your cyber DING DONG after you unfreeze me but keep my SISSY CAGE and CRYO CHAMBER LOCKED up TIGHT?
>YABBA DABBA DOO at least my WIFES SON can watch too!
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>blueeee troooon
I actually get how arcane shit like physics bugs is buried in two decades of Gamebryo spaghetti code and nobody can fix it

But why the fuck does Bethesda leave so many simple scripting and object errors in every game? Shit that's in plain text, that would take literal seconds of work to roll into a patch (and every one of their games did get 18 months of patches)

Shit like
>Veronica's perks literally do nothing because they are flagged to affect Melee Weapons and not Unarmed Weapons
>the actual Winterized T-51B power armor cannot be acquired because the VR simulation version with infinite durability spawns in its place
>ballistic weave can be installed on a Worn Fedora, but not a Battered Fedora (and said weave then makes that fedora 5x more protective at 1/10th of the weight and 1/100th of the cap value of a fully upgraded combat or marine helmet)
>the actual Winterized T-51B power armor cannot be acquired because the VR simulation version with infinite durability spawns in its place
This is the best bug ever there's no way to fully repair T-51 in Fallout 3 since there's only 2 suits and no 100 repair skill NPCs.
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>adrenal reaction serum
>canned coffee
>scaly skin serum
>eagle eyes serum
>150 legendary cores just on module crafting per piece of 3star equipment
10,000 cap serums, chems and bobbleheads soon. Gonna be a fucking mess with the wallet cap. The resources, plans, flux, etc. are too valuable reagents to trade for caps so learning the crafting plan is less viable than selling the mats to someone who just unlocked bloodied and will spend 9999 on an adrenal instead of praying modus has it for 10000.
poverty quad ffr -25vats railway meta soon

>you can gamble per star now
>5, 10, 15 per star
that actually is very good. Makes the above system entirely pointless. there are only 24-26 possible mods per star. ~3.7% chance means 27 pulls on average to get the specific effect; 135, 270, 405 cores. instead of doing any of the above you can take your piece of slighlty sub optimal gear and throw rolls at it for a fraction of the hassle of making modules. if they don't fuck this part up, game engoodened for the week it takes for everyone to realize their ss unyielding sentinel build plays the same as it did before the change.

don't scrap SS with sentinel even if it's shit.
>wrong about the second part
it's just a price increase and not rolling per star. conflated the two interfaces. So it's just massive grind and expensive reagents to make it take as long as possible. Perfect for blobbytroons
>But why the fuck does Bethesda leave so many simple scripting and object errors in every game?
For the same reason MMOs from WoW, to ESO, to FF14, and GW2, have tons of bugs in content, even if that content is years old.

Its generally not worth the dev's time and money to fix issues like that when those same devs could otherwise be making new content, either for a DLC, or or a upcoming game.
Know idea what you fools are talking about when it comes to the potential new crafting.
I'll just keep the bad ass shit I got.
Whitehill is a traitor, c'est la vie.
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Ward implicitly supports nerd supremacy by keeping the Senator around and giving Dr. Kane full creative liberty in her research so I'll go with him.
Ew, you speak french? I don't like u anymore.
The "smooth" forehead for female characters gives them a zit/boil or something right at the top
I haven't played new vegas in YEARS and the only mods I would install would be some weapon and cheat mods
give me some recommendations,
>dlc sized mods, weapons, companions, houses, overhauls, nsfw
whatever just send them all
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Anyone using the loading times fix who found a way around the crashes? I've dealt with the crashes for weeks now.. I just kinda.. accepted it but I'd love not crashing every hour.
It didn't cause random crashes for me but it did make everything low HD textures after 30 minutes of play. Don't use the mod.
I can't just not use the mod. I was mortally afraid of ever entering any building cause exiting that shit inside of the city meant 4minutes loading screen. Now it's only 5 seconds.
> meant 4minutes loading screen
Stop playing on a potato holy shit. Are you using some HDD in 2024?
>I can't just not use the mod.
Enjoy your crashes then. See if you can get yourself on the modding team for faster loading times since you are also dumb as fuck.
wtf are you doing that NV is giving you 10-60 second load times
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>hurrr tato puter durrr
It's a common issue many people have, u know. And your "HURR WORKS ON MY MACHINE" isn't gonna make this issue just vanish.
Why so hostile anon?
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just answer the question tranny
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Nobody plays NV you ugly tranner. That shit is for retards
As usual, he digs himself into a hole instead of keeping an actual conversation going like a normal human being.
did you try the mods that uncap the fps on loading screens? it might help
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>post image of nexus page with GREEN ACCENTS
>why u havn long load times in NV??
>tard doesn't realise it's F4
>hurr u so dumb, can't even have normal conversation
>chance to do something other than what your cool shit does with other cool shit
>thinking of the shit you have as cool shit
not that you'll be able to do with this if it launches as what is effectively a balls deep sloppy blowjob for rmt dupers. No ones going "maybe I should try a full health PA build" with the tool up time if they already are doing big number doing something else, but if gear crafting didn't suck then you could try for some alternate builds. Now you really can't because the mutations you have to purge to swap to an alternate playstyle will be arbitrarily expensive.
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Tard-kun, NV nexus pages are orange
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Time to play some fucking New Vegas with my bro Dance and cutie curie!
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My crew's better, you semen-sampler.
whos the freak on the left
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Stop using my identity as an insult you chuds!
I am valid and matter and so does NV!!!
Goris, aka that talking deathclaw companion from Fallout 2. The modder added an animation where he takes his robe off during combat just like in 2 which was a nice touch.
That's not New Vegas anon but at this point I'm not surprised - the amount of people getting outsmarted by fallout 4 is without equal.
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I remember someone claiming this excused the sexual snake creatures in Frontier.
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Yeah, of course they would. Nothing's sacred with those people, I swear.
A lot of the stuff regarded as shit in modding (frontier, thuggyverse) just comes from the pattern set by fallout 2.
Fallout 4 is actually a good game and it's a shame that the guy trying to represent it in this thread is a colossal retard who constantly pits it against every other game in the series for some weird reason I don't yet understand.
why doesnt it
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Sing it brother.
Represent Fallout 4 by posting your own screens.
I'd argue that, unlike the mods you're talking about, 2 had a lot of things that were on the border between "okay" and "too much" while still not crossing that threshold, and upon seeing that friction those modders chose to just completely disregard that boundary entirely because they're a bunch of braindead hacks that think "restraint" is some kind of conservative social construct or whatever.
In short, they're tasteless vandals that corrupt things from the past instead of properly paying homage to them.
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Okay, sure.
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Making intelligent deathclaws was the most retarded thing that ever happened to fallout. They just took the most dangerous enemy and made them.. pets
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Does the Enclave/Brotherhood know you are talking to Jerry?
Here's Macready giving away our position and making me wonder if I should have invested into Lone Wanderer
If you actually played the fucking game, you'd know that they were failed Enclave experiments, not pets. Can you stop talking directly out of your ass for five seconds?
I've played 1 thuggyverse mod (Depravity). It's not as goofy and stupid as Fallout 2.
I know that fact and it makes them fucking pathetic. The writing of the old fallouts is beyond ass
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I actually sided with the Institute in that playthrough. Felt good just saying "don't care, didn't ask, get disassembled by my nerd underlings faggot lol" to DiMA for once instead of playing his little shitty juvenile existential morality game.
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Thuggysmurf runs our shitty lives.
I know I've implied this before multiple times, but you're really good at making enemies, aren't you?
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Here, anon, your super terrifying mega monster that can shred entire villages on it's own!
Btw. we made it talk and be nice and social. Hope u like!
Fucking disgrace man.
U what what was sick? The part in 4 where u can return the gg to it's nest and the ma deathclaw is pseudo friendly. It's still a killing machine but has some intellect. That's how an intelligent deathclaw should behave. Like a Raptor.
Dafuq do I care man.
>no voice

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If you didn't care then we wouldn't even be having this conversation, Einstein.
aww i opened this image hoping for a messy maxipad based on the thumbnail
You think I'm having a conversation about a video game with some rando on 4faggot at 4am on 8 beers because I wanna make cute frens? No. I'm just telling you that the F2 deathclaws are fucking retarded
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Served me well since 2282
Yeah, I was disappointed about that too, but it's also understandable since it's not a deal-breaker for me, his lines in the original game weren't voiced, and the question of what he would even sound like is controversial.
Not really, its only improvement over 3/NV is the shooting. Pretty much everything else is a downgrade.
Giving every companion a permanent perk in fallout 4 was a mistake it gives you less incentive to stick with one the whole game, pick lone wanderer and kill Danse in his quest.
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Drop the paypiggy badge and the anime avatars and maybe you can talk about not caring about making friends or looking cool on 4chan.
Until then, go the fuck to bed. No, really. 4 AM? That's not good for a healthy sleep schedule.
make me
Are you ever going to fuck off or will you just keep shitting up these threads forever?
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Eh, it has its charms, though I'll admit those positive quirks are due to the passing of time and nothing else. If Todd didn't make it look and sound pretty compared to previous installments nobody would buy it. Still, I enjoyed it, despite it being a lot like Skyrim in regards to dumbing down the mechanics of previous installments. Regrettably, I draw the line at 76 though, sorry Appalachiabros.
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This really isn't the time or place to talk about cock correction. Just go to bed.
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I just played one of the worse dungeons of FO4 the other day (Boston Library) and it's better than the top set piece of Vegas, Hoover Dam. I'm not far into FO4 after just finishing Vegas but it's an improvement in almost every way. They are both good games though, no argument there.
What part of "go to bed" are you not getting here?
Because there is nothing sexual about Goris. He doesn't wear a cloak because he has some feeling of being "naked" he does it so people aren't immediately aware he is a deathclaw at a distance.
You fucking retard.
Who are you talking to, schizo?
Just because you destroy their main base doesn't there wont be remnants. Synths are walking around every and the brotherhood has patrols and outposts.
Personally I wouldn't rate an RPG based on its ability to do action set pieces over its systems, narrative etc.
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Yeah, I guess that'd be too smart of a trick for weebanon to pull off, you're right.
That said, agree to disagree.
>Follow Midnight ride because I've been away from 4 for close to 5 years
>Add CBP to it
>Turn off computer and try again later
>Fast forward to now, and it's not crashing but doesn't work either
Witchcraft. I'm at a genuine loss as to what can be causing this. The only thing I can think of is the Physics Fix, but I specifically disabled the part that interacts with CBP. Other than that, I have the Skeleton, I have the body (FG), and I have CBP itself (OCBPC specifically, but I've tried OCBP and CBP as well, with the same problem). At this point, it's not about the bouncing ass, it's about figuring out what the fuck is going on here.

Fallout 4's dungeons clown on NV's (barring the casinos) but I wouldn't go so far as to say it's "an improvement in almost every way." It's a narrative disaster, half the map is fucking desolate, with few PoIs nevermind dungeons, the DLCs aren't nearly as good, and it struggles to provide meaningful context to the admittedly engaging gameplay loop,
>akkktually it's good there is no reactivity
todd plz
Actually, Fallout 4 and New Vegas, from my experience, had a similar take on dungeons; while 3 mogged both of them in the dungeon department due to its "explore for the sake of exploration, P.S. here are your goodies for doing so" approach, 4 and NV dungeons were very deliberate in terms of relying on quests to justify their existence, or sometimes multiple quests (which is cool as fuck) in cases such as HalluciGen, Inc. and Vault 22.
It's just, kino
You guys need to shut up about the writing in NV. I saw it hyped up to fuck in here and it's honestly nothing special.
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>Hoover Dam will is inevitable nothing you can do will ever change that
>powerpoint slides at the end can't experience the consequences of my choices
>HAH! "nuanced" my ass.
>No follow-up
I think I'm done giving you (You)s, have fun.
>Kill my way through Black Mountain
>Go into storage building
>Repair robot I found
>It's Rhonda (I thought Rhonda was a super mutant????)
>Walk outside
>Tabitha greets me and is really happy and Crazy, Crazy, Crazy gets completed
I guess this is the best way to complete the quest but uhh I think I missed a lot of context here. I did the quest last decade so I'm not completely confused, but I can't say I remember much of this.
The robot is Tabitha's friend, who was damaged. That's why Tabitha locked Raul up.
the sexuality doesnt matter. you fucking retard. theyre still talking reptilian monsters that have no business doing so
Why do gun and car mods from fnv still mog fo4 to this day?
Shut up, you retarded bitch.
Just shut up.
They don't. You're just a dumbass bastard whom's obsessed with Bethesda.
This vagueposting has to stop. This is already a schizo general.
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There's a volume discrepancy between some of the songs but I don't care; any mod that tells the copyright gods to eat a dick and adds in music the game directly references including Elvis is a long-overdue addition.
>>Fallout 3 and New Vegas Resources:
is viva new vegas really recommended?
Lmfao, is it really? I wouldn't recommend it, personally.
Fallout New Vegas is the only game I think is good. I've gotten bored with every other game I've played, but FNV is the one I come back to and still play after all these years. STALKER is kind of close but the story is too linear for me to get back into it. Anyone else like this?
How to say "I'm white and perfectly fine with it, what's wrong with that?" without actually saying it
Which is a good thing.
What's white about liking New Vegas?
NPCs have decided Fallout needs to be in their culture war. chuds and /pol/ in 4 trannies and communists in NV. Just ignore this garbage and keep enjoying vidya.
Was only aware that apparently troons like new vegas for some reason, but I think that's just a symptom from the vidya space being a breeding ground for mental illness so I just ignore that
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>Um... we can get a little sidequest here with Deputy Beagle about getting a new sheriff, because Deputy Beagle's pretty retarded.
You're talking to a man who starts out his hot new political take with "NPC"; you're not talking to anyone capable any sort of real political or philosophical finesse.
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guys I've never played fallout dust before, should I play it completely vanilla? or are there any essential/non-essential mods to play with it
>pic unrelated
No, anon, you're not allowed to like any of these things because """"obvious"""" reasons that inevitably lead to Astolfo porn. Everything in existence is implicitly gay.
Just play it by itself. It's a novelty experience, not vanilla. Adding more to DUST defeats the whole purpose since you don't even fucking talk to anyone in the mod's setting.
cyberpunk is a better trans game than new vegas and that's a fact
In my experience only NPCs get offended by this word.
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Having an IQ of 108 sounds boring but I'm sure you make do. The deflection's fun to see as an outsider, trust me.
No doubt your giga-brain IQ has alerted you to the fact you are projecting so that post is merely you pretending to be retarded.
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B42 Optics
WAP adds good models for all vanilla weapons
New Vegas Animation Overhaul - Guns, Immersive Recoil 2.0 and other stuff
Another Millenia and Addon is big pack of old Millenia weapons with new animations and unique versions scattered throughout Mojave and Capital Wasteland
B42 Bows adds bows
"FNV Crossbow" adds a very fun crossbow to the mix
AK-50 for the memes
AWO Lend-Lease - Springfield 1861 is a fucking musket lol. Other awo weapon mods are good too
ZL Armaments Remastered adds some pretty cool stuff although a bit lower quality
Combat Shotgun and Friends, 10mm Pistol and Friends, C.A.R and OUR Friends, DKS and Friends and R91 and Friends
If you don't mind diving into discord I recommend getting 123456 Mega Pack which has about 150 guns ported from different games
There are no good ‘dlc sized’ mods for NV and most are just focused on improving game and ttw
Here are a few mods that add more shit
TTW with True Open World DC, The Living Desert, Mojave Wildlife, Mojave Raiders and A World of (Less) Pain
There's also Three-perk Bounty which can be combined with perk mods to get a lot of replayability
>buzzword isn't even relevant here.
>u is buzzword, midwit.
>I'm a savant.
>Yeah, so u is buzzword because other buzzword.
Lick my nuts, you honorary pajeet.
Could you post that again in English without the buzzwords?
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Is it true that Fallout is menus and STALKER is parkour?
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get your helmet on danse you fucking idiot
the helmet is too big and he see out of it I'm not kidding, take off your helmet, look at where your eyes are at, then put the helmet back on
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Think I basically finished Havasu Blues now, it was really quite good. Probably the closest to vanilla game I felt a mod has come so far with some real standout voicework. I also really enjoyed the 2 parts thing, though the first area felt far more unique and was nice visually I also enjoyed the more traditional NV questing in zone 2.

As for what I didn't like, the main city really needs more filler NPCs and less guards, it could feel quite empty. It could also do with buildings having more unique facades. I also didn't like inconsistent use of quest markers, the MA should pick a lane with those. For example, finding the spy. This was a total joke, I hadn't met the Legion guy yet and if I had this would have been OBVIOUS but for me I went to building one with the radio antenna which is your only lead and Tomatoanus gave me NO clues then I went to the other guy with radio antennas and he doesn't even have fucking dialogue for this quest and only when I saw an unironically sus looking guy walk into a room WITH NO RADIO ANTENNA ON TOP did I go in and see the generic HAM radio model next to a piece of paper you need to interact with to trigger the next stage of the quest. This mod is also balanced for around level 10 according to the page but I've always felt MA's should balance content for much later. There's lots of shit to challenge me in vanilla at level 10 but with the exception of some of the mods I've played recently I'm literally UNKILLABLE at level 50 which is kind of cool but can get boring. This is also PRIME territory for some tweaks mods, mods that add the aforementioned radio antenna, dialogue from the hotel owner gifting you a room once you complete her quest and a couple of other little things I noticed could have been done a touch better while playing that I forget now.

P.S: Fuck Legion
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I must have some kind of mod because it's fine
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But the most important tweaks mod of all would remove this stupid fucking door.
I spent 30 minutes at least trying to find a way through, before giving up and console unlocking it. There's just a fucking hallway thats maybe like 10 feet long and leads to void. Why even have the fucking door? Why have it say [Requires Key] instead of INACCESSIBLE? Why have a terminal right next to it that looks like it should be used? Why have the error on the terminal say "Access Denied" instead of something like "Area locked down due to MASSIVE RADIATION LEAK" or something to say it's off limits entirely? Why have it directly behind the main fucking boss, who's supposed to be guarding a stash of very valuable items, only for it to turn out the stash is upstairs in an already unlocked room?

Relatively minor thing but pissed me off a lot.

Autism is cute. But what he means is that the models in 3P don't line up at all, the helmets physically wouldn't work IRL not that there's some kind of bug that will stop an NPC being able to look out it.
>True Open World DC
i'm finding out about this only after dropping TTW? damn this is neat
Holy fuck, New Vegas with Viva New Vegas modlist is superior to anything Bethsoft has ever made bar Morrowind.
It is special, there's a reason why it was jerked off by every nerd online for a decade before they were drowned out by shitposting retards.
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>it's honestly nothing special

you play it wrong dumb dumb
Are there any good automated settlement mods that arent SS2? I want good looking settlements but without all the fucking baggage of that mod
Are 10k live and love 3s enough for a q5025 railway?
>Viva New Vegas
It's not that good, especially recently
You could easily argue about adding, removing or replacing a lot of mods from it
I don't understand what the fuck Better Brotherhood is doing there
Recommending Clean Animations just seems bizarre. Animations is a matter of taste
And ‘Mods to Avoid’ feels like it was made back in 2016 and hasn't changed since then
First I got horny for the medical Mr Handys, then it was the white T-51B armour now it's this thing what the FUCK is up with me

What's wrong with Better Brotherhood? It's an objective improvement over the base game...
Is Fallout 4 with SS2 a good city builder or overrated dogshit?
It's a great city builder but also extremely bloated and requires patching depending on which mods you're using. I use this instead https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/84015
>What's wrong with Better Brotherhood?
It changes too much
Viva New Vegas has always been about improving the game without significantly changing it
Better Brotherhood doesn't really fit in here and was added relatively recently
There's people out there that recite the same shit word for word, akin to an NPC. For example, redditards typically say "If you saw someone stealing food, NO YOU DIDN'T!"
These certain people act the same, so much so that you'd think they're same person, akin to NPCs are (the developers can't make every NPC unique due to logistics.)
It only really changes the fame gain (broken in base game, could never reach idolised), sorting out the issues with independent runs (You can get help at the dam a Yes Man run, it also connects in the Helios One cutscene), lets Lorenzo repair your gear (Brotherhood never had a repair guy in base game) , gives Veronica a laser pistol instead of a 10mm and then I think adds a couple weapons to leveled lists.

I'd say it doesn't change that much, and the changes it does make are objective improvements.
Feels like the new legendary system is going to be a long grind. Might as well just buy gear now cheaper
Anon discovers turns of phrase, expressions and idioms.
it's better than current system
>complete dailies
>Eviction Notice pops up
>oops guess I got enough legendaries for the next 2-3 days, no reason to play now
I heard the chance of getting any mod is 1 in a 100 scraps, and the chance of learning that mod indefinitelly by scrapping them is another 1 in a 50
Which makes them sound like NPCs.
They even had a "1 Nazi at a table means there's 10 Nazis" but changed their tune when Ukraine happened.
I only had my anecdotal evidence from PTS
scrapped about 30 weapons
heard the "learned new plan" sound 3 times and got 2 boxes
either way old players already have at least a few semi-decent weapons in multiple categories, it won't matter that much to them other than pure completionism
literal russian shillbot talking point, just shut up faggot
Reminds me of the big daddy from bioshock
Better Brotherhood is part of the extended section which is all subjective. VNV should always be followed at least up until the "Base Finish" step
>lots of nerds like it therefore it's good!
>followed by a no true scotsman
even more nerds online jerk off the writing of WoW so it's better.
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So far I've only found 2 suits of raider PA and the t45 freebie.
Wish I could order this guy to give me his.
Why even bother replying? You've already taken a position that isn't worth taking seriously.
How tf do I get rid of the child killer trait in Fallout 2?
unkill those kids
no way unless you make a new character or use save editor
>complete dailies
I think I'm at level 107 for the season,only 60+ days left.
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>60 days
I am leaning towards lower number, last season was cut short in a dickish move
the new person in charge of season grind/reward keeps dropping the ball with these, without grinding and abusing weekly reroll it is difficult to reach 150 for anyone without Fallout 1st (which they insist is the new max level not 100)
>You've already taken a position
what position is that? do you know who you're talking to?
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What the fuck Boone, get outta the way
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Oh for fuck sake
Regigigas is canon in the Fallout universe.
You don't. The whole point of the perk is that you're the murder equivalent of a registered kid diddler, that shit ain't going away for the rest of that character's natural life.

That minigun looks incredibly stupid but in an incredibly good way, got a link to it? I need this.
Sorry, I'll move
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pladinum chib
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I had a good look but I honestly don't know, sorry. I went through all minigun attachments and can't find a way to replicate it. It might be part of a Minuteman mod.
Pointing out retardation is shilling for Russia?
Hopefully you're baiting, and not genuinely retarded.
Don't they steal? If you don't want to be killed, don't steal. It's simple mathematics.
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>shoot the flamer out of Cook Cook's hands so hard it flies across the map
>he whips out a second one
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Finally trying NVR, wasn't happy I had to uninstall heap replacer and less happy I've tanked from a solid 160 FPS to... 37?

Anyone know a preset that isn't fucking insane?
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Looks like a frog. I can see why Bethesda never made it.
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Country are you from bro?
>but ukraine are... LE NAZIS!
kys vatnigger
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Anybody know how to fix this issue where beard goes patchy and skin shows through?
>Spend 20 minutes decorating my home
>Game crashes right when I was about done
God damn it
>20 minutes
Spent an hour sneaking through a hospital stealth killing and then a super mutant one shot me in the last room
Bro your F5?
survival mode
I modded saves in after that
Either don't play on survival or stop complaining about something you literally chose
im terribly retarded how do I make the goon mask after unlocking it?
Sure thing young kid
armor bench
either headwear or helmet section
It's a mod issue that doesn't happen in the vanilla game
it isn't in either of those sections
Hah! I'm definitely older and taller than you, kid.
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Thanks. This fixed it.
had to restart the game for it to pop up, it was under headware
Been enjoying FO3 on very hard, bullet sponge enemies and all. I almost exclusively use the crafted weapons, they are so good lol
Also first time using Clover, she is awesome.
That looks nice, is that base FO3 or TTW?
I didn't call Ukrainians Nazis.
I'm pointing out the retardation in logic when redditors say, "If 10 people are sitting at a table and one of them is a Nazi, then you have 10 Nazis," because if you subscribe to that notion, then Ukrainians are Nazis because of Azov.
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Somewhere around 100 hours well spent IMO. Most fun I've had with a game in a while.

Zion Trail was still the best.
Base FO3.
I use URWLENB, a Weather, Lighting and ENB mod all in one. FO3 flora overhaul dead edition.
For textures i use "Fallout 3 HD Overhaul" which look good but are AI textures. I install NMC texture pack, some sign texture pack, chem texture pack etc over HD Overhaul to replace the crappy ai upscaled logo textures, everything else like materials looks good imo. I use 2xDSR resolution on a 1440 monitor.

I find FO3 much easier to get "good looking" than NV. Personally think Beth are quite good at environment design and just a few mods really make it pop.
That looks great.

I've been itching to play 3 but having just put 260 hours into NV over the last 2 months I didn't feel like doing TTW. Outside of visual mods, how is the scene?

What kind of performance do you get with that mod? ENB in Fallout is traditionally rough.
The whole point of fallout 3 is that DC was the hardest hit area and looks desolate as hell with only one unique area having flora.
There are not too many modern mods at all, It's nothing like the NV scene. Raiders of the Capital Wasteland and DC NPCs are pretty cool modern mods that I would recommend, but for the most part i use simple mods and aiming for close to a vanilla experience. Also use JIP CC, hardcore mode for FO3 etc. Craziest mod I remember from back in the day would be zeta crew mod.

I don't have FPS or crashing issues whatsoever, and same goes for NV where I also use a ENB with 450 mods. I honestly think ENB has a bad reputation in NV because all the popular ones are butt fucking ugly lmao. Here's what my NV looks like
Since we're on the topic of Fo3, are there any TTW mods that add more variety to the DC wasteland? My endgame max level experience consisted of shooting nothing but albino radscorpions with occasional breaks to clear out enclave fortifications. There has to be something to make exploration more interesting
Thanks for taking the time to answer, I'll probably give it a miss since I've thrown 400 mods on NV so going back to a mostly vanilla 3 would probably cause me to have some kind of Lovecraftian mental break.

Here's hoping that remake rumour is true!
>bullet sponge enemies and all
dude fuck that i just use damage booster mods, even some weapons at the start are useless because they do so little damage
What's the fucking deal with retards running ENBs to make their game look saturated as fuck to the point of eyebleeding.
Are they running high darkness on their monitors to counter the high saturation?
Is this some third world nigger thing? This is genuinely baffling
the increased cost for blind rolling will really suck ass for most even with events giving modules. It kills the idea of blind rolling for a good enough something to try a different weapon out. And the price for guaranteed guns will be too high in reagents to just do it for a lark. a bloodied or unyeilding _____ requires serums or Xcell and the bobblehead thing is pure ass.
make the new thread already, you piece of fucking shit
I ended up checking on that the other day and was quite surprised. I suspect that the neutral endings are the most played because the average player probably fucks something up like stealing from a faction causing it to become hostile and have to default to the fail-safe path. Though there's always the chance normie gamers might unironically lean towards some liberal-like anarchy self governance type of philosophy. But I doubt that with the way people vote IRL especially women.

I honestly thought house would have been the most popular because the game feels like it slightly steers you into that direction through the MQ & premise (you are a courier filling their job).
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I'm not sure, my schizophrenic friend.
Here's a good 5 minute video for anyone thinking of installing an ENB.
I'm not gay.
I'm fucking not.



Displace fuckers

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