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>>>The Game<<<

>16/06: New Todd interview confirming a second DLC - https://youtu.be/2ew8LQFGNWU
>09/06: Video update - https://youtu.be/UiN5PDu400s
>09/06: Shattered Space trailer - https://youtu.be/iNM1HFzQC8c
>09/06: Creation kit and Patch 9 - https://bethesda.net/en/article/5fJOins2DKdriTNVBvBjdR/starfield-update-1-12-30-june-9-2024

>Mods: https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/

>Q: CK?
>A: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2722710/Starfield_Creation_Kit/
>Q: What happened to .ESL?
>A: .ESM can become a light plugin now instead
>Q: DLC?
>A: 2024 no specific date yet
>Q: What's the deal with NG+(+...)?
>A: Restarts the game with minor changes to the story and world, while preserving your powers and skills. 10 cycles for suit upgrades, 6 cycles for upgrading the starborn ship
>Q: Should I reinstall?
>A: If you are excited about a customizable difficulty, 3D maps, ship decorations, new bounty hunting missions and mechanics, official mod support, then yeah

>/stag/ modlist: https://pastebin.com/QJQPqqfe - https://rentry.org/stag_mods
>Artbook rips: https://mega.nz/file/TlJSBTwB#GhmrZRoHDAhhei__Bz2zc6GisgB67_vONrAfYQR8lK0
>Character builder: https://nukesdragons.com/starfield/character
>Threadly space music: https://youtu.be/OFNrN_6Ta5I

>>>OP template<<<
>https://rentry.org/stag_op_new (will be periodically updated)

Previous Planetary Survey: >>486230209
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>tfw my sarah is no longer the BBW nudist baddie with daddy issues, but a boring blonde white woman
Shit universe.
He's playing the new football game he doesn't have time for you
Sarah exposing her bare sweaty breasts
Some people actually have a life unlike you and me.
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Go on adventures with Vasco. Explore the stars with Vasco. Flirt with Vasco. Buy Vasco his favorite plushie. Be there for Vasco. Give Vasco your best armor and weapons. Tell Vasco how much you love him. Protect Vasco. Save Vasco. Marry Vasco. Have jetpack sex with Vasco. Build a comfy outpost for you and Vasco. Stay in your original universe with Vasco.
based, he is the best follower
I love it when my companion is an objective robot who doesn't have an opinion about anything, unironically.
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>be starborn
>know this guy is actually the bounty you're after
>no you dont! he's essential! Now go get tricked again
Getting impatient for the lack of real vaginal design and animated masturbation mods
>willingly want to skip the rewards
dude just watch porn
Nta but I just did that question level 36. I got the plasma gun in Advanced quality but the suit is normal quality. 70~ defense stats. I usually only use armor that low if it has Combat Veteran or Anti Balistix for -15% enemy damage to make up for it. Bit of a bummer as it looks cool, but I have kept it in my Armoury for its thermal resistance at least, that seeks to be the most common environmental hazard
Not the same
a hole is a hole
I need it to be MY hole, in low or no gravity
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>laser and ballistic weapons are low range and low damage
>missiles have high range and high damage, but the range is nullified almost entirely by the need for lock-on
>particle weapons have good range and good damage that don't require switching for shield/hull

So whats the point in using anything other than particle weapons? Why is Bethesda so fucking retarded?
Todd is a weak boss who doesn't fire people for not performing, so over the yeas the retards have grown and compounded until becoming the majority of the studio
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Reminder that male coom is outpacing female coom, and the current only known person making sex animations is making gay ones .
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who came up with this? satan?
They didn't commit
these are not eye pleasing physics imho (the h is for homosexual)
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Bros, Sarah is mad as hell and doesn’t want to speak with me. All I did was blow up some guy’s ship because he thought I was a pirate and told me to stay back.

I tried explaining why I did what I did in a rational manner, and why he deserved it, and that I did nothing wrong, and that she’s just overreacting, but she got even madder anyway.
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Is she still having sex with you for your xp bonus? Just gaslight her
Yes. After all, I am big-dick gigachad John Starfield, my morality is as gray as space, which itself is just a very dark shade of gray, but she’s too stubborn to understand that.
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Third Universe, let´s get going
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Would you rather have a Resident Evil mod or a Silent Hill mod?
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>tfw the starborn is insanely fast and deadly but you're a pirate chad
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Please don't post that again
Sorry bro, we just really need bodyslide and outfit studio for starfield so we can make a coom mods.
It looks really weird without breast physics. Like a robot/plastic model.
>still no transmog mod
We're getting there, but there's still some ways to go before the female body mods actually catches up to the male one.
>wanting that woke shit in my star wars game
Why do Bethesda fans play like psychopaths and then get upset that the morally-good companions hate them?
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>mfw driving my space buggy over a bad rock and I blow the tranny
Its not that sort of game, anon
what was his problem anyway, the fact you could choose to be called a guy or girl?
He's youtuber who caught on that pandering to alt-right talking points gets a ton of views and thus ad revenue.
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Go on adventures with Andreja. Explore the stars with Andreja. Flirt with Andreja. Be there for Andreja. Give Andreja your best armor and weapons. Tell Andreja how much you love her. Protect Andreja. Save Andreja. Marry Andreja. Have jetpack sex with Andreja. Build a comfy outpost for you and Andreja. Stay in your original universe with Andreja. Go on patrol with Andreja. Hunt down bounties with Andreja. Arrest criminals with Andreja. Buy Andreja a new gun. Fight side by side with Andreja. Give Andreja the spoils from battle. Kill as many criminals as possible with Andreja.

gigabased op
no the pronoun selection
Extra lore, ironically I'm pretty sure there was also a bug at launch in regards to npcs using your correct pronoun
Why did you allow him to have his dick out while you were driving?
grabbed the wrong stick innit
>So whats the point in using anything other than particle weapons? Why is Bethesda so fucking retarded?
The point is that particle weapons do a mix of shield and hull damage, meaning they aren't particularly good at getting through either. Lasers and ballistics are more individual, and work better, at the cost of range.

Its called balance you sub room temp IQ retard.
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>Its called balance
In other words you're dumb as fuck, got it. Go back to /pol/
lol, take it this is trolling as if you know the game you'd know that the best weapons for dps is STILL particle weapons and there is no barrier of entry for that. If Bethesda had made it true middle of the road maybe, but they didn't
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You fucking monkey
Now that I realize mass replies like that is all samefagging, I am euphoric...
Damn, it really is over then.
All we can do is wait
For now. Once someone with technical aptitude and documented progress hits Patreon, I can and will finance it to such a degree that it should outpace the fags. All we need is somebody with a little talent who can return tangible results.
What's the verdict?
Which is most true?

>Humanity is living in regressive dystopia between the UC, Freestar, Corporations, and rampant piracy. Very little technological advancement has been made since Old Earth.
>Bethesda is just re-using assets, it's not lore accurate that Nasa and the Generation Ship have the same computers as every cutting edge research lab. The same reason there are sleeping bags outside on Venus.
>It's just a game bro lmao who cares
>>Humanity is living in regressive dystopia between the UC, Freestar, Corporations, and rampant piracy. Very little technological advancement has been made since Old Earth.
This one. I don't think this thread is really worth a long post desu but there's very little reason to expect technological advancement and a lot of reason we should actually be seeing hard regression given what Bethesda told us about the world. Just living at different latitudes here on Earth is a huge determining factor in whether your nation is prosperous or starving, now imagine 0.01% of the population surviving but trying to make a go of it in unfamiliar and hostile environments.
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The low populations of all the space colonies make it impossible to get any advancements. If you take all the tens of thousands of POIs seriously then it might have been better but they are all abandoned. Starfields planets are like a ghost city in space with the occasional pirate or ecliptic showing up.
>Bethesda is just re-using assets
Va'ruun ships use company ship parts from UC and FS.
This is pointed out in the lore by factions inhabiting them, too. Crimson Fleet, Mercs, Spacers, and Varuun all have an "orders" tablet that basically says they're taking over abandoned garbage left after the war.

Maybe it's like Starsector, where the R&D of components is the costly part and actual automated manufacturing is something they have. Or perhaps the Varuun aren't willing to risk losing their own technological developments in the settled systems, so we rarely see more than small arms produced by them?
This is explained in-game. The Va'ruun zealots we see/fight are exiles from the rest of Va'ruun soceity, and have to make do with shit they scavenge from other people since the Va'ruun government cut them off.
I imagine they will explain that the leftover varuun roaming the settled systems had to jruy rig their own ships together and paint them back to stand out. Like Outcasts
As we go to their homework, we'll probably see their real ships ans Bethesda use that excuse to ad Varuun ships and ship parts
so they've managed to keep their spacesuits, clothing, and weapons, but somehow literally any unique appearance of their ships is impossible? no statues, no prayer hab, none of the decor featured inside the va'ruun embassy?

or, alternatively, bethesda just didn't bother making them custom ship parts
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> but somehow literally any unique appearance of their ships is impossible?
clothing, weapons, and space suits require far less large scale infrastructure to make/maintain then ships do anon. Its a matter of scale and scope.
>no statues, no prayer hab, none of the decor featured inside the va'ruun embassy?
You aren't going to find these things on a slapped together spaceship.
so you can rationalize that they bring shipments of chunks in, but not a 3d printed snake statue
Why don't ships just use nuclear missiles?
I see chameleon armor is still bugged
They aren't making the chunks, and its piss easy to buy them anywhere across the settled systems. No one is selling Va'ruun iconography in New Atlantis or Akila.
The first one. People living in the 1950s expected the world of tomorrow to have homes high in the sky, flying cars, and robot maids by now. All we have to show now when it comes to scientific advancement is electric cars still tethered to the ground, pocket computers that don't work when you get too far from civilization, and the threat of a nuclear war that could destroy all of what we've accomplished. Let's not forget that if you're not living in the U.S, the UK, Russia or Japan, you're practically living in a huge blind spot rife with some of the most horrific shit mankind could ever witness and experience, hard to believe the people even 300 years from who have the power to do anything actually gives a shit about what happens to people living outside of their sugarcoated land mass.
How is it supposed to work in the first place? I'd crouch down, turn invisible, yet every pirate in two light-years knows exactly where I am anyways
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It basically doesn't. Max Stealth and rush Concealment instead so you don't have to worry about gear.
Its not a betheada game without this kind of bug i swear
Enter the cc menu through Enhance or the console to fix it btw
>all those ammo types
>zero reason to use any of them becuase the DT armor system is so busted and you do so much damage on everything but the highest difficulty setting that the extra damage is meaningless compared to the extra weapon condition decay they bring.
Truly, Obsidian literally can't make a game work.
There's several bugs still present in this game that have been there since the start or caused by an update.
-The attachments on some of your equipped pistols don't appear properly when you load a save
-Supplies don't get delivered when you send them out to the outpost requesting them
-Sometimes you can't complete the bounty missions that requires them to be taken in alive
-Opening up the scanner or getting shot at sometimes counts towards feeding or hydrating you
>choice is bad if it's inconsequential but not to the point where it detracts from the experience
Choice only has meaning in an RPG when the consequences of those choices directly impact how the game is played. If they don't, its not a choice, its just pretend.
except your choice of shotgun magazine-clips actually matters until you get shotgun surgeon or stay back, at which point you've already effectively removed combat from the game go on, tell me how that's a bad thing
holy based
Guys question, does DR go up as you level?
I just noticed my innate DR with nothing on is 425phys 0em 375engy. I'm level 36, is it normal
DR isn't based on level but by what armor you're wearing. Better armors do show up as you level.
Yes but I think it stops at level 100, correct me if I'm wrong.
bad bot
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That isn't a bot, that's how the game works.

A level 86 character, with no items equipped, will have zero DR because you do not inherently gain DR as you level. Its 100% from armors, and clothing.
Are you using the sustenance system etc.? I'll have to figure out what is wrong then lol. I barely have any mods
Sounds like you may have eaten the "alien genetic material" item which gives like 400-500 damage and energy resistance or something.
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It's easily exploitable, fill your inventory with so many items (5000+) and sleep to refill your oxygen. It leveled up so much faster than me abusing the horse restoration glitch in Skyrim. God, that was a chore.
nah, I've got no active effects other than fed and hydrated
Silent Hill inspired but not a direct port. I want to explore hell planets like something out of Event Horizon or Hellstar Remina
it's basically the cutter but far stronger and uses ammo. it even fires 3 beams like the cutter.
niggas look at this and think "damn this gameplay fire fr fr"
Neither. I'd like a big monster like Alien who's terrifying enough to force me into hiding and not shooting at him. I installed terrifying Terrormorphs but I haven't encountered any so far
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No, this is what they call fire gameplay fr fr
how's the performance nowadays? i heard it was fairly demanding at launch.
Better but still demanding. They added FSR3 tho
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I wish we had comm buoys
Guys I figured out my glitch in >>486612809 and you probably want this as a PSA
>When using some consumables (food) that increase resistances, saving and loading while the effect is active, the damage resistance buff becomes permanent. It also stacks.
Sorry meant >>486611816
Levar Burton
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It up
I just checked mine and I've got about 200 in physical
for fuck sake how do they even break this shit?
You didn't notice it despite the extensive playtime so how could they
cries in ship landing bug it's all so tiresome
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prisonfood didn't taste so good piratebros
Average Chunks eater
>Author updates his mod
>no changelog or anything
>just a file change
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What a handsome women
That's a fine piece of ass right there. Oh and Andreja is sitting in the corner
>set playerspeed to 800 to traverse the map easier for outpost building
>actually enjoy zooming at mach 10
The zoomer within me...
Not zoom zoom enough you need to put tiktok on the second monitor >>486630450
There never was.
It's a common trend nowadays that games on PC have bad performance, but the problem is with NVIDIA selling people 2015 tier GPUs at a 2024 price and giving them the expectations of running 2024 games.
You'd think there would be some kind of nod to this since it's a fucking official Bethesda creation but nope, low effort all around.
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The easiest way to do this is to mix Personal Atmosphere for instant O2 regen, and also carry 10 000 kg so you're constantly using up all your O2, then instantly refilling it.
I finally upgraded past my intel 5 series and playing the game without any lag is wild.
>Wanted to make my own custom radio with SSNN news
>All voice lines don't have the filter applied to them by default even the music jingles
>500 lines to sort through
oh.. ok
Be glad it's not more.
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Luv me some Mars (the planet not the candy bar)
at least the crane isn't fucking glowing for once
It never glowed for me outside the beta
>arrived at Londonian
>turned on the AC irl
who's /immersion/ here?
damn, he's good
i-is this a boy?
He also had a breakdown at Hadrian because she's a clone of a man and he assumed that meant she was trans even though you can literally ask her how that works and she says they used female genetic material to get that part done
How do I turn on the fish smell for when I'm in Neon?
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STOP! You violated the law. Pay the court a fine or serve your sentence. Your stolen goods are now forfeit.
Buy an actual fish and put it right infront of you
Say if I made a mod with purely negative traits such as Diabetes for example. Would you even play it or it's too crippling?
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That anon who said that you can't agree with Vae: Well, you can agree if you ask him why he did it, a new option will show up.
What level should I be to make sure quest rewards are dropping at highest tier?
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Anyone use Pathfinder armor with one of the reskin mods? What's up with this red panel that's supposed to be retextured?
Particle beams perk is closer to the final tree so you won't fully utilize it until you invested enough points in the tech tree.
what would I need to do to manage my diabeetus in game?
Insulin shots every 2 days or so. Eating too much food will cause negative effects
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>STOP! You violated the law.
it would have to play well with something like starvival then which has me scarfing down 3 tika masalas and 2 cans of beans pretty often.

would it just be diabeetus or are you going to add other health conditions?
This has been up
doesn't seem worth the download
y-you aren't worth the download!
i'm a computa, stop all the downloadin
update when?
two more weeks
but i want my rover now!
Yeah I want to drink and drive in the middle of New Atlantis just imagine hitting those poor bystanders.
if the rover isn't deployed via new boarding ramp parts that are large enough to house it, it's shit

knowing beth they'll probably just have the rover spawn parked next to your ship like the absolute retards they are
Also, whenever you fast travel land they need to start spawning you inside the boarding ramp. I guess they decided against that at some point either because people could build their ships shit enough that it was horribly inconvenient for them to walk out, so they decided to retard proof it, or you can have multiple boarding ramps and they didn't know how to make it pick the best one, but I can't remember if you can have more than one.
>having to redesign your ships to add one additional bay
No fucking thanks
I'm indifferent. Redesigning my ship would suck because I'm satisfied with its current design
combination boarding ramp and rover ramp you dolt
Sunsets on Mars are blue-ish, why is that when the sun is yellow-orange?
Would any kind sir be able to make a mod to change our damage resistances? I've got that perma food buff bug and am sadly on xbox

it's up, Auto-doc
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>don’t like Sam Coe
>like Cora Coe
Only reason I didn’t let Sammy die in my original universe was because Cora would be upset. I also realized that her Starborn self would come and seek vengeance.
But Punished Cora is the best alternative future Cora (im a fan of ruined potential driven by need for revenge stories)
Yeah, I think that too, but I’m guessing it’s implied she killed the rest of Constellation? As did Andreja, while Walter just made everyone else go scarce.
They both suck, retard cowboy with no backbone and the most dry voice actors in history, and his stupid kid as well. I fucking hate when games add children who you have to interact with. Make them act like kids and not fuckin redditors
Particle beams are the best weapon that you could conceivably create by iterating on modern technology.
They're better in game because they're better in real life, in addition to the fact that they inflict both energy and kinetic damage, they also undergo bremsstrahlung which actually seems to be modelled in game.

Bethesda is right to make them late game weapons with perks exclusive for higher levels.
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You guys don´t use the console to get unmitigated violence & unrestrained vengeance?
Its possible that robot maids will exist in 5-10 years or so, AI is just now getting good enough to actually model motor function (the hard part).
is that the Oracle from the Matrix?
Ron Chud
This should be on Nexus
How's the CK currently? I've been waiting to port PigMod over from F4 but I haven't kept up with developments.
I regret reinstalling and playing Starfield for a while, because is it fucking impossible now to cope with F76's jank ass jetpacks compared to boostpacks.
its fine it just crashes often
Nice, are headmods and skinning working? I heard something about OutfitStudio not yet working or something.
thats not my forte so I cant really comment on it, but if there are no mods out relating to it, its probably not working.
why does everyone in this game have a nice butt
Lack of cars means people are walking everywhere, getting themselves a decent ass shape as a result.
emil thought of everything didnt he?
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CRT body mod
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So because of Starfield I've been researching alot about moon landings and I gotta say, the more I research it, the more I think it's fake as fuck.
That's mostly because you're retarded.
nice view
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We left reflectors on the moon, homie.
Also, Bounty Hunting is fun.
Finally got the internal layout the way I wanted without using the Place Doors Yourself Mod.
>thanks for watching my blog
i think the toilets need a privacy blind.
Not on my ship
you mean the showers. The toilets are the cubicle ones.
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Explain to me why Laredo guns suck.
yeah, the showers. wouldn't want anyone peaking on cora.
>having Sam Cuck on board
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>change my ship’s habs to HopeTech
>game bugs out when entering ship
>reload save in which I entered the ship
>lost all of my Starborn powers, my power meter, and became a mortal human again
i dont see why they cant just port the skyrim body physics. its a job thats already been done, just change some details here and there.
no one wants to
So when they add vehicles everyone is gonna become fat?
Probably not because they have no practicality in any of the major cities, vehicles will mostly be used for offroad travel.
spectacular, what a wonderful pepe
wanted dead for just that???
Jetpacks only? how about the entire game. Crazy to think 76 is just 5 years older than Starfield
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The whole thing is suspicious. In other news, they managed to find real caves on the moon.
I like Sam because he's flawed and kinda retarded without throwing that in your face like you really need to analyze his character to see that. Sarah on the other hand is calculated, wise and.. big uooh so big
Are some of these bounty desc. From a mod?
No mods for that, yet
some of them are pretty lewd
>Creating intentionally addictive pierogis, gazpacho, and kiffles

>Lewd Acts with a Heatleech
This is canon
When is Sam's ex gonna tell him Cora isn't his?
who are the two giraffe chicks?
I think neuroamps are actually quite a good idea. They can subtly nudge the human brain away from evolutionary instincts towards productivity. I'd get one, provided they were a proven, safe technology.
It won't be fun and games when you get mind controlled by a neuroamp and wake up with cum leaking out of your ass
I don’t know. Sam Coe is smart and quick to adapt when it comes to dealing with criminals, or when needing to be covert while responding to guards, like when sneaking into SY-920 during the Crimson Fleet questline.

Any other time, though? His bootlicking worship of the Freestar Collective and the corruption it shows makes you sick of him. Sam is ironically the worst companion to have on the Freestar Ranger questline.
Barrett is pretty good in the Freestar questline
Sarah too, funnily enough. She calls out a lot of people on their attitude during the quest, even top-rank Rangers, and that warms my heart.
>they found the lunarian burrows
Uh oh.
Based dommy mommy Sarah
My headcanon is that Sarah is a power bottom.
It's up
She must've been ducking Bayu.
>"its up"
>waste of a load order slot
>close tab
>usable capsule hotels
Wooooow, it's just like in those Japanese travel videos I sometimes watch on Youtube when I have nothing better to do!
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>feeling down
>post it's up
>feel happy again
feels good bro
Someone explain this to me
You better bust that if you gon' pull that
>Selling genetically modified human tissue as "Earth hamsters"
Do I even want to know what they look like?
I'm talking out of my ass but I think your soul transformed into the ship itself
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I updated my ship, renamed it from “Gutsy Gecko” to “Petty Peridot”. I swapped out the HopeTech landing gear for the much lighter Taiyo gear. I tried going with HopeTech habs and the Magellan Nova Galactic cockpit, but none of the dockers looked natural and they weighed too much. Moreover, they connected weird, and were a pain to traverse. The Deimos habs and cockpit fit naturally, and I have soft spot for the Hope 55 landing gear.

Thanks for reading my blogpost.
good looking piece of hardware
My only problem with neuroamps is they go out of their way to say “this is the FIRST subdural neuroamp this has NEVER EVER been done before EVER this is the ONLY ONE first ever made!” when they could have just had the focus be on a mind control neuroamp. Now any cybernetic implant mod will have to work around that by making them a visual model or locking them behind the Ryugin questline (a.k.a. the most boring of the big 4)
>Ryugin questline (a.k.a. the most boring of the big 4)
I'm offended by this, take it back.
I feel like it'd be nicer with second pair of hopetec landing engines in the back.
The weight would go overboard and hit the mobility, and I think it looks better with just the front having the frog leg gear.

Here is the revised HopeTech hab version w/Nova Galactic cockpit. Please tell me which one you think looks better. I’m aiming for that vanilla Bethesda mix-match aesthetic, without it looking weird.
nice turtle
>he Ryugin questline (a.k.a. the most boring of the big 4)
Freestar is the most boring of the big 4.
Oh, hey, I could name it after a turtle! I love turtles. The Koreans struck fear into the Japanese with their turtle ships, aka the Geobukseon, and is the main reason why Bowser and the Koopas from the Super Mario series are depicted as turtles.

I’ll try to think of a decent turtle-y name, but yeah, thanks, anon.
I got it, a turtle name that fits with the discovery and exploration theme of Starfield; Galapagos.

I’m finally sticking with this one. Seriously anon, thanks, this has been bothering me for the past few hours.
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>The Koreans struck fear into the Japanese with their turtle ships, aka the Geobukseon, and is the main reason why Bowser and the Koopas from the Super Mario series are depicted as turtles.

hey, that's neat.

and that's a good name. glad I could be of help.
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>4th universe
>Sarah wants to keep distance
As if she somehow knows about my short adventure with Andreja in number 2.
Long distance relationship from one universe to another
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Just got the mod that makes all ship ports have all ship parts, and I'm now seeing class M parts and "large" hab parts. Are these new additions to the game? Cut content?
unused content
Do companions even allow you to romance them on main quest-skip universe? I haven’t tested that out.
Have modders figured out lip sync yet?
buy the software goym
Not cut content that's how M class ships are built in the creation kit. They aren't accessible in-game
Buy FaceFX
If you reveal yourself you have to individually discuss with each companion whether you want to keep your relationship curt or try and pretend like they're meeting you for the first time, so that bethesda can conveniently avoid having to rewrite all of their dialogue for subsequent unity playthroughs
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This, its the same thing with space stations. People discovered that space stations use the same build a block system as ships, so people made up stuff about there being cut space stations for outposts feature.
>design game as if it was a roguelite
>basically everything is static
the entirety of starfield's plotline could be sold as an official skyrim creation club mod
High velocity or high powered? That extra range worth on any weapons like pistols?
How's Bethesda going to give it for free in the kit?
>Homicide of [REDACTED] during a public speech
More damage for sure the range for pistols isn't worth it
Is the 25 extra range for the hard target of any use?
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anyone been able to make anything good with this FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT yet?
>hard target
Of course. Always prioritize range if you are doing a stealth sniper build since the damage will always be great regardless.
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Almost a year since this shit got dumped into our mouths. Its not underated kino, its just medicore. Am I wrong?
Yes, now go back.
Explain how I am wrong.
I'm always right so you must be wrong ;)
I accept your concession.
>shitty cutscenes that look like they were made by a horny 15 year old whose never had sex, much less seen sex
>fade to black that lets you imagine whatever you want, without the cringe as shit in-game animations ruining it.
True but it´s not like you can repeat it in Cyberpunk over and over again. And they kill off Meredith. The hottest woman in that game.
>>shitty cutscenes that look like they were made by a horny 15 year old whose never had sex, much less seen sex
That's the problem with all "serious" games that include sex. The scenes are always directed in an artistic way. I think GTA SA is the only game where the sex is portrayed in a straightforward way
Cyberpunk mogs Starfield in so many ways it is emberassing
>fade to black
I actually laughed that you think this is a valid argument point. This is bottom-feeder cope.
>it´s not like you can repeat it in Cyberpunk
Because its meaningful, not le fade to black corny cringe comment like this retard >>486762858 coped
There are joytoys for repeat sex too
/v/ tourists not welcome, go back
>I come here solely to argue
maybe don't do that
>Because its meaningful
>actually trying to say sex in Cyberpunk is meaingful
absolute brainrot.
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hey fellow fourth universe bro
i leave sarah on read in every universe.
Friday night and some people are lonely. Go easy on them.
Yes it is. Attempt to prove me wrong and actually explain how I am wrong.
Starfield sex is less meaningful than Cyberpunk. How am I wrong?
>please entertain my loneliness
Then I accept your lack of skill for discussion as a concession.
>That's the problem with all "serious" games that include sex.
Mass Effect, Witcher 3, Cyberpunk, its all just so.... cringy.
Please, do that and leave.
I did thanks, but no I won't leave this is just my first dicussion point. I'm about to do my next one as nobody has proven me wrong.
And nobody will bother (at least I hope so) since it's obvious this is your only form of socializing and you are in love with us, as usual.
How does it feel to be submissive to me?
Indifferent since you don't appear to resemble anyone. Just a lonely anonymous on his journey to start lengthy arguments.
Thanks for not refuting my point and acknowledging that you are submissive to me
You're welcome. anything to boast your fragile ego
>NPC red in scanner
>crimes don't show up
>can't talk to them
What the fuck
Can you kill them without scanning? Entering The Well cleared all red NPCs for some reason
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Lol I love talking to this dude
I wonder how many real females are lurking this general.
>remove scanner rework mod
>shows crime
>can't talk to bounty
Little to none from what I can tell. Go and study the posting habits of the femanons on /hpgg/ for a while and then come back in here, there's usually a discernible difference in the speech between biological men and biological women.
>it just worked after installing
What the fuck
>Go and study the posting habits of the femanons on /hpgg/ for a while and then come back in here
I was just curious no way I'm going to spend my free time studying anons' behavior
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I had a dream that I had my own crew
I really liked Chakotay when I was a kid.
>last updated September
get a newer mod
Wait shit that's the one I removed. I installed this
It's a bug
You forgot
>its LE UP!
It's kinda up, kinda.
it's updated
How many frames do you get in Akila?
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Not sure if I see actual difference. Same weather as vanilla except Jemison is now snowing in forest biomes.
todd pls update the .exe and break sfse...
>After the 20th Gay-Jewish, Lesbian, or BMWF couple I finally find a WMWF couple on New Homestead.
>It's a Bethesda hamfist-tier control freak husband telling his wife not to have dreams.
It circled around from being tiresome to being funny again.
Yup, the only potential it has is slavery mods.
Over status????????
Wasn't he brown? besides there so many WMWF couples in New Atlantis that you chose to ignore for some reason.
It's Austin, Fallout 76 support studio. also why is this a big deal, best thing they can do right now is to unionize given how trigger happy Microsoft is with their studios.
>Fallout 76 support studio.
Fugg... I thought TESVI was saved...
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Yeah you're right. Lighting in here is ass.

I don't recall seeing any couples at all in New Atlantis but I haven't done the UC or Vanguard questlines yet.
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The only white couple I remember in NA is the one with a woman who you can bring coffee to. There's also a white couple who runs a shop in Neon and several white couples in Akila.
>trying to find a decent planet for my first outpost
>everywhere I land is extreme penis in anus
>look up ways to work around environmental damage because it feels like i missed something important
>there are no environmental damage chems
>suit resistances don't actually affect protection, only the damage you take when it's depleted
>bethesda thought having to hit the sack every 2 minutes because you're about to keel over and die from passive damage is fun gameplay
when is the $39.99 creation that fixes the system by adding content that should've been there on launch dropping
Bobby Katz parents
Husband taking his wife to Reliant Medical because she's obsessed with work
Old couple remembering their dead girl
That janitor and her ginger boyfriend
>bethesda thought having to hit the sack every 2 minutes because you're about to keel over and die from passive damage is fun gameplay
Advanced environmental damage is disabled by default it only came with gameplay options and you enabled it
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Environmental bullshit is not a working system, effectively. If we go off stats as canon most suits have regressed since the Mercury suit you can find on display in some Nasa ruins.

Just turn that shit off when sandstorms pop up. Systems with exactly zero counterplay are bad game design.
>so that bethesda can conveniently avoid having to rewrite all of their dialogue
And thats why their games wont ever be put on the same level as some of their classics ever again.
How else are you going to fix it. Sandstorm should posses a great threat and it's a sign for you to go back to your ship and wait.
The 4 companions by themselves have more dialogue than their older games
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>ginger boyfriend
Somebody should set their male character to have red hair with freckles and hook up with both Sarah and Andreja
200,000 lines of dialog are just text-to-speech player names from Vasco.
Vasco doesn't have many voice lines. Barrett has 8 hours worth of dialogue, 7230 voice files.
Wish we could test fire ship weapons in the builder
What are the best sounding and most fun ones
Ballistics, lasers and missles. Classic Frontier combination. Anything else is too strong.
you are correct, bethesda games studios employee #216. it is my - the players - fault for interacting with systems built into the game. I will now install Requiem for The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim and do a full playthrough as penance for my foolishness
Honestly, I wish they put less effort into the main 4 companions and spread voice lines out a bit over the named hirelings. On my current character I've been having fun running a Freestar-only crew with Ezekiel, Rosie, and Omari but sometimes they're a little too quiet. The Constellation companions just annoy me that much though, and I'm staying away from doing main quest stuff for now anyway.
You wanted to change Todd's vision and it's biting you in the ass
I wish all of them got the same treatment as Constellation but I doubt that'll ever be feasible without AI
lol i seen so many people frustrated with the environmental damage and people blamed todd for nullifying the system back at launch. todd is always right and that makes him scary
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>The game is so broken that disabling features makes it more enjoyable and playable.
Todd has really perfected non-meta strategies for game development. Bold and inspiring.
He didn't disable it though. The vanilla option is more forgiving in general as how it should be played but everyone is turning on the advanced option and get mad when weather and time of day are actually important.
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So I can see how you would think that. The idea of environmental or survival system is to give weight to choice, to reward preparation and timing. But the problem like everything else in the game is implementation. Consider what you actually do to circumvent it.

You don't put on a suit with shitty ballistic stats but high environmental stats. You don't use bullshit consumables like rad-resistant alien fish porridge to be able to withstand 1350 PSI on Venus. You sit in a chair and hit B and scroll to 24 hours and hit tab when the sandstorm stops so you don't get dirt in your spacesuit.

It's just unhinged from a top level perspective. It's literally NES game logic for a game that had NASA as a consultant.
>its unhinged that the game lets you sit in your space shit to wait out a sandstorm as you should logically be able to do.
Not him but, do you really think NASA told them anything other than "if theres a sandstorm on a plant, just sit out in your space craft/shelter till it passes"
>NASA as a consultant.
NASA wouldn't take imaginary drugs to survive on harsh environments. They'll do the exact same thing you'll do in game.

Again, advanced environmental isn't the default option and shipping the game without it is for the best.
>advanced environmental
Seriously? Fallout 4 is a decade old and had better, more advanced, environmental conditions than this. What happened, did they lose the technology?
Fallout 4 weather only caused Rads which is a non issue.
NASA would tell you to do what NASA does and send a robot instead because either we have the technology to survive or we don't. Sandstorms are a bad example because they present actual force as the problem, but why the hell am I getting lung infections from hostile microbes or suffering problems with heat buildup in a suit that's rated for solar vacuum?
>with heat buildup in a suit that's rated for solar vacuum?
You are exploring in the morning on a planet with radiated sun
How do you make dealing with environments fun gameplay-wise?
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What do you think the difference is between interplanetary mediums and planetary mediums assuming identical sunlight and vacuum? Are we wearing less than EVA suits?

Same way as Subnautica or Star Citizen. You want to go to hostile biome, you wear hostile biome suit that's bulky, less protective, less maneuverable, whatever. The threat is present and you recognize it in making a tradeoff, the solution is immersive, and you don't drain your player's immersion by forcing them to go into an inventory to use 16 analgesic enemas.
NTA I think they are fun and definitely sells the immersion of dangerous space exploration but the rover can't come soon enough and they need to decrease the number of POIs. I've been eyeing the Desolation mod for a while but I didn't pull the trigger yet since I need to do extensive testing before I make it a temporary mod.

Oh and all quests are playable except for Londonian that's when I had to turn it off
The spaceship will protect you in that area, not the suits.
>no content updates until gamescon
it's over
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Cool but I can't play the game in my spaceship. And it's not like the creation engine doesn't have a framework for heavy pressure exosuits. Hell you basically have to build a lead-lined one to go to the glowing sea in FO4.
an entire month from now, that's a bit long
His ass
I got the June 9th date correct so dude just trust me.
June 9th was an Xbox games showcase so that's an easy guess. Dropping the patch on the same day was unexpected though
He's Starborn he already did this quest.
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Need AnonSF for Shattered Space leaks
What kind of music people will listen to between interplanetary travels? My main playlist is too high energy for that.
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The sounds of bunk masturbation once mods get up to par
You're right. I actually really like the game, but this has been my biggest complaint so far. I also have no real way of knowing that an environment is hostile until I exit the ship. I'll get out there and discover it's scalding hot rain and not just rain and for some reason my spacesuit can't take that, so I need to go sleep for three days and try again. I should at least have a weather report on the ship.
imagine getting impregnated by a heatleech haha
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>tfw no enclosed bathroom furniture mod
Sorry barrett, you'll have to smell and hear everything.
Skyrim sound effects are low effort and awkward as fuck so I'm not very excited to hear porn recorded from porn and some weird wet noises
>porn recorded from porn
aight I'm going to sleep
jokes on you he's into that shit
Finally, my crew will live in ze pods
You didn't say it's up
>mfw starfield has the same wet plap sound to bare footsteps of skyrim
I meant the sexlab mods sorry that post was a mess
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>raid a pirate ship, a big one, like 9 or 10 habs
>not a single toilet in sight
How do these pirates shit?
they shit in canuck! cans and jettison them.
They poop straight out the airlock
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>He has to ask
Just straight up Rookposting now.
I can smell her from here, nasty bitch
The Key must be nasty as hell due to the lack of hygiene and self care. I don't want to imagine the smell, no thanks.
You get used to bad smells once you've been in them for a while, in fact, our noses have gotten significantly weaker to strong smells over the course of history thanks to civilization.
it's really weird that bethesda didn't even try to rationalize how such a place could exist by giving the pirates hostage maintenance men or something, seriously even one guy who is getting beat on by everyone who is made to do all of the chores would make more sense than just
>it's an entire station full of people who don't maintain their gear and don't clean up after themselves
Dude, Jazz has a dedicated maintenance crew, decked out in faceplates and the engineering outfit with the leather arm guards, and is the sole reason why UC SysDef couldn’t outright assault The Key because she restored and maintained the defensive batteries around Suvorov.
She does? Was that a new addition? I could swear one of her voice lines is literally
No, it’s vanilla. She really does have a team, and she mentions her team when you give her the ComSpike and Conduction Grid prototypes. I don’t know why she says she’s just one person, but I’m guessing that’s either a joke on how supervisors think they’re the only ones doing anything, or a hiccup in dialogue writing.
She's got brains and that naturally comes with arrogance
>spend an hour trying to find a single digipick
>realize praxisui removes bobby pins from the misc tab for some ungodly reason
okay then her team is really shit, because that place is a fucking scrapheap
>bobby pins
erm, they are called digipicks
Waiting for the ui mods to be fully customisable thru menu
It’s not that her team is shit, it’s that they’re plain average technicians with an absolute virtuoso head engineer, but the pirates love breaking and making a mess of everything.

Honestly, I would’ve respected Delgado more if he put the pirates on a tighter leash and turned The Key into a respectable free port, should you give him the Legacy.
Here’s a picture of Galapagos in flight.
why did they fall for the meme of having a bunch of different ammo types, was it the new vegas trannies?
Balance mostly. Beowulf is the exception, that weapon doesn't deserve 7.77 ammo. 11m would be perfect for it
starfield is "hardcore" in a lot of ways "fans" were asking for.
lol I saw that shotgun ammo image. I don't remember if they are broken in Fallout 4 but that game didn't have many shotguns to begin with. Starfield got:
>Big Bang
>Old Earth shotgun
A variety of options that warrant the ammo types.
Completely mediocre but it has it's charms. I think if modders give this game a chance, it'll be good by 2028.
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Fallout 4
>why did they fall for the meme of having a bunch of different ammo types, was it the new vegas trannies?
I fucking hate you cunts
Diverse ammo types (done right) in New Vegas gives the player a variety of damage dealing strategies and to make ammo crafting feel more fulfilling.
In this case its just... pointless, all the weapons have 1 ammo type, they are just distributed almost 1:1 across all weapons which is incredibly dumb because now it's just inventory clutter, and would make ammo weight even more tedious to manage if ammo weight was actually done properly.
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>visit an abandoned farm
>Sarah: “Oh, I see, so this hydroponic farm built their pods vertically to take advantage of the lower gravity, very clever.”
>planet’s gravity is 1.12
no, it's just as pointless in new vegas, tranny.
goddamn, all the wrpgs this year (and wrpg expansions like Shattered Space) are releasing fall of this year.
Bethesda legitimately knows their target audience is dumb as shit so they dont expect them to think about stuff like that.
>massively improved the lighting in the game
>expanded the total area of cells by like 500%
>enabled 60fps on consoles

Do you think they'll get rid of the loading screens? At least on the planets/ships?
... or it's just a bug. Relax.
>>expanded the total area of cells by like 500%

what does this do? make invisible wall much farther out?
They probably will, since Bethesda does respond to feedback and they have Xbox engineers actually helping them this time.
lol so according to you, this issue would be fixed by clicking a checkbox and making guns accept multiple ammo types. kek. Man, NO ONE cares about the ammo system in New Vegas despite how much you trannies love to post about it online.
Bethesda: *pisses on you*
Me: Hey dont do that!
You: Oh relax, its just water.
i would assume something like this along with improving their game world streaming so autists can walk across planets.
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Creation Engine 2 good.
Am I having a stroke or are there raindrops on the water but theres no rain.
I wouldn't worry about it
Romance in games is almost always a complete and utter failure anyway. Mass effect did it best, but the sex scenes are absymal. Cyberpunk is some of the worst but that's not really a surprise - the romantic candidates are all annoying and the game in general is bad
microscopic fish popping up to say hello
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Haters wanna hate, lovers wanna love
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>Same way as Subnautica or Star Citizen. You want to go to hostile biome, you wear hostile biome suit that's bulky, less protective, less maneuverable, whatever.
It's weird that Bethesda had something perfect for a "Hostile Environment Suit", their Fallout 4 power armors, but instead went with "the chlorine vent casts poison gas at you, you now suffer the cough curse effect for 5 minutes" retardation.

Want Chlorine vents to be dangerous for some reason? Have them damage the SUIT not the character. Have a suit that's made for corrosive environments, then you can walk around next to as much chlorine as you want.

The Starfield system is low effort and illogical, like when the player is dying on Titan, talking to the ship technician who's been wearing the exact same spacesuit for hours.
>It's weird that Bethesda had something perfect for a "Hostile Environment Suit", their Fallout 4 power armors
Fallout 4 PA wouldn't make sense as a hostile environment suit in something like Starfield. A only works due to Fallout's magic "SCIENCE!" setting. Its totally out of place in something like Starfield.
Planet? I love winter
surveying Masada III was a fucking mistake, my game froze on me while saving/auto-saving four times. Thanks a lot, Todd.
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Almost looks like Max Payne's face
kek how horrible
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>placeable pre-furnished habs
I like the idea of that, reminds me of capsule houses from Dragon Ball
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Why do you believe a hostile environment suit to be "SCIENCE!"?
>confront bounty
she looks awful in a pixie cut but she can pull off the G.I. Jane
Keep my wife's name out of your fuckin' mouth
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kek I was literally thinking the same
your wife's name is G.I. Jane? wtf
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probably that or something like picrel. the science model would have sampling instruments and a radar dish
Wish his ex was a companion or even marriage option. She's way cooler.
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>Wish his ex was a companion or even marriage option
Same, Lillia's pretty cute
avatroons try to make a pretty girl challenge (impossible)
she looks like she's into bdsm, which is a good thing
In other words, they should put in pilotable mechs.
Bethesda needs a really autistic guy with no friends or family that can point out the little things and problems in their gameplay systems that can be improved upon if they just worked on it a little more.
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Ya'll muthafuckin' cowards.
That's just a QA department, which they have. The problem is that the development team is fully aware of pretty much every single bug and design flaw we can see, probably more.

The problem is that the game is still top 10 for sales during launch and exceeded expectations for sales. All of the resources are instead dedicated to things that can be monitized: The Neo-Workshop, the DLCs, whatever. As long as gamers are drooling retards that defend every decision the content will continue to decrease in quality.
>that can point out the little things and problems in their gameplay systems that can be improved upon if they just worked on it a little more
Almost all of these "issues" are things that only the autistic minority care about and that, if implemented, would make the game less appealing the normies.
The devil is in the details, as they say. Todd and Emil are very big picture kinda guys, they just need the autistic small details that only autists notice guy to balance them out.
I have revised my Nova Galactic ship, the Firebird. What was an A-Class ship became a B-Class ship. I barely changed anything, I just deleted a single companionway, upgraded the reactor, changed the missiles, and added more particle beam cannons.

It’s still the fastest ship I own, except it’s got more health and firepower now.
handsome vehicle
Galapagos are famous for their tortoises, not turtles.
Would be cool if you could use it and get a ramming damage bonus on enemy ships.
Is that EFT?
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i want to like it. it needs a little more mustard. i wish there were more modification options. a tungsten rivet that could nail people to walls or something.
shoulda seen it before she got to work
I’m sorry, but melee fucking sucks in this game. Even with the weight lifting skill that reduces stagger by 50%, I *still* get staggered by enemy npcs bashing me with their guns.

Why didnt they work on an extensive melee combat system and then port it to elder scrolls and improve upon that instead of waiting till elder scrolls to work on melee.
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It is, and I fucking love the turbo realistic gun autism. It's the only game that's implemented it and done it super well.

Shame about literally everything else.
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>It’s tough living here, but you can live on your own term.
Best clothing in the game. Wish they'd sell the jacket.
I wish melee in this game felt like the melee in chiv 2
Nice. I got a legendary one too. Its memey and inefficient but I use it
I learned to stop caring so much about the charge up, or do very rapid quick ones
I was going to try the single player version since I hear it's a much better experience.
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>barge into Akila City
>call the marshal a useless little bitch and do his job
>call the junior marshal a useless little bitch and do her job, too
>call the trucker town ranger a useless little bitch and do her job as well
>call the cyberpunk ranger a useless and, surprise surprise, do his job
>bust a cap in the three heads of the major terrorist organization because every single Ranger, including the old fart in the Clinic, is a lazy and incompetent LITTLE BITCH
>take Ron Cope’s bribe and bust a cap in him anyway
The Freestar Rangers are dead lost without the benevolence of John Starfield.
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In Skyrim I had phases where I aggressively supported one side or the other. The conflict in Starfield has me indifferent. Why?
What conflict? Besides, Starfield allows you to skip universes and explore other choices without truly permanent repercussions.

The choices are at least more nuanced than red vs blue.
the was has already ended and all of the tension was replaced by bitter indifference
Hunter vs ... the other guy? Since supporting either one changes nothing, there's no point of supporting either one over the other.

The FC vs UC war happening while the player plays would have been more interesting. If only for air dropped xeno weapons fighting mechs, maybe adding a few minor settlements to be fought over.

Problem is the people currently working at Bethesda mostly aren't the ones who were working there 10 years ago. You can't expect a Fallout 4 or Skyrim out of them.
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>What conflict?
Love vs hate.
>pissing analogy
The conflict is actually well done this time around and explored the aftermath instead of reskinning the other side in a janky questline with 10 soldiers in each battlefield.
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something's not quite right
What? You had a pet rock probably. Why can't your ship have a pet planet?
>The FC vs UC war happening while the player plays would have been more interesting.
This would've been really fucking miserable, for the same reasons the Skyrim civil war got cut back ,and Witcher 3 and NV's "wars" were mostly just people sitting around doing nothing.

Big battles between faction sound cool on paper, but are almost always just tedious gameplay slogs, and get in the way of playing the entire rest of the game.
And characters like Vae Vee wouldn't need to exist since the battle is ultimately decided by you which eliminates the potential of storytelling that would show the consequences of the war and instead, opt for ending slides that leaves things vague on purpose.
>And so John Starfield's road came to an end... for now. Because war.. is just another form of control *Hunter's chuckle*
I love the soundtrack except when it sounds evil
Yeah I always turn off the combat music in Bethesda games. They are too intense for the provided situation like dude, It's just 3 low level pirates.
What planet is this?
ok google search "starfield londinion fat aceles teats"
I love the soundtrack, it really makes me feel like I'm in Boston
It's in the filename
Paging Trainwiz, are the Starborn ships unmodifiable at the moment?
It's not that they're unmodifiable it's that they have no attach points. I'm not sure if the interface has changed to allow you to slap new stuff on yet.
>>everywhere I land is extreme penis in anus
it would look retarded anyway
can anyone explain how the player gets a starborn ship after going through the unity? i dont really care because its obviously a cool reward for finishing the game, but it would be nice to have some lore reason.
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quality work as always from ESLianora

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No answers. Only mystery.
>get in the way of playing the entire rest of the game.
Ah yes, don't want to cut into that 'explore same poi 50 times to finish a radiant quest' gameplay core.
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Nobody knows why or how. Not even the Starborns themselves but one thing stands out is that The Unity or whoever created it, wants to evolve humans for some reason.
More like
>Trying to do U.C vanvguard questline
>Every time you want to go back to New Atlantis or Mars you gonna deal with the fact that NEW ATLANTIS IS UNDER ATTACK! BREAK THE SIEGE! events.
Yes this "gameplay core" doesn't have an unnecessary sense of urgency.
yes. in asscreed odyssey I eventually just stopped doing the athens vs sparta stuff because it became a slog
After all this time I still can't DP Amelia Earhart with my bro Vae Victis
What a fucking joke
What a weird and very specific ship.
Just UC glowie things
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>Land on desert planet.
>Bad Air Quality.
>Turn off environmental damage.
Bless the maker and his water.
you could just make it so the factions are in a semi cease fire, where superweapons make it so that MAD prevents full scale invasions of the capitals, or something. but the minor planets have some territorial and space skirmishes.
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My theory is that the Guardian is a Starborn's true physical body, an angelic like form capable of soaring through the very heavens. The humanoid within is merely the soul.
>npcs constantly tell you YOU MUST DO THIS NOOOOOOOOOOOOOW despite there being no actual time limit, you can just leave most missions at any point unless you're stuck in an interior
>every other travel objective is followed by WOW WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG
>a chunk of sidequests begins with some kind of emergency message
Ahh yes a "war" where the "war" doesn't matter at any significant or meaningful location one would expect it to, and its just relegated t oa bunch of "who cares" planets on the edge of space. Thrilling gameplay /sarcasm.
Have you even played the game or are you just shitposting randomly? Vanguard (or vanvguard as you call it) was created after the war because the FC civilian militia was so successful. And New Atlantis wasn't attacked in the war. Nor was there a siege. Seriously you were wrong about literally everything.
yeah a cold war is better than a setting where literally nothing happens of interest on screen. could have an entire espionage plot too. Conflict is interesting, which starfields shit setting is not.
And yet you visit those 'who cares' planets after the war as part of the game's main quests. Except there's literally nothing going because the war happened 20 years ago so you get to visit PirateInfestedPOI-2 for the 15th time.

Huuuuuuuuuuuuge improvement there bucko. /sarcasm
this is a great opportunity to mention how the worst bit of starfield's setting is that some creationist shitlord was obviously somewhere high up on direction and managed to convince them that multiple widely accepted religions needed to be included and elaborated on at length in quests designed to make you accept them
Dont talk about Todd-san like that!
bethesda really tried to avoid war this time around
>oblivion features war (cyrodiil versus aliens)
>fallout 3 features war (good water vs bad water)
>fnv features a 4 way conflict of interest at an intersection of 2 major factions
>skyrim features a war that only benefits a party that doesn't actually take part in it
>fo4 features a 4 way conflict where 3 of the factions are fighting... over the right to stop the 4th faction... or something?
they tried to do something different but fucked it up, because not only is the war very recent, it also sounds much interesting as a setting than what we actually got with all the mechs and bioweapons
>and managed to convince them that multiple widely accepted religions needed to be included and elaborated on at length in quests
They kinda failed miserably then
>quests designed to make you accept them
Literally all of constellation save for Matteo denounce religion but your fedora won't be satisfied until no religion is included
SysDef war is a cold war of its own
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They clearly wanted it to be an exploration game, but procedural generation and the engine don't really make for that. Let alone their fanbase being braindead.

In retrospect it's kind of wild to watch them remake the exact same mistakes as No Man's Sky. Literally called out from day one. And they made exactly no effort to avoid ANY of the exact same issues. In fact it was worse. And they didn't even try. It's literally Starborn. You literally have dragon shouts. Jesus fucking Christ what were they thinking.
Well except No Man Sky doesn't have any locations period and the gameplay loop is even more repetitive than Starfield even after the updates.
I can't imagine anyone being that bothered by that unless they're zealously atheist or strongly devoted to an irl religion.
>zealously atheist
did you just mention heckin g*d in my science video game? oh my science this is blasphemy against science and humanity
I think Barrett is the only true atheist in Constellation. Andreja obviously worships the Va'ruun deity and Sarah kinda leans more towards agnosticism. I forgot what Sam and the rest's views are.
This is funny like they didn't mention Sysdef/CF despite it doing everything a cold war is known for
>entire espionage plot
Which really makes you suspect that they didn't play the game beyond the main quest
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Noel, Stroud and Barrett though Matteo is always made fun of for being the religious person of the group.
Stroud is a secret "totally atheist but weirdly spiritual philanthropy outreach" member
why the black bars?
Fans keep sucking and slurping garbage like this, so don't expect them to changer ever
ugh why bethesda will never change
>proceed to play their game for 40+ hours
>Well except No Man Sky doesn't have any locations period
That's not true they just also suck. No Man's Sky also barely has a story. But this isn't about No Man's Sky, they were a small indie studio, they made all the mistakes first. Literally handed Bethesda a hand-written note saying "dont' do this" and Todd Howard balled it up and shoved it up his ass.

Gamers deserve everything that happens to them.
You are.... actually retarded aren't you?

I was making a simple comparison about how having the war going on, with the rest of the game being the same, would be annoying. I never said the war actually happened like that room temp IQ-san.
Yes it's true compared to Starfield, No Man's Sky doesn't have any locations except for crashes or a station that could teleport with you everywhere. Starfield did the opposite by populating the world with so many locations except the locations aren't enough to not be repetitive
No one denounces religion, they at best say they disagree with Matteo's views. The player is definitely never given the chance to denounce religion. You can at best say "this isn't for me" or "I don't know about that." It's a very neutered presentation of the issue. Even Va'ruun aren't explicitly bad because they're religious zealots, it's just that there are SOME zealots who take the religion too seriously, and those are outliers and not at all representative of the religion as a whole!

It's the most no balls take on spiritualism in a scifi setting I've ever seen.
You're not thinking straight, it also means that doing basic stuff like mounting new weapons (even ones with invisible hardpoints) is much harder.
>And they made exactly no effort to avoid ANY of the exact same issues.
Starfield avoided MANY of the issues NMS had on launch
-The animals aren't horribly proc gen monstrosities that don't function like NMS's were.
-The game doesn't force you to spend half the game flying through empty space between planets in obvious padding like NMS does.
-Theres actual quests, and storylines, to make going to places actually mean something, which NMS still doesn't have.
You're objectively wrong or arguing semantics but it's completely irrelevant. The only thing that matters is that the world watched this trainwreck in real time and Bethesda's response was "Me next."

There's a couple preachers you can tell to fuck off, as the player. One is in Cydonia's rec room. All of humanity's religions being rolled into one "unity" seems like a huge cop-out though, where's the Mormon space compound?
>yeah a cold war is better than a setting where literally nothing happens of interest on screen
Except all the questlines that happen on screen, and are far more itnerestign then just

I don't visit those planets. Only planets I've gone to are for quests, and only to the locations marked specifically for those quests. So I never ran into running into the same POI 15 times.
>day 30 of no mod to fix Stache's lootpool if you join the rangers
sayanora space beboop
>No one denounces religion
They literally do if you asked them
>The player is definitely never given the chance to denounce religion
You didn't pick the enlightenment trait and there are some encounters where you can tell them to fuck
>Va'ruun aren't explicitly bad because they're religious zealots, it's just that there are SOME zealots who take the religion too seriously, and those are outliers and not at all representative of the religion as a whole!
The whole settled system think they are bad. Hell, the whole point of visiting the ambassador is him telling you to make this right because the Va'ruun doesn't have a strong image to represent themselves. and whether they are actually good or not remains to be seen with the DLC
> in quests designed to make you accept them
The game constantly shits on religion though? Its so anti-religion its funny.
Irrelevant my ass you are avoiding an actual point in order to phone in your whole point of Bethesda never leaning from NMS despite the games have different core gameplay loops.

There's three level derelict frigates, underwater bases, alien towns, and some cave systems. The same assets get repeated constantly. It's almost identical to Starfield's POIs.

What are you on about?
>day 30 of no fix for the confront bounty bug
warm or cold hot stuff
Yeah like the UC quest where they were too pussy to have VV be an actual war criminal mad scientist and the heat leeches were just an accident, even though the entire plot revolves around xenowar.
Jesus that's all its got? Even Starbound had more.
>It's almost identical to Starfield's POIs.
Except it's not, Starfield has 10 times more locations and POIs and it's still not enough.
Steam screenshot in photo mode caused this.
>day 90 of no fix for the photomode in ships glitch
lights, camera, no action!
>Yeah like the UC quest where they were too pussy to have VV be an actual war criminal mad scientist
This is the most edgy, teen angst, emo high schooler, making his sonic OCs kill the rest of the sonic cast because of how "cool" he is writing you can have.

Thank fuck people like you aren't actually making games.
It says a lot about how good the quests are when the wiki pages are all literally empty.
>Yeah like the UC quest where they were too pussy to have VV be an actual war criminal
History is written by the winners. Everyone thinks he's a war criminal in the settled systems since his actions are unjustifiable from the winner's point of view.
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Yes. That is my point. Yes. Procedurally generated POIs are bad. Yes that is what I am saying. Yes.

We knew this before Starfield came out. Yes. Bethesda did this anyway because they like money. That is my point. Man you have got to learn to fucking read.
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>bro ur just wrong, it's totally anti-religion bro
>this is a line the player can unironically say
>the response to this, from an atheist no less is "hmm, while I don't agree with you, I can definitely respect that opinion"
are you sure about that, are you really fucking sure about that
I've seen top selling manga where people haven't even bothered to even write the smallest chapter summaries for chapters on the wiki.

Wiki maintenance has always fallen to an incredibly small group of autistic retards, and doesn't reflect the quality of a given product.
The system isn't inherently bad but the amount of content needs to be addressed
Not him but the POIs aren't procedurally generated. They're all hand crafted. Only thing porc gened is placement. Whereas NMS actually does a lot more in proc gening the POIs themselves.
really anon?

>t. triggered atheist
You don't have the right to complain about a pro religion game when almost all western games are atheist by creation.
The amount of content AND the rules for how it generates.
starfield is the definition of safe-edgy. its almost interesting, but always becomes milquetoast because they want to prevent the player from being able to definitively make a value judgement about any of the factions. every faction is for everyone, and yet noone at the same time. its shit.
yeah idk why that anon is complaining its basically an agnostic game, and you are absolutely right about the average western game.
>but always becomes milquetoast because they want to prevent the player from being able to definitively make a value judgement about any of the factions
Except not really.
Come on, man.
Christianity is always mocked, parodied, or portrayed as evil yet when a game that isn't even pro-Christianity is portraying religion in a good light, suddenly, all hell breaks loose. How dare you ignore my beliefs, he said.
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>t. triggered christian
It's not even pro-religion. It's just a happy, bubbly, tolerant safespace where everyone needs to be given a voice. Even this "fuck off" line everyone ITT is saying is proof of the game being anti-religion is met with a warm smile. "I respect that you are on another path with your spiritual journey, my friend, be well, go with god."

It's just fucking weak.
>any of the factions
Most, not any. The Crimson Fleet.
You can board and kill all the space pilgrims I guess.

Actually they might be essential so correct me if I'm wrong.
>is met with a warm smile. "I respect that you are on another path with your spiritual journey, my friend, be well, go with god."
You're mad that he's not giving you the same courtesy and response? Freaking ironic this NPC has better composure than you.
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I think about freaking you
You don't recognize what's happening in that screenshot, do you? You're not familiar with the UI.

Whoever is paying you deserves a refund. I would like to file a complaint. Get me your supervisor.
I recall them hitting their grav drive instantly the second they're attacked, but that might've been the school bus full of children.
I shot at both purely to see if Bethesda would let me, honest
99% of the time science has been proven wrong and been rebuilt with the knowledge of that. It stands to reason that science is wrong again and God is real
>He doesn't come to 4chan specifically to get in arguments with strangers about nothing for 16 hours a day.

Based open world enjoyer.
Where it'd get us is an actual conversation about spiritualism where the writers either take a stand and try to convince us of their views, or try to make us think about something we haven't before. Instead it's merely safely represented.
if no mans sky had a set of hand crafted locations and quests this entire game would be rendered useless.
>>He doesn't come to 4chan specifically to get in arguments with strangers about nothing for 16 hours a day.
No, I don't. It's all about ego and the "I'm right you're wrong" mentality that is plaguing everyone nowadays.
You say that, but NMS won't be getting any sex mods for the foreseeable future now will it?
"if" but it won't get any of that and it won't fix the on-foot combat.
unfortunately nu male's lie still has dogshit combat and is full of genderless, human shaped objects instead of anything you could possibly sexualize, so we're stuck here
Not to mention
>NMS looks like ass, everything looks like some bad ENB, over saturated dog shit
>The aliens have no visual cohesion or consistency. They all just look like stock cartoony aliens taken off some AI generator
>traveling through space is still a boring time sink akin to GTA where you spend just as much, if not more, time flying to places then you do actually doing anything at those places.
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>Someone with no attached User ID.
>Arguing over concepts.

4chan is arguably the result of a forum completely devoid of ego. You have no ego to fall back on. You have no persona to present. You only have your ideas and they are bad. That's why you don't like to argue here.
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No Man´s Sky would still need real enemies. It doesn´t even have Spacer type enemies.

Starfield still needs more enemies too though. Maybe add some lizard aliens who planted all the earth like planets with flora and fauna and now they decided to destroy their creation because it became too advanced for their liking.
i know. i really do wonder how that studio hasnt thought about this at all, they must be fucking retarded too.

A NMS2 with appropriate questing and NPC's would be a game changer. honestly i wish creation engine and NMS could have had a baby and that would actually be a GOATed game.
>4chan is arguably the result of a forum completely devoid of ego.
lol, lmao
how autistic is Starvival? I just want extended needs and ship refueling
ego is not id is not superego plz these are basic concepts i am begging you plz
My theory is that it's just the far future end point of the Crucible project. There is no purpose, it's just what the AI eventually evolved into after one of the three factions takes the lead.
NMS could get updated models and colours, and get a quest system up and running, years before Shithesda gets seamless planetary exploration.

>traveling through space is still a boring time sink akin to GTA
Its kino. Going planet to moon is fucking amazing. drifting through the sky in LEO looking down on the Terrain is fucking unbeatably comfy. Starfield would be 1000x more tolerable to play if these features were in the game.
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Weird. That doesn't happen to me.
> years before Shithesda gets seamless planetary exploration.
I don't really care.

Seamless planetary exploration is a fucking meme. Its a complete gimmick feature that you do 1-2 for the novelty, and then you quickly realize that there is no reason to go very far from your ship to get the resources you need to build better ship parts to get to the next planet to mine resources, etc. etc. loop NMS works on. Starfield wouldn't be any different.

Its actually a pointless joke, and NMS has proven why its a joke.
People harvest resources? I just sell the piles of advanced guns out of my ship cargo and buy components.
having to walk to a vendor and sell your shit at a kiosk is so fucking dumb in a futuristic economy too. they dont have warehouses or amazon in the future?
>I don't really care.
you might not, guzzler, but its why the game is seen as such a disappointment by so many.
Unironicaly I want a full economy system that inflates and deflates dynamically and mote spreadsheets
eve this game up immediately
>but its why the game is seen as such a disappointment by so many.
Not really. The issue is loading screens into every building. If they got rid of loading screen into a single room shop in New atlantis, Akila, etc. and many of the smaller POIs, 90% of the complaints would vanish.
Not really. Vendors rarely have enough credits to buy all the weapons you pick up, and even if you did there isn't much to spend credits on outside of the houses and ships.

Once you get outposts running you farm resources to make shitloads of XP crafting and dumping 2,000,000 positronic batteries into New Atlantis' oceans.

The most I pick up shit off the ground is to get the ball rolling on weapon mods.
Rare ones, yeah
>no u
And I was directly insulting your intelligence, which you seem to have picked up and decided to autistically screech back in return. I'm actually surprised, your reading comprehension is easily that of a child. Not that expect anything out of a retard like you but check what you wrote, you weren't 'comparing' you were shitting yourself about situations that only existed rattling around your empty head then getting angry at the world because someone noticed.

But I'm feeling charitable: why do you think that the war would need to completely change to only include things that you find annoying if the player was there during the war? Even though they weren't there before? Why do you want to add them?
>you weren't 'comparing'
Actually room temp IQ

>why do you think that the war would need to completely change to only include things that you find annoying if the player was there during the war? Even though they weren't there before? Why do you want to add them?
You should go back and read the whole conversation that led to that point because you don't seem to understand what I said at all.
Selling thing to vendors isn't even really necessary with how much money you get from quests, and find in the game world. Just like every other Bethesda game.
The Marshal should’ve stepped down and every other Ranger should’ve been fired.
>Freestar Collective admitting their incompetence
They'd die and risk their civilians over that. tsk tsk
Maybe this will be a thing in a DLC someday
Delivering news to the main office?
It's probably nothing that anyone would like to talk about
Pretty stupid. There's enough H3 to allow what is likely millions of spaceships to fly around, but no one has any drones set up for creating an interstellar network by just jumping between systems repeatedly to pass along packets

hell, is there not even a courier service?
They probably do that but news won't be instantous is the point. Still inferior to actual FTL communication
Sarah probably doesn't bleach her asshole
Another angle of my Firebird.
And I get bleach on my t-shirt
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Pretty cool though I hate that cockpit
>Actually room temp IQ
You're an actual retard. Nobody can understand what you type because you're just randomly babbling, even chatGPT is more coherent.
are the front facing thrusters really necessary or just a visual thing?
There's a random encounter with a courier that breaks down and ask you to deliver the mail and one of the cargo missions from the kiosks is delivering mail and packages, about 400-800kg worth.
No, they’re visual, but they activate when braking the ship, which looks cool.
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>bleach bypass filter
Visual. They do fire when you maneuver, or when the ship slows down. There's even an indicator on Nova Galactic cockpits for when they're firing.
You look cute together
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Reminds me of that old Moon show.
my game is bugged to deliver the parcel to the ship service technician on Neon, but the tech is underwater and i can't interact with him
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How do I get the Ship Captain Uniform without murdering a fellow UC captain?
Use the console
I got it from a vendor though I'm pretty sure it drops in normal quests. ECS Constant or The Legacy, I can't remember.
I found a couple on dead captains on ships drifting in space, no story, logs, aliens on board or a pirate/spacer ambush. Near as I can tell they were killed by a random kill crew critical in a fight and I didn't notice. That or it's just a bug. Everything on board is marked as stolen so it's not intentional.
Sell the items and buy them again to remove the stolen mark
Ship so blocky it makes Taiyo look good in comparison
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I noticed that in the loading screen photos, Bethesda always uses two ships: Frontier, and Vagabond/Rambler.

they're the best looking
I'm guessing they are one of the early ships they designed for the game. I disabled the official screenshots through the config file since I have more than enough screenshots to cover every aspect of the game
>day 30 of no fix for the confront bounty bug
It's over.
it's what?, over
It's over, over.
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roger, over
Asking Bethesda for bug fixes? it's 2024, alright
my game is bugged on one save where I took over an empty Hopetech cargo ship on a planet (it was just sitting there) and a ship service tech is permanently based right by the internal hatch door in the landing bay.
>no shattered space until september
two more months
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What a nice planet you chose for our vacation, Sarah.
Sarah got the best planets in the settled systems, if you catch my wind.
My fancy plateau post on Kurtz.
Nice ship
It's up
Women truly ruin every space they invade. Gatekeeping is the only answer.
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>degeneracy for men = good
>degeneracy for women = bad
You serious, bro?
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Sarah: "I´m glad you´re handling the messy work."
What planet?

good male body modder stepped up whereas female ones are nowhere to be found
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Nirvana II. Don´t forget the fire.
I just realized. Why do ship parts repair the ships mid fight? It's not nanomachines, it's not a crew doing it. It's a medpack for a ship that has no in universe lore on how it works.

How strange.
it's just one gay autist
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bro it's a game not a golden shower
Ship parts are recognized in the universe but obviously the mechanic itself isn't realistic
its what happens when low iq people write scifi, things get overlooked. Asimov they aint at bethesda
Feels like they intentionally made the setting not have instantaneous communication and networks because they wanted space couriers to be a thing.
There's random encounter with a ship who's crew has been killed, it has a terminal that says it's autorepair needs resources. If you give it the resources it wants it'll repair the ship's computer which gives a black box data item to give to a ship technician.
im tired of pretending that the modular ships look good. i will however allow you to prove me wrong: go. dw i wont bully you either if i disagree,
yeah they literally made it like "skyrim in space" even in places where its pretty stupid. the barter economy and comms being two of the worst offenders.
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POV: you thought you were being funny giving me three shitty spacesuits in a row
is this really all anyone playing starfield still is doing? where do you even farm astras
>Heh, that’s right, John Starfield. You give me Astras, I give you shitty base quality spacesuits and Laredo garbage. Enjoy.
>day 30 of no fix for the permanent food buffs bug
Gabbagool? Not ova here...
You guys are real fucken funny telling me starfield is the least buggy yet when my character has permanent 500 dr and we are 11 months into release
I only have the one character with probably over a hundred hours on it and I don't have this food buff bug because I've literally never consumed a food item
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They are here.
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Seems like the party is over for Neon. It´s swimming through the air!
Bethesda added the bug with their last update. The bug where you start getting hydrated or fed randomly from actions like opening your scanner Still exists too. I'm pretty done with it, we had months of the ship landing bug until that got fixed but it is irrelevant if Bethesda add new game breaking ones every time. They have gotten worse under Microsoft
handsome looking bird
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>Waiting until 2027 for the complete Starfield experience
I will bypass all of your pain.
you should be thanking me for my service making this game playable
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>mfw TES6 is 10 years away
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My first try at ship building. Took the Vanquisher and made it a little more aerodynamic(bigger).
>ship building

well one of these words is right
don't bully him, it's a building, and a ship.
Is this a fan mock-up or actual game concept art?
The amount of crashes and quests that used to break in their older games are far more greater than the amount of bugs you are currently encounter and you have the audacity to call them worse? recency bias is one hell of a drug
it's actual textures from the game
This was cool the first time, but after the tenth? No
For me? It's cave crystals.
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Don't worry, someone will eventually build a house or city mod in one of these
Huh, was there a cartoon where people were trying to eat cave crystals like it was a hard candy?
In my 600 hours of Skyrim I never fully explored Blackreach
That's probably because it's hard to see in there, I myself have a mod that turns it into a forest that makes it even harder to see where I'm going.

Baby bottle pops had the better 90s commercial
>I myself have a mod that turns it into a forest that makes it even harder to see where I'm going
Confirmed mods saved Skyrim it´s real this time.
Fuck off. I have played since oblivion and not had bugs that broke my whole game as much as starfield.

Did they have more bugs? Yes.

Were all my characters doomed to break no matter what? No. You are disgenuous.
>praxusui is garbage

can we PLEASE get a working ui overhaul already?
>Were all my characters doomed to break no matter what? No. You are disgenuous.
yeah with level scaling
The modding cycle of this game is a bit odd, we don't have good ui mods, but we have other things you'd expect not to see yet
That's entirely separate from gamebreaking bugs, that's just bad design. Starfield is reintroducing old bugs every time they update it too. They haven't learned anything
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I like how each background came with its own ship without The Frontier but the amount of background is pretty low (5 backgrounds) and there should be a background without a ship
StarUI was up pretty early, which is the issue. The game is still getting updated.
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This is so cool, tribals adopting elements of a far more advanced culture that they do not understand, etc. Much better than the space cowboys that we got. I think Bethesda are extremely afraid of portraying Tribal cultures hence their removal of tribal culture from the Fallout games which played such a large role earlier in the series before they bought the IP. It's a shame because it's a concept with a lot of potential.
I don't see it. They are ooga booga who are worshipping the symbols and nothing beyond that. They don't have a secret blessing or anything. The Pilgrim was pretty frustrated with them too given how dumb they are by worshipping something they don't understand.
There's an element of "not wanting to step on shoes" I've noticed in the community a bit
>Ah, x had already made a mod for Y. I best not touch that
It's a shift of culture and I'm wondering if it's from the new modders. There is no reason anyone can't make anything, but some people seem scared of "plagiarism" in a modding community. It's intriguing, but genuinely you probably would have a sperge come at you for daring to make a competing mod, throw a discrepancy between paid & free mods - with free probably doing the same thing better - lot of room for drama
>"not wanting to step on shoes"
From my point of view, some mods are a huge responsibility with nexusfags begging for patches to be compatible with everything aside from the constant mandatory updates and that kills any motivation to overtake a big mod that is used by everyone in the community.

I want to have fun with modding.
And they don't need a secret blessing or anything, worshipping something unknowable is all that suffices.
>worshipping something unknowable is all that suffices
To what end. House Va'ruun has better chances of communicating directly with the gods and that's what Bethesda is exploring in the DLC.
Agreed. As well as the constant "your mod breaks my game" when they have a frankenstein load order trying to jam a load of overhauls together
The concept is inherently fun and cool and Starfield could use more interesting encounters anyway it's not about communing with gods, if you don't understand it, I'm afraid that's that.
What House Va'ruun does is Shattered Space expansion business, but that is not what's fun about the concept anyway.
>The amount of crashes and quests that used to break in their older games
I dont remember Morrowind or Oblivion crashing even one time (played both on console)
And the only bugs were ones I found on youtube.
You got me on Skyrim because that game on PS3 was a fucking cunt.
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>three Freestar Security ships are escorting a miner
>the guards are jumpy and think I’m a pirate, the miner apologized for their hostility
>attack them and destroy their ships anyway
>0 bounty and Sammy Coe didn’t raise a fit
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The lack of space game is quite baffling. Starfield gave me an itch for a mysterious space feel that is nowhere to be found in video games.
Theres space games all over the place and pretty much all of them are incredibly good, even Anime ones like Star Ocean and Xenosaga.
It's not exactly niche, but it's more niche than most
All of the best or played space games are quite autistic
And many people find space boring
I'm of course not counting star wars games at all, it isn't space not even as a franchise but I'll save that for my /tv/ shitposts
There are games that are somewhat set in space, but they aren't space games
>I'm of course not counting star wars games at all, it isn't space not even as a franchise but I'll save that for my /tv/ shitposts
Star War is pure fantasy covered with a Sci-Fi coat
>No Mans Sky
>Star Citizen
We keep getting close to greatness but failing. It's frustrating on a spiritual level. Even lower fidelity indie versions like Starmade or Starbound fall apart in much the same way.
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>used the skip Sarah personal quest mod
>Sona is now a permanent member on my ship
>placed her in the lodge and restrained her with console commands
>still ends up teleporting to my ship anyway
So... this is what its like to be on child support.
Basically yeah (with some wild west thrown in), but this causes a huge debate with star wars fans
What about Elite?
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>>used the skip Sarah personal quest mod
Add it to the list of things that I'll never do
Elite is okay but I didn't really get hooked into it. I don't know much about the big FPS patch but I heard it wasn't popular.

X4 is similar and I liked the gameplay a lot but the setting and 'story' was pretty weak in my opinion.

Starsector is probably the best open world space game of all time.
Why? Her quest is probably one of the worst Bethesda has written to date.
I genuinely never cared for other space games, not for their setting, at least. I couldn’t for the life of me be immersed in the world of Mass Effect since it was all -fi with very little sci-. I enjoyed the trilogy a lot, but imo, it’s more of a space fantasy than a proper sci-fi.

Starfield feels immersive because everything looks so real, so familiar, so tangible, all thanks to the wonderful textures and art direction. Even seeing the distance between planets in terms of light seconds is awesome in of itself, and all planetary orbits and rotational axes is simulated in real time since the stars are coded to have actual gravity.
It's just a shame that the individual suns of each solar system don't affect the planetary lighting, they all use the same model instead of letting the sun actually affect the light of each individual planet. If one solar system has a dwarf star, that should have an effect on the planetary light and ecology, but this isn't taken into account. Looking at a solar system from a map screen contra landing on a planet in a solar system is like two different worlds.
The weird thing about Starfield is that it actually is a pretty boring game, yet it's also somehow an addicting game. I mean I have over a 1000 hours into it now and I keep dropping it to do something else, yet I keep coming back to it. Someone somewhere said that the reason for this is that you see the potential in the game, it just hasn't been fully realized yet.
>it just hasn't been fully realized yet.
Will it ever? Depends on how much Shattered Space alters the game, but Beth expansions always tend to be self contained experiences.
Same. There is some magic in this game even though a lot of it is a slog. Give it a year
Is there a way to obtain an Xbox creation mod to edit it from the kit?
Should bve as simple as opening the .esm in ck
How can I download the mod is the question when it's only available on Xbox
Nothing, nor should you care, since it's likely any mod made to be an xbox exclusive is either really easy to make yourself, or probably not worth downloading to begin with
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It's even harder to get a hard scifi setting like Starfield without going into aliens and stuff. Also how the game is mostly explored on foot instead of being stuck in your ship all the time like in other space games.

Overall it scratches an itch a lot of games dont touch which is why I like it so much. Also the game feels very earnest for some reason too.
>only available on xbox
I was under the impression all creations mods are uploaded for pc and xbox
Starfield can barely be called hard sci fi. They committed only partially to the concept and as a consequence they did not go far enough.
Going far enough would be even harder to pull off both in design and storytelling
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Hmm, let's browse Nexusmods on this fine evening and see how they "improved" Sarah Morgan
It's Up
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You've-you've-VIOLATED the law!
You've-you've-VIOLATED the law! (STOP)
You've-you've-VIOLATED the law! (STOP)
Law-law, law-law, law-law-law
How are she and Sam white when Cora looks like a mulatto?
Screenshots section
Don't forget his dad too
Baffling really. Cora is the same kid model as nova or whatever her name is from Sarah's questline. I would've thought cora was designed first though, so saying they just reused the kid model would go against it
Making Cora beautiful ia against the law
>Screenshots section
Of what
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Image is the only saving grace of that manufacturer.
I know the /pol/ propaganda warped your brain/you're probably a bot post, but skin color of grandparents can persist in your DNA down to your child.
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HopeTech is the thinking man's manufacturer
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My Sarah just better.
>septum piercing
Are you mentally ill?
I’ve warmed up to HopeTech, at least when it comes to the interior of the habs. The dinky RV aesthetic with the dark tones and warm lights and the general messiness of it all makes it feel lived in.
>windows on decorative hull pieces
>that much helium-3 fuel for this little storage
What fool at Bethesda designed this? I like how awful it looks, but come on, that’s just unoptimized.
She is :)
Got a laugh out of me
Why are companions literally ALWAYS directly in front of your line of fire?

I've downloaded so many AI companion mods trying to get the to just stop hugging my ass like a lost puppy during firefights but nothing works. And that's without even taking into account how literally all of them are constantly ruining stealth and the million other nuisances they bring. For companions being such a major selling point of the game they're probably the most downgraded feature from Skyrim or FO4 and that's not a high bar at all.
What annoys me about them is its all dec. You should he able to walk through some of those large structural pieces on the front there. As well as some reactors, I wanna walk through and see it
Conjuring my alternate universe self to DP sarah
A ton of mod authors updated their SFSE mods to be "address independent"

Whats that mean?
It means when Bethesda updates the game it wont shit itself.
Are they using the Address Library? if so then they don't need to update the plugin everytime the game updates, Address Library will do that for them
Speak of the devil, we almost got something like that
Why does the Emissary, the generic settlers in civilian outposts, and all the Trackers use the gangster animation you always see on pirates?

Even the Hunter (worst thug and asshole in the entire galaxy), spacers, zealots, and Ecliptic walk normally.
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Why does Reef III require you to be lvl 72+ while Narwhal you can buy at any level? They are about the same power level just stated diffrently with diffrent playstyles. Limits your playstyle choices for no reason?

Because they're bone thugs in harmony
Because they don't use internal design docs for things like ship balance or player progression. Whoever made the one ship required that level, whoever made the other ship didn't know to add that requirement or forgot to.
The Hunter is a humble lad if you think about it
Look at the parts themselves. One of them is level 60
Oh sure, mass murdering people for fun is truly a humble activity.
Looks like there's now two adult quest mods on Loverslab
Any icy planets for an outpost setup? I want the cozy blizzard vibes
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Thats pretty crazy
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>Exploration sucks.
>Spam wait at a bar until the NPCs of this universe gather the Artifacts, then gank them.
>Oh shit one's sentient. Wonder what it will do.
He's basically just a player.
What are they
>Because they don't use internal design docs for things like ship balance or player progression.
Holy smokes, that is crazy. Can you provide a source on this?
One is The Auction House, the other is Issues of Spacefarer, they both deal in the player (particularly a female one as you would expect with Loverslab) being dominated.
He come to town
>sexmods are leaking out
>still no fix for the confront bounty system
It's joever
It will be extremely funny if a coomer mod accidentally fixes the confront bounty bug
There is no source, and Emil even stated they use design documents. It would be silly to think that they didn't.

However, this doesn't change the fact that it's bad design with no thought put in, it just comes down to incompetence or a slip through the net, like many things in Bethesda game design
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Allow me to be clear.

Like this says, they HAVE design documents (probably) because they're too big to produce anything if they don't. I am saying they don't USE them because the game is littered with these kinds of tiny QA mistakes that result in balancing workarounds like >>487018654

I think that calling them a design doc is a bit of a misnomer, some companies call them dev SOPs and some are just checklists, it varies depending on the industry but the QA pipeline is identical for most development, gaming is no exception.

Unless you want to argue that these consistency errors are deliberate micro-design choices in which case whatever man go fuckin' crazy.
I have a source that states the opposite, one of the developers left early because they are getting very strict

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