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Previous: >>486551514

>Ignition Teaser: A Name Forged in Flames
https://youtu.be/O2ATH__rtQo [Embed] (EN)
https://youtu.be/q__fo0CSEcE [Embed] (JP)

>Natlan Preview Teaser - Need a Hand?
https://youtu.be/XOK1F9TLEH8 [Embed] (EN)
https://youtu.be/LCMimNAlsqs [Embed] (JP)

>Event "Summertide Scales and Tales" live until August 28

>Current character banner: Navia, Nilou, Kaveh, Ningguang, Kirara
>Current weapon banner: Verdict (Claymore), Key of Khaj-Nisut (Sword)

>Daily check-in rewards (permanent)

>Redeemable Codes (all regions): https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/gift

>Useful Links (Wiki, Simulators, Maps, Character Builds, /gig/ friendlist, Third-Party Tools, etc.)

/gig/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
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Cheldbros, what the hell is this....
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This radish is a cool girl
Thank you. I'll take good care of these gems.
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Get down president Mavuika!
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I made sure Emilie was included in my count
Orange for 1.0
Purple for 2.0
Green for 3.0
Blue for 4.0
I'm sure 5.0 will also be joining the middle to bottom tier despite the powercreep
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Heterosexual male culture is homoerotic; it is man-loving.
To say that straight men are heterosexual is only to say that they engage in sex (fucking exclusively with the other sex, i.e., women). All or almost all of that which pertains to love, most straight men reserve exclusively for other men. The people whom they admire, respect, adore, revere, honor, whom they imitate, idolize, and form profound attachments to, whom they are willing to teach and from whom they are willing to learn, and whose respect, admiration, recognition, honor, reverence and love they desireā€¦ those are, overwhelmingly, other men. In their relations with women, what passes for respect is kindness, generosity or paternalism; what passes for honor is removal to the pedestal. From women they want devotion, service and sex.
Is that a reference to Pyra and Mythra from Xenoblade
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Mavuika will save us.
>do free ten roll
>get nothing but one stringless
Getting humbled real hard right now..
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Can I do monohydro Cheld but without kazoo?
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For me, it's my beloved kekaposter.
Seems pretty stupid how your chart doesn't include the sub-10s. Fontaine is clearly slightly better off than Sumeru here.
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She will be a support for Lyney and Lyney alone.
No it's a homofujo gaslighting campaign to try and make men not find the pyro archon attractive since it's comparing her to a man.
You don't want to look at other characters....it's more of the same....so many of the games characters are carried by neuvillette on there and they think this will just....end lol
Is there any genshin that fell from grace harder than Ayaka? Can future regions do anything with cryo other tran bruteforcing it with massive multipliers and giving up on old units?
Just cause you admire someone, doesn't mean you want to fuck him
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I'm saving for her re-run.
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Predict what happens in his first in game appearance
Murata will come soon don't worry
I got a Kiwawa out of it and some pity for next time Chiori comes back.
Neuvillette strikes me as an Ancient Roman that fucks men because he'd never touch a w*man
When will we have something this sexo in Genshin?
He wins
I feel like this bloom team isn't too comfy to play, does it getter with c6 Candace?
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based. I have her C3R1 might go to C6...
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Any based and LOREpilled gentlemen itt?
Has anyone read world quests in Simulanka? Is it all about samsara cycles of smth? Like those squirrels and frog kingdoms represent previous cycle nations or smth, cause they all talk how they have to do their "calling" or they won't have any "future" and they perish like kingdoms before them.
Literally me.
I mean your free to stop paying attention after the number 6 for all of them if you wanted to
I'm not counting standard because that's inflated by involuntary pulls
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I need Emilie NOW
>got 10 pulls
So Mualani is a spreadsheet character?
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I just lost my 50-50 with the 10 neuv pull to DOAya of all people, its all cause of you neuvfaggots seriously kill yourselves obnoxious pieces of shits
She flopped bigly btw.
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You're welcome /gig/
>t. fellow neuvchad
Unironically give all the previous units level 100 and give them a new talent and a skill that bumps them up to modern standard
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Gosh...all I can think about is Diluc...*sigh*
no you don't.
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for me it's jinhsi
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But he piped Furina daily for 500 years
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Xbalanque won't be playable.
Mavuika and Capitano won't interact.
Mavuika will be for (you)
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hkvh big love
is Kirara a brick at c0? what teams can I use her in?
At least one Neuvhomo admits that he's a cocksmoking gaylord.
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Rate my pre-natlan soul and post yours
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BROS, WTF?!?!?!
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Emilie status?
fuck off cuckfag you lost
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Me too, I love Arlecchino even if I already have Hu Tao
2 more and she will be usable
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Childe SOON
niggers here told me 5.0 would bring in graphic update with new models
what happened to that shit?
Pretty much C4 to do anything, elsewise she works as well as she does in the fart trial quest.
Good. I hope you lose every 50/50 to Dehya until you kys Nahidatranny
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>last character roll was Clorinde
>get Navia in one 10 roll
>last weapon roll was Chino scythe
>get Nilou paddle in one 10 roll
Bwos, am I about to freakin die??????
piping a boy in shorts is not straight
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>inferior creation
>set free to live his life as he pleases
>muh smithing friend who saw me as a monster
>ruined that smith's entire family for generations, single handedly wiping out Kazuha's clan from existence
>muh child who died of sickness and it's everyone else's fault
>muh betrayals
>might hate Eimommy
>develops a god complex, turns into a little shit and never ever stops seething again
>ruins his life by joining the Fatui, because they're funni :)
>perfect creation
>treated like shit his whole fucking life
>witnessed his own clones getting discarded like pieces of trash
>up to 500 years of nomadic lifestyle going from one domain to the next with a cold and distant woman who made it very clear she wouldn't think twice of discarding him if he couldn't keep up with her academically
>still ends up getting abandoned
>only recently experienced affection after getting adopted by Alice
>doesn't hold it against Rhinemommy, doesn't let the bad experiences alter his perception of the world
>in fact, loves Rhinemommy
The moral of the story is that freudian excuses are no excuses, and as the Iron Giant taught us all, (You) are who (You) choose to be.
Predicting Natlan ending
>In the tournament for Gnosis (you) win or Pyro archon tricks Capitano and gives it to (you) anyway
>Capitano goes "All right, the truth then..." and spills the beans on Tsaritsa plans and how they are actually good and yadda yadda
>"If you want better future for this world come to Snezhnaya, we will be waiting for you"
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Neuvfags got 1 whole year of being the top dog. That's more than enough. Quit crying.
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New Archon after biker hag death.
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Who is Genshin version of Dr Ratio?
You want to talk about low investment DPS? Iā€™m sick and tired of that one raidenfag going on about C2R1 Raiden being good and low investment and trying to defend her when sheā€™s been falling off for the last year.
Fortunately, next version his arguments will be shot for good and we can move on from the sunk cost fallacy in character form.
>get a Kachina for free in 5.0
>her best weapon is a new craftable 4* polearm so it costs 0 primogems to get to R5
>at level 10 her burst does about 700% DEF damage, and DEF scales like crazy from %DEF bonuses (if my math is right, weapon + DEF sands + DEF goblet is 204.3% DEF total, so assuming no flat DEF or other sources sheā€™ll have 2410 DEF total)
>the drill does 177% DEF damage a hit while riden and lasts for 6 hits, and has huge AOE in the burst field
>new artifact set gives 50% bonus damage and also lets her act as a significant buffer for your other team members, and makes energy recharge much less of a necessity
>20% bonus geo damage for herself from the kit and another 24% from her ascension bonus
>drill off field damage is still legit so you can use the drill, use the burst, then switch to another character and still have good damage output
>all of this is before support from other characters
>only relevant stats needed are DEF, CR, and CD, maybe a bit of ER, making it much easier to get good artifacts than Raiden
>all of this at C0, for literally no primogem cost whatsoever
Iā€™m almost certain she wonā€™t outdamage C2R1 Raiden in her best team or anything like that, but sheā€™s going to do just fine and without needing an entire team to fuel her and make her function. And if the raidenfag is going to claim that spending 60k primogems for C2R1 Raiden or whatever is a good investment, I can claim that spending 0 primogems for a C0 Kachina with a R5 craftable spear is a much better investment.
Your ā€œlow investmentā€ archon just got btfoā€™d by an actual low investment drill potato.
Behold the overwhelming power of woke outrage. Truly a force to be reckoned with.
Do you get encounter points for doing comissions after you skipped them
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Clorinde paying the Gacha system so you get her wife with signature.
How many times I've to say this. Like the previous one, there's no reason why random characters appear in random places, much less a magical one. These events or even the side quests exist just to give an excuse for a playable character to appear. There's no good lore involved on it and the witch lore aka alice is a device for this type of garbage.
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Our lord...
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skipping all of natlan, I am not rolling for blacks
dont give a shit, im never using her even if she one shots mobs
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sex with alhaitham
Most of the bilibili videos are about Kinich, not Mualani... Why?
the hydro friendnudge...
Can someone explain encounter points to me? Nothing happens when I spend resin?
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>crisp croissant combo
She's literally me.
I use Cheld/Furina/Yelan/Jean
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Just because Furina is flat doesn't mean she's a boy!
When will we have this in genshin
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You have a lot more 5* than I do. Here are my characters.
That would just boost dendro further than anything else.
>It's UNIRONICALLY turd worlder spics spamming Troonvillette
this does not apply to /gig/ transwomen
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I've listened to Natlan battle themes. They feel like the single most genuine attempt at the exploration of the cultures of the places that Natlan is inspired by that I've seen in fucking years. Not a single Triple A "culturally aware" sloppa could ever produce something so honest and respectful. They give me the same feeling I got when listening to La vaguelette. There's so much care and effort put into producing something both adequate to the region and beautiful at the same time that they put entire entertainment industry to shame.
It's fucking inhuman how good the music is in this game.
Kaveh will always be a woman.
Jean will work, thank
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Imagine preferring some artifacts to a cute Hydro girlfriend
couldnt be me tho
Shut up faggot
Imagine being so deranged you try to argue a freebie 4* geo as better than C2R1 Raiden
Enjoy your (You) because this is just peak shitposting
>This is meant to be the new top dps
Lmao stop joking around

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>Design the sexiest male character
>Make him gay
What was Mihomo thinking?
>looks like a femboy so he kept her around
>as soon as she starts growing he puts her in a retirement home somewhere else
>siggy turns herself into a human girl
>immediately sends her to jail
sasuga fagvillette
Roll for my granddaughter please....

I'll give you 5% discount at Guerlain if you show me your Emilie...
nipple piercings
>CEO and his harem
I listened to them too. I like it purely because they put this in it
It's gonna be like Apocalypse Now when Kurtz first appears
At least that's what I wish
who are you strawmanning?
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I look forward to using my soon to be bricked account in imaginarium only when the natlan overlords take away abyss even though I'm pulling them anyway
Wanted fujobucks
irl gay men are on average sexier than straight men so it's fitting
Sodomite male characters only appeal to women and are repulsive to men, so that's why they did it.
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game is better now
>boy in shorts
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this is where real men cried
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I will. Prefarming centaur robots now.
Why did you make her British?
As you can guess from the fact that my app is in English, I don't know Spanish.
But the Iudex cares not for petty matters of race or ethnicity. The ancient custom of xenia originated in Fontaine, and He unites all of us.
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If Kaveh was a woman would Haikaveh be more or less popular?
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thanks dear
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I'm a vertical investor
wow this thread is so fucking awful and we are only 120 posts in
He's straight and likes women. Unlike Neuvillette, who brings Wriothelsey gifts, Alhaitham doesn't give a fuck about Kaveh.
Do you even use your C2 Raiden
>the Chilumi tranny shows xis true colors
Cum2play would love it
shouldve had the AQs production cost
they dumped money on fat xiao and he set that shit on fire
Melt more poorfag
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everyone except alloy is at least lv 80 and 8/8/8
i need to prep some cryos for next IT cycle; out of these 3 who is actually good?


already working on kaeya and rosaria
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That's why you use he 25% Refund on the highest tier material.
Unless you're a Bag OCD autist like me and actually WANT the 1 extra in each rarity so that the "New!" tag doesn't pop back up later.
>There's so much care and effort
Fuck off back to discord, Mihoyo shill. That's called PR department, marketing for a bad product.
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It's okay to be filtered by Furina, she's not for everyone
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What's this about an artifact set replacing Furina? Why can I not run both? Does this affect only C0 Furina or C2+ too? Give me the quick rundown.
>La vaguelette
Hi, french here, the song was cringe as fuck and none of my friends who still played at the time found it particularly good.
literally allows kaveh to live with him hahaha alhaitroons are fucking delusional
moids seething at the truth
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>irl gay men are on average sexier than straight men so it's fitting
Do you have evidence to back up that claim?
t. projecting paco gonzales who can't even purchase a tamale since he's so poor
One is a mary sue the other is a tragic hero.
new Natlan artifact set gives 50% damage to the entire party
you need to be a Natlan support or use Natlan characters to activate it
wtf, i hate natlan now
Don't reply to xer baits
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Needs less melanin
Imagine if
>Natlan story near the ending
>Something finally triggers Celestia to wake up
>The nail nuke is sent to the Natlan where all characters gathered, Capitano included
>Everyone panics, some of the more composed people try to take people away from the impact
>Capitano doesn't move or react and it seems nail is about to fall right on top of him
>Impact happens, clouds of dust cover the area
>Traveler looks towards direction of the hit, trying to figure what happened
>Nothing is visible until the moment Capitano's blue eyes fire up amidst the dust
>Finally clouds dispersed and you can see him just holding nail with one hand
>He squeezes it with his hand and nail crumbles from the force
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>Game always auto-selects XQ rather than Layler when crafting ascension materials
Yes because what I want is a 25% chance at DOGSHIT than a 10% chance at something good.
Obviously Layla. The other 2 are for physical and it's going to suck since there is no electro.
Haikaveh and Neuvifuri are the same garbage for straight loser femcels selffinserting into girlfailures craving the attention of a tall, handsome chad.
Mika and Layla.
For IT ignore substats and just give them mainstats
Mika ER/HP/HP or healing
layla HP/HP/HP
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I used to whenever I wanted an electro DPS, but now I don't anymore since Clorinde has funcreeped her. That said, if the other team in abyss runs Nahida, I'd rather have Raiden than Clorinde on the other side.
And why can't I run both a Natlan support and Furina?
You should speak for yourself, I've always liked CĆ©cilia Cara's songs
Serious poll, we need to know the truth about Genshin Impact

WTF is that?!
Layler once gave me 3 golds for free when catalysing 4.
She's based and made me save a lot of resin.
Which man?

Not gonna lie
She really looks better with darker skin
Well at least you did what I told you to, guess you're my bitch for this thread
i always find it funny how genshin players think hoyo invented soundtracks and live shows, plus natlan stuff in particular sounds horrible.
>giving shelter to your homeless college friend is gay
Kaveh is not a fucking girl
you can bwo
Furina is fine, it's just shitposting
Everyone here yesterday was saying she was the new top dps, but I just do not see it if that's what her gameplay is like. That's a lot of downtime
Thats... not half bad, actually. Colors feel flat but I can see in my mind a vaguely passable version of this.
furina is not a fucking girl
Newfag here. I know that it's only worth going to level 90 with certain characters, but should I still be unlocking the last ascension? Like how worth is it to ascend Xiangling and Xingqiu to get their bursts to level 9 for example?
I regret rolling Emilie Ɖtienne Arnault
>The crazy alhaithamyume is here
Being a cuck even on 2d really broke xer
Nahida is cool AND cute!
Inazumabros? Our response?
Kinich, Ajaw and Xbalanque together make up the pyro sovereign.
The greatest con the dragonlord ever pulled was convincing the first descender of his death.
Due to Neuv's return to power the heavenly principles will soon awaken and Xbalanque has to speed up his revival
crazy how you just went from "he doesn't give a shit about Kaveh" to "he's giving shelter to his homeless FRIEND"
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honestly have no clue who I'm even "saving for" next... got like 400+ purple wishes sitting around
Neuvillette is not fucking a girl
A Chinese girl singing in French is horrible.
Remember the Furina trailer ? I couldn't even fucking understand what she was saying before looking at the lyrics.
Next time they want some French songs, use French people
bought uh pinet mate
Pee wouldn't work
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then show cock
you take shitposters on /gig/ too seriously
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Statistically, the 10% is only ~16.6% improvement over the 25% since the latter does proc almost 3x as often and 3 of the current rarity = 1 of the higher rarity. Although even that is offset but the fact that if you crafted again, you'd get a 4th 25% chance to proc another 1/3 value refund.

tl;dr - They're statistically quite equal. A good habit is probably the 10% until you're at the end of your desired Talent/Weapon mats, then the 25% when you're rounding out the last few if you don't want to "waste" the excess higher rarity you're unlikely to be able to use as soon.
I love neuvillette
>literally allows kaveh to live with him
as a social experiment kekw
cum2play you are so embarrassing
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Is the anal sex also a social experiment
aight thanks bros, I'll add layla to the list
I have anal worms and hemorrhoids
I miss arrow posting, let me join you
I'm pretty sure it remembers who you last used for those mats and selects them again.
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You did NOT release a flying object within the first three days of the month, did you /gig/?
you cant see it, but im kneeling as we speak
french here, it was cute
the singer is french retard
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she is a girl, its been proven in court
Alhaitham is not a fucking girl
We know alhaitham
thats not furina bitch cant even count to 10
who the fuck are you
nah, too grandiose. I am more of a small scale WQ kind of guy
...is what I would say if she weren't so sexy
Is picking MINT and killing HILLICHURLS considered content?
Most famous homo that comes to mind is Ricky Martin and he has a huge female fanbase
in Mavuika's bedroom
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It remembers prior selection for materials that you've crafted before yes, but as a newcutie more than half the crafting log hasn't been crafted yet so I have to remember to check every time.
The boycott isn't dying down. People are really angry.
noooo there's too much gameplay, I wanted to stand in one place and hold/spam one button...
As much content as picking Echos
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is it even possible for Nilou to reach 75k HP without paddle?
Give me a Hublot big bang integrated tourbillon full carbon 43mm or i'm not pulling.
She was Chinese who studied French.
So no. Kill yourself Parisian faggot.
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>she is a girl, its been proven in court
Well yeah
Erik Schinegger?
(Ok, considering when he was Erika, he never grew any boobs, but a beard instead)
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TBF, he did write love songs for women
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Xiangling and Xingqiu, for example, desperately need their burst to be as high of a level as possible because most of their power is in their bursts. It's all character dependent.
It's not a perfect solution, ban you can look up the recommendation tab of your character to see what should you prioritize.
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like this?
Did they mail the 1600 primos yet?
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Neuvillette owner here.
You're all welcome, btw.
Is this the definition of brainrot or just a very naive individual?
Do you go to disney and feel the magic? Is this your current developed mind?
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NTR will kill genshit
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abyssanon I finally have my clear
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that's it
If I lose my 50/50 on Emilie, I hope it's her.
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Furina is a Genius!
Nta you're either a zoomer or a migrant lmao
This is who sings La Vaguelette: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C%C3%A9cilia_Cara
I've met her IRL, she's sweet
Alhaithamyume melty hours
CĆ©cilia Cara was literally born in cannes retard
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he left us for ZZZ and Wuwa
Would thoma burst proc off kinich swinging attacks?
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>5.0 leaked
>Only character models shown that are not playable are Mavuika, Iansan and Chasca
Wtf where are the other characters? Surely we met more people in first part of Sumeru and Fontaine
She wouldn't be submissive in bed, would she?
Has he shown up yet?
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Alhaithamyume lives rent free in your head bitch kys
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Here's some of mine.
No blacks have been shown so far, though, retard. Take your meds.
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it's AQ, but sure. fuck those "muh world" quests
There has to be a confirmed relationship first for the NTR to happen you know...
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If you want to see what a retired dolphin account looks like
Chasca & Capitano soon
>Siggy got more usage in SA than Clorinde
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I'm not quite sure if I'm willing to believe pic related considering Kazoomer had a rerun like 3 months ago but in the event that it's real it puts me in a tough spot since I want 3 of the chars. I've decided I'll get Mualani no matter what since I like her design but I'll need to figure out if I'll spend the spare gems on Kazuha or Raiden
>muh gameplay, pull for who you like etc
I barely even bother with 'serious' gameplay like abyss and no amount of /gig/ shitposting will change the fact that I like both of those characters based on their design and the times I've gotten to play as them in events and story quests

One thing I've liked about Raiden is how fast her NAs were in her infused state but I feel like I've never really been able to find a whole lot of other characters that give the same feeling. Clorinde's probably the most recent example but I don't really like how she jitters back and forth while blasting with her guns. Are there any other characters with a similar playstyle that I maybe could consider getting instead?
>french here, it was cute
Post pic of your hand holding the carte Ć©lectorale and a post it that has /gig/, the date and time on it, in front of a monitor with the thread. Or I do not believe you.
I've played for 3 years and I still don't have c0 jean or c6 fischl
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Rolling for Emilie, Mavuika, Chaska and Xilonen
be careful posting dehya, the nahidatranny is here
Dunyarzard tops her every night.
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yes yes
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How can we save Genshin? Zero (0) QQ hours is a new low. At this rate weā€™ll need to start using IQVIA TV hours
>doesn't care much about kaveh
>shits on him all the time
>is a certified loner
>only ever praises women and enjoys their company more than kaveh
>never got a gift for kaveh
Somehow considered a faggot

>has been thinking about wrio for years
>asked sigewinne to take care of him
>fought for his title
>handmakes a gift for him for lantern rite
>sees wrio as sigewinne's other father
somehow considered cool, chad and not a faggot
>tragic hero
They're both tragic, the only difference here is Wanderer's tragedies are mostly self-inflicted wounds whereas Albedo didn't get much of a choice in the matter. It does open up an interesting parallel though, because despite all the abuse, Albedo still sees himself as little more than Rhinedottir's creation, and a creation's purpose is to stay by its master's side. He longs for her, and the implication here is that he would rather live with Rhinedottir as a creation, than live an independent life. It opens up an interesting dynamic with someone as rebellious as Wanderer, who'd rather do anything but.
the only problem is whether or not Kinich will be too far for the burst hit to actually land and apply pyro
t. landwhale cucked by gay love

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Genshin for this feel?
gay men are much more in-tune with looks mattering. they put more time into their appearance. they'r also crueler towards any fatties than straight men are, so gay guys are fitter on average too. twinkdeath is a crisis for them.
haven't you ever noticed too that most of the guys women go crazy over, other men will deride him by calling him a fag? it's because you guys know straight men are lazy while gay men make an effort to look attractive, whether that man actually is gay or not.
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We have some amateur man criers in this thread

I like both tho, and the leak say they going to meet at very end of event so im excited
>>never got a gift for kaveh
I feel like this is wrong and recently wrong
>Is it all about samsara cycles of smth?
Most likely, the Hexenzirkel members have a way to avoid Irminsul memory wipe so they are very aware that allegories can bypass it. Considering the other witches are also involved, Maybe the entire event is probably just an allegory for Teyvat's Past & future
you are blind, there are at least 4 blacks, so far only considering Citlali but I want to see her in game first
Itā€™s overā€¦ Genshin is no longer the king of gacha
this unironically
men are more likely to divorce their sick wives than the other way around, or give STDs to their pregnant wives cuz they dont have enough sex

sex > love to them

also im pretty sure neuvillette is gay tbdesu i cant see him with a woman
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>hang out with my bros
>have fun, don't feel anything besides that
>look at girl
>dick gets hard, want to have sex with her
It's really that simple.
Not the other way round
(I'm also a man, so...)
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Why the fuck does 4chan keep doing this to my images https://files.catbox.moe/v6wgr5.jpg
Was an early drop while I was building pity... I don't mind he though, he is one of the few okay males in the game.
aprƩs toi ma soeur
j'ai votƩ contre le RN :^)
The only one is Iansan but I didn't count her since she's likely a 4*.
You're just as retarded as the boycotters who think that spics are black.
i could pick up where he left off and i could automate it
but i'd need hoyolab IDs
This is the real archon, since mavuika is pyro sovereign
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I can't see Neuvillette with anyone, he's not fucking human
>gay men are much more in-tune with looks mattering. they put more time into their appearance
this is the average straight italian man
dear /gig/, find yourself a love partner that looks at you how Soukaku looks at her food
wont work if you are ugly or fat lmao
Suspicious leaks from Uncle K

Burstēœ‹čµ·ę„像Dota 2äø­ēš„Mars Ultimate,ä½æē”Ø夜ēµęœŗ制

Fire God kit:
Skill is similar to Yelan Ultimate but has lower damage.
Burst looks like Mars Ultimate from Dota 2 uses night spirit mechanic

any Dotards here? what is Mars Ultimate?
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not being able to be speak short is a skill issue
Alhaitham is gay but at least he goes after an adult gay man not like neuvkek that fell in love with Wrio when he was a kid, fucking pedo
All the italian men I knew were lazy slobs with bad breath
>also im pretty sure neuvillette is gay tbdesu i cant see him with a woman
he feels entirely devoid of any sexuality. he doesn't know what a boner or sex is. he only has platonic love for melusines in his heart
[SAD NEWS] Natlan reaction in CN is extremely mixed!

tieba/nga (mostly men):
>Natlan characters look very bland
>no stand-out character that looks must-roll
>Mavuika did not impress, body suit looks censored
>overall design doesn't mesh well with genshin
>won't fall for trailer's live2d given what happened to Clorinde's model
>still believe female chars will continue to be shit (to prop up the pyro dragon or capitano)
>many say they lost motivation to play

weibo/xhs (women):
>general complaints about lack of male characters
>not the sumeru 2.0 they anticipated
>says mhy is walking back the last few years of 'cultural progress' in gacha space
>also worried about xbalanque/varka not appearing
>some rumor that natlan plot was rewritten to shill the pyro archon, after fontaine flopped

little to no talk about skin color or race.
also, by far the most well-received character on both sides is Citlali, but it seems she will be 4*
It's easy to impress kids when they're... kids.
>wont work if you are ugly or fat lmao
I know...

Needless to say
I kinda want one who just lays there in the bed
they have black skin, it may not be deep Africa black or whatever but its still black
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Nilou tattoo is gone D:
Damn, at first I didn't want to believe it but it's true...I have not spoken to a woman in like a decade that wasn't related to my job
Yet I talk with my bros everyday for the last 8 years
Really puts it into prospective
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how does battle chronicle order the characters? it's certainly not alphabetical, I can tell by my own that it's not by order of acquisition, it's not by cons

does anyone know?
what can i do with c6 mona
How many male painters, philosophers, artists, athletes, writers, historical figures, actors, and so on, have you admired in your life? How many female?
>Log on
>Buy Nilou skin
>Start running around Mondstadt
>Immediately start getting hard to the sound of her bare feet plap plapping on ground

Surely I'm not the only one?
Rene did nothing wrong.
Fischl would have fit perfectly in this
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bench her
It's like big arena from which enemies can't leave if they're trapped there as they get pushed back and damaged if they touch the wall
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>men are more likely to divorce their sick wives
This was debunked. Retarded whore moids who did the research fucked up the code.
>female """scientists"""
>is he european or gay.mp3
>>Mavuika did not impress, body suit looks censored
waifukeks cannot stop whining ever, lmao. it's never good enough
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Yes, so it was only ever body paint, and Yoimeer fans take hope at a similar circumstance.

It does beg the question of who she got to paint it on her naked back every morning.
Ohwow he can? I wasn't sure if it would work since kinich attacks are classed as skill dmg instead of normal attack dmg
From what I've seen you can pick how far you are from the enemy depending on where you grapple them from. Further away is a bigger radius but you can also do it nearer to them. So it should be fine to hit them
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Truckbros, who's going in as #3
>The XL killer
Boukenbros... /ourguy/ lives another patch
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get c8
in fact italian men all look and behave like homosexuals
True that
I thought maybe it was based on release but that's not accurate
Than I thought maybe it was when the devs started working on them but some new ones were at the bottom so that didn't seem right either
So idk
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Only thing I've learned from women in dating is that half of them are decent but in debt and the other half will do everything to appear decent until they can get into your wallet.

The best thing you can do as a man is spend your money on anime girls and male structures and ignore women completely until they have no choice but to be honest.
Meta in Mualani hydro team which is currently expected to be the strongest team in the game
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>won't fall for trailer's live2d given what happened to Clorinde's model
Probably the correct course of action, seeing how Chasca's model turned out.
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I think itā€™s when the character was created by MHY
looks like some mix of aquisirion, level and rarity
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fap to her mmds
it takes into account lvl, cons, friendship, talents raised etc
>Uncle Klown
My father puts a lot of effort into his appearance and he's straight
Someone good at applying elements for frequent crystallize like Fischl and Lyney
The constant CONSTANT panty flashing in that costume is hard to ignore with how much her legs are also on display since her dress is shorter and more open
Men are way more likely to dump their wife as she gets older for a younger female.
Let me guess, you're phoneposting right now? Images get downgraded for mobile devices to save space or something. The image you posted in >>486561985 works perfectly fine for me as I'm on a desktop PC.
I liked Jean's fart trail challenge.
Has anyone done Qiqi's? What are the objectives?
ofc some coomer faggot would say that while posting the most vile image, faggot
Freeze I guess? Mine is only C0 so it should be better in your case
>the game indicates me that this is the time I HAVE TO CRY so I will cry
>the game indicates me that I need to FIND THIS CUTE so I will feel like this is cute
>the game indicates me that this person is bad, I will feel anger towards it
>the game indicates me that I must feel sad now, I will feel sad
Good god, imagine the age of these people. There's some good tracks in the game and by good I mean the bare minimal, but none you posted are particularly good.
that's nice your father is the exception but he probably has gay porn on his computer
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You first.
mauvais accent gros, c'est ĆØ pas Ć©
Bien de faire barrage Ơ la N, perso j'ai pas votƩ balec
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>until they have no choice but to be honest
so uuh, never?
Age isn't the only problem in that case...
Is there any reason to use Mona over Kok?
He doesn't. I've checked.
>He fell for the age meme
You sound underage
>the usual excuse
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yeah see i don't think it's that because look at;


both have bweh, nahida, furina, arle, yaka, yelan at 90; but they're in a different order


> mix of aquisirion, level and rarity

im just curious how; some stuff is obvious; level/rarity is the first clear sort; but within said pool of equivalent rarity/level (e.g. lv 90 5*s) looking at my own; it is 100% NOT by order of acquisition ascending or descending

don't buy it, I can look at a set of chars where there's a <10/10/10 smack dab in the middle of 10/10/10s (all lv 90, all friendship 10)
you can check it with other characters like Raiden and Nilou
Thoma burst works with them fine
I guess Yoimiya won't just lay there duribg sex...
sis you're never going to get them to admit straight-up how shitty they are to women and how incredibly homosexual the average man is, but they still constantly reveal it in how they behave. very funny.
Most young men realize this, which is why marriage rates are in such a massive decline. Nobody wants to deal with w*men and their bullshit anymore.
I think like a woman, so I relate more to Wanderer's selfish plight. I admire and respect Albedo's perseverance, but I cannot understand or relate to him at all. Albedo is superhuman and transcendental to me. I sort of envy and resent him too because I do know there are real people who can be like him in real life. But I will give him the due respect of being a better person than Wanderer.
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>It does beg the question of who she got to paint it on her naked back every morning.
its a stamp
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If there was ever a genshin that only does cowgirl, here she is.
its a mix of a ton of things and maybe acquisition takes priority over talent lvls, its impossible to tell
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Silence please.
Amy is sleeping.
Hmmm there is ayato, and maybe itto? Just roll with your dick man
Can confirm. I encounter them daily at this nearby pizza place that has no customers for a long time.
They're too stupid to move out of this rural France area,
For me I already have Sayu as the healer so Kokomi is redundant. Mona has less hydro app but her burst buffs your damage by quite a bit and C4 even makes it give a crit rate boost.
You really called me out there, underage. If I were one I'd be a hoyoverse fanboy. I've 0 attachment for this game, there was signs of it being what it is today since fischl was introduced.
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obsessed and mentally ill
The anemo buddypoke...
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I am indeed
Didnā€™t know that it was a mobile only thing
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That's the point I was making. The best women I ever met turned out to have crippling debt, the most disgusting women I've ever met didn't have debt but had social expectation baggage associated with their families etc.

Even the girls I thought loved me were just looking for a man to provide and that's not a problem except many of them also spouted off stupid bullshit feminist expectations that would ultimately result in me doing 90% of the work.

It's like women try their hardest to be as unpredictable as possible.
thanks for saving me 20 bucks on the upcoming waifu banners, homotrannies
That reminds me, I wanted to test if Furina's burst amplifies the damage from playing the Crystalshot cards from hand
I've heard that Lyney is good, I have to try him out for once
Haha look at this loser getting hard from the sound of nilous cute little feet and cute panty flashes couldnt be me
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The more time passes the less I like her design
yeah but like I said; looking at my own roster; I can see clear counterexamples to that model
>every morning.
look up how henna works
>Act 1 leaked
Mavuika, Iansan and Chasca probably in Act 2
Wouldn't having hydro app and healer in one slot be better as you can use somebody else instead of Sayu?
Women are fucking SHIT
It's not even an excuse

The only men who really divorce their old wifes to get a younger one are rich men

Your average joe on the other hand would only divorce his wife if he can't stand her personality anymore
Keep in mind, men (usually) still have to pay their wife afterwards...
They don't want to admit they gravitate towards women for procreation and sex only. Given the choice, the average moid would rather raise a kid and spend his life with another bro.
So what you're saying is Scara needs to meet Klee
You sound double underage after this one
You didn't cry hard enough. You were supposed to get us a free 5 star selector.

Fuck off.
our favorite test dummy masanori will have more HP with the new world level
I like 4 male musicians (all from the same band), and I respect all mangakas that made mangas I like, male and female. I don't really admire anyone, I just recognize that they've done cool things. If the genders were swapped I would still respect them.
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I like Chasca as more time passes
Oh sure, I wouldn't be one if I had a Fischl poster in my house.
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Can I only get 3 poses per theater? What even gives those medals?
I don't have that certain someone else you're thinking of so it's not a scenario I need to think about
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>finish a weekly request
>don't get an encounter point
>instead it gets automatically converted to a long term encounter point
so now I have to spend 30 resin for something I used to get for free huh
Well I do have role models, and few of them are female.
Cowgirl is also ok...
I'm just in a "submassive woman" face again
I still wouldn't have a chance with Yoimiya anyway...
This is a lie, many men dump their wives for younger women and get away with not paying any money.
i wish women were real
>Keep in mind, men (usually) still have to pay their wife afterwards...
Marriage is LITERALLY a legal extortion scheme that women use to boost themselves in the society, because putting in actual hard work is against their nature.
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>Mavuika's 5 billion Mora Arena Of Blood on Genshin TI (Teyvat International)
>How many female?
maybe they should be more talented
Can I be Email gender?
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it's for clearing certain floors, you get one at floor 8, one at floor6, and one i don't remember off the top of my head but probably floor 4 or smth
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Abyss in 2025
inazuma npc to french raiden to red elf clorinde

what is the next evolution?
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>goes to Genshin Impact: The General
>gets mad when finding people who like Genshin Impact: The Game
I hate her retarded pants, otherwise she's whatever.
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Where are the 5.0 IT leaks?
North-africa or middle-east?
Your hypothetical age keeps dropping lower and lower, I suggest you to stop posting before you turn into an egg cell
You can tell these complaints are cherry picked because every single female is lusting too much after Kinich to complain.
Only news so far are new poses
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Can I redo the run after I finished it and get the medal again?
I swear women fuck literally everything
Please let Columbina be the playable Fatui and not Fagwormtano
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Cowgirl is, to me, the hottest because it by it's very nature proves that she wants it so bad that she's willing to do all the work. As a bonus, by being upright and leaning forward a bit the breasts are visually the largest and will bounce constantly.

Alas, statistically in real life Cowgirl is the single greatest source of genital de-gloving. If you don't know what that is, it's essentially broken penis syndrome.
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Wormrina wormed
Ploprina ploped
Shartrina shartted
Sloprina slopped
Pooprina pooped
Floprina flopped
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I love her
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>bare feet
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Loom is a fucking whore
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wtf i love natlan more now
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finally something new for my Childe
if only she was white...
Well, Jean, Noelle and Raiden it is then.
>mihoyo's en branch hired another problematic individual to voice a character
Great more VA drama....
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I'm >>486561931 and I arranged my top 8 like that.
>look up the quote
>it's from some ugly femcel schizo
Here's another gem from her
>There is so much pressure on women to be heterosexual, and this pressure is both so pervasive and so completely denied, that I think heterosexuality cannot come naturally to many women: I think that widespread heterosexuality among women is a highly artificial product of the patriarchy.... I think that most women have to be coerced into heterosexuality.
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>Suddenly drops us an artifact that grants up to 50% Physical DMG out of nowhere
Capitano is gonna be the Eula Lawrence of Natlan isn't he?
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Really torn between rolling for her or roling for the Archon
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1st part you light up cryo totems with her skill, 2nd part you kill a Ruin guard within a time limit with the help of a poorly built trial Fischl while they both constantly lose hp (you can die from this unlike riftwolve's corrosion). It's not too bad
Hoyoverse is just pushing their players to Wuthering Waves at this point.
>We fixed a bug but bug abusers got angry so we put it back and give everyone a ten pull.
Amazing devs lmao, such integrity, they really care about their product.
I expect massive powercreep leaving every unit other than Neuvillette in the dust in the next Region.
Remember when people were saying to pull for Nilou because level 100 and pic related being claymore would solve her cryo weakness only to find out both of those are not the case, as 100 is no longer happening and Kinich works well with burning...
>Pepperidge Farms remembers.
Definitely not in any developed country. If anything courts favor the women in custody battles and alimony.
Wanderer is so cool
as soon as they release a usable subdps from natlan furina gets powercrept
No that's a man lol, that is absolutely "I will make her straight with my dick"
If you're of age, you won't like these things unless you pretend to for external reasons i.e. social memes.
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>emotional music makes people feel emotions, as it is intended to do
>story and character writing makes people feel emotions, , as it is intended to do

hmph...childish buffoons....being fooled by art into feeling things...i could never be manipulated like that...
>Skill is similar to Yelan Ultimate
this cucks all characters that don't do normals
neuvillette I could understand, but ganyu is doa too now
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>calls the objectively better MC a fag while posting a fag in cope ugly fanart
i dont even know what font of life or the 2 fontaine states that furina skill has do, now they're adding another one?
its over for me
>If anything courts favor the women in custody battles and alimony.
this is true, however men can get away with not paying alimony
One needs no reason to pull for Nilou other than Nilou herself.
i have analworms btw thought I should mention it
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This quest was kino, i regret holding off on it
>I expect massive powercreep leaving every unit other than Neuvillette in the dust in the next Region.
That was happening regardless of spin being there
Ganyu has been dead for years
Aether is so cool...
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Even if I was rich I would never cheat, I don't understand it. No matter how young or old if I fall in love with a girl I'll love her until she's old and gray.
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Nilou works without her paddle? What are her cope weapons?
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Mualani's skin should be darker and her tattoos whiter
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>pag vs pag
this gonna be gud
billion dollar company btw
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you are nothing but a womb for me to impregnate, foid
I do not love you
you exist to bear me healthy sons and to increase the male population on earth
kaveh lore
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That's cool I guess, hope you grow to be like them.
Does his E not do blunt damage?
Also nilou's team is already good enough just doing bloom reactions so even if he's a little depowered he'd still be pretty strong especially with ajaw also attacking
By default it is set by level >> character ID but you can change the order by selecting a few to display at the top. I think it's 6-8 characters
Thanks. Jean's trial also had pyro effect that makes you lose hp.
This fool here thinks he can't fight the commands of the head between his legs. Lol. Just you wait till a young semen demon starts looking your way. Oh wait, that's never gonna happen, so I guess it'll be no problem.
i love her more than that anon
>That was happening regardless of spin being there
They got pushed into a corner when making new genshins and the only way to avoid massive powercreep wave was to limit Neuvillette, which they tried, meaning they did not want to do it.
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/gig/ queen until EoS
Umbrella (toukabou shigure)
alhaithambros.... arle beat us ...
You actually have to have sex to breed bwo
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You lost
that was quick?
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Same guy.
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jesus that brings me back
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Albedo is just a little boring to me. Too perfect and heroic that people can easily like. Wanderer is about how lowly and selfish people can be. I find him more human and relatable because of that. I know how selfish people can be and I know how selfish I am.
What was the highest ownership rate a character had historically?
It's the cheap ways that they try to do it and you eat up. That's being yes, manipulated. Same for seeing cat pictures and reacting with a: AWW. Sold by cheap shit who wish to be part of crowd no matter what. Exactly what's expected of peanut brain.
I don't get the worms meme
How many of these can you get? I picked the Kirara one, but I'd also like to get the Qiqi one.
Furina has no womb as he is a boy.
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>you see these sexy women? don't worry about them, here's Aether between them
Why do pags do this?
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I see semen demons every day of my life on the streets and the only thing I think is "What does this bitch want out of me in life?". If some whore came up trying to seduce me I'd only feel disgusted no matter how hot or how big her tits are.
new here?
How many spoilers do you want?

Spoiler 1 (light, expected): Alice just created a different dimension based on the books of Anderstotter, because she really likes Andersdotter and wanted her creations to last. Some of it is based on Teyvat.

Spoiler 2, heavy: Durin will revive. Barbeloth and Anderstotter wants him to have a happy ending. They have chosen Wanderer to fix him, since they have a similar story of being abandoned creations. Wanderer accepts him after Albedo asks him to do it
anal worms as in sperm in a man's ass as in HOMOSEXUAL SEX
>clorinde already falling off despite the IT buff
I'm trans btw if that matters
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our flops
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9WL boss HP
Not even 5 minutes later:
>Waah, why don't women care about male loneliness epidemic, those heartless bitches
No I posted in this thread earlier.
I main neuvillette btw
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Now I want a woman riding me...
Well I'm flexible

On a side note
How would Navia be in the bed?
Would she also do Cowgirl?
Or is she more submassive?
And how much?
Would she still enjoy it?
Or just be a seastar?
>en dub
Also, post the official trailer where it shows Stelle and Firefly holding hands and free falling during the fireworks.
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it's a reference to some schizo /pol/ shit
I am nonbinary btw
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what is that on his glasses?
We are literally Aether.
Damn the fat FUCK has a lot of HP
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Toppest of Keks
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false i reached in here when i was looking for the gnosis
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It is a well known fact that princess Fischl is the cutest in the whole universe and beyond!
Theres no one from every other media that could hope to compete.
Omg same, hii xister
man that's exactly how I feel with the event going on right now, little turtles frogs flying I get it
i can't fathom how there are people disagreeing with ya
>this is true, however men can get away with not paying alimony
Only if they are broke, maybe, but otherwise...
Not really
I also want to peg wanderer don't know if that matters
How long have you been playing to be able to lvl90 all those?
Farming resources is pain.
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She wants it regularly and she's very upbeat and aggressive in the bedroom. But I have bad news.

Pegging specialist.
Is there porn of him yet
literally everyone sucks off this dicklet manlet after he erased his past now stop the cap
watch this post mysteriously disappear again because He cannot stop whining to the mods
Honest question, what triggered you this time? I've seen you screech about so many different things claiming that your boogieman showed up.
Is there a 9th WL?
so WL9 is abyss floor 12 in the overworld?
But would a woman think the same?
Especially if someone is rich
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>yae rollback barely gave us anything
>neuv rollback gave us 10 rolls
yeah homodevs, homofans, homoge
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>it works
well, I know what to do now
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Not everything is /pol/, retard. It's a medical fact that it happens when you do certain things, and some subset of the population tends to do these things a lot more than the whole.
At adventure rank 58 apparently
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>Skill is similar to Yelan Ultimate but has lower damage.
Oh no no no, I beat Neuvpags really regret pissing off the devs now.
Do you guys have any tips for the IT abyss thing? I've been putting it off still but I'm starting to run out of time before it ends
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lmao someone's mad
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I miss the 1.X bosses, bwo
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Nah. You are not a video game character. There's a reason all the voice line "choices" have preset answers and change nothing about the actual dialogue.

Also, the MC genshin has more character and personality than you.
automatic? It would have to be since people have gotten past rank 58 without needing to do a domain.
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-1 month left.
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Oh so you're stupid, I see
Everyone else already knew the spin was a meme to get a few seconds chipped off and only really worked at C6 which has nothing do with game balance since C6 is always "game breaking" due to its cost
So I'll say again the spin legitimately was nothing, the issue people had was fucking up movement speed on mouse and mobile
The spin has no impact on the current or the future and was likely something that's related to natlan rather than neuvillette himself
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It refers to anal worms which a lot of gay men get, which is not surprising since homosexuality is a gateway to many diseases.
Just like buddy poke, it was started here during sumeru. Some retard kept on spamming about it and later other latched on to it. I don't think it has anything to do with /pol/
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I fell in love
just save Arle or Clorox for Act 8
Still sticking to my AR50 WL6.
Sue me, homoverse.
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>Pegging specialist.
At this point
I'm ok with everything

How are other Genshin girls?
In bed I mean
>spicvillette's gay laser won't activate it
Finally something for my Raiden
>make rule breaking shitpost spam
>gets deleted
Seems on point. And the fact you instantly ban evading, in under a minute, to keep shitposting is laughable. It's crazy how obsessed you are.
So this is where our budget went.
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We're A tier Wriobros let's go
what the FUCK
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hi sean
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>cryo abyss mage is gone
WTF they nerf BS domain
>Some bosses double
Ok for an extra drop I underst-
>some bosses triple
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Xianyun bros...
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Who is Genshin version of Stelle?
>Wuthering Waves confirmed coming to PS5

He trips over his own shoelaces and proceeds to piss and shit all over the place
Based loom.
it would be extremely embarrassing if mualani had the same rate as siggy while neuv stayed the same when abyss 5.0 arrives
Buffed by IT. Doesn't count
Why aren't the women topless? This is oppression!
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Why do people keep wishing for a White man's downfall?
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It's weird how much work that pants leg is doing there.
If she was wearing normal pants, it would be extremely boring and unremarklable,
But were she to wear just the booty shorts it would be excessively sexo for genshin standards
Still, would turn her into an instaroll
I have anal worms
To be honest I wish game was good instead of number 2493949 random music.
How come you have autism? I really wonder what you look like. You sound like you wear thick glasses.
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Sisters, I'm getting cooked by little kiddy shit.
>!Akemi having a legit mental break down, again
>calling random people by the name he made up for his boogieman
HutaoZhongli, Yuta is so lucky, Majima won, Solarbeam,
Seems like a regional jump gimmick, like Fontaine or Chengyu Vale
I'm this poster btw >>486565548
No I don't think the camera gained hutao any time when he spun it
Be funny if it did though
i forgot about that lol
I regret prefarming for Emilie Lawrence. I don't know what to do anymore.
Straight people!
the most beautiful ever
Emilie should prop him up
>modfaggot can't into rhythm
Fuck why did I roll for CR for exploration now Mualani is going to explorationcreep every character in the game
I was about to say furina powercreep but then she just went and powercrept every else after flying
Which part of her kit does this? I assume it's the Natlan-area exclusive passive but which actual part in the description mentions this?
>on rails
>cant dismount mid air
>only goes from pool to pool
wow great truly T0

in the fucking teapot
This does nothing but make people laugh at you, !Akemi. Being desperate to try and make people mad makes you pathetic.
>buy $2 plastic "game handle"
>genshin is finally playable on phone
>She's just thoma+
I just want to fucking use melt ganyu without needing to do burning autism god damnit. Why isn't she like raiden who procs on all damage?

Vape isn't even good for the water noodle dude but we're getting screwed out using pyro reactions for other cool characters instead?
Scaratroons time to kill yourselves
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I bet Emilie is the STINKIEST, SWEATIEST, SMELLIEST female in Genshin Impact.
She probably doesn't even shower.
Just puts on layer after layer of perfume.
>rocket sharks
Are you upset that I pointed out the facts?
It's ok to be ignorant but don't act like a baby when you're called out
Arlecchino powercrept Hu Tao
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Wubbadubadubdub is that true?

The timing is very not strict and you can go too soon or too late and it won't penalize you. I think you can effectively mash it out. However when issues arise from rhythm games the problem is usually input lag and audio latency calibration. This gatekept a lot of people out of Hi-fi Rush.
Mualani powercreeps in DPS nuke, powercreeps in flying, powercreeps in explorationā€¦ wtf is she devs new favorite pet?
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you're supposed to use both, CR is better for mountains, which there are lots of in natlan
That disgusting fujo should keep her hands off him.
>no one plays up to date wuwa
>people are going to play a version of wuwa that is months behind
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I'm planning to get Diona, Rosaria, Freminet, and Charlotte built by August 1st for the next season of Imaginarium Theater, and then Nilou and Kirara by August 16th to try them out in the next Abyss. I've got enough talent books and weekly boss mats to max out most of them already, and around ninety fragile resin I'm going to blow through on world bosses for ascension materials over a weekend or something.
A graphic for a movement gimmick platform isn't loaded in. You can see she takes the exact same path and lands in the exact same spot both times she goes from A to B. B to A also drops her dead center in A as well.
No, jump good
how is his usage rate increasing now lol?
>He thinks only she'll have this when they all will have pets
>He thinks the pyro archon won't do all of it
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Am I the only one who thought that Wuwa was a Hoyo game?
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>they/them rolled for wanderer
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no fucking way
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Kazuha, Wanderer, CR, Yelan skippers WE FUCKING WON
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Clit love!
Wrong. Arlecchino is only SLIGHTY better overall than Hu Tao at C6R6. Hu Tao is STILL the best Pyro DPS and always will be. If you think that's not the case, you are wrong. She reigns supreme as one of the best DPS and well worth that investment.
This is a literal bennet buff enemies are forced to circle impact
No, really, !Akemi. There is something wrong with you. The way you act isn't normal, even for 4chan. Your obsession with "personal" grudges is insane.
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I never feel anything as I am a man of science and refuse to be manipulated by the irrational chemical reaction feelsies of my brain, they are not accurate representations of reality but merely hallucinations of my consciousness based off approximations of my imperfect sensory organs
I'm sure it's referring to some 100+ page pol pdf that was circulating around that claims that jews use certain type of hook worms to mind control goyim.
I remember a few anons here referencing it
kek already gone
So... Average French person then
Yes. You can see from a glance that clearly isn't hoyoslop art
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I typed this
Sorry, you'll have to suck Guoba cock until eos. RYOURI NO JIKAN DA YO!
I think you're right
Guess this is what they meant when they said exploration in Natlan would be more 'cinematic'
I'm still confused on why they were scared to pull the trigger with her and let her creep a 4 year old unit
these chinks really added an extra weapon refine?
do sac weapons have 100% proc chance now?
If this is a bug and it ever goes live, I'll doxx oyohim devs and threaten their families if they even think of patching it out, because this is how we roll now.
good, sexless designs should flop. I regret pulling her even though I have a policy to pull every waifu.
she is no waifu.
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>Yes, the devs absolutely WANT powercreep cranked to 11, they love having to accelerate the ruin of their game's balance and piss off established fanbases of old characters, neuvillette isn't a problem, the attempt to fix him was done for no particular reason whatsoever.
What do you call this mental illness?
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>OMG she did the scripted jump
No wonder they sat you dorks in front of toy blocks this year
Nice (You)bait anon
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HE is really sensitive, huh? Does he even realize how much of a clown he is?
Seriously, your obsession with trying to attack people personally over 4chan is deranged. No one but you acts like this.
100% true, hutrannies still haven't got over it.
Because of Siggy
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So what is the verdict? Did Niloufags got cucked?
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What CAN'T she do? you literally need no other exploration character now
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It's over sisters.
Wholoufags donā€™t exist so no.
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tao x rina
I always knew I was a God
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That's so hot
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Post what you think Tsaritsa should look like
You are literally obsessively spamming off topic shitposts and trying to "troll". All because you saw an on topic posts you didn't like, and insanely thought it was made a "person" you don't like.
Natlan looks a massive step up in designs, animations and exploration. if fat xiao ruins the region I'm going to be mad
watch out HE is posting with multiple IPs again
guess why 4chan removed the IP counter
everything for their golden house boy
>People still falling for that flying shark webm
You guys need to notice how the camera angle becomes fixed meaning it's not player controlled movement
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>If you're straight you're actually gay
A leaf made this post. You know it, I know it.
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>Wrong. Arlecchino is only SLIGHTY better overall than Hu Tao at C6R6. Hu Tao is STILL the best Pyro DPS and always will be. If you think that's not the case, you are wrong. She reigns supreme as one of the best DPS and well worth that investment.
Yeah but that's more of main storyline of the Simulanka, I'm talking about those side quests about kingdom of squirrels and kingdom of frogs
>Princess squirrel looks for the Guardian
>They have to complete their "calling" to have "future" otherwise their kingdoms would wither and die like countless previous kingdoms before
>Squirrel princess get artifact that looks like Black star and on it written "Stories repeat themselves in a cycle" or smth like that, and it should be activated but they dont know how
>We go together into the scary underground cave where we see texts left by previous princesses and frog champions
>All of them had the same exact situations, for example previous frog champion won 7 times and current frog we went with won 7 times too
>Then we meet remnants of the previous princess and champion who says it all meaningless, only unknown awaits us and that their mission is just to wait and do nothing
>Squirrel princess finally breaks the cycle and says "Haha I get it now, we have to seek from the outside, in the unknown and not helplessly wait and repeat the cycle"
>Suddenly Black Star artifact shines and acknowledge them as their Guardians
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>all these people getting baited thinking shark girl can fly freely
>when she's just using a regional A<=>B gimmick but the graphic is hidden/missing for some reason
Take your meds and turn off your computer you fucking schizo
>the attempt to fix him was done for no particular reason whatsoever.
it was done to sell the new hydro dps which is why they waited 9 fucking months and said nothing about the change until maintenance started
if they gave a shit about game balance they wouldve patched it in 4.1 or even said something about it being a bug
mostly a sith deals in absolutes
>hu tao
>good investment
Isnt her C1 literally useless now that her best team is plunge?
She's part of Wanderer harem alongside Nahida, Mona, Layla
what flying shark webm?
HSR powercreep is off the charts and they're doing just fine and in fact make more money than us thoughbeit?
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im bored out of my mind so i've been thinking of making a compilation of /gig/ abyss clears since that one guy left or something
but i'd need a compilation of hoyolab account ids to automate it
it would be a website with graphs and stuff
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Siggy is one of many upcoming Wriobuffs. Wriocoin is on the rise.
You can always tell when !Akemi is getting mad and worked up. Because the more mad he is, the more he spams to try and attack people. The more mad he is, the more mad he wants to make other people.
>piss off established fanbases of old characters
>Poorina rerun
>0 Skibidi hours
Maybe Mihoyo would care more about reruns if they still made money.
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>mentally ill hutard finally eating shit after 4 years of constant faggotry
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how do i beat the fire shield lector guys in the abyss fast?
I know that you use water to take down the fire shield but not every attack lowers the shield, i can clear it easily, i kill the enemies really fast but if only the shield didn't take so long.

i found out that xingqui works really well and kokomi but not other dpses, it's like the hits don't register.
I fuck these two young, flat ladies.
I think most people with a brain realize the shark can't fly by itself
and if they want the new dps to sell, the easiest way is you know, powercreep. you just proved that anon right
time for a new bad dragon sean
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>i'd need a compilation of hoyolab account ids
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>Capitano spawns a horse with hold skill
Holy kino...genshins first horse....
Hebe Bronya with an outfit similar to Ana Schariac's herrscher form
What team uses Wrio Siggy? I have both.
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I own Arlecchino but use Hu Tao over her because she's my wife
Anyway when is she getting a costume with exposed feet, this shits long overdue
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>No permanent event that gives a new regional 4 star for free
Remember to roll for new characters to pad out your roster, gweilo
Who do you figure is the best 4star shield? I use Diona mostly.
I always knew I was a Solar Beam.
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>server mental disorders
>Oh know
>Btw way
>No one thinks your funny
>I always knew I was a God
>Why are you think "only person"
>they are all the same gay
>No addressing this
>I can read just find
>You think about the constantly
>slow spender
>he other IP
>between you you being accused
>of you have friends
>with or over ten years
>this person is extremely well know
>You are the only person who acts way
>who tell who shitposters
>people can predict exactly how will act
>pot the whole UI
>and will just endlessly samefaging
>Wrong. Arlecchino is only SLIGHTY better overall than Hu Tao at C6R6. Hu Tao is STILL the best Pyro DPS and always will be. If you think that's not the case, you are wrong. She reigns supreme as one of the best DPS and well worth that investment.
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We got him. The Hu Troons have finally lost it.
It's Diona.
Chat can confirm.
>Natlan looks a massive step up in designs, animations and exploration.
It's the opposite of everything you said.
Natlan is Sumeru desert region but worse.
Mihoyo dropped every sort of rationally in their games, so much that the main quest doesn't matter anymore since the world itself is just a cartoon.
>he hates futao
it's over
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She'll look much less impractical then what people expect.
100% sure she'll be a hebe.
I will be extremely surprised if her hair isn't white (still, would be cool, we already have 2 archons with white hair)
Each elemental attack has a thing called "Internal Cooldown" or "ICD", which determines how often you can apply an element with that attack. It's not something the game tells you about so you'll have to look it up on the wiki
holy shit is this real?
Is THIS what set HIM off???
Isnt earthquake the best move???
I'm open to many forms of Bronya but I'd prefer hebe and something similar to her HoTr look.
>!Akemi is literally just spamming as many shitposts as he can because he's desperate as fuck to pretend he fools people into thinking he's more than one person
Notice how this thread was actually fine until !Akemi woke up and started spamming. Literally not a single mention of his boogieman, and no off topic meta spam.

Was your amazon account, !Akemi. Still waiting on you to post the archive link to the thread. What's the matter? Too scared to do it?
Iā€™m a real gamer
Your Neuvillette?
kys nahitroon
yes, my actual motive is to steal all your accounts
I used Wrio/Siggy/Furina/Yelan (You can substitute with XQ if you want to)
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He took all the melanin
I know it's not happening, she's 100% medium size female model, but I think it would be great if she was a short size female model. Not for any lolicon reasons, but because it simply fits her whole aesthetic and information we know about her.
If you make the website, it could be added to the pastebin for new threads. People would probably use it
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>roll Emilie
>roll Pyro Archon
(You'll need these two for the insane pyro application)
>make sure your Neuvillette has at least 100~em in substats
(For fat vapes)
i don't want to expose you to the newfags
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This, when a character does bigger numbers I give them money, simple as.
>19922 day(s) 10 hour(s)
Kleegods... Have mercy...
Make him give it back. The fishgirl edits are cuter
Bronie the bunny haxxor
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He wonned
Oh the childeface avatar fag is also one of the mentally ill spammers that's a surprise
Could you just have anons follow your hoyolab account to do the same thing?
Yeah and when the new enemies are extra tanky and older characters feel like absolute shit, will players be happy?
HSR powercreep happened from the get go, it's their standard. Not the same for Genshin where it's been extremely gradual.
Everything will flop from the end of Sumeru and until EOS if you compare it to the peak sales of the game.
People have more than full rosters, got the units they like already and are sitting on gigantic piles of primos, a good chunk of the playerbase was temporary and left for good.
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Should I try it?
Does anyone other then Nilou can use it?
I already have 2 Verdicts, I'm not sure I wanna end up with 4
a real gamer doesnt need to state he's a real gamer
I only started 36 starring Abyss this year, if you made a website that automated it, it would show my 33 star clears from last year and before and I could not live with that shame. Thanks, but no thanks.
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I know
It's highly unlikely
Arlecchino BROKE you, solar faggot
Half of the sword users are HP scalers so it works well as a stat stick for them
Hey, !Akemi, how come the thread was totally devoid of posts like yours until this post >>486564743
Almost like you are a single person, and now you are spamming to try and damage control.

You have "my" permission, !Akemi. Post the archive link. Unless of course you know the archive link shows that it's your amazon account, and you are just trying to damage control by lying.
so how do people normally beat them?
do they just use a character with high ICD specifically for shields? i remember hitting them a fuck ton of times and only like the third hit counts
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>Arlecchino is only SLIGHTY better overall than Hu Tao at C6R6. Hu Tao is STILL the best Pyro DPS and always will be.
Its really good for Furina, Layla, Kirara and Kuki if you don't have Nilou
is "he" a whale?
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Silver Wolf aka Bronie
>Hu Tao reigns supreme as the best Pyro DP-ACK!
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Uhhhh you guys told me she's powercreeping Neuvillette? Why is this clunk archon doing the same damage?
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>new cosmetics? cool, let's see
>it's rocket league trails
Why can't we at least get alt color outfits or something
good idea, that way there's no need to think about people adding randoms
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Post her next thread please
You're only a real gamer if you can tell the correlation between Juice, History, Future and this video

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Who is the Genshin version of Amber?
Nilou's key is top 3 best 5* weapons and work with a bunch a characters. Just pull until first gold. If nothing, stop right there
Its the best support sword in the game
>I already have 2 Verdicts, I'm not sure I wanna end up with 4
Then don't. Just wait until it's on a better banner. All the HP sword users are fine coping with the 4* dockhand one anyway
Proof? We trust jstern here.
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this is where ICD comes into play
what you want to do is to keep using XQ but spam CA on Kokomi because Charge Attack on catalyst user has no ICD
also you want to group them together
>Identity V
nice. I play this game from time to time but my phone can't handle long hours
>Nilou's key is top 3 best 5* weapons
what are the other two
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we know, RDR2schizo
He's got like 7 C6R5 characters.
>open thread
>suddenly HE is here
what the fuck even triggered hin?
Jade Cutter and Mistplitter
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Clunk Troons were really buck broken by the Chino
NO they will add a f2p hp scaling sword very soon
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ACK is here again
I use Mika instead of Siggy cause I haven't farmed artifacts for Siggy yet.
>Not for any lolicon reasons, but because it simply fits her whole aesthetic and information we know about her.
>Even though the only thing we know about her is that she is the Goddess of Love
Nice try Albedo
>She even needs the new set to match
Ahh Kinich is the true powercreep I understand
I have ascended
>jobs to Firevillette
>kills Himeko for revenge
>Firevillette melts his armor
>he's a shota in shorts
>not a single post like !Akemi's for over 70% of the current thread
>as soon as !Akemi starts spamming here >>486564743
>suddenly there are "multiple people" acting like him
I like how !Akemi doesn't even try to hide what a deranged freak he is.
Someone called him out for being fuckbuddies with the mods.
Then he sperged out about Hu Tao beiung the best Pyro DPS yet again because he got no attention last thread.
No, sean, people were the one who found YOUR amazon account. And then you tried to flip it and go "n- no u!" because that's literally the only possible cope you had.
Capitano will win the tournament and kill the pyro archon in the finales, and that will be what causes her to die and rebirth like a phoenix
He WILL not job
my c0r0 alhaitham does more damage than your c6r5 nahida
I got 10+ of them so I guess I'm better than him
You have his Amazon account?
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these are the games I play btw
Remember Neuvillette can do that damage AOE. Fish girl cant
Not anymore. Mods totally abandoned /vg/ and jannies are clueless
sure, if you already have c0 hutao and want to go out of your way pulling bird mommy. if you don't have her though c0 hutao is not a good investment though because arle exists.
You are not better than him. You are nothing and worthless. He is the best Genshin Impact player in the world and #1 in all character stats. He could dominate you and every other so called "whale" in his sleep. You are but a shitstain compared to his greatness.
Sure is interesting how none of these "different people" will explain why there were no posts screeching about "ack" for 70% of the thread, and all the spam started after this post >>486564743, which was 100% unprovoked, like always.

>still no link
Thanks for always making yourself look retarded, !Akemi.
The name "sean" is still 100% made up by you, and you have nothing on your boogieman after being obsessed with them for 1.2 decades.
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why couldn't they make loom titties be this huge in game
You don't attack with only one character. Use your off field skills/bursts to whittle it down in tandem even if they're not hydro.
why the FUCK are you using mono hydro on a character designed for big slow hydro hits
she literally lives and breathes big vapes
i will win this thread again
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you can now follow the below hoyolab account if you want to be in the abyss compilation
i will start working on it today if this gets some followers
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you sure?
Ty neuvitroons
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>his uid is fucking blocked on 4chan LMAOOO
What that's not fucking fair at all, what's the point in being anonymous when he gets to act like a celebrity and be rewarded for it
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>I bet i'll get insta banned too since mods are sentient when it comes to HIM
you can delete your own posts, newfag
I'm the one who said "He is here", sorry bros...
I noticed his presence when he said "Same person"
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new thread?
fuck off shounenfag
i need a version of this but its paimon with ink
Who is he?
It's literally flagged as spam
Goddess of Love doesn't necessarily mean Goddess of Romantic Love. Her whole shtick is that she used to be the loveliest of the gods, that she cared for and deeply loved her people and everyone, but the disaster five hundred years ago deeply traumatized her, caused her to go to war against Celestia, and made her harden her heart and freeze her love so she can enact justice for her people. A childlike appearance for that kind of character would be fitting, there's a whole trope about cold hearted "loli" characters even.
Yes, people found !Akemi's amazon account, and he was leaving reviews on sex toys, and women's clothing. He has a Aether picture as his profile.

>>486567557 >>486567597
>>486567665 >>486567684
>>486567774 >>486567785
Prove that is "his" account, !Akemi. Explain why you relate this account to your boogieman. Oh right, you can't. You can't explain anything. You are literally just having a total mental break down.
>have to go down six entries to get to the first one that empty suits in the west understand
it has a timer, newerfag
>i remember hitting them a fuck ton of times and only like the third hit counts
Most attacks operate on a 2.5 second/3 hit ICD, whichever comes first. For Hydro specifically I only remember Barbara's Charged attack and Childe's Skill and Burst having no ICD. But as the other anon said, your best bet is to throw as many elemental attacks from other characters as possible
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>so how do people normally beat them?
group them together, keep Xingqiu burst going, use on-field character with rapid hydro attack
Cope ack that was you. It's hilarious how you are still trying to "no u!!" this when people found your amazon account.
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>Nahida just chilling with Hilichurls
meanwhile Klee
>>486567796 >>486567796
>>486567796 >>486567796
>>486567796 >>486567796
>>486567796 >>486567796
i win
The fact you obsessively refuse to post the link to the archives, after threatening you would, is actually fucking hilarious.

You know it was people finding your amazon account, and you are lying to try and damage control.
I refuse to address that
Because you know you can't.
Nahida loves churl'd
!Akemi crying alone and dying alone after spending his entire life on 4chan trying to harass people.
last worf
Men admire other men because we want to be like them.

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