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Previous: >>486532768

>Ignition Teaser: A Name Forged in Flames
https://youtu.be/O2ATH__rtQo (EN)
https://youtu.be/q__fo0CSEcE (JP)

>Natlan Preview Teaser - Need a Hand?
https://youtu.be/XOK1F9TLEH8 (EN)
https://youtu.be/LCMimNAlsqs (JP)

>Event "Summertide Scales and Tales" live until August 28

>Current character banner: Navia, Nilou, Kaveh, Ningguang, Kirara
>Current weapon banner: Verdict (Claymore), Key of Khaj-Nisut (Sword)

>Daily check-in rewards (permanent)

>Redeemable Codes (all regions): https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/gift

>Useful Links (Wiki, Simulators, Maps, Character Builds, /gig/ friendlist, Third-Party Tools, etc.)

/gig/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
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This is how we should treat anime/Genshin players
Mavuika is so much better looking than NPC Shogun, Paghida, and Furina the manlet.
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Intern-kun has been assigned to mysteriously cull a hundred open world treasure chests in Natlan to make up for the 1700 primogems we've gotten from this debacle
Expect to see lots of suspicious hilichurl camps and groups of treasure hoarder randomly loafing around without any chests inside them
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Bros! Thanks for recommending me to roll Navia! She's so fun, and it's really refreshing trying out GEO for once! And thanks kind anons that allowed me to farm some materials in their realms!

What team does you think she functions the best in? I don't have the CEO or any other GEO 5* units, but she seems so flexible that it shouldn't be that much of a problem
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What did you get with your neuvgems?
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almost 2 years since dendro was added to the game and I still don't get the aggravate kek meme

she still deals laughable damage, what am I missing?
Ask me again in 3 weeks and I can answer
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Say hello to the powercreep
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Nahida is really cute.
>Neuv got un-nerfed
>some braindead schizos on /gig/: this means that he will get powercrept soon!
I'm not a fan of him either but this is telling me the opposite actually lmao, they'll be scared of powercreeping him. Like what happened to Zhongli.

Expect Mualani to get nerfed.
I am 66 pity into guarantee that I'm saving for Sasuke, so nothing right now.
She is a fool who doth no harm.
Ask me again in 12 weeks and I'll have an answer
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For me, it's my beloved kekaposter.
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Someone justify this bullshit. Why is this fair? How is this allowed?
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Mavuika's kit will be Bennett + Xiangling.
I think you are missing your Childe nuke with that same very team.
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Any supports that buffs her damage and a Geo off field to help her crystallize. Pick one at random.
You're in luck though, Kachina with the new set might be her best friend, and you're getting that one for free.
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>C6R5 food requires very specific setups etc
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>after many years i'm finally excited for another game
>Age of Mythology retold
>it's a remake of my favorite childhood game
>turns out they replaced all the kino old school art with extremely blatant AI garbage
>you can still use the old art but it's paid content
>they also replaced all the sovl voice acting with absurdely generic literal whos forcing accents

western gaming is fucking dead, there's simply no love put into games anymore, you can complaing about genshin all you want but Mihoyo always makes sure to put put effort into everything, even for stuff nobody will give a fuck about.
genshin impact
Thanks for financing my Pyro ARCHON funds, wormvillette!
nice kazuha showcase sis
Kekaggravate is the same as Cheldnational, she doesn't do the most damage, but she's the best character at making another character shit out damage.
In Cheld's case, it's Xiangling. In Keka's, is Fischl.
I don't wanna play circle impact 2.0.
she exists to swing her stick and proc the c6 ability of the real carry
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Won't Mavuika's clit get hurt with the zipper right there?
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So if I want four characters, I need 115200 primos?
Kill yourself faggot, no they don’t. Your chink gay gambling game will never be real games. Grab a 9mm and end it
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for me it's jinhsi
I just wish she's claymore hydro user instead. Hydro catalyst is so over represented.
Cope. We have the kits and numbers. As of right now it's simply a reality that Mualani powercreeps him. You're the one relying on and praying for a future hypothetical nerf that simply does not exist as of this moment.
I'm honestly surprised they gave a shit about nilou, compared to the last event she was in.
She didn't even acknowledge your presence in the tournament, she didn't say hi, and did jack shit, even when scanning her with nahida she had no thoughts.
>no healer
>rotations are clunky as hell
Maybe the pyro archon or Xbalanque will fix it, but looks bad to me now
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>He doesn't know
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Gosh...all I can think about is Diluc...*sigh*
What's with all the sudden bitching about Mualani? Weren't (you) faggots shitting on her for being single target?
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this is true, why else do they keep making one time domains and events you dont see more than once? doomposters will hate this
Her best team in general is CEO + XL + B.
You can also use her with Chiori + Xianyun + B. She's rather flexible in general, just pick any geo between Chiori, Zhongli, Albedo and soon Kachina then throw in whatever off-field core you want.
You can use her with electro, with taser, with double hydro (Furina/Siggy), etc. It doesn't really matter that much as long as you can crystallize.
>being excited for a remake, ever
I will never understand this shit
if you like the game, go fucking play it. it's right there. why would you want to buy it again just to get an inferior version?
only if your name is bennett
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calm down koult
>What team does you think she functions the best in?
Double Geo and some good off-field Element application. You can use Geo Traveler for the battery and Critrate buff, or Ningguang for more Geo damage. If you have a good healer, you can use her with Furina
Yeahhhh as an unbiased observer… I can tell they’re powercreeping like shit in Natlan, going the HSR route otherwise they’ll make no sales
Mualani doesn't have one single nuke. She can keep nuking over and over again.
Do we like Paimon here?
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>Seething because he knows it's true
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Just so we are clear, I'd have sex with every version of Kinich. White, Red, Brown, Black, whatever.
Wormvillette is getting powercrept?
That's to 100% guarantee it assuming you lose all four 50/50s and go to 90 pulls pity on all eight rolls (even going to 90 pulls by itself is already VERY unlikely)
Assuming average luck (win 50% of coinflips and get chars somewhere around 75 rolls) you'll probably 'only' need around 72000 gems which still is a ton, but a-at least it's not 115200 :^)
With average luck you only need 64000 primogems.
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>even when scanning her with nahida she had no thoughts.
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idk, it's just a vague hope of being able to experience something you like for the first time again, that's pretty much the only reason but it always end up in disappointment unfortunately.
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Fuck no.
kazuha is so strong
natlan names all sound the same
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thank you HIVillette for the emilie funds
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Saw something bring up if you circle the right way you could get more hits out of XL
Pretty cool little tech especially paired up with Emilie who can deal with whatever else is there
Like I can FEEL the devpet synergies
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Nothing, I'm saving for Mualani
I'm sorry Paimon, I emptied your piggybank...
>Mihoyo always makes sure to put put effort
What effort? Their games follow a formula, their writing is shit. Just because a game is "clean" it doesn't mean they're putting effort. You're far too new, you think that anime style=effort. No, ironic weeb. And stop watching streamers. I'm actually the person you want to be, I actually played the original age of mythology.
They stopped releasing one-time domains with Fontaine's release.
>Chiori + Xianyun + B
I recommend using furina instead of B for this team. staying in his circle while plunging is cancer and the team will do more damage overall. you won't get enough crystallize procs happening in the team if you use B.
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Childe SOON
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Friendly reminder that despite living in France Navia is Italian and runs Sicilian mafia
>using his gems on the character that powercreeps him
thats cruel sis
Koult is VERY ANGRY today for some reason
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so is klee replaced now for the summer events from now on?
This stuff almost always revolved around klee
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Saving for rodent cons
Can I use his burst off field (e.g Nilou bloom and Cyno)?
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It's a little sad how much more interesting he looks than Mualani, but I guess this is par for the course for Hoyoslop. Males are always more fun.
Thanks Bros! I have C1 Furina C1 Yelan. What about C6 Yun-jin? I also have Xianjun too and I have been running her for some fun plunging attacks
sex with nattham
I want her to suck my dick
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You're getting a compensation Klee event in 5.0
You don't take the "beta" numbers seriously newcutie
They're always wrong
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We love Paimon here.
look at the current event with all this effort put into it, also other events like this
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What happened to my husband?
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You're not missing out on Klee this summer.
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Paimon is Poggers
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I have him at C6 I don't feel threatened
Cope Neuvitroon
furina can do more at c6
throwing a bunch of buzzwords is not a real argument, if you want to convince me i'm wrong about Hoyo putting effort into their games maybe try putting some effort into your meaningless replies too.
Yeah Yunjin is good too if you like using Navia's basics.
The main issue with Furina is that none of the healers other than Siggy/Xianyun really work well for Navia specifically so it feels like a waste to slot in Furina, or you need to cope with Bennett's healing, withuot either of them.
For now just mess around with Navia + Yunjin and throw in whatever other 2 characters you like. If you want to plunge, use a 2nd geo other than Yunjin, then use Xianyun + Bennett or Xianyun + Furina.
I personally find plunge Navia clunky but a lot of people like it.
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Its revolves around Alice, Klee is just her daughter
She and Albedo will appear at the very end
It's the best game on the market. That's why you're here. That's why you will NEVER leave.
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>c0r1, literally perfect artifacts
>does less damage than my Navia whilst having a far clunkier kit
Nice Neuvillette powercreep waifucucks
Mualani cons don't look very strong
I accept your concession
Yeah I wasn't disagreeing with you btw. I just said that they stopped releasing one time domains like the ones listed here:
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Nope, Minecraft is.
>ca bow clunk
>hold lmb spam
>wriothesley and his feathery weightless punches
The males in Fontaine get mogged hard by the females unless you're a homosexual.
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>mfw blooming for the first time
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He seems to have good dendro application, at least against 1 enemy. Would him as sole dendro be enough in a team with 2 pyro characters? Is that enough to keep up the burning? I hate 2-element teams, they don't feel complete unless I can add an anemo or geo as 4th.
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We're just preparing him for his birthday
The damage split between Childe and Xiangling is roughly equal in International and I'm so fucking tired of people glazing Xiangling thinking she's carrying his ass.
>like Navia
>hate her teams
>like Noelle more
Why did you uninstall Wuthering Waves?
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Thanks, now I can't unsee Kaveh whenever I look at her.
Klee appears far less in events than some haters say. Itto has far more events than she does.
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It's like a 10 second setup to do that on Furina. Vape Plunge Furina sucks. I put my C6 Furina back on GT as a dedicated support again.
>I'm actually the person you want to be
oh yeah the wild ones, but this event I count as a one time domain too but I guess its marked differently file-wise
Minecraft GODS, we kneel
You do know they just take assets from the betas right?
Like none of that is the actual beta people are testing
Like someone would have to go in and manually add the numbers and will still probably be wrong
Not even the mention the other game issues what appear like no cool down
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BlockGODS I kneel
>ca bow clunk
I won't argue this but I like bow gameplay even though most people don't. Lenny still plays better than Ganyu but far worse than Tighnari.
>hold lmb spam
>wriothesley and his feathery weightless punches
There is no oomph behind Arlecchino and especially Navia's basics either, welcome to Genshin. There's almost no weight behind any attacks in the game.
At least Navia's skill feels good.
Tbh only Furina Navia and Arle were good mechanically. Nta
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Who is Genshin version of Aventurine?
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Does anyone else feel like this summer event is extremely infantile?

I know Genshin isn’t a “grown up” game. It isn’t hard and it isn’t very complex either.

But when playing through this new summer event I seriously feel like I’m in a barney or teletubbies episode, and the event “attractions” like the jumping frogs are seriously… just childish for lack of a better word. They take 0 brain power and they look straight out of a toddler’s show.

Most of genshin’s puzzles aren’t necessarily hard and of course none of the story is very gruesome, but I genuinely feel like Hoyo thinks their player base is a bunch of 7 year olds with the new event. It makes me want to avoid it completely because it’s kind of embarrassing.

Not only the events, but the story too. I feel like each character’s personality was gutted and then filled with lollipops and cotton candy.. they’re not even caricatures of their former personalities from previous events, they’re just completely bland and boring. The only thing I liked about these event specific NPCs was their eyes and voice acting, which was really amazing.

It also feels extremely dry. When I think back to the story I can’t remember anything that actually stood out to me, including the cutscene. Nothing important actually happened. And I get it that not every event needs a crazy story with twists and all that, but it’d be nice if it was something better than “fetch us these three things and we can save our bottle.” The tent was cool because it was kinda creepy, and the lively circus atmosphere is fun, but the whole thing is just soooo dry.

Sorry, I know Hoyo put lots of effort into this and the roller coaster was really fun. I just feel like this event and it’s puzzles are an insult to the player base. We can handle puzzles that are more than “move toward the ring at 4 mph.” I hope to see events more like the 2.8 GAA, that dove into each character and gave us substance with intricate puzzles.
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She's still in beta and she's getting a huge buff now that Neuvpags pissed off the devs. They'll make her the best hydro character by far
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it's so funny how much our resident threadshitters instantly start crying blood whenever someone says something positive about the game
you can tell instantly tell how much they seethe just by the ammount of insults and irony
Mualani multi target combat webm when?
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Fontaine had the most original kits in the game tbf
Now put Roblox there
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her C1 is 23% dmg increase (+ extended shark time) and C2 is 15% dmg increase, pretty standard stuff
I uninstalled all, they are boring. Your grinding doesn't matter because it will considered brick worthy in 20 updates. Only here for the hags.
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also a 10 second setup right there tho
Does new party set buff Kachina's damage too?
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So why is nilou wearing these clothes again?
did the origami things give it to her or was she already wearing them?
Like is this part of a prophecy to wear them?
is it like the goddess' clothes?
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>she's getting a huge buff
Where have I heard this cope before
Congrats or sorry that happened
You're welcome. Speaking of Kaveh... have a look at this.
I asked myself "Why am I playing this game" and couldn't find an answer.
Aventurine was cool at first but I grew tired of him in record time. Ratio and Boothill >>>> Aven
Why would she get buffed? Genuinely curious not trolling
It is like 40/60 in XL's favor and this includes if you vape Cheld's burst most of the time.
It can skew more in Childe's favor if there's a lot of enemies you can riptide but typically he does noticeably less damage than her.
And to be perfectly fair, Keka-Fischl is also closer to 40-60 as well. But the point is that both XL and Fischl do less damage without their top drivers, the amount of damage XL does in Rational is far less than with Childe, especially in any AoE situation for obvious reasons.
You don't play Cheld national to see him doing 100k vapes every few seconds like you would Mualani, you play him to watch the whole team delete everything. Aggravate is basically the same, you will never see Keka do big damage but she will still destroy enemies in seconds as Oz zaps them.
Klee wasn't really a presence in GAA2 either.
ya, grind the new set right now!!
>What about C6 Yun-jin?
It can work but most of your damage comes from the shotgun
It did happen and arleKINO is now stronger than Neuv
Gaming already does this damage in C3 Furina teams and is far less clunky to play
so did he come out of his ass?
There's no way Mualani isn't getting nerfed like crazy. They know better than to let characters stay strong after their fuck up of attempting to nerf Neuvillette 9 months after his release.
Fontaine is France so some people may assume that all Fontainians are French.
>is now stronger
....after $3000...
It's literally Kaveh. He even has his own Alhaitham(Dr. Ratio)
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I got two Xiphos' moonlight while pulling on the weapon banner. I know it's a popular choice for Kazuha (whom I don't have) but are there any other characters that can make use of it? Just wondering if there are any cases where I'd want to use two copies at once or if I should just refine it to r2
The summer event last year was so much better than GAA2
>easy puzzles
>short and quick story sections
>easy singleplayer minigames
>easy to travel area
>treasure compass meaning I can actually get every single limited-time primogem
>fun theme park vacation
compared to
>insanely difficult and long puzzles
>fischl's birds
>no compass meaning I lost primogems for refusing to comb through the gigantic map
>no Klee
>worst of all primogems gated behind forced co-op
>tedious chores
I rated this very highly unlike 2022
Yeah he only needs burning when he's on field, so if you already have pyro applied, he can apply dendro during his field time to keep burning up during his hook sliding.
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>arleKINO is now stronger than Neuv
Escapism isn't healthy anon
>I know Genshin isn’t a “grown up” game. It isn’t hard and it isn’t very complex either.
It was in the beginning. You should see the original AQ in the cb1. Problem is that it tries so hard to appeal to the younger audience and they are doing this to secure genshin's future (consider it the weeb version of WoW but there's no multiplayer).
They're so cute
His blessing was so powerful I got Navia from his 100 gift. So I guess that 1600 will be going into extra Kachina aka "El El" if she's really coming in for free
I think Mualani will get some adjustments because of the Wormvillette drama on CN.

Mualani on NGA polls and Bilibili comments is very unpopular rn
post vid next time
how strong is Mualani weapon?
>still believing Arlecchino is stronger than Neuv
How does it feel to reset every10 seconds only to do 1k more DPS per rotation in a far smaller AOE?
Games regarded as masterpieces by healthy functioning members of society:
>Elden Ring
>Nier Automata
>Last of Us
>Chrono Trigger
>Final Fantasy 6
>Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
>The Legend of Zelda
>God of War
>Mass Effect 2
>World of Warcraft
>Disco Elysium

Do we see Genshin Impact here? No we don’t. So fuck off losers, your gay game will never be respected other than losers of society
>keep flopvillette who already makes no money above every other character forever
thank god you don't run a business, enjoy the powercreep
dendro traveler and... Kirara i guess
That's only bcs she's brown, she's likely the most popular in the West
Kuki is good, ER is useless on her but she still gives 10%~ ER to the rest of the party.
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Klee sex
>You should see the original AQ in the cb1
Probably the worst gambler character in fiction I know. What a boring letdown.
kill yourself psychopath
I would never play unplayable MMO trash like WuWa
every coop subhuman should leave to play that cancer and never return though
it has everything you disgusting scum want: mandatory forced coop for artifacts, mounts, korean MMO-level grind and high difficulty endgame content for tryhard whales
go play that evil trash instead of trying to destroy Genshin
fuck multiplayer as a concept
alhaitham, kuki and nilou can use it
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I have it on Kuki. It's just an EM stick like every other EM sword but also gives some ER
Don't refine. Keep the spare for another character in case you need it.
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brb, gonna buy more welkins
She's better way before C6, I don't get why people are pushing this meme.
That's just the nature of Melt being OP.
u can see the pixels due to how bad the verticles were done, 5 billion company, but cannot afford proper 3d modeler

>The last of us
it died with part 2
>Elden Ring
genshin does try it's best to be a ER/souls like rip off but fails so miserably so +1 on that one
Who are the best gambler characters in fiction you know?
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she's great!
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They're making her that strong exactly because the Neuvtroons refuses to let him get "nerfed". How are you going to sell a single target hydro DPS when that shit exists? You *have* to make her do a million damage per hit at C0. There's literally no other option. It's grotesque powercreep but they have no choice.
I took part in the outrage over Neuvillette's nerf, but I won't even spare a thought for this "boycott"
Kuki and bloom team DMC, Kirara, Ayato
Always keep a spare.
Based. All the games listed are better than Genshin
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Not being on the same list as Call of Duty, Zelda, WOW and Minecraft is a good thing
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>>World of Warcraft
you're still a faggot, go on the side with your fellow lgbt members everyone else doesn't want you
If you have it R5 I would argue it blows freedom sworn out of the water for any EM scaler.
The massive amount of ER you get is just too good.
Also get Key for Kuki eventually.
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Now that we just randomly get 10 rolls, that means they have to raise the bar for the anniversary and give us 30 rolls.
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Nice boycott lmao
thx for funding our game xisters
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Genshin GODpact made more money than any of those flops will ever make no matter how much more additional content they will add.
cope troon, we WON
you LOST
not him but I will throw some more buzzwords for you.
It the team is using 3 character who are many years old
the powercreep really isn't that bad.

Coming from the perspective of other gachas, where the entire team rooster get replaced yearly.
Handling powercreep, is like THE one thing Genshin is good at.
I figure this is a bit due to luck, but also due to the elemental reaction system, which keeps bringing back old characters to the spotlight to fill weird niches.
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They released Clorinde after Arlecchino and Neuvillette it's not like they can't release another mediocre DPS after them
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Stopped reading here. Enjoy your slop while I keep playing SOVLFUL hoyo games
They really are vapid and transparent creatures, aren't they.
Nilou footjob
Bros I did it. I took a shower for the first time after 2 months.
27% dmg increase over sac jade R1, according to jstern
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I'm contacting local politicians
>*Phone ringing*
>Hello? Mr mayor? We have a serious problem! You see, there's this Chinese video game and they are making characters inspired by native american mythology but get this: the characters aren't black enough! We have to fix this! How does this effect our country? Umm... Racism effects everyone! We have to do something!... Umm... Hello? Mr mayor? Where did you go?
I genuinely don't care what a schizo who spends every second of his day seething about Neuvillette on /gig/ has to say
Genshin Impact is simply the superior game
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does anyone even still kill the dawei-churl?
Why would they nerf her when she's shit?
I haven't uninstalled yet but I also haven't played it in weeks. I wanted to at least force myself to play through the main story so far before deciding if I want to uninstall, but with genshin and ZZZ eating all my gacha time, I just can't be bothered
I still don't have the achievement, that bastard doesn't like to spawn.
Now you know the weight of a life even if it's a hilichurl.
feels fine because unlike 90% of this general I actually have both of them and arleKINO does the job just fine because Neuv's "AoE" is almost never that useful. ArleKINO on top of doing more damage has enough AoE to do everything he does with little issue. The only thing Neuv has over her is tankiness
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Don't worry Neuvkeks you'll still clear faster in content fighting 100 hilichurls
so it's about the same as c1 but c1 is more comfy for exploring
They released Sigewinne after Furina it's not like they can't release another mediocre support after her
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please answer >>486553106
I'm not buying welkin this month.
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why did you do it
and you sucking his cock every second of this day is different how exactly? other than you being a wormed faggot. go boycott the game, stop pretending to be something you're not. as a LGBT with brain damage you should go full sjw too
every time I get angry at dawei I torture it to take my anger out
>Nier Automata
Nop. Unless you think DokiDokinoReddit count as well. Just no.
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I spent 4-5 hours world hopping to kill him 50 times for the achievement and now I never have to again
what kind of melty is this?
She's female of course she's getting nerfed lol
If people see some shitter dropping 500k after pulling navia who can only do like 100k-MAYBE 200K they're going to be pissed LOL
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i love the popular game Genshin Impact.
Thanks bros! I'll try out some different teams! Thanks for you time!
Those paggots can't even clear Abyss chambers meant to shill him.
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Which Genshin is this about?
I just woke up
Are people still panicking over the 5.0 leaks or did real numbers come out and convince everyone that the new units suck?
He spawns in 2 random locations every day.
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our accounts are bricked, the churl is dead the hamsters will never trust a human again
kys cleric
This wouldn't be a problem if the Chinese weren't such massive metafags.
There's no reason why slight power differences should make you roll for an old geezer in drag instead of a sexy tanned girl.
elden ring copied genshin's lore with ancient dragon era, outerworld invaders, and current era
I'll see when Mualani releases I guess, so far, thanks for the gems Neuv, I never spinned with you anyway and I still barely used you because you're too OP.
So can shark girl get a max damage bite off if she marks 3 separate targets or does she specifically have to get 3 marks on 1 target
you monster
im pretty sure she said they gave it to her
Her having access to better reactions is also a tipping point. Especially if you have C2 and melt it. Again people severely overrate Neuvillette in terms of actual highest damage when his strengths are basically good damage, easy to pilot and immortal.
RDR2 is tedious timewasting trash, I managed to get through the tutorial before I got fed up with the survival game cancer "immersive" mechanics like having to eat constantly to keep the health and stamina cores up. I uninstalled after that and haven't touched the game in years.

Enough is enough Koult, you need to calm down
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This "Boycott" makes me feel strangely nostalgic...
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I'm aware it flopped but I'm genuinely surprised Nioh2 is pretty much never seen in this kind of list
I haven't seen dawei in 2 years
I’m new to /gig/ and genshin which schizos should I be wary of here? Also when can I roll for the blue haired girl with horns does anyone know
When will we have something this sexo in Genshin?
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Almost forgot to renew my welkin, thanks for reminding me
Just saw Mualani’s gameplay leaks and I’m having second thoughts. Why did they give her possibly the worst Natlan kit
Both of them seem decent
Much better than Floptaine characters
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They still need their comfort characters made by this evil racist company, please understand.
Thank you GODvilette
Slava Fontaine
Slava Iudex
Slava N
>no warcraft 3
>no monster hunter
She’s a broken DPS but she’s boring/not fun to play. Kinich on the other hand is fucking sovlful, so pick your choice
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Bricked account
mihoyo slave, play the game everyday only to end up grinding for the 7.0 grind
Saving for the other Hydro
Mualani fanart doko...
Its funny people don't realize this yet. Neuv's spin gimmick is now going to dictate the baseline HP and damage in the game. You don't want neuv's shitty bug fixed? OK enjoy the powercreep. C0 Mualani is literally just meeting minimum threshold of neuv's bugged spinning mechanic.

And yes I think mihoyo did this shit on purpose, both waiting too long to fix it and using it ad justification for powercreep.
I still want to see a multi target video before I decide to roll or save for archon elf and panther
>100 hilichurls
horde survival mode when? having hundreds of churls on the screen at the same time would be kino, I don't care about 3rd worlders playing on phones from 2009
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>which schizos should I be wary of here?
/gig/ is 90% schizos. Trust no one, not even yourself, not even me
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koult melty lole
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big question
i just unlocked like 800 artifacts, should i use them as xp or reroll them?
Navia c1 even though 40 pity, im pretty happy
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Kinich is NOT white chud.
wtf nilou isn't retarded??
Worst soul they made
Pretty good
Worse than 3 and people who think otherwise just cope
Goyslop and trash
Worse than 1
Absolute fucking trash
Halo was never good
Damn anon, what a fucking list you posted, truly the average person is the pinnacle of tastes.
Is she better than Cheld? (Genuine question)
strongbox the +0s and use any upgraded ones you might have as xp fodder
save for 5.0 for all the 3.X artifacts to be added to the strongbox
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Hit the strongbox gacha for a character you haven’t built yet
I’m from /xivg/ this really can’t be worse
Have fun with your brick when they inevitably continue releasing multi-wave content with more than one tanky enemy
kek iktf
Aren't they the ones having unironic Abyss timer tournies with actual self-banned units and other conditions for fun? I can see why it matters to them.

Still though, Neuv is never beating those Mary-Sue allegations again. Shit's so strong it went IRL lmao
Which Blonde guys are they fucking?
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What will you name him?
>Final Fantasy 6
Hipster list.
Post DPS for the new units so I can laugh at them being overhyped
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Only schizos you can trust are cheldposters
I wasn't gonna reply, but no there's no buzzwords there.
What do you mean by effort, zoomer? Effort into creating an atmosphere of a smooth game? Every game anime stylized does that, that's exactly what Mihoyo tries to emulate. I don't know if you know this, but anime is like mcdonald's nowadays, everyone is getting their slice. Hoyoverse sells anime slop, as much as everyone else. It's bad as fuck, see the current event or the story and what they do to the characters. It's all a big pile of nonsense shit, it's the opposite of effort. Honkai games are known as your average irrelevant anime clone game.
I don't know why I'm even arguing with a kid clearly in love with this baby's company and probably that loves anything that you can meme about anime which is probably your whole personality.
one of the following:
unfortunately chinkoids love powercreep, they wouldn't have rolled for wormvillette if they didn't
>the blue haired girl with horns
Mualani? Next patch so month and half.
Fat Fuck and never let anyone into my world so they can’t report me
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For me, Its Fischl!
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our worst posters are:
>raidenfags (they post scat whenever someone makes fun of their useless sunk cost autist)
>every single one that complains about Paimon (EN fag ironic weebs and redditors)
>tiktok hours posters

welcome to the toilet of /vg/ where we get raided daily by another seething general
Convince me to get Nilou
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Who're Kino's best future supports?
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>Every game anime stylized does that
wuwa didn't
Blonde Hilichurls
you are smort, i will do that
>boycott hoyoverse hashtag has dropped from 50k to 25k
Boycott goddamn flopped
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See the filename
What else?
No Ganyu
Sigewinne will take awhile before she comes back.
Yeah she’s way better, most likely a replacement for him in vape teams
She is an easy woman both literally and in terms of ease of use and ease of gearing
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>which schizos should I be wary of here?
Not me
>when can I roll for the blue haired girl with horns does anyone know
Nobody knows, don't trust banner leaks, however, there is a possibility that 5.0 might feature a regional banner that focuses on Liyue characters
Raiden is not sunk cost and you know it
She’s still the third best DPS at her level of investment, and a C2R1 Raiden is better than any C0R0 DPS (yes including Neuv or Arle)
the chink metafags embarrassed them
Bongo Head just like I named scaradouche
Don't fall for Fischfag's lies
Big Ounce
Any post from a fischlfag should be ignored, ESPECIALLY from the peruan faggot.
All those games suck (except runescape, that game was sovlful)
Nobody cares about your Raiden
looks like a Bob to me
>four 5 stars is better than one 5 star
Are you retarded?
>10 wishes for a reverted bug fix
I dont even have neuv, but thats pretty based.
I'm not redeeming it
The bench
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But anon, the moment you get the same level of cost on Neuvillette and especially Arlecchino, Raiden gets BTFO to another plane of existence.
Again I do think people have pushed back so hard against Raiden we're at a point where she's underrated, but come on, please read what you say before clicking "post"
She's one of those smart women who acts retarded because she knows men will like it.
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>doesn't care much about kaveh
>shits on him all the time
>is a certified loner
>only ever praises women and enjoys their company more than kaveh
>never got a gift for kaveh
Somehow considered a faggot

>has been thinking about wrio for years
>asked sigewinne to take care of him
>fought for his title
>handmakes a gift for him for lantern rite
>sees wrio as sigewinne's other father
somehow considered cool, chad and not a faggot
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>C2R1 Raiden is better than any C0R0 DPS
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Can I pick green one? I would name him Leafy
>not a single RTS
No, because you could have had that C2R1 Raiden for literal years at this point
Also closer to 3 since you could always use her weapon on someone else
ask again in three weeks
Help, how do I skip this dumb event and just get the encounter points?
dragon deez nuts
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So many cute girls in Natlan, I'm saving...
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oops #boycotthyv
I'm only rolling broken support cons if the game goes in this direction. Fuck ever rolling a dps, just roll supports and stick a 4 star with the regional gimmick with them.
I don’t know who this Fischlfag is
Wow what a SLUT
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>i was once a little girl, standing in front of a tree
what did he mean by this?
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Calm down, Who Tao.
So you are actually retarded, got it. Also both c0r0 Neuv and Arlecchino are better than c2r1 Raiden
What caused Koult to sperg out again today? Anyways, welcome back I guess
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Post BLACKED edits
Okay and what will the argument be 2 years from now? Well you know what you could have gotten Arlecchino at C2R1 who literally pulverise Raiden.
Again, that's not how cost works, you're using the same fallacy as XL and XQ fags assuming everyone has C6 and they cost 0 wishes.
wuw could very well be another mihoyo tittle game, but they just made ZZZ instead.
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>rhythm heaven minigame
Does MHY usually send out a notice before the annual top up resets
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>C2R1 Raiden is better than any C0R0 DPS
Oh jesus, that was funny. I almost thought you were serious.
LeBron James
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> Oyohim bent their knee to angry Neuv chinks

Fucking kek
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>all these newfags and post 4.X players talking about powercreep
Nigga you weren’t even here for Genshin’s prime. Why should I care about your opinion?
>and a C2R1 Raiden is better than any C0R0 DPS
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All of these but the male unironically look way better
These are pretty tame or maybe the editor was just lazy as fuck
You cant equate liking a character with your behaviour lol
Youre a basement creature mate, getting worked up over differing taste in characters and hitting people with that /pol/tard ESL word salad
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How do i get Neuvgems?
I only got like 30 from the bug fix.
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I missed her...
Wait, is c2 raiden that good?
I like her gameplay but right now my c0 is collecting dust due to powercreep.
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Same #boycotthyvI still have 45 days of welkin in my account. I'll buy it again in 5.0
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>c0r0 Neuv and Arlecchino are better than c2r1 Raiden
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Neuv gave me 1700 primos which is based and straight. HIVtham could never.
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>C2R1 Raiden is better than any C0R0 DPS
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>Yelan is a worse version of Xingqiu
>Yelan is still one of the top five best characters howeverthoughbeit
>Her kit is literally just off-field hydro application and nothing else

The balance in this game is weird
No, she’s not worth the gems anymore
raiden fell off
Hydrocoin is a good investment, what can I say
I do wonder if we'll get 2 more potatoes to form a 3rd team or there'll only be 1 again come Snezhnaya.
C0R0 Neuv is missing out on the massive amount of extra damage from his weapon, can’t get hydro resonance or furina buffs, and basically requires Zhongli to not be a brick that gets interrupted by being poked.
C0R0 Arle is good but she really really really wants her signature weapon, and she also desperately wants a shield so she doesn’t get interrupted by a slime looking at her funny.
You really underrate Raiden these days
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>C2R1 Raiden is better than any C0R0 DPS
Not him but Troonvillette literally and UNIRONICALLY got humbled and FLOPPED.
And no one is as annoying as the Troonvillette shitposters, spamming him 24/7 like we're back in the Raiden spam days.
>Like what happened to Zhongli.

Zhongli is different because he's the God of China. Shitting on him offends the bug people.
not everyone here is a newfag sis, I still remember soloing abyss with my cryo amber
What the actual fuck is that Neuv team? Are you unironically retarded?
>just shakespear
>posting this when Mavuika and Xbalanque are right around the corner
Natlan is the nation of powercreep every single non-natlan dps will be in the bench
>50 shitskin middle east views
who is stronger Nilou with c2 Nahida or tan girl?
Eh, one big strength Yelan has that people don't talk about is that her skill is actually really good at running across the chamber when enemies are spawning in packs opposite of each other. It's a good 5 seconds you aren't wasting stamina/time running around.
Taking things away from buyers is a huge no-no, so Dawei is in the wrong here. If they really wanted to fix that "bug", should have done it during 4.1
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>C2R1 Raiden is better than any C0R0 DPS
God I wish I could lick Nilou's feet
The new characters are going to be nerfed, the difference between Kinich and mualani already is looking like neuvillette vs the rest of fontiane again and we don't even have the pyro off fielder they'll obviously be getting
If they want sales they'll also have to keep them within the realm of older characters but not so far out it makes players question their pulls
Neuvillette was already doing that for a few people but natlan is shaping up to be a soft reboot of what we know genshin to be
it also feels like they're just sending our older characters into another game mode literally nobody liked

Tldr new characters too strong and natlan too proprietary and will make players question the point of being invested for 4 years
Is kurumi alright?
why do you fags hate characters with mobile playstyles, do they just want to stay on the same spot spamming normal attacks or holding left click with every character?
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>C2R1 Raiden is better than any C0R0 DPS.
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>Yelan is a worse version of Xingqiu

I always thought this was a meme. Nobody can genuinely believe this.
>You cant equate liking a character with your behaviour lol
I sure fucking can, want me to link all the spam you and the other neuvpags troglodytes made yesterday? hating on a character is le pathetic but spamming neuvillette pictures, threads and low effort shitposts for eight hours is somehow fine? fix your own pathetic life before criticizing me transexual freak
Probably new girl. Even Nahida’s C2 is pretty tame compared to the best characters nowadays
>no age of empires mentioned
yup, normie opinions are trash as expected
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Paimon a cute... CUTE!
depends on the number of enemies, probably
She deals more damage than XQ but has none of the defensive bonuses and has less hydro application than C6 XQ. Not that it matters since you often just run both
c0r0 doesn't mean you can't use him without other 5 stars in the team retard
Glad you agree that Neuv is a brick without R1 and T0 limited 5* characters
>Worse XQ
Begone Troonjef77. Stay with your faggots benching C6 Yelan and running Xingqiu to play chill lmao.
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I hate Hexenslop.
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Why is she glitching?
>greentexts are... le funny...
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Is Hoyoverse finally healing?
Your card is dying
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New toy syndrome.
Also, one is charge attack spam, and one is normal attack spam, thus easier to play.
>Sun Yu finally leaving for Fontaine
>little queer not going with him

really like the npc quests with progression like this, people I did dailies for 4 years ago still appearing every now and again is nice
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Weirdest thing about my day 1 account is that I got no Zhong
This shit is annoying.
>play a game that isn't even anime
>there's a girl in it
>large amount of bots tries to turn the game into an anime echo chamber of feet, ass and thighs
>the cool aspects of the game ruined
>what else it was trying to do is now ruined
>game ultimately ruined because a horde of morons can only think of feet, ass and things in anything they touch
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>Her kit is literally just off-field hydro application and nothing else
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My wife Paimon is very cute indeed
Stay there
that house is fucking cursed. tried to climb it and clip locked me under it's janky roof
It's situational depending on the character and chamber. With Arle the damage reduction from XQ is better and he has more hydro application assuming you can sit on top of an enemy.

XQ is basically a defensive Yelan that does less personal damage(but not even by that much).
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>Dr. Cucked by a nigger
Lol lmao
Every character is a brick without proper supports retard
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WTF is this thing?
>mindbroken metacuck
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>kleelet even
Just one shot them lmao? The only scenario where Neuvillette is better is unironically against 100 hilichurls or other low HP enemies. The king of floor 9. The new Venti.
They think they are cool pay no mind
Ancient Khaenriahn thingy that has no lore but will make lorepags basedface for the next three years until more about it is revealed in a note.
>calling me a metacuck when you posted a usage rate graph
It's okay, Clea is hotter anyway
Since when did this general care about “powercreep”? It wasn’t like this during sumeru
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Call me crazy but I don't think it's a good idea to make 17 new characters better than the previous 85 to a point where you're questioning why they're all bad for the new ones
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Where did this thing come from? Honkai?
Khaenriah thing, people from that period of time are gacha addicts who summon people from another world
>What else do we know about it?
Wait for Fat Xiao to make it relevant again in maybe 3-4 years
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Cool now run it WITH Yelan and VV.
I love you fucking faggots thinking it replaces anyone when you can simply add onto it just by running a Natlan brick.
Fat Xiao forgot
>his day 1 account has limited m*les in it
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Nobody cares about homoslop.
One shot them with your 200k that takes like 6 seconds+ to set up each time? Stop embarrassing yourself and accept your brownoid is a brick
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Start by denouncing Neuvillette as the shit character who ruined Genshin Impact and I might take you seriously
If every element had a Xingqiu/Yelan representative, one of the top consistent meta team from 1.0 to now would just be 4 characters of that class, in whatever elemental configuration you felt like using on that day.
One of the core /gig/ posters alongside Cheldsisters and Taofags
Way to mischaracterize Alhaitham
Sumeru didn't have powercreep, sumeru lifted the whole game up to a standard that many many characters could take advantage of new and old
Much like how fontiane had many characters that made use of older characters and brought them back into the fold
Natlan looks to be completely shutting out old characters for its own inner circle and we can already see it with how badly these characters need a pyro off fielder that's not XL
It took years to creep Hu Tao.
Kazuha still doesn't have any clear replacement.
Dendro is still extremely powerful despite receiving absolutely nothing outside of Furina in Fontaine.
The only element that fell off is Cryo. Even Geo is in a better state right now and will be in an even better one in Natlan.
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Go back
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Zippers are not part of african culture, they should redesign her outfit!
His cat
Fontaine is mostly France, but has a good deal of italian, Venetian especially, art, influence, names and people.
I'd say, it's a mixture of Romance Europe.

Navia is Taylor Swift btw
i forgot that most children have summer holidays right now really explains the state of the threads
If MHY weren't a bunch of cowards they should make a Medusa type character that'd petrify enemies
Keep her weaker than Zhongli for all I care, just don't make him the only one who inflicts that status effect
is Nilou better than hyperbloom?
So what is different in the remake? Is everything pretty much the same such as the story and stuff (e.g. Gargarensis as the villain)?
>they also replaced all the sovl voice acting
So no more PROSTAGMA??
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he's gay, anon. let go.
welcome to tower of fantasy's utopia
Yelan flopped
>if you don't do what you do, means you like men
You do realize that you're trying to arouse other men, right? Like, out of nowhere, without any context. You just show up with a group and start shoving off related shit that nobody cares, such is the leg of a female character.
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why do you keep doing this to yourselves? is this falseflagging? masochism?
Only with C2 and C2 Nahida. And even then it’s only slightly stronger
>t. have a whaled out bloom team
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Xbalanque won't be playable
Capitano and Mavuika won't interact
Mauvika will give all her "power" to Aether
>this baby event is just a foreshadowing of what they think the older playerbase to be since they're sending all our characters to imaginarium theatre forever which is baby shit mode and locking abyss to natlan
Now I truly see the vision
he WARPED you
yes in AoE
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Pure sexo, that's what.
reminded me of Ei's neet room
i want to molest kachina
geo is still in a pretty shitty state, navia is the only good geo character and that's just because she's a complete character at c0 and her multipliers are insane
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I can't stop thinking about Furina, and she got me back into the game again after 3 years of hiatus
Such is the power of my girlfriend
Nilou for AoE fight
Hyperbloom is single Target
Depends on the content.
Overall it's just better, but falls a bit in single target and even then just use Yelan in your Niloom for bossing.
I would say Quickbloom is a better comparison in terms of effectiveness.
Nilou gets hard countered by cryo shields. Electro still does damage to them.
a tranny
furina and Neuvillette won't interact
Neuvillette is an irrelevant 4*
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>noooo you cant just use supports
Your do realize your solo Neuvillette runs are dead in the water when they scale the Abyss towards the new DPS floor characters right? He can only do that right now because his DPS is much higher than everyone else. Well it isn't anymore. Now he's the one in the dirt. Try soloing the current Abyss with Ganyu (which was often done in the past). There's your equivalence.
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>/gig/ loves to watch
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I'm rolling for Nilou's paddle but, in case I don't get it, how good is Navia's axe on Diluc/Noelle?
pick one
How do you spin like this? Just put mouse sensitivity to the max?
if there's multiple enemies grouped up with no cryo shields, yes
meant to
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She wasn't even out 3 years ago, also fontaine cast is disgusting sjw garbage.
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I regret rolling for Yelan Lawrence.
It's different, they work together and talked to each other in nahida intro so of course they would interact
track ball
pick one
>sjw garbage.
He says while ignoring all the gay couples in Sumeru kek
I just woke up, did they really backtrack on the Neuv nerf in less than 24hrs? Or are people fucking around?
The jump from Klee to Ganyu was still the biggest powercreep this game had.
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>It took years to creep Hu Tao.
It's not a power creep at C0R1 for both characters.

And at C6 Alrechino is only slightly better than Hu Tao. Like 10% more total DPS.
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Is "Boycott Mihoyo" a /gig/ movement? I saw the way how they were comparing skin color of the characters, and it is so dehumanizing, I am quite sure no one can quite literally be any more racist than what these people are doing.

They are quite literally dehumanizing the characters, ignoring the design, the characteristics, the personality, and anything human about these characters, and summarizing them down to "#FFFFFF" skin color.

Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't this actual, blatant racism?

Surely these people can't be that stupid to not realize that what they are doing is actually extremely racist?

Captcha: SARA
Yeah, just crank that DPI up
your headcanon doesnt make characters gay
Check your mail.
They gave 1600 primos and reverted the fix.
I don't mind if they make Natlan Characters' base kit like that IF they actually have a plan on giving us level 100 which either grants a character a new passive, an additional skill or both. It doesn't even need to be all the previous 85 at the same time, they could do it region by region.
but Klee is stronger than Ganyu now thanks to Furina
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Wormeru isn't much better that's true actually.
Can't remember the last time I saw Nilou here
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Are you stupid? Of course she wasn't there 3 years ago, otherwise I would never have stopped playing.
>sjw garbage
what the fuck are you even yapping about chud
Works solely as a stat stick since they can't reliably make use of the passive, no idea how it compared to WGS
>oh no, I now take 19 out of the 90 seconds I have available to clear this half, instead of 12 seconds, it's joever
I hate chinkoid metaslaves so much
Yes, even the compensation has been distributed already.
ff6 and CT on the list, good list
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The fuck is that face? Return my cutie
To it's detriment.
What a missed opportunity to have Klee taking Fish's chuuni bullshit at face value and having entertaining interactions.
Instead we got guitar girl and a re-treat of Kazuha's story for the umpteenth time. At least Mona was there to carry the day.
>At C6, it's slightly...
Stopped reading there.
Reminder that Liney already dumpsters Hu Tao in speedruns and Arlecchino is that on steroids. Her constellations as well as her weapon are also significantly stronger than Hu Tao's.
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OK I really do think Siggy was meant to be a 4* because for some reason she isn't at the top with the other 90 5*s I have on hoyolab no matter what I do.

I think the code monkeys didn't get the memo.
You don’t have C6 Nahida
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>Gets proven wrong then starts schizo ranting
Wouldn't expect anything less hilarious from a waifucuck, well done. Enjoy your clunky brownoid that does less damage than Navia lmao
Oh no no no
Cute fanart
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>pull my favorite character
>they can't do 500k every 2 seconds so no abyss
>Imaginrium switches elements each month so none of that for months at a time
>overworld only ever gets added during the beginning and end of patch cycles
This is going to kill the game faster than any "genshin killer" would
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Yeah until now. Mualani's DPS is like three times that of Ayaka. Twice that of Neuvillette. Ayaka is closer to Neuvillette and Arlecchino than either of them are to Mualani for reference.
Lyney is pyro ganyu
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Wouldn't Dori be perfect for him? His movement makes her electro wire actually connect with enemies.
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Navia Lawrence...
neuvillette and wrio are way gayer than alhaitham and kaveh but people pretend not to see to push the godvillette meme
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which character should i build bwos
>all females, except 1 censored to shit unit, in male clothes
>males clothed like prostitutes
>gay pandering everywhere
Yeah, fontaine cast was easily the worst.
Whoever edited that is a homosexual
Isn't that you when you see a male?
here come the anal wormer delusions again
>Liney already dumpsters Hu Tao in speedruns
You clearly don't follow actual speed runs.
stop projecting, most players dont even do the 2 gamemodes
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ok, so the tl;dr, save for khaenri'ah cast, fuck everyone else
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About that...
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>"slightly better"
not worth it if you don't have Navia
just let it go for now
>Implying usage rates mean anything about a character's strength
Remind me of Fischl's usage rate again?
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NTA but Akasha data is not speed runs btw
Y'all whine too much.
Instead of building some character, build character yourself and go do something productive with your life.
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it's sorted by friendship level, retardGOD
your 20k NAs bwo
>condense resin
>skip dailies
>do my thing
this change is fucking amazing
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Anon, don't trust the calcs because Jstern was SEETHING once he actually played the calc scam that is Gaming.
There is sheeting very well, and playing like dogshit + losing said sheet damage.
Powercreep is good if it lets me play with cute sexy shark girls instead of ugly dragon faggots
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i dont want any trouble, sir
3 banners btw
Nice build. Who do you have deepwood on?
P-pyro was bad that abysss!!! I-it doesn't count!!!!!
Those players do not spend outside of welkin
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Prime example why fontaine as a whole was a mistake.
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Those limited time event areas always feel a bit janky compared to permanent content. You can tell they don't do as much QA for them.
Okay, and?
Yaoyao currently, I wish we got some proper spread support or specialized dendro damage buffer though
Electro and hydro check on either side.
I still cleared with vape on both sides.
Wormvillette flopped btw.
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Does he have any yumes?
Yeah lol, unfortunate that she's a brick and literally weaker than Navia
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so why did they choose nilou for this event?
i love her and all but she needs dendro to work and there does appear to be any new artifacts to work with her, i guess the new shark girl maybe might help but i still don't get why she showed up here randomly it's so out of place
Nobody tell him about xbalanque LOL
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the other day we were talking about borderless mode, and this is what I meant by it not being integrated right.

I run my TV at 1440p for multi-tasking and the game seems to only ever want to do native borderless at 4k. When I select the 4k borderless option it seems to perform identically so maybe it is running at 1440p but the option is retarded?
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Here you go, anon. These are for (You).
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What's with Hoyo and black spheres lately?
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absolute cinema
>this is not unintended behavior and shouldn't be patched out
God, I hate this playerbase so much
>female broken
>nothing wrong with it, you want they to nerf the cute girl, I see myself as a cute girl
>male broken
>nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo I don't see myself as a man I HATE MAN I HATE
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I wonder why they didn't bring Klee to an environment where EVERYTHING IS MADE OUT OF PAPER?
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Can't wait for Bronya
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>worst region
>worst cast
>worst music
>worst mechanics
They dropped the ball with fontaine, why did it happen /gig/?
It's to make up for the lack of Black characters
You will die from AIDS, dysgenic homosexual.
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Fontaine truly is THE great filterer of Genkeks
they are probably proud of those shaders, looks very fun to write one for a black hole
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>1600 primo
holy fuck
>so why did they choose nilou for this event?
>posts an image of her new skin
She's adorable and her skin is pretty cute
he's obviously shitposting
>homo melty still going
holy kek
>>female broken
never happened, all the historically game breaking characters are male (b, k, wormvillette)
it's to tease dainsleif's anal worms ability
Thanks brother, I just found another one in a ruskie channel.
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That would make sense considering Siggy is my only unit not at 10 friendship, but there's nothing on hoyolab that states that and no way to sort it otherwise.
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I wanted to share with you this picture of a naked Klee.
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Neuvillette has a new camera pose in 5.0
Yet again neuvillette has appeared in another patch
I hope it's with his cup, his seals, or when he's raising the water
Yet another proof waifucucks are trannies in disguise
I don't see myself as a girl. I want to have sex with cute girls. I don't want to have sex with gay dragons. I certainly don't want to spend money (virtual or real) on gay dragons.
I wonder why they brought Nilou to an environment where EVERYTHING IS MADE OUT OF PAPER?
Neuvillette kings, our response?
I hate Fontainewhiners so much, especially since they don't understand the beauty of its music, the wonderful scenery, and are too stupid to appreciate the mechanics
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finally, peace
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>The most hyped moment of 4.8 was Neuvillette BTFOing Hoyoverse and giving (you) a free 10 pull
furina has a higher usage rate than neuv though
cute and funny
>conveniently forgetting about Nahida and Furina
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>worst cast
Nothing can be worse than this garbage plus Nahida the mary sue.
>Worst music
Brain-dead. I hate Fontaine but the music is of the better ones it's not even funny.
This board is more misandrist than radfem circles, how is that even possible?
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>You will die from AIDS, dysgenic homosexual
>they got mad at Fontaine for using the lore in the AQ
>enjou is in kinich 's SQ
THANK GOD at least the writers are rewarding older players for keeping up with this shit
Dragon is retarded and very dumb
wriolette flopped to hard that fujos started spamming the tag with google translate fics of 200 words to inflate the numbers
based cast, inazuma is by far the worst cast
the characters arent real
Relatively speaking Ganyu was the most broken character to ever release in the game. Coming from a time where Klee/Diluc were considered the strongest DPS. Morgana team dominated for a year or so.
Teyvat is en route to be vored by IX.
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how much can you get of these right now
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It wasn't rewritten once, it was actually rewritten twice. And with the deadline looming and the managers beginning to wave loaded guns around,, they just had to brainstorm some shit and deal with plan C.
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I recognize that move...
>I don't want to have sex with gay dragons.
??? why are you even here
I get that im suppose to hate the game on here but, im really impressed by the areas they make and how quickly they make them.
The last two zones looked beautiful and were really fun.
Shut the fuck up Ortiz
>top ten things women don't understand about men
I got up to 93 as well
>did 10 rolls on Navia and finally got Kaveh'd.
I almost forgot about the faggot fml. now he is permanently on my account. Fuck neuvillette he still managed to put a m*le on my account despite never rolling his banner.
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Gaming is very good though
Iudex of Geo
Reminds me of that Urban Ranch channel. Maybe I should pick Garbanzo Beans for the anemo saurus.
they said it in the quest, readlet-kun: paper dries eventually
also, the paper frogs are jumping around water all the time, they dont seem too concerned
It's not misandry to say you (a man) don't want to have sex with other men.
Do men... hate men?
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>sex with gay dragons.
Anon is there something you need to reveal to the class?
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Are there any clips of Kachina moving around in her drill?
Nahida Xiangling Hu Tao Furina have been as meta as those. Except Kazuha who has been t0 on every single abyss rotation no exception since his release.
Who do we love here?
Post Genshin characters women will never understand
93. This shit game at least gives a device to find their crap content, they need to add it to the overworld.
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is there a more convenient menu for browsing artifact domains?

It's SUPER AWESOME that the domain guide shows only XP, Mora, Friendship and 3 star artifacts without scrolling.
damn I need more gems... neuvs 10 pull isnt enough
Nahida spent her whole life caged and wasn't even present for half of Sumeru. Then jobbed to Dottore. That is not a Mary Sue.

And while I don't like Sumeru designs all that much Tighnari and Cyno were good characters, they're just physically designed for homofujos. Tighnari would be the best bro if you had him around.
>if you aren't gay you must be trans
what mental illness is this?
Nothing wrong with hating gay characters made to appeal to women.
Both men and women hate men actually.
more damage than diluc still
>Sumeru fans want to diddle little boys, FontaineGODS self-insert as Neuvillette because they are tall white men irl
Fontaine confirmed to be the best region
Dehya = 4.0 Farewel
Tighnari, Cyno, Alhaitham = Cyno SQ2
Nilou, Wanderer = 4.8 event
Nahida = none
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Proof of why Floptaine flopped in one image
Newfags. That team was broken because of Venti. The moment they started putting stronger enemies instead of hilichurl archers in the abyss Morgana became irrelevant.
Our old friend, Dawei.
male = worms
simple as
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Sisters we're being laughed at again.
Does she drown after that? Does C2 allow her to do it infinitely?
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Post what you think Tsaritsa should look like
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The term "fairer sex" has existed for a very long time.
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>crap content
you mean kino content?
>they need to add it to the overworld.
More tiktok hours than Fontaine characters. So most people like those characters more than yours
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and prayers
There was a sleeping one too...
fat xiao, the best writer in the industry
Make her black and it will be good.
>Twitter screenshot
>Unironic ebonics user and nigger behaviour too
Go back.
This is the reason why we get toddler puzzles and events.
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stop posting spoilers
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how is it gonna work on quest prerequisites dont you first meet enjou in a world quest
if they require you to do the enka WQ for it then they might actually follow up on scylla the ordo gang and the egeria tree
or is the enjou we see there a different guy with the same name similar to how there are 2 estes
>Nahida the mary sue.
Nahida is way worse than Neuvillette but no one complains here because this general is full of pedos
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I need this gato culo on my face and dicc like right fucking now
Anon you're the retarded Newfag. Ayaka came out and it was just Ganyu/Ayaka in Morgana or Moyaka or whatever you wanted to call it for 1.5 years. Venti isn't even part of the name

MORGANA(Mona/Ganyuna/Diona) MOYAKA(Mona/Ayaka/Diona)

The anemo was switchable between Venti or Kazuha or Sucrose(if you skipped them)
Aloy won bigly
That’s SIX (6) new Fontaine characters all down in the gutter tier usage (30% and below) KEKAROOO
>No leaks at all about pyro traveller
What's up with that?
why is there a child in underwear in my family friendly game?
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nahida isn't broken, dendro is
ganyu was pretty strong but 1 year of being meta is not broken, b & k have been meta for 3-4 years and wormvillette will probably be meta for that long (no female dps will ever be on top again)
xiangling's strength comes purely from snapshotting b
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>because they are tall white men irl
How the fuck did she get double digits
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Post the best Genshin
funny because he's made for women
Heterosexual male culture is homoerotic; it is man-loving.
To say that straight men are heterosexual is only to say that they engage in sex (fucking exclusively with the other sex, i.e., women). All or almost all of that which pertains to love, most straight men reserve exclusively for other men. The people whom they admire, respect, adore, revere, honor, whom they imitate, idolize, and form profound attachments to, whom they are willing to teach and from whom they are willing to learn, and whose respect, admiration, recognition, honor, reverence and love they desire… those are, overwhelmingly, other men. In their relations with women, what passes for respect is kindness, generosity or paternalism; what passes for honor is removal to the pedestal. From women they want devotion, service and sex.
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I hope she's a hag
You can't attune to shrine. You get a system message saying there's no response or something like that so I assume you'll unlock pyro traveller through the archon quest at some point
do not claim those wormgems
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Look at this prostitute
femcel gig aren't happy that Neuvillette was stolen from them by male players
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>d-doesnt count
every time,also ignores that furina is the most owned AND used character right now
Point out the ebonics chudcel
That's the level 1 device, they need to add the level 2 device for the whole region.
>kino content
If you're in a nursing home, sure.
>femcel gig
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>it doesn't count
I want to marry this prostitute!
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Is it Nahida cuteposting time?
I'm looking
the only ones that actually go there are the lowest of the low so their opinion doesn't matter
disgusting whore
I have e6 s1 Raiden, Can I still finish abyss with max *? I've uninstalled genshin over 1 year ago...
we don't have a single hebe archon
Furina doesn't count
Tsaritsa WILL be a hebe
Every single video of his. You don't even need a lot of research.
It's actually funny how women managed to be smarter in HSR. Truly a wild community.
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Still unmatched sexo
Now that's a nice melty.
I got 2 (dos) Kaveh from Neuvgems
Truly the homoest dragon of all time
It's always Nahida cuteposting time
dendro element was called nahida element for the longest time at least in china because of how dominant she was, let's not forget she had the highest usage rate of any character ever (99.7%)
none of this applies to /gig/ transwomen
sovless faggotbwo....
That would require some more drills.
Yes, cause they made that the lore?
Not sure what you're trying to say.
They could have just as easily make origami frogs jump into fire to shill natlan or something.

It's magic, they could make it fire-proof or water-proof, none of it matters if they wanted.
I'm a tall, good-looking, white, straight man with a BWC, I AM the average Neuvillette fan. Exceptions like this pajeet don't make the rules, sorry Sumerucuck.
guys should I get Nilou or Navia or skip?
pls respodn
Chiori is the most SOVLful Genshin...
She is supposed to be a warrior a fearsome leader, Hebes don't transmit that
Furina counts
Both are skippable but if you like either of them then go for it
When is she coming back FFS. I'm skipping every single Natlan shitter (unless Mavuika is off field so the OPPA meme can finally die) for her.
I want Tamoto in my team NOW.
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B/K are supports. Ganyu is a DPS(also a cryo support but cryo is shit right now).

The reality is that freeze was amazing until they started power creeping NUMBERS and numbers eventually just make the freeze reaction pointless.

Why freeze enemies if you can just one shot them?
Remember what Lady Nigguang said
nilou good for blooooom
There's too much content in ZZZ...I can't start the event...
Almost every female character appeals to women. Women literally use females to present themselves, a cute character is a very centered female-character, they all look like a girl's room. Not to mention Lumine, which is played by every single girl.
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if its going to be like that, I hope so, need cryo tao to put in my fu tao team
>can't be bothered to post box or elaborate about current state of account
>asking questions with no context
just skip and fuck off sis
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lolcow farm
>She is supposed to be a warrior a fearsome leader,
this is your headcanon bwo
First cycle of submissions
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>Visual representation of my brain, upon first waking up, trying to decide between ascending characters, building talents, doing trounce, farming artifacts, ascending weapons or doing ley lines and choosing one of the 14 fucking characters I need to build to do it for all at once.
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt on tall and good looking, but all your constant glazing of neuvillette is not how straight men act
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holy fuck, femcels are the absolute scum of the earth. even when they're being directly appealed to, they seethe anyway because "a moid might enjoy the same thing I enjoy, ugh"

the world would be a much better place if all roastoids suddenly stopped existing
Anon, freeze never had peak numbers except for that one tiny spell.
The fact no one is freezable and Abyss was literally spamming Troonlelia is what killed cryo more than anything.
That's literally how she's described
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But the dirtiest whore is (You)
off model faggot
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what is this image trying to convey?
If you're really a straight white man you'll be able to answer this.
What's the sum of the three first numbers on the top left corner of your member card?
Why did you skip
I want to be friends with a perpetually seething full of hatred femcel calling me human trash nonstop
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sw + hor
"peak numbers" didn't matter. What mattered is clear times. Freeze had the grouping to set up one shots on large wave groups of enemies or even bosses(with Ayaka).

The HP bloat is too much for freeze to keep up.
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Eren Yeager...
and then you buy her welkins and topups
There's literally females in the Honkai Rail general ritual posting with QQ, Fu and Stelle, we know this because they posted discord and streamed. Your pic and argument is invalid.
she's so clunky and arle too
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Why did she kill Caterpillar?
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>I'm a tall, good-looking, white, straight man with a BWC, I AM the average Neuvillette fan
No I just want to chill and be friends with them. I don't want to fuck them or anything. They're probably ugly anyway. I just think it'd be fun.
and despite that still not understood by them
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Arlecchino was right after and I waited 2 years for her, sorry anon.
I also grabbed Navia on this rerun so I'm just missing Chiori and some cons + signature. Eventually want to C6 her because it's funny.
this plant will powercreep all sources of damage until 10.0
Please no furry/bara op next thread.
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Wifey please don't punch me...I took out the trash like you asked...
I love her so much. No Genshin could ever compare.
Don't disrespect the Goddess that is Xolze Telos.
Autistic Asian women are something else. See Kurumi.
off model slop
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HSR general had some girl named Sneed stream herself playing but she was extremely mentally ill, would seethe about random shit and posted pics of her disgusting NEET room
no proof?
cheldsis /dilucsis, when's the stream?
She isn’t soul. Her personality, gameplay and lore are all boring.
wrong, you poser.
>imaginarium becomes harder
Please no Nahida op next thread or I will kill myself.
NTA but it's true
I can back this up, she posted a picture of her vomiting over her room on twitter
lmao, I remember her seething about some easy ass puzzles
She had ants crawling out of her laptop and eventually had a melty and deleted all her videos
you shouldn't post selfies on 4chan pajeet
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You're talking about how much effort they put into the game when characters like Deyha exist. Oh thats right you forgot about her. I guess you could argue that they put a lot of effort into making her bad but that says a lot. A company putting a lot of effort into being bad. How about Cloud-retainers skill vs Wanderers? Which looks like it has more effort? It gets worse when you look at the games story over the years, but i don't even want to type out all those problems. Just because the game worlds have gotten bigger and flashier doesn't mean this company puts in 100% effort.
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honestly, all this incident taught me is that fujos are really clueless about gameplay. which makes sense, most probably don't even play the game anyways.

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