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Previous: >>486567796

>Ignition Teaser: A Name Forged in Flames
https://youtu.be/O2ATH__rtQo [Embed] (EN)
https://youtu.be/q__fo0CSEcE [Embed] (JP)

>Natlan Preview Teaser - Need a Hand?
https://youtu.be/XOK1F9TLEH8 [Embed] (EN)
https://youtu.be/LCMimNAlsqs [Embed] (JP)

>Event "Summertide Scales and Tales" live until August 28

>Current character banner: Navia, Nilou, Kaveh, Ningguang, Kirara
>Current weapon banner: Verdict (Claymore), Key of Khaj-Nisut (Sword)

>Daily check-in rewards (permanent)

>Redeemable Codes (all regions): https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/gift

>Useful Links (Wiki, Simulators, Maps, Character Builds, /gig/ friendlist, Third-Party Tools, etc.)

/gig/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
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For me, it's my beloved kekaposter.
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>overwhelming majority disliked emilie from the moment her design got revealed
>art count got already mogged by some natlan charaters revelead barely a week ago
>suddenly we have emiliefags in the threads trying to shill her and attacking people who will skip her
mihoyo marketers aren't subtle desu
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Wormrina wormed
Ploprina ploped
Shartrina shartted
Sloprina slopped
Pooprina pooped
Floprina flopped
don't you get tired of being annoying?
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PLEASE respond so I can see the reply tomorrow meowning
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>The keeper is fading away; the creator has not yet come.
>But the world shall burn no more, for you shall ascend.
REMINDER Aether will become Pyro Archon and (You) will seethe.
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Post brutal moggings.
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why do i always see the same posts as yesterday, the day before yesterday, last week, last month and last year?
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>messing around the mond pool looking at nilou's new costume
>nilou's head snaps towards camera for a second
Scared me
Asking that as if 2.8 didn't have an entire section dedicated to Xinyan
>gets less than half of the damage buff that Furina gives
>doesn't do off field 40k DPS
>doesn't heal
>the set can be used with Furina
Eula is The best
>only gonna roll 4 5* during Fontaine
>two of them are Chiori and Emilie
is it not? last i checked it had a 24/7 robot police force patrolling every major road in the nation, a sluglady gestapo police force that operates behind the scenes that can see evidence of crimes that humans are incapable of seeing, and the entire nation is now completely ruled unilaterally by neuvillette, who is the sole judge of any crime in the nation and has no system of checks and balances to oppose his decisions. not to mention that a huge chunk of the nation was irradiated by arkium energy after the fontaine research intstitute decided to fuck around, the waters are polluted with mekafish destroying the natural habitat for all the other fish, people live in the fucking sewers of the capital city, and the countryside is still overrun with treasure hoarders. really seems like a shithole industrial surveillance state to me.
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for me it's jinhsi
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Pagther will watch. It's what he does best, no?
we're still in the sabzeruz festival, azar won
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Mage N Natlan reveal
post reasons to live pls
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I'm thinking
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what the fuck does 'ate' mean in nigspeak? I keep seeing this shit in comments sections for Hoyo games
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The Archon of Reason will be released next year
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You're still going to roll for me, aren't you, anon?
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>>gets less than half of the damage buff that Furina gives
furinafag literally lying on the first line
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>impulsed for Navia
>try her out
>she's pretty fun and does big numbers
Worth it
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[SAD NEWS] This banner is the worst performing banner in all of Genshin history.
You are being mocked for think
Troonvillette flopped.
Also nothing stops anyone from using both a Natlan healer brick with this set AND Furina.
Troonvillette players really have no brain.
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Is emile the ugliest character from Frogtaine so far?
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Nice try da Wei, blonde bitch is too boring
be patient with them it's not easy competing with an artifact set
When you think about it Genshin's story is basically one big fanfic since Fat Xiao isn't the original author
She's a fitting whimper for Fontaine to end on.
I will pull her by slapping my hard cock on my mouse
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Mogged so hard by reality that he had a total mental break down and has never been able to recover.
>No Verdict
You don't love her. Jokes aside it's not that big a difference.
>both a Natlan healer brick
poorinafag now making up fantasy units to cope
her design looks over complicated but
her boobs are glorious goddamn
is that supposed to be see throught cloth?
>nipples could be here, he thought
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Neuv jobbing in Celestia
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the hydro buddypoke and everyone below her honestly lmfao
>impulsively throw the 10 pull at the weapon banner because I have nothing I'm saving for
>all I get is one eye of perception
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yeah but i'll still stroke it to her fat tits
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She maybe ugly but she gets railed by Kinich daily
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Is there a mod that cut Chevreuse skirt right there? Asking for a friend.
>less popular winning
>when all the fans draw Kaveh as a woman already
No shit, these last banners have had some of the worst 4 stars ever and the people who wanted the 5 stars already got them when they ran
>Maid top with nearly exposed breasts
I'm a little confused about you "men"
>Neuvillette still below Raiden in ownership rates

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Cute fanfiction did you get it from ao3?
>More Troonvillette brainrot shitpost
C0 furina gives less dmg % without a team wide healer
if you use her with one of the few non-dps loss healers like bennett or kuki for example, her average buff doesn't even reach 40% for characters without self heal mechanic
Do people really play with mods?
is it actually possible to be banned because of it?
>aloy 26%
That's how u know this game lost lots of old players
celestia gave the hydro throne to a doomer traitor and then made a prophecy to resurrect a retarded dragon and made him the ruler of the nation because the last time they gave the french a competent ruler they were got to being 1 button press away from overtaking celestia and ascending all of humanity into godhood
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>pags already coping
ugliest genshin chara so far
even artists have to focus on her tits instead of anything else
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rent free
Am I looking at her through a heat mirage??
Somebody deleted me from their friend list today, I have no idea why...
Feels bad. I'm always happy to make online friends but I guess it's basically the same as irl and eventually they just vanish, no way around it.
Well if you're here just know that I wish you well. Good luck in your adventures.
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It's almost as if one is the best selling character in the game while the Dragon faggot is a flop.
>There's still 26% Aloy
God this game is getting too many fucking newfags
We need to start gatekeeping abyss
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Prettiest genshin chara so far
>the 3 guys who rolled siggy are more loyal than the 5 guys who rolled clorinde
>xe said as xe coped and hoped a natlan healer saves xer
No because you aren’t modifying game files, you’re running a 3D renderer that renders the skin over the original model.
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sex with alhaitham
do you have neuvillette or scara on your profile? I purged a lot of them today
100%, fischl/mona-tier sex design and best/most fun exploration character
What region? I often delete the few people that add me because they never talk and never ask to coop.
scrappedlanque keks believed leakers fanfictions for one year and now can't let go or their sunk cost
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Even twitterfags draw Kaveh as a woman LMAO
And Kaveh already has a female personality.
As far as I know you won't get banned, since they apply on top of the game, like an overlay of sort. You don't actually replace or change any of the game files.
>you hated him
>you cheered when they tried to nerf him
>and yet he gave you 1600 primos.
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[SAD NEWS] Natlan’s hype has officially died
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>the best selling character's ownership is only 4% higher
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For what character or weapon are you going to use those 1600 primos? for me it's Emilie
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My condolences anon

In the span of one day the Boycott Hoyverse hashtag has gone from 50k~ to 19.6k.
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me and the other 5 or less emiliebros on /gig/ will be enjoying her
>Even twitterfags draw Kaveh as a woman LMAO
you say but you only post this picture every time
[GOOD NEWS] Mualani already got more fanarts than Emilie
do you not have access to the internet?
have this pity (You)
take your meds based ei.png tranny
Yes it's almost as if this website is only a fraction of all the players and appearance/ownership is a shit stat on it.
Cause it’s newfags in abyss, look at the Floprina usage rates, practically every current player owns her
Sorry, you're right. I should have said it gives about a third of the DMG buff she gives.
Furina gives 140% bonus damage.
Max fanfare stacks = 400
0.35% bonus damage per fanfare stack.
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>making some filler event revolve around paper frogs and nilou
what were they thinking?
I will take even the second summer event's kazuhaslop over this
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>"I only pull for women!"
>Suddenly they don't want Emilie
seems that secret skip stash from sumeru ran out huh poorfags
>shark chomping at faster than yelan speed across the map
Maybe I should skip Emilie...
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this is literally all i wanted from natlan
just some dark skin femboy twink shotas
that's all
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>listening to Emilie's JP lines
>she talks in an empty voice like Lynette
>only cares about plants and perfume
is this bitch autistic?
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I relate to Emily because I'm ugly but have nice tits
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YShelper is the app for newfags, that's why no one takes it seriously
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The rare based Aether post
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Shes actually one of the best 5* at C0, No restricted gimmick, can fit as solo Geo, no ER issues, and just press E. I think the Melusine claymore is better and you should try a plunge team
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holy shit
I'll never pull anything until I get Nahida. Missed the whole rerun and I'll probably have to wait at least a year or two
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>Oh so you're not going to be playing any of their games anymore until they change?
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YOU will roll for OUR HERO right /gig/?
I wish I hadn’t gotten bored of the game when the desert started. I’d be a rich nigga. At least I had a shit ton to do when I came back in 5.2 that got me interested in the game again
I don't consider fujos real women, my brain automatically puts them in the same category as homosexuals and trannies
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>4 million HP in abyss 12
Are you read for this FAT BASTARD to rape you and your wives in abyss?
Let's be honest, would /gig/ lose ANYTHING if euros, latin america and SEA + red bongs got banned from posting?
They're literally just NPCs in these threads, ones that were programmed by an especially untalented indian.
I mean, look at these deranged fools. Seething over fictional characters for YEARS.
Nilou's feet plap plap plap sounds
this is also him btw >>486589105
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Everything from natlan has been such a disappointment
I bet the tournament won't even be anything kino just some safe sports festival crap


Can Neuvcord explain this mental illness of replying to yourself constantly on a thread?
my nigga Teppei throwing death flags left and right, no hope for this dude huh
he just wanted to be credit to team
Cool fanfiction Boethius.
Emilie is boring.

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>mfw neuv and furina are about to join ganyu and venti on the eternal bench in natlan
Having a good day? Want me to ruin it?
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>is this bitch autistic?
Wasn't that obvious from her haircut?
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>"My brain automatically turns women into gay men"
>retarded pagther thinking /gig/ is one person
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Oof lmao
Guess I’ll dust off my yoi
I have Tighnari on profile because I'm progressing through Sumeru and I'm using him on my team to find resources with his passive. I'm on EU.
This player had an Alhaitham avatar and a star in the nickname if I recall correctly. Added me one day out of the blue, weeks ago, I said hello and not much more. Honestly I don't play much these days, only on weekends. I'm trying my best to retake the normie life I had pre-covid lol
Maybe that's the reason, since I don't appear online often I could appear expendable or something.
that's C1
her stamina will run out much faster at C0
C6r1 furina drained almost everyone’s savings
I only pull for women but I don't pull for all of them.
Got 800 pink fates in the bank right now, only pulled two Fontaine genshins and half regret one of them.
I wanted Sandrone but she was rewritten. Natlan might make me pull twice or thrice at most.
>That nose
Kek these people can be more racist than actual racists
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New genshin slurs dropped
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Natlan is going to be full of those events where you have to square up in coop against kids on their ipads to play retard soccer isn't it
Was Ranjit a falseflag
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The visuals in the new area are very pretty but the minigames so far feel a bit awkward
Furina broke you
I've been coming to this general for two or so years, and for some ridiculous reason, I've only just realised that it's a complete waste of time. It's always been a waste of time, of course, but at least it used to be kind of fun and entertaining.
Now? You're all fucking retarded. There's like 10 people on here at any one time who are willing to actually discuss the game. I'm sorry that your efforts are lost in a swarm of shit.
You're doing a disservice to yourself. You're just another pig wallowing in one big, unfunny shitpost.
>see you tomorrow
Fuck off.
Brown people getting internet access was a mistake
The frog controls on pc at least are dogshit
Christ, what a loser
you now remember sethos
>Yeah Mihoyo we want Black representation!
Black representation = Racist caricature
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Just curious, does /gig/ like vtubers?
fuck off shounenfag
kek this
i came to fontaine loaded with 900 rolls
all into her
and c2r1 clorinde
and c0 navia + xianyun
Aloy was 35%~33% throughout 4.x
Oldfags probably got filtered by IT
will you get her weapon?
Pedos wonned
But the thread is always at its worst during mutts hours
Wasn't me, I use ArleKINO as my pic. Also EU.
>i-if you don't roll vivi self insert... huh... y-you gay!!!1
Same sis but I'm male.
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Always makes me giggle seeing Aether so low.
That's still too many.
I watch mumei
can he say the n word?
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Cheld's birthday SOON
>white boy dreads
>shit smeared onto face

Yes if you don't pull for women you are gay, sorry you had to find out the hard way
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The Melusine sword huh? I'll give it a try.
As for plunge, that was one of the first things I tried with her.
>/gig/er - someone who likes to watch
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[SAD NEWS] Natlan reaction in CN is extremely mixed!

tieba/nga (mostly men):
>Natlan characters look very bland
>no stand-out character that looks must-roll
>Mavuika did not impress, body suit looks censored
>overall design doesn't mesh well with genshin
>won't fall for trailer's live2d given what happened to Clorinde's model
>still believe female chars will continue to be shit (to prop up the pyro dragon or capitano)
>many say they lost motivation to play

weibo/xhs (women):
>general complaints about lack of male characters
>not the sumeru 2.0 they anticipated
>says mhy is walking back the last few years of 'cultural progress' in gacha space
>also worried about xbalanque/varka not appearing
>some rumor that natlan plot was rewritten to shill the pyro archon, after fontaine flopped

little to no talk about skin color or race.
also, by far the most well-received character on both sides is Citlali, but it seems she will be 4*
>Ellen Joe has more art than the cast of Natlan has collectively
How does she do it?
yes, Kaeya gave him a N word pass
Yeah, because that's when the neet losers from Europe and SEA starts posting
how can you possibly know this?
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only a few smaller ones
For me it's her legs. Her dress works very nice.
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No girls actually think Emilie is ugly. She’s easily a 6 or 7 out of 10
>can he say the n word?
Only half of it
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VTuber culture is cringe, but some vtubers have a good voice and put out some good music, so I often listen to that. As for specific VTubers, I like Watame even though I have no idea what she's saying.
Jdon my soul!
Wah wah little homo wah wah back to your daddy for more
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Her other team is OPPA + Bennet which I recommend if you gave an elemental check. But congrats on the clear anon.
But it has Kaveh a.k.a the most popular character in Genshin Impact.
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>talm bout
>actually looks pretty good all things considered
Why are people using mona again???
There’s your answer >>486590590
>they're just posting twitter edits now
Using your character movement to control them is not the best, no. It's very forgiving though, like everything else in the game.
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Can someone to remake this into that old copypasta about chinese being disappointed in uuh fontaine i think(or maybe it started from sumeru) There was some words akin to They only like X character.
Vtubers are fine. Vtuber fans need to be shot and left to rot in the streets
From the looks of it, this general seems to love that bald retard for some reason.
>Genshin drama over Natlan
>ZZZ drama over character designer being a lolicon
>now Star Rail drama over hiring a sex abuser to voice their new character
How does Hoyoverse do it?
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>Q vape 370k
>E vape 200k
>with kaz and yelan bonus dmg buff up
>and with perfect 300CD artifacts

what's the point of this character? vape neuv does vape ticks in the 300-350k range (E Q and twice on each CA). and i've been vaping yelan E's for 300-400k since she came out (get 120k CA barb vapes too on the side).
>They modeled the tan lines on her boobs too
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That's the best attempt I've seen, actually looks cute. Meanwhile, this shit looks lame and tryhard.
>Furina gives 140% bonus damage.
furinapags the new raipags
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Yeah, i have no friends so i use vtubers as a replacement.
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what am I in for
The point is that you roll for the Pyro Archon gweilo
I can't tell if this one is meant to be a troll or not
Okay messing around with the calculator
Kachina seems completely fucking useless. Like “worst character in the game” useless. Like “I think physical Qiqi can do more damage” useless.
>with the new craftable 4* polearm and DEF/DEF/DEF artifacts, hits 2910 DEF
>assuming 70% CR and 150% CD (aka absolutely insane artifacts needed to do this, 45 CV+ on everything)
>Zhongli for geo resonance and the 20% shred on top of said resonance
>C3 Furina burst at full power
>broken new artifact set
>all talents at level 13
>C4 passive at full strength for an extra 20% DEF (so 3068 DEF)
>a total of 94% bonus damage from her kit + artifact set, +124% from Furina, +15% from geo resonance
With absolute god tier artifacts, an insane amount of DEF, 40% geo shred, the best buffer in the game backing her up, C6, max level talents, literally
Her burst on a crit hits for 110k. Assuming all six drill hits crit, that’s another 177k damage assuming she’s riding the drill.
Her drill has a 20 second cooldown.
Not counting the burst, she literally cannot even reach 10k DPS when giving her everything she could possibly want. On a character who is meant to do literally nothing but DPS.
And it’s geo so it can’t be saved by reactions.
There is literally no way to salvage her and no team where she is worth the slot even with the dumb new artifact set.

Prove me wrong.
70% is the best archon quest in the game
30% is the worst
Mushrooms and schizokino
I am a caveman that only knows how to build hyperbloom teams.
There's a handful of them I'd fuck, purely based off of the L2D model. I'd never watch them unironically though, all they do is gossip and talk about their life which is boring as fuck.
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For me, it's Iansan.
Kino and characters actually being useful
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>with k*zuha
stopped reading right there
best archon quest in the game
Take your meds brownbro.
is she even vaping with kazuha infusing hydro
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>just roll c3 to avoid getting replaced by a 4pc set bonus
Yes and it pushed me to become semi fluent in two languages.
It is not usage rates, it is ownership rates
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How do i build c6 nahida?
What stats?
What team?
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>Kazuha clears don’t count
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a lot of these twitter fucks don't understand how to stay on model
it's why jap artists attempt as blacks tend to look better when they get it right
Im never pulling that gay blandest piece of shit character
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Remember when this general was good?
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>He's believing leaker damage numbers
too many newfags on /gig/ that clearly have never been through a beta
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fagslop and exposition dumps from a mary sue gremlin
this is the same person
love mumei
love mumei
love bae
love kronii
love shiori
love biboo
love korone
simpe as
What were they thinking with this official art?
Worms and I mean lots and lots of worms.
yeah she needs buffs haha
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I have 445 fates saved up
I'll get all the waifus in natlan even if I lose every single flip
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I have the most sovl account. There's really no better roster than this.
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the decline of genshin and the reason of the current state of /gig/
>Prove me wrong.
she cute, I'll be using her anyway
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I would ride this man until my ovaries exploded
>some rumor that natlan plot was rewritten
RewriteGODS win, again.
GD 800ish em and rest into crit ofc, you can use kuki on DW and fish would be a good teammate as always and you can put another dendro with her, kirara would be comfy
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You do realize you need natlan characters to utilize that ""op"" dmg bonus set?
>not a single post telling you to post tits or gtfo
/gig/ has fallen.
>mary sue gremlin
is that really how you describe the dendro archon
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>troonkomifag lying
You forgot monobricko
c6 Nahida is shit
ywn have ovaries, tranny
I regret prefarming for emilie....
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"People" rolled C2 Furina for meta.
I rolled her because she's cute and dumb.
Until the Pyro Archon
Go back a few years
>hutao eula war
>hilichurl posting
I don't think this general was ever good. Also, please stay, shounenCHAD.
the mob has pyro aura symbol on it before the two hits so yeah. murata better have ignore icd on her off field app or she isn't going to beat XL.
fuck off shounenfag
NeuvSAARS, why did we let Fontaine flop?
Means she gets someone to paint on her nude body then does stuff naked outside long enough for the tan to happen.
You, the player, only gets to see her wearing this swimsuit though.
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I don't get Tabibito's route.
Mond -> Liyue -> Inazuma -> Sumeru -> Fontaine -> backtrack to Sumeru -> Natlan
Wouldn't it be better to go:
Mond -> Snezhnaya -> Fontaine -> Liyue -> Sumeru -> Natlan -> Inazuma
No backtracking.

Even if we consider that point in time when talking to Yae, it seems like it would make more sense to go Fontaine, then Sumeru and then Natlan.
so you're saying mavuika is powercreeping furina?
/gig/ has fallen long ago, instead of saying that they whiteknight for the bitches lmao
Can that artifact set heal and do off field 40k+ DPS?
where hole
Does paimon poster know there's 14 more characters in 5.X?
they've gone completely shameless with this one
Kaveh is fine at C0 as a teapot decoration
Female banners are killing the game
I mean I got called racist by /gig/ when I said that Olorun looked terrible then they immediately brought up how I wished that he was black. Like what is with Amerimutts and skincolor? It doesn't matter which side of the argument they are on it always ends up being about skincolor when in reality I just think that his design is painfully mid.
why are you projecting? most fujos are seapags
what about 5.0?
there's no 5.0 trailer
You got it wrong dummy. That's not me.
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Now that Genshin officially is DEAD and has FLOPPED, what can we do to keep this game alive for the next five (5) years?
Bros, can anyone confirm if the leak about Emilie being a fujo is true?
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fuck off shounenfag
The point is non-stop impregnating sex
no but the powercreep support holding it will do more dps without needing a healer
I'm using deepwood, too lazy to swap artifacts when I coop, it's not like she needs that extra dmg from GD anyway
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Best AQ in the game. Anyone that claims that it's "wormed" or whatever is a retard because Kaveh isn't relevant remotely. In fact, he isn't even in the AQ.
Nahida is not even close to being a Mary Sue. Don't use terms you don't understand.
so mualani will increase in value with time = neuvillette even more dead
holy fuark
Stay ShounenCHAD
he’s in the aq retard
Seems like a yume to me, raised near melusines and drinks the recommend water by neuvillette
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Think they regret making Dehya standard after she sold better than half of floptaine's cast?
eulabros who will be our natlan artifact enabler?
for C6 you build her with 4 GD and put DW on one of her supports. EM Dendro Crit DMG. Substat priority is EM = CD > CR > ATK% > ER. Aim for 750+ EM and 70-75%CR
not rolling either
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Here are my tits perverts, now leave me alone
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How will the boycott affect Genshin Impact?
The only thing Dehya sold is massive amounts of copium at your local pharmacy
the safe horny geo pyro ladies...
only at the very end for like 2 minutes but sure
Yeah some of them really are making the coolest and most interesting characters black. pic not related
he looks fun, maybe will get him but no way I'm rolling for that uggo
Absolutely lol
Her kit was clear as day star rail kids trying to make a genshin kit
Her kit would be SOOO much better in a turn based game it's not even funny
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spin-to-win bros how are we feeling
>they just gonna maka Xilonen good Dehya
Would probably skip out of spite.
Nothing, if this game survives another 5 years at this rate, it’ll be a miracle
Making an awful lot of baseless assumptions.
It won't because Amerigroids don't even play or spend on Genshin in the first place.
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Animal ears too.
His role is so miniscule I don't even remember anything he did. I guess he was complaining to Alhaitham in the library or something? I genuinely don't remember nor care because it was absolutely forgettable compared to everything else that went on.
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>jean shorts
>heavy makeup
>platform heels
that is a drag queen
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Post your healerless Abyss clear. If you used Zhongli it doesn't count
Twittertards think making a character black means making them as ugly as possible.
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>two threads with ACK ban evading
Janny tranny is such a joke lmao
He doesn't know that once ACK has a melty the threads must be camped and his post deleted at the end of every thread
Newfag janny
Sisters, please translate.
fuck off shounenfag
Dehya was entirely different character during closed beta. They decided to take majority of her kit and give her to Fontaine concepts at this time, while giving Dehya some cope version of old Candace kit (oh, irony).
enough to irredeemably ruin the aq, don’t forget that trannymouche’s interlude is also part of sumeru’s aq
I rolled Navia for IT and Sex, is Yelan still relevant enough to be picked up or can I skip her for the cute shark?
fuck off shounenfag
sure the beta will see tweaks to the multipliers but there was nothing wrong with the methodology of the showcase. fuck he even went out of his way to infuse hydro which buffed mualani's blue number getting amplified, at the obvious expense of probably needing to redo the clip in order to ensure both hits were vaping (normally you'd infuse pyro to make vaping easier).
Would explain how shit these threads have been lately
Please stay, shounenfren.
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sodomandgomorrahmeru was a mistake
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>5.0 dodoco fishblasting event
Which country will have made an ecological catastrophe in Mondstadt this time? Sumeru again?
Can I still brute force abyss with Nilou bloom?
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woah mama
had to go to hard pity (3/3) for navia's axe but it was worth it
You can feel the desperation in the post as Wuwa is crashing and burning, the boycott is failing and people won't stop lewding the cast from Natlan.
Oh my fucking god I just slapped together a meme physical Qiqi calc and IT ACTUALLY DOES MORE DAMAGE.
That’s literally just Qiqi + Furina, not even including an electro for superconduct or an ATK buffer
What the fuck this is the worst unit ever I can’t even laugh at this
Once celestia will wake up, sumeru is 100% getting the nail for homosexuality
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Nice tits, now show me your boobies.
Tourist here.
I've hear about this schizo "ACK" a few times already, got a QRD on this guy?
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case in point>>486592439
interludeshit are not aq and optional
if dragon ball was more realistic, in this scene they would have shown vegeta's bones and organs getting turned to a mush
it would have been a lot funnier
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Will Mavuika save Cheld from being Xiangling's slave?
Top 5 sexiest
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>pyro lectors
lmao even
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>acks back
That's when you know /gig/ is alive
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If you got enough cons and the hydro and dendro sure
open wide,it was explained on /gig/ on the past.
Key is really good though so it doesn’t hurt as much
I just pulled her yesterday with a f2p build and a completely unprepared team and got 34 stars on my first attempt so I imagine if you actually bother to invest in a bloom team it'd be easy
You know the Canadian bot that's been spamming the same shit for the past 12 years the same shit every time a pony appears in a thread? He's basically his twin
i will only kneel if they do this to natlan
absolute kino, best everything in the whole game. ignore the mentally ill individuals on this board.
>115% crit rate mualani

Neuvicucks are getting desperate
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>zipper lady
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Happy now, PERV?!
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Clit love!
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Another victory for Neuvgods
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From what I know, he is a pretty old schizo. His origin was in modoka threads. This also leads to me question what the fuck were they discussing in those threads that lead to the birth of such a schizo.
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>neuv fags has to PAY to win against sex shork
"ack" is made up name that the shitposter you're replying to made up. He has been obsessed with pretending everyone who tells him to stop shitposting is "ack". Because he thinks it's impossible no one else could ever be agianst him, in spite of the fact mods constantly ban him.

Sure is interesting how you refuse to address that you are constantly shitposting unprovoked.
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>She needed extra specific subs
>She goes up with crit rate
>Sac jade is crit rate
>the artifact set is crit rate
Bros...why is she so shit...
kys faggot
glad we agree she needs buffs
>furina kazuha charlotte(?), no vape
>weapon that overcaps her crit rate
the fact that neuvfags need to cope like this says everything about her desu
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For me, it's Venrina
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not even that
they do it to non-black characters too
they all have this obsessive hate over the "anime style"
specifically moe
so they try to subvert it and it always ends up looking like shit
Nah, that just means hibike or any other yuri anime has ended.
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Childe SOON
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this is true
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I win
You can stop replying to your own post, !Akemi.
No one thinks it's "schizo" to tell a shitposter to stop shitposting. You are literally the only person to ever try and force this narrative. And you are the only person who tries to pretend that 4chan is your personal army.
Just post neuvillette vs mualani with their sigs
Both weapons are close enough anyway
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Reminder that Navia has had too much positive male influence on her life to turn out a lesbian.
You don't need any constellations.
Here is last rotation, which was the exact same lineup. None of the characters have constellations and only Nahida has her signature. Rest is all on 4*.
Nilloom can easily dispatch the Lecters.
>Inb4 all those 5* characters
Should have saved faggots.
she's a crutch for Naviafags who don't have Zhongli or Chiori C1
that's not how it works, she's massively overcapped on crit rate
fuck off cuckfag you lost
>Femboy and Tomboy
i hate how well the fontaine and mondstadt cast would mesh together yet mihoyo made the event with fucking inazuma
>Inazuma: "guess what? your archon is actually the archon's SISTER"
>Sumeru: "guess what? your archon is actually the archon's OFFSPRING"
>Fontaine: "guess what? your archon is actually the archon's SCHIZOPHRENIA"
>Natlan: "guess what? your archon is actually not the archon bcs THE ARCHON is actually A BIKE"
inb4 snezhnaya plot is that the real cryo archon is the friends we made along the way
>my random say so and baseless claims are true!! t- the random post on the internet says so!!! i would never lie to try and force a narrative!! so what if i have no proof for anything i say!!
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Thoughts on this? >>486592993
>(Has 5 subs on crit rate)
Read the picture bwo

All I know is hatsune miku
oh hes triggered alright
Why do the schizos here use the most immature wordplays as insults.
The island in the next area of the summer event straight up just looks like the copy pasted Petrichor
The real Cryo Archon is Pierro.
what did you expect from a four star who is probably going to be given away like lynette was? she's gonna be another free mobility unit
Don't care
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yay :D
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Why do Rosa and her husbands have Khaenri'ah eyes?
>a kiddie game attracts childish schizo
Wow, what a surprise
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>originated from tumblr and dynastyscans as a yuritard
>was thrown out of dynastyscans because of his mental illness on crackships
>thrown out of /u/ for his mental illness
>hates crackships and harems
>haunts /a/ and /u/, sometimes /vg/ and /vp/
>once spent entire weeks shitting up 4+4chan because he was trolled into believing the entire yuriboard was an operation by his nemesis
>believes there's a massive conspiracy with a long gone shitposter called akemi and a mod out to get him
>has been ban evading for 10 years
>unloved by his parents who left him with money, he spends even christmas getting banned
>once his posts get deleted he will have hour long melties reposting replies to what he thinks is his nemesis, like pic related
hi, not one of the ones always trying to make you angry I just have one question
why do you always reply? it never ends well
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So the only artifacts worth using resin on are the new burn and bond of life ones right?
Everything else is strong box unless your name is specifically navia lawrence caspar
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>solar beam is now canon in natlan
ACKsisters btfo
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You know exactly why.
fuck off cuckfag you lost
>Kachina is the new worst unit in the game
>fucking physical Qiqi runs circles around her
>Aloy outdamages her
>no support
Apparently she’s not even worth using for mobility
The fucking catbox is better in every way than her drill
she has 101% crit rate without artifacts
kill yourself
fuck you subhumans stop trying to ruin Genshin by turning it into unplayable MMO trash
other players always have malicious intentions and can never add anything positive
multiplayer is always worse in every way than playing alone
fuck multiplayer as a concept
Fuck off genshinfag, you lost.
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erm i thought you had to have the character to get compensation?
Genshin with doll joints when?
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How do you like the very first non-homo short male character in genshin impact /gig/?
>hutroon pfp
>mostly draws neuvifuri cuckshit
we need to kill those people
after the explanation given by this thread i can now recognize ACK, thank you /gig/gers
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I'm using Kaveh Nilou XQ Nahida. Is there ANY way I can somehow make Kaveh heal the rest of the team? He heals fine but everyone else is slowly dying to chip damage. Thanks bros.
>ACK and his boyfriend spamming the threads
yawn, just get a discord for your flirts
Clorinde can use tf, Arle glad and no one rolls for Emilie, this domain is useless
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no as not even Arle, Clorinde, Emilie or Siggy want those sets
fuck off cuckfag you lost
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Great art though
>Homo mad his precious stu ain't with his wolf cub
replace him with yaoyao
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post something cute
Dud, I hate !Akemi and his troons, ACK is right.
no retard, slot an actual healer. there is no point in running discount nilou along side actual nilou.
Seethe and dilate. Imagine crying this much. You got bullied in a lobby bitch?
Go back to sucking cocks.
Pamber Nahider
bro just walk away from the computer
what the fuck is this gameplay jesus
Looks like he still wants a shielder or some IR. Luckily I rolled Thoma cons on the previous banner.
Is /gig/ the only place that wants to kill people over fictional shipping
far from a nilou bloom team lmao
fuck off cuckfag you lost
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for me, its playing YanTao in coop!
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u welcome
>reverse neuvillette spin, single target
what's even the point
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It's literally a Niloom team. Haitham does way less damage without quicken so if anything I was playing gimped.
>make a sick looking signature
>the guy who uses it doesnt hold it for most of his gameplay
imagine going into co-op Artifact just to show off your characters. lollmaoeven
nah the chinks actually came pretty close to stabbing da wei over scarahida
fuck off cuckfag you lost
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>He doesn't know how to aim down sight a year after neuvillette taught him to
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How many commission points do you guys have so far
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>Design the sexiest male character
>Make him gay
What was Mihomo thinking?
Funny, isn't it? Besides micro generals like the sims, harry potter and Skyrim, /gig/ has the biggest concentration of females to male anons
And incidentally, this general is also the worst.
Femanons should be hunted down and killed. They literally ruin anything they touch
It's called: "reverse power-creep" the characters get shittier and shittier each patch!
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So fucking goofy lmao
i'm pretty sure some chinese forums are even worse
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is mine better?
>misses more than hitting him
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fuck off cuckfag you lost
nice try scrote but we aren't the ones posting DBZ shit or ack
Yet it was the porn addicted male who actually tried to kill him.
Either porn needs to be banned, or 99% of lesser males need to be castrated
Yep, I'm ready for my beautiful shark girl to come home. Also reddit and x tards can just keep seething about her skin color i'm still pulling for her.
Cute Furina and otter :3
>pedrito is based
every time
Not even ACK related posts get deleted anymore.
Jeannies have really forsaken this place.
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Extremely cute furina outfit
people on twitter get doxxed for shipping something else
weibo freaks burn their doujins if their favorite artist suggests to draw something else
because of the scarahida fiasco tieba/nga spammed 3.8 (or was it 3.7 i don’t remember) livestream chat with some schizo garbage
/gig/ is pretty tame in comparision
How does he do in AoE? All the webms I've seen so far are versus a single enemy.
Nah, he is straight.
>b-but he shares room
Uni students share dorm room all the time. Are they gay too?
never happened delusional scaratards nor will it ever be. your manlet is just disliiked
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>stealing Ning's nings
What the fuck.
Furina cured me of my frenchphobia.
I hope french girls are cute and silly like Furina.
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Tiffany was in her fujo era.
it's even worse because the femorrhoids that don't get filtered by this site are the ones with severe mental illness
>not 9999
fuck off cuckfag you lost
So progressive of /gig/ to treat female larper as real female.
frotting with your fem roomie isn't gay
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You wouldn't like em, they eat frog posters
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doing my part siggyGODS
>Newfag don't know about the time a guy tried to stab dawei over Honkai bunny suits
Fitting, the porn addicted mind can only hold enough room for the shit he jerked off to for the past week
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Those are Ning's berries. Do not give them away.
I hope they turn some sidequest characters into playable ones at some point
>walks from behind the bush
>Is chubby
Gets me everytime lol
>>486594164 >>486594283
>>486594140 >>486593950
>>486594536 >>486594774
Just linking someone of !Akemi's posts. No real comment.
His burst does decent AOE damage.
Is Nilou worth a pull? At what cX?
You're supposed to fill that in in the language of the survey bwo.
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thank you for the 10pull monsieur neuvilette.
i was planning on saving until natlan, but said fuck it and did a 10pull on navia.
BASED too bad the intern is going to read two lines of this trash and throw it in the recycle bin
I have to delete a bunch of mats every time it hits 9999 or else the max item in inventory prompt would show up all the time, very annoying.
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dbz is funny as fuck and only woman do not find it hilarious

you need to be a souless creature to not laugh at neuvilette being mirrored to goku, which fits the woman profile
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She will never fuck you, timmy
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at least I tried.....
fuck off cuckfag you lost
i never mentioned bunny suits dipshit are scarakeks dyslexic? and stop the projections faggot
fuck, yanfei is so lucky
it's funny because of how nonsensical it is, yes
fuck off shounenfag
Okay seriously am I missing something
How the fuck is she doing so little damage with over 3k def, 150% CD, well over 200% bonus damage total, etc
I know geo sucks but what am I missing
fuck off cuckfag you lost
autistic scrote, you dick is 1 inch
>Retard can't follow a single reply line
Actual legal retard huh? I never said the coomer tried to kill him over Genshin either.
first geo brick?
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Despite being 20% of the thread...
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I pulled kokomi's donut, I pulled nilou's key, I pulled neuvillette's oceanid book
But I draw the line at a lazy copy pasted W engine from ZZZ
We used to be the Chads of /vg/.
Look at us now....
Stay shounenchad
I'll also consider slotting in yaoyao instead but who drives?
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Please seek therapy, ACK. Mod's recommendation.
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sucrose and yaoyao didn't even make it to B tier, while the characters /gig/ swore were just "sidegrades" are S tier
>italian questions
>english answers
They have all answers machine translated in chink regardless of the language
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fuck off cuckfag you lost
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Nilou badly needs her signature but she's otherwise fine at C0: she gets a significant damage amp at C2, however the rest of the cons are nearly useless. She enables a completely unique comp so she's absolutely worth the pull, yeah.
I look like this IRL
If you look like furina please add me on genshin :3
Yeah the retard is you retard. Just tried claiming Dawei was almost stabbed over your manlet faggot, you wish anyone cared enough about him to do that
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Only mentally ill people post this cartoon.
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Explain to me how Emilie works.
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what do i equip on navia?
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Navia scales off ATK
Is it a bad idea to get Navia just before Natlan released?
I hate women so much (I love them so much)
fuck off cuckfag you lost
>he thinks therapy helps with schizophrenia
we have long-acting injectable antipsychotics for this very reason
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when's he coming back I need polar star
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>if you use all your resin on world bosses you cant claim new daily system
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Quick, post Furina and Neuvillette to trigger retards
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The verdicts you'll get attempting to roll for Key
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What do you think cucky?
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Maybe 4.1
fuck off cuckfag you lost
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If you did this on Navia you're a mongoloid because she's Atk scaler.
If on Chiori you don't have two Tamoto on field.
If on Itto that is normal because he is supreme dogshit.
ain't rolling shit. i need to save for kachina and iansan now.
Is grass cutter even good on anyone anymore if I wanted to go for kinich's weapon...
off model, faggot
remove XQ and replace with barb. build barb with 2hp 2em/2healing HP HP HP/Healing and EM HP ER substats. you normally wouldn't build XQ with this setup. and as this is typically how you would build EVERY nilou team member it's better to use units who you wouldn't mind leaving that gear on. same for yao yao except use 4DW as you want at least one unit on the taeam with 4DW. Nahida can run her usual gear though as you don't want to fuck with her stuff.
Spine > Unforged > WGS ≥ Melusine
Not if you want her. There's also Xilonen which might end up being a good teammate for her.
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>geo buddypoke
>another dendro anal worm
It's over
I still think she's lacking a really good synergistic team.
What? It works with fucking condensed resin, why the fuck wouldn't it function with bosses?
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fuck off cuckfag you lost
huh? I did 3 bosses and it let me get all the dailies
I'm white.
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I can't get enough of how well their designs mesh.
God those designs are so good. I will miss fontaine.
Why are you here instead of playing the game?
I can feel the worms crawling up my ass
only neuvifuri shippers post furina nowadays, and you didn't listen to us when we called her a femcel self insert
she brought to this place almost as many undesiderables as kaveh
stay shipgod you won
just roll for C1 Chiori retard, it's the canon pair
Oh mein Gött
Imagine cosplayers trying to cosplay whatever Pyro Archon is wearing
We know neuvillette haver>>486596001
>And incidentally, this general is also the worst.
because the men here are the worst, kek. all the worst schizos and posters here are men.
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for reference. the most absolutely best thing about barb in this comp is her E generates a fuckton of cores. particularly when it initially winds up. position yourself between two mobs, press E and as the rotating water balls spins and hits the enemy the screen will fill with green numbers. c2 nahida for added effect (can get close to 100k bloom explosions with just c0 r1 nilou).
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why does ack only seethe at neuvifuri and not other ships like haikaveh or chilumi?
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Rogue, Bard, Wizard, Druid
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>lose some wait
>sometime this weak
>and roll for anymore
>hold my bear
>massive potential
>FGO is simply a bettter game
>according to zajef
>alhaitham (scarlet king (king deshret))
>Eula hyperbloom
>you deserve it for people a shitty game
>Dehya will become good later like Kuki
>frogposter haves a shit opinion
>Open your nose
>stop making the ridicule
>how do I blame for those hours?
>I should have readed
>China is a C0 F2P tournament
>skull issue
>everyone is obsseded
>Lumine's beauty deserves some braise.
>I want everyone genshin girl
>they worked together really closely for 500 years
>im not supposed to ship them
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Just roll for my dick in your mouth faggot. Shut your goofy ass up with your C1. Fuck out of here.
Janny just delete the thread and let's try again...
GAA2 mogs the shit and piss out of this dogshit summer event
The goonsquad are just as fucked in the head as every board/topic resident lunatic, really. They're also largely responsible for cultivating these nutcases with their dogshit and biased moderation.
There are literal tranny faggots on staff, who would rather spend time ERPing in IRC than taking a minute to get rid of some retard who had spend the previous few hours flooding entire boards with spam threads. That's the sort of cancerous culture which nonsense like the Madoka general schizos was raised in.
I just came off a three day ban for reporting one of these spastics endless tirades as off topic, which was apparently abusing the report system. The freaks shitting up these threads and the freaks hiding away in their cloister with the mods are all on the same wavelength, I swear.
derp EM EM EM/Healing
ack only cares about hutao ships, ei ships and he also hates keqing/ganyu
Don't care about who ack is, but any Neuvillette ship is cringe
you use her in burning team and hope for the best
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I humbly apologize
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fuck off cuckfag you lost
>I just came off a three day ban for reporting one of these spastics endless tirades as off topic
I have never gotten that off of /gig/....is it really that bad outside this oasis?
GAA2 mogs half of the game's versions
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The first day of GAA2 only had a small island with a Fatui camp
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>C6R6 hu tao
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I can easily prove this wrong
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Itto isn't dogshit at all and smugposting while saying that only makes you look like an idiot. He's a hypercarry with consistent solid damage and a huge aoe. Yes, he's male but your gender dysphoria doesn't get to redefine reality.
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How the fuck did this shit get greenlighted?
This summer event is far better than GAA2 though.
do you have the full art?
This general is starting to make me enjoy the game less.
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Not really but seriously does anyone else use it or just Raiden
so mualani is literally unusable until the pyro archon because we don't have any good pyro characters for normal vape?
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for me it's ganqing
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but why who even cares about them anymore
he’s not going to reply to you

someone’s self insert
fuck off cuckfag you lost
>Instant homo cope
Get the fuck out of here. He's a fucking brick and all 3 of you who rolled him have to inhale copium. He's outpaced, outmatched and outdated.
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>don't really find Navia all that hot compared to the other blonde women in this game and mods feel like cheating
>kinda want to get the shotgun since it's always cool in the trials but I really don't feel like getting another DPS to bench once I get bored in a week
>have like 33k primos without the neuv gibs and already did 2 10 rolls but I want to get Iansan (if 5*), shark girl, Capitano and Biker woman in Natlan
Should I?
he doesn't waifu lumine so he doesn't hate on chilumi
and why would he care about haikaveh?
I asked for this in the surveys sis.
Yea lol, first anniversary characters?
This is how I feel about Pouring Heartstrings getting renamed to Silvershow Heartstrings. At least "Grasscutter" sounds a bit weird, but what's even wrong with the word "Pouring"?
coom in loom
I'm sure mono hydro or hyperbloom is more than enough
the kekaposter
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Hey /gig/ is there a way to check your last login date?
fuck off cuck you lost
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>GAA2 was good
this is one of the worst history revisionisms ive ever experienced
now gig pretends they like kazuha
gig pretending they liked xinyan
preetending they liked empty islands with ravens non stop talking

the only good area of the game was the mona island, 1/4 does not make the whole event not dogshit
bernard your grand daughter will never love you
Yeah if you just log in then it will be today.
>all those newfags gossiping about ACK
Just stop. His nickname is Anti Crack-Kun for a reason. He hates all crack and even wrote a manifesto about it.
still good on xiangling
fuck off cuckfag you lost
Will it save her awful energy issue during natlan?
uh oh anti-gaa2 schizo melty
fuck off cuck you lost
you're welcome sir
its obvious which summer event was better
barbara obviously
>preetending they liked empty islands with ravens non stop talking
But I liked the castle.
sex with Capitano
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No, but its stronger than Fav
I don't have it installed though...
thanks bro
Capitano - cryo
Columbina - electro
Dottore - dendro
Alain/Sandrone - geo
the rest? not playable
that troon kogsgirl is exaggerating by claiming all his fans do so but he does get drawn as explicitly a genderswap or to the point of "you may as well call it a woman" because of how womanly he's drawn quite a bit. It's challenging to find art where he's drawn as his canon slim twink form while still being a distinctly male physique. I can post some femveh/pseudofemveh in about an hour if you really care.
For what it's worth, I do see a fair bit of rule64 Alhaitham as well, but not nearly as much as I see for Kaveh. And I rarely see him drawn as the "psuedowoman" figure like I do for Kaveh.
fuck off cuckfag you lost
>posting a picture of a character you hate to totally not use as a shield for your shit opinions
Really organic
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Do you ever shut your troon ass up, nahitroon? Jesus, talk about not reading the room.
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>watching this anime show from this season (summer 2024)
>Neuvillette and Furina's Japanese voice actors are in it and using the same voice range
When is Natlan releasing?
A few days before getting banned for reposting a wojak spammer flooding a thread with mass replies, I was handed a warning for reporting literal porn spam in one of these threads, as not safe for work. By the time I noticed the warning, the post it was referencing had been deleted. Boggles the mind. Shit like that happens all the time but sometimes you've got to take the hit on the chin from one mod/janny who was mostly likely aware at the time or involved, for some other goon to clean it up.
Compared to toddler shit like the latest two Summer events it was way better, yes.
holy sex
>within posting cooldown
Called it. >>486597140
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can you retards go for more than a minute without melting down about some stupid shit
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Genshins for this feel?
Oh yeah it was totally Cyno carrying those sales
Yeah, GAA1 was the only good summer event.
Are they....?
How long until the shop rotates back to lisa?
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I'm just doing mah civic duty helping our fine jannies
These are all post belonging in >>>/trash/ We are all better off without them in this goodly thread of ours
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>"GAA2 le bad! you guys are just pretending lol!"
>not even mentioning Fischl's island, the highlight of the event by a long shot
Please don't use Nahida again for your ignorant meme opinions.
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same question
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u got me, you're way too good
god i hate that kavehfag kogsgirl so much it’s unreal
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Lmao, is this what they call confirmation bias?
/gig/ has always liked Kazuha
I missed you Sara detectivebro...
>>not even mentioning Fischl's island, the highlight of the event by a long shot
He mentioned the ravens
wrong retard it means the game gained lots of new players.
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>Alain/Sandrone - Geo
I hope for either the ruin guard as a construct, or for her to have a khaenriahn battle suit.
None, she mogs all genshins
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Holy christ.
Because the people replying to you and telling you to stop shitposting are doing it because you are shitposting and trying to "troll", not because of any 'ship' you are posting.
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Howdy! Truer words were never spoken
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We love GAA2 here
We love Xinyan here
We love Kazuha here
oh nonoono
>People are saying Mualani's gameplay looks clunky and unfun
>Meanwhile people are saying Kinich's gameplay looks super fun
Bwos... I thought Natlan was supposed to be the waifu region. Mualani will receive gameplay changes, r-right?
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Furina and Neuvillette in another universe.
melty status?
the fischl section is equal to the whole kiddy summer event, having every character play arround it like shes some kind of toddler is even worse

people only "pretend" to like fischl because she is hot and coomers are porn addicts
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Which one do I roll for if I don't have either and won't be getting their weapons?
GAA2 was literally too much content. it burned everyone out before the patch that released Aranyaka. It was really good content but tactically erroneous.
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>use 4chanX to unmark all my posts
>Zero (you)s
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I hate all these things
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>one or two schizo with retards actively trying to stir them
>inb4 its the same person
Nice active general, /gig/ers. King of /vg/? More like toilet of /vg/
fischl is the hottest girl in this game
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Thanks detective.
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>fischlpags unironically believe this
they're both clunky but she has a chance of being clunky and meta while Kinich is looking pretty doa
>falseflagging as the nahitroon
We hate Pigmon here
>femcels ITT
>none of them are posting tits
>only 1 posted "tits"
If /gig/ was a toilet, we wouldn't have nearly as many saars.
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She's fucking gorgeous.
All Natlan designs are top tier.
not even top 10 if you don't have a fetish for childish retards
both have decent f2p teams, nilou might be stronger and easier to build
im a porn addict btw
Fischl is ugly as sin
Neither. Roll for Emilie.
why do you want fujos to post their man tits
I meant her attitude
Why are you trying to tell me my opinion is history revision when this has always been true?
I too enjoyed the slime video fellow gooner
chuunishit really speaks to my soul
>All Natlan designs are top tier.
said no one ever
Whats the name looks cute
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Uh oh, you seem to have riled up the trannies with your GODLY AND 100% TRUTHFUL post.
nilou is stupidly easy to build, just stack HP with EM subs
both strong, if you have Nahida I'd pick Nilou
None, she mogs all genshins
>now falseflagging as yaebros
This is just pathetic now Fischlpag.
Only difference is that Faruzan isn't a massive cunt
kleepedo is really angry right now
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Gordo Goat
Not Chasca's.
? he said natlan not sumeru retardbwo
Klee flopped btw
You lost schizo
Reminder that the Fischlpag got BTFO by EulaGODS after a failed falseflag attempt
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>its a falseflag if I dont like the post
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>"my boogeyman is anyone who disagrees with me!"
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Grr I'm so angry right now.
>post seething about GAA2
>failed samefag accusation (dude has a 4chan pass)
>cuckposting starts
I'm noticing...
shenhe xl r
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>/gig/ thread
>check inside
>peruano fischl avatarfag falseflagging as nahitroon AND yaeposters
>the one who shall not be named replying to everyone
Nice fucking thread bros.
Cleric too has updated his VPN subscription it seems
>4chan pass
I'm noticing... >>486597464
how does yae miko underwear smell like
kleepedo... don't have a cuckposting melty please...
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All me
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kleepedo melty
yaepedo melty
>pass user
ruh roh
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as a neutral observer i think fischlGODS (singular) won bigly HUGELY even ENORMOUSLY too
Not your personal army
kys peruano
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looks like thread will be unusable for a couple hours
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>lyney higher than ayaka just by 0.1%
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thanks for restocking my (You)s, I'm eating good tonight!
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Pastabro. You're supposed to write in italian.
cholde the reddit
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>he bought to fight his boogieman
>he spent money on /gig/ instead of the game
save for natlan dumbfuck
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I love off-model art, please post tonnes.
>fischlpag starts shitting up the thread
>cuckthread spawns
lmfao yea im out of here
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Oh nyo
>this sml fag with gay gamer bandana
Having almost equal damage with the best hydro character in the game as a literally who brown Gawr Gura is pretty good. Not sure why you'd be upset at this if you were a waifufag, did they just want Neuvillette to get completely powercrept?
i win
At ruining your life.
I hope the signature is reachable with f2p. I needed 70 wishes to get her lmao.

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