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Boobapoly Edition

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How to WebM

>tfw no booba gf
You meant to say "Boob too small edition", right Anon?
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how to get a gamedev wife who looks like this and accomplishes my boobhat dream? i can dev and when i'm thinking really hard on how to fix some issue or draw an enemy she can lay them on my head while i think
Post progress, or else.
My progress is too weird to post.
if you want to make porn, just make porn. no point in trying to shoehorn it into a game unless you have the reach to build a patreon paypig following
Minesweeper, but you're a dwarf cleaning company.
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I added sound effects to my game.
those sound like ass
I nodeved for 12 hours then nodeved for 4 hours.
After such a hard day, I'm now gonna sleep for 8 hours.
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>very successful indie RPG
>no RPG tag
>how to get a gamedev wife who looks like this
I wish I knew so I could have her provide voice acting
RPG tag is meaningless.
But you haven't heard them.
hehehe, i created a new plane.
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new weapons
(thunder glove isnt that good against fast enemies)
Nta, I like them, and I like how you sound like Morgan Freeman.
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Animal crossing repetitive path placement BTFO
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Got a meeting with someone at Xbox in a few hours.
If you never see me again I was either promoted to PGDG (later losers!!) or I was killed and they stole my game (avenge me).
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Is it possible to find tilesets/textures for a topdown that uses static sprites of this quality? Picture something like Diablo 2 but a bit higher in fidelity.
I don't have the resources to fight Microsoft mercenaries, you are asking too much of me.
If your game is small scale enough this is fine. I instead use a global sound player queue system to reduce the total amount of nodes needed, and I like how it lets me play any sound from anywhere.
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this is the freshiest thing I have
iirc Diablo1/2 Starcraft, and pretty much all 2D stuff from that era simply had 3D models and took pics of them under all needed angles.
You can probably get it running it in an afternoon by grabbing a super HD model of your choice but displaying only with Impostors.
That probably requires a simple shader which someone else has already written.
>I instead use a global sound player queue system
Didnt know this was a thing.
Looking good. New Horizons was a UX disaster
>fast enemies
that nigga moved like a metre from where you cast it
Lord, why must you tempt me with such beautiful women while I have work to do?
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Make an otome game, you'll get rabid female fans like this.
Be thankful for temptation because only now you can defeat it.
make a princess maker esque game but with a male NEET. So you can fix him.
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I've been revamping my animation pipeline for a week, so I have jackshit to show for progress since I'm just trying to land back were I was but more cleanly.
Getting into the last stretch tho, should be able to start getting *some* benefits from all that headache soon.
Here's the article I copied initially, it's pretty straight forward.
Over time it has evolved for my game, it's worth it I think.
If thats the case I could just try out the idea with actual 3D models in a topdown view first, thanks. It might look ridiculous using a static image with no animation though.
>1 review
she must reaaally love love love the game to write her first review on it
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I use a shader to curve and shift the content on the page. Because the animation of the page turn has a set number of frames, I don't need to make a smooth animation for the content. Instead, I check on which frame the page turn animation is, and change the shader parameters based on that.
i WILL avenge you.
It's so sad because it's like a 30 minute implementation
>It might look ridiculous using a static image with no animation though.
A 2D animation is just a static image you swap once in a while.
You will probably have to make a custom system to take pic of every animation step, and then make a custom vertical billboard shader that can both pick the proper angle (or have a different billboard per angle) AND iterate among the frames of the current animation. Look into "AnimationMode.StartAnimationMode/BeginSampling/SampleAnimationClip", at worst.
>gigglesqueak noises
that's a fujo, right?
>I use a shader to curve and shift the content on the page
One day, I too will unlock this power.
Fuck, I need to learn how to make an otome game.
that's a tranny albeit
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ive started to go over all enemies, weapons, items and polish them instead of adding new stuff, there should be enough content for now.
for the enemies i have thought about adding new attacks based on the current chaos level, i could reuse them later that way and it adds alot more to "lategame" runs
nice try newfag
if you weren't such a newfag you would have known that game has been in development for nearly 5 years already
>decide to be a good boy and use Unity's ScriptableObject to store game data instead of sticking them in a prefab
>List<string> inside it get reset to null every time I close/open the project
... wtf.
I'd hate to see you go, bunposter...
you'd be the only one then, hate that faggot redditor
So what if they are, chud?
Changed values at runtime maybe?
Yeah, I fill those values with an [ExecuteInEditMode] script.
Is that not allowed for scriptable object, do I need to call a specific thing other than AssetDatabase.SaveAssets?
'cause outside of the whole "not saved between session", it's working perfectly fine and without errors, which is why I'm confused.
Same, he's the only guy that talks about Asian culture with me here
>Meeting someone at a sinking ship
ExecuteInEditMode is the problem probably.
Id team up with some devs here, depending on the game the team would vary

>Do that and you'll find success
;_; I don't think it'll be easy. Some are simply stuff in an already existing genre. I'd team up woth you but for a non-coom game but definitely appealing game, alas I'm not good at gamedev so I doubt you or most anyone here would team up with me :(
why don't we just have a github for our communal project
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Is it just me or has youtube devlogging become a very prostitution-like acivity. It's like these people desperately share their personal lives with a bunch of strangers in a vague hope to keep them hooked and engaged. It's not even predatory because these fucks are doing it out of their own volition. It's preyatory as fuck
I'll team up but only if I can code monkey and have input on art, sfx, music, etc.
>preyatory as fuck
*Laughing nose noises since its the wee hours of the morning in the US and my sleep schedule is screwed*
I think its just them trying to lure the crowd in to build a connection rather than actual friendship.....like the friendship i have with some on aggy daggy
not him but can we make a tower defense game?
Never reply to my posts again you fucking faggot
the hard decision of cutting the dev cycle on my current game and jumping into a game with more /gmi/ chances is increasing! i have to make it, i just have to! but i cant just project hop.
you're not me. He can reply as much as he wants
post an example
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Nice try faggot.
We have a communal project?
In 2D or 3D?
Taking over the world by getting all the bitches thanks to dev fame and thus ensuring the entire next generation will be nothing but our sons?
this guy acting like a self-deprecating loser and then showing off his baby:
This guy talking about his family life:
But anon how else was I supposed to mention it made me laugh with my nose?
>inb4 the problem is me befriending anons on aggy daggy
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How do I make looping sound effects? I don't know what I am doing bros...
3D of course! in Godot no less.
I'm the guy who made the original post and I thought your post was cool beans. Always reply to my posts again you fucking legend
The problem is being an insufferable cocksucking redditnigger
>think about making successful big hit game
>nodev for years
>someone else makes successful big hit game first
Okay sure. What would you want to do when we team up? Just art and assets?
who's this newnigger replying to every single post in the previous thread?
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There's literally nothing wrong with replying to posts from previous threads
I can do art and assets... but I want to do coding too.
there's very much something wrong with being autistic enough to read through an entire archived general
Yamero! I'm worse at art than I am at code. It's over!!!
but I have to be up to date on the agdg newsreel so I can keep up with all the new drama and memeys!
kill yourself
There isn't, and furthermore the previous thread isn't even archived. It's not even on page 10.
Back in the day we used to stay in AGDG threads at least until page 10 before making a new thread but now people make a new one as soon as the bump limit is met so they can choose the meme for the OP.
All I personally can do is code monkey and create some okayish sound effects. I wouldn't mind having someone else help develop though.
If you are decent at art, that is good enough for me.
So who is this "Niggerdev"?
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If you are gonna photoshop the (you)'s behind it then at least make sure it's pixel perfect so people don't notice.

You could've spend that time to work on your game,
The state of this board man
Board would be nicer without reddit spacing touhouniggers
Go ahead and point out the off pixels btw
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gizmos more like jizzhose
So apparently ScriptableObject need to have "SetDirty" called otherwise they aren't saved correctly by the database, unlike every other object.
I've barely touched 3D and my 2D is at best like pic related
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This will do...
It's an anon who devs while dressed in full nazi regalia. Tales say he lives in Europe and is 100% white. He supposedly made ot off gamedev but has kept it a well guarded secret somehow aggy daggy is unaware of his success.

just ate a whole bag of chips for breakfast
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>Animation pipeline revamp finally done
>All assets re-baked with new system
>Press run for first in-game test
>Webm related
fuck off
What the fuck
Nta but thanks this looks useful, should I touch sfx that i keep putting off.
you're fun and good natured. I don't think you belong in this cesspit of grumpy old farts
>slaps together a dozen free unity assets
>shocked when it doesn't work
You can hear my fan in the background if you listen closely to my sound effects.
Whys the hair not staying attached? Did you ever mention this games name btw?
>2D is at best like one of the best selling games of all time
post your own work, faggot
relax negroid
>I've barely touched 3D and my 2D is at best like pic related
Low poly or pixel characters will do then. Just make sure they look cute or cool.
Just because they sold well doesnt mean everyone else with that style will sell well. That style is not difficult to achieve. Anyways I'm on my phone, I'm not running off to get a pic of it off the pc lel
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ancient aggy project fallen leaf released this week on steam
>post your work
>"heh, (fle funny 4chan meme word)"
you'd think nodevs would at least fake a couple screenshots so they could convincingly pretend to have a game
It's not that I like the activity you're describing but fuck off with trying to throw around sjw buzzwords like ''predatory''. It's fine to just dislike thkngs without engaging in mental gymnastics to make the people doing it look like Hitler.
>That style is not difficult to achieve.
>i've never done pixel art myself, but i'm sure i can make terraria-quality sprites on my first try
kys nodev dunning kruger niggers
I don't have to fake screenshots because I already have the real deal
You do not have a game
>troon trying to police my speech
just don't be predatory you faggot
actually looks good
shame its a 2d platformer though
>I have a game, you just can't see it because I left it on my other computer
very convincing, nigger
>12 years in development
>pixelshit platformer
Anything you might want me to draw so I can post it hours later? Just for fun. It's probably gonna look bad tho
ok lets group up and make our tower defense
But does it work? I'm tired of nobody caring
>word is sjw because... it just is OK
retard mental midget are you gonna throw away the whole dictionary just because it contains words that faggots use? Problematic and toxic are also excellent words that are used to explain things. The only thing making them political is your underdeveloped brain.
Here, I'll give you some example:
>This nigger is really problematic at work.
>My addiction to heroin cultivated a toxic mindset which is why my life is whacked.
>Advertisement campaigns for unhealthy products are predatory towards mentally feeble people.
she goes to another school
I hate tower defense but good luck to your guys.
yeah like games releasing 2024 with terraria graphics will be 1m reviews too. its so easyyy why dont you copy the graphics of terraria for an easy 1m reivews?
I don't know your art style but draw a cute anime girl.
NTA but saying shit like "toxic mindset" is inarguably retarded therapyspeak for twitter faggots
you absolutely would not have seen that phrase anywhere but a shitty self-help book 20 years ago
tower defense except you climb the tower
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>Descriptive word is a buzzword actually so you're not allowed to use it
I hate zoomers so much it's not even comprehensible
How will we group up? Discord?
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Anybody here had any experience with designing bullet hell stuffs?
I am currently making a few types of spawns like a burst, a spread and so on as scriptableObjects and letting them be customized to an extent with simple variables, but it feels like it is awfully time consuming to create all of those
but toxic mindsets and toxic habits and toxic environmens are real things and you plugging your ears and having a tantrum isn't gonna change that. The moment you identify something it no longer has any power over you
/agdg/ is a toxic environment because it bends your brain pathways
>cute anime girl
I'm screwed kek. The artstyle is kinda Terraria/Starbound like but worse. I'm not even sure I can draw her in anime style while using that graphic style. I'll try giving it a try later.

Idk I haven't really thought of a game idea, idk about tower defense. Maybe a small game so it's something that could be achieved quickly? I still don't think I'm good enough at this to even team up with other anons.
notice that the system should only be used for nodes that might be removed before the sound can finish playing
it is good practice to put sound directly on the nodes that make the sound otherwise
you've been thoroughly brainrotten by modern "I must psychoanalyze absolutely everything" bullshit
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You've been thoroughly brainrotten by "I must emotionalize and moralize everything and I refuse to pragmatically adopt new tools to deal with understanding and dealing with the hellscape of modernity"
listen here you retarded underaged nodev nigger. you're not getting what we're saying at all. you've never tried to make pixel art before, but it looks low res enough that your retarded monkey brain thinks "this MUST be easy to make". well it's not. try it yourself (you won't). you can't even come close to making terraria level graphics without a shitton of practice. practice that you've never put in. terraria's team didn't even make terraria's sprites without a dozen iterations and updates
>emotionalize and moralize everything
the natural state of human beings
>pragmatically adopt new tools to deal with understanding and dealing with the hellscape of modernity
shit to make soulless postmodern bugmen into more obedient slaves
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Make one of those cute plant people then. Believe in yourself anon.
Obviously the only reasonable course of action is to go all-in on gamedev.
If I made some music for my game and put it in, should I be storing it as some loseless shit, even considering it's already pretty low quality?
I don't know about musicfag shit
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>dreamt about having my own PAX table with booth babes
>they were cosplaying Rei and Asuka for some reason, this was apparently related to my game
>everyone I met was super nice and exited about my game
>didn't even get to see what the game looked like
How many billions of animations you got on the screen to justify the bake animation craziness ?
just use .ogg, no one is using lossless audio for games
Lucky... I dreamt a young woman was trying to stab me with a screwdriver
that's not the point, it'll be something like .ogg but outside of the game I'm gonna want to back up my shit and I don't know if I'm expected to store it in some funny way.
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Avoiding a miserable path towards innevatable death, &, receiving attention from the most contradictory creature of this earth – the humanmonkey.

Here I am, having finished my week of labor, working out a bit, getting out of my disabled situation bit by bit against odds. Oh these girls they look at me, but would they come to my small and not clean enough condo?
Oh they could.
But me, could I truly engage them with a "heyyou're cute I want to have you for a night"?
Oh yes I could.
But here I am, avoiding the risks. I want the attention of someone sharing pleasure, I want the object to apply the sharing. But is that object safe? I don't know. Can I take the risk of appearing for what I am, and even more be punished for what I am, truly.

Beyond the screen... there I am safe. Only pixels of words, LED colors and people so easy to be judged as worse than me. Here I am alone, focusing on my dreams until they become real, losing my mind in a blissful manner days after days.

What is the point of knowing the code, when manipulating it just reveals the machinery of the humanmonkey? What inner good will come towards me without me having to create it?

Something in me always wanted to be a god, but now that I'm becoming one, I realise this is still not it.

What is the missing piece. Does it even exist? Or is that something not missing – but overly present.
Here I am, living, wanting things, when I do not even remember asking to be born.
So I search, I work, I try... All of that for these girls. But the truth is I fell for my own illusions: the ideas of girls.

The binarity of Being and God, when I'm not even religious. One creating the other, in an endless loop. I can't wait for this to end, yet in the best moment I know I will miss it.

Tell me, Creator of the beginning: Why do you give me things I need to give up?
Creator. I will do my best, whatever the goal is. But I will ask this, again and again from you: can I be what I want when it's over?
Phillips or slotted?
last time he posted about this months ago(I have incredible memory) he said it's a meeting with the cripple gibs department to see if they can give him a game dev mentor, it's not like he's getting a gamepass deal.
imagine how much work you could've done on your game instead of typing all this gay shit
The work will be easier when I think of this comment.
Save the DAW projects, of course, for if you ever want to go back and update it. Export a FLAC version if you think you'll ever sell a soundtrack, but less than 1% of users will care.
the problem is then I should clean up the DAW projects so that it can always export exactly the music track, because a couple have gotten a bit messed up with experiments.
>replying to your own post
I think it's funny that they assume other people don't notice it/can't tell when they do it. I used to to do this back when I was new to 4chan too.
Sometimes it's important to realise instead of getting new tools to adapt the world, it's best balancing the current state of affairs instead of creating yourself the shitty reasons that will require new tools.

Also if you decide to deal with understanding and dealing the hellscape of modernity, that does not mean everybody should follow that.
Now you know what kind of screws are loose on you.
hey fags
i’m doing a surreal non-linear side-scroller SHMUP with yume nikki level design (levels within levels)
what is the likelihood zoom zooms will make it popular
8 of those released on steam just this morning
the success of that game doesn't come from randomly appearing in discover queues for people that have played Fallout 4 or Final Fantasy XVI
yeah but do they have slippery mario 64 ice controls and schizo lore that contradicts itself attached to it
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And as he climbed the way, they tried to keep him there. "No! You cannot get what we did not!"

And he still stopped to look at them, to watch them. And thus he asked "Creator, you gave me compassion and understanding, and you also gave me refusal and destruction. These humanmonkeys, like my life, I did not ask for them. And yet, like the pleasures this life can give me, these things are dragging all the positive in me."

And then he tought of this: "I will appreciate turning my head an losing time, as one day surely I won't be able to do it anymore. The sacrifice I made today of looking at them, will be another step to what I can get. None of us asked, and yet, that was their decision. Mine will be to pursue, to forgive, and to build a place where such acts are not possible anymore. I am not asking, in the same way nobody asked to be here – I am doing until I'll be".
reminds me of this guy who used to post here long ago, Kevin Trainwiz I think his name was, who spent 10 years and countless thousands of dollars on a side project to fund his dream game
nigga you know there's more than one person in this thread right?
This guy is really cool and based. Please listen to anon.
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Damn :/
Even in his wildest dreams he has no game
the amount of seething vitriol these posts attract is sort of indicative of the larger agdg culture which acts hostile towards quality games while encouraging low-effort meme games
Is that why Edengrall, Awoken, Kalemnovo and Cosmic Call are getting crabbed?
It's indicative that agdg hates faggot redditors. both faggot redditor posts like above and faggot redditor games like platformers
none of those games are good
So why are Anons acting hostile towards them?
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Random stuff not being updated correctly resulting in old & new animation pipeline colliding for funky results:
ScriptableObject problems resulted in the master table reverting to old version and sending wrong animation & bone ID to new meshes ("Idle" for running, "Falling" for walking, "Melee Swipe" for idle, etc.)
And accessories like haircurts/glasses/etc not using the new meshes and thus playing the "correct" animation but not the same one than new meshes.
Fixed everything properly now.

>Did you ever mention this games name btw?
In my head it's "Warfare Club", since it's about high-school anime girls doing war things as after-school club activities.
Not really put much thoughts into it yet, marketing is way down on the ToDo list for now.

1) Some of those aren't even free.
2) It actually worked perfectly fine before I put my greasy fingers in the machinery.

50k characters is the current workload, with 2 to 5 animated mesh per characters (well, 0 for the furthest LOD).
There are a bunch of CPU-side optimizations I have yet to do AND raw polycount is a limiting factor, so I have some hope to hit 100k in the final product.
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>quality games
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And as he spoke, in a second, a work that initially required 1000 seconds was born.

Was it the secret? When abandonning the idea of wanting, things would spawn by themselves. The next step would not be, but naturally just "be" to have these things be what was once desired.

It was just another step towards a place accessible for all, yet accessible for none. Contradictory, just like the humanmonkey, the code was to be contradictory too. Treat magical things as magic and they'll be, treat something bad as bad and he'll be, don't treat something and he'll disappear.

And then he understood this: "Oh Creator, if I knew (You), and you were there, they'd surely act the same with you. Despite all the blame I have for (You), I do not wish to act the same.
If you are invisible, Creator, it's not only to protect (You)rself, but also protect (Me). As by not being there for me, these humanmonkeys won't turn on me."

The more he was letting the desire of attention behind him, the more attention would come to him. So as he learned the humanmonkey code, he said.

"Oh nodevs and crabs, I am very interested in your opinions, I want them, I crave them. Answer to (Me), in all of your Glory. I will always be there to read you, and I will always be present. Your posts are of absolute importance, and I am so very so influenced by them."
>make faggot mascot horror game
>get popular
>get rich
easy method, you faggots
because they are popular
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If your first game is a non porn game I have bad news for you
>buy lotto ticket
>pick winning numbers
>get rich
easy method, you faggots
Making fun of a game in early stage here won't bring you anywhere anon ! It has everything it needs to success: anime girls and juans blessing.
thirsty-ass nigga ain't even heard of Eric fr
it’s so easy to shit out some mascot horror, add lore and jumpscares
>adds sexy woman into non-porn game
what now
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Another day where I check out other pixel artists and become depressed because I can't compete.
>lil bro watched that youtuber's brainrot video
pixel art for men who play nintendo switch while a black man fucks their wife
>lil bro
>lil bro is having a melty over slang
i’m trans btw, forgot to mention
Isn't that all pixel art?
No one wants to pay for a porn game made by me, trust me.
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Post your lore
Sorry, but you will have to play my game to experience my lore.
peak ngmi shit
at most you should have writing, lore is for sequels
Sorry, but you will have to play my game to experience my lore.
Sorry, but you will have to play my game to experience my lore.
My story is experienced through the loading screen hints.
>Did you know the west desert crater was formed from the impact of a giant egg?
go work on your game.
And he went away, listening tho those who were not dragging him down. And he made this statement: "I shall disappear in this form, for my goal is to someday, in this world or another, offer to those who helped me, the same pleasure that I acquired in dignity.
I'll be invisible for most of the time, because that's how I will be able to help you the same way (You) did".

Since then, his name took many forms, and his actions became the source of many divergences and discord. But for those who saw the invisible, a trace of what's to come was secure in them. An eternal reminder of what can exist, and what is worth silence".
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had the dream where the feature I added fixed everything again! unfortunately i woke up then realized thats a pipe dream thatll NEVER HAPPEN and therefore, im throwing in the towel
>new schizo target acquired
yeah I got that recommendation too. Ignore whores. Make game
the key is good designs that attract porn
post her game
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>w*man devs
please if your zoomer brain is this desperate to worship someone at least worship someone worth a shit like Jon Blow
>ew, a woman? you should worship this washed-up schizo who made two mediocre games 10 years ago
Do you think if I create the codebase for a 3d porn game I could rope in an artist(for profit share) to get patreonbux?
>artist plays it, sees the potential
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Nortubel tier
right here
porn animators make thousands a month rigging shitty Daz3D models for patreon paypigs, none of them are going to accept a profit share on some shitty literal-who indie dev
I've been unironically making a porn game.
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is there something fundamentally bad about using GameObject.Find in Unity ? Just asking to be sure
Yeah I can see it
Porn game, but for women
keep seething brownoid
Just write a test where you spawn N objects and then use GameObject.Find and see if it lags or not.
bad in update. seems fine if you are just using it on one frame.
I don't need a pro, I just need someone who's been doing 3d for the same time I've been doing gamedev(2y) and can do low-mid poly and create nice nude humans.
It's not a 2d platformer retard and most porn games are VN/shitty gameplay 2d.
Now I'm not saying mine will have revolutionary gameplay but free movement in 3d, exploration of buildings or beaches, ability to sex anyone and context based actions for sex positions could be big.
horse games already exist
well I am forced to use it in a very rare case which the game will probably have to resort to only once in over 15 minutes but I don't see any other clean way to do it
You either nodev or dev long enough to come to hate your game
>most porn games are VN/shitty gameplay 2d
because that's what people want, retard. no one wants involved 3D gameplay in their porn game, and the people that do will just play modded skyrim.
it would be cool if we compiled a full list of games that are terribly ugly but have amazing gameplay
She’s like 25 and already bogged her lips
It's like a marriage. You might grow irritated, bored, and tired of your wife, but that's not hate. And if you remain with her and do everything you can to be a good husband and father you might know true pride and fulfillment at the end of your life
Doesn't work for disabled objects and is pretty laggy to use it for every frame. Fine otherwise.
Remember that /agdg/ consists of some of the MOST retarded posters here (see: cumball, cris, etc) and will always try to tell you not to use tools at all instead of trying to teach you when to use those tools
people do that in koikatsu, record their own videos/pics and jerk to them.. I guess?
I can deliver a fantasy which a user builds up in 3d then they can stop playing and jerk off to a sex scene playing itself
or Sam Hyde
this but unironically
did you test the gameplay? I mean it's hard to imagine the effect of 50k characters on the screen for a third-person game. My first guess is that this is completely useless for a game like that, or even hurts the gameplay. Are you doing that just because it seems cool at first glance or does it actually serve the gameplay?
you think that was a joke ?
why does it take so long tho?
If your dad left and you’re in need of an internet father figure, this is probably the least destructive one you can pick out of the existing options
the art got worse over time, now it's much uglier
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Zoomed in and out, not an actual "first person view" but I suppose it's close enough.
I'm an incel so I can't relate to this analogy
nice Sacrifice clone
what is this guy up to?
Raping ruanguts.
>for a third-person game
It's an RTS. Vaguely between DoW1 and Total War.
The third person view is there just for fun and debugging.
I know it's prejudice on my part, but I have a strong feeling that she DOESN'T HAVE A GAME!
nigga that's sexist
oh, now it makes sense. cool stuff, man. keep up the good work!
my game seriously blows, dude
The rule of (you)’s remains unbroken.
Post something high quality and professional looking = ignored
Post something that looks like a middle school project that all the losers here don’t feel intimidated by = get lots of attention and praise
My dude blows are serious
I'm making some amazing progress on my workflow lately.
>see woman
>say “I don’t think she’s a diesel mechanic”
>tranny comes and tells me that’s a heccin micro aggresssion
where is the high quality and professional looking post with no (You)s?
>RTS with 50k busty anime girls wrestling and bullying each other
Is this porn
Another day another doll hair am I right fellas? You DO have a 6 figure remote tech job that you use to fund development, don’t you?
My development is zero cost.
the crowder strike thing is stopping from devving
no it hasnt affected me but thinking of all those people who cant call 9/11 is just... okay... i... i cant do it...i give up
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i like your ground textures
>lives with mommy
>has no freedom
>can’t invite a girl over to his own house
We weren’t all born to make it, it’s not really your fault
So when will Lente be done with her Flash game?
oldfag, crusty ahh old man
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For the past 6 months I have been a self employed game developer with a salary of 000 000 000.0
The only progress without (You)s in here is that shitty underwater boomer shooter (Retarded Fag Simulator or something I can't remember the name exactly) and Norglorb which is made by someone with serious problems in real life and will never be finished.
Be gone, progress liar.
My house is filthy, is it worth hiring a weekly cleaning service?
i'm starting to feel like admitting i'm a degenerate who does nothing but browsing 4chan all day is better than spending another 10 years trying to change my life and still ending up in the same place. guilt-tripping just doesn't work. if i can't find better alternatives, maybe it's just how life is.
maybe changing your life only works if you want something, "not wanting something" feels kinda like a suicide-like strat.
nice take, mongoldev
How many months of savings do you have left? How low would it theoretically have to get for you to jump back into the wage cage?
Nolgorb is one of the top quality games of this /agdg/ generation
>atheistic nihilists when they come to terms with the reality of living a meaningless and purposeless life
Ayo bruh what da fugg!!
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>Healed to death

working on a new boss. I've added outlines for aoe attacks so there's more opportunities to create mechanics which require you to dodge mechanics.
One nice thing about a 6 figure remote tech job is that I work maybe 1-2 hours per day and spend the rest of my time working on game or shitposting on 4chan. It’s like collecting government benefits but 10x the salary for barely any extra work
i'd argue with you, but i made a decision this year to not argue with anybody using buzzwords.
Is it weird to put special thanks to a dev that inspired you even if they've never replied to your emails, steam reviews, or youtube comments?
2 years give or take. The game's core is pretty much done and I'm planning to be done one year from now so it's all good
Everything is porn if you are horny enough, although I'm more aiming for something like K-On or Girl Und Panzer, than Queen's Blade.
Best you will get are pantyshots and cosplay-as-unit's-uniform (and yes, the one amphibious unit will get school swimsuits) - and maybe ripped clothing as damage indicator if I bother making a shader for it.
I will leave the actual R34 to eventual fanarts.
The absolute brain rot of thinking the word atheist and/or nihilist are buzzwords kek. 2nd grade reading level words filters out a lot of 4chan chudcels
fog color has to match horizon color, almost black in this video
Nah it’s fine just seems a little pathetic and cucked, also people will assume you have a real relationship and when it comes out that you’re just a creepy little freak it might be off putting to some
oh shit, Feline Fortress, poor soul, she will be so disappointed on release day.
ok annons here is my experience. as a noob developer you are not used to getting attention, and when you receive it you end up getting too excited and over estimating what the award really means, this is a shit thing that happened to me, after a few projects that didn't receive any attention, I ended up winning a fucking award and that was terrible for me. In these shitty awards shows you are not competing with the market, but with other shitty games that will also fail in the market. Because of this I dedicated 2 years to a shitty project, which after being launched gave me a miserable 3 thousand dollars, I feel deeply recent about this shit, I felt betrayed, awards don't fucking matter, ignore 100% of it, just trust the market, It's the only place where people will be 100% honest with feedback, people say the trust only when they spend money to play your thing, before that it's all worthless praise
Wow you either stacked a lot or live in a very low COL area, either way nice job and good luck on the release
yes boku you can mention mojito in your credits
>healed to death, but its schizohorror mongol graphics
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There's a day & night cycle but I don't know how to change the skybox yet D:
>fell for the award meme
When I am nominated (and inevitably win) indie game of the year, I will hire 10-15 morbidly obese black women off of Craigslist to pretend to be my dev team. We will all walk onto the stage together, and I will take up at least 5 minutes of event time slowly and painstakingly introducing each member and their contribution
>”and here we have LaShawnDreekwa, the lead internal database designer and backend programmer, without her this game wouldn’t be possible”
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why majority white devs decide to ruin their careers with dei flops?
Aw sweet I love games where I literally can’t see anything at all! That’s the best!
why can't I hang out in a place like this and make games...
How is it creepy? The game is out of this time and the dev is clearly an auteur. It seems important to mention
They’ve been brainwashed their entire lives to think they are guilty for being White. The ones that don’t feel guilt for being White generally don’t go into game development
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>tower defense with boring towers and only "innovation" being you can fight too
This won't put a dent into Bloon 6's numbers, and will be several magnitudes less fun than Sanctum 2.
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:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Wanted to make a large screen with propaganda.
morbid obesity and hair with different primary colors are a basic requirement for the position. makes marketing easier
>the bug man longs for the high voltage fluorescent lighting, as the familiar buzzing drones into his wax crusted ears
The rules are actually:
>I can bring a girl over as long as she's my girlfriend, no random girls.
>She gets free food
>If we get the sheets dirty we have to wash it ourselves.
once i realized i'll never land a good dev job i lost all motivation to improve anymore. what the fuck is the point at being good at something if it doesn't benefit you in any way?
As long as they look angry sassy and homeless my job will be done. I do expect at least one of them to try and fight me for the mic to promote themselves but if it eats up more event time and puts the organizers in a moral dilemma where they’re afraid to look racist by cutting the black women off, it’s still a win for me
You little pussy
What a great award, they sure know what people want to play! It's probably one of those "GIVING VOICES" to creators awards.
Have you tried getting a remote 6 figure tech job that only requires 1-2 hours of work per day? It’s really easy I applied to like 3 places and got offers from each after a week or two of interviews
Even funnier that it has a publisher meanwhile actual great games with potential that get posted here can’t get any type of recognition
A day is 50 minutes. You won't spend more than, well you start midday, and the night is only, I guess half of both sides, well, if my math adds up, you shouldn't be spending more than 10 or 20 minutes in the dark. And there will be torches.
>apply for 10/hr internship
60/day steam
backlog, competition
expense, sales diminish
h o b b y
link? i'll apply
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>he never brought girls over to his parents' house
>never apply
>don't get rejected
i'm pussymaxxing
nta but my parents are autistic weirdos and never leave the apartment so it was never even into the question
>Top quality /agdg/
>Not professional
Dingodev can't even open the door for an electrician. He quits every other week, sometimes destructively. His mental illness will not permit a release, the game will never truly 'exist', it's like Nortubels endless development of a true Autiste spinning his tires to escape from reality
He's a fairly new dev. He arrived after me for Christsakes
Ah the classic 'don't call me out on my shitty behavior or else you'll be racist card' - such a good move. Good laughs here, but now I'm going to go make some progress on my pixel art platformer about depression, gender equality, and the oppression of the patriarchy
special thanks implies close contact, it just seems you want to get his attention at all costs
but I got a couple (you)s...am I doomed?
the stomach is hungry for food, but the brain is hungry for progress
Why do you want to hang out in a place like that?
should just use a circular buffer instead of an unbounded queue
>it's all worthless praise
this is why i post here. I actually enjoyed the 'vindictive' french streamer shit talk my game. I want to succeed, i don't want unearned praise, i want to feel like i'm actually held to the high standards i try to hold myself up to.
I really hate the culture of unearned optimism.
cause I'm a gay ass nigga bitch
wait does that mean I'm gmi?
I'm starting to have a sneaking suspicion that my game might be shit
Can you recommend me some boy's love manga to use as inspiration for my game?
My game isn't getting the attention it deserves but people will realize how great it is eventually
>It's been 2 weeks since launch but I only sold 5 units, why did this happen r/gamedev
>sit for half an hour wondering why the coroutine is refusing to start
>turns out the whole time I was trying to call it like a method
oh but when I say it I'm a "crab"?
These are different games right? Or are both her games?
Curious. What else do you fantasize about?
There is literally nothing worse than vlogging or being a patreon whore.

high explosive truth bomb
The game might be considered ugly but it has this late 80s early 90s PC game art style that's probably hugely nostalgia baiting for a good chunk of people.
I wish I was back...
>There is literally nothing worse than vlogging or being a patreon whore
What's so bad about it?
im making some bomb ass games tho
>be an ugly male
>have a shitty unlikable personality
>too autistic to mask
>noooooo you can't just like make people like you RRREEEEEEE
Understandable. Have a nice day.
>I wish I was black...
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There are only two endings to it, you either let yourself get turned into picrel, or you get cancelled for resisting.
You have zero bargaining power as an e-whore.
I wish I were Japanese.
>impossible, you MUST have done something wrong to offend the schizos
>I wish Runa was blacked...
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A-Avenge me...
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what did they tell you?
> we've taken your disability into account but it does not earn you a high enough diversity ranking to qualify you for our funding program
One more patch and then my game will be fixed finally, that's all it'll take, just one more damn patch.
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it's basically female marnix.
What the hell are steam followers and who "follows" games? (And how do you do it?) I've never interacted with that feature in my life and I have a 15 years old steam account.
I was lied to... there is no Marnix DD stream...
You're following any game you have in your library (any game you buy or download the demo for).
Imagine spending all day playing Broodwar, the most competitive videogame of all time where you twig out on 300+ APM, while you get harassed by a robotic voice droning on about about Bowser fucking Mario's ass while Peach gets beaten to death by Koopas, from the perspective of Luigi who is watching out of horror but can't help but to masturbate. And then it plays again, and again, and again.
Your child is crying in the other room, but you need to hit 2k MMR.
I actually live close to Artosis and its crazy to imagine someone living out here living such an absurd and tortured life.
I'm gonna boxe their ex-s....!!
is taking half a year off after finishing my masters to make a game a stupid idea? I feel like I can never fully focus on gamedev when I have to study & work as well
working on animations, jumping + landing
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>I make games hehe :3
>just does "marketing" for a team
every single time
Rumor has it he's still trying to beat SKA
Is getting Frontpaged on Newgrounds considered an accomplishment, or that just the baseline experience of any regular devs making HTML5 games nowadays? Has anyone else been Frontpaged?
You are using one of the main three, right anon?
I just love getting lectured and "taught" by people who have been making games for longer than me yet are much worse than me at it
>half a year off
That's not long enough. Yes, if you're looking to make a commercial game, you will most likely have to dedicate your full time to it. There are next to none successful games made by someone while working another job. You should (or should have) spend your last semester getting your degrees grinding job interviews. That's the whole point of getting that degree. It's worthless otherwise.
Yeah but not to make my game.
Solo indie game successes aren't real, it's just a ploy by the government to keep autists preoccupied and in a harmless state for years until they kill themselves from stress and/or failure. Notch? JBlow? All paid actors. Think about it, does it make sense for one person to spend years learning 4 or 5 different professions just to make some bing bing wahoo toy that will make him a millionaire? The whole concept is completely deranged, they have played us for fools.
I'd say getting frontpaged on Newgrounds is actually a good indicator of not being shit anymore. When you start out you make shit games, but if you get that NG frontpage it means you made something that's not shit.
The landing is smooth as fuck but the "jump up" part is goofy as hell.
Oh to answer your question: I have been frontpaged and I wouldn't consider it hard. Though I have also uploaded a game once that I expected to be frontpaged but it didn't make it. You also need a bit of luck that there aren't many other good games at that moment.
Looking good. Whats the gameplay loop gonna look like ?
Now tell me how is solo gamedev for donations any different, you're doing the most difficult job on the planet for the most brain rotten audience that has ever lived.
Fight monsters, collect loot, level up, fight bosses, read dialogue. Finish game. Also', it's going to be coop with proximity voice chat. Free on steam once I get the monsters's ai working. Basically an arpg. :D
half a year full time might just be enough time to make a marketable demo and get enough traction to justify further development though
I'm noticing myself doing an increasing amount of gamedev inside my head without touching any actual gamedev. Entire games go by in my imagination.
Nice game, I think I'm going to watch this project closely.
Once you gain a following and do successful market research, I will use my superior resources to release a better version before you make it to the finish line. The remainder will be used to pay for shills to harass you 24/7 and invent drama so that you give up and leave the entire space to me. Nobody will even remember you or your effort.

You don't have a problem with that, I hope?
fucking hell new fag, are you serious? It's common knowledge that the number of followers can give a rough idea of wishlists. take the number of followers and multiply by 16. But also keep in mind that there are many bots on steam that follow games. so, I'd say that between 0 and 20 followers could very well be just bots. this suggests that the game is pretty awful and not appealing to the steam audience at all. It's likely to be a massive failure.
pussy, ass, mouth? yeah
I used to follow games that were not worth of entering my wishlist. But the category is so painful to access on Steam (profile->games->followed) that now I only follow games I'm really found of or play regularly, while all the others are wishlisted.

Now my wishlist is more of "to try" list, with the top 20 being games I'd like to get (usualy top 10 is sufficient).

Steam really should add the "Follow" thing to the library, so you can follow games in "getting there"' states, so that the wishlist could keep its intended role.
who is this and does she have a nice voice?
you nibbas need to learn texture filtering
Uh he's still doing it! Just keep up subscribing to his patreon dude!
i know i rushed it like 5 minutes ago
i will remake it
Did you use AI for the textures?
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>you nibbas need to learn texture filtering
Wdym? I'm using Point no fillter.
No. Photos.
It is common knowledge that the conversion rate from wishlists to purchases is around 20%. So, if a game have 1000 followers, it probably has around 16000 wishlists. This means it would sell around 3k copies in the first month (more or less 700 reviews) and around 3 to 4 times that number in the next 11 months. The second year would likely be around half the amount of the first year. everyone knows this.
Is it too sharp or what?
look into materialmaker. i think some it could be useful to you to make textures of similar style
I'll give it a try and come back to you.
Read first
>In Shawarma Legend, we have used advanced generative artificial intelligence to create some of the visual content, including the vibrant main menu image. This technology allows us to craft unique and engaging visuals that enhance your gaming experience. By leveraging AI, we can ensure high-quality, creative designs that bring the whimsical world of Shawarma Legend to life. Enjoy the delightful graphics and immersive gameplay as you manage your own shawarma restaurant and serve delicious meals to your customers!

Now click the link: https://store.steampowered.com/app/3036080/Shawarma_Legend/
>In Shawarma Legend
not worth looking at already
That's fucking uglier than cheap flash game from 20 years ago.
How the fuck can you be so bad at prompting that this is the best you get out of an AI.
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is there any way to check why two positions which are debugged as identical are not identified as identical by a bool check?
>get called a newfag for not keeping up to date with the latest grifter swindling statistics meta
I just want to make games for pete's sake.
>cozycat games
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redesigning enemies is fun, alot less work than making new shit
some of them werent really fleshed out like this guy, he actually zips arround now like he was supposed to
they are clearly not identical
Show code
is there any performance benefit in saving resources to a tres file rather than leaving them in the scene?
Unity clamp Vector3/Vector2 .ToString() precision. Display everything as an actual separate float to check if there isn't a 0.001 difference or something.
>all female gamedev studio
Imagine the smell...
>chatgpt generated slop description
No, won't click.
do not do this.
floating point precision will fuck your ass.
Did you ever buy an /agdg/ game?
Will you ever buy an /agdg/ game?
i bought devil spire.
No, but I've gotten friends to buy them
Yes, if I can release a successful game so I will have money
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huh turns out they aren't identical. Weird that this happens in only this case in an otherwise perfectly working code
keep up with your cute hobby, I want the lambos and the bitches!
my game? utter garbage
my game? utter kino
i was gonna buy fusion fling when it was 74 cents but i was scared it wouldnt be worth it
and i was gonna buy roody2D and little locked rooms but i was scared i wouldnt be smart enough for them
and i was gonna buy pogo3D but 7 dollars is alot
i bought tagline for 20$ though i never saw it in the thread even though it was in demoday
ADHD brain rot zoomer bait but you forgot boomers only play games with good graphics
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my game? utter garbuccino
You bought the shittiest and most expensive game out of that lot
my game? sloppa
jokes aside, only dumbasses play my game apparently
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As a rule of thumb: NEVER seek equality with floats.
They are not designated for it, and even formula that should mathematically give the same value might result in slightly different values.
Always calculate a delta, and rule that delta as "same thing" if it's under a threshold.
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man existence kind of sucks it would better if there was nothing
>man existence kind of sucks
Dumbasses are like, 3/4 of the world population.
Success be upon you.
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My /agdg/ game got pirated by /agdg/ people after years of crabbing
Don't worry I just fixed it by having it count the distance between the points rather than check the coordinates against each other. I have no idea what a delta is. Goodbye
I bought Little Locked Rooms. Got filtered by nearly every puzzle but was an enjoyable experience.
There's not a single /agdg/ game, past or present, that I would buy on Steam if I saw it organically.
my game's release is going to change that then :)
I hope so.
What kind of games have you bought?
i'll check it out too
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this one turned out cool
Same, but I refuse to buy games on Steam on principle
This webm LOOKS like it SOUNDS good
All the big, popular games that everyone's played. The closest thing to an /agdg/ game I have in my library is RoR2. The only "current" /agdg/ games that are maybe worth considering are Roody:2d and Edengrall, but they both still severely lack content and polish. I have Marmoreal and Shimapanzer wishlisted, but neither of those will ever release, so it's meaningless.
Sounds like arse mate
>”muh 8bit sound effects le heccin sovl kinooooo!”
Your taste is shite
none of my sounds are 8 bit
they are all ripped from freesound.org and edited
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I have pirated every single /agdg/ game ever released
I woke up an did an invasion in elden ring just to get myself as angry and bitter as possible before working on my game
It helps me remind myself what I'm working towards

Taste are relatives, your divination skills on the other hand or factually mediocre
how do I make it impossible to pirate my game?

Insincere post.
Run it on a server and receive played input through the network and stream the graphics and sound back to them so their machine never has access to the actual game code.
Frick yes I love games with 300ms input delay !!
cool and good, wgmi
Kill any player that tries to exit it after he has conscience of its existence.
Make the total file size big enough to crash a fitgirl repack.
the bot broke
Just use a distributed system that runs the game on servers close to the player.
Wow it really must be that onlive and streaming games platforms will kill piracy afterall maybe it wasnt so bad
Agdg’s tastes are bizarre to me. None of the games it regularly praises appeal to me, while the games I find interesting are literally never mentioned in the threads.
pooling isn't a thing in engines without horrible memory management
Which games do you find interesting?
itll cost you magnitudes more to try and prevent it than you'll lose from piracy
floating points are basically impossible to ever be identical, what I'm surprised is that you somehow relied on such rickety logic for something else and it worked
Why do you guys always say making a game is so hard? I only started 4 months ago and my game already looks and plays way better than 99% of the school project trash in demo day.
Stuck between a wall of positive crabs and a wall of negative crabs. Can't fucking trust anyone in this fucking damned hell of a jobby.
Those are just the first 4 tags that show up
please consult the official "Outer Circle" roster
>he can't trust his own vision
most people here basically never heard of rapid iteration and prototyping, they waste years on dead end projects that will never be fun
but you haven't surpassed me yet so shut your fucking mouth
Just use generative adversarial networks trained on your game's graphical frames running on the player GPU to predict the next frames based on the player input on the client during the delay before receiving the actual frame data from the server.
Insincere post.
They've heard, but refuse to listen.
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trying to find a godot library for hqx/xbrz pixel art upscaling but i'm coming up empty aside from shaders which won't work for this use case
just set filtering to linear
pooling is besides the point. what i'm drawing attention to is that queue, queue_2d and queue_3d may grow faster than consumed, and there's no limit imposed, so they may grow until the game runs out of memory.
The transcended crab
It's on bilinear. It looks ugly.
They'll make a documentary about me. "The Man Who Didn't Give Up Even After Years And Years Of Jealousy From Nodevs And Crabs" has a nice ring to it, methinks.
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>open project
>script window remembers position and scale
>main window goes full regardless of previous state
the jumping needs a rocket propeller or some leg stretching, right now looks a bit weird
the recover after landing is too slow
Linear or linear mipmaps is the default already.

You just want it to look crisp? Nearest is usually good enough.
I know this is a troll post, but I'm sure there are a lot of delusional overconfident newbies out there who think their terrible stuff is actually really good. I was too back when I was only 4 months in, but thankfully I was smart enough even back then to not try to brag about it. I think it took about a year before I realized that my stuff was actually pretty terrible.
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no i want it to be upscaled with an hq algorithm
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set to nearest in sprite3d, works on my machine
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Great news: I've reached 80% on my game's development. I'll be done with coding the last of the mechanics within one week
except i don't want it nearest neighbour. can't change decal filtering anyway without changing it for the entire game
No one who uploads art will want it ruined by some crapshoot filter unless it's something funny like an AI drawing generator, work on actually important things MY MAN
Oh. Why would you want to do that with a runtime filter? That's a huge waste of compute. Just draw them as regular non-pixel-art textures to begin with, or preprocess and save the upscaled textures.
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this is a very specific scenario

>or preprocess and save the upscaled textures.
that's what i want to do
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It is what it is.
Then it doesn't have to be Godot-specific tool. Any random one will work. e.g. https://www.maxlaumeister.com/pixel-art-upscaler/
There is never a need to brag. If your work is actually good, it will inspire others to show it off for you.
underage mentality
Implement it yourself lol, it doesn't seem that bad and image processing can be done in GDS if it's just one-time like that.
except i don't want to have to call external utilities, it has to ship as an extension or addon
Tried the demo for this, for 24 minutes. It looks good, the music sounds like some royalty free synthwave stuff, and I just booted it up to check the credits and it is exactly that, WhiteBatAudio.

It has a pretty good tutorial but I didn't find the combat particularly engaging, hard to say what its trying to be, awkwardly sandwiched between a metroidvania and a bullet-hell, with bosses mostly just being predictable patterns of slow moving energy balls that you have to step between or jump over while the object that you have to shoot is invulnerable in the background until it eventually lets you shoot at it for a bit. It's more like a bullet-limbo

It has potential but I get the impression the dev is a big artfag because I didn't find the gameplay had any kind of hook and wasn't particularly gripping, but it also isn't very easy, especially if I'm trying to aim with a controller analog stick. The game says 'a controller is recommended' and then has you aiming with the right stick and it instantly becomes 5x easier if you just ignore that advice and use your mouse and keyboard.

Seems like it might have succeeded if the gameplay was easier, like Ori and the Blind Forest, that game is just pure art and then combat consists of pressing X if you're in the same area of the screen as an enemy and you'll kill it even through walls. It's a game designed for journos, that should have been the aim of this game if it wanted to coast on art. And commission some actual music because that Karl Casy shit is everywhere.
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i've looked through the source code, it's thousands of lines long
arksync more like shartstink
Would it be obnoxious to put a "this game is best played with a mouse and keyboard" screen in my game?
It's still better than 95% of whats submitted to demoday, it'd be in the top row in demoday
the link I just posted is like 50 lines and it's clearly explained
What kind of credentials do you have to be able to get something like that? I thought tech was fucked.
I'm having a real hard time reading that code, not only is it abbreviated but there are no comments and I suck at math
my game is a bottom tier demo day game yet it will make 100 times the money arksync ever does. Explain that
Anon is trolling you. Tech is fucked and they're clamping down hard on remote workers. Every remote worker on the team I work for was laid off last week, and I only escaped the purge due to being a temp contractor that's going to be gone in a few weeks anyways.
So many people just delusional about their own game. Any negative feedback and it's "crabbing". Everything you're saying about his game right now, that dev has most certainly heard it over a dozen times, but chose not to listen, for it would damage his ego.
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Is this texture better?
even this guy who had years of experience in the industry fyi
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lil niggas when are you gonna learn that all you have to do is make a unique game that people want to play and just like that you've completely cornered a market
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>notice obvious bug that there's no way I would have missed before
>dont think if I somehow introduced it despite not touching the part of the game that's bugged or if it was always there
15% of steam sessions are played with a controller and it's only trending up specially with stuff like steam deck, unless your game has some seriously bad compromises to make there's no reason not to have solid controller support.
So comfy remote jobs are dead? That was the only way I could tolerate work.
>controller support
Kill yourself. NOW
making a unique game that lasts at least 5+ hours is difficult, you can make a unique scene thats fun for an hour but then people will just watch their favorite youtuber play or refund your game before the 2 hour window
boo hoo nigga grow up
Just realized that if I make something unique that no one else can provide, it doesn't matter how rough my art is.
yes but it doesnt fit the ground you should use it for the mountains and blend it to a more groundy texture
RimWorld does, yes. It plays great on Steam Deck.
The Sims had console ports too but PC gamepads were naturally not as common back then.
I like that he talks about his emotional reaction to the success. I feel like other gamedev success stories barely mention that.
Not necessarily completely dead, just harder to get, especially for full time jobs. I'm personally gambling on temp contracts possibly escaping the clamp down due to it not being included in the employee metrics crap the executives all look at. It's a pain in the ass to have to find new work every 6-18 months but with how regular layoffs are getting, I doubt the full time employees actually have that much of a longer lifespan, and knowing for sure my time is limited by a scheduled ax forces me to constantly be ready to interview whereas a full time employee might get complacent and caught off guard by a surprise ax.
no mans sky is so silly... all that octree tech just to fast travel between minecraft worlds
Rimworld did not have controller support on release stupid newfag zoomer. They only added it after the fact when the game was already getting traction
And why did they add it?
No credentials, I’m a college dropout
Yeah don’t listen to this guy, I’m not trolling and there are more remote tech jobs than ever. Obviously if you’re a zero experience entry level retard you’re not going to find anything good
Not dead, you’re getting IQ filtered by 4chan incels who live in their mom’s basement and shower once a month
Also an acceptable answer
Kek, titles of these are identical.
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> I just wanna play PC games with a control-ACK
What compels someone to get all pissy and elistist about gamepads in particular? Do you also get mad when someone asks for a Windows port?
There's plenty of companies doing remote work. But it pretty much depends on the disposition and arbitrary whims of management.

Some are happy to waste money paying for office space because "collaboration" or some bullshit. Others don't care as long as work is done.

It's weird, over the years they introduce plenty of shit that's terrible for productivity, like email, but if employees actually like it like they do with WFH they're suspicious and see it as something to eliminate
Steameme Wreck came out
What engine? Godont would chug at trying to do pathfinding for a fraction of that many characters.
Are you developing a game in 2000, 2004 or 2018?
What kind of jobs are you getting offered? The only ones remote jobs I can find that I'm qualified for are cold calling sales jobs on indeed. The job that I managed to hold onto for 3-4 years isnt even on there anymore.
the PC is the only game system that will never die
in 30 years you won't be able to play anything from your broken ass library except on an emulator on a PC
Me? I'm still gonna be playing Warcraft 3
I'm sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not gonna dox, tech is a broad field and if you’re a smart fella I’m sure you can figure it out. Also I’d rather kill myself than work anything even close to a sales job lol
Probably ai generated both of them grinded it out while doing their day job, moral of the story is dont quit your day job right away.
It's not your job to be a control scheme warrior and your gatekeeping is only keeping people away from your game, if that's your thing then fine but don't encourage others to self-sabotage.
I think it's funny just how many indie games come out with nothing but the developer's own input of choice and only after release do they scramble to add more, as if they never cognized that people have a variety of input hardware. I like to think someone shouldn't need a publisher and QA team to figure this out but apparently a lot of people do.
I'm building an oct tree on the GPU right now actually.
Anon controllers can be plugged in to PCs
what gatekeeping? No subhuman willing to submit himself to the humiliating act of using a cuntroller is someone who should be in your target audience in the first place. Maybe you should add mobile control support too while you're at it, brainrotten little zoom zoom
Octrees are one of the oldest and simplest ways to optimize data, I implemented it once for my overly large JRPG prototype.
What I'm noticing is that I'm meeting most of the requirements needed besides some type of software I've never used or heard of before.I'm guessing the best thing to do is to get the software cert for the one that shows up on the most job openings.
If I bothered with a mobile port then yes I would obviously add touch controls as the vast majority of players wouldn't be using an external controller with a phone. It's not me who decides what people should use when I can just give them choices instead.
>mobile port
Or just lie?
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We're entering a new Indie renaissance of the likes of the first 'hipster quirky chiptune' age of Indie.

It's going to be massive.
Sure, we've had some hits in the interim age, but I'm talking Minecrafts and Stardews coming out. I'm talking new e-celebs being made.

There are people here who will be named among Notch and Eric Barone.
>funded by multi millionaire streamers
Not indie try again
Jonny Blow once again proven 100% correct
>play noita with mouse and kb
>play hades with controller
Being anti-controller seems is a stupid hill to die on. You'd be leaving money on the table for the sake of being a massive sperg over shit that doesn't matter, if you actually had a game.
gamedev is too hard. i think i’m gonna switch to tabletopdev.
Unity. With manual mesh batching on the GPU side, and Burst/Job on the CPU side.
Pretty sure Godot could run that path-finding tho. I'm using static flow fields (dynamic ones coming Soon™), which are basically free.
>diablo hate spammer is back
Orblikes are… le good
Why would they hire a guy who doesnt know how to use the software required for the job? Whats the backup plan if I were to get the job?
I was just looking through my files, I actually have this gif.

Gamedev gf like this pls.

Same, as a gamedev for these last few years my game dev job as a neet has been giving me just as much you. Strange coincidence huh
Sorry anon, that's just gamedev but with no gimicks that you can use to cover your shitty game mechanics
Idk, seems like a lot of work to add controller support for potentially very little gain. All of my UI widgets really on click events/left click right click etc, and I foresee a lot of annoyance mapping everything to controller input. I also don’t even have an Xbox controller to test on, so you’re saying I should be expected to buy one just to test? Seems weird
I wish I had a jblow roommate that constantly rambles about screenspace shaders and reward mechanisms while fumbling with his keys trying to unlock the door
>anon is using an asset of my game as a reaction image
an unexpected but welcomed surprise
This is getting tiresome, I understand why no one will hire you. I wouldn’t either
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"oh no, your game has those generic weapons like swords and daggers, not gonna play it!"
If your game doesn't have a meaty shotgun that is actually effective at range then I won't play your game.
that's not from your game. It's just a generic sun image off google images
Nta but 4 years. The savings havent gone down much since I still live at home. I'm looking for a job anyways.

Depends if all theyre doing is mopping and vacuuming and dusting once a week while cheap enough, then yes but I doubt its cheap. Plus how do you dev while theyre in your house? Id be on alert the whole time, dont want to risk them stealing something. No way i could work on my game in such a scenario
But I want to make a JRPG
Trannies are the most narcissistic and delusional freaks in the world, they will see a random image online and convince themselves that it somehow relates back to them
he’s the smug sun that judges you if you have an empty spellbook, drawn as part of the spell art well over two years ago.
If only I could get such a job but I know Im not competent enough. Just cause I can dev doesnt mean Im that good at coding.

So he never got the electrical issue fixed?
Kalemnigger ain't no tranny, he's a slavvoid gypsy incel
I'm neither of those and my progress is ignored too, I think I'll just pretend to be comically incompetent and tasteless so people rage-reply to me, that's a winning strat.
Norgorbnigga is a genius....
Same happened to me with wagecuckery. Constant lies of "opportutnity" at the interviews and their websites but once you're working there it's gone. I've given up and simply look for a low end job while I keep trying gamedev in hopes I get rich off that. Gamedev is one of very few ways to achieve better for myself. Am I taking a big gamble? Not really, if I focus on just waging the outcome will likely be the same of me working jobs that will likely never move me up the ladder. Why waste time on that when gamedev gives me greater odds of achieving some form of success? Even a 500 review game shows me more promise for my future than some job where the employer shills "opportunity" that never seems to come unless you're there for years on end. No thanks, I'll take my chances with gamedev and calculated gambling on stocks and crypto
Depends on the game. But even if its a UI heavy game then the same work that adds controller support might also add accessibility options, ensuring that game-hungry cripples can play. I think adding accessibility and localisation gives you a boost in the steam algorithm and ensures that the maximum number of people can play your game.
- Merged the 2 different main screens, so now it's only 1 Title Screen and a "Global Menu"
- I have a Scene for my Collectibles, but it's not functional
- Change how I manage my HUDs
- Can't play the game anymore because I broke the "State Machine" code
A giant corpo conglomerate is the wrong place to look for opportunity if you aren't chad + skilled. Work for the government + a unionized job and you'll rake in the dough while being a nobody.
where's the dude seething about how nobody can make it in this market without a publisher or millions of dollars in marketing
Wow thats almost as bad as the follower count of some devs here and yet she has a youtube and "markets" must feel terrible to throw in the extra effort of youtube and still be doing about on par as someone who does none of that

>just have a bunch of experience already
Getting deck-verified is a massive boost and they use manual reviews to judge things like text legibility and default controls, but these are things you should already consider anyway and if you think that's some unreasonable request then you just suck at gamedev lol.
>i need to be taught what to do, it's everyone else's fault that I can't learn anything on my own

Why should anyone give you the opportunity? You're just another useless mfer in a world filled with useless mfers.
>glitch I fixed like 3 months ago is suddenly back
Kek I really hope you do this anon. Make sure you struggle for the mic to delay it further but if you notice event staff about to jump in and stop it just hand it to her immediately kek. Imagine this being livestreamed while 4chan watches their very own gamedev use their mantra against them kek

>almost always get rejected
>only jobs thst contact me suck
im wastingmylifemaxxing
>years of experience in the industry
doing what?
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Complete and working UI for starting the game.
how to draw a world map
should I do what suzerain did and only show the "relevant" region?
and I'm not autistic enough to explain allnof then
No bundev! I didnt know it was dire, they held your japanese waifu as a hostage
>make good game or shes walks the plank!
Well you had a good run with her but its over

>should I do what suzerain did and only show the "relevant" region?
If you ever find yourself having to ask, the answer is usually yes.
unless it is no, then the answer is no.
The other side of this is that most male gamers who buy a steam deck lose interest in lose interest before long and give it to their wife/gf who then play use it to play stardew valley. So it might give you an algo boost but I'm skeptical of how many players will actually play on the deck unless your game is popular with cumdumpsters. Though any algorithm boost is still probably worth it
Occasionally I get a flash of inspiration out of nowhere that solves a whole bunch of problems on my game. I can only assume those are gifts from god and pray to give thanks for that.
>he think it's from God
>he think it's free
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>"but then you wake up one day and you realize"
>"I've made it"
>"I've achieved everything I've had on my list"
>"just look at this fucking beautiful view"
>"I visualized the villa I'm staying in now"
>"I visualized the money in my bank account"
I'd sell my soul for the power to finish and ship a game that turns into a decent success
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I sometimes speak with Jesus for aid with my projects.
Its called kickstarter
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This has to be unity right? Game maker would never have this problem, surely.
Retard, actually
It's godot and the idiot is probably using load() to get each scene off the disk at that instant instead of preload()
There is nothing in those projectiles that justify the slightest lag spike on instantiation in any engine.
Probably some godawful script he wrote.

Can't be Godot, object pooling is forbidden by their Pope.
It's obviously godot since the performance graph is godot's and it's tagged as godot, it's not something that needs pooling either way.
load() is slow because it's loading the files off the disk every time you use it, it's not related to object instantiation.
xey should commit seppuku
why arent the sprites just cached or something, surely this dude's pixel game isnt like 8gb of textures
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It begins (again)
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I honestly now want to dev usign SDL.
who is this whore
better than using an off the shelf game engine
It's not a very good idea unless you can learn to spend more than a couple months on a project.
That's called a 3d model
>Making NES mario take months on SDL
Making NES mario on SDL is a good idea to you?
it has been like a decade and you still didn't make a single game
why am I even replying to cris
Mario NES is still a better game than 99.9% modern games.
Does that make making it on SDL is a good idea?
people used to code game in a month in literal Atari 2600 ASM.
Does this make doing that a good idea?
Is going to the gym a good idea?
people as in experienced and smart software engineers, not you the brown schizo
What does that have to do with game development?
going to the gym helps with gamedev.
No. I am learning way more using libraries instead of using a pre-built engine. Forego convenience, attain more knowledge.
the pedophiles madodev (develops pedophilic Ero Dungeon), eric barone, froggygreen/frosch and horbror/horgrunt (develops Dreams of Joy Departed) should kill themselves
How so?
I'm using Vulkan.
It's simpler to make your own engine.
I look at that bloat GUI mess and I just see complexity.

Just open code, set up Vulkan, and implement exactly what your game needs.
>doesn't know about object pooling
>a standard practice in gamedev in any engine
Your nodev is showing.
>well-received indie game in a popular genre
>with a publisher behind them
>even got shilled by a semi-popular youtuber when it came out
>5k reviews
you'd think with all of that it would've blown up more
what choice does the guy have who doesn't have access to the above
helps with learning discipline, hard work and helps with your body.
I'm gonna make it for Demo DaY!
Exercise is good for the brain. Increases blood flow, and dopamine, and helps you think more clearly.
it's literally ONE schizo doing it.
Going to the gym helps with every single aspect of a person’s life, but good luck convincing the average 4chan incel chud that. They’re literally porn addicted gooners living in mama’s basement
Based Blowie!!!
It really doesn't. Running in the morning is much better. Going to the gym requires 2 hours for 3 days a week, and eating a LOT more for your gains which actively impacts productivity since your brain uses energy to digest the huge amount of food. I've made a lot more progress on my game since I switched to light cardio.
I'm gonna resume going to the gym once I finish my game, because I like posting pics of my body when I'm in arguments with people on /fit/, but objectively speaking, going to the gym properly lowers productivity.
My next game will make 5 million dollaroos gross profit
It's only a "standard" in unity due to its horrible memory management and if you ask about it in any other environment you'll just get weird looks and snickering, it has never been a thing elsewhere.
>your body uses energy*
No retard, object pooling is used everywhere. Even in C++ or Rust with manual memory management.
it takes infinite time for cris to do anything
Does that make it a good idea?
This is how I am making a GPU Oct Tree and avoiding dynamic array resizing.

I will make sure that I'm processing batches of 8 nodes in a level order traversal method so that I know exactly how many nodes I need for the next level.
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ok implementing xbrz for scaling or any other algorithm for that matter in c# godot seems nigh impossible unless i translate an entire c++ project. i'm gonna have to accept bilinear shit
Use your critical thinking for two seconds instead of asking everyone else for their opinions. If it's good for your brain, what do you think?
Who cares? Maybe obsessing over these meaningless details is why the only game he ever made was a fucking awful 2d pixel shart platfagger that didn’t even break even. And he has the audacity to critique games that outsold him by several orders of magnitude? Kek, blind leading the blind as always
If you have a C++ library, you could build it as a GDExtension.
The Witness is one of the greatest and most awe-inspiring puzzle games of all time
This looks really clean. I wouldn't worry about it.
Actually someone mentioned that going to the gym is hard and will require discipline therefore it’s a bad idea and I’d rather be a fat ugly slob with no self control or desire to improve myself
>it has never been a thing elsewhere
Nigga, re-using memory spots to avoid having to find free memory somewhere and cut down on re-initialization cost has been a thing since fucking forever.
Did you learn coding from a pajeet university or something?
it's not a library, just c++ source files. i have no idea how to work with c++, only c#

it won't look the same as in animal crossing when you import your designs
Yahoo "The Looker"
Does being good for the brain mean something is a good idea irrespective of any other factors?
Pooling in properly developed engines is used for things like particle effects, what unity shitters usually mean by pooling is better described and implemented as the flyweight pattern. It's ironic that unishit's faulty memory manager forces developers to make their own memory management to get around it.
Also the guy in the video is retarded but it's a pattern that Godot itself spends no effort trying to correct and even misleads users in the manual.
A common pattern you'll see is load("file").instantiate() to create new scenes, except this is loading the PackedScene every time you do it, you instead want to use @export var scene_to_load: PackedScene, which will keep the scene loaded to instantiate(), which is a far lesser performance bottleneck than the load() part. There's also preload() but that comes with its own host of issues and needlessly loads and keeps the file loaded the entire time which is often wasteful but not really a problem for pixelshit.
My porn game will surpass Aura and Mado combined, and I mean it, I'm going to make a porn game and not just goon this time.
Also no engine gives you low enough level control over memory usage to ever make memory locality a thing you can account for even if you wanted to, especially unishit. Pooling is used in unishit because of its garbage collector sweeps that cause stutters which is not something that happens in other engines.
Make a good game

Jewtubers want content, if your game looks good they will play it. Publishers will approach you.
It's not even hard to do depending on what you mean by surpass.
well, maybe one goon sesh wouldn't hurt to get some porn game ideas I suppose

>you mean by surpass.
20K a month at least.
Good luck
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I'm going to get accused of being a gurofag for showing girls get killed in extremely brutal ways in my game.
That's very easy
Mado's game is better gameplay and content wise, but I'm surprised it's surpassed Aura, since it looks worse.
and that's a good thing
What is your game?
>10k a month
holy fucking shit, in 5 months that's more than what Trainwiz made with Underspace so far.
I think aura is more niche since it's about NTR and stuff and Ero Dungeons is browser playable but you need to download SKA
That's not ugly at all, just dated (purposefully).
I'm still unsure if I will add NTR, but browser playable isn't hard to add. Do you think that is really a large factor? I think mobile playable is a larger factor for porn games.
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>working on game
>steam notif
>catfish profile friend request
>add friend
>send gore
>unfriend and block
>back to work
It's the little things in life that give me joy. Chances are it wasn't a real person, but if it was, hoo boy.
Aura's porn is convoluted as fuck to get, it's more about corruption than NTR. Plain NTR games sell like hotcakes. (See Scars of Summer or the momNTR guy)
Also just personal preference but I think the art is kinda ugly, has that western anime look.
I don't know, but it's the reason I have played Ero Dungeons and not Start Knightess Aura, at least.
no, people accuse you of being a fag cause you post pics of animeslop silly.
>Also just personal preference but I think the art is kinda ugly, has that western anime look.
But is it worse than Ero Dungeons?
Could any oldfags here tell me what agdg2 was like? Did it actually end up having any users or was it dead on arrival
You ARE switching to Linux after what happened today, right anons? Last thing you want is to lose months of work because of a gay Windows update.
Do kids these days really don't understand the "[x]fag" terms? I've seen similar posts to yours more than once

It has a a few posts for a bit, like a week or a month then it died my guess because of the registration process.
Going well. Going to have to figure out an annoying coding thing tomorrow which hopefully won't take long. Hopefully.
I have heard that many people make money from Youtube first and games second, where they have games mostly for the youtube.
I already use Linux for around 10 years now.
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why doesnt my faggoty ass province do a sale so i can shill for free
god i hate ont*rio
>Do kids these days

total fag lmao
You mean that corporate antivirus bloatware? I think it comes bundled with enterprise laptops but no it's not related to windows.
NTA, but SKA's art is more soulless and generic than ED, even if more competent.
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How do I get good at character design?
Why do AGDG posters constantly post that they're making the kind of game I like but when I ask for them to tell me which game it is they're making so I can play they don't reply?
>Why do AGDG posters constantly post that they're making the kind of game I like but when I ask for them to tell me which game it is they're making so I can play they don't reply?
can you split that up into two sentences? I can't tell what you mean in the first half
Learn design fundamentals study fashion and figure drawing
The game only exists in their mind.
There are books on the topic and people on Youtube who summarize those books for you.
Posting a game in the threads is too dangerous. Just check demo day submissions.
Can you summarize those summaries for me?
Because they are nodevs fishing for (You)s. Same exact posters who whine about not getting feedback on demo day and then vanish when someone asks what their game is
>can you split that up into two sentences? I can't tell what you mean in the first half
retard (actual)
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Hard to compare. Ero Dungeons has small sprites while Aura has full body illustrations. They're about on the same level of appeal to me, so I guess Ero Dungeons has more money because it's not as niche and convoluted as Aura which relies more on the writing and scenarios? I dunno content wise neither appeals to me, I like monstergirls.
This happens all the time:
>AGDG posters say they're making a game of the kind I like
>I ask them: "Tell me which game is yours so I can play it"
>they don't reply
sorry for not answering when you ask me a question, the simple and honest truth is this: i am a massive retarded sperg, sorry im so so sorry im sorry, do you forgive me yet?
my demo day submission is already painfully outdated and I don't want people getting the wrong impressions
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You forgot to post your bocchi.
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>sending gore on steam with toyr main account
That's why you should remove your demos when demo day closes
oh I see
>AGDG posters say they're making a game of the kind I like
would flow better to an english speaker as
>AGDG posters say they're making the kind of game I like
that's where I was confused
bah, russians don't report with stolen accounts.
now put it into iambic pentameter
>In five months thats what underspace made in a month
Remember this retard right here is the kind of poster giving you game advice.
technology evolves, humans don't
never forget that
actually humans more likely devolve
Is you're game better than most of the new releases?
>>In five months thats what underspace made in a month
Bro, the game's been out for 4 months?
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just gave up bros, this feels so nice
I don't need a game
I don't need to make a game
I haven't been this relaxed and content in ages
nope, but i keep noticing that all those games are not what i'm looking for. so i definitely would fit into a niche.
but ofc a niche is useless when you are a lazy fucktard without a budget.
I have just learned how to use trigger volumes to render objects in and out based on the player's location
>Aggy Daggy posters tell me they're making-a game
>A game, the kind of which I do enjoy
>But when I ask them for the game's dear name
>Silent they are, and I am rander'd-a sadden'd boy
Best I could do.
>doesn't know how to amortize time spent and revenue across a project's lifetime
>can't into per capita
Remember this nigger right here is the kind of poster giving you game advice.
$10k monthly payment > one time $35k payment
damn that's pretty good.
New releases or "popular new releases"?
Because it's better than most of the new releases, this one at least https://store.steampowered.com/app/2861050/Ice_Cream_Pachinly/
Who the hell puts a 40% discount on their release day?
If you bothered to click..
crumblefags are really on maximum cope eh
sorry but underspace outsold some shitty cuck porn RPGmaker slop, you're going to have to deal with it
see you tomorrow
Truly Shakespearian
popular? no
not popular? yes
There is no such thing as devolution. It's all evolution and there is no desired or predestined outcome to it.
That's what I did with women when I was 26. It lightened the load so much, it's crazy. I've been a productivity powerhouse ever since.
Giving up just increased my load now the future seems more than 50% grimmer
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Thoughts on deving a first person shooter where you're a sniper?
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Ok, I'm clicking it.
Years ago I made a prototype where you aimed with the gyroscope of the phone, but it wasn't fun to play at all.
Why? Everybody will ignore it just like they ignored it in DD 57.
how can you outsell a game that isnt even being sold
I thought "play test trades" would be a neat way to get more play testers, but as it turns out a lot of devs on agdg care so little about their own games that they still consider it a bad deal.
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I don't need playtesters. If something in my game is difficult or obtuse, that's the player's fault for being too stupid to play it right.
He said his first monthly payment was 53k
So it really is trainwiz/trainwiz's wife doing these posts. Kek, lol even.
I would take that deal if my game was further along in development but right now I have no need for it. Are you willing to trade about 1 or 2 months down the line?
you have to be 18 to post here
Sure. I'll ask around again in 1 month.
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All I want is a cute french artist gf...
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it would make a whole lot more sense if it was a negress making those posts

Remember dont add a menu to turn off audio. Toby didnt allow players to turn off music/sfx so why should you?

Assuming that's even true, considering that post reeks of trainwiz I'm confident that number is a lie now.
>I'm confident that number is a lie now
It's not crumble, trainwiz doesn't seem to lie about his numbers. even his kickstarter got exactly what he said he'd estimate it to get.
A master volume slider is fine but I don't get games that let you change every single channel's volume, that's like letting you change the brightness of individual materials, it makes no artistic sense.
I wish to be done with my game already

He's said before his review ratio is something like 60-100 sales pre review and that it was really high.
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if crumble really wants fans like trainwiz does why doesn't he just become a more likeable person?
His review count didn't change that much ever since that post. Ero Dungeons objectively outsold it no matter how you spin it.
Which is not a bad thing, Ero Dungeons outsold most AGDG games.
I don't think either of them likeable for different reasons.
Don't forget that Ero Dungeons has access to a large portion of the Darkest Dungeon audience.
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>only system in the entire game which I programmed with a "wait" action type are the NPCs
>don't want to add that feature to any other system because it would create more unnecessary systems that will need to be coded and tracked and saved and loaded
>just use NPCs hidden under the level geometry to take care of all sequences that have any kind of delay between events
yup, I'm the best dev here
Looks like it went up about 30 reviews, so around 3k sales. So 3k sales a month, maybe more. At $20 and assuming cuts, that's over 10k a month.l
trainwiz is likeable enough to get to hang out with todd and be in E3 videos. Crumble can't even get non-bots to like him without paying through the nose.
insincere twitter post
insincere 4chan post referencing it
I'm not making much progress but my room is clean and tidy now
Kek i think he was that poster saying 60-100 sales per review is average and 40 is bullshit and getting all angry about it even with multiple anons confirming it to be much lower like 30-32.
>running on a 3DS
How? Even a base Unity game seems too bloated for that
I don't consider E3 videos to be a metric of likeability. It's more his constant self-assured inability to take criticism well but my hate is not overt.
Crumble was just a retarded annoying spammer.
versatility in systems is very important for this reason
if your npc system can fulfill that purpose in a timely and performant manner, there is no reason to make something new
Somehow being slightly less unlikeable than the least likeable personality to ever plague this cesspool is an accomplishment.
He's still here seething
Are you just gonna ignore that it was 16$ for like 2 months out of the 4 it was released, including last month? Disingenuous post.
Anon what is 16 * 3000
You're a game developer, you should know how math works
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What's the age of consent in your game's fictional world?
i take long breaks away from this shithole, so i may have missed something, but i don't recall trainwiz ever being unable to take criticism
>You're a game developer
This isn't that kind of thread
3000 is a number pulled out of your ass though? And it's not like steam sales are consistent every month the way Patreon payment is. I'm a game developer so I know when to call bullshit. Just check Gamalytics or other similar sites if you want a close figure of his income.
40, but it doesn't matter since humanity is dead anyways.
stop using a good manga for your shitposts
Bethesda certified employee
Madodev stonks keep going up while Trainwiz numbers can only go down until the 1.0 release.
Most of those who wanted to buy the game already did it.
That's not how EA releases (that make it to 1.0) work though.
sex is illegal in my game.
Nowadays I think he just ignores any critique instead of arguing but he's still very insecure about it and "secretly" shits on his own players whenever he gets the chance.
Depends on what the wishlist count is after release, according to him it was around 70k still
>mieruko-chan gf
>survival-tier need to have plausible deniability about why she is screaming with her eye closed, or rushing to hide somewhere
You only need to point to her that sex is the perfect excuse in every case, and you will have the mother of all horny girls.
If you start seeing shit too, due to prolonged contact with her, you are dead tho.
30, because the brain doesn't develop the ability to make rational decisions until then, and there is a large body of evidence that having a child before that age is extremely dangerous to women
hopefully we can have legislation against gap pedos in real life, the sooner the better
abusers only want to date children under 30 because a grown woman won't put up with their shit
t. post-wall roastie
kill yourself schizo pedophile
the pedophiles madodev (develops pedophilic Ero Dungeon), eric barone, froggygreen/frosch and horbror/horgrunt (develops Dreams of Joy Departed) should kill themselves
This makes me recall the game where you shoot JFK. Time for a remake?
>JFK assassin
>hit a moving target in a car
>Trump assassin
>3 shots and only grazed the ear of a sitting target
Modern men huh?
I was going to write this off, but you make a good point with how an unlimited queue might eat up a lot of memory if I say, accidentally queue 1000s of sounds per frame. I don't think it's a big deal right now because it isn't possible to spam that much, but I should probably change it to avoid a worse case scenario.
you should kill yourself
He didn't want it hard enough

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