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Previous thread: >>486637084

LoneTrail Live Action fan movie: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Rx4y1x7K9/

[7/5-7/19][Standard]6* Defender Eunectes, 6* Caster Carnelian (Shop), 5* Caster Corroserum, 5* Specialist Almond, 5* Sniper Toddifons (Shop)
[7/9-7/23][Ray of Light]6* Sniper Ray, 5* Caster Warmy, 5* Mulberry
[7/9-7/23][EPOQUE]Reed the Flame Shadow, Mint
[7/9-7/23][0011 Re-edition]Kroos the Keen Glint skin
[7/18-7/28]Where Vernal Winds Will Never Blow Rerun - Jieyun skin
[7/18-8/1][0011 Re-edition]Ling, Dusk, Cantabile, Mulberry, Mr. Nothing, FEater

[7/4-7/18][Standard]6* Guard Zuo Le, 6* Specialist Dorothy (Shop), 5* Guard Akafuyu, 5* Defender Bassline, 5* Supporter Proviso (Shop)
[7/9-7/23][Clear like Hearts; True like Reflections]6* Caster Nymph, 5* Vanguard Mitm, 5* Vanguard Blacknight
[7/9-7/23][Coral Coast]Reed The Flameshadow, Typhon, Proviso, Totter
[7/9-7/23][Coral Coast & EPOQUE Re-Edition]Saileach, Stainless, Beeswax; Astgenne
[7/16-7/30][Joint Action]6* Guard Degenbrecher, 6* Guard Qiubai, 6* Defender Penance, 6* Specialist Ascalon, 5* Vanguard Fang The Fire-Sharpened, 5* Guard Leto, 5* Defender Aurora, 5* Defender Cement, 5* Caster Santalla, 5* Supporter Windflit

>/akg/ website:
>AK EN Database:
>More valuable resources:
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Bnuuy love
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Gokigenyou minna
Her immortality is unique among 5*s and only contested by Surtr among 6*s, she does big damage to up to 3 enemies, and her regen lets her hold lanes on her own without help. Aside from flagbearers/agents/texas who just get brought for DP at high risk, what 5* can approach how good she is? Only one that comes to mind is Ptilo, but she's also not a combat op.
I hope clownfags die when she reaches JP and everyone ships her with Manfred.
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Sona feet
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Pallas love, touch the cowe and make her happy again
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CN interview
>- Arknights retention rate is poor, but it is constantly sucking Mihoyo's blood
Who cares about some chink's fanfic?
Owlivia... forgotten...
>- iOS Android ratio of 1:2 is completely inaccurate. It can vary between 1:0.8 to 1:3.5. It doesn't average out to 1:2, either.
Based. The CN numbers cope is really just that, a cope.
She's a fake seiso
>ZZZ attempting to break into the west
>Snowbreak mattering at all
>Arknights has low retention
Lmao, sounds like seething spicy boy stuff
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Gacha games are over bros....
>HG will never collapse
Kazemaru, who hits for a shitload and can't die when she's killed. Also can hit air.
There is no defusing the gender war they started it and now we are going to finish it
>the gacha players' demand has turned completely indecipherable, and everyone is scared of stepping on landmines
natural consequence of trying to pander to autists at all costs kek
Are you retards incapable of enjoying a game without trying to prove that it's objectively popular?
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There wouldn't be a gender war if the game only had one gender.
But she is literally a good girl?
I think Silence's drones make a great healer since it's unique even among 6*s, but she's not for combat.
She's definitely up there and is better at E1 in IS, but not better because she does less damage and has no immortality for bosses.
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I beat EX8 on challenge mode using Ray, she's really satisfying to pull off big damage with. I put her in the southern most tile that's right above the bottom lane and used her to kill the boss' duplicate, once it got close enough for me to deploy the sand beast a second time the boss would switch spots repeatedly and Ray would just demolish their health until both forms perished. No regrets pulling for the bnuuy.
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Waking up in the morning with my wife Amiya
hello suzuposter, the door's that way
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>try out Ray as a support in IS4
>she seems fun
>do a 10 roll
only roll for fun ops
Owlivia... erased from memory...
Surtr isn't the only 6* with immortality
Life* only had one gender
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Odds of that are zero
Brother why do you think shit like popularity poll shitposting and saleswars exist? Idiots will always fight with them to prove their thing is better instead of just enjoying whatever it is.
Do you know Ray is meta, right?
you rang?
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I was gonna make this the thread OP
An operator being meta doesn't mean she isn't fun
That is true, Specter Alter also has immortality, and blaze kind of a little with her talent even if a once per deploy thing
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lol. lmao
People also post popularity charts to prove that the game they try to enjoy has issues that need addressing.
That interview seems like something that schizo at /v/ who shilled Snowbreak would make honestly. I don't think Mihoyo even knows or cares it exists
If he shilled Snowbreak why would he called it a cancer to the industry?
Also owlivia forma de no glasses can make anyone inmortal for a few seconds.
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Horn... forgotten...
Nta but cancer implies it's impactful and this is furthered by claiming it's influencing GFL2
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Petplay with Arturia
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I hate rabbit girls
Okay but it is very obviously influencing GFL2. They made the same schizo cuckolds that love snowbreak mad, and are trying to course correct back into their good graces.
>skip the story
What a shit game
>read the story
What a shit game
Does horn really count? If you hit her twice for 9999 damage she revives and dies. If you hit surtr with talent active/op with silent2 S3 active/any specter with s2 active they won't die.
lol lmao, you know nothing about MICA's past
That's a revive, not immo.
Post the CN sheet
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cute bnuy daughter
The gap between hate and love is smaller than you might think
Yeah but Horn survived a fight with Mandragora. Specter and Surtr never fought anyone that strong
now post the eben one
I played GFL years ago, it's not like they're adverse to coom. But 2 has definitely changed its direction to try and make up for the stupid controversy.
>Arknights retention rate is poor
This would imply this kusoke is even getting new players which it isn't. Blame it on true limited ops which are meta and game breaking.
[Should've been there] is not a good business practice.
GFL are the most pathetic of gacha players, almost as much as koreans
This game will be saved when they release alts people care about like Siege Alt and Lapp Alt.
Walter is wank that came out of nowhere
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Holy shit.. is chen TALKING... with a MAN??? in a BAR???? They're having SEX!!!!!!!
Ch'en is a slut. Best not to associate yourself with her, Doctor.
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This game will be saved when they release alts people care about like Saga Alt and Ceobe Alt.
Perro smooching is what will save the game from the brink of its demise
Because he considers the rest of the industry bad? Pretty obvious.
The reason it became like this is because GFL up to that point was 100% for (You) shilling so the moment they deviated from it fans saw it as cuckshit.
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Those people aren't actually players you know? They're just cuckposters that roam from game forum to game forum. They just recently tried to start shit with Skadi and Ulpipi for example.

this but unironically

>GFL up to that point was 100% for (You) shilling
GFL has a ton of yuri events and most of the dolls need to be oathed for any real (you) pandering.
Chen please have sex this is just sad
Ch'en please have sex with me
She's trying, that's the problem
I like Chen and I think that's hot
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Dying in Mumu's arms!
Mumu HATE!
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Ch'en please give me three fiddy to buy some noodles
kally wally docked my salary so hard i actually owe RI money now
*Grabs by the hand*
Nuh uh
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Ch'en probably has the most gang rape art of any op out there.
That's pre AI. AI might have changed that but she got a lot of AI art of it too so probably not.
Mumu modifying the blood soaked killing arrow into a makeshift dildo
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m-my noodles...
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where is delpipi sex
hate pink dog so much
You are gonna need to sell your body to a sexually frustrated and degenerate dirty old bastar Chen
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They love me.
Every genre/game/movie has some unspoken conventions. They sold the narrative that all these dolls are for you. Then they majorly fucked up by introducing a very long timeskip, which opens up a huge can of worms. And then, without any consideration for the conventions established for their original core audience, they betrayed them by having a character talk to another. It just invites the worst schizophrenics who will use their pattern recognition for the most inane shit to justify their betrayal. Pathetic, but as it stands, they betrayed the audience.
Long story short, be careful with timeskips in stories in general. If they framed it as the commander being in a coma for a year at best and then getting the band back together, that would work. And then enjoy that sweet, sweet waifufag money when each character introduction scene is the T-doll jumping on your dick (again).
Koreans are pathetic tho
Don't see a lot of talking in this image
Kill yourself
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Ch'en... scored
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Reset Priestess
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Reset Pram
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Reset Ceobe!
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She's perfect
Worthless failures
Good enough.
Based and cute

*smack smack smack*
The Doctor posting below me fucks pink women
We love sluts here.
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>We love sluts here.
No. I hate Reed.
nyes vyery gyood

gyo tyake nya shyower
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You know the fun thing about these is that it's taken from the game and used as a reaction, when it's just edited to say whatever you want then what's the point
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Reset Amiya
I just finished watching Breaking Bad

cute and based!

good girl! *smooch*

you tried (tm)
but am I wrong tho

but I showered after moving the lawn
cheap slut
amiya you might be too young for that kinda show
go watch peppa pig or something
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is bimboglow good bwos?
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Consider rats.
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What the fuck do I even farm this event
t. Rhodes Island Bicycle
Thanos' chin, obviously.
You can never have enough
I know that gf2 will have comfy general because it only has women as characters
Based and cute
Explains why you guys never shut up about Shark
>ZZZ attempting to break into the west
This I can believe. Furries.
>Snowbreak mattering at all
If you "trust" those CN charts it's making about AK level. It's like Wuwa they're PC games so you don't see them high on the meme gacharevenue.com charts, but some CNfags did try to include PC sales in their bilibili charts and both games did alright.
you've been trying too hard to bait during the entire thread buddy
Look at this dumbass
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My oh my… The beautiful free public cumdump has reached her full potential!
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Isn't she Victorian
I'm indifferent towards Reed
Eh, it can still be wildly different even with only female characters.
/pmmm/ is a comfy general but /llsifg/ is schizo central.
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I accept her in this world
which slut to buy.... Rockrock the virgin hunter or bimbglow...
putting operator bagpipe to operate PRTS's servers so she ruins the entire thing
Susie Glitter really does sound like a bimbo stripper/porn actress name bros...
Nah give me a Chinchila
None of these are sluts. It's just a headcanon pushed by a horny fag that wants a experienced slut to take his virginity. Touch grass
Off yourself
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Both are good
Get Bimboglow however. She’s always meta in SSS
>GFL are the most pathetic of gacha players
You don't play GFL their complaints are valid. It has a marriage oath system unlike AK, they paid money for the bride skins >>486676265
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Mom, the porn addicts are shitting up the thread again
post some terran wildlife
seaborn and collapsals do not apply nor do devils sorry.
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>they paid money for the bride skins
i don't know how you could possibly have thought that was a valid defense for them being called pathetic
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The pink thing will be acquired shortly.
Don't try to explain it to women. It's pointless.
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Take your time, always
(When will her skin ever be re-sold anyway? Good thing her OG outfit is full of life)
I'm a woman and I'm also mad don't lump me with those normalfags
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>double strike out
*sad bubbling*
Post tits
Show boobs
Tits or GTFO
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Sorry for assuming based sis
>wanting to see real boobs

It's him!
The jobber of divegrass!
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Endfield wheeeen Lowlight.
>no promilia reset date
But we literally have Chinese release range document, unless they're planning on wasting it, it will release in winter.
My tits are for Lappland. Don't you guys have your Arknights wife for that?
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Just think of the powercreep when endfield flops
I can smell you from here Mandy. Take a shower stinky
Shu soon
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Mandy isn't a gross infected like Reed she smells great like natural female musk unlike Reed who smells like corpse
yes she dominates every enemy type
she calls herself innocent yet is the strongest predator around
imagine all existing meta suddenly being called soul
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I was joking about the sea devils, but HG actually made them real. I wonder if there are some CoTD Sarkaz members in our timeline.
>Walter powercreep
Imagine. So much bullshit mechanics you can create.
>I was joking about the sea devils, but HG actually made them real.
No they didn't
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>Mandy likes Eblana
>Eblana loves her lil sis Reedtato
>Mandy hates Reedtato
Is Mandy retarded? Shouldn't she like Reedtato since Eblana likes her?
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>But we literally have Chinese release range document, unless they're planning on wasting it, it will release in winter.
Rumor has it Manjuu's rewriting AP after cutting the playable male characters. It's pretty likely the release will be delayed maybe even long enough for the license to expire.
The slug slut...
In Endfield, Surtr ceases to be the strongest
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>The lich gave his life knot and passed through every clan member. When a group becomes an individual, it is difficult for enemies to kill it completely. Before the individual named Sakaz was exhausted, it met friends in the sea and eventually became part of that big family.
Good enough for me
The Trinity of Spread Holes
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But does she become a pure and faithful housewife?
She hates Reed exactly because Eblana loves her. She thinks it's undeserved
>roll one more time on off banner
>Get surprise Mlynar

Hm yes bimboslut gives me old men.
She should trust her leader more, Eblana decides what's deserved not her.
I see...it's treason then
devil seaborn is the boss of the next seatent
>Does a S*rkaz become the opposite of what she naturally is
Imagine if we fused devils with seaborn with collapsals. Kino...
wait so basically this new event's theme is that a bunch of sui's goofy goobers and some rats are eating the rice of some shitty farmers?
and they need us to help them?!
motherfucker do it yourself we are saving people from discrimination and war we arent your god damn farmhands
Uh, you're not doing anything. Rhodes Island has minimal presence in this event.
>next seatent
dont forget the origiuants
gotta get some of that sweet sweet radiation and originum dust
anon my amiya is right there in the game she is fighting the rats
>but the story
everytime there is a stage we are in it no buts
we are fighting rats
Not all Sarkaz are sluts like Surtr...there must be more faithful ones like Ines
What she is not a whore
Ines you will never be a Sarkaz
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Surtr is a good girl
Yes. *Smooch*
I get that we have a lot of sluts and whores. But which ones are educated prostitutes? I'm a Dr of class
Siege, Pramanix/Cliffheart. Logos.
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Fear not. We will become farmers soon.
>HG has plans to release Arknights Endfield in mid 2025"

Operator Reed
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>kally wally docked my salary so hard i actually owe RI money now
You always owed RI money.
Stop with the Surtr slander. She was my fourth or fifth wife and I will not tolerate insults.
I thought Path of Life hinted at Nevermelting Glacier being the next boss for seatent.
Siege dresses like a low class trailer trash whore
I can see that
Chat is this real? Did they actually draw her naked and the put clothes on top of her? Is she actually naked under her clothes????
I want to eat fried rice...
Someone post that Reunion soldier image with every Terran disease/infection possible
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>slutty polygamous doctor has slutty polygamous wife
Elliot deliberately going for the worst end just because of what a manipulative bitch Kal is, is pretty funny
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She finally succumbed to fishe...
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Which operators are SLUTS? I wanna have some SEX with a slutty operator!!! Which operator can I prostitute and have the SEX with? Haha im horny and think all operators are SLUTS for having SEX with!!!! Im soooo horny I need to FUCK and CUM some slutty prostitute operators because I like having lots of SEX and im HORNY!!!!!!! Horny prostitute operators bouncing on my lap with SEX so I can IMPREGNANTE THEM!!! Im horny SEX!!!!!!!
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Uh bro you might want to tone that down a little, having a healthy sex drive is normal but you sound like you have a porn addiction
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Wolf pussy would fix the people in this thread.
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>porn addicts in this thread
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A bottomless curse, a bottomless sea. Accepting of all that there is and can be.
I want this guy as an operator.
Yes I want to have sex with him but also because he is cool look at him go
I haven't watched actual porn in years, 3dpds have lost all the appeal to me
What does Reed have that awakens so much sexual desire?
It's just one shitposter that targets victorians (and reed) for some reason
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This is the reason >>486679483
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Huh I didn't know that if Ebin can't summon more phantoms than charges he has stored he doesn't expend the excess.
I always assumed he'd just waste all of them regardless.
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I don't need porn. I need my wife.
Saving myself for marriage with Amiya
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Do not hit kin
Hit an evil slag instead
He is cool man, look at how fast he is going, look at his posture.
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Based doc
Skadiva module lets her hit at melee now?
Why can't we get her? Why do we kill evil women instead of recruitinf?
I need a reverse of this where it's Mandy who won't stop talking about her instead
Amiya... wringing you dry... fucking like rabbits
Because it would harm the integrity of the story if we could just recruit anyone
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Do not open
>Honkai Star Rail got a Fate collab
We lost...
Stop watching me jack off
Holy shit
Almost everyone gets a Fate collab the only reason we didn't is because Lowlight didn't ask
>kusoge collab
*yawn* wake me up when they get rewrite collab
Is this the new 6* Brawler coming for 2024?
Damn, I almost feel bad for them
You guys get mad at men horny posting but whenever some wom*n comes up and starts describing her fucked up fantasies you guys praise her
>Not Prisma
Don't care
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I think this was my post
There are no women here
>Not Prisma
Bro we hired fucking Harold
Arknights is a loli-hating game, it's not like we would've gotten a Prisma collab either.
arknights is a hag game.
>Women yell incel at waifubros
>Women praise their women fantasies
I wonder why
What if I got Amiya pregnant
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I want an aged up Kuro
I thought most of us were men here...
Everyone need lupo love
That doesn't make me care about Other/Game's collab either though so I don't know what the point of this post is
Correct, we would have gotten an Extra collab with Nero 6*, 5* Tamamo, welfare loli Altera.
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>b-but arknights
you lost, HSRkek
>There are no women here
Which is ironic because whenever people here get upset they start accusing others of being women.
Most men left we are a minority. You can see from what gets posted here.
We have Carnelian
arknights only collabs with things lowlight personally enjoys (and unimportant CCP mandated social credit collabs). this is a better practice than whoring your game out for a nier or fate collab
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Or a Guilty Gead collab
I identify as thus image
The policy of putting out content based on what Lowlight enjoys has lead to Wis'adel. I think they should stop basing things on his preferences.
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>being a selfish faggot who gives 0 fuck about players is a good practice
Mindblowing retardation. Listen to yourself.
You guys really do exaggerate her impact. Same as Texas2 nothing is going to change
does walter's existence actually bother people, or is it the fact that the kit designers were high out of their fucking minds when they made her?
Why do people ask for more collabslop?
>fate collab
>it's Schez, Sheba, and Nitocris
>for some reason
Lowlight's most watched videos list had Destiny and FFXIV content at the top. Destiny collab collapsed. FFXIV looms.
What is Mandragora policy on me trying for a kid with her
We have Dr. E
Corpses can't get pregnant, anon.
>Call people's favorites whores
>Expect those people not to get mad
Calling other women sluts is peak woman behavior you faggots, it's their go-to label for one another
I laugh at the backstory of her alter, it doesn't bother me. Her kit is what makes me question their sanity
Better than Nierslop for the 100th time. If we had it your way we would have Nier, Persona, and seasonal shonen collabs every few months.
It does show that the guy who runs the game expresses favoritism. I mean we already knew it from Gavial alter and Angelina being in Endfield, but this took it to a whole new level.
We can remake her.
Yes the fact that she just got a bunch of wank and got turned into a super powerful revenant powered demon is considered an asspull and story breaking. That annoyed the Chinese more than her kit actually since they were also looking forward to more deserving alts or new characters
she's a mercenary (yeah)
Considering how much they've pushed her over the years, Walt was inevitable.
walter is a womans choice in operator
Yeah that's basically what we used to do at middle and high school to ruin someone's reputation but men didn't care about that
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>took 5 years for this insane powercreep
Shit. Compared to other gachas, we are alright.
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I regret not starting earlier.... It's too late now.
You guys just hate Wisadel because she's canonically gay.
Are you also a hot mercenary sarkaz?
>conveniently forgetting other broken ops because the new shiny toy is better
powercreep has been happening for ages now
I would roll for anyone but wormslut
Besides Walter and Lappland who else should I add to my woman choice team? I have female taste
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Manly and unhinged women
Minus Arturia, chinese women kinda don't like her
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They usually pretend to use male or gender neutral language but when describing sexual things they inevitable make the slip and focus on how the female is feeling or someshit. Men don't want to parade you around or make you feel helpless, they want to fuck your ass.
sirs do not roll for the wisadle
based leaf gang.
Cute cob
I'd roll Ushi and Mori in a heartbeat.
>Only 7 actually chose Yes
akg you're better than this
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Awesome! Pink dog acquired.
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DAMN, walter looks like THAT?
Why would I skip an operator that's strong as shit? For what purpose?
So the male ops and girls like Hol and Specter besides Wuh and Lapp? Why do they dislike Arturia?
Sorry to disappoint you anon but I need Fang alter so I can't skip wuh
grats bro
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Treat her well. Don't turn her life into a living nightmare.
It's undeniable proof that a vocal minority are the ones hating Walter and trying to get people to skip her.
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I ever tell you about the time my buddy Keith tried this mobile game named Arknights? Yeah, he thought that he should try a new game for his birthday and he didn't want to play mobile games, but he turned out he LOVED it, man. But it's like 10 bucks a pull in one of them gachas, so Keith figures, "Hey, how hard can it be to play F2P," right? As it turns out, it's hard. Now, they say experience is the best teacher, and experience taught Keith that if you ever waste hundreds of dollars for a character, it kills you. Now luckily, Keith's brain went into self-defense mode and started shutting organs before he could spend thousands of dollars, and the doctors were able to separate him to his phone before his heart stopped. But to this day, Keith has no sensation in his right foot, and he doesn't recognize his own brother Paul no more.
>costa rica
Okay place your bets on which is behind the shitp
It's the Indian or Australian. It always is.
>constantly sucking Mihoyo's blood
What does this mean
God I wish I was her
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Why would I waste my free rolls?
Unironically this, getting that pot6
I had to do it bros
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Cherish her and make her happy. She is a good girl
Stealing players.
>fucked up fantasies
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Her nose is gone...
Huh, weren't russians supposed to be cut off from the western internet or something?
This Doctor fucks pink women
Goldenglow summer skin rerun when?
One time there was someone describing what they wanted Lappdad to do to them
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Curse you demon
i still want to have sex with Ya
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That's Chinese bro
no, the moment a woman has a single thought of arousal she needs to be forced into hard labor in a kitchen until she can no longer feel her genitals
tits too big
The next poster is Amiya's husband
What was it like?
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I KNEW she had a lewdness crest.
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the next poster fucks d*vils
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I was not being ironic. I love my vanguards.
Our government blocks unsavory sites from our side, but surprisingly 4chan isn't. We don't have Chinese internet iron dome yet
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Devil-posting hours?
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The beatings will continue until you learn to give proper head.
Mainly being abused physically and emotionally while treating Lappland like her daugther
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Wait, I've seen this before
This is a woman fantasy
Hot I want to turn female op into useless chubbies
She literally has a prostitute name she should know that
We don't fucking know, she's invisible
Who the fuck holds a can like that
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>women always complain about sexual assault and such
>their fantasies involve getting beat the shit out of them by hot men
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She is such a fucking slapslut
I can't jack off if I don't know whether Ascalon is in the room or not.
I don't wanna accidentally cum on her like I did with Manticore.
my fantasies involve getting the shit beat out of me by hot women, thougheverbeitdesu.
Manticore got in the way on purpose, doc
anon they can dodge if they want to
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Does this mean more Susie posting?
but we don't need genshin players here
>still missing a few gold certs for GG
I'll be there with you guys soon...
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Only if its done out of love
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Could you guys please stop hurting her?
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Works for me
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You can tell she is a woman-designed character from the blindfold and collar with a leash she is wearing.
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I don't get those K-san tier pics either
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I prefer Viccy
If you end up using her a lot, her module is pretty decent so consider it.
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With this amount of filters, might as well have used an ai generated video
I will make GoldenGlow happy and give her the life she deserves
They just ran out of the shock pictures.
>get head
>her Arts go haywire again
>get your dick zapped and die
>This is a woman fantasy
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I prefer the term wife posting
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Make Arknights Great Again
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i didn't know reed was so indecent...
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Bros the new boss is broken. Idk how they think this is fair.
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If I run out of physical abuse I can always take the emotional abuse or NTR approach to smearing her.
The hot men part is very important thwre anon
Redman? What are you doing in RIchan?
Please call my wife a slut
ok but i don't know how she'll know i'm talking about her when i call for "a slut"
Summer stream doko?
Need full picture. I love lewd Reed the contrast between her normal self is peak
Bro Mandy has tried to warn you
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>Mandy has tried to warn you
Nice try Mandy
Your wife has a job and is a respected member of the community.
how fucking dare you
How degrading...
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>there is still room for further improvements
understatement of the century
Who is your wife bro? Is she really ok with this kind of play? I wouldn't want to make her sad if she is uncomfortable with it
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I need to get raped by Susie
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We don't have a job anymore, bro... kal kicked us out for laughing at her hobbies and weight....
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It's exclusively for Doc
>room for improvement
That's being very generous
My wife likes art it's impossible for her to have a real job and be respected. Also she shouldn't be trusted with most jobs
It's still indecent
>Ubisoft dude moved to HG
Huh, I wonder if he's how they kept getting crossovers with R6S
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for what reason is stainless there
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You know, I take turns talking smack about operators and posting retarded things with pictures of them attached. Yesterday it was Blemi, the day before it was Lappland. Today is obviously Goldenglow day. I think I will do Typhon tomorrow. The day after probably Skadi or Specter depending on my mood.
Popular, young and free
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He is the king
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How much longer for kino?
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It's only indecent if someone else was peeking. That's what exclusive means
Since when could the actual card background be changed?
Might go for Kalpipi's or Eureka
3.5 months
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>recruiting Susie
>making Susie feel safe
>taking care of Susie
>spending time with Susie
>helping Susie control her arts
>getting haircuts by Susie
>curing Susie's oripathy
>going on dates with Susie
>stargazing with Susie
>loving Susie
>cherishing Susie
>cuddling Susie
>kissing Susie
>marrying Susie
>having lots of children with Susie
>living together happily with Susie
Susie love!
Namiepls, I do not like dogs.
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Red would never
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Deggy Weggy...
No that art hoe, the dangerous one not the autistic one. Dusk could be a convenience store worker or a cashier at mcdonalds
wb-ex-8 cm with operators like Ray and Typhon already felt brainless why did they have to make Walter?
sjlm frfr
Are they actually lovers?
>Jessica has nothing from her archetype
Supah I know you're reading this, you retarded motherfucker. Her archetype is defined by being defenders with range and stun. Her summon only works because she has range. Her whole S3 is based on a big stun shot. Her, Blitz, and Liz's identity is "defender who can be behind another tank and stun things". The only difference is Jessica's tank is her summon.
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Because heroine
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Yes, this is canon, namie said so and I trust her.
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I always carry around my GG keychain in my pocket regardless of where I go so I always imagine she is with me. She really gives me strength in life and motivation to get better at certain things when I look at pictures of her imagining her smile and wondering if she'd be proud of me
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>Supah I know you're reading this
Why isn't there a Amiya_(caster) tag on boorus.
How pathetic.
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>watching supah videos
Huai Tianpei and Arctosz are both deadbeats, but the former is cool as fuck while the latter's a giant loser, how come?
I'm always proud of you Anon!
If Waai Fu's mother was shown people would start making fun of Tainpei too
That's just default Amiya
literally every supah video is inspired by arguments that happen ITT, it's not schizo to acknowledge that he's here
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I don't mind. My headcanon and delusion is stronger than anything else in this world
Leaving it all behind in the pursuit of stronger kung fu is always cool.
>expecting a meta faggot (actual fag) to understand the game
Forbidding my female operators from shaving their armpits and forcing everyone to wear sleeveless uniforms
It's a schizo behavior to engage him and think that it will cause anything other than his underdeveloped brain releasing more dopamine, causing him to ""anonymously"" shitpost more
He would probably reluctantly go with it to fulfill Susie's fantasies. He strikes me as a missionary with lights off kind of guy if not alltogether asexual.
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Actually going to frame this post and putting it on my wall
Based & cute
Huai Tianpei was cringe as fuck and Artocz was funny. Artocz fucked up because he had flaws but he admitted that and is willing to make amends. Huai never takes responsibility and keeps ok being a deadbeat
>cuckposting an operator because she's in the cert store
This is a new low for you /akg/
eh, tianpei's wife died whereas arctosz' abandoned his living spouse and child so it wouldn't really hit the same
it doesn't help that the former entrusted his kid to a dependable father figure, whereas the latter left them to fend for themselves in the wild with just a bit of money
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You haven't seen anything yet. My discord minions were merely keeping you busy while I was scouring Pixiv and Danbooru for new images.
It's a gacha game so if characters aren't strictly mentioned as being married they are for (You). HG knows that wives make money
Amiya and Siege chibis just look like they're standing there with their item.

Kal's pose in the chibi looks like she's giving me sass. It's perfect.

Eureka is standing there with an item but giving off cheerful energy. Also perfect.
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Susie is blatantly a cuddlecore operator.
Huai knew he would make a useless dad, as he was too obsessed with kung fu to care for his daughter properly and gave her to Lee to take care of.
Arctosz coped and made excuses about how he was forced to abandon them for their own good, and apparently didn't give them anywhere near enough to live comfortably on their own.
Good anon
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>nooo IS5 is too hard without Waltuh
>random guy beating Ascension 12 with 4* only
Type without spacing, monkey.
What a skank!
why she grab he
>random guy
That channel is the most prolific low rarity IS runner there is
This shit happens for every single IS lol
people are just dumb
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Susie's story and her demeanor really make my "urge to protect and care for" synapses tingle. Sadly that also makes her a bully target for psychopaths. I just want to give her the best life possible and love her forever
>it's an /akg/ pretends content is easy because someone did a challenge clear while still just using all 6*s themselves episode
A guy who only cares about Kung Fu wouldn't care enough to fuck a woman that's a lame ass excuse, the game only portrays it differently because Kung fu is traditional Chinese bullshit.
The same way everyone called IS4 ridiculously hard at release and now it's fine, will happen with IS5.
>it's a tourist pretends to understand the game and saying that using random 6* is what makes IS easy episode
>The same way everyone called IS4 ridiculously hard at release
Literally never happened, everyone was calling it easy as fuck until the expansion
Cry about it.
Sex is also a form of kung fu.
IS4 literally is hard though. A0 isn't hard with full buffs, but high ascension is. Especially with the expansion maps.
I'll pretend to be a psychopath trying to bully her except I'll be super tame and you can protect her. Sounds like a win win to me.
Are you high? It was the complete opposite
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>nooo IS5 is too hard without Waltuh
IS5 is easy as fuck. You can stomp A15 with solvful powercrept ops
Post cumslurpers
game is easier after learning the stages, could be wrong though
I'm fine with being his lover, his wife doesn't need to know and I'm fine if he just spends time with me from time to time.
The few days after launch the thread was full of people saying it was harder than IS3. Pre-launch was when the posts were all about muh B team IS4 is too easy.
I remember everyone crying about how much harder it was than IS3 when it came out.
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This is anonymous forum. Your posts stand out like a sore thumb. Stop being an attentionwhore faggot.
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Horn is the kind of woman that my mother would be proud of me being engaged with her
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Why would anyone not want to see this cutie smile?
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You are a retard.
>/akg/ was saying
Common consensus on CN was that it is far easier than IS3
Also, the first few days nobody had the extra buffs yet, obviously they'd think it was harder than IS3 where they had full buffs
>all these 6*s
>only SA isn't from the past year
Wingman chad...
Powercrept by walter
This would be so much hotter with pink pubs sticking out
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A slag?
>Shu and Ulpipi
Does the grass field shelter stack with Gladiia damage rests for him? Seems pretty good if so.
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it does
Yep, you are retarded
Healing wont kill 1m hp bosses, dumb fuck.
Yep, with both even at A15 he's basically untouchable
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Guys IS is easy just look at what I can do with +100 ASPD I got from a RNG relic!
Shit meme
Shit character
Shit artist
IS5 is easy because getting relics is easy, dude.
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I enjoy emotionally controlling her more.
>ulpipi is a healer
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Considering the precarious conditions of Kazdel and the social vulnerabilities most Sarkaz find themselves in, it is very likely most Sarkaz women were raped very early on or engaged in prostitution.
A virgin Sarkaz woman is almost an impossibility the social context of the game ensures they will grow up slutty
meant for >>486694075
There is no sex on Terra
He is not but he is a mid and sovlful 6*
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We're really doing it again?
Bro just because you've never had sex doesn't mean it doesn't exist
His 2nd talent gives all other AH 60 HP on a kill. Getting extra max HP might as well be healing but better if it lets you live a hit that would have killed you at the time. Therefore, he is a healer. Probably.
Stop being a disingenuous faggot.
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I warned you lot about the ERP'ing, you thought it was just joking. Idiots.
susie would not say this
Susie it's a joke calm down
Doctor, I jobbed.
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funny stage
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I guess other people also got the pope andoain idea
I know.
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Cute devils
One of the few times I found a post genuinely repulsive
RNG is a form of skill in IS
>What is risk management?
The reason Delphine was spared of coompost was becuz no one here felt like degrading her.
The Doctor is pure and the "bicycle" allegations are repulsive
Degrading her mom would be hotter.
What are the other posts you found repulsive?
God I hate exhibitionist whores like her.
Do that to both of them, in the same room
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He is pure. But he's also a bicycle because he gets used and abused by all operators since they are all stronger than him. Doctor sexual harassment is part of Rhodes culture>>486695689
Susie sex
Sex with Susie
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Operators who will push a finger into your ass during sex?
This but add eight kids at least.
Doctor, I killed all of your enemies. Also, I changed your hallway lightbulb.
That was actually when it was being attempted on Delpipi. It usually fails to stick when you have an xfag fanbase that bites back like hers or Reed's or Horn's (Lupofags)
Bro her mom is dead she is already degrading by herself...
Dear oh dear, Closure
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100% Carnelian.
It would have if I had thrown my weight
(Also I never feel like banging Horn. I simply respect her)
Today, I would like to address a topic that is fundamental to our success and well-being in the workplace: proper workplace conduct. As we navigate our daily tasks, collaborate with one another, and strive to achieve our goals, it is essential to foster an environment of respect, professionalism, and integrity. Proper workplace conduct begins with communication. We must engage with one another in a manner that is clear, constructive, and respectful. Whether we’re sharing ideas in meetings, providing feedback to a colleague, or simply exchanging pleasantries in the break room, our words and actions should reflect our commitment to maintaining a positive atmosphere. Equally important is our behavior toward one another. Each of us brings unique skills and perspectives to the table, and it is vital that we honor and value each individual’s contribution.
This means being open-minded, practicing active listening, and showing appreciation for the diversity that enriches our workplace. Furthermore, we must be mindful of our actions and their impact on others. It is imperative that we adhere to company policies, respect boundaries, and avoid any form of harassment or discrimination. Creating a safe and inclusive environment is not just a responsibility; it is a shared commitment that strengthens our team and enhances our collective productivity. Let us also remember the importance of accountability. Taking ownership of our responsibilities and being willing to admit mistakes fosters trust and strengthens our relationships. When we hold ourselves and each other accountable, we contribute to a culture of excellence and continuous improvement. In conclusion, proper workplace conduct is not just about following rules; it is about building a community where everyone feels valued, respected, and empowered to thrive. Together, we can create a workplace that not only achieves success but also inspires growth and fulfillment for all.
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I choose sex
Convincing Lunacub and Ceobe that cum is a nutritious meal. Instantly regretting it because they proceed to vaccum suck your dick everyday for hours until you lose your mind
Degen but it would be her whole fist
you forgot your pic Kal.
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They wouldn't give a fuck about what a nutritious meal is, they just want shit that tastes good
What's next? You gonna convince them to eat Hibiscus salad by saying it's a nutritious meal?
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didn't read
good on you for being based or sorry for being cringe
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You may take this with a grain of salt as it is coming from a gay man, but I think Silverash is pretty butt fuckable.
I've been noticing something. The last couple of standard banners have been all women or 4 women and 1 male on rate up.
Are they maybe starting to realize that faggots, trannies, and whamen don't play this game and they should start pandering more to men who keep the game alive?
Just a theory
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I'd rather it'd be her tongue if you know what I mean
You're not welcomed here faggot. Kys
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The hidden path...
Vernal Windblows
Operators that would enjoy you sticking a finger up their ass during sex?
You want her to push a finger into her tongue?
>4 women and 1 male on rate up.
Almost like we have less male characters?
not Arturia
That's pretty hot too yeah
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I guess the phoneposters can't see names or something.
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Any AK fan artworks of this scene?
becoming typhon's stepdad...
I don't get it, why would Degen say she's a gay man
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source for this draw?
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isn't it kinda fucked that there's no 6* male defender
maleknights is just guardknights with extra gimmicks when they don't need to bring jordidi
Thorns alt will save them
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Nymph perma bullies Jobtriot
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Frostnova is a groundbreaking medical product designed to inhibit the spread of Oripathy. With a focus on accessibility and affordability, Frostnova is priced to ensure that individuals from all socio-economic backgrounds can benefit from its life-saving effects. Our innovative formula not only helps manage the disease effectively but also empowers patients to lead nearly normal lives with proper care. At Rhodes Island, we believe that health care should be inclusive, and we are dedicated to making a positive impact in the lives of those who need it most, Allah willing.
>FrostNova is cheap and sold to everyone
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do not fuck a bat
Thanks, ChatGPT.
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Who the hell fucks their dinner
Genius game design hg
SilverAsh S2 is practically a defender
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It's fine, she jobbed to 2nd phase
Thankfully Ulpipi can tank him
Except you're the one that gets buttfucked here
Where's womanfred
Is Lee's X module worth it? Upgrade wise
Ptilopsis would do it to increase efficiency.
>100% metaslave team
wow i can't wait to play is5
Just Ela, Shu and Logos
Rest are sovl
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HG saw this and commissioned the artist to make promo art so now it's canon
Arturia is ugly with big tits
give me flat sarkaz arturia
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FrostNova banner soon!
nta, I see Yato2.
God I wish I was her
Sankta she is better flat.
FRDs are sovl now
Never ever never ever never
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Yatoalt isn't soul, she does more damage than Surtr in a shorter time
Not for the reason you think
Surtr is literally shit T5 slop nowadays
Keep up with times grandpa
T5 must be the second highest, then, so T6 is the best? Where Yatoalt, Ray, Typhon, Degen are?
cool cat!
Keep up with reality schizoid
Wrong, highest is Walter and Walter alone
>out of touch moron calls anyone a schizo
zero self-awareness
Nyare nyare daze...
I want to be Horn's sissy husband
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>"Oh, you are coming closer?"
>"I can't play with Susie's ears without coming closer"
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Thinking about Saileach
Would you let her amazon press you every night and massage her feet after missions
Of course. But I would rather have her do that regardless of me letting her do it or not
Why are you thinking about slag
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Bro she's a Victorian pure maiden
Because we love Reed here.
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>waifufags are back
/akg/ is healing...
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Aggressive petting for Monie!
he's an abused Borderlands 2 player
Bros, is Ceobe really coming to shop soon? Forgot where I saw the info. Thx in advance
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But the cracks have already formed. Sooner or later the thing below will burst through. The skies will burn, the oceans dry and the things you call street flow as rivers of molten asphalt and blood.
Also 'monie love.
You are mistaken. He posted Janie, a beautiful Victorian maiden.
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Victoria has no maidens only Vicci slags.
Tara and Leithania are the country of maidens.
good morning I hate women
love from Kazdel
Thanks, didi.
Horn is way stronger than you, she could rape you if she wants, but she is a sweet polite woman with manners and would ask for your consent first.
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I never left
Love Horn. I want to prepare a bath and cook for her after she comes home from work even if I don't know what a soldier does
Is 3rd ending Patriot still counted as a Sarkaz? If do Eterna/Shu/Gladiia on Ulpianus should be a billion damage res stacked to tank him forever.
Less DP drain module will always be the better one.
mating press
I will have sex with every sui
She will only look like that until she hits 24. After that you will understand the true nature of british women. By jove for your own good I hope she knows to cook.
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Pure maiden
>shu livestream 27th
Doesn't that mean Shu will be like 4 days later than previous new years banners?
When's Saileach coming to the shop again
Peak wife material.
Next thread? Fox thread
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>Why do they dislike Arturia?
They don't lmao, chinese women eat up anything sankta like candy
Can't you hear the children's cries?
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Thanks and that's the one I was talking about, I was wondering if the upgrades are worth it though, never used a Merchant really
Sluts can be wives too, you just need the right kind of husband so if your wife is a slut don't be discouraged and be proud to be a special and understanding man
no one likes hool
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Soon I hope
>introduce new status with Degen nothing resists
>make all bosses a little later after her release immune to it
>introduce new status with Nymph nothing resists
I see what you're doing Lowlight.
Rockrockbro, your narrative...
what if you're a slutty femdoc?
Can't you feel the cities crumbling away?
The name of that fox? Angelina Ajimu.
She's already older than 24, she's almost as old as Bagpipe who's almost as old as Chen (true) (late 20 -early 30)
It's on a saturday so she could drop on tues or thurs. We've had them as late as the 29th so it'd be within the usual
Even Chong?
Go back to your discord
I love Ho'ol Heyak.
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Right, I love her
I do
You just need to find an understanding male operator or female if you are a lesbian or hang out with the sluts and have fun
My soulmate...
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Personally I'll say that the upgrades aren't worth it. Longer stun isn't that useful since the utility of the talent is lee blocking the stun, and less DP consumed is very little. Only time I found it make a difference was when I borrowed a Lee for Last Knight clears and that's because it's a hyperniche he has. Level 1 is fantastic though, makes a big difference and worth grabbing.
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I only have 1 slampig and she is important to me.
no you don't
she is literally unlikable and useless in game too
I just luv her
what discord, ill join one i guess.
>Hang out with the sluts and have fun
I will keep this in mind, Doctor, thank you.
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I suppose you might be wrong
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What do you mean, Doctor. They look like monsters to you? *sigh*
Ascalon, we have another woke case. Alpha target.
Get the sargophagus ready and contact Yan and Ursus for another re-enactment. Get someone more suitable for the role of Ace this time.
Oh, Doctor.... no need to be scared. Just go back to sleep already. This isn't anything we haven't already done before.
Sex with tail
>she is literally unlikable
One of her many endearing qualities
Holy moly! How is this allowed!
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Suck my cock.
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>even her greatest strength is worse than reeds
just throw the hool away
>Not meta #1 powercreep machine = unusable trash
average metafag brain
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>>no one likes hool
Maybe from youtube? There is an AK player that always shows the datamined content from every update
And yes, Ceobe will apepear in the next kernel banner.
sunk cost
you don't actually like her
don't forget ugly and unlikeable, just no redeeming qualities at all
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>Unpowercreeped for over 4 years
I love her moral relativism
hoolfags explain this
wtf... sisbwo?
snek insecurity hours
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Based sisbro
Nothing to explain
i fucking knew something was off about hoolfags
Old women are not allowed in my /akg/
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What? I just came back home. That instant noodle really helped me sooth the dizziness in my head.

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