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the wait still continues
HoyoCHADS own this thread.
sex with blumine will be a mechanic
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Are you ready for /our/ best girl, OP? Yeah i think we do.
Bennett's wife.
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reminder the SKK from azur lane was cucked by THIS
i see mods still dont exist here
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Hot biker girl is the only way for womanjuu to survive.
Azur Spatmilia...
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Come home, white man.
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PEAK design coming through
>Mihomos are either ignorant about what shitposting means or shameless about shitposting
>Inceltards keep making shitpost thread despite knowing it's a vaporware
Hello is this the thread for Blue Genshin Impact?
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Wtf are they even saying?
they are mad about the fmc, no beta test, spats, omnipander garbage, etc
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hoyo bros, which patch will we get another femboy in thighhighs, i thirst for more
>this is the next knave
Fucking gay
But enough about azur flopmilia.
we need a matome of these threads. I can't stand reading the same few quips incessantly reused that the troons who plan their epic "raids" from discord consider peak humor.
Damn I didn't know the Hoyoschizo was this pathetic.
>98% covered
Nope, also she will not power Bennett.
see a post you think is off-topic?
report for off-topic and ignore
based chinks
>hoyocucks plays this trash
he is totally mindbroken by this game for some reason
nta but it seems that this board has literally 0 mods in it, maybe if people post some fuck up porn someone will show up and ignore all the trolls
Even back in 2014 that design would have been considered trash, and this is what mihoyo is banking on to sell their new zone? mihoyo drones are truly braindead.
There are like 5 different themes in this design, like why are the hot shorts ripped but also wearing an expensive looking coat? Also like 8 rings and armlets. They can't even decide on a proper color scheme considering the tail has like 3 different patterns and the colors don't match anything else in the design, and she has a braid with 2 different colors that also don't match anything, just random. Also the coat has light blue/green near the waist because??
Do these niggers think that adding more shit is better?
Cry about it incels, you LOST
That's it? not really impressive considering their brand.
Because Homoverse designs are shit. That's it.
You'll never get another Mona.
bro is not going to sell, chinks are angry at genshit since Sumeru and now global is angry because they are not black enough, game is on a decline for some time now
>Do these niggers think that adding more shit is better?
yes, there is retards that unironically thinks overly designed= good and original
and millions spent on marketing, but let the hoyocuck cope
Yeah she was decent, but now just like her, everything is just censored and made with women/feminism in mind
>took your chance of doing incest implications
>implying they haven't recoup their production costs
>hype for upcoming characters is at all-time high
Holy manjuu glazer cope. Cuckmilia is DoA.
>and millions spent on marketing
Billions*. mihoyo's got a fuckton of fuck you money but that isn't sustainable
Fuck off you're a fucking slowpoke >>1512393
sex with abby
>wuwa making literal pennies now
can I join you, anon?
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>GFL girls are for raymond
>BA girls are for mahjong soul mc
>AL girls are for >>1516175
The cuck trinity is now complete. And of course none of them bothered to make clarification because they don't wanna deal with filthy incels.
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They went from Mona to this kek
Well they played the omnipander game without the Oyohim buff along with adding in not-paimon.
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AL collabs all they time, world of warships, dolphin wave, probably a bunch more, it's not a big deal
I think Nikke is safe.
Shouldn't Manjuu say something?

Or are all chinese companies like this and they don't say shit even when they have their home on fire?
They should be. I honestly think that some company do smear campaign because manjuu didn't say anything.
If they don't want to change anything(main story is acceptable from FMC pov) then they should just say it. There's nothing good delaying the inevitable. AL player that care about AP target audience will still hold their money, so I doubt announcing it later will change anything.
On the other hand, if they currently try to rewrite or change the content, they need to announce it, so there's basis to trust them.
I thought they learn something from Azur lane, it turned out they didn't. Current Azur lane is crazily great that they're communicating more to the playerbase. Like how AL will get Italian DR.
Why not just mostly ignore Chink autism and market Azur Spatsmilia mainly to Japs and less "hardcore" Chinks? The Japs don't mind if there is Blumine/a female MC. In fact, femMC being available almost certainly means the game is more successful in Japan and among less hardcore Chinks.

I get that people expect that if there's a femMC, it means everything will be kept platonic and "clean", but I don't think it ever was the intention to provide Snowbreak-tier master love. They can still have date scenes etc. and just explain it away with "girls want to have fun" when you have the femMC and include some less "thirsty for MC cock" lines.
>Market to JP
Which one do you think better? Getting both player or only one of it? JP or CN casual don't have a demand.
If it's not harem game, then hardcore CN peeps won't play it. On the other hand, if they change it, they will still get JP and CN casual player.
CN probably wouldn't be complaining much about femc if there weren't male npcs.
t. yuritroon
Nope but you can keep seething while you play the game.
Open-world game are popular with chinks
Why do you think all genshin clones come from china?
Why do you think all turn-based rpg from japan?
Why do you think all mmorpg from korea?
You think you are smarter than market analysts being paid more than you make for a decade?
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The most popular game in Japan right now is a harem idol game with a locked male MC, what makes you think leaving both protagonists in would make it more popular in Japan? Besides it's not like Wuthering Waves is doing all that well over there either.
>what makes you think leaving both protagonists in would make it more popular in Japan?
See umamusume and heaven burns red, are you also forgetting how the femc od grubble and fgo are more popular?
Besides, this has more to do with how Japan's own products still dominate the industry no matter how much they're lamenting the curent state of chink/gook gacha invasion.
>I get that people expect that if there's a femMC, it means everything will be kept platonic and "clean", but I don't think it ever was the intention to provide Snowbreak-tier master love

Agreed, I don't know why people expect this game to magically transform into an ML/harem game just with locked MMC
>Wants male npcs
Is there something you wanna confess?
Because if it's not a harem we'll just go play Roco Kingdom instead then, which will do the monster gimmick better and is probably coming out earlier than Azur Promila.
rough sex with luruka
/apg/? more like /pag/ and /agp/
>Because if it's not a harem we'll just go play Roco Kingdom instead
The point is that Manjuu clearly weren't targeting this "we" (ML-or-nothing fanatics) in the first place but the wider demographic of coomers who just want cute female characters.
I'm more concerned with the 12+ rating and safe-looking designs as it'll probably turn off more players than MC autism.
Why call it "Azur" if they're not interested in any of the Azur Lane audience?

They could have sidestepped 90% of this by just calling the game something else.
It's just like how the audience for Rune Factory 5 is completely different than the audience for Rune Factory 3. Companies are retarded and keep thinking about expanding to a wider audience but they forget they also need to keep their old audience.
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azur lane chad, we won
They really should have used another name
>Shitbreak making the same money that a png collector
It's a dead patch with just a rerun character and everyone was saving for the first anniversary.
no wonder they keep shitting /alg/ like yesterday
I want to play this game very much because of the demo .webm I saw of the monsters making stuff and the farming stuff as well, hopefully the combat is good and so are the crafting and gathering of stuff rather than actually the story, if they have a skip button I will be happy.
Storyfags need to stick to playing virtual novels or something.
Combat looked alright but nothing amazing from that one trailer they showed us but I wasn't expecting more from chink palworld when that's not really the focus.
I do not play palworld, never did, never will.
Proud of you anon.
the story is the most important part of any gacha.
you think? I dropped WuWa mainly because the main story sucked hard, I mean how hard can it be to have a good main story
combat looks worse than genshin
models look worse than wuwa
if they dont go full coom like zzz i dont know how can they compete against other titles
I skipped the entire game, I quit playing because the lack of diversifying the main team mostly and the amount of hassle to level up stuff like equipment/character/skills/weapons/monsters made me feel like I was back playing Ragnarok Onlline but RO was fun.
I skipped zensored zoomer zlop, you can miss me with that furry shit, at one point it's just too much.
>if they dont go full coom like zzz
Convince me to play zzz. Isn't that game censored?
zzz is mihomo selfcensor. also, do you really want to play a furry game?
don't waste your time, anon is delusional
game is censored AND boring
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meanwhile AP has iconic spat from GI lol
game is censored and has furry shit
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you can literally see the MC wearing spats in that pic lmao, keep coping
meanwhile in AP
I don't get the angle of trying to shit on AP fanservice using a hoyogame of all things.
Oh look another thread of shitler talking to himself.
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who are you trying to fool?
>azurkeks eating shit
>posts an image with censorship
>"it's totally not censored guys!!"
This is all Blumine's fault
sex with blumine
>go full coom like zzz
Azursisters... Wtf is this?
sex with abby
If you don't know, marketing in public places in china has to censor the characters, this is standard practice. Look at azur lane billboards versus how they release in game.
The difference is that mihoyo not only censors characters in marketing material, but in game as well.
cope more tranny
>the pajeet from /akg/
who else?
Hoyotroons sure love your censorship
>coom like zzz
you just outed yourself furry, game only has coom for furfaggots, even their reddit won't let anyone post girls, only furries
The one Hoyocuck who keeps spamming, falseflagging and samefagging nonstop
>even their reddit won't let anyone post girls
Seriously? Aren't the characters like 90% female
Hello shitler, you keep doing this schizophrenic double side thing even here, get insitutionalized asap.
Why the hell did we make another thread just to give another place for mihomo drones to shill when there is no news and the game is years away?
Leaks are already saying that she will powercreep Bennett and Xiangling.
sex with abby
Of course it is. The Commander's a little bitch nowadays. They don't need to do anything.
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This game isn't ready for the true male protagonist
I'm wondering if they just have no idea what to do with the game and are keeping silent until they figure it out. Makes no sense otherwise considering how quickly they responded to the male gacha fud
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>canonically has sex with nikkes
>is somehow a cuck

sorry bud this isn't cucklane
Most chink gacha companies are like that. The main reason Snowbreak became so popular is that they actually answer things quickly.
>Goddess of Censorship Nigge
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damn you're right, those burkas are so annoying
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>stylistic choices aren't allowed
you do realize rupee still looks incredibly lewd?
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>i-it's not censorship!!!
lol the Nikkuck
>every change in that image covers more skin
>its just a stylistic choice!!
bro... thats literally the same defense homoshills make
its over anyways, nikke is already starting to put the gun in its mouth with that survey asking if the girls are too sexualized
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truly an stylistic choice
>meanwhile cucklane is an absolute tease fest with endless self-censorship and whores out their shipgirls to other IPs
no one except snowbreak can talk shit, nikke is the lewdest game with the most amount of (You) pandering after snowbreak. come back when cucklane stops hiding pantyshots and puting towels on all their characters.
>its just a stylistic choice!!
i've literally heard AL shikicucks make the same argument
That's why it's strange, Manjuu always responded quickly, that's why they were so popular
Anson drama > responded in less than a day
Ap male leak drama > responded in less than a day
Drama with the Vtuber Cn collab > responded in less than a day and the collab canceled

That's why everyone finds it strange that Manjuu decides to stay silent, they were always quick to respond to the drama normally.
They learned from hoyo that responding to petty dramas isn't the way to go.
people said the same shit about gfl2 and now they are fucking dead because of it lmao. Not every company has the amount of braindead zoomers like Hoyocuck cultists to defend everything the shitty company does. Manjuu has the option the end every concern with a simple talk and they would gain their trust again in minutes, something that already happened in the past as pointed out by the other anon
>meanwhile cucklane is an absolute tease fest with endless self-censorship
False. AL girls show way more skin than Nikkuck where 90% of the girls' backs are covered by hair/coats.
>nikke is the lewdest game with the most amount of (You) pandering after snowbreak
lol no
>nikke is the lewdest game with the most amount of (You) pandering after snowbreak
BULLSHIT, in nikke a bunch of the new character and not even the pilgrims is for (you) other than Marian or get any harem pandering with SKK, they even retcon the latest anni to remove (you) pandering from crown and to not forget they literally put another male to BOND with your Nikkes in their fucking FIRST anniversary
>nikke is the lewdest game with the most amount of (You) pandering after snowbreak
>game is on a decline for some time now
sales say otherwise chud
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Fontaine flopped faggot
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>always responded quickly
Two of those three things happened two months ago nearly to the day and were back to back. Like within 24 hours. I don't even think the response would've been as quick if it weren't for the fact that they could not afford to have community sentiment so negative when they'd just entered their initial reveal period of their next big project they'd spent/will be spending millions creating.

>gfl2 and now they are fucking dead because of it lmao
GFL2 did the opposite actually. They were antagonistic about it. If Manjuu had to choose between doing what MICA did or not saying anything at all they're making the right choice.

That they're not saying anything at all tells me that they know the answer they're going to have to give isn't what the angry portion of their audience wants to hear. They're really just praying at this point that the fervor dies down by the time they HAVE to say something and at worst they only get half-hearted "this sucks" instead of true chink rage that causes them to dox and otherwise inconvenience the company as much as possible.
>GFL2 did the opposite actually. They were antagonistic about it. If Manjuu had to choose between doing what MICA did or not saying anything at all they're making the right choice.
Bullshit, i followed the drama since the start and at the very fucking beginning when the game was not even out, Mica just decided to pull out a mihomo move and stay silent, they got a huge backlash from it and had to apologize, only after the game released they started being antagonist about the game and putting a bunch of little "fuck you" easter eggs for the players.
>That they're not saying anything at all tells me that they know the answer they're going to have to give isn't what the angry portion of their audience wants to hear. They're really just praying at this point that the fervor dies down by the time they HAVE to say something and at worst they only get half-hearted "this sucks" instead of true chink rage that causes them to dox and otherwise inconvenience the company as much as possible.
They are fucking retarded if that's their plan, chinks do not forget or forgive and the more they delay, the more angry they get. All for something that could be solved in minutes by them just talking, something that they already have done in the past and it fucking worked
>and at the very fucking beginning when the game was not even out,
I'm talking about why it's dead. If they hadn't become antagonistic about it the game would be like all their other ones. Unremarkable, but not in hospice.
Both will result in the same response, retard, heck if they delayed it, the response will be harsher.
So a huge flop like the others? That's still trash and Mica reputation is in the mud, even their not gacha game flopped because of it
let's say they're going to make a full blown cuck/genshit clone, with shipping and gayshit. What is the point of telling everyone the last minute near release. It would be better to get backlash now, then go back to the drawing board and make adjustments rather than surprising everyone, then getting massive backlash last minute and failing. That's literally what aether gazer did, and look where it is now. Only way I can see them pull that off, is if they did what mihomo did with hundreds of millions of dollars in gueralla marketing, which i don't think they have the capital, and wuwa did that too with their marketting and they're pretty much ignored by normies.
Exactly this and is even hard to imagine this game doing too well with normalfags either, since its confirmed to have no males and is FULL of lolis. Majority of redditors comment that i saw for this game after the bilibili thing was negative all thanks for having too many lolis
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>So a huge flop like the others?
Yes. I'm saying it wouldn't be as bad. There would already be non-CN servers since they wouldn't have had to scramble to appease everyone. I think they're only just pulling out of the flatline after pulling multiple desperation cards in the form of favorites from the original game.
I'd like say it'd be interesting to think Azure Promillia could start doing the same after their inevitable launch controversy, but being completely disconnected from the world of Azur Lane it'd be really fucking weird.
I think it isn't the same. AG is smaller scale and didn't really stand out. It had to appeal to a "hardcore" base that already had games they sat in.
Wuwa did do the immediate response, rewrites, etc. Their problems were way deeper and actually had experience-effecting issues on a technical level. Every closed and open beta had reactions anywhere from completely negative to lukewarm at best. Now that i'm thinking about it, maybe Wuwa is a cautionary tale for them. Even if you apologize and communicate it doesn't matter if the what you have on hand isn't good. Better to shut up and fix it in the background.
Neuvillette, Furina and Arlecchino absolutely not flopped, tho
They only release three characters? How does a game survive that?
They all flopped and /gig/gers made a song for their flop lmao
>Yes. I'm saying it wouldn't be as bad
Yes it would be just as bad, even their release and honeymoon phase was fucking shit, is like you don't understand how chinks works.
>I think it isn't the same. AG is smaller scale and didn't really stand out. It had to appeal to a "hardcore" base that already had games they sat in.
nta but AG never had a chance to begin with with how yostar handled the game and hide the fact the game had males in it, being niche doesn't have anything do to do with their problems
>Wuwa did do the immediate response
the only reason why they still alive today, if they ever did nothing and stay silent while releasing the game in the first beta state with that same story, nothing would have save them for flopping. Some people are apologetic to Wuwa bugs and problems just because of that reason, even creating the meme "DEVS LISTENED" here for global
Wuwa would be fucking dead if they didn't gave out a ton of currency everyday for weeks after release to apologize for the shitty story and technical issues, not to mention the translation error for the JP weapon banner, the Scar zipper change, and the removed line that painted the general representing China as a coward that abandoned his soldiers. Also the apparent rate up the homo-lion had in the beginning banner.
And it would be much worse if the devs just stayed silent, ignored people's complain about the first beta story and problems and did the opposite of what their fans was asking
>Also the apparent rate up the homo-lion had in the beginning banner.
Yeah, that's why they gave the 5* selector, kek
i ain't reading your schizo ramblings faggots. sex with blumine
Damn there's a lot of wuwaggers here huh
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>Yes it would be just as bad
No, it wouldn't. It's like you don't understand how chinks work.
>and hide the fact the game had males in it
They didn't. They did the same shit most gacha do where they shove the males in a corner and show them once or twice pre-release. We were shitposting about it and dick lady Osiris for months.
>nothing would have save them for flopping
They are flopping.
>Some people are apologetic to Wuwa bugs and problems just because of that reason, even creating the meme "DEVS LISTENED" here for global
It's not "some people." You're using an unintentional CC statement-turned meme as evidence. A meme that is a meme because it was seen a ridiculous. It's the same shit as crying over Star Wars. People aren't making riffs and edits of it out of agreement.
>People aren't making riffs and edits of it out of agreement.
It's just r/gachagaming which is as retarded as you'd expect from a reddit community
Yeah the game has a full female roster and a lot of lolis why the fuck are they trying to appeal to other audiences with this shit.
>Fontaine flopped faggot
What? People didn't pull for the loli that throws fucking pills at enemies?
>no argument
>ad hominem and buzzwords
you lost shill
>nikke is the lewdest game with the most amount of (You) pandering after snowbreak
lmao even
love these people and their "expert" takes when they only played max 5 mainstream gachas in their life
Blue Genshin!
You know, that's something I never thought about and it's a good point. The fact that there is no playable males + the game being full of girls and lolis doesn't make a lot of sense if they were trying market it to normalfags. I'm really looking forward to when they do finally decide to speak so we can see just what kind plan they had in mind or whether they really wanted those hoyobucks and tried to appeal to as many potential audiences yet failed to catch both rabbits.
Normalfags are already complaining about ZZZ for having a lot of "lolis" so yeah
>all this gfl2 fangay cope
Doesn't matter how much you fags cry about chinks, ignoring their complains is what caused the game to fail and flop and Mica to be destroyed
by being the highest earning gacha world wide every month
but enough about HSR and lets laugh at Sumeru and fontaine flopping
hoyoverse general
>hoyocuck general
Nahh fuck off faggots
That's why I've always saying. Manjuu only choice is to pander to male audience.
My suggestion if they put spats or make this game desensitized is to still play this game, but don't pay(go F2P). In the end they don't have any choice to pander to us afterall.
But honestly companies(not only manjuu, but hotta and others) are really stupid. Homoverse, the one that try to get wider audience is backtracking now, with how ultimately they pandering to male more than female now. But other company thinks that they've still got a chance.
High quality harem game niche is empty now and Manjuu is stupid to not take it.
Meanwhile if they want to catch monster taming audience, they need to brace themselves for Rocco Kingdom release.
>That's why I've always saying. Manjuu only choice is to pander to male audience.
They 100% will after they announce no males and after i saw that many lolis already on release on the game, there is no way this game doesn't turn out to be like some kind of BA
>Rocco Kingdom
There is a release date for this game?
>Homoverse, the one that try to get wider audience is backtracking now
I see that Natlan will still be as shitty as the other regions.
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fontaine goddamn flopped
It will be funny to see this region flopping harder than fontaine, their hype is already down and the controversy about the character color skin is all twitter is talking about lol
>Dehya that high
Dishonest percentages.
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damn even zzz has way more coom than spatsmilia, embarrasing
>13% for a new character
>every dps is shit now thanks to trannyvillete
lmao wormvillete killed genshin
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Well, it's shaping to be the most childish nation so far for some reason
The fucking nation of WAR will be the most childish nation
its ownership rate my friendo
his game
Hoyodrones will still happily eat it up. Hell, mihoyo has already converted them into unironic furries with ZZZ.
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makes sense for genshit to be like that
>ownership rate
>his game
wormvillete flopped
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godvillette won
at least they use her, unlike naviafags
Nope. But they've got their license in June/July(I forget about it) and it means they'll release it next year.
AP needs better system and kibo design if they want to keep female player from leaving. Every AP design other than Loli must be an eyesore for woman, so if Roco Kingdom mechanic and monster design is at least a bit bad than AP, I'm sure they will move.
I'm talking about HSR and ZZZ. Male and female release ratio is 1:3. And for HSR, they're nerf the fuck out of their male character, lol. I really think there's office politics there and they want to experiment that male character sells only because of their kits.
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wormvillete flopped seapag
Neuvillete killed any future hydro dps forever
And arlecchino probably killed any future pyro dps too
The two were a huge mistake
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xbalanque will powercreep tranchino
but yea neuv is here to stay
this list seems like bullshit, how do they parse the data without some kind of api provided by mihoyo?

>furina 95% despite being fairly new, higher than all oldest standard 5 stars
>lyney 14% despite being everywhere in coop and being one of the best bow/pyro chars
>eula 16% despite being one of the oldest 5 stars and popular amongst men
>26% aloy was fucking free, everyone with an old enough account should have her
>more people own xianyun than navia and childe
yeah, i'm not buying this, only beliveable ones are raiden, troonvillete, zhongli and standard 5 stars, this seems more like a metafags wishlist
just stole this shit from /gig/ today faggot. Keep coping, wormvillete flopped and ruined genshin forever
ohnonono don't let them see this
Blumine won.
It's kinda funny how hoyodrones only pick on other gacha but don't dare to touch the actual low budget mobile games that make 5-10 times more money than their mihomo games.
>azur promilia thread
>is full of mihoyo discussion
Azur Promilia? I thought this was the Blue Genshin thread?
FeMC won.
there is no avoiding hoyoshit discussion when it comes to these games
You don't even play the game.
>Every AP design other than Loli must be an eyesore for woman
You don't know a single thing about women.
There are better places to discuss AP on this site without Oyohimnigs
>High quality harem game niche is empty now and Manjuu is stupid to not take it.
Yeah, Manjuu already had the formula from their only other game running for 7 years with a loyal playerbase, but they went with this half-assed omnipandering attempt instead (and ended up alienating AL players on top of it).
I suppose development on AP started years ago around the peak of gayshit popularity so they probably caught the omnipandering virus like many other studios and wanted to chase some of the hoyobucks. Sigh.
Anyway, it seems Manjuu has realized this so just have to wait and see how it goes.
stats like these are always "trust me bro" bullshit with some small/biased sample, only illiterate retards take them seriously kek
This is your last line of circlejerk not even chinks are defending your genshin clone retard.
>You don't know a single thing about women.
NTA but from what I’ve seen, women don’t seem to like the fanservicey girls in Hoyo games.
When you stop hate fellating him.
>Anyway, it seems Manjuu has realized this
Tell where i'm lying stupid faggot. I quit the game not long ago. Tell me is not another male advising and bonding with your nikkes, something that started in the first anni and repeated in the new year event or that they retconned crown bond to have less pandering and to shill Marian instead. I didn't even mention how much they turned skk into a bitch in the christmas event btw
why even lie
Just speculating anon. They were quick to address the mixed toilet fud to prevent a shitstorm and the current radio silence implies to me they're trying to revamp some shit behind the scenes and don't want to announce anything definitive in the meantime. There were also rumours earlier of staff turnover due to internal conflict over the game direction.
Well yes, they canned Azur Welkin for this and now they're trying to go back to that
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>Fontaine that low
Good thing that it will close on a high note with pic related
>ugly over designed character
>burning support
>ending on a high note
When i thought floptaine couldn't get worse
I trust in yellow chicken
She looks cute
>High quality harem game niche is empty now
come on go full coom
Saturated market. This game is doa. Nobody is dropping other harem games for this, if anything the old and busted Azur Lane is losing more players.
In what way are genshin-tier budget for harem gacha "saturated"?
>we want the Dehya audience but in yellow
Can you name some 3D open-world female-only gacha non-MMO smart phone/PC games in the market?
Why would i want to drop NIKKE for yet another generic fantasy open slop but harem? i already tried Genshin, AP does nothing new in terms of gameplay either to merit one-upping NIKKE.
the market for harem is dead, chuds are moving onto real porn, leave blue genshin to us shippers
Calm down, man. I am just too bored and want to play the type of games I mentioned. I'd be glad if you some any of them.
*you know any of them
dehya is bad though, hopefully cheetah girl will be good
>Why would i want to drop NIKKE

... because you want something with actual gameplay? That has actual 3D models instead of AI-generated Live2D?
>He lacks the knowledge
Probably for the best judging by the dedicated shitposter that is shitting up the thread would try to follow,
>saturated market
>the only 3d harem game out there is snowbreak and love and deepspace for women
fucking retard
>shippers in a game without males and full of lolis
lmao you gaytards are really dumb
>lmao you gaytards are really dumb
He is just here to shitpost and stifle discussion.
>dedicated shitposter
More like a very mentally ill one, but is to be expected from someone in gayshit, going to their board in /vg/ once and you are going to see what a mental asylum looks like
Makes sense seeing how he is trying to turn this AP thread into /gig/
You really need to cool down for a moment. You are quoting from your hallucination. I was asking for games to play, not arguing for anything. If you don't know the 3D open-world games, you can just say you don't know, and we can end our discussion.
Yes i quot the wrong guy since you comments are really close, the comment was not meant for you. And i also agree we don't have any of those 3d open worlds games with females only in the market, reason why AP would have no competition
>the only 3d harem game out there is snowbreak
Don't worry. Sometimes I quote the wrong person too. I really want more 3D open-world games with only females (except player character), but all platforms have little to no such games.
>game i never heard of
>look in youtube what is
>is 3d sure, but is a turn base chibi game
wake me up when is actual fully 3d game without chibi shit and turn based combat
>except player character
Thankfully ap won't be one of of them.
how tf did you see turn-based shit in the combat? and the chibi is during explorations
idk first link on youtube passing through the video, game looked like some mobile auto battler turn based, but with 3d models instead
>and the chibi is during explorations
Point still stands, wake me up when the game is fully 3d without chibishit.
>hot tall girl
50/50 that she will turn out shit
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[sad news] the prettiest natlan hebe is confirmed to be another irrelevant 4* slop
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Found this interview NGA screenshot. Lot of interesting information, I will post the translations.
Full: https://files.catbox.moe/h2qnvj.jpg

Part 1
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Part 2

Mi = Mihoyo
Ming/Mingchao = Wuwa
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Part 3

Porridge = Arknights
Money-burning 1 = GFL1
Mimen = Mihoyo
Eagle = Hypergryph
Rice = Mihoyo's games
Chenbai = Snowbreak
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Part 4
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Part 5

Sounthern Hemisphere = boobs
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Part 6

1999 = Reverse 1999
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Part 7

Shaoqian = GFL
Burning Money 2 = GFL2
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Part 8
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Part 9

Wuqi = Path to Nowhere
ghg = girl help girl (Shanghai feminist worker union)
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Part 10
Bold of you to call this a translation
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Part 11
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Part 12
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wtf does any of this mean
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Part 13
Google doesn't recognize the first sentence for some reason
Shanghai Cannon project = Mihoyo's GTA
>somehow wuwa is made for female players
>homoverse is falling slowly because of how big it has gotten
>the gacha bubble is starting to show signs of bursting
That's what I've understood. The translation is fucked anyway.
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Part 14

Lanyuan = Promilia
that blumine lost...
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Part 15 (END)
Nobody cares
Ok, anon.
Gives us your TLDR since this is confusing as fuck and you seem to understand the codenames.
Hoyo won.
Natlan release will kill any unreleased waifuchud games hype.
Reality is that Natlan will flop harder than floptaine, so cope and seeth
>15 pages of mihomo cope
lmao even

- Wuwa is struggling
- Arknights retentiuon rate is poor, but it is constantly sucking Mihoyo's blood
- Snowbreak is the cancer that is destroying the industry
- Mihoyo's only real target demographic is "people who don't play games"
- Mihoyo's stratergy is buiding a loyal fanbase of dicksuckers, and this stratergy includes attacking other companies' fanbase
- Reverse 1999 doesn't make money or lose money
- Feminist data analysts are misinterpreting market and player data
- Chong is an incompetent producer and is trying to imitate Snowbreak
- Aether Gazer has 20+ female writers constantly failing to understand its male playerbase
- ZZZ and Reverse 1999 are meant to appeal to Western players, but failed
- Mihoyo employee turnover is very high and this is messing up their production line
- Mihoyo's evaluation dropped sharphly, and its revenue decrease every year
- Mihoyo is trying to defuse the gender war
- After Snowbreak's resurrection, other gacha devs now have the mentality of "if it doesn't work out, I will just delete all males and make a harem game"
- The gacha players' demand has turned completely undecipherable, and everyone is scared of stepping on landmines
- Cai Haoyu tried to made GTA, costed twice as much as Genshin but only completed 10%
- No one knows when will Promilia release
- iOS Android ratio of 1:2 is completely inaccurate. It can vary between 1:0.8 to 1:3.5. It doesn't average out to 1:2, either.
Ok and why exactly we should believe in any of this? This could be literally any autist chink comment writing a blogpost, something that would have the same value as a random comment in fucking 4chan
No reason, I just post it for fun
10/10 peak incelschizo fanfic.
Won't make your harem pipe dream come true though.
ok sure, this still sounds like a big fanfic tho especially this part
>Mihoyo is trying to defuse the gender war
When they literally dropped ZZZ with big furries and just made another genshin patch with more cuckbait in it
>- Chong is an incompetent producer and is trying to imitate Snowbreak
Who is Chong?
Yuzhong GFL
>incelschizo fanfic.
>when the whole text sounds like big hoyocuck cope
Ping pong, ding dong
why do they hate snowbreak?

>Mihoyo's stratergy includes attacking other companies' fanbase
yeah, everyone could tell, don't need an analyst to know this one
>Arknights retentiuon rate is poor, but it is constantly sucking Mihoyo's blood
>Snowbreak is the cancer that is destroying the industry
They managed to do it and used it to their own advantage. See how ZZZ having more high quality coomer stuff than any png collectors despite all the censorships which ends up to be nothingburger in the end.
none of these make any sense
>why do they hate snowbreak?
Appeals to straight males only and that's bad, only games that appeal to female only like Love and Deepspace is allowed to exist.
i still don't understand how the fuck this game is popular desu
>See how ZZZ having more high quality coomer stuff than any png collectors
lmao you must be joking if you actually saying that censored slop with furries is somehow "quality coomer stuff", you fags needs to play more games
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>despite all the censorships which ends up to be nothingburger in the end.
Fuck off.
>they even censored the "gore" of the game
Incelschizo seething and fuming knowing their market got obliterated by omnipandering games is a feast for the eyes.
Keep going chuds, your kind are the dying breed in this industry.
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>Yuzhong GFL
Ah so that's his nickname. The SB imitation part is legit though, GFL2 started with safe horny character designs, no oath system at the beginning and characters having their own lives (Raymond / T95 relationship).
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>Incelschizo seething and fuming knowing their market got obliterated by omnipandering games is a feast for the eyes.
Keep going chuds, your kind are the dying breed in this industry.
what a dogshit redesign and i hope the texture on the gun is just being butchered by the pixels of the pic, cuz that also looks like shit
I belieb all this shit feed me moar
>Chong is an incompetent producer and is trying to imitate Snowbreak

why haven't they deleted their femc yet? unlike other games, for them it would be the easiest thing because she is useless, ugly, and isn't canon. No one would protests or miss her. There is no reason for gfl to have a female commander other than omnipandering
GLF2 devs are just desperate since their game is literally dying. They didn't want and still don't want to have any of those changes, they are just doing to survive. If they could have MR. Raymond having romance with waifus in the game, they would do it without thinking twice, their first attempt of fixing him was not even to remove him, it was to gender bender him into a woman.
>Wuwa is struggling
And patch 1.2 won't help AT ALL.
The person does say something about correcting the course but I don't think I get it.
censoring nekomata is a travesty
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Umm coomerbros...??? Why can't i see shit??? Hello, censorship department?????
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this anon >>1518332 is correct tho. their coomer is actually subtle and exude class instead of the generic blatantly shoving tits in your face like azur lane
stop replying to yourself, pretending to be someone else faggot. Get better taste also mihomo fag >>1518361
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the fuck is this? looks legit and not at the same time, only something like this could make have half a fuck cause i love that retard red head
>in the event she is the princess, scaraworm is the prince and the MC is the camera
I hope you like to watch cuck, don't forget your chair
I can see Snowbreak dislike being a thing at Mihoyo. It's presence shows that there's an obvious market segment that's not being catered too well, and Mihoyo can't cater to it without trashing their existing larger audience.
I can imagine it being especially grating if they're struggling to grow whilst having expectations of doing so.
>i still don't understand how the fuck this game is popular desu

just be a good game, despite the shitpost about how verbose arknight story is, the game has 0 gameplay problem, the TD is top notch, roguelite node is chef kiss.
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is the event bait for cucks, but in reality the event only manage to raise yet another cuckbait, previously she also was cuckbaited with alhaitham before they turned him into kaveh boytoy
>false narrative debunked
>instantly go on a melty
take your meds, cuckschizo
cope and seeth cuck, don't forget your chair while you watch them being the cameraman
>gymthot tier ass tights
>subtle and exude class
Whatever you to say to suck that dawei cuck I guess, homonigger.
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yeah... subtle and classy...
Theres a huge company hellbent on releasing the same game, reskinned and with surface-level changes and seeking to monopolize the gacha industry
Instead of trying to band together with our smaller titles, we go on a war with each other and argue about dumb shit
>i still don't understand how the fuck this game is popular desu
It is exactly as he said; they live off sucking hoyo's cock(constantly shitting on genshin, shilling how "good" their story and gameplay in comparison, rehashing memes) and took off when they cater to fishfags i.e. their most toxic part of the community.
They seemingly have clean track record on the surface because they have yostar taking all the blame.
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Saw this game in the catalog and skimed through the threads for a bit. Don't care about all the drama, trying it out purely for this.
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>subtle and exude class
you posted the wrong game bro
This is Dishwasher's game so it can't flop
To be more clear about Mihoyo's issues, they have some sort of employee referral system where you can make money from referring someone to the company. But things is, you make money even if they aren't hired, so many employees just spam referrals to make money which is becoming a huge burden to the company. Their hiring standards are also extremely strict, so to actually get hired you probably need the right employee to refeer you, but those employees are usually women who are looking to hire more women into the company. That's why their production line is getting messed up, because there's too many women only getting hired because of their gender.
Also Ta U and Star Tower Traveler refer to Yostar's upcoming new game (this time they're the developers instead of publishers). There are rumors they're deleting all male characters and making it female only.
>There are rumors they're deleting all male characters and making it female only.
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If we go by leaks they're indeed trying.
Just something I read in chink forums. Apparently it was leaked by a Yostar insider, but I don't know where it originated from. We'll have to wait until they reveal the game's first trailer.
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That's a fake leak.
What's fake about it? He didn't say Capitano would never be playable.
>xbalanque will be much less relevant
What a shame.
I feel that they had finally a badass male character on hands and now they will throw him away, in favor of the biker archon.
Why would it matter when they have larger audience?
Power trip
About the last points, funny thing is that it doesn't matter what they do, mavuika will never be seen as intimidating as capitano. Nor have the hype he has.
So, it's very likely they will fuck it up with both characters, pleasing no one again, kek.
Sorry I can't take anything you said at face value if you don't even understand basic english.
>female-to-male character ratio will be around 6:4 or 7:3 from now on
>management wants to "re-capture" their core audience and stop the bleeding
Then they want or will release more female characters because they are losing the male audience?

I wonder if they would bring Signora back by half-assing a resurrection
They just have to do the pokemon part somewhat right and the game will do great. Male/female characters and pandering matter a lot less here since chinks are craving for non-tendie pokemon.
Then it's already dead because Roco Kingdom will do the pokemon part way better.
then it's doa
It wouldn't if they weren't trying to grow and accumulate more players and spenders.

If the only people ZZZ can pull in are existing Hoyoverse spenders they're not going to earn more money. Just burn through additional funds.
Snowbreak suggest there's an open market segment they'd like access to, but it's likely their current audience wouldn't even let them make a game that appeals to it.
Obviously this is mostly just a minor annoyance but it'll annoy execs if their growth strategy.

This is all dependent on ZZZ not finding fresh players though. We'll see how that turns out when we get the monthly made up numbers.
It annoys them enough they let Zhongli threaten to blacklist VAs
>>Zhongli threaten to blacklist VAs
>citation needed
Don't tell me you believe a shitposting account.
thats the one part that seems consistent between narratives, would also go a long way to explain why Tess needed a stiched together voiceline for pre-anni video, as she works for his agency
>covered up one of only two characters with cleavage and massively reduced the size of the remaining one
>pumpkin shorts
>long-ass spats everywhere
>straight up full-length pants with ass covered
>even censored the kiddy "gore" with no actual gore
WTF was the point of making this game 16+? It somehow looks more censored than other hoyoshit
>Mihoyo's only real target demographic is "people who don't play games"
More like "PS4 tourists whose only reference point for gachas is FGO"
>Aether Gazer has 20+ female writers constantly failing to understand its male playerbase
All they had to do was ask a certain female working at Azur Lane, but I doubt they'd like the answer
if I'm reading this right then are we going to get a big influx of 3D harem games in the following years?
>coping with fake leak
>game will still be full of cuckbait, yuribait and fujobait
>males will be 100 times more relevant than any females, despite they releasing 2-3 for the entire Natlan patch, just like what happened with Wormvillete
>don't forget them being the strongest too
It's so funny seeing the same cope happening again when people said the same shit about fontaine appealing to waifufags and the total opposite happened
The female nepotism would explain a few things, it's like they have no idea how to write engaging content for male players and constantly fall back to exaggerated feminist archetypes and infantilizing gameplay
Still topping the chart(important) btw.
Still one of the most popular(also important) btw.
Still live rent free in your head(also also important) btw.
Now keep coping gayshit cuck
>most popular
Already lost to HSR faggot
A hoyo game's win is still a win.
sex with blumine
Not your win gayshitter cuck
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i've always wondered if killing signora was a humilation ritual. Like feminists took over the company, and killed our coom goddess out of nowhere, while maintining shortsfaggot alive and shipping him with nahida and nilou, despite actually deserving death, to show we run this company now. Because everything post inazuma has been shit, cuckbait, gaybait, shipbait, and censorship
40% of their dev team is female plus what this anon said about female nepotism is probably true also >>1518641
i see it as the opposite, remember people who run these companies are really wealthy and arrogant. They're seems to be an anti-male sentiment in china, just like in the west, they seem hellbent on pandering to the female audience, just like the west is hellbent on pandering to the mythical "modern audience". I expect to see endless big budget omnislop, and failing , just like the west continuously makes wokeslop games and they fail everytime. expect more wuwas and tower of fantasies, heck hotta is making another omnislop right now
>Has a 100% guaranteed banner instead of jewhomo's 50/50 trash, mostly eliminating the gacha
>Let's you farm dupes, so there is no need to pull a character 6 times cutting it even more
>Weapons only need 2 dupes to be maxed
>Caters exclusively to men with fanservice
>Is gaining popularity
I can see why they think it's a threat, it's the direct opposite to their entire business strategy
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don't forget free skins too
That really explains why they are so mad about snowbreak. More gacha companies should focus in making money with gacha skins, instead of the gambling bullshit
and they can't do anything about it due to the player base they themselves cultivated, they'll keep losing the male audience until all they have left are women and troons
That looks good. Can we get something like this in genshin?
No, but YOU WILL pay 20 dlls for Ayaka's skin and you will like it
Mihoyo (modern mihoyo, that's it) can't either design or model for shit, the only reason ZZZ characters look remotely decent is because Waterkuma designed them, but they still fuck it up when translating them to 3D. Meanwhile a game released in 2024 should look like pic related.
isn't right a prerendered trailer?
>attract normalniggers
The game will do that just fine without any help.
ban evading huh?
not with the amount of lolis this game have
Why are south koreans like this? I fled the game early on because I had the sneaking suspicion they'd pull this shit.
Koreans are mostly know for being giga cucks, more than japs or anyone else
>I'm more concerned with the 12+ rating
Isn't AL 12+?
Maybe it is for global and in CN started with 12+ and then moved to 16+. Age rating can be changed whenever they want anyway, that just happened with snowbreak and browndust 2 im pretty sure
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do ratings matter anymore? jewgle only cares about keeping up those microtransactions, hence why they remove review bombs, only adults have credit cards anyways, kids are playing fortnite or some shit
>kids are playing fortnite
Minecraft and Roblox too, i think i never saw a kid playing a gacha game in my entire life
AL is 16+ in CN now IIRC. As I understand it, CADPA 16+ allows for basically anything that isn't explicit (e.g. Snowbreak) while 12+ is subject to more restrictions
>i see it as the opposite, remember people who run these companies are really wealthy and arrogant. They're seems to be an anti-male sentiment in china, just like in the west, they seem hellbent on pandering to the female audience

I honestly feel like the same is also happening in Japan looking GBF.
It's been happening in Japan for many years, look at how Rune Factory got turned into some mixed toilet pandering shit. But due to DEI policies the pandering to female audience is ramping up, especially in big companies like Square Enix and Capcom.
Isn't that game a zombie gacha anyway? I know for a fact their fighting games flopped hard, the anime too
And Relink had mild success considering the huge development hell it had
But I guess GBF still makes enough money to fund these other projects
>Square Enix and Capcom
Square Enix is just releasing flops after flops, not even Final fantasy is selling like used to. Same will happen with capcom if they follow this DEI bullshit as hard as SE did.
Yeah i forgot to mention Relink, that shit got delayed for like what, 3 years? Maybe more
>But I guess GBF still makes enough money to fund these other projects
Or maybe they are just getting money from someone else like Uma Mussume or Shadowverse to fund all those projects
>Isn't that game a zombie gacha anyway?
Pretty much, back in it's prime the game had a 82.6% male audience who for the most part where in their forties (https://www.4gamer.net/games/999/G999905/20180702011/) but for whatever reasoning they put most of their stock in pandering to the female audience.
>but for whatever reasoning they put most of their stock in pandering to the female audience
And it failed hard, i basically never see anyone ever mentioning GBF other than to shit on the game and the brand of the game is basically in the mud
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The only reason I ever remember that game is because of Narmaya and some of the other draphs. It's just another case of good characters stuck in a shitty game. Her design getting wasted on gbf is a crime against humanity.
>It's just another case of good characters stuck in a shitty game.
Many such cases indeed
Characters being released as pandering only to turn lesbian and cuck you two events later was crazy, I genuinely don't understand how people keep playing games made by that company.
Reason why i didn't even bother with Relink or any cygames for that matter
Much like Mihoyo, Cygames was the best they had at the time with no one else coming close
It's crazy that she never got an event centered around her despite how popular she is.
So... any news about Promilia? Skimming through the thread I see more posts about Genshin than anything else.
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>Still topping the chart(important) btw.
>Still one of the most popular(also important) btw.
It's fucking not. Literally just open your memechart site. The top 10 games are all Tencent titles btw, mihoyo games are irrelevant.
Based pubg and whatever the fuck is the first game dabbing on those hoyo gachas games
Brutal gacha mogging
0 news anon, only a shitty interview that give schizos more ammo against the game, everyone (including me) fear they are supresing every inch of information because they are gonna put males or more censorship to try to appeal a "large" audience and if you are wondering why is because Azur Lane is the only golden goose of Manjuu and at the moment they reveal something that piss off AL players we know the revenue on China is going to get GFL2 levels.
Nobody fears that unless they have schizophrenia
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Yes but not really. It's probably just taken with everything maxxed out. I play on lower details because i don't want to push my gpu.
ayaka is ugly in every universe...
Good quality model wasted on a shit design.
nah thats actually one out of...3 attractive designs in the whole game
>i don't want to push my gpu.
After so many crashes and problems in the first weeks, I can confirm that the game is way more cpu intensive.
chinks are review bombing AP because theres 0 news lmao
and this game is supposed to have beta test soon before their license expires
r*ddit already figured out the root cause that is tencent anti cheat
disable that shit and your game will be as smooth as cunny
Nothing will happen to the game if the game keeps the femc, you are all schizophrenic and so are the vocal minority chinks.
Uhh I thought this game were supposed to come out in October this year.
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Nice game.
Most of it isn't true or blown out of proportion. Nikke is one of the most sexual and fanservice gacha out there right now.
>Most of it isn't true or blown out of proportion
Bullshit faggot, everything there is fucking true. Tell me how isn't another male advising and bonding with you nikkes, and that they removed the Self insert on the fucking anniv to have him do that. Or that we already had the crown leak for a long time and we know for sure that on purpose removed the (you) pandering we had with her or that the christmas event was so fucking bad turning skk into a beta cuck bitch that even redditors complained about it
>Nikke is one of the most sexual and fanservice gacha out there right now.
>Nikkefag really saying this when Azur Lane and Snowbreak exist
Lmao even
>doesn't understand what "one of" means
ESL tard rage moment.
Cope and seeth nikker, everything there is fucking true and your game just had a male collab with a ugly bastard faggot
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I don't play Nikke but didn't this guy completely ruin trust in the game? Imagine putting robots for people to look at in your waifu game.
>doesn't understand what "one of" means
ESL tard rage moment.
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Their collabs got even worse than that
>"muh esl" because he knows everything is true and has no counter argument
>repeat the same comment and project his rage on others
You lost
>doesn't understand what "one of" means
ESL tard rage moment.
You lost nikke cuck, enjoy your ugly bastard collab >>1519263
>doesn't understand what "one of" means
ESL tard rage moment.
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>can't refute anything there because is true
>keeps seething and repeating the same shit nonstop
Bro you got caught in a lie and are screaming mad. Take your meds.
only cucked if the girl was paired with the mc in the first place, after all
>caught lying
>never showed a single time where the lie is to anyone
Keep coping nikke cuck, don't worry cuz next nikke anniversary they will remove Skk again in favor of another male, they already did it once
>doesn't understand what "one of" means
Either ESL or lying. Choose one.
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>he goes back and repeats the same shit again
>still cannot disprove anything cuz he knows is the truth
I think Ive dodged a Chink musket bullet because my WuWa installer on Windows 10 errored about missing some library or something.
Nigga, I couldn't solve it after 10 minutes and I am not getting paid for this shit. I already have to deal with a dependency HELLSCAPE whenever I have do something with Python.
ZZZ has some of the best female designs my fellow lad, Grace is pretty much the hottest female character released this year.
to be quite frank, just make most fem characters wear hotpants instead of this pointless "skirt but spats" "skirt but no spats" autism debate that always comes up

I mean, at least in the Platstation version, but I'd welcome universal hotpantsing even as the canon character design among coomer games
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Wait, wasn't Nilou one of the very few legit designated for (You) girls?
Wtf happened? What are the chinks saying about this?
>Wait, wasn't Nilou one of the very few legit designated for (You) girls?
Yes and just like the usual a few patches later they cuckbait characters that was supposed to be for (you)
>What are the chinks saying about this?
Majority of waifufags chinks left genshin in the Nahida and scara cuckbait, so now they are just laughing and making memes about yet another cuckbait
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When Manju releases the official statement like:
>Dear commanders,
>the intention has ALWAYS been just to make a game about cute girls celebrating cute girls. This includes the MC. The MC was always intended to be female as well
>but we have also thrown in a male MC to accomodate players who like more of a "harem" tone. You can roleplay like it's your very own harem isekai! It's just fun, so a male MC also makes sense
>but the intention was never to pursue a Master Love policy. It conflicts with the "cute 'n wholesome with some lewd touches" tone
>the game will release with both Blumine and Blaether
The mass-melty will be legendary.
yuritroons are getting uppity
Is just someone starts shitting on gayshit or any hoyocuck game that he starts having those melty desperate for (you)s, pretty sure he was the fag that got banned yesterday also
princess connect was largely drama free all the way to its deathbed where it merely ceded to the newer and fresher blue archive.
waiting for someone to prove me wrong on this
reading comprehension
then you woke up, fic-anon
you have literal trannies in that game
is it not gender bender? spare me your breath if you're not here to inform btw
I only watched the first season of the anime for this gacha dogshit anime btw, the game got that bad to the point of having trannies? lmfao if so
anon there is no reason for a coomer game in 2024 to have 3d female models wear hotpants as a workaround for actual underwear, despite the mihomo psyop
they can literally just make the fantasy open world version of snowbreak
>is it not gender bender?
Nta but gender bender is pure tranny cope
notice how all those shills pushing natlan was going back to (You) pandering suddenly got quiet after the event released. it's a cuck's game, it always will be
Me eating the yurikino
if it's what I have in mind it wasn't really done offensively at all, unless there's some other drama I missed of course.
I'm already sick of parsing the hoyonigger spam so it'd be nice if we could keep the non sequiturs to a minimum.
the adaptation was made by a yurifag director as they all seem to be these days in japan. all it meant was the devs didn't care enough to send an ultimatum
Exactly like that, idk if those are just shills or some people still just coping hard with gayshit having any actual (you) pandering
>if it's what I have in mind it wasn't really done offensively at all, unless there's some other drama I missed of course.
I'm sorry, but my stance of gender bender is that the character still a man, his brain, memory and his entire person still a dude, therefore is just tranny cope since "magic" or whatever else will turn him into a woman
>the adaptation was made by a yurifag director as they all seem to be these days in japan. all it meant was the devs didn't care enough to send an ultimatum
That explains why the anime was so fucking bad, i was going to watch the anime first to see if should try the game, something that never happened thanks to the anime.
>gender bender
Even Manjuu sees it as a threat and is sending drones to attack it non stop.
The golden rule for this is that since Manjuu is attacking instead of making a statement they want the male audience. Manjuu probably want both gender audience for AP. That's not a good sign.
If I'm not mistaken, fontaine didn't even have the for (you) girl anymore, when the past regions at least had one
Kill yourself you retard.
There is absolutely nothing tranny about magical gender bender.
It's the precise OPPOSITE of trannyism.
Magical gender bender is about a guy being turned into a girl and his mind slowly becoming feminine and girly.
It's purely about MIND. It's a category of GENTLE MIND BREAK.

Trannyism is the OPPOSITE. It's ugly body modification. It's politically incorrect to suggest someone should be feminien just because his body is that of a woman.

For your suicide method, I suggest carbon dioxide.
kys mihomo tranny
>screeching tranny cope
Fuck off faggot, once a male, forever a male. You are the same type who also jacks off to futa and thinks that you are still straight tranny.
Holy tranny cope
You have to forgive him, zoomzooms don't even know otaku history. Most of them have no concept of the idea outside of what politics has beamed into their brains.
They don't know about Ranma or any of the myriad of gender warping concepts that have nothing to do with cutting your cock off and making a bloody pus hole.
They are just NPC's screeching the programmed response without any thought put into it. You can safely ignore them, it is a fools errand to conversate with the underage.
>samefags his tranny comment
i get the feeling manjuu will try to ramp up the coom in azur lane to try to distract from AP, looking at the coming event, it looks like it has confirmed my suspicions. They've stepped it up from the usual tease bullshit they normally do. Not a good sign
They have baited a little with the geo woman, but she was later cuckbaited as well
I am literally repulsed by trannies. They are actually unholy. They defile the sanctitiy of the magical gender bender "fetish" (well the GB manga I read are all iyashikei cute SFW works).
>Fuck off faggot, once a male, forever a male.
With magical gender bender you have no biological basis to claim that anymore.
So is your statement about the mind of the now-woman? Well, very weird to make homo status about mind rather than body, but ok. MGG is about fixing that. It's about slowly changing the mind to that of a girl as well.
In the end, you get someone with both the body as well as the mind of a woman.
>who also jacks off to futa and thinks that you are still straight tranny
I know you said only "like" someone who jacks to, but the comparison is still inapt, because I want to make you understand gender bender is often a completely non-pornbrained interest (as implied above).
read the original. big if true how zzz was actually meant for a western audience. they also noted how it only appealed to random niche subcultures that caught thte devs' eyes, and that it was a really bad take on the west by some random chinamen.
original anon. all I'll say is it didn't seem oshimai-tier political to me, and if it was someone can else can put me on blast for that. which is what I want, as I said.
>more tranny cope
Join the 41%
it's the literal tranny argument though. they say i have the mind of a woman stuck in a male's body, therefore this axe wound will make me a real woman.
the biggest /alg/ shitposter defending AP is the biggest irony here, what a dumpster fire of a general /apg/ will be when you are not talking about what he wants
Or rather, when you are talking about what he doesn't want.
AL players being coaxed by boobs into accepting the fact that their money went on to fund a children's game.
You have to distinguish real and fiction.
You can't turn into opposite biological sex in real world.
>it is a fools errand to conversate with the underage
You are wasting your time man, they aren't ready to understand. You're just going to get memes and canned unthinking responses back.
>their money went on to fund a omnipandering children's game.
here, fixed
>Mihomos defending their tranny fetish
wow im so surprised when their game have characters designs like this >>1516225
>You're just going to get memes and canned unthinking responses
See, they just can't help themselves. Even when predicted they don't have the power to deviate from their programming with an original response. This is why it's a waste of time to try to have a dialog with such people. They don't haven't had enough experiences to develop their own worldview. Usually around age 25 is when the first pubic hairs start sprouting in the mind but really you want to avoid anyone under 35 if you want to have a true intellectual conversation.
I wonder if Azur Promilia will include a magically GBed character.

This is especially frustrating. They should at least inject some mind into it, like I did with the suicide method suggestion. But they are just automatons, literal NPCs.

Anyway, what's your fave GB work? Mine is Boku Girl. It's still the crown prince of the modern GB genre. It's so cute how the MC has intrusive thoughts about being an ideal wife and mother.
That's a lot of words just to say you are a faggot that jacks off to trannies
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While not really about GB I thought the scene in Kokoro Connect where they all get switched was hilarious.
For a full show about it I am partial to Ore Twintails because well I love Twintails it's my favorite hairstyle.
holy shit, we now have a literal troon in the thread shitposting, cmon man, go back to /gig/ or joseimuke thread
It's sad to see this AP thread becoming some /gig/ger wasteland, i would rather have this become a dead thread like the others in /vmg/ and have better comments instead.
Explains why there's suddenly posts worth reading here instead of the usual ESL babble.
Sure is underage in here
reeks of samefagging
>troon /gig/ger posts
>ever being worth reading
Try making less obvious next time
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>put traps in ap
>nobody would notice them since they won't have bulges and there won't be gender in bio
Make it happen manjuu
Chinks don't like traps
Nice try, but the company that make snowbreak is dying.
It's way past your bedtime pagpagbro.
Nah, it's different. It's called AGP, anon. Xhe is a woman in xis own mind. This is why they can't self-insert as a male MC.
If you have a son and he plays with female avatar or if he doesn't have any friend and watch CGDCT, you need to straighten him up before it became like the poster ITT.
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>It's real
Snowbreak bros...
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surprisingly, it seems that AP has maintained its momentum among westoids even after the NTE reveal and media push.
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no wonder they keep shilling that shit game
never even heard of that
is that a screenshot of a twitter post with a screnshot of a reddit pool?
it's probably a r/gachatranny poll, they hate (You) pandering while praising love and deepspace, and worship mihomo
Youtube pool
Bwo, that is a holding company.
BROOOOOOO you weren't supposed to mention that. You can't just destroy my omnipandering schizo delusions. There NEEDS to be males in every gacha game. You don't want to be seen as an INCEL company do you?!?!
that brainlet has no idea what he's looking at, he's used to looking at brainlet gacha revenue charts
blumine has such massive appeal!
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failed mtf tranny that worships trump
sex with abby

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