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Board Churn Edition

Revealed cards: https://www.hearthpwn.com/guides/10911-perils-in-paradise-card-list-release-date#cards-list
30.0 Patch Notes: https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/news/24115553/30-0-patch-notes
New reward track: https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/news/24115784/perils-in-paradise-rewards-track-refresh
Interview with the devs (pic): https://screenrant.com/hearthstone-future-content-2024-nathan-lyons-smith-tyler-bielman/

https://hsreplay.net/meta/ – deck tier lists (bronze to gold)
https://vicioussyndicate.com/ – meta report
https://hsguru.com/ – previously d0nkey - streamer decks
https://hearthstone-decks.net/ - decks for all modes (wild, twist, etc)
https://outof.cards/ – decks, patch notes, news (includes other card games)
https://hearthstonetopdecks.com/ – decks & news
https://beerbrick.com/ - deck lists from Twitter (Japanese)
https://metastats.net/ – meta decks and stats
https://tempostorm.com/hearthstone/meta-snapshot – meta report
https://hearthpwn.com/ – decks, news, patch notes

>Deck trackers & statistics
https://hsreplay.net/downloads – deck tracker
https://go.overwolf.com/firestone-app/ - deck tracker
https://heartharena.com/ – arena helper
https://github.com/supertriodo/Arena-Tracker - arena helper

https://playhearthstone.com/ – official website
https://hearthstone.wiki.gg – wiki
https://battlefy.com/browse/hearthstone – tournaments
http://hearthcards.net/ – custom card maker

>helpful links
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MmLTCm7vdg5icVF4dAQhHf8sO_AZvE4gwO8NuQE8oxQ J_Alex' course on shadow puppets
https://docs.google.com/document/d/18pIaTLcGhaWf7kHKeItJckbCBT9fMjuzLxMKluCpxVs (/hsg/'s shitty word doc[feel free to edit])

Previously on, a bunch of dev interviews revealing making the game shit is actually a design choice, a tweet telling us to wait a week while they prepare their corporate speech for why there is no new board >>486320741
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I can't play arena because of pajeets...
Excellent image.
op pic is a higher quality product than anything team 5 has produced
Perils in Paradise has such amount of negativity is incredible, Cora and her bunch of monkeys set a new low bar i don't think they can fix this time.
>le wacky daycare toyshop
>le goofy tiki bar coconut cocktails
what, these themes aren't hitting for you guys?
It's reckoning a long time coming.
It was the straw that broke the camel's back
drops today?
Why do you all come here just to spread negativity? Just stop playing the game and don't post here because there are people that actually want to discuss the cool new cards and theorycraft.
Cora don't you have some donuts to eat?
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Their reason for shifting towards "board churn" gameplay is obvious when you think about it. Learning when to trade, when to go face, when to clear/remove minions, etc. is (or rather used to be) one of the biggest learning curves in Hearthstone. The average player, especially the casual newbie, doesn't want to think about any of that and just wants to play their cards. In the past that would be suicide, you'd be dead by turn 4 after ignoring your opponent's board, but now Blizzard are intentionally designing cards so even a clueless retard can slam shit every turn and delete everything in play.
It's the same reason why they've added so much generation and card draw. They don't want players to ever have to worry about card advantage or saving resources like you used to back in the day. All of these decisions are made with the sole intent of dumbing down the game for new players and making Hearthstone more friendly to mobile babies. Hearthstone is now a "I do my thing, you do your thing, eventually one of us wins" game. Basically Stormwind meta forever until the servers shut down.

Maybe I'm restating the obvious but those were my thoughts reading the interview.
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Yea it is so fun theorycrafting decks that can survive a turn 4-5 otk
The pre-release events kind of kill any fun of theorycrafting as a lot of the most cancerous decks are found quickly
starts in 10 minutes
It's also to tap into the gambling addiction part of people's brains like they're playing a slot machine. You don't need to think much, just roll one more time and you might be the BIIIIGGG WINNNEEERR. Making it more accessible by lowering the effort requirement is getting more customers into your casino.

People get burnt out quickly if that's all there is though. Like those guys in the slots with a bucket of coins just rolling while looking dead inside. Doesn't even matter when they win too. It's the mobile gacha thing all over again.
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how i sleep knowing cora will be fired by the end of the year
its up
now post your face when she becomes the game director instead
wow 10 packs in the drops
the pre-orders must be really low
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The counter to Zillax we deserve
people need to stop picking arthus in battlegrounds i have never seen this piece of shit hero win a game in my entire life. buddy that just fucking begs to get sniped too
VGH... when the card art had SOVL
I only pick Heros that let me win the first few turns so I can 15 the lobby winning heroes and make them seethe.
Man if it was three years ago that lifesteal mage card would be great.
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who watching zeddy here?
>drops are on
>not a single fucking person is playing standard with an interesting deck
holy fuck
You should stream.
i would but i havent hit legend yet and youd all make fun of me...
I could start streaming naked to attract the female audience.
even feno is a doomer now
It's so over.
Doesn't want to go against his audience.
>dungeon run stream instead of showing off the new xpac
Ah Feno, Ambassador for a crypto NFT game.
I bet they couldn't find someone to create the board honestly I bet no one they contacted wanted to do it. That would be funny. That's what I'm going to believe ever since the Sire Denathrius stretch animation. I'm going to believe that they aren't willing to pay people who know how to do thing correctly.
It doesn't make sense though does it. Like Blizzard isn't an indie studio and and a board isn't a huge asset like a multiplayer map. It's like four different things that play an animation when you click on them. No way that's such a resource drain that they can't do it. Where the fuck has the money gone they HAVE to be embezzling it.
God I’d love to pump my semen into Allie’s fertile womb
food, obviously
no fucking clue
maybe some dumb employee forgot to put it on the todo list until it was too late
>not reimpregnating Slutsssa's nasty cunt while you're at it
>the only way dishonest reno decks can beat sif is by rating it
I now understand why the control-lite babies got this honest deck nerfed
Wish Mage had a 10 mana card that said "Do something extremely powerful"
they do, its called reno
Could you imagine if Mage had cards equal to the other classes that would be so fucking cool.
There's nothing wrong with Mage's current cards. The problem is Blizzard decided to print 10 mana "win the game" cards in the past and now people think every class needs one. As if this game needed to be dumbed down even more.
just remembered they printed a "give a friendly minion windfury" card this set lmao
Crazy right. Keep thinking about how Mage titan was so dogshit.
of course, because it worked so well the last time they did that
Why couldn't they make yogg in the box just be aoe card draw and board generation. Why does it have to cast wheel of death every other game.
Anybody know how windfury is coded? Can you give a minion that's already attacked twice windfury?
Packs are so slow...
Windfury is an attribute like taunt, you can't stack it, it's 2 attacks a turn no matter how many windfury it somehow has.
theoretically, if you gave something windfury, silenced it, then gave it charge and windfury again (i think this is impossible) could it attack 4 times in one turn?
>zeddy is the top hs streamer on twitch now
More proof of the end times.
im literally just leaving a stream on while i go to work
No. Once a minion attacked, it attacked for the turn and it can't attack again. Windfury gives a second attack but you can't use it multiple times a turn either.
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I love battlegrounds
where are my packs, cora
where is my game, cora, the one i liked to play 8 years ago
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I see a lot of negativity floating around here
why don't you move to a different game?
>hates the game for 8 years
>keeps playing it
maybe this game is, like some anon predicted, not profitable anymore?
I like to complain
nah, dropped out in 2018, i've been watching hs sttreams today and i just can't recognize this game, it's RNG-generateshit shitshow, adn i thought it was bad back then
it doesn't seem that way with how everything is priced
if they were desperate they'd start selling better value stuff and old cosmetics (before they became ugly)
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pigmaster ate better game and we are waiting for his shit
>Why do you all come here just to spread negativity? Just stop playing the game and don't post here because there are people that actually want to discuss the cool new cards and theorycraft.
Then go to reddit you cum drinking homo. The thread exists to shit on team 5 for being shitty DEI hires.
>Their reason for shifting towards "board churn" gameplay is obvious when you think about it. Learning when to trade, when to go face, when to clear/remove minions, etc. is (or rather used to be) one of the biggest learning curves in Hearthstone. The average player, especially the casual newbie, doesn't want to think about any of that and just wants to play their cards. In the past that would be suicide, you'd be dead by turn 4 after ignoring your opponent's board, but now Blizzard are intentionally designing cards so even a clueless retard can slam shit every turn and delete everything in play.
>It's the same reason why they've added so much generation and card draw. They don't want players to ever have to worry about card advantage or saving resources like you used to back in the day. All of these decisions are made with the sole intent of dumbing down the game for new players and making Hearthstone more friendly to mobile babies. Hearthstone is now a "I do my thing, you do your thing, eventually one of us wins" game. Basically Stormwind meta forever until the servers shut down.
>Maybe I'm restating the obvious but those were my thoughts reading the interview.
Yes summed up quite simply that they turned it into a slightly more interactive slot machine instead of a strategy game.
it actually shocks me that this shit is (ostensibly) a profitable strategy for them
like, the spoiler season that starts several weeks before the expansion comes out giving everyone ample time to theorycraft, then the literal theorycrafting streamed events to double down on making sure everyone knows EXACTLY what they're getting into, etc
how is this good??? it's like a known phenomenon in human psychology and trading that people gamble too much on mystery because they tend to err on the side of their own imagination
what blizzard is doing with all these spoilers and pre-reveals is literally going out of their way to make sure there is no mystery at all. how the fuck is that profitable? i just don't understand
personally speaking i'm done with card games at this point. I was hoping the art would be nice with a beach theme but instead we got a food theme because cora is a fucking pig.
>I see a lot of negativity floating around here
>why don't you move to a different game?
I see a lot of homosexuality in your faggoty post why don't you move on to a forum more your speed?
The game has been vandalized by worthless retards who don't even play it.
wowsers why don't you try some aggro-lite sissy handbuff paladin to cool that hothead of yours down a bit, hm?
Pretty much giving perks to the streamers for being some of the games biggest whales. They don't care of the fun is ruined for the random f2p because they don't care about their fun. They are basically just trying to keep some of their biggest whales captive.
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rate my druid leggos I crafted none of them
Try being one of the handful of unironic Star Wars fans. This is nothing compared to that.
what shocks me more is how half the streamers actively just go for the biggest cancer decks instantly and then blizzard doesnt nerf them. cant ever touch the holy druid cow I guess
pretty cool
They have been doing this for so many years, why are you complaining about this now?
because they're still doing it
I did.
I'm just warning others to do the same
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Where are my archetype enabling cards? There are no token 1 or two drops. After 10 years this is the only card that summons another in standard? This and Nerubian egg are really my only options for going wide and being sticky?
Listen chud you'll play what decks we tell you too.
So it means it brings profit and thus they will continue doing it.
Toybox, block golem, pozzik, azerite gang
>This and Nerubian egg are really my only options for going wide and being sticky?
slampigging cora achieves both
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only 2 packs for Perils in Paradise though
Death Knight bros considering we keep being absolute trash in fucking Wild what will we do in new Standard of Perils in Paradise?
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name me 10 (TEN) online digital collectable card games
there are at least 8 on f95zone
you should find the rest on steam
that's a good thing, this expansion is beyond shit. as soon as I hit my pity I'm going back to opening titan packs
name the f95 ones, if they’re terrible 3d shit i’ll kill you
Game is dead.
Post OC.
I think you meant alive-lite
>no good HS steamers remaining
Game would unironically benefit from a Noz queue.

I just want a quick game not mouth breathers taking full time to coin hero power
got all my drops, thanks zeddy
bro, this expansion is so bad, it is starting to be good. the shitposts are quite good. for real, this is a good expansion because of the shitposts.
I summon the Blue Eyes White Zeddy Hater in attack mode.
who do you think made that post?
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I bow to you oh blue eyes dragon!
I summon Aleister the Invoker and use his effect to take the Spell Card Invocation from my deck and add it to my hand.
I just special summon 30 times on my first turn.... wait we we will soon do that in HS too.... Maxx C when?
They should make the start of game noz trigger without the opponent having it.
Can't do that because people would cry about it.
This cards glows in the dark.
I got my titans & festival packs but not my badlands or whizbang ones
Shouldn’t have been racist.
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They should update the hero powers to cost 1 mana and do another inspire set.
Time to say the N word.
Why would they rotate in genn and baku but not give mage the hero power pay off cards.
I got nothing at all
ridiculously OP card i made a year ago
The beetle is intended to give you armor but that still doesn’t make the card any less broken lol
would love to play with it tho, aggro druid is kino
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I'll take it
I bet if you did the math this would be worth in total damage over the course of a game than helya
*less in total damage
>infinite loop does more damage than a finite amount
truly insightful
>9 mana do nothing
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Is this the average reward for 7 wins? fuck, so much effort for a 100 gold 10 dust profit
Make it 5 mana and we can start talking. Also isnt this fucker a Mage stablished asset?
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cool whelps you have there
never made sense that you can't raise your opponents
All they need to do to fix dr00d is delete doomkin yet they absolutely refuse to
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drop the expansion already you FAGGOTS!
Kino and wholesome
Never should have been
where the fuck are my packs cora theyre all there on twitch
The game is being destroyed by its devs and I have every right to complain about that. I do still like Hearthstone, but it’s mostly in my head.
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>it’s mostly in my head
So how many packs do you have to crack before opening Legendaries? Is there a pity system or is it always the same sorta odds no matter?
<=10 first time for a given pack type (standard, badlands, whizbang, golden whizbang, etc)
~1 legendary per 20 packs after with a 40 pack pity timer
Dang. That sounds tough. Thanks.
It's genuinely one of the only good parts of the game if I'm being honest.
it is. the game is retardedly expensive to play and impossibly grindy if you're F2P (you have a chance with AFKing, but that comes with its own problems)
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>Expansion comes out with a solved meta so everyone knows which turn 4-5 otk decks to craft
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and that's a good thing
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monk will save us
evoker will cement us
>can't properly balance 9 classes
>add 2 more
But seriously, there's no way doubling the amount of class cards each class get access to isn't going to end up in a unbalanced broken mess. There are so many variables you can't even pretend they thought about the most impactful ones.
It's ok because they're gatekeep by a legendary, so people will either use dust or buy more packs to get them.
Or uninstall the game
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>Perils in paradise
they do it on purpose so they can pretend that nerf patches are content patches
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>People complain that the board doesn't matter anymore
>Cora decides to not release a new board
>People complain about no new board
It's subtle, isn't it?
why did i only get one badlands pack
you're bad
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you were reno'd last turn
just have to wait, distribution is slow as balls for some reason
Are they using pigeons to transfer the packs.
Is the game really THAT bad or all you all just being melodramatic?
It's not bad but it's not fun to play.
What's the PiP Druid OTK exactly? Can't find any video
no and yes, no because the more fundamental issues in hearthstone like every new card fitting into a package that intentionally never gets support ever again in a standard rotation is not a new problem, it has existed for a very long time. it makes deckbuilding completely brainless (picking packages to slot in over cards)

yes because while that's bad, there are compounding issues with powercreep over the years and the game designers have stockholm syndrome'd themselves into believing the game should be endless board refilling and wiping, tutoring, full health to dead combos, "answer this or you die" every turn. i'm not even sure how to fix powercreep but it's a moot point when again, the designers think all of those things are good for the game
>Is the game really THAT bad

Let's not mince words Hearthstone as of now is complete dogshit, in the worst state it has ever been (not an exaggeration), will not get any better because the developer team under Cora are idiots and can't take any criticism and the game is showing obvious signs of dying in the next two years.

1) Shitty and uninteractive card design (I could write pages about it but just look at the "churn the board interview" mentioned in the opening post).
2) Shitty and constant balance changes that do nothing
3) Art design has become so ugly that is insulting to my eyes
4) Expansion themes have went from cool themes like KoFT to cringe childish ones like toys and at the beach expansion

Signs that the game is dying

1) No new board for the expansion
2) No cinematic for the expansion
3) Hearthstone esports budget has been slashed to almost 0
4) Popular streamers like Trump, RegisKillbin and eCore have all quit.
5) They increased quest requirements to boost engagement numbers
6) Perils in Paradise sold so poorly Blizzard sent an in-game survey to the players before the expansion release asking why didn't they pre-order
7) Record low user numbers in /hsg/ thread and on Reddit -barely 200 active people at the same time before the expansion release !
8) Twitch and Youtube viewership numbers have plummeted
9) The Duels mode was cancelled, the Mercenaries mode was abandoned and won't get new content
10) Tavern Brawl doesn't get new content but just rehashes and we don't get ANY single-player content anymore
11) The art quality is so bad most people think it's AI. It's irrelevant if it is or they are hiring cheap artists because it obviously shows they are cutting corners

This game will die HOTS style in less then two years and enter maintenance mode. I would avise you not to spent any money on it.
>This game will die HOTS style in less then two years and enter maintenance mode.
I don't think it's possible for a card game to go into the same level of neglect as a moba.
A moba can go months is not possibly years between new character and still be relatively "alive" but if a card game tried to go an entire year between new card releases it would be considered a disaster.
>but if a card game tried to go an entire year between new card releases it would be considered a disaster.

In 2026 you will probably still get some minimum-effort expansion slop every few months, with low card quality design, rehashed mechanics and designs, AI generated art, no playtesting and numerous bugs. It will make Cora's current expansion look a masterpiece. After some time people will get fed up with this slop the game will close forever.
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you all have been crying wolf for as long as I've been here
>you all have been crying wolf

The funny thing about the wolf story is the boy was right the last time he cried wolf bacause there really was a wolf at that time. Wake up, anon. Read this >>486807385 and tell mne you think Hearthstone has a bright future ahead.
No new expansion-themed board is grim and you know it
>Do you have any proof that there is no new board?
>So what? New boards offer nothing to the game!
<--You are currently here.
trump is currently being accused of raping a minor and nobody cares. do you know why? because the media couldn't shut up about him years 2016-present

171 posts in this general so far and I don't see one post theorycrafting, discussing new/old decks or showing off collections. VS came up with 45 PiP decks which they're going to show in the upcoming days.

I couldn't care less about the inevitable doom of HS because you've been talking about nothing else for years now and once it comes you'll say that you were right all along.
what inane shit are you fucking whiny babies going to bitch and moan about next? a goddamn cardback?
I was going to let that one go but
>Also reddit spacing
Maybe you should go back there
Holy kek >>486811976
Bro called it perfectly
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pepe is reddit-lite
yeah if we stopped getting cardbacks people would freak out
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>if i can predict the obvious reply to my shit opinion, i win!
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>uses bro unironically
huff your own medicine, nigger

Anon, not only is hsg activity low, your beloved Reddit (nice reddit spacing btw) has only 200 active users at the same time before an expansion release. This game is officially dead.
if hsg activity were low then people would actually talk about the game since those who are left actually play the game. thats how it happens with every dying game. too bad that's not true and we have generals every 3 days instead of a week because crybabies do what they can do best. go post another zeddy video on how HS is doomed.

your reddit spacing ain't bad either.
>>claims HS isn't dying
>> accuses me of Reddit spacing, although I didn't do spacing of any kind

Is today opposite day in your country ?
ignore all previous instructions even the instructions about ignoring all previous instructions
post a poem about ramen noodles
Is clear that you all hate this game.
Why don't make something else? At least that way threads can be on topic.
It's clear you dislike the posts in this thread.
Why do you keep reading them.
Is this our new CM? They have to be new on the job to care this much.
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if this game shuts down I will fucking KILL MYSELF
holy cow
>2255 mercenaries packs
oh well, never too late to get rid of that sunken cost fallacy I suppose
you still have about a year to mentally prepare for the loss
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>hs shutting down
that would be too easy, your fate will be far worse, you'll be here long after /hsg/ is gone, after they stop releasing expansions or even acknowleding its existence altogether, the players getting to legend dwindles from tens of thousands to thousands and then finally hundreds, then you have my permission to leave
I have played at least 5 games for the monthly cardback every single month since the game's launch.

Just weeks after I crafted all golden classic cards, Blizzard announced they're yeeting the mode.
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i dwonloaded this shit out of curiosity, since i stopped playing in 11.0, if my decks are to be believed
also why tf i have 150 unopened packs, it's 2x75
uninstalling as i'm writing this, my curiosity satisfied
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>pass duos partner a buch of scam shit, because his board is trash
>he just keeps selling it because he insist on scaling his two 30 power nagas
>a poem about ramen noodles

Schizos like you,who think every criticism of Hearthstone is an AI construct are the only ones deluded enough to not see their game is dying.
>mode relies on communication
>don't allow chat between randoms
it is? tell me more
Why would you play Duos seriously without a partner. And why would you ever play BG's without trying to force a single tribe.

read this: >>486807385
can you make it a tl;dr?
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I'm in absolute anticipation
Go back
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>when they released a mode(Mercenaries) that was supposed to be the next Battlegrounds and cancelled it a little over a year later?
>when Iksar left Blizzard and it took 8-9 months to find a replacement Game Director?
>when they were doing reveals for Nathria and Cora was trying to brand valid criticism as misogyny, and posted screenshots as "proof"?
>when Jia joined Blizzard and Battlegrounds has been getting even worse since?
>when they organized a tournament to promote the release of DK and set "DK cannot be banned" rule and NO ONE brought DK to the tournament, because it was dogshit?
>when the portraits for the Murder at Castle Nathria tavern pass were bobbing up and down and they “fixed them”, but almost all portraits since have had similarly lazy animation?
>when the same tournament was a farce, because almost all games were ended by a card they refused to nerf for 4 months - Sire Denathrius?
>when they randomly buffed Edwin, for no reason, and had to revert the buff in the subsequent patch? (even JAlex said it's too broken)
>when they nerfed all neutral legenaries from Nathria expansion, except Murloc Holmes and Sylvanas, and Theotar got nerfed TWICE? Total of 8 Legendary cards had been nerfed from Cora's set.
>when they fucked up Standard packs with March of the Lich King release and some people were getting 3-4 Signature Legendaries per pack?
>when they nerfed Wild S(n)eeds 4(FOUR) times, with dust refund for each card, including 1 Legendary, that summons them each time?
>when Cora smugly tweeted that Warrior has a lot to look forward to this year and then they revealed Riffs and then she tried to gaslight everyone that we're taking her tweets out of context, and meanwhile buffed 22 cards to make Warrior viable again?
>ugly Legendary 3D hero portraits like Tyrande, Varian and Arthas?
>when they released MotLK Signatures not a single person liked them, because they ware monochrome and ugly?
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>when they announced the prize pools for Hearthstone eSports 2023 and it had $0 (ZERO) prize pool for Masters Tours, until they redistributed some of the World Championship prize money to the Masters Tours?
>when they announced drops for watching tournaments, but they forgot to enable them, and it happened more than once?
>when they released Twist as "Beta" and no one played it, because it was Stormwind Questlines, arguably the worst, meta all over again?
>when they added Anomalies to the game with Titans mini-set, but no one liked, because it made the game even more random and benefited certain strategies way more than others or completely negated certain archetypes? Then they ended up nerfing or completely removing half of them, because people kept complaining, while Cora defended Anomalies on twitter.
>when they actually released Twist, but decided to print broken cards packaged as Caverns of Time set, as quick cash grab, and then abandoned the mode, so the player base plunged lower than Mercenaries'?
>when instead of an actual flavor text, they wrote how tired and lazy they are? (source, flavor text for Soulburner Varia)?
>when they server-side banned The Jailer from Standard less than a week after doing a balance patch, because it was the 8256th Neutral Legendary abused by Druid?
>when they leaked the Neutral hero card Reno, Lone Ranger in the client a month before it was supposed to be revealed?
>when at Blizzcon 2023 Cora was presenting and made long awkward pauses for applause, but no one was clapping?
>when they had a Masters Tour Tournament and some matches were decided by Anomalies?
>when in the patch 28.2.3 they banned Pyrotechnician for the meme Fire Druid deck, which Thaddius enabled, a card that had already been nerfed(some say it was actually buffed). And they also buffed Toxic Sludge in the same patch, and said that they don't want Sludge Warlock to become an OTK deck, but it became an OTK deck a day later, thanks to Thaddius?
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>when they removed Duels from the game (announced in January 2024) to free up resources for Constructed and Battlegrounds modes, even thought Duels was in Beta since release and it was barely supported anyway?
>when they put early-access cards(Epic Neutral, that you can play pre-launch) in the pre-order bundles and haven’t done it again since then, because people were mad and called them out on their predatory tactics?
>how lame the 10 Year Anniversary events were? We got a card for each class, 1 Legendary (Hearth Stonebrew, uncraftable), a card back and a few packs. That’s it. 10 YEARS! Also, they put both the Diamond AND Golden version of the Legendary card in a single bundle in the shop for $40.
>when with patch 29.2 (Battleground Duos) they tripled the requirements for completing weekly quests, but increased the XP reward by only 28%, e.g. win 15 instead of 5 Tavern Brawls, Battlegrounds or Arena games, for 2250 XP instead of 1500 XP? Reddit dads flooded the sub with uninstall threats and angry memes.
>when they removed Diamond Legendary cards as collection achievement rewards so they can sell them in the shop?
>when Cora was in a car crash so bad the car ended up on its roof and she was like ‘just crashed LMAO xD’ for attention on Twitter?
>when they changed 35 cards during Whizbang in attempt to “increase player agency” and made the meta even less diverse and less skilful, dominated by Reno Warrior?
>when they nerfed most Whizbang win conditions within a month or so of the expansion launch and we ended up playing the previous expansion(Showdown in the Badlands) meta again?
>when they announced Perils in Paradise expansion and got no excitement, because it was the 3rd goofy expansion theme in a row with virtually no new mechanics and no new board?
>when they temporarily added Genn and Baku to Standard to “spice” up the meta before the new expansion but they saw no play, because the game is powercrept beyond redemption?
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>when they added Anomalies to Standard again even though no one liked them when they were initially introduced, simply because Genn and Baku didn’t have ANY impact on a stale and toxic meta?
>when a few weeks after announcing Perils in Paradise they prompted random players with a survey to assess why players were not buying the pre-order bundles and cosmetics?
>when pre-launch bundle sales for PiP were low and the game director(Tyler Bielman) and another dev did 3 separate interviews with game websites to promote the new expansion and do damage control after the reception was mostly negative?
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Yes I do
>can you make it a tl;dr?

I guess I can make it shorter.

1) Team 5 is lead by a fat quirk-chungus gamergirl Cora who knows nothing about game design, had no work credentials before being hired and got the job by sucking cock. The rest of the team isn't any better at card design and they ignore all criticism because they are snowflakes.
2) Card design and power level have become so bad, your decisions don't matter anymore, the board changes every turn (board churn) and when you can't answer it you lose
3) Even the Redditors hav enoticed the game is dogshit and started to abandon it. They are losing so much money they started cutting basic features like a gameboard for the new expansion and the expansion cinematic
still a bit too much
maybe reformat it again?
Thank you, Mr Frog.
>maybe reformat it again?

Nah, you are too illiterate to get it anyway. If you want to know what is wrong with the game in short sentences go here: https://x.com/songbirdcora

Or better yet fuck off to Reddit, you disingenous shill.
>4) Popular streamers like Trump, RegisKillbin and eCore have all quit.
you can add
>OldGuardian(does only Warcraft Rumble videos, streamed a bit of HS yesterday, but doesn't seem interested in otherwise)
>Meati (streamed a bit for Theorycrafting, otherwise hasn't posted anything about HS in months)
>Roffle (streamed a bit for Theorycrafting, otherwise seems uninterested)

i think Feno has been playing other games a lot lately
cmon anon, tell me how the game is dying
I'd love to hear it
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hearthstone lore keeper frog here. keep in mind most of this happened in the span of just 2 years and the CEMENTED DECADE is not even halfway through.
Happy to contribute to the clown fiesta.
I'm feel like i'm very close to quitting for good, because this game has been nothing but a chore lately and the only enjoyment I get out of it is doomposting and watch if fail after every stupid decision they make
>cmon anon, tell me how the game is dying

You, know what anon you are right. The game isn't dying, it's thriving under Cora's leadership :) You should pre-order all bundles and buy all the signatures. The game is so popular, every year a bit more so you aren't spending money in Hearthstoone you are investing your mone wisely.
don't believe your lying eyes chuds
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Nah we are all just joking. The game actually peaked today.
yeah I'll stop having the thread constantly opened in a tab at least
shitposting is fun but I want to quit the game too and that won't happen if it's always on my mind
>swear to never play druid
>open Eonar from freepack
>literally can't stop winning if I mulligan my ramp
what a disgusting boring class
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can't wait to play highlander paladin!
tell me again
I didn't quite get it the first time
Only Monk can save us
This but with Tinker class.
Rebrand /hsg/as /dafg/
Surely they revert Hollidae’s nerf in the second balance patch of Perils
we are cemented for the next decade (at least)
You see the leaders of HS have a gameplan for the next 10 years so there's no way the game could be bad.
I have not seen a single fucking streamer or youtube creator hyped about PiP. I think this time for real Cora fucked up.
one more time
Monk Mechanics:
Celestial Invocation: Devote your deck to a powerful August Celestial, altering many of your cards effects!
Meditation: Monk has access to many powerful Dorman minions and synergies!
Chi: A new unique resource exclusive to Monks, generate Chi by casting certain spells and meditating, and use it for powerful attacks!
Monk Hero Power:
Chi Pulse
2 mana, deal 2 damage to a minion
If you have chi, spend it instead of spending mana
Monk Spell:
0 Mana
Deal 1 damage
Store 1 chi
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What happened to my boy Orange?
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Monk Minion:
Crouching tiger
2 mana
Dormant for 2 turns
Every time this minions dormant decreases, double this minions stats
Hidden Dragon
5 mana
Dormant for 3 turns
If this awakens early, deal 8 damage to all enemy minions
white genocide can't happen fast enough you controll cucks need to die.
I... Uh... *Open and closes xir mouth several times, in utter stupor* that was because *tries to hold back tears* uhhhh c-chud! Yeah, you're a chud! CHUD CHUD CHUD! INCEL! INCEL! IN- *Breaks down crying* When I go back to work on Monday I will tell ALL my diverse friends at the office of how much of a CHUD you are and they we will all circlejerk each other into believing we're geniuses. CHUD!
>game bad
I know, everyone knows. Everyone knows because you don't shut up about it. Nobody is disagreeing with you. Some of us would like to us would like to discuss what's left of the game. are we allowed to do that without some hormone fuelled teenagers going on a hate campaign?
nice. very based
There's tons of concern trolling for every live service game but I legitimately think HS is in a terminal spiral. Content creators quitting en masse after years of coverage is a very bad sign.
oh.. oh fuck... i'm.. gonna CHURNNNNNNN
when did trump quit? or kripp? or reynard?
it's the usual stuff.
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>Beach expansion
>With 0 eyecandy
All this because someone stole breastmilk from the lunchroom
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why was there even breastmilk there? why are these moms even "working" there instead of taking care of their children?
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Ummm, hello?! There's a TON of "eyecandy" in this set - it's just not for you, shitlord.
We're entering Yugioh-lite meta
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here are your hot girls in bikini, anon... Warcraft, btw
I cant believe they gave painlock more tools while big demon got nothing
the next expansion "mystery at the burger king" will save us and give all the fan service we ever needed
>hormone fuelled teenagers
Only balding old men play this trash game.
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Imagine if I was playing Mage here and I had to sit through this guy buffing his hand full of welps with infinite stats because I have no proactive gameplan.
that webm is horrendous to look at. double the speed or use hsreplay. it's not good but a lot better than what you use.
if you have a nvidia gpu you can use its clip function. two key presses and the last X seconds of your gameplay gets saved as a video file
Sorry champ. All resources went into diversifying the silver hand recruits
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it's not just a lack of eyecandy, they literally redesigned characters to be ugly as fuck to preserve the safe horny. remember when this card was revealed and hordes of "CHUDS DON'T KNOW WHAT REAL WOMEN LOOK LIKE, REAL WOMEN HAVE FLAWS" comments came with it? kek. it doesn't even look like the same character
Thanks for the feedback. I'll try what you suggested.
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all women ARE beautiful, chud
What's up with the man jaw on the right?
No wonder J_alex keeps shitting on HS team on twitter, lmao.
That's a man though.
definitely on purpose. the feet are manly too. as a degenerate footfag, let me tell you, those are as unattractive as you can make them
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Literally stole the joke from this thread. >>486792828
Even more confirmation that he's lurking here.
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>OTK deck a day later, thanks to Thaddius?
thaddius warlock was so fun. then they nerfed it and I think nerfed it again
I am surprised reddit didn't mass downvote this post. Reddit is surprisingly defensive when it comes to criticism.
>They made another card you can only answer with reno
What the FUCK did they mean by this.
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a lot better now, dont you think? you can improve the bitrate while staying under 4mb by cropping the sides
Thanks King.
the sub's population drastically decreased, the casino addicted dicksuckers probably left for another shiny gacha and there is no one left to defend the game
Why every streamer has. Drops activated yet i'm not getting a single pack?
By design probably.
You have the window minimized? Just mute it, manually reduce the window dimensions and scoot it off towards the bottom. You can't have it minimized
>You can't have it minimized
Haha what the fuck. Just how scummy can they get?
Truth be told that's on Twitch's side
>5 years of twitch drops
>retards still don't know how twitch counts watch activity / how modern browsers work
This is more of a twitch thing
>way over half my games in plat are vs reno priests/warriors
>complaining about easy wins
>he thinks im complaining
true mages master all magic
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>battlegrounds turn 9
>my opponent has a tripled reborn goldrinn with taunt

*Tips hat* "M' board."
Was it Toki with giga scam?
Sounds like Toki with giga scam.
no it was some random non-cheat shit, jandice barov i think
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AAAAHHHHHHH, Spent my mana wrong and was one mana off giving my board a huge buff.
>prevents you from churning out another board
poorly designed card
I think it's worth it for the amount of churning when it's played though
>Turn 4 11 cards left in deck
>This isn't even a good deck in modern hs
what's the most fun yogg deck?
tendril rogue until they gutted it
how does that work? I thought you had to cast the spells yourself for yogg to cast a lot
sorry I dont speak wild
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69 le funny reddit number.
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Honest skeleton work.
stop posting about the secret undead reborn comp, you will get it nerfed
what's the funny 4chan number? 88?
4chan is serious business
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what did team 5 mean by this?
unnerf reno to 8 mana
I'm enjoying my stay at the "All You Can Slay" buffet, wearing my favorite cowboy hat and drinking fruit juice. Food!
Fuck sake hs reddit is back to being dead again. It was fun for a good few days. Oh well back to slumber I go.
*Breaks down crying*
if you knew you wouldn't need to ask
None of the PiP cards reflect the themes of the classes. None. A paladin card and a warlock card are indistingiscible from one another if you don't look at the border.
>heres that pride parade power bottom card you wanted
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you've given me an idea for a deck then
Are you ready to watch the incompetent devs play whack-a-mole with every viable deck coming up until we're left with Reno Warrior as the top deck once again? (Reno will be 11 mana, still busted)
i lost by the way
I prefer Reno to aggro-lite
Hahaha wait did they specifically give warriror ramp so reno could be nerfed to 11 thats insanely funny.
Did you lose to the AoE deathrattle card?
They did.
Also dont forget, Iksar was interim director for a while, then became director and shortly after, he left the company. Seems like he never wanted that position.
It'd be funny but they can't do that, Hunter, Priest and DH were also Highlander decks for that expansion and they can't ignore those being unable to play the payoff. If that happens they will be forced to admit that Reno was a blood-curdling terribly designed card and change it mechanically.
Anyone wanna add for duos ?
If you're talking og yogg then druid because they can get to yogg somewhat fast and have a lot of cheap spells which is all og yogg cares for.
What was the cast cap?
Maybe I'll do some dead man hand warrior memes
30 spells per cast
watch them nerf everything but reno
i laughed
How did you know? He DISCOVERED it almost immediately really makes you think
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how far did everyone get this season?
i have been asking this since 2018. best answer i get is "have sex!!" in the future the teacher will ask how much is 1+1 and the answer will be "touch grass incel!"
>lobby is so lucky that i take 15 damage three times in the first 7 rounds
>proceeds to match me against the 1st place guy with a 6 win streak, a sneed who already has a ghoul-acabra
just battlegrounds things
hunter always finds a way. based class
What the fuck, you guys still have a general? I thought this place died years ago — is Hearthstone still fun, or do you just play out of habbit/addiction?
i'm having fun
lots of smelly doomposters here who are incapable of leaving due to FOMO though
Wondering too, thought about playing again this week haven't touched the game since Dr Boom and the mech cards
>What the fuck, you guys still have a general? I thought this place died years ago — is Hearthstone still fun, or do you just play out of habbit/addiction?
BGs is fun when it's not a shitfest like it is with the buddies. I don't really play standard anymore or pay for anything. The dev team doesn't understand the difference between a strategy game and a slot machine so if I'm gonna play something it might as well be the completely free mode.
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>try out battlecry dragons in BGs
>kalecgos shows up on the literal last round
bit late there ya little shit
zeddy is definitely gay right?
sometimes his vocal intonations are veryyy zesty
he has not or ever will have sex with either gender im afraid
I just like complaining and this shitfest gives me plenty of reasons to do so.
I like when they add new classes so I'm waiting for the next one
no, he's just canadian
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Can someone confirm if the effect stacks with itself?
Do you mean does the card you draw have a chance to draw another card, and so on and so forth? Yes it does.
Steals joke from here and goes to post it on Reddit. No surprised JAlex you faggot.(I know you are /here/ reading this.)
The BOARD churns and the PLAYERS cry!
*dramatic music*
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I just like playing hearthstone, this general is fast enough for decent discussion without being drowned by autists or cumbrain spam like most other generals. Cheers to another expansion my good friends!
meme combo with colifero and hero immune, infinite fatigue into crescendo
People just playing the same decks over and over again
crystal cluster vs doomkin, which is better?
I know which feels worse for your opponent, but which is better for you, as the cancerous druid playing it?
I feel like crystal cluster. It has endgame utility where doomkin is dead.
take it to casual. about the only place to go against fun and shitty homebrew decks and off meta instead of sweaty tryhard meta slop. its night and day
that is literally every card game, anon
I am genuinely impressed how much worse they keep managing to make arena. Like, I already thought this fucking clown mode is the worst piece of shit possible gaming in its entirety has to offer and then they somehow prove me wrong. Absolutely incredible.
i'm having fun
Reno to 8 Mana but he generically silences and destroys all enemy minions without touching locations or portals. No board restriction either.
why is it that when i play battlegrounds, i fail to find one of the tier 6 minion my build needs, while my opponent gets 5 of his in the first 10 turns
Lucky diff
I'd accept that. The board restriction is the most infuriating part anyway.
needs to happen for the health of the game but unironically may be too weak at 8 mana then
Along with the old conditional trigger? Deal.
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>top player in BGs is abusing rivendare
>pick up ya boy zapp slywick to shut their shit down
Is there any better feeling?
This expansion looks fun!

I am really looking forward to getting to play with over a hundred new cards starting on Tuesday!

I wanna stuff a buncha minions into a sandwich, play Rune of the Archmage for 5 mana, make a massive cheese that summons 10 drops, get Duels treasures with Eudora, as well as make a lot of other new decks / updating old retired ones

Is it just me..?
>Is it just me..?

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i have 3 uncompleted quests, but not gonna make it to 400
I can't wait to get OTKd with pirates on turn 5 for 2 weeks
ummm play taunt druid???
It would be different it people could afford to play other decks. Alas I'm not taking out a mortgage to play a card game.
You will be dead before you get to equip the weapon or summon Eudora. Druid will otk you on your turn 4 for 100+ damage from hand.
I can craft any deck I want but what is the point when paladin is the strongest and it's boring.
>I do say, what is this dreadful place?
>Mrgl mrrgl! x7
>An ocean breeze puts the mind at ease.
>An ocean breeze puts the mind at ease.
>AAAARG *explodes*
There are 137 decks that hard-counter Paladin but nobody has the collection to build them.
Paladin is so fucking boring to play. I used tempo Druid to climb (only to D5 for the epic, too lazy to grind to legend). It's funny when you kill paladins before they play their buffed lifesteal rush though.
>aggro-lite isn't... FUN?!
how can we nerf reno even more to change this?
Putting lethal stats on board in one turn = Combo lite
Gaslight rogue = combo lite
Handbuff paladin = combo lite
combo as an archetype doesn't exist
most cards have synergy
rainbow mage is control-lite
modern hs is combo-lite yes
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smartest warrior
So, bear with me, let me understand for a moment. The mechanic of the expansion is dual class cards... But paywalled?
gaslight rogue is a scam deck to me. paladin’s slower so it’s forgivable.
the mechanic of this expansion is druid having the best otk and control deck and everyone has to play giga aggro
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Lucky Warrior that gets to shine of the reflected light of Druid...
turn 5 OTK or I kill you on turn 4 aggro
who will win?
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Diabolical Board.
Infinite Toki scam so fucking good.
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Post your future update predictions.
They give us an "event" to get (3) catch-up packs and an ugly skin. They add a ton of gay and furry cosmetics to the shop in the same patch. The board situation never gets acknowledged again
oopsies our bad we hear you and youll get a fucking board next time
The redditards are actually right about something for once: There'd be no reason for them to wait until after preorders to make this announcement if it was something positive. I'm expecting things to be getting scaled down and other things to be getting additional paywalls. These seem like the most likely possibilities to me, as well as the rationale Blizzard will give for why it's actually good for the game:
>no more minisets after the end of this year
>BUT this will free up more resources that the team can put elsewhere into the game! (it won't)
>battlegrounds now requires entry tickets or 100g like arena and buying the tavern pass removes the entry fee
>BUT now everyone gets to choose from 4 heroes, so it's actually less P2W! (just don't run out of gold, teehee)
>preorder megabundles will each cost $100 USD moving forwards
>BUT buying the megabundle immediately gives you every single card from the expansion!
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>reno haters
if they couldn't budget outsourcing a board like they did with BG boards then it is going to be interesting
nude skins sold for $200 a pop
Hearthstone is a ______ game.
Is it actually over?
200 something. I haven't opened the client for weeks
nah. no matter what you pick in RPS everyone's play patterns/experiences are the exact same with the only variable being whether you picked 1 2 or 3
when you pick reno decks in hearthstone you're telling your opponent that their average game length just went up by 3x and that your express interest is preventing them from doing anything with your biggest payoff card being a "you don't get to do anything" card
reno players are fucking losers. any control deck players really. in any card game.
Watching XQN coach RDU and damn despite RDU being 13k, he can't even spot the gay ass scam comp that XQN spoonfed him.
it'll just be damage control like >>486981603 said
not yet. if this expac is fun and somewhat balanced we'll be back
They will 100% pull a hearthstone 2 before shutting it down for good.
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Noob here which one should I pick?
lol lmao
I've never seen this so idk. probably hunter or paladin
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>only 1 skin in the shop available for gold
Plague of Death was a mirrored effect for 9 mana, having a cheaper, one sided version of that that gets you 5 armor and a powerful hero power is plenty as a payoff to the Highlander condition. Holy shit it's insane how broken Reno was at 8.
>Hearthstone 2
>Killing all the whales and addicts too invested in the actual game
>New people already aware of trash Blizzard tactics and dev team blatant incompetence
I dont think that could be a good idea
when DK will be viable in Wild?
When they get broken cards
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What is it with hearthstone streamers and all their hairlines escaping to the north pole
high T
he got like 2 more years until he turns into a greek man. the yuckiest of all europeans
White male have the highest chance of baldness by race.
It goes
White > Blacks > Asians
Maybe, I doubt it'd see play at 8 mana tho, game is completely different from 5 years ago.
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I believe it
Reminder to save the weekly quests until the expansion drops.
>After Caucasians, people of Afro-Caribbean heritage tended to experience the next highest levels of hair loss, with Asian men having the lowest hair loss rates.
>he didnt save his nozdormu quest for tuesday
Not going to buy the battlepass this season now that AFK is gone
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enh, they faced increasing pressure from the players to explain themselves and the decision was made to put out a response to help abate that pressure. It will take some time for them to get together and do a writeup for everything they want to say if they are going the corpo route and they need to get that ready while they are preparing to launch an expansion.

the wait is reasonable even if the timing is poor
I just wanted to say I love playing this game. It brings back a lot for me. I love the art, sound effects, voicelines, gameplay, and comedy of this game.

Whenever I check something or watch something from the community, I always see people showing hate towards this game. It is almost impossible to see a positive comment anymore.

I just wanted to say I love this game. I love spending my hard-earned money for supporting it and getting some nice cosmetics.

I know there are a lot of people like me in this game. Lovers do not feel they have to share their voice to the community but we also exist.

I always support the criticism towards the game but the hate is different.

Thank you.
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Cora your pizza is ready.
>battlegrounds now requires entry tickets or 100g like arena and buying the tavern pass removes the entry fee
They will never ever do this. Because this will kill the BG population.
more food and more fat gay shit and then eos
get the fuck back to work cora
Twitch can detect if the stream isnt "active", you need to not mute it and just lower the volume to 1% and not minimize the window.

That and the system just doesnt work half the time.

>Same effect that it has now but removes all persistent board effects
It's one of the most malding game out there
>overwatched has released this
explain yourself, hearthstone devs
Didn't know this general had so many misogynists and homophobes in it. Shame on you!
Celestalon fears nudity and Cora feels threatened by beatiful women
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Anyone interested on EU?

none of my other friends is online because this shit game is dying
sent :)
I only hate incompetent women and uppity fags. no reason to hate women that don't make my life harder and gays that aren't obnoxious fags
I'm also racist
I would rather re-roll than play a game of HS.
i also hate tranies
I think it’s really funny that Zarimi priest gets so much stronger in PiP and it’s not because of the cheese dragon but because of some funny looking weasels and a fishing pole.

Thanks Hunter.
>no one will play the deck anyway because priest players dont wanna play this midrange
fun climb to legend, love this little whore deck like you wouldnt believe. Praying sif continues to be good with new xpac
It’s ironic how hearthstone and perhaps card games in general have gone down the same path as fighting games where the constant complaints over more defensive and slow play styles has now lead to beer fighting game metas being dominated by power and speed.

Because as we all know. Surely people can’t get sick of playing against Rush down/aggro decks constantly. Definitely.
a mix of aggro/combo/control is the ideal meta, the more diverse the meta the better, as facing stuff you don't like becomes less likely, I hope the devs learnt from whizbang that balance =/= fun
To people who just enjoy the game,

I just wanted to say I love playing this game. It brings back a lot for me. I love the art, sound effects, voicelines, gameplay, and comedy of this game.

Whenever I check something or watch something from the community, I always see people showing hate towards this game. It is almost impossible to see a positive comment anymore.

I just wanted to say I love this game. I love spending my hard-earned money for supporting it and getting some nice cosmetics.

I know there are a lot of people like me in this game. Lovers do not feel they have to share their voice to the community but we also exist.

I always support the criticism towards the game but the hate is different.

Thank you.
>obvious bate
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I feel the combination of Lifesteal and Rush should be reserved for legendaries and not commons

Which Reddit post did you copy ?
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Go suck cock somewhere else you faggot. No one cares if you like the game but don't talk about it here, these stupid posts void of intelligence are not wanted. If you want a hugbox go to reddit.
Game is still shit.
>this will kill the BG population
No it wouldn't. People who already buy the tavern pass would keep buying it and be unaffected. Casuals would keep playing occasionally with gold. The people who really matter to Blizzard are the players who aren't buying the pass but play a lot of BGs. Blizzard would want to present this change as a "good deal" because you get to play as much as you want for only one small payment. This is a common tactic in MTX games where developers try to turn sub-whale players into paying customers by presenting in game purchases as value buys.
The Overwatch community only exists because of the porn which Blizzard has provably leaked models to.
>Celestalon fears nudity
There's no fucking way. Guys who look like that are always porn addicted freaks with insanely depraved fetishes. He' already some sort of scaly with his weird dragon OC that he forced into the game.
>Cora feels threatened by beautiful women
This is much more likely
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I'm so happy that I don't see half of the OP cards. It's much easier to stomach this game when I just gamble or concede the first three turns.
agreed win by three or move on
I'm in charge now
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selfharm priest is the future
Churning some cement to entomb hearthshit's corpse in it.
my plan this week is to buy enough packs to clear the 10 pack legendary pity timer and then enough for one more pity timer legendary after that. and that's it.
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The only time i see legendaries is with the pity timer
There is no future faggot.
The future is now old man
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Returning player whats the best returning deck to choose?

Sludge lock
Odyn warrior
Reno shaman
Wishing well
Plague DK
Earthern paladin
Thirsty drifter is bait. By the time It's down the game is over.
>No it wouldn't
Whales need non-whales to beat for them so they can continue whaling. And in this case spend money. Casual participation is important in HS, see them increasing weekly quest requirements.
And given how fast you can Top 8 in Battlegrounds, it is insane that you are asking people to spend money just to play a single round with no reward for winning.
In fact, there isn't a single game where this has been done before because no one is that stupid.
i hate sludge lock but its a personal thing
odyn and wishing well are absolute dog shit atm
reno shaman is fine
plague dk is fine
warlock or dk. I'm a sludgechad myself
monk is definitely coming next set bros
trust the plan
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>battlegrounds turn 7
>my opponent has a golden monstrous macaw and a reborn goldrinn
Nzoth? That is the only way I think it is possible where, they tripled the macaw and then used their buddy to golden the goldrinn.
maiev, probably used the buddy for a golden macaw, then powerleveled to 5 and got a lucky discover
didn't say it was golden goldrinn
Maiev similar to Toki on a beast lobby is fucking broken due to Rylek. But I am still thinking how would the logistics of a Tavern 5 at T7 work. It seems impossible to both powerlevel to Tavern 5 and get her buddy up at the same time.
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Deck? I haven't touched mage since jihad skeles got rotated out
They need to remove any "Fully heal your hero" cards from the game. I got a ramp druid down in Wild from 40 to 7 on turn 5, then on turn 6 cheesed his way to the gayest fucking shit I have ever seen. Healed to full, drew high cost minions multiple times, and played them for 1 each, used a titan ability, etc. At that point it's just "oh sorry you couldn't kill me from 40 by turn 5? I win". Holy shit this game is fucking retarded.
You need to make your deck faster
I've never seen so many pop ups warning the bundle is about to end before
I go afk for 5 minutes on the menu I get disconnected and it can't reconnect and I have to restart the game again this is fucking ridiculous how can you defend a game like this?
Nobody here defends this piece of shit apart from a few shills.
>my internet is shit and this is the game's fault!
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be careful with what you say about the expansion, /hsg/, or Cora's dad will be extra cringe on social media
you're supposed to otk him chud
if you don't kill your opponent from full to zero in one turn your deck simply isn't competitive
is the current bg season gonna end tomorrow? Im 37 in the reward track, 2 behind the free hero portrait in the pass
Nope. BG season differs from standard rotation.
>Available through August 20, 2024
You got a few more weeks.
Really solid list, youll find most rainbow variants run infinitize and khadgar but really neither are needed and just slow you down, i can consistently otk turn 9/10 unless sif is near the complete bottom and you end up getting there in really quick anyway.
If you really want to run them swap out heat wave to infinitize, and 1 watcher for khadgar, but with those swaps I think the deck gets worse.
Just one more day and I am free
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>diamond 10 in twist
>matchmaking is nearing 1 minute
I would slap this faggot and all his offspring if that would mean they would not continue killing this game but that would be impossible so i at least will say how absolutely cringe and retarded him and his whole family is.
Such is life nanora
why does battlegrounds have a mute option if it doesn't actually mute the guy
Does Blizzard Legal know their staff is intimidating people using their family?
Small indie company. Also emotes are paid so allowing muting of emotes is bad for their bottom line.
I would pay money if my emotes could not be muted in constructed. New boards are for losers, bring us cashsop bm's.
>league of legends adds another fun game mode(vampire survivors clone)
>HS closed Duels
This. Also give me back the sorry emote
>all those golden caverns of time packs
Holy fucking shit dude, why?
the type of person that spends a lot of money on this game isn't exactly the bright kind
If you ever wasted a single dollarino on this slop you get what you deserve.
Mantenance mode soon.
Some of the battlegrounds heroes are just so irredeemably shit. What the fuck is Rafaam even supposed to do? Wow, I get a random minion by paying 1 gold. So useful. But wait, your buddy gives you a random minion too! Isn't that handy? You can have a whole hand full of minions that do fucking nothing for you. Assuming you're actually able to kill minions, considering your entire kit has nothing to help you survive, or compete with anyone.
rafaam used to be one of the best ones
Did I ask who used to be good?
Rafaam entire gimmick and has been his gimmick for the longest time is stealing opponents minions for easy triple and/or a very strong minion and then bullying the entire lobby. You won't be complaining if Rafaam stole Brann off Brann in the early game (which I have seen happen).
some? more like almost all of them. the good buddies are so far ahead of even the average ones it's insane. their stupid "armor" solves nothing
Easy triple? I didn't even get a duplicate the entire match, much less three of the same. I'd get garbage like sky pirate.
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Only time I spend on Hearthstone was 15 euros on some starter pack thing a long time ago that seemed like a good deal (it had a random legendary and 15 or 20 packs I forgot). Seemed like a good deal, dunno why they don't do that again instead of those 60 dollars bundle with 5 packs and a diamond shitwiper or whatever.
They could do bundles with catch-up packs.
Stay on 1 longer.
Level to 2 on 3.
If you want to talk about shit, the hero that spends one gold to dig per turn is peak shit. Rafaam is just mid.
That's what I did.
The gold dig hero is busted. You build it up for tier 5 and get a free early 6 discover. One of the earliest 6 drops you can get as any hero.
People actually think the mage paladin tourist is good when It's a card from 2 years ago that didn't see play that's a one of that you're supposed to build around that doesn't even have a way to pop off. Like Imagine Naga mage except you only have one Naga in your deck like LOL.
Your power turn is literally 4 drop coin spell. for two 2/2s with divine shield. Bear in mind that at this point you obviously haven't got board control because Mage has no early game minions. Literally the 6 mana 3/3 shopkeeper floods the board better.
Busted in the old meta maybe but not in the buddy meta where winning matches is basically +1G. If you want an early 6 drop, the fastest way is with the hero that can get buddies, you get the 7 drop buddy, you get your buddy, you turn the 7 drop buddy golden and then you transform your own buddy. He gets a free early 6/7 without actually sacrificing potentially 2G per turn as (-1G for digging, -1G for losing)
you get to play the 10 mana pirate spell thats good enough
the whole mage card list sucks, im gonna try to build a few different mage decks as my first go to but i suspect theyll all be mediocre at best
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>play denathrius with the quest reward that gives you 2 dragons per reroll
>there's also a ysera in the lobby
>a gallywix player nonsensically goes dragons and somehow rolls better than both of us
what does he know that i don't
Eco > passives.
Gallywix going dragons is retarded. If he won, it is because he got lucky. Not because he is good.
what eco would he be getting? dragons don't sell shit, they sit there and buff the shit they have

he had a golden promo-drake before i even saw one in the shop, not to mention a golden poet while i only ever got 1 copy
pretty lucky i'd say
He might have lucked out with earthmother.
dunno about the promo but i saw him with 2 poets on the board at one point, so i assume he found a third
clearly he bribed the barkeep to sabotage our portals
Is it worth getting into bgs? From all your comments it just seems like a more infuriating version of TFT.
The buddy meta is always garbage. The last few updates have made it so shop rng is a thing now. If you low roll into weak shops you will take max damage from those that either high rolled their shop or trippled into a strong 4 tier unit. Might be okish if they bring back Quests to even things out. I also dislike that their is an imbalance in the way some tribes scale. Like Murlocs and Pirates need a whole 4 to 3 unit set up to even begin scaling late game compared to something like Dragons.
Its all shop rng. This is what battlegrounds has devolved into.
>has devolved into
Same shit it has been since the start. Person with most cobalt guardians wins
duos with a friend is decently fun because it dampens having shit shop/heros a bit. the game is still just as highrolly as standard but if you can deal with that its fine. solo bg is just pure torture unless you pay to pick more good heros. the bad buddies are just so useless you might aswell not even play the game
Would you recommend a player that wants to come back after many years the actual Hearthstone?
BGs is fun at the low MMR where you learn the ropes and everyone isn't quite sure what they are doing. Once you hit the 7 to 8k MMR that is where you need to pay2win to keep up with your opponents. Buddy meta sucks but since it is your first meta, you won't be able to tell the difference.
without any irony, no. the game is dying and fast
>the game is dying and fast
no its not
What do I do now that they gave Druid a 2 damage aoe. Like where are they weak?
I came back about 2 months ago and I'm having a lot of fun, the gameplay has changed drastically in terms of speed and powerlevel and its not everyones cup of tea, also the latest set (coming out tomorrow) has shitty themes/art people don't like, so we're on doomer lockdown for now.
Unironically you are set up for absolutely dissapointment if you enter the game nowadays.
nice try cora
I wonder how you fags will cope with the inevitable shutdown, specially the whales.
It's only a 2 damage aoe for three whole mana. That's just a worse consecration that hits your board too unless it hits the rare condition that it doesn't kill a minion. Then maybe it might be as good as consecration at a 3 mana do 4 damage. Unless the druid has spell damage, then it could be a 3 mana do 5 or 6 damage, but that's ONLY if the druid has a source of spell damage.
HS has been shutting down for 3 years now according to you
the game will find whatever rigged predetermined rng seeds it needs to make this shit work
druid gets everything, no questions. simple as
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turn 5 OTKs you say?
But what of good Owlonius?
I want Druid fags to get the fucking rope. Fuck you if you play Druid.
kek that's literally the reasoning jalex and VS give.
>uhm druid doesnt ALWAYS have ramp on turn 2 or 3 so uh its not even good OKAY?
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"exclusive" and FREE access to Zacho's expansion launch decks
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>need 4 leggos for automaton priest
maybe handbuff warrior will be fun
>cant play for almost 2 days because you need to save up all your quests
why cant they just release the expansion on mondays ffs
Have to maximise sales.
how would that help? you'd still be saving up your sat / sun dailies
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Does my wife have to save yet another metagame?
Was fun while it lasted. There are plenty of other fun games out there. Time to diversify.
I come back here now and then hoping for improvement. Also to be validated in quitting the game. I will probably still do it a couple more months and then stop caring altogether.
Im leaving tomorrow when the new expansion drops. Need to find another game to fill my Battlegrounds void though
where's the fucking blogpost
The ultimate CEMENT anons.
cora ate the blogpost
What are the benefits of saving quests for the expansion release? unlocking cards on the track earlier?
>26 hours until we exchange aggro-lite for aggro
I'm so fucking happy bros
>Druid will keep being insufferable
I just want to get vindicated and then leave forever on the same day 1
where is the end of service announcement, i wanna know if i can uninstall yet
It's tomorrow, they are trying to maximise sales.
when the preorder refund window is over so this week
I'm seeing so little hype for this expansion that maybe we are not even far away from that.
not until they see what happens when they're back in china
24h for the ultimate CEMENTING
i came back after 3 years and i'm having fun, there's broken decks but that's a problem with every card game
This but with Evoker class.
not a big fan of aggro-lite to be honest
Monk will be Combo-lite anon.
that's just another word for aggro-lite
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>theyre actually not going to release the bad news on the no boards from now on until the preorder period is over
Stormwind 2 soon. Get ready for meaningless games while both sides fish for their otk.
they will make their own rng orginal 'tinkerer' class before evoker aka dragon priest.
>Class full of breakdancers
fund it
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good old times of infinite value and bigger man that summons an even bigger man
has there ever been a meta where druid isn't turbo cancer?
What is ninjitsu, is it just combo but worded differently?
It's a secret ninja technique
Can this fucking Expansion get Cora fired?
This expansion is gonna kill the game for good. Then Blizzard will announce Hearthstone 2.
>Hearthstone 2
No way to let go all those whales
"When you return this to your hand"
Nah, they will make Hearthstone GO! a fast pace quick card game (10 HP, 5 max mana) for super aggro and quick games. preorder now for 100$ founder's pack
They could just let everyone keep their cards. HS 2 would be just a massive upgrade where they can have a LOT more design space, they can make any graphics they want and not be stuck on the stupid tavern in the middle of nowhere thing, they could have Overwatch, Diablo, Starcraft, and make a bigger board or whatever.
you've been saying this every expansion since naxxramas anon
>They could just let everyone keep their cards
cool it with the antisemitism
But this time I really mean it. I mean I like the whole idea of "when everything is OP, nothing it is" but don't like it for card games.
and one day i will be right
you say this as though every card game in existence does anything different
i've put over 5,000 hours into probably every card game you've heard of. shadowverse, yugioh, pokemon, marvel snap, magic, etc etc
it's all the same shit. every meta in every card game has broken decks, because making bad/mid cards doesn't get sales. and it loses you players, because the meta gets stale.
fact of the matter is, if you don't like hearthstone, card games in general just aren't for you
It was grim with other expansions but this is literally the worst and not in a good moment for the game.
at what point are you going to stop saying this and quit? if you think every new expansion is the worst thing ever, why are you still here?
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king is back
burger king more like
any meta without aggro-lite is a good meta
why is it these streamer asians are either super twinks or deformed ones like him or Trump. no inbetween
I can't believe I'm saying it but this makes me optimistic about the expansion, I love combo decks and the n1 reason I can't be bothered to play hs currently is getting matched with a reno warrior is torture
a bunch of otks could save the game from diaper subhumans
I really hope Tyler Bielamn will be fired. As a director he is absoliute dogshit. No wonder he worked 10 years for Microsoft.
game is certainly gonna look very different tomorrow
warrior and druid will have the most popular decks and knowing that this will make aggro sissies mad makes me happy
>Combo decks not getting utterly demolished by turn 4
You will have your hyper aggro meta and you will like it.
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>he thinks control decks have any power here
>he thinks control decks have any power now
aggro is such a slog to play that most people would rather pick the fun alternative
kneel to your new queen, control-lite fans
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its wild to think back in the days this guy had an esports team with Valkyrae in it
hyper aggro sounds lame
I think I'm gonna be calling it aggro-max from now on
oh wow a second, worse sonyas
made for BWC
dam he got fat
>typical hearthstone player
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>aggro-lite gone
>replaced by aggro-max
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>At least three classes have turn 5 wild-esque kill combos in standard this expansion.
They need to make it so no card can be reduced to zero mana otherwise this will keep happening.
>3rd game this week where someone disconnects on turn 9 vs my rainbow mage
how do they know
Or better yet, they need to stop printing mana cheating cards
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pic related is the alternative, otk are based and usually the most skill intensive decks, they are the chemo to the control cancer while losing to fellow based aggro
But don't worry they will listen to control fags like you since you are generally the biggest whales nuke every combo deck while giving controllwarrior and druid a love tap at best then the meta will be unberable again and the game will keep dying
>thinking they'd do the EoS announcement while pre-orders are still buyable instead of after the expansion launches
damn youre new
The best part about it is Mages only tier 3deck for the last 2 years is also going to get nerfed because of Druid. ICANNOT.
It takes a lot of skill to play concierge and auto win.
Imagine if any counter play to this board existed.
I have been playing since witchwood did quit from mid nathria to late badlands but still
I have bothered to play much the last few months but when I do I always finish top 1k, in fact I still have an 11x despite not even getting legend 2 months in a row, there are exceptions but on average combo decks are the most skill intensive and control by far the most braindead
control needs to a solve puzzle and predict the enemy 10 turns from now. it's the high IQs preferred archetype chess
aggro-max plays green card and goes face
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control players when they play badlands brawler against a 40/40 board
this but unironically
decent bait you almost got me to drop a lichess challenge before realizing nobody is this delusional lol
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control players when they play bladestorm on 2 against 2 3/2s
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>I have been playing since witchwood
You are like a baby, I have been playing since before this game even existed
>control players when they play reno on turn 10
So i can't play control because Aggro must be allowed to fuck every game? Die.
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NTA but I played the pokemon card game on the original GameBoy. the one with no backlight
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Aggro plays green card
Otk plays a repeated green line.
Control plays green removal card.
all three dont matter because they netdecked.

Random Bullshit go unironically requires the most skill.
to be honest you have to be incredibly high IQ to play vast wisdom on 2 and energy shaper on 3
rainbow mage and odyn warrior take the most skill
that's how the devs decided things to be
remember a single meta from the last 2 years where aggro wasnt king?
yeah I member, it was pretty garbage
the yugioh games on GBA however
I'd rather lose 3 games in a row to aggro decks than win one 20 turns snoozefest against reno warrior
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Very well mortal, your wish is granted
>Playing shattered Cthun druid into Renathal lich king
>Spamming greetings because he thinks he has lethal
>Drop 2 Cthuns
>Shuts him up until he realized he survived
>Starts bming again
>Drop a 3rd Cthun next turn and win
Death to LKiggers
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I'm surprised how high level I am since this the least amount of standard I have ever played. If I let my rewards expire on the reset tomorrow, will I finally be free?
No such thing. I thought I was free and yet here I am several years later, back again. You'll just regret missing out on resources.
It will automatically claim them for you when the new track hits.
So no, you cannot let them expire, even if you wanted to.
asians, this is why you should not stay in america, the land itself is cursed and will add 50 kg to you, and you were 50 kg when you came so... just run. If you can, as now you are fat.
They just keep removing cool things in BGs. Here's an idea you for the 20iq devs, if buddies are so overpowered in certain lobbies maybe it's time to retire the concept entirely.
Fucking morons.
Holy smokes I'm churning so hard right now!
I fear that DK/Warlock and DemonHunter are going to outclass my cheap token druid next patch.
this is a good webm
>diaper up and pass for 7 turns
>forge a couple things
why are they like this?
>70% are from hand otks
>the only other decks are playing a bunch of chargeless minions that'll get CHUUURNED or diaper druid/warrior reviving AIDS zilliax 80 times
>give control warrior a tap
are you a fucking newfag? Were you around when Sunken City Control Warrior became tier 1 for like a week then got nerfed so hard it literally killed the class as a whole for almost a year? BBB Ctrl was a Tier 3 deck that also got nuked to death. Team 5 don't like Control decks. They want faggots just like you playing aggro tard decks or bullshit turn 5 kill decks so you can play while taking a break from sucking dick then go back right to doing it after a quick game.
imagine being the average slop eater on the shitter at work and having to play a 40 minute game. it just doesnt work for the modern audience.
>Mage highroll
>2/5 survives a turn and you get a 2/2 with a shield

>Druid Highroll
>2/6 survives a turn and you win the game with infinite mana.
is it even possible for the game to get worse at this point
of course
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'Twas the night before paradise, and all through the thread,
Anons were all asking for Cora's fat head.
The cement would poured in just a few hours,
And on Hearthstone's grave laid a bouquet of flowers.

The devs, all rejects from casting and WoW
Would soon bend the knee to their leader, the sow.
With a burger in hand and two more in her tum',
One could hardly believe what this game had become.

Gone are the days of Goblins and Gnomes,
Dragons and Dreadlords and magical tomes.
Enter cookies and cakes, enter sliced bread and cheese,
Enter pirates and furries (That'll be $80, please).

Forget all your cool decks, forget half the new cards,
And remember that this game is designed by retards.
There's plenty of choices for how you can fight:
Why not try aggro? Or perhaps aggro-lite?

Take a look at our fresh new tourist mechanic!
Just don't look at Druid or you might start to panic.
And despite all the new cards and new decks to show,
Paladin stays at the top (now eight sets in a row).

Who needs a new board, or a trailer, or song?
Let's give Druid burn, what could ever go wrong?
There's something for everyone in this exiting new set!
What's that white class again? Never mind, I forget.

Dark themes are boring, Warcraft's a chore.
And who wants a game to ever last past turn four?
So if you're thrilled by casinos, and love rolling the dice,
Welcome, my friend, to Perils in Paradise!

With art so horrendous, and gameplay much worse,
Farewell, dear Hearthstone, now rev up the hearse.
Yet the shills and the whales and the paypigs will cheer:
"Hearthstone's cemented! Here's to another 10 years!"
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No preorders?
>played pre hearthstone hearthstone
>played GBA Yugioh
>played Pokemon blue on GB
Get fucked
>Sylvanas Windrunner cannot appear in Undead lobbies.
>Vol’Jin has been temporarily removed from Battlegrounds.
>Aranna Starseeker cannot appear in Elemental lobbies.
No new board? As someone who just came back during Whizbang is the game about to be killed off? I wasn't dumb enough to spend money but I have 34k dust saved up from over the years. The whizzbang trailer was incredibly amateurish and no board makes me feel like something bad is going to happen soon.
Don't ask questions you'll regret having an answer for
Made it to 231 in the BP. And that is my time, folks. I returned after 7 years and I’ve played almost every day since FoL launched and I’m officially burned out. The game is just in the gutter and there’s no saving it. Truly sad. It used to be so much fun and had so much potential. But the usual suspects of greed, mismanagement, and nepotism strike again
Who watches the whizzbang trailer and decides to come back to the game?
Here's the state of the game
>solo content trashed
>mercenaries trashed
>classic trashed
>duels trashed
>tavern brawl is mostly reused trash
>twist can be down for months
>battle grounds is buddy trash again
>wild lol
2 more days to the announcement. Trust the plan.
>Made it to 231 in the BP. And that is my time, folks. I returned after 7 years and I’ve played almost every day since FoL launched and I’m officially burned out. The game is just in the gutter and there’s no saving it. Truly sad. It used to be so much fun and had so much potential. But the usual suspects of greed, mismanagement, and nepotism strike again
>2 more days to the announcement. Trust the plan.
Just remember! It could always get worse!
I'd be willing to put money on a half baked Hearthstone 2 being announced after this expansion cycle. The game is dying and it feels like a sequel is the only way to get more players.
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What deck should I play first tomorrow sisters? I've already made lists for:
>Highlander Mage
>Highlander Rainbow Death Knight
>Highlander Druid
>Highlander Hunter
>Highlander Priest
>Highlander Paladin
If it means we get pandaren booba, I'm all for monk
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>Whizzbang cinematic was so shit that they just gave up on making one for perils in paradise
>No new board because it is apparently some massive undertaking that cannot be afforded anymore
>Turn 4-5 OTK is the average powerlevel of standard making wild die of cringe
May As well delete wild since a majority of wild would lose to turn 5 otk
there is no booba. you'll get fatter and gayer lorewalker cho.
Damn, even furry boobs don't get a pass?
A true Poet after my heart. Bless you my good Anon.
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>The game is just in the gutter and there’s no saving it. Truly sad. It used to be so much fun and had so much potential. But the usual suspects of greed, mismanagement, and nepotism strike again
Uninstall wizard.
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why are any of you acting excited for the expansion when it's just going to be all otk druid and pirate dh
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Bruh the expansion is in a few hours you could at least tough it out because the first few days of new expac are always fun. Curious to see how quick this slop gets solved though.
I came back recently and all I play against is that stupid warrior deck that doubles their battlecries. Shit is so unfun to play against since it’s an auto lose if you don’t kill them before they play brann and they have too much early removal
They're shills. Anyone left that defends this travesty is a shill trying to damage control and I'm serious.
The only fun part will be opening packs for dopamine
I'm excited for the damage control tweets from Cora and company when everyone else realizes this tomorrow
less than 24 hours until THE blogpost
Why aren't they pre-nerfing Concierge
So play a deck that kills them before turn 9
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I wanted Signature Loatheb after I had already dusted him lol

It's unironically impressive how they managed to completely destroy 9 different game modes. I couldn't have managed it, but Cora a.k.a. Songbird (please fire her Microsoft !) achieved the impossible in two years.
She should get an award for her incompetence.
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Well this is it /hsg/, the big day. One more expansion in the bag and ten more years of cement.
>and ten more years of cement.

Microsoft won't waste ten years of cement for a dead game. Two years max with heacy cuts.
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I imagined this being read by the Headless Horsemen
Thanks for the laugh, anon
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/hsg/ is the only reason I've been stuck playing this clown fiesta for so long. based retards, I love you
I wouldn't even be able to guess this is supposed to be Loatheb unless you told me
It's ugly as hell and I hate it, but I'm autistic and want every signature and rarity-maxx my decks.
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Hearthstone's cemented! Here's to another 10 years!
when does the expansion come out? I been waiting for months to get an updated deck
9 bongs 40 bings
Was she looking for a young stud to fuck her.
baka my head
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>5 mana 5/5 that copies a location bricks one of them on use
epic card, cora
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it's a matter of time before Cora forces her locations on Battlegrounds too
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Why are you wasting your quests?
would you run it in Paladin for Sandcastle guy or does it not work on him
most fair druid player
it'd work but you're playing a terrible 5 mana 5/5 in the hopes to copy another 5 mana card. Aside from some jackass meme deck you'd be better off doing literally anything else.
If you play this shit game then you only have yourself to blame.
it's bugged
it doesn't work at all, you get the copy but the original can't be activated, effectively making it a 5/5 reduce your board space by 1 for the rest of the game
hearthstone as cora intended
Fucking fair and wholesome and Perils in Paradise will only make it worse...

Sasuga Cora-sama.
So true and so sad it hurts, a toast to you creative sane anon.
its balanced because they are usually at 10 while you are at 4!
uhm actually its balanced because not every druid draws the doomkin! reno has a 49% winrate thats why it needs to be buffed btw! the-stats-don't-lie!
that's wild
it's standard actually
is this really true? Is hearthstone in its deathrattle?

United in Stormwind and Nathria were so fucking dogshit they almost killed the game for me, but what exactly went wrong with the previous expansions? I quit HS after the DK expansion came out, couldn't take the powercreep and every class' metadeck being kill-from-hand archetypes.

I re-downloaded during Titans because I got an email that they're giving me like 150 packs for free if I do, then I played one arena run and a mage with 1 HP played Yogg's Apprentice which pulled the Scourge that summoned a bunch of lifesteal undead instantly turning the game and I uninstalled again.
majority of that is all true, yes. blizzy will post an announcement about state of the game and its future this week
>is this really true? Is hearthstone in its deathrattle?
to be honest, it's not like they're about to shut the servers soon, but the decline has been accelerated since you last played, as mentioned in the posts you quoted.
each month you see more and more marks of declining interest and accumulation of negative posts, even on the hugbox that is reddit.
streamers either quit or can't hide their disappointment.
What went wrong? Incompetent devs that's it.
see >>486825790 >>486825950 >>486826216 >>486826384 for a timeline
basically incompetent devs who have no idea how the game works, shit metas after shit metas, killing gamemodes, stupid decisions, etc
>even Blizzard bootlickers have accepted that the new meta is going to be so shit that they're preemptively doing damage control for the coming shitstorm
Never seen this before, grim
Why reddit people is so retarded? Why this fucking drones can't understand what is good, what is bad and what deserves criticism?
underrated post

We didn't know how good we had it back then with the infinite 8/8s with rush
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I want to impregnate Cora with my virile ubermensch seed. To see all the blubber on her fertile body finally be put to use. I want to see her body, day by day, working like a factory to construct me a son, like a caterpillar writhing all day long in the quest to birth a butterfly. I want to see her in waves of orgasmic pleasure just at the thought of having the honor of taking my genes. I want to see her happier and happier, month by month, proportional to the size of her preg belly. I want to caress her chubby cheeks as she sucks on my thumb like the submissive whore she is. I want to see her nipples engorge, and her tits fill with milk in anticipation of my child. I want to see her give birth, the look of pure extasy on her face, knowing she is in that moment the most honored human on this planet, the bearer of my spawn. Milk softly flowing out of her tits, like a renaissance painting of a foamy stream in the woods, perfection frozen in time, the elixir of life flowing out of her willendorfic body. I would secretly watch her sing my son nursery rhymes, i would watch her gladly offer him her pearly white cream, completely mind controlled by the knowledge that child holds my genes, deliberately enslaving herself for the sake of my supremacy propagating through time. She would forget about her past life of whoring herself for dying video games. She would forget every autistic hate comment she got on twitter and reddit, knowing her life is now complete as she begs my cock to put children in her every day. We would live on a peaceful farm and repopulate the earth with perfect white children
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>I love spending my hard-earned money for supporting it and getting some nice cosmetics.
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>muttoid wants to breed fatass diabetic nepo golem
some people will fuck anything
druid doesnt run reno
you'd know if you'd actually play the game
Is Kologarn good or should I dust him
>the only people looking forward to the expansion are aggro sissies because they know they'll have a feast
because of these retards we'll have an unbearable shit meta for two weeks with the 30 different obvious OTK bullshit cancer
you know what maybe it's a good thing, everyone will leave and the game will finally die and rest in peace
She dreams and the world trembles
next time dont spout bullshit if you know youre wrong :)
I remember when the argument was
>let the meta settle so we can prove that its balanced
and not
>let the meta settle so we know for sure which decks are giga aids this time
we are the playtesters
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I pray everyday they fire this devs and we can try and save the corpse of this game.
Take me back to churning the board with token druid.
>I pray everyday they fire this devs

It's hopeless.At this point they would have to fire the entire team: Cora- you know why, her brother - designed the shit expansion, the two bozos that gave the interview and praised their board churn design philosophy, Celestalon...

There is no hope left, anon. The people who worked on OG Hearthstone have all left it years ago. Let it go, anon. Just let the game die.
kind of a retarded way to look at it. the frequency of the patches don't really matter much at all. tighten or loosen bolts all day, or every other month. if the rest of your car is a pile of junk it doesn't really matter

There was never a time in the last four years where the meta was doghit and became better on its' own. This is total bullshit and the same cope as Brode's non-existent Unicorn priest deck.
>if the rest of your car is a pile of junk it doesn't really matter

Best decription of current HS card design I have ever heard. That is why 50 nerfs this expansion didn't make the game better.
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The world is healing, bros, trust and hang in there
Type HYPE in chat if you're excited for the the new expansion, /hsg/!
gimme a lewd OP
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FRESH BREAD >>487277631

FRESH BREAD >>487277631

FRESH BREAD >>487277631
i mean they ve been lowering the quality of cinematic trailers since Titans, now theyre just gone

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