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Launch Day Pottery Edition

Revealed cards: https://www.hearthpwn.com/guides/10911-perils-in-paradise-card-list-release-date#cards-list
30.0 Patch Notes: https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/news/24115553/30-0-patch-notes
30.0.1 Hotfix Patch: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/hearthstone/t/3001-hotfix-patch/131943
New reward track: https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/news/24115784/perils-in-paradise-rewards-track-refresh

https://hsreplay.net/meta/ – deck tier lists (bronze to gold)
https://vicioussyndicate.com/ – meta report
https://hsguru.com/ – previously d0nkey - streamer decks
https://hearthstone-decks.net/ - decks for all modes (wild, twist, etc)
https://outof.cards/ – decks, patch notes, news (includes other card games)
https://hearthstonetopdecks.com/ – decks & news
https://beerbrick.com/ - deck lists from Twitter (Japanese)
https://metastats.net/ – meta decks and stats
https://tempostorm.com/hearthstone/meta-snapshot – meta report
https://hearthpwn.com/ – decks, news, patch notes

>Deck trackers & statistics
https://hsreplay.net/downloads – deck tracker
https://go.overwolf.com/firestone-app/ - deck tracker
https://heartharena.com/ – arena helper
https://github.com/supertriodo/Arena-Tracker - arena helper

https://playhearthstone.com/ – official website
https://hearthstone.wiki.gg – wiki
https://battlefy.com/browse/hearthstone – tournaments
http://hearthcards.net/ – custom card maker

>helpful links
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MmLTCm7vdg5icVF4dAQhHf8sO_AZvE4gwO8NuQE8oxQ J_Alex' course on shadow puppets
https://docs.google.com/document/d/18pIaTLcGhaWf7kHKeItJckbCBT9fMjuzLxMKluCpxVs (/hsg/'s shitty word doc[feel free to edit])

Previously on AAA IM CHURNING THE BOARD >>486698948
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im cementing my dick into coras ass right now

That poem is a masterpiece. Please, someone send it to the worthless devs so they can see what they are..
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if OTKs kill you on turn 5 it's aggro
is it out yet
3 bongs 30 bings
post it on r*ddit
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LMAOing at all those retards thinking this was OC
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i bit late for this, but at least it's OC
FYI JustAGuy is fat Cora's fat father
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how i sleep knowing cora will be fired by the end of the year
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>look at reflection in car window
This is the end...
My only friend, the end...
Paradise Cemented us all.
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they called it "Paradise", because the game died and it's the afterlife
Dooming, seething, dilating and playing sTRANSdard 20 to 50h a week.
Based, red pilled, flourishing, playing wild for 3h a month to hit legend and curb my gambling addiction.
Are you fucking retarded?
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>Blizzard decided that ass is illegal
blogpost today bros, we're thriving
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is that day9 on the left? Lmao
Literal 1984
not sure who is more annoying him or that longhaired guy that left blizzard and is all over youtube now. god I despise "content creators"
Cora, this fuckers, Celestalon... Please just send them all to the gulag Microsoft...
I just watched the promo content this pic was used to advertise and day9 is nowhere to be found, nor rarran, what the fuck is that picture? Did I miss another video or something?
what should i do for the next 3 hours?

Not even muslim countries have bathsuits that cover so much as the one the Blizzard thought police have drawn on the right.
Cora is afraid of being mogged by a literal card art, kek. But the funniest thing is, she is right.
why do all troons and troon supporters look exactly the same?
like, idk what it is about it, i know day9 isn't a tranny, but he has a VERY potent tranny aura in that picture. you can just tell by looking at him that all his best discord buddies are on hormones
Okay but why did druid get the best cards like 5 sets in a row
why did they waste all their advertising budget on flying out irrelevant youtubers and streamers to blizzard HQ for this set
>that longhaired guy that left blizzard and is all over youtube now
Nepotism - the character
Don't you enjoy facing the same deck 5 games in a row anon? Don't you love the OTK style? Then i suggest you stay away from PiP
They couldn't afford anyone else with what M$ gave them.
If Mage has a playable deck outside of Sif I'll play on EU. If not I'll continue playing Aggro Druid on SEA.
you have to just assume that for whatever reason hearthstone players spend money on druid shit and generally play druid decks disproportionately more than other classes. it just has to be the case. blizz is a megacorp that is ran by algorithms, and the spreadsheet outputs that predict profitability are the only thing they're looking at when they make these kinds of decisions
really is simple as that. forcing druid's relevancy makes them the most money. in their heads anyway
At least put it in the pussy.
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more OC, i'm bored
that's a nice poem
>man jaw
>large unpainted man feet
Crazy how old day9 looks now. A lot of people I watched back in the day look like old men now. It's frightening honestly. I'll be like that in a couple decades.
>Beach chapter
>This is like the best art this dev team can offer to their customers alongside the most hideous expansion in a while
And someone still dare to wonder why this shit is dying?
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Where did we go so wrong?
Can't unsee those knees
Can't believe we got away with this, Lunarabros
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If only fish were real
sexo bad
uglyness good
Why were we not cemented?
literally ALLERGIC to money
The cement is being churned as we speak.
Welcome to the inexorable passage of time.
No refunds
i can only imagine Cora looking at this and frothing at the mouth with jealous rage
>couple decades
most of these guys are not even 40 yet
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just redownloaded for the expansion after 1+ years' hiatus, first game I'm smashing ass with discolock already in wild

Did this deck get any support over the past 3 expansions?
What the fuck, tome tampering costs 3 mana instead of 6 now? And cataclysm discards just 2 cards? This is bullshit
The blogpost... Release it Cora!
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dopaminebros..how we feeling?
No more budget for that just more stuff to sell.
are you guys ready for the concierge mana cheat meta?
Crazy they gave Druid flamewaker and Mage got.... violet teacher?!
not a big fan of aggro-max to be honest
Are you ready for Druid filled ladder bros?
personally i think im just going to slam elemental shaman/mage until the voices stop
I tried to slam elemental Mage but got very bored very quickly when your best play is to flood the board with two health minions that are easily answered by every classes AoE. My main wins with that deck were mana cheat two drop into turn 3 deal 7 damage with the 5 drop. I would love to add those two cards to another deck if it didn't have such a harsh absolutely brutal play condition.
I didn't notice in the normal art because it blends in with what's behind it, but her left leg looks fucked. this random dip in it right behind the leg band thing
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too much DEI and too many women
yeah but the new eruption elemntal shit could be huge
shudderblocking it maybe? reverbing it? anything could happen
im looking forward to playing handbuff hunter and cuck the otk druids by abusing the concierge+cup of trick to buff pic related
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is this objectively a worse card than Razorscale?
...the game isn't out yet?
what are those lazy fucks doing? cora needs to get her chipotle first? hello? it's fucking noon already
6pm in the real world
I didn't think anything of this positive or negative it just existed as a quirky mermaid skin. "Beware the tides" now that I think about it, actually my default druid skin right now but it doesn't make me jack off and cum and shit in my pants every time I play. Weird to think this made some ""devs"" melt down and go into burka mode next time.
i just want to see how horrible this expansion is and leave, can't you just let me do that cora?
Its always super late into the actual day of release. One wonders why even bother calling it release day.
how many bongs and bings?

aren't we 40ish minutes away? 10:00 am pst usually?
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>27k+ gold
>50k Dust
>20k Dust in duplicates
>level 378 on reward track
>33 Standard packs
>9 PiP packs
>no pre-orders
>no reward track
>$0.00 spent on this shit game
35 bings
razorscale only has a minimum cost, customs enforcer makes duplicate drinks cost 2 if their trying to pop off with their own concierge. I'll probably fit in razorscale though since thats an extra easy draw for the 3 mana menagerie spell
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I can already taste the churning agency
The end begins with a Paradise.
The Cement is already upon us.
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will they have the balls to release the blogpost today alongside the expansion release or will wait until the end of the week
0 chance it's today. They want to get their pack purchases. Announcement probably not for a few days at least. Cash in on the first few days of purchases and then drop the bad news.
Any one really wasted hard earned money on this slop of Expansion?
This game DESERVES to die.
I am actually not buying a battle pass this season cause no board
>giving blizzard money
>shuffle your hand 3 times
>zero eruptions drawn
tales to share with your acquaintances
some redditors actually bought it and got their account banned when they refunded it
nice turn 15 otk bro
How hard will fat fuck Zeddy shit on PiP?
downloading now
restart battle.net
Better use Magatha instead of gatekeeper.
it works if the meta becomes diaper but I doubt it will
>VS and retarded streamers "predicting" the good decks again so idiots craft them when we all know 9/10 of those are memes that will get raped by the old existing decks with 2-4 new cards
I will be seeing you all in hell
Kek I work 7 days on 7 days off. And I am about to start working today, so I will open my packs with my saved gold and then easily wait a week to see it pan out.
I was curious and went over there yesterday. The top post was calling for mods to ban doom posting and finally a mod chimed in and told him to fuck off.
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Is it finally time brothers? I too need the dopamine of 50+ packs opening
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I am a simple man. I see fresh slop, I buy fresh slop.
Automaton priest, here I come!
Based anon funding the game so we get a full set of Diamond skins
A simpleton even.
I got Patches, I guess I am destined for pirate cancer
fuark im not sure if shes worth 10 packs on pack day

would it kill to show a little leg?
i got the tauren that eats a card from the opponent's deck
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>priest legendary
Spell power Druid is the most unfair thing I ever witnessed in the entire history of this game
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Im not gonna beat the furry allegations if I play rogue am I?
Fuck this game man, I just redownloaded and was lvl 19 on the track so I just barely missed the second free legendary cause the expansion JUST came out as I completed the quest
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I'm in a bad spot right?
i bought the golden packs with gold
They are all shit
>I decided that paying them is illegal
Call the cement but not for me.
He's just like me...
>31 packs
>1 leggo on 10th
9 legendaries in 140 packs. Above the average which is good.
>Druid tourist
>DK tourist
>Mage tourist
>Pala tourist
>Warlock tourist
The rest are garbage
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men aged bad, but women... only 0,0001% of the content creators i have ever watch are women and 100% of those aged in such a way you cannot recognize them and you will run away from these monsters in the night.
Death Knight shaman tourist
And Aranna Demon Hunter priest Tourist (golden)
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I got AFKay, Darkmarrow and Maestra
>First day of a new expansion
>Nothing but netdecks of OTK's and previous meta decks with no changes.
>there are people giving money to Blizzard in this economy in this thread
It's been not even an hour, relax nigger
nigger, 99% of players cant affort do craft new decks because they got ~20% of the good cards in the expansion, plus we're 20 mins in, who'd have pre-made decks ready already?
This is the kind of people that will anhero when this game enters maintenance mode.
the problem is also anons like me who at this point are filthy rich but who just reach legend, then do not play the base game and when i have to make a new deck i just netdeck too.... because my fun in this game is complaining and i got a bit too carried away ... like i play 1-2 days per month and complain 28-31 days per month.
Only three games against it and I can already tell Pirate DH is the worst fucking cancer deck they've ever created. Literally zero counterplay. Just straight up vomiting charge minions on the board every single turn.
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>Open 94 packs
>Get one tourist legendary
Yeah. I'll stick to the old decks.
okay, opened my packs. back to the trannygrounds
It's literally just Shockspitter again
Losing to discover feels so rewarding, now I KNOW my opponent is simply a better player
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Ive been going against nothing but floodslop paladin and am 4 for 4 against them with pic related and small shit that dies or goes face
Rogue fags licking their lips.
>Cokeman is still trying to milk his dead dog
turns out 15 damage for 4 mana is preeety good
Kael'thas, the most popular hero in twist, has be quietly removed with no announcement. Blizzard really want this game mode to die
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>summon 4 hamms across the game to eat both his +20 fully buffed, damage to face hunter buff on overkill 1 mana cards in deck

blogpost doko
I thought we were cemented bros and here like at least 10 people playing
I opened 6 legendries but only 1 was a tourist one. Are you saying that if I want to paly double class cards I have to craft 10 legendries? I have not even played 1 game and I am considering going back to complaining about the state of the game.
Nigga has the golden kobold lmao
oh yeah, nicely shuffled deck!
miniset when?
oink oink
just fought my first druid reviving 3 zilliaxes with the new spell. goodbye I am done
this might be the worst expansion yet. not even exaggerating
is afk still a thing ? Any guides and such ?
I was thinking of going frost dk with this and seeing how it is
"Perils in Paradise" = Perils of wanting to play 1 game
Confirmed game is insufferable, see you all next expansion just to laugh. Good luck.
>dont kill a druid before turn 10
check the google doc in the OP. I updated the guide last week.
Yeah, 3 games and I'm already done. Wish BGs was a seperate client, so I won't be this stupid again and get tempted to give this shit ass cancer game even a second of my time.
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>Yeah, 3 games and I'm already done.
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got this from Standard pack
Okay. Druid is BS as fuck. This ram is fucking nonsense.
no amount of shaming is going to fix this. we are not women, social shaming works only on people giving a shit about society to begin with. A white feather in 2024 means nothing and even trying to white feather us into playing HS just shows that you are a woman, simp or a redditor or a mix of these.
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i dont know why you havent simply put the game down and moved on the last ten times you shit your pants about it
I won btw
had to go through 7 zilliaxes
This card has to be one of the worst cards ever printed.

>6 mana 4/6
>In Hunter
>Fills your hand with unusable shit.
>Does nothing (+2/3 on turn 7 is ass).
Druid is hilariously hilariously fucking broken
>Druid for no one surprise is absolutely insane and feel miserable to play against, AGAIN
>1-2 days until everyone and their mothers play that shit on ladder
Ok, thanks Cora.
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whoa... useless without the tourist
>1-2 days
You mean 1-2 hours.
hey guys dont forget about control warrior :-)
CNE is such an underwhelming payoff in 2024 hearthstone
which is i guess more of a sad statement about power creep than anything
How many legendaries did each class get?
>Print crazy ramp for Druid
What could possibility go wrong.
That being said, aggro decks are also crazy good this meta. So it will once again come down to hyper aggro vs control.
>lost to lynessa otk on turn 6
>open a few epics
>two of them are the pirate that gets charge if he didn't start in your deck
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>hurr durr games gonna last 4 turns in the new expansion
>meanwhile at 11x mmr
I packed 2 new heights hamm and one sleep under, I don't craft anything on day 1 so don't judge me for playing this
The rogue acutally won with 3 cards left by playing 5 deal 7 to all kazakus treasures in 1 turn lmao
from 90 packs
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>how do you know the game hates you?
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In case someone thinks I'm exaggerating
Lynessa OTK is so fucking cancerous holy shit I'm seriously going to have to use diaper warrior just to play the game
just reroll it?
Got a golden lego from golden packs in two pulls. Then got another golden from normal packs within three pulls. Nice luck, too bad the cards look bad. A.F.K. and Maestra
It's too little too late. Maybe comparable if it wasn't 'each turn in a row'. As it is, nobody's playing Elemental decks anymore.
But as a Wild Elemental Shaman player I'm having fun with it.
Any broken stuff in Wild yet btw? I'm thinking about just cheating into Legend.
OP in testing :^)
I beat that whale Priest btw, free2play rules.
The light has betrayed me...
hydration station is absolute cancer

i only managed to eek a win because I discovered three reskas and a death growl
>AFKay skin's full art has feet
>the skin crops out the feet
They really just don't want money, do they.
I already am tired of pirate DH and OTK.
pirate dh is pretty good I guess (not crafting patches btw) but I really feel like DK location is THE sleeper aggro card
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rate my luck

i opened
>33 Standard packs
> ~150 PiP packs
>4 Golden PiP packs
>no bundles :^) I still have 11K+ gold remaining
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at least I got some tourists
Eliza OTK might be a potential deck.
Right now my plan is to trigger Eliza as many times as possible so that Ghoul's Night becomes a 4 mana 30 damage spell.
Since when you have been saving or how you get so much?
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That's like 90% of cards in this set. It's meant to drain your wallets by making you whale for the tourists.
I AFK grind XP to level 400 on the reward track every expansion, using the method in the google doc in OP.
I had 10k gold left from the previous expansion and I save every standard pack I get during an expansion cycle to open first on launch day.
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Perils in paradise is actually fun
no its not
>Is actually fun
>With this meta
Anon you are insane.
Lynessa OTK, is so much fun holy shit, especially if you get the 6dmg amulet, just destroyed a rogue at 37 hp cause of the armor frost spell, I can't believe I didnt think of coins with her, that shit is retarded, 3 coin generators in paladin, rogue weapon, rogue combo spell and the greedy partner
What the fuck when did that ecoree100 guy quit he was one of the only tolerable content creators
>atleast we have zeddy still raping this diseased corpse
forgot to mention im trans
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I agree fellow Gamer.
I personally even started gifting out what i consider a starting set(Around 50 packs) to friends and family in hope to incentive them to join this absolute blast of card gaming experience.
Blizzard truly outdid themselves. Shut and take my money or what? haha.
It is and I wish I could get a full dust refund from it
that you would even recommend your shitty ass method is beyond me
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>summon 10 unkillable zillax everygame
Mercenary afk? Gotcha, gotta do that more.
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Why do they keep deliberately introducing OTK lines
what? it's the standard automated afk method
if you know a better one please go ahead and enlighten us
its the worst expansion ever.

lowest preorder count in history of HS.
lowest day 1 viewers on twitch.
lowest day 1 players based on streamer queue times.

its fucking garbage.
it's solo puzzles now, they nerfed mercenaries
Didn't preorder the expansion. But I will buy that Talanji skin so people have to deal with more diamond skins in the future.
May the cementing continue.
there is nothing standard about manually mass producing your own macros until your collection grows large enough to avoid HS bot detection
use le script like everyone else you fucking weirdo
pirate DH is getting gutted 100%
Anything that fucks druid is.
Care to look into Wild? I want to see if anything is absolutely retarded there.
Now I think about it.
Doesn't hearthstone and rumble both fall under the Warcraft franchise, so any funds allocated to the Hearthstone team would have to be designated by the franchise lead of the Warcraft IP?
Didn't get a pity legendary in 5 packs. Sigh I'll have to wait for my weeklies before I get my 400 dust.
you can do it once
what are you talking about
>pity legendary was the pile of shit dk "minions have +1 the rest of the game"
it's so over
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>Launch day
>thread gets ~20 posts per hour
it has never been so dead here on launch day, it's so over it's not even funny
I can't understand how they have a fucking whole expansion to fix the meta and it's virtually the same, how the hell they manage to break Druid and Pally so fucking much? How can people with "years of experience" understand so little of their own game?
People are whining about zilliax druid and warrior but OTK druid is way more broken you consistently deal 30+ on turn 6-7 unless they have a giant board than can live through a +3/4 swipe
once what? have the same macro running over and over again? might aswell use AHK
reshuffle your shit regularly? that's retarded aswell
dk bros, i don't feel good, this class, flawed at it's very design, will never be good...
Did you not see the interview? All of this is actually by design. All the bullshit you hate is actually intended.
can't do it yourself?
Then what about the other classes of the game? They intend we just play with 2-3 classes?
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bros I don't think I like where we've been cemented
well the best decks are insanely unfun to play against. I am already back to bg. looks like another streamer expansion I am sure they love this solitaire
druid is literally impossible to play against right now
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i have a different theory.
They do intend some of the designs, but the board churning came side effect to the turbo charged powercreep they caused with their gross incompetence and now they are branding it as a positive and intended design.
im serious, fucking healed back to full health twice, 14 mana the entire time, just endless generating random bullshit infinitely, absolutely impossible to do anything if you dont kill them on like, turn 3
You know what would stop Hydration Station + Zilliax?
Just mind control it bro.(Legendary edition A.K.A Yogg)
yogg costs 9
zilliax costs 9
they're at 10
I'm at 2
*plays my own yog*
*mind controls my Ziliax back*
*kills your Yog with Ziliax*
>you know what would beat control-lite? control-lite
There's only one zilliax so they should play Reno as well.
just rerolled my 10 games of ranked quest
no fucking way im doing that shit
Remember when Yog used to discount himself with every spell cast
turn 5 yogg druid I member
the mini-set will save us
can't believe they printed 1 mana draw 2
>Just run Nostalgia shaman with bellhop added at best
>Tfw i keep Winnng despite all these burn strats
>zill zill zill zill zill
Fucking hate Astalor-tier legendary cards
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reading cards is hard
what the fuck is this wave pool thrasher card? is this not the shittiest card ever?
But staples are popular so they must be good and fun cards!
Bros... Mage.... It's terminal....
Sometimes it's 6 mana gain 9 mana :)
it's pretty cool & interesting how DK can literally go
>coin helya
and have that be enough to win some games
yeah maybe a year ago
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list just got updated
>midrange and control died for this
This stupid game crashed on me after playing Tess. Was able to reconnect in time but I was about to be pissed. I guess filling your hand with drinks is hard to code
I lose more games to turn one weapon into me getting triple frozen than helya doing anything.
yeah I'm just not sure about this slop. gonna let it settle for a week or 2 then check back. go on without me.
i mean.. literally kys with that shit. how putrid.
>aggro decks shining on day 1 against all the unrefiend decks and garbage memes
happens everytime and you retards always panic about le big wr numbers, I'm at top 1k and I have yet to face an aggro deck it's all combo and infinite zilliax
hand buff hunter is pretty neat
nobody is ready for a 17 power king plush
>print 300 big spell mage cards
>they all suck outside of druid
what did team 5 mean by this
I hope reddit is having fun (unironically)
They printed them for Druid amigo.
So I work a shitty retail wageslave job for retards. My actions impact maybe like 100 people a day and at worst my fuckups are a minor inconvenience. However, if I do fuck up, I will get fired. This is how a lot of jobs work, when you fuck up you get fired or reprimanded in some capacity.
Why does nobody get fired for shit like this in the game dev world? I mean who the fuck thought Warrior with ramp would be acceptable in any capacity? Who thought giving Druid +3 mana wouldn't be game ruining? These aren't mistakes, anybody with a brain could have predicted this would happen. Yet nobody will have to face any kind of punishment for it. It's strange.
it was kinda fun actually
better than "cast two le random spells"
too bad rogues can generate 30 spells a turn
wild chads, where are the new decks for wild https://hearthstone-decks.net/wild-decks/ has no new decks and only discard lock can use the draw 3 new card. Its so over.
>I can't believe I didn't think of coins
the design team didn't either
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>Double pirate sigil into Wave of nostalgia
>aggro decks shining on day 108 aswell somehow
silly me, should've waited for the meta to settle!
mage is stuck in burn mage land forever it seems
the game feeling good to people who take the game seriously isn't important to them. it's not important for the game to be profitable. that's the big problem with corporate games these days. the algorithms have literally taken over, new content is determined by how they can milk the most profits out of their playerbase (read: whales), and you can basically see the same patterns play out in every single big game these days
anyway, the point is, people who say stuff like "it's so obvious this is bad and nobody likes this, what were they thinking??" are generally not considering the paying whale customer POV, and unfortunately, their opinion outweighs ours by about 100x
Leave the crack you are on anon. Drugs are bad for the health and the mind and yours is clearly rotten at this point.
someone I have added has been opening packs all day. He might not even be playing games. Just keep seeing that he keeps opening shit
In 2 days this list will be all as the last expansion:
>Ocassional DH
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>oh noo please not le scary big meany hecking aggro deck
>meanwhile at non shitter mmrs
Notice how much health I still have at turn fucking 8 with an all out combo deck with limited removal, first aggro deck I've faced today I wonder why
I guarantee you otk druid is better than any deck with le 70% wr on donkey right now
don't care, still playing my plague DK with 0 card changes
bro don't even try, i drew helya on curve and druid and warrior just walled me and i couldn't churn hard enough to win
damn anon you sure showed those stats who's the boss with your personal anecdote
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this is my 10 pack lego... I fucking hate this game
save us gul'dan
Just got home, how doa is it
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well, golden <10 pack lego got me the other one which I kind of wanted so that's okay
if it's not aggro it's 8+ zilliaxes
this sucks man
>i can beat dk with big spell mage
your fucking deck is dead mate
ramp is basically aggro
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it's time
I didnt expect the first day to be this bleak instantly.
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wtf, this dude has every signature in the game.
How do people like this even exist?
guess we're good for another 10 years thanks to paypigs
I think i never saw this place (and others) so dead after a fucking expansion
what the fuck were they thinking
It's a dev stealth marketing.
>I miss Guff
>I know, let's print a new card that increases max mana!
>let's give it to warrior too because why not lol warrior ramping is gonna be fun :)
i shall be conceding every game my opponent plays new heights, not worth the agony
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its fucking crazy how insanely powerful some of the old cards still are even with this broken of a new set
this set is so fucked i literally forgot the tourists even existed because everything else is so cancerous
Hey, lads.
Didn't open any packs yet or even read about any reactions about this expansion.
Are we cemented?
I love how a normal person's brain immediately refuses to believe this is real as some sort of coping mechanism. It hurts to think that there's someone out there pathetic enough to do this, but unfortunately it's probably just some lonely loser with too much money.
>spending money on this
people are retarded
somebody make me an elemental deck for eruptions. dont even care if it's shit
yeah there was so much cancer going on at once I forgot how bad tourists actually are
not having one cuts you off from half the cards for that class, even the commons
I quickly realized this when I tried to homebrew a deck... I'll be basically forced to craft a tourist and commit to that class, this is so retarded
brutal way to get pilled
Never more cemented
any other drooling retard decks like pirate dh I can play?
completely cemented
shit stuff out onto the board paladin
i hate reno warrior so much its unreal
the control-lite faggot in this tread i hope you fucking get ass cancer you nigger
>create beach expansion unprompted
>everyone is covered up and ugly anyways
What was the thought process here?
feet cemented, currently on our way to the bottom of the lake
That card is so shit it's actually unreal
cora was hungry and a food expansion was a bit too obvious
>it's solo puzzles now, they nerfed mercenaries
I thought they nerfed afk xp to dust?
Having fun with a triple frost DK.
In removalstone it's a straight up miracle if my board sticks for a single turn and this bitch asks me to sit on it and hope the miracle repeats to get value? Are they delusional?
pirate dh (forma de shaman)
Pulled the hunter tourist for priest. This card is unusable right?
secret hunter is pretty busted, idk maybe its players not wanting to bother against it but i'm 6 and 1 in less than an 30 mins
cemented bricks around our ankles
dropped into the watery depths of cora's fat minge
post list? I tried it but didnt seem that good, maybe mine was shit

designed for automatons (still shit most likely)
first they nerfed mercenaries xp, so solo adventures became more profitable
then they made it so you stop gaining xp if you don't do any action for too long, so now the meta is do one of the hidden book of mercenaries puzzles where you can just click "end turn" every minute or so for 30 minutes
I have won one (1) game with wishing well rogue
>where you can just click "end turn" every minute or so for 30 minutes
I'm not doing that
yeah I don't know why they thought this would be good when they just made an interview praising their patented board churn gameplay
Nostalgia shaman is the better legendary flood deck
It's literally the worst expansion.
I want Old Gods back
is boulderfist ogre still funny
you're supposed to automate it
post decklist
Just threw it together and got 3-0 at gold rank. Doesn't mean much but it's functional.
Yea that's why it's already dead day 1.

Cora fucked HS over so hard it would need a team of highly qualified professional experts to make it good again
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im officially done with the zilliax spam
damn bro, sick triple rune payoff
What could have been in an alt reality.
>Perils in paradise is actually fun
Maybe with friends (you can't play HS with friends)
It's as good as ever.
Paypiggies SHOULD get fucked
That people are still paying 80 dollar preorders for one day of a decent meta only to go back to boring slop meta is insane. You get maybe 1 day before everything is streamlined and this set has some of the weakest, lest impactful mechanics of all time at letting people create different deck types. Most of what tourist enables is aggro outside of druid.
So instead of giving cards cool animations with diamond cards they instead just put a full jpeg on a card and call it a signature?
I don't want to give Blizzard a legitimate reason to ban me
>Be Mage
>summon 3 3/6 elementals
>They kill themselves on zilliax.
Huh. Well that's me done forever.
depends what type of deck you wana play, cheap hunter stuff gos well for automaton and the parrot legendary is pretty fuckin OP
I wish Hearthstone art still looked like that.

Give an ugly fat American woman power and the result will ALWAYS be stinky shit
Signature cards were a mistake.
Just like Demon Hunter
Just like Death Knight
low effort garbage framed as higher quality
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EOS soon bros
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Anyone tips refining this deck.
Eliza is insanely overpowered as a Blood/Frost/Undead
I've played and trigger her Deathrattle 6 times in 1 game. Ghoul's Night plus hero power to deal 42 damage from hand.
this but unironically
>I didnt expect the first day to be this bleak instantly.
Tourist is a terribly conceived parasitic mechanic, in addition they brought back all the shitty mechanics from yesteryear for this year : charge, ramp, handbuff, choose (more than one), resurrect, reborn + elusive etc.
The dev team is incompetent.
im just gonna run secret hunter with zero new cards i think
Why would you even want most of those? They look awful.
>top hs streams are bgs
Run tidepool so you can have 2x more titanforged
Bad players lose to aggro decks
This inflates Aggro deck's stats
Aggro decks get nerfed
The combo decks they were keeping down explode into lower ranks (they were already winning at high ranks)
This happens every expansion
what would you cut for them? observer? camouflage?
balance patch should be interesting, lol
rock paper scissor
do you wanna play aggro dh or zilliax or otk druid
wow nice meta
they will find a way to buff druid
Edge of the scrolls?
I'm sorry, you're going to have to say what you mean if you want us to know what you mean.
im actually choosing to play 10 year old dead games over hearthstone on expansion day
it's over folks
Draconic Delicacy is the most unfun bullshit garbage fucking card I've ever seen. Even arena is practically unplayable because of this shit.
We have another Whizbang situation on our hands but every change is going to have even more ramifications because of tourists
everytime, you woud think the retards here would learn the pattern at some point but no they are just too fucking stupid( and mentally ill in many cases)
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>All these seething rogueniggers in Jays chat
We haven't not yet witnessed the depths of hell
There is yet more to come
>dh players think they superior because their 1 mana minions deal 20 dmg on turn 4
>doesn't know what end of service means but tries to speak for everyone in the thread because he's a faggot.
Go be a homo elsewhere cocksucker.
Lurk moar
>first free epic is Announce Darkness
Gee, thanks blizzard. I really wanted to play rogue (not really) just to give up and meme myself to death. Very cool.
well, looks like /hsg/ was wrong again, the expansion was actually a great addition to the game, the theme is exceptional, and balance has never been better
that's why i did, half my games were against diaper decks that conceded turn 2
no it'll literally just be "+1 mana" or "minus 1 health" on a few cards in the top decks as usual with no regard to fun, logic or consequences on the meta
>everybody in wild is playing Druid
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>Every Legendary I got were ones I actually wanted.

I was actually able to make 3 decks I wanted to play with dust. Automaton Priest, Big Spell Mage and OTK Paladin. Still haven't played the OTK Paladin but had some pretty good luck with Automaton Priest and Big Spell.
I mean, weren't they before as well. It's usually either Rogue, Warlock or Druid being extremely broken I feel.
I have a 100% certainty with this dev team: if is now bad, absolutely bad, they will manage to make it even worse.
I pray they kill already fucking Druid, Pally and Warrior lile forever, until next rotation... That will not happen so we are all fucked.
Devs favourite children all those + Paladin in this game literally always one of those classes or all of them were on the shiny side.
>play helya on 4
>opponent concedes
you love to see it
>well, looks like /hsg/ was wrong again, the expansion was actually a great addition to the game, the theme is exceptional, and balance has never been better
you gotta wait past day 1 yknow.
?????????? Is this post some idiot redditor, a paid shill or simply a clueless idiot who can't grasp how dire things really are?
Does Pirate DH suck ass or am I doing it wrong
it made me put threads back in at least
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it's ok anon, you can let it go now. we had a good run...
Sasquawk is putting in work in this Automaton Priest list I saw someone playing. Some times you replay a shit load of Automatons, sometimes you are just playing another Amon'Thul, but it seems okay. Not sure why you would use it in Hunter though.

Maestra is a card I really want but that's just because it looks fun. Wishing Well, Maestra, Tess is the idea. If you survive long enough anyways.
Any fun decks?
playing big demon hunter with the climbing hook and cliff dive
wishing well rogue
attack DK
taunt warrior
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This should be 5 mana to curve with cliff dive.
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i lay claim to this creation
havent lost yet + with amalgam modularity there's endless adjustments
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this shit should have 3 attack, cost 2 mana, or give a coin on swing. it's so bad as is
>game is still just druid wins lol
Yeah this piece of shit is stupidly restrictive for some reason.
It's why they gave Rogue that guy that makes any weapon equipped a 3/3.
you mean rogue, unless you are low mmr shitter rogue is best deck still for anothe rexpansion

fuck rogue niggers
such bad design it's kinda unbelievable
"you get punished for drawing cards for the rest of the game"
what is the gameplan here?
thief rogue got a ton of new toys to help cutlass & wishing well, though warlock tourist cards arent really that good outside of activating velarok super early with the 1 mana felfiend dood.
the same as the old blackrock decks except with ramp, control, cheat, and efficiency. it's not even necessarily been needed in the games I play
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>big baby doomer redditors on their knees in forgiveness
>content creators who "left" already in damage control mode and buying bundles
>/hsg/ in shambles because the game is actually good now
A TOAST! to ten more years of cementation
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continued, I forgot what my mmr was since I last played missed couple seasons but wasnt that high as I wasn't x11 star bonus

all I do is summon zilliax and win :^)
>Watching Kibler play.
>Against a Warrior that has resummoned 8 Unkillable Zillax.

Well that looks like fun.
quit jerking yourself off and post the decklist already
its not a unique decklist buddy its literally whatever is on that vs website basically, maybe add in the 2 mana next turn card on warrior if you want as they dont have that
From what I've seen looks like classic control warrior, only with the druid taunt package. Play the 5 mana card to summon the zillax early and make sure it dies.

That 1 mana naga that lets you pick a card you've cast can give you a shit load of the card that resummons taunts and you just get an entire board of bullshit forever.
also as warrior dont be a retard and play zilliax if you think they have or can yogg or poof it without it dying, wait as long as possible to try use the 5 mana card to summon from hand and break its divine shield and run it into a 6 attack+ minion so you have it in your death pool

and vs another decks with zilliax save yogg for it to mind control it if your deck has yogg yourself

I went 13-0 with pirate DH to hit legend it's getting nerfed
wrong warrior deck used non reno
damage report
Did you bother to craft patches? Bigger and bigger mans with tribes is one of my favorite archetype
don't forget to report the battletag of every druid player you see so it automatically gives them a shitter bot name eventually
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I did craft patches but I think you can substitute with second sea giant
just flood board with the new location + sigil of skydiving
>guff meta, but now it's not just druid so it's ok!
Here lies Hearthstone 2014 - 2024
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He could have saved us
I will be waiting for the VS report to tell me what to play
How to reroll it without buying the tavern pass?
Thanks anon
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Total druid death
putting suncreen on the 1/3 naga is pretty tight, bros
>zillax is about to get nerfed, AGAIN.
Place your bets boys.
My money is on losing Elusive
they'll probably remove taunt on perfect module so you cant resurrect it with the 8 mana spell
make it so you can't pick both virus and perfect at the same time
Remove taunt or poison is my guess. The real question is how many more nerfs are they going to do before they realize you can't balance the card and just rotate it early.
just a question about reddit, I think I got banned again because when I log into my account and go to /r/hearthstone I get logged off. It behaves very strange, I think the jannies on reddit banned me again, this time for peaceful complaining not death threads to Cora. Anyone else having any issues with reddit?
The reborn trait is the biggest pain in the ass
go back
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Sunscreen mage is a lot of fun. This dude does some absolute bullshit 90%
hey, I was complaining there and here at the same time. I have annoyed Cora more than you. Have some respect.
Wasn't druid like the only class that ran this?
go back
The more complaints people see everywhere the faster the head of Cora will roll. If reddit is a "mainstream communicational stream" it is also a "place to put complaints".
>fat fuck zeddy will die in your lifetime
I'm so fucking happy bros
literally go back
based fat fuck zeddy poster
>second sea giant
I always forget about this while building flood decks
Ye I had some fun with it last month. Ends up dying half the time but usually sticks around for a bit.
corpsicle is insane value and an excellent CNE pumper
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Wish Brode would get off his fucking ass and fix the expansion
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>top Reddit post is asking if anyone bothered to playtest the set
when i complain about going to reddit and getting banned yet again there, you all say i should go back, yet you too go there to see the complaints that other non-banned people have made....
stay here
after playing a bit more sea giant is the clunkiest card to play outside of the mirror match, 1 sea giant is good, maybe sub in 1 taste of chaos or 1 quick pick if running without patches
>Brand new Expansion
>Open packs get shit Legendaries
>queue up with a midrange DK
>Close game go do something else.
maybe, i was watching brian don't call me brian kibler and he kept gettting raped via snapshot into 4 extra copies of hydration station

maybe also change the spell text of hydration to be 3 different taunt minions instead of 3 copies of zilliax
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what will zilliax even look like at the end of 2025 if it's getting nerfed every fucking month?
trick question, game won't last that long
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I swear I used to have fun with new set releases on day 1
Now I barely even finished my 10 ranked quest and I'm disgusted with the game
They really had to make legendaries for double class cards... this alone is a good reason I literally opened my packs, looked at what i got and ... went to Battlegrounds.
you stupid retard
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>crafting decks day 1
>playing day 1
Same here bro. I also literally forgot today was launch day, didn't open my packs until a few minutes ago but don't even feel like playing
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You’re supposed to open packs and then forget about the game for a week and then copy whichever netdeck has the highest win rate. This is hearthstone, if you want to theorycraft and experiment go play a different game. For me its shadow verse 2 giving me hope.
>open packs
>play whatever new deck you opened the cards for
>or play secret hunter / handbuff pally again
>wait for nerfs
>finish quests based on whatever decks youve got and fuck around in BG for xp
>wait for nerfs
>dust nerfed cards make another deck
>wait for nerfs
nice boob toob
why? 5 for 5/5 that draws 2 spells is already pretty good, and you can run the shaman drink to make that 3
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i am not a mindless sheep that must follow what others say is good
i find out for myself, with my own two hands
don't trust the shadowverse devs for even a fraction of a second, they will shamelessly make every single meta hyper aggro / OTK combo to appease the japanese businessman who only has time for one quick match on the train to work
>comfy climbing with yarr rainbow DK
im gonna feel bad when they inevitably brick that broken DK location, absolutely dabbing on all the aggro opponents trying to build a board thanks to it + 0 mana sea giants
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>most popular HS YouTuber can’t break 35k views on launch day
I trust them more than I trust the obese nepo baby leading HS design right now
I tried to just craft top tier shit and almost blew my brains out playing Reno decks and Handbuff Paladin.

So I'm just playing decks that look fun to me now. Probably going to craft Maestra next.
all card games have shit devs, but hearthstone has the least shit
shadowverse will leave some degenerate deck that literally everyone plays in the game for 2 months, and then the time for the balance patch rolls around, and they go "sorry its winrate isn't high enough for us to care, have fun"
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>hearthstone has the least shit card game devs
i haven't played hearthstone since un-goro
how is it these days
about as good as you can get as far as digital card games are concerned
I tried to think of something clever to say but sincerely you cannot imagine how bad it is.
I have played both plenty and I can with out hesitation and confidence say that Hearthstone is way more shit than Shadowverse. EASILY.
Ben Brode got poached by another company offering big money and they replaced him with an obese Bulgarian woman who got the position of lead game designer because she was a woman who played hearthstone.
did they ever tone down card generation
i hated that what you put into your deck mattered less and less
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a man can only take so many "haha we're changing absolutely nothing" balance patches before he loses his mind
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>did they ever tone down card generation
we gotta endure until next year...
i gave up enduring, those devs are hopeless
No. Card generation has only become far more expansive and common. The truth is the game is dying. Look at YouTube views for hearthstones biggest creators. Forget about 100k+ views, breaking 30k views is a big deal now. Hearthstone has been ran into the shitter with years of dogshit game design steadily bleeding the player count.
imagine being such a zoomer that you determine a game's popularity by youtube views
That is a big deal. Hearthstone is objectively dying. If the views don’t convince you I have no need to bring up Blizzard emailing people surveys asking why they haven’t preordered the fat Bulgarians latest slop. Also bad news coming this week :) , they are waiting for sales to die down before dropping it on the remaining paypiggies.
yes yes anon, every expansion you've ever been a part of is the game's last, we get it
that sucks
I remember when you didn't have to worry that your opponent got two flamestrikes added to their hand
They went overboard with discover and it sucked
Nah they’ll keep milking paypigs with low to no effort AI art “ expansions “ for as long as it’s financially viable. The game is already entering maint mode step by step.
none of the currently good decks really use discover, mage has been shit for years
I know your pain. Played from Goblins vs Gnomes to the witchwood. Came back recently and the game really isn’t something to be treated as competitive. It’s a slot machine type experience now you pull while you wait for your coffee/food
secret hunter is so fucking boring but its my only deck that can do anything
and i still have to concede like half my games against warrior/dh/druid by turn four
ladder is for taking a piss, bg is for taking a shit
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At least we got ONE good girl in a bikini I suppose.
i was rolling my eyes more at the flavor text but yes
So do you guys just open packs immediately as you get em or do ya save em until you’ve fit like 10-20 of em?
Flavor text has always been fairly dumb and corny to be fair.
they didn't even capitalize her name
In an alternate universe where people spend five minutes thinking about the cards
Alex Smith:
*hard zoom in on coras face*

Alex Smith: huff puff, Corasama we cannot print resurrect three taunts for Druid because Warriors can flood the board with 6 Ziliaxes with Reborn and Lifesteal.

Cora: Alexsan thank you for bringing that to my attention, what would I ever do without you?
*Cora gives a crisp, respectful bow*
*Alex gives a bow back lower than Cora's because he is junior to her*
I will get right on that! YATTA!
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>hyper aggro
>aggro lite
>druid mana wank
>rare guy actually trying a fun theorycraft deck
>more aggro
This is fucking awful.
>mage class
>identity was aoe spells
>no good aoe to deal with unkilliaxe
>silver 4
>roping every time
retardation or trolling?
anon it's quite simple
you use discovery of magic to get corpse explosion
>having enough corpses for this
>he didn't use his other discovery of magic to get drum circle
Are there any good Hunter decks? I unpacked all their legendaries.
Not unless you’ve also cracked a bunch of Warrior cards cause you basically want to play all of their stuff and hand buff. The 3 different tribal draw spell, all their big dumb idiots, cup of muscle.
conciege+elemental shapers is pretty silly with warrior cup of joes. Also had fun with a handbuff menagerie deck where your adaptive amalgam is your only 1 drop and you buff it up a ton and use magnetic minions like bronze gatekeeper on it then you keep re-summoning it with the new hunter weapon and it bricks aggro decks
Flavor text really fell off since a few years back. A lot of them just mention some random meme or a play-on-words that at best vaguely relates to the card. I miss when we'd consistently get either actually funny stuff or even a snippet of cool lore.
It hardly matters, but I think it's a good representation of how development's gone downhill in the game.
I use the 7 mana bird in Priest.
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Seems fair to me.
secret hunter with zero new cards
Old Hearthstone devs were wrong in many ways. But their avoidance of hand/mana disruption? That was a good call. And cards like Doomkin are proof of that.
I wish they'd just ban it and move on.
>hand is full
>"its fine as long as i dont draw 1 of my 30 cards"
>immediately draw that card with a 100% success rate
i cant wait for eos
>Deckbuilding this expansion is impossible without two classes in one deck
Fuck me
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I don't get it.
What old spell Mage had.
>Dragons fury to clear the board.
>Alanna as a pay off card.

What new big Mage has.
>6mana draw a card.
under the sea could also mean under the c which on a keyboard means the next button down is the spacebar
yeah dude mage fucking stinks we get it
and thats a good thing
the game is bad when mage is good
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>Handbuff paladin playing 2 cost minions that are 14/14
>My hydration station brings back 2 zilliax
What a clown game
>rogue can freeze my wincon four turns in a row for 4 mana total
yeah this feels great
thats a different anon, i was the one crying earlier.
the payoff is copying orb and playing it several turns in a row to overwhelm control decks, but unkilliax is just the better lategame wincon currently and we have no way to deal with it
I was theorizing that it could be a hint to the next secret puzzle.
Nope, it's just straight-up lame.
are you dumb faggots actually crying about mage? theyre not druid broken right now but their current package is zero fucking fun to play against and is pretty consistent
>mage isn't bad!
>cannot name a worse class
many such cases
What Is the thinking white man deck?
wild yogg/uldum quest druid
hunter is so bad theyre just running secret with zero new cards. shaman and dk are also unplayable trash right now
Pirate shaman is a really strong deck right now, looking like Tier 1/2, but yeah I forgot about hunter, they take first place for dogshit.
anon, i've been doing this for months for 10 to 12 hours per day and i haven't been banned or suspended yet.

even if they ban me, they'd be doing me a favor and letting me free. i only stick with this shit game, because we make fun of it and because I have tons of resources thanks to AFKing
So in 15 packs I got the mage tourist, the hunter tourist, the sig druid repeat spell legendary and patches the pilot, what can i play
Flavor text has always been silly and you people are either blinded by nostalgia or just looking for absolutely anything to keep complaining about.
>and you people are either blinded by nostalgia or just looking for absolutely anything to keep complaining about.

Old Hearthstone: bad
New Hearthstone: good

You can try to gaslight us and write 1000 shill posts, it won't make it true.
Bros was there supposed to be a doomer blackpilled announcement this week from blizz?
apparently, but they probably delaying that until thursday/friday to avoid people refunding pre-order bundles or get baited into buying the diamond legendary bundles
Is Warlock the only class this set that didn't have its cards designed for a different class?
>when i complain about going to reddit and getting banned yet again there, you all say i should go back, yet you too go there to see the complaints that other non-banned people have made....
You are allowed to go to reddit and read/laugh at what they write, simply do not admit to posting there. I didn't make the rules, but thems the rules.
>Ben Brode got poached by another company offering big money and they replaced him with an obese Bulgarian woman who got the position of lead game designer because she was a woman who played hearthstone.
He started that company himself, you can't really poach yourself.
>hunter is so bad theyre just running secret with zero new cards. shaman and dk are also unplayable trash right now
It's time to reverse the "cannot discover 3 rune" cards nerf. Probably won't even be overpowered anyway.
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>Flavor text really fell off since a few years back. A lot of them just mention some random meme or a play-on-words that at best vaguely relates to the card
i wonder who's behind that....
Oh nice again this faggot leave half the rooster of classes unplayable
can't believe they paywalled half of the expansion behind a leggo
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This gotta be the most expensive expansion so far fml, you need the double amount of legendary to play a single class's new cards
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after reading this >>486825790 >>486825950 >>486826216 >>486826384 nothing surprises me about their decisions and "thinking"

all this happened in the past 2 years...
How old is Thijs?
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>I wonder what cool warlock decks they came up wi-
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They can't get anything right
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any people say the game isnt rigged
So returning player... I can't scam mercenaries exp anymore and book/pluzzle is under control too how im supposed to make profitable fucking pass now without risking my account?
>old devs realise charge is a mistake in a game with no interaction
>current devs reprint charge again
read the google doc in the op
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Amazing variety, love how colourful this is. Congrats to Cora and her team for the great expansion launch.
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is there a more insufferable class to play against than Death Knight?


before you say "b-but anon, DK is tier 3", shut the fuck up, I know it's bad i just hate what it does...
I see paypiggy skin
I rope
simple as
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T-thanks L-Lora... I mean Cora
shaman got its cards designed for no classes, nobody wants them
>i hate DK
>What? Rogue, Druid, Warlock and Paladin are raping my asshole? I know but i hate DK
Anon you are a faggot.
It's in the OP google doc but now you're basically forced to automate it (unless you want to manually click every 2 minutes) so you're always at risk of getting banned.
Running in an android emulator mitigates most detection measures but Blizzard could just see you're sitting doing nothing but clicking once in a while in solo content for hours a day and decide to ban you if they want to. So far they've only banned people doing it for way too long (10+ hours a day) but you never know. If you don't care too much about getting banned go ahead but you've been warned.
what the fuck does reno have to do with death knight
I got the same one for my pity legendary. Maybe there will be pirate location support for druid in the miniset, right bros?
They weren't all bangers but there were some real bangers back then.

That one's not terrible. I'm more worried about those completely bereft of creativity.
But you're right, modern staff is undoubtedly part of it.
its nice that aggro dh beats druid and warrior scum but its just so boring. anything more exiting that also does the job?
Elemental shaman is fun, handbuff paladin is literally the same old deck and it performs so good.
I want to craft Zarimi priest too but I'm missing a legendary, will wait for next month and if I'm still missing it I will craft it.
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Is there a good location deck yet, for any class?
concierge aggro druid
rogue gets 3 mana draw 5
nice expansion cora
i still lost btw :^)
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is it good?
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we need this card more than ever
guys, this joke has gone on for too long

when the FUCK are they announcing the real expansion?
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>playing dragon ramp druid with no new cards
>vs reno brann warrior with no new cards
>ramp and steal opponent's mana
>draw cards every other turn, get perfect draws
>fill the board 6 turns in a row
>get board removed 6 turns in a row (he had 2 brawls and managed to coin Reno early with the coins treasure)
>win through burn damage out of the ass with swipes, spell damage dragon and gemtosser (I actually got all 20 damage out of my two gemtossers)
So this is Cora's innovative board churn gameplay...
I can't wait to play some matches with the latest cards and see what new wacky churning might happen.
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thanks Ilichads for keeping the otk and zilliax incels away
Does the starfish have a pussy or a dick.
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>MFW reno at 10 mana is unplayable in this agro meta
-Deleted all expansions after Sunken City (those were all pranks) and compensated all players that had the prank cards
-Deleted Death Knight and Demon Hunter classes
-Deleted Nemsy
-Added new expansion Sex on the Beach with free Valeera in bikini skin
-Added Sex on the Beach board and new cinematic trailer with WOW girls playing volleyball in skimpy outfits
-Unerfed default Jaina skin
-Readded Duels
-Readded Twist with rotation expansions every months (no gimmick)
-Deleted buddies from Battlegrounds forever
-Fixed bug where paying 60 dollars wouldn't give you all the cards in the expansion
-Most skins are now in the shop at all time with weekly discount rotation
yea I literally have 2 of them up in that ss
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This card is underrated.
>doesn't do face damage
>doesn't churn the board
another expansion ruined by warrior and druid
this is just pathetic at this point
>ah yeah let me play 2 mana 2/2 do nothing turn 2
>wtfff why did I lose to DH????
you are such a whiny little bitch
Who here would have sex with Cora?
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Same. These days i just open my packs, go back to afking and watch streamers trying to homebrew decks only to get slaughtered by a million Zilliaxes
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make this anon game director NOW
>Make diamond versions of the cards that don't see any play
Curious business plan
>-Deleted Death Knight
They already did that. DK already years in this game and i can'g remember even a single time it was a dominating class in Standard let aside Wild where literally dont exist. At this point the class is a bad joke and the rune system another proof the dev team is mentally disabled.
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this new method is a pain to set up
first I had to check every 90s, then it wouldnt let me start the thing every 2nd time so I had to make a 2nd macro and merge it with the first. after that the script didn't accept the merged macro so I had to fiddle around with it in notepad and calculated the timings of the merged 2nd macro with excel and manually past them into it.
thanks for reading my blog
>60 euros for that crap
What the fuck is this?
>some people thought the rune system was innovative and promoted deck variety
>it's just railroading you into certain cards you can put into your deck based on color

You can build more deck combinations without it if you want deck variety. Also dk wont get more cards per expansion so it will get even more constricted. Some really thought it was a good idea. It was bizarre when dk got released.
Not possible.
griftah is pretty fun
Haha I get it. Because this card literally cannot be targeted by your spells making it fucking useless to pair with 1 cost minion buffs.
They didn't even bother translating the new "Welcome to Paradise" game greeting intro line in other languages kek
>Paladin and Rogue OTK on the ladder
Fun times
why bother when they are going to shut down the servers at the end of the year? :^)
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Hearthstone reddit users are based?
Can you imagine the backlash?
wow that paladin otk is way too easy to make work

why the fuck does griftah give a 1 mana fireball
Are there any DH decks using Aranna and the new self damage stuff? That was the only thing I can remember being remotely interested in from the reveals. If no please just tell me so I don't have to install this game.
I noticed that. Dire times.
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>baldlands was november 14th
It's mostly pirates for now. Maybe one will pop up though
The miniset will save us right?
>expansion comes out
>it's shit
>"mini set will save us"
>mini set comes out
>it's shit or brakes the game
>next expansion will save us
i'm sure it will save us THIS time, anon
>subreddit is so dead 4chan chuds are becoming visible
That's annoying but there are usually minions on my board to cast them on. Also use the mage drink so that just does a bunch of goofy shit on later turns with him.
the expansion cycle keeps getting moved up, remember when the third expansions launched in the first or second week of december
Good. Let the misery and chuddery slowly take over the reddit page. There needs to be a public forum outside of this tiny general where you can actually post about all the negative shit happening to Hearthstone and not get bombarded with "UM ACTUALLY IT'S GOOD, LET PEOPLE ENJOY THINGS!!" replies.
All I want is a card game where I can brick a turn and not insta lose. Is such a thing even hypothetically possible?
Just wait for the next diaper warrior meta after reddit whales have their annual "Blizzard hates control" meltdown
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It's statistically impossible for even the worst designers to luck into a good set and save the game eventually... right?
to not luck into*
Mini set is cancelled. Blogpost will save us
It costs 6 and there are some real duds in that pool, so no it's pretty fucking shit.
>6 mana 4/5 do nothing
>Also you need to complete it's little song and dance to get anything out of it
2018 tier card.
UFF aggro DK is kind of fun, ebin 4 mana 15 damage magic missile :D

Maybe it's theoretically possible if the monkeys at Team 5 would have infinite time. But they don't have infinite time because the game will go in maintenance mode in two years.
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yeah, it's perfectly possible, just look at all the great ideas they have.... ACK!
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this is aids
even the streamers are hating this expansion. truly cemented


I think zetalot is rocking like a 10% win rate today. priest sisters are not okay
Deserved for aggro
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>be me at work
>playing hearthstone on my phone
>enjoying the new expansion
>playing rainbow DK with corpsicle
>queue into pirate DH
>i’m beating him easily because im a hearthstone god
>about to win next turn
>coworker walks in
>gotta hide my phone and pretend to do work
>i feel the turn timer slowly running out
>coworker finally leaves
>i open my phone
>the rope has 5 seconds left
>DH is emoting me
>spaghetti falls out of my pocket
>i lose the game
This expansion truly is insufferable i expected something else but besides the fucking scam that they force you to with fucking Tourist, the horrible and miserable Druid plays, the dead of fun classes like Mage...

I wanna die i think this is truly time to leave.
>-Deleted all expansions after Sunken City (those were all pranks) and compensated all players that had the prank cards

I will now play and buy your game.
gonna wait for balance patch, dust my cards and play wild fun decks until I get bored and uninstall
>I wanna die
stop being so dramatic retard. everyone knew it was going to be shit
Why not make both class legendaries tourist so you can choose which one to add? Tune the effect in response. Getting the non-tourist and not being able to add like half the available cards is dumb.
not really but I really like the funny interaction between the druid taunt location and the location armor mech giving you 9 armor off 1 location straight away

WTF. Didn't the first expansion used to release in the beginning of December? Gotta milk the cow until it dies, I guess. And I don't mean Cora but Hearthstone.
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are you feeling it, mr. krabs?

That's a big hole on the upper side of the screen. The devs gotta CEMENT it.
rock paper scissor is the death of every multiplayer game
>Why not make both class legendaries tourist so you can choose which one to add?

Because it would raise the chance to get a necessary legendary and the assholes at Team 5 would sell less packs, silly. Gotta CHURN the paypigs until they leave.
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Hello. My name is rock paper scissor.
Spoiler that pig anon
this but gf instead of co-worker
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>watch opponent build an literally unkillable 10/14 taunt Amalgam
>silence and kill it
>watch him squirm for another couple turns without wincon before he finally concedes

What the fuck Blizzard. I thought you wanted to get rid of the silence meta. Then don't print infinite loops like that you absolute retards.
everybody was looking forward to this card and then forgot it existed
>warrior ramps
>chemical spill
>two hydration stations in hand
I am sorry but whoever greenlight this deserves to never work again. I am literally just conceding vs warrior now. it's so depressing

before expansion: 220 active users
after expansion: 330 users, a patheric increase

Maybe they are all busy playing the game, kek.
50% increase that's huge. HS is saved.
you could say cemented
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mage bros... maybe i should ask blizzard to refund the bikini afkay skin....
>shadowstep tax
you know the answer
It's fucking hilarious watching anyone try to play a deck that isn't druid and warrior rezzing unkilliax.
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>hydration station
The meta will be full Druidchuds and Warriorfags until patch notes and i really DOUBT they will fix it.
kek i have a Zilliax meme for the next thread
go play pirate dh then
but you won't since he's not fun
As a joke what if every class had strong lategame cards that were similar in powerlevel but leaned towards each classes identity?
I've been waiting for them to realise how badly the game needs to be scaled down in power, but after the churn article I think it's safe to just uninstall and never look back
Get out
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>anons are unironically doomposting before the meta is even settled
we’re not even 24 hours into this expansion lads

Btw just played a game where I randomly generated Dead Air and used it with Reska to steal a Zilliax
Wait sylvanus is in standard this is huge
Going to play Sylv in my ramp warrior zilliax deck to steal back sylv after it gets stolen.
they already are anon - this card is 100% just as good as hydration station
This is the kind of incest they have in a bad meta
sure, chud, i will believe in the next days some magical solution to the top decks will appear, retard. i hope theu dont nerf anything in the upcoming patch just to spite retards like you.
just play kraken retard
>randomly generated
yep, sounds like a game of hearthstone. cement this shit already
There are plenty of mind control and silence effects in the game. Y’all can just tech for the meta
>sylvannas costs 6 mana
>druid doomkins you twice and has a full eonar+zilliax board with 13 mana by the time you hit 6 mana
The #1 deck in game right now is aggro palandin with one new card.


Cora fucking killed this game. Fire all streamers.
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got the daily quest to play 12 drink quests

What's the problem? If you play current day Hearthstone, I would bet you must drink regularly.
Could you imagine if I was still trying to play Mage in this meta lol. How would I even win games.
that quests giga easy if your using concierge
>People complaining about Druid and Warrior
If you all actually played on the ladder, it is 100% dominated by aggro decks. I just played my 3rd DH pirate in a row.
lol i guess that's the mechanic this expansion
we have
>twinspell but three
>dual class but train wreck
The meta hasn’t settled
there are different metas depending on your account status (i.e. whale status, lifetime winrate, etc)
the only somewhat "true" metric of matchmaking we have is top 1000 legend because there are actual humans there, but even that is pozzed by algorithmic matchmaking
Do we have decks for the mage, hunter tourists and the druid legendary?
>Do we have decks for the mage,
*Gives a minion +1/2*
Aggro decks are absolutely steroids right now. You can't play Druid or Warrior at the moment.
the only deck that kinda sucks to queue against if your not otk is ramp druid, aggro decks get shut down super fuckin hard by rainbow dk
Lamplighter Rogue is the most gay ass shit deck I hate at the moment.
>paper likes rock, hates scissors
My man Arthas helped me reach another easy diamond five.
Which deck is better atm, reno warrior or druid

The aggro deck (DH) that kills both before turn 6.
Is it really that busted
>on mac
>go to buy new packs with gold
>shop is permanently closed
>has been this way for months now and after several patch releases
>whatever, update on ios to buy them there instead
>shop is permanently closed
>restart phone
>shop is permanently closed
>delete the game and all its data and reinstall from scratch
>shop is permanently closed
ok bye
bait used to be believable
itoddler btfo
>on mac
found your problem
Works on my machine
I play hearthstone on my work laptop instead of doing my work, I have a PC for real games and at this rate I'll have to boot it up later.

You play 3 busted decks if you want to win: druid/warrior that rape all the late game strategies or the best aggro deck pirate DH that rapes them both before they start their late game degeneracy. Handbuff paladin may also be OK, but it doesn't kill as quickly and as consistently as DH - it's agro-lite after all.
Yes, but its only good in my hands.
you must live in iran or something?
less busted the higher your rank
currently takes the 6th spot in top 1k
UK on normal wifi, no good reason for any ip fuckery
so handbuff paladin gets to have huge minions (you can’t do anything at all to stop this except tech their weapon but they run two)
the downside SHOULD be quick face damage beats them right?
BUT every single one of their core cards has lifesteal? why is this? why do they get minions that kill everything AND get to be unkillable?
Just burst them down from 30 you silly goose
>>paypig portrait
>>surprised Blizzard fixed his winrate to make him spend more

Mate, the fucking Hearthstone World Champions have about 60% winrate, you have 85%. You didn't win those games, the matchmaking algorithm did to make you a happy (pay)pig.
Did paladin begin using the windfury deckhand?
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our benevolent developers have intentionally designed this glorious BOARD CHURN meta, anon, please understand
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could just be due to some battlenet/apple IOS shit not letting you buy stuff, I can paypig (not that I will) just fine on my computer. Have you tried seeing if you can buy stuff on their website/battlenet shop instead of ingame?
no, it's too slow
Yeah, but when's the next Diamond Skin, Cora?
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drew marin next turn
based druid enjoyer, killing the game one match at a time
he would have been 1 mana if he didnt ramp himself earlier in the game sadly
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can someone please explain the logic behind this to me?
>>Diamond card (unlocked by collecting all the legendaries in Titans so either a paypig or a no-lifer who spends 15 hours a day in Hearthstone
>>high rolls opponent like a madman

The match fixing algorithm exists only in your mind, goy.
Having to interact with the board is anti-fun. Also churn, or some shit.
The website pretends I'm logged out and ignores attempts to log in until I try to buy something, at which point it suddenly remembers and confirms my paypal details. The launcher shop times out and has a message mentioning security. I haven't noticed it doing that before but I don't check the shop tab often so couldn't say how recent a development it is.
Why do they keep releasing busted agro cards and slow as fuck control tools ?

Games are decided on the first three turns now wtf
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i hate these stupid devs so much
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>Over 60 damage otk from druid before im even at 10 mana
>super agro kills you by turn 4-5
What a shitshow this game has become. Just delete standard since the decks would thrive in wild anyway
>synergises with Even decks
>doesn't "thicken" your deck by shuffling stuff into it
>synergises with cards like Spreading Plague that benefit from your opponent having a board full of weak minions
It's a sidegrade.
>before im even at 10 mana
did you stop playing in 2014?
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Say something nice a bout the new expansion, /hsg/
i did win those games, indicated by my 85% WR
The shop being permanently closed means I'm protected from first-hand knowledge of how bad it is
i literally cant
I would save Cora and then make sweet love to her.
it's... one of the expansions of all time
GET IN HERE >>487431402

GET IN HERE >>487431402

GET IN HERE >>487431402
Usually you could get out of lethal range with armor but current combo damage is just retarded
Only had 3500 gold on this expansion launch so not no life really, no idea how I got all legendary in titans but guess I crafted a lot. I had billion dust saved from when I no lifed hs for 3 years on launch and arena was easy mode back then for infinite value
hearthstone was an eceleb game from the beginning, when WoW streamers got early access to the beta. it was just chatting before just chatting on twitch. always #1 or 2 on the twitch stats with league of legends
The expansion that made me free finally
I got some more support for my lightshow deck
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>he plays hs
>at work
I would roast you for playing hs, not for not working. If I am your coworker I give 0 shit you are not working, but playing hs? Maybe you need help?
We don't even get a free diamond legendary anymore for full collecting.
Kek they turned Marin into a black man

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