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New Expansion Same Problems Edition

Perils in Paradise is NOW LIVE(barely): https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/news/24110439/perils-in-paradise-is-now-live
30.0 Patch Notes: https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/news/24115553/30-0-patch-notes
30.0.1 Hotfix Patch: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/hearthstone/t/3001-hotfix-patch/131943

https://hsreplay.net/meta/ – deck tier lists (bronze to gold)
https://vicioussyndicate.com/ – meta report
https://hsguru.com/ – previously d0nkey - streamer decks
https://hearthstone-decks.net/ - decks for all modes (wild, twist, etc)
https://outof.cards/ – decks, patch notes, news (includes other card games)
https://hearthstonetopdecks.com/ – decks & news
https://beerbrick.com/ - deck lists from Twitter (Japanese)
https://metastats.net/ – meta decks and stats
https://tempostorm.com/hearthstone/meta-snapshot – meta report
https://hearthpwn.com/ – decks, news, patch notes

>Deck trackers & statistics
https://hsreplay.net/downloads – deck tracker
https://go.overwolf.com/firestone-app/ - deck tracker
https://heartharena.com/ – arena helper
https://github.com/supertriodo/Arena-Tracker - arena helper

https://playhearthstone.com/ – official website
https://hearthstone.wiki.gg – wiki
https://battlefy.com/browse/hearthstone – tournaments
http://hearthcards.net/ – custom card maker

>helpful links
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MmLTCm7vdg5icVF4dAQhHf8sO_AZvE4gwO8NuQE8oxQ J_Alex' course on shadow puppets
https://docs.google.com/document/d/18pIaTLcGhaWf7kHKeItJckbCBT9fMjuzLxMKluCpxVs (/hsg/'s shitty word doc[feel free to edit])

Previously on grim announCEMENT waiting thread >>487277631
rotating zilliax early fixes at least 3 decks
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I'd just concede if I was him
In dusting everything except normals and DK cards lol
>just dk cards
are you planning on quitting or something?
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They finally managed to kill this fucking game, what a buch of garbage.
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why is she showing so much skin
Excuse me. Why were we not cemented?
What a travesty of an expansion
zilliax is perfectly fine. people bitching about it being in every deck are retarded since it is 28 unique cards and different archetypes run different versions of it. "unkilliax" is 9 mana so it better fucking do something and unlike most cards it is exclusively focused on playing the board
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A.I accusers may be right..
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The hell i do with this?
+400 dust
1. hope it gets unbelievably OP
2. gets nerfed
pray for good locations
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how i sleep knowing cora will be fired by the end of the year
Not really, the miniset will save the game and bring back the players.
ETA on the blogspot?
It has been postponed indefinitely.
The blogspot will CEMENT us
if warrior and druid would play it on the actual turn 9 nobody would complain
the only way to deal with unkillax spam is to be a warrior, dk, have reno, have amathul, or play your own unkilliax spam.
You're basically saying if druid/warrior get to 9 mana (not 9th turn) they deserve to be rewarded with a win.
I think it's unfair to blame everything on Cora. There was at least 2 furry devs pushing their favorite class, 1 blue haired asian male, 1 tranny lead dev, Coras retarded brother, some retarded streamers they hired, and god knows how many more. #justiceforcora #feedtheanimals
>Going to an even worse place
At least try Master Duel or Snap.
>chemical spill on turn 4
I cant do this for even one more day
2 minutes until the blogpost
i was promised a blog post
the "spam" is not a problem with zilliax but other cards
Is mistah vistah any good?
Also what do I craft, new cards for druid or for reno warrior?
they're really going to wait until the olympic opening to drop the blog post
Is Druid with extra mana good with mage cards? If you can't figure it out, you need to stop HS.
It's fucking ridiculous I am done
PiP sold so well the blog post is cancelled
Idk I dont play druid, I opened the sig leggo thats why I asked
>drop zilliax on 9
>opponent is forced to sacrifice 4 minions and heal you to full to kill it (unless they also play aggrolite)
how is this fair?
You can silence it you tranny
Anon your Yog...
he spent 9 whole mana on it bro he deserve the W
literally just press corpse explosion you dunce, every class has ways to deal with elusive 1 health shitters, you're just a meta sheep who's too afraid to change cards in your garbage deck
At least play MTGO.
Is hearthstone dying
>just play a 4 mana brick bro
>just steal it bro *yogg casts wheel of death and lucky 7* *gets stolen back anyway*
>just play aggrolite bro
>just play the worst class bro
so it just can't be dealt with, I see
COD is so repetitive, it needs no workers at all. If you ask AI to generate the same slop you made 200 times, it will do it well. This is more of a problem for the human workers: they literally do the same shit again and again and again. They should maybe get a work with some variety?
Her purpose was to get revealed first to make us hope Druid would get bad cards
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>i'm not willing to play the dozens of cards that deal with it so i'm just going to bitch about it instead!
>Master Duel
I special summon a special summon that secial summons another special summon that does this 30 more times but you had Maxx-C and Nibiru so you now clear my board and on your next turn you special summon 30 times.
And this is the game: all of it.
Enjoy dying on turn 3 in standard because their balance team has no fucking idea what they're doing, and a third of your losses being beyond your control because you got mana screwed or mana flooded
people in this thread unironically defending the warrior druid meta we will be in for the next 2 weeks
But you can get Nibiru and Maxx C pretty fast. If you are going to waste time with a shitty, auto-play game, might as well get the broken, BS cards as fast as you can.
just like /g/ and Gnome, we all know that ebassi is just a snake in a basket of snakes, but he is also the main meme. Cora is the main meme here. Sorry Cora lover.
In all honesty I am just angry that Yu Gi Oh evolved into this. Call me a YuGiBoomer but man, it used to be a game with more than special summoning and hand traps.
it's not all attributable directly and exclusively to her, of course, but she is cora of the problem
run it in a druid deck and hope for puppet theatre.
just stop bro. she's never going to sleep with you.
>Crafted standard rainbow DK
>Zero OTK decks
I tried 2-3 games in wild, same decks as before, 0 change.
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for me it's Aleco "Agency" Pors.
ever since he joined in 2022, almost every balance patch has made the game from bad to worse. Also he's a guff enjoyer and that tells you a lot.
If you are a death knight player and you are still playing plague DK almost a year later, I hope you pritt stick connoisseurs get the help that you need to take a shower and get a job.
Standard powerlevel is fucking whack.

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>watching the new PlayHearthstone™ sponsored Hearthstone video
>they paid money to have Preach, of WoW fame, to appear
>he's just playing FFXIV instead
>Used to be more than special summoning and handtraps
Kuriboh was a handtrap. Effect veiler is over 10 years old. The game had special summon spam in its early days so bad that 0 turn burn kills were prevalent and the game had a long history of spam or lock metas. Problem with modern ygo is they powercrept into generic ed staples, the game speed has outpaced both the life total and draw per turn amount.
Their boomer pandering spin off game which sold well in japan lets you normal summon infinitely and you draw 5 turn 2nd onwards.
Yugioh being combo autism is its niche, there are plenty of slow anime cardgames.
kek. Thing is they want him to play in an innvitational but provided him no fucking cards.
I actually paused there for a while and hadn't seen that, what the hell you're right, they didn't even give him a press account for their shilled stream?
bros... is it even worth using my dust?
Meta is just not fun anon.
I can't believe they gave DH charge
first week?
second week?
no, wait for the meta to sattle AFTER the first balance patch
why are you playing a game you don't like playing
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um, charge is part of DH class identity chud
I updated my reno warrior because I know I will get my dust back after the balance patch
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Which one do i pick it's been so long i don't trust my judgement as for crafting a first deck is there any recommendations or should i wait until the expansion settles the meta
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it's only a matter of time before her dad joins the team...
>DH is allowed to shine from time to time
>DK is not, not even has a Wild playable deck
What should happen after so many years for this fucking class to be functional?
After the half nigger half indian woman president destroy murika the age of diversity hiring will be over.
i am not playing
they all look like they suck ass
probably DK depending on the leggos
I could tell you more if you showed me whats in them
then why are you in a general of a game you don't play
you have so little free time that you pretend to play games you don't like?
that's kinda sad
>demon seed warlock
>have full health + armor
>have a full board with 2 flesh giants
>get DH down to 1 (one) health, but don't have lethal
>picrel next turn
Demon hunter was a fucking mistake of a character and I hope whichever retard designed them was immediately fired and is now jobless and living on the streets.
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The decks really suck ass compared to the previous ones.
I checked the legos and I like
DK: Has hero card and Maw and Paw.
Hunter: Crush Plushy, Mukla
Paladin: Titan, Jepetto and Tarim.
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I'm so fucking tilted that I even forgot my image. What a dogshit game honestly
i am asking if it is worth playing you brainlet, from the state of the thread im hesitant to use my dust
it's worth it if you like the game, it's not worth it if you don't like the game
what is hard about this for you to understand
they should both be deleted
very soon the question will be "do i even play the game" and the answer will be "in 3 weeks"
There's lists here and for my legendaries basically everything i had rotated out lol
>it's worth it if you like the game
you might actually be a retard
says the one taking a bunch of doomposters as gospel
these fuckers have hated the game for years
This fag STILL a dev??
not only that, but Final Design Lead too.
during the previous expansion he changed 35 cards in a single patch, saying that they wanted to address the low agency meta and it it made the meta objectively less diverse and felt worse
>5 mana
>draw a card
>gain a mana crystal
>gain five armor
>set your maximum mana to 20
>get improved warlock's hero power but even better
fucking shit cow dung mercenary filth rat I'm still mad
Alright i'll go with DK or Hunter depending on where the expansion meta settles
>rogue plays tourist only for 1 mana 3/3
I'm the other anon.
after looking what's inside them I say paladin and priest have the best leggos
Alright noted i'll just slog through missions with them until i get something
i can't imagine this game surviving another full year
Anon but it's 5 mana do nothing!! Think of the tempo loss
please explain
I swaped to TFT with blue hair cement man
the board or my statement?
Dk or Priest.
I see a creature on the board, I churn it away - simple as.
Now that's what I call exciting setup for board churn. Time for the other player to solve the puzzle you placed on the board.
i am the greatest dinomancer
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i love this message board churning, /hsg/
this is more entertaining than all expansions in the past 2 years
Did you get swiped? But yeah iget what you mean. Reminds me to Shadowverse.
>both lamplighters in my last 4 cards
>the other 2 cards are draws
>low hp dk opponent absolutely aspulls lethal the turn before I was mathematically certain of winning despite my deck being stacked in literally the worst possible way
Maybe cardgames aren't for me anymore, this kind of stuff tilts me too much
how the board happened, I haven't kept up with recent cards or decks
just pish yourself

Anon, what are you so surprised about Wild being broken- oh no, oh no. No no no no no. What kind of monkey designs this game ?
i learned to mulligan hard for lamplighters. only warriors play dirty rat.
Unkilliax is actually easy to deal with that's why it's one of the strongest cards in the strongest deck
no, i won

>please explain
had Flame Imp, 2 x Imprisoned Horror, Blood Treant and Coin in starting hand.
drew party fiend turn 1. Played Flame Imp , Coin and Party Fiend on Turn 1. Imprisoned Horrors were discounted to 3 mana in my hand.
Turn 2 starts, I draw another Flame Imp. Play it. now Imprisoned Horrors cost 0, play them too.
This fucking meta i swear, You either play Hiper aggro or you are completely irrelevant because Druid/Warrior generate value over value. Cora patch fixing this slop when you fatfuck?
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show me unkilliax on pic rel please
>you either play aggro or control or OTK or midrange
This meta has the most variety in a while, it still feels like shit because of powercreep and polarized matchup, but your constant whining about aggro is even more pathetic than usual when every archetipe is viable for the first time in forever
What decks out there use Incidious to its full potential. Made sone excavate Mage with Mez'adune and copy creature spells and just blew some diaper warrior out of the stratosphere.

Would Battlecry Priest do the same, but better?
Before harassing Cora Georgiou please watch this video chuds

I know it's a highroll but wtf. No sane game designer should allow a game to have a blowout on turn 2. We Yu-gi.oh now but at least Yu-gi-oh has handtraps.to counter OP shit. Team 5 destroyed the game.
>when every archetipe is viable for the first time in forever

How do you win with a midrange deck against infinite Zilliax, shill ? Or will you try to cope and tell me that Warrior Zilliax deck is midrange-lite.
>every single deck but one has zilli
>only deck without Zil has one of the biggest counters to it instead
>show me unkilliax on pic rel please

Gmaes played with each deck: 50-60. Your precious Zilliax is getting nerfed despite your shilling.
handbuff paladin is midrange so is excavate rouge so is elemental shaman so is overheal priest, you can make an argument for dragon druid and elemental rouge as well
not a single one is unkilliax though you disingeneus schizo
it surreal that you are so insane it shows even jusy through online discussion of a children card game, like I can tell without the shadow of a doubt that you are seriously mentally ill after lurking here for less than a month
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you mean aggro-lite?
>lurking here for less than a month
time for you to go the fuck back to wherever you came from
Actually OTK-lite.
>tavern brawl
>rogue roping me
you gigantic faggot
You don't determine a deck's power level with sample sizes that small
Imagine thinking the top deck are those. With just few hours of expansion. You are a faggot anon.
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I harass noone, I just CUM & GO. I have no time for crazies. Even less for fat romanian shizos.
>nohands plays many different decks so in theory he's enteraining to watch
>every time he opens his mouth I get annoyed since he can never finish a thought and just trails off with the dumbest shit
I miss when HS had good streamers.
Best deck against agro?
control warrior
i've been shitting on them with control DK. dreadhound handler, malted magma, and meltemental ruin their early momentum. then later on gnome muncher can heal back a good bit of whatever damage they hit your face with
does anything in the new expansion help ogre rogue? I can't see any potential synergy
turns out pip in wishing well rogue is pretty good
too bad I got slop out of my coins

edora is great too
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>Pulled Hunter/Priest tourist
>Deck is fucking unplayable without the Hunter parrot legendary
>Don't wanna craft anything in case it's shit
Not really aside from having easier coins via o manager.
Tidepool pupil is an extra bounce.
I dunno if package dealer is another honorary ogre-gang.
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>Paladin: Titan, Jepetto and Tarim.
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amazing really that they didnt bother milking us with cumbrain skins in the shop in the weeks leading up to expansion to dry out our gold reserves, forcing us to buy packs if we wanted to play

blizz should hire me and all these amazing marketing ideas can be theirs with only 1 year of college under my belt
>min 50
>expansion 28 hours old
druid with 16 mana and infinite unkilliax, those faggots really thought this would be balanced?
>eruptions are also affected by spell damage
actually insane
just otk them
Yes, but you know what? That only works with addicted retards because after all the XP nerfs, all the shit meta decisions and now this fucking literal "pay 2 win expansion" if you keep playing you are either, a whale/an old fag too much invested or a retard, in both cases not the best decision.
Why is this epic? Im not spending 400 dust on this, the fuck outta here
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There are already decks with thousands of games
Anyone tested prison DK?
Is the hype real?
I don't wanna play rogue elementals, sorry
>tavern brawling with druid
>dk steals my toyranusrus and titan
Priest bros what should i be playing this shitty expansion?
Zarimi or bust. It's the only deck that's got above 50% winrate.
just remove virus module, it's such a massive problem it's not even funny. They could just straight up remove the reborn or poisonous and it would still be OP.
I'm about to, I didn't want to craft the draw card but now that I've confirmed every other DK build is completely unplayable might as well.
if they do another half measure its just not even gonna make a difference. like 10 mana and its still insane
it takes a fucking long time to set up unless you cut key cards for more card draw, but honestly death-growl+1 mana amalgam on reska or other cards like primus or eliza can quickly ruin the opponent
what class do i play to actually win a tavern brawl
I won with Paladin but definitely wouldn't recommend it. Demon Hunter seemed pretty fast.
I won with DK, is incredible how much adventage grabbing only Spells can give you over other classes
tried dh twice and got cucked by priests both time.
i'll try that next.
beat it with painlock against a paladin that got fucked over by rng, played the rogue card that replayed cards from other classes and it dormant'd his minions.
removing reborn is largely enough
also lifesteal from the other module
rogue is great. im considering crafting it and going all in on RNG slop
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>the best expansion priest cards are the hunter ones
at least automaton slaps
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I actually hit legend for the first time in this game. I thought for sure during the last game my mulligan was going to fuck me, but I had the god draw in the last two games.

Automaton Priest from rank 5 diamond to legend. With like 3 games of Big Spell Mage.
I've been running a deck like this, is fan club that good? I'm running Zola and Griftah over it.
its extra card draw with crimson clergy
>Paladin is handbuff burn
>Hunter is Excess burn
>Mage is sif burn
>Druid is owl burn
>Rogue is element burn
>Shaman is nature/element burn.
>Warlock is fatigue burn
>Warrior is armor burn
>Priest is acupuncture burn
>Dk is eliza burn
>Dh is highroll wild-tier aggro

I understand that, but Zola is an extra whatever you need and Griftah has literally won games for me. With Pip I feel like I don't need more card draw in most games and Fan club I feel like a lot of times could just be a dead draw.
Just ban Ziliax with standard it does too much for too many decks
seriously. they've shown multiple times they are completely incapable of balancing this fucking card so someone just needs to take it out back and kill it
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Unkilliax heals you for 16 hp.
Shouldn’t have lifesteal, Druid cards make it busted
Having to fight through a warrior that shits out like 10 of them is just stupid
DH felt like ranked just spam pirates and kill them by turn 5
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what's Cora doing right now?
why did cliff dive summon a containtment unit from his deck and it DID not go back into his deck? this faggot is cheating?
lamplighter rogue is the only thing that lets me feel something
Thank god there is a PoE league soon to save me from this shit
>be me
>and complain more
>decide to play a bit, i should have like 5 games on the new expansion before i can complain efficiently
>play brawl
>as rogue
>get a priest card "acupuncture : for 1 mana deal 4 dmg to both heroes"
>i look at the card, I imagine the horrors wild shadow priest can do now ... i close the game
>fat fuck zeddy will die in your lifetime
I'm so fucking happy bros
and daily reminder that there is a priest minion released in fucking 2014/2015 that does 3 dmg to both faces and it still sees play to this day. This minion is much harder to find and use than a shadow spell. I have no idea what type of idiot designs cards, but if a card is used for 10 years, you do not power creep it.
Pretty sure Druid is still running wild over wild.
why are they unwilling to fight power creep?
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So you either need to be a warrior with brawl or you just die?
>no control priest
>unbalanced meta sucks ass
many such cases
Its a needed evil. So yeah, fuck diaper classes.
Zilliax was flawed at the start so it can never be balanced. Should have been a high stat low mana card that you add two keywords to. Adding like every fucking keyword into two modules just made it natural to just do that combination. Luckily they at least removed stealth.
why the fuck is the warlock at 6 mana
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What happened with this dude? He used to have at least 3k views.
Wasn't the change to the stealth giving it elusive? Yeah amazing change.
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Resurrecting 3 giga-Zilliax's is far more cancerous than reno ever was and its 2 classes that are doing it
And Warrior was the main reason why Reno was cancer as well.
bros... even /v/ is laughing at us
I hope I did this link thing right
So team 5 is gonna unionize and Cora is never getting fired right?
Would hearthstone be dead right now (as in no more new cards ever) if bg was never invented?
Too... Much... Cement... Put an end to this suffering... Please
everything gets rush and lifesteal, sis. otherwise, it's not fair to me
Sorry for making you go through that cancer match DK, but yeah I kinda threw it.
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what the fuck is that face? she's supposed to be a night elf and doesn't have glowing eyes. literal stock photo copy paste
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Rate my junk out of ~60 packs
She looks like she wants to shit badly
No. They removed Stealth only. Didn't add a keyword.
I doubt anyone even remember that hearthstone still exist. But in 2015-2016 I remember everyone and their mom playing and watching hs, even people at my college who never played a videogame in their life
honestly pretty solid, think only legendary thats meh is cora axe, gilly is bad too but it gives hunter access to the 1 mana cup+menagerie draw spell
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half my games are ending like turn 6 we don't even play most of our cards
I’m pretty sure you can win with literally anything EXCEPT priest.

Like good fucking god, idk how they expect that deck to stand up against literally anything. There are no win conditions beyond maybe stealing something with puppet theatre and it’s all so painfully useless, complicated and slow compared to everyone else just having easy paths towards beat downs, mana cheating board swings or just straight up spell slinging OTKs.
They created 11 classes. Some of these classes even are multiple classes by themselves. What is your suggestion?
You are dead before this comes online. There are like 4 different aggro decks that can kill you on turn 4. Games don't go past turn 5 anymore. Are you playing in Bronze?
I'm playing aggro-lite
/v/ said there isn't enough interest in digital tcg to sustain them. as a result there isn't likely to be a new competitor to hearthstone. are we on our way out bros?
So what's next they remove elusive, reborn or taunt so it can't keep getting brought back.

How many nerfs are they going to give that card before they realize it was a mistake.
Can pain rogue work using the party lady card
you drew terribly and they drew excellent based on the mana
hearthstone isn't a TCG, it's a CCG
all CCGs die out eventually
I guess dropping double molten on turn 5 is a bit of a highroll
yup, the only way that it would have been better is they drop down to 2 health for the moltens etc and then infernal and the lifesteal drink to stabilize back to 20 health.
that's how I wont my tavern brawl.
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So what's the alleged legend rank to skill distribution?
average players with too much time and money in the game
average players with too much money in the game
average players
average players who just want to have fun
>they made the 3 mana ramp epic, so they will nerf everything BUT it
Grim days ahead
Green rag doesn't go back into the deck after cliff dive is used to summon it. Nice bug abuse but I still won
Right now the cancer is Zillax, but don't worry that will be the next target when people just rotate to the next bullshit Druid deck.
>lose to a high roll
>lose because i low rolled
>lose to a high roll
>lose because i low rolled
>lose because i low rolled
>lose to a high roll
>lose to a high roll
>lose because i low rolled
i'm not strong enough for this. playing this game makes me want to kill myself.
Technically speaking, night elven glowy eyes weren't always a sure thing. Back in the day it was a rarity among night elves destined for greatness. But now they all have them. Clearly she's a time traveler from the past.
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you will never grow if you blame your failures on uncontrollable factors
>every loss isn't my fault
this but unironically. i don't earn any of my wins either. this game is just exclusively rng at this point, no skill involved
it isn't the game's fault you play rng decks anon
I miss genn, i had a nice deck and now it's not the same
My even hero power druid was a lot of fun. Now hero power druid is churn prone.
i’m gonna be so sad when lamp rogue is nerfed
perish, combo degenerate
>wake up
>no blogpost
>they're still pranking the community by not announcing the real expansion
So uh, where exactly are the "Perils"?
have you seen druid and warrior?
hunter dirty rat’d my lamplighter twice in a row
AHHHHH I'M CHURNING I'M CHURNING SO HARD! *spurt!* *spuuuuuuurt!!* Ah... that was a good one.
looks like an intern to me

The sales numbers for this expansion will put Hearthstone in peril.
Why are you even playing your aggro deck past turn ~7 against controlslop? concede and try again
I miss Dead Man's Hand control. I play many tcgs and that deck was one of the most retarded deck I saw in any game

You lost because you didn't churn the board often enough.
>what's Cora doing right now?

Optimistic: writing her resignation letter
Realistic: eating like a pig
Pessimistic: designing the new Hearthstone expansion with a girly and infantile theme like Hearthstone top model
designing the next award winning xpac
If you were playing OTK druid, you can catch them by surprise with Swipes to the face. It's pretty funny
In peril? Rather optimistic, its killing the game
Me and most of my friends peordered as always I think this is being dramatic
Sure anon you and your friends (2) preordering is a clear sign this game have years ahead
That's why they made the desperate survey to all players asking why the hell they didnt preordered
You keep being pessimistic and seeing what you want to see. And it's more like 10 friends than 2 but nice try
>Ignore reality
>Ad hominem
0 arguments and delusional... Anon the voices in your head dont count as "friends" you need your meds.
Is it normal if I stopped playing 3 years ago but I still check out on forums every day to see how bad it got?
no, get a hobby
>And it's more like 10 friends than 2 but nice try

Tell your friends to buy more 60$ diamond card bundles and 30$ badly animated diamond heroes so the misers at Blizzard can maybe afford to give us the Expansion trailer and the expansion board back.
Why are so many cards related to food this time.
food and fucking are all people do on vacations, and they can't really have the latter
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It's a mystery
Cora was the designer anon. And you will see more food from now on.
Cora is beautiful, smart and definitely not fat.
Pregante from all those ketchup packs
love slampigs
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I'm having fun
Why does Thijs look like an aids patient when he gets to eat home cooked meals by his wife every single day.
>he gets to eat home cooked meals by his wife every single day.

Maybe the wife is working on becoming a widow ?
why is she so perfect bros
He believed the lie that marriage is good.
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habitual slop churner
He must not be eating much or he is a cancer patient.
It's just his Theotar cosplay
Insanity is not an excuse for bad manners.
6 hours until the blogpost bros

trust the plan
Dutch twink genes
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The only thing more satisfying than shitting on handbuff niggers is the thought of Cora losing her job by the end of the year.
he's in turkey so it's probably his only meal of the day. plus he has a kid so he probably doesn't sleep much
This. Valve tried to make a proper TCG with Artifact, but they fucked it up really badly. It was the only chance for a proper digital TCG unless you think one of those shitty NFT TCGs will ever amount to anything.
Well, there is a "Trial of Style" event on WoW, so you might not even be that far away from what may be actually happening.
will it drop today?
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So Zoo is back I guess
Probably, tuesdays and thursdays were when they'd usually shit out a blogpost
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Which mana cost gives the best value with Gorgonzormu's cheese? It feels like 10 is about the same or worse than 8-9
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>Old Marin: summons an 0/8 creature on the opponents board that you need to kill to get a random treasure
>New Marin: 1 less mana cost and battlecry: you choose which treasure you want and shuffle the rest into your deck
We sure have come a long way
Is anyone truly enjoying this fucking expansion?
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Infini-zilliax is fun for now if i don't get domed by painlock and pirate DH
>stuck in D5 before expansion, get frustrated, only AFK
>expansion is out
>play same old decks with 0 new cards
>get Legend with 9 win streak
>only AFK again
the only enjoyment I get is shitposting about it and watching it die
cant believe hydration station and tsunami were printed with a straight face in the same xpac
i hate cora so much, it's unreal
This game hasn't been fun for son long that I can't even remember half the expansions
battlecy: cement hearthstone
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premium board churn bro. nice
It's not looking good for me, gamers
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>new expansion is only day old
>threads already peaked and dying
thanks, cora
just think of the value
There's not a single person ITT still having fun playing this accursed "game". Why are you still here?
I am
Why is her face yellowed? Meanwhile her hands look fine, complexion-wise.
Is she ill? Is it because she's fat?
personally, to make fun of it and to witness it crash and burn, so that the people responsible get laid off and become homeless.
Troondevs don't survive long enough to actually become homeless. They just become part of the glorious 41%.
Yellowed face and yellow-bellied.
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remember Matt(pic related)?
>responsible for the Mercenaries characters, Mercenaries mode, Book of Heroes, Twist, Duels, Caverns of Time, C'thun skin?
>gets "promoted" to Blizzards survival game under development
>Microsoft buys Blizzard
>Survival game projects gets cancelled, dozens , including, Matt laid off
he still hasn't found a job since January this year :^)
he was also responsible for caverns of times. blizzard has real superstars working on their teams.
According to the shit lore nelves all had glowing eyes but only the gold ones meant something
At this point and considering how much i enjoyed HS in the past i would pay actual money to see Cora and her bunch of monkeys fired and miserable never getting a job in videogame industry again.
What retard thought it was a good idea to give the Druid package to Warrior? Actual fucking braindead behavior.
>faggots admit charge is bad mechanic
>lets give dh full charge set with a overpowered 2/4 that for some reason has 4 hp and giga buffs all charge pirates

thanks blizz
Haste/Charge only made sense in Magic because of instant spells and universal blocker mechanics.
Hearthstone's dev never quite understood the implications of having no means to take meaningful decision during the opponent's turn.
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Why the fuck is lamplighter targeted and not random targets? are devs retarded and think a 3 mana pyroblast you can shadowstep is fine?
It's the first option. Devs are retarded.
>Need to wait for the current devs to learn the same lesson the previous devs learned 10 years ago
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no lessons were learned from pic related
Nice board pal... would be a shame if someone were to... this churn meme is getting overused to a degree where I find it reddit-tier at this point
the difference between lamplighter & shocksplitter is rogue being able to combo OTK is a thing they can do every expansion but hunter being able to OTK like rogue is a big nono
impressed with how dogshit they made mage
same, especially when it's celestatroon's favourite class
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oh really? explain pic rel then.
Feno on a funny rant
What kind of braindead behavior is Rogue and Ziliax, what scenarios are running through their head with these cards? What the fuck are they thinking, there is no way they think its okay.
>Druid druid druid
Let me out...
lynessa otk pally is currently the only thinking mans deck
what's the counter?

cold feet on turn 5, 4 if they have a coin
if your playing DK brick them with 2x cold feet
other decks like warlock or DH threaten lethal on turn 3/4 instead
play an aggro deck, if your deck doesn't have a plan to win before turn 8 you lose
>zilliax in the last 2 cards 3 games in a row
Muh variance!
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Hearthstone is saved!
Zeddy is a faggot.
Wow one of Hearthstone biggest shills likes it. I'm sure he doesn't any interest in hyping it up or anything.
gaslighting his audience to try and clinge onto some semblance of relevancy before game dies.

>streamer who only enjoys the game when he can win via diaper controlling and gets mad when aggro or otk decks are the meta
wow what a surprise he likes the expansion
He means awesome as in the literal meaning of the word. Zeddy is saying that he is in awe of this expansion, how terrible it is, how it is worse than he could have ever imagined.
nah i've given it a couple of fair sessions at this point as unbiased as i can be, and it's literally just not fun
the algorithm has me on a winning streak atm and i still can't play more than a couple games
it feels like literally nothing has changed. i'd struggle to name cards that came out this expansion that are actually doing anything and i've played dozens of games
the only cards that even come to mind are the drinks because they're spamming my questlog with quests to play them. marin the manager feels like a bigger deal than anything in cora's vacation
as the zeddy anon say: i'm so happy zeddy fatfuck will die in my life time.
There is no counter, you will lose to otk and you will be happy.
I summon 3 3/6 lelementals. They attack randomly and I end my turn.
they all always had glowing eyes, you're thinking of ones with gold glowing eyes instead of silver ones
wait for the miniset! ;)
it's not that bad
>it's not that bad
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we do a lil winning playing a underpowerd deck as shown by global stats :^)
unkilliax deck?
>have no new cards
>still just playing hero power druid
how do i win against the poison spell immune divine shield summon a copy robot? i tried putting silences in my deck but its not enough
is black knight still a card?
>how do i win against the poison spell immune divine shield summon a copy robot?
anon, I...
its worse
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>pirate tribe based around charge and buffs to kill the opponent on turn 4
>Elemental tribe based around otk to kill the oppponent on turn 7
>2 classes based on ramping and spamming zilliax
>Everyone is literally using zilliax
Standard makes wild look like standard-lite
like there must be a crab that eats mechs or some shit lol
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>meta is 4-5 classes after 1 day
30 minutes until the blog post SAVES hearthstone
member when they wanted to remove charge because its unfun to just die from hand
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budget bros, we're back
I member when they said stonetusk boar was a mistake and now DH get 3 of them that get buffed on turn 3
>Standard makes wild look like standard-lite
i've been playing wild a lot in the past year and i noticed a lot of people climbing ladder with Standard decks. there's going to be a point where the game is so powercrept that wild will be obsolete as an alternative mode.
Copium maximus
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announCEMENT today or tomorrow
Leave the multibillion corporation alone!
announcing the announcement to be announced at the end of the week (sunday)
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anon was right, they're waiting until the opening ceremony for the olympics to stealth drop it
Please delete this, I'm trying REALLY hard to gaslight people into believing that Druid and Warrior are not batshit insane broken right now. Why not complain about aggro, so Druid and Warrior will get even more batshit insane broken once it's gone?
sleazy hypocritical scum, a shill that will do anything just to gain some exposure
rogue is the broken deck, as always
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>Ham eats their zilliax
Anyone else bothered by the fact that druid and warrior have the exact same gameplan? Just play zilliax and bring him back as much as possible?
Yeah, just like that.
God how this people are paid for this absolute incompetence is beyond me, what an absolute trash.
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>actually it's not really an announcement :^)
If you get to the point they can do that, you already lost the match.
what a insane swing! all for 8 mana
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Yea, we're fucking THRIVING
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THIS is a face you can trust!
Yep i want to put Cora and Team 5 very deep into the sea :)
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but i need some time to build up my hero power to meow him to death
god thats depressing
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Anyone have a good PiP hostage Rogue list? I feel like being annoying today
>first time facing yogg saron
every class gets a mindcontrol/boardclear now and it casts spells for you? is this game made to piss you off lmao no wonder most people just play aggro the longer the game goes the more likely it is to face stupid cards like yogg saron lol
this game is cooked

Why are Hearthstone remaining fans such cucks ?
>make the recommended new xpac rogue deck
>Its utter fucking dogshit that depends on a gacha to do anything worth a shit
I should have expected this. Any good rogue decks?
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Somehow i ended up with both hunter legos, so just double checking is this a safe first investment for a deck
The game is at an amazing place where it none of the decks are fun to face. It's win by turn 5 or get walled by unlimited zilliax. They made the explosive highrolling problem even worse.
lamplighter, it's also dirt fucking cheap
I, for one, want more churn. I think I can still see the semblance of strategy in this game.
I actually have fun with the game when the other guy plays a bad deck.

The fix is making it 5 mana, then Sonya doesn't work with it, and nobody really cares about this except Shaman. It would still be a decent card with Shudderblock, maybe even still meta defining. Actually, Elemental Shaman sounds pretty good and I might play that after this post. I mean unironically isn't that a 30 damage turn pretty easily?
The good rogue deck is just spamming elementals each turn to spam lamplighter and burn your opponent by turn 7
>opponent plays like 6 cards and has 0 mana
>hovers over everything
>plays another card that costs 0 mana
>hovers over everything
>plays another card that costs 0 mana
>still doesn't end turn
such a good game man. i love playing hearthstone
>this game is cooked

Were you able to churn the board ?
Ah fucks sake I just read the text cannot attack enemy hero. Could experiment with bounce though.
every deck is broken shit it's why the game is unfun
>control vomits walls of taunt and heal to full if you don't kill them fast
>degenerate OTKs to get through diapers' taunt wall
>aggro is hyper fast cancer so diapers can't react in time
>doesn't mention the biggest problem of all, mana cheating
Newcomer here, what's a good standard deck I can make on a budget?
>mage plays 3 water elementals on turn 8

1) incompetent
2) Lazy
3) Arrogant

That's a modern Hearthstone dev for you.
Lamplighter.dek is fairly budget. 1 legendary at most.
The fix is making it target minions, stop having scaling burn
It's just not fair is it. Like fuck me could you imagine Mage having any powerful cards.
alright i give up constructed for this expansion
was a good run see you guys in the next expansion
See you tomorrow
Go play Twist if you don't want to bother with constructing decks. I'm sure Cora and her friends are the best deck builders ever.
dont even know what twist is
gonna blast bgs while drunk
i'm fucking tired of Druid and DH is fucking insane.
I was almost about to open hs then saw this. Kek think I'll just watch people lose to this bulshit on twitch instead.
I'm back in the saddle after a long hiatus - which loaner deck should I take?

There's a big demon hunter which seems cool but which doesnt seem good and there's a DK deckc with a new horseman hero, is that any good?

I'm gravitating towards dragon priest with the time skipping legendary because I like dragons a lot (plus I dont own any of those leggos).
Leave and never return
fucking sad to read something like this
DH gives the most dust to disenchant and craft a wild deck instead
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>verification not required
Rogue once again gets absolute garbage yet is broken regardless because of shadowstep abusing a broken neutral
The DK deck offers the most opportunities to churn for your buck. You can churn single minions with the hero card and 3 damage to help you churn some more next turn.
Broooooooooooos help
ofc not unless you want a 30% winrate deck
according to anons seems that Priest has the best Leggos
Get rid of gilly.
Amalgam hunter is ass because it is far easier to purge than Unkilliax druid/warrior while being greedy enough to die to burn and Piratedh
Thanks guess i'll keep hoarding
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played ranked for 4 hours today
had an absolute miserable time and ended where I started
The Hearthstone experience.
Churn the board, chud.
Cora is a Queen!
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wtf bros, is the subreddit becoming based?
I wonder if the current dev team would be happier if they weren't tied to the warcraft brand at this point. It feels like it is only used for name recognition and it seems they are resentful of the idea of being forced to be serious sometimes. I know Hearthstone plays up the comedic side of Warcraft, but it may as well be a different world at this point.
I want to Snuggle Struggle with Jia
Well after some hours into the expansion i feel people is alredy for doom mode, even outside of here, Cora will have to release a good patch note to fix this.
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It would need to be a long fucking list because this game is trash right now
Now that the dust has settled which deck is safe to craft?
if you look at most media adaptions of old content, (((they))) resent the original content more than any one possibly could. Team 5 has 0 respect for warcraft lore and just see it as a platform to further their own ideas, since they cant hack it out there on their own
lamplighter rogue seems obvious+its alot cheaper dust-wise than infinite zilliax druid/warrior
What’s the decklist? Looking at the comments here the gameplay is to play elementals for many turns before bouncing lamplighter for an OTK?
Don't craft everything until post pack-selling nerfs.
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>What if we make pirates relevant again by giving everything charge this time
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take your pick, otherwise yea play a ton of elementals over time like elemental shaman then otk the opponent
Trying to play BG's is fucking miserable now. I can't do more than 1 action a second. When I tried to play a game earlier in standard I had to wait for every minion to attack before attacking with the next one. This is fucking miserable and awful. Why would they make the game worse?
bro just play ziliax are you dumb holy shit
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Unfortunately i died turn 4 after casting a ramp spell. i played a dragon on turn 1 but he had an answer for it
They can actually fix it but they won't. Make a new core set. Print a new set with weak power level with limited discover and a bit of random, nothing crazy (around ungoro power of cards). Call it hearthstone 2 or something. Make one more set for regular hearthstone with crazy cards just for fun, then stop supporting it. Give people skins and cards with actual warcraft fanservice. Sell whole sets for 80-100$ and more people will actually spend money. Boom, hard reset, everyone is happy, hearthstone saved. Just don't print bullshit cards
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what happens if Team 5 unionizes too?
Bros rising tide just fucking blows my druid treant deck out It's not fair I get incidentally hit by a card that other people don't even care about because I'm still playing 2/2 stats while other real aggro decks are playing 10/10's turn 2.
>If I make this bad trade I can trade around the spellpower swipe
>Get hit by the spellpower rising tide.
Well I tried. Back to my NA account to play Ziliax Warrior.
even less tits and ass
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Is tsunami any good? i have been using it for a day now and it feels like shit spending 8 mana then praying they hit good targets. They should at least have immune when they are cast so all 3 don't fall over to a 6/7 on the board
It's shit, looked awful even before I tried it
Yeah It's beyond trash. It's a Mage spell so as a baseline It's shit.
It's time for fire the whole Team 5 before is too late. If they somehow get a way to protect their usseless jobs we will never be able to get rid of them until the death of HS
It works in a specific situation. And that situation is that it closes out against aggro. It's not going to do anything against control or midrange or combo. But it will stop hunter from using weapon on your face as well as put him on the clock. It's the churning of going from being on the backfoot to stabilizing and retaliating.
So, like next year?
The game will survive because the whales and addicts will keep it afloat.
thousand needles, are you ready... to CH-CH-CH-CH-CHUUUUURN?!?!?
Yea freezing the enemy hero when they have a weapon and a weak board always felt good for stabilizing but if they have any decent size minion they can all just run into it and commit suicide if the rng gods demand it
>another game of priest stealing your only minion and getting 8 amunthals
the only choice is playing hyper agro
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since when has this guy been back?
April. I don't blame you for not knowing, Shaman has been bad the whole time.
All the Big spell mage cards are better when drawn off manufacturing error than in a big spell mage deck.
as a low rank legend player, do you gatekeep rank 1 diamonds, or do you let them pass?
is there a way to run incendious in anything else than the shudderblock combo?
>princess huhuran meta
why are you acting like legend is hard or something to gatekeep? there is no gatekeeping bots can get into legend, rank means nothing on your matchmaking its all mmr

legend is not hard
be sincere can you climb high with loaned decks?
They've gotta earn it
I could barely get out of bronze everyone here is on that DH pirate shit
No. Not even to diamond. As early as chicken rank you'll be against fully paid decks only. You have two choices.
1. Pick the aggro list and hope.
2. Pick the deck with the highest dust and craft something that actually wins.
No. This game is pay to win you can barely reach silver with that shit, and you will be very miserable facing the whales and the old players with full decks anon.
i can, you cant ;}

jk it just depends on how much time you want to waste playing.
No, they suck really hard and you can't even edit them
no but you can dust the dh one and potentially craft enough cards for a good deck
Why the DH one? Does it have something nerfed in it?
Lmao the druid loaner deck is literally all uncraftable legendaries LMFAO.
no it just has the most dust
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reno is odd one out here
shut up you pathetic tranny
ive literally never seen a reno played in a long time lmao, also sonya isnt there seems like a rogue tranny trying to avoid the real problem
Cora should have BOTH hands with food.
>she thinks totems are "guys"
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>Shamans only good card this expansion is the Demon hunter tourist so they can run the pirate package
Which card is that super squished one?
now this is art
you reek of tranny
reno isnt good enough for modern HS
ok thats it fuck you all, turn 8 play 3 water eles that die to 1 ziliax isnt the play, im going back to sif
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summon zillax win or boomboss fizzle if supa control


the let my mmr decay too far from not playing, came back and easy wins at this shitter legend rank
Just dodge dh aggro.
you reek of sissy
malding little aggro sissy KEK
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I finally did it friends!
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I now have all classes at 1000 wins. Monk when?

Deck I was using if anyone wants to see my homebrew jank:

# 2x (0) Horn of Winter
# 2x (1) Arthas's Gift
# 2x (1) Body Bagger
# 2x (1) Murmy
# 2x (2) Corpsicle
# 2x (2) Dreadhound Handler
# 2x (2) Harbinger of Winter
# 2x (2) Mining Casualties
# 2x (3) Acolyte of Death
# 2x (3) Chillfallen Baron
# 2x (3) Crop Rotation
# 2x (4) Ghouls' Night
# 2x (4) Horizon's Edge
# 2x (6) Marrow Manipulator
# 1x (0) Zilliax Deluxe 3000
# 1x (0) Zilliax Deluxe 3000
# 1x (5) Perfect Module
# 1x (5) Ticking Module
# 1x (20) Reska, the Pit Boss
this is what I got . Actually not bad since im a Wild Chad and goes nicely into warlock decks.
However, I did open 60 packs with 6k gold and only got 2 legendarys . So guess Im skipping this expansion cause this " muh new keyword is locked behind paywall" is just dumb as fuck
AS a wild a player this wont effect me much
buuuuuut Im sick of tranny and Cora food loving shit that even playin WIld or BGs for fun feels shit nowdays
Glad I didnt get that AFK shit though
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>I now have all classes at 1000 wins
will never be me
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Anyone got an shudderblock incindus deck that they have a solid winrate yet? I feel like I'm close but its such a bitch getting both on hand but trying to play both without dying is hell, but the opponent fails to kill him once the game is pretty much over once you play gatekeeper
That card was designed for getting cast through mana-cheating, never actually playing it from hand for it's full cost.
how many hours a day do you play? no other modes?
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Where the FUCK is CEMENT cora??? It's almost weekend how bad that shit will be
Ah i get why pirates are so strong now, the mini set will have a pirate eating crab!
Did I miss the o promised community post or is it still to be marvelled at?
Uhm ackshually its still this week
there is still
>1 workday
>2 calendar days
>3 europoor days
left in the week
They actually making a new board so here's why the delay. We will also get 10(ten) apology packs and a hero skin(furry wolf)
Idk I only play during expansion launches now. I used to play for hours a day but I recently got a new job and a wife so I don’t have as much time for hearthstone anymore
I hope the furry wolf skin has big tits and a pussy bulge. If yes, then all is forgiven
>10(ten) apology packs
based (im f2p)
>hero skin(furry wolf)
based (im a furry)
Can't log into bnet, perhaps this is a sign
wild players are so bad i could play standard deck and get high legend
ok do it
Cruise Captain Lora
You're right, Reno is off-churn
its actually the cora axe legendary
>get close to new floor in bg
>lose 3 times in a row
yes its fun but not good.
Instead i'm trying to cook up an anti meta triple unholy DK. enough aggro to beat otk decks, enough tempo to stand up to pirate decks, and im running helya with 2 plague weapon and 2 of the 2 drop to try and slow down control. Theres enough interesting cards to make it fun instead of the braindead aggro deck it was but you still get green bloodlusts
Does anyone even plays WoW today? They unionize like one cannot just say "ok, whole team out, we replace you all with young blood"
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>Getting a union is big news since actiblizzard is so horrible to work for
Where is the blogpost?
end of the week means sunday bro :)
Cora ate it. Stop being entitled.
>what happens if Team 5 unionizes too?
Their team is too small to unionize their only hope would be to attach themselves to the larger WoW union. For HS devs they can literally be replaced by anyone breathing and those people would do a better job asking AI to create new cards from them based on previous cards before the last 2 years.
People don't really talk about this but that Incindius card is pretty turbo haribo cancer schamancer. 15 cards which can be OTK, you can use gravedigger on the other Shudderblock to draw entire hand 3 times which means you can actually stall out the game for someone its a couple minutes after rope. Nasty.
the ranked rewards are kinda pathetic in comparison to how easy it is to get packs nowadays huh
>you climbed to legend? gz!! heres 5 packs and 1 (one) epic, piggy
are you implying that getting legend isnt easy?
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>Just spam pirates or warrior bro
Yea nah
its only easy if you have no shame and spam tier 1 decks
but even then its still harder and more time consuming than just leveling your (free) battle pass
I wouldn't know the struggle, I got legend in the very first season as shaman(considered worst class in season 1) and every season I bothered to play.

Legend now is a joke ranking system made it so much easier. 1. you can get win streaks all the way up to legend. 2. rank means nothing for your opponents, just mmr. bots have gotten to legend with their low mmr just playing vs other bots at low mmr with a good streak.
3. I'm not retarded
also back in the day each rank had like 5 stars and no win streak bonuses at 1-5 now you can get star bonuses at 1-5 there isn't even a grind :^)
the way i would would to understand that post is : "Getting legend rank is not worth the time investment". Its not about if it is easy or not. Even in wild where some decks guarantee legend, the time investments compared to what you get as pack rewards and dust rewards from nerfs is starting to make the question "is it fun?" and since the answer is "no", you basically do not have incentive to do it.
As a free 2 play player it is very dangerous for the game when I can say that I do not need free packs. But I do not.
This is mainly created from all of the nerfs though. The dust started to accumulate a bit too fast - 32k dust means i can choose to not play for an expansion, maybe 3 and still be able to craft whatever i need for wild... as F2P player.
I'm trying to come back to the game and I can't understand half the new cards I see let alone think of a deck I want to build to get more competitive. Are they any good easy aggro decks to build right now? Something like face Hunter or Paladin weenies these would be most similar to the decks I used to play around the time of Un'goro
i may be the only player who given no shit about "how hard it is". I want all the rewards for free. No legend rewards anymore. Play the game because it is fun not because you played 40 games with the best performing wild deck. Even my thinking is currently like that : why i recommend wild? Because legend is guaranteed on some decks. why do i not recommend standard: because it may take you a bit longer, meaning more wasted time.
If I could make a bot to play the games for me, I would have much more fun with hs, because any game I decide to play would be one I want to play.
I am getting so many ropers, are they bots? what happened i am playing renounce warlock so reason to punish me more.
new cards means all the drooling retards don't know how to pilot the decks until they've absorbed ~100 hours of a streamer playing it
nta but i'm also getting them in wild i think it's just general new expansion shitters rather than specifically being the decks
you now remember harrison jones
You mean Reno Jackson? Remember, there can be only 1 white male!
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monk will save us
evoker will cement us
what could the monk hero power even be? my only guess would be a self heal with the flavor being that you're a brewmaster drinking ale
tournament only card
Bros are they giving us bad news tomorrow?
they'll wait until sunday and it's eos
they'll try to word it so it looks like good news when its blatantly shit like when they announced their esports tourney in new year would have zero prize pools removing any incentive for the esport HS twitch streamers to actually bother
>been trying to make Elemental Shaman work since Un'Goro
>finally good
>game has gone to absolute shit
>either get 1st or get 8th in bg
i feel kinda bad when i use n'zoth because the well played emote sound more like wow so people probably think i'm bming
>Can't go past platinum.
Man i'm so cooked.
some of the pre-order/diamond hero emotes are 100% designed to be made for BMing
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I didn't churn the board enough and I got cemented.
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Jesus christ
deserved for playing dk
21 damage on turn 3. Yikes.
the only good games i had with dk this month were with even triple unholy but that's illegal now.
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It seems reddit isn't having any fun
Have you tried playing pirate demon hunter.

This game is designed by monkeys
>muh board churn
>every deck just kills you from hand
Don't be that guy, anon.
That's what happens when you don't design a meta but you design decks. That's also what happens when you design your decks to favor garbage aggro strategies by continually creeping up the statistics of early minions out of the range of every hero power in the game. This means that to compete you have to power creep every single removal, then you end up in the situation where every minion needs to creep up again, then the removal, then minions.
This is solved by designing metagames and not decks but the people in charge of hearthstone at the moment aren't intelligent enough to understand why what they're doing is wrong.
blogpost in 12 hours bros hold on
I hope all zilliax warrior NIGGERS get cancer
The blogpost will either save us or cement us
being cemented is actually a positive thing
I can't believe I installed this piece of shit again.
What deck should I play? I don't even have any perils cards.
secret hunter, doesn't use any new cards
The post if also just complaining about complaining in an underhanded way. Trying to keep the conversation away from the idea that the devs are incompetent retards who need to be fired.
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i can't tell if this is standard or wild
giv deck
I just got blasted by a fucking mage on turn 4
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there isn't a single mode in this game that isn't just bullshit layered into bullshit. I think i've played the most games in a while everyday just because every game lasts maybe 3 turns, including battlegrounds.
better art than what we've gotten for a year.
cora cemented us

Diaper Zilliax is Cringe but don't pretend your uninteractive Lamplighter OTK Rogue is any better. All the meta decks feel bad to play.

We may have found the rare based and unintelligent Reddittor that was able to say the whole game is shit on the Reddit without getting banned by the jannies by using sarcasm.
I left the game about 7 years ago and I just got the itch to play card games again. I came back to Hearthstone and Eternal both and I think this new meta for Hearthstone is so fun! You que up and play against almost every single class. That NEVER happened back in the day, it was just 500 people running secret paladin or face hunter. I see a lot of people complaining but I dont really understand why. There is so much variety, nothing feels too oppressive (ok maybe druid does a little but not EVERYONE is playing it). Yeah zilliax is a bitch for some classes to deal with but outside of 1 card I think they knocked it out of the park on this expansion.
shut up cora
Another bg game I tried for demons and never found soul rewinder
Virus Module +1 mana
Lamplighter will become minion only
Pirate DH location +1 mana
New Heights +1 mana
Painter's Virtue +1 mana or -1 durability
Cora will say "sowwwwy :(" and the next expansion will be just as bad
Screencap this
And what about Reno????
Reno to 11 mana or something
Hydration station needs to be different taunt minions
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Cora is making fun of herself?
>retire ziliax
>don't need to do half these changes
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Why wasn’t Lamplighter a Shaman card. Why does the new Painlock minion gain uncapped stats. Why can Hydration Station rez the same minion thrice.
Fuck man my class doesn't even have a core identity or cards that only I have access to that are powerful. But Rogue gets to keep shadowstep and every set they get a new battlecry to abuse. It's just not fair is it.
She doesn't strike me as a hungry person, USA is a first world country.
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oops wrong webm
This is great what's this from?
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It's Friday evening where I live so I figure they're saving the news for when it's Friday afternoon PT, but has anything come of this yet?
Cards should cost mana. There, I said it.
no, not yet. Hat said, in discord, it's going to be a blogpost

Cringe kys
t. Quest mage (mentally ill)
Reminder that this card is STILL banned in Wild...
If only that was the only design problem...
I know is bait but...
Cora your pizza is ready.
>ecore quit over otk druid
>it's not even remotely the best otk deck
>>Ecore quit because of a bullshit deck
>>It's just one of many bullshit decks and it's not even the worst offender

Seems he did the smart thing, desu.
>You must swallow the bullshit devs shove down your throat because there are worse shits
>>You must swallow the bullshit devs shove down your throat because there are worse shits

That's unironically the Reddittors' way of coping with the current abhorrent meta: >>487665142
>even in the chink fantasy where america is broke, 100 yuan is equivalent of 1 dollar
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which are the next streamers to join him?

my money is on:
>OldGuardian (he pretty much shifted to Rumble entirely, but has been streaming big HS events)
>which are the next streamers to join him?

Trick question. All of them (in a year or so).
The real question is how much will HS last at this rythm?
Stop doomposting guys the update post will cement us
literally nobody heard of Ecore before he announced he was quitting
Cement is already over us.
It still doesn't change the fact that the meta ended up being absolute degenerate uninteractive garbage.
It's not about if people knew who he was its about a fucking symptom of the current state of the game making the few content creators that this game still has quit. Which is never a good fucking sign for any type of game.
4 mana 7/7
Fatfuck Zeddy still support this game. That's all we need.
There isn't a single mode that is playa me. I can't even escape into battlegrounds anymore.
Ngl that zilliax rez is such bullshit, even worst than big priest. There I said it
all big priests or NIGGERS as I like to call them, get out of my game
so wait zeddy has never even worked at blizzard or anything like that? i assumed that had to be the reason he was such a blizzard dick sucker
just take away each and ever ramp card from the game I am so fucking sick of it
its why they balance xpacs around him
z*ddy is a massive paypig and a shill, his income and "recognition" depends on hearthshit's well-being
bro why did they make the perfect mulligan so overwhelmingly powerful? dh going 1 2 3 4 perfect going first is so insanely broken I cant even believe this shit is real
can we please just reduce powerlevel across the game holy shit man
Heh nice unkillable wall of Zilliax Warrior it would be a shame if I....
*Summons 3 3/6 elementals that attack randomly*
Heh looks like your face has been frozen and two of your zilliaxes have lost their divine shield. I don't see how you come back from this.
a powerlevel reset is long overdue but it won't happen
they genuinely believe their design philosophy is good and when they're absolutely forced to nerf something it's always +1 mana shit when the card's effect is clearly cancerous and needs changing
AND he gained +8health! you’ve got him on the ropes!
For a union to be effective, the workers have to provide quality to relevant work, even if initially. Team 5 has been delivering crap for years now and quality has dropped with time. Microsoft/Act-Blizz would just fire the whole team and then rehire everybody from scratch, save for 1-2 code monkeys to keep the game working while they remake the team
No way Rogue is that low in winrate. Fucking Elemental Rogue is ridiculous and brain dead easy to play.
maybe the announcement is that the whole team is getting fired and this is why there is no new board while they look for a new team
if the gameplan is playing a pirate on 1 and hozen on 3 and that deals 20 dmg and you think this shit is fun or interesting you might aswell just quit your job as a designer. I am not even playing a greedy deck but if they go first I can never remove their board. I simply dont have the tools
same with painlock. I guess I just dont like the game anymore. every game feels awful
What do you mean. We have both standard and a rotation. The powerlevel issue has been solved. That's we they deleted everyone's cards and put the new ones on a clock.
fatfuck poster save me from this cretin
I'm trying my best
Zeddy is the last bit of trust you can have HS
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They ever going to update bot decks?
on stream he is constantly whining and bitching. nothing he ever posts should be taken as true
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Cruise Captain Lora? More like Lose Captain Cora huehueuhe
Loose captain.
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They are supposed to be free wins not board churning decks
Announcement today lads! They're going to tell us hearthstone 2 is shadowdropping today with a much lower powerlevel and ben brode is back! Hundreds of hours of new singleplayer adventures! No one that has touched the game in the past 5 years is allowed anywhere near it. We're saved!
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which side are you on, /hsg/?
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>Noone would play decks if they weren't busted
What a braindead take
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tier 3?
corbett, archetype creating cards are allowed to be broken same for concierge
this meta has the most variety I've seen in years, one bad balance patch(so a balance patch since they can't do anything right) and we are back to one clear best deck and 2-3 playable ones at best
It will be a nothing burger and they will try to gaslight the players.
Of course they will fail but they don't care.

Those are men's feet.
>Tier 3
Corbett is just a clueless faggot right?

It won't be a nothing burger, it will be an obituary for Hearthstone. They are waiting for the last minute of Friday which is their workday to post they will downsize the game and new content and then they can go home. Their plan is to run away for the weekend and hope the outrage calms down.
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>Tier 3
>Play arena minions
>2/30 of your arena minions have battlecry: Win the game.
This is cringe and lame.
Hmm do I want a Hero with 30hp and die turn 3 or do I want a Hero with 60hp and only get 4th Hmmm.
I am so tired of ecelebs. I think they ruined gaming more than women and minorities
Is Elemental Shaman actually good because I’m getting outpaced by everything right now, including Lamplighter Rogue
bros zetalot just rage quit his stream after losing a priest mirror at 6700 Legend
ugly mugg on that lass innit?
Diabetic fat fucks are somehow always hungry.
>2nd Lamplighter
gets more fun if you have 2nd shadowstep in hand
do we really just have druid warrior and a bunch of aggro shit? what a boring fucking start of the expansion
It's shit it just has a 3mana pyroblast.
nta but i'm also very close to hitting this "milestone". i'm like 100 DK wins away
but my account has been active since beta and i botted a good amount in vanilla hearthstone. i'd guess no more than 20% of my wins came in the past 5 years
Even if it's true, they have no reason to admit this.
Which one is the honest class?
Warriorgods. Now and always.
If any developers are reading this you should let Shroomscavate hit face ;)
DK, flawled at design, with less functional cards than any other class due to rune system and without a true specific broken card since it's release unlike DH
If any developers are reading this you should be fucking fired for killing the most profitable TCG
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This too but I take what I can get
Because it's a 1 mana Gadgetzan Auctioneer.

Cold blood in the Rogue deck is bugged.
really isnt anything they can do cause of how many fuckin cheap heal cards priest has to make the dude a 1 mana draw 20+ cards and set up whatever otk combo deck they wish to play
People were playing elemental mage rarely before Lamplighter. If people really want to play a deck, they will. I just hate making busted tribal support to force it. They tired to force pirate rogue and it didn't work. They still made Treasure Distributor, a card that fucked wild and was a time bomb in standard that is now getting it's payoff in PiP. So even if they make a strong card that isn't a thing yet they tend to keep forcing archetypes until a critical mass of good cards happen and it finally becomes a thing. It just feeds into powercreep.
The current match Thijs playing is so cringe.
based China annihilates the Great Satan.
just got plat in wild with my big priest deck
lets go
i think it will be pure Roman cement.
I'm more hyped for the EOS blogpost than I ever was during the reveal season of this dogshit expansion
its gonna cement hearthstone's 10 year anniversary for sure
where did everything go so wrong
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Every post I see here is nerf this change that, and I have to wonder if no one payed attention to what happened last expansion.

They nerfed the called for cards, and every time they did a worse meta replaced it. Let things settle down for a while first, and just enjoy the meta for what it is. Come back in a few weeks and make your complaints then otherwise I fear we will have a repeat of last expansion.
less than 2 hours bros, cora wont let us down
I haven't been this excited since United in Stormwind.
2 hours until we get the maintenance announcement.

you know its coming. open your eyes.
how come people are complaining about aggro (pirate dh) combo (pick any one) and control (zilla warrior). If all types of decks are 'OP' doesnt that mean everything is fine and balanced?
control haters are aggro sissies. they'll whine, complain and scream no matter how shit control performs, see>>487699738
Then you suggest we swim in this cesspool until you are ok with that and we can without a single doubt confirm what everyone with half a brain knows: the meta is an absolute shit and after that we then can say "wew was shit after all"? seems like a redditor post fag.
We needed effective changes and reworks. Just slapping one mana on one of the least relevant cards is not a good change. Let the meta settle is a lazy excuse for having to endure unfun and broken shit.
I still hate Guff, Reno hero that deletes the deck and the mage quest that gives an extra turn. some shit is just bs lol
And lose 13 mmr when you do get fourth don't forget that.
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>seems like a redditor post fag.
you got me
braindead reddit take, they should nerf the top 500 standard cards into complete trash and that's just a start
I would prefer the medicine to all our problems: Monk.
not a big fan of aggro-lite
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>End of Service announcement soon
So what wins Reno Druid, with the Dragon Nest up or Six Amun'Thuls.

The answer was Amun'Thul.
heal 1 + gain 1 attack seems like the obvious choice
why cant you see ip's per thread anymore

who is highest legend player here btw need to know if I'm the best player in this thread or not
Because this thread will have like literally 20 people screaming to the void, can you imagine? Embarassing.
He's angry because you can't even spell his name right
I'm silver and I'm 100% better at the game than you.
Oh I did spell it wrong, which is funny because when I looked the card up to make sure I got his name write I spelled it right.
I will fight with honor
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In almost an hour bros...CEMENTED
>The counter to OTK druid is
>OTK druid
>the actual counter to otk druid
>is whatever this is
post decklist
>so high legend faced 2 chinese players in a row

why are they still on eu server? isnt cn server back up??
literally on the side of the screen you mouthbreathing moron
30 minutes until we're cemented for the next 5 months

no, literally the last hope for the game is cn servers opening later this yera
Problem is their "nerfs" are just 1 mana increase. So most of the time either the card is dead, either the card is still cancer but less often, no in-between.
Looks like hero power druid to me
What is everyone doomering about?
no. if i do not have fun just change the game until I do. You make like 120 cards or so per expansion and right now 100 are unfun, so just change 300 cards per year and since 2020 i have had no fun, so change 1200 cards.
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its not DOOM, its destiny! The world of HS is ending and this is a good thing. Embrace the apocalypse mortals and pray to God for Cora's judgement to be etetnal!
Matthew 24:42
>Therefore, stay awake, for you do not know on what day your Lord is coming
>"Closer and closer to mankind comes their Reckoning: yet they heed not and they turn away." [Qur'an 21:1]
>"just wait for the meta to settle"
>the meta is already the same as the last meta just with new cards
feels like 21.12.2012 again.
Devs should buff more cards. There’s so much unplayable garbage right now that could use number changes or slight / full revamps.
a story in two acts
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>Hearthstone is here to stay.
Cement bros? Doomsayer bros?
Its actually not that hard to fix the game, 5 mana lamplighter, CoolPools or whatever its called now resurrects Taunts up to 8 mana, Incindius now shoots 5 volcano cards or whatever its called at the end of your turn, so they can't be battlecried in there ridiculously.
>nothing nothing nothing
deserved for playing dk
>no new boards because we're going to sell you ways to customise it
>new garbage hero skin slop coming
>buzzword buzzword buzzword
10 more years fml
hopefully monk is good
Cora won! Sisters, we won!
JFC Blizzard these people literally cannot make new boards and innovate the game at the same time give them some actual people already with Microsoft money.
I'm so glad they promised to inject more good into the game while promising nothing concrete. Finally Hearthstone is saved. You might not have a fun game, but you will get more stuff to pay pig on!
>Literally nothing
What was the fucking point?
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Until we get a Jaina bikini skin with as much, if not more, visible cleavage as her original portrait, this will be a failed expansion.
10 more years of hs
1 new board a year
rag legendary skin
>an entire blogpost of empty words and zero promises
it's actually so over lol
And a Valeera bikini skin too while we're at it.
>new types of skins(to appeal to china)
>new executus/rag premium skin
>probably year of boards instead of expansion boards
>stealing pet on board from mtga
>unironically cemented

it's funny that they think we don't know that they outsource boards and it's just a matter of money rather than any in house """talent""" being used to make them
they promised multiple new ways to spend your money :)
I think the legendary 3d skins are ugly as sin and dont match the rest of the games 2d art. If they also add ugly 3d pets walking around the board... i dont know man...
>PR nonsense that says nothing
We are so fucking cemented.
The spaghetti code of this unity game will only become worse.
so basically they removed boards so they could monetize them? yup i knew it. game is dead. fuck these greedy pigs.
It's so over bros
But don't you want to pay 49 bucks for a pet to glitch out your game board
NEW THREAD, GET IN >>487735402

NEW THREAD, GET IN >>487735402

NEW THREAD, GET IN >>487735402
Don't create a new thread, let it die already.
a nuked game (seperate classic era server qualifies) is the only possible way this shit lasts for 10 more years
so i take it optimistically, maybe they really are planning on segregating the new shit
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going to continue a decade and beyond
hearthbros we're so back

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