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Previous thread: >>486484687


>The main information documents for Elden Ring (/erg/), Dark Souls (/dsg/), Bloodborne (/bbg/), Demon's Souls, Sekiro, King's Field, Armored Core (/acg/) and Spellbound

>Soulslike games like Nioh, Lies of P, Code Vein, Lords of the Fallen, etc...
Dark Souls?
post more ds1 pvp webms please
Karen won
die wdc
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I look like my pic and I think that ds1 webms are really boring like ugh nobody ever presses l2
I was already getting disillusioned with the game being too easy, but then I reached Maliketh. I heard so much about him being an amazing fight. Immediately, one of the shittiest cameras in the whole game. It is absolute unable to follow his spastic jumping around. After just 3-4 attempts I gave up. I refuse to play with a claw hold. Decided to learn mouse and keyboard. After which he was not much of a problem and beat him just a few tries after, while fumbling the new controls. Had a similar experience with Monster Hunter where the game just become so much easier after going to kbm.
That said, released 10 years after Dark Souls and still, they cannot figure out keyboard and mouse controls. Absolute dogshit.
Other issues of the fight are such as pillars that block some attacks, some don't, even if they are not magical AOEs, his sword will go through, which is dumb as fuck. His air spiral attacks will get blocked, but some will manage to go around, which is also silly.
Several times I saw attacks going through him without hurting him. One time he got stuck in a pillar and literally teleported out, which must be an anti-softlock mechanism. Some of his attacks are barely telegraphed in his second face just pure timing (plunging into the ground into some effect).
When close to him I can barely see anything. He is another boss that has multiple hits on contact.
Not even particularly difficult even with the bullshit. Easy to stance break and was able to dodge a bunch of shit jump r2 into him. Not much different than my quick, first try kill on the skin duo.
This alleged amazing boss I head so much about turned to be one of the biggest shits in the game.
AOE attacks from his phase one will continue into his second phase (if you are just hitting him to 50% when he is casting). In other words, they are able to hit you despite the fucker just spend a minute in a cutscene. What joke. The same happens with Godfrey later. Other than this, he is a lot better fight.
You see, DS1 PvP is bad because you play it the same no matter what, your moveset doesnt matter. Your weapon choice should matter and affect your play.
*hardswaps to misericorde*
didnt read allat but im happy for u, or sorry that happened
Roll slop is dead. Hackazaki needs to adapt to better combat because the bosses in ER are exhausting with primitive DS combat. Lies of P and Nioh 2 already mog all of FS, they need to get with the times.
what's with the recent increase of bait posts
the 'ulars drama probably makes most sensible posters leave. I love fcs with u guys but the day you stop doing this shit in thread cant come soon enough
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>Everything I don’t like is bait
they really tried to recreate the magic motif that was the plin plan plon
>Truth is bait
Fromshart is just stagnating and even regressing. Should have been Nabeshima.
>inb4 Left Alive mentioned.
It's all just double standards. It's only bad if Le B-Teem does it.
Back when DS2 came out, people raged at Fume Knight for having thrusting attack hitboxes that extended all the way to its upper arms.
Then DS3 came out and bosses like Pontiff had the same issue. Crickets. Or, if the DS3 apologists did respond to these criticisms, they responded with screaming "skill issue" at the top of their lungs.
Then ER came out and bosses like Promised Consort Radahn had the same issue. Again, crickets. Or again, if the ER apologists did respond to these criticisms, they responded with screaming "skill issue" at the top of their lungs.
That's not what they copied
they copied this
actually it's this
you read that wrong or i worded it retardedly as i am wont to do
there's this recurring motif in the menu theme, radagon's theme and now the shaman village theme
reusing the final boss motif like they did with gwyn and soc
it kinda hits the same imo but it's not AS impactful
gwyns theme is the most overrated piece of video game music of all time
I don't think there are crickets for Radahn faggot version. Everyone has been pretty vocal about how retarded this boss is.
i guess it makes sense since it's all marika stuff
/v/iggers from the dlc
Plenty of people are happy to defend it on the basis of skill issue
honestly I know git gud was always a thing but back in the day it actually meant something. Nowadays if you say
>hey this boss has a true undodgeable attack (unless you use blind spot afaik the sole way to dodge it)
you get immediately answeed by a hail of lol angry shitter! lol angry shitter! even though it's a completely valid criticism no matter how you look at it

This didn't occur that often for DS2. There was the shockwaves trolling but more or less everyone accepted that some hitboxes are total ass. You didn't get called a shitter for it. The sole exception is the pursuer grab which for some reason people died on the hill of "it caught your foot" for
thinking about it more this is 100% just a side effect of the games flanderizing themselves into
>omg so difficult
because back in the day if you said game design was wrong the implication was
>yeah the devs could've done better
but now people beat these games as a way to prove their epic gamer cred so if you say the boss is badly designed they take it as
>your achievement of owning radahn means NOTHING!!
and they get angry
I like to solo the bosses simply because I assume they are designed that way because NPC summons are trash and multiplayer is an option. So I wanted the pure experience. ER was the first one that I simply gave no shits and used spirit ashes every single time.
i only play solo as well, and i haven't gotten to the point of abusing spirit ashes so far in elden ring, but if the trend continues, i assume i will with their next game
>there's this recurring motif in the menu theme, radagon's theme and now the shaman village theme
You missed one, it also plays when Melina burns the Erdtree
It's a really nice motif
I never noticed that Radahn had an undodgable attack
whos gonna claim the title as the savior of gaming now that fromsoft is dead, there is a huge power vacuum
hope the next game has no ashes. i don't mind there being "easy mode" like even in DS1 I would put on big poise armor for 4 kings every time, but spirit ashes just make bosses feel like shit because they break the ai
Hugo Martin.
yours wont be done for another 10 years, we need a new good game NOW
I don't like ashes because they reduce coop activity
It's the double swipe into cross slash. The second part of the double swipe rollcatches you if you roll the first part correctly. There is no alternate way to dodge it other than blind spot afaik. If you don't run backhand blades with blind spot this is a guaranteed hit
I think you can also parry it but the first part comes out so fast it's very hard and there's no setup
Pretty sure he's talking about the roar follow-up
yeah that's fair enough
dodgeable if you run straight back and jump when hes about to slam down
I had the deflect tear and blind spot so that is probably why I didn't notice
No I made that post and that is the attack I'm talking about, double slash into cross slash
You can also block the first one with a medium shield then roll
Or just block the first two then roll. Even with a shit shield if you've been managing your stamina well it's not an issue
>now people beat these games as a way to prove their epic gamer
So just the same as 13 years ago.
>they break the AI bro
>No just ignore bosses have explicit mechanics for target selection, it just breaks
the attack comes out very fast so suggesting block into roll suggests you always have enough stam to do this which you don't. If you punish his other moves you will eventually be caught by this at low stam and can't block it unless you're a hyper greatshield build

This sorta design is partially why Radahn makes people gravitate towards greatshield so much, it's the most consistent way to deal with his true undodgeable move + his hard to read other moves that might aswell be undodgeable if you're not a speedrun autist practicing the fight literally 100+ times
it really isn't. Beating DS1 wasn't gamer cred, it was
>I have an IQ of above 80 and was able to get over my xbox 360 induced habit of button mashing
that's it. Anyone who kept spouting off about the games being hard was actually made fun of. People literally used the phrase "not hard, just punishing" most commonly to describe dark souls at the time

nowadays every stupid normie thinks beating elden ring is some sort of badge of honor
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So how many times did you guys die to Radahn befor you beat him? I used a rl135 dex build with backhand blades and I died 35 times.
I mean they do break though. I summoned hornsent on messmer and he just spent half the fight doing his little "turning around" move to retarget while in neutral which literally is an opening I would otherwise not have, and due to how exponential poise mechanics are in ER (you basically can prevent it from ever regenning if the boss does this) I cut him down like a level 1 boar in an MMO because of it
Just because his combos swap target mid combo (which is cool) doesn't mean that doesn't happen, you're being dishonest
Dark Souls is about the same difficulty as your average PS2 action game. Just it came out at the end of an entire garbage generation of games that were 50% tutorial. Kids getting into gaming at the time hadn't played an actual game that expected you to interact with the mechanics before. I'll admit I hadn't played any 3d action games in years and found it pretty hard at first.
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I'm just saying, personally, that never happened to me. I was using a Banished Knight shield for parrying, and I think I had my guard broken like once across a ton of attempts, and it was at the end of a combo, so I was safe.
A lot of his quick annoying moves, like the double slash and the clones, deal really negligent amounts of stamina damage, and are very easy to block even if you've been rolling around a bunch.
Not how I remember it.
You are probably underage then and didn't actually experience it. People made fun of people who are too retarded to beat it, told them to git gud and meet the skill floor. There was zero pretense of the game being hard, only DSP-tier gamers being too fucking retarded to adjust to an actual punishing game.
Only later on when the game got a bit more popular with the DLC did journos start picking it up and start reporting it as
and From leaned into it with

and then DS2 started out with
when you died
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These inhabitants don't seem very peaceful.
>and From leaned into it with
I was right here on /v/, you dumbfuck. You are trying to hard. The majority of people, even here, were just measuring e-penises.
kusoge company
>People made fun of people who are too retarded to beat it
I still do that
Nah, it was always just git gud aimed at retarded xbox button mashers. Nobody ever actually pretended they're god gamers for sticking to assylum demons asshole up close

whoever does the marketting. It's clear by now that the devs actually do lean into it themselves though
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It is a good thing that difficulty is a selling point again. Games should be marketed towards people who like video games. Elden Ring having many, many unfun bosses is an unrelated issue.
would've been funnier when that thing still truecomboed
what is this buildmaker called again
eh you still get crouchpoke r1
>in neutral which literally is an opening I would otherwise not have
This isn’t a fucking fighting game lol
No. You are wrong. Arguing with Dark Soul tryhards was an everyday occurs back then. If you are not admitting it, you were probably one of them.
I was dying for a couple hours before the great shield bleed build came out. I was too dumb to consider antspur and just used bloodfiend spear. Never going to play that boss again.
I like the way the Painted World all wraps around to connect to the Friede's Chapel. Good level design.
Are there good holy faith spells that hit through walls? I’m fumbling in hallway standoff invasions
There was no such thing as a tryhard for a game that is beaten by circlestrafing while locked on. You are one of the shitters who whined that he can't just button mash through the game
careful, you'll spook the anti-planner ergie
Why are you so retarded? What do you wanna call it then when the boss locks himself into an animation that gives me an attack opening? He NEVER does this when I'm solo. Only when I had hornsent summoned. It basically more than doubled the amount of openings I had which exponentially made the fight much easier cause of how poise breaks work.
Again, keep being dishonest and nitpicking semantics all you want, fact remains multiple targets completely fuck the boss up and make him less aggressive ontop of not targetting you with many attacks, which means he'll be stunned 4x as often or something to that effect
Painted World (DS3 version) is one of my favorite levels in the series. It alone boosts my opinion of the game as a whole substantially.
The OG version is also very well designed and has a completely different vibe to it.
Seek help
it took me like exactly one day so probably 20-30 deaths
true sorry
Yeah no shit summoning makes it easier
>uhh if I upgrade my weapon the boss is attacking half as much because I kill him twice as fast and due to the multiplier on stance break damage it quickly gets out of hand
Damn nigger you're the most dishonest retard I ever talked to. Summoning makes it easier EXPONENTIALLY because ontop of having the NPC there dealing damage, he also changes the boss AI so that he has vastly more openings where he just stands still and turns around, ONTOP of the boss not targetting you much of the time (since he's targetting the npc)
thus the summon "breaks" the boss AI. In this game this allows you to stunlock the boss and completely trivializes it
beat him on my 4th try
got real close on my 2nd try with thollier and ansbach but the hp buff was too much and couldnt replicate that
so i did it with my mimic tear and just shieldpoked it to death with a scuffed impromptu swordlance and haligtree setup
i think i have to recreate all my 125 and 138s to 90 because this is just unplayable
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shut up wdc
anon you didn't beat the boss...
I would never admit to using NPC support during boss battles.
It's also a side effect of people dickriding From too hard and not doing enough to criticize them.
To this day, in Elden Ring, we still have to slowly cycle through individual spells and items by mashing up and down on the d-pad respectively until we slowly get the spell or item we want to use.
Tons of videogames across numerous genres have adopted the use of customizable radial menus to ensure that you can get the spell/item/gesture/etc that you want immediately.
But in Elden Ring in 2024 we're still using the same clunky item system that's been in place since Demon's Souls in 2009.
And let's not even get started on how utterly cumbersome, confusing and archaic the co-op system is in these games.
me and my slimebro beat the everliving shit out of radahn however
>To this day, in Elden Ring, we still have to slowly cycle through individual spells and items by mashing up and down on the d-pad
I like this
You’re the one being dishonest
Something making the fight easier doesn’t mean the AI is “broken. It’s doing what it’s supposed to, enemies just become less threatening when they’re juggling multiple targets.
It infact breaks the AI if the boss spends a lot of time literally just turning 80 degrees at a time hardlocking himself into a "turning around " animation. If you think that's not broken and intended flow you're dishonest AND retarded
>the boss does a turn animation to face something behind him so he’s broken
Words have meanings just say “it makes the fight too easy”
>13 years ago most retards, even here, were saying Dark Souls was a hardcore game
>no, that's wrong, you must be bad at the game
Even when you are trying to argue the opposite, your habits from your teenage years are showing. The Prepare to Die Edition, DS2's intro, they were not marketing born from nothing. That was the state of the playerbase back then, even here.
>>the boss does a turn animation to face something behind him so he’s broken
Have you ever SEEN the animation? It takes longer than most attacks and gives you ample time to just charge up a full r2 on him. If you think that's not broken then again you're a dishonest retard. He's clearly not supposed to just give you openings just because he's turning around, he literally has perfect 180 tracking on his attacks to begin with.
Let me use my fucking keyboard. Console gameplay is such cancer.
I'm actually fully consistent with what I'm saying. If you thought anoyne was elitist about skill in the dark souls days you must've been one of the unironic button masher retards.
You now interpret this to mean I'm bragging about my skill, much like how you did back then. I'm actually just telling you that if you try to buttonmash through dark souls you're a retarded faggot and deserve the game punishing you. Yet again you somehow interpret this as me saying the game is hardcore. Really makes you think, doesn't it?
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am i cooking?
souls games were meant to played with a controller if you can't accept that then the games aren't for you
>no faith sippy
>bugged crown instead of full raks
Leave the kitchen
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That's nice. Some of us prefer not to fumble around in real-time menus when objectively better, snappier alternatives (that even modders have easily implemented into the game, pic related) exist.
i forgot to put the tears in the flask whoopsie but yeah i was gonna use +10 fth and the holy damage tear, is holy damage buffing still fucked up for everything except the godwyn sword?
get sword of light for the big holy buff wa
>60 vig
you are cooking a fat diarrhea shit build
yeah lol
only the sword of light and epitaph work
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Armored Core chads: PSA
If you're unable to change parts or complete a mission in the game due to freezes, you have to return to the steam standard branch. The steam beta branches are causing these weird crashes
didnt know it buffed holy damage wowie
okay good to know, holy damage tear going into bin and tod dear coming back out
if youre doing seamless coop invasions you can use skeleton spirit ashes and get the "nearby spirits dying increases attack" talisman :)
Why do you like it?
it's skillful
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>The Prepare to Die Edition, DS2's intro, they were not marketing born from nothing.
I like how some people have convinced themselves that this began with the PC version of DS1 when From has always been riding on all of its "OMG IT WAS SO HARD 10/10, JUST ENOUGH WATER!!!!!" reviews since the days of Demon's Souls.
See, for example, all the reviews quoted in this trailer:
Or consider the fact that DS1's original console version's website URL was preparetodie.com.
As this guy 13 years ago notes at 00:42 in the following video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ndpec5VxJbY), Gamescom's demo for vanilla DS1 on consoles (long before the PC version or DLC was even a thing) had a big billboard that specifically said "prepare to die".
>heres proof it was always like that
>prepare to die edition again
goddamnit you retards lmao
You need to get your eyes checked.
Or maybe you need to stop trolling. I'm not gonna give you any (you)s either way, because I question your sincerity.
Punishing =/= hard, retards. Is Mario hard because you insta die when you fall into a pit or lava?
I think the original Mario is kind of hard, yeah.
Where is the unintended AI behavior anon
Is he just supposed to not turn around to face the thing behind him
dishonest retard the unintended part is where he spends 5 seconds doing a "hold on im keyboard turning using my a and d keys" animation instead of just doing tracking attacks and switching mid combo (which he is capable of)
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reposting old gems to scare off the ergslimes arguing about pointless shit
>he is supposed to not turn around, just attack in front of him and metagame that his attack should turn him around
Lol? That’s not how the AI works dude, it turns to face target and then picks attack based on distance
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I did a build with that too but I didn't use raks because it feels kinda cheap. Looks like it might be fnny tho. Spira is kinda bad tho lol. The tracking when u hold down casting is meh
How in the world is Raks cheap?
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When does it get good?
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Yes he should start attack on the other target then swap mid combo (he can do this)
or turn around faster so its not 5 sec of free downtime

why are you trying so hard dude
This boss was harder than the Nameless King.
She was really damn fast. Very hard to punish her when she has finished a combo.
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hes baiting with the unupgraded broadsword, do not reply to it
Needs to be updated with the dlc characters
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I don't like +stats on armor (ds2 lost) and it doesn't visually match the spells PTOOEY
skill issue
there's nothing wrong with faggot Radahn except the hitbox of his arm
git gud
>To this day, in Elden Ring, we still have to slowly cycle through individual spells
which is perfect and shant be touched.
The d-pad cycle spells is the best system for spellcasting ever devised and is infinitely better than face button shit and radian menu trash (which forces to move the stick).
Changinng spells while casting AND redirecting the cadt is essential
>and items by mashing up and down on the d-pad respectively until we slowly get the spell or item we want to use.
we don't since items have quick selection, that's besides the point
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idk everyone who plays t his game and posts about it here says its better than all the souls games
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>Then DS3 came out and bosses like Pontiff had the same issue
but then they axtually fixed it, and Pontiff can miss me with that attack even if I just move sideways they never fixed Dogshit Souls 2 hitboxes and it STILL has the hitbox-that-remains-wgere-you-started-the-roll during the whole duration thing.
When you learn to stop playing it like roll slop and actually engage with its mechanics and combat skills.
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Patches used to be one ugly bastard
it's a buff thobeit
>doesn't visually match the spells
I'm allowed to gank with my friends but if you dare estus cancel to get pressure off then you're a fucking redditphobic chud, end of discussion.
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I have no issue with it except the game and enemies being extremely boring. It's the second time I put it down and I could swear every boss except Aquaman is fucking identical lol
Your opinion on how he SHOULD function doesn’t mean his AI is broken. He’s turning to face his target and then executing his attack like he’s supposed to
In other words, you played it like roll slop.

Filtered shitter.
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the spell cycle system is great, secondary newfaggot
Are you retarded? The game is basic as shit. It has been 8 or so bosses and it just doesn't ramp up in design
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me fourth from the top
when was this
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THIS is the game niohfags call the best soulslike ever made
>Video of easiest boss in the game
>Intentionally playing like a bitch, just like in roll slop
Don’t post again.
>Yokai attack with specific jump move doesn't have the ability to jump over aoe
I was mad as fuck, I had to clip that shit
>>Video of easiest boss in the game
I have been playing through half the boss roster and they are all easy as fuck
>>Intentionally playing like a bitch, just like in roll slop
Show me how it is supposed to be played, all I see is mediocre gameplay and predictable basic bosses
>there is somehow something wrong with a limb that's being swung or thrusted really hard having a hitbox
It makes it really hard to not just dismiss criticism subconsciously when most of it is absolutely retarded like these sorts of complaints.
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>Wahh the bosses aren’t unfair bullshit like Elden Slop waaah
Kill yourself. You aren’t even halfway through the base game, let alone close to doing the DLCs. You don’t get to judge, bitch.
>the spell cycle system is great, secondary newfaggot
no matter how much you dickride online Miyazaki will never kiss you
It was good for ds1's time, maybe, but by now it's the most awful and dated magic system in a current video game
okay i finished my nuke build fc when? actually not right now i still gotta work on something in unity. fc in like an hour?
this is the optimal spread
>unfair bullshit
lol weird way to say they have 4 predictable attacks
Also bosses have absolutely no flavour or character. They are the exact same. They don't enforce any kind of tactic or movement and it doesn't feel like there's anything giving them uniqueness.
>You aren’t even halfway through the base game, let alone close to doing the DLCs. You don’t get to judge, bitch.
Played through half the game and there's still not a good boss, you can bet I'll judge it
why do you have 24 str
just jerked off to BBW tracer overwatch
sunflower :)
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also i should make a str sword of light build
>Also bosses have absolutely no flavour or character. They are the exact same. They don't enforce any kind of tactic or movement and it doesn't feel like there's anything giving them uniqueness.
Oh, so you just haven’t played the game at all then, okay. I didn’t realize you were just shitposting, my bad.
Just use the stone ss
What boss are you currently stuck on?
it's terrible
holding a job
sworn of light is also terrible on str
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it's optimal on str tho
It's a buff stick for the sword of darkness.
ok well sword of darkness is also optimal on str
Cant call yourself an Armored Core fan unless you participated in the Verdict War
the WA only scales with faith....
that length & psss damage doe... (mid setup)
nyo poise damage
Yeah you know whatt matches? something cute and gold with awful stats.
bitch it does 126 poise damage
sword of light and dark are both so fucking lame. ds1 tier weapon design.
gold doesn't match with pale yellow
>not 133
if you swap to fullgoats then im whipping out halaxe
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*nukes you with discus hurl*
gold and pale yellow r the same thing PTOOEY
hey do you know how much poise damage it does? cuz it's kinda funny at point blank range because the toss itself does damage and then the shield hits for a second time if the person doesn't roll
Bro....You're colorblind?
it does too much.
>No argument
crystal ring shield makes a comeback for pvp...
I can't HEAR YOU over my 8.2% damage boost
*nukes you with light*
mike's hat doesn't work with the nuke lol
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Who said anything about mike
Been having great luck beating invaders with the Blue Knight Halberd. The mix up is strong. One invader caught me messing around with the Lost Sinner's sword though. I didn't even hit him once.
I don't think I can live in this uncertainty much longer, I don't think I can do this anymore
there are no invaders in ds2
Uh, your Forlorn?
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uh... L
there's like 5
Anyone who wears lappfap or raks is getting banned permanently.
did u infuse it. it works well with elemental infusions weirdly.
uncertainty is life.
I was unaware of this, good to know.
I've been invaded 4 times in this NG+ and I'm only in Harvest Valley.
Have you tried to the 7 million SL bracket?
Don't come to black gulch
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skill issue, maybe learn to play
Yes, it is my go to lightning weapon. I used the halberd exclusively in NG and am keeping it in NG+ for when I need the type or need melee stagger.
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Have ut ried the other halberds out?
You could have cycled those spells in any order and yet the shit spell system restricts you to a single one. See what I mean?
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Not in DS2. I love the base halberd in DS1 though.
>here's a webm showing exactly why it sucks
not the own you think it is thoughbeitly
>hates MonHun too
You're just rotten
You should try em. i think the differences for most halberds are that some of them have the first r1 as a poke vs a chop. And then syan's halberd has some spear poking and sweeping moves. also there's 2 greathammers that have halberd moves, both rare drops from enemies that use them) and they're good
I do this and more every fc, and even I acknowledge that fromsoft recycling the same spell system from 2009 is garbage
how to fix spells:
uh get rid of that shit because casters are boring
*lightrolls and swift stones you to death*
i will endure pata you
in some time
how to fix casters:
>tiny spells like Pebble no longer exist, instead R1 on staves shoots a balanced small spell variant dependent on the staff itself (gravity staff shoots rocks, etc)
>R2 summons 3 small ones like the homing spells
>L1 casts the actually equipped spell like normal
>L2 is still an Ash of War equivalent but they actually fucking give the weapon type anything to equip in that slot at all, like many of the various utility spells such as the new noble mage teleport spell
>everything still costs MP
restrictions and limitations are a good thing
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Sometimes I wish magic was just melee spells + giga laser beam attack for memes/bosses. Remove all the soul arrows and comets.
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there should only be catalyst weapons
Am I missing something or is the upgrade system in Nioh 2 complete ass
>Sorry bro you did 1 side mission all your gear is now underlevelled time to get literally two-shot unless you start upgrading your gear
>Find a nice weapon? Pay up piggie or you'll never get to use it again
>Random RNG rolls on top of random RNG rolls on top of random RNG soulcores
>Tiny total inventory management space so every few missions you've got to disassemble everything
>Game's skill point system actively discourages using a wide variety of weapons so 90% of loot is flat out worthless
wheres your embarrassing tab
>random unrelated argument
>>restrictions and limitations
>>>in elden ring
dude you just flew up into the air and did an ebic edgy blood explosion lightning stake combo with a giant flaming sword shut the fuck up
it's not about restrictions its about it being reused jank shit from almost two decades ago just like the online
i hate how long it takes you to lower your shield after blocking a hit in eldog. practically removes the ability to block then counterattack a lot of the time because you have to wait a second to drop your shield, during which time the enemy is almost always winding up another flurry
putting your spells in proper order is a strategic element and intentional game design. you just wan an easy mode where every spell has a keyboard shortcut like it's some mmorpg.
where's the gay hats
complete bullshit and you know it
>you just want an easy mode
do you know what fucking game you're playing dude? are you ok?
mmorpgs are good tho
None of that is remotely accurate at all, but the system is pretty clunky and the smithy/equipment related stuff was all shit for 90% of the game's lifespan.
yeah im playing soulbornekiroring games not some ubisoft/nintendo kid game
true but they are fundamentally different from souls games
whats a good mmorpg i can get into
elden ring 2 will be go the mmo route like elder scrolls online
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old school runescape, its the most souls mmo out there
exhentai is in another browser sorry
there are a lot of ways to implement that that isn't just recycling
spamming up on the dpad to shuffle through spells sucks, especially when elden ring literally introduced the pouch so you can prioritize certain consumables to have instant access to them like a weapon wheel.
It's intentional, because they're lazy, or they don't want to make waves by messing with the systems too much at once
whuh this isn't tf2
After wiping for 2 hours straight on Sinestra, I'd say MMOs are harder than any Dark Souls game.
>good mmo
>in 2024
eldog ring
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hypixel skyblock, obviously
mmos arent good if you wanna play a game for the social aspect play vrchat
Uncertainty unending is poison to the soul. A broken heart may still bleed to feed another while the waiting heart lies perfectly still forever.
elden ring is one of the easiest games they've ever made
spells already trivialize the game by virtue of just grabbing one good one and spamming it
there's no strategy because there's no reason to actually switch besides flavor. if you're faith you use catch flame and black flame the entire game, if you're int you use slicer and night comet
the horrible jank spell swapping just further discourages any variety. If you're spending time switching spells you're wasting time you could be using spamming your good ones.
deplorable freak...
deep, broh. just like my japanese lore esotery found in the hit videogames dark souls and elden ring
the only souls game harder than elden ring is charmless sekiro
I kinda like the new dragon spells with the dragon form buff. Lots of damage.
>yeah im playing soulbornekiroring games not some ubisoft/nintendo kid game
true, elden ring is easier
>grab giant sword and spam l2 to victory
>grab dual swords and spam l1 to victory
>grab strong spell and spam l1 to victory, removed from harms way
>grab greatshield and no longer take damage
>if you're good grab parry shield and remove enemys' ability to attack you
post paw
bale's tranny is worse than greyoll's
bale's armbone is worse than uh...... idk its just not that good.
mmos are for immersive roleplay
vrchat is for horny erp
I'm kinda chill with uncertainty. I do like having answers and resolution tho.
>the only souls game harder than elden ring is charmless sekir-ACK
does greyoll have hyperarmor I forgor
still harder than ds1-3
sleep/madness into bayle tranny is a 1shot
sane ryan is live
greyoll's does that better because you can also nuke people on knockdown
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>still harder tha-ACK
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only on backstab wakeup
name a single knockdown/knockback greyoll truecombo
bear > haybale
bayles has hyperarmor!!!
get new material
did you forget point-blank stone
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My favorite weapon in the Elden Ring dlc, Shadow of the Erdtree, has to be the Pata. It is just what fist weapons needed, a long range weapon like it is perfect for Ashes of War like lifesteal fist.

this is only somewhat true, most people who """erp""" in vrchat dont even roleplay and just do phone sex its cringe. i dont like male voices and its an instant immersion breaker.
im just a dude. a guy.
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Dude....I was joking
no it isn't
Elden Ring is the easiest game in the series by far and only has the reputation of being somewhat difficult because people jerk themselves off about the difficulty and then say that a solid three quarters of the mechanics in the game are cheating
dumb fucking agp bitch. pata doesn't buff lifesteal fist grab range.
stop coping everyone who has played elden ring and then returns to the older games instantly realize how much easier they are
I bench more than anyone else here and I only do invasions with rp loadouts and use the level and enemies to my utmost advantage
I bench less than anyone here and suck the most penis and fondle my nipples and I only do pve
cap one billion
>i dont like male voices and its an instant immersion breaker
voice training is too hard
no bitch im not done with my str build
if you play grug with a greatsword and never use ashes of war or faith buffs or int magic or jumping attacks or bleed or rot or incants or stance breaks or parries or a shield, then yes, elden ring is pretty hard
the moment, and I mean the MOMENT you apply even a slight amount of optimization in Elden Ring the game falls apart. Lightning Sellsword blades are very good in Dark Souls 3 but they don't compare to the shit you can do in Elden Ring if you know what you're doing.
Even the most trivializing loadouts in DS1-3 and Bloodborne don't trivialize the game as much as a bleed build with mimic tear. This is irrefutable fact.
anything with innate bleed pwns slurm
why does it take you a week to make a build
I used to do voice training but everyone sounds the same so I end up just knowing right off the bat who is... ya know.
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I am not capped I do 120kg 3x5 nobody here can match my might on jah
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bleed owns everything in slurm yeah. makes any weapon in pve that doesnt have frost/bleed on it just utter dog to use
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and here's Elden Ring
Oh My God Im Fucking Cumming
i was busy this week and also it doubles as a full general inventory for my other builds
Or they could just do something similar to Nioh and make Magic more focused around debuffs and buffs instead of damage. Imagine if you could put Sloth on a spaz like Gaydahn or Elden Beast.
the strongest most cheesy elden ring build and it still required more skill than ds1 since he actually had to dodge the enemy
whens the /eroge/ goon sesh as poopa breaks in and shoots all of us with his ar-15
doesn't even have a mimic tear and didn't buffmax, it's not even close to 20% of the potential
stfu weird fag lol
>doesn't even have a mimic tear
coop doesn't count anyways
You’re baiting, but you are unironically right. MMO bosses are 10x harder than anything From has ever produced. Mythic Kil’Jaeden from WoW makes all the ER DLC bosses look primitive even if you combine them all.
Question for DSanons, im playing 3 for the first time atm, decided to try off handing estoc for the first time ever and its quite fun, i had never played anything other than STR clay/zwei in a souls but not only is dex fun but also the mana stance moves from some weapons are dope like pontiffs sword, so question is, what builds can i run that aren't purely strength? maybe a mix with faith and miracles using a holy hammer or something like that, what fun builds do you guys recommend trying?
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>lulling branch+starlight shard+fp regen tally
>divine bird feathers
The only hard part of mmo bosses is finding 39 other non mouth breathing players who will show up on time
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just stop
still 1/4.....
ping me at 3/4
now imagine this but there's two of them and every 4 hits does 10% of the bosses HP from bleed.
That's Elden Ring.
sorry I can't join my r1 button is broken
now do it to manus
luckily you only need l2 to play elden ring

It took the best guild in the world 600 wipes to kill him. Most of the attacks you see in this video are one shots, by the way. If a single player screwed up it was a wipe 99.9% of the time. This is not Molten Core, you baiting faggot.
You have a keyboard...
demon axe
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i'm watering the garden sorry bro and then i have to feed my cat and clean her poop and then igotta make food and then work on my OC also im working on my strength build
nothing you said contradicts his statement
I don't really like using l2 too much...
I HATE playing on mouse and keyboard
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he doesnt have a mouse i checked
I first tried manus on my first playthrough
for me it's top left
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fc in 2-3 hours
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just want you to know that i'm eating sushi and loudly smacking my lips and drooling everywhere
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fat fuck
Rope yourself pronto.
hust got bit bu a zillion mosquitos this was a mistake i shouldve put my jeans on instead of goingn out in dhrotd adding mosquito enemy to thefic
*holds block*
not a knockdown
I was in tempest google it one of the first swp clears
its 100% just down to having ruthless leadership that swaps out retards not personal skill
why did only int get a weapon catalyst
where is the fth perfume catalyst
>grafted blade glitch doesn't work with stat modifying gear because they apply their buff every game tick
what the fug
there goes my rakshasa twink
But the buffs and debuffs were the worst part of the magic system in Nioh?
Nuh uh I was in tempest, you imposter.
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never seen this attack b4
What are the really good faith weapons? I’ve been using halo scythe forever and the AoW feels like it makes my spells pointless
all of them are DLC
yea grafted isn't good at low levels unless you're a caster ig
weapon or l2 stick
Blasphemous Blade you dunce, you know this.
Does that actually do good damage I thought it was just a crutch because it heals you
the shield bash? he does it a lot if you block
Only the L2 does damage
blasphenous blade
magma wyrm scalesword
golden order greatsword is cool
*falls asleep*
cipher pata
anything with sacred blade slapped on
erdsteel daggie
blasphemous bL2de
golden epitaph
black knife
barbed staff-spear
anon the blasphemous blade L2 murders most enemies
There's also shit like Siluria's tree
>cipher pata
>erdsteel daggie
codeds aren't outclassed on faith
pata outclasses everything so that's not fair
fire knight daggie doesn't hit as hard so it's more of a sidegrade
>>erdsteel daggie
Isn't the erdsteel dagger crazy when sacred because the physical damage also scales with faith
it does like straightsword tier damage at least
buffed swords of light > coded unless you're fighting the one dude with fingerprint
Fire damage gets more buffs in pvp and the shortsword is longer
>Siluria tree
Ty exact kind of thing I was looking for
yeah I guess that's fair
swords of light are str weapons with a fth tax, and the buff is better for codeds. also fire is the most resisted pvp element...
unfortunately, psss is mid so it doesn't matter too much overall
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Blasphemous L2 can still one shot people.
so??? we're not l2scaling here
The fuck is that gachashit?
Fire damage is still better than you think...
it's still factually the worst pvp element (and that's ignoring wet mechanics). it just comes with a lot of l2s or spells that do a billion base damage.
cover yourself in oil physik
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Cover the world in oil
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>fire is ba-ACK!
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la bomba flail
Why aren't people using the new warpick
there is no new warpick
l2 therefore it doesn't count
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congrats on winning the dummy award
the doggiest weapon in the dlc
Rain of fire buff when
arcane l2 stick
dogged dogtender
just monkey mash with 133 poise
Arcane r1 stick
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the huh
oh its fine in pve cuz you zappa shit to debuff them and then hit them with some other lightning shit and rape the fuck out of them.
boring in pvp tho
after they buff floating brain damaged chaos spell
stone club clears
stone clubba doesn't deal thrust damage thobeit
thrust is so overrated get off it dude its not 2010 anymore
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>thrust is overrated
bro ur poke meta
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im eat fried chickjn burger and tendies rn so yummy food mmmmm
I win the trade.
we're in a slash meta rn
you lose because i'm a hyperarmor beast and will outmash you
why is this freak drinking like that
poke will remain meta for so long as latency exists
We have the same amount of hyperarmor...
yeah and i have the superior moveset
But I have superior damage, get off it dude
nuh uh my dps is better
Weapons for this feel?
You can't beat counter hit damage
can too
oh yeah well actually my plus 4 cloak of mandar repels all damage by you so i win
Nuh uh, unless you use rkr like a BITCH!
i'll barb roar and then win for free
I tank 2 hits and roll away :^) (still won the trade)
your ass is not doing that against barb roar
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I just did it in my mind.
Oooo and I backstep backstabbed you too
that's a cat
i think barbaric roar wooden club fire infused
I'm going to rape you and then rip your throat open with my hands
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>fire is baCK!
I only play bleed builds.
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i'd just clench my ass and neg-diff your penis

or something
you aren't neg-diffing the gay homo allegations
idek who is whon anymoee
The poster below me wants to deepthroat Miyazaki, all homo. Respond to him with “fuck off, homo”.
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whens the 3club
die, faggot
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I love sekiro so fucking much sekiro 2 fucking when??
Fuck off, homo.
kill yourself but in real life this time
even doe you suck penis and have hemorrhoids
middleschooler ass comeback
1/10 get back in the kitchen
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whats a SL125 pyro build for this feel
pwned so hard by my truthnuke that you want me to be your housewife (male)?? you hate to see it.
That's nothing, it's 34 here.
it's 88 today for me
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>90% of the spells suck dick: the video
kanker vies stinkend warmte hier ik HAAT nederlandse zomers man
stop watching rusty videos
did you really just say "stinkend"... what a joke of a language!!!
speak american sukkel mafkees
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i rly hope the next game is good
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id kman im just saying shit im trying to cope with this fucking dlc
*blocks your cope with my off dagger*
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what if elde nring never happend

maybe this was all just a dreary nightmare.

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We'd be blasting soul streams at the dragon ruins
how many years you think that could go on for
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Imagine an alternate timeline where they made Demon Souls 2 instead of Dark Souls, what a utopia such a place must be
not an argument
all other spell selection systems suck.
they are always
- limited in number of slots
- taking your fingers off the sticks while you are casting (especially if the spell is charged)
You are not knowledgeable of the game if you believe you can adapt a generic face button combo scheme and still have tbe spellcasting work. It's too in depth for that
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Around 2 years before everynyan leaves
>Imagine an alternate timeline where they made Demon Souls 2
Yeah I can imagine a timeline with Dark Souls 3
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AC6 DLC confirmed
Fromsoft hiring a character modeler who will be responsible for "modeling and texturing characters or robots"
this doesn't mean anything
Let the man cope
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>It's intentional, because they're lazy
No you stupid retard, it's intentional because spellcasting has more depth to it then clicking an item
It must be freeaim-able first and foremost, and eventually it should be able to be redirected like any attack
Second, having only 4 spells is ok in some shitty indie Souls-like but in Souls game spellcasting is a playstyle by itself
Third, spell que works because with this system you can actually conveniently redirect attacks AND swap at the same
Fourth reason, there's many spells that MUST be cast-able on the run or while doing movement like jumps. It's their whole selling point.
Fifth reason, not all spells have the same priority so a spell que makes sense to leave certain buffs at the end and quick reaction spells on top, and sacrificing number of slots forhaving "quick" access is not warranted, especially because of how fast swapping 4 spells would be to the point that using the classing face button system doesn't make choosing a spell any more convenient.
But you are too stupid an casual faggots so you can't possibly understand that.
Kill yourself you stupid retard.
ergite fc >>486750003

pls join their thread is dead as fuck
I will puke on the floor
The thread is currently being shitted up with coomers and kikes talking about nigger dick.
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As moonlight converges on the surface of a blue knife,
you, who have lost your place of being, are reflected in the cross.
Taking with you the dream you've decided on,
you should go on your journey.

Do you remember that ol' lullaby?
That legend you've left behind in the past,
I will change it into love and sing it out for you.
Every man is a lonely soldier boy.
A man is a lonely soldier boy who carries a cross on his back.
Where is the dream of the amber-skinned men?

The heat of your soul is almost too wretched.
That shiny knife in your right hand will cleave the night.
A mere kiss will be too lonely, won't it?
That's why I will instead embrace your entire body.

Do you remember that ol' lullaby?
That legend, which brought light onto this planet,
I will keep singing it until it awakens.
A man is always a lonely soldier boy.
A man is a lonely soldier boy with a lonesome heart.
Where is the dream of the amber-skinned men?

Do you remember that ol' lullaby?
That legend you've left behind in the past,
I will change it into love and sing it out for you.
Every man is a lonely soldier boy.
A man is a lonely soldier boy who carries a cross on his back.
Where is the dream of the amber-skinned men?
I did yesterday...
wish you could make fat or bodybuilder type characters in these games, i want to have cool barbarian or fat bastard looks even in armor etc
That would be cool. I wish you could make a lanky messmer bloodborne weirdo or a tubby gyrm warrior
>It must be freeaim-able first and foremost, and eventually it should be able to be redirected like any attack
literally nothing to do with the cycling being bad
>Second, having only 4 spells is ok in some shitty indie Souls-like but in Souls game spellcasting is a playstyle by itself
frequently you wouldn't have very many spells at all in previous games, dumb secondary
>Third, spell que works because with this system you can actually conveniently redirect attacks AND swap at the same
no reason why you couldn't do that with a spell wheel that used the dpad
>Fourth reason, there's many spells that MUST be cast-able on the run or while doing movement like jumps. It's their whole selling point.
literally nothing to do with anything we've been talking about but sure
>Fifth reason, not all spells have the same priority so a spell que makes sense to leave certain buffs at the end and quick reaction spells on top, and sacrificing number of slots forhaving "quick" access is not warranted, especially because of how fast swapping 4 spells would be to the point that using the classing face button system doesn't make choosing a spell any more convenient.
genuine retard slop of a paragraph

it doesn't even need to be all or nothing, you could keep the traditional system and add a pouch-type option for spells that you wanted quick access to. You're a retard that despises the idea of anything changing ever, who thinks roll-r1 is the peak of gameplay.
they added extra facial structures but they couldn't be assed with new body types. sigh.
Would probably be too much of a hassle with hitboxes and animations no?
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also i wish the player character could be even 1% as cool as these ballers
Probably the overall coolest paladin/holy knight design I have ever seen in a game. Reminds me of giants in anor londo too which i also liked
not any more than the current system really
armor design wise it would be more effort. Make sure armors look sensible on the fat guy
kys mesh
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>literally nothing to do with the cycling being bad
it's not bad you faggot
>frequently you wouldn't have very many spells at all in previous games, dumb secondary
calling someone secondary while not understanding why Souls games have certain mechanics, nice try retarded cretin
>no reason why you couldn't do that with a spell wheel that used the dpad
How the fuvk would you redirect a spell and vhain cast another while having the stick stuck navigating a shitty radial menu?
>literally nothing to do with anything we've been talking about but sure
>genuine retard slop of a paragraph
Ok low IQ retard
>it doesn't even need to be all or nothing, you could keep the traditional system and add a pouch-type option for spells that you wanted quick access to.
No you can't because spells would never work like that. How and why the fuck would you implemebt pouch for spells? How would that work for chargeable attacks? It would need to waste a sepaarte button to create a spell selection which is extra retarded, all because you are too inept to press a bunch of times the d-pad. To swap what? Spells that might have 2 tp 5 second casting animations?
>You're a retard that despises the idea of anything changing ever, who thinks roll-r1 is the peak of gameplay.
Kill yourself disingenuous nigger. Says the faggot who can't possibly understand why not every game is standardized with the same control scheme
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>open /erg/
>immediately see blacked ai porn
whats the closest thing to the winged knight helm in ER? I know about jerrens hat when altered but it doesnt hit the spot
what the fuck
one of the imps, mayhaps
dumb esl
psychotic strawmanning nigger who can't even spell. I'll assume you're just baiting and not utterly retarded
you are the dumbest poster in here by a long shot
nothing would be worse with better spell selection
>highest damage
It only has high AR
the r2 sucks
Who was in the wrong?
>open fsg
>tgirl exhibitionism porn
>open erg
>blacked ai porn
this is like the best of both worlds why would you complain
it's shit and the r2 eats all of your stam.
>How and why the fuck would you implemebt pouch for spells? How would that work for chargeable attacks?
It makes sense that you're such a golem that you can't understand something so basic
>hold button for spell pouch
>select spell
>charge spell
stupid spammy fucker
probably the person who insists that the spell select system is currently literally perfect
Anon don't be discouraged by all the negative samefag replies you got. Everything you said is right.
>chasethebro copycat
why did they give the jar helm notably low strike res but let the greatjar helm have the 2nd best strike res
samefaggot nigger
>>hold button for spell pouch
what button you stupid retard? And what would sacrificing a button solve when switching the 4th spell takes literally less than a second?
lords of the fallen had a spell pouch so you would press the catalyst button + r1 / r2 / l2 / jump etc. and each of them would cast a different spell instead of needing to scroll through everything
as a downside though they only let you carry like 5 spells
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schizo alert
Ok but when fc
raid the ergie one
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hahaha you fucking WISH NIGGER
>And what would sacrificing a button solve when switching the 4th spell takes literally less than a second?
because it sucks. it feels like shit to mash the button to end up on the spell you want, and it's easy to over or undershoot especially with how ER loves to eat inputs.
>what button???
fucking any of them you FAGGOT NIGGER RETARD
They've made like three games recently that have completely different control schemes, they're not retarded. They could very easily make a new one that isn't the same one we've been using forever
Let it be L2. Let us put more than one ash on a weapon, then use them by pressing L2 + R1 or R2. Then it could also work by changing your dpad to your quick spells while it's being held down.
Thats just one possible solution; they could do literally anything. You'd realize this if you stopped to FUCKING THINK for TWO SECONDS before mouthing off you STUPID NIGGER
You're like a kid with no object permanence, you lack the ability to comprehend anything this isn't right in front of you
>buh buh how?? different??? how wuhd dat werk??? NONONOOOOOOO!!!! WAAAAAAH
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>lords of the fallen had a spell pouch so you would press the catalyst button + r1 / r2 / l2 / jump etc. and each of them would cast a different spell instead of needing to scroll through everything
And none of the spells could be used while performing any action. Souks games are the only games where casting is an actual playstyle and not a shitty side-gimmick for your melee builds, retards that hate d-pad switching don't understand that
What about stance aow dumbass
kys rat why would you think that puting two ashes of war on one weapon is a good idea
>posts within 20 sec of eachother

instead of being a dumb bitch answer this: Do you think the spell select system is literally perfect? If not how do you think it could be improved
I need DS1 sorceress drip
WHY is a different selection system incongruent with the combat in your brain? These two systems DO NOT FUCKING INTERACT. The presence of a spell wheel would not suddenly make it so you can't run or roll and then cast, you fucking moron.
>press button to enter stance
>press button again to perform action
wooooow dumbass
Because, you stupid nigger, this game suffers from the problem many of these games do, where enemies get to use like 4 AoWs on their weapons and we don't. If you actually want to use the moveset as it's presented to you before you get the weapon, you need to get multiple copies and hardswap, which is stupid.
>because it sucks
no it doesn't
>Let it be L2. Let us put more than one ash on a weapon, then use them by pressing L2 + R1 or R2.
No, That's the ash of war button period
>Thats just one possible solution; they could do literally anything.
There's no need to do anything.
The spell que is clean, swift and simple. You don't have to mess through face buttons or shit like that, you are always in control of the camera/direction and you can axtuall switch spells while charging the one you are casting, swap them during their animation, chain them and run and jump while doing all of the above. None of what you can propose allows for this versatility, so either adapt or fuck off
Samefagging my own idea after thinking about it for 10 seconds

>new souls game
>spells still come in a slot system you cycle through
>can set spells as favorites
>hold up (or y? havent decided) and R2/L2 or maybe stick presses idk to instantly jump to the favorited spells
This is ontop of how just holding up and no other button will just reset to start to list.
there, instant control over spell selection gained while you retain the way it works for queueing/moving while casting by leaving the actual cast as a one button action. It just gives you more control over selection.
wow yeah so epic
*puts endure and bloodhound step on my star fists*
>>press button again to perform action
How would you cancel it?
>no it doesn't
Yes, it does
>No, That's the ash of war button period
you admit that your static mindset isn't actually based on any reasoning or objectivity, finally. I accept your concession.
>The spell que is clean, swift and simple.
It is not.
>None of what you can propose allows for this versatility
Yes it does, you just can't read.
>so either adapt or fuck of
I have been playing these games longer than you, you big baby newfaggot nigger.
No more (You)s for you. Continue to slurp your slop.
What's the recommended SL for Ashes of Ariandel?
I'll tell you if you take up a position on wether or not a spell pouch would be good
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>Do you think the spell select system is literally perfect?
>The presence of a spell wheel would not suddenly make it so you can't run or roll and then cast, you fucking moron.
It fucks with the free aiming/targeting
>where enemies get to use like 4 AoWs on their weapons and we don't.
that's not an issue at all
>If you actually want to use the moveset as it's presented to you before you get the weapon, you need to get multiple copies and hardswap, which is stupid.
It isn't, because it first and foremost avoids unwanted true combos.
like 60-70
How do you answer >>486756725 then, what's the issue with this concept
why did you post this shit webm of a game mechanic everyone arguing has already expressed that they know and understand
it wouldn't mess with freeaim if it worked like the pouch in the game already thoughbeit
if they cared about "unwanted true combos" they would have patched out the 50 extremely overpowered true combos in the game already. they don't so this is a moot point, and only hurts your already very shaky and incoherent argument
How would this pouch work? No, I'm not reading the whole 200 post argument. Summarize it in 100 words or less.
>spell cycling haters can't suggest a single non vague "fix" to the system
Sorry I redecided and I'll just tell you it's 60-70
like the pouch that's already in the game
select a couple important spells you want instant access to, and use them by holding a button like you hold y
all the proposed solutions have been very clear cut, you're just grasping for something to make it look like you won, so you're resorting with disingenuous misrepresentations of the ongoing argument. not a good look desu
see >>486756725 >>486757149

Is this too vague for you?
>hold up like you can already do to skip to start
>but do another input while you hold up to skip to a favorited spell
1. doesn't get in the way of any existing mechanics
2. simply adds more control and nothing is lost
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best stat spread + weapon for insufferable faggot maxxing?
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>can't turn while charging it
I don't see how that's any different from the current system. If anything, you're asking for a return to DS1-DS2 style casting
>have been very clear cut
>umm maybe there should be a pouch if you held down some button like idk maybe y or something I don't really know since I don't have any actual concrete ideas
very clear cut
this post is just esl babble I can't really understand what you are trying to say at all
>lock onto mohg and swing at him with a long weapon with slashing motions
>the slashes wave the sword infront of his face like a wind wiper and miss him completely because his lock on point makes me aim up so far for some reason
bravo b-team
also maybe try unlocking from time to time instead of letting the game babysit you
Things aren't esl just because you lack reading comprehension
I already dumbed it down for you here >>486757734

Stop dodging the question and answer. What's the issue with that proposal?
So you are poopa.
90% of your attacks should be free-aimed
>from should improve their game somewhat
>thread explodes
what happened? literally everyone agreed on this a couple months ago, that the spell cycling was barebones and dated, along with a lot of other things they reuse, like the online. now we have a couple genuine tourists cropping up out of nowhere frothing at the mouth at even the slightest criticism of elden ring.
yes, they're very clear cut
>this post is babble
so you can't read, good to know
>only way to have the games camera not unbearable close to your character in the big boss fight is locking on
>without lock on it's near impossible to see his actual motions because the whole boss wont even fit on the screen unless you're too far to melee anyway
>"have you tried not locking on"
has the b-team tried not designing a dogshit camera system worse than mario 64? how about fov higher than 35?
Funny one
they even made a whole system for zooming the camera out against big enemies they never use, so some bosses like the divine beast are just awful when they get next to you
it reeks
that wasn't very funny
these youtube voice actors are so fucking dogshit, i despise them
fucking basedhowlers acting like they have big manly voices
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>>but do another input while you hold up to skip to a favorited spell
>do another input
are you retards incapable of not being vague?? what button would you favorited spells be bound to???
Just set which button goes to which spell in the spell favorite menu
stop whining about being too retarded to understand the proposal and just answer what the issue with it supposedly is
pick a button nigger. Y maybe, and leave the pouch to the menu. these games ought to let you rebind controls, too.
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60 is fine imo, especially if you have some decent upgrades/infusiom
>>no it doesn't
>Yes, it does
No it doesn't
>>No, That's the ash of war button period
>you admit that your static mindset isn't actually based on any reasoning or objectivity, finally. I accept your concession.
No, as many people have pointed out any single time some secondary faggot starts bitching about the spell que he always promoses some trash alternative system derivative on another game that plays and works nothing like Souls games and is always worse.
Using L2 as generic swap button would kill stance ashes of wars but also parry and Retaliation and so on.
The actual system you are proposing is a mess that doesn't work with how hectic and fast paced the game is. You have to first press L2, then press square, triangle, circle, cross or radial menu stick to select a spell so that you can press L1/R1 to execute it? and you have to specifically move the finger off L1 to press L2 and select another spell in order to change it, when instead with the d-pad you can make use of the lack of canceling and telegraph to instantly start swap any other spell with a few presses of the same simple button which doesn't actually take off your index from the casting attack?
Hand swapping and softswapping are way less clunky than your dogshit proposal to split adhes of war in two, but actually balances chaining ashes by giving a return to neutral and little animation.
The only reason you don't care is because you don't know shit about the gamen but it's worse in every way
>>The spell que is clean, swift and simple.
>It is not.
skill issue
>>None of what you can propose allows for this versatility
>Yes it does, you just can't read.
>>so either adapt or fuck of
>I have been playing these games longer than you, you big baby newfaggot nigger.
what about controller chads
just unlock and relock if your camera gets in a bad spot. you noobs really just want to press the lock on button and then have the game auto pilot it for you with no interaction.
what's next do you want an attack button that automatically attack when the enemy has an opening? or perhaps you would want an auto dodge button that always dodges in the optimal way?
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>they should improve the game :)
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>i'm a stupid nigger and you're right, I kneel
weird of you to type that but it's whatever
concession accepted, looneytroon
>just unlock and relock if your camera gets in a bad spot.
>unlock to punish boss attack
>lock back on oncemy mysterious sixth sense tells me the boss is winding up another attack without actually being able to see it
thanks I'll try
my bomba webm!
pvegods won
eslgods won
spell cylcergods won
thetroons lost (again)
Don't even bother, they'll call you cultist and then names at the same time when they have no retort. Elden Ring attracted too many newfags
knowing when to unlock should be intuitive to anyone with an iq above 90 if you can't do it I have bad news for you.
>it wouldn't mess with freeaim if it worked like the pouch in the game already thoughbeit
yes it would, because spells can be charged ir repeated multiple times, unlike throwing a pot which can be done with a single button press
>if they cared about "unwanted true combos" they would have patched out the 50 extremely overpowered true combos in the game already. they don't
If you read my post properly you'll notice it's not knowing when to unlock that poses an issue
you're basically suggesting I just work off memorization of timings or sound cues to know when I should stop punishing and lock back on. Which is what I've been doing you know? And I'm telling you the fact that I even have to do that is because the camera system is utter dogshit and prevents from actually seeing the boss while being able to hit him
Are you not gonna answer this >>486758825
or did you just forget? :^)
if you read my post properly you would not that I am saying every time you have camera issues it's because you are playing the game wrong. in my dlc playthrough I only experienced a camera issue once and it was a bug that caused it to spinn around 360 degrees 10 times a second. other than that I never had a single issue with the camera.
Nah your'e just retarded. The game is visual, forcing me to pick between being able to hit the boss and being able to see the boss is totally retarded design and so are you for defending it like it's just a skill issue.
It's like retards like you didn't get the memo that most of the skill issue posting is ironic and start unironically parroting it
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What's the fucking point? You have to hold down a button and input another button when you could just press 1 button a bunch of tkme and it would take less
>Why would you want to swap to a spell by pressing two buttons together if you could hit one button up to 11 times instead?
Are you pretending?
>The game is visual
there are two different bosses that can turn invisible and there are some bosses that can teleport to break your lock on. the game clearly excepts you to pay attention to the fight and not just let the lock on handle everything for you.
>forcing me to pick between being able to hit the boss and being able to see the boss
never happens to me unironic skill issue :)
>you didn't get the memo that most of the skill issue posting is ironic and start unironically parroting it
the only one parroting shit is you

just open any pvp video and you will see that everyone is in control of the camera and constantly unlocks when it is beneficial. but for some reason pve babies are incapable of doing something so simple.
lol this retard actually thinks bad camera not letting you see the boss while unlocked is defendable. stfu retard. all it would take for them to do is increasing fov in a boss room like all other games do. Stop being so fucking dumb. 80 IQ fucking nigger
post a webm of your camera issues. since it happens so frequently it should be hard for you to make one.
if you have to hold down a button, then it's pointless as you are taking more time. With the current system, if youa re locked on you don't firfeit camera, attacking or movement to swap spells and you can do it very fast while doing other shit.
If we implement that every spell swamp would be holding down d-pas for a second to access 4 slots.
I can press d-pad up 4 times in half a second with just my right thumb, so what's the advantage of what you are proposing? You are making it slower and clunkies to force the meme slot cross control scheme.
I got you a better idea, record yourself fighting divine beast dancing lion without your camera being utter dogshit and preventing you from seeing his windups a lot
imagine defending this shit unironically. you are a genuine golem
hahahaha you are one of the retards who get filtered by an easy enemy like the divine beast
>if you have to hold down a button, then it's pointless as you are taking more time.
No, holding down a button and pressing a second one does not take more time than pressing the aforementioned button up to 11 times. Again, are you pretending?
I notice you can't actually provide a recording of divine beast being fought without dogshit camera spazzouts and instead opted to deflect about how I'm experiencing a skill issue even though I never said the boss is hard
funny how you retarded brown golems always do the exact same shit lol. Hey man you know whats funny my skin is white. What do you think about that
FC later?
>No, holding down a button and pressing a second one does not take more time than pressing the aforementioned button up to 11 times.
But then again with the system you are proposing there's no such thing as more than 4 slots, all of which would equally be quickly reached in less than a second. The spell slot system of Elden Ring rightfully aknowledges that not all spells are equals and that there are spells that can be put at the end of the spell queue.
the only button that would work is Y every other would just interfere with the gameplay
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ask the evros
Spellbound will use AC6 style controls for you to cast 4 different spells.
FS mmorpg when
>People actually defend the spell casting

I beat these faggots would defend the lock on system skipping over the mob right in front of you to target one 50 meters behind him, or a random rabbit in a bush despite this being the 6th game in this style.
git gud
LotF spellcasting would have been good if it didn't have a delay and the weird camera zoom. The game does a lot of things right but the overall execution was just shit. Hope they fix it in LotF2
>But then again with the system you are proposing there's no such thing as more than 4 slots,
You made the number 4 up I can think of way more buttons to set favorites to. Regardless

> all of which would equally be quickly reached in less than a second.
Are you saying because you can reach 1-4 in less than a second my proposal would be useless? Do you realize there are more than 4 memory slots? Obviously it's not useful to select slot 1, 2, 3 or 4, but you could for example
>set the first of my buffs to a specific favorite so I can quick jump to it
>set the first of my heals to a specific favorite soI can quick jump to it


If what you're saying was correct, then it would mean that you never use the "hold up to reset to entry one" mechanic. Yet I guarantee you clearly do use this shit because you actually play the game and it's useful. Now imagine if you could have even just 4 more of these spots to jump to, to use the number of possible binds you seem to think the limit
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spellbound will be a pachinko exclusive title also it will be a puzzle game
>fia hug
If I was the director for a souls game the game would be a REAL goty without any issues
more than half if not all my characters have fia hug debuff because they were repurposed from pve i think
lol anon you can get rid of it. you can restore celibacy by popping the ball ache blessing
Where's the fth caster bill...
i didnt know that.
fth caster is my sl270 pve character that I use to play against random chinese kids at 3 am on a sunday morning
make a 139 one and light nuke the fcs
that's like too much work. im gonna take 2 years for the patch or something.
why did they rape quality this hard in elden ring
I liked sacrificing int/faith to become a weapon master instead, but it's cucked now
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The patch is NEXT WEEK NIGGA
Zaki hates fun
wait* two years
quality is a ng+ infusion sorry...
at least you gett some goofy somber weapons idk
yeah and i'll make the bill next week bro
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>Camera? Fixed.
>Lock-on? Fixed.
>Dodging? Fixed.
>Blocking? Fixed.
>All weapons? Good.
>Story? Not the same misery porn Hackazaki shits out repeatedly.
>Bosses? Don’t input read or 360 degree tracking.
Why settle for From Slop? Th next generation of soulslikes are here.
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>two ashes of war that utilize both weapons at once when dual wielding
>they're blind spot and swift slash
if you were to cheat an aow on a weapon what would they both be?
charge forth lordsworn gs
blind spot messmer soldier spear
interesting take however the entire gameplay in this game boils down to
>walk up to boss to make sure he can't miss you (lol)
>memorize his timings like a faggot
>perfect block his shit and rape him
overhead stance colossal club
yeah that would be kino
Interesting take however the entire gameplay loop of Hackazaki can be summed up as
>Walk up to boss and memorize his timings like a faggot
>Press roll
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the yorlin special
literal dog weapon
>curved swords instead of backshots
Fromshart didn't even read their own lore
wtf is the lore on the backshots
Hornshits used them
put serpent hunt on the caestus
big cat RAWRRAORAH stock sound effect
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i dont know how to set up a dlc armor loadout im dying here
oh i guess they just forgor or perhaps there's some symbolism to it idfk
now i'm just reminded of sc2 build orders... where's my 3rax anti lappa bill.
>not wearing Raks 24/7
I didnt memorize shit in any souls game including ER and the gameplay is better for it
>nooo you have to learn the bosses moveset
no I don't faggot. If I wanted to do chimp memory tasks I would go do chimp memory tasks
Can you still avoid ds3 bans by family sharing?
No they raped fags like you by disabling DS3 on family sharing lol
you can still play with family share though
I called him a fag but atleast I didn't try to trick him into getting banned
i didn't read the avoid ds3 bans i'm just saying you can play with family share
You can block the first and parry the second pretty easily, iirc. A good medium shield generally shits on Radahn.
you're right actually they re-enabled it
Wait now I'm confused is it or is it not possible to avoid bans by family sharing??
It works.
Bloodborne has the worst fuckin weapon variety.
>heres a bunch of weapons
>half of them scale with a useless stat unless you already have the weapon(s) thats use them
>but the weapons are all buried halfway through the game so you've already blown your levelling on necessary stats
anyway this is just an elaborate reiterpallasch mald post.
bb sword and board
wrong site, it's "seethe" not "mald"
didn't ask
I asked
idk if i care
You cared enough to reply
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>invade dlc
>try to have fun harrassing the ganksquad out in scadu atlas
>they're all popping starlight sharts and got marika's blessings ready and shoot literally hundreds of sleep bolts my way
>decide to just chainsaw them to get it over with
>he adds me on steam and spergs out on me
>tell him I wouldnt have done it if he didn't cheat in stuff
>tells me I have access to it too by farming it so it's fair
even though he has access to chainsawing too
Would somebody please summarise how infusions work with Poison, and whether you need ARC? I want to use that status effect for autism reasons.
Arc on the status infusions is a meme
Only Occult benefits from Arcane investment
I really wish Elden ring had taken more from DS2.
>NG+ changes
>bonfire ascetics
>boss / item interactions, velstadts helmet.
it kept some stuff, like some of the object interactions you need the giants to roar at broken statues to further open them up but I would have liked more. Even the weapon infusions, I vastly prefer being able to amp up my weapon with a specific infusion then buffing it further but that's more PvP focused or specific boss weaknesses.

fuck I love DS2.
Could you translate for PVE retards?
It makes it build up slightly faster which isn't really that important considering how poison/rot works
arc bad for poison
no damage
Thanks. So basically you don't really lose out on too much if you change weapons to Poison, aside from some basic damage, and you only really need the stats for the weapon you're actually using. I guess.
and then everyone clapped
You lose base damage on the weapon which isn't good but totally fine for all of pve and low level pvp
>and you only really need the stats for the weapon you're actually using. I guess.
Yeah although there's some thematic spells/incantations that do scale off arcane so you might wanna consider it anyway. You could also use those to apply poison and use an occult wep if you wanna be really optimized. It's not necessary to do that for pve if you don't like that thematically so you'll be fine either way
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apologies from /vn/ for our schizo
I have no idea how you tryhards can spawn in three dozen weapons and rearrange your entire inventory again for swaps
What's even the point anymore? This dlc killed my last hopes of being able to enjoy pvp. What are you even doing that for? Duels? lmao?
it's really easy and i only have to arrange it once and then it works for all characters
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I'm just making an approximation of a certain character's moveset and abilities so it'll probably be mixed between ARC and FTH build mostly, so I'll look at some of the other incants to find matching thematic stuff too. Might not actually infuse weapon with Poison, I just have no idea how stats work in Souls games because all I ever did was use random weapons and enjoy the gameplay/gimmicks with shitty builds.
Thanks, anon.
welcome back black witch whip from ds3
my autism prevents me from twohanding whips cause it looks stupid
same with stuff like rapiers. wish they made unique animations for those

cool webm though
patch in 6 days
poise nerfs and no poise buffs incoming
uhh hornsent dont use berd sorry bro
a little grim reminder of this chaos bed vestige faggot tranny:

grass old steam name list before he deleted it
grass #newsens #144hz
Dolores Haze
Lole Eater
daisy is a reference to some legendary cp film idk ask him

a troon faggot and a pedophile
lmao even
rofl if you will
This, from has a fucking horrible habit of making the most boring spells possible also the best ones.
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>ugly troon is also into pedo shit
crazy if you think about it. Kinda fucked that this is the guy i play fcs with
Have you heard of Nintendo??
post his steam profile i wanna see his hours
okay but i'm still going to play elden ring with him because it's a videogame...
like what do you want me to do with this information, fucking kill him irl lmao?
maybe he used to use ifunny. they did a lot of peter s. jokes.
what are some fun ds3 weapons besides farron gs
block him and mock him until he stops posting out of shame
instead of enabling his pestering behavior
erm... i think im gonna watch fundamental paper education instead
man that pasta is still fucked LMAO
>daisy is a reference to some legendary cp film idk ask him

i have 1.1k in eldog now

>you must be shamed for shit you did years ago
i love as well that you have decided that being edgy is bad when we are on 4ch of all places
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wtf is fundamental paper education
Yorshka's Spear
did this nigga just say edgy = pedophile
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I love funny dark souls memes like the one in this pic. Anyone know any blogs where I can download more funny meme pics?
I love the DS3 ones especially, and my favorite are the skyrim crossover memes lol
should I click that
I think i'm going insane, Gaels arena feels uniquely shit in regards to hitbox fuckery, i swear i'm dodging his shit properly and he still hits sometimes, fuck his gay ass arena and fuck "muh atmosphere", your atmosphere can go to hell if some nigger does a wacko teleport in your uneven arena
that's not my british forehead freak. who's that imposter...
looks like grass
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>don't shame me for my past chuddie I was only a homosexual tranny and a pedophile!!!
>Judge me by my present instead, now I'm just a faggot!!!
>So what if I sucked dick while crossdressing and gooned to cp??
>I only did it to be edgy and it was 4 years ago lol and besides everyone does it :)
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he really uploaded a mod of a mod instead of updating the first mod...
You guys reminded me there's a character in drakengard 1 who is regarded as this warrior who stands for justice and he cares a lot for the people around him, but it is revealed that he sexually lusts for children and while he hasn't actually fucked any kids, his wife and child are killed by enemy soldiers in their home and he wasn't there to defend them because he's in the forest masturbating thinking about little kids. And he befriends this little kid in the game but does not fuck the little kid. In the end pedo warrior and his loli fairy partner are eaten by giant babies in order to help buy their friends some time.
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it's true doe this is the dogshit pedophile website
You guys remember child model threads in 4chan lol shit was fucked up back then.
That's crazy but ultimately I'm glad he died
do you think there's any pedophile characters in dark souls besides grass I mean
Yeah drakengard 1 was a weird game. The main character is a war criminal who mows down countless children and his sister wants to fuck him and commits suicide. And he accidentally cucks his friend who loves his sister too. The other ally you have aside from pedo knight is this housewife whose husband and child were killed by soldiers, and so she became a psychotic child-murdering cannibal because she thinks if she eats children they will be protected in her womb. And she's also eaten by giant god babies at the end of the game.
There's no pedo characters in souls to my knowledge. There's only rapey characters like pontiff and seluvis.
all black knight weapons minus the greatsword
wolf knight gs
dragonslayer (sword)spear
frayed blade
He was a priest, not a warrior. His pact partner is a petrified dragon, you're thinking of the girl who eats children for the fairies. He isn't a noble person, he's explicitly a selfish and uncaring one. And he was essentially just left behind immediately in the endings, he doesn't die buying time.
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Flower Gavel is the new DragonSlayer SwornSpear
why did they have to make great katanas poking sticks
Why is this deranged faggot spamming tranny lingo trying to falseflag being against it while speaking tranny lingo words I have filtered
Oh right there's also a little kid ally in drakengard 1 who is cursed to forever be a little kid because of this pact he made with a creature. Miquella type shit. The last ally you have is this coward priest dude-- but I feel like he's the least fucked up out of the entire group. Yoko Taro said he wanted an elderly character who was pretty much a useless scumbag who prioritizes his own safety over anyone else's.
Thinking about these characters made me realize that souls games often have very pure, kindhearted human npcs/allies. There's usually that one trickster asshole, but for the most part the friends you meet along the way are hopeful or at the very least very down to earth regarding their feelings.
I was thinking of leonard, I forgot the priests name. But yeah he's the selfish one and survives in the endings.
The r2 is cool at least. Seriously though why is the moveset so similar to monhun.
What else would you do with a long weapon??
because he is a deranged faggot lol
he's accusing me of paedophilia based on 5 year old steam names
he needs his head checked
0 self awareness
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im gonna skinwalk you
why 51 dex
also just run winged sword and do grafted glitch (it's honest)
whats the vig breakpoint for grafted glitch again? 47?
yeah grafted gives 13 vig, 5 mind, and a lot of extra stam
I'm not goiung to use ansbachs blade until that shit gets patched. Have fnu tho
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weightless garbage
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can't wait to boot up randomizer2 again and die 1000 more times to the curse of the ack
the shulva goons have too much poise
Are you using the ring?
im using a greathammer
all the dlc goons are poise tanky and deal a lot of damage but die in 2-3 hits
Hit them harder
i can instakill them with yump. just dont like them shrugging off my r1s.
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So it turns out that the crows don't give you more than 1 titanite chunk a pop. So my plan to have a +6 weapon by the end of the starting area just fell through.
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I've done it. I have made the lamest AC ever.
needs worse colors
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Beat Demon's Souls again after like 8 years, can say for certainty now that it's the best Souls game and is definitely my favorite
what build did u do
my biggest criticism of demons souls is how stingy is it with certain upgrade materials, meanwhile gives others out for fucking free
Pure Faith basically, was going to make a quality build but then I remembered how Blessed weapons work and immediately changed my mind. Going to Valley of Defilement first for the Faintstones kind of sucked, would very much recommend anybody do that one in the latter half of their playthrough unless they're also running pure Faith and are determined to get their weapon upgraded early.
Well, the hardest ones are the ones that give you passive health and mana regen. They obviously thought that most valuable.
Just finished shadow of the erd tree. Not hopeful for the future of souls style games at fromsoft, it really does feel like a parody of the formula. Promised pedo is certainly the hardest souls boss and easily one of the worst, did it with a med roll and no shield and it was a slog of Simon says. I still have faith in the studio after AC6 being a decent AC game and Sekiro being a fun but casual Tenchu with mandatory souls bosses.
I was going to write a long post about how offhand meta is cancer and hitstun is retarded but I cba to do it anymore
this game is so fucking dogshit and it's retarded that hitstun hasn't been nerfed into the ground. What's the point of removing true combos and gutting half the weapon classes if you can equip a dagger or axe or rapier in your offhand and get your 2 hit combo out of a halberd poke?
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Anybody have tips for Radahn 2? I'm really not good enough to deal with this guy.
deflect drink
All the off hand combos are as gamey and lame as the come as well. Pokey sword in the main hand and an off hand dagger? Dog shit. Dagger in the main hand and a fucking polearm in the off hand? Easy true combos. Aids
Big armour big shield or light roll high stagger weapon like star fists. Don’t use lock on if you’re rolling it’ll only get you clipped by the flash bangs and just roll foward and left on ever attack. Enjoy, that’s it. One of the worst boss fights i. any of these games by far.
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why is it that every time this game starts feeling gay all I have to do is put on my dual zimmerman plasma missile build and it folds like a bad poker player?
There isn’t a single fight that comes close to requiring cheese in AC6, I S ranked everything with pistols and a dagger with a light build, the only bad point on its challenge is you must have a stagger weapon if you aren’t using lasers which does stifle you’re creativity I won’t argue that. But you dont need to grug the fight, I really do believe that with average skill you can S rank any fight with any build as long as it conforms to the stagger then punish design of the game. Which I hate but that’s the way it is, still a better game than AC5 and got a lot of people into the series so i’ll take it. Nice reminder that from can actually right characters and not vague lore mouth pieces.
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>Which I hate but that’s the way it is
I feel like if I'm not playing a light AC there's enemies that are just build to punish me with stagger for it. Then again that only really started in NG+ so I guess I shouldn't get all gamer rage pissy about it. I fucking hate the fact I get gamer rage at all I wish I could turn it off.
>Nice reminder that from can actually right characters and not vague lore mouth pieces.
I did feel a lot of conflicting emotions in the ending because I stabbed everyone that trusted me in the back because of the alien in my head so I'll agree with that.
AC is all about the legs, max those boys out. If you have big legs you have a big health pool and in 6 a big stagger bar. AC6 rewards big boy ACs a lot, lights are probably the trickiest way to play since your big stagger weapon options are more limited. Just have a big stagger combo and a big punish combo as your weapon choices, then when it comes to longer missions think about ammo costs and so on and you’ll do just fine. Bigger is better in AC6 but you really can get by on most set ups as long as you can stagger in a timely fashion and get in some good damage when they do.
I still think that this is peak fromsoft
>trying to play DS3 as dark wizard
>remember that almost every enemy in the game resists dark damage except for like 2 areas
This fucking sucks, what the hell was Miyazaki thinking?
Magic system is just all over the shop in the series. Still think souls 1 and two had it the closest to being good and distinct, but then you get to elden ring and you can’t tell what scales with a stat at a glance.
Elden Ring at least has the most wacky and fun spells, you can fuck around so hard as a mage. My gripe with ER magic isn't actually the spells, it's how hard the game rugpulls you by dangling magic/melee hybrid builds in your face and then making all the spell scaling super fucking greedy so it's hard as balls to actually do such a build
I mean the biggest issue with elden ring spells is it’s all fun and game until the boss doesn’t give you an opening to cast regular spells. So then it comes down to cheese your ass off or don’t bother. Which is a big down side of the game in general but magic suffers the most when it comes to roll light or jump heavy epic bosses.
>Mindbreak Irina
>Cuck the Firekeeper with Irina
Which way?
>character in both DS3 and Elden Ring named Irina
>both are blind
Michael Zachary...
I hope Memazachery makes a fast paced genuine action game next, ha was happy with AC4, pretty happy with bloodborne. Unhappy with AC3 and unhappy with elden ring. Dude just needs to make a devil may cry game already, give souls to someone else the same way he was burdened with it.
I unironically hope the b-team makes the next souls game I need a healthy dose of dark souls 2 design
>everyone gets invaded solo
>rat covenant
>wacky weapons and cool knight armors
do it do it do it do it get the b-team in there
what happened to that glorious geo guy who would link his shit here
he fucked off
But the B team made elden ring
C team*
the N team made elden ring
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>a return to actual level design
Please, nobody would want that.
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I do not remember this asshole hitting so hard at all wtf
Or just let them make the good games like AC and sekiro while the A team makes epic OHHH HO HO HO HOOOO boss fight slop, i’d be cool with that too.
the A team makes the slop and the B team made sekiro thoguh
ds1 fans are the worst
The B stands for Best
Is there a single thing more retarded than those people who keep saying shit like
>yeah fromsoft games are great but why aren't there any cities with NPCs to talk to and stuff, that would be amazing
like do they not realize the lack of this is a large part of WHY these games are good
>elemental res talismans went up by 1%
Is 7% worth a slot
If you feel like the boss is dealing too much damage, yes. Otherwise, no. I threw on the physical and holy resistance talismans for Radahn and it made him a lot easier.
I was talking about pvp...they give you 22% in pve
The focus on bosses is ruining their game design. Sekiro being successful was the worst thing that could have happened since it's a boss rush game but sekiro is built around boss battles in a way that feels fun and interesting even while hitting a wall fighting owl or issin for hours. Meanwhile the overemphasis on bosses hurt AC6 which has traditionally been a series where fighting other ACs was the highlight. Sure an AC was a kind of boss but the boss is like you. That Leda gank at the end of SotE felt more satisfying than gigagay radahn.
>get hit by a halberd poke
>don't have the 180 poise needed to tank it or whatever
>eat a lightning dagger true combo follow up right after
Oh. Yeah, no. Eat your crab, drink your opaline, and say your vows if you're feeling spicy.
>golden vow
>pest glaive
I think what they really mean is that quest design in the game sucks. They'd rather there be a "town" where some character delivers a few lines of dialogue telling you to kill xyz boss and when the deed is done they reward you with abc item. Something like Diablo.
people still take slurm pvp seriously instead of just dragonbreath oneshotting everyone they see
*deflects your breath*
I mean, that's just Majula and everyone agrees that's the best hub even if they hate the rest of the game.
deathblight magma showers you
>lightning dagger
Oh no, what ever will I do
firelink feels good when you get a bunch of npcs there, but I guess the appeal is to make it le edgy and kill almost all npcs after. the only ones you get to save are the mute whore, the man that haven't touched grass in a long time, and fuckin patches. I don't get it, especially when you can't even meet them in the sequels other than meme patches
Everyone agrees it's the best hub because of the aesthetics, not because of the NPCs standing around doing nothing. Chloanne sitting outside of Leningrast's shack without ever talking to him is just fucking weird.

It doesn't really make sense for NPCs to coexist for longer periods of time in Souls games, because they only interact in brief, one-off encounters. It makes more sense for people to merely be passing one another while going from one place to another, stopping as a common resting point. That's why I like DS1 Firelink the most.
Demons Souls hub is better
Dark souls trilogy or just buy each title individually for a newcomer?
Dragonslayer axe, irithyll rapier, sellsword twinblades.
Uh sir, this is a From Slop general, actual good games are not welcome here.
Buy 1 and 3, skip 2 and pretend it doesn't exist.
Buy 1 and 2, skip 3 and pretend it doesn't exist.
>le 2 is bad!
Reddit opinion discarded
DS2 is, by every metric, by sense of the world, by every conceivable method you could use to judge quality, a terrible piece of shit game.

Only plebbitors defend it. You are not cute by being an annoying contrarian and pretending it isn’t dogshit.
nta but why do i like playing ds2 so much if this is the case? i prefer its pve experience over ds3
Kill yourself you fucking gay jewtuber semen guzzling nigger.
uh oh
chuddie having a melty
ds2 fans have been real quiet since this post dropped

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