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[Naked impaled UC agent] edition
Previous thread: >>485519554

>Current version: 1.0.64
>Latest important announcement (February 6, 2024)
>Kenshi 2 Announcement:
Soon (tm)

>What is Kenshi?
"A free-roaming squad based RPG. Focusing on open-ended sandbox gameplay features rather than a linear story."
"Be a trader, a thief, a rebel, a warlord, an adventurer, a farmer, a slave, or just food for the cannibals. Research new equipment and craft new gear."
>Demo Link

>Tips for beginners
Learn to pick your fights, don't hesitate to run away and don't reload unless you die, any fight you survive makes you stronger. Building an outpost will attract trader caravans and hostile raids. Building one too early might be more than you can handle. Pressing F1 will open the tutorial screen. Mousing over the stats screen and HUD will reveal useful tooltips and additional info. If the enemies feel too difficult - get crossbows for your units. And don't be afraid of the RP autism - engage in it whenever you can. And do unlock the sliders.


>Some mods
>AND a link to the giga muscle-girl mod

>Some moonrune mod archive on the LL Kenshi thread

>LL modding thread
>post with jonijonikenshi mods (like milking mod) after he deleted it all

>LL mod index

>Kenshi Fuck Mod

>The package of optimization mods from Nexus
what’s the mod that fills the fuglands with water?
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Old rolling sheet from 2019
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A less old rolling sheet, still outdated by now.
Why do people direct all of their shitting onto the HN but never the UC?
Dont worry, Im about to shit alllllll over the UC
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The UC is just assholes. The HN claims to have principles
Does it have a nude mod version?
Alien lolis sound awesome.
Do not lewd the ant lolis!
Needs an oppai version
God I wish kenshi was more moddable, I'd kill to play some necromancer mod in a game like that
It would make sense both given the nanomachines, and the fact that Chris couldn't ass himself to code the heads being separatable.
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Mods to try.
On their continued journey south, the Crusade crashes into one of the few remaining slave farms
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I noticed when returning Simion to prison for the third time that Meat Lord was absent from his cell so I went to investigate and found him back in his village with no bounty.
Did the police really let him serve his sentence then release him?
Fang won't be turning in cannibal bounties if they're just going to be released. These monsters are being put down permanently.
Bandits will not be tolerated in the desert!
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>slave start
>get a lucky ko on a guard in rebirth
>strip him of his armor and weapons
>put him in a cage so he doesnt wake up and immediately sound the alarm or something
>try to escape and fail but its whatever, not like i have anything to lose
>see the guard i ko'd actually get enslaved the next morning
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Finest Bong-coding, just for (You). Buy Kenshi shirts!
im not leaving rebirth until every single paladin and sentinel is a slave, this is my calling now
It's a little strange Iron Hats don't offer resistance to Venge lasers. Don't see what makes Armoured Hoods special in this regard.
If he was dumb enough to get yeeted by a slave then inshallah he deserves to be one himself.
Is there a natural way to find the armour king? Like a map that highlights his location? Seems like very little reason to go there if you didn't know he was there RP wise.
Well I've found him on my first playthrough. If you like exploring the map then you will run into him sooner or later.
And yeah, if I remember correctly his place does get marked as "ruins" when you pass nearby.
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Swords in sand are very kino
Its how Im decorating around my well and small shack while I wait for eyegore to show up.
Remind me the UC and SK aren't hostile to eachother right?
If you are Esata's buddy - the TG doesn't like you.
They do not like each other but they will not attack on sight.
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Journeying into the Cannibal Plains proper and finding the first of probably many of their villages, the cannibal culling continues.
Fang discovered the Flotsam Ninjas on the way. As they seem to not be enemies of the empire she let them be.
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Oh no
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how high do you level up your DEX with cutting weapons before switching to heavier stuff?
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The time has finally come for Tintonki to avenge his master
About 40.
It's easier to level dex with martial arts and crossbows I feel.
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His master can finally rip in peace now.

What a tough customer though.
He killed Scratchy, the pet security spider.
>It's easier to level dex with martial arts and crossbows I feel.
I think you're right, but leveling it with a katana or a sabre has the adventage of getting their weapon skills up, which can still be useful later. You'll probably be using a heavy weapon in the main slot, and a smaller katana/sabre in the secondary slot, and you may use those weapons indoors or when your arm gets fucked up in combat.
Feel like switch weapons... Maybe go for a hacker, or go fight gorrillo real quick for his plank
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Ruka got bonked. Silly girl.
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they will cry rivers when kenshi 2 necessarily makes the holy nation the good guys. according to kenshi lore the holy nation was really chill before the current lord phoenix. kenshi 2 is a sequel set before the current lord phoenix was even born. i'm certain nat wouldn't fuck over lore to tout her basic bitch politics in front of an apathetic audience.
Racism is the Great Satan. The United Cities are less racist so they're slightly better. Slightly. Most playthroughs are still pro-Shek pro-Tinfist pro-Moll anti-HN anti-UC, Tengu just gets skin peeled after Phoenix, never before. People might also think the UC will slowly abandon slavery and maybe morph into Kenshi's closest equivalent to America.
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total shek love
depends on the time period, hivers already got their new models but they're a relatively young race? I don't think they actually existed during the second empire. Skeletons should be the main baddies though, along with their notShek enforcers.
Relatable. I took a nap in one of their beds after slaughtering every cannibal in that building.
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Kinda losing my motivation for this run. Gave Tengu to tinfist and murdered the trader guy. Killed Gorrillo, King Gorillo, Great White Gorillo, and the voodoo brothers. Now Im at Blackscratch to offload some shit. Found another spider pet whos a x0.24 pup right now. Might just make my way back to my house in Mongrel to offload a bunch of weapons
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I've never been this close to Stobe before.
I wonder what he would he think about current Kenshi's world.
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>As they seem to not be enemies of the empire she let them be.
Nice anti slaver faction bro


That's a really nice fanart
What's left for Titonki to do?

Brother Saetius' opinion of slavers seems to have lowered with time
Nothing much really. He was kinda just on the revenge thing, but life after revenge... idk. He could seek out stronger foes to test his blade against until he sits upon cat-lon's throne, or maybe find an apprentice of his own. His desert adventure was pretty fun though.
He could herd machines
>This could be us

Get him a pet Cleanser unit
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they just keep coming

depends on race, strength and how much armor you are wearing. also what your goals are
That's the problem with gutters, they smell blood. You're gonna have to move
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we just hired this farmer lol
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ran into this caravan and bought some new legs!!!
At least you could afford some legs for him...
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we made it out ok and managed to hire chad. our current team is mostly rookies so his muscle will be quite useful
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Best boy
>Many decades later, a superstition among high-ranking imperials began to circulate.
>They said that if you looked at a painting with Okran's Hunter in it, the still-crusading ghost of Don Pedro would notice your spirit.
>It could take years, weeks, days, or minutes.
>But the ghost would stop your heart when he reached you.
>It was soon treated as a joke, with nobles gifting each other large paintings and rugs with the Don engraved in a tiny corner...
>...But still many couldn't shake off the feeling of being... heretical.
what would be the best faction for a chud playthrough?
Where do you guys live? I'm thinking about moving my base from the Flotsam/Cannibal border to somewhere a little busier.
I should make a cute bug run
HN obviously. Kill skellies. Beat up shek and hivers. Keep women on a short leash. Always help out your brothers in faith.
Right now I've got my base in the north-western part of the Northern Coast. I thought the place I chose looked like a nice formation, but it's more uneven than I thought, sometimes it's a bit of a pain in the ass.
I don't know about cute, but I really liked my hiver only run before. There was a mod that added new reactivity and stuff like new hiver only armours. There was a start where you had a hive queen (great at research, smithing and such but horrible at fighting) and some soldiers, good stuff.
princes are a cute
bugs in rugs in hugs
very lewd op
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After seeing Stobe we continued south into Stobe's Gamble where we discovered the hut of the Blood Dragon, a real bastard as he has cannibal behavior, plus a dog.
He's from Mountain Ronin Armour btw.
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A firing line waited for him outside but his armor is very thick. He dropped a donut and I saw the cannibal AI in action, he's very quick to grab people and chuck them in cages so he can hack them apart, he left combat the second one of my hivers fell.
>those stats
what do you even do at that point
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He dropped Shryke and put her in a cage too, it always seems to be Shryke losing immediately. Hell broke loose after that, couldn't just wait behind crossbows since he's a cannibal. The whole group just rushed him.
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He's just a normal dude under all that armor.
There are some ways to overcome opponents stronger than you. Crossbows are usually the go-to because they can stagger enemies. Having more numbers is good too because stats drop as enemies take more damage. Note how he is somewhat more balanced by having a lower dex stat, meaning he's not really that fast and it will only decrease as the battle goes on. You can also download mods that increase Attack Slots, meaning how many people can attack at once. I use Attack Slots X3, really strong warriors will usually win 1v3s but they will get fucked up doing it. By this point my characters also had specialist armor and some great weapons from Black Desert City, it's not like we were hopeless.
what if i’m doing a hiver chud playthrough
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The squad was closest to Catun so we dropped him off there. On the way out we encountered Gorillo bandits. They've been buffed to 50 Martial Arts in Legendary of Kenshi. I'm not messing with that any time soon, they can't handle crossbows at all though.
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To wrap up the session we camped out in Stobe's Gamble fighting actual Gorillos. I love them. They'll tear you apart and you'll earn a lot of exp from it.
Got a favourite weapon type or weapon?
Does Beep have a hidden XP bonus or something? He's already out leveling my starting characters but it's not like I've been doing anything special with him.
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Next time I will put Chris' shirt, so you give him your money. Buy Kenshi merch!
racism/misogyny >>>>> murder
Sadly we do live in a society.
ideally murder should be considered the worse sin, since even if you look at it from a purely materialist perspective, you are permanently removing someone from the world. their life, their dreams, their history, all ends with you.
I was thinking about doing another one of those now that Im kinda bored with Tintonki.
My last one was a lot of fun. Started as a prince who had been exiled and slowly rebuilt a hive with a Queen he had found in Mongrel. They made their home in the swamp, and became drung and booze merchants. Pretty fun. Had All the worker drones double as spear carriers. Princes were all the inside jobs like crafting and had personal weapons choices that were varried just based off of what I thought was nice/neat weapons we had gotten. Soldiers were my heavies and the outpost guards. Used a buncha mods for it, more hiver armor, building ofc, the hivers expanded, and viable hive soldiers(reduced head hitchance, gives them dex proficiency, +10 chest hp. its pretty fair, not too op like skeleton armor unlocked), and a bunch more recruitables.

Was fun. Swamp is a pretty cozy landscape. We'd just run around selling booze and hash, recruit wayward no-hives and giving them purpose again.
given how old the current Lord Phoenix is, do you think he’ll be the same Holy Phoenix in the Red Rebellion overhaul?
How do paladins cope with having the majority of their cross's dmg be cutting, but their armor giving them huge dex debuffs?
Even hivers
Odd Holy Nation
Alright, time to make sure all my slavery mods are in order.
He is about 55 or something - old but not helpless. Look at his stats.
I like the Rebirth start because its the only one where I dont spend the first 2 hours mining copper and running in circles.
*vampiric hissing*
what’s a good hoonting region for a group of middle-game stats (highest dude has lvl 50 combat stats, average stat spread for fighters is lvl 45-50)
Smaller groups of beak things should be doable, maybe gorillos or landbats.
Ugh, one of my mods is shitting up a bunch of weapon vendor iventories with two truth weapons and IDK which.
Kenshi is piss easy, use whatever tickles your 'tism, forget the numbers.
She is a teenager.

>necessarily makes the holy nation the good guys
Take a look at Nat, her activities, and think.

>morph into Kenshi's closest equivalent to America.
a fate worse than death.

John Madden

Surprised how those two slaves just stand casually.

Too many hiver caravans in the game. Feels weird.

>have too many donuts
>roleplaying isn't fun anymore
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Beaky boys are easy as long as you duel them. You can start at 30 stats, even 25 is fine and 20 is doable if you have some higher stat donuts for quick rotation.
Skimmers are fine too, but you need good armor to avoid losing limbs here. Bonus attack slot and good stats but low meat and no skins. Way less micro-intensive compare to beak things.
Boneyard wolves are scary but good for meat and leather. Nice stats, 3 extra attack slots for your squad to swarm the poor doggos and there is A LOT of them in the Bonefields.
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Got a nice lil squad of 6 all geared up with junk equipment and 50 strength. Time to set out and make the Holy Land safer for pilgrims
Maybe it's because you want Beep to be strong and you're using him more than you realize. Beep also gets racial bonuses to dex and toughness, that's pretty good for fighters.
i meant region as in parts of the map, hoonting grounds

can i make a camp in the bonefields and not get eaten by elder sneed things with these stats?
For skimmers you can try skimsands, for bonerfields base idk. Уou can scare elder baka away if your downed donut still can scream loud enough (downed but not in recovery coma when it start to eat you alive)
Go hunt in Vain. Theres beak things and gorillos to hunt and you can camp near a friendly western hive if to many gutters come for you in the night.

You could also get a small cabin at the nomad village in Shem and hunt beak things from there. Lot of nests over there.
try it. dont deprive yourself of the most fun part of kenshi
do tax collectors come to the skimsands?
what are those hoods?
I forgot I had the mod that buffs the shit out of dogs
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>attack 1, def 6, dex 0, toughness 11
>that str
did you just run around with a backpack full of ore like a little bitch?
if i were to write kenshi fanfic, then what would be the best time period to write?
No, I skipped that part by using Hard Labor Uses Stength. thinking I might have to switch to katanas for a bit though because they never swing their crosses.
Idk. Never settled there.
Red Rebellion
I've really started liking sabres recently, I think the desert sabre is my favorite.
I dont like heavy weapons.
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They can whine about slavery all they want so long as they don't harrass any UC assets. I mean I'm hardly going to capture and drag them in to a matual enemy.
I was actually thinking about bringing the next UC patrol that volunteers to join me to their village and seeing if they attack eachother as I've never seen flotsam and UC interact with eachother in any if my playthroughs.
In any case I think spending time with them while using their village as a base while fighting the cannibals is an interesting arc.
Yeah, I like them too. This one is really nice
B-but Falling Sun...?
There's a reddit thread titled Updated faction raid and base attack maps that has all the information on tax and raid territory for each faction.
Never really used it :|
If I turn on TOTW and get the hub, then turn it off, will I keep the hub? Like once it becomes player owned, does removing the mod break it once i import w/ buildings?
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>Right now I've got my base in the north-western part of the Northern Coast.
Howdy, neighbor
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theres a hidden combat move speed modifier and princes/drones have a higher modifier than the other races
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I do but it sucks how much investment is needed to use higher quality planks and fragment axes. Falling suns are the best on their own but the game also forces you into using them too because they have a much lower strength requirement. Modded weapons aren't much better in this regard.
I had Burn train in katanas then switch to heavy weapons, I'll make him use a plank because I like planks. Pretty cool how skeletons get an exp bonus for heavy weapons.
>Modded weapons aren't much better in this regard.
I like the Foreign Greatsword. About a half-half split between cutting and blunt, so it's usable, worse damage than Falling Sun, but also +10% armor penetration, and it looks cool.
Was doing some bandit hunting and clearing out some river raptors... then decided to up it to 11 total. So... squad leader, then 2 5 man team.
Think thinking A team will be 2 hacks and 3 heavies, and B team with a hacker leader and 2 spear carriers and monks.

Think once I gets everyone to 20s and some 30s I'll begin my campaign to bring order back to the Border Zone. Till them were just training up proctecting the holy farms from my 1.25 nest multiplier.
why is it that hive princes and workers actually outperform soldiers at their jobs? the only benefit the hive soldier has over his fellows is his larger health pool.
I've not used that mod but based on the description I think you might possibly get an error. Maybe make a back-up save and try importing without it, I think it will just crash.
>princes/drones have a higher modifier than the other races
are you sure it's not the soldiers?
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Close enough
hive drones are actually terrible even at combat, which is what they are literally meant to be good at, it's kind of wild
hivers in general make for exceptionally good crossbowmen and gunmen if you have gun mods installed
interesting, I have tanegashima but never actually have used it really... actually that's a good reminder I should run that some time, line infantry
>why is it that hive princes and workers actually outperform soldiers at their jobs?
Eh I wouldn't go that far. Soldiers might not be able to wear helmets but Princes and Workers having really low Chest and Stomach health sucks. They can die quickly if you're not careful.
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I like my two soldier drones.
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I think their dog might be a bit easily distracted.
I think I have a couple in my last save as base guards, mostly they fight fogmen and cannibals, they're good in that scenario
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It's taking a bit longer than I thought to properly wipe out the second village.
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I went back to Bast and found a UC squad that volunteered to join Fang in her eradication mission. The third cannibal village has been properly wiped out. Will need to loop back to the second one after dealing with the Cannibal Capitol and finish mopping up there.
The flotsam seemed a bit uncomfortable with the hiver in the UC's squad but there was otherwise zero hostilities.
wishes and hopes for the sequel? ranging from realistic to dreams
for me I'd like to see an extremely detailed building system
>but there was otherwise zero hostilities.
Tintonki thinks that swords should not be drawn lightly, and if reason's left it sheathed, then so be it.
Tintonki also might have drawn to test Moll's blade. but maybe after the Sword Sands, he could empathize with someone saving their blade for another purpose than the blade itself.

>The only one to draw your sword is you. Never draw it unless you have made peace with the consequences.
-Tintonki's Master

Tintonki has been meditating on this and the scenes inscribed upon his data banks during his time in the desert. When the battle with Eyegore began, he was seeking but a single revenge....
but his cup ran twice over when he claimed said vengeance.
the "editor" folder would still exist
breeding and milking of the proto-sheks
My hopes for the sequal were dashed when his sister got repaced with a bunch of literal transvestites.
I'd be satisfied with
>has all features of Kenshi 1
>writing and lore not raped to death
>doesn't perform like total shit
>better mod tools and support (basically a given since it's UE but still)
>more responsive world without requiring mods
>more NPC interaction, both with the player and each other
>just generally more fleshed out everything, like manufacturers, combat moves, more skills, more tradable items, etc.
They really don't even have to make Kenshi 2, just Kenshi 1.5, or if I want to be really pedantic, Kenshi 1 if they didn't drop development and slap a 1.0 on it. However, at the rate they're going, some autist might actually just decompile and illegally release the source of Kenshi 1 before we get the fucking sequel.
I was not aware of this... hope you are being hyperbolic
yeah agreed they do not have to re invent anything
It comes out within my lifetime
More dynamic faction relations and logistics. I want faction to actually actively compete and have goals. Try to take over cities or even outposts on their own. When I slaughter every patrol in a 2000 kilometer radius, I actually want the faction to be weakened by it.
I would really like some sort of a player faction. Well, maybe not necessarily a faction, but I would like to be able to create my own city, where other NPCs could buy buildings, move into and buy/sell stuff.
Also mod support. That one should be easy, considering the engine, but clearly Kenshi has a very active community, and with a better modability I think they could really make some fantastic stuff.
>I was not aware of this... hope you are being hyperbolic
I was not. This is all from around when kenshi 2 was annouced and most of it seemes scrubed, but Chris hired on a bunch of dudes with blue hair pretending to be chicks, with pronouns and shit, for Kenshi 2. Maybe they got canned or media censored, but the reception wasn't very welcoming from a "I'm the maker and I need to make sure this sequal succeeds" standpoint, so kudo to Chris for axing them if they couldn't hack it for one reason or another. Most of Chris's contacts come from conventions and dumb shit, so it wouldn't surprise me.
IDK, google is turning up nothing, but Im sure some oldfag regular can couch for me.
I ain't an oldfag but I do recall seeing some shit about his new hires being trannies on steam news or some place.
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>hope you are being hyperbolic
I present to you: Mr Boyfriend
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the extra limb health, hiver low stomach hitrate + 200 head hp without having the slow shek healing rate makes them amazing budget bruisers. if you are constantly roaming and fighting then they will perform really well

hivers have a lower chance to be hit in the stomach and right arm compared to humans and shek. if you combine this with worker drones having 75 limb hp tho....
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After finishing mopping up the bulk of the abhorrent cannibal threat to the west Fang returned east to the desert. After resting for a bit in Heft to recover from injuries sustained fighting HN invaders in Bast she decided she'd focus on threats to the empire in the south. The moon cultists in the south are a very minor problem but otherwise a good starting point. Their leader is now behind bars in Brink.
Also as I got bonked by a pack of skimmers in my injured state I decided to see if Manhunters would still try and capture you if you're downed considering that they stop trying to jump you when you become allied to the UC. They do.
Wise words. Shame Fang was absent from the desert the last week.
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>play kenshi for 8 hours
>only reach 20's in stats
progress feels really slow but i'm starting to win fights finally. the first time i played i used sabers and hackers and they both sucked. polearms are working 10x better for me. i hate to micro combat so i think the reach and speed of polearms is a better fit for my playstyle which is more rpg than rts.
>wishes and hopes for the sequel?
Organ harvesting
More in-depth prosthetics, like replacing eyes for better perception
Consumable hashish and grog
Maybe worldstates that occur outside of player intervention? Maybe that's too much for the bong code.
Factions having a better ranking system. Like becoming a samurai scout, then samurai, then captain, or becoming a noble.
>>Organ harvesting
>>More in-depth prosthetics, like replacing eyes for better perception
I agree, but only because I want a game that's like 3D Rimworld.
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I love the new patch bros
A cat is fine too.
el Beep
You can only get as strong as what you fight in Kenshi. Can't fight starving bandits and dust bandits forever if you want to get strong. I would suggest going South of Squin or the Eastern areas of the game if you feel confident enough to face stronger people.
>a game that's like 3D Rimworld.
minus the """"community""""
Is there like, a really fucking gay fandom attached to Rimworld like there is for FNAF or some shit?
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Sell your useless donuts to the slavers
>a thing becomes popular
>tourists arrive
>"This thing was ALWAYS about me and my fetishes, and if you don't think so - YOU don't belong to OUR community!"
Again and again and again every since the Gamergate era began. Kenshi is kind of like this too, but since Kenshi is lukewarm and barely attracts normie attention - the usual suspects barely spend their time and energy shitting in the well. The stink is still here though - look what kind of mouth-breathers Nat attracted with her "stunning and brave" writing.
Oh right, yeah I get what you mean.
It's why a creator needs to gatekeep their community uber hard. A small community is superior to a large and '''inclusive''' one.
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>It's why a creator needs to gatekeep their community uber hard.
Nat says "hello guv"
>ruins your game by feminising it
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Sweetie, check your white cis male priviledge. Do better. Educate yourself. Buy Kenshi merch!
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chad, modesty and a couple of gang members take on the gorillo bandit base. many of our stronger members went on a mission somewhere else so this might get out of hand if anything goes wrong
Aye I've noticed rhe same problem in my runs.
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>Kenshi 2 will have a scene where Cat-lon burns a trans person at the stake while saying fuck scorchlanders, this is why Tinfist abandoned him
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welp thats a lot of gorilla bandits, better get out of here quickly!
why do people hire virtue signaling tranoid all the times?
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What do you think the fate of Kenshi will be? Do you think some mega autist will fall from the sky and create a script extender and Kenshi modding will be happily ever after, or do you think this game will forever be a complete blueball? If it isn't obvious, I don't want Kenshi 2, I just want this game to be fully realized...

I might as well just try on my own to curb my autism with mods. What mods (limited as they are for now) do you think could be said to fully flesh out Kenshi?
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I suppose it will all depend on Kenshi 2. If Kenshi 2 is even more moddable everyone will move on to it. If Kenshi 2 is worse then the autists will go into overdrive working on Kenshi and bringing over whatever improvements 2 might have. I don't think there's a lot of motivation for stuff currently.
>What mods (limited as they are for now) do you think could be said to fully flesh out Kenshi?
Right now I like my combination of Living World, Legendary of Kenshi, Cannibals/Hives/Shrieking Bandits Expanded, and some of the Minor Faction Overhauls. Makes a lot of characters and factions stand out more and more worldstates are nice, if you don't like the stats LoK characters can have there's a patch that brings them back to vanilla stats. Reactive World is good also. Some more minor stuff for gameplay would be Trade Routes Intensified, NPCs Equip Robot Limbs, Biome Food Expansion, Backpack Distribution, More Bounties, Dyers Guild, and Enhanced Shopping Economy. Also this is crossing into fanfic territory but I feel like Kenshi could use more named bounties so I like Bounties Galore with the Wanted Posters patch too.
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Looks like Fang ran into some anti-slavers in Black Scratch who decided to attack her.
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wow having a hiver firing squad in an all hiver squad is pretty fun.

thank god for beastforge’s better-than-samurai stats beakthing plate armor, otherwise my soldiers would be dead instead of dismembered.
>better-than-samurai stats
Really? lol. Well if you can hunt beak things enough to outfit the whole squad I guess you deserve armor that good.
it’s only downside compared to the samurai plate is the fact it covers 10% arms and 80% legs, which means that if you’re trying to keep your goys mostly intact they will not be.
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120,000 cats worth of bounty just casually strolled into my camp
well don't mind if I do
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Wait no, 150,000 cats, there was one more among the corpses.
>hidden combat move speed modifier
kinda makes sense until I consider that he also out levels my other drones that I started with too. They're also all uniformed using the same quality of armor and weapons.
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>Beep isn't in to black chicks
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You vill buy Kenshi 2
You vill enjoy the current year writing
And you VILL be happy
honestly a small thing I would like is the ability to have more career path options. for a small example I would enjoy it if I could make a bed and then charge NPCs for the right to use said bed like the in game inns. Just thought it could be fun to put cheap inns in a town as a way to get passive income early game or just plant a shack with some bed in the middle of a trade route and have passing traders actually rest there should they happen to pass by at night.
Hack Stopper looks great. Reavers have mad swag. Think it could have done well as the offical shek kingdom uniform.
Just take to the plastic surgeon at a shinobi tower and white wash her.
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I am prepared for Cat-lion
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Towah takes Alpha Team, led by Bard, with its 3 taunting heavies, and leads a valiant charge into the dust bandit camp, drawing its main force into a melee away from the crossbowmen.
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Then Griffin leads his 2 spearmen and 2 monks up and over a hill to their flank, rushing down and engaging their rear line of crossbowmen.
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It's on loverslab, need to search the main thread tho, it's in the first pages
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Its that easy.
Who ruined her maskara and why?
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Made a whopping 10rep from that. The whole HN not paying bounties thing is kinda dumb as fuck.
You can demand money. They will pay you and you still get +2 with the HN for each bandit. Kinda immersion breaking if you are an okranite, but it's fair.
Or you can just put the bandit in a cage to skip dialogue entirely.
Yeah, thats the thing. The inquisitor gets real fuckin uppity about it so I just go for the 5 rep. I dont really have any thing I want to buy atm, my guys are still 20-30s, but cats become a real non issuse after a bit so this is also kinda help strech out the poor phase. Only have 20k, but thats enough for food should we run out of bonedog jerky. Bought the armory building in Blister Hill and turned that into our barracks for now.

No clue yet with where Im gonna build an outpost once I get around to that.
>set up hoonting camp in bonefield
>elder sneed thing somehow within 30 feet and fighting the gorillo bandit that probably led it here
>highest level fighter has mid 50s stat spread
>hiver only

queen save me
Gutters are ez in 1v1s. Its their massive cleave that really fucks your shit. Keep your guys spread out to minimize that and Beak Things are some pretty good eatin.
Another way if you just need to fight 1 stong one is to have your best defender taunt and stack everyone else on its ass. You can have the defender block too, but be careful because he'll drop agro if he doesnt eventually attack and the beak thing will turn around and clown all your whimps.
beak things attack so slow you can cheese them to death with a naked unarmed lvl 1 donut. i don't like cheese so i just 1v1 them and they go down to lvl 10 donuts all the time. it might take 2 or 3 donuts but they will eventually prevail.
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Towah was leading his men through the Holy Land to the Border Zone so they could bring Okran's Flame to the Black Dragon Ninjas. He was accosted by some starving bandits, saying to give their food or their lives. Towah started reaching for his Paladin's Cross, but remembered how good Okran had been to him lately. He decided that having been made in His image, it was only right that he should bless his fellow man. He gave them 1500 cats and a spare copy of The Holy Flame, and directed them to a nearby town where they could purchase food.
They were immediately killed by the gate guards.
Okran be praised! Towah knew that the guard who found his cats on that starving bandit would put it in the donation box where it would go to feeding the needy. The Flame does burn, but it also brings Light. Amen.

Later that evening, Towah had taken his men across the Border Zone's border.... zone. It was there, that Light saw fit to bless our friend, Towah, with a mission most important. It was there our friend came upon a foul witch! SKin as dark as Narko herself! Demonic eyes piercing the night. Towah and his ten men managed to subjugate the witch, and attempted to purify her with their Holy Seed. But alas... their purification did not take. The witch began to moan like the foul temptress she was. It was then, that Towah knew that not even Rebirth could save this soul.
They were left with no choice but to burn her at the stake. FLAME TAKE HER!
Can I get an "Amen!"?!?!
I do not feel very confident about this fight in the least.
what modded race has absurdly tall donuts in general?
One of the KLR races from robotic limb based skeletons is absolutely huge.
the Viera are pretty tall.
the beastforge mod just got updated with brand new leviathan armor
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you can get pretty large just with like a greenlander and raising a lot of sliders in character creation desu
with the average size discrepancy between an average greenland farmer and cannibals, it’s no wonder the Holy Nation so easily keeps them at bay.
I actually like that detail a lot yeah, cannibals are really small and scrawny, malformed creatures, but there's a lot of them and they're pretty savage
i have the forgotten buildings mod and hive buildings mod installed and for some reason defensive walls have not shown up as a research option despite the fact that i’m tech level 4.

any suggestions for mod conflicts?
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Is there any fix for this?
Yes, but I am not allowed to say it on a blue board.
Why are they called donuts?
Donut steel
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no :)
That mod is really cool. Makes me want to do a beak thing cult in Gut in a future playthrough.
great wall of china?
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>to purify her with their Holy Seed
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Any hidden gems for an immersive vanilla+ mod? I think I have the major players that you get from google searching and searching through the first 10 pages on steam workshop.
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Does anyone go here for any other reason than to kill the nobles?
Is there any shop that can spawn masterwork chainmail or do I need to go down the outpost building rabbit-hole to get some?
great bridge in this case
Best you can buy is Specialist Grade in Mongrel or HN shops. However Armour King can sell Masterwork chain shirts/blackened chain shirts.
I want to settle down and snuggle with burn
I recently saw this bounty hunting for minor factions one that looks interesting. Leisure Objects and Furniture, Moar Unique Dialogues Purist, Spicy Stick, Simple Nomadism, Gym Training Tools, Random Furniture, CMKillingTime, Cigarettes, and Body Bio-Fuel Cage+ Butcher's Limb Table are pretty cool too.
You don't have to build a base. Heft for example has plenty of buildings you can purchase and there's a shop selling materials for armor crafting. It will take a while to get a donut with the skill great enough to print masterworks, that's like 90+.
>looks nice
>weak enemies
>borders best zone
>nice beaches
>decent shops
i let the nobles live. i don't care what happens as long as it stays out of shun.
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Not sure how this happened but ok
hahaha oh no

tower of abuse living up to its name
>solo character ends up somewhere they can't get down
The Kenshiest Kenshi moment
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This little guy seemed a bit pissed that I captured Bo. He didn't manage to land a damaging hit despite how skilled he should be at martial arts funnily enough. Hopefully he won't be a problem anymore.
Nothing a quick reload couldn't fix.
>Spicy Stick
I really ought to make a non-cringe version.
One day my endgame assasin donut will retreat to a nice farmer life there with his adopted daughterfu

Metal as fuck
I hope you've cherished your family recently, /keng/.

What have I missed?
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Anyways, last time on the Crusade the Don was fucking the desert even harder by hitting the now-unprotected slaver camp and leaving the prisoners to escape into the sands.
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>I hope you've cherished your family recently, /keng/.
I have. Are you going through anything? My condolences if you are.
>What have I missed?
How long were you gone? The coolest latest mods are Grounded 2 Combat Animations and BBgoat's Beastforge.
>I have. Are you going through anything? My condolences if you are.
The worst is yet to come. We're alright.
>How long were you gone?
Just a couple days. I noticed Fangposter was still fucking with cannibals and there's a gang of okranite boys doing stuff. Also a coup of small donut gangs?
Wonder who named them.
>Pro slave asshole
>Racist bandits
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We cannot escape the troonery. Not now at least. They infect anything even remotely decent and corrupt it. When you think Natalie was the worst of it...
In the midst of the chaos, the Don is approached by a horned beast. He reached for his blade, but the darkened one took a knee and held its hands to its thighs as it addressed him.
Surely, this shek knows these are okranites, even if he may have never heard of the Don himself. To see a beast willingly offer its submission to man... that's an opportunity don Pedro will not pass. He won't need a name, but the Santana will find some use for him, as well as any other shek who choose to submit rather than follow Okran the yagioushi way.
you goyim said sneed things were easy

you can solo them with lvl 10 donuts, you claimed

then how come my 7 combat donuts with lvl 50ish stats along with 10 lvl 30ish crossbowmen got wiped by a pack of 15 sneed things?
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>He fell for the Elder beakie poster's bait
It doesn't make sense, honestly. Your 7 combatants should've been able to take on half of the pack while the gunners focused on surviving. Did you get cleaved?
T. fight sneed thing in a tight group
they invaded my house (those 15 were about half a megapack of like 30-40ish)
All you had to do was duel them.
Set everyone on "hold", give them some space and fight. If someone gets swarmed, use "block" and wait, untill someone else wins the duel.
Fighting bakas is piss easy. Their headpatt attack is so slow that you'll have TWO chances to block it.
what if Kenshi had a complex and large skill tree system with stat bonuses and unique skills. how would you feel about that? it would add more complexity but it would add a lot of depth and uniqueness to each character. you could even play around with different unlock conditions for skill types
i wish kenshi had gone full into wuxia, with diverse kinds of martial arts you could learn that would let you switch combat animations for weapons, stuff like weapons skills adding special effects once your level got high enough, elemental buffs for weapons, etc.

unfortunately the bong is a security guard; his foundation lies not in coding.
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In my search for ruins I've stumbled upon the rebel farmer base, and found 4 new recruits to praise Okran together. One claims to be a former assassin, but he's shit at everything but science (will probably leave him at the base), another is good at engeneering, but he looks kinda cool, so I might make him into a fighter yet. Another one has a crossbow, which is great, since I only use self-made stuff or stuff recruits originally come with, and I can't make crossbows yet. He's definitely joining the war squad. And the last one is AI - a former samurai wielding a katana, who for some fucking reason has no dex and is best at heavy weapons. How did that happen?
is okranism implied to be the main religion of the continent, even in UC territories, with the HN being the equivalent of Iraq?
I'd take a mod like that, sure, just fo variety's sake. But I don't think I'd like Kenshi vanilla to be like that. Could be fun for playing a single character, but I think it would feel like bloat with 30 people.
It would be nice but probably a little bit too much micro-management for larger group playthroughs. I would appreciated something like that for smithing though. One smith could be better at making Swords/Katanas while another one could focus on Heavy Weapons. And while they're at it add Unique smithing qualities for your own smiths that are based on their smithing stats/perks.
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At last, I've unlocked the secret weapon - the melee crossbow
what’s the deal with bast basically being a place from Dynasty Warriors ?
I'm considering moving onto fighting reavers, Skeleton Bandits and Crab Raiders to the south after turning in Ponk and Screamer the False from the Tower of Abuse (Agnu was freed but not recruited). Fang did struggle to take on the Tower of Abuse on her own though so I'm concerned she might downed and enslaved by Reavers and lose her high tier equipment.
Might be better for now to just go straight to finally visiting the Southern UC. She wouldn't be a good Samurai of the Empire if she only focused on protecting a portion of it after all.
How many Hydroponic Wheatstraw gardens would you need for say, 40 people?

Also taking recommendations for cool base locations. I'm tired of just going to that one spot in the Northern Coast.
somehow the southern UC is so much more peaceful than the norf if you cut out Catun. Catun alone counts for more than 80% of the souf’s danger, the rest made up by fishmen.
I do like four of each type of hydroponics for a base of 30.
So four wheat, for rice, for vegetable, four hemp.
Gut is great for green fertility, iron mining, leather and proximity to cities.
Stobe's Garden has a lot of fantastic iron, copper and stone spots. Great location for fighting too but you'll want decently leveled donuts.
Swamp can be comfy if you can deal with framerate drops, weird pathfinding and buffering more often than usual. A few decent open areas for building with good mining options if you keep your eyes open.
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>and leaving the prisoners to escape into the sands.
There must be a lot of very fat Beak Things walking around recently.

I have many words to say, but this is a blue board.

Welcome to ze Society (tm). You vill be desperate. You vill be angry. You vill be tired. And you VILL be unhappy.

"Berdo" sounds very latino.

>sneed things were easy
They are retardedly easy. Just look how these ninja shek cows deal with those Meat&Leather Things. Easy!
>equivalent of Iraq?
If only! Iraq, as well as Iran and Syria have a LOT of really ancient ruins. Syria especially, until the (((ISIS))) decided to show up and C4 half of Palmira.

the mod you use is too random in donut generation perhaps.

Weapon to surpass the skeleton gear

Chris probably had more plans for Bast.

1 if you set hunger to 8
Learning experience bro. What makes beak things and animal in general dangerous is how they actually do AOE damage. A group can get fucked by beak things because only one person can block at a time. This is where the Hold button is useful, it prevents characters from recklessly running into combat. You will see how easy fighting beak things are when you fight them 1v1, especially if you have crossbows shooting them as well.
Well, that's for normal beak things at least. Elders are a different story.
>Kenshi Fuck Mod
How would I install this? I've just been using Steam Workshop for the most part, and most other manual install mod descriptions tell me how.
It does seem to be that way. Even hivers and shek make references to Okran and Narko, doesn't really make sense but Okranism is as culturally relevant as Christianity is.
Attack Slots x2 or x3?
I dont like the shek.
There, I said it.
Ive always been meh about them in my unique recruits runs, and never been interested in doing a shek run.
3, I don't think 2 is enough to turn things around in fights.
When I use it I typically only use x3 or x5, and I only use x5 if Im doing some 256 faction size limit and doing a more RTS style playthrough. x3 is really good if youre using a lot of xbows or planning on hitting at least the vanilla faction size cap.
Increasing attacks slots probably hurts MA the most, so Id recommend a faster MA dodge/atk mod to help balance them out a little, but just keep in mind that it goes both ways and makes the Gorillo Bandits a lot tougher.
Same thing, except Ruka, a saber-wielding duelist who humiliates shek warriors in combat, and Seto, who ran away with an Okranite to fight for the Holy Nation. Well, technically she went on a journey to see the world and fight strong enemies, but that's what Okran's Crusade is for.
And she now has 70 in farming as part of our program to free the sheks from their destructive culture.
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Increased hunger rate and dexterity debuffs make them a little lousy for me, but I don't hate them, I'm just more likely to take any other race. I like Ruka and Kang though. Overall they should be the 2nd best race for combat behind Skeletons. Skeletons are OP though so that's not very bad for Shek.
Bast is an incredible training zoom. If you don't care about the Holy Nation you can grind on their soldiers and sell their gear at Drin or take their Paladin's Crosses for future fights. If you antagonize the United Cities you aren't going to get the benefits of Drin, but it's still great training for Holy Nation allies, you'll just be selling Samurai gear somewhere else. If you're an absolute madman you can fight both the Holy Nation and the United Cities.
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>made a mod ages ago
>want to make a dif version
>new mod
>merge the old one
>copy&replace a buncha stuff so their IDs are specific to itself
>Rename the stuff
>alter the funtionality of it to what I want
>load it up
>works great
>old version wont load along with it
>dont really need it to since theyre basically alternate version of the same thing
>the conflict still drives me bonkers
Im gonna find it. I thought I cleaned everything and made the IDs unique to each mod, but Im gonna find it.
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Its up:

Just the normal version (no extra spicy option) and no cringe name.
Fire pretty
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Like a characher menu with all those things to check? I support kenshi going more individual-oriented (say, customize a donut as much as a Sim), but it's better to have little than too much

Historically, all of (civilized) humanity was congregated in the second empire, where Okranism was the prominent religion despite skeleton opression. Once the proto-tech-hunters fell the Okranite devotees migrated towards the current Holy Nation, but their beliefs stuck with the rest as a cultural thing.
The only other big exception is shek kral-do, obviously
I think it's mentioned in the loverslab threads

Hell yeah

Why this is better then old af Burned alive mod?
Mainly the fire. The old BA is just regular campfire at their feet. This one has fire fire dancing around on it.
Also, when I originally made it, BA had been delisted from everywhere for some reason(which is why I even bothered in the first place). But yeah, it looks way better when youre burning them than BA. In BA it just just looks like foot tourture.
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The OG Burned Alive is still out there on some sites, but still not the steam workshop for some reason.

Also, while looking up the OG I saw Mr. Kenshi seemed to like my shameless tailcoat riding. Nice.
Fair enough.
Thanks for the mod, I'll try it.
Are there any good cannibal hunter mods? Also any mods for different cannibal paint colors?
did they specifically take a screenshot of a darkskinned greenlander burning with the caption “cleanse the darkness within the holy nation” or was this an image you already had?

either way this is a hilarious coincidence.
Both. Thats the thumbnail from the mod. You can get away with it though because Griffin is a unique holy nation recruit.
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I wonder should Fang care about slaves who escaped from non-UC alligned factions?
a slave is a slave, no matter the source. a masterless slave is free for the taking, like finding a coin on the sidewalk.
joke about the New York's tunnels
I suppose if capturing them is convenient. They're not as high on the priority list as wanted bounties, bandits and other terrorist elements.
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If you want to think about Kenshi lore more than Chris and Nat:
The UC / TG's perspective is not unlike the concept of providence. Nobles are nobles because they're built different and no matter what they would've become rulers. Likewise, slaves were always meant to be slaves and will only ever change hands.

A sneering imperialist like Fang might consider reaver slaves as unwanted residue and kill them too, or assign them a new master.
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Omo's Armour for the World adds this really cool colored armoured dustcoat uniform for Cannibal Hunters, makes them stand out more.
Cannibals Expanded is a must.
Living World lets you turn in cannibals with bounties to Cannibal Hunters and get a lot of reputation for it. I think Many More Mercenaries adds dialogue for turning in cannibals too.
Reactive World is the one that splits Cannibals into numerous tribes. Use Reactive or Living World. I remember seeing purple cannibals somewhere, but I can't recall what playthrough I say them in or what mod colored them that way.
Maguro Kiri from NWDM is great for killing cannibals.
Maybe Cannibal Hunting is now a job? Might be a little OP.
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I am tempted to bring him to justice and it wouldn't the the first Tech Hunter I apprehended but it's probably wise not to antagonise the Tech Hunters in their own settlement far from UC jurisdiction.

You must ask yourself - Does Fang love justice or power more?
They will probably appreciate it though, he's a criminal spreading a bad name to their organisation.
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Fang has finally reached the southern UC.
I suppose justice. Her aspiration is to become a strong and respected samurai of the United Cities. She wants to protect it's citizens, stand against it's enemies and punish it's criminals.
Though Mourn and it's Trade Ninjas weren't really important enough for Fang to overlook this criminal hiding among them.
Tech Hunters have no problem harboring escaped slaves, they definitely won't appreciate a samurai trying to rightfully apprehend one of their own unfortunately. Fang will need to be more tactful for now.
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Young Grabbler. Came to the UC looking to open up a shop and become a wealthy merchant in order to buy a title.
Quasi-pacifist run. Gonna try to open up a shop in Heft and become rich
Oy vey!
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Grabbler not a slave! Help gate guards? No! No turn backs on Grabbler! Grabbler person, not bug! Please!!!
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Southern UC is an interesting change of pace from the desert so far.
Huh, didn't enslave me. Kinda would have preferred if he did.
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This is what the Holy Nation should be in vanilla.
VERY motivated wandering swordsmen.
Batshit crazy preachers and prophets of the apocalypse all over the world.
Military sociopaths, butchers and fanatics, exterminating the enemies of God with terrifying brutality.
And tons of weaponized autism.
what mod is this that makes it cel shaded?
>Now it's time to cleanse to cleanse the *darkness within* the Holy Nation!
>picture of the black-ish HN character burning alive
Well played.
I think the HN does a good job at weaponizing autism. It's not global, but the Bast campaign gives okranites lot of battletarding opportunities

Native Stylize
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The Tech Hunters didn't take kindly to Fang rocking up to Flats lagoon with a UC patrol.
The Don has been preparing for the most vulnerable campaign of the Santana yet. This time, all rescues who choose to follow the crusade will be welcome to man the forward-base, and of course, the willing darkened submissives that present themselves to the Don will be his test subjects for a caste of willing rebirthed...
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Once again, this isn't /gig/. Stop posting while being drunk.
>Oh hey, you're raiding the Santana too? What a coincidence!
>...So you come here often?
Seto fucking ate shit, at least she lived
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Your ground looks like lava
Or a nice cheese pizza with donut toppings
Anyone know how to increase the XP rate only for smithing? I got tired of how slow the grind is and bumped my skill level in FCS but that felt too much like cheating.
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The Crusade continues south, and finds something in the Eye...

Blame the lighting
Get some mods xthat enchance the player owned shop experience and throw them in a public sales tables while you train and RP as a apprentice smith whi sell cheap sword while they hine their craft.
If only the NPCs could gossip, and warn each other...
Any new prosthesis mods?
usually when training my smiths I just train them on long crafts like katanas(?) and chainmail that take forever to make, it's usually one of the last things I do though because most of my resources go into like teching up and building my base... so for that reason, once I have abundant and automated resource generation, it's not much of a problem to just look away from my town while I take my main squad out and do stuff elsewhere
What's the best mod combination for me to rape my prisoners?
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>to rape my prisoners
Ask Derr Coomer, he lurks somewhere on LoversLab.
For the first time, the Don enters an Ash Dome

Enough have gotten lucky and escaped to not have spread the word

I recently got one for spider limb prosthetics.

I usually just get a scorchie to print katanas and heart protectors endlessly.
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>went to Royal Valley for the first time
>entered a Hiver-Claimed Armoury, expected some difficult but was confident we could handle it
>Southern Hivers keep endlessly coming
>everyone's getting overwhelmed
>Skeletons have no time to repair themselves
>everyone's getting fucked up
>Beep died
>ragequit and reload a save
Yep it's Skinner's Roam Toughness time.
I just want to chop dudes in half with locally produced artisanal swords, not engage in commerce

I had my two top lackeys stay home and make shit while I went out on a couple of trips. They only ended up at 45 and 49, and that was with them neglecting their regular jobs.
It's usually a long process. Having them craft armour plating from iron is good too. Just make one scorchlander do everything. Craft the armor, craft the plating, turn skin into leather, make chainmail, etc. Always keep them busy grinding.
In another life, these skeletons beat the shit out of a cannibal exile and his slavefu

Get stickbugged!!!!
Oooo! New skeleton brain for the doctor!
>anon never swam the river shortcut
Is there anywhere that has a higher concentration of Skeleton recruits? I've already got all the Unique recruits plus one of my starting characters.
Imagine an illiterate techno-barbarian picking a Gamma-level AI core, and then he immediately KNOWS how did this AI core lived its life.
Funny enough I found Armour King trying to get through HN territory by avoiding Rebirth and Okran's Valley.
Shark has one or two. I've seen a few at World's End. They're very rare so hit up Tech Hunter cities and Shark. You can also recruit Skeletons from Wend but without the slavery trick and a shit-ton of cats it comes down to RNG.
Techno Barbarian AI is gonna be my username somewhere
damn, only 4 levels, I remember one time I set my workbenches to go and I came back and my smiths were like both at lvl 80, I was like welp that takes care of that

hmm me thinks this is CPU, this be CPU AI of 'Lord Ghar-Leth of Circuit', me think he was a fair and just ruler though his life was untimely taken by slaves displeased at their unfair treatment - treatment not encouraged by the lord himself but by one of his captains whom treated humans as lesser beings. uh, probably.
how do you get your smiths to automatically deposit weapons in a cabinet?
Auto-haul on the cabinet as a permanent job.
when their inventory is full they will dump them. just fill their inventory with junk and only leave enough room for one of the weapons you're making. i'm not sure if you can set a hauling job for a weapon cabinet but that might work, too.
If you have a weapons cabinet with empty space, smiths will produce weapons until their main and secondary weapon slots are full (only their main when producing 2 handed weapons)
When that happens, they'll auto deposit the goods in a weapon cabinet.
As a player, you know everything right away, but I always RP that my scientist Izumi studied these devices to extract every bit of information out of them.
I want you to know I was gonna say something heinous but restrained myself.
It would be pretty cool if you could stick that CPU in a skelly body and it would have his personality
this happens but my smith will just stop, he won’t move them to the cabinet

i was making toppers
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The skeleton general also had a pretty fancy katana... Grimm is gonna have fun with this puppy.

Is the cabinet full? Maybe reload
i think it might be the lack of backpack, since his weapon slots are full he cannot take the topper from the smithing bench; thus the work is clogged
That sounds about right. Can you fix that?
how do you handle big squads without having to constantly micromanage everyone? I would imagine you leave them with jobs but I still find myself having to go and save people from random bandit attacks
rape who?
this is the only instance where i can say the cel shading looks better than vanilla kenshi
just spilled milk tea on laptop’s keyboard like a retard while playing Kenshi. as an even bigger act of retardation, i didn’t immediately turn off my laptop because while i immediately tried to mop up the spill i accidentally quickloaded an autosave i made like 3 hours ago and the most recent save i had was an hour ago.

i had kenshi on for like 3 minutes post spill, noticed no laptop performance drop, but i’m worried i accidentally fucked my laptop. i shut it down, turned it to its side, and now i can’t play kenshi for the next 3 days because of my retardation.

i hope my laptop will be fine.

how are your games?
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I'm thinking of raiding Holy Farms and dragging every one of their residents to Eyesocket.
The Farmers dindu nuffin. It's the new Phoenix I swear!
i wonder how many holy phoenixes reincarnated at the hands of the Shek, UC, or Skellies?
The citizens of Bast were the innocent ones. The holy nation's farmers can at least make uo for their loss by working our mines and farms!
Would need to actually recruit a handful of donuts actually nab them all at once though.
Do you have a theme song for your donut?
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What do you guys do with your prisoners?
by Okran...
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If there is a slaver/holy labor camp nearby - I get rid of them there. Otherwise I keep them till starvation and then I release them. Usually they retreat. Usually.
The UC would cordon off that thing if it was in vanilla. The modder forgot to add walls.

Purple hivers are a menace, yes.

>and his slavefu
I can say a lot of words about women, but this is a blue board.

Did you buy some very cheap hookers and computer parts?

>but restrained myself.
Atta boy


Keep squads 21 in numbers, use horizontal num keys to select them, use - and + too.
Build an outpost in Stobe's Garden with plenty of beds. After a while they won't need to be babysat anymore.
i have a per beak thing i keep for the sole purpose of eating them alive
>but I still find myself having to go and save people from random bandit attacks
Have someone craft med kits and make sure everyone has some, give everyone the medic and robotics jobs permanently, they will heal each other when combat is done. You can give everyone rescue too, they'll scoop up donuts that got knocked out and drop them in beds.
Take the time to give everyone good weapons and armor, doesn't matter if the armor is too heavy for them, their strength will grow and they'll get used to it.
Buy some dogs and bulls, they're ridiculously powerful as elders, pretty much the whole earlygame gets wrecked by them. They are great base defenders.
Give your weakest donuts crossbows, at least it's some kind of contribution.
I would also recommend the Guardpost and Idle Stand mods. You can use them to have guards at your base like how NPC guards guard their cities. Your guards can defend the city and level their combat values against bandits, riskier than just using turrets but you'll be leveling more relevant stats.
Owari da

Very Imperial of you

>Arrow up the ass
>how are your games?
For a while I was getting really heavy lag on my laptop, like autosaves stuttering the game hard for like 2 minutes. No idea why. Anyway my laptop had been on for 50 days and was using at least 4 gigs of ram all the time. Restarted my laptop, ram levels went back to normal, and Kenshi is running normally again. No idea what that was all about.
Dardino and the scouts return to the canny plains, now repopulated by Deadcat after the wizard's fall.
Truth be told, the Santana could use some not-enemies out in the frontier. They haven't done much diplomacy yet, but he reckons they can try a couple alternatives...
any fun mods to spice up a playthrough where the main goal is to open up a dojo, teach students, end up having blood feuds with local gangs, etc?
Two hours, a lot of beatings, and even more dog maulings later, the scouts have the closest thing the town has to a leader bound to a pole. Dardino assures the outlander he understands Don Pedro isn't a very friendly man, but Deadcat would be... greatly benefited from being in the Santana's good graces.

Training weapons mod comes to mind. Give your rookies -100%dmg MA gloves when they go out to train with sensei. Anything that expands small factions to give you more creative fights. Forgotten buildings obviously to expand your building options.
Training weapons, there's a patch for them to do damage if that's too cheap.
Sparring mod
Weighted training equipment
CMBuilding2, huge training building mod
Gym Training Tools
Idle Stands, adds some animations that lets you do stuff like push-ups to train.
Dyer's Guild (color your uniforms)
i have a box with a mesh top for air flow. i spilled a full glass of milk tea directly into the top and flooded the whole thing. i had to pull the gpu to drain it. i just opened the side of the case blew air threw it with a box fan for about 5 or 6 hours and turned it back on and it has ran fine ever since then. this happened over a year ago. it did have a strange smell when it got hot for about a week but then it went away. i think the milk was burning in the gpu. it will probably take longer for a laptop to dry out but it should be fine.
honestly if i knew how to use blender, i’d make a wuxia-inspired mod where you could make different medicinal materials from plants and wildlife for training.

the hypothetical progression roadmap i came up with would be this:
>research medicine
>discover ancient “inheritance” from certain/new ruins, really just reskinned blueprints
>learn specific recipes for different medicines using plants like hemp, greenfruit, perhaps some modded herbs, and animal parts like bull horns, beak thing gall, gorillo kidneys, garru liver, bonedog bones soaked in wine etc.
>use this medicine as fuel for new training devices that consist of big cauldrons or buckets where you dump in the medicine, set it to boil, then sit down in; iron sand buckets that you beat with your fists with then a small bucket with water; a seat to apply certain kinds of ointment
>these new fueled training apparatuses increase stats at very quick rates up to a certain level cap, the closer you get to the limit the more medicines you have to use to reach it
>have to use stronger medicines to train stats at certain points, like mixed bull/garru bath is good up to lvl 15, bonedog medicine bath for lvl 25, skin spider bath up to lvl 30, blood spider bath up to lvl 40, beak thing bath up to lvl 45, gorillo medicine bath up to lvl 75, then leviathan pearl powder medicinal bath up to lvl 90
>the better the medicines used, the more expensive each portion of medicine becomes
>you might be able to use leviathan medicinal baths to get a lvl 0 donut’s toughness up to lvl 90 in one go, but it might be more economical to use a mix of skin spider/beak thing medicine up to a level where said donut can start fighting
>rare herbs spawn in new camps, guarded by buffed up animal variants, can later learn how to cultivate these herbs
>can use animal materials and herbs to make medicinal foods that are more nutritious and, if possible, can treat injuries

>each use of medicinal bath will cause damage to all pawn’s bodyparts like peeler
>later on after finding different kinds of later game inheritances you can build closed cultivation rooms using new, unique divine images with effects based off of quality
this is just preliminary stuff. the more i think about it, the more i’m tempted to properly write a features document then learn how to mod it all in.
There's some insane mod that makes food 10x more expensive. I wonder if it's a bug.
>Omo's items for the world
It doesn't show on FCS, which is bizarre. Wonder what's going on. It doesn't even touch profitability.
Is that the only mod you're using?
>I wonder if it's a bug.
it should be in vanilla, since Chris insists that supposedly the island is starving.
It was "Animal Feed" mod, which I had activated at the same time.
Apparently making wheatstraw, cactus etc. edible for animals, they affected food prices a ton.
Fixed the issue now, and Omo's armor gets to exist.
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You needed to get the animal chuck mod
Was Vain supposed to have acid rain? As it is now, there is no reason for the Shek to not conquer the sticks.
>the Shek to not conquer the sticks.
Who says they haven't already? Esata has no use for their puke huts, but she can bully them out of resources once in a while, like she does to neutral players
Maybe they don't think bugmen are worthy opponents, Bayan might have also recommended that trading with them for food is their best use of them. Their focus right now is the Holy Nation.
A better question is why don't the sheks appear in Vain to hunt the Meat Things?
do you think the souf UC suffers raids from shek kingdom like how northern china used to get raided by horse riding nomads?
Band of Bones raids the coast and gets eaten by wildlife.
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Thanks, I needed a good chuckle today.
the watermark is a nice touch.
name: P4l4dinSl4y3r the shekhog
religion: Narko
origin: due to his dark past he is incapable of love. He was attacked by holy slavers when he was little. His family were all killed except her mother who later died of skin peeling.
power: infinity martial arts, heavy weapons, katanas, polearms, sabres, hackers, blunt, and crossbows. immortal.
weapons: D3str0y3r his meitou falling sun, he dual wields two of them
penis: 18 inches
people he killed: Phoenix, Tengu, Tinfist (stoled his limbs), Cat-lon and 18426 Paladins
He likes Swamp music, yaknm, hashish, and Beep.
He banged/69'd Shryke, Ruka, Esata, Moll, Kana, Knife, Miu, Pia, Red, Lumi, and his mother's skin peeled corpse.
quote: "The greatest dream is a world without the Holy Nation"
Why would he hate jews? Rivals?
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i wonder why you can’t call shek warriors craven

it’d be much more insulting than coward

either the shek don’t understand the word ori guess i had too much hope in Nat’s vocabulary
>As it is now, there is no reason for the Shek to not conquer the sticks.
Bugs can't impregnate shek women so they forced to go north.
Sheks are not as strong as they think and there are too many bugs.
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We got him!
I'd hate for Fang to get a grudge on me
The deadcat folks and the Santana scouts have come to an agreement: They can pretend they've got nothing to do with the Santana, they don't have to turn anyone with a bounty in, and they don't have to send any kind of support. All they need to do is play nice and step aside whenever Okran's got business in their turf. In return, they get to not be stuck, bled, and left out for the cannibals once the Don returns from the East.

All in all, pretty good deal!
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On her way to check out the monsters on fishman island. I forgot how big elder beak things are.
>female only shek nation start looking north for husbands
>start capturing cannibals
>half-cannibal half-shek hybrids
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Phoenix lives, my penis!
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>half-cannibal half-shek hybrids
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Honestly, why not be cannibals? The Shek think farming is gay and surely they enjoy meat. Why not dine on fallen warriors they take down?
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>Anyways, what has the Don been up to?
Depends on the RP autism

She looks mildly annoyed and tired
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Sometimes. This was for Hardcore Hannah's revenge arc
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King Gurgler is slain. Hopefully the southern UC will be a bit safer now.
Not sure if there's a shop that can afford the bounty though. Maybe the scraphouse Will need to pop by the great library now and drop off the science stuff from the lab since I'm essentially using it as a bank for those things.
Just obey the law. It's that easy.
>Just obey the l-ACK
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I think it's a bit silly you need to have a donut to research storage containers.
With only a few slave camps surviving, the Don finally faces off against a nasty, hornless shek outcast

>mfw kenshiites are so dumb they need to study to understand boxes
Headshot has to be the edgiest unique recruit.
any mods that add ancient chinese armor/weaponry so i can really get the three kingdoms experience in Kenshi?
New day, same aweful shit.
>in Kenshi?
most of Kenshi doesn't look like China though. And the island is smaller than Taiwan.
One day I will post the Headshot feet pics
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Considerate of these peasants to try and extort Fang right outside of Eyesocket.
>Beat a nigga so hard his slave regrows his tongue
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>the player characters can't, in fact, surrender in any way

I hate the bong so much it's unreal
The town still needs the wall and a gate.

>to spice up a playthrough
try the Viera mod.

>i had too much hope in Nat’s vocabulary
probably this.

That's a lot of dogs

reminds me of that lord far-quad or something
Crazy cow. I miss her.

Surprised Fang operates alone.

Ah, the road kill. I know them. Funny people.

No longer Ray must eat the peanut butter. He is finally free.
How do I cope with lost limbs as a HNfag? I can live without an arm somehow, but losing a leg makes you completely fucking useless for anything.
What mods can I use to make my girl donuts look hotter? And I want them to have BIIIIG asses too.
If you ally the HN they are ok with prosthetics. Chris is a hack for not adding peg legs.
Arse doesn't exist in Kenshi, it's a white man's TITS game.
Hmph. The ignorant flatskins believe that two legends cannot co-exist... I pity them.
She's been used to it for a while now
Whatever. Any mods to make the women look better? The faces, at least?
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This guy keeps trying to escape non-stop.
Very funny people.
But yeah Fang is enjoying traveling and discovering the world alone for now. She likes the wonder, challenge and excitement although occasionally UC patrols pledge themselves to her service. Maybe she'll recruit some followers once she's returned from visiting the lands to the west beyond the Holy Nation.
Dark / Fallen Paladin tempted by Narko's demonic limbs.
Can you post current fang stats?
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>And I want them to have BIIIIG asses too.
Technically there is no "ass" slider, but a combination of wide hips, up-scaled "leg bulk", and a decent (but not too big) amount of points in the "leg bulk" can do the trick.
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Currently just me, girl, and my dog. I want to go bounty hunting for the Kral's Chosen leader to get points with the Shek Kingdom, but getting past the ones at the gate is tricky.... maybe this one should learn the way of the crossbow?
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>Arse doesn't exist in Kenshi
What is that leglet?
Have you tried to look in the Gabenshop? Have you tried using word "faces" in the search bar?
define "leglet"
Chicken drumsticks.
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Your standards for legs are bizarre.
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Banditry makes for good training...
>90 toughness
She is a tough donut
She took a lot of beatings when she was still a peasant starting out.
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>Not so tough now, huh?

Especially when you have a passive setting

Get a Holy Waifu to build a retirement home in BH

If you can't get past the gate guards, you're not ready. Practice by drawing them away from base and training with them

I have to agree...

You got janny'd, didn't you?
Oh shi-
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>I have to agree...
You can also agree with the ass coomers betrayed by Chris.
what did 487330397 say?
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He keeps posting sexbed screenshots

I won't post proof right now, but I can testify Kenshi is perfectly capable of making good BUNDA
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Fang has located the Gorrillo Bandits' hideout.
Impressive, Paladin.
>open fcs
>replace weapon mesh with severed leg mesh
>it kind of works
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>good BUNDA
Possible, but the mind-fuckery with the slider numbers can drive a man insane. When I made this screenshot ages ago I had to wrangle my own 'tism to not touch the shoulders with the nearest surgeon. In some poses these donuts' shoulders look good. In some other positions these donuts look like Olympic swimmers with their typical giga-shoulders. Kenshi is a pain simulator, even when it comes to Sims-gaming.
Saar, please don't post your fantasies on /keng/
Do show.
wtf is that
>Practice by drawing them away from base and training with them
Hmm, how can I lure them away one by one? It seems attacking unprovoked from afar just brings them to me, since they go to follow and protect who I'm attacking, and they all attack me at the same time.
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Gorrillo has been defeated and brought to justice!
It's time to continue on her journey. Southern UC seems pretty safe aside from the wildlife. Fang wants to see the warrior shek kingdom for herself, it's time for a trip through the swamps.
Looks like Garr has served his time and has been released. He seems a bit confused though and is just standing in the station staring at the wall.
Blue Eyes was released as well and decided the first thing she would do is get revenge. She's back in prison now for assault. I guess some people are born to be violent criminals.
Your opinions on Heavy Weapons? Are they any good?
Falling Sun is arguably the best weapon in the game.
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>mod adds shopkeeper with stats in the 200s
Kral lives, and he's in the guise of a mere shopkeeper.
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post some good corpse piles

you arent ready yet
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Kral and his brother, Gral.
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>corpse piles
A pile of corpses, they tried to rob a courier. They got Viera'd to death.
they are good if you are into the idea of having some guy be nothing but a walking damage sponge for a very very long time
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Interesting story to tell a samurai.
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Are you going to capture her?
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The lab in the Burning Forest has absolutely miserable loot. At least I'm gonna get some good money out of it.
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Fang has other priorities right now maybe if they cross paths again in the future.
Wow, he really is as ugly as the posters say. Damn.
Always a sunny day in Latinotown
Fuck it.
hit me
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The Red Sabre Boss has been apprehended and turned into the authorities. Aside from that detour to bring scum to justice the swamps has been pretty uneventful.
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Pile of corpses, from the visit to MegaFort Mirage. Fun time.
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The Shek Kingdom turns out isn't very friendly to visiting samurai.
Fang was challenged to a duel by one of their warriors though. Might have been exciting for her if the Shek managed to land a hit before going down.
We will move on to visiting the Western Hive.
>The Shek Kingdom turns out isn't very friendly to visiting samurai.
Are you allied with the UC? That might be it...
Once you go West you should go South and see the legendary Eyegore's people. They're quite barbaric. If I didn't know any better I'd say brainwa-er, rescuing him and enlisting him was good for him!
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he's talking shit but i can see the fear in his eyes. even with one arm gilgamesh is intimidating
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The visit to the Western Hive was nice. The hivers are endearing in a weird way. Fang even bought a lantern as a souvenir. She heard of a city to the north in the fog which will be her final destination before returning to the desert.
100 rep with United Cities
85 rep with Traders Guild
70 rep with Slave Traders
Fang might need to recruit followers before she can safely take on the strong threats to south east so I'll hold off for now. Glad to have Eyegore as a citizen though!
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gilgamesh went out front of the gate to fight the heroes and the gate guards jumped in, which was good because he was naked and unarmed. then the manhunters showed up and triggered the guards who slaughtered them. now the naked slave hunters are shackling up the manhunters. gilgamesh got a leather merc armor, some leather boots, and a spiked club out of it.
I know there is a mod for humanoid prisoners, but is there a way to capture downed fauna and recruit them? Kind of want King as a pet donut, and my mods give Western Hives pet beak things too. I want to be like them!
That Prince clearly has his priorities in check.
There's TameBeasties, works on all animals but I'm not quite sure it would work on King.
Heavy weapons are exactly as they appear to be, they require a lot of investment but if you got the stats you turn into a complete murder machine. Heavy weapons tend to be heavy so you have to train your strength, and they need dexterity to be swung faster and do more cut damage. With both of them properly leveled you start dealing some serious damage, and heavy weapons have a ton of range too. Their flaws is that higher quality Planks and Fragment Axes are super heavy, even with prosthetics the Meitou Fragment Axe can't be properly swung. Even so it's widely agreed that Martial Arts and Heavy Weapons are the best, Martial Arts on glass cannons and Heavy Weapons on tanks.
Reminds me of picrel

The current episode of the Santana Crusade featured a quadruple raid spread across 3 crusade outposts. Beads were sweated. Extra Gutterhooks were installed.

And where's Gil- >>487362705 Aha!

>White hair and an attitude
Is Fang best suited to "adopt" a White Gorillo, or a Landbat?

TameBeasties is best

It does
That was quite a moment. If only Chris could ass himself to write a dialogue for the pro-HN players...
I get this feeling World's End is controlled opposition. Seta and Valtena know what goes on up there. They want a place where they can keep a close eye on the dark ones, observe their behaviors.
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Fang has made it to Mongrel. An interesting enough place she'll check out what it has in store, rest a bit and begin the journey back home to the desert now that she has seen much of the world for herself.
She probably slaughtered over 200 (seriously they just kept fucking coming) corrupted hivers saving an apparent Holy Nation runaway from their deathyards on the way here. She fought bravely and with determination once freed from the pole and Fang almost considered taking her in.
A Gorillo might be cute.
I like bonedogs better tbdesu, it's fun to watch them run around when someone gets a limb severed.
The Don has amassed a nice number of rescues. They'll come in real nicely soon...

That would be cool. After all, "Okranite priests secretly fund skeletech research" is half of the original Santana concept

And what about... a great white gorillo?
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Fang is spending some time reducing the Fogmen numbers. There's been a few rescues and seven prince heads turned in so far. Mongrel may not be UC but they have the money to pay for the heads and maybe most people don't deserve the death they'd find in the fog.
The great white is a bit too feisty for Fang to handle for now. Lets keep him in his kennel.
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I've waited way too long to get that mod that fixes skeleton armor clipping.
am I stupid or can you sell blue books for 5k at some places
everyone's offering me 2.5 though
>everyone's offering me 2.5 though
Honestly so stupid. I see items like Meitou weapons being sold for way less than their buy value. I think the sell value should be higher or equal, considering the rarity and legendary status of a Meitou blade. I wonder if there's a mod for that.
For the fist time in the Crusade, a noble races to face the Don first.
uh, hm, interesting. I am pretty sure books sell for equivalent to their value normally, yeah.

my only guess is, stolen tag maybe...? only devaluing in that way because it is considered a different item?

it might somewhat make sense if just 'a very high quality blade' in a world like kenshi, is still only worth the value of 'a very high quality blade'.

it sort of makes sense that vendors just see that and shrug at you. after all, it's only in their favor if they score it for a crap price, if they know what they're doing they could maybe use their connections to see it ends up in the hands of some wealthy noble who collects such weapons for way more than they gave you for it, and if they don't know what they're doing they're just buy 'a nice sword' for a fair price.

that in itself might be a nice touch, if you could then negotiate with nobles themselves, and get cats based on the type of meitou it is and the perceived prestige associated, so a club or other blunt weapon might get you, not all that much, but a meitou guardless katana would be worth a vast sum of cats. having a dialogue option for each individual meitou weapon would do the job for vanilla I suppose...

getting even more ambitious, what if you could even use meitou weapons as gifts, what if you could get faction rep in exchange for these valuable weapons, which might be more valuable to some players than cats. dunno.

but of course... you could do all that, but a simpler way yeah might just be to give them significantly large sale prices and call it a day.
To defend an outpost, you need to train a new large squad, otherwise the main squad will be permanently tied to the base.
Playing with a large squad is not fun.
Training mods are cheating that kills the fun.

Every fucking time the game ends here.
These guys are gonna eat so much shit surviving in the forbidden zone

It really does slow down the adventure
i train squads by setting up a temporary base camp in the bonefields then siccing any new troops on the local wildlife.
On the road further south, the Don takes his new recruits through some risky routes
eh, it's not that bad...

I start bases once I have or have the capacity to have (cats) a decent amount of guys, then I pick up new guys to fill new jobs as I unlock them

my main elite, small squad goes out to do stuff, my home base squad (ever-growing) and anywhere from like 15-50 people or whatever, either handles the 'actually dangerous' threats like ninja and such via base defenses, chokepoints and so on, or, for less dangerous threats like starving or dust bandits, I just let them in and throw all my base donuts into the fight, and that includes everyone, which means everyone needs to be armed and armored

I do not even bother with training or training mods, I just let them learn by doing, and eventually things work out

it also helps to not get too ambitious, basing somewhere with relatively tame threats for your first base helps (dealing with cannibals and fogmen, starving bandits and dust bandits, yeah no big deal unless your guys are REALLY weak and have absolutely NO gear in which case the first couple raids might be dicey)

but in all fairness I run 'weaklings always give xp' which means even if they're fighting garbage all my donuts eventually have 30s in combat stats at least on a long enough, endgame save. works for me though.
lots of wisdom here, thanks
Set up somewhere with weak enemies. I'm in the Cannibal Plains. My home team is four dudes with 30~50 combat stats. They fuck scrawny raids up no problem. I don't even check on them when I'm away and they get into combat because I know they'll be fine.
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i need to make more money somehow, ive spent a ton on quality replacement limbs to the point where im almost scared of bringing more shitters who could really use the experience to the more dangerous fights. used all my research on stuff not related to robotics as well (do have the bed)

this hive prince called dex got to like 40 toughness by losing 3 limbs in less than 10 proper fights

and some of my guys who were on the way to the desert to steal shit just got captured by reavers
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nevermind, they fought a slaver caravan which weakened them a lot and then a trader carvan showed up
The crusade finally reaches Stobe's Gamble, the place among the ruins of the old world where the Santana will operate to cleanse the last corners of the world...

Well, if they can survive slavery arc they'll get plenty of training!

1v1'ing beak things in Gut could be decent training, plus any spare fighters can loot the eggs
Crab raiders are probably a safer fight than Reavers or Skele-bandits, but someone with the stats of Stick could test their luck against blood-reavers in Spine canyon, or Landbats in Stobe's gamble if they're feeling spicy.
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While scouting for places to settle the forward-base, the crusade comes across a mighty peculiar set of ruins...
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>To defend an outpost
i don't. if i set up anything it's just farms or refineries. if i get raided i just abandon it and run to town to hire mercs to defeat the raid or simply wait it out in a bar. i usually don't even build anything but camps because it's not fun and you can just keep exploring, looting, and buying equipment indefinitely. there's literally no reason to build a base except to kill the pace and difficulty of the game. some people say role play but i would rather not role play as civilian peasants who hide behind walls like bitches doing menial labor.
Did you decide to learn how to mod?

Did Don give him an honest death?

The sheer amount of time the slavers are wasting by shaving their slaves' heads must be gigantic.

Running in those heavy boots. Madmen.


Don better have some gas masks.

That lack of piss looks disturbing.
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It's "lake", not "lack". And I can't edit my own messages on four chin dot coom. Fug.
That all depends on where you put your base. The Border Zone areas south of the Hub so you get Shek visits instead of the Holy Nation for example. Very easy place, all you have to worry about are the Black Dragon Ninjas. These weebs fight with katanas so all you need is 2-3 heavy armor units with huge toughness and you will have utterly trivialized the raid. Then you can just buy some animals that will grow into Elders to help even more with base defense.
Thinking about shek-slayer character. What to choose?
1. Eagle Cross to snipe shekkers before it even a fight. No combat = no honor.
2. Saber-master duelist who perfected his defense to the point that no one can hit him.
3. Martial Artist so OP he is no longer fun to fight. He's not even a swordsman, he just punches holes in his enemies.
4. Heavy weapon master, surpassing them at their own game.
5. Holy Nation paladin. But we already have Don, so...
>search every UC city
>search all 4 Tech Hunter cities
>search Hub and Shek cities
>search Black Desert City
>search all of the swamp
>search all the waystations in between
not a single fucking skeleton recruit

I'm fucking going crazy I just want more Skeletons. The only guaranteed one left I can get is Agnu.
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Despite these stats and the powerful enemies she's defeated already Fang still gets completely humbled by Inquisitor led HN patrols of High Paladins and Paladins. She was scouting HN territory on her way back home, luckily they left her instead of capturing her for whatever reason. If it's any indication she might be forced to recruit followers if she wants to take on the marauders to the south east. She's apprehensive about the bounty on Savant in particular.
Sorry, without mods or imports to refresh recruits they're super rare. You can recruit Skeletons that appear in Wend but it's also rare. To recruit a Wend Skeleton you have to pass a lot of checks or you can assassinate them, drop them off NEAR a slave shop so they get enslaved by NPCs, and buy their freedom for 20,000 cats. This is also RNG though so you'll need to savescum. Also they'll have to be recruitable.
>But we already have Don, so...
You can larp as a Space Latino too.
Sabre, those sheks in Mongrel are always shitting on Arc.
Funnily enough, Arc has a good chance against the Stone Golem, simply because he can lift his sword (lol) and fight at full speed. He will only miss a hit if he fails to block twice.
And his stats are only 5 lower than Esata and Phoenix in vanilla.
If you give Esata a lighter sword, with the Shek bonus to attack and strength, she will most likely beat him, but if they fight indoors, his saber will be much better weapon.
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Who are the Strongest Swordsmen of Kenshi?
Who is the Strongest of today?
Who is the Strongest in history?
Strongest of today would be Eyegore. In history would be Cat-lon.
>arc is noted as a legendary swordsman, enough to be listed in description of the weapon type he uses
>lvl 80 saber skills
>the holy phoenix, an almost probable septgenarian is a better swordsman than the one
legendary enough to practically give reputation to his weapon of choice
Sabre is a weird character in vanilla, he's kind of just there. Doesn't even have a meitou.
is he even buffed by legendary of kenshi?
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He is. Not sure if I agree with the cop look but at least he stands out more and has stats more appropriate for his reputation.
Probably Eyegore
Who knows? Its mainly just a sport thing nowadays, but I can imagine theres some guy in africa whos become a legend for killing a bunch of guys with a machete while in service to a warlord.
>In history
No. Fuckin. Clue. People have probably studied this to find out a real answer, but youve got crazy stories of guys like Benkei who personally slew 200 men in every battle he was in and wandered Kyoto for a ton of nights, determined to relieve 1000 swordsmen of their swords when he had taken 999 and had heard Minamoto no Yoshitsune. Seeing the gilded sword at Yoshitsune's waist, Benkei challenged him to a duel that they fought at a nearby bridge. Benkei lost that duel and became Yoshitsune's retainer. Benkei had a lot more personal accomplishments in battle while most of Yoshitsune's came from being a leader. History is pretty wack and hard to make any sort of real sense out of if youre looking for something like the best swordsman. Maybe Yoshitsune won because his mastery over the sword was just greater than Benkei's proficiency with his seven weapons. Maybe Benkai was just getting old and was really tuckered out from slaying 200 men each battle and having just won 999 other duels in Kyoto. Maybe it was all a bunch of optics to give Minamoto no Yoshitsune street cred as a warrior. Who knows?
not to mention the absurd historical records of ancient China
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i just saw a hiveless soldier drone farming

the hive has fallen

billions must WREEEEEEEE
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Grabbler decided to open up a medical shop. He is making basic first-aid kits which gives him a 20% return on purchased supplies. He might try to see if buying cotton and building a loom will increase his profits.
when do you anons think the update for lost in the ashlands will finally come out?
Never. The second prd disappeared was the moment LItA died.
What about that teaser with guns a year ago uploaded by the dude who runs the Genesis channel?
What about it?
So, let me get this straight.
>first empire
>godlike tech
>space elevators and automated factories
>giant robots
And yet,
>no guns
>just bows
If they did have guns, were they all destroyed or lost to time?
Maybe they don't have anymore chemicals to make the explosives with?
Like, even if you know how to make steel, I doubt you'll have much luck if you're on an island without metal deposits.
Strong implication via the Librarian that guns, along with boats and numerous other innovations which might be considered "bicycle" tier are being restricted by Skeletons. Undoubtedly goes the same for rocket technology, advanced Skeleton fabrication, repair & reprogramming, etc. The Skelerons have blatantly laid out they are not opening up about the past and it's then made abundantly real by finding Skeletons in key positions regarding the filtering and proliferation of knowledge (The Machinists + Tech Hunters).
My headcanon is that the First Empire’s tech got so advanced their warfare ended up looping around ala Dune. Personal shielding that made all ranged weapons above a certain speed unviable, so melee combat came back in vogue.
Hiding in the ruins, the crusade spots an enormous beast -- The rangers want blood!

>honest death?
He got pincushioned like 5 seconds later

> gas masks.
That's for sissies!....?
>Strong implication via the Librarian that guns, along with boats and numerous other innovations which might be considered "bicycle" tier are being restricted by Skeletons
Ah yeah, makes sense.
>nd it's then made abundantly real by finding Skeletons in key positions regarding the filtering and proliferation of knowledge (The Machinists + Tech Hunters).
Yea, I suppose that's a good explanation. Doesn't Iyo have special dialogue with a skeleton donut? I think there was a skelly shopkeeper in Black Desert too, who was about to say something about the "chaos age", but cuts himself off. But with a skeleton donut, he says it.
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Eagle Cross would be good for maximum seethe
Paladin is also good, and it doesn't have to be a full-blown faction like the Santana
I present to you the third position: Shek-philic coomer with a basement full of bone-cows

He should look into, eh, importing workers to pick his cotton

There's a lot of very basic tech that's missing from Kenshi. No carts for bulls and Garru? Tech-Hunting has been very limiting for development in the moon
So the Holy Nation is right?
I want OFF this damn moon!
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Total greenlander victory
The skeleton's hidden luddism is part of why some people think Okranism is a skeleton psyop against Cat-lon during the chaos age/second empire
>He should look into, eh, importing workers to pick his cotton
He doesnt want to leave Heft because shits scary out there. He got a pet security spider to act as a shop/bodyguard, so at least he has that going for him. Will be a while until I get hydroponics up and running to grow stuff.
Have been doing some copper mining, but between th 70% nodes and using Hard Labor Uses Strength its taking forever so Im trying not to a whole lot.

Also, buying cotton and looming it youself is a huge profit loss.
What a tragic loss of a fine scorchfu. If only she wasn't a UC glowie...
The Skeletons are likely keeping guns suppressed because they'll help humans genocide them if it ever comes to that, but I don't know about the very advanced stuff like rocket tech. The Skeletons don't seem to be very smart themselves. They don't even know how to build other Skeletons. The Skeletons were created to help with maintenance, the Ancients behind the First Empire were the real geniuses. The Second Empire's collapse came from systems falling apart and the Skeletons being unable to properly fix them.
Yep. The unique Skeleton to Skeleton dialogues make it clear that even your own party memebers are withholding pertinent historical information. The code of silence was adopted by *all* Skeletons, or so it seems. Only Elder really breaks character and that seems to be due to an earnest disdain for humanity - conversely, Cat-Lon's exile is much more relatable and "human". Key to always point out that the factions and people (read: remaining Skeletons) are the victors and survivors of a collapsed empire. Some of them, namely Iyo, may have played a large role in bringing about the new world largely devoid of Skeleton presence but not without their guiding influence. Reads as very fall of Rome, rise of the Church style epoch event.
The hair is too long to be Moll's?
Pretty sure it can change
those gun models looked really good
Unironically yes. Once you study the lore it's clear the majority of the Holy Nation's beliefs have a very logical origin. The exceptions would be women hate (overreaction to Narko having a "feminine nature") and hiver hate (they don't seem to have had a role during the Second Empire, however the existence of Fogmen is very terrifying and if anything the world isn't scared of hivers enough).
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>The hair is too long to be Moll's?
Moll can be fabulous if she wants too
i wish we had more access to Kenshi’s code so i could mod my hivers to eat prisoners alive
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>Dat size difference
What's the best armor to use?
>horse chopping saber isn’t a two handed long saber

why did chris make the nodachi, a long bladed katana, but not make the horse-chopping saber, the zhan ma dao also a long bladed saber?
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tfw trying to sleep
Doesn't it depend on what you're going for?
Like an evasion martial-arts character would suffer in heavier armour.
Alright, I get that. I'm just familiar with the vaporware pipeline. Pretty models is nowhere near a total map & systems enhancement overhaul. The mapspace replacement, complete dialogue rework, nemesis system, autonomous warfare and all that requires incredible amounts of data entry and oversight. The fevered pitch regarding the research and experimentation of this stuff happened a couple years ago at this point. It has not moved forward because the people invested in manipulating the FCS to that extent have all burned out, left the community or given up and are waiting for Kenshi 2.
>The exceptions would be women hate (overreaction to Narko having a "feminine nature")
Older versions of the Holy Nation books refer to "brothers and sisters" rather than just brothers. This is most likely a recent change.
The Holy Nation believes in the Second Extinction.
In many religions IRL there were periods when belief in an imminent apocalypse led to increased fanaticism and witch hunts, which is what we see in the game.
These periods end when the apocalypse (obviously) doesn't happen and everyone stops being afraid of it.
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>play lone shek with dog (because both are bony niggas)
>go to shek town
>expect them to treat me as an equal
>just get called 'outsider' or 'outcast' rather than flatskin
Even if I am an outsider, I am kin... This one is quite disappointed at the lack of unity amongst his own brethren. One had the gall to challenge me to a duel. As a Shek worth his own weight in iron, I engaged and decimated her arm with one swing from my kanabo.

However, it seems she has the nature of the Flatskin, and instantly called the guards upon me after she started losing... Perhaps it is not the outcasts who are the problem, but the citizens themselves!
I guess the Holy Nation needs it's own loyal Holy Tech-Hunters.
Will say, sending the pet security spider out to attack the escaped slaves that start to pool up by the town gate and then having Grabbler drag them to the slave shop is a nice way to supplement my income.
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Crossbow using cowards.
Fang's attempt at taking down the northern most Reaver camp didn't go well. Thankfully they were too busy racing to tend to their wounded that Fang was able to slip out without being captured. It's time for a tactical retreat to the desert for now.
I should probably buy a helmet.
which phoenix made the holy nation based?
It must suck to be a smith in kenshi.
No matter how good you get, you'll never make a meitou weapon.
Super special OC Cross gets to make all the best weapons ever period.
For tanks using dexterity: Samurai
For tanks using blunt: Crab
For martial artists: Assassin Rags (more offense, less defense) or Dustcoat (less offense, more defense) + Armoured Rag Skirt
For crossbows I can't see why you wouldn't just wear Iron Hats, Ninja Rags and Assassin Rags also buff crossbows but you can't go wrong with Dustcoats either
People usually put either Leather Turtlenecks or Blacked Chainmail in the shirt slot, Chainmail lowers dex though.
These are usually the best builds but vanilla Kenshi isn't a very tryhard game. They're will even be situations where everyone will need gas masks or wear Dustcoats + Armoured Hood so they don't get fucked by Venge lasers.
Also, stuff you make is slightly worse than its storebought equivalent.
Yes but any donut smith capable of crafting edgewalkers will make better weapons than the skeleton smiths making the player faction the outright best existing manufacturer of weapons.
skeletons are a pain in the ass to get, usually I just make do with whatever I can find, a squad of like 4-5 is okay with me, but if you get really desperate or want to do skeleton only, just use 'recruit anyone' to pick up some of the skellies from the deadlands workshops. they won't be missed by the game so they won't bug anything up and there's enough of the same types that if you want that kind of consistency you can grab a lot of the same ones.

easy enough for me to just headcanon uh well we messed with their programming and now we're bros. yep. that's it.

they're also not thralls, I forget what race most of those are but I think many of them are the tech subrace with a few regular skellies mixed in

other than this or what the other anon suggested, yeah they're just rare so you're looking at importing your save a lot probably, or doing the 'slave' trick which is tedious and not guaranteed in the least.
Is it?
I never noticed, that's silly.
what’s a good weapon to use for a chinese/japanese dojo playthrough provided i iust don’t go full martial arts.
Foreign Sabre
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Grabbler makes his own disinfectant and sells excess to the bar as "grog"
Its ethanol based, and not like anyone ordering "grog" is very particular about how their ethanol tastes.
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player crafted edgewalkers 1/2 is worse than those generated by the game, and players can't craft edgewalkers 3 unless you mod it

everything else a player can make is equivalent to what you find, but it means if you seriously care about having the most optimal weapons possible for your donuts then be sure to save the edgewalkers you find and give em to someone to use

but like really if you spend all that time crafting, and you have a base full of player-made edge1/edge2 with specialist/masterwork, a couple points of damage doesn't really matter, you're not gonna be losing many fights

better to have good quality in the right weapon type that you want like your desert sabres or heavy polearms or falling sun or whatever

I don't know what a dojo playthrough is but if you want to become legendary wandering master(s) of a weapon just pick anything weeby...

staff for warrior monk(s) maybe. nodachi might be good if you want to go full yamato damashii. it's a bit different to going full katanas and you won't be able to use bows unless you establish a second squad or style that uses crossbow with katana. ninja blades for thematic purposes I suppose if you want to do a ninja clan, but honestly even in that instance I just use guardless katanas cuz I think they look cooler. there's no historic basis for the existence of the 'ninjato' so that bugs me too much to use it. but this is a fantasy game so whatever. the naginata or regular polearm would be decent too.
basically it’s a rp style where you have a sensei who specializes in a specific weapon (because Kenshi doesn’f have different martial arts styles) who recruits students, trains them, settles in a town or place to recrujt more students, then inevitably starts multiple blood feuds with the local gangs after “kicking in the door” (basically walking into their base, challenging them, then killing everyone there).
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Bratty karate boozebot needs corrections!
do you think this tinfist’s deranged enough to sell herself into sex slavery for the sole purpose of murdering everyone, setting free the slaves, refuse to elaborate then leave?
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I want to wear a dead garru.
How long does it take for a babydog to grow into a full fledged adult?
an adult is around 3 weeks (21 days). an elder is around twice that (42 days).
Ok, so the grog seems pretty popular. I am selling some medkits regularly, but most people come in for the grog. Might plop down a sake still too since the farmshop sells some rice.

Only have 7.5k right now. Trying to save up for the 40k for the tech 4 ancienct science books. Its gonna be a long road to hydroponics.
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So I've slaughtered like 200-300 cannibals here and taken over the tower. I put the leader into a cage for now. Will they recuperate? Do I need to kill the leader for this base to disappear or something?
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well the number has already spiked in the short time I rested in the tower recovering from the fight
Hmmm, thinking about saving up for a trip down to hemptown. Just gonna buy up a bunch of hemp and bring it back to turn into standard first aid kits. Think they only use 1 per or something, so filling up my security spider's backpack should get me a tidy profit if we can survive the journey. Big if there, but need a brake from this kenshi idle game Ive got going
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We're off, but we aint out running shit
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The usual barber wasn't open today so I tried the other lady nearby. She fucked up so bad I shaved my face as soon as I came home. I feel like I just got enslaved Hair was ok though, 'least I'm not bald
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inb4 you get your hiver legs eaten by crabs
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Ah, I so do love capturing unsuspecting flatskins off the street and forcing them to join the Cause. There's no greater honor than dying in battle for our KANG Kral...
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ft. the dog
Of those I have faced The Bugmaster, and he is only wearing boxers.
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havok physics
my one true savior
>and he is only wearing boxers.
Now imagine him with some good armor
now I'm trying to think of who the biggest fraud in kenshi is
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That sheks that try to use the meitou fragment axe.
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turns out i have like 150 bottles of cactus rum in my base that i could sell. have to find a good place to sell them tho
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beep telling little about the massive reaver skirmish where lekko got KOed 8 times and broke out of his shackles twice and still managed to fight off the reavers, saving the squad from slavery. after resting the squad will try exploring the islands east of black scratch

does the doctor still have all his limbs?
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>Beastforge and Biome Food Expansion conflict, there isn't enough inventory space for both Gaaru Guts and Gaaru leftovers
Ah God dammit.
At least we can make Beak Thing armor.
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This is the first time I've defeated a boss through bleeding. Most things pass out from damage before a blood KO, actually.
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The crusade finds a crossroads by the acid lakes, and the rescued easterners get to work.
The most distant outpost of the holy nation is established. From the Cruz de Santana, the crusaders will spread around the whole of the southeast, bringing everything they meet to justice at either the arms of the Don or the tips of the Gutterhooks...
>does the doctor still have all his limbs?
Yeah, had a few rough encounters in the desert, but made it to that waystation south south borderzone right before heading into the swamp. Saved 20sec beforehand so it whatever. Bout to go and load it back up. The real challenge will be getting through the swamp.
The coming weeks will provide a challenge that would break any lesser man, but the horrors of the Forbidden Zone live naught but on time lent by Okran. There's plenty of heretics to cleanse, though, so the crusade will have to split up.
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Ready to head back to Heft with no cats, a full bag of goods, and my left arm as a souvenir.
I wasn't planning on buying hashish while I was here, but... now I have to pay for a new arm.
So from my understanding a Dustcoat is enough to not take damage from acid rain, but you just can't regenerate. Is that right?
You can cross the deadlands with no protection and come out with 60-ish hp. 80% cover should make damage neglibible
That just reminded me, Deadlands and Ashlands have no wind, right?
The fuck did skeles do to kill wind?
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the moon cultist preacher hacked off one of hotlongs legs with the meitou moon cleaver
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Finally back home. Made a good chuck of change from that hash, 200k after my new arm. Gonna make a bunch of progress towards hydroponics with those cats so I do have to pay an arm for hemp.
How good are Hackers?
Sharp Unga Bunga. Reliable.
If heavy weapons and martial arts are both S tier then hackers are a solid A+ tier. Right behind them. Hackers hit hard, do great damage, and have a lovely bonus against Skeletons depending on the hacker, all while being lighter and easier to pick up than heavy weapons.
Actually scratch that, not depending on the hacker, all hackers fuck up Skeletons.
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On one end, Brother Saetius and the bible boys will be taking care of what remains of the empire in the south.
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seems like this guy is allied with the beak things
Is there a mod that removes the insane turn radius of animals?
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On the other hand, Tobosche will be leading the youths of the crusade around the east.
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The rookies will be staying with the Don, who will take care of holding down the fort and protecting the unprepared sheep from the dangers of the area. Furthermore, the downtime will let him shape his new darkened subjects into something fit for an Inquisitor's squadron!
Ah, the desert must've been rough with these poor souls. Maybe a barracks isn't the most luxurious housing, but the Don hopes these now-freed men will recover their strength tenfold in the warmth of Okran.
The Stennigers don't get beds
While taking the rookies out to train, the Don is confronted by a gang of scavengers. The former slaves are in no shape to fight with only rags for clothes...
When animals are moving, especially though rough and narrow terrain they move like semi-trucks. Causes all sorts of issues with pathfinding and movement in general.
Oh yeah, animal pathing is super fucked. The only guy I know has tried his hand at it is SCAR's pathfinding fix for animals... or something along those lines.
having firing squads with the shoddy muskets mod makes for hilarious friendly fire incidents

one of my frontline hiver soldiers got his arm shot off by a geriatric hive prince who also happened to be my best shooter with very low precision shooting
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Well shit, how the fuck do I beat 160 warriors with skills in their 60s-70s?
Maybe I'll be able to lure them away somehow...
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Oh no, I happened to run right into a cannibal village, my bad lmao
is it normal for gorillo bandits to deal 80-100 damage per punch or is that from my new move mods?
those fuckers are strong, sounds about right
my geriatric gunner just somehow managed to fucking headshot one of my gunners who was in a sleeping bag and killed him
How do I stop being a pussy and reloading when someone good dies?
you can ally the gutters by using the slavery trick with that guy and then build in the center of gut. it's pretty cool having a beak thing army defending your base.
If you don't have the RP autism - don't bother. It's like schizophrenia - you either have it or you don't. If you feel wrong when your donut dies - reload and don't think about anything else.
i reload whenever my party gets beat too badly to move quickly. my time is too valuable to waste it watching pixels lying on the ground in a recovery coma or slowly limping back to town. i like kenshi but a lot of the design decisions are fucking retarded. if you're worried about realism just go outside and walk around fighting hobos or something.
Yeah you should make donuts use toothpicks so they train precision first instead of giving them eagle's crosses from the get-go.
eh, it was a freak accident

what usually happens is my grouped up gunner squad blindly open fire on the enemy while my soldiers fight. usualky the soldiers take the blunt of all shots which is fine since they’re wearing beakthing plate.

by the end of the battle i have maybe 3 or 5 gunners on the floor and dying. i get them patched up and then set them to recover from their coma in bed.
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Woo-hoo! Grabbler is working on hydroponics. Down to 20k cats, but Grabbler is thinking about hiring a shop hand.
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>decide to go try and look for a part-timer
>make it 100ft from heft and picrel
>average day as a hive worker
is it normal for my lvl 40 fighters to get sneeded by security spiders?
The ones in labs? Yes.
yes, security spiders are bullshit. just crossbow the fuckers or set up crossbow mk2 turrets and cheese them. usually build 2 or 3 turrets facing the ramp leading up to ruins and have a guy lead the spiders down the ramp where they get smoked.
yes, those fuckers are insane
they spam their attacks so fast it's near impossible to come out of a fight with them unscathed
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Grabbler found a beautiful human woman to help drum up business
Yes. They hit hard, fast, and do AOE damage so it's not wise to fight them in a group. They're a stronger metal Beak Thing. Unless you have good Toughness and some hackers I would not recommend aggroing every spider in labs and instead try to stealth your way through and steal all the goods.
what’s the pose that lets you rub hands together
More Idle Animation mod
>shortest adult shek female
i'll drum her business if you know what i mean
Does a mod add that? Seems like too much for a vanilla patrol.
How did you get a spiderbot? I want one too
I would Headshot.
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Found a unfortunate hiver in need of help.
Animal Traders mod. I think the backpacks for them is a seperate mod by the same guy
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Wildlife is the best defense you can get on this moon

MA hits that hard

Welcome to gunsquads, lmao

Relax, enjoy death

Impressive progress!


You've forced my hand.
I always reload when niggers start butchering my dog.
>Impressive progress!
Thanks. That hashish I picked up in the swamps helped at lot. Using some mods to make this type of run more comfortable, like one that adds super expensive AI cores to tech shops at a 5% spawn rate.

Have Grabbler pumping out medkits and the shekfu getting some strength level doing hard larbor. Try to get some cats together and buy the squarehouse next to mine to set up as a distillery and remodel the main shop into just a medclinic growing hemp on the roof.

Whats cool about the public sales is I can just build up stock and then switch where Im feeding the resources. So once were well stocked on sake and grog, we can just switch to making ricebowls and bread to increase the different goods and prices for more consistent sales.
Why do dark leather shirts have more blunt protection than blackened chain shirts?
leather is more squishier than chain
chainmail doesn't pad at all, it just prevents slashing. piercing and blunt goes straight through it irl. chainmail is as good as naked against blunt damage. it actually has more blunt protection than it should.
Fair. I guess I assumed the chain shirts had leather padding.
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Time for the Don to show the rookies how heretics are dealt with -- this lesson goes doubly for the ladies in the group

I like how you've got this efficiently diverse portfolio. I'd expect no less from a grabbler
>Don Pedro realizes he'll be doing a lot of this in the coming days with the rest of the crusade away from the Crucible
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Fang has adopted a little puppy to keep her company on her travels. I'm sure there's no lack of criminals to chomp on.
Pets resemble their owners!
Do your best to keep it alive. I got a bonedog pup early on and it was a pain trying to not let it just bleed out it get fucking butchered by bandits and the like. Thankfully mine is doing okay now and should be a fully grown adult soon.
Kenshi 2 with bouncing booby physics when?
>Tobosche crew enters abandoned outpost
>Tobosche runs into a lvl90 skeleton
>Neither is aggro
>Awkward silence
Bong code can be fun sometimes

nb4 taking care of a bone puppy awakens Fang's aspirations to motherhood
what a badass skeleton I would like to shake his hand but I bet his badass metal hands would injure me
wait… that name, that dog. i remember the bodies in the water.
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Med shop remodel dome and distillery all set up.
Next: a sandwich shop
Is this bugnigger making hash in the middle of Heft?!
Its medicinal
>I feel like I just got enslaved
describe the lady.
bone hurting hands
Are chainmails even worth it? They're barely an upgrade over leather turtlenecks, while also giving a bunch of penalties
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I have decided on our sandwich maker.
>shek's feet went into floor
fucking bong and his inability to code...
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Anyways, time for Team Tobosche to have a stroll around Venge again.

Only for heavies, honestly
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I got imprisoned in a Shek City. For some reason, everyone's going apeshit and fighting in the streets.
the natural state of hornniggers - constant chimpout
Are the Hundred Guardians named that way because there's only a hundred of them?
Either way I guess it's a good thing, the guards are too busy having a classic Shek meltie to deal with me escaping. Maybe I'll come back later to finish the rest of my sentence.
At least traditionally. There might be more in Ken1's time
This is every city expect maybe Holy Nation ones because they don't get many visitors. All it takes is one NPC to break the law for a full on civil war.
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>For some reason

Bong code. Simple as.
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Gaucho and Orlando marvel at what these steel towers must've been once...
I have had this happen a couple times in Shark in separate playthroughs, particularly off the bar thug event where you can start a fight, it spirals into a massive huge all-out war in Shark where every single gang tries to fight one another and it just destroys the entire town, I kind of like it though, wonderful chaos, it's even better when blood spiders or swamp raptors come into town and just make it even more of a clusterfuck, and shark isn't like that important usually to my playthroughs so I don't mind that it usually means at least a couple vendors outright die
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Leviathan now has a friend!
Aye I noticed they're very vulnerable little things as pups but they're cute and I'm looking forward to them growing up.
She's still far from wanting to settle down!
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Christ that's cute.
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uh, a bit late for that question, my dude
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Right, well good for you
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>Aw they're playing :)

>Inside you there are two donuts
Well I do have to say my hiver only run was very fun, especially with a mod with unique hiver armours.
Not this time though. It's time for non-human genocide.
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>Hornniggers when they get shot in the head but it only hits their brain
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Fang is training the dogs on what to do when they see the UC's enemies.
Well, the crusaders are gonna have to get used to the lasers for a while
Where can I go to start a farm? I'm running a two-Shek operation, HN land is off limits. I want to grow hemp for fabrics. I'm thinking of staying near the Shek KANGdom/Border Zone territory, but I'm not sure.
Go to the Burning Forest. It's a fun place. Alternatively stick to the Vain'nam
Shuun / Spider plains
Cannibal plains maybe.
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>just defended against a cannibal raid
>patch a couple of the unconscious stragglers up so I can stick them in the peeler alive
>feed the first one through
>go to grab the other from his cage
>he's gone
>"how the fuck did he escape?"
>there's a huge puddle of blood under the cage
>one of my dogs is standing next to it
>the Shek KANGdom/Border Zone territory,
That's a perfect place actually. That little zone between the Hub and Squin is perfect for a little easy base.
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It seems the bandits have decided to stop fighting each other and focus on my brave donut Zand. Fucking hiveniggers...
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New groups of bandits keep coming in, this time it's the Dust Bandits. Manage to sent one flying on her ass
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Sniper donut sent one flying back, and is about to shoot her while she's down. I like this style of fighting
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...Reinforcements came in.
No one is above the law.
They heard you talking shit
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Forgot my screenshot
Meanwhile, the Saetius Squad is stopping by Flats Lagoon. The barman barely recognizes the okranites before they've spread throughout the station, ready to strike as the Okranite priest approaches to negotiate...
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Damn. I wish vendors respawned...
I've figured how to play for a bit, so I was wondering is there really an alternative to looting / selling high when it comes to game economy? Thieving at least until you get started feels like the ultimate option.
You can make and sell a lot of stuff provided you did the research and got the necessary materials. Armor, weapons, alcohol, drugs, etc.
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I just finished my first loop around the island in my Phoenician trader run. It's day 10 and I have 36,243 cats and a pack bull loaded with trade goods. I really wish there was a way to export the trade prices to a text file or extract them from the save file or something because typing out everything for every single town gets old after the first couple towns. Basically just buy anything under 90% and sell anything over 110%. You can do more research into your trade routes but it's not really necessary. Otherwise, raiding ruins of all types is very profitable, even just ruined settlements or outposts. There are two good ones east of Hub in the Border Zone and one between Squin and Admag in Stenn Desert. Venge has a ruined waystation with some decent loot and the swamp has a couple at least. Shun has old libraries loaded with parchment and old maps that add up to quite a sum. Just take a pack animal and loot literally everything. Building materials and iron plates add up to quite a bit.
Earlygame, scavenging is the most exciting job, with Copper mining being the most reliable
Midgame, bandit-busting, animal hunting, and tech-hunting are the more involved sources of income. You should be able to set up small industries by now for an upgraded version of copper mining,
Lategame, a good industry protected by an outpost's worth of guard is peak income. Automate a squad of donuts to produce everything necessary to print edgewalker katanas and masterwork armor. By this point money will hardly be an issue.
In vanilla thieving is very very good for early game if you save scum it. I also see trade caravan's pack animals get downed a lot, which can have some decent moneu in them too. Its always worth it to go see whats happening when you see dome dmg numbers off in the distance. A lot of times the good guys will win, heal, then walk off letting you loot their fallen companions and what they killed.
What has your route been? Did you visit the Ashlands?
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Finally got a small farmhouse near the Vain border, with power working and a well, bed and research bench. What else could we add?
By the way I need Hemp to get the farm started. Where can I get it?
The Swamps sell it. I think Hivers and Sheks sell some too.
If I don't return within the month, some irl cousins of the Santana uploaded me to liveleak.
Stay relaxed, /keng/
I cut out the southeast and south parts of the map. There's nothing there worth the length of the detour for me. I don't smuggle hash either, it's too easy to break the game that way.
UC Central --> Brink --> Flats Lagoon --> Shark --> Last Stand --> Hiver Villages --> Admag --> Squin --> The Hub --> Holy Nation --> World's End --> UC Central
You seem to have a thing for female scorchlanders.
End of the line soon.
I'm doing a hunting/crafting run right now to avoid my usual patrolling the desert routine.
I started with river raptors and now I'm hunting bonedogs while my armorsmith makes leather armor from their pelts.
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It's pretty morbid when you turn in a dead bounty and they just dump the corpse in a cage.
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why does my game keep crashing upon entering outpost ii or iv i don’t know bars?
Do bonedog's hunter rate and recovery rate improve as they get older?
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>unstoppable army just randomly spawns inside my camp
what the fuck? I've certainly never had that happen, what the hell is this shit
Did you load the area after it said an army had arrived or did they just materialise as you were looking?
They appeared after I loaded the area, but I didn't get a message for them arriving, so I assume this may be a random patrol? When a raid arrives they always appear in front of my gate, not in a side wall.
After almost 600 hours in Kenshi I just built my first hydroponic gardens. My god why did I not to this sooner? They're so fucking good.
Bong code. Do a manual save before entering buildings in cities.
shark is always total chaos for me
Theyre worth it is its going to be you main armor piece for upper body. You can combine it with assassin rags which outbuff the blackened chainmail's debuffs. I run ass rags and blk chain on all my dex and MA donuts. I dont really like it for heavy armored guys mainly because theyre already getting cmt spd debuffs from their main armor and Id rather just run leather than stack another cmt spd debuff on them. Being tanky is good and all, but your ability to attack and block is safer in the long run as thatll finish more fights than being able to take a lot of hits. Woth prothestica amd gear its super easy to get a +50% dex bonus, but the cmt spd debuff on it is really the one you should be paying attention to. Working towards getting my light guys setup in a blackened chainmail & cargo pants (sneaky chain) setup is my normal strategy.
>tried out genesis after 250 hours vanilla Kenshi
Might try Kazio for my third playthrough
Aesthetic wise I'm torn between dark leather shit or chainmail shirt / chainmail as the under layer for my full samurai plate set.
What's the best sex mod? That starving bandit female looks breadable
Feed women first, then breed them.
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Admag has fallen. Billions must migrate.

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I reached a point where the trader's don't have enough money along my trade route. Also, trade gets boring after the first couple loops, treasure hunting is more fun and more profitable. I think I'll start a new game and just go straight to base building and try to survive.

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