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{A normal day} edition
Previous thread: >>486715565

>Current version: 1.0.64
>Latest important announcement (February 6, 2024)
>Kenshi 2 Announcement:
Soon (tm)

>What is Kenshi?
"A free-roaming squad based RPG. Focusing on open-ended sandbox gameplay features rather than a linear story."
"Be a trader, a thief, a rebel, a warlord, an adventurer, a farmer, a slave, or just food for the cannibals. Research new equipment and craft new gear."
>Demo Link

>Tips for beginners
Learn to pick your fights, don't hesitate to run away and don't reload unless you die, any fight you survive makes you stronger. Building an outpost will attract trader caravans and hostile raids. Building one too early might be more than you can handle. Pressing F1 will open the tutorial screen. Mousing over the stats screen and HUD will reveal useful tooltips and additional info. If the enemies feel too difficult - get crossbows for your units. And don't be afraid of the RP autism - engage in it whenever you can. And do unlock the sliders.


>Some mods
>AND a link to the giga muscle-girl mod

>Some moonrune mod archive on the LL Kenshi thread

>LL modding thread
>post with jonijonikenshi mods (like milking mod) after he deleted it all

>LL mod index

>Kenshi Fuck Mod

>The package of optimization mods from Nexus
Thinking of starting a 5 crew sexual molester squad
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Mods to choose from. The list is a bit outdated by now.
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Post the screenshots once you start.
by okran’s name the shek really are the best fit for the chud meme
>Find qt starver
>Take her in and plumpen her up
>groom her to be the perfect mate
Why can't the post apocalypse be real bros?
>>tried out genesis after 250 hours vanilla Kenshi
and? what did you think?
Nothing yet.
Only touched it for 50 min
I feel bad for the sheks. I really do... But they are Nat's favorites. So I don't feel bad stealing the shek women. The milk must flow.
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What are some good weapon mods that add normal, fitting weapons that aren't overpowered either?
Whichever mod add the "tachi" swords. Also "yari" mod.
New weapons dissemination mod, none of them feel overpowered, the triangle fags it adds might be a little absurd to you though. There is a patch to remove them if you hate them.
Industrial Blade and Foreign Greatsword are fun, the weapons are balanced by being quite heavy and the bounties carrying the meitous are really tough.
Nuts Rod and Metal Bat. They just feel like they'd fit in Kenshi.
Katana Daishou is neat at least for the skewer.
Minor Faction Overhaul for Black Dragon Ninjas and Black Desert Ninjas adds really cool new katanas.
Mountain Ronin Armour also adds a cool katana but it might be a bit unbalanced, the armour at least is, hardly any negatives.
Bounties Galore adds a few.
I also recommend that mod that colors meitous gold, it just looks neat.
Also, if you have sheks - get the mod that adds "tribal spears", for the Unga Bunga vibes.
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New run. Scorchie sisters, rebirth start.
Neat. My previous run was Scorch brother and sister escaping Rebirth.
Different fathers?
The younger one takes more after their father
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About time. Although I'm surprised to see Paladins this far south from Okran's Shield.
In other news the dogs are getting bigger and are almost fully grown and they're quickly getting better at taking a bite out of criminals, terrorists and other enemies of the empire. Fang's very proud.
Is the eldest going to escape and have to come back to break her out after getting stronger?
Shes not leaving without her precious imouto
Its been a while since Ive done a rebirth start. Do you evenetually get food or do you have to steal it every night to keep your donuts from dying?
Your kept fed at 100/300 as a slave.
Okay, so that means the red bar wont start depleting, right? Just trying to decide if I can train at rebrith before I start trying a jail break or if I should just focus on that.
Thanks, just wanted to make sure I wasnt gonna lose a donut from hungry
Yes it will be maintained at 100.
Rebirth starts are actually great for training toughness, stealth, lockpicking and assassination.
Athletics to because you can just click next to your character and theyll run to a different mining point. Im also using the hard labor uses strength mod so all the mining is good too.
Its weird seeing fang with a samurai helm.
Any1 still have that cute comic of the little starver girl who happens upon an HN patrol?
define "cute"
>Why can't the post apocalypse be real bros?
Stay alive for like 5 years, you'll see it happening.
Well, its pretty mud art, but gets the author's point across still. Ends with her face being smushed in the sand and with heavy implications. Saw it on here originally, and search engines arnt turning up much. Maybe from one of those asian types. Kenshi is surprisingly popular amongst the nippons and hanguks.
Eww, brother. Eww.
For some reason, I don't quite believe that rape is a crime in the Holy Nation. They might punish women for being raped and bringing shame to the family, however.
Going to settle in one of the swamp villages. I have the mod that places dealers in all towns, so I can trade with UC or Shek quite easily.
I'm thinking Stoner Rat village.
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They've grown so big. Time to see how they fare helping Fang apprehend Elder.
Yeah but after having been downed enough times from blows to the head it was about time she started wearing one.
>"Our holy book literally says that all women were made by Satan."
>"Now let's go and rape some women!"

An amazing level of understanding how does the faith work. This is a sarcasm.
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It was tough going and the poor dogs got a bit of a hammering but Fang took down the Skeleton Bandit HQ.
After some rest Elder is going to be brought direct to Brink.
Post screenshots!
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Turns out he doesn't have a bounty. Well at least a group of deranged marauders has been dealt with. Fang's just going to rip out his AI core and head back on up to Brink. No one is going to object to the execution of a cultist warlord after all.
Sell the ai core
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Fang has deposited it into her research materials banking account.
>Went further south from Clownsteady to sell 2 remaining hashis the dealer wouldn't sell
>Find a tech hunter waystation
>They'll only buy it for cheap
>prepare to leave
>huge raid of farmers and scavengers
>loot them to sell their weapons and stuff to the Tech Hunters
>Slavers arrive.. and Manhunters
>Techies want to kill some of their captives
>Fight ensues
>Manhunters arrive.. trying to capture downed ninjas
>Huge fight
>buy a storm house just to store all the loot
>huge chore.. but now my donuts are rich AF
The Waystation prevailed, and my medic kept most slavers and slaves alive, it was mostly a brawl with some losses on the farmer / scavenger side.

Next time I play, I'll go find a swamp village with houses to purchase. Won't move into Shark as I'd lose my mind looting them all.

Tomorrow. I'm too tired now.
>>Went further south from Clownsteady to sell 2 remaining hashis the dealer wouldn't sell
Wouldn't buy
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Managed to pull the Grand Wizard with only part of his posse, but god damn, does he pack a punch, he just doesn't care whether you're wearing the heaviest armour in the world or not.
>he isn't holy enough to purify women with his cock
skill issue
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No wonder he was so tanky, pretty sure that's from some mod.
I am a bit tempted to wear it... you know, as a trophy. It wouldn't be THAT weird, right?
Purify with marriage, childbirth, regular normal sex.

Not rape.
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The last limb is finally gone.
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el Beep
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He's going for the ninja look currently.
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Eggs are a great source of early, lawful, income.
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This animation is way too fucking funny.
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>want to go to the Foglands so i can get one of those neat limbs from Hive Cybernetics for Beep
>Samurai patrol joins me at the same time
>don't want to drag these guys through the Deadlands but I'm not sure what else to do with them
Maybe we'll go through Venge? I'm a little worried about how Legendary of Kenshi might have buffed the Thrall Masters though.
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Think we're just about ready to try and prison break
Keep /keng/ alive for 9 hours.
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They made it to the safe house and are resting while they regain their strength :D
All the guards just ignored us in favor of chasing all the other prisoners we released.
Well, we got to floatsam. Can I just say, the floatsam introduction where they just tell you to swear to okran...
Its fuckin dumb.
The way its presented, choosing
could make as much sense as you being against the Holy Nation as not wanting to swear on Okran when youre lying about being from the HN. Its just this dumb gotcha moment just to trick the player it feels. Maybe, ya know, we had just had enough of that Okranite bullcrap shoved down our throats at rebirth that the notion of swearing to him is something they could shove up their asses, but noOoOo.
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Joining the Floatsam Ninjas just didn't feel like the right play. Kinda seemed like the obvious play with 2 scorchie, female types, with a strong grudge against the HN, and that I'm going to have be kunoichi. They just dont seem very secure. A small group of rebels hanging it's hat in cannibal country, trying to take on the Holy Nation? Yeah... the older sister decided to take the younger one to UC territory.
But with rape the woman doesnt enjoy it. Normal sex can easily lead to the temptress casting spells through her moans of impure pleasure. Rape carries out the necessity that is procreation without risking compromising the integrity of the man
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things that increase the amount of hits you are gonna take:
fighting solo
wearing heavy armor
fighting solo with a katana

a masterwork samurai helmet is less than 10k and will make a humans head more durable than a soldier drones head even in worst case scenarios
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I hate that you can't do conditional dialogue based on worn items and therefore can't make the Holy Nation treat anyone in a skin suit as a human
hello kenchbros how long until kench 2?
what's with the lizardman?
about tree fiddy
why is the prince head a white bag if its dropped on the ground chris
you already made the model CHRIS
Why does Ruka have so many skeletons?
Why is Ruka living in Venge while wearing nothing with burn resistance?
Weird image all around honestly.
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am I stupid
well doesn't the THIEF fence only buy stolen stuff?
I'm stupid...

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