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Hvis Det Hellige Tar Oss Edition


>Public Servers

>-Game Information-<
>Starter Guide
>Official Wiki
>-Visual guide to blocks, furniture themes, paints, and more-<

>-World Seeds-<

>-Game tools-<
>TShock - Server client
>Web-based inventory editor
>TerraMap - World viewer
>TEdit - World viewer/editor
>Omnitool - Creates world from image, unique world generation options

>tModLoader 1.3
Go to Properties > Betas in your steam library to activate this, if you're a GOG user you're out of luck
>Mod List - Summaries of the most recommended/popular mods (mostly outdated)

>Prevent mods auto-updating
>/tg/ Texture Packs
>/tg/ Risqué Textures Archive
>Player Resource Bars and Visual Radar ports to 11.x (PRB appears to be somewhat buggy in MP, VisualRadar works fine)
>Autohotkey Terraria Autoclicker
mega.nz/file/fExgUaRY#0wfxlVdBLDYUMfrH-qfI_0CSWnUShbeNKxPQS7FPRMY (raw: pastebin.com/mPDZRst1)
>Particle lag fix (Mac)

>-Other neat stuff-<
>Fancy builds
>Best Adventure Maps
>Class setups

>-OP pasta-<
>Please use the info from this link when creating new threads

Got 21 years
I am going to resprite the tax collector into a sexy demon girl that becomes an ugly landwhale who thinks she's a vtuber that talks about yaoi and other cringe garbage. I'm going to make the NPC as unlikable as possible.
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>coming home to my floating castle that also has jet engines hastily built onto the bottom
>saying hello to my zoologist wife
>mount another trophy in the trophy room (steel jaw from skeletron prime)
>dump a whole bunch of crap into my magic storage boxes
>down a bunch of buff potions, since tonight is gonna be a full moon
>7:30 hits
>hear a howl from my wife
>have the nurse on speed dial just incase
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Is there a mod to manually increase/decrease the damage received/done to/by the player in a percentage value?
Damage Variance Slider is right up your alley. You can set it to 0%, making every attack from every source deal a consistent number. No random higher or lower damage values; the boss will hit you for X damage, every time, and you will hit the boss for X damage, every time.

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I'm trying to make an arena for plantera and it's just going terrible. Granted I still haven't beaten the other two mechanical bosses yet but I hate hard mode jungle. I can't even get a small break so I can just make 150x150 platform without ten million tortoises on my ass just barreling into me for quad damage.
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Should've done it pre-hm
I'm too tired to get angry at this anymore
Oh noes, 1 crude joke
Drink some peace potions, brother. Have a peace candle on hand. If necessary, just clear out the place with bombs. Have a summon to help you deal with any stragglers.
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I don't get it
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For what purpose?
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adopt a waifu and post pics of her instead of AI slop, or better yet post some screenshots of your world
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Part of me wants to bring in a strong pickaxe to my new world to donate to my new character to cut down on tedium but part of me thinks it will ruin the experience a little
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specialist run. 2 pyramids and got 3 molten charms from cavern chest, pretty lucky
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My character - and just this character - doesn't move left or right normally anymore. Pressing either makes them go very slowly in the opposite direction. This doesn't happen when on a mount, and while I can get around it with a dash, it's a quite cumbersome. What the fuck did I do? Can I fix this somehow?
Anyone here have experience with hosting tmodloader multiplayer? I tried Host & Play and it just stuck in Found Server. And when I use start-Tmodloaderserver, people stuck at connecting phase
sounds like you have something that gives you wings which have unconfigured stats, defaulting to the behavior you described

you need to portforward if using the tmodloaderserver file
How do I portforward? Most of the guides of google are outdated and confusing
I've never hosted but my buddy who has the brain of a toothpick managed to host with very few problems. If you're hosting through steam do you still need to port forward?
steam (host&play) does not need portforwarding. If you have issues with that check your server log and the affected player's client log for errors. if they mention any mods disable them
Yeah it was mostly fine, but by the end the world seemed to be falling apart. It was quite fitting considering the themes of Calamity.
First it was getting desync'd, then I would only see the heads of worm foes.
Then we couldn't start events like the acid rain anymore, the time of day modifying items would stop working.
We managed to finish things though so it was fine. We had fun so that's all that really matters
Got it, I think. Using Apachii's Classes Reborn, and the class I was using had levelled up enough for the downside (movement acceleration penalty) to get big enough to fuck up my movement.
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Good night /tg/ - Terraria General Hvis Det Hellige Tar Oss Edition
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Good night anon
Is a big smelly willy.
Komme Susser Todd
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>fabsol shilling his trash on /v/ since he knows he can't do it here


the dryad’s natural H cups!
there's nobody here, so that makes sense
doubt it's him, more likely just the same old weak /v/ bait
Why would he even need to do it here? It'd get posted to high heaven once it's out
Idk Fabsol loves to market his crap randomly.
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I want to satiate my autism
Clamaity + Thorium + what?

Is large world the biggest I can do without having to make it myself? Using a prompt is fine but I mean literally having to file in the map tiles myself
Spirit and my personal favorite, Mod of Redemption. Both aforementioned melds very well together (probably because the creator of MoR is a fan of Sprit mod)
>Is large world the biggest I can do without having to make it myself
"Advance World Gen" has a custom size option, it could crash your world generation though.
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ai slop should be a bannable offense
Why does he need to shill it on 4chan when that's the least interested place to shill a mod lol
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report them for extremely low quality
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You are now responsible for Terraria's last update (for real),

what do you do?
Cancel it and save the good ideas for Terraria 2 instead
I want the final update to add an Apache mount and nothing else.
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>weapon/tool coloring
>shimmer pool is smaller and spawns in a random location instead
>huge world option
>corruption and crimson can now spawn in the same world, and in sky islands
>expanded ocean biome on one side; ocean temple on the other side
>quests for all NPCs
>after you defeat the WoF, villagers start spawning in the world, they will make settlements and fight off against the evil biomes, you can share resources with them and level up their village by building specific structures around it
>duplicate NPCs of same type (one for each village), they will have different requirements of happiness and prices
>moonlord actually needed a human vessel (the final cultist); when you beat him you are given the chance to kill vessel ("bad" ending), heal the vessel ("good" ending), or do nothing (neutral ending)
>good ending means vessel goes to villages and teaches some special shit he learned while being controlled by the moonlord, villagers become stronger and eventually defeat all forces of evil
>bad ending means vessel's spirit comes back in the future as another boss that attempts to possess the player, somehow creating a magical clone of the player with all the best items and accessories that player has ever possessed, and his return spawns a new evil biome where all previous bosses except the moonlord spawn regularly; this biome spreads through tombstones
>the player only has one chance to defeat the vessel; if the player loses, every creature will now see the player as an enemy, villagers will constantly attack you and your spawn
>neutral ending means everything stays the same as is now
>killing moonlord with copper set and broadsword unlocks a secret ending
>i will not expand on the secret ending

>add an Apache mount
Also this
been a while since i played.
any good large content mods to come out in the past 1-2 years?
>nerf movement accessories by only allowing 1
>enforce torch luck by reducing drop chance and crit chance if not using right torches.
>meteorite can only be mined with gold/plat pickaxe
>all bosses now go through tiles and use twins ai
>all bosses shit out projectiles
>moonlord hitbox is fixed to player position at all times
>rod of discord has 10 min cooldown
>all melee weapons shoot projectiles
>player must select approved pronouns when creating characters (old characters are overwritten or deleted)
>all guns removed to discourage gun violence
>zenith moved into seperate dlc
>mounts no longer have you ride anything living to discourage animal abuse, it's just an empty saddle with no movement benefits
>goblin tinker no longer reforges but you can still pay for a potential reforge
>shimmer reworked to change gender instead of breaking down/changing materials
>empress of light hardcoded to be non killable entity. it will to 1 shot players when killing anything in the hallow biome or being unapproved gender
>added pride pet to player inventory when starting the game
> summons no longer used for combat to increase animal rights effort. They are now pets
>hardmode ores moved to dlc
>npc townsfolk are now gender neutral
>multiplayer removed from complications
>dlc and verification software will now be available in the unreal/apple store to reduce piracy
>replaced procedural generation in favor of premade world files
>added tile protection
>added doge pet
This is the only correct answer. It would be so fucking funny
>Have a gf
>On her period
>She gets hormonal
>Like a normal couple we know shes hormonal and work around it
That person is ironically more sexist than what they're complaining about.
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you mean this? :)
>only for fags
>drunk seed
>fetch quest sloppa
>rest is unmentionable trash
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reminder that it’s been scientifically proven that larger breasts are more aerodynamic
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I don't think that's true...
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my harpy wife and I keep breaking these every night
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specialist run, it's time to fight the worm
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fuuuuuuuuuuggggggggggg :DDDDD
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why so many eaters wtf
he ate too much spiky balls so they split into eater of souls at the same time.
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too MANY
But he's eater of worlds...
the eater of worlds ate too many spiky balls (plural)
the eater of worlds ate too much dirt (singular)
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15 Paladins to get the hammer, fucking shit
surely the Yo-Yo only run is going to be different
Party Girl...
>Haven't played Terraria in literal years
>Fire it up
>Expert mode like the good old days
>Can't even leave spawn because desert left, crimson right.
>The one chest found on the surface didn't have a weapon.
Man I forgot how shit this game is until you get a weapon that can deal with basic enemies
>got banned from /v/ for criticizing one of their golden idols
That board is a joke.

If you're only playing vanilla, then you want to dig underground and find a boomerang of some kind, or maybe a mace/flail. Then upgrade it to one of their respective variants. I find an enchanted boomerang and a fire flail to be great early game weapons. They'll do you good until EOW or even Skeletron.
Tunnel just under the surface.
Ensure crimson monsters can't spawn inside your tunnel. Don't let crimson grass spread onto the ground, put some wood/stone/other junk blocks in there periodically to stop its spread in case you've missed any spots. Cover crimstone in your tunnel with platforms or dirt or such. Place doors in the tunnel (double doors if you think face monsters will get in) to stop everything else.
Maybe the double doors alone without bothering to curb the grass will work just as well, but then you'll have to fight in the tunnels next time you want to use them.
You can also build a tunnel in the sky over the crimson if you have enough materials, but you don't at the start of the game.

>surface desert
There's nothing that a cactus sword can't deal with in there unless the pit is uncovered. Jumping into the pit with a fresh character is also great fun until the worms arrive, your strongest weapon at this point is falling sand and torches.
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what am i doing with my life...
If you can't go left and right, then dig down baka. Chop down some tree and make wooden sword, keep crafting until you get "Legendary" prefix.
You think it's worth it to seek out the shimmer at that point in progression?
Bro it's wooden sword, just keep crafting until you get legendary.
nuh uh
it’s scientifically proven
what game
I was criticizing metroid because I was worried that Prime 4 would take a few too notes from Prime 3. Then the thread became a porn thread, and I complained about that, and a janny did not like that. Same reason why I saw a Zelda NTR thread reach bump limit. Starting to wonder what the mod priorities are.
I've decided. Gonna spice up my next playthrough by daisy-chaining a few of my games, and it'll all be held together by a flimsy bit of backstory.

>start off as an aspiring captain, without a ship
>get stranded in the world of Terraria
>build up a space faring vessel, which needs the heart of a killed moon lord to function
>once I do that, use my new ship to report for Duty for the Federation in FTL
>travel to sector 8 to help defeat the rebels and triumph over their flagship
>take their flagship and use it as my own as I begin playing starsector

Oh yeah, it's time for kino.
have you knocked her up by now
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shame really
normally I would be with you, but samus is hot
Yes, she is, but there's a time and place for that kind of discussion. For example, it would be inappropriate for someone to post pics of a futa party girl pegging the guide, while we're trying to discuss a controversial change in the next update. A party girl pegging doesn't make me forget about Torch luck.
It depends - was she in her armor or in the zero suit in the borderline porn
i thought this was a butt from a thumbnail...
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>one of my fav terraria content makers uploads a bunch of stuff after a long hiatus
>it's a bunch of old footage from when you could use hallowed armor to dodge daytime EoL instakills
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Zero suit.
you were justified then, they had shit taste
Agreed. Speaking of which, I feel an itch to play the metroid mod again. Now it's updated for 1.4.4, and it shouldn't have any weird incompatibilities with my other mods.
IIRC Metroid mod only spawns some powerups here and there, and affects the desert. Most mods don't touch the desert biome, even Calameme. It puts stuff under the desert.
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>all the corruption is contained to the right, away from my jungle

You know what, I think I'm gonna like this seed.
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Do you think Painter shamefully jerks off when he hears W.D. and Dryad going at it loudly in the next room
Wrms Dealer
He's already with the nurse though. The Dryad isn't for romance, she's over 500 years old.
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I love making my own lore. Narrating your adventure just gives it more satisfaction, like you're writing it in a journal.
based autist
what's the lore behind the thick platform ladders
The base is supposed to be on stilts, since a ground level base is just asking to be invaded by goblins and zombies. Still a work in progress.
anon shed fuck the mushroom trees and plants need them to live/breed before she would fuck a human.
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Really starting to feel like home.
is the AIO risque texture pack in the OP mega no longer working?
I can't enable it
won't they jump up?
I think you need to rename some of the folders since relogic changed the NPC names in minor ways. I don't actually know or care because I think the pack looks like shit, and it spread like a virus onto the steam workshop
cuddling with the harpy wife
harpy wife burying you after you die of a shattered pelvis
>implying i play on hardcore
what the hell with WoF in master mode? I get it to like 5% HP or so then I suddenly get teleported to behind it and immediately get killed like 6 or 7 times at this point. is ranged the only way for the battle?
you drop a tombstone when you die, don't you?
I'm not going to bother interacting with whether it's true, but it's probably more important that they weigh less for flight.
What's with the absurd speed boost at the end

I miss killing it from beyond the screen with magic
the WoF moves faster the lower hp it has?
harpy amazon position
I stay on ground level, so they won't jump up. It's a bit of a personal sacrifice so a bunch of NPCs don't needlessly die.
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So I've already got some new villages up and running. What do you guys think?

Really trying not to fall into commieblock territory, so it's fun to try out some new design ideas. Damn shame that my desert didn't come with an oasis.
that's what dynamite and water duping is for
Oh, I plan on doing that. Gonna need fishing spots everywhere for the eventual cellphone grind.
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>eyelash falls out
>gets stuck under eyelid
>irritates eye
>eye produces more mucus
>mucus crystallizes
>irritates eye
>eye produces more mucus
>mucus crystallizes
>irritates eye
Why did god make us like this?
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You guys think I should build a house in the sulphurous sea? It would be nice to have instant transport here with a pylon, but it seems too dangerous. I also can't build it right outside, because the corruption is smack dab in the middle of it.
i want to taste gel
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I built one there during a run, villagers provide a safe zone once enough of them are there.
Yeah, it'll be worth it to have a safe zone, then.
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harpy boobies
For me, it's the baby harpy.
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Man, I forgot how OP the Metroid mod is. Just cleaning house with pretty much every mod, even Calameme.
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Consolaria, y/n?
Ocram is based
what is he based on?
Honestly I've never played terraria console before, what should I expect from old-gen mobs?
an ayylien
weird shit
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How well does Thorium actually fit in with vanilla? Like is it on par with Calamity where you might as well ignore vanilla eqiupment or is it more balanced and I won't be using 'Thorium only' equipment outside of anything post Moon Lord
It's the definition of a vanilla friendly mod. You'll still end up using equipment from vanilla, but Thorium offers nice sidegrades.

It's Calameme and Redemption and Metroid that overblow it with overpowered weapons and items that completely nullify the need to use vanilla items.
Perfectly. If you didn't know it was a mod, you'd think it was official DLC
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Ah, that's more like it. A Desert city without an Oasis just seems silly.
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someone draw konata as a harpy
That's fine and dandy, but I just found out that Calamity cut the power of the star cannon in half, because it was overpowering his weapons. That schmuck.
Lol that's fagsol for ya
Jokes on him, I'm killing his bosses like they were made of hot butter. Metroid mod doesn't mess around.
Can’t wait for him to implement code that nerfs other mods
Can’t wait for a repeat of that Starsector modding drama involving Noah Tahl’s nerfcode
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Good luck there. He can't even handle vanilla features that conflict with his own "changes".

>can't mine hardmode ores until after you beat the mechanical bosses
>can still fish for them

>>can't mine hardmode ores until after you beat the mechanical bosses
...but why? that's what they're for
You'd have to ask ol Fabby.
i can’t
i got banned from the discord hugbox for questioning a retarded decision
A tale as old as time.Makes your earlier Starsector comparison even more relevant.
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>get to the mech bosses
>find out that Calashart doesn't play nicely with any mod that alters them
>their scripts completely break, INCLUDING THEIR DEATH ANIMATIONS
>can never progress into fighting plantera

And my run is dead. Thank you Fabsol, you POS. you just couldn't play nicely with the other kids.
I want a Vanilla+ experience with some degeneracy. Will Thorium and one of those Waifu texture packs work?
what's the most effective melee weapon for the destroyer? already killed twins and skeletron prime so I can make up to hallowed weapon.
People say drippler crippler is good against the destroyer, but since I am sucks with flails I stick with shadowflame dagger
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IIRC, Mech Bosses is supposed to be compatible with Calamity, but you have to disable the trio of bosses' new AI in mod configuration. Also, you have to disable their death animations, that conflicts with whatever Fabsol did to them.
Well, that half-fixes the problem. Doing that let me continue progression, though ore generation is still messed up. It just spawned titanium twice, instead of giving me tier 2 ores like orichalcum or mythril. guess I'll have to fish for those.
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stacking defense items + cross necklace and use the freaky bitchtits
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Uh, what the hell??
Gee summoners, another fucking whip???
I will never understand the seethe summoner causes simply by existing
Don't get me wrong, I love summoner but adding plantera whip is just dumb when you have morning star, dark harvest and kaleidoscope right off the bat. How about adding more pre-hm minions and sentries?
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tbf you're using durandal all the way up until pumpkin moon, a plantera tier whip to help out with stacking sounds nice
more pre-hm minions would be nice, but what could they add? sentries can also fuck off, they're basically worthless ever since red the retard made them have a 2 second firing delay when you summon them
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good night don't die
Thinking of doing Thorium with Calamity.
is there anything major to be aware of? I use fargo's mods too

I've done a bit of Thorium but found by hard mode, the game is still too easy even on master so going to try Death mode on Calamity
Be aware of the dumb vanilla changes that calamity makes. Fabsol really doesn't want you using any weapon that isn't from his mod. I'm still flabberghasted that he cut the power of the star cannon in half, so it stops having use before you even get to Wall of Flesh. For crying out loud. Like yes, in the past I said it was a bit OP because you could gather stars super easily, but this wasn't the way to correct it.
Thank goodness one of these mods makes it so you can buy mythril and oricalcum after a certain point. Fabsol ruining ore generation really is stupid.
>beat Plantera
Alright, the spread is dead. Now I can slow down and relax.
>no harpy waifu
>unhappy laifu
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Disregard harpy, acquire nymph.
i bet the house would always smell like dirt and be too humid
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>Disregard harpy
I will not.
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HarpyKilledByInstantDeathLaser says what?
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Who's aria?
Good morningaria!
5 more minutesaria

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