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The long drive to page 10 edition.

>Update 2.0 Character Builder

>Phantom Liberty — Official Launch Trailer

>Latest Patch

>Exclusive Items: Twitch/Amazon/Gwent/Witcher/Gog

>Cyberpunk Clothes

>Console Commands for Items, Clothes, Weapons, Leveling, Money, and More

>Recommended Mods

>Back Alley Mods and Modding Discord

>/cp77g/ HOF: Community Content, Projects, and Races

>Braindance Catalogue

[__FL̷̞̀ATL̷̢̛I̴͝N̵E̵̞̋D__]: >>485994806
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Is that eye a mod?
Not him but it looks like it could be Unique eyes along with Kala's.
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reminder for those seething at the CDPR diversity hire: this is what breadtube troons thinks of Cyberpunk 2077.
CDPR has always pissed off the fringes of the left and right, and will continue doing so. Everything will be fine.
difference being that CDPR is really covering themselves in ESG shit last time i saw
i'll wait and see their next games
>i'll wait and see their next games
Stop being rational and scream to the skies that the world is ending.
I made this >>486205380 post actually, i took the opinion of other anons in consideration
The fact biden hasn't been martyr'd yet to pave way for our brown, independent woman president convinced me that the deep state doesn't exist. Or it's highly incompetent.
Here's hoping they do more on school shooters, domestic terrorists in general really, and isolated incidents.
i dont get it
ESG doesn't really matter.
Only quality does.
You can have your cake and eat it. Anons need to cope with the fact that there will always be pozzed writers in the writing room due to leftist leanings embedded in uni.
>t. bgganon
>ESG doesn't really matter.
>Only quality does.
ESG-filled shit don't have quality, thats the point
What in the fuck kind of retarded shit am I reading?

What fucking part of neuromancer is political?
Muh "harmful views" is anti-punk?
Black has no messages?

I don't know what breadtube is but holy fuck I haven't seen this amount of pseud oozing from a single image in a very long time
Esg detracts from quality as-well as being an easy route to money (from funding not sales) than actually making a good product so it is done instead of putting in actual effort in every instance I can think of
Mecha Biden is bad mojo, choom. Barely keeps his augmented legs from falling like a cripple. Spider Murphy had a better exoskeleton than Darth Brandon, feel me? His ChatGPT voice regulator is worse than what Regan outputted when he suffered from dementia.
Corpos don't bet on losing horses. CyberTrump stocks were already prioritized and invested on; the manchurian incel was the cherry on the cake.
Mass Valentino deportation to distract from further reduced worker's rights at the Amazon Megalith.
Doin my second go through cyberpunk and just wanted to put it out there that this time I will save Jackie and this post is my declaration of it to keep me to it. That is all.
>"nooooo!! it has to have some pinko commie gibberish subtext for it to count!!"
It's funny how much some people focus on the word punk when it comes to cyberpunk.
I follow various troons on an alt who raged against Cyberpunk when it launched and gleefully remarked how CDPR's downfall was deserved due - in large part - to anti-trans values. Or something. oh and quality and false promises here and there, but the trans thing was the at the forefront. Something about one of the writers launching a tirade against Anita Sarkeesian?

It's all mumbo-jumbo word salad, choom.
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Beautiful IRIS mod.
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Why didn't Arasaka make a shotgun? Do they think they are too good for the everyman's weapon?
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This image is extremely telling of its creator(s) being crypto-bootlicking establishment drones

>Black mirror (in most episodes) and watchdogs totalitarian settings are considered "mildly" dystopic

>Cyberpunk 2077s setting being a scathing criticism of today's current popular western society by being an extrapolation of it, and the "good guys" being the ones who want to take down the establishment, is being labelled as anti-punk and "harmful"

This is literally propaganda
im not concerned with the opinions of rich kids that became wealthy twitch streamers.

you are the opposite side of this retarded coin. waiting gleefully for your next acronym to blame the failings of the world on. ESG is old, get new material. You are supposed to be fuming of DEI.
Didn't really keep up with the news, are CDPR 100% done with updates (and bugfixes) for the game? I wish they'd still do a few small updates.
okay anon, go play your latest ubislop then
They still have a team working on updates afaik but it's shrunk considerably now. Don't expect the same cadence of patching but it's always possible we get new cool features as a result of the game being a test-bed for next gen Nvidia features

H-Hanako-sama.... I kneel, utsukushi voice nanoyo...
>Can't romance judy as a guy
Why is this game so gay
You can, it's in the game files voice lines included. You just have to unlock it
Do I have to use a mod? And besides I'm already finished with her quest and don't wanna go back several hours.
No, i think it's just a console command or something
And if its a mod you dont need to restart the game either
I was looking into it and apparently you need to kiss her during an earlier quest to romance, but I'm past that. I think I'd need to download a mod to access console commands too, no? It's fine, I'll live.
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Judy isn't for men shes for the fairer sex
i havent purchased a single one. theyve always looked corny and with sloppy gameplay.
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lesbians arent real
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>Those hands
but there's male V romance voice lines hidden in the game files
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Thanks for saving my webms, but please don't use them to rile posters up.
Again, yes my V is African American. Been posting her for weeks and had zero issues until I made some Webms the other day.
I'm fine with her being Lesbian only, as it just gives incentives to make different sex V's for each playthrough. My next will be a male to romance Panam. As for the voicelines, they probably just had the VA do them when she did the others in case they changed their minds, since reshooting (rerecording) would cost extra money to get the VA out and do them again.
>As for the voicelines, they probably just had the VA do them when she did the others in case they changed their minds, since reshooting (rerecording) would cost extra money to get the VA out and do them again.
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>In night city you can be anything
>Chooses to be a nigger
I'm fine with it. Better than player-sexual characters that make it harder for me to take seriously. Multiple playthroughs are an inherent feature of western rpgs anon.
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Did this quest AFTER I took down the Kang Tao transport. You'd think they'd know better.
This is my last (you) for you, but my V is a cutie and I wouldn't have her any other way. If you don't think she's attractice, then your penis just doesn't work.
This. It was fine that Veronica was a lesbian in New Vegas, and it's fine that Judy is a lesbian in Cyberpunk.
Really disappointed that all these years later there isn't even a real sex mod. I thought for sure this game would be the next big thing in that arena.
I personally liked fem-V and Judy was the gateway drug for me to consider a playthrough with her VA. The romances in this game make it hard to go back to other rpgs (both western and jrpgs).
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I know you will say "but I said real sex mod" but Lizzie's Braindances does everything you want. Tried it out on my fem V, but plan to make my male addicted to them, spending at least half his Eddies on them.
I played Fem V first because I knew how modding works in these games, and that if I wanted to mod in clothing there would be a 10 to 1 ratio of female modded clothes to male. This also applies to any other kind of mod as well. I went in completely blind though, so I had no idea about Judy's VA or voice.
>the romances in this game make it hard to go back to other rpgs
Yes, this is true. Just the option to invite your romanced partner to your apartment and hang out puts Cyberpunk miles above other RPGs.
Azevedo doesn't sound like a chink name
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Does this interaction feel weird to anyone else? Every time I do it I just think that Johnny and V really aren't on speaking terms at this point and they sound pretty familiar here.
>spending at least half his Eddies on them
you can edit the prices yourself, down to free
didn't they change that line so that it no longer sounds like 2 buddies shooting the shit when you just met?
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I always assumed he gave a fake name, because Kang Tao is all about secrecy and hush hush.
I plan to make it a character flaw on purpose. He will be a coomer, and always take sex workers sides. So yes, he will help Judy and he will kill every tyger claw.
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Huh, I thought it sounded different. It's been a long ass time since I last played so I didn't notice at first. It's definitely better but still a little buddy-buddy. Guess even CDPR felt it was off.
I also can't help but watch this dude munching on this low poly burger every time I have this conversation with Takemura.
>I plan to make it a character flaw on purpose
Fair enough

Fewer polys, fewer calories
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>10 to 1 ratio of female modded clothes to mal
shit's more like 30 to 1. hell, all I want for Vincent is a proper b-ball jersey mod
I just don't see what else to spend my eddies on. Current playthrough has so much money I just end up buying vehicles I will never use, and after looking at the apartments to buy on youtube I found the one I like and it was only 30k (Japantown). At least spending all my money on Braindances feels like something he would do.
True, I was being very conservative with my numbers. It's the way modding is with every game, thousands of female mods and a dozen male mods.
cutting his own throat, brutal
>I just don't see what else to spend my eddies on
True. I bought all the cars on Autofixer and all the apartments and still ended up with almost E$1.7M at the end of the game.
>But if I win, I get to nut in your face
since >>486745520 has a sandy, will fucking her make you nut instantly or will it rip the realskin right off your cyberdick?
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Very brutal. It's the same way I killed Woodman.
I wish there was something to dump eddies into, a good sink. I did all the gigs and sidejobs before really getting into the story, and I have so much money that when a character gets bent out of shape about eddie's and rewards for jobs I just want to tell them to take my share I don't give a shit.
damn crime that is, and most mods for dudes are made by people like Pinkydude
>wish there was something to dump eddies into
tried that new gambling mod?
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Had to look him up, but I had an idea what he was about before I even did. Damn shame.
I haven't, I might just give it a go even though I abhor gambling.
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If the algorithm knows best why didn't it let me fuck the receptionist? She's one of the most sexo NPCs in the game.
knew you wouldn't be into it
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>If the algorithm knows best
It does, you just don't understand how it knows best. For example, not choosing the receptionist is because it knows that you don't want to get Woodman's semen all over your junk since she gets railed by him daily to keep that job.
Plus she has hairy spiky crab legs
Needs more catboxing.
What do you mean
cybernetic vaginas
Unless she's got a bear trap up there I'm gunna wreck it.
That's not gunna stop me
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>That's not gunna stop me
True blue man. Bet you'd get your red wings with her too.
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I mean "Pinky" was a dead giveaway
>I might just give it a go even though I abhor gambling.
keep in mind, it's only roulette using DLC assets. nothing else like Blackjack unfortunately
does it really?
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Just stumbled upon this, and disappointed I missed seeing it happen.
>Damn shame.
what's the story, morning glory?
>what's the story
Looking at his mods, he is clearly skilled at it and could make a ton of interesting Masc V clothing. Sadly he only wants to make fem and gay themed Masc V clothing. Skilled Modders are rare and few between.
Modding culture has really changed and not for the better
this might be the worst fucking pic i've seen in this general. where is it original from
I liked these eyes at first but they're a bit too intense and I'm going to switch back I think.
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Just as I thought. You have zero self-respect.
>You have zero self-respect
Care to elaborate?
Faggot shitposts relentlessly with the bitch she stole from someone.
stole? is she a slaver?
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Oh, you mean that I started with a preset? Yes, I did indeed. Though I do what I always do and modified the preset after getting the starting point. But I admitted to this long ago when I first made it and started posting her in here. The only thing I kept 100% from the preset was the skin tone and tattoo, because I would have chosen a similar skin tone regardless, and while I don't usually go with Tattoo's I thought it looked good with the skin tone. Also, just as an asside, it's not like we have true sliders for character creation.
We are all using preset skin and feature adjustments.
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think our schizophrenic friend here is implying I jacked someone's V, even though I've used the same sliders since release, even on the Pissstation4. this is probably one of the older pc shots I have. there's limited options on making Asian Vs for dudes or chicks.
I always feel bad for Misty
I don't, she knew the kind of man she beloved, she knows how NC is
she sells crystals come on
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>forgot image
Well yea, that's part of why I feel bad. She clearly understood Jackie and doesn't blame him or V but she still lost him and it's worth feeling bad for her over.
>*desperate for pussy voice*
>a-and what does this crystal do
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Just talked to her in Jack's garage last night, as a matter of fact
the basketball or book are the only proper, respectable choices btw
chose the book
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I get that V is a asshole, but it surprises me how often you can bring up the recently dead to people who cared about them.
>Mama Welles
Can talk about Jackie to her all the time, keeping the wound fresh.
Constantly tell her how much Jackie talked/cared about her.
After Evelyn dies you can bring her up as a cautionary remark about not rushing things. Also, you can give her blue roses, the color of Evelyn's hair when you meet her.
It's not recent, but when you first talk to her you can throw Johnny's death in her face as a fuck you for no real reason.
>for no real reason.
she literally does it to you first seconds beforehand
>she literally does it to you first
Because all she knows about you is that you did one big job and it blew up spectacularly in your face. She didn't know Jackie or probably even talk to him a single time before. Don't know if she knew T-Bug. I'm sure she knew Dex though.
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Uahh sugoi, Yudy-chan!
think her wetsuit has a hole in the ass, fren. can't be safe for deep diving
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I always pick the book. My own love of Hemmingway's work aside it fits Jackie the best, I think.
Where do you think all the bubbles come from when people are diving?
she sells guidance
she sells seashells
the yakitori
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Is that where V got them?
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>can't mod due to pc restrictions
>can't download loverslab or nexus beauty mods
>vanilla V and waifus
A-am I allowed to post on this general?
There's something really hot about a cute, skinny, autistic latina who designs the equivalent of hentai animations all day. I never knew I had this strong desire for a bpd, light-brown chick with a cute hispanic accent before playing this game.
Fuck the haters, anon
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Just think of all the other types of chicks you could desire, if only a video game made them appealing to you. There's even people on /v/ that want to get with 80 year old grandmas! The fetishes are endless.

It's a public, vietnamese basket weaving forum, Anon. Anyone can post.
>due to pc restrictions
I'm curious what this means.
But yea anon post whatever you want
Not him, but my 2070 super can't use the nostril mod without tanking. It's a thing.
>see what looks like a cool clothing mod
>download it
>get in-game
>looks like total crap in every lighting condition
Fucking modders always using bullshots, it never looks as good as their carefully crafted screenshots that took two hours to make.
Yea, I get that, but there's plenty of mods that you can download that don't impact performance.
>the nostril mod
A lot of them are ripped or poorly made so they don't mesh with the games lighting at all. It's really disappointing. Most clothing mods suck
Yeah, true.
My guess is it requires some V-ram usage, and my 2070 super is about maxed with just Cyberpunk.
How was the dlc? I stopped playing before patch 2.0 dropped

Reading neuromancer and thinking of buying the dlc. I had one main quest left.
its pretty good, but the game feels more unstable now than at launch, their documentation methods for patches is small indie company, like they had buffed the malorian 357 but then overrode the buff the next patch
V posting has been lacking lately.
Is there a way to make LMGs not suck? They feel like heavier assault rifles instead of proper machine guns. Firecracker on the MA70 HB X-MOD2 doesn't seem to really help.
There's a LMG file for download if that's your jam.
They're unfortunately just not that good.
pre-2.0 the solution was ricochet and berserk for extra damage and defenses.
post-2.0 berserk only works for melee, and ricochet is only good against sandy users.
could try crippling them with quickhacks before pulling the trigger.
>no mods for mantis blades
Do you need cyberware to make them better now? Seems a poor choice when katanas benefit from weapon mods.
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I love the Tarot art in the game. It's really well done. I also really love that the tarot, and by extension Misty, tells you about so many characters, groups, and the endings. It's a little on the nose but given that people still like to misinterpret shit maybe it's necessary.
i assume the tarot cards is the black wall guiding V. It is an ai that happens to be our firewall. it decides what it lets through. It might be smart enough to predict your options before you take them. quietly doing its job and guiding V.
Why cant I romance Goro
He is cute
The Johnny and Alt flashback with the VDB's is agonizing to do past the first time.
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Are you stuck with this big ugly fucking sight on the X-MOD2?
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Ah, you are. Cool, a gun I liked that I'm now never going to touch ever again.
would you guys be interested in a moon or mars cyberpunk 2077 starfield mod?
a mod in starfield?
or starfield in cyberpunk?
it would need to be a huge mode in starfield to pull the universe together with stories to make me care about that world. And a complete overhaul of the perk system, removing restrictions on what perks you can grab. streamline shipbuilding, piloting, base building, resource extraction, and suit/weapon construction perk acquisition.
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why is she looking at me like that??
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i miss not having a proper gpu
Solo body 2.0 out yet?
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can't imagine why
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Reminder if you choose the option to skip right to Phantom Liberty, you miss everything that has to do with Jackie
The cinematic intro should have been playable
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Finally heard this song thanks to a date with Panam and now it's one of my favorites. Anything similar in your playlists bros?
how long was your first playthrough?
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Finishing up a modded Fallout 4 playthrough and will probably hit about 5 days of playtime. Cant tell you guys how hyped I am to jump onto cyberpunk. I have been slowly adding to the mod list for about 3 months.
Did anyone try out the immersive sound thing? Worth it?
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I gotchu senpai

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I'm still stuck on creating my character
The latest version of Ultra+ is really good if you guys haven't downloaded it already. PTNext looks insanely good and performs really well.
>post V
>get called ugly/tranny by the same three people (and that's being generous) that have been keeping the general alive for the last quarter year
Feels bad man
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Why did Silverhand make this hand gesture? Is it implying that V doesn't know how to use old phones? This wouldn't make any sense seeing how there's still people walking around with smart phones which are similar enough to old phones.
silverhand has been inside v's head long enough by that point in the game to know v is fucking retarded
Maybe that's because your V, is ugly. Ever think about that. Maybe try making some improvements.
i wouldnt do that and the other 2-3 wouldnt either... maybe they would for the lulz
Why is your V just Judy but half Asian
Why don't they release a devkit that is extremely modder friendly and allow people to create their own quest and expansion packs? They're done with this engine so they might as well open it for users.
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>...maybe they would
When you've seen as many Nexus V's as I have you appreciate the /cp77g/ V's much more. Literally even the worst V posted in here is S tier compared to the abominations on Nexus.
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V chilling with her choom
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I wish this game had a workshop tab on Steam
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I think my friend's Panam is broken
I've never had anyone call my V ugly.
How's the Thomas Shelby mod? May have to use that when I do a male V playthrough.
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funnily enough, I was actually saying "no" because I figured if it did, you would've posted it
It's pretty good actually, the british accents really changes V's voice. And even in the rare occasiosn where the AI voice ''cracks'' into a more robotic sound, it can still be canon because of the cyberwares im using lol
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>doing pic related
>try to stick it through to see if I can help the guy
>get to the dinner, try to talk sense into him
>get kicked out of the group by the producer chick
>move on, more problems to deal with
>get a call out of the blue
>asked to come to the studio
>won't pray with him, but will sit with him while he does
>wants me to nail him to the cross
I feel like the overall message cdpr is trying to tell me is that trying to be nice and helpful only hurts people. Had a couple of gigs tonight where that was the case, back to back to back.
Nice. I'm English myself so I'll use it for that reason alone.
Ain't you chuds the ones always harping on about how great and easy life is for black people? Why would you not choose to be one in that case?
Things I didn't expect to do today:
>Perform a crucifixion
>Stop a car from committing suicide
>Punch a man in the nose so hard his head exploded (honestly, I reloaded after that one)
Also, as much as I like Skippy, smart guns have no fucking damage output.
Why is she so greasy? Looks like she's fallen out of bed sweating profusely after a 4 day coke binge and slapped on some last minute make-up. Is it some mod that oils up your character's skin or something?
What shocked me the most was that made V sounds way more calm compared to the eternal street kid sounding default english voice
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I've had on a few occasions been goose vomited. It can't be helped.
>I'm English myself
My condolences
Looked up that mod, it sounds surprisingly decent and in character. At least miles better than the Ryan Gosling one with his low, monotone voice.
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Literally just did that gig. About to go do the Samurai reuinion gig, I swear to Christ if any of them die I will stop playing for the day.
She understands the importance of moisturizing. It's Butter my V on 25%.
Is there a hag mod for V?
trans-twitter. I view it sometimes to steal arguments to use as bait for /v/-posts. This one made its rounds in /v/ several years ago I think?
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No point, can't beat perfection.
>And even in the rare occasiosn where the AI voice ''cracks'' into a more robotic sound, it can still be canon because of the cyberwares im using lol
Same, im using with https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/11415 with https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/5069 and its pure kino
Do you prefer stealth, guns-blazing, or slashing?
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Gun blazing for male V
Slashing with fem V

Both can be used with Stealth
blades gud, luv me slashin'
Anyone know if cybercat simple ui works. Need it for console playstation
How can a 4channer be so wrong.

Females wearing the heaviest armors and gorilla arms or the heaviest looking weapons and guns(canons etc)

While guys have light equipment. Such as blades and pistols and hacking(mage)
It would work if i could make my Valerie a loli
But the gap moe doesn't work with hags
it should work, it has a console option when exporting.
>Armor rating gauge in Cyberware menu maxes out at 1500
Is that just a limitation of the UI, and Armor beyond 1500 is useful? Or is 1500 the hard cap?
>Did anyone try out the immersive sound thing? Worth it?
Nah, I use speakers because my cat's a little shit. Hope to hear what you think of it though.
That's retarded and your retarded

Literally doing the opposite of what makes sense, why would the smaller framed person carry heavier equipment when they could make the most of being agile? Why would the less agile bigger target person not carry heavier equipment?

I hate this post so much I hate you
you see some of the vs people fawn over here, so opinions are like assholes and all. if you like yours then she's great, keep posting her
Its fantasy retard
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imagine being poor and not having tungsten reinforced bones with upgraded musculature. the magic of density.
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I did once suit up a netgunner for a DFTR run, as it seemed appropriate.
>there are people ITT right now who play Cyberpunk 2077 without path tracing
i think thats whats tanking my FPS
isnt just ray tracing enough
I'll try this, though I don't think it'll work. The sight doesn't even show up as a mod. I really wish they would've gone with mods being destroyed when you take them off instead of being unable to take them off entirely. All it really does is add a layer of RNG to weapons since they can drop with mods.
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Anyone knows what shirt mod is this
Why would I? It looks worse than regular raster, makes everything look shiny and oily and glass becomes completely transparent losing all soul.
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Honestly no, it's night and day difference. If you can't run path tracing then I wouldn't bother using RT at all and just go full rasterized instead and enjoy sky high frame rates. MAYBE use RT psycho which at least uses global illumination, otherwise I wouldn't bother.

PT/overdrive mode replaces the entire rendering pipeline, no rasterization takes place, everything you see is ray traced, save for a bunch of AI and temporal denoising tricks. It's completely transformative visually. The regular RT settings are just a bunch of ray traced effects over the top of a rasterized image and are not worth the performance hit.

Pic related. I played around for a while with denoising disabled. I actually quite like the chalky look of it. Presumably when GPUs are powerful enough, you would be able to cast enough rays to render a full and clean image like this without the need for temporal denoisers.
It works I did it myself for that very gun cos I couldn't stand the sight either
Tell me about the dog
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I want to know too
and the pistol holster
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I tried playing this a while ago and it was miserable.
Running around the world I didn't find anything interesting to engage with/any quests to do etc.
I assumed you could play this somewhat like Skyrim, just running around and enjoying the world while finding cool stuff to do but I don't think I was able to enter a single house and none of the NPCs did anything interesting/were all window dressing.

Did they fix this/is there a mod for that or is this game just not for me?
Depends when you played it. I felt like that when I played it at launch. There is a hell of a lot more going on now, chance encounters and missions and combat are a lot more common throughout the map. But it's still not to the level of something like Skyrim where a town has 12 NPCs but each one is unique and interactive. It does feel a lot more live, to my taste at least, like there is something going on around every corner.
>npcs doing anything interesting
Try looking under noir or detective.
Post processing faggotry, probably inpainted with AI.
I think I played shortly after the expansion released.
The NPCs aren't neccessarily doing anything interesting but (almost) all of them have something to say at least, and most either have a quest or a mini-plot you can follow.
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Bros i found the shirt https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/2641

And the harness, despite this being black and that one looking like leather. Probably customized the mod himself https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/1471
Actually this is the shirt https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/7892
my bad
Can you make a good looking female /v/ without mods
Yes no maybe
For every single mod for maleV there's like 35 mods for femV
Most dudes who play male characters but aren't also fags aren't interested in modding them so not only is the demand not really there those who want to create the supply aren't either. You get stuck with the gay guys like pinkydude or imvu rejects making hideous shit like anruimurasaki does
Are tech weapons just annoying? The perks surrounding them in the tech tree seem like they'd be frustrating to play with rather than fun, like having to play a timed minigame while aiming and under fire seems stupid. Does the perk that stops them auto firing mean you can do the special shots without timing it, or do you still have to shoot just before it reaches full?
>optional objective to steal a caliburn for an extra bonus
Why would you ever do this? No way the bonus is ever worth it compared to owning the car or selling it.
>optional objective to steal a caliburn for an extra bonus
Where does this show up?
Rogue's gig for Nancy's son. You can't actually keep the car and I already have millions at this point but it makes no sense from a roleplaying perspective. Hell they even say that he has plenty of cars and means nothing to him, he should give it to you at the end.
Ah, of course, thanks.
Depends. If you're actually attracted to women then yes. If you're exclusively attracted to 2d anime caricatures of women with comically large breasts and who wear lingerie 24/7 then no.
Did you remember to get Johnny's shoes from the locker?
>imvu rejects
surely he can't be that ba-
jesus cristo
How could you possibly miss them? They're in the same container as the mission objective.
Why is the tongue colored as well?
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Covid was such ridiculous and demonic fever dream. Thankfully, it was the needed push to really wake a lot of people up to the tyranny of democracy.
I have made hundreds, maybe even dozens.
Post your V then.
I'll do it later.
She goes to another general
Do it now you coward. If your V isn't ugly you don't have anything to hide.
Cyberdeck setups?
Memory Wipe > Reboot Optics > Sonic Shock is my favorite bread and butter since I like to rp as a (mostly) non-lethal V
Cyberware Malfunction synergizes with Cyberpsychosis and Short Circuit
Synapse Burnout is mostly just there to fill space, but spamming it on Overclock is cheaper than the MemWipe combo
Can't really go wrong with Ping
It doesn't matter what my V looks like with a setup like that.
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I love Gwent. CDPR just released the official Witcher 3 mod tools and are having mod competition. /r/ing one of you modder autists to make a Gwent mod.
Call it "More Gwent." It adds more Gwent. Also want to play Gwent against an intelegent monster of some sort be it a troll or a dragon or some shit. If you win they get angry and you have to fight them.

Please do this for me as I'm very bored and have nothing to play and I'm sure you're porbably bored to.

(There's no official CDPR or Witcher general so treating this thread as such)
Consider suicide.
I prefer using the covert and utility stuff. Netrunning is still too easy when you can use the damaging quickhacks to instakill half of any group of enemies you see. Getting the cyberware that lets your quickhacks crit immediately breaks them.
Same here. The two I use most are ping and memory wipe. I don't like the idea of being able to just directly deal damage with my mind, feels OP.
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that taxi sign seems like it'd be ineffective
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Fuck off, tranny. I'll even take a Gwent in a cyberpunk mod. Just help a brother out! I'll updoot ur mod even!
This game makes me wanna kys myself frfr
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>the perfect waifu is a npc who is human garbage
Why does life have to be like this?
Why is this?
God's an asshole
I'll never be a hot lesbian with a Judy gf
Troll doll lookin ass
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>God's an asshole
Especially in Cyberpunk land.
Take it back.
I can't anon, if she had a different haircut she'd be a certified qt.
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>the perfect waifu is a npc who is human garbage
looks like you posted the wrong jpeg, anon. don't worry, I got you
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give me one (1) good reason from a rp perspective as to why you would accept this mission
You're a BD junkie who resorts to ever more sketchier ways to chase the dragob
and v also tries the bd that killed the mayor and the one with the anime on it, and also immediately slots in the chip songbird leaves in the alley with the half-eaten food
I love making Joshua fuck up.
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>doing Claire's race quests
>last race
>can see where this is going
>whats his name wrecks
>decide I will kill him whats one more body on my jacket
>can't pull out gun
>try and talk her out of it
>stand in between them
>looks like it works
>it doesn't
>try and cheer her up in the car after
>she says this
Alright, I am on board with the people that hate Claire in here now. After she gave me her truck I blew it up and will not drive it even a single time more.
You can talk her out of it but I think you need to pick the right dialogue choices during the conversation at the end of the 2nd to last race. Claire is a fucking retard though and I skip all her dialogue at this point.
I must have missed it then. I was literally going to kill him so she wouldn't have to live with the guilt, and she says some shit like that. I hope racer guy was right, and her husbands death was his own fault and that Claire is just being a sensitive Sally.
Nah you can tell her she's a moron and that the dude dindu nuffin and her husband died in a death race where the shit is expected. The guy lives and he'll give you his car for free a couple days later.
I hate how you have the option of saying that you won't kill Sampson and that if he dies, he'll die as part of the race, and Claire goes "YEAH, THAT'S FAIR".

And then if you don't go chase after him in the race because he's obviously not going to die as part of the race, Claire fucking loses it. We already talked about this, why are you acting like this came out of nowhere?
To specify: If you tell Claire she's a dumb bitch and stop her from killing him then he survives and gives you his car. I phrased that first post poorly. You don't gotta worry though even if you don't save him you can still buy his car later.
I've never really posted in this general but I am curious, what is the general consensus on what weapon classes are good/bad?
Whatever is fun.
Yea she's just irrational as shit and it's no surprise that she's not well liked. At least you can remove the stupid ass flag off her truck with mods.
In my admittedly retarded opinion the only weapon type that's kinda shitty is LMGs. They're not so bad as to be unusable but they end up feeling kinda like shittier assault rifles.
Kike golem jesus christ
LMGs, no question. one of the few times where pretty much everyone in a general can agree on a single point
Fookin kraist, I can't get the lighting to be how I really want it to be. I'm pushing sliders for 3 hours then I just happen to rotate my character and all the lights go haywire and I lose everything.
This CharLi crap is absolute trash, I used to get softer and better lights when I placed light props with AMM years ago.
>bad at sliderfu
>blames mod
El Oh EL.
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Your mod is trash, deal with it.
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It's not that bad, takes time to get used to it is all.
Is there no mod to fix LMG's?
they were alright pre-2.0. now they're just ass. as for mods, I don't believe so
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>trying to connect with Johnny
>he's been with me the whole way
>feel bad because he is basically a prisoner in my body
>start giving him control of my body
>wants to patch things up with rogue, make it right
>wants to take her on a date
>know rogue is still reserved with him
>she won't let him do anything stupid
>Johnny knows I am romancing Judy
>let him take control
>this happens
Thank God she stopped it before anything bad happened. Your romance partners don't find out, do they?
Lol untether the light from your character once you've positioned it retard
nope, how would they?
Something I'm not following in PL.

Why does So-Mi choose V? Or that is, how does So-Mi become aware of V through the Blackwall? I can't remember when we encounter the Blackwall in the story except at the very end of the game.
>NUSA FIA Operator with access to basically unending wealth via funding/salary/theft
>recruit a literal who who's only big Op was an abject failure rather than trawl merc listings or some shit for an actual badass to do your super duper Hansen-FIA double-cross
Because guilt oozes out of my playthrough for when I do something I actually feel was wrong. Even a full bot could pick up my guilt.
you are stupid and weak.
I mean you aren't wrong, but that still isn't a nice thing to say. I try.
I started out as a netrunner, but nowadays all I use the cyberdeck for are Contagion, Cyberware Malfunction, Short Circuit, and the car quickhacks to fuck with traffic.
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>I can't remember when we encounter the Blackwall
when maman Brigitte takes you to meet Alt
>>recruit a literal who who's only big Op was an abject failure rather than trawl merc listings or some shit for an actual badass to do your super duper Hansen-FIA double-cross
assuming you play the dlc last V successfully kidnaps Anders Hellman, and Hanako Arasaka, basically V has the means to do shit and is retarded enough to actually follow through with it
keep trying
I'm tempted to try the mod that turns the HMG into a regular weapon you can holster and carry in your inventory. Using that thing feels like what am the LMGs should've felt like.
Apparently there's a different mod that (re-)allows the MA70 HB and some other weapons to proc Pyromania.
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>HMG into a regular weapon you can holster and carry in your inventory
I saw that mod, but I feel like it's a little too convenient. I would be fine with being able to store it in your car trunk or stash, but just turning it into a stronger LMG with zero downsides and even removing the movement penalty just seems like the side of a cheat.
It's all I ever do.
>being able to store it in your car trunk or stash
Yeah, that would've been the sensible middle ground option. You can instantly summon your car (and stash) anywhere, even when halfway out in the boonies, so even for Reflex retards like me who like to double jump across town it's still a viable option.
There is a nerfed version that keeps the movement penalties and overheating. Plus the movement penalties go away anyway if you have the perk for it in the Body tree.
I might check out the nerfed version then, I didn't know that existed. As for the perk, I didn't realize it worked for the HMG as well, learn something new every day. Thanks for the info, anon.
This. She needed someone seasoned enough to be confident but inexperienced enough so as to be easily manipulated.
Guess that's true.

It's kinda nuts how quick Reed figures So-Mi out, and how much sense it makes.

>get terminal blackwall aids from working for meyers
>dude just happens to find anti-terminal blackwall aids tech (alegedly - not that far in yet, but i bet it's just another dead end [no pun intended] given it's tech older than the problem -- at least in V's case, can already tell she's fucked -- but it would be typical if it failed so-mi too)
>meyers and so-mi just so happen to get shot down over said dude's turf
>so-mi already has a history of being at least complicit with betrayal

Definitely stinks.
Now the only thing I don't get is why the Blackwall and daemons are a problem in the first place, and make So-Mi a "WMD".
Like I get the world can't exactly quit the internet cold turkey, but surely the servers the Blackwall-bound daemons "live" in could be destroyed.

I guess it does make sense, though -- people are hopelessly fucking retarded.
>gee, permanently-online stuff sure is vulnerable to things like hacking, better """modernize"""" and put everything from our bank accounts to our refrigerators to our goddman car ignition on the fucking internet!
I like to larp with all my heavy weapons like lmgs, sniper rifles or heavy shotguns by keeping them in the stash at all times and summoning my car outside a gig when I feel Ill need to use it
>Neural linked brown tomboy hag sex in a mech
It hurts my chest every time I remember that she isn't real
She's real if you think her to be, anon.
Angie is superior
Chart shows the weird fixation of most people when it comes to cyberpunk as a genre that focuses only on aesthetics and base themes 'punk' in the 70s/80s context of the term rather than the larger themes of the foundational texts of the genre that are evolutions of noir and neo-noir central dynamics where it is about the human condition at large, what is consciousness, and whether free will truly exists.
There are lots of hysterical bitches out there, anon
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Underrated post. It's kind of demoralizing how many fans in the genre just default to that fixation. I personally almost never hear the noir/neo-noir roots discussed let alone hear PKD or Moebius' names brought up. I feel like that wasn't always the case though.
>images too large to upload.
>can convert video small enough to upload as a webm.
>can't even post on 4chan anymore because fucked up uBlock rules.
okay clearing history fixed the last one.
Question, I have the mission to me Hanako at Embers, but it gives me a "final mission" warning before going in. Is this really the end mission? Or is this like Bladur's Gate 3 where it warns you that you can't go back to prior act zones but still can?
You can't go back
That's the point of no return, after which you'll be set on an ending path. After the end the game will reset itself to that same point before meeting Hanako.
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can get some cool effects if I set field of view really low while zooming out
Ah, I see. Then I will finish everything up I possibly can then, to drink in as much of my first playthrough as I can before I finish.
That's the spirit

It's almost 4 AM time to hit the gym.
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Yeah I wish I understood NCPD missions earlier. I would have cleared all those first if I wasn't constantly being rushed to finish the main quest.
no but it would be hilarious if Panam found out my male V did this. Touching scene though, she feels too old to act young.
do things end happier if you insist on winning the race?
>if I wasn't constantly being rushed to finish the main quest.

a lot of players have this problem. though there is no timer, and any guesses are from people who dont know what they are talking about or experts that give you months. more than enough for the city. but once you do your time at embers, the world is as you left it. the player's emotional state might be different. thats where people form fun opinions.
after what happened to Evelyn I just don't see why my character would support this shit.
I don't know what your talking unless it was before the 2.0 update. My god did they nerf hacking. I'm lucky to take down two guys before I have to start pulling out my gun.
grenade is just fun.
suicide ("THAT'S CHEATING")
system collapse is like the most nonlethal hack ideal for stealth play, but it requires an enormous amount of intelligence to get to. The rest are so so or don't really work with stealth builds. Before 2.0 I couldn't use ping because it would spread and alert every enemy.
id love that
i could never get into the official card game because i liked the simplicity of the game version. before you get an unbeatable deck it felt fair and strategic with a fun amount of luck.
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did it once on my first playthrough just to see it but I can't justify doing it again from a common sense standpoint. it really is funny how many opportunities V has to just put random shit in or on their head
>I just don't see why my character would support this shit
The more people that use braindance the less people dolls and joytoys have to actually sleep with and get beaten/killed/used up.
>gave myself the rattler on my V streetkid playthrough since it's one of my favorite cars
>claims to be a weaponized vehicle
>can't use weapons of any kind while driving it
I'm actually not sure that this is even a fixable bug I think it's just scuffed. I need to check if mod vehicles are broken that way as well.
My streetkid always uses the same ride. It's the Ragnar or Jackie's Arch.
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I enjoy driving different cars, swapping around as I feel like. Though on my Nomad I tended to use the Nomad vehicles. It helps that I think Crystal Coat is cool as fuck.
Last play through I did I used lots of sports cars since it was a Street Kid run. I never finished it though so I just restarted and continued on this one. I've been driving around this 280z a bunch so far. Really good mod the guy added lots of little details that makes it fit in to the game.
Joytoys are made to be broken
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>Jackie's Arch
Bikes are so much more useful than cars (lane splitting, etc), and I still use this pretty much exclusively. Seems to handle better than some of the others, and it's sentimental.
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And you were made to be gutshot
Bikes are much more useful, but I try and take the Ragnar so Johnny can ride with me.
Ha, neat. Hadn't seen that one before
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>Not tonight, honey. I have a splitting headache.
Just started edgerunners and bought the game. I'm a little late to the party but I'm pretty excited to dive into the world, seems awesome
Awesome, hope you have fun
I normally end up getting obsessed with huge rpgs like this. I playhed skyrim for 5 years straight before I moved to something else.Can't wait to get chromed the fuck up.
Happened to me with this one; currently on my fourth playthrough
Woah nice! How long is a playthrough roughly? I usually do all the side stuff every playthrough just for the autist in me
That's tough for me to answer; my playtimes are inflated by my cat wanting attention and by me fucking around in photomode. There is a shitload to do and see for completionists.
I take tons of photos too! I see the general has fun stuff like sub net, does it all get updated still?
Or am i too late for like hype ?
>sub net
>/cp77g/ HOF: Community Content, Projects, and Races
this thingy
Oh, no idea; never clicked on it. From the dates, rhough, it looks abandoned.
rip i was hoping there was still some anons out there rping as night city citizens sharing bds and stuff. Woulda been cool.
Dunno how much reseach you've done, but besides both taking place in Night City, the anime and game are pretty unrelated. The game will have some easter eggs, but the plots etc., are independent. Just in case you're expecting more tie-in with the show.
I just like the idea of implants and stuff. I can't wait to just experience the world
I'm always up for races.
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>tfw never could beat the impossible record
Also I missed out on doing the Homecoming race, too. Was the races that they added any fun?
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How well would she fare in Night City?
the repeatable races reuse the Claire races. they should be okay they are okay, but a lot of straightaways that the caliburn would dominate in. the badlands one is not fun.

the race from dickytwisters should be easier now that the homeless camp in pacifica was cleaned up. there is no longer debris on the floor that needs to dodge pixel perfect.
>netrunner build
>optical camo
>likes to blackmail corpos or at least know their dirty secrets

If she's going it alone she'd end up like Sandra Dorsett but she would probably do well with the backing of a corp or a fixer.
Which rain mod should I use?
Preem rain, nova rain or blade runner rain?
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I'm gunna yee her haw
ive used preem rain but i never cared to check if it was doing anything. but you could if you change the weather with AMM, and swap out the different mods.
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Oh shit I may have yee'd her haw a little too hard
None of my Vs are hitting, I've lost my mojo.
It's these fucking eyes, they don't work.
eye lashes should be darker
If it makes you feel better just know that I would
change the eyebrows
Anon, you would anything.

I'll fix her tomorrow, the hair isn't working either. For now it's time to sleep zZzzZ.
My wife > your wife
looks like a rich kid, an utterly punchable one at that
Judy is kinda ugly really. I don't mean ugly ugly, like she's totally hot, but she has a sort of downy face. Like a fat chick who lost a bunch of weight or something.
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>Judy is kinda ugly really. I don't mean ugly ugly, like she's totally hot, but she has a sort of downy face. Like a fat chick who lost a bunch of weight or something.

Those incels are hilarious.
She looks a lot different in her underclothes outfit. She has different (worse) hair for some reason, and she looks a lot different without the dark lips and eyeliner.
Judyfags are the weirdest kind of breed.
Panamfags are the biggest cucks known to mankind.
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So, here we go again... Another round
A Frog is also nice
Reminder that both Judy and Panam have their faults. But only Panam abandons V for no good reason. This is a fact and reality that all panamfags can't stop coping over but your seething does not change that fact. That is why Judy is best girl.
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Left looks way way hotter than Judy actually looks

Like if Judy had a sister that absolutely mogged the shit out of her
left is a man btw
Are you talking about the PL ending?
The one where Judy literally cucks you and says it directly to you?

Otherwise Panams ending = you ride off together in the moonlight
Any other ending where you survive and romanced Judy = she leaves you in another bout of teen angst faggotry
>Are you talking about the PL ending?
>The one where Judy literally cucks you and says it directly to you?
This is a lie. She moves on as a normal person would and when you call she clearly still has feelings for V. You need to research more about what cucking is.
>Otherwise Panams ending = you ride off together in the moonlight
Yes, which is tained by the fact she is never truly loyal to V as seen in the PL ending.
>Any other ending where you survive and romanced Judy = she leaves you in another bout of teen angst faggotry
You chose the wrong options if this happened. Endings where you survive and romance Judy are all good endings where she stays with you.
Your knowledge of this game is embarassing.
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>right one
Must racemix
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Criminal how the DLC didn't made them as love interests, or added any new ones at all
>A man is hotter than Judy
A damning indictment

>Judy cucks you
>N-no this is how normal relationships are

Didn't need to read the rest to know you're delusional
>Judy cucks you
Again, this is a lie. If you cant argue with intelligence then don't reply.
Man, I just reverse searched Judy and didn't find shit. Who the fuck is she??
An actual face model for Judy
Yeah I can't wait for irl braindance technology where I get to see through the life and times of a retired pornstar. A lustful, shriveled up octogenarian, which I guess is a lot less shriveled given how many body parts you can replace in cyberpunk. Imagine the Atom Smasher of whores, with a body solely designed for pleasing other men and women...

Sorry what were we talking about again?
>judy's face model is indian
No shit. Neat.
Some indian bitch that reddit claims looks like joody, you can find the face scan pics if you look for them tho.
>Says the judyfag
Truly hysterical.
>implying judyfags are cucks
That has been debunked as a lie. I can smell your cope through my monitor.
Sandra > rest
It's weird that there're people still arguing about which is better, beyond the subjective aspect of which one is more attractive,fact is Judy is fucking garbage all around, that chick is such a dumpster fire is unreal.
>no argument
>just cope
Judy best girl
If the game didn't have a canon real name for V, what would the V nickname stand for for your character? Bonus if you include a pic.
How the fuck do i get this to work bros
I can select in the menu but ingame my eyes are all black
nvm i think the issue lies with unique eyes
>Anon didn't play the game.
>If the game didn't have a canon real name for V
Why are you posting here?
This is so cool lol, i wish Cosmopolitan Night City would let Jackie speaking spanglish
I feel like hardest part of fighting Smasher is the snipers her calls like a bitch
What do you mean? you just get to where they are and tear them to shreds, they had to add good because of how fucking boring and underwhelming the smasher fight is, all he does is 90% of time is try to kick and punch you, he doesn't even use his signature move on you.
waifus so bad not even daddy v is interested
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cyberpunk adjacent news
Funny, I haven't seen a peep of him mentioned for awhile, but now suddenly when someone mentions this general in /tesg/, you bring him up. Curious, indeed.
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A common traveling shitposter, disregard. Continue discussing how Doody sucks.
recurring resident schizo
Rebecca's look with giant fists would have fit that games style
That's what I thought.
>dressing like a pig
>in cyberpunk of all places
You gun die.
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You should be sent to jail for this.
I actually like that they chose a name for me. Unironically the hardest part of any RPG with a character creator for me is choosing a name, and it always feels like I chose wrong.
Ok, waifu warrying aside, what would you do if you were alone with Judy?
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>he doesn't even use his signature move on you
We aren't strong enough to survive it, even at the end of the game. Be reasonable, anon.
Punch her
Being the daddy she never had.
Do you have the clip of him using his signature move on David?
No, but I can easily make it. What's the signature move you are wanting? The gut shot?
>Not a single cat girl in the entire game
Why is this game so fucking gay?
You don't know what smasher's signature move is? the mention it in the game while you investigate the ebonike, he loves to shot you point blank in the stomach with hollow point rounds from his wrist cannon. That was nice little detail they added in the anime.
I haven't beaten the game yet. You want the gut or the face? Or both?
The gut, anon...
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Hey I was just making sure, since he doesn't use the wrist cannon there. Anyone else want any other webms? I haven't booted up Cyberpunk yet so I don't mind making you some more edgerunners webms if you want them.
Neat, thanks anon.
Np anon. Like I said, if you want any more just ask.
Good morning sir.
Lucy is a guest character in the next Guilty Gear Strive season pass
Cool but it should have been Rebecca, Lucy is way too much of a basic bitch character.
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Take it back.
sigourney weaVer
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Ripley is much cuter.
What the hell are you guys on about?
>He lacks critical information.
didn't even get to see her titties
Your name isn't V in game, it's what everyone calls you. It's Vincent and Victoria.
Don't like to him, it's Victor and Vanessa.
You need to work on your reading comprehension.
>If the game didn't have a canon real name for V
Says V has a canon real name, doesn't say V is the 'real name'

>what would the V nickname stand for for your character
Clearly acknowledges that V is a nickname that stands for the real name
Which by the way is Valerie, not Victoria
You flatlined that gonk, anon
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What tits?
Also, last call before I finally boot up cyberpunk. Anyone want any Edgerunner webms made? Just tell me what scene/episode you want.
>Your name isn't V in game
No shit, no one said that it's your actual first name.
Oh yeah?
>Valerie, not Victoria
No idea why I typed Victoria, since whenever I think of V I think of this song. The rest of your post, fair enough.
I just wanted to do a fun creative exercise/RP discussion instead of the usual shitflinging but I just prompted new shit to fling
rape her
Vixen might be good
Details anon, I need details.
I just installed GITS and I'm not really digging it so far. It looks really clean and smooth, I'll say that. It's a lot sharper and smudge-free with reLight. But there's just something missing with it that I can't quite put my finger on. Almost like it's too clean, looks kinda overly gamey. Maybe it's the LUT, which I never liked using those anyway since you're essentially just removing color information. Maybe it's a lack of contrast between shadows and highlights, compared to say Ultra+. Kinda like there's too much of a global ambient haze over everything maybe. Or maybe none of that, I suck at describing computer graphics.

I just know that there are certain shots and visuals with Ultra+ and even with vanilla PT that give me the "wow" factor where a certain shot looks incredibly dramatic or even completely real, and I'm not getting that with GITS. Almost gives me the feeling I'm looking at screen-space lighting rather than path tracing.
What's the best video settings for 1080p on a 3060 TI
I don't even know, ever since 2.0, CPU requirement increased by a lot, my poor 4core couldn't keep up anymore and I get constant stutters, 3060TI should be able to handle this game maxed out no problems tho, specially at 1080p
Even with Ray Tracing?
Yeah, that's what DLSS is for.
DLSS ray reconstruction on or off?
off for regular gameplay,
on for photomode shenanigans.
doesn't photomode makes the game highest res automatically?
No, I wish it would do that. I remember the being a mod for that which included super sampling as well.
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This V is cute.
That will be all. Carry on.
>3060TI should be able to handle this game maxed out no problems
A 3060ti will get sub-30 FPS with path tracing enabled even with DLSS, so no.
The game says path tracing can only be handled by 4070 cards or superior, so that was never a option
No need to go full retard anon.
The option is still there though, no? So in what way is it "maxed out" if you leave a major graphical setting disabled?
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check mate
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>captcha sx2s0y
what did they mean by this
Is the scorpion funeral quest softlocked after they change camps?
Fine then, I can run it maxed out on a GTX 1650. Except with ambient occlusion, screen space reflections, and volumetric fog disabled, because those are too expensive so they don't count.
>hey V this is mitch
>we are doing a funeral send off for scorpion
>yeah sure feel free to come back in a month he can wait till then
Be considerate of decomposing bodies!
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Is GITS a reshade pack? if its the one im thinking about, its good for taking picture. but i never downloaded it because it looked to saturated with to much contrast. to deep and rich.
some of the LUT mods make the world look blownout and warp the look of colors. a bit of an eyesore.

when i take screenshots, if i want to make it look closer to real life, i increase the exposure by 10, reduce the contrast and highlights by 10, and add some film grain for randomness. pathtracing does the rest.
All V's are valid.
>not making him into jerky for the family
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He was already getting ripe
>Is GITS a reshade pack?
No it's a mod that includes some path tracing lighting fixes, reflection fixes, weather alterations, LUT, and a handful of other tweaks. It gets a lot of praise here and elsewhere so I thought I'd try it, and it does look very nice, but there's just something off about it.
>Don't go full retard
>Goes full retard
God dammit anon.
40 degrees heat in the desert, inside a car, probably without AC....Imagine the smell.
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I hate every text message in this game that isn't from a fixer or professional person.
>He didn't dumped her
Oh boy, oh boy, that's just the beginning, she'll keep texting you, even her grandma is going to text you about "your relationship" with Judy.
Anon its a video game. You don't have to be your normal sperg self when playing it
Finally reached Smasher in DFTR on Very Hard. My INT/Reflex build is not designed for this fight. He either destroys me in seconds, or I jump around for ages slowly chipping away at his health until I mis time a dash/jump and eat an attack that just deletes my health bar. Quickhacks and ARs/SMGs feel like they barely do shit to him. Is there an option other than changing out my cyberware for a Sandy or Berserk katana build? I do have 20 Body for Adrenaline Rush. I've tried looking at builds for the fight, but it seems most of the info is outdated and/or coming from people who played on Easy.
>All V's are valid.
But some are more valid than others.
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Why the fuck are these my only two options? Who is River to me? A retarded cop who needed handholding who tries to constantly fuck me in more ways than one.
Your just mad girls dont text you like that irl
>River ward. He's a little like Cassidy
>I like him a lot
Double Ewwww

Who wrote that garbage?
>fairer sex
The only thing that's fair about most women is their face and body. Everything else is just fucking awful.
Playing as male V with no romantic inclinations, the messages with Panam and the other nomads keep pointing to V playing hard to get instead of just not being interested. Unless I fucked up by not outright telling Panam to piss off and die at some point.
You don't hit women, anon.
It looks like she's into it.
Worst lifepath desu, all you have to say is "Damn bro, I was nomad".
go away
I don't know, man. Some of those Nexus fem Vs are. . .ew.
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Nah he's right fuck off with that shit
Such a pathetic samefag.
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all me btw
level 60 netrunner right there
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That's it, I'm not romancing anybody on this playthrough.
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>finally get home from a day of doing gonked out gigs
>hear someone singing
>look around the corner
>there's a yenta looking mutt in my fucking shower
Begone witch!
Are ricochet builds still viable on very hard. I want to replay the game on very hard but i don't want to be forced to use stealth neck hugs untill i'm level 40
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*bites your finger*
Which ones are more valid?
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>Which ones are more valid?
That's a dangerous question that's apt to start a waifu war... And I didn't drop by to start a war.
But I'll answer diplomatically: we used to have a choom who's V was called ValidV. Surely she was more valid than most Vs. It's in the name after all.
Which blond option is dirty blond
There's only white, platinum and really light blond. Atleast on the character creator idk ingame
just pick one; you can change it later if you don't like it. there aren't many blond vs around here.
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>waifu war
>very hard just means enemies 1 shot you and take 37 bullets to die
why did they change this
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yooo this faggot posting reddit gifs on 4chan
someone get his ass
Tried this when an anon here recommended it and have been loving it ever since.
oh i used this mod before and it was great. i thought it just hadn't updated, thanks
i use the combat overhaul one, it's also good
>Right one
Good lord....0_0
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yooo this faggot posting frogs on 4chan
someone get his ass
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Sometimes I think V deserves the bad shit that happens to them. Even Reyes clowns on V for doing stupid shit like this.
You didn't know V was the stupidest motherfucker in all nightcity? you ever seen that comic of a retard pretending to be batman? same concept here.
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yooo this faggot posting cyberpunk memes in the cyberpunk general
someone flatline his ass
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Anything cyberpunk related was doomed after they made the story about bing bing boh boh save yourself V, but don't forget to get that street cred up or no loot for you.
That guy still at it?
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>when I see people unironically using Cyberpunk slang across the internet
What's wrong with that choom?
sounds like some real gonk shit, not nova at all
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4chan's built in porn filter wouldn't let me post. It thinks my V is porn so I had to add those white borders in the picture for it to get through. Am I being gaslighted or is my V in fact porn?
J-judy bros...Our response, this can't be happening..!
first I'm hearing of such a thing, I've seen bare tits posted on /vg/ many times, this general included
>what would you do if you were alone with Judy?
I'm turned off by lesbians since they're not into dick. I want sluts who are thirsty for the cock.
Cool, but where's the porn?
It turns you down that she's a dyke but not the fact that she is visually repulsive? brave man.
>first I'm hearing of such a thing
Whatever service they're using to block porn doesn't work all the time. But if you were to go google a generic porn picture it tends to work. Also could be they have a system in place that permanently bans an MD5 of porn image when it first gets posted here.
Bro that's pretty gay
You are probably refereeing to the anti-spam check.
test failed successfully
Based and daring.
How can you get off if the girl isn't into you or doesn't want sex.
>girl isn't into you or doesn't want sex.
No such thing, only fags believe that crap.
>No such thing
We're talking about lesbians anon who aren't into men.
>go to Samso- Bronso- ...the Dogtown guy's party
>"okay V this is super secret. Hansen (that's his name, Hansen. No I'm not editing the previos bullet) can't possibly know we were here"
>V: "Omg hey Hands! It's V! What are you doing here!? Hey reporter guy I know/met recently, cool seeing you here! It's me, V! Who am I, cute Frog chick? I'm a mercenary out of Afterlife, V! Lizzie, hey, it's V! Great show I love your hat!"
You ever seen a real lesbian? yes, I thought so, you know why? because bitches love cock.
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>trying to wrap everything up before embers
>helped river save his nephew
>been sitting on a gig to go there for a cookout
>avoiding it because I know he is just going to ruin it
>fucker sandbags me with the kids and his sister all asking when is river and me gonna date
>have to suffer through dinner and the water tower
This guy is a straight up pest. I don't think I'll be helping him past saving his nephew in further runs.
The River romance thing is cringe when you have female V. He doesn't take enough hints that you don't want to fuck him.
>why wont men make moves on me
>fucking sex pest reeeeeeeeeee
God I wish I was a lesbian
Fem V and takemura.
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After 20 hours i finally got a set of mods i'm satisfied with and made my final V
Maybe the blonde could be a little darker but it's good enough
Also using this voice https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJowxvGKQLM
Makes Corpo V not sound like a eternal Street Kid
>4chan's built in porn filter
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>that voice mod
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>Guilty Gear Strive is set to add Lucy from Cyberpunk: Edgerunners to its roster
Late to the doomer party, choom.
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The Reverend was unironically correct here
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Why doomer? I think its cool
Because I assume anything post like that is doomer, especially with that image.
>4chan's built in porn filter
It's real anon trust me. Unfortunately the only way to find out if it exists is to try to post porn.
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Eww that was disgusting.
This bait made me chuckle
The irony is I'm not baiting or joking. There is some type of filter system that prevents you from posting certain NSFW images but it could be just an MD5 of previously banned images. Anyway, let's get back to posting our Vs.
>let's get back to posting our Vs.
I agree. Post them naked.
I'm only here for the random pics and bullshit, I haven't booted the game in months and I don't really care about it or taking lewd pics anymore since the nexus mines dried up.
I'm almost tired of the game as well. I'm on my 3rd playthrough. Even on very hard with no cyberware armor the game is too easy. All of the enemies patterns are predictable.
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Why am I so retarded and trusting?
I violently murder that guy in every playthrough.
I did after I got got. Went back to him, got my money, and told him I'd give him a second chance. I then pulled out my shotgun and ventilated his face.
Angel body makes all of the boobs look fake. Not a fan.
we told you so, hardheaded fuck
>his V paid nearly 40k eddies to be a scav cock sleeve for a night
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>decide to tell Jefferson the truth
>this happens
>decide to lie to Jefferson
I am a weak individual. But in my defense, I don't want to get fried like Evelyn did.
That was a perfect opportunity to make it a multiphase quest, with you doing some digging and investigating instead of being a retard once again.
Nobody catboxs anymore.
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>start looking around after I tell Jefferson because whoever knocked my eyes out is probably near him
>see a named NPC
>no one else is named but Jefferson
>hop over to try to talk to him
>this happens
Do ghosts exist in Cyberpunk? Cause I don't like ghosts.
The only thing getting fucked is the people that had to scoop up all those dead scavs I left in the apartment.
The game hasn't taught me to not put on a braindance when offered. Nothing bad has happened prior to this with braindances, so of course I would trust it.
I was told to never post again.
>The game hasn't taught me to not put on a braindance when offered.
Is not like you have any other option, but then again it's not that kind of game.
I guess I could have just said no and walked away, leaving a quest undone. Could have always done that.
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Threadly photo challenge.

I'll post a reference image, the goal is for you to recreate the image but with in-game photography, adding your spin on it.
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not much of a reason to, big dog
tell us friend, you normally listen to what randos tell you to do on a Mongolian basket weaving board?
/gsg/ died .
Ironically, I think it was you who told to never post again, I know because you said once you hated the ahegao expression with burning passion.
Question, I have a couple of new races on my map I can do after finishing Claire's quest. Are these actual quests, or just races I can do for fun?
they were added last year, theyre infinitely replayable
I do, can't stand it, I wouldn't tell anyone else not to post their V though. that'd just be dumb
extra races for fun
Ah, okay then I will skip them. Thanks anon!
>driving in cyberpunk
You may only pick one. You virgin nerd NEETs who live in your mother's basement have never driven a car before. Hint: it's not supposed to be that hard to turn a fucking corner.
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you're talking to someone who only uses bikes & the Mackinaw, dude. I don't find driving fun in any game, I just said that's why they added them
t. retard who drives on keyboard
Once I go to Embers, about how much of the game do I have left? An hour? Six hours? Just asking as a guesstimate.
well that's the very last mission and most ending runs are 1-3 hours long
Alright, thanks for letting me know. Also, not sure exactly how this will all wrap up because I don't feel like I am anywhere near the end of the game story wise, like I feel like i'm reading a book and they cut out a third of the chapters from the story.
Blud crashed out over some driving lmao.
well did you do the Johnny stuff with Rogue and Kerry? the Us Cracks missions? the concert?
Yes, there might still be a little left though. Last I left Kerry, we blew up a all girls j-pop van with their equipment in it. Also Rogue bailed on me mid date, not sure if there is more to do there or not. I made sure to do every gig she sent me on, but actual story hasn't progressed with her since.
Shouldn't you not get filtered by corners if you've driven irl?
Let me see what I can do.
The timing in this game is weird. It feels like you should always be pushing on from lead to lead, but then you can leave things that should be time sensitive hanging for ingame days. Or how Hanako can potentially be playing that piano for a month while V gets distracted fighting homeless people, racing cars, filming the Passion of the Josh, chasing rogue taxis, and whatever other bullshit he gets pulled into.
>they cut out a third of the chapters from the story.
This is because the first act is dogshit. That whole stupid montage at the start should've been act 1.
>not sure if there is more to do there or not
Yes, for Kerry
When you go to confront the Us Cracks girls if you choose the answers correctly you can make peace between them which unlocks an Us Cracks quest.
Yeah, Act 1 feels way too short unless you go out of your way to do everything in Watson before doing The Heist. But then doing that makes you over levelled for most of the game, plus you miss Johnny's colour commentary for some gigs.
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I just feel like I have zero idea where it's going to go once I go to Embers. The most I can see is they have a trial, but why would Saka people give a shit about what I say? From what I understand through my playthrough, is that corpo's only care about the caste system they belong in, so if someone at the very top of the pyramid, aka kid saka says "that merc is a liar I didn't kill dad" then why would they possibly believe me? I just don't understand what Goro plans to accomplish with this. Maybe his plan is to just get me in front of kid Saka to kill him since I have zero issues with killing?
Guess I will just time skip a couple of days to see if he gives me another gig then.
Us Cracks? Is that the name of the all girls j-pop band?
>That whole stupid montage at the start should've been act 1.
nottu this shitto againu
Good because that's the only pic I took doing it, I'll post later.
>The game hasn't taught me to not put on a braindance when offered.
not yet, anyway
Never knew I liked eyes 17 so much
>mom can we get some judy
>no we have judy at home
IRL cars don't have ice skates on them like in Cyberpunk.
I always thought Carol in the Aldecedos was Judy At Home, except she got into the pantry and cleaned out a month's worth of food while we were out.
Carol is a case study on why you should wear suntan lotion constantly as a nomad.
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best I got
yeah you're gonna have to skip a day or two to further the Kerry/Us Cracks shit
The lighting/background was a challenge.
You are teasing me anon, trying to make me boot the game again.
Oh this looks fun. I'll try this later after I'm doing banging my head against the last boss of the ER dlc. I wonder, is there a way to pick the pistol you have in the photo mode?
Woah nice
un-holster it before entering photo mode
Cool, thanks
>banging my head against the last boss of the ER dlc.
Just use a heavy shield and poking weapon, preferably with bleed and frost, ezpz. I can assure you that rolling through 20 combos of flashy bullshit is just as uninteresting.
seeing some comments about act 1 not being long enough and prologue not being playable. then i remember act 1 took me around 60-70 hours completing everything in Watson and exploring for hidden items. Which was a great primer for the story that was about to unfold. But seems a louder population just skips it. hopefully its not the same population that wants a similar amount of content pre-act 1 for jackie in the quest to buy an apartment... which they would likely also speedrun and skip 90% of the content and complain its to short.
i wonder if cdpr has a way to determine if content is just wasted on some people.
the prologue and act 1 is streamlined to get johnny in your head and get the story going, with an effective emotional bait and switch with Jackie. i dont think people would be asking for a playable 6 month prologue if it wasnt effective.
Perhaps the real demand isnt that they want a playable prologue or "longer" act 1. they want to spend time with Jackie. And the bait and switch was to effective, emotionally wounding players.
Its time to let him go.
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>Its time to let him go.
You can't make me.
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Tone down the melodrama anon.
this is the toned down version
but strangers on the internet will tell me that I didnt beat the game!!
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Your Cyber GF
that's not Angie
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That's not the front door bouncer at Lizzie's.
Looks like a man lol
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>Looks like a man lol
Fags take this game way too seriously, the loudest fags are the babies who played this are their first souls or whatever, at the end of the you have so many weapons to try and different combinations of shit and buffs that it would be silly to not take advantage of it all, this is not a game where you duel a boss in an honorable fight, you go in and you turn their rectum upside down by any means necessary, regardless of what you do, summon ansbach and tolinir if you didn't fucked their "quest".
After about 2 hours I'm sorely tempted. Phase 2 is easily the most retarded fight From has ever made.
>aoe spam after aoe spam
Like get fucked Miyazaki
He's trivial to parry too
Yea, I can do phase 1 with parries quite well. I actually enjoy phase 1. It feels like Radahn. I'm not enjoy that twink sibling fucker spamming stupid bullshit all over the arena.
You could also go for guard counters using the deflecting tear, shield talisman and such. Is not a bad way to go about doing it but big shield and poke is 100% reliable, taking 2 poke sticks, one with frost to lower his defense and one with bleed to fuck with him even further, easier fight ever.
Get Tiche to fuck him up.
The trick is just to stack holy resist and close the gap so Radahn himself reverts to his phase 1 combos again then keep parrying.
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Yea I figured out early on that deflecting tear and parrying is the move. Honestly the fight feels like it was made in mind with the deflecting tear and is actually way more fun this way.
I just went with mimic since it's tankier and the only thing more based than an 8 foot tall stabby GF is a second me.
Yea that's exactly what I've been doing for a while. Just trying to keep the long range AoE shit to a minimum by sticking as close to him as possible.
Literally just beat him though, with 0 flasks left and 10% hp remaining. Glad I didn't need to respec and beat him with my normal build. Now I can go make that screenshot and get back to on topic posting lol
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Peace at last.
EldenPunk1777, wake the fuck up Tarnished, we have an Erdtree to burn.
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Interesting idea.
Judy is friend material and cute but Panam is wife material.
The other way around
So I decided to check to make sure I didn't miss anything with Kerry, and it turns out that if you are a man you can bang him. Wouldn't that be weird as hell for both sides? On my side, Johnny see's everything I do, and on Kerry's side he is banging his long dead friend.
Thanks bro
i'd imagine, but my curiosity to see johnny's reaction hasn't overtaken my desire not to watch a gay sex scene involving my character
Well can Johnny feel things and is he forced to view or can he just ignore it?
>Kerry's side he is banging his long dead friend.
that is the exact reason Kerry gets with male V only
Johnny is forced to experience everything V does
I actually learned a new trick on how to lock the eyes in a direction while doing this.

Best attempt imo.
cyber ghosts
Poor Johnny having to deal with my hooligan foolery.
wanted to take a picture in a car and hanging out a car window, but those poses looked goofy.
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I'm not really super happy with this but considering I'd never used CharLi before I think it's not bad. It's nearly 3 am anyway so I'm sleepy enough that any tweaks I make are making it worse. Finding a location is probably the hardest part of this to be honest
>posted the one I took with the wrong angle
Well shit. Oh well I'm not turning my pc back on for it
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Alright, I just finished the game. Some of my thoughts:
I went with storming Mikoshi with Rogue, and everything was going well until it didn't.
Killed Smasher, and ended up giving Johnny my body since evidently it was that or we both die.
I was pretty okay with it, until I saw Johnny ghosted everyone that cares about V. If he wanted to end it with everyone, he could have at least paid a fixer to let them know V died and there was no recovering the body or something, just anything to give everyone some closure. Overall, I had a great time and I am already gearing up to start my next playthrough tomorrow as male V. I did save scum right before the part where I choose what path, and was thinking of just checking out each ending on the same file but I changed my mind. It will be more fun to make new characters and play through with different paths to get those endings.

Thank you for reading my blog. Also give me back cooler clothes I look like a dork.
with Johnny, we arent certain whats going through his head.
i suspect Johnny isnt certain of V's fate. She could be alive or part of Alt. Either way Johnny lost the closest person to him, and it might be more painful for him to reopen the wound with each person V knew. He gave himself time to think and decided to take V's gift and start a new life, separate from their previous lives.
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moshi moshi desu ne
Alt tells us she will absorb V, so unless he thinks Alt is lying it's pretty certain what happened to her. And that's why I said he could have paid a fixer or someone trustworthy to let all the people that need to know, know. Let them know that V is indeed dead and the body was not recoverable, so no proof needed.

It was a good, wild ride. I just wish he'd of wrapped it up neater for me. I always picked up every call, responded to every text, helped anyone I could so it just breaks my heart a little that people got ghosted. Also, is there anything at the end of the credits? I have been watching this for 20+ minutes in case there is.

nothing at the end of the credits.
Well that's 30+ minutes I'll never get back. Thanks for letting me know, anon. I fast forwarded the rest of the credits (would have been good to know I could but I haven't touched either my keyboard or mouse in game) but now I know for next time.
many people have an issue with this.
though i am someone that does ghost people because contacting and bothering people stresses me out.
I can only imagine how impossible it would be for me to contact people about V if i were Johnny after what went down.
im more forgiving of his behavior and others dealing with personal issues. they have no obligation to tell anyone else. politeness and manners are irrelevant. they will tell you when they are ready, and i wont hold it against them if they never are.
you have autism
i dont
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Alright, first pass at my male V. Doing a Ninja from the movie Chappie run, so I will be a retarded streetkid who will never do the hacking minigame unless absolutely needed to progress the game. He also is a coomer and has a crippling addiction to Braindances, and will be spending at least half his eddies on them and joytoys, will always side with joytoys and dolls too. Plan to romance Panam, but maybe I will just not romance anyone, be a slave to the toys. And before you ask, yes he is supposed to look kind of retarded, Ninja looks like that irl. Link related, it's just a picture of his face that I was trying to ape. Wish I could be skinnier, Ninja is toned but has no meat on him.
>they have no obligation to tell anyone else
If you really feel like this, then I hope you are never responsible for letting other people that care and love the deceased know that they are actually dead and not just that they don't want to talk to them. And like I said, pay someone to tell the people that care, it's just a quick transfer of eddies and you actually give people that V cared about closure. It's not about you or Johnny, it's about everyone that was in V's life.
you, do, the point of manners is to show that you do care, however true that may be, problem is autistic people are hyper focused on specific things and anything that isnt is trivial at best.
yes, you do own them nothing at large, but the is fact that you do not understand your social obligations of letting a persons friend know at least that they are dead and give them closure, instead of having them wondering for the rest of their lives with what ifs, especially since youre directly involved with the situation at hand
>It's not about you or Johnny
if he does intend to start a new life disconnected from the previous ones, sending a message out, even through a middleman is a security risk. Anyone that knew V doesnt have a clue and nothing connecting them back to Johnny, which keeps them safe too. because who could possibly send a message to everyone V knew while knowing what happened to V, when no body was found after a massive assault and infiltration of an ai within night city. gotta imagine someone will want to chase down leads.
>gotta imagine someone will want to chase down leads
And people wouldn't chase down the same person that is presumed alive? It's easy then, have the other guy that goes with Rogue and V (can't remember his name, sorry broski) be the one to pay the fixers to tell everyone V is dead and the reason why there is no recoverable body is because V never made it off the hover car before it wrecked.
>nothing connecting them back to Johnny
Unless they pay good fixers to track him down in V's body, since they will just be looking for V. who is presumed alive. Alt took care of all the cameras and feed, so there is nothing to let anyone know that V did or didn't die in the crash.
they probably have enough security footage to show that V did make it out of the crash. Weyland's life depends on whether or not you save him. So he can tell no tales. But if he is the last man standing, he will be the only person netwatch and arasaka looks into about V, a person possessed by the mind of a terrorist, weaponizing black wall ai that suddenly went missing.

Phantom Liberty might be the next place you should go.
Fun idea, thanks.
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no edits of the photo, this room is based
Welp, time to change the facial hair
tried playing as femV but I just can't
back to maleV
She looks permanently angry and it's cute
opinions on nova crowds?
looks interesting but also buggy and invasive from what I read
generally I look for mods improving the crowds, I'd be thankful for recs
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Top- and bottom-left and center-right all look very intriguing.

I haven't seen bottom-right post in a long time. Then again I haven't been here in a long time.
its quite interesting how much women love Jackie
not really hes one of the best characters
He's such a great guy, how could we not? Handsome, humble, friendly/personable, but still strong and protective! Heart of gold, loves his gf, puts thought into gifts for her (tarot deck), spends quality time with her, generally making time for the people he loves and values in his life in general, doesn't have unchecked aggression issues, has his own sense of style...there's a gorillion reasons why he's so good and lovable. 10/10 would romance if it was possible and Misty wasn't in the picture
I use the E3 crowds one
Its the Shrek effect
Big, mean and scary on the outside
Soft and loving on the inside
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Handsome. Mild Elvis vibes
Looks like the guy who gets you an 18% apr on a high mileage charger with cheap chrome wheels
Are shotguns still busted with the Kneel mod?
thats weird, i didnt know that mod existed and when i was doing my shotgun build i was constantly going to gunshops buying all their mods.
i think my entire playthrough was the worst RNG possible.

but i know that once you claw your way to level 50 with everything maxed out, and a Crusher full of legendary Vivisectors, its very strong.
what are the best coomer mods? I want to replay this game but also coom at the same time
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appearance menu mod and appearance creator mod
spawn characters to be companions, give them poses and lights for photomode, create clothing presets for npcs.
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Many thanks
How viable/fun is a netrunner build in current version bros?
i only have experience with covert and control quickhacks, and those are always effective for stealth. opening people up for choke outs and suppressed gunfire.
end game netrunners look like a walking plague. but i have no experience with lethal quickhacks.
It still is OP as fuck
thx guys
I love this hud but hell lack of clock and fucked up ram count is killing it for me
I was a netrunner with a 65/35 nethacks to smartgun usage in my first playthrough. It was fun and I beat the game on very difficult, but it does get very samey after halfway through the game. I don't think I'll do another build like it any time soon.
Play a netrunner if you don't want to play the game.
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>Open nexus
>No catgirl mods
Very disappointing cyberpunk modding, very disappointing indeed.
Lizzie’s Braindances
Johnny is such a dick head. I want to punch him in the face half the time. But at the same time I really admire his rebellious attitude and his commitment to his principles. It's a true love/hate relationship.
Too bad V is such a cunt.
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i think thats new
i dont remember seeing this pre2.0
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Couldn't say, I just beat the game for the first time last night. I liked it, but was mad that Johnny ghosted everyone I care about and didn't even tell them I died. Also, wtf cdpr, I wasn't trying to kiss him why did you make it seem like I was?
sometimes situations like this arise when having fun with bros
Kerry and V tugging a flag poll together.
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In all my years I've never almost kissed a bro and held eye contact like that. Not once.
Yet somehow still better than the dripping desperation we're subjected to with River.
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I love Judy. That is all.
Same. She's a cute
Aren't you forced in to this interaction if you want to continue trashing the yacht? It's one of my most hated moments in the entire game since it gets shoved on you even if you make 0 romantic inclinations towards Kerry throughout his entire quest line.
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Messing with photomode is so addicting
The camera controls is fucking trash though, and you should be able to customize your own pose instead of selecting premade ones
There's quite a number of custom pose packs on the nexus. Most of them are pretty shit though.
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They cute
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>Hey girl
>You want to help me kill my friends over a bad breakup
>Swim in sewage
>Have passionate lesbian sex afterwards
>Fuck you, I'm moving to oregon.
Best outcome for here and for us desu.
>A bro
Never ever, dude is such a princess is unreal.
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It begins, and it ends, and begins with her
cool and moody
The stock walking pose for Valerie is awesome. For Vincent it's goofy.
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Yeah for Judy I’d do it ten times over
I need her
Not that many for male that aren't fag shit, it's so odd that actual deviants are the ones makes mods for male V, really makes you think.
You have terrible taste anon, borderline deranged.
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very nice photo
It's almost like normal people, given the choice, would rather be a chick.
Use it with the Appearance Menu Mod and you will be amazed
>really makes you think
not really, this anon puts it best.
that's why the term "gay" became associated with "lame" but in an embarrassing way.
>Johnny ghosted everyone I care about
this happens even if you don't go beyond the Blackwall, Though it seems some characters are familiar with your situation. Anyway, answering machine post-credit scene trope.
I was disappointment after the Heliman mission there weren't more moments of Johnny or others manipulating you, like Johnny had his own ulterior motives. It seemed like a sudden character shift in Johnny trusting you just because you worked with the Voodoo boys to see Alt.
I got u senpai
I'd be hesitant to say it's still OP after 2.0. The RAM costs are now way higher and there is a new E key ability that gives you access to extra RAM at the cost of your health. Once you engage in combat you can launch maybe one or two hacks before you actually have to play the game.
>needing mods
If I just incidentally see my V naked or shower with Judy during a date I can't concentrate on the game again until I rub one out.
Gotta hand it to the game (no pun intemded), but it's kind of annoying.
There really isn't ANY other glasses mod out there?
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it's the same ones Wakako wears, that's the only reason I use 'em
Cute sluts rule.
I mean, yeah male V only needs a cool looking trench coat, and some cyber augments to match the noir punk style and that's it, anything beyond that is fag shit.
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Same proportions
So here me out. You make a mod that makes V's body invisible (can't see your hands, can't see her with 3rd person mod). Then you make a mod on the Appearance Menu Mod that allows you to steer target characters. Now just put the target character in the Player's place and you have third person gameplay without V having an extremely long neck and weird slouch. Later you could work on item equipment and jumping over obstacles, but at least you will be able to walk through the city with your natural V.
What mod is the shirt from?
I just can't fucking believe CDPR went so hard on FPS despite virtually no one wanting it, and all their previous games being third person.

I mean at any point from the very first sitdown where they conceptualized the idea of the game, all the way through to the end of development, and onward to all the redevelopment they did for 2.0, they could have asked fucking ANYONE, from first-year devs to fucking janitor, "hey do think this shit should be forced first person perspective and we shouldn't even bother animating V's entire body?" and the response would have been "Are you kidding? That's retarded." and yet here we are somehow.
I wouldn't have been nearly as interested in the game if it wasn't FPS. I would've been more interested if it was a hybrid and you could swap between 3rd and 1st person on foot.
REFITED CLOTHES for Enhanced Big Breasts.
Basically Hyst made refits of Meluminary's clothing
Specifically from Pack 3
I think all their problems stem from over designing the city and the art.
What I really want to here from you is is this possible or is the game too hardcoded for first person?
lol, lmao
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After sleeping on it I decided I hated this one so I redid it
ya'll mad you won't get to shower in this gay shit.
Would River still be interested in V if he ever got to see her easily and nonchalantly kill a bunch of gangoons or corpo soldiers, or would he be scared off?
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How the fuck does Maelstrom have so many members?
River would dye his skin blue if it meant getting with V.
because they're extreme
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>I think all their problems stem from over designing the city and the art.
Because they're really fuckin cool
You can straight up slaughter those two Tyger claws during his quest and iirc he just bitches about paperwork. He's so thirsty I doubt he'd care after seeing V kill a room full of corpo eats or goons

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