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Lucy Collab Edition

>Update 2.0 Character Builder

>Phantom Liberty — Official Launch Trailer

>Latest Patch

>Exclusive Items: Twitch/Amazon/Gwent/Witcher/Gog
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[__FL̷̞̀ATL̷̢̛I̴͝N̵E̵̞̋D__]: >>486769268
Lucy is juicy
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How did they make her so perfect, and why wasn't she in 2077?
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it should have been him
What should have been him?
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Oh, the collab. Lucy is more recognizable and popular. He'd fit in a fighting game for sure though
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Maine is too fucking cool for that shit.
>Lucy is more recognizable and popular
100% false. Lucy looks like a character out of Persona, or Jet Set Radio, or that one hentai game that got spammed a couple years ago with the yellow pink and blue color pallette and similar artstyle, and I had no idea she was an Edgerunners character.

Meanwhile Rebecca is fucking everywhere. The only reaskn they went with Lucy is because she's safe.
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I won't even pretend to know anything about modern fighting games, but would a gun user character like Becca fit in a fighting game? Lucy at least has a monowire.
Oh sure. Guilty Gear afaik has several gun users, as does Mortal Kombat.
They just make them do unrealistically little damage and roll with it. Same reason Justice League isn't just Superman pulling everyone else apart for funsies, ditto for guest characters like Omni-Man and Homelander in their games.
More recognizable than Maine you spastic.
Man I don't read
I can't pick her skin color in the character creator...
There's probably a mod for it.
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>they added Lucy's moon bd to Lizzie's
>can take your npc waifu to the moon to chill and hang out
Best mod.
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My wife :D
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they killed jackie...
Is he gonna be ok?
You bastards
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>Finally tried a Tier 5++ Satara with Kneel mod
And I thought quickhacks were busted. Only wish I hadn't used the Chimera Core for Firecracker instead of Wallpuncher.
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Everything but LMG's are busted at that point.
Yeah, I've got a MA70 HB X-MOD2 just sitting in the third slot which I've used a grand total of once since adding the mod to the shotty. I'll make another attempt at DFTR, since my first attempt with SMGs went poorly.
lol no
More like normal people wouldn't spend hours modding a game

Being a woman frankly sucks
and thats a good thing
Is there some hidden mod that adds Vik's shirt to the game? I really can't find it searching just like that on nexus
if anyone is gotta have male clothing, its pinkydude.
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wow,lots of gay shit
but thanks
also do you know which arm mod is this?
that is this person

they may have dressed up the Arasaka arms

maybe mixed with of this in
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I have 'saka arms, but they look too... fat? idk
Many thanks anon
Fucking kek.
>Not Rebecca
One job.
Before you enter Dogtown you have to battle the giant guard dog mech. The mech is analogous to Cerberus who is the hound of Hades that guards the gates to the underworld. This is one of many indications in the game that V is actually dead after Dexter shoots her.
...or just a GITS reference but sure, anon
It doesn't matter.
V is living in a blackwall hallucination of reality
I just want V to live happily-ever-after with Judy...
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Threadly photo challenge.

The goal is for you to recreate the image but with in-game photography, adding your spin on it.
>Could have played as johnny
>Being an asshole
>Fucking and dumping multiple chicks
>Instead we have to play and V, the biggest sucker in all night city.
It annoys me bros.
God dammit anon, I don't think the game is capable of those levels of rock&roll, I'll try tho.
Rebecca was probably too similar to Happy Chaos. Why Lucy over David though I'll never know.
>Rebecca was probably too similar to Happy Chaos.
I don't see the resemblance.
>Why Lucy over David though I'll never know.
Probably trying to lure the waifufags, but then again, why not Rebecca? she's by far more popular than Lucy.
I'm wondering if people want more artistic or sexy pics to recreate. Well we can always do both if there's continued interest.
I suppose a bit of both for variety, I just think landscape shots at a lot more difficulty given the photomode limitations
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I play male V but i'm not gay
>I suppose a bit of both for variety
>I play male V but i'm not gay
My condolences, browsing nexus must be a real nightmare giving most of the people that do mods for male a severe deviant fags.
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>browsing nexus must be a real nightmare giving most of the people that do mods for male a severe deviant fags.
It really looks like i'm browing some obscure Second Life-resque site instead of looking for mods for Cyberpunk
It do be like that.
I meant Rebecca and Happy Chaos are both gunslinger characters. Don't think Strive has anyone else doing what Lucy does with monowires. But I also wouldn't have thought of Lucy as a fighting game character either.
Cyberpunks camera mode sucks pretty bad for wide landscape shots but should be fun to try
we used to do this here all the time, wasn't always shots of Vs either
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Variety is nice. More cyberpunk-cool action or vibe shots too. As the other anons said, the wide shots can get tricky.
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Can I go back and do the ubisoft map completion after finishing the game? Like I mean after you finish the game and see the ending or whatever, does it just chuck you back into the open world? I'm enjoying the game but I don't think I could find it in myself to do all these police assaults right now.
it places you before the point of no return going into embers to meet Hanako
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Oh shit really? I'm right there, I suppose I better finish all the actual quests before heading in. Thanks for the heads up!
Don't worry about it, point of no return means nothing, you'll appear right in front of embers like nothing ever happened, you can do all endings in a row if you save before getting to the rooftop, then you can fuck off and do all the ubishit stuff.
Yeah for sure, I might even try multiple endings, but I was considering going to Embers just to continue the story for a bit and I still have tons of side "actual quests" like Panaam amd Delamain so I'd like to do those before going, I had no idea I was so close to the finishing line.
i would do the side content first, because endings usually hurt peoples feelings, then they dont complete the side content. content which fleshes out the world and isnt ubishit.
never rush this game.
Lol, lmao.
Oh wait, I forgot to ask, does Phantom Liberty "End the game" too or does it just add an extra ending to the main game you can choose? I figured I'd finish that up before going to Embers but now I'm worried it might give an ending too.
It adds an extra ending, you have to do it before the point of no return
Right so it isn't another point of no return itself, thanks anon.
It doesn't matter.
it also has one, but it handles endings differently.
with the base game, the more you do, the more ending variations you unlock. the ending variations branch out from the point of no return. So you can repeat the point of no return and experience all the endings if you have them unlocked.
With phantom liberty, its variations branch much earlier, so they are harder to replay without reloading a few missions back and deciding something else. Save often and clear the side stuff first so there is less to repeat if you intend to reload saves to replay endings.
Think about it like the different colored ending from mass effect, they are all just different shades of shit.
>they are all just different shades of shit.
you think the endings are bad?
nta but most people are disappointed by how bleak they made every ending and how extra bleak the dlc ending is
They are hardly endings if we are completely honest, nothing is concrete and they are all open.
"Bing bing boh boh" if you will.
Sorry for the repeated dumb questions but I'm trying to understand. Does finishing Phantom Liberty itself have an "ending" where the story of the game as a whole is finished after you complete the last Phantom Liberty mission (Like an extreme example off the top of my head, like V canonically dies or something), or does it just add extra choices/outcomes/shades of color/whatever to the main ending or the main game I'll get after going to Embers?
adds one "main" ending to the game, but not every dlc ending unlock that "main" ending
you start that "main" ending as all other base game endings
it adds an ending you can activate at any time after beating the dlc, but the quests in dlc have more choice to them
Righto, thanks again anons. I can finish Phantom Liberty with no worries before going to Embers then. Sorry for the stupid.
i know, they get their feelings hurt and get angry at the whole game. Its one reason i suggest people play everything and get familiar with the lives and deaths of night city's stories. Adds more context to V's endings.
>finish heist
>feel like restarting
ahhhhhhh I just don't have fun netrunning
I don't know anon, that sounds pretentious considering how fucking pathetic the endings are regardless of added context.
I'd say the endings were fitting of the genre, I didn't see a problem. Who goes in expecting sunshine & rainbows?
then just respec
phantom liberty can be its own endings. You can finish the game in phantom liberty without unlocking the base games end. no matter what, after you hit the credits you will respawn in the world as if the ending sequences didnt happen.
you can always respec, no need to restart, at least a few points are worth it on int so you can use smart weapons.
I also want to swap to femV
What builds have you done? I did netrunning for a long while before trying post 2.0 sandy for the first time. It's overpowered like many many anons have said but damn is it fun. Zipping around pulling matrix shit has not gotten old.
Street kid for a few slutty line where she is forced to say "I'm a gonk little bitch"
Corpo for the best bitchy dialogues in the game.
Normad is worthless all around, all dialogues consist on "Damn bro, I used to be a nomad you know"
netrunner ages ago when game came out, well trying again now and just absolutely not feeling it
2.0 with sandy, honestly I want to repeat it
I've always played as corpo so I guess time for streetkid
in this instance i am pretentious and you should feel looked down upon.

>I'd say the endings were fitting of the genre,
they are, but some people want happy endings. they want the same old story retold. they dont want a new angle, new approach, they want a neat and tidy resolution. Gladly, they wont get one.

>Who goes in expecting sunshine & rainbows?
the people that get upset.
i do enjoy that the two most bleak endings are the default endings. for those who run to the finish line or didnt pay attention. And didnt find meaning in V's life.
Lol, lmao.
Streetkid is fun. You get a lot of opportunities to slick talk your way into shady places and can convince gangoons and cops of things. Give sandy a try. I love it cause I can just remove and add perks into different trees when I wanna try something new. Feels like you get so much more room to experiment when compared to a Int focused build.

Although it's not tidy I do think the ending with the Aldecaldos has a lot of hope in it. You can also headcanon a wholesome ending for V in it pretty easily imo. I think the crystal palace ending also has a degree of hope to it but the cost behind it is what as you said leaves people upset.
That's how you get tricked into accepting slop.
>You can also headcanon a wholesome ending
i like that about all the endings. V's expressions are ambiguous enough to fit who you think V is. Before jumping for the crystal palace, one merc looked nervous but excited for the next big job. But the face of my other V, with a completely different play style and view of the world, displayed dread. Knowing they were stuck, that the cure would always be one more gig away, with increasing risk and uncertainty. With the characters V grew close to needing to move away out of obligation or their own well being, so V could fight for a life that wouldnt be worth saving.
Way too melodramatic anon.
you like that word.
Lucy is shit, only thing redeeming is the age gap with her being the hag. Also GitS bootleg.
Rebecca is superior. More fun personality and a unique design.
>Rebecca is superior. More fun personality and a unique design.
She was too desperate for cock, plus she used to be a prostitute. She is definitely a more compelling character than Lucy tho.
which playstyle would be most canon?
probably not netrunner, every actual netrunner treats you like retard and they do things you never do in game
I guess not body as well as V isn't really "big" as any bodyguard type of npc which are all buff
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>which playstyle would be most canon?
Mantis blades
Doesn't matter, but if we go by what the advertising, mantis blades and a lexington pistol seems to be it.
am i retarded or do mantis blades suck
they do suck
katanas are better in every way possible, minus looks and cool factor
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Becca will carry us to the top of Arasaka!
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Is there a mod to fully unlock photomode's camera into like a noclip mode? Holy shit its a pain in the ass to control this thing
which choomba has a link to the latest version of that luke ross VR mod?
>to fully unlock photomode's camera
I think AMM has that feature but it was janky as fuck, the other on is ottis injectable camera which has a much of interesting features like eye, head and torso controls in photomode, among other things.
Was Saburo going to use the relic (or another relic) to save his engram and overwrite his son to take his body? I kind of get that vibe from him.
play the Devil ending, but on the off-chance you don't want to, the answer is yes
Ah, makes sense as to why Yorunobu is so desperate.
not really, he didn't know what his father was planning
Oh, I thought he knew and that's why he was doing this hail Mary and not taking it slow.
Locust Pepperoni or Tofu'd Tuna and Pineapple Pizza?
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Which is hotter, Young Rogue or Old Rogue?
Old mommy Rogue. No contest.
She's like 80+ years old anon.
Just means you don't have to glove up, that baby oven is long gone.
Kek, she better have a really tight midnight lady equipped then.
80 is the new 40.
Young, of course
Very nice
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This gangoon walks up to you and your waifu in the bar and smacks her ass. What do you do?
>activate Sandy
>fold katana up his ass 1,000 times
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But his ass is a no go zone, anon. Also, we gonna have a sandy off like David and Smasher?
Gooner Wesker's sandy is a rudimentary implant
Seven minutes is all this gooner can spare, because he's fuckin special too.
summon my golden car to clip through the bar and run him over
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Not cool, choom. Not cool at all.
IRL Judy
>there are people in this very thread who don't care enough about their waifu's to mod in a moon braindance to take their waifu there
I don't care about the moon nor the source of this
So you hate your waifu? I understand.
>long nails
Trash it.
Just a regular Lexy, or Dying Night specifically?

Also, is there a way to get V's "Expensive Clothes" from the Sun ending during regular gameplay? I'm surprised that wasn't a post-game bonus on top of the stuff the game actually gives you.
Any lexy I suppose.
>Also, is there a way to get V's "Expensive Clothes" from the Sun ending during regular gameplay?
Not that I know of.
>I'm surprised that wasn't a post-game bonus on top of the stuff the game actually gives you.
I don't know if they changed it but you don't get to keep anything ending related, like I think at some point you couldn't keep cassidy's revolver or any of the loot of the missions and such, I think they fixed that but endings are still full of oversights.
Yeah, other than the token to access Smasher's stash, I didn't keep anything I picked up since entering Embers. I did however receive the rewards when I loaded the Point of No Return save, so they could've added the clothes there.
could always just install one of those "all base game clothes" atelier mods & buy them
is it possible to make mantis blades not feel like complete shit? are monowires better?
>is it possible to make mantis blades not feel like complete shit?
not really
>are monowires better?
even without a INT investment, yes. moreso with the Relic upgrades from the DLC
what perks affect monowire? i assume the blade skills don't.
I won't, because I don't want to sound retarded.
I believe blunt might still affect them, along with some INT perks. It's been awhile since I played my netrunner so I could be wrong.
blunt only affected them while they still scaled off cool
then it was changed to blade + reflex
now I don't think any perks affect them anymore
I'm not seeing anything indicating that any perks except the ones that specify the monowire have any effect on them. I know some blade skills did but I guess they thought that was too strong.
shit, guess they just straight up made it a quickhack tool then. would still put it above Mantis Blades though
True. Now that I've cleared DFTR, I'm going to start messing around with mods. Already eying the HMG mod from the previous thread, plus I recall a different mod for customising vehicles; I want to push the Kusanagi to 200 mph.
for a fellow Kusanagi enthusiast, I recommend this
for variety
bing bing post for a boh boh game's story.
being able to slap cyberware malfunction, weapon glitch, or reboot optics onto any build is always nice
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what mod
Very nice. Thanks choom.
Found some cool vistas trying (didn't realize so much of the higher buildings actually had collision, or that the metro lines were so easy to get to and walk on), but walking around the map's so damn slow. Gonna need to revisit this when I'm really in the mood.
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the B&W one is the shit
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They made Tyger Claw cry
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Whenever I feel down, I just think about the elevator ride with Jackie. Webm related.
Yeah, thinking about that retard dying like a bitch in the back of a rental car always makes me feel better.
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>They made Tyger Craw cly
I've killed for much less.
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a slight chuckle
going up or going down?
Jackie was too so(y) for me, glad they cut him off early.
does I Wanna Stay At Your House play on the moon?
gymfiend mod any good?
not sure but from some of the comments on it, you are going to have clipping/fitting issues. depending on how much clothes you intend to wear, might not matter.
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slow week
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>that bush peaking out
How much character customization do you want in Orion?
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All Points Bulletin tiers of character customization. Everything that mods needed to add in cp77 but should have been in the vanilla game like that cyber arms mod or body customization
I wanted some mod that made by character big, like Jackie
This gymfiend one seems more like for gay porn than what i want though...
Orion is not real anon, at least not yet.
Fully modeled.
All of it.
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>mfw listening to Claire's shitty dialogue and interacting with her godawful texts
I wouldn't even bother doing her quests if I didn't get two free cars out of it.
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Truly one of the worst character in the entire game.
The races aren't even fun. They're still impossible to lose and as far as I can tell every other racer is invincible anyway so it's not even a fucking death race.
I don't know if they make it to the end, I know you can destroy their vehicles but it seems scripted, specially Samson's car, but it's literally impossible to lose because the other cars keep despawning and respawning as you go full throttle and they have to start accelerating again, it's hilariously bad when you notice. I haven't done the post PL races tho, so I don't know if that's still a thing for those.
Saints Row 2 level+ visible cyberware. I wanna make a fat fuck tranny with big tits, horse cock and mecanical arms and legs because it's what i would imagine most of america would look in 2080. By honestly none of this customization means shit if only time we see our character is in one of the six ending cutscenes, Orion needs 3rd person mode and working reflections/windows
Yes, it plays once and then it's silence on the moon which means you can then play your own music on your date with your waifu.
>needs 3rd person
I hope they double down so hard on the fps only aspect that every action would include an animation.
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id like them to add more ways to lean around walls to peak. seeing the main character touch and lean around an edge. would be even cooler if they account for sound traveling through V's bones, and increase the bass so you can hear the thud of footsteps better. Would also like they to clean up the body animations so they could use reflective surfaces more often, as tools to peak around corners, and allow enemies to do the same. ray traced ai vision. Would be fun to have Oh Shit moments, where the player sees themselves, but also an enemy waiting around the corner for the player to appear in a mirror.
I was really hoping there would be petty crime you could do in game like webm related, stuff that doesn't pay that well but can really immerse you in the world. I guess one argument against it could be that you don't have time for petty crime like that, but let's be honest if you finish your run in 12 hours or 100 it doesn't matter to the game. Or maybe even a guy that gives out missions just to steal cars or property like cars. Just more crime.
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I forgot the webm because I am retarded.
Yet you would still suck her finger dry.
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He is stronger than you think, choom. Do not question his willpower.
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What's the name of that mod that adds alt hairstyles to Panam again? I want to make her blonde
It would have been cool to go down the snuff rabbit hole and find out peralez was behind it all, him being a rapist and all.
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this one
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Need help, I want to turn the radio on for this playthrough but I have zero knowledge about the stations and what they play. What station would pic related listen to? If it helps, but not required, he is based off a rapper irl, but I am fine with not being restricted to that.
Completed the DLC and got the cure ending.
This shit is ass
89.3 Radio Vexelstrom, 101.0 The Dirge, 96.1 Ritual FM, 107.3 Morro Rock Radio
Alright I can give those a go, but which to start with?
Just wait for that one anon to start being romantic about it, and pretending that shit was a fitting ending, lmao.
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Alright, currently listening to Vexelstrom and digging it. While you are in a helping mood, got another question for you. Is it like in Fallout where if you have your radio on, enemies spot you easier? I don't plan on being stealthy at all unless it is a hard requirement for a gig or mission, but it's got me curious.
Goes to show how little most people in the game cared about you in the ending ,Viktor,Misty and Kerry were the only real ones,you're treated like a god, Generally Ignored until needed, then everyone comes praying for you to help them.
I don't think the radio effects enemy detection, as far as I remember the radio volume gets turned down in favor of combat music or specific quest set pieces
The way your character looks I can't help but imagine a cyberpunk Johnny Bravo
No, I would not.
She's a disgusting, smelly, yeast infected, tattooed gooner foid.
Into the trash like I said.
Are you using the more gore mod?
i must have hurt you.
i like that ending. we lose our life as a merc, but survive to start a new one.
in that ending we get to see what happens to the city and people we knew. likely having similar fates in other endings, reinforcing one of the themes of cyberpunk, that you can't save the world, only yourself.
>he is based off a rapper irl
I thought he was literally just Gooner Wesker, to be real with you
On the contrary anon, I find your ramblings deeply amusing.
thank you, i do too.
Who the fuck are you even talking about
Now tell me about how the city swallows people's souls and dreams, tell us about V's dream, etc etc.
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Neat, yeah I noticed the radio went silent last gig so I assumed it was a one time thing, I wonder if there is a setting or mod to change that.
He is a based off a South African rapper, but specifically I am trying to capture him from the movie Chappie. I wish someone made a skinny mod, it's either vanilla or buff and I needed to be skinnier. Vid is a small clip from said movie, if you haven't seen it.
Nope, I am using shotguns and LMG's however, and they do that all on their own. Currently rocking a t3 Igla and a Tier 1+ MA70 HB.
He is a gooner, but Ninja has odd fashion. Speaking of which, I have 50k eddies to spend on braindances today. Who do I have in my first braindance?
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>Who do I have in my first braindance
Elizabeth or Blue Moon
Alright, i'll do the threesome option with both of them. But my guy, you know Blue Moon has those weird tyger blade feet, right? Or do you like risky footjobs or something?
Are you using the mod or did they added BDs to the vanilla game?
Blue Moon and the rest of the Us Cracks have normal legs, dude
Oh shit, I was thinking blue moon was the name of the front desk lady at Clouds. My bad.
seems the working conditions forces average people to work inhuman hours, getting by reliant on stimulants or augmenting their body with whatever cyberware or exoskeletons they can afford in order to not be replaced. they keep their job but at the expense of their well being. And there is no shortage of people willing to exploit their desperation. Militech selling old hardware that shouldnt be in public hands, or scavs with blackmarket cyberware torn from the dead and made affordable to the next person with a deadend job. supplement companies turning to hard drugs to make their stimulants impossible to give up. they give up their mind and body for the chance to work every waking hour, and never get a chance to live.

V's dream can be whatever you want it to be. They setup V and Jackie's relationship in a way that makes it seem like V is copying Jackie's dream out of a lack of anything better to aim for. Then Johnny fills that void, and you can chase his dreams or pretend you're still following Jackie's. Hopefully over the course of the game, the player makes their own.
>front desk lady at Clouds
Cheri Nowlin
Anons were really onto something about mods for male Vs
Told you
Quick question, is the priority given to mods in the mods.settings file in /Documents/ the higher or lower number? e.g. if I give [modA] a priority of 1 and [modB] a priority of 2 will modA load before or after modB?
Alphabetical, with numbers and unique characters before alphabetical. Download this and use it to see and resolve conflicts.
So what's the difference between this https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/11077 and the vanilla BDs 2.0 added?
Told you so.
I use special character for higher priority in the load order, like !!mod1, !!mod2, ##mod3
this reeks of gooner shit
Wait, the Rockstarfags here told me that only Cyberpunk 2077 is full of bugs. What the hell guys?
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I haven't done the base game BD's, but if I had to guess it's depth of choice. Webm related. Note, there are also a lot of male choices as well, but I didn't include them since most people (probably 99.9%) will use the mod to use female NPC BD's. Also, if a NPC has appearances instead of a fee that means you can select the look that NPC has and then pay. Example, you can have Old Rogue or Young Rogue.
Sure, but there are also non-nudity BD's where you can hang out with whatever NPC you want. See Lucy's moon BD and the Bar BD, at the very least. There may be others, but honestly I haven't explored the options a ton but I will do, since this character I am playing is a gooner who will spend half his earned eddies on BD's as a character flaw.
You had me with the first chunk, lost me with the faggy shit at the bottom, what the fuck anon, you want to kill me with cringe?
will that kill you?
What's the best pose mod to pose with Panam
I don't want to find out.
You want to force your penis inside her or want lesbo shit? bark like a god has pretty good poses for M/F, any of the zwei packs are good for solo panam, ghost packs are fucking garbage tho, you can't play with head movement or torso.
Normal super straight pairing
Also nothing lewd, just V and Panam hanging around lovey dovey
Lizzies BD's for handing out, not really poses. There're bunch of cutesy couple post packs from this guy https://next.nexusmods.com/profile/yuyu69/about-me?gameId=3333
This in case anyone wants good old carpet munching.
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As each day passes I feel like modders should be executed more and more.
it's an improvement
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which V for my streetkid run?
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>Quest about crucifying someone to make murder porn for the masses
Because NC is a Godless city, living in sin.
None of those scream Streetkid, all scream corpo.
>maybe even a guy that gives out missions just to steal cars or property like cars
El Capitan?
I thought the whole thing was deranged at first, but to be honest I sorta encouraged Joshua to keep going out of a morbid curiosity to see where the fuck that quest was going to go.
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>those numbers
>this is only for Watson
I was thinking more of repeatable car stealing missions, not one offs.
How the fuck does she look so much like Hunter Schafer?
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Who in the fuck designs a public toilet like this?
>He doesn't play battleshits with his bros
Check out this loser
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>They can't even copy paste assets in a coherent way
Why they made the city so big and yet there's nothing to do or see, poor 3D artists desu.
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>get a gig to get some stolen meds back
>talk the dude into giving them up
>on my way out, see this
>oh nice, Johnny is gonna talk to him
>go down a flight of stairs
>hear a pop
>go back up
>guy shot himself
Bros, I don't wanna shit sitting next to you. Sorry.
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I was looking for this spot when I was setting up picture challenge anon's picture in the last thread but couldn't find it again, so just found a decent concentration of pink lights outside instead.
I ended up just cheating with CharLi and flooding pink and blue lights to wash out the background.
I definitely shone some pink/blue on V as well, but wanted to find a background that matched as well as I had the patience to find.
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wait, was that considered cheating?
Johnny can't talk to anyone unless he takes control of V's body
No, not at all lol.
I spent like 40 minutes driving around looking for some pink lights and a back ground I liked but gave up and went with jig-jig street
I know, I was trying to be funny.
You know they say that all men are created equal, but you look at me and you look at Adam Smasher and you can see that statement is not true. See, normally if you go one on one with another edgerunner, you got a 50/50 chance of winning. But I'm a genetic freak and I'm not normal! So you got a 25%, AT BEST, at beat me. Then you add Takemura to the mix, your chances of winning drastic go down. See the 3 way at Arasaka Tower, you got a 33 1/3 chance of winning, but I, I got a 66 and 2/3 chance of winning, because Takemura KNOWS he can't beat me and he's not even gonna try!
So Adam Smasher, you take your 33 1/3 chance, minus my 25% chance and you got an 8 1/3 chance of winning at Arasaka Tower. But then you take my 75% chance of winning, if we was to go one on one, and then add 66 2/3 per cents, I got 141 2/3 chance of winning at Arasaka Tower. See Adam, the numbers don't lie, and they spell disaster for you at Arasaka Tower.
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You can't argue with math.
Could use some help from any modding chads.

ArchiveXL makes my game stutter and freeze for a few seconds when I go anywhere too dense, remove the mod and things are smooth as butter. Using the newest red4ext, and the game files are fitgirl, updated to 1.12hf(a)
I have quite a few mods relying on ArchiveXL, so I'd rather avoid just ditching it, and of course they have posts closed on their pages so you feel inclined to join their discord server. Yeuuch.
thank you for the math lesson, V
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All Night Every Night
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I wonder if Pepe ever finds out what her deep dark secrets are
yes, literally 2 minutes after this unless you're a fag & don't tell him
No, not that she had surgery, man. She says she had surgery BECAUSE she has secrets that she can't even tell her husband.
Bianca's a lucky woman
yeah, her being ugly. that's it, she's just actually ugly. think of it like that urban legend story from China or whatever where the guy sued his wife because they're kids were ugly as fuck and it turned it she had plastic surgery done before they met
Grinding gigs is such a fucking drag it's unreal.
Haven't played in over a year, considering another go through and am trying to decide on build. Netrunner focusing more on control hacks and dealing damage with guns, or a sandevistan blades + smgs setup? Which sounds more fun to you anons?
Is there a COMPLETE clothing list (and where to get them) anywhere?
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It's crazy how much more fun I am having with this second playthrough as opposed to my first. I think the problem was my first playthrough was a quickhack/smartgun user, so it played like a roller coaster starting out where it took a long time to get going but once I got there it was fun, while my shotgun/lmg body build has been a blast the whole time. Top it off with me being a streetkid who doesn't care if he is a dickhead as opposed to my first character being a corpo dicksucker who only cared about what people thought of her, and it's just night and day. Suffice to say, Cyberpunk is fun.
figured it out, was retarded and let vortex get really out of date. Guess the old version installed mods differently. Shit werks now. Thanks for the assist fagits
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make sure to take the money and the car and the gun and the pin and the match (but win anyway)
winning a fight by knocking the other guy on his ass and instantly vaporizing his limbs with a ground pound is hilarious every time
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In my mind it's the other way around like you'd expect street kids to care about their reputation and for corpos anyone they can't use to climb the ladder means nothing to them. But we can all come together and kill the Maelstrom either way.
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Oh I intend to take everything put in front of me this time. Hell, I'd even bang Caesar's pregnant wife if I could.
>you'd expect street kids to care about their reputation
I did until I did everything right and Dex still shot me. It was there that my character learned might is always right, and as long as I win I am right. Caring about rules only matters if you plan on losing.
She was probably a black woman that's why Pepe noticed his kid looking wrong
I haven't even been able to load up after updating Lizzie's BDs, CTD right at the CDPR logo screen. Not even sure why.
I keep forgetting that the fire knuckles didn't load in the photo mode and I'm disappointed every time
Starts fine without the mod btw
Height adjustment. Rebecca - Maine differences.
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V after finding out that the chrome bodied lady with pink hair that hes been talking to is in actually the chrome bodied pink haired pop star, Lizzy Wizzy.
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>remember that tongue mod from funny idea awhile back
>fool around with it in photomode
I might hate myself for what I just did
Regina ain't gonna like that one...he actually shows up again later in Dino's bar if he survives this gig
>how extra bleak the dlc ending is
Especially when it's made bleak for no reason ,they did it just because , It goes so far out of it's way to make the player miserable they make characters act OOC on top of illogical to the point it kinda ruins their character,kinda makes me not even want to do missions for them on new games since you mean so little to them while doing so much for them.
Been in a coma as a result of a procedure that saved your life?
WELL FUCK YOU,I don't care what you've done for us,I don't care you saved out family,I don;t care you made us be in a better position we've ever been,FUCK YOU and don't contact us.
Judy? She probably moved on in a few days after you disappeared despite having something "special" and doing everything for her .
Did you grab all the required mods and make sure they were up to date? Whenever someone has issues with a mod a ton of people use its usually something stupid like that that causes issues.
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>drives up and T bones another carful of rival gangsters
>scares them off, kills a random cop walking by and then hangs out at the scene of the crime
I found a new best friend
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got my back no matter what
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h-hang on, youre gonna make it
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life is fast and people move on.
V drops off the radar for 2 years, it is unreasonable to expect people to put everything down and sit on their hands waiting for V.
In the base game's endings, other than River, everyone leaves V when they go off to raid the Crystal Palace. Judy always wanted to leave the city, Panam has a clan to run, Kerry has tour dates. the world doesnt revolve around V.
Shit ending,shit dlc,no one cared but Vic,Misty and Kerry ,for everyone else you were a convenient tool and emotional cumrag.
He’s a loser and an idiot who dragged his girl to the grave with him, and passed his terrible mindset down to David.
I've done a Corpo female V run and wanna do a male V now, which lifepath between Street Kid and Nomad is the least bad in terms of dialogue options?
Fug didn't mean to reply
Imo you should go corpo V again, all of the male VA just steers towards "no fucks given" V.
One more thing that you can RP is to go from corpo looks and fashion to punk merc. It just makes sense.
Stinky curry.
unloyal whore
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something like this mod, but done for cyberpunk in starfield's mod tools would be great...
Smart weapons fucking suck, It's unbelievable that you can't toggle the auto aim to target the head or the body, furthermore YOU as a netrunner having the power to have eyes everywhere and see through walls can't tag enemies and the make your smart bullets reach them, plus no silencers.
I wonder what it could be, was she a torturer in viral XBDs or some equally fucked up shit?
I find hilarious how the game suddenly forgets that's V is supposed to be a character who grew in this world and not an outsider, it happens so often too, then they shift between an experienced merc and a goodie two shoes naive idiot, it makes taking the game and story serious very difficult.

the devs agree
I mean, it would be great if we had ACTUAL modding tools for cyberpunk, a lot of people could work together an create quests and fill the map with interesting stuff and give the game an actual personality and mood, etc, etc.
desu, just use bethesda's tools which are the best in the industry. which is why a vtmb fan game is being made with their tools
I know what kind of faggots modders usually are and this doesn't sound good for orion
Generalizing is a bad habit, some of them a passionate people who like what they do and release quality stuff, then there are the sexual deviants who make mods for male V which are the minority.
it's just my experiences from bethesda games which is pretty bleak, especially now where modding stopped being a hobby, but rather a way to make money from patreon or trampoline to gamedev
>trampoline to gamedev
how is this a bad thing?
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It's not as long as most of them are told "hey asshole make this" instead of being given creative freedom. That's when you get shit like Claire's quest with impossible to lose races and some of the worst dialogue in the game.
Did they actually say a modder wrote and designed that quest or were you just looking to rant about it and needed an excuse?
I think you're retarded and missed my point, actually. Claire's quests are a blatant indicator of different people working on different quests. If playing so many custom skyrim and fallout quests/expansions has taught me anything it's that modders tend to suck ass at writing, dialogue, tone, etc. when creating quests.
Any clues why Kala Standalone eyes dont work for me?
Check the requirements anon......
>Claire's quests are a blatant indicator of different people working on different quests.
People die when they are killed.
I have Unique Eyes
Unique Eyes has 2 files, check the mod page to see which one you need.
I uninstalled the game two days ago. But night city just won't let me go. Help me chooms.
You gotta complete the bing bing prologue anon, the follow the rails till you get the boh boh ending of your choosing.
Duh. Ideally a quest should not make the player go "someone else made this one" because it's so poorly written and annoying.
Claire's mission was well written
you are just a pussy.
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Blud really still thinks this is hilarious
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Why is there someone talking like a nigger in here lately?
Also someone posting literal reddit/discord gifs.
that gif is more than a decade old you zoomer retard
You have to go back.
Why does the player character have to be so ugly? Why can't she have access to the not-ugly hairstyles?
>nooo you have to speak like everyone else and only use pictures that are from this website and not any others
Why was i always told that 4chins was the opposite of this mentality, did people lie to me on the internet?
Like I said, you have to go back.
This isn't the place for you, clearly.
End of discussion.
he's just trying really hard to fit in to the le epic 4chan sekrit club mentality. ignoring that gif being used on this site for longer than he's been sentient.
why are you a modlet?
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Blud is really buggin because nobody thinks his "bing bing boh boh" babble is funny
Mods, use them
but its super cool pretending to be jaded and dismissive. everything is slop, everything is terribly written, and the enjoyment others experience is cringe.
You sound frustrated anon, what happen?
You sound frustrated anon, what happen?
It's ok to like slop, the entire star wars fanbase is build around that concept, same with cpk77
No i don't agree with you.
noo anon you must always consume the crème de la crème even though all video games are slop if we are being honest
I'd be okay with this general ending at this point tbqhwy.
Leave, nigga. This isn't even my main general but I loathe faggots like you who see a slow therad and say let it die like, nobody's forcing you on this general
You sound frustrated anon.
So? I am frustrated
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im nooticing
Blud not speaking English.
Finished it for the first time since launch (and the DLC for the first time). Wish there was more raw combat challenges in it. The airport fight while escorting Songbird was incredible, I love killing shit in this game, but too much is either NCPD encounters that are over in 15 seconds or story missions with more walk and talk than murder. There's so much fun shit you can do but no chance to really use half of it.
Agree, slicing through large numbers of enemies is awesome. Speaking of NCPD, you can start murdering them and MaxTac eventually shows up if you haven't given that a shot yet
Your own fault for driving away the lewdfags & the autists
It's ok to like slop, same with fucking you hot cousin and drinking bud light. Some people even find the sad slop in this game bearable and endearing.
Most of the vanilla hair choices are pretty bad. You really gotta use mods in order to get any decent options. There's so many at this point that you're kinda spoiled for choice though.
>There's so much fun shit you can do but no chance to really use half of it.
A lot of the combat zones in the dlc are much larger than the base game, with 4 times the enemies, and a need to move and fight through it. I hope its a sign they are learning and changing their design model. although with their changes to level progression and weapon damage, they still need some work to get back to the feel/power of V pre-2.0.
I keep seeing allusions to an "infinite RAM feedback loop" during Overclock, but I cannot figure out how it works. Apparently it has to do with Cyberware Malfunction, Short Circuit, and Synapse Burnout.

Also why in the hell does Cyberpsychosis keep triggering Trace when when I preface it with Memory Wipe?
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Man, I really want to like this but the swing arm not only looks like shit, extended swing arms are dogshit for anything but straight line speed and it completely defeats the point of being inspired by the Ducati V4. My autism goes off too hard looking at this.
>My autism goes off too hard looking at this.
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>My autism goes off too hard looking at this.
Many such cases, i feel your pain
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It needs to be closer to this. Super bikes are not also long wheelbase bikes.
my eyes are drawn to how thin the front wheel is. its one raised manhole cover away from crumpling.
It's not actually that thin. The foxbat part of the tire is just painted tire. They're otherwise fine.
Also, presumably improved metallurgy int he CP77 universe
Where's all the Vs? You lot finally got rid of them?
That's your problem with it?
You literally can't steer that bike because of the front shield.
Why are Game.AddToInventory("FormalPants_01_old_02 ",1) and Game.AddToInventory("TShirt_02_old_03",1) not working

is the OP not updated or something
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Yea, it's just way too long. I don't hate the long and low look on bikes and this does admittedly look really cool but having actually rode super sports that are modified that way I know they suck ass and just don't fit on super bikes.
>You literally can't steer that bike because of the front shield.
The fairings and active aero aren't that tight. There's plenty of room for the front wheel
Shan't be posting until undesirables go away, I'd rather let it die.
the extra space after the 2 in the first one.
if you are using both codes at the same time, the error in the first one will make both not work.
I won't let shitposters stop me from posting my V
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RIP my man. Anyone who wears flip flops in his own funeral hologram is a cool guy in my book.
i tried once each
>Lizzie's Braindance 1.37 gives a CTD at the title screen
>try going back to last update I used
>BD lady is missing and game crashes when trying to walk away
m'kay guess I don't need that mod anymore
which link in the OP did you grab that from?
Mod page has a command for that.
oh i see the problem now. i assumed the rest of it was correct after seeing the space. but its was missing a bit

see if this works. the item names are correct
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well that fixed the issue of going back to the last install I was using, still can't figure out why the newest one outright refuses to load the game though
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>>Cyberpunk Clothes
It worked, thank you very much
I don't know, modding this shitty ass game is like performing surgery sometimes, you got to make sure you didn't leave anything inside by mistake, I would check that there aren't any old files left, check the logs so see what's causing the crash, maybe it's a bug that needs to patched in. try the simplest thing first and give the archive load order priority, ###LizziesBD's.archive, something like that.
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I haven't opened the game in months, I'm thinking on deleting everything, including the pics since I've been having more fun with AI image gen that taking pics or installing mods for cyberpunk.
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...tried installing it again and the game loads fine, did absolutely nothing different or new
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>Regina ain't gonna like that one
She was actually pretty understanding about it. Not that I care, she should be happy I've taken down 5 cyberpsychos so far and all haven't been killed, yet.
Yeah, I doubt I will ever use them again as they just don't feel very satisfying to use. My first run I used them because when I thought of smart guns my mind went to Aliens and the M56 Smartgun, but the Cyberpunk equivalents were no where as near as cool.
I've been using this one, though the only issue with it is for a split second when you get on your hands don't match up with the handlebars, but once you are actually on it fully they match up.
Booting up the game to have more fun obliterating people with Guts and my LMG.
Get that perk that lets you shoot while sliding and get the reflex tuner, you will never start a gunfight standing again.
The cyberpunk modding experience, I still get REDext script compilation error but the game boots and the scripts work fine, true story.
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>Get that perk that lets you shoot while sliding
That's next on my to do list, I finally mostly filled out my strength tree with just some perks left for my gorilla arms. I want the NPC's to think of my character as just a big fucking problem, and so far it's true.
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I like the middle!
What's the hair on the left? I'm playing around with different looks for a sorta Medusa themed look. Toxic monowire playthrough.

Also looking for recs for clothes or accessories with cords/circuits/whatever hanging off. Or anything really snake related.
The all look the same, I'd say make get dirty but pretty, she needs sunburn freckles and big lips.
Get that mod that lets you carry HMG's around, you'll have plenty of fun reducing groups of enemies to gore.
I've been trying it out, and i'm not sure if it feels like cheating or not. Still on the fence about it, and I even downloaded the nerfed version. I currently bounce between it and the LMG that isn't the defender, the slower firing but harder hitting one.
trying to load anything with V gives a ctd but otherwise works fine now
I love the monster. I'll never own a Ducati because I enjoy my sanity and checking account but I've rode one before. They're super fun.
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been playing other shit, not taking shots when playing cp77, etc.
>all haven't been killed, yet.
not like there's any major difference to keeping them alive
i would fuck this v
Because she’s still on the Moon, and the Moon DLC got canned.
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How do we get there?
by abusing the physics engine
They truly shit the bed with the main story.
I would double team her with this guy, that aside it is so god damn difficult to make a good looking asian slut.
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>Following The River
time once again for some gigacringe
there's only like 1 or 2 decent Asian eyes, it ain't difficult to work from there, mods or not
>Following The River
Why would you do that to yourself?
clearing up the journal a bit before heading to Embers
I liked River's quest. The laser tag was really fun.
Just don't, it's not worth it.
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So was making him wait to rescue his nephew while I disarmed every mine in the yard and racked up all those engineering points.
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too late, it's done. kids hate their favorite game now, River is hurtin'. now, the climax. nothing else in the log but this & Sinnerman
Are you going to create a save state before choosing an ending, wear skimpier clothing or nothing at all and choose the suicide one for that sweet gloomy shot?
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>getting buck naked just to pop one in V's dome on the roof
>doing the suicide ending in general
>thinking about cyberspunk again
>remember the threads being fun
>mfw remember goth v corrupted their save and never had a backup
>gave up on slut posting after
I need my goth slut fix, come back to us
https://mega.nz/folder/efomELKT#y06TxDYQYSKDe_Uk6K9YFg the mega isnt enough
Well, it's one of few times you get to see your V.
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reeeee pic didnt attach
Those pics aren't even good anon, wtf.
I'm way beyond that anon, I get my fix daily.
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yeah but dying alone & naked isn't hot, bro. plus I think I have enough catbox shit of her
No way, you have explicit stuff of her?
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I've posted something in the last 2 threads. I think the general's past all that though at this point. Everyone else is M.I.A.
Well, you know what they say, leaving stuff to the imagination is hotter than seeing.
That one schizo popping up & whining about Vs didn't help.
true, maybe I'll throw 'em all in a MEGA or some shit eventually before putting the game to bed
I am no longer chained by the constraints of this game or mods, anon, I can generate whatever the fuck I want in the style I want, the sky is truly the limit.
Very mid pictures, very mid V
Is this thread full of homosexuals now that there hasn't been a good V poster since 2023?
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>finally go do clouds
>my V is a gooner
>decide to go full Sin City Marv on it
>plan to get the info from clouds, grab my guns and go full no russian on the tygers
>can't get back in through the doors
>can't even blow the head off the receptionist
>have to reload a save and beat all the tygers to death with my gorilla arms
Why does CDPR hate fun?
Ducati makes sexy machines, but you are 1000% right in that they will bend your wallet over.
>not like there's any major difference to keeping them alive
I kept most of them alive in my first playthrough, but I want to see if I can give them all to her alive this time to make up for me refusing to do any stealth missions for her. I was loud on every mission. I even saved the Mox girl that went cyberpsycho and took her alive for Reggie.
>I even saved the Mox girl that went cyberpsycho and took her alive for Reggie.
Which oddly doesn't apply to her cyberpsycho missions
You can kill her AFTER you are done with woodman, but yeah CDPR hates fun.
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I just headcannon it as she takes her in. What's weird to me is why can't I ever give anyone hurt, like the Mox girl on the second story that's hurt my inhaler? Lots of times like that where I'd love to give them a hit of my inhaler to get them standing again but I just can't.
Just wish they'd let me do what I want a little more, not like it effects the story in any way.
They don't let you do shit, everything is on rails and you have no freedom or agency.
you must feel right at home, its like real life.
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>Try the vehicle customisation mod
>Tricked out Kusanagi now goes 234mph

>Netrunner focusing more on control hacks and dealing damage with guns
That's what I did, but after a while your guns become strong enough to do most of the work. The only quickhack I routinely use in combat nowadays is Cyberware Malfunction to take Sandy users down a peg. CM doesn't work against Smasher from what I've seen, but Detonate Grenade is practically a cheat skill against him, plus he's easy to distract with the turrets hidden in the floor.
I should probably try a melee build soon.
You should go outside more then, lmao.
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I'm still having fun with it, and at least the options we are given are somewhat realistic. It's no Fallout 4 "Ashes go haome" bullshit. Was the Witcher series as on rails? I tried playing the third one, but gave up after an hour because it just wasn't for me.
>Tricked out Kusanagi now goes 234mph
Webm def related then.
i have sandevistan boring, however blades are fun on their own. You can deflect bullets to blowup environmental hazards or headshot them with their own bullets if you time and aim it right.
The only smart gun I liked was Ba Xing Chong, and even that is more fun when you use it point blank range to blow up vehicles, instead of the target lock function that won't kill most enemies if there's more than two of them.
I really hate the multi lock shit with smart weapons. All it does is dumpster the dps on any enemy you actually want to kill.
>Was the Witcher series as on rails? I tried playing the third one, but gave up after an hour because it just wasn't for me.
That game is so fucking long that I took vacations just to finish it and I couldn't, but to answer your question, no, the Witcher 3 was not as railroaded as cyberpunk, you could finish quests and contracts in different ways, going and investigating places in any other you wanted, with quests and contracts having different consequences and outcomes that could affect aspects of the story, etc. fantastic game all around, even though the combat was a little too repetitive and the economy was broken s fuck. I don't have many complaints about that game, it's reputation as one of the greatest games ever made is well earned.
>the Witcher 3 was not as railroaded as cyberpunk,
cybeprunk is a witcher 3 reskin.
Am I really supposed to start the DLC before finishing the game? Feels wrong going from shooting trashy gangsters and a cyber samurai to destroying military grade super mechas and whole armies
God I wish, but they kept all the jank, garbage and ditched everything else, everything good too like world building and characters, etc, etc.
Yep because, "THE CURE" tm, that should give you an idea of how things are going to go down.
yeah all the good from old thing are gone.
present day current thing is only bad and has no good things.
6/10 as far as linear movie games go.
Pretty much.
Should have been more like New Vegas.
I started PL just to gain access to Dogtown, and almost got locked into the Chimera fight because one of the prompts glitched out. I'm not touching the rest of the main DLC quest line until I've done literally everything else in Night City.
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I think Cyberpunk's story is pretty good and Night City most well designed sandbox city of all time. Let's see how GTA 6 can compete
For me, the issue is that while V could/should know certain things about the world he's lived in for 20 something years, the player doesn't, so V sounds like an idiot because the dumbass puppeteering him needs to figure out how things work.
>I think Cyberpunk's story is pretty good and Night City most well designed sandbox city of all time
Meh, I disagree. It's pretty and all but I really wish the city had more verticality
You must groom latino twinks into becoming cyberpsychos until you get enough money to fly to the moon.
Good for you anon, I could give you shit and be cynical about it but I won't, keep enjoying things. Story is fucking garbage tho.
i can tell you are a harden veteran of the woke gaming industry. takes a lot of courage to call a spade a spade.
You're not alone
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Why do you think the story is garbage?
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I guess I am okay with V acting like he doesn't know things because it can give the plausible deniability if you are choosing to play V as an Idiot. What I do hate is that rep doesn't seem to really matter, outside of vendor prices. Why is some random gonk treating me like a pile of shit when I am rolling around with 50 street cred, or even better if I am talking to someone with my shotgun in their face why are they still acting like I am dogshit? Example, I talked to fingers earlier with my shotgun out until I punched him, but he was still acting like he wasn't in danger prior to the punch.
Yeah, the only time NPCs recognise V as the one choom army that he/she is, is during Don't Fear The Reaper. Meanwhile you can slaughter 50 gangoons and cops and they keep rushing at you as if fighting #51 is going to completely destroy you.
EP2 never had a concrete concept that anyone outside of CDPR knows of. 2015-early 2017 Moon assets don't count BTW
Why the fuck the ads in photomode are so low res
I wish there were more unique things in NC. Feels like a huge chunk is just a copy paste job
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>pic related
It'll either be that or you pan the camera away & the ad changes.
So far NC has felt fairly unique to me, but my only other reference points for open world games are MGSV (which is a bunch of small areas separated by vast swathes of nothing) and Ghost Recon Breakpoint (which has literal copy and paste buildings and bases separated by vast swathes of nothing).
oh yeah, generate more ram
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She doesn't seem very helpful.
What are the people of Night City doing?
Praying for the end.
escaping into BDs
Speaking of which, I bought some of those BDs from those two guys in the black market in Dogtown. Do those actually do anything, or are they just a gag? The other stuff they sell was pretty useful.
just a gag
Oh well, more crafting materials I guess.
I've reached a point where I clean out clothing stores just to turn everything into crafting materials. Johnny must think my V is a proper nutcase.
Other than Relic buffed Monowire, Fenrir, and Erebus, are there any other ways to inflict Cyberware Malfunction without a cyberdeck?
I think the EMP effect from Yinglong is functionally Cyberware Malfunction.
any reason to prefer bleeding, incendiary, poison etc mantis blades?
>It'll either be that or you pan the camera away & the ad changes.
is there no fix for this? the 180p ads specifically are pissing me off
Does the HD adds mod fix it? Or maybe it's 4k instead of HD, can't remember.
This is the mod in question I am referencing.
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Inflicting status effects
Because you like fire/electricity/poison
Because you like red/blue/green
aight then
What happened to her massive jugs anon...?
Anyone else doing a permadeath playthrough ?
Here are some self imposed rules I decided to go with:

No sandy, only kerenzikov for slowdown
No cyberdeck or hacks
No inhaler
No manual bloodpump use, only biomonitor.
No second heart
All cyberware costs 2x-3x, to upgrade from T2 to T3 for example, you need to pay 2x-3x T3 cyberware value
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I'd never do a permadeath run mostly because I play like an idiot or with reckless abandon.
>Anyone else doing a permadeath playthrough ?
What would you do something so incredibly retarded? specially in this game of all games..
He chose the blaze of glory over the quiet life.
much like irl, they look better with clothes on
I don't even like doing those for games with actual mechanics for such things
Because over the years I've already played through this game a couple of times.
Now I just want to do the Don't Fear the Reaper ending permadeath. Makes every boss fight/encounter more meaningful and exciting.
The adrenaline rush when you are low on health is unreal when you are deep in the game.

I do have a "checkpoint", post heist so I don't have to redo the intro if I die.
Not that kind of game.
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>Why do you think the story is garbage?
not that anon but i guess because the lack of futanaries
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Hilarious, you know why? the model I'm using can't do that. It can generate a very detailed landscape pic of a cyberpunk city but it can't generate a stick of "RAM" . Good one one, cheers.
There are people on this very general who don't know what that pic is from, that really takes me back.
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>start my day off with a gig
>gotta go rescue some gonks wife from tygers
>sneak down to her
>sudden epiphany
>remember I don't give a fuck about stealth
>booty blast the whole compound
Just a threadly reminder that if I catch any of your V's reppin the Tygers I will do you as dirty as I do them in game.
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Is the +40% crit while using sandy from lvl60 shinobi broken? Doesnt seem to apply to anything according to stats.
its +40 percent crit chance, depending on your setup, if you are already over 100% you might not see a difference. i wouldnt know if they built in extra conditions for hyper critical hits.
It adds literally nothing to crit. It does apply the stamina free movement part, but crit is raised by fuckall. Tried it out with all sandies and it only ever adds what the said sandy gives by itself, the ones that dont boost crit at all not getting any crit up.
What would you say is the most fun playstyle in this game?
Either full gorillamode berserk or blades sandy. Both can be suplemented by shotties, pistols and snipers too for variety. While powerful netrunning is not everyones cup of tea, frankly I find it very boring but if you like stealth its there.
That's so true...Specially with asian chicks, you see them well dressed and all and once the bra is off you realize it was all padding.
I noticed panaam never uses contractions, at all. Is she autistic?
I dunno, maybe
You think?
She's incredibly hot, that's what she is.
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Real and true.
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qt Nubian queen
>Asian Vs
>Black Vs
Why no spicy Latina Vs?
Show me an example of a latina woman.
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Salma Hayek
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I thought you were going to post some basic bitch cali slut with a tan, I'm surprised to say the least, not bad either.
I don't recognize this one.
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>I don't recognize this one.
Diane Guerrero
I see, good one anon, glad to know I'm among cultured people.
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I'm something of a latina expert myself
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Judy if she real
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I think I might have goofed, making my second build be shotgun/lmg/gorilla arms. How can my other planned playthroughs honestly top this? I was planning on my next to be a nomad that uses tech weapons and the launcher arm, please tell me tech weapons are just as much fun as this. I need it, bro's. I don't wanna peak this early...
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I knew she looked familiar when i watched the Flash movie last week
Dude. Her scenes were the only thing that made that pile of shit watchable.
The flash did her dirty, she was like the only redeeming quality about that slop.
>Judy if she real
Don't insult that chick like that anon.
>please tell me tech weapons are just as much fun as this
tech weapons never stopped being strong
the Senkoh LX's tight burst and full auto are satisfying.
DR-12 Quasar has a similar set it and forget it mode, firing the whole mag after charging.
I like the Chaos pistol from Royce. its a JKE-X2 Kenshin with random crit chance and status effects. good for popping heads.
they can all fire through walls when charged.
Pairs well with reinforced ankles. Charge your shot, make one big jump over enemy cover and let it rip.
I asked /tv/ if there was a supercut of the movie of just her scenes, but I didn't get anywhere
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Nice, I was just worried tech weapons would be as boring as smart guns. I'm sort of glad I did smart guns with my first playthrough, because doing them after my current build would have made them look too lacking. Also, I know that for one ending you can commit suicide, does that count as an ending with a name or achievement? Or is it more of a you lose, retard moment?
>I was planning on my next to be a nomad that uses tech weapons and the launcher arm
You need to get into the DLC for the arm launcher to reach it's fullest potential and to be the most fun, tech weapons in general are hit or miss, I like tech removers like the burya, but I didn't like the pistols with the exception of Reed's pistol.
That movie was such a flop, doubt there's anything more of her.
Are the "The Beast in Me" driving quests worth doing, like for the story or anything? Love the game and getting close to wrapping up my first playthrough, but I really do not like the driving at all.
The races are basically impossible to lose and you can get two free cars out of it. Otherwise, no.
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They are great at making you hate a character. Don't click on the webm unless you want to be spoiled.
I see, think I might just skip then. Is there any big payoff to finishing all the Gigs and/or Police Assaults? Again, mostly story. Some of the gigs have been pretty interesting, but I'd like to see the conclusion to the story soon and I don't feel like doing Ubislop world map objective checking off if all I'm gonna get is a car and a gun that does critical damage on headshots while using berserk on tuesday nights.
Very nice.
Do the same thing when you face Mama Brigitte.
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I plan on it. I never pressed them on what they did to Evelyn with my first character, since I played her as a people pleaser and pushover, but this time my character is a give no fucks gooner who has a soft spot for joytoys and dolls. Hell, he's already spent over 50k eddies on Evelyn BD's, he plans on wiping out the voodoo boys down to the root, like he does with tygers.
>Are the "The Beast in Me" driving quests worth doing,
>like for the story or anything?
Is the 2020 flashbacks a different Night City build to the normal game? Trying to place where I am in both and I cant see it. If it is, its such a nice touch
Literally the same.
>hurrr it's pay to get in
No thanks
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>forgot to attach image
I am retard
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I love Rebecca
Does the DLC auto start right after the VDB shit or is it something you need to actively start?
After finishing the whole Placide quest line you get a phone call moments later
Okay, just making sure it doesn't teleport your ass or something to do DLC shit.
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The blue is pretty obvious, huh?
I really want to like the VDBs but they're such shitheads.
I can't wait to kill every last one of them for the 3rd time
I don't
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>"That was a really cool quest. Maybe I'll hit up some NCPD side gi-"
You don't get teleported there but it unfortunately continues the pacing problem of the game by making it seem like you have to go do it right away. Should have just had the call come in once Act 3 starts.
I guess they wanted to make sure normies were able to get in to the DLC relatively early so they would actually buy and play it.
I would take small cornered off detail rich over huge open world with more generic design. That's just me though, an enjoyer of nudeusex for that exact reason. Just feel more cyberpunk to explore every corner of a small but detail heavy setting
No achievement tied with it. It doesn't even trigger The World for getting any ending.
The Point of No Return message is a bit misleading. Once you enter Embers and get an ending, post credits there will be an option for "one last gig" that spits you back outside Embers. You can then pursue other endings, or finish the Ubisoft objective checking but with some extra gear unlocked from various endings.
Do you get voicemails while the credits roll, at least?
Yes, but naturally everyone is mad or upset with V.
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Huh. I didn't want to save scum the endings, to save them for future playthroughs but ending my own life sounds lame and I don't even know what kind of character I would even play that gives up there, so I might save scum that one.
Just remember the good times, anon.
funny thing is if you die at any point during the secret ending, the game considers it as V doing the suicide ending. same voicemails and all
>pacing problem
Benefit of growing up with Bethesda games.
>"omg! There's a war going on and force a is attacking force b and we need your help NOW!!!"
>get distracted by other stuff and come back six in-game months later
>nothing's changed
the only bad part about killing them off is after the quest, there's no more random ones around Pacifica to kill for funsies
Post your favorite screenshot you've taken
already did >>487653139
just like the real haitians
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>optical camo is still complete dogshit
>the mod to customize duration and cooldown is broken if you have over 10 cool
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>GIM is now full of skull level sandy spamming animals
>if i get spotted half a dozen of them swarm me beat my ass to death
I guess it's better than being able to walk in and delete all of them like before but it's a little annoying.
Well she doesn't wanna waste that cig, of course
>real haitians
Don't get me started on real Haitians. Had enough of those motherfuckers when I lived in south Florida.
Use EMP nades to disable them.
Yea, I was spamming EMPs and cyberware malfunction. Still beat the shit out of me a few times when I would miss one as they ran up
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>purposely choosing different options this time around
>first time I killed the cops without listening to them
>turns out they were right
>offer to take out the trash for them this time
>talk to the trash
>this is my only two options at the end of the conversation
God damnit, CDPR. Why isn't there a "just fucking die" option?
that's why you need to level your cool, man
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I am now, I just leveled it last. I've been playing this character as taking what he wants, not asking for it.
>secret ending
How many endings are there? I know of I guess four options, go with hanako, go with rogue as yourself, go with rogue as Johnny, and go with Panam.
go with Hanako, go with Rogue as Johnny, go with Panam, fly to Langley with Reed, suicide and the secret ending being going alone through the front door of Arasaka Tower (where dying just defaults you to the suicide ending). there is no go with Rogue as yourself.
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So I'm having trouble coming up with another game that modeled lint on clothing.
Oh, I thought I remembered seeing an option to go to Rogue as yourself. I think I will go to the front door solo, knowing that I can now.
Makes the most sense for this character, as I decided to not romance Panam this time and wait for my Nomad Character to do that.
> I think I will go to the front door solo
you're gonna want to look up how to have that ending available if you do plan on going that route & don't know how already
Ah, it's contingent? Guess I will look it up, honestly I never would have known about it if you didn't tell me.
>Ah, it's contingent?
Very contingent, but very worth looking up how to access it.
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>the guy finished the exterior of his real like quadra v-tech
Thanks again for letting me know, anon.
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mfw when those flat faced semi trucks glitch while driving and then star freaking out and crash into everything while making the loudest fucking noise in my headphones
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Hey anon, did you ever find her again or does she just show up for me more often then others?
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Bros why do those glasses make my pp happy?
Because you were raised by women and you have a mommy fetish.
The dimensions look fucked.
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Grandmother behind the wheel.
Let's be honest, you'd drive your dick into that gilf pussy any day.
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h*ck no
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There is only one hag for me
bro got that terminal yellow fever
In game her body is the same as V, sooooo
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Imagine the smell.
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okey so...
from left to right:
corpo, nomad, nomad, corpo, streetkid, streetkid, streetkid, streetkid, nomad, corpo, nomad, streetkid, nomad, corpo, nomad, nomad, corpo, and also nibles the fagot

Am i right on this one, or am i an idiot
Best girl and canon virgin.
>shittalking Nibbles
You're an idiot.
3 on the left, left to right, street, corpo, nomad
3 on the right, right to left, street, corpo, corpo.
wasnt cd projekt red bragging about how they revamped the melee in this game before the dlc dropped? why is it still the worst, jankiest melee? literally unplayable

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