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Previous: >>486786895

>[Event] Arctic Summer World! Chaldea's Magical Summer Theme Park
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Lady Avalon Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Ashiya Douman Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/e75ykf.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Future Quartz: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRQFC6pgsvDr11c1oe8PcGXurF3uw0MBq73YoQMGCJemzMics9LfwVurTLMi0rpfHNEBjG6gVCOrIer/pubhtml
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

liz sex
Valkcest confirmed?
Yuyu love!
gee takeuchi how come you get two blonde valkyries?
Kinda feel sad for clown.
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let her cook
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Breeding sex with big boobie bunnies
Hildr's wink, bros. I need her.
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>multiple taunting enemies causes attacks to randomly choose a target PER CARD
was it always like this bros, I just had a mighty chain split between two enemies
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Mom Love!
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I love my king wife so much!
somehow I never ran into it before now thanks
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>Type-Moon collabing with Mihoyo
If Melt were alive, she would be so disappointed by this.
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At least Douman's still really funny.
the 28 mill dl banner is the last time i'm aware of that she gets a rerun. good luck!
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uhh wdym?
These story sections are too fucking long, it took me 2 hours to read it between checking the game and /alter/
No one ever actually liked her outside of "heh boobs". Kinda weird to see people actually say they appreciate Titoria and NOT being laughed at for doing so.
>why post maou
Just lust-provoking image.
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Use Atlas and speed through until you find something interesting
I could not be assed to read more nipwank. Sakurai should be fired and nipwank should be culled along with anyone who defends either.
>No one ever actually liked her outside of "heh boobs". Kinda weird to see people actually say they appreciate
This but with Lip.
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She's so damn beautiful.
Atlas doesn't show Erice's chuuni fit.
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>NOT being laughed at for doing so.
NTA but first of all I doubt people really care. Second, I think we're just all grown up from posting like that and became casual normies.
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I see.
>No one ever actually liked her outside of "heh boobs". Kinda weird to see people actually say they appreciate Titoria and NOT being laughed at for doing so.
I guess, the whole boobs thing and she's for (you). She is actually beautiful tho. Also much better handled than her alter counterpart...
She's made for sex and that's all that matters
That's a shame
I started reading this chapter normally and eventually couldn't take it anymore so I did get to see it properly
>heh boobs
This is the primary reason for many servantfags like Raikou, Skadi, Murasaki, Lip, etc.
Learn how to speed read then? I don't recall they were that long.
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she was the first 5 star i ever tried summoning(got spooked but nabbed her) and i maxed her out.
she's really cool and i like her a lot. like a LOT. she's super badass and has cool lore on top of being pretty and sexy. plus i like her reserved/stoic personality and occassional air headedness.
>All Daily Quest is unlocked but no half off
What? Is this normal?
We know Dun Stallion
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>can't speed read
I bet you are that brute, Tohsaka Rin!
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Got NP1 Douman

Unironically do not know anything about him gameplay-wise. What the fuck do I do with him?
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So /alter/ has fallen? First people don't laugh at coomers for pretending to care about servants like Titoria, what's then? NTR is a good thing posting?
She was also my first 5 star!
>she's really cool and i like her a lot. like a LOT. she's super badass and has cool lore on top of being pretty and sexy. plus i like her reserved/stoic personality and occassional air headedness.
Also same!
She is shit in gameplay
Imagine actively wasting SQ on her
nta but I'm unironically limited by the max speed settings (excluding that broken one that makes it skip 3-4 line chunks)
Your reading speed is still limited by the game's scroll speed.
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It's okay. If my name is too difficult to say or remember, you can just call me Mommy.
You use his skill to get max NP, then you use it. And then you regret wasting quartz on
>Alter Memego
>Sakurai character
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Press several times and then read the history.
Look, there are AIkeks. We laugh at them. And what's with Titoria in comparison with AI sloppa spam? Maybe people keep their strength to fend off the second.
my favorite titoria ascension is her 2nd one, just saying. also her valentines+interludes are the cutest. could do without the shitty close up they added to her np and a costume off the horse would be fine too but other than that easily my favorite lancer.
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I have a controller setup with binds for this which I used for LB6, but it's awkward compared to literally every other vn
Hence, Atlas
Why doesn't Limbo wash his hands or feet? His finger and toe tips are rotting black and his nails are green from presumably fungus.
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Marriage and lots of babymaking sex next
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It's why I maxed her! Lore wise she's older saber with a twist so that helps to. By far my favorite servant. I really wanna see her wield Excalibur.
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Thank you. Thank you for being so stupid.
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>Strenght: E
>Endurance: E
Why spread misinfo?
sinking, goghing down down down down down
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Yeah that'd be sick. Really hope she pops up in future events
Rank E can smash stone and one handed crush a skull, anon.
It was 1 paid quartz, so it' fine
>40k points for next time lock
That's a pretty huge jump
Even rank E strength is the equivalent the pinnacle of human strength of something
every single cunny servant in chaldea can rape you anon
Are your favs chaotic evil?
If they are then you won't regret rolling for him.
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1 SQ is all you need.
lancer artoria love!
Her armor is really cool. Especially that fur-collared cape. Goes well with her hairstyle that shows off her neck.
>i like her reserved/stoic personality and occassional air headedness.
Yeah, she's great. She's regal and cool, but she's still, you know. Seiba.
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servants with this feel?
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actively kneeling, brother
Why does Artoria Lancer Alter never get love?
Happy Birthday Illya!!!!
Wooo, I waited so long for this day.
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bigger than regular saber but has no ass
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Yeah, she's a more matured Artoria but with the same heart. It's a really nice side of her. I feel like with a more grown body like this, Camelot wouldn't have fallen. Even still, I'm grateful we got who she is. For a year one servant she was a really stellar addition!
Because artist suck and won't draw her rimming the horse that's fucking lancer seiba
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Commission Ebora to do it.
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Why is this hag so selfish?
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Honestly? was unfortunately just used as a surprise boss with no lines and she's a little overdesigned. Doesn't really strike the same cord as Saber alter, unfortunately. Has she even shown up in an event?
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The best plan
>Camelot wouldn't have fallen.
It absolutely would. Narrative casuality wouldn't have it any other way.
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Here, 50 images of Nezha's lower body, front and back, asshole included
How can you love something with no personality? But seriously, Sakurai doesn't know what to do with her which is why she's been ignoring her all these years. I'll even gladly take turning her into a dumb bimbo, as at least that's new for Artorias.
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Okay NERD. You can always just say "The author would make it happen" but that's not fun! Like, objectively it's a more powerful body and she barely tied a fight against an army of 60k-100 + mordred. It's a pretty big difference!
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Will /alter/ roll for her?
>How can you love something with no personality?
Plenty of people do that.
My brain is hardwired to think of Lemongrab every time I see Summer Raikou
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I love Melusine.
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For me it's
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I love her so much
Mom’s park is the best
People have high expectations (relatively) when she is the variant of one of the characters in the earliest Fate works.
That's a man
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I'm sorry to hear that.
Everyone is only rolling for Takeru so he can take Iori away so that Yui is free
>final fight
>every crypter reappears as a welfare
Would you clap?
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I've been reading Section 3 for 30 minutes!!!
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What do you think?
Sex with Yuyu...

Apparently you can't read since the post literally already mentioned max
They're already at max bro, as I said
In conjunction with auto it's passive if i'm eating or some shit but it's awkward as fuck
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She'd probably be a better mom to Moedred, at least.
Wheelchair Servant when?
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God, this event is so boring, but at the same time I can't skip because I'd feel guilty
Also female Merlin is devoid of sex appeal
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>Gracefully, quietly
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I'm skipping this event because I'm still seething for hitting pity when getting Merlina.
>Also female Merlin is devoid of sex appeal
You're a faggot.
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You know what the NP reminds me of?
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himari LOVE
>Erice said nig
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since it's their birthdays, i will be explaining what i like about each of the cups

first up is Miyu
i like how smart yet awkward she is
i like her cute side too, her interest in animal pjs is adorable
i like her beautiful black hair
i like her love for Illya
i like that she is nice
>Artoria: Missed me with that gay shit
NTA but Summer Skadi is so much hotter.
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>Also female Merlin is devoid of sex appeal
Low test the post
You're the faggot for being into women with no meat on their bones.
Do you prefer hairy or hairless pussies?
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That is a fair opinion.
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Do you like Miyu's Valentine scene?

>Miyu: Yes, I heard from Illya. To the person you love. To the person who is truly important to you. To the person who you want to have special relationship with... The chocolate you present to the person who you feel that way about is called 'True Feelings Chocolate'. That's why, I... umm, it is truly embarrassing but... I have given it. To Illya.
>Guda: Eh?
>Miyu: I have given it to Illya. The best ingredients from all over the world, my knowledge, my skills, my passions... And with a bit of something that came from Child of God's power, I made the ultimate, supreme chocolate cake!
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Why are you gay?
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since it's their birthdays, i will be explaining what i like about each of the cups

second is Chloe
i like how brave she is
i like how she cares deeply for her loved ones
i like how proactive she is, even in life or death situations
i like the color of her eyes
i like that she knows what she wants
i like that she is mischievous
I really love her faces here, cute, cool, and dorky
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why does she have a bulge
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Did someone say cup
Easiest would of my life
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what... not for (you)...
Wouldn't it be funny if tomorrow's node had 8 arrows haha
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God she can be so sweet when she wants to.
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Sexy adult Miyu...
Is she for (you)?
Gogh NEEDS to be put into a woodchipper feet first.
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since it's their birthdays, i will be explaining what i like about each of the cups

lastly Illya
i like her kindness
i like how she wants to save everyone
i like that she is brave on behalf of others
i like her determination
i like how much she cares for Chloe and Miyu
i like how she can quickly get embarassed
i like her homophobia
i like her understanding of others
i like that she can be silly
Just self-insert as Dun Stallion.
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maybe but who cares
I still ship her with muramasa
In some pics Lartoria really reminds me of Riza Hawkeye.
That knot on her bikini is doing so much work.
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tried changing the app icon for fgo to this because of her
yes. nothing explicit surrounding her lancer self afaik but she takes you on a cute romantic date as bunny and tops it off with a private VIP room for the two of you for valentines. also she says she uses the "appeal of an adult" in her bunny form. blushes hard core if you compliment the bunny she made for you.
>i like her love for Illya
>i like her homophobia
>tried changing the app icon for fgo to this because of her
you can't self-insert as illya?
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what a cute hag...
Would you like to bodyswap with Dun Stallion?
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My favorite girl is for me and me only because I am delusional.
im not homophobic
holy based
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She loves Illya and she is also willing to give an equally enormous amount of love to (you)
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unfortunately it gets really crunchy even if you sized it properly for some reason.... sucks....
no. i even resent the horse because i knew people would make jokes about it. sucks. she's a lancer not a rider so it'd be nice if she didn't have one. it really bums me out it's just a joke at her expense.
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the turds...
I feel like not giving Titoria any muscle defnition at all is a missed opportunity. I've always imagined her as having a rather toned body.
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i could take it or leave it, personally. anime art styles tend to not be great for subtle muscle def anyway and her artist already has a bit of an issue with legs.
ain't nobody forcing Illya to grind on Kuro the way she does
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need Illya and Miyu Iskander install that turns their hair red and short
I dont need merlin(girl)
I dont need merlin(girl)
It's still just a joke. Imagine how people feel when their favorite servant has weird things actually happen/implied to happen to them in story itself, ex. Mash's amnesia.
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>also willing to give an equally enormous amount of love to (you)
Yeah, so long Master isn't a dirty pervert.
Here's all the Kama i've made with NAI, nealy 700 mb
and all the seibah faces since we are at it
mostly titoria and a subfolder of Morgan
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You do.
>Imagine how people feel when their favorite servant has weird things actually happen/implied to happen to them in story itself, ex. Mash's amnesia.
Yeah, still feel bad though. Good thing Latoria doesn't!
>heh you know what this event needs?
>half an hour of exposition dump about a fucking boar
Have you already shared your Illya folder?
you're not going to like the next few days then
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yeah nasu was just being a creepy piece of shit, even if like seconds later we see that he got his shit wrecked.
i also despise the bitch on that panel that said she liked the relationship. freak.
why? no gameplay reason please
i will rayshift to save her mom's life, marry her and then adopt Miyu as my daughter
does that make me a dirty pervert?
I'd imagine I would just pound Chiyome until total exhaustion while the banana watches
>she is also willing to give an equally enormous amount of love to (you)

She gave chocolate to Guda because Illya told her to.
Kawasumi's voice is very cute
Mischievous imouto character is always cute
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True, but still. Would've been great.
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original quality
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rape rape rape miyu-chan
im still compiling stuff in my default NAI folder
based, much thanks
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The Van Gogh movie (At Eternity's Gate) was great. Sad it has such a low rating due to being a bit difficult to understand.
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bros, she still loves me right?

np5 btw
uhhh then ill guess ill just take kuro and illya instead
i got a fucking heavens feel instead of black grail AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Wait, did Nasu write that?
Bro, stop this. This shit isn't healthy.
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Don't give him the folder.
Just some people talking about LB6 during one of the streams and one of the girls there said that she really liked it. I just have a personal hatred for bastards like Boggart. Rapists, even wannabe ones, deserve no sympathy.
I understand, but thanks for the reply back to me, anon.
have you ever seen women's erotic fiction
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Speaking of which, I also hated how they did Boudica's interlude. Was the goblin rapist shit really necessary? Why couldn't it have been something cool or cute?
They told her because she had obligation and affection. Her obligation and affection were preexisting.
Rapist or no, that entire subplot was just plain uncomfortable. Felt like a hentai doujin, the sort where every tag related to NTR is present.
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Damn these are good
Have you seen Boudica's design? It looks like some generic hentai/ eroge from the 2000s
Neat. Is she useful at 120?
corday a cutie
i think he's gone on record saying he wrote a lot of it and considering his degeneracy with characters like sakura, kiara, and how he does she like completely absolve gwenevere for being a cheating bitch(he even calls her pure because she had nightmares after fucking lancelot) i don't doubt it was his idea.
I know it just breaks my heart. That's one of the most horrifying things you can do to someone short of actual torture and it can result in something she can't fucking get rid of. It's horrible.
But perhaps I'm just being too moral for a place like 4chan.... Sorry if i'm being a bummer.
Yeah. I hated it a lot. She was being sweet and innocent. Plus even though she didn't love him it felt like Nasu was trying to taint her somehow.
he's just jealous of rape chads
Still, really weird.
Have you read any of the year 1 interludes? All of them are bad hell Lubu's interlude was about him being a servant known for betrayal and how you should be careful about him but nothing ever came out of it.
It's like some of you fuckers forgot that this franchise was built upon the backs of eroge. In Tsuki, Shiki was getting off to chocking Kohaku. Then there's the whole worm rape of Sakura in FSN. Y'all reading the wrong damn franchise if this sort of shit disturbs you.
i might drop it later/soon
I had a situation where a bunch of random pics got duplicated due to my mouse derping or something, so im depuring
also ended up organizing the cups in separate folders of
and one with older pics wheni first tried nai that are derpy, but not that bad, and before the current NAI upgrade
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with that vision where kadoc takes over chaldea and guda isn't needed anymore I'm 100% sure that the boggart subplot was supposed to confront guda with the fear of losing mash. I assume nasu was stopped before making the ntr to explicit.
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>absolve gwenevere for being a cheating bitch
I think it's just a result of Lancelot's aura of "literally unable to do wrong ever and is always the best".
>Nasu was trying to taint her somehow.
Well, I wouldn't be so dramatic as to call it "tainting" her, but I do think that Nasu et al were just desperately trying to find a way to sidelane Mash, preferrably forever, since she obviously doesn't work in a gacha-type story.
It's like you're new to basic drama 101. So many soap operas all have that 'heroine being captured/forced to marry the villain only to get saved by the hero at the climatic moment' or something along the line.
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>But perhaps I'm just being too moral for a place like 4chan.... Sorry if i'm being a bummer.
Nah, you can feel however you want to feel. Everyone has a different brain and it's not always possible to choose how you process or respond to things.
I like all sorts of heinous shit that I'm actively horrified by when it happens in real life. I guess I'm fortunate for my brain automatically separating those scenarios into fiction, because it's clear for others it doesn't necessarily work that way.
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With this attack stat? No, not at all. I just like her and all the events that she's been in really have warmed me up to her. She's a sweetheart.
Didn't she get humiliated enough in life? Sucks when they beat on good people like this. People are fucking horrible.
Like Shrek.
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>since she obviously doesn't work in a gacha-type story.
Pro-tip: just make Mash the MC. Remove Guda and have her do the summoning etc.
Well, too fucking bad that player doesn't really care about Mash by default so emotional impact just isn't there, and making a girl move on to another guy, and a weirdo like Boggart no less, in such a tacky way is beyond ridiculous if you want her to be sympathetic.
Yeah but that didn't happen. I know ultimately she was okay but it was still really uncomfortable.
I know it's just fiction but it makes me sad. Been like this since I was a kid.
mash should have stayed dead after part 1. would have been a good finale for her too.
Well, usually heroine isn't brain-damaged to the point where she's pretty okay with marrying said villian.
There's no way to loop with Gareth, yes?
Honestly? Making her get summoned by the Chaldea system upon returning would have been pretty sensible and kind of cool even if it's a bit sad. Wouldn't have to swap her out, would make her a servant for future entries, she could have actual alts, etc.
Why do you guys act like you're in middle school? Can't we discuss FGO like men?
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What if (You) went inside Nemo's body?
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I'm crawlding in their room
they're 12, sir
That's the secret, anon. Adults are just middle schoolers in a bigger form. That's why all adult entertainment is self indulgent gossipy bullshit or giga nerd shit.
I like Ishtar.
I think they should have killed off Fou instead.
out of 10!
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I want to impregnate every single of them
I meant more with regard to being bothered, I didn't mean to imply you weren't literally aware it was just pretend, sorry. It's hard to explain.
Despite that there are some more grounded/realistic depictions of things I still won't watch because it can cross over into the area of my brain where I actually start to become bothered. It's all automatic so it's hard to convey.
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10 at some points even TuT
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Jesus Christ she REALLY likes this gag huh
It's been 8 years, lady. PLEASE let it die already.
I guess the wackiness is there to tone down the ntr. When reading the scenes it didn't feel like what onii-chan was spouting for 2 years.
Ah, my bad. No, I totally get what you mean. Just mistook it as a statement of "I can just disengage whenever". Guess I'm getting sleepy.
Thanks for being kind, anon. I enjoyed talking to you.
I wonder if the Nips are sick of the joke as well?
Funny jokes stay funny forever.
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>it didn't feel like what onii-chan was spouting for 2 years.
Little known fact, jokes acrually become funnier the more you repeat them
No worries, words are but crude approximations.
Kindness is much needed in the world. You too, and have a good night's rest, anon.
It's such a shame, Edison's interlude made me think it'll be much more fun if he interacted with Emiya as well. Or maybe even Caesar/ David if they want to do more le capitalist jokes.
ur gay times x1000
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Yeah, it's kinda hard to gauge. Some things I can read or watch with no problem despite them being bad/gross/evil/etc, I do not approve of them and don't specigically enjoy them, but they don't bother me outside of quality of story itself. But sometimes it just hit my brain in a specific way that makes me want to skip that part and pretend it never happened. Not out of some sort of objective moral outrage, but simply because it made me uncomfortable on some subconscious level.
Let me see your lvl 120 Caligma.
But isnt that the definition of madness ?
This is where I said fuck it and just skipped
Miyu love
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cute girls. david's here too.
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Liz love
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You've been...
You dropped your avatar Anytime.
it's been unfunny for so long i've grown to like it
usually they are ok after a good dicking
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Brolmes is still with us in spirit.
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I don't really have anything profound to say, I just wanted to post Quetz because I love her very much.
Have a nice day.
How is it possible to fuck up the writing for an event that should write itself?
One of the core themes of Nasuverse is that nothing is impossible.
they know the average player is a veteran
Quetz looks like a tranny
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>about to skip because event is boring
>sei appears
>start reading again
How does she do it?
The event was going fine until today. It's just keeps going and going...
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15 mooooore i'm kind of excited!
I've been spending prisms on the this year and I'm shocked at how far behind I am despite that. You really did need to be spending this whole time to ensure an extra set of 125, huh?
Just Sakurai things.
YOU look like a tranny
Who are you saving them for bro?
I wish I looked like quetz...
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Don't worry anon. I think Quetz is cool and a good waifu.
Probably bunny or Castoria. Depends on how good my luck is later this year with castoria's DL banner. I need 3 more copies until I can max her but bunny's last rate up is next year so I might have to save.
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I'm mostly saying this because I'm that weirdo who reads hentai full of rape/NTR and some ryona/disfigurement and gets off to it, but it happening IRL, even if I have no relation to the person, is abhorrent to me.
It's pretty silly really, since I can enjoy something but the moment someone convinces me what I just consumed (with plausible evidence) was based on a real happening I'll be sick to my stomach.
Like you, media with a certain level of viscerality seems to subconsciously "convince" me of that by default even if I know it's fiction.
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Same. Glad I'm not the only one who thought that of the boggart shit.
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Holmes's death seemed like an omen that a close colleague would soon pass away.
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JPs shit on it every single time as well, yeah.
They only keep rehashing it out of pure stubbornness at this point.
You realize Gordy will have to take the fall, right? The only reason Guda didn't get a Sealing Designation was because they shifted the big accomplishments to Roman.
Plus Kadoc is being heavily foreshadowed to be making a heroic sacrifice soon what with the the blatant "A sirius light can make even the impossible happen at the cost of your life."
She is a neutral damage farmer with an omni card buff, 40% charge, crit support and face card manipulation. Not even remotely close to being bad.
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I meant in real life. Not in game.
>with the the blatant "A sirius light can make even the impossible happen at the cost of your life."
I hate this
Well what else would they talk about?
Stop fucking laughing, Femlin.
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You misspelled precious.
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I'm sorry. I hope nothing bad happens to your friend.
How would you react if Kadoc betrayed you and used his Sirius Light to kill Mash
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>You realize Gordy will have to take the fall, right?
>"I'm not very good at these kind of things, believe it or not. But as the director it is my duty to keep my employees safe. [Insert master name], I leave the rest to you. Save humanity."
He passed away three weeks ago. Life goes on...
this is so corny...
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I don't know. I'd have it spoiled for me two years before it happened anyway.
But you would cry. We all will cry...
You shouldn't have pointed this out...
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How would GUDA react if Mash betrayed them and TRAPPED them in the hyperbolic time lostbelt??!??!!
So it's completely in-character for good old Gordy.
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i'd be like "damn that was out of character. i wonder what the twist is and how they'll rez mash. as a real servant or something silly?"
By saving him we saved ourselves. He's been super helpful.
Either he takes the fall somehow or he somehow saves our asses with charisma alone.
Shit I'm so sorry, anon. My condolences. If it helps, there does seem to be an afterlife. The US government confirmed it in some declassified, decades old documents.
FGO getting a bad ending and resulting in "Thank you for playing" and a permaban as you lose to Marisbury would be the funniest shit
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Da Vinci would be so sad...
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For how long!?
probably not, due to >>486811724
if anyone should cry it's albert.
hmmm, now that we've got 40 rare prisms, i'm thinking I might start buying fou paws as well.
The normal gain rate is 4 per month, but with RP that can be 7 a month. it may be posible to finish a 2nd servant before tour lock missions drop.
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I cried during LB6 despite me reading it two years later.
Sex. Sex with hags. Decades upon decades. Centuries even. A WHOLE MILLENNIA of nothing but hag sex.
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Do it! You might as well, right? That way if you've got enough pre-reqs you can potentially max 5 servants total.
it would be in-character for him. but the entire situation that would lead to giving him such an opportunity would be corny too.
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>but it happening IRL, even if I have no relation to the person, is abhorrent to me.
I saw a girl getting raped and got so horny that i forgot about calling the police and i beat off to it instead and only once the sex was finished and he left i snapped out of it and called the ambulance and the police.
I also thought it would probably be diffrent and i would be disgusted if i saw it happening irl but it was actually kind of sexy watching a live action ryona hentai.
>Implying she's not the culprit
Think about it? Why doesn't she try to take the fall?
2 WHOLE minutes
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Nasu has said in the LB6 notes that Goredolf's death flags will start appearing from now on.
Lartoria looks so unbelievably good in that armor. I mean, she always looks good, but in armor she really does look beautiful in a royal way.
now imagine what it would be like if you went in there without spoilers. imagine oberon's twist without spoilers.
albert has to pay.
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I know we meme on her a lot but I'd genuinely adore Mash as a person and I'd be fucking LUCKY to have someone like her into me. She'd make a great friend and I'd try not to disappoint her. She's a sweetheart and deserves a happy ending.
what birthday gift will you be giving your cups?
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Sometimes knowing what will happen is not spoilers enough to remove experience, but rather how it is acted out.
I think you made this up
I'd high five Kadoc. A pity he'd die too after using it.
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>Seal designated
The ENTIRE WORLD jobbed to Goetia, we got 5 evils of humanity knocking about and at least one of them has spontaneously materialized.
I will do my duty and fill these cups with my personal liquid.
She only appeared outside of London in the Kara no Kyoukai and Journey to the west events, but they were crappy one note cameos.
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Right? My favorite version is Goddess Rhongomyniad's because I love the white and blue but either way she's so fucking badass.
I wish she had talk sprites off the horse..... She looks really cool like this with her cape billowing.
fuck you, albert cocksucker. I'll kill you along with him.
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During this scene, right? I was bawling
Believe or not the whole chaldea managements will be gone some day.
Not to mention Gordolf and Kadoc, Loli Vinci's bad health condition was already foreshadowed in LB6, and it was metioned again just in OC2 recently.
Chaldea has
>Kukulkan (forma de la female ORT)
How can we be in any danger at any point?
I knew Oberon was gonna betray me and he still ended up being a bro and my favourite lb6 character
There aren't people as kind as Mash IRL, bro.
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Ask Merlin to give them all huge futa cocks so they can spend all day in a love train.
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I havenet read it yet and i have no clue what happens
>albert has to pay.

If you don't want spoilers then stay away from the Internet. Everyone has been saying that Oberon betrays (you) from the day LB6 ended in Japan.
the powers of our servants are nerfed to suit the plot
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Barg's final breakbar text pop-up also got me.
>"A sirius light can make even the impossible happen at the cost of your life."
Don't you love the power of a holy grail except the mc never gets to use it?
Honestly Chaldea should be THE strongest superpower on the entire planet. The greatest assassins, strategists, Primordial Runes, enchanters, a guy who almost cured death and made humanity immortal, holy grails out the ass, and more.
Nothing and nobody should be able to stop us short of maybe True ORT if we manage to build a proper fortress for ourselves. Who's gonna sneak past our servants? What assassin would be better than all our Assassins with A rank and above presence concealment let alone ANY of the Hassan i sabbah? What nuke, what magecraft, could stop our roster?
I'm not the other person responding to you but I wasn't saying that as a theoretical.
Some people have their action driven by a purely constructed ethical framework but others seem to have a particular sensation which overrides much reason.
I'm glad you called the respective authorities in the end, anon.
Because it's funny lol
Elves are boring
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Most literate reddit spacer
if this is true you're a bad person and i wish bad things upon you.
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Oberon is a great example of how a character can have an evil agenda yet still be your friend.
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It doesn't matter if Kadoc kills Gudao or Mash.
Alaya will burn its wallet to the last cent to resummon either Gudao or Mash if they die immediately afterward so they can continue to save mankind. Their stacked legend of continuously beating the impossible odds is too great to ignore.
christmas elf tho
>illya´s after party
FGO2 will have a Gudao servant.
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Mash is precious, and she deserves to be cherished and loved. Absolute wife material.
But it's also understandable why people meme so much, she kinda-sorta doesn't have a place in the story anymore, yet keeps being shoved into it. Runs against the whole idea of (You) focusing on whatver jpeg you fancy.
All that's nothing to the mystery niggas that are just hanging out offscreen.
I like the fact that even in the end he cared for Castoria and (you) a lot.
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Though I am not a sentimental person, Baobhan and Morgan deaths and their backstory reveal caused a depression to me.
For some reason we didn't strong arm the mage tower and willlingly had our servants demanifest. The plot literally could only happen because we shut down nearly all of our defenses because we're like "Wow, Gordy bought our place and wants to shut us down? We should totally respect that for no reason."
>rarity level depends on how much effort you put into fgo 1
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It's not even about who could kill us. If Guda dies even if we discount every servant that has the mana to sustain themselves for days if not months, just Draco alone would just go Revelations mode GG. It's mutually ensured destruction on steroids.
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>tfw Sei sees Douman
Can't wait for all the FGO2 NTR doujins where Gudao will steal all your favorite wives with his monster cock
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In the end they were all people who could be friends on the same path, who parted because of the paths they took. It's such a solemn story.
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That was the dumbest plot point. Some servants would absolutely not accept being unsummoned. It would've been a civil war.
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No, I want unprotected Foreigner sex. I'll also be using command spells to order them to get pregnant.
>She looks really cool like this with her cape billowing.
Yep. It's a crime to have a cape this cool and NOT have it billow dramatically.
Name a single thing in FGO that isn't corny.
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It still works...
Clairvoyance + Beasts + Merlin's mana as long as you entertain him
It's a bit unfair really
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NO! NOT THE MYSTERY NIGGAS! I'll have to go all out.... I just hope I don't lose myself.... to Beasthood....
Not a soul on Earth could even come close if we just hole up in a fortress which we can definitely make and do considering our resources. Guda also doesn't maintain the energy of over 400 servants, anon. Tech does that for him. You're absolutely right we've got guaranteed protection but.....
Watch Nasu be retarded and say "no you're not allowed to be smart. I'm gonna ignore it all or just say this new character negates all of that!" The mystery niggas, anon. MYSTERY NIGGAS
>Merlin's mana
You also have Merlina's mana now. And we'll probably summon Maxwell's demon at some point too. You can just tell Gil and Nobunaga to go all out for once since they are heavy mana spenders.
Imagine if Summer Melusine killed Summer Gareth next year as a joke lol
>new (you) cucked by old (you)
I don't get it
no matter what happens I win, seems kinda boring
new (you) (female) getting fucked by old (you) (male/futa) on the other hand...
Even Hokusai (forma de octopus)?
>Gil above the mage tower
Gil would lose anyway. That's just how things works.
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>...I decided to bury Gareth's armor in the children's grave...
Even Voyager
Nasu can just use concept faggotry against (you)
>Gilgamesh (Archer) showing up because "of course I had to show up for this" to bonk Tiamat
>not corny

>Quetz being a lucha
>not corny

>half the cast being FSN related for fanservice
>not corny
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We also have a servant who can change fate, even if ever so slightly.
I'm conceptually retarded, what I can't understand cannot hurt me.
Skadi gone mad...
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Oldman sex!
Someone needs to spank this hag for disobedience.
we got that too. honestly, with how lazy he was with the part 2 prologue, he'll probably just be like "Yeah, you decided to just hand over all your security, weapons, servants, mystic codes, grails, and so on just because someone told you to. Huh? Why would you? Because, silly! They told you to!"
Octopus and Dog sex......
Gil being Gil isn't corny.
Fanservise isn't corny.
Quetz doesn't matter, not a single soul cares about her.
I thought the twist was gonna be that she actually appears in person, but then she was a hologram again
What would that even change?
How do you impregnate a male octopus?
what the fuck
Don't forget that Kama is smitten with (You), so is Draco and Tiamat, and Kiara is kinda on your side

Also, Koyan, I guess. But she's a bitch.
Why are we keep attracting evil woman (sometime man as well)
>I just hope I don't lose myself.... to Beasthood....
Gudako is a Beast already.
And fucking Fou
>Draco goes Beast again
>Kiara goes Beast again
>Tiamat and Kama are angry
>Melusine goes Albion
>KKK goes nuclear
Ngl, Sei/Douman moments are the best part.
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I walk too fast irl. How do I slow down?
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Iyo and himiko are blood related ?
Melusine even ensures that the Beasts we do keep are guda-safe, since she's actively watching them and will pounce on them the moment they look like they're going to turn
I refuse to use Edison and Tesla because of this
The only thing we don't have is a way to rewind time altogether.
Oh wait...
Shoot yourself every 30 minutes
>plot twist is that Gudao/Gudako is disillusioned and actually evil
>you take control of Marisbury in the last chapter
>kill Gudao/Gudako
Oh :(
Cut your legs off.
Crawling is a lot slower than walking.
>will pounce on them
I want to see Melu pounce on Draco, if you know what I mean
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I really liked the designs for her that Molay Halloween spawned.
Nasu will just make the entirety of Chaldea hold the idiot ball and say they have no choice but to pull a part 2 prologue again because yet another guy bought them out. Them's the breaks! Just give up cuz some guy wants you to lower your defenses!
Unholy sex
So the moment Guda dies, everything goes to shit?
Sounds like a job for Gavrilo Princip.
Name me a bigger rivalry in history.
>mihomo slop has to collab with a 10 year old anime to stay relevant 2 years after launch
>fgo has not had a collab outside type moon in the 9 years of its existance
and were supposed to be afraid of eos? I dont think so.
>calamity watches the beasts

That sure is reassuring...
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>I really liked the designs for her that Molay Halloween spawned.
Yeah, that Gudako is... uncomfortably sexy. Unreasonably, even. Confusingly.
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Have another because I think it's cool.
why are sections so fucking long
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>420 fgo screenshots in 2024
This is a good year.
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Say her name
Damn you.
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Reminder, (You) love her!
To be fair final ascension Melu is supposed to be purified white version. That's why her summer version is basically the white wings one.
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>start today's story node
>"I call them Erlkönig"
Just skip it adhd zoomer
Because Sakurai is a shit writer who uses exposition dumps on things that can be explained in one sentence.
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so you spend more time reading this fun event
Cute flustered King...
Cutie. Cutie Shousetsu.
>Spend 1sq for a possible NP2 Avalon
>Surprise Europa
I mean, I'm always glad to have someone cute join the team, but this caught me by complete surprise. I still do not have enough QP for the rest of what I've gotten this summer, and worry I won't be able to get Ibuki or Skadi...
It was cern's curse in the lostbelt that made them brainless, anyway
Her physical degeneration is indeed fully stabilized by summer
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the cutest
Sakurai's writing is pure kino and always on point. Sakurai wrote some of the best story arcs.
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I love her
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>spend 1$ for 1$ whore
Based piggy!
Referencing Sei's interlude?
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Hey, if you spend the money, maximize the value.
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Kama has arrived!
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should i go buy a birthday cake for them?
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>Yasuke was debunked
I guess servant never
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>maximize the value.
>jpeg anime gacha slop value
Yasuke was a real man, he just wasn't a badass samurai.
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What's in her hand?
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I'm surprised no one questioned how someone was able to write a 400 page book about yasuke when there is like historical remnants that collectively only become a ten sentence text.
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Too much Sakurai slop...
Roll for summer skadi when?!?!
Just a mouth mask you pervert
yep. his literal only noteworthy accomplishment was being a slave.
you shouldn't eat so much
one cake is too much for one person
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I hope CHOCO's book will include more stuff like that pic.
A new-age medical mask. She's telling you to wear it because you're sick.
>Sakurai slop
Sakurai's writing is kino.
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Do Musashi!
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Most 120'd in /alter/
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Her bikini bottom. It's a tie up one instead of slip on.
Dammit I'd managed to memoryhole that event.
Isn't that Kiara?
Really? When was the poll, or is someone using random surveys of FCs again?
Reminder that Kuro is the ONLY girl in the game to outright say "aishiteru", the others are just the suki or daisuki
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He was already namedropped last Guda Guda skipbro.
I didn't even know that "book" existed until like 3 weeks ago.
was he ever referenced in GUDAGUDA?
That's most maxxed
Kiara top 1 by maxed 120.
Melusine and Morgan share top 1 in just 120 category.
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if i buy a packaged one i can just keep it in the fridge over the weekend and share it with the class i'm teaching on monday
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Love u Stacy Bunyan
Reminder that only 1 out of 20 120 Melus is actually maxed, in other words 95% of Melukeks are gameplayfags.
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W-where is Lip?
So Melukeks and Morganfags and most of /alter/ are, despite all their proclamations of SOUL, in fact completely SOULLESS gameplaykeks.

None of you ever get to determine soul status again after this list.
Oh, that makes sense cute
2 maxed out of 3 120.
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here ya go
i have 5 120s myself and could only max 1 cuz of fou paws.
>15 cumulative Abbys
based pedophiles
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It's taking so long i'm itching to roll... I even skipped bait Arcueid
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Unless you buy paws in the RP shop.
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I beg to differ.
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We love Melusine here.
How many more days do I need to wait?
being referenced and actually being released are two different things, see Monkey, Akechi, Shinbei and Katsuie,
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based coomer
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>I didn't even know that "book" existed until like 3 weeks ago.
That book is the sole information the west have on Yasuke outside of that Nobunaga book that costs like 200 bucks. And the reason why Lockley (author) disappeared now is because it turned out he kept editing Yasuke wiki to cite his book and his book missing any citation. The book is basically fan fiction.
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Well, I'll be damned I'm actually accounted for accurately. I never hit NP6 Shuten, so she isn't technically maxed yet. I can fix a second append skill, just not the other. Oh well, good on the anon keeping track of this.
Thought it's someone else but it's just you, V.
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You'd have to have bought paws in the RP shop basically since they came out or close to it. It's only recently that 3 per month became standard.
She's another one of my targets
I may be a coomer but I'm a soulful one.
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He is actually mentioned as a retainer and Nobu is THE PINNACLE of nepotism. It stands to reason he was more of a servant than a slave. I'm pretty sure the part where Akechi tells him to go fuck himself rather than treating him like spoils of war was also not part of the fan fiction.
>Kama 3
Is that Assassin or Summer.
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Titoria enjoyer-sama... I kneel.
I haven't followed this at all but someone writing a book just to rewrite a wiki is hilarious
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>they announced the FSN Anniversary stuff
>but not the release date for the remaster
So they're not at the same time?
Why isn't my Servant in this list, it's a maxed 120?
>he gives Titoria Gil's NPs and Altera
>not at minimum Armaments of Victory to represent Excalibur
Nope, soulless.
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Wouldn't now be a perfect time to do it though? If I was Keikenchi I'd just go
>Kekeke baka gaijin, gonna show them how it's done desu.
It's expensive, I agree, but still possible. I mean, you have at least 4 people who did it.
I want to fuck Maou in the butt.
Not only that but rewriting japanese history. Japanese public officials are even picking this up now and that's why the author scrubbed off all traces of social media from him off the internet. They will most likely file a lawsuit against him.
It's zoomed in for just the top X
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>no scans yet
Melubros... It's not fair...
Honestly, it would be pretty hilarious if people started attacking the Japanese for trying to set the record straight and therefore being not inclusive and racist.
Maybe you're not even on the list...
Oh shit lol
Wait really?
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bros, how bad will the Hoyofaggotimpact be once the crossover happens?
Looks like the initial sale was gone and it was sold out quickly.
If JP Anikis don't upload it then it can't be helped.
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Yup. I shouldn't be awake right now but for some reason I've refused the call of dreams.
No. Stand with me, anon! Together we can summon another Titoria alt!
I just gave her some cool stuff at the time to spoil her. I wish there was a rhongo code that wasn't servantverse.
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Isn't it kind of funny this whole thing started because of a fucking assassin's creed game? Who not only got kanji and clan icons wrong, but are selling Zoro's sword from One Piece claiming it is Yasuke's. Assassin's Creed is also using a girl who is specialized in homo relationship in samurai culture between adults and adolescence boys as their expert in japanese history. That's why Yasuke can be gay.
This list just keeps! Getting! LONGER!
>mfw it's real and all the "Yasuke the samurai from Africa" was legitimately just one guy's fanfic
Holy kek.
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I don't care about those animals.
Bro there are two maxxed Asterii in /alter/ why only one listed here
>NP5 no appends paws on Mordred NP1
Whoops, I forgot about appends.
I'm still working on bond 15 though, not enough coins to unlock all three
lmao what a mess
Servantverse Rhongo is still Rhongo bro, you should have been honest and given her what belongs to her.

Instead you gave her soulless stolen NPs from others. You're no better than Jetkeks.
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Still need more paws to finish her last card
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>but are selling Zoro's sword from One Piece claiming it is Yasuke's
No fucking way.
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That's a lie. Yang says she wants to give all her love and respect to (you). She uses ai (愛), the same word used in aishiteru (愛している).
Maintaining it is easier than making so, whatever... Especially because people've stopped posting their supports.
Ummmm where’s Bob??
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>Ubisoft will release Assassin's Creed that involves Yasuke as the male playable character.
>discussion around Yasuke ensues if he was a samurai or not and people acts retarded
>the more details of the game that gets released it seems more and more that ubisoft has no idea what they are doing giving him a hip hop theme, a full set of high level bushi armor and selling merch that is zoro from one piece's merch sword one to one
>turns out the author of yasuke the first african samurai made shit up (which was obvious by the length of the book) and everything in ubisoft game revolving yasuke is 100% fan fiction
>author wrote a 400 page (of a historical person with almost no record) book to have his work cited on the wiki just for fame and actively edit it with a pen name
>author recently claimed it was popular to have black slaves in japan in a podcast
>japanese public officials are now involved due to the author rewriting history
>author scrubs off all signs of activity on the internet due to this and has disappeared
It's fitting.
Ass Creed devs have been flipping between
>our games are just pseudo-history fantasy ok?
>dude stfu we did our research this is 100% real
whenever it suited them. And weirdly enough, they always insisted on being totally historically accurate only when it fit into their deranged inclusive narrative.
Stands to reason that they would fuck themselves over doing that sooner or later.
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I haven't played an Assassin's Creed game since Brotherhood and it looks like I got off at a good time.
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Okay, I unlocked another append for Shuten, so I am 2/3. If I get NP6 I will unlock the last one. I'm stuck in QP hell right now because of Anni and Summer, but I will fully level the new append soon.
My FC is 226,495,726 just in case anyone wants to be added. I'm not veteraning all the time, I'm just not usually posting here as much outside of big events.
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It's an one-way collab but it's still repulsive.
I couldn't help but to hold a sheer disgust against Mihoshit sloppers. Mihoyo has been copying TM work designs for years.
Yeah but Yuyu is a liar who's just using (You) as a replacement for her emperor so don't take her words seriously.
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Feels good to be an /alter/ aristocrat.
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Yeah, I knew what I knew from like 12 years ago. So while the shitshow was going on it was very confusing the way people were talking about it. Little did I know there was a huge contingent of "people" that read a book about some random black shmuck wandering into Japan and becoming an ACTUAL samurai and believed it. Even with Nobu's shitposting acumen that's way beyond the pale.
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>I just gave her some cool stuff at the time to spoil her.
It's okay to give your King presents, you know.
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>caling me THE Emperor

Bro that's a pose, at least post the Illya ripoff in Honkai.
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Yang isn't lying. She honestly sees (you) as her emperor and loves (you).
Holy fuck KuroCHADS
What's the worst thing Japan could do to the Author? Sue him for millions?
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Pedos won? Why it's always them...
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Explain this then.
They even copied the Takeuchi hand lmao.
Revelations was a nice ending to that whole arc.
even her mats say otherwise.
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Ok that's a little more damning.
How dare they copy his fucked up hands.
>permanently 11 year old body
>only one to outright say she loves (you) overtly and romantically
>extremely forthcoming about her feelings for you
>perfect tan brown skin with a tiny bikini on her loli body
>wants to help you with your work on top of that
Explain to me how any girl or woman at Chaldea could even come close to the perfection that is Chloe?
Go ahead and post that supposed section of her mats where it says she's just pretending.
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nah i'm just gonna give her cool stuff cuz i like her. rhongo's a good idea but armament is kind of bad. had it on saber cuz it's what she used to kill mordred but that was a good idea at least.
i did change something though! look! mecha horse!
yeah! that's what i did! saw the trojan horse and thought it'd be funny plus it's decent!
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Nobody read them

Besides. Would you really trust fan reddit translations...?
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He also will lose his affiliation with university of Japan who he apparently worked with to write the book and I guess he will never be able to work in any academic field ever again. Fabrication and stealing other people's work is taken seriously.
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I don't see anyone fuckable there.
So I guess anniversary boys stopped huh? Damn, that influx of fp was really live.
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How is the game, bro? Nobody talk about it
Nobunaga is right there, bro.
God imagine doing this in front of all of Chaldea. All of Chaldeas staff, all those servants, including Kiyohime and Raikou, seeing (you) kissing Kuro in public, with tongues.
I'd fucking DESTROY 2kun
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ona jest całkiem ruchliwa
reminder that mash initially gets upset and then helps kuro assault many people, adults and children alike.
mash must be stopped.
Jesus Christ.
This is absurd. Feels like Ubisoft just genuinely don't consider Japan an actual country, or think anime is real.
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>no one questioned it until ass creed
gamers are truly the strongest race
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Post her max bond CE too
don't forget however that she kisses many girls and prefers girls over boys.

Would you allow your wife to kiss other girls?
>offering a citation that doesn't actually say what you claim it does

Now that's a pro gamer move.
There's a reason I look up and retranslate specific details myself when I want to be absolutely sure of something, but they're generally pretty good to be fair. There are enough translators around they tend to call each other out when there's anything particularly egregious.
Doesn't that make you even more of a special boy if she kisses you?
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i would tell my wife to go kiss other girls so i can taste what their kisses taste like without having to cheat on her
>In particular, when she refers to the Master as "Tenshi-sama", her eyes are out of focus, as if she is looking at a far-off existence.

the most glaring one, there are more
Oh, I skipped you by chance I guess.
I wish you guys also posted an up-to-date screenshot for credibility but whatever.
Me to the left.
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>had it on saber cuz it's what she used to kill mordred
no need to be mean to Mo.
That doesn't say that Yang doesn't see (you) as her emperor. You might as well say that Kiyohime is only pretending to love (you).
Of course they don't care outside of earning money. They didn't care about nordic nations either with Valhalla.
that's a cuck mentality dude
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bros, how do antis survive being Nasuverse fans? are all of them just tertiraries?
I'd allow my wife to kiss my concubines, especially when we're having group sex.
she had multiple weapons she was cool....
besides, real mo was only stated to have died at camlann with arthur so i like the idea that there's a verse that mo died serving faithfully and being recognized as a good heir.
Yeah, but (You) aren't the emperor, so just like Kiyohime, is her being insane at best or replacement at worst
Naturally, but they didn't try to sell Marver''s Thor's hammer as weapon that was used by historical figures from Scandinavia.
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what if... Raikou got another swimsuit
Fair enough.
That doesn't mean that their feelings aren't real though.
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speaking of Thor's hammer...
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what if... Musashi got another version in 2 years (F/SR Musashi Alter Ego)
Of course, it's Raikou Lily's turn.
can't wait for ass creed camelot featuring seiba
That's rite! They don't care about any of them, they only care about American culture. And we all know what that's centered around.
i really wanted this outfit. it's really cool.
she's being deluded, it's basically taking advantage of the mentally ill. Her feelings are for someone else, real, yeah, but for someone else.
in the Prillya collab, with Angelica/Gil, Sakura/Jet and Shirou/Nameless
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That's a nice thought.
We need more magical girl events. We need a magical girl Mystic Code too, in fact.
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What would a swimsuit for ushi gozen be like?
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Right? I rike it too
Oh nevemind you were on the incomplete but unlocked her 1st append.
it's the other way around. he edited wiki to make his book more popular.
Sure thing. I'll keep that in mind for the future. I haven't really needed to post my FC for a while since my friend list has stayed nearly full.
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>We need more magical girl events.

Mini Mom...
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good night bros it's 6 am and i refused to sleep for some reason.
i wanna summon this retard already. good night, honeybuns.
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Puri Kyua
Puri Kyuaaa
I moved you to the main sheet.
I've unironically been listening to the Max Heart version on loop for the last week or two. Actually peak.
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Good morning, Mastahs!
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>Another Tanabe Jannu doujin
We eating good this Comiket
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Cool! Thank you.
I would also send a friend request but uhh... some other time so to avoid any further shitposting.
You can argue about the morality of such a relationship, but it doesn't change the fact that their feelings are genuine. Same with Raikou too, who wants to fuck (you) because she thinks (you) are her son.
>post Roman Britain
>wasteland with occasional trashdump of a village
>gets invaded by literal horsemurderhobos
>Read today's section
>RAikou gets told she is a retard by purin
>Raikou uses her np at Ibuki and it gets bruissed away with one hand while Ibuki taunts her
What the fuck was ths
When is Ibuki rate up?
Sunday for US and monday for EU.
Add him too :)
Everyone is smiling except Jack...
Why is Merlina voiced by Seibah?
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Sakurai hates Raikou because Nasu won't let her pair her off with anyone other than Guda. That's why she (thankfully) gave Milly to forgot his name guy that did the collab.
their feelings aren't toward (You), they didn't fall for (You), they are, in their insanity, seeing someone else. not (You). By that alone, I can't really say that the "Ai" is toward (You), because obviously, it's toward someone else.

The thing is, I wouldn't count on it. Ever. Bryn had the same schtick when she saw (You) as Sigurd pre-LB2, and then you know what happened next.
Same reason Merlin is voiced by Arthur.
He already appeared in Guda Guda as a faithful retainer to Nobu with Ranmaru who stayed at the bitter end. Guda Guda is meant to NOT to be historically accurate anyway. That's why Oryo is a dragon snek.
>zoomer beach mom who hates it and just wants to go home and play vidya
>sakurai is not only a shit writer
>she wants to write cuckshit
I am the bone of my sword...
>RAikou gets told she is a retard by purin
she called her guillible for going along with murasaki and sei, no? that does seem fitting. also fitting for merlina to point that out.
She's a shitty person using you as a replacement goldfish and would drop you like a hot potato if the real deal appears. Same as Kiyohime (confirmed by Nasu blog).

A good example how to write this is Dantes. Dantes saw the shade of Haydee and Faria on Guda but denied Guda is either, and loved them as their own person, his star, his fate.
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i just want a Prisma Illya crossover event that gives us Angelica, Beatrice, Pandora, Sakura and Shirou, gives Astrea and Rider Ishtar magical girl outfits (that preferably let Luvia and Rin take control), gives Kid Gil a buff, gives Illya, Chloe, Miyu, Rider Ishtar, Astrea, Kid Gil, Medea, Medusa, Emiya, Cursed Arm and Cu an animation update and gives a bunch of female characters magical girl outfits, ideally Francis Drake, loli Wu Zetian, Tiamat 3rd ascension, Medea, Medusa and Serenity
Yang likes you and thinks (you) are her emperor because of your personality though:
>Yang Guifei: Master has formed contracts with so many powerful and temperamental Heroic Spirits, and he doesn't bat an eye at even the most crushing pressure... And then there's his incredible generosity, which is kind of like - No, exactly like my beloved emperor! Yes!

As for Bryn, she saw most warrior Servants as Sigurd from day 1. She was always for dozens of men, so Sigurd appearing doesn't make much difference.
OC2 really seals that Haydee will not be Servant Dantes' love interest. It really gave that role to Guda.
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>Check park news at the top of the screen
>Yet another AC/DC joke.
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>(confirmed by Nasu blog).
Yang LIKES her emperor and thinks (You) must be him, it's not because of (You), if she saw the true one, she'd drop Guda just like Kiyohime did before.
>Berserker Sakura (Lancelot Install)
>Berserker Beatrice (Magni Install)
>Archer Angelica (Gilgamesh Install)
>Luvia outfit costume for Astraea with her iconic Ojou-sama laugh
>Animation update and Strengthening Quest for Kid Gil
>Nun outfit costume for Caren and the red suit with Lancer's earrings outfit costume for Bazett

This will unironically save Fate/Grand Order.
absolute greed but also based
Raikou is into that chick in the collab.
And the chick gets cucked (but saved) by Iori and his BF Takeru (with Yui's realization Takeru won).
Yeah man, lasagna will be adding a playable Anchin and Xuanzong any day now.
He wrote what would happen if the monk dude gets summoned. Not only Kiyo will drool over him again but also (for some reason) shiton of female Servants. But he only has eyes for Kojiro's bent katana.

Nasu loves NTR shit as expected of someone who grew up reading shoujo manga.
>rampant cuckposting
>suddenly posts mentioning OC2
you already know who is behind this
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Believe in me who believes in you!
>i just want a Prisma Illya crossover event that gives us
>Lists off a years worth of content
Isnt that a little TOO greedy?
Go ahead and actually link to that secret blogpost then. Also, most female Servants were married, so you could pull the "she'd go back to her husband if he was summoned!" with most of them.
>man fucks another man's woman
>woman fucks another woman's man

why is this?
just make the event last one year then
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Literally google it. It was in 2015.
We know Anchin is gay and Kiyohime was a retard.
Can you do the same with ibuki's tail coming out of the shorts and her exposed asshole?
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Anon you didn’t read what the spa did. Its the reason Ibuki was able to deflect in the first place.
Based mom

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