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Previous: >>486803450

>[Event] Arctic Summer World! Chaldea's Magical Summer Theme Park
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Lady Avalon Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Ashiya Douman Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/e75ykf.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Future Quartz: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRQFC6pgsvDr11c1oe8PcGXurF3uw0MBq73YoQMGCJemzMics9LfwVurTLMi0rpfHNEBjG6gVCOrIer/pubhtml
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

liz sex
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Bobbu rabu
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Yuyu love!
Yuyu love!

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Bros, you DO have your meta arts supports, right?
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We need more "writer's poorly disguised fetish" events.
Can we ditch everyone and spend the summer with Douman and Sei? They are the only fun characters so far.
>Bros, you DO have your meta arts supports, right?
t. useless fox trying to play herself up.
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I was there, 3000 years ago when OG Tamamo was meta.
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She still loves me, right bros?

np5 Arc btw
Yang LIKES her emperor and thinks (You) must be him, it's not because of (You), if she saw the true one, she'd drop Guda just like Kiyohime did before.
Ummm what do you mean was? The video clearly says she’s meta.
>got spooked by tomato during my arcade rolls
I do now, never rolled for her.
>安珍「これは小次郎殿、奇遇ですね。[... ...] あの燕は強敵でしたね。
Anchin really can't stop jacking off over Kojiro's swordsmanship lmao
Go away /fgog/.
She was never meta. In early year 1, there was little to no need for her since farming it down to relying on waver while CQs rely more on Jannu. Then Bride came out for proto arts looping. Then Hohenheim got his upgrade, then bride got her upgrade etc.
Burning my Kiyohime for forcing herself and raping an innocent gay man. Whore.
When can I start rolling for summer Skadi?
The only meta suppport in that image is castoria
When you kill ati so he gets added to the gacha.
Real Deal Nobunaga when?
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She was briefly meta with vlad in some quests. And I used her with Euryale because of her bond ce.
Can you do the same with ibuki's tail coming out of the shorts and her exposed asshole?
That story has every woman in Chaldea wanting to ride Anchin's dick though. Jing Ke, Stheno, Mata Hari, Tamamo, Scathach and Carmilla all try to make a move on him.
I guess? Haven't played with Castoria in a year? I will probably dust her off if I get Ibuki.
dont have a sub right now to experiment, but I guess I could do that and just have her nude or a string thong,
or something like this, maybe
this >>486819636
Waver, Heracles and Cuzilla were the meta, Merlin was the gamechanger, and then came Skadi. Neither Fox or Jeanne had any relation to meta.
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I swear to God you tourists need to go away. falling for the most obvious bait.
I love Arc btw she's np5 and i love her I'm reading the remake next week and getting a figure of her too.
I want Abby to do bad things to me.
But he only wanted that Tsubame Gaeshi
In all timelines, in all alt scenarios, the deeds of Kojiro remains the GOAT
you are an even bigger bait desu
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I honestly don't see a point in arts looping when buster exists. maybe just because it's easier and requires less steps so it's more comfy. but buster farms EVERYTHING especially if you have someone like np5 Arc or np2 or more Melusine.
Castoria is the sole meta arts support. You don't need the other two.
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Summer Maou 2nd ascension
trust THE plan
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Kama's huge ass...
>every woman
>lists irrelevant shitters
well he can have them.
Prelari when?
I'm not fat tanuki Tokugawa to just sit and wait
I take what I want with power!
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Arts looping is more f2p friendly since most of the welfares and 3* they give us are good loopers.
>pays AI to generate cuck fanfics
Truly, the thinking man's fetish
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I forgot people are f2p lmao
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>arrow 1: wordswordswords
>arrow 2: wordswordswords
>arrow 3: wordswordswords
>arrow 4: press three red buttons
>arrow 5: wordswordswords
>arrow 6: wordswordswords
Merlina is overrated, not rolling for her.
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Sniff the foot
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>np5 Arc or np2 or more Melusine.
I just juggle around with Ibuki, Tesla or Drake.
easier than expected
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She can take a whole army of enemy bandits and barbarians and such...
Which two Servants would you like to give you a bellyjob?

I have NP2 Melusine and I would rather just about anything else against non-Archers.
.... In a fight, right?
lmao np5 arc can't even farm the very first 90++ node we're getting flexing with arc is so lame lol
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grabbing salter's thighs and ass
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I like how CCC is basically that.
Literally no NP5 120 servant can farm it with neutral damage. Only Sabers and Berserkers can farm it.
So /fgog/ were right about Kiyohime?
I think Ecchan does it better.

CCC does seem really fun, I need to get to it one of these days. You can see so much about someone's heart and mind when they start writing their odd fantasies into stories.
She's really hot in her own weird psycho way.
i agree and hell, why not both
i fucking regret using the coins for my MHXA's append. I love her to death, i can't wait to play later and get mats for her skills
What's the appeal of assholes? Just because sphincter is the body's strongest muscle you don't feel any desire to stick my dick somewhere shit comes from.
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There is no NP5 Servant that can using neutral bro.
Tamiki Wakaki Servant when?
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Liz love!
>Yang will drop (You) like Kiyohime dropped

So only Kuro actually said and mean the Aishiteru thing, and even she kisses other girls all the time..

Which girl said at least daisuki and wouldn't drop (You) for previous love or something?
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Quetz appreciation time.
I like arts looping becuase I can backline bench bond 3 servants instead of only 2.
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4 days until Scáthach=Skaði's swimsuit is released during Summer 7 in NA and my heart is saved by her smile again.

A friendly anon made a spreadsheet showing how many Saint Quartz, Summoning Tickets and other limited materials can be obtained in the future:
I have Castoria and Tamtams. Merlina will join Merlin so that some form of Merlin is two slots of my Destiny summon for them to avoid me extra hard.
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May the good luck be with you.
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what if she was santa
I'm starting to ship Yan and Gareth...
Good luck!

How is she so cute and perfect? I adore her!
Thankyu friends, I wish you luck as well if you'll roll. She's almost here, I'm excited.
Wait, really? Then when's Ibuki/Erice?
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>roughly 730 SQ
Am I gonna make it bros?

I want Skadi and Rikyu.
tap tap tap
2 days
Do you have any suggestions for ice cream flavors to use as a catalyst?
She looks really kissable here.
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>10 arrows
>all wordswordswords
>/alter/: IT'S... LE EPIC AND BASED!

Still looking for that one LB1 collage where all /alter/keks whined and cried about too much words btw
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Would you dare?
I will be going with Strawberry Häagen-Dazs. I'm sure Skadi will enjoy many different ice cream flavours.

I wish you luck Quickfriend, don't forget to get some ice cream as a catalyst for Skadi and some nice green tea as a catalyst for Sen no Rikyū.
There's a difference between good words and bad words.
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define good and bad words
good luck skadi nigga
stay tight
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Aww hell no.

I could go for mint or chocolate then.
Perhaps we can put them on a whitelist and a blacklist?
>bad words
Your posts.
>Good words
My posts.
>trying to reason with the mentally ill
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Everyone has all the facilities so far maxed, right
I know... It was a mistake to have interacted.
Anal Da Vinky.
Can you do something close to this but with Scáthach, Drake and Quetzalcoatl instead?
>people trying to make drama about married servants
See this is (part of) why I like my cute Zenobia, because she outright says her old husband and kids are in the past and she'd 100% be your woman, and she doesn't even mind if you have a harem. What more can you ask for?
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Only the first two.
It's one of those events where the free CEs matter more than the gacha CEs. Very comfy. But also fucking sucks because summer is one of the few moments where I go all in on the gacha.
No, she's cringe as fuck.
the only one i bothered to max so far is the QP one. I don't need embers or feathers so I'm taking my time with those.
My friend I haven't even had time to touch the event yet.
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keep reasoning with him, nasu bootlicker ;)
Eh? EH? But she is a hag too!
She's trash.
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Of course. I'm /alter/retard who use apples on the most shittiest event nodes day 1
I only maxed Flower Park
Quetz bros? Our response?
Lariat into a piledriver.
>Abby is yurishit or with voyager, barely any art with Guda
Quetz bros are not real.
Those few coomers that spam Quetz for the sake of contrarianism WILL ignore that post - and this one too. They have nothing to say.
Quetz is soulless trash with annoying gimmick. That is the truth.
Actual doujins and art beside ankoslop
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No, I tend to be bad at the first few event days since they start when I'm working and then I fall behind on the story, leaving me behind the curve the entire way through.
I can loop in all three colors and frequently change up my farming teams because variety is the spice of life and what is the point of having a very well invested roster if all I use is the FOTM metaslut
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>fall behind on the story
I can get behind the first part since it's the same for me, but how do you fall behind the story when you can do it all in one sitting?
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Done and done
I might come back to this later due to no Gareth, but at least I'm cherishing an Europa spook
If you are so against Quetz, can you please do Drake, Scáthach and Carmilla instead.
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>realize people no longer care about your ritualpost
>stop for a while, pretend to be sick
>ritualpost again
>suddenly people feign interest again
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<--- (my sister)
I can. But I probably won't.
>stop for a while
she was gone for like 5 days after doing 4 years of countdowns calm your tits she had breaks from 3 day vacations before
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summer gozen,,,
Because I have a very bad attention span and also want to take my time for other games besides just this.
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unbased retard
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Do you drink, /alter/?
Gamer senpai...
1SQ = NP1 on merlina for me.
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There is a 120 gigamaxxed Quetz on my FL.
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Vodka, Cider and Whiskey. Not a beer guy.
>paid SQ roll
Good on ye, but I'm only using my F2P anni stash on these 4. Counting 709 retroactive SQ at the start.
Just use an apple, slut.
Why is the summer story literally nothing but Sakurai characters plus Yan Qing?
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I'm very blessed to have a well paid job.
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I don't think Assclap, Wu or Erice are sakurai servants
I don't want to outside of lotteries or special occasions, if I can help it. Also, rude.
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>tit veins
Quick question bro, what’s the bond level of your Goghie?
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No, because I'd be just as depressed after and spending hours in the toilet puking would make me even worse. I can thank my brother for reminding me of that second one.
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While you're arguing about Sakurai, I'd like to mention that LB2 was written very well, and I rate it 10/10.
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What happened bros? Why did Sakurai bimboify her after she was so serious in Heian Kyo?
The process even started in chunguska.
Because bimbofication is based
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bait used to be believable and it still is
Something I've noticed is that (even though I don't want to) I can't do the 3SQ roll? I have to buy SQ to use the 1SQ slot before rolling 3SQ which is weird.
1) Her appearance in Heian-Kyo was pretty bad.
2) It's impossible to take a Raita character seriously.
3) See >>486824806
you can't do 3 sq rolls because you have tickets which take up that slot until you have 0 tickets
Going to zap Chrissy with my patented bimbofication ray.
She realized it was more fun being our alcoholic oneesan
This artist really tapped into the Raita spirit. Just look at those beautiful xylophone ribs. Name?
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I see.
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My dream is Koyanskaya, Reines, Jack the Ripper.

Only 10, but I intentionally didn't use her much until I hit 120 so I could play with her at full power for as long as possible without bond autism hampering my enjoyment. I already feel bad enough no longer bringing Asterios along very often.

I lack a brain anyway, so that seems unnecessary.
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Your rating is too high and therefore I do not believe you are making this post in good faith, but for what it's worth I do think Surtr's awakening was quite well written and I believe a lot of Sakurai's shortcomings would be solved if she would write from a third person perspective instead.
Can you dive 50 meters underwater with armor?
Ibuki singlehandedly saved Tunguska.
>Can you drive
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Yes, but good luck coming back up!
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like every second of every day?
Of course. You're not some weak armorlet, are you?
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Wrong. You could completely remove all of Ibuki's lines and Tunguska wouldn't change at all, nor would it get any better or worse. She was utterly irrelevant.
HE saved tunguska.
They are now.
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but is Svarog>Herc?
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I'm employed as well with a respectable income to boot and have bought a few GSSRs myself in the past, but ever since the EU price changes I'm downright refusing to buy SQs ever again. To give a few examples, the big pack costs 95 up from about 62-64 while I was hanging from US apks, and even the cheaper packs have gotten price bumps the same (29 for the 25 paid SQ pack).
In fact, I've spent the last paid SQ I've got left and cashed out with picrel; at least I ended up without a dupe for my last paid rodeo.
theoretically? sure
unrepared with no equipment? nitrogen narcosis/decompression sickness/RIP
>95 eurobucks
>four hands
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My most adorable boyfailure.
based pedophile
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Enjoying being a US ally, bro?
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As an EboraChad, I liked this line.
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Considering the general perspective on Sakurai's chapters and her writing, I'm not surprised that you distrust me and my words. Yet, I am also happy that you still believe that my words have some meaning because of what you shared with me.
My favourite part of LB2 is the way Sakurai handled Skadi. Without involving Skadi herself, she showed us how painful and horribly helpless it was to keep that world alive and to raise humans in the harshest environment amongst the other worlds.
My ibuki is a whore but I still love her
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Koyan Light and Dark will be welfares but you can only pick one and also there won't be a rerun.
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What went so wrong?
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I want her to get some event story presence. She's constantly relegated to "that one kid that shows up in a scene" or "one of the group of kids" and has never gotten the chance to actually be the focus of an event. She's never had an alt of any kind, no costume, not even a buff besides an NP buff years ago that didn't even add any effects.

Give her something, come on.

I also think she's hot, though, yeah.
Based, it's not a about your money it's about the principle.
He needs an editor so bad holy shit
and you guys say im crazy for not having done LB6 wordslop yet
I'm praying for an evil cat summer personally
What did she mean by this?
Like, genuinely. What did she mean by this. What was the intention behind this line.
They are too different to be compared directly. 10/10 guardians anyway.
Insane how long Tunguska felt while actually being really short.
Sakurai is into beastility
she was reading some disturbing statistics about canadians
Can you repeat that in plain english?
Mysterious her summer was paired with Gareth...
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It's good you're able to understand her.
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Let her Kuuk.
I have spent the last 6 hours staring at my empty quartz not even playing the game reading stuff and clearing nodes just staring at my empty quartz counter while listening to whatever song youtube autoplay randomly picked for me.
What the fuck am i doing.
I... I...
I dont understand what am i doing.
I feel like zombie lately drifting through life half aware.
I dont understand.
I dont know.
Fetish pandering.
bro get a job
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>Join me Master and I'll have your onmyouji to be the greated in Bleached Earth!
>Or else you will... DIE
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>I can't understand Quetzalcoatl!
Quetzalcoatl doesn't understand Quetzalcoatl either.
go fall of a tapir, useless hobo
Lord Ericthonius of the Blooded Axe
No! Stop shooting those watermelon pits! They burn!
Should i kill myself.
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No! Of course not!
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alive yourself
"Daji could be here", Taigong thought, "I've never been in this Chaldea before. There could be Daji anywhere".
The cool wind felt good against his bare face. "I love Daji", he thought. The national anthem of the Kingdom of Zhou reverberated his entire tapir, making it pulsate even as the rice wine circulated through his thick snout and intensified his (merited) lust for demonic foxes after Dark. "With a fishing rod, you can survive anywhere" he said to himself, out loud.
If you do, please take the lipper with you
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Why would you have 0 quartz? There aren't any good Servants on rate-up, there haven't been for weeks, unless you count Xu Fu but it doesn't take many quartz to roll her so I don't know why you'd have 0 quartz on her account unless you wanted to 120 her or something.
No. Suicide is an extremely immoral act, and it means you will never experience the beauty of this world again. And the world really is beautiful, even if times can get real tough.
Xu Fu is a friend point summon why would he have 0 quartz from rolling on the friend points banner that doesnt take any quartz.
The "you just know" memes write themselves.
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If you kill yourself you are a sissy bitch.
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>The national anthem of the Kingdom of Zhou
Is Tamamo even used anymore?
Why would you say such a thing?
>starts off by crippling Holmes because "we gotta have our ebin Surtr reveal later", this would not be the last time she does this
>meanders forever
>story is more interested in telling you Ophilia doesn't like Sundays than anything else given how many times you have to see her monologuing about Sundays
>tree seedlings serve zero purpose and have no ramifications, both literally and metaphorically to the story at large, only exists so they can shove more mob fights into the script
>Napoleon is so far removed from his original counterpart he could have been literally anyone else, it could have been the first guy to reach the top of the Everest and he'd serve the exact same narrative purpose about bringing miracles and making the impossible possible
>Surtr for all his hype doesn't do much damage and goes down like a bitch despite Kirsch saying he could destroy all other lostbelts on his own and end the world
>Napoleon can give Ophilia a motivational speech post mortem despite not having a contract with her because Imperial Privilege is to Sakurai as the Force is to Disney Star Wars, it just does whatever the plot demands
The presentation of Surtr's reveal being cool does not salvage how terrible of a chapter it is
More like was she ever used lmao
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I use her sometimes for Percy when I'm not running double Castoria
post fc
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When is the magical girl collab?
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I bring her sometimes. She is a good damage booster for arts loopers who are lacking the damage.
this desu
You can surpass any challenge, you can keep trying as long as you are alive. There is no coming back from death.
I'll use her in any challenge quest i can't brute force or use the immortality meme team on.
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Did anyone actually fall for that?

The sooner the better, I really wish we'd have more of those.
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Do not commit suicide, it means THEY win.
Keep living, grit your teeth and use your spite, your anger and all of your sorrow to show them. Prove them wrong, outlive them by sheer vengeance, have the last laugh as you piss on their graves
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>all three colors
What colour is GOOPing?
Chrissy, will you stream today?
Crits are usually all 3
What? She's paired with Erice. Gareth is with Perlin/Girlin/Merlina.
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go for it

but before this: post FC and donate one last big pack
depends on why you would
I know, I was referring the the event.
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dont do it, bro
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I don't think it's appropriate to ask about that kind of thing in an unrelated space like this one.
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The colour out of space
Since she's a foreigner, get it?
Lovecraft ghohk haha
good one
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I did...
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Neither is to treat the place like a chat room/blog
Mom Love!
green bc surely youre using double gogh and douman
so it's violet!
How much do you use her? When do you use her?
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If I only have 900sq, which summer rate up should I be prioritizing? Ibuki is flat busted, but I currently have NP3 Arc, NP3 Melu, and NP2 Morgan. Granted I could use a new arts looper since all I have is NP2 Space Clap and NP2 Summer Kiara. But I'm told Skadoo is amazing if you want to use quick.
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>How much do you use her? When do you use her?
alot. when posting on 4channel.
You are on a basketweaving chatroom/blog though
I use her when I need to Alteraload Lancer-type nodes.
I use her Anytime!
absolutely never
i have np2 saber and np1 muramasa
no need for her
s.skadi is probably the one to start with, simply because >quick is nearly saved with her
S.Skadi > S.Ibuki > Merlin
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>Which Sakurai character I should roll?
Any of them are good and /alter/core :)
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Since when?
Why would you regret that? Are levels better than appended skills?
Mom Love!
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Albert this is your last warning. Fix the game or else.
This is your first warning. Provide Nemo sex or else.
I use her Anytime.
its ibuki by a significant margin
however if you want to test your luck, you only need NP1 skadoo whereas naturally ibuki benefits from np2-3 quite a bit
throw a couple of multis on skadoo, see if you get lucky then go all in on ibuki perhaps.
merlina is absolutely useless
level 120 is generally considered a better show of love for a character than an append skill
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It's nice to be peaceful.
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>merlina is absolutely useless

Don't listen him. Merlina is new Arts meta servant. She is a MUST roll unit.
is there any servant to roll for after summer ibuki?
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now that I think (shocking that I do) about it, she's NP1 anyway. I'll aim for dupes when select banners return, or roll whenever.
Well, do you have any quick servant you want to use in the near future, like Ushi, Alice or Rikyu? If not then you should probably not go for Skadi.
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Grand Rider...
No, there is no point rolling any more servants once you've got summer ibuki. she's as good as it gets.
make sure you go ALL out.
Merlina is meta for my dick.
Same with Ibuki.
Her cards and NP should be Mix cards that benefit from all 3 card type buffs since her sword is made out of Green(Quick),Red(Buster) and blue(Arts)
>maxed renovation on qp
>halfway on exp renovations
this event is kinda stupid
>Same with Ibuki.
Your meta is awful
After Ibuki and Draco there are literally no servants I want to roll for...
I got her and Saber Alter together when i foolishly rolled on the story banner some weeks after launch. Only ever used her when events gave a bonus.
I want an Ultraman parody event with Bunyan, Protea and/or Altera
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>everyone roll servants because they think they are neat and based from their personality, looks, VAs etc

>everyone roll servants because they can clear 90++ nodes in 3 turns with 6CE
>because of this Kanou and Lasana make farm nodes more complicated so piggies will aim for higher NPs and even grail them for more damage

What went so right, bros?
Look at this nigga not knowing about the new 90** nodes.
yea the story banner is always available.
>Merlina is meta for my dick.
>Same with Ibuki.
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I did Aesc
I want Paizuri from Mom while Shuten sits on my face
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I did Bob
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Is this a new Mochizuki Kei masterpiece???
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is Kukulkan the least creative servant ever released?
>no new design
>no new personality
>not even a unique source
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merlina is another tiny skinny petite small tit woman for low testosterone boringfags
ibuki is a MAN'S WOMAN
I like her leotard.
So has everyone else.
Time to save.
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summer castoria of course
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Location request
BASED department wants to know your location
what does man's woman mean?
There are only two kinds of servants you should roll for. Those that make your peepee tingle and those that enable them to 3 turn.
>not bride
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I like her teeth. Can't wait her to blow me
also she make me peenus weenus tingle + she can 3T 90** nodes
I like her design well enough, but would've preferred it if it were more of a full skintight suit.
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Oh boy, time to read the new chapter
>it's a raikou chapter
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Sure, there are several in fact
Unless you're one of those people in which case no there aren't, you might as well stop playing now because when it comes to arts metafagging, Ibuki is as good as it'll get
full pic?
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Me, the man with patrician taste enjoying all women.
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a woman for a man, that cannot be appreciated by one who is yet still a boy.
Oh boy a Liz post
>nothing of value in it
what did he mean by this?
I was expecting summer 2 Raikou back with a vengeance, but she was rather subdued in this chapter overall.
I only roll for evil women
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when the white cube shop resets? At the end of the year? Or I already missed this year reset and will have to wait almost a whole year for more of the same item?

Honestly never paid attention to that shop but new I run out of stuff and Im using it
she doesn't really do anything desu
in fact the whole le shadow prefect thing was actually quite subdued, she got bullied into being somewhat normal by the based nip writer duo
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based Sakuraichad
That outfit destroys my dick.
it doesn't
>white cube reset
the only thing you get is more white cubes from future main story content, if you completely buy out an item thats it and its gone for good
True men of culture are saving for Nitocris Alter.
Michi-san is so pretty and modest
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>True men of culture are saving for Nitocris Alter.
Now this is a based post
never ever? that kind of suck
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so true

That image made me laugh, thank you kind stranger
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>3rd ascension dialogues in My Room is still glitched
Where are the side-stories we usually get during summer events? I need a break from the Sakurai slop.
>What did she mean by this?
>Like, genuinely. What did she mean by this. What was the intention behind this line.
mr. Beast is a pedophile.
I need to find more doujins of like retired evil women next door that get impregnated by the protag.
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Where is our vtuber servant?
Speaking of sakurai sucking, I refuse to believe she wrote the news for the event, they are too soulful
I read on Nasu's blog that he wrote the news bulletins.
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We already have streamer Servants.
The entire map is soul
>Caren fucking with the food at Erice's place
>Taira being the only one besides Ushi who wins the boat jump
>Nikki bringing her kids to see the flowers
Turns out I fucking hate this game, seriously I started skipping all new events due to how shit they are. Why can't they write actually good events like the GudaGuda ones more, instead of this inane filler bullshit? And even looking back on it, most of the main story is shit too. Is Nasu really the only competent writer they have there?
Which is why I refuse to believe sakurai did anything besides writing dialoge
At least she had a few funny moments
>retired women next door that get impregnated by the protag.
Women lose the ability to get pregnant at 40.
Its called menopause.
Retirement age is 65.
A retired woman cannot get impregnated.
Why is Iono so sex? By all accounts, she shouldn't be, yet she is.
I like this one
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Aesc is fat
I think the only one available right now is from getting Hawaiian Genji to lvl 5
Actually the average is 50 years old, and even then it's still case-by-case, with some still fertile at 70+.
this image didn't age well
Some don't. I know a woman who got pregnant at 41/42. The kid was healthy and is an adult now and the woman is in her 60s now.
in what sense?
Retired as in no longer doing it, not necessarily age.
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Yes. Fat titties, fat ass, fat brain.
Are you posting this every day or something?
If by "didn't age well" you actually meant "aged incredibly well" then yes
it's HSR that's collabing with us, not the other way around

we'll be lucky to even get a CE
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>Get hungry
>Check fridge
>Go back to gaming
>Stomach starts rumbling
>Check fridge
>Go back to gaming
>Stomach starts rumbling
>Check fridge
>Go back to gaming
>Stomach starts rumbling
>Check fridge
>Are you posting this every day or something?
Nope, guess I'm not the only one getting tired of this event slop.
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just make some fucking ramen already
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keep posting this bait, gudagudatard
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Yeah, that's the good shit.
they're collabing with UBW, not FGO
these distinctions are important since they're how all the nasuverse collabs work.
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Raw men? No thanks, I like mine well done.
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FSN has been doing collabs with gacha games for years, so HSR is nothing new. FGO doesn't.
This isn't you? >>486611202
I can't find any others so maybe it was just this one previous post, but I could've sworn I'd seen a couple before the one you posted just now.
That's nice, cute in a good way
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Need a macro of Sei Sei(ing), "Mambo-chan drip" or something to that effect.
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Yasuke should be in FGO, as 5 star saber, Buster gorilla, area NP with Hiphop music. Chaldea should have black servant to be more inclusive and needy. Pic rel is how Yasuke will look like as Servant.(2nd-3rd ascension).
male chloe servant when?
I thought it would be mutual?
>iphone filename
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>I thought it would be mutual?
Welcome newfriend
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Yasuke first as Ebony Saber(漆黒のセイバー). Yasuke ya naikai!! Toriaezu gay ni shite nobunaga to horiae!! Tatami ha shikaku bushi wa minna seiza!!
Yeah man, HSR characters will appear in UBW.
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>Get hungry
>Check crops
>Still growing
>Go back to gaming
>Stomach starts rumbling
>Check crops
>Still growing
>Go back to gaming
>Stomach starts rumbling
>Check crops
>Still growing
>Go back to gaming
>Stomach starts rumbling
>Check crops
>Ushi set them on fire
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keep posting this truth, gudagudaCHAD
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>male chloe servant
yasuke will be a bratty shota slut? can see why a catholic priest enslaved him
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>>>>>replying to /fgog/ incels
Sakurai, Higa and Minase stopped trying outside of main chapters
Meteo went veteran
OKSG events are too plain, the past event on JP was fine but still disappointing
Haganeya Jin did a good job once but FSR Collab wasn't too well-received, other than the homo and OC2 foreshadowing stuff
Keikenchi is the only writer who is still trying to make regular events not too much fillers. But Gudaguda events require a hell of a lot of background knowledge
This guy is such a stud.
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Do you collect Fate characters in other gacha games?
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Yasuke ya naikai!! 5 star saber!! Buster gorilla! Hiphop music on NP!!
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>Sakurai ... stopped trying outside of main chapters
Are you implying that Sakurai is trying when she writes shit like Tunguska?
bro where ibuki?
40 hours
I mean, main quests.
Tunguska was a main interlude.
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Haven't you read the event? She's relaxing in this hot spring, go look for her.
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I want Old Man and Ivan to have main interlewds with me...
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>But Gudaguda events require a hell of a lot of background knowledge
I once rolled both Illya and Kuro in some gacha I don't remember the name of at a 0.24% chance from the starting currency
I'll never be so lucky again
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Servants for this feel?
erice bloodaxe
Not yet. I have my 900SQ pity chest for Skadi. Hoping I get her before pity though even if I dont I will have around 600 SQ remaining which I hope will be good enough for Lady Avalon and NP3+ Ibuki
Oh I'm looking alright
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Fuck yeah brother
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Sakura is strong.
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imagine if they kissed
Bob's one of the few servants whose artist has never missed.
Kiara is the only one in this picture that's an actual proper evil woman
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that draco is not a woman
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What about Castoria?
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>pity chest
Imagine if they both got raped by Musashi
Her artist is Takeuchi.
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Evil women...
>This isn't you?
Nah man, I also saw some people here calling me a GudaGuda anon or something? GudaGuda can be filler slop too. I liked the Ei Ei Oh warring state one but I thought that the previous one with Lancer Ryoma was pure slop as well.
>Castoria (fake)
I have never rolled for Bob since I don't need any more shitty archers. But Bob is pretty hot. It's a real dilemma.
Those heels should be made out of titanium
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Everyone I don't like is the same person
kek I just watched that scene
Good moming
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>the previous one with Lancer Ryoma was pure slop as well.
WTF? Who stole your persimmons!?
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dont bother with ibuki if you're not going np5
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Aoko being a Servant is so fucked up. We have True Magic on our side, the definition of hax, and what has changed? Does Nasu mention that it's not the real Redshift but rather some lesser imitation of it, like our knock-off Black Barrel?
Speaking of Magic, how did Zelretch job to the aliens?
fucking cringe I hope you get ganked by a hitokiri the next time you go out
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Your park is fun mom and you were extra cute in the side story.
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But the Lancer Ryouma Guda^2 was the best one.
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>I liked the Ei Ei Oh warring state
Holy shit you know it's le bad when /alter/ remembers only Mash part in guda event
We've had True Magic since day one thanks to our resident samurai Sasaki Kojibro.
I was actually looking forward to getting summer Ibuki until I learned she has no loli ascension. An absolute travesty.
Where are Izou and Mori?
He was a chump in F/SN. Is him having Magic a F/SR thing?
Izou is in between Persimmons and man tits and Mori is underneath Ranmaru.
>dont bother with ibuki if you're not going np5
Judgin by you NP5 assholes, no servant ever is worth it at NP1. How about never rolling for anyone at that point and only playing the game with free servants? Why even give a shit if you can 3 turn 90** when you would have all your free servants maxed anyway? Or even if you decide to roll for NP1 servants who gives a fuck about omnifarming when you max the servants you like already? Basically the more you've been playing this game the less you give a fuck about farming mats, so you might just fuck around with a variety of servants instead of only autistically using one omnifarmer at NP5.
I don't mind the event story so far, but every scene is like twice a long as it should be because of bad dialogue pacing. Sakurai wrote this, didn't she?
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>He accepted that it was impossible, but with nothing else to do as a simple and honest reason, he spent his entire lifetime practicing the sword in order to reach the pinnacle of swordsmanship until the very end
>After a long period of time, he perfected the technique and it reached another state entirely

>Although with some limitations, he eventually attained, perfected and refined his goal, a Mystic Sword technique as a prison of slashes that treads into the Multi-Dimensional Refraction Phenomenon of Zelretch's Second Magic without any knowledge of Magecraft or True Magic by doing nothing but spending his life swinging his longsword, following a single worthless idea on how to kill a flying swallow

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Reminder that the Oreo that were with us since the beginning got straight up replaced by another just because she's supposedly the actual real Oreo and we were fine with it.
It's only how his ability is achieved, he can't use it in a versatile manner.
There is nothing memorable abot that slop event besides the cool Lancer Ryoma servant. While I remember Bishamonten, the weird ass Out Of Place artifacts Nobus, the many different Nobunaga battles etc.
Ignorant slaves, how quickly you forget.
Events are not canon.
Oh I'm blind, thankks bro.
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>LB2 cast
>Heian-Kyo cast
>Prototype cast
>"Sakurai wrote this, didn't she?"

hmm... Nah, it's Nasu event. We are safe and can roll for summer servants NP6 yes
Paizuri gang
>dont bother with [Servant] if you're not going np5
This is so dumb, my Space Ishtar is NP2 and works great. I don't see how an omni-looper can be worth getting but at the same time not worth getting. I understand the importance of reaching NP2, since that 30% damage buff can make-it-or-break-it when dealing neutral damage, but beyond that if a Servant can't perform it's just a bad Servant.
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holy kek this guy
I think that's just a you problem.
>Read the summer story
>We fucking snitch on douman
why are we like this?
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>>dont bother with [Servant] if you're not going np5
Don't be silly, Eric and Voyager were introduced in a collab and yet they are part of Imaginary Scramble, which is a canon main interlude. KP and Beni are part of LB7, despite only being introduced in events and main interludes prior to that point.
Well yes, I do have a problem with shitty generic stories that have nothing memorable in them, you are correct.
Nasu my dear nasu born of mushrooms
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>fucking Saber wars Servants appear in the main story
>"nooooo! events aren't canon!!!"
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Supports are worth it at NP1 but it's a fact that any Servant to expect to use a lot as a DPS is a Servant you want more copies for, this was always true even in the past. And if you weren't a retard you'd know that NP2/3 is acceptable, you just have to consider that rolling for someone and being unlucky enough to hit pity is bad unless you love them enough that you don't care
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So why we skipping her bros?
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It's just a you problem that you think it's shitty and generic.
>so you might just fuck around with a variety of servants instead of only autistically using one omnifarmer at NP5.
the point is hp values get so inflated you don't get to "fuck around with a variety of servants" if you're not investing heavily in them
what's the point in rolling a pure dps if you're not able to use it properly
Np1 is enough.
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Summer outfit when?
If you like a Servant enough to roll for it, then you should like that Servant enough to roll NP2.
mom sure is a late sleeper
That depends. Who is your favourite FSN main heroine? Your answer will determine my advice
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If I cohabitated with any of the Faes I would constantly tease them
Because she's fucking hideous and her personality isn't much better.
>wake up
>see this
What to do?
Her artist gave her a really awkward body, she's better off keeping her clothes on.
Says the guy who uses meaningless words like slop. People who unironically uses the word slop like it means anything lack the cognitive capacity for serious discussion anyway.
only the gays skipping boobuki
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NP1 is NOT enough
Call Suzuka
Don't worry anon, I actually agree with you. You're not the only one.
Who’s the bigger whore, Medb or Miyamoto Musashi?
Spread my cheeks.
I want to lick Astolfo's nipples.
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Musashi is a virgin.
Wtf? Where is my usual nurse?
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NP2 is enough!
Why are the people close to having a fully maxing a Servant denoted with red while people a lower tier are white
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He badmouthed Skadoo
holy gameplay faggotry
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The cutest!
social experiment to see if people actually cave and NP6 just because they've been colored red
Okay then how about I replace slop with "generic low effort trash story" would you like it better then O glorious gargantuan cognitive capacity fan of low effort generic trash writing? I kneel to your superior refusal to use simple words that convey simple meaning like "slop".
The poster said categories were chosen arbitrarily to generate seethe, it was literally random
>you just have to consider that rolling for someone and being unlucky enough to hit pity is bad unless you love them enough that you don't care
So you just never roll on anything because there is a chance that you'll only get 1 copy? There are plenty of anons that went 1500SQ+ with only NP1.
Sounds like a really miserable way to play fgo
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let her cook
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I wonder where Kuku will place on this list. She's easily as gameplay as the other top-tier Alteraloaders; but at the same time everyone who would want to grail an Alteraloader for the gameplay already has one that they like.
as a serf I choose to serve L
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>social experiment to see if people actually cave and NP6 just because they've been colored red
>The poster said categories were chosen arbitrarily to generate seethe
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I want to go back...
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I can't wait for all the gameplayfags who got tricked into rolling Ibuki but didn't go all the way for np5 to start complaining when she can't clear any lottos before getting phased out by 90**
I has to spend $1800 to NP6 an SSR, but now I'm an /alter/ noble so it was worth it.
Goghie spotted!
In the old Japanese imperial government, there was a "minister of the left" and "minister of the right", unless I'm misremembering. So if you are serving Lauren, and I am also serving her, I think we should probably adopt a similar system. I will be the minister of her left foot, you can be the minister of her right foot.
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I want to go back...
kek the dignified Artoria and then that perverted Avalon Fae behind her
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>tfw your 120 isn't on there
Where's Bryn?
Why does anyone expect Arts users to even farm irregular nodes at all after Buster farming?
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dumb cummer
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>Nu Valks have a skill that works on other Valks
>You can only get one Valk
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What was meant by this?
arts or a mix of arts/buster is way better at multicore than pure buster
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I got NP5 in my sole attempt to NP5 a limited Servant and my Voyager is NP2 after 10 tickets on his initial run, him dodging me in 2 GSSRs and 300 SQ on the most recent rate-up.
>There are plenty of anons that went 1500SQ+ with only NP1.
Yes, and those people ARE miserable about it you retard. I don't even pretend to use most DPS Servants at NP1 any more and anyone who I don't care to roll for NP1 is someone I objectively don't like enough to make a sacrifice for.
15 total Abbys... Abbyfags strong...
Because old Valks are not a limited time summon?
Where's loli Kiara?
Strong Servants. Weak Servants. That is only the selfish perception of people. Truly skilled Masters should try to win with their favorites
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Keep going and add 3 and 2 grailed Servant categories.
yoshitsune types have an unfair advantage
Show me Sanson farming a 90++ node.
Did Morgan notice and swap the places? Cute.
>arts or a mix of arts/buster is way better at multicore than pure buster
Then why even give a shit about mutiple NP copies when you are going to use Arash or Chen Gong or specific servants to clear specific turns using Kaleidoscopes or whatever else then?
Thought on Fate/Zero's English dub?
I choose to serve her hands instead.
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This is completely soulless. The maxed Servant list is way better.
unfortunately this game is numbers on a spreadsheet
bad like every single dub
The pride cometh before the fall.
Can't imagine it being worth listening to over hearing JP COORU, DUDE, GilGOD, Seiba, and Kerry
That right there is the soul of /alter/
Get pruned
>you are going to use Arash or Chen Gong or specific servants to clear specific turns using Kaleidoscopes
i suggest you look up stuff on laplace or yt because you really don't have a clue
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melu and morgan are truly the best!
>bad like every single dub
Yu Yu Hakusho's English dub was okay.
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ITs been a while since she was introduced and I still not sure if I hate Sei or love her
I like replacing the audio of Kiritsugu and Kirei psychoanalysing each other in episode 1 with the audio of Light and L telling each other that they are justice.
I also like to replace the audio of Kiritsugu having a discussion with Kirei in episode 24 with the audio of Spike saying that he bled all that blood away, only for Vicious to ask himTHEN WHY ARE YOU STILL ALIVE.
Yu Yu Hakusho's dub was so bad that it was funny.
Kirei and Kerrytugu are perfect, but everyone else sounds pretty bad. It's no accident Crispin Freeman typically gets cast for most Jouji Nakata roles.
Melu won
based lover
>gameplay grails
>soul of /alter/
What went wrong to lead /alter/ to this point?
Namedrop version when?
Soulless gameplayfaggotry, especially since we know that the people who truly Gigamaxx are the Kiaracultists.
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lmao even
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sex with Morgan and Melusine while Habetrot watches
should also work on Bryn's gremlin daughter whenever she releases
It should also work on Anytime since Valks are based off her but I'm okay with it.
/alter/ was a mistake.
The path of our growth was incorrect
Tourists from THAT place, and no /alter/ culture left to stop them because its guardians abandoned the general.
albert became your god
Serfdome baby!

Man, I could have bumped mom one place but still nice, she's the only one beside Kama, Melt, Kiara and Horta to be featured twice.
>whaling =SOUL
I shall remain humble in my duties.
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I will be an honest rat, you shouldn't do this picture now. Maybe someone else drops their support list and something will change. That's why I decided not to make picture for now and wait like a week or so.
Frieren's dub is pretty good aside from their pronunciation of Stark
holy based
So is ibuki tomorrow or the day after?
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This list is 100 times more soulful than the 120 list that's dominated by gameplay grails.
Baccano's was alright, Graham's schizophrenia was pure sex
I have the .psd file saved. Some guy already showed his 120 barg that wasn't counted so I'll have to update it eventually when the guy updates the gdoc.
Sunday 9pm US time, Monday morning if your european
Not at all.
How is the story for the summer event? I haven't started since I'm waiting to do so after Ibuki's banner releases.
>Kiara winning
Considering one is a dragon loli and the other a big titted evil woman who designates you her husband upon your first encounter, I doubt more than a handful of those are actual gameplay grails. Otherwise Arjuna Alter would be in the top spot, no?
Good fun interactions
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>I could have been on the list of kings with my Okita and Okita Swimsuit Assassin
sent, kiara in all
This list is indeed the soul of Albert.
>7 120 Kiara's
>6 of them are maxed
>20 120 Morgan's
>1 of them is maxed
How does this happen?
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>1-3 stars and welfares
lol, lmao
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>he thinks gameplay grails are soul
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soulless gameplay grails
soulful servant enjoyers
We help improve each section we visit, and bullied Douman along the way. Like seriously, literally everyone is suspicious of him and constantly throw shade at him.
t. Albert
That's good. I skipped the Dino story and focused on grinding the event last year since everything about it was boring to hell. Summer Camp event was nice, so Dino Time summer was a real drop.
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>he thinks grailing bad servants is soul
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That list hasn't been updated in a while. No one who got a 120 on the tail end of the Anni is on it.
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Its not my fault! It takes np8 to raise an sr from the regular pool,
Brb bros I'm grailing Eric Bloodaxe to be part of the sovlful list!
how about you save for your favourites
>inb4 uhhhh actually I hit pity every single time I rolled for them
what's wrong with grailing 1-3 stars or welfares?
>bad like every single dub
English dub, you americans have it so bad.
No, I meant 120 barg.
Yeah, some of my friends and their grails aren't on the list either. Not gonna sus them out though, staying hidden is part of the fun.
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cute dog
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>Arc in second place despite only coming out like 15 minutes ago
Good job arcbros.
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Anon, could you make some Nursery blowjobs? Preferably in the bath.
I would wager a lack of fou paws and the fact that Morgan's third append is worthless are the main culprits in this mystery.

>Suzuka and Kuro
They always do this, including servants in the side stories that are soon to receive swimsuits. I wonder what servants showed up in side stories for LB6 summer?
I see... I must bide my time.
they are bad gameplaywise. you don't actually love them. you merely max them to be a special snowflake. grail a good character like morgan or melu.
Kiarafags like her and will upgrade her regardless of how miniscule of an increase it is
"Morganfags" only care about watching her damage go up and won't invest in meaningless things like crit res vs a specific class
>posts ushi
The guy who did the list wasn't counting fou paws for the completely maxed characters as long as the fou paws were in progress.
It's shit
skadi ruined summer just like how she ruined christmas
what a damegami
see >>486784656 >>486785672
dunno if they're on there or not, didn't check since it's not my place
would them all
This was the last good event story
Nothing, grailing 1-3 stars or welfares is unironically quite soulful.
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I will move you up if you sell them.
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Nothing, unless you're looking to grail a story-locked 3*.
Because to me, a maxed servant doesn't include Fou paws. They're so rare, and certain servants benefit from them disproportionately compared to others. My lv 100 Van Gogh needs my Fou paws far, far more than my lv 120 Arcueid. Just kinda the way of things.
Gameplayfags don't bother to max Servants beyond what's useful to farm. In other words those "Morganfags" don't really care about her, unlike the Kiarafags who honestly love Kiara.
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Don't remember what the Charlotte .5 was, but Nobu bro is .5 because he only fow paws buster and is otherwise feature complete.
You can only hit pity once you dunce
And for 4* ya can't even do that
>hurr durr just get lucky
Again, kill yourself
It's due to hoe recent Morgan is in the game. We only have neough Fou Paws for a single full servant right now.
>they are bad gameplaywise
>you don't actually love them
i do
>you merely max them to be a special snowflake
>grail a good character like morgan or melu
i don't find them good
There's barely any dedication required to 120 welfares. It's simply not the same as 120'ing limited SSRs.
It's /alter/ who is wrong since /alter/ will always find a reason to shit on things. Ignore what /alter/ thinks and play how you want.
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If you really love a Servant you'll spend thousands on big packs to max them.
by dedication you mean money?
Any Fou requirement is fucking stupid. It's time gated, nothing else.
It renders any ranking utterly uniform where it would otherwise be ranked by say, 5 120s vs 2 120s.
If Fous are counted, those two players are EQUAL.
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But I'll be cheating not only the list, but myself.
Or you could just skip all the other servants that you care about less and save up for a year in order to np6 them without spending any money.
In that case I guess berserkers are just at a big disadvantage needing a 6th copy to unlock a dead skill.
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You haven't ACTUALLY maxxed out your servant until you've unlocked their Ordeal Call class board in its entirety.
Debate me, you can't.
>Fou (read: Fou Paw)
>120'ing limited SSRs.
That's not dedication either, that's just luck and/or money. Talking about 'dedication' in a gacha is just the gambling addiction talking. You are functionally not any different from those retired old people going to the slot machines every day and stay there for hours.
Take it easy. Ordeal Call will give you fou paws enough to max out two of your servants if you are neither a veteran nor a latelet.
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>You're not dedicated, you just spent a bunch of money!
retarded welfaretard cope, go jerk off your lv 120 medea some more. maybe ordeal call class scores will make her strong enough to kill the last wave on hands with a black grail you FAGGOT
If you love the servant you buy their merch and commission stuff instead of giving Albert money
Ah yes because people have never done that and failed pre pity and got only np1 post pity.
>Doesn't remember her husband
>Wears the skimpiest attire seen on a female servant
Is this enough to roll for her?
I've already cleared every single one of those missions barring unreleased mats, so that's not a concern.
Listen to me retards
Now we need one more list of 120 servants this time
>around 5 am
Yeah I was sleeping at that time. Thanks, done.
>No summer event CEs
Fine, I won't force you.
you can hit pity during multiple rate ups, silly. just admit that you stop rolling for your "favourite" once you get enough to gameplay grail them.

>instead of giving Albert money
again. just play as f2p and save your SQ.
>If you love the servant you buy their merch and commission stuff instead of giving Albert money

I did that and also spent thousands on big packs. That's true dedication.
This event is very comfy to farm with Douman's IK and Arc just wiping two waves by herself with a friend Oberon support. 120 funny vamp stronk
I remember Huyan, Bakin, and... Super Bunyan...
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>lasagna glowies infesting the thread again
What's really soulless is caring about what /alter/ thinks.
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>Updated yesterday
>Just not
>updated 12 hours ago
I've never shared my FC. How is this happening?
>no argument
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Nice cope reddie.
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Fuck no. Paws are one thing, but gold fous?
Flop summer if so.
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>Have 3 limited np5 SSRs
>have never spent a cent on this game
Feels good
Why is Raikou known as the Shadow Prefect? And what does that mean
nooooooooooooo you're lying!!! you must be a whale!!!
>I did that and also spent thousands on big packs
Not really, it's just being a retarded whale.
>you can hit pity during multiple rate ups, silly.
Ah yes becauseevery servant has had 6+ rate ups since 120 was announced! Silly me!
>just admit that you stop rolling for your "favourite" once you get enough to gameplay grail them
Just admit you can't see things from other perspectives because you want to gloat about your gacha addiction.
How to treat your queen
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>he chose to have 3 NP5 SSR's instead of 15 NP1 SSR's
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Summer Bakin wouldn't hurt.
She's got a 50% chance of being the welfare.
holy based
who gives a shit about appends
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>Twenty kilograms
>44 pounds
>less than half of Abigail's weight, and even only 60% of Jack's
What exactly are succubi made out of?
And how many NP1 SSRs do you have?
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Why would I want 12 more servants that I don't care about instead of 3 servants that I do that are also more useful?
People with soul.
rubber and air
Things like fou paws and command codes aren't essential for farming. Gameplayfags usually don't bother with them as a result.
I'm sure you just got really unlucky and NP2'd your "favoutie" despite saving 5k F2P SQ every time.
As if Bryn's artist would allow that.
Fotget the list with maxed 120 servants, we need a list of anons who maxed their servant and have merch with their maxed servant too.
t. albert
Like Batman but instead of beating up criminals, she scolds people for indecency
Who is Douman's target audience?
We love Sashi here
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dragon girlfriends
Albert has already won years ago. He has well and truly made /alter/ his bitch by convincing the autists here they HAVE to roll NP5+
women who love evil men
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Does one piece of merch count?
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You will find out soon enough
Players who love servants that makes funny noises, like me (but I don't have him though)
He's one of the few servants that appeal to both fujos and yumes, due to being aggressively gay but also aggressively for (You).
gay men
people who find his silly attitude funny and have forgotten how angry he made them throughout the various story chapters
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>It's simply not the same as 120'ing limited SSRs.
I think Albert would actually prefer the people who want at least one copy of every single servant since it means they're probably rolling to pity more often and buying big packs just to get the servant while the people with far more selective taste who just roll a few servants per year and get them to a high np level are more likely to stop once they've run out of free sq no matter what np level they got.
Grand Ruler Albert
She enforces discipline. Like how certain schools have a disciplinary committee that keep the students in check. Which case she’s doing the same by keeping an eye on servants that could cause trouble for you in Chaldea. There are other members that she recruited as well.
Yes anon because you get 5k quarts by the time their rate up rolls around and because we've had 120 for that long.
You don't need to whale to np6 to show you love the servant you love
>b-but gameplay grails
Then surely your appends are just gameplay bro. Everything can be dismissed if you ignore the facts enough.
the heck is a goopers
Read/watch Sukeban Deka
Depends. How expensive was it? If it's less than you have spent for your maxed servant it doesn't count.
If you're talking about the ORT fight you can solo that shit with welfares
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Bros the collect profit button is really satisfying
>Have 2 NP6 and 1 NP5 limited SSRs
>only spend on occasional GSSR, it's responsible for one copy of the above
Yeah sounds plausible

Miwa did all the servants for Lost Einherjar, bro
Only if we actually get an Omichi ascension.
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/alter/ bros, i need some NA fren. Over the span of 4 years, I only have 46/104 frens so far
van Gogh lOOPers
They are like blown condom balloons with cum slushing around inside.
collect this profit
*unzips dick*
mmmnmmm, I like this event's writing
Goghfags, Doughman is a great support for her
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The first Oberon nendo, and I spent nothing to max him.
have you tried posting fc
Of course an AI doesn't understand love
why are you skills not maxed after 4 years
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That's DUMB
Not as satisfying as you collecting my semen in your womb.
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>An expression that says "I think it's great personally" (It's very trustworthy)
i can see why
Post FC I'll add you.
Yeah, but I'm sure he'd prefer drawing extra ascensions for Auslut over the other dude that nobody cares about.
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Taira sex
The artist don't pick the rarity, TM staff does.
Well, the big shot artists like Raita probably get to tell Takeuchi.
keep rolling for every rate up except your favourites lmao
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I like to keep my herc at 9/9/9. I'll only 10/10/10 him when he's NP 5.
Support like Himiko, CasGil, is perfectly fine at 9/9/9 too. I'll keep my cubes for support just in case.
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This, it’s a good read.
Shouldn't this be done after Summer 7? We all know there are going to be a lot of Ibukis.
blacklisted, thanks
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>We all know there are going to be a lot of Ibukis.
:( i need more frens
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I can update it if there are
based (thanks, first fun thing to come out of this list business)
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GOOPing is the premiere SOULfag gameplay style
>Can't be automata'd due to needing to alternate servant cards on multi-enemy waves
>uses the weirdest possible mix of units but no meta supports
>you actually get to SEE your servants card animations
>absolutely fucking dogshit at 90++
take the GOOPPILL today!!
>>Can't be automata'd due to needing to alternate servant cards on multi-enemy waves
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474 KB PNG
must be the gaming floor
File: GS7OFPOa47AAeJMY.jpg (3.11 MB, 1892x1836)
3.11 MB
3.11 MB JPG
So she was trying with LB2 and Olympus?

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