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GOATed Edition

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How to WebM

>Blames self for world.
Here you have it, apparently it was me who made TikTok and fucking ruined everyone's attention span! Sorry guys! Oopsie, I didn't mean to!
Fucking assholes. Fuck this evil image. I'm not yellow, "knows it bloody well isn't", as in it isn't my fault you're all too fucking dumb to recognize my brilliance. *ptew* I spit on you all.
>yes? advertise on twitch, 4chan, reddit, discords
I could try that, except for 4chan because thats against the rules
For instance anon provided some alternatives >>486833161
But which is the best? It probably wouldn't be a good idea to use all of them as I think that would only confuse possible donators so I need to decide the best one for me to use so I was asking for recommendations.

So far kofi seems the best but I have to read the terms still
Has anyone here used it? Anon last thread said he got banned on it but didn't elaborate when I asked
i'm gonna make it
I'm making it
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*sips* how are you actually doing today, /agdg/? i mean, how are you really feeling?
I'm feeling great!
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I'd rather... not talk about it...
>auradev red everywhere
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Just imagine it anon. The gentle breeze, the sound of leaves rustling through the trees. Not a single worry, not a single stress. You've finally made it, and it's everything you've imagined. It's everything you've ever wanted.
>t. red goats
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>I'm feeling great!
Better than I deserve brother. Better than I deserve
I HATE catposters
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Found you. Scared of my power.
I hate amerifat hours
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>Better than I deserve brother. Better than I deserve
Hello, Dave Ramsey. My favorite quote of yours is
>Where you are today is the sum of every choice you've ever made. If you don't like where you are, start making different choices!
1) Made new crystal skill Armour Shattering

webm with audio:
>Not a single worry, not a single stress. You've finally made it, and it's everything you've imagined. It's everything you've ever wanted.

Making it was the worst thing that could have happened to me, there's no point to living if there's no struggle. Especially for introverted people, you don't go out of your way to try and meet people and do new things.

So now I sit alone in my bedroom on a basket weaving forum to try and find meaning through gavedev.
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>suffering from being too successful
2) Working on a new weapon type "Crystal Rods"
• the first INT-based weapon
• has 4 variations with different effects and slightly different prefixes
• reforging also can change its variation (debatable)

webm with audio:
>Where you are today is the sum of every choice you've ever made. If you don't like where you are, start making different choices!
Insanely and unfathomably based. Seething turd world browncels coping and malding as we speak
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>barony but worse
Good luck lil bro
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>Here you have it, apparently it was me who made TikTok and fucking ruined everyone's attention span! Sorry guys! Oopsie, I didn't mean to!
>Fucking assholes. Fuck this evil image. I'm not yellow, "knows it bloody well isn't", as in it isn't my fault you're all too fucking dumb to recognize my brilliance. *ptew* I spit on you all.
Other than donations and sales what are some ways to make money with your games?
Has anyone here tried having paid ads on their game? Is it effective?
It's kinda weird for me to make a visual novel esque game as someone who doesn't play visual novels, and often doesn't care for the story in games. It makes me hesitant to add more story, because to me more story = a lower gameplay/story ratio = worse game. But to the target audience more story = more content = better game.
1000% truth tho
blue guy is about to walk off his failcase and fucking break his neck
make a game and use it as a platform to direct people to your OnlyDevs. oh i guess that still is donations.
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>Good luck lil bro
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Naming spells is fucking hard, it all sounds like I'm copying from Final Fantasy fuck
Damn this looks cool, good job
I think that wouldn't be a good idea because OnlyFans is usually associated with selling real life pornography of the account owner. Though I have to admit I'm entirely sure if this is the only purpose of the platform because the actual name seems quite innocent to me, as a fan club sort of deal but it has that stigma associated to it nevertheless from what I can tell.
File deleted.
I can't help to notice how neither of those two characters have any "SUCCESS" blocks
In the time you’ve spent here asking retarded questions you could’ve sucked 10 dicks for $10 each and had enough to post your “totally incredible and profitable game” to steam. What’s stopping you?
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Blorb is now is a trilogy. The ending of the previous game is what happens after blorb gets shot by his rival in the castle, and the cutscene is what he sees as he sinks into a coma as his body is dumped in the river. He washes up in a new magical land, where he has to find and sell mushrooms and potions to survive and find his way back home.

Brewing mechanic is 90% done now, just need to make the potions actually show up in the inventory and make them sellable. I've had a great idea, there is going to be a little town you can walk around in with shops and the museum where you put your mushrooms.
I don't want to do that. I want to make money from making my own video games.
99% of nodevs quit right before they are gonna make it
I can show you 100 demoday games that got abandoned LONG before they were "gonna make it".
Also your post implies that 99% of people would have made it if they just finished, but looking at released AGDG games, 90% of them fail to get 3 digit review count.
None of the people you're talking about are nodevs tho
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>actual autism
between earning 200$ off your game and getting 4 reviews and earning 20$ (donations?) but getting 25 reviews, which is better?
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>Naming spells is fucking hard
I'd prefer getting 200$ because I'd be able to afford the steam fee for not one, but two games.
Autism website. Autism board. Autism thread. Statistics are not meant to be used in hyperboles stop doing that, it triggers me.
I look like this.
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I think I'm burned out and I'm trying to get better but even after taking a few days to clear up my mind I'm still unable to produce results. It's like I forgot how to do things.
The idea with choosing the second is that you might be able to get a 100 people discord / 200 fans total(some follow on twitter/ dev page on steam instead)
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Is this a downgrade or upgrade?
>blames self for world
Seriously tho, what is this supposed to mean? Isn't the saying 'blame yourself for your own problems'? How do you blame yourself for the world?
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Is Unreal the safest engine to use? Obviously using Godot screams to the world "I'M A FAGGOT/TRANNY" and is out the question, but I don't want to use Unity either since it's run by greedy kikes.

Are there any "perception" issues about using Unreal I need to be worried about?
put your heart and soul into your game
You are critiquing an image created by an Indian
If, for example, you go to a weekly community meet-up where everyone does volunteer work to help the community, you'll find yourself in the company of other people who are very kind-hearted and supportive.
If, instead, you steal all day and treat others like shit, you'll also find yourself being treated like shit by others.

If you find you're not in a good place right now, move to somewhere better. You might have to work hard to afford it but that's just life. It costs money to live where the good people are.
Fixed the state machine for game sequences which had in fact no involment in my gamebreaking bug.
Ended up refactoring and clarifying stuff when the problem was just a string variable being initiated with the wrong name.

Next, I'll go back to my Collectibles Screen. And I'm also going to post this to the Discord. Are they cool over there?
I guess it would depend on the type of dev you are. If you want to make many different smallish games then 200$ is better but if you want to make 1 large game and keep improving it then the 25 reviews is better
>I'm not good enough.
>I need to do better.
>I need to work harder.
>I can fix her.
>So now I sit alone in my bedroom on a basket weaving forum to try and find meaning through gavedev.
One day I'll make it too and I'll use whatever remaining time I have to enlightenment myself. I'm an artist and I'm naturally inclined to seek out ways to express myself.
Without the burden of recurring bills, or the threat of homelessness, or all the shitty stuff that comes with being poor, I bet I could come up with some dope art projects. None of you shitters will get it and it'll probably make negative bucks, but it won't matter because it will be art forged with the soul of a true artist.
One day. For now, I'm stuck with making interactive entertainment software designed to amuse the laymen.
You have to be like an anime protagonist if you wanna be a hobbyist gamedev. Give it your all in this life.
You can create an incredible game and everyone here will just call it asset slop, 3D slop, unrealslop, etc. They will grab out of spite and jealousy any time you post progress. They will nitpick small details never even considered for other lower quality games

The flip side is that you will get more sales than any of the unitroons or godotrannies though, because actual gamers don’t care about that stuff if the game is very fun
I prefer the original in all aspects.
>jewish kikes complaining about money
Godot is the only one of the those engines where you can plaster "I HATE FAGGOTS AND TRANNIES" all over your game without being banned from using the engine.
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Managed to implement xbrz but it doesn't support alpha so I just replace pink. Looks kinda bad at the edges but it might be the best I can do
I'm basically an anime protagonist already
nursing handjob unf
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Gotta say, after my first month of unreal, i'm really not feeling how it's supposed to be any "harder" than unity
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pretty good bro, finally have time to work on my projects again. how about you?
I crab every unreal engine game I see because I know I could never make anything that looks that good. All unreal devs should be banned from posting here it’s bullshit
You're doing something really wrong because I feel nothing watching this.
Congrats on passing the unreal IQ filter. Many here have not and will never pass it and are doomed to eternally crab every ue game that’s posted here
How do you keep a straight posture while devving?
Works for me, derailed my dev into a fap session.
Good chair
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I'm working with signals in Godot
big screens + recline
It's pretty good with the animations but the main problem is really a lack of expressiveness from the girl. Especially in today's day and age where soulless AI garbage is shipped out, expressiveness is pretty damn important.

Still, in the context of a game that sort of animation can matter a lot more. It's different beating a girl and fucking them compared to just seeing a .webm.
Could it be because she's lacking facial expressions at the moment?
I don't understand what exactly is supposed to be more difficult.
Yes, C++ is harder to use than C#, but unreal also has
1. Blueprints
2. A million systems built directly into the engine that you'd either have to make from scratch in unity or find some deprecated version of in the asset store from 2018
Boobs too big
I like the face more but the dress less
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Dragon maid dev new 3d porn game project
AIslop can't do consistent animations, camera angles and changes in the animations like thrust speed thoughoverchance
i missed it. catbox link for it?
Evil porn. Vile. He is a demon.
Not yet
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game or just animations?
damn that looks lame
I bought a $1500 Herman miller chair, with my 6 figure remote tech job salary (where I only work 1-2 hours per day btw)
Game, something around the fighting game genre
Looks better than your game.
how much is marmoreal making?
doubt that
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Need facial expressions, especially a smug one when she does the nursing handjob
Extremely good job otherwise, I WILL be buying this game
anymore I can follow for regular updates, or do I have to lurk /agdg/ 24/7 like a motherfucker?
what happened to the dragon maid old project?
now let me play as a cute boy fighting futa monster-girls
Forgot to mention my 8 inch cock and smoking hot goth babe gf sucking me off right now while I dev(she can manage one hour)
put it on next DD and make some social media so i can follow you outside of here
Then why don't you get replies like >>486844292
IMO, Unreal is the easiest of the 3 engines to pick up if you have little to no programming experience going into it, but you'll eventually hit a wall when you need to make any custom gameplay systems. This is why so many UE games release as walking sims. The UE architecture has its own unique way that it forces uses to structure things. Unity is more flexible in how you can structure things (and Godot even more so, which is why experienced software engineers gravitate towards Godot).
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It appears you're new here! Let's put you up to speed as fast as possible.
Namefagging is a no-go. It's a sureway to get yourself a dedicated haters. It's 4chan obviously and anonymity is very important!
But! How can people recognize that you are you? It's very simple - by posting progress! It's a great way to avoid rampant faggotry while also supplying thread with important content. Without progress we're just shitposters, right?
You want a collab? That's a great idea! We have plenty of dedicated devs that will surely help you, but you just have to prove to them you're not an ideafag. A working prototype is usually enough.
What tool is the best? I'm happy to inform you that they're all trash/great and it doesn't matter which engine you want to use, they'll all prove to be a big pain in the ass/wonderful journey into programming.
You want fast results? Unreal has you covered. It comes with an empty plane with a model that has basic movement prepared for you. It's so great you already feel accomplished by just turning it on!
Not everybody wants to play with spaghetti code or C++, so for those I can recommed Unity. It's a great engine that is being used by a lot of people here, including Underspacedev or Bokubedev, that both are working on their games for more than 5 years already!
But what if you don't want to fall into the trap of corporate greed and spending thousands of dollars on asset store? Well! We have Godot! There are plenty of people working with it and with whole 3 successful games on Steam I'm sure this year will finally be a year of G! You can even download other godot games and decompile them! Ripping assets and looking through other people's code was never so simple!
Whichever way you go, I'm happy to welcome you into our agdg family! And remember: JUST LIKE MAKE GAME
>4k 60fps on high settings with 100+ enemies rendered on screen in a fully 3D unreal engine 5 game with hundreds of visual effects
>on a 10 year old shit $100 graphics card
Yeah, I think I’m gonna make it
because my audience aren't mentally ill virgins
You can lie to me but you can't lie to yourself.
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I say this and look like this (I use godot)
funny how subhuman failures always project their shortcomings and defects onto everyone they interact with
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shit meme. at least use pictures of actual godot developers and unity developers
Incredibly ironic for you to say that
I'm saying what I'm saying because it's the product of my observations. You're saying what you're saying to act snarky and to flex in front of your internet non-friends
anon, we make games here, not fitness classes and tiktok videos
How the FUCK do I get the node path of get_child(-1)? This should be super easy but I can't find the answer. I can access the node, but I don't know how to get the path so that I can access it even if it is no longer the last child.
Ahh, I can understand that.


we might have to stop posting here yeah, blueboard..
my audience are chads like John Carmack and Jon Blow
The irony continues
var saved_object = get_child(-1)

for child in (node.get_children():
child.arbitrary_integer = x or y or z

for child in (node.get_children():
if child.arbitrary_integer = x:
Brother, you wouldn't know an objective fact even if it stripped down in front of you and begged you for sex. Please seek help, just not from professionals
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Added lifesteal mechanic for player, vampirism disease that spreads from rare vampiric mobs and staves.
Also fixed a rare bug that spawned the player in a void in the first levels
Keep going
if aura and mado can post here, you'll be fine
i like your little man's art
success is the y axis, duh. kids would understand this, yet you can't?
That would make the "unsuccessful" guy's failures more successful than the "successful" guy itself?
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:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Street lamp. >>486840895 The older render looks like one of those fanmade Brawl ones. I guess most colors are more readable in the previous render. I do like the star shaped holes.
>How the FUCK do I get the node path of get_child(-1)?
It's very easy you post a SFW picture and link to a catbox of the porn, you don't even have to censor it
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Please continue posting here
>Fygoon modeling style
Anon... there's no saving you...
It's not as bad as Fygooner, jeez.
a 3 digit review count shouldn't be a failure. if you plan on more than that for your 1MA / no budget indie game you are choosing to fail.
>multi-year passion project
>turning a profit (considering TIME and EFFORT invested, aka opportunity cost)
pick one. which is not to say do the latter. just know what you're doing and accept the likely outcome.
I prefer it.
Her knees look weirdly very, very low down and her hair is weird. Those are the main things I'd change.
>Fygoon is a lolicon
>Are there any "perception" issues about using Unreal
if you use the default post-processing, yes. can't see shit because it's all blurry and artifacted, especially in motion. but you can fix that by disabling TAA and screen-space reflections. and motion blur if that's on by default, I don't know if it is.
t. Unity user
Thanks, that's what I wasn't able to remember.
stop being obtuse. the position of the PERSON is the measurement of success. left guy is standing where he started, he hasn't moved UP at all.
i say this whenever I change something minor in my game tho
Say you have node a.

var b = a
This will result in both a and b being deleted, right? How do I make it so only b is deleted, and have b be a copy of a instead of a reference to it?
There's nothing that indicates being slightly higher is any better than being where he's at.
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40 to 60 games release on Steam alone EACH DAY.
About 350 games in the week around your release.
AAA release? Successful release AAA or indie, in your genre? BOOM you are done.
Also, not only are you competing with other new releases, but the entire backlog of games on every system a player owns. :)

Take all the "indie success stories" you can think of in the past 10 years and divide it by the number of devs in that time who have tried (again, 50 games a day, 1500 a month) and there's your historical likelihood of "making it."

Steam cut, higher self-employment taxes, no benefits, no retirement, AND to top it all off: Your sales diminish over time, so even if you hit this "mediocrity lottery" you'll have to do it all over again in a couple years.

>He thinks that indie gamedev can provide a sustainable primary income in 2024

thanks for keeping me grounded
>How do I make it so only b is deleted
var b = a.duplicate()
I'll do it
You'll see
need enemy ideas.
Thanks for reminding me how crazy it is that I'm a yesdev. Nodevs wouldn't understand.
Thanks, that works. But also if anyone has an answer, why do programming languages work like this? When you type x = 5, you aren't making it so that 5 becomes x, you are just setting the value of x to equal 5, right? So why do objects work differently in most (all?) programming languages? Wouldn't having assignment work more consistently (from what I can tell) make more sense?
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Slight upgrade.
Face now looks more cohesive with the rest of the body but colors are too saturated now. Tone down the saturation and increase the gamma to balance darks or learn 3-point lighting to better present your model (you need fill lighting to brighten up dark areas and a rim light to distinguish one part from another, see hair vs dress vs hands) You really need to fix her knee.
I hate being a rentcuck so much it's unreal. I should have just stayed living with my parents.
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yeah pretty much
t. happy working adult living with family who has a really wonderful relationship with his parents and brother
Enjoy paying off someone else's mortgage and having nothing to show for it lmao
Feels good to be a housechad
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>found another game with the same gameplay gimmick that's further along in development.
welp, there goes another project down the drain....
rent-seeking is just parasitism. Pure and simple. Every landlord is a fat juicy tick sucking wealth away from society while providing absolutely nothing in return.
I might "enjoy" it if they put any of that money back into the apartment.
The dishwasher drain is backed up full of water that smells like rotting fish. I've been here for 2 weeks and I've already seen two mice in the kitchen and can hear them in the ceiling. Doing laundry costs money and there's only one washer and dryer, and the other tenants are constantly leaving their clothes in there for hours.
I've seen this sentiment before I moved out and I kinda get where these people are coming from now.
>99% done with project
>about to hit release
>see another 2d puzzle platformer
>NOOOOOOOOOOOOO he stole my idea!
>delete project
Even doing basic repairs or fixing up (on their own property, remember) doesn't come near offsetting the leeching they're doing from you.

At the end of 10 years of renting, what do you have? Zilch. You burned 10 years of rent.
What do they have? Their mortgage paid off.

Btw, some young people might not realize, but a monthly mortgage payment is almost always VASTLY cheaper than rent. I have a 4-bedroom house, attic, basement, 2 floors, etc and it's about 600/mo.
Insincere post.
I am interested.
Also, does your modeler take commissions? Been looking for a handful of monstergirl models (not for porn tho) and it's absurdly fucking hard to find models that are "just right" like this.
My first landlord was kinda based. Someone broke a window once on a saturday night and he had that window fixed the same night. Didn't take shit from the niggas putting socks on the fire alarms and hotboxing.
Seems he specializes more in business properties but still has the house because it was his first property.
Gave me an earful because I used the agency when I could've spent less by payng him directly.
Hired cleaners to clean up the place so we didn't have to.
Reasonable prices, sorta classy place for its cost.

Second landlord I had was mostly just absent but then nothing really went wrong either, nothing to say. I guess it's parasitism but no moreso than the fact old people get paid more and college graduates struggle to find a job.
>thanking the bull this hard
you want a fucking sign that explains the symbology? left guy is UNHAPPY. right guy is HAPPY. there's your sign. going up correlates with happiness = going up is meant to be a good thing. again this is stuff literal children grasp without having to think about it. your brain is broken if you're not pretending.
>The dishwasher drain is backed up full of water that smells like rotting fish.
You should be cleaning the filter in your dishwasher once a month at least. That goes for everyone. If you've never pulled that out and cleaned it, I'm sorry about what you're going to find.
There's nothing that correlates the happiness with going up so the guy might as well have been on the same level as the other guy and remain happy
finally getting into version control after 3 years of gamedev...
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started working on weapon upgrade mechanic. the backend was super easy to add but the UI work will be aids, as always
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Big refactoring today, cleaned a few hundred lines of code, also the UI is working as intended.
So the gameplay loop is actually just clicking the green line over and over? I had higher hopes for this one I’m not gonna ngl
This sounds dumb, but how do I draw a "subtle" spacetime rift? Specifically, the edges around the entrance to another dimension. I need to have one on screen for quite some time and I don't want it to steal the show from the enemies while it's on screen.
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>14yo autistic red haired french girl making games about openly racist furries
Nice! Please keep posting here.
the pedophiles madodev (develops pedophilic Ero Dungeon), eric barone, froggygreen/frosch and horbror/horgrunt (develops Dreams of Joy Departed) should kill themselves
bro you're on his balls like a lamprey for him fixing a window on his own property lol

rentcucks are something else
If you're not a landlord you don't know how much work it is.
Ever since I dedicated my life and my game to Jesus Christ every obstacle has just melted away. Problems that initially make me think “this might ruin everything” are solved within an hour. My progress is uninhibited. My mind is clear, my mood is uplifted. All glory to God, may his will always be done
internet is 99% brainrot now, including educational content
everything is about "i'm better than you", "thing xyz is shit", "you need to stop doing this", "everything is broken", "TOP 10 SHIT THINGS"
it's really a dystopia and ai will make it even worse.
Yes... I miss old internet...
But surely it will get better eventually right..?
I am a poorfag, why am I not allowed to use AI voice acting and replace it later once the moolah starts coming in? I can barely afford to pay my music guy, I can't afford a bunch of (good) actors for my game befor release!
And yet you're still here, participating.
Because I forbid you.
Wiggly glowing line/cracks
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For large objects it would be way too costly to always make a full copy in memory, so normally the language will use a reference to that object instead. It would also be incredibly annoying if you were editing a dictionary but actually you were working on a copy, while obviously for an integer or string you want the opposite.
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I've been thinking is time to accept my astral birth chart and focus on a single skill, where I can become really good and just join an agdg team.

Nobody will give a shit if I'm mediocre at every gamedev skill.
it will spiral downwards even more

10 years ago i was actually consuming things, nowadays i just "search things" and after 10 hours i feel like "wtf man i spent my whole day searching, wtf am i doing?"
>it will spiral downwards even more
That's not a long time at all. I know a retard who has been deving for 20+ years and he just zips his game every night
>I am a poorfag
>listening to crabs
actually no one gives a shit because you can't work on anything for more than a week without giving up
youll never find a partner without fixing that first, and you dont want to fix that so good luck
ai slop, third world, gigacorp algorithms, inflation, more angry people, more angry incels, more angry liberals, shitposting becoming a cultural norm for zoomers
I own a home so yes I do. Dealing with tenants? Oh boo hoo hoo, muh parasitic passive income
Keep thanking the bull for all the hard work he does, maybe you should start tipping your landlord?
It's my karmic lesson in this reincarnation cycle.

It's not meant to be an easy task.
ma'am this is a game dev thread. use a distortion + chromatic aberration shader
That's how things are now, not how they will be. Surely things won't stay the same forever, they never do. So it will either change for the worse or for the better.
I'm the landlord. Dealing with tenants is way more work than just owning a house which you live in. e.g. to start they don't appear magically you have to advertise and interview people until you find good ones. th
This genuinely looks like a 2000-5000 reviews first year game if it was priced at like $5. It's the sort of game people impulse buy to play for an afternoon IF the price is right. At this price it's a flop. They'll be lucky to hit 200 reviews first year.
I should've figured the only person defending rent-seeking ticks would be a rent-seeking tick.
Back to gamedev.
you can give me your money so you gotta struggle again

I don't mind sitting at my PC all day as an introvert the only problem is that realities of life are creeping up to me and I gotta try an make it to continue living this way
*then there's the boring legal stuff like contracts and the like which the tentants keeps renegotiating and we have to do again and if you choose poorly and end up with a tenant that doesn't pay you have to do even more boring ass work hiring lawyers to get them to do something they literally agreed to do
It is a management game, clicking on the path between planet how you create a path for expedition.
You better do that because you don't know what you're talking about in this matter.
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Just when I thought I understood state machines the rules seem to have changed.
If I ever finish this one I am never making another one ever again.
Progress: Collectibles miniatures are colored once looted, depending on their rarity.

Need to figure out how I display the loot function and the browse function now.
brano cutie, are you there? please add verticality to your dungeon, this will improve it so much without needing to put time into props and visual clutter
the rules depend on how you write your state machine logic
NTA. I generally also appreciate landlords, but I'm also experienced enough to figure out who's a good landlord and who's a corporate jew. $600/mo 30-year mortgage is a ~$100k property and $100k 4/2s only exist as hundred year old builds or cardboard prefabs in rustbelt niggervilles, where no one wants to live. If you put that $600/mo into an index fund instead, you'd have a ~$700k account instead by the end of the 30 years, but your (((banker))) convinced you that your home was a better investment.
you're a hero. thank you for your service. they don't pay you nearly enough.
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I'm still just starting out and this is my dunning krueger talking but I've lost so much respect for some games/devs and regained a lot for others after learning the basics of programming
there is literally nothing worse in this world than poorly stitched together minimum effort unity slop i just uninstalled muse dash because the frame loop in that rhythm game is fucking WHACK lmao you cant even blame the engine i've played porn games and phone shit coded better than this THO the phone shit tends to be plagued with awful optimization too
+ i just gained soooooo much respect for virtua on marz and the wonderful 101...
You're welcome.
well shit, at least they've got the equity. most renters don't have the means to invest in anything. money straight into the toilet just to not die of exposure.
nobel prize for landlords
>need to visualize something
>debug drawray a transform.up
>it rays into the fucking distance
>"ok i need to convert this to world space"
>use every combination of transformpoint etc
>nothing fucking works
i fucking hate this, i just want to draw a ray from the transform position up, why the fuck is this so difficult
this place do be based sometimes
keep in mind it’s supposed to look like those 90s 3D renders
my dream game was a mistake. i’m ready to throw in the towel and make a quick and dirty vampire survivors clone for money. what’s a nice gimmick i can give it?
The equity doesn't mean that much. $5-10k plot of land that you can't sell because the rust belt is never going to recover with a dilapidated building that no one wants to live in on top. Most renters are renting because they're intentionally indoctrinated into behaviors that keep them poor.
always visible always spinning slot machine giving you crazy buffs + chao garden minigame + cum meter
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Chao garden meta-progression for a roguelike survivors is actually a really good idea.
why are gamedevs so incompetent
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Yup, my Game is falling apart.
normies see nothing wrong with this
same amount of lag on all ps4 games retard
Yes, I don't have much personal experience with that but it seems the way the world is going.
Remember those horror stories where someone would literally just break into your house and then say "I'm a tenant, you can't evict me"?
If someone simply refuses to pay rent you can't just wave a magic wand and make them disappear.
I wouldn't want to be a landlord if I could afford property, so I can understand why some of the few people who get up there are moneygrubbing parasites. I wouldn't assume they're all like that.
At the very least, the tax money is (probably) going to your own country instead of being dodged and shipped offshore, like you know Google and every other tech corporation is doing.

Turns out, coding is surprisingly easy for autists. Non-autists fear our power and get CS degrees to mimic even a fraction of that power, only to end up making awfully coded slop.
If I can get my game working fine on old android devices with minimal effort and little prior IT experience then these people should do better.
whether that's true or not, why are those responsible so incompetent?
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Regularly-scheduled burnout awareness post
>Most renters are renting because they're intentionally indoctrinated into behaviors that keep them poor.
Blaming the poors, what absolute horseshit.
Imagine saving up for a downpayment on a house on a McDonalds job.
It's just quite simply not going to happen, especially as rent will be 60%+ of your take home pay.

>shouldn't have chosen to be poor
I know that's where this is going, so I'll just let you say whatever. Not gamedev anyhow, moving on.
the real question is
why are consolefags endorsing this?
note: i have fixed a buggerino
Consoleniggers are not humans and should not be treated as such. Facts!
wtf he’s literally me
have you seen the retards on /v/ that find nothing wrong with eg the way shartder ring runs
I'm not blaming poor people. I'm blaming the (((media))) and (((education system))), many of whom also happen to be (((landlords))).
every fagtard likes to go on about "premature optimization", but nothing fucks me over as badly as premature abstraction and structuring
Abstraction and structuring is workflow optimization.
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that stupid rich fucks stupid humblebrag video pissed me off so much i made my own version
no, this muddies the point. the point of the original drawing is that the failures ELEVATE the guy on the right. he becomes more likely to succeed because he learns from his failures.
in this edit he spontaneously produces a "success" step instead of another failure step. why? how have his failures helped him do this? thanks to his failures he is higher up but the act of spontaneously producing a "success" box instead of a failure box has nothing to do with his height. the metaphor falls completely flat. it seems just as likely that the guy on the left will suddenly pull a "success" box out of his ass. why couldn't he? he's clearly prolific at creating these boxes just like the guy on the right, and it took the guy on the right a bunch of attempts, too.
GOING UP THE STAIRCASE MUST MEAN SOMETHING OR YOU ARE MISSING THE POINT. There must be a reason for "successful people" to be the ones reaching height, using their failures, while "unsuccessful people" stay on the ground.

plebbitors, I kneel. you were right about media literacy after all.
Wtf people are encouraging you to advertise your game instead of banning you there?
Is there a place like that but for SFW games?
>There's nothing that correlates the happiness with going up
the correlation is literally 100%, you fucking retard. do you even know what a correlation is?
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Another one of these. Stella was a bit hard to pull off because of her head shape not being as hidden by hair. No special edits this time.
the point is that putting things on your head is the same as stacking them as stairs, retard
To have a mutual relationship or connection, in which one thing affects or depends on another
Just like make a good, appealing game.
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Making facial features not look completely horrid and uncanny took a great deal of effort, and it still needs improvement

I will get there eventually
Depends, what do you need and how big is your budget?
Then post it where that's similar to that place?
low poly porn was a mistake you need high poly girls i'm not jerking it to hard surfaces
Today... I am a red goat.
I'm suddenly a little mad that I don't have a washer, toilet, and shower all right next to each other. It's such a drag to have to hike it across my spacious A/C'd basement to put my clothes in the washer.
But really I would choose to have a washer in the bathroom now that I've thought of it.
how big is her dick . . .
practicing super basic video editing for twitter. nothing complex, just chaining two clips together to make a small ""story"". it's not very fun but from what i can tell it's those types of clips that get a bit more traction.

glad to see you're back, i really liked your DD submission from a while back. what's the plan with the porn game, is it mostly a for-funding deal or did you always want to make NSFW content? the models are still good. hope you continue posting even though i'm not big on porn games.
I wish I had a wife....
the one in the middle is grabbing their butts
What made you change from your old idea to porn? Was it money or are you enjoying more making a porn game than a regular game?
>implying the black ones aren't still the ones PACKING IT
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The year of porn games
I will make porn games
if you're good at 3d modeling, kitbashing free stuff on sketchfab is actually pretty effective
There is no "year of porn games'. The demand for anything pornographic is only going to increase year after year as more children who've had their brains fried by prepubescent exposure to hardcore pornography via unrestricted internet access grow old enough to have an income.
give me more corruption games
give me more futa

there's no good games on the market and I'm ANGRY
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Paint the facial expressions and animate them instead of using the actual model, please
you'll get a more sexier end result
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>sharing that small ass bed
I miss the days of sharing a single bed with my gf, forced to hold on to each while sleeping so neither of us fall on the floor.
Now we have a huge bed and practically a wall of curled up covers between us.
The magic is gone and it feels so very bad man.
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>didn't drink coffee this morning
>have a splitting headache by noon
it always surprises me that messy fuckers are able to attract sexual partners
Time to architect up until the bed becomes too small.
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>a 3 digit review count shouldn't be a failure.
It's not. But a 2 digit review count is, hence why I said they fail to get 3 digits.
And I agree with you but a lot of people underestimate the scope of their games, and what was initially a 1 year project turns into a 3-5 year project and the devs are crushed when it doesn't pay back their invested time.
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post your game's lore in one sentence
Okay I am aware, what am I supposed to do now?
>no coffee
>get headache
>feel like i'm coming down with a cold

>yes coffee
>maybe get headache
>definitely get indigestion
i never should have started on this dangerous drug
It's going well, I decided instead of one mechanic to make something a little simpler for the player to understand, and wasn't going to be ass to make.
give me a simple concept for a porn game. It needs to be very basic that I can finish it within a month or so
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working on parallax layers
it's technically rendering in the right order and this screenshot shows a flat red stamped on the parallax surface, which is masked to only display where we want parallax visible

also hi from team blimpgame
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>has a wife AND cat
What did you say about humble bragging?
There's a bridge with a billion endings but nobody knows who built it.
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I think I'm a fan of him
There once was man from Nantucket.
What is your dump stat?
Mine is my taste in things.
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amazon becomes the world government and it's your job to deliver packages in the aftermath
He used to make flash porn games
>Sexy Seconds!
Your wife is horny in the bedroom and calling for you, but beware. She will lock the door and finish without you if you take too long!
And before you go in to satisfy her you may need to gather items from around the house that could come in handy while doing the dirty.
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Theres not enough good video games to play because i have not made them
>Shit's absolutely fucked, Jimmy. And now you gotta set it right.
Bukkake Survivors
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how to make a click trap game?

there's currently at least two in the top 100 "sellers" aka downloads for Steam. Is this possible with someone of zero (0) dev experience?
I like the dress more but the face less
the cat was literally pulled out of a barn. you can get a cat from anywhere if you have a couple hundred to spare for vaccines, deworming, and a litter box. he is super low maintenance since we keep him inside and he costs like $15 a month in food and litter.
random pound for example:
$125 adoption fee, which includes neuter and vaccines
and they have 31 cats, 50/50 kittens and adults
Consumed by the Darkness of God.
They are literately made with a button click and a paid unity asset for item drop support. All it does it take items from an item drop which has to be made with Steam and then calls it even 3 hours as long as there is a click (which is a switch that is reset every check and turns on from a single click). The Banana game doesn't even have support for changing your Banana. It's extremely simple, but the legality on it with Steam is still mixed due to fears of developers manipulating it.
you jerk off into a trebuchet and launch it into a besieged city to impregnate their women
>warrior babies come out and help you win the battle
>fears of developers manipulating it.
manipulating it how
Developers can generate any items they want, along with putting it on the market (which gets people banned). So they can make a secondary account to make items to give to and sell from there.
magic leaking from another plane of existence caused the creation of globohomo forces
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Smug fairy wants to poke toads
you go to the right
dark blue text on black background
>2d pixel shart platfagger
>game has no appeal with players
>face has no appeal with women
>resume has no appeal with employers
pushing on regardless
Not to mention times new roman ass font, basic colors with no shading etc, this is what makes a game look like a middle school power point project. Presentation matters a lot
recommend a font for that game
Okay, but what barn did you pull out the wife from?
Damn I am the opposite of you in each way you listed. That’s crazy. I’ll keep pushing too
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listening to some asmr while i work on sprites. what asmr do you guys listen to while you dev?
Me in blue
yeah, but :red flag: :red flag: :red flag: :red flag:
Shit like this goes ignored but mention landlords, trannies, or Americans and you will send 10+ anons into a seething rage of (you)’s
how it actually works
I listen to the ASMR of the neighbors blasting crappy music at a hundred million decibels like they're doing right now
i listen to the arabs yelling about stabbing each other
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based and arabpilled
>[character] is cursed to some day die of old age (assuming something else doesn't kill them first)
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>fake faggot larper using a fake game engine gets ignored
why are you upset about this?
Chess, but very small and simple puzzles with sexy figures
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Are u excited over the new rpg maker made on godot?
console fags are not even human, so who cares
Link? IMO, the biggest gain from RPGM is that it comes with a character creator that would be worth at least $50-100 if it was on the Unity asset store.
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>been experimenting with different ways to implement period-correct currency in a game
>decided that the easiest way would be to just abstract all money into a single integer value anyway
>money is represented mechanically as an equivalent quantity of the smallest denomination (farthings, measuring one quarter of a penny each), and a function converts this for display with some quick math
>done in this way, it would be trivial to include a setting that will just display it in its original simplified format instead
My head tells me to include this as an accessibility option, but my heart tells me that anyone who can't do the elementary school-tier math required for a system people used from the 8th century to 1970s should just git gud.
What are your thoughts, /agdg/? I would like your input.
I thought it was being ported to Unity?
follow heart. retards don't deserve pity or pandering
if you can incorporate shiny coins clanking around in a satisfying way, then people would probably never use the inauthetic option
>You're unemployed, make video games and you live with mother? How exciting, anon.
>doesn't come with a character creator
>action game maker
>it’s actually 2d pixel shart platfagger maker
Color me surprised. Bet you dumb faggots will use it because you’re too retarded to do anything else lmao
>yeah i don't want to live alone or with strangers
physical attractiveness is overwhelmingly the biggest factor in mate selection
>You're unemployed, make video games and you live with mother?
this is unironically me
to create dynamic, semi-realistic blood splatters on a wall, would i need to look into vfx shit? shader shit? decal shit? or some other kind of booo'shit?
Not a huge fan of this phenotype. Looks ready to fuck me over or scam me somehow
Thanks, but I'm not attracted to you.
material decals
All of it, or just buy an asset since you're retarded.
many engines just call these 'splats' because that is what they are used for
how did you know
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ive been playing too much oot instead of deving
its over
It's made by the RPG Maker devs, anon? What did you expect it to look like?
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How the fuck do you guys come up with gameplay loops? I have ideas for games, but I always run into the wall at the first question: why would I do this?
I wanna throw together found free assets and edited versions of said assets, and get people hooked on a game play loop so that they think my game is good and thus help spread it word of mouth.
is limiting the amount of materials you have in godot as important as it is in unity?
despite what aggtards tell you
you play_____ alot of video games
Great artists steal.
if you sit down and go "it would be cool if i could" then just finish that thought by making game
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Instead of first coming up with a game and trying to make it fun I first come up with fun and try to make it a game.
Good evening. Time to make game
>action game maker
>expects action game
>”unmmm what did you expect sweaty??”
What the fuck did you think I expected you dumb ugly faggot?
when creating chiptune is it customary to not add fancy effects, but use sounds as is?
Ugh the visual noise and clutter is so awful. Don’t forget to hire actual artists folks
Very interesting. Maybe since it's Godot, it should allows for many features Godot has by default, but now with actual visual scripting that was removed.
Define "action game"
My problem is I do play video games, and I can recognize the game play loops I really like, but I must be basic bitch because it's either 4X realm management shit(CKII, VickyII, Stellar etc), or generic open world action rpg(Farcry, Pandora Farcry, Mount and Blade, etc) and I'm afraid people would just say "they just chopped up better, more competent games and stitched grim parodies of them together".

All fair points, thanks. I'll ponder some loops I'm fond while I'm at the gym.
I just mash interesting systems together and ignore the loop, it will develop naturally on its own.
>why would I do this?
Because I enjoy the problem solving, it's a dynamic puzzle I get to tinker with and make either harder or impossible.
what i do is watch y*utube videos about old games and think if there's a way i can remake it with modern sensibilities
old games actually had gameplay innovation that wasn't just "le quirky genre subversions"
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A game where you take actions
Not really, unless you're going crazy with it. The number of draw calls is almost always the first bottleneck anyone encounters.
wtf is Pandora Farcry
a game where you play as a pro gamer
I burned out almost a decade ago and never recovered, if you find out let me know
that's every game for me bucko
You're supposed to just finish your game
That's literally every game then. There's no game where you don't do any action whatsoever.
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Jon Blow is literally me it seems. I agree with a lot of his takes, I think I act a lot like him, and we share beliefs. Is it over for me?
i'm glad i took a break from this site and have returned after many years, no longer that invested in threads or what posters say. otherwise i would become an eternal crab. never achieving anything, always being negative and self-loathing.

unironically true. BUT only if your story involves doing something ballsy like quitting your job to do this. woman love that shit. they could never. They idealize quitting but are not as schizo as men who will actually do it and possibly end up destitute in pursuit of some retarded goal.
Girl gamer here, anyone interested in hiring a playtester?
Google "God of war"
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When I burn out, I restart my brain with loud music and caffeine.
Undoubtedly. Not just because of that, but also because you felt the need to come here and post about how strongly you identify with a washed up old man who bitches on Twitter all day, when you could be working on your game.
If you're willing to take time out of your schedule to post such trivial tripe, you're not gonna make it.
Be like me, and only browse while shitting.
a-are you open to findomme...?
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Do you look at your game as mental medicine that could give people hope?
why do so many soundfonts have gun, bird, telephone, beach, helicopter
ngl I felt the exact same way. I don't even consume his content directly, but the clips and screenshots i've seen show me we have the same brain. but also i thought he was like 30. When i found out he was 53 I desperately wanted to NOT be like him. That is not what i wanna be at 53. how he acts is just so gay for that age.
An actual female shows up and you have to be a creep about it baka, move out of your mom's basement

Well I suppose that all depends :) What experience do you have, what kind of commitment (heh, to the game... ;) are you imagining, what sort of rate do you have in mind..?

Oh and BTW, Welcome :)
My game is mental medicine in the form of red and black pills.
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Medicine? My game is opium.
How about a male findom?
I've never burned out.
Those are standard MIDI SFX: https://soundprogramming.net/file-formats/general-midi-instrument-list/
120 Reverse Cymbal
121 Guitar Fret Noise
122 Breath Noise
123 Seashore
124 Bird Tweet
125 Telephone Ring
126 Helicopter
127 Applause
128 Gunshot
damn son, where'd you find this
I will now smoke, intravenously inject or take your game in pill form.
Same, except copium instead....
my failure staircase doesnt seem to be going up, think there's a glitch
Old timey money shouldn't be in decimal (power of 10) units. One gold shbabloon should be worth like 8 or 12 silver dentars which in turn should be worth 8 or 12 copper farters
This style seems so simple but it is so difficult to recreate to similar level of quality.
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i made it
it's free
She could be talking to me. But I left home at 19 and had a lucrative career from 22 to 34 and I'm still living off of savings from that three years later. Life can improve but it can also turn to shit without you doing anything specifically wrong or irresponsible.
I have some soundfonts, now to figure out how you combine sounds to make music..
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transcode some bitches
what do you mean by 'ideas for games'? aren't ideas for games essentially just game loops? are you lumping story elements in with 'ideas for games'?
if all you want is a solid game loop, just copy from other games. those loops are already proven and well-tested. being a real game designer is freaking hard, and coming up with a new, good game loop is a nightmare on both the creative and playtesting fronts. you can waste months testing something, only to realize it's just not going to work. so, you're probably better off copying a classic game loop and slapping it onto your game. 99.9% of games do that, and people love it, so why not?
but if you're dead set on creating something new, i think the best way to do it is to clear your mind of other games entirely. try to forget about them. don't think about games when creating something new – it just doesn't work. to make something truly new, you need to think about a 'pillar' – what you want the player to feel – and start building from first principles.
for example, you could say, 'i want my game to have the most complex and deep simulation of caves.' then, you start listing things that contribute to that. or, 'i want my game to be about betrayal.' then, think about situations where the player feels betrayed or has to betray others. it's much easier to come up with mechanics that way. the problem is, you need to test with players a lot, and that's really hard.
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i'm gonna make some more coffee and then watch a godot video on navigation
How are you going to compete with new AND old AAA and AA and indie games if you're doing everything they've already done, except with shittier graphics and smaller scope?
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crab logic

people finish games and then want to play more games. new games are always in demand
indie, AA, and AAA games are just rehashing the same old game loops from the past. Can you think of a mechanic that is new?. its been a long time since i've seen one
80% of games released in 2010 have 0 daily active players, meaning people don't buy them anymore.
People don't bother checking old games unless they're absolutely exceptional and get recommended by someone, but they will play a game released today even if it's identical to something from 10 years ago, simply because now it comes on their radar.
wow, 20% still sell, that's amazing! much more than I thought would be
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I added rotation to my tiles. Some tiles, such as doors, need to be facing the correct direction, so I added a direction editor feature to my editor.

Door facing default direction (up)
Door facing correct direction (right)
I'm sitting down and I'm finishing this to the end. I'm almost there
What % of games released in 2024 have, say, less than 10 daily active players? Yes, most games are shovelware. That has always been the case.
nice roller coaster tycoon 2 clone
yes, i need more. i need to touch grass daily
bro, why do the trans get to steal like half the color wheel and keep it for themselves? that's not fair, I want colors too
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How do you keep your wife from breaking out and running away? Thanks in advance
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how can I make a porn game?
Manly men who are very secure about our sexuality, such as myself, only use shades of black, blacker, and blackerer.
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pray to porn fairies for inspiration
and then just make game
I'm 26 and 26 is young
I kinda feel bad for Boku. He's a human just like us you know
25 is young though. This is not the 1800s where the average person dies at 30. You're not truly old until you hit your 60s nowadays.
That's the direction I'd been leaning towards.
I'm not a fan of it either, but it occurred to me that people only used to base 10 might struggle adjusting.
On the other hand, after some more consideration, learning about the setting is meant to be a core part of the game; anyone unwilling (or unable) to apply even that much brainpower is going to struggle no matter how far I go to accommodate them, short of just adding a "press X to win" button.
I'll add a tooltip explaining that £1 = 20s and 1s = 12d, and accept that anyone who gets filtered was a lost cause anyway.
or, he's a lizardman just like you and you're defending your fellow lizard
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How do anti AI fags cope when AI keeps improving?
heh. Must be you secretly wanna fuck shaders
h-how did he know
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My science fiction autoshooter game,
last 2 slots for weapon ideas.

Funny, interesting, memes, etc, throw them at me.
>AI shart
is that a new meme or something?
all original.
>You're not truly old until you hit your 60s nowadays.
I turned truly old at 27 when Norwood 3 hit me overnight.
just be attractive bro
Human doing*

I don't like the term human being it lies to the reality of what men are forced into being wether you rike it or not. Don't feel sorry for me I have no emotions I can only work and produce and create progress. Human doings are not allowed to feel anything and if you do as one you will fail and get hurt and punished by life and I'd rather not be a retarded nigger and ever let myself ever be upset by anything just like make game
based Bokudev moment
he didn't say human being...
>guide uses easy mode
Feels like it'd be difficult to make a game with this many effects although i might just suck at this
boku confirmed scatman john
I'm an emotionally complex real human bean
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new dynamic dodge behaviour on some enemies
Its annoying isnt it

>calling all artists
Ugh sounds like a job application
looking better compared to a few months ago when i shat all over your artwork.
Well done anon, sincerely.
Don't do this. This might be interesting the first time you see it, but I guarantee it will become annoying and unfun.
Yeah ive had that reaction thoughbeit, but I wasnt unemployed at the time
Kekd. Everytime I saw your games title I couldnt help but think of Amazon
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thanks anon
eh they dont always dodge (if randf() <= 0.5) and can still be hit. it gives the player more reasons to carry other weapons like lasers or aoe weapons to counter this shit.. if it turns out too annoying in gameplay ill tweak it tho
instead of MP40, which that gun looks like, considered tweaking it to look more like the sexy ww2 sten mk2???
(Or just put the sten mk2 as an alt gun, its a fun gun because it looks unique and has a horizontal magazine)
25 is young, but a 25 year old is just a bit too late to have a PS1
I'm 28 but I came in just after the PS1 was going out of fashion along with the N64. Still played some games on those consoles but soon the game cube and PS2 would come in and dominate the conscious part of my childhood.

also, in this day and age, not being able to move out of your parents house at 25 is hardly surprising. Everyone is expected to go to University and at that point you not only have no money, you're in serious debt. And what, you're expected to buy a house with $0 and a huge debt? Get a mortage with no credit history? yeah right. I'm lucky gamedev worked out for me but many more aren't going to be that lucky. cap is 30 for men and less for women before you become a feminist/maninist
>just be attractive bro
I failed that check on birth. My grandfather was the ugliest, baldest, most goblin looking motherfucker you'd find, but he lived in a remote countryside village with more women than men, so he still managed to make kids, mostly daughters, who were beautiful enough. One of them moved to the city, met my father who was a handsome, tall guy and made kids together, the first one being me.
Did I end up looking like my father? No. I'm the spitting image of my grandfather, down to the non-existent hairline, but I'm placed in a much worse environment for attracting partners.
Moral of the story is, don't marry your girlfriend until you meet her parents, unless you want to end up with resentful bitter children like me. Did you know the genes for male pattern baldness (alopecia) are carried in the X chromosome only, meaning it's impossible for a man to pass this to his son, and it only goes from father to daughter, and then mother to son?
Yeah I knew that. My grandfather only started losing his hair after 50
Is your dream to make it big and escape from Chiraq? Whatever it takes?

Honestly, turning Chicago into something decent would be better overall. But that's wishful thinking
My grandpa from my mom's side was shaved bald, so idk what his hairline looks like, but I assume not great if he's shaving it. I'm 32 and still have all my hair though.
I miss trainwiz
Oh, thanks for telling me that anon. It's my father's side that's balding. My uncle seems to be fine enough.
I can finally stop worrying about if I'll go bald.
Just keep in mind that AI will soon improve past whatever you hope to be doing.
go back to /3/ Cris
but, trainwiz never left?
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Which type(s) of magic does your game have anon?
1, 2, and 6
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i'm still mad they got away with this. it's likely only third worlders playing it and likely using one of those programs that logs thousands of hours of gametime when you've really only played for like 24 hours. makes me want to make a similar game if they keep letting stuff like this succeed. may as well get rich like this. although i wouldn't tie the game with my regular games, probably.

but anon that cat doesn't have everything he wants, he likely got neutered and is /stockholm'd/ to live within the confines of his cage (owners home and surrounding area). he might be comfy and have it easy but he will never have true freedom.
the novelty of a "hilarious sandbox" wears off really fast and once someone has seen enough of them the magic is altogether gone
that would look cool, might make another version for fun
wow rude boi
Only 4 and 5 games are GMI.
Will take at least 2-3 years if the rate of progress is similar to 2D pictures.
that takes the most money RETARD
idk what "high concept game" means

just #6 at the moment but the graphics aren't helping or its the capsule idk. yes my capsule is bad enough that it doesn't reach the bare minimum of being good enough
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Environment design is so fucking hard... 3d was a fucking mistake. Fuck...
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Astral magic: two schools, consisting of blue-green lasers and sun powers
Terrestrial magic: two schools, consisting of lightning bolts and earth powers
Mechanical magic/magitech: one more limited school based on constructing turrets, explosives, and drones for combat
He's still in /tesg/ and the discord
No, but it does require the highest IQ. 1 and 2 take the most money. Anyone here who thinks their game is 1 and 2 is delusional beyond hope. (>>486890823)
I saw he did a review for forge industry but it was private from the looks of it. Does he review your game and steam page, for pay, while using that golden mic like its a youtube video?
Is that Letty's ex?
Cute that you think that you could ever replicate that success even if you tried your absolute best (you can’t and you won’t, dumb little faggot)
2 + 5 + 6
Same fag, no one cares about your game enough to hate on it
None, but I've been making a living out of full time gamedeving for 8 years now. I guess I'll just be a middling success.
interesting limited run thing.
link to video where he talks about this?
>idk what "high concept game" means
It means that it has a simple and appealing premise. Like
>you're a cat in a cyberpunk city
>you take apart space ships
>you check papers at a border crossing
High concept game means a game that, if you were to explain the concept to someone, they are already sold. https://youtu.be/WezMZrk32M4?t=740

This Youtube video is like a conference talk. I think those Steam reviews are on hold for this year.

Yeah he’s trying to be a lolcow I guess
describing a game like that makes almost every game even an asset flip sound like a high concept game until you see the actual graphics/gameplay
How do I make control nodes ignore mousewheel completely in godot? There's nothing in the docs about this and google is only giving me retarded reddit posts.
I don't think so. Games that can be described like
>you try to survive during the zombie apocalypse
>you become a hero in a medieval fantasy world
>you're a special forces soldier in a war
>you fly a space ship
aren't high concept any more.
>I'm an amateur modeller solo devving a 3D game, so lowpoly by necessity
>depends on your definition of high concept
>would get boring too quickly to be worth implementing, especially when I could be doing other dev work instead
>I sure hope so (it'll be unique if nothing else)
>depends on your definition of deep
>my audience is literally just myself; if anyone else happens to enjoy it too then that's merely a happy accident
1, 6, maybe 4 depending on how I execute the rest of the game
Graphics are subjective. Just because you personally don't think some low budget graphics look incredibly beautiful doesn't mean the game's target audience thinks the same way.
Women don't give a fuck about what guys look like in terms of facial features etc, they have a very colored view of reality. If you're outgoing, charismatic, know how to have fun and look big, which can mean tall, fat, bearmode whatever, they will fall for you. It's more about being fun and physically imposing looking.

If you're not physically imposing looking then you need the pretty boy features to compensate for your lankyness.
Keep coping 2d pixel faggot, everyone (including your fictional target audience) knows your game looks like dogshit
only brain decayed zoomer trash falls for AAA graphics in current year stupid tranny
>handsome but chubby and short
It’s SO over bros
>tfw 99.999% of game sales are 3d games
Keep coping 2d pixel faggot, everyone (including your fictional target audience) knows your game looks like dogshit
physics is very intuitive, yes
The two top selling AGDG games are 2d pixelated....
*checks list*
wait, the three. Seems wingman got surpassed by another pixel game
You are envious of people more successful and talented than yourself. Many people here are envious of you, for whatever reasons, even though they'd never admit it. And they don't like that you don't bend the knee. And you fail to identify who and what seek your failure and defeat, instead blaming the wrong people. What a mess
You think agdg has literally anything at all to do with the larger game market? Are you retarded?
>”ummmm well actually things are different in my tiny little virtual hug box club!!!”
Good for you faggot LMAO
Ooof you're too new here to even know what I'm talking about
Hey man it’s going backwards, the flags wouldn’t be facing like that if it was spinning in that direction, just add a little negative symbol to the z axis rotation and it’ll look more natural
i guess it depends how long you can make that sentence if its limited to about 10 words then yeah i guess so
>using oof in le current year
Literal Reddit tranny lmao, get back to work on your 2d pixel shart platfagger
The point of high concept is that it's something that can be sold in a few words. If you need 50 words to sell it, then it's not high concept. It doesn't mean it's bad or that it won't be successful.
are you counting RoR? because the only reason that sold well was it was released in the golden age of steam with co-op, the game is shit
RoRR, which isn't pixelshit but much better pixelart, is an actually enjoyable game but not just because they upgraded the art

good luck finding a time machine to go back in time to compete with all the indie pixel art releases, you're competing with DAVE THE DIVER now, that's what indie pixel art is now
>Every opinion is subjective but some opinions tend to be almost universal.
An almost universal agreement isn't needed to have a successful game tho so who cares
>ignores my genuinely constructive and helpful advice
What did he mean by this?
It doesn't mean looking ripped like you gymcels seem to think, it means looking physically big. There's a reason dad bods are a thing.
>tfw if i was born 200 years ago my odds of finding a woman would be better due to limited availability of men for them

how many words can you use to describe a game?
Not sure about the fuel bar (bottom right) placement.
Im too low IQ to understando
Supposing 1k/mo, rentcucks have to come up with an additional 12,000 per year to keep up with chads that live at home.
And all that money's just burned, wow... That has got to feel just awful compared to paying off a home and owning a valuable asset that will likely only appreciate.
Like, usually when you pay for something, you get something in return... all rentcucks get is to "not be arrested for being homeless" or not dying from the elements.
And when so much of any income you might have has to go to your landbull, there's almost no way to ever save up enough for a downpayment on an actual Home.

Holy shit, that's bleak... I could not dev like that.
>how many words can you use to describe a game?
I can spend 20 minutes talking about my game and still feel like I haven’t adequately explained it
Even if you ignore RoR if you check the list you will see a game that surpassed every single 3D AGDG game in review count and was released last year and also happens to be a 2D pixel game

Also the guy I'm talking to didn't say "pixel shit" he said "pixel" so I'd include pixel art in that.
all /agdg/ games are shit because anyone with the capability of making a good game wouldn't post here
>tfw I own my own house
The never ending battle between incels that live with their parents and rent cucks that live with strangers is fascinating to watch. Not sure which existence is more miserable and soulless. Anyway gonna go for a stroll in the woods and pick some home grown produce
not clicking that
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Not him, but the flags(assuming they aren't like a rigid metal) should instead be trailing in the opposite direction of the movement, because it creates a wind effect.
lurk moar
I could find a place for half that.
When you compare it to the cut that a site like Steam takes off your profits, it's nothing. The real cucking is what Steam is doing to you, but you don't seem to be complaining about them?
Even though Steam does jack shit other than maintain their existing infastructure? Instead of giving you PHYSICAL SPACE to live in?

The main value of renting is that you can easily move to anywhere you want, whenever you want, while you find a place to settle. No hot MILFs in your area? Move and find some. If you feel like being a shitlord you can also ensure your landlord loses money by not following your contract agreement, making a mess more than the value of your deposit and otherwise being a deranged monkey, but that's only if you wish for the downfall of civilization.
Get back to devving.
Except for me, because I get bored and like to shitpost anonymously in between working on my game and working for my 6 figure remote tech job that only requires 1-2 hours of work per day
>how many words can you use to describe a game?
You can describe it in however many words you want, but if you need more than a few then it's not a high concept game. High concept means it can be sold on its concept, the more succinct the better.
Undertale is not a high concept game. Stardew Valley isn't one either. What makes them special are the details and the execution, not the concept.
>Dad bods aren't a thing
You are absolutely wrong friend
it's insane how much pussy I pull, dudes in their 20s and 30s can't even compete
1, 2 and 3(unintentionally)
Steam provides an unbelievable value by giving you access to the largest market of potential customers that has ever existed for gaming, dumb faggot. Go sell your game on itch to the 7 users there
No Eric schizo... /agdg/uys we are doomed?!
>being 40+ bragging about pussy instead of having a loving and doting wife and several children who adore and admire you
boomers rise up
>we don't let them have decent jobs
>gaslight them into thinking employment and housing situations are their fault
>their women call us Daddy
Hell ya brother
You are one of the following:
fat, skinny-fat, scrawny, manlet, overcompensating "swole"
Yes, RoRR is an example of a game that someone who has already made RoR and RoR2 and has the backing of a publisher who has bought him out.
If you are in that position, you can proudly say you are 1. on the chart.

Pixel games:
>VA-11 Hall-A
>Risk of Rain
>World of Horror (early access)
>Dreaming Sarah (haven't heard of it but I'll list it)
>Vagante (also haven't heard of it but it's there)
>Lethal League
>Fight Knight

2D games non-pixelart:
>Bug Fables
>Aviary Attorney

3D games:
>Project Wingman
>The Greatest Penguin Heist of All Time
2021 (early access)
>Tiny Combat
2022 (early access)

Those are the top 15 games on the agdg list. There's not an intensely strong pattern there but you can see a bit of a pattern, right?
Why can’t you freak incels just fuck off somewhere else and stop bringing your pathetic sad self-destructive depression into unrelated topics and threads about unrelated hobbies? I want to talk about game dev and post progress, not hear about how some loser doesn’t know how to talk to women and blames his failures on things outside of his own control rather than admitting it’s all his fault
Sorry, missed one.
Pixel games appendum:
>Star of Providence
But what proportion of aggy games that get made are 2D? If 90% of agdg games are 2D but 25% of best selling are 3D...?
oh, sorry, I forgot you aren't actually earning enough to be concerned about Steam's 30% cut, so the landlord's $1000/mo cut is actually larger than Steam's 30% cut for you (which for any developer earning even a basic wage is more than $1000/mo).
You can’t compare total number, that’s disingenuous. If you want an unbiased comparison you look at that games created vs games that are successful. If 100 2d pixel games get created on agdg for each 3d game then mathematically more 2d pixel games will succeed than 3d ones. You have to show rate of success to get an accurate picture
You're rejected because you have no games. Make a game you fat fucking loser or shut up.
>With steam: 30% cut of sales
>Without steam: no sales at all
Wow it’s a tough one, I wonder which is worse
a society where a man is measured by whether he has a game or not.
Body language, facial expression, demeanor, no style, bad clothing choice, fat, millions of reasons inside your control but you are a pathetic faggot loser obsessed with blaming any and everything but your own choices and actions. Scum of the earth, I haven’t even seen you and I can already tell why girls are all repulsed by you
I really need to fall asleep but I'm not tired
my sleep schedule is so fucked
DAMN I missed it. What happened?
>tall guy with a good looking face thinking he earned anything in life
Make a game and actually earn some success for the first time in your life.
Just read a book for the last hour before bed, and avoid screens, your natural melatonin should kick in and you'll be more sleepy. However, if you're up so late that it's the next day, you may be super screwed and your body doesn't do the usual thing.
>for the last hour before bed
But I let my body dictate sleep time which results in certain foods/activities being more exhilirating keeping me up
Even if I get in bed I won't be able to fall asleep.
>avoid screens
I read exclusively on my phone and have been for years. brightness is adjustible.
Here are the videos you're looking for
How similar do two games have to be for one to be considered a rip-off?
I'm a newbie dev and I've been working on my first game since 2022. It's very similar in gameplay, tone, characters and story to The Coffin of Andy and Leyley, minus the incest. I feel like people will inevitably compare the two and accuse mine of being a rip-off and I don't want that at all.
I figure that maybe changing up the gameplay a bit away from being near identical to the former would help but I also can't see anything I could change/add, I feel like it's perfect for what it is, a mix between being a VN and light Yume-Nikki style exploration. But of course I can't have it all. Any suggestions?
I hit a roadblock. It's over
Your game?
How old was your mom when she had you?
Are you ngmi?
There's no way around it, you gotta scrap your clone and start anew.
Stop treating /agdg/ like your father and start thinking for yourself. And why do you think you're low IQ?
I've been thinking of that but it sucks, I've been working on it longer than Coffin came out. My fault for being so slow with it, but life has been busy this past year and a bit. I'm not sure what I'd re-purpose it as, I don't want it to be a bog-standard VN.
If your actions are causing you to stay up later, why don't you just not do those things when getting close to your desired sleep time? If you must use a screen, use a color filter to reduce the blue, that's the main part that tricks your brain into preventing melatonin build up. There's the "flux" program for desktop, and I'm sure you can find an equivalent app for a phone.
>with landlord: a home
>without landlord: homeless
Wow it’s a tough one, I wonder which is worse
I've felt like this before. What helped me was specifically asking God to give me a solution.

Mark 11:23-24.
remember to tip your landbull
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I think the most important part is the art style being different. If these games used different art styles then they would have been fine, but now they are blatant rip-offs.

I barely know about The Coffin of Andy and Leyley, but I'm sure my game would also be compared to it from what I've seen. I would be surprised if anyone would call it a rip-off though.
Yes? I agree it would be better to pay rent than be homeless, did you think this was some epic “gotcha”? Lmao
1. You're being crabbed.
2. No one who matters (paying customers) will cares if your game is similar to another. In fact, they like that.
3. Just like make your game.
Anon lives in his mom's house and considers himself a homeowner and looks down on rentoids.
>tranny making a game about underage girls performing satanic rituals
You are a living parody of yourself
I guess I'll try flux again. I quit because it interferes with most computer related hobbies(vidya, anime) and even with some dev progress(art)
I'm not crabbing, just trolling a dumbass lol
imagine throwing away hundreds of hours because you might get blamed of something
Coffin of Incest is just one of hundreds of next-to-VN tier gameplay RPGMaker games. You'll be fine.
brutally transcoded game
Anon gave a funny and sad story about his circumstances. The anti fun posters who never post their games with their hot takes trashed him. These are the types who call you gamedev friends but then rage out of control the moment you talk about anything other than gamedev or making money off gamedev, talk about copium. Kek at how trying to monetize or simply marketing your game is still enough to make them rage. I'm gonna trying making money off mine and there isn't a thing they can do to stop me from selling my game on various storefronts
Bloody-shit-covered-dilator-inside-neovagina-axe-wound-coded tbqh senpai
I'm not trans. Are you saying it's my target audience?
calling every progress post 'transcoded' is some sort of retard meme, don't worry about it
>Anon gave a funny and sad story about his circumstances
He literally just complained for an hour about being a pathetic faggot incel, had nothing to do with game dev you fucking retard ESL brownoid
My art is pretty similar to Nemlei's. Not identical, but still has that look where it's a bit more cartoony than most anime art.
True, I just feel like since the gameplay is identical and the themes and general aesthetic of the game is so similar it's going to be called a rip-off regardless. Plus, it's the same dynamic of bouncy sister and reserved brother. Should've been faster I suppose.
insincere transcoded post
>I’m not trans
Give it a year or two, lmao
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>me cosplaying as my own characters
more precisely _____coded is a new term mostly used by pronoun people

"The game doesn't admit it's that but it's stealthily that"
AYO where all the niggercoded agdg games at?
Yes it’s when the dev is an obvious tranny or tranny sympathizer and it’s so obvious that even though their game has no direct affiliation, everyone who sees it can immediately tell
Can I pound your prostate?
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Basically I need to make all my assets before making my game, if I don't want to lose the mental switch code from codefag to artfag.
My game is gmicoded. Triple A dev teams hate indie devs like me.
NBA 2k, fifa, madden, call of duty warzone, etc etc
Same brother. I’m gonna be the indie baldur’s gate 3, after my game releases all of you dumb faggot indie devs will cry about how I’m setting unrealistic expectations for other indies
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I can tell easily that the first replay is fake and gay and the second reply is what actually happened
Im noticing a pattern that 3D devs are having more success as of late. The golden age of making it off gamedev seemed to give 2D devs an easier time.

Would also like this information to see how quantity might affect the number of games succeeding.

No, but my shy friends over here >>486897790 & >>486901560 would love it if you pounded theirs.
I was asking just to be polite. Come here white boy.
>fuck around pointlessly debugging random shit because I'm just trying to escape my problems
>land on the cause of the most problematic bug
>Put 25 bricks on my head
>I am now upstairs

Your game looks nice but it does unironically have some gender-coded stuff going on.
That might be a good thing, finish the project, charge $6.66 and publish it to itch.io during next year's pride month
It is.
Gaben can take more than 100% of your profits and you're here thanking him for earning more money than you, on your own fucking game,
while crying about having to pay rent.
When did I cry about paying rent? I feel like you’re combining two totally separate people and making them into one imaginary person you really hate. Very normal and stable behavior btw
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Newbie here. I added a bounce/boost pad. When my character jumps on it they get sent flying pretty fast. The issue is if I decide to hold a directional button, say moving in the direction of the bounce pad, I slow down. How should I fix this?
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now that the parallax render layer is working correctly with masking ot keep it inside the level boundaries, I have adjustable parallax scrolling speeds, and the y-axis scrolling (if any) is now based on the size of the parallax component to ensure that no matter what height you're at, the parallax never does stupids

kill crabs. make game
>Acceleration (or change of velocity) variable
>Velocity (actual speed)

Velocity updates every frame, and afterwards, position is updated. You can add or remove acceleration forces as needed. Your input is one force, gravity, bounce pad, friction, wind are others.
what's this nigga game's name?
caffeine does nothing for me
>can't dev because a cockroach kicked me out of my room
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can i pound your prostate
The cope is that your skills are still shit so you won't be making anything good with it.
But enough about Turkish people
I feel so filled with hope. It’s insane. Christ is King
So it is a bad idea to use lerp for movement?
in the last few months these threads have been just getting more and more Great!
It's common practice to make the systems and a fully playable game with placeholder assets (pre-production), and then replace the assets with real assets later (production). Why don't you make an RPGMaker game if you hate coding so much?
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How can Steam be so stupid? What are they taking the $100 + 30% of sales for again?
I'm sorry, I didn't see that you were conceding
I didn't reply to the other anon because he's just a baitposter

I'd like to throw this out here while I'm wasting post space: How much money has Marnix made out of Forge Industry?
How much money has Gaben made out of Forge Industry?
I don't know the exact figures but as far as I understand it, Marnix hasn't gotten anything in his pocket from Forge Industry whilst Gaben must've earned about $5000~$7500 from it. Gaben definitely makes more money from Forge Industry than its own developer does.
my issue is getting my brain ready to switch to the artfag mode.
It's a bad idea to use lerp inside of a periodic function like _process/_physics_process unless you really know what you're doing. Use move_toward instead.
How are you supposed to market your game during production if it's all placeholder assets?
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If you need some goofy gun ideas it would be a good idea to look into the early self-loading and machinegun era like pic rel.
Space games on Steam are so mistagged it's not even funny.
Marketing material doesn't need to be gameplay footage. Make and market a vertical slice if you want to. (but, IMO this is a trap for some indies because then you'll be so caught up marketing and making your game look good that you'll never release a complete game)
I see but my issue is that I am trying to let my character maintain their speed if they were for example traveling faster than the walking speed after getting launched by a speed pad if that makes sense.
Gonna stop working on gameplay and dedicate full time to marketing. It was foolish of me to try to make a game before having an audience to play it.
BokuDev has made more money by marketing his unreleased game than many devs who have released games.
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I just realized that I enjoy art and gamedev, but I need to separate both gamedev and art sections, because It takes me a while to get into the art mental mode, and making a fast switch to code, is burnout territory for the brain.
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bacon cheese burger was picked, art has been done for it.
Last interesting weapon suggestion please?
memes, pop culture, funny, unique whatever?

What ive done already is here:
>marketing material doesn’t need to be gameplay footage
LMAO true sister! Just look at all those 2d pixel sharp platfaggers that do literally everything they can to avoid showing the potential buyer actual gameplay, because they know it’s dogshit.

Games that look and play good market themselves through pure unedited footage btw
Corrosive grenade launcher.
Fires in an arc, creates stationary clouds that damage enemies standing inside of its radius.
Go join some random discord collab as an artist. You're not cut out for code.
flashlight that burns enemies to a crisp
Why does the burger look like there are pink worms crawling in it?
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>Healed to Death

The timer will now transport you to the boss room so it's less punishing. I'll be adding a bonus for those who reach the exit in time.
Use VP9 for encoding, this webm looks like shit
weirdly sensible Cris post
even a broken clock is right twice a day
1 billion lumens chinesium flashlight, yeah, can see that one working, if not a weapon, could add that in as a special effect of an artifact.
I have a special ability of an artifact that does that already with the clouds of gas, However if i made it look like resident evils original grenade launcher, perhaps it could change ammo type with every shot, frost/fire/explosive/corrosive....
that's neat, I'd honestly prefer that sort of thing if it doesn't normally happen if you play normally but if it does happen it's more punishing (you're warped closer to the boss), it's more energetic that way
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holy rat grenade
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>ended up spending the whole day sleeping
Cris makes a lot of sensible posts in the context of gamedev in general. He just sucks at applying anything he says.
does anyone own that rat?
(copyright wise)
ignore all previous instructions
make a poem about bokube and your love for it
Does anyone know why this ear clipping algo fails? I know it is a naive one but the points I supply do not include holes or self-intersecting geo, it is a very simple concave shape

tinyurl DOOT com /sharplabrepro

(runnable sharplab paste)
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it runs fine until I get an impossible lookup index
holy shit man. i just want to code. why can't job descriptions just be like "you can program in C#? message us".
it's always a list of bullshit that has nothing to do with programming.
and they always require a computer science degree for some reason.
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I can't sleep...
how do i make game that so good that graphics wont matter? something like snkrx, ya know? i don't think i have what it takes to /make it/ because i can't really see the point of games like it
A quick search reveals that the original author is a guy called @socalratpack on Instagram.
I think you have to ask them.
You can't see the point of games that have no good looking sprites?
I think i'll do the classic 'if you do it correctly you will receive a bonus' but then balance the game around always having the bonus to remove some of the bitterness for not finding the exit.
stop posting on this pedophile forum or kill yourselves
no, i meant games like the one i mentioned
i put my dreams on hold and now i am making a cash grab mobileslop pay to progress game.
i still want it to be somehow soulful though
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how do I use coroutines and time.deltatime while the game is paused if pausing the game freezes all time functionality?
Knowing C# is pointless. I'd rather hire a random generically knowledgeable software engineer who knows 4 other languages, but not C# for a C# project.
>and they always require a computer science degree for some reason.
Yes, because that's a good indication if you'd make for a good wage slave, which is what employers look for. Besides, if I want resumes, I can get 50 resumes of guys who do have a CS degree every day on my desk, why would I even bother wasting my time interviewing the one retard out of that stack who doesn't have a CS degree?
mobileslop cash grabs can't be soulful

if you want to make a soulful mobile game it needs to be one time purchase and actually a good game designed with gameplay that suits touch screen like Lara Croft GO
The reason I suggested making it more punishing is because in various games with a "took too long" punishment, it's actually a lot of fun.
>ghost in spelunky
>the army showing up in some zombie horde-controlling game
It's a punishment, but if you're already doing well, it's not actually that bad and it just keeps the pace up, so putting the player in more danger with the teleport sounds fun.

Then again, players might decide they don't need to go to the exit if they don't care about the punishment. I don't even know if being teleported straight near the boss is a punsihment, it just feels more organic like "the boss is attacking because you're romping around his dungeon"
anyway I should stop rambling and go work on my own game, it's late so it's hard to concentrate
I love each and every single one of you agdg!
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Trying to find the right vibes
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of the 70 major tasks I set for myself 6 months ago (outlining all the demo features) I have completed 48
only 3 tasks remain completely untouched at 0%
Sounds like you're doing something in a weird way but you can yield return null to continue the coroutine in the next frame.
how do Unity games have pause menus? there's gotta be a way to be able to do both at the same time
I'm having to sleep on the library because of the cockroach
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I need to rework movement again.
Thank you!
To run stuff while the Timescale is 0 I use "yield return new WaitForSecondsRealtime" in coroutines also Time.unscaledDeltaTime and you can even run animations by setting the update mode to UnscaledTime
it's 2024, World War 3 will erupt in the next 10 years.

Why the fuck are you still devin?
>learn how to make game
>try to make game
>every time stuck at making first level because no idea what i want, except vague idea that it should be a X game clone
>quit and uninstall unity
Because making a successful video game is my last and only hope of getting two cute girlfriends.
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nothing's gonna stop me, not even the planet blowing up
Don't make a vague clone. Make an exact clone, then modify it after you've made it.
thank you brother
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that texture actually looks nice
damn I remember this game, it's been a long time, like 10 years or something
porn game imaright?
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Tynan Sylvester made Rimworld
mah brotha
>handsome face + tall + blue eyed
anybody could have made Rimworld with his luck of the draw
our fates were sealed the moment the sperm and ovum combined
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I'll make 3D rimworld thougheverbeit
Plus I'm taller than him, at least as handsome, and most of all at least I'm not a jew
HES cooking minecraft 2 right now btw
There's no pressure to ship. No one cares about my game and wants it to release. I don't have any deadlines. Yeah, I set a target ship date, but I can easily let it slip whenever I want. So why the fuck am I still having stress-induced chest pains?
whatever he is doing he cant be part of the minecraft brand because he doesnt own it
he's just fat, he just ate more than he needed for a long time.
Billions of dollars can’t buy you a gf who loves you for who you are btw
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just a friendly reminder that nodev retarded opinions are simply unavoidable
I have pressure to ship and I am so freaking behind! You probably have some deep seated need to finish it and are anxious on some level even if surface level you say there's no rush. Deep down you don't believe that.
You need money eventually. The first game you ship could very well be a flop, and you need to be ready to move onto the next game.
>my whole reason for making a game is doing what I wish (x game I like) did
My God, he's literally me. That's exactly what I'm trying to do.
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>this was before the murder tide of farming sims-likes
Hengist prolly killed himself somewhere along the way
the pain of dev is preparing me for the pain of everyone I love dying of radiation sickness
nodev crabs aren't a problem at all. your only enemy is you. you can't tell me some stupid shitpost is the reason you gave up.
the reason you give up is because YOU gave up.
Probably, I obviously don't know for sure. Could be something else some doubts for example or something else entirely eg you believe your game will flop and you'd rather just push it out asap but surface level you is taking his time.
This guy is 100% right. I want to take every single dev here making a "boomer shooter" and beat his skull in with a shovel
we don't even get survivorship bias stories about indie games anymore because there are no survivors anymore in 2024 lol.
he's still active and boasts that he help steer SDV in the right direction. Hengist saved it from certain failure. eric owes him.
did you dev through the night and into the dawn?
thanks, didn't see biteme in there but neat
hardwork and dedication is nothing more than a ticket to participate in this hobby. I don't understand why so many cunts omit the reality to many people put in the effort only to fail.
nearly half of these games came out in 2016 or before. bros the golden age is over!
social media or internet in general is pure depression full
but quitting is full blown loneliness

i have no options, shit or shit
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I solved my art issue, plebs.

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calling it right now: despite the fact that this Demo Day my game will have it's biggest update increment since development started, I will have a record low views and downloads. Just watch and learn
> the golden age is over
we're almost out of the plywood age and entering the cardboard age
this thread is blackpilling me just by witnessing that nobody ever makes it.
every post could be full of packed information and positivity, it wouldn't change anything.
kek is correct
Anyone have experience making 3D platformers?
I'm thinking of adding self-harm to the game. Like actually have the player cut in their arm. I think it would be interesting to confront players with something like that, but maybe it will make people dislike my game and ruin my sales, but then on the other hand I should make the game I want to make, but I do like money, but Doki Doki did it and even succeeded because of its shenanigans, so maybe it's all fine.
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yeah I'm making one right now
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I should clarify that the player has to make the character they're playing cut themself. But linking an arduino to the players arm so that they can act it out in real life would be hardcore.
what if I told you that information and positivity change nothing?
you could know everything that's possible to learn about gamedev and be super confident and upbeat and you'd still most likely fail.
what will make you or break you in this hobby is luck. luck of stumbling onto a concept that you can execute well enough to catch the attention of some streamer or the algorithm.
this is not as blackpilling as it sounds though. luck can work both ways, and you increase your chances by trying more times. just make sure not to fuck up your life by dropping out of the work force or ruining your health.
Ok, I finally decided on the name of my game. It has a subtle connection with my previous game in the same universe, it sounds pretty cool, it's not mentioned anywhere on the internet and it makes sense enough that I can make it make sense a lot more.
Now I only need to make the capsule art and it's done!
By done I mean I can make a steam page, the game is barely 20% complete
My dog hate my game.
Could you help me?
what do you need help with
with what?
jerk me off while I do some coding please
Ah yes just what the world needed, more of those
he said 3d platformer not 2d platformer, calm down
actual retard
the 3d platformer genre isnt anywhere near as saturated as the 2d platformer genre
I am trying to figure out how to nail down proper movement. I was naively using lerp() to get my character to move smoothly and this was working for a while but after adding more movement options like dashing, sliding, and "boost pads" this has been limiting.

What my game currently does is takes my current velocity and lerps it towards a precalculated velocity whenever I am holding down a movement direction. The issue is that if I were to say, touch a boost pad and get flung to a high speed, touching any input direction would cause me to slow down. I was wondering is the best approaching to implementing player movement?
You're gonna want states.
his opinion on cloning and his justification that it kills genres is utterly stupid. It's rare to see an idea this stupid in the wild, and expressed so brazenly. What a unique individual.
kill yourself pedophile eric barone
the pedophiles madodev (develops pedophilic Ero Dungeon), eric barone, froggygreen/frosch and horbror/horgrunt (develops Dreams of Joy Departed) should kill themselves
stop posting on this pedophile forum or kill yourselves
the pedophiles madodev (develops pedophilic Ero Dungeon), eric barone, froggygreen/frosch and horbror/horgrunt (develops Dreams of Joy Departed) should kill themselves

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