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Welcome to /vg/'s nexus for all Wizarding World and Harry Potter games, including Hogwarts Legacy, Hogwarts Mystery, Magic Awakened, and more!

>/hpgg/ Movie Night Cytube

>HL & MA Student Profiles & Writing References

>HL & MA Character Homework Sheets

>Magic Awakened (Club info, News, Tips, & Emulators)

>Hogwarts Legacy (Mods, News, AI Vocaroos, & Optimizations)

>Hogwarts Mystery (News, Art, Fanfics, Blender Models, & Emulators)

>Books, Movies, Non-current Harry Potter Games

>Fan Games

Previous Thread: >>485986145
Shooting up the owlery
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Hello /hpgg/, just a reminder that movie night is today at 6:30pm EST (10:30pm UTC).
Our films for tonight will be Battle Royale followed by National Treasure.

See you there!

Thank you for the events.

I've noticed plenty of people quit, but it's not like I can do much about it. A few people have made like goodbye posts in the past and I've reached out to them in case they want to stay in touch, but for those who just vanish without comment what is there to do? I can't exactly force anyone to stay, as much as I'd like them to.

A familiar pain.

I kinda wish male fae got more of a presence in media; they're pretty cool I think.

I'm not quite to the point of getting kicked out, but I get like 90s on the stuff I actually do and then end up barely scraping by with like a 60 average from late penalties and stuff I just never submit. My brain is a mess.

Huh, she has cool eyes.
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Slytherdaddy is at it again.
no way male hands wrote that
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He's just a very zesty boy.
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If you're looking to ward off vampires, roasted pumpkin is supposedly better than garlic. We should test this out by pelting James with a few pumpkin pies.
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I’ve been playing a metric shit ton of V Rising for the last week so I suppose this is fair.
Merula fic for the 2 anons ITT who care
She has a strong ara-ara energy
Oops, first bonus link should be >>486752915
That reminds me, I should finish that game where you're a vampire surgeon in London.
Pennyrin vs Cassandra vs FemDraco...
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Hello hypogigis, movie night will be starting in 15 minutes. Tonight we're watching Battle Royale, followed shortly thereafter by National Treasure.

Grab yourself a snack and come join us!

FemDraco would definitely be the sub...
bratty sub
Only boy sneks are subs.
does that mean all girl sneks are tops? Because that seems unrealistic.
Well I don't rightly need proof to express an opinion? I believe that not all snek girls are tops, I don't know it to be so. You'd have to prove that they are.
Nah, I was just messing with you, kek
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National Treasure in 20 minutes.
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I saw that one while looking for a vampire game to play, but I found myself more interested in V, Matthias is given new life, in vamp form.
Starting now.
Classy looking devil.
Masketto man...
are vampires keto friendly?
Probably not.
If you use the hair of a werewolf in a Polyjuice potion, do you turn into their wolf form or their human form?
Probably depends on at least 3 factors:
1. Did you pluck it from their human form or their werewolf form?
2. Does werewolf hair revert to normal once plucked or not?
3. Do you gain the illness of someone when you use their hairs in a polyjuice potion while they're sick?
Honestly you can't tell me Matti isn't a fairy. And I don't mean in the gay way. He just exudes that trickster fae energy.
Goodnight hypogigis
Good night, cute anon.
Fruity vampires.
What if it was a public hair
>public hair
Can't be Badeea
Someone tell me how the fuck you're supposed to keep a mandrake leaf in your mouth for an entire month. The entire animagus potion is insanity but this step especially seems impossible.
Maybe it just gets stuck up between your gum and cheek
I was also thinking you could wad it up real tight and pack it between two of your teeth.
There's probably a spell for gluing things into your mouth
What if it were Abigail's
This general should be more like /omg/ focusing on discussing waifus from the games instead of the activities of literally who avatartroons which no one outside their cytube clique gives a fuck about
>the general should be a circlejerk instead of a circlejerk
No, let's talk about waifuing OC's
The comfiest times of the general were when people would gather up and make the homework sheets and quidditch simulations.
Talk about how much you want me to be your waifu and all the amazing things I do that make you fall for me and all the cute little things we'd do together when we think no one is watching.
Just checked, they're not even talking about witchfus there.
Sounds gay, let's talk about dueling all day instead
Which ocs should duel with their tongues?
I hate dueling in MA so fucking much bro, it'd be so much better if I could just club these players irl.

Nah, that sounds pretty gay.
We should narrow it down to one rep from each house or something
All the witchfus should line up head to tail in a big circle and tongue duel each other's butts. When one quits they are removed and the circle shrinks until a champion is crowned.
That's gross though
JR Tolkein disliked the mixing of myths and fairytales from different times and places, and was critical of CS Lewis' Narnia for being an isekai of modern people into a fantastical setting. On this basis, he would have hated Harry Potter and JK Rowling
Rings of Power
I think Tolkien would've been lenient with harry potter, considering it's a book for children.
>JR Tolkein disliked the mixing of myths and fairytales from different times and places
He shouldn't have done it then.
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That explains why I've never liked Narnia, it felt really... Cheap.
you don't enjoy furry jesus?
Why would I care what a dead faggot would think about anything?
Drawfags…how do you fight the giving up feeling.
By drawing?
I don't know what you mean
I just can't fight that feeling anymore
Tolkien is a classic, obviously he wouldn't have liked the deviations.
I liked the lore of the Might and Magic universe, where angels are robots, demons are aliens, and the world is a space station. Later I learned about Iron Gods and Expedition to the Barrier Peaks, featuring AI and spaceships. After that, I was inspired to make a homemade DnD campaign in a similar setting, involving subtle sci-fi undertones.
Ive forgotten what I’ve started drawing for!
Got to MA again, I already hated Atmosphere Charm but it's so much worse now. Somehow.
I know about the buff, I mean I didn't know it could get any worse than it already was.
It's time smashed this tablet on the floor,
And put down this stylus, foreeever
Would Astrid trim her pubes like it's a plant?
>Side along Apparition!
You can't do that when there's four of them all over the field.
I think we all scream into a pillow every now and then, it's the artistic experience. What are you scratching on
You gotta do the two step walk and kite them to one side, then you side along to the other side!
I got a Hurion mouse pad thing and a weighted stylus, I can't stop stop starting over everything I draw.
Maybe do simple little drawings to grind out the finishing pictures cheevo
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What helps the most is having ideas, purpose; the same goes for writing.
Earlier last year I could write three stories and draw two pictures in a single day.
Seconding, little doodles for the thread go a long way.
why start over instead of just fixing the lines?
Whenever I get that feeling I just mindless follow a Bob Ross video, it helps me forget
I've always been someone who likes following instructions, and having a neat piece of art at the end is nice...
You don't get close to the end, fix something...notice something else that could be better, then hate what you're doing and start over?
no, i have an endless cycle of fixing small things, noticing a new thing that needs to be fixed, and repeat
Matthias is a handsome vampire Chad, you're the only fruit one here.
Eww, he's one of those gay Ann Rice vampires? Eeewwwww...
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Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the zestiest one of all?
You'll never ever get tongue biting vampire kisses because you're a girl and boys don't kiss girls!
How many books have you written? Faggot
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Slytherin bitches may be mean stacies but at least they're not literal transmen like Gryffindor whores
Shut up Wizzer.
Most trannies don't stand for JKR's personal beliefs and will only acknowledge her as the creator of HP/FB and won't give her any more credit than that. Hence, J.R.R. Tolkein .... is a tranny
Bad posts, go to Mr Filch for detention
sounds like hufflepuff and ravenclaw hags are the only ones a whizza should fuck with
>Loyal, hardworking Hufflepuff housewife with a green thumb
>Eccentric, creative Ravenclaw artist wife
Best houses for wives
Who doesn't want to be fucked in the ass by Robyn or Abigail?
just another spic loving Merula.
>read "Likes:"
>immediately read "12 inches"
God what a little hottie
Club Events in 60 minutes.
AK yourself
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Brian rot.
Ok, like I'm pretty sure vampires aren't actually really real and that boys DO in fact KISS girls! I've seen it happen just last night
>I've seen it happen just last night
That was just a really girly boy
Cute! I don’t recognize the artstyle though, who drew this?
oh my
Club Dance starting now.
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Club Quiz starting now.
>Tom's bulge was that of a Denim? mound when the sun rose on it, it cast a deep shadow over his balls
poetry innit
Thank you for the events, Mega.

Cute drawing. She should read better books though, I recommend "DRAGON". Very popular with the students for some reason.

Congrats. Atmo is pretty easy to misdirect so I don't mind it most of the time.

>I hate dueling in MA so fucking much bro, it'd be so much better if I could just club these players irl.
I'm all for this idea. It would improve my Win\Loss ratio at the very least.
It would certainly be therapeutic after having to face suitcase spammers in high tier MA
As a suitcase spammer, I have no regrets. It got me to MA and if you don't like it you deserve to be raped by hippogriffs
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Your blood is gross! Improve you diet and/or lifestyle!
I'll try to eat more pineapple before next time.
That's not what I meant! Eat less salt, jeez.
So Mediterranean or South Atlantic diet?
Mediterranean sounds nice. Maybe go easy on the garlic, though.
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Thank you miss Megamelons.

Huuuh. I don't think there's any canon answer but my guess would be it depends on whether you get the hair from their human or werewolf form. The hair *probably* does not revert to human once plucked since presumably one has more hairs in wolf form than human form, which would require some to just dematerialize, but I wouldn't be surprised if you had to drink (and/or brew?) the potion under a full moon for it to work.

I like Narnia well enough, but admittedly the worldbuilding is nowhere near Tolkien's... mind you, that does apply to just about everything. Tolkien was insane, in a good way. Still, while I don't terribly mind the mishmashing of stuff it's not really as cool as making your own things from scratch.

Cytube... clique? The thing we invite everyone to, openly, in the thread? I am not sure you understand what that word means, anon.

It's so bad now; I hate it. Not in concept but it's just too strong now... I have Cassandra and McGonagall at level 18-20 and one atmo charm toasts them. You can counter it with Sidealong or Nebulus but I wouldn't call either exactly a *good* counter, and they don't make sense in every deck.

Cute drawing! What a comfy little scene, but what's that she's readi— O-oh. Oh no.

I agree; DRAGON is kino.



Hehehe, I love the expression here. Also vamPP a cute!
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Beatrice is DEAD
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I don't know what you're talking about but I want to scratch its belly.
then who was phone?
Is that Loafdog?
wait are daffodils and asphodels the same?
yeah, localizers are lazy
do we know what color they have to be for the shop upgrade? I remember an anon last thread said they had the fourth color unlocked but it still didn't let them sell them
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That's me. I still can't sell them.
Previous plants asked for a Rare colour, which I didn't have unlocked but I managed to sell my highest colour just fine; this time around I just can't seem to be able to slide the plants in the box, no matter what. I have 40 of every available colour.
I don't have all the colors unlocked but the last ones that were listed as "rare" need that as part of the plant stat when harvested which is often either the 5th or 6th color.
>this time around I just can't seem to be able to slide the plants in the box, no matter what. I have 40 of every available colour.
Weird...and they're all radiant, right?
maybe you can report it as a bug
40 radiants of each of these colours.
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oh then >>487045148 is probably right and it's the 5th or 6th color that counts as rare
Post your herbologist talents
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I'm not dead, Anon. I am in the other room. Won't you come in and chat with me?
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Thank goodness, let me just get my things. *tosses flashbang before running in the opposite direction*
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Fair point. However....
Ouchie...now I can't see...
The release of Zenless Zone Zero.... spells the end of Magic Awakened
This game isn't really in any competition with any of the hoyo games, completely different demographics for players imo
This just sounds like an excuse to stare at tomboy tits
The Mega hater posted again
You think it's their fault you're too stupid to tell
It is and I'm tired of pretending it's not
how many rapes have you done this year?
does jelqing work with wands? mine is only 9¼ inches (per pottermore)
There's nothing wrong with a smol wand as long as it's in a cute wood.
Meant 9¾

Is Acacia cute?
I like my Acacia wand.
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wand inspection? wand inspection
Stop flashing everyone, pervert.
what are you, some kind of duck?
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Whip it out! Whip it out!

>spruce wood
>not a goose
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Also I forgot to say it earlier but congrats!

>5th or 6th color
Jeez, how many weeks worth of daffodils is that...?

Retinas are overrated.

Ah why not; we haven't wandposted in a while...
>not a goose
Ducks have corkscrew weenuses, you know?
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I was cursed with this knowledge long ago; I blame you for returning it to the forefront of my psyche. Bleh!
I thought it was one of those well known animal facts?
Like how hedgehogs roll in their own shit and sea lions rape penguins
>sea lions rape penguins
I did not know this.
Do illuminate us more.
>Jeez, how many weeks worth of daffodils is that...?
250 plants for level 6, an average of 4 plants per harvest, that's about 63 plants. At 36 hours per plant that's 2268 hours, divided by 24hrs in a day, that's 95 days. So 14 weeks if you only planted 1 at a time.

If you grow nothing but them on all 8 planters and harvested exactly when their time was up you'd spend 1.7 weeks.
Is Luna better for spamming summons or stacking Thestrals?
Thestral all day every day
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Depends what your opponent is playing, and what the rest of your deck looks like. If the opponent's deck is good at killing summons (lots of AoE spells and/or Snape echo), go with Thestrals. If they're good at countering spells instead (Sidealong, Protego Totalum, Broomstick, and/or Dobby echo), go with summons.

If you go the summon route, Locomotor is the best summon in nearly all circumstances*, because Luna's special summons give them a big HP buff on top of their already obscene base HP. I often see people running Locomotors in their actual deck and summoning them together with the special Luna summons to drop four of them at once, along with Abigail, Frey Twins, or McGonagall.

*Suitcase (just an overpowered card) and Winged Catapult (splits and fullheals after landing just one shot, massive damage output after splitting) are also good options.
I use a Newt deck for summon and suitcase spamming. How is Luna better
Newt is better for summon spamming. Luna is strong because she's only a little worse at summons while also being great at spells.
You got all the creatures in your deck and nobody knows what is coming out now
My and Mercy?
Wait since when are you a vampire?!
Is the light talent broken? I see a +25/s and a +100/s talent (whish is the one I have specced) but whenever I use the light, it goes up by increments of +20 and GOD is it slow.
Good night hypogigis
Good night anon.
Save us quidditch champions... save us....
I only use Lumos, I hold it and it fills up automatically, I don't know about the sun summoning ones.
It might be broken or an intended change. It's pretty annoying either way.
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I'm playing both without issue.
Acacia is a very good wood.
Margaret's mother's wand is Acacia, Unicorn, 12 inches, Brittle.
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Just entering and leaving the black lake underpass counts as participating in a top wizza duel.
Based, fuck duels
Thank you, based.
Rando partners doing the dumbest things, like walk out of the neb during thunderstorm, walk away from me to use Daniel on themself, ventus back enemy fire crabs into my egg lol
I love teaming with random people.
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I had someone add me as friends bewildered that I did 40k damage.
Of course I did, you didn't ban Neville and you watched me do all the work...
That is..brutal. I hate when they spam who to ban too, they’re never right.
Any time they don't ban Harry he's solely responsible for our defeat.
How do they still don't know?
just spam more creatures bro
Preaching to the choir sis
>I hate when they spam who to ban too, they’re never right.
Oh yeah, they did that too. They also spammed stickers during the end of the match because apparently I didn't do enough damage.
I'd play with you if you wanna but no way in hell am I going to face yet another high tier MMA suitcase shitter
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They're such pushovers with Snape it's not even funny.
Too bad there's only one of it and they always ban it. Can't wait for Ginny.
Thank you, that was me doing my dailies. I wanted to climb to 10k rank but that's not happening. I'm just bewildered about how these people manage to reach MA.
leave it to a japanese player to do zero (0) damage to me while actively playing the game. i have literally never seen this before
I don't understand the question.
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We gotta kill the baby sith apprentice, Ivy
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If your wizard/witch was a murderer:
1. Would your wizard/witch target random people or someone specific?
2. Would your wizard/witch use spells to do the deed, or some kind of cauldron concoction to poison the target?
1 - Someone specific
2 - Spells or some weapon
1. Both. You need to keep it random if you don't want to be caught. Mixing in your real target with say four ransoms should be enough.

2. I would send a potion that my attack unicorn focuses on and train them to retrieve the bottle when they are done.
Club Events in 53 minutes.
1. Anyone
2. Fast cars, fire and knives.
Murder is a career tool. What else, are you just going to murder because you're bored? Just be a pissy little impulse baby? Wah no self-control little bitch. Or maybe you're just angry lil man killing people because you got a small pp?
You should use whatever murder tool is most appropriate for the situation. Honestly, 99/100 AK is perfect but I am a sucker for poetic. ironic, or really funny deaths. Poison is all well and good but there are so many antidotes, and you know I hate a sloppy job.
>expelliarmus and snowball have been buffed, and the latter can now hit aerial units too once it gtows big enough
Shame about no abby or suitcase nerf though
*muggle wands you*
What a fucking joke.
Accio the bitch. What needs to be nerfed are Suitcase and Mooncalf
don't dare nerf mooncalf until I'm done abusing it for the emote
The limmy mooncalf is so cute.
Good luck nigga i'm behind 7000 skeletons.
Club Dance starting now.
dodge this
Club Quiz starting now.
Thank you Mega.
How much have you spent on MA so far (approximatively)?
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based ftp
How's she going to attend when she's 3 years late?
Hello everyone I'm Kang
wassup my ninja?
Nothing, and I think whales are a joke.
10 usd
Disgusting slant eyed, fuck.
PVP gives me crippling anxiety
That's because you suck. Not like, as a player, but as a person.
Talking to anyone anymore gives me anxiety.
I mean, the HL MC was like 15 when he was sorted. Still doesn't make sense, but because her dad was against her going to Hogwarts.
>Still doesn't make sense, but because her dad was against her going to Hogwarts.
I mean his daughter just went missing for several years all because he refused to let her go to Hogwarts, might as well take a different tack and let her to control herself in a teaching environment versus the previous shitshow
I'd Ivy and her twin at the same time desu
like this
man those babygirl witches scare me
It's stormy outside, pray for me.
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iktf. you never know when youll run into one of ((them))
>3 winning streak
>at that level
I hope she's as nice as Ivy, my heart will break if she's rood to me :(
She seems like a curt bitch based on how she talked to her own sister
I love your new look Joutou!
JoJo got new Mojo?
JoJo with MoJo? Mojo-Jojo?
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Thank you for hosting, Mega.

Oooh. Okay these are balance changes I can generally get behind; I am glad to see spells getting some love finally.

I like the Snowball buff a lot; the spell is already solid but just has a lot of big drawbacks that nothing else had... this is a nice way of softening those drawbacks in a way that doesn't mess with the identity of the spell.

Better piercing on all other linear spells is appreciated; makes them better against summons only. Not totally convinced that Expelliarmus needed the direct damage buff on top of that but hey I'll take it.

Squid changes seem good; it was a little too easy to kill it by nuking the tentacles with AoE before.

Malfoy Gang change is pretty interesting; seems like a massive buff so I expect we'll see them used a lot more. Probably means that Glacius Maxima will also be more relevant as a result, which isn't a bad thing.

I am disappointed at the lack of suitcase nerf though. Abigail is... mostly okay I'd say; her scaling at like level 16+ is maybe a little too good but eh. She's not that hard to take down unless she is behind a wall of summons, but that's more a summon issue than an Abigail issue and these changes indirectly nerf summons in general at least, so it is sort of a soft nerf to her strongest use case as well.

I dunno; I don't think Mooncalf is toooo bad. I think the only change I'd want for it is making the first dance take slightly longer? It does need a fix though on the bug where you can run away as you summon it to make it dance far away.

HL Eva does plenty of murdering of bandits and poachers in the woods, because it's a public service and the Aurors are severely slacking in the 1890s. Also it's *mostly* self defence. And spells, usually; they're just a lot more immediate.


I've bought the monthly card consistently since launch, and the basic magic pass about every other month.
eva... don't spend money on gacha games...
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They're pretty much the only thing I spend money on...
...save money for other things
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Thank you for hosting.

Seems like mostly good changes to me, I still think squid isn't worth it in most cases but that's just me.

Why no suitcase nerf is the real question I had during that whole read through.

>Random of specific
Both, usually random, occasionally someone catches his attention enough
>How is it done
By hand.

Thanks for the info.

Too much, way too much.
>Too much, way too much.
I'd believe it if you've spent more than 3000 dollars
Well, that's not good.
We have to make a functional member of society out of you.
You too! Stop spending money on gacha games!
The batshit insane trinity
He has the whale portrait frame, I'd believe it.
I don't think Mega would be very likely to try and claw out your eyes.
Flirt with My and find out
She doesn't have to when she has others to do it for her. But she still would.
why are you like this
No that's how you get My to claw your eyes out. Or run away, or explode. One of those.
what industry do you work in, to have so much money to throw away?
he's a circus artist. True fact.
So I've been playing Hogwarts legacy and it's kinda mid. It's also kinda weird that there's not a lot of penalities for things like being out late. The loot system is terrible too and the person that came up with the alohomora mini game should be banned from working on games
Neither would I unless you're an objectively horrible person guilty of a terrible crime.
kill mega
A lot of irl murderers rarely does anything unique with their victims that hasn't already been done countless times before by other murderers, and most of the time there's a common target and a common method. Of course there's a number of things that can factor in the choices, like if we take the murderer's gender for example, men often like to target those stranger to them, and often resort to using strangulation or blunt objects, while women in particular will often target someone with a more personal relationship to them, and often prefers poisoning.
I'll consider killing you if you ask nicely <3
Male killers predominantly uses knives when the killing is personal, and male killers are much more opportunistic than women. Maybe it's related to risk-taking behaviour more prevalent in men. I've never heard of opportunistic women, but it would be interesting.
Most killers are just boring, though. More often than not it's more the cops being incompetent than the killers being creative.
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I do, kinda? I save money for food and gifts but I don't really have a lot of other things I want. Not things I can buy with money, anyway.

Nooooo... don't drag me out of my NEETbox...

Eh, yeah, that's similar to a lot of our complaints about it as well. Legacy is comfy and has nice atmosphere but it really needed more like, immersive school elements? And a lot of the loot/collection stuff is just inherited from (bad) modern triple A design trends.
Thank you for the events, Mega.

Hmmm. I don't particularly use any of those spells or companions, so this doesn't really change much for me. Still, any buff to spells is good in my book. Also pretty much guarantees that Harry's echo is gonna get banned on sight.
I didn't expect them to nerf the suitcase since it's much more lucrative for them to simply sell you the solution to it.

Not too much, comparatively speaking. I've been much better at restraining myself with this particular gacha unlike my attitude with some past ones. There's not really much to spend on either, not unless you want to max out a new card or get one of the grand prizes. Everything else can be gotten simply by playing the game.

For me, it's endless frustration.

>Malfoy Gang change is pretty interesting; seems like a massive buff so I expect we'll see them used a lot more.
Depending on how exactly their collective HP works after the update, they may just end up being a straight up upgrade of the twins.
Missed the Club Dance because I took my dog to the vet... tragic...
>they may just end up being a straight up upgrade of the twins.
It's going to be hilarious if everyone starts wanting the trio after originally trying to shove them at anyone else who'd be willing to.take.them
Maybe around 60€
But "only" for cosmetics in mind. Sure i got keys or so from BP or wheels but those where just a bonus.
Never bought something for playerpower.
what happened to it?
Stomach infection, poor little fella has been puking all around my home
He's going to start taking antibiotics to see if it improves, so yeah hoping for that
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My! My when I get you!
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1. Random
2. Stun them or render them unconscious, Diffindo to cut apart their bodies, use magic to conjoin the various body parts together to make art to leave for the Ministry to find. Something akin to picrel.
I was called pretty and hot by two separate beautiful men today, I'm ready... drink my anemic rat juice
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>Depending on how exactly their collective HP works after the update, they may just end up being a straight up upgrade of the twins.
If I'm understanding it correctly, they'll be all but invulnerable to single-target damage and moderately more durable against AoEs. That's... a lot of tankiness.

Aw, I'm sorry to hear about that... hope he gets better soon.
is the whole black lake getting removed tomorrow?
I havent really explored it and taken pictures...
Which chat AI were those?
no no, REAL men
reality is unraveling get your business sorted as soon as possible
I'm not sure whether we'll still have access to it or not... I'm doing all of it today; I hate that I didn't have the time/motivation to do it earlier though because it's really cool; I hope we can still go there after.
Terminally online men aren't that different from chat bots
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I haven't done the math in awhile but you probably aren't too far off.

I've been trickling down over time. Outside of the magic pass I don't really spend money on the game anymore.

I used to do cyber security, stopped doing that after remembering that executives are living in their own universe. Now I do something that makes more money than that.
I don't belong to any club, crew or clique.
You think I speak to those...? I only accept the most pretentious, pretty and extroverted partyboy artdudes into my DMs.
Mega btfo
>Now I do something that makes more money than that.
is it compsci-related too?
Stop making everything about me.
Faolan is a ransomware distributor...
Work smarter, not derpier
>they locked a song behind achievements
What were they THINKING?
I got chat restricted for saying India isn't real and that curry is a government psyop.
It's typical sith behavior. Ivy is right to look down on him.
How do I fight the giant squid?
If you mean for the Lakeside Conqueror achievement:
Kill at least one Grindelwald to weaken it and Crucio it.
Ideally kill both but that's hard to maintain throughout the fight.
wait what
Crucio crucio crucio!
Bro, look at your fucking achievements
"Fuck You"
I quite literally have done none of the required achievements, nor have I done anything related to the season.
It's over.
don't remind me...
Neither have I, not a single story mission.
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Think of the orphaned gems you'll never rescue...
I'm too low level to do any of that.
Don't give your stalker any attention. Let them reach critical mass so the rest of /hpgg/ can make fun of them.
To me, Magic Awakened is just a dancing game
And you'll never get a song cor your dancing game if you don't do your cheevos
Sad state of affairs, isn't it.
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Me too; like I said I've just been busy and unmotivated even though the season stuff looks really cool and I've actively wanted to do it the whole time.

There's still time left though; you can do it!
I am gonna try to make it through everything today even if I have to stay up late...

How low? Most of the story stuff usually doesn't require you to be significantly high level at all.
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And so. The first season of me not being MA finally happened.
It seems like way too much work just for a song. Even more so considering I haven't done any duels in ages.
You just get a bit bored of the season, lad?
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Couldn't be arsed to get hte last 100 mmr due to life and playing deadlock
Glad to see you’re at least alive old chap
>Main story will also be released in 2 week intervals like seasons
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>best girl
>completely forgotten in every season story
it's just not fair!
She had a very cute side quest this season
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Megas is the most dangerous one.
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Nevermind. I'm still standing.
Thanks Faolan.
but it was completely half-assed, she could've been easily replaced with daniel which would actually improve that sidequest
She pretty much get one of the cutest side quests in the game which propelled her at the top with Cassandra's.
Shut up Mega
Shut up I am Mercy
>I can't beat you without getting closer.
It'd have made sense with the main story
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Cuss words at children.
I would be instantly locked in if Cass put on weight and become a tall thick woman. Realistically no chance being so skinny now though so she remains meh.
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Wholesome friendship, indeed
Thank you. I will probably keep the earrings. I like yours too!
Look who I ran into doing missions!!
Wow it's nobody!
ded club
ded gaym
ded thred
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don't look but there's an elf in the picture
go kick him
Fil and Penny I think
Yeah>>487215879 I ran into Penny Pagan in the wild.
I should have asked who ran into the other
>level 16+3 Ron
As a suitcase spammer, I'm happy this week's changes will not include reductions to its overpoweredness
How many co-captains can a club have?
I haven't forgotten her. Or to shit in her beret
I'm at 8200 right now. Should I try for MA or is it too much trouble
Solos or duos? If duos I’d say it’s possible if you’ve got a decent deck and levels, and team up with someone. If it’s solos though that’ll be really hard with the amount of time remaining.
I want her to be bitchy and join Cassandra's gang.
But can we start dating the npcs, or will we be cucked until year 5/6/7?
Sorry, it's one of those titles you get collectively appointed. You have no choice in the matter.
I got it. It's not that great.
To be honest, in the year stories, they do not appear to need mc as much. They could do things on their own.
Ivy still needs us
Daniel on the other hand is on that sith apprenticeship terrorist bender with Elliot so meh
We have three at the moment, dumbass.
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Thanks for carrying my dumbass, Penny!
From 6958 to 7525 in an hour-ish.
20+ matches not pictured
Which house has the worst smelling female dorms?
All of them
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always happy to help the less fortunate!
I see we're both rushing to complete the achievements for this season.
She kinda look like an cenepede here, don't ask me why
Gryffindor - Sportsweat
Ravenclaw - Dirty clothes and unwashed people
Hufflepuff - Flowers and girlcum
Slytherin - Musty, stuffy basement
>Flowers and girlcum
so real
would lick (consentually)
There's no way hufflepuff is the masturbatingest house
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to which ai bot the most?
I said no...
200 Gryffindorks steal valour from 7 fucking guys on the team every day.
>tummy kino
Except for the disastrous 1890-91 season when all it took was one player to steal valor from the rest of the team.
Would you prefer Hogwarts Legacy 2 have you play the same character, or start over?
extremely skinny people freak me out. Like, I feel you could break them in two like a toothpick or something. I don't wanna be around toothpick people.
I wish they would have it cover at least the first three years of school with more classes and socializing with your housemates. Make the additional years part of a season pass along with an optional quidditch dlc. Focus more on school life and have a house point system that's dynamic based on your actions. Let later years get into more of the exploration of the countryside and show how the area changes over time.
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Better yet, Cassandra levels of bitchiness but still friends with us
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Congrats to the both of you!

I'd rather it continue on from (more or less) where HL1 left off, with the same character. And like >>487235890 said, focus more on the school and classes and stuff... I don't think that's a lost cause in a direct sequel despite the combat/exploration focus of the first one.

Like, your first year was real weird because you started as a fifth year and there was a war going on. But it could start off at the beginning of the following school year, after things have calmed down at Hogwarts and some semblance of normalcy is returning. Do mostly-normal school stuff while weaving in some plot threads to investigate, that only culminate into something that gets more disruptive to your school life in the game's final act.
I see, truly a disastrous player
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Daniel x Ivy is canon, btw
how is it holesome if they aren't fucking
Goodnight/Good morning hypogigis!
good morning
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Merula's girlfriend
>not being a turbo bitch to anyone related to Ivy
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I've called the aurors by the way, the red sparks are in the air. She will be brought to justice for these posts.
Edgy gay faggot shit.
Aurors can tongue my anus

Aesop Sharp - tongue my anus
Alastor Moody - tongue my anus
Nymphadora Tonks - tongue my anus
Harry Potter - tongue my anus
I want to fuck two white haired gremlins at the same time
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Now this is a erotic image.
>first Cassandra torture art
>now Daniel fagshit
What did they mean by this?
I started saving 30k gold in case Obscurus appears in the shop; I haven't seen it once since I made that decision.
it's pretty hot
The devs are having mercy on you and stopping you from making terrible life decisions
I'm still here, they haven't done anything.
Unrelated. One is posted by a villain and the other by one of refined tastes.
Now imagine that belly bulging with my baby inside her.
You know I'm into ryona, right?
That I should stop browsing this general
The villain is the Daniel fujo
Smartest decision ever.
We need more Cassandra ryona, and Ivy ryona
He looks like he gets fucked by muggleborns...
Never. The mighty fujin are pure of heart.
We need Ivy ryona-ong Cassandra
You know, I hate the shading in this image, it’s incredibly lazy and distracting. Making the eyes grey especially is a wack fucking choice cuz that’s not even how that works. Like eyes are white, in shadow they don’t become grey. That’s just so poorly done. Also the mouth is poorly done as well once you start looking at it. Additionally that guys hand, because the shadows are so fucking lazy, doesn’t even really look like it’s gripping her hair, it looks right in front of it.Also the expression should be more intense like >>487263714
it honestly, kinda sucks. I love suffering as much as the next toxic yuri enjoyer but this image is so technically bad it really ruins it. 0:10
More like he gets pegged by purebloods
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That will likely never happen anon. You’re a fucking loser that plays a Harry Potter phone game.
Trump assassination attempt vibes
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Are you ready to see the top whale in your common room all day everyday?
Yea I’m friends with him
is he cute?
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Any drawfags around who want to draw Kal getting "punished" by big strong mermen?
I didn't write this but I wish I did. It's a great idea
No that sounds faggy
But mermans don't have weenuses
Me too Haith
for 90$, sure
who the fuck is kal
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I'd say so, he at least knows how to put an outfit together.
Looking at the loyalty points to dollars ratio, I have spent 447 dollars. I have logged into the game for 300 days, which means I have spent 1.5 dollars per day i've played the game. The equivalent of buying a single serving bag of chips from a vending machine every day. Of course, spending habits aren't actually so easily mapped to days, I would say I that it was a couple days of big spending, like the wheel I spent 70 dollars on or some of the mega gachas. also I spent like 50 dollars giving stuff to other peeps. For comparison, if I bought a wow subscription per month, which is 15 dollars, I would have only spent 150 dollars in the same amt of time which is .5 dollars per day. Truly, I suffer to play my cute Chinese dress up game.
In order to get that portrait frame you have to spend around 2,150 dollars.
Lottie with no hat.
How do you get health in the underpass?! I also hate this.
Kuro stole her beret for some purposes, I saw it.
Heal yourself during fights, or buy resurrections from the jellyfish.
>Kuro is the beret shitter

>heal yourself during fights
You’re a genius mega
Underwater content are the worst content in vidya ever, it's not just the grind this time it's the grind + the annoying slow swimming mechanics.
Fuck the lake, fuck underpass and fuck the bosses. Can't wait for this season to die. Watershit checked and done for good, good riddance.
Le underwater lvl bad
Only $10 so far, it would have been more if I had created a virtual visa sooner.
This season is the best we've ever had desu especially after the mess that was the book shit
I-I liked it...
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So hot
Thanks, the smug fish is my favorite.
Fuck him up boys!
>Tattered clothes
>Unbrushed hair
>Reply indicates masturbation
I'm honestly hurt by this misinterpretation of me as a person.
Shut the fuck up
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no u
but the EYES and sweat is accurate.
do you wanna go howl in the woods with me
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Stayed up until 6am finishing the season stuff... that was actually pretty fun though.

Definitely the best season we've had in a long time I'd say; the underwater areas are really pretty and the story wasn't half bad.

I liked it. The grind wasn't so bad; about 8 hours total to do every seasonal task? Bit much to do all in one shot but that's not really the way you're supposed to do it anyway.

I choose to believe she was helping protecting her fellow beret-wearer's hat from that villain.
Club Events in 52 minutes.
My what are you doing to me in the foresssstt ;)
plap plap plap plap ;)
Club Dance starting now.
Would make a good rap
Cassandra now belongs to this ugly bastard
Club Quiz starting now.
A kind Slytherin? lmaoooooo
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and Ivy belongs to this one
Is he also attracted to Winifred, or does his heart only belong to Ivy?
If wizards can generate free food, items and shelter with magic: why do they need money, banks and jobs?
Ivyfags truly are a special breed
Next movie night should feature Coriolanus (2011), starring DEH

Some Shakespeare will be good for your tiny millennial and zoomer brains
Great question! Moving on.
>Half blood
>Dislikes lying and being the center of attention
What a horrible existence, just bullied and belittled 24/7
Because conjured matter degrades very quickly. Conjured food might feel and taste like real food, but it has zero nutritional value.
when exactly did all these seasonal events happen timeline wise anyway?
it seems kind of weird for daniel to be so chill after that whole notme shitshow in year 3, along with the twins/cassandra being relatively civil to him
>can generate free food
That's explicitly one of the things they can't do
Unless you're an elf. Which is the one reason those wretched things are allowed to exist.
if elves can magic free food then there'd be no reason for them to be stuck in the kitchen
Technically, you can. Serpensortia and Avis can conjure live animals, you'd just need to kill and cook them.
where is that sheet template?
Year 4 today or next week?
just look at the season timer bro
Like you don't do it.
If you want something with DEH we should watch Red Dragon
How the fuck do you kill 20 water shitters to get the frame there isn't enough water shitters in the whole dungeon
Where is Mega?
kill them harder
Do you miss her? Do you want to have her around you, mister?
I want his Snape build
Thank you for hosting, Mega.

>A kind Slytherin?
It's more likely than you think.

You need to talk to the NPCs there and restart the boss killing mission. After you kill a boss about 3-4 enemies will respawn in the area.
go click her card and check her decks
I'm on PC
so? are you not friended?
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I don't actually sweat sorry girliepop...
Proudly rendered celibate and lustless as a side effect of medication thank u very much
You guys are on different servers
noone misses her
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Thank you for the events!

No promises as to when we'll get to it but I shall stick it on the list.

And this as well.

I have no idea, especially given that the global version is missing some events from CN. I guess since they don't really tie in with the main story for the most part you can kinda just headcanon them as being whenever makes the most sense? Not the most satisfying answer though.

Food doesn't work; items and shelter require enough time and skill that they constitute actual labour worth paying for. Also, for everything else. You don't really see any wizzas in abject poverty because you're nonetheless right that it's trivial for them to obtain basic living necessities, but that doesn't mean they have access to everything else they might want.

I'm not actually sure if that works; conjured creatures are supposedly not quite the same as real ones. From some quick searching there doesn't seem to be any hard canon on exactly how they differ, but if you consider the films as canon the one bit of evidence we get is in Half-Blood Prince – Hermione uses an Avis -> Oppugno combo on Ron after he kisses Lavender Brown, and the canaries just vanish in a puff of feathers on impact instead of like... splatting. Thankfully.

If I had to guess, I think conjured creatures are essentially magical constructs which just convincingly imitate real animals and despawn when they're damaged too badly. So, you *probably* can't eat them.

I suppose the other soft evidence to that end is also just the fact that it isn't specifically pointed out as an exception to the "can't conjure food" rule, and one would think it would be if it worked since it's a major loophole.

>After you kill a boss about 3-4 enemies will respawn in the area.
Oh thanks, I was wondering about that as well.
I saw it.
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Myy don't take the antidepressants nooo
shut up mega
Which house has the prettiest boys?
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It's in the OP, apparently.
Don't be silly.
they are the most degenerate house so that's likely
My house as in the place where I live but you aren't allowed to look at them
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Gryffindor of course.
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... Bro?
They're like the safe bad boys that look like they could be dangerous but they're actually just big babies.
uuhhh... no?
t. Catty slythersluts
which one then?
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This picture was posted without my consent!!
>implying you have any rights
sure, "pretty" boy
The one I like the most at the moment.
This but Mega
Every day people are not talking about me I consider it a personal offense.
What part of the was My-ish? You're awful at this game.
I want to drown you in a shallow puddle every single day and it is only by Gods grace that I haven't found you and made it so.
Anon what are you... Hello? Hello are you ok?
She's very ill...
Well clearly you don't want to drown me that much and frankly that's offensive too.
I only have so much time in the day, and many other more pressing obligations, please understand.
why no Euro social club?
oh so you're just choosing not to prioritise me? You SHOULD make time for me.
euros are asocial
I'm sorry but I'm just not THAT into you. You're more of a hobby than an obsession.
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Take care of your plants before maintenance.
AK yourself
I don't even know who you are.
That's your fault though.
You care, I don't.
Bro, there was a fucking notice there'd be maintenance and the same thing has happened for every season change
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You may have failed but at least it's all over, enjoy the short break.
Real. I didn't make it in time to water the flowers. They're going to fucking die.
Despite being carried to GM, I still couldn't beat the Underpass
It's so over...
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I’ve missed this screen.
Apparently the intercontinental cup is just some qualifiers for esport shit for whales. And you have to be at least 2 per team even if you pick solos.
is maintenance over?
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Finally, the big planting stations are here.

It just started 20 minutes ago.
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I can only see the new one
>It just started 20 minutes ago.
Oh...I haven't been paying attention
Mf looks like foghorn leghorn
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The underpass sucked
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I didn't like the slow swimming but I'd say it was unremarkable at worst. Being overpowered with all the upgrades was fun.
I swear these fucks just want me to waste my gold on this shit instead of something useful.

I didn't get in before the lock down :(
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I don't understand why they made him so ugly. Finally a character our age that isn't the skinny asian twink stereotype and they make him ugly and obese.
Wrong, i'm dangerous for real.
>wizards :/
>wizards, Japan :D
>Hey this music theme is pretty good
>So was the last one
>So is the one on the skill tree
>So is the one on top of the quidditch pitch
Ok, who is responsible for this and why is he working on a chinese gacha game of all things
The upcoming vanity box will have snake eyes, easy money
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well, you are brazillian...
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Hanae Katou a cute.
Uhmmm actually, IVY cute.
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>Full rank reset
Kek, what did the casuals do to deserve having to face suitcase faggots
It's so over...
KEK get raped by my angry birds. Blessed be mooncalf for making suitcase 1 mana. Bwahahaha!
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Oh, you're one of those """"people""""
>blue scarf
That's Winnie
Yeah, I noticed as soon as I posted it.
That Ivy skin is adorable, would spend a 100 ruby keys for it
>think protego totalum was just really lame and a waste to upgrade or use in the early seasons
>now it's cancer incarnate that tanks everything, even a full power snowball while the other guy does niggerish things under its protection
Fucking hell
>lolita complex
the kids are all the same fucking age, what even is this retarded bullshit?
>want to roll big on the zouwu banner
>but there might be another companion card skin coming up later
I will riot if Ivy or Kevin or coming very soon
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I have a hat.

Chinese gacha games actually have pretty good music in general, at least the ones I've played anyhow.

I normally don't mind it too much since control spells can move people out of it, but it's really annoying in Luna and Dumbledore decks because they benefit from any mana expenditure. Dumbledore especially can just spam Protego Totalum and heals forever and then kill you with infinite TS; it's so annoying.
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Have Malfoy chads finally won?
>Expeliarmus buff
As if expeliarmus combos halving your life early duel weren't cancerous enough
Buff in damage doesn't make up for the debuff it got in damaging surrounding mobs man
Harry users lives have just gotten harder when it comes to dealing with summon niggers
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Huh, what sort of combo is that? Expelliarmus is a good spell but it doesn't hit *that* hard.

We'll see; according to Kang's video the piercing of Expelliarmus and the other linear spells got buffed not nerfed (i.e. his reading is that the EN patch notes were incorrectly translated).

Personally I think a piercing buff would be nice for it, but the direct damage buff is kinda unnecessary.
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Not that guy but Expulso expelliarmus into two does something bonkers like 800 dmg for both people involved if it's a harry echo
How exactly does the level 3 buff on echoes with a high enough total dot count work?
Do you get to choose which spell gets the mega buff or do you have to gamble and pray that it goes on a good spell?
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Looking at it again I am fairly sure Kang is right. EN patch notes say Tebo pierce is down to 25% from 33%, but its pierce is actually 67%. So it seems like the damage *reduction* of all these spells on targets behind the first is being reduced, not the damage. Which makes sense, because if the EN notes were accurate it would mean summons were getting giga buffed despite already being dominant.

I guess, though 800 with maxed spells isn't really thaaat much with maxed cards, especially when people have 5k+ HP.

You've just gotta gamble. It's not exactly a "mega buff" though; the +3 comes about because when you get enough total bonus levels on an echo, it will add an extra +1 to a random card. So +3 happens when that extra +1 lands on a card which already had +2. I believe rerolling any of the cards with a bonus will also reroll where that +1 goes.
>Luna buff...
Hm? I barely ever see Luna companion used.
Luna companion, not the echo so it's cool
I'm retarded
>Newt echo: Tebos now considered summons...
What does it mean?
No more Priori Tebo.
You can spam tebos and it'll count towards Newt's summon count, atleast I assume that's what's going to happen
Oppugno needs to be buffed to prioritize players over their summons
Slow swimming was brutal, doing it all in the last hour was maddening.
I’m dating Zach and no one will stop me. (If he is a Jew I don’t want him) I miss Elliot :(
Viggo's mere torso could crush a twink into paste
that handsome HL guy
this prompt interests me, i might try
might be a few days before i have time for it, though
That feels a significant change for the tentacle boy. I was using him with my wizzbang deck and honestly he was pretty good for distracting the enemy.
>just an asian amalgamation of lottie and ivy
I kind of like the fatty. He is a thick logger type.
oh damn year 4 IS here with the season?
>there's some big dance at a fireworks show
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same, daniel
Voldy is cute.
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question to my slytherfrens
if you're in slytherin, does winnie get sent to gryffindor?
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>Does this look like the face of mercy to you?
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>Robyn and Kevin are practically dating now
Hot damn, from this and her reaction to this line things are getting kinda spicy
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I didn't think year 4 would be here already, it's pretty interesting thus far.
is he fucking short?!
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He's a big guy.
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Big head.
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They brought another one.
Oh no he's hot...
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He's just Californian Elliot
Damn you smooching all the new boys huh
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Canon proof I'm the smarterest.
Those of you who like Hanae Katou, are pedophiles
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'Tis. It's releasing episodically though instead of all at once.

It's okay; we all are a bit.

It contributes to his echo ability now, so he can use Tebo without slowing down his summon rate. However it does also mean he can't Priori it anymore.

Winnifred's mooncalf eyes...

Big dork. (You), that is.


Tested and confirmed; patch notes were mis-translated. Expelliarmus, Tebo, and Headless Hunt now deal 75% damage to targets after the first.

Also Snowball velocity buff was way bigger than I expected. Probably around 50%; I thought it would be like 10-20%.
He clearly wanted to use the b word here
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Do Hufflepuffs really?
>adding people outside the social club
he's after Djibouti!
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Look at these tarnished eyes... Hope and happiness all robbed from her, she is barely a human anymore.
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Yes, go and change Lottie. Don't mind me waiting out here, doing absolutely nothing
I loathe you, Nostradamus
Huh, I was wondering if the line there would change depending on your house, and it seems it does.
Now I'm curious to see what Griffs and Puffs say.
increase your resolution in the graphics setting, you damn poorfag
I finished all my coursework just in time for the new season start. Truly a blessed existence.
Second pawn card trial- kite his max number pawns, incendio him when he walks side to side, then use your pawns.
She knows another year of having her beret shit in lies ahead
Where is that line in? I might have skipped over it...
>his club ranking dropped so much in 20 hours
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If it's the one where we talk with Winnie and if she'll make friends, the Hufflepuff line is pretty generic.
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I had to do was exactly...write my name...uh, signature...an—and risten to what Flitwick says at the end of it…and writin' it down on parchment. And then, he had to burn it, and I had to be drawn out of a goblet, and I just won!
Aren't these characters too young to participate in the goblet's shenaningans?
these trials are just making me want to not play the new cards at all. the chess piece one was so annoying i wish i wore a condom
Nepotism, Hogwarts is still as toxic as Harry's era.
It's a censored version of triwizard tournament. General Audiences rating(except for 1st year).
Nah, since the three schools made 3 different challenges suited to different age groups, versus the Triwizards shit.
>we're partnering with Ivy, Kevin and Cassandra.
lmao Daniel btfo, sucks we're forced to work with Cassandra though and be even more exposed to the Ivy sister cucking drama
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Uncanny ressemblance.
But it’s true to us. Hufflepuffs make easy friends and just in general are super sociable.
Not me, I only got into this house because I'm loyal to a fault
Or atleast that's what like to I tell myself, I just picked what the game chose
The game defaults to puff...
Huh, neat
Howd you do it , and do you plap her
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Your future looks bright kid
...Only some Hufflepuffs, thank you very much.
Zouwu first to the lower half and middle of dark wizards, you should hit as many as you can and must include the one in the corner, move to damage the upper half. These 2 attacks should hit the lady too. Use broom to dive into them for the third attack, when the zouwu circle is about 60% complete it's your time to cast broom. Position it so your Zouwu can finish the upper half and the middle group, while your broom can attack the lower half too. At this point only the lady the lower group of wizards left. Use expulso to finish all wizards. If they don't die you probably didn't hit them with the broom. Only lady left and a 3 cast Obscurus, gather the orbs to finish her. Doesn't work all the time though, sometimes she still has very little health left.
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I recorded clears of the Pawn and Zouwu (Advanced) Charms Trial stages, if anyone needs help with them.


Zouwu 2:
>Winnie becomes part of Cassandra's friend circle
>Starts to spend more time alone with Cassandra
>Strange unexplained noises from the dorm at night
>Cassandra starts to display controlling behavior and openly beats, gropes and degrades Winnie in front of the class
>makes her wear a leash and follow her around like a poodle
>casts a eye color charm to turn her irises purple
>Ivy's FW
Thank u eva
This is a much better method than the one espoused by the retard in >>487380140
intriguing, please continue
This but in reverse. How fake bitch queens look when real psycho bitches come at them
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New Year New Me
Seconding this, Winnie should def be the Dom in this scenario. A new violently tempered student that takes over Slytherin and puts the previous queen bee in her place which is at her feet. This is a classic trope, and I would be so here for it.
Thanks, I am retarded with both of them.
>implying it isn't Winnie who's going to slowly break Cass into being her little bitch
>hears ivy's stories about cass' bullying
>instantly heads towards her to become friends
what a masochistic slut
it's kinda funny hearing daniel talk about how we can't trust winnie because we don't know her, when he's literally a terrorist now
Wait if you’re Slytherin isn’t Ivy also in Slytherin? what does that do for the story.
Why would that change anything about the story?
Because Winnie is nothing like her sister?
At least I am not retarded to enough to have trouble with a mobile game puzzle and need to ask for help.
So is Winnie secretly evil or not?
at this point who isn't
What happened to Winnie? Wasn't she a very mean and possessive sister that pissed enough to cast evanesco on Ivy? Look at her right now, she is just a timid girl who wants her sister to leave her alone. Was Ivy's memory lying to us all this time?
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Suitcase continues to be beyond retarded.
Based off of cheevos the McGonagall echo migjt have nothing to do with Locomotors. Praise voldemort
Or she's pretending to be timid so she can get payback on Ivy or just piss her off by staying away.
Or is planning and doing some 4D backstabbing on Cassandra, if that little mention Ivy made that it's like Winnie's been watching over her shoulders the entire time is true.
Castelobruxo? Brazilian Lottie confirmed???
Kek, I saw this too... maybe Lottie is half-brazilian
It's been known that Lottie was some species of New Worlder shitskin for some time. Her concept art describes her as a griffe which is a 3/4 black mulatto from the Caribbean or Latin America
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>Cassandra just fucking called me average
>have to spend the rest of the year teamed up with her
Time to Cedric this bitch
Her mom is, her dad has a super special ancient lineage with ties to Hogwarts
>McGonagall companion related achievement
This must mean she's getting a new skin then
The next red key draw will be the McGonny echo so any outfits are probably not coming this season
>Magoo kept the song
Of all the changes she made go this school, she couldn't change that too?
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lottie with a BBL
"Bewitched Snowballs (Rare Spell Card): Snowballs now move at a faster speed and can hit Aerial Units after a while." Dumbledore stated calmly
Other than some practical improvements she always seemed like a conservative traditionalist
Introducing a dueling club for first years and older seems rather radical to me, but eh
Watch the retards still not ban Harry on sight
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Happy Birthday, dude. Wish ya the best.
I want to colonize her
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>that look
Fuck it, we ball.
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The plant UI update is both good and awful.
I swear I read magic awakened was going to get a pc client at some point, but alas
She reminds me of the bitch from Foster's a little bit.
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Ah yes, Herbology Research. Very lively.
At least the light spell is fast again.
There is on superior Asian server
Global players however are left to eat shit
I never used it so I don't know.
You know she has a point
That would have been 50 points under Dumbledore.
Riggi McGittini is doing it more discreet.
>tfw if I a Slytherin had charged into her office, it would be an immediate 20 point deduction
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>not among McGonny's personal Slytherin harem
Oof, senpai...
do we really have no gryffindor players here?
I'm doing Off the Path first.
Kolyan, ti na kakom servere netease igraesh?
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That's my insightfulness on relationships.
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Here you go.
She answers with "Is it?"
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Next line.
Lul, this girl is a wildcard.
You prejudiced bitch!
Surprisingly accurate for how Flav would behave kek.

I don't think any of the Houses is best.
Both her parents are Slytherins and she wanted to be one, it's not my fault the dialogue is premade and tries to mimick the movies
Based Mega.
>whole season dedicated to celebrate the whales and shoving them to your face
Oh no no no Ivybros...
Kneel and say thank you whales for keeping this game going
Ivy didn't deserve this...
I want to give Cassandra and her whole clique swirlies
I'm Kang
Fattie? Bro?
Hagrid... No... She's FRENCH.
>Robin and Kevin are a thing now
>Daniel calls Cassandra a bitch he'd never be into, even if a lot of other boys are
>Hagrid fantasizes about his ex
Is it finally our time, bros?
Love our bicon
That's what I fucking hate about this game, MC doesn't get SHIT.
HM handles it way better.
The story part in this game is a joke only worth skipping.
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This is one of the weird instances where WB are the ones who want to implement dating but Chinks have been dodging it.
I swear to god if the WB client gets dating while the chinks get fuck all, all is forgiven, kek
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Vigo casually sending his friend to the meatgrinder.
Enjoy the Hogwarts Welcome, jabronis.
No the way the HM mc has to awkwardly dance around 8 of their friends fishing for dates every six months sucks ass.
My heart still hasn't been broken yet, she's only been rood to Ivy so far
I like that all the characters seem to be getting some attention this season, even Lottie. It's a shame that it was in production for so long so Abigail probably isn't going to be integrated
Margaret Melons...
That's me.
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Odd but welcome pick.
Good frens set their deck to crucio PVE before logging off
I'm a terrible friend but I still do it.
>MC doesnt get shit
Naaaaaa. MAs MC has like 4 bitches on their dick/hole. Ivy is one,Lotties another, Cassandras just tsundere and Abigail apparently stalks them. if you want stuff like that give it some time for an event to kick in. They are only 4th years(14/15 years old) and since this is the Triwizard tournament a yule ball event should follow.

Ps Im not gay or anything however I hope before that they introdice more male plot relevant students.
Post the deck and I will.
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And with his request for the tournament rejected, Daniel's desire to shoot the school increased tenfold
About that, it's literally the next thing they show you.
There really should be something you can tick to set it as your bot deck.
Setting it as Forest deck should do the trick.
Spending money on this game is not just retarded, but an act of treason if you live in the West. Your money is enriching a Chinese company, which pays taxes in the PRC
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At least they don't spend it on rainbows.
The end dialogue with Elliot kind of seems to suggest he wasn't really committed to the tournament except for appearances, his sith training takes precedence
Wtf do they need one for, are they trying to make the ZZZ universe real as a promotional event
>Lottie enjoys natto

Guess she got used to the smell in her beret
Pretty sure WB gets the revenue from global and Netease only the (much more lucrative) Asian market
Fuck the west, the west hasn't done anything thing for me. Sink the west especially Americrap
>NOTME set up as a big bad for three years
>gets dismantled in a single throwaway line
Keep playing.
There is no such thing as a good Slytherin. Only evil or slightly less contemptible
stop houseshaming OK
>You can't use Unforgivables during classes
Snowballs + Harry is a literal menace, I give it a week max before they nerf it
Does anyone know how to download videos from the game? Clicking on the download button seems to download only the picture.
Snowball was already the most busted card in the game. Total snowball users death.
Masks as cosmetics for players when?
>Happy fish grill
Fishes jump on the grill on their own to be roasted alive. Wtf Rowling.
Are they really oging to cocktease me with Masks and never give us one?
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Oh, the previous line is house based too? Neat!
nice narcissism, by the way
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